#Imma buy some fireworks....
zhongrin · 2 years
Rin 😱 It's been a few weeks since you wrote selfships (thank you for writing mine!!) but now I can't get Zhongrin out of my head because both of you would be ✨✨ the most glamorous and sophisticated couple that has graced Liyue ✨
Considering Zhongli's popularity, naturally everyone would want to get to know you and thus everyone following you around like paparazzi. 🤣
The both of you would be invited to so many gatherings and get-togethers, a public appearance of Zhongrin might make the news on Liyue. "Most auspicious couple attends gala and takes a romantic evening walk together around the harbor!!" Everyone would see how sweet you are with each other by the loving way one of Zhongli's arms would be around you most of the night and how your laughter and charm puts a smile on Zhongli's face. ❤️
The townspeople are used to seeing you by Zhongli's side so when he is alone and attending to errands in town, people ask where you are. Zhongli continues to refers to you as his fiancée even though you have been together for 50+ years saying, "Even though it's my day-off today, my cute and capable fiancée has some business she has to attend, but next time we are free let us all share a meal together."
Zhongli celebrates every anniversary with you and takes you out on fancy dates often! Even though what he looks forward to is buying you wonderful and expensive trinkets, what he most loves is dressing up for you in ways that will make your heart race! He wants to show you new and interesting places to have a romantic dinner and doesn't mind being ostentatious and showy about it! Idk he might hire someone on an airplane to spell your name or a skydiver sends you a love letter from him or fireworks exploding to you and Zhongli's favorite couple song while you dine etc. etc. ❤️❤️
kat you don't understand how happy this made me hsskdjahalajslajslahdla
"the most glamorous and sophisticated couple" 😭 pls this is very very true i would 99.99% put in effort to dress up whenever i go out with him bc otherwise i look like a chonky skunkly cat drenched from the rain... i will never be able to match his elegance but i can try ;;;
pls pls pls that is all i want - people just basically approaching me on the street and being like "oh, mr. zhongli's wife! how fares your husband? it's been a while since you've both visited our teahouse!" 🥰
us making the news is #couplegoals for sure lolll
"my fiancé" "my wife" "my darling" "my love" imma cry i can see him saying this and i would use it shamelessly to refer to her too pls and thank you
zhongli dressing up 👌🏻✨❤️💯🤤 i would spend all my money to buy this man all the jewelries and accessories and clothes who cares if i can only eat once a day if my husband can look even more ✨gorgeous✨
the airplane and fireworks thingy i'm gonna cry he's so extra i love him so much help-
i've been thinking about travelling with zhongli throughout the trip and gosh. i have. so many ideas hskhdlsjdls
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Hello! Imma do the matchup cause why not. I’m Jelly, I tend to be a very standoffish person when I’m barely getting to know someone. However, as I get closer to the person and become more comfortable, I can be very spontaneous. People often describe me as shy, since I don’t tend to talk a lot. This used to be a huge problem, but I have gotten better at socializing with time. Because I live in a very dangerous area, I have become someone who is wary of their surroundings and always carries a little alarm with me in case anything goes wrong. I also flinch sometimes.
I love daydreaming and simply being childish. I also love adventure and want to try out new things in the near future. Although I love art, I have put that aside since I lack a lot of motivation. Instead, I spend most of my time listening to music. Most of it is instrumental or “vivid”.
I tend to have a lot of pet peeves, but I can always tolerate them. A huge pet peeve of mine is loud noises. I absolutely hate them. I jump whenever I hear something loud and flinch at fireworks. Another one is when I see someone throwing away food. I was raised with the thought that no food should go to waste.
Some of my dealbreakers would be someone who does not handle money well. Because of the area I grew up in, money is something very valuable. Another one would be someone who tends to cause a scene and is overall loud.
The things that I value the most in life would be the memorable moments I get to spend with the ones I love. It could be some small reunion and I’d be happy to be with them.
I’m not sure what physical features I’m attracted to, but I definitely love suits if that counts. As to qualities, I like it when someone is honest, protective, and loyal.
I think I wrote an essay, I’m so sorry
Hmmm yours was pretty tricky because you knocked off quite a few of the guys who normally go for your personality..
After a lot of searching I match you with….
Salt! (Lustswap papyrus)!
What attracts salt to you at first is your shyer start. He does like the softies, but later it turns to a love for your street smarts and sense. He feels more relaxed over you, like he doesn’t have to be constantly on watch like he is with his brother lol
Salt does like to dress up. If you like suits, h will use that against you. Just a warning lol. He’s a makeup artist and knows his fashion, but most days you’ll find him in just some leggings and a hoodie
You two can be super childish together sometimes. Salt doesn’t buy into the whole “grownups can’t be silly” thing. If you wanna have a pillow fight and watch SpongeBob Sunday mornings, he’ll gladly join you
Don’t ever pass salt the aux cord. You’ll regret it.
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unknownwriting · 4 years
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Ruin Our Friendship
[Part 1]
Summary: Poor Ace has fallen head over heels for his best friend but he's scared that he'll ruin their friendship if he tells her. (pt. 2) 
Characters: Portgas D. Ace
Song Inspiration: Jenny by Studio Killers
Work count: 4.2k (I was not expecting it to be this long)
Notes: Part 2 of the one shot, hehe it’s a little longer than the first i hoped y’all like it. Sorry it took so long I was not expect 2 book reports and 2 essays to be assigned 🤬🔫 
“...Ace, if I go on one....more rollercoaster, I think Imma...puke.” (Y/n) groaned as she stumbled over to a bench. Ace watched her, her hair a mess and her face flush from the excitement. For the whole mess she looked like, Ace found it so cute. He let out a loud laugh, taking a seat right next to her.
“Giving up so soon? I thought you’d have more in you.” Ace teased. (Y/n) shot a glare over at him but she couldn’t help but let a smile brush across her lips.
“Oi, shut up! I’m not built like a monster like you. And plus-“ (Y/n) leaned back on the bench as her stomach let out a low growl. She let out a soft whimper and placed a hand on her stomach before looking back at Ace, “-plus. I’m hungry. I wanna eat something.”
“I saw a hot dog stand just around the corner. Let’s stop there.” Ace laughed, standing back up. (Y/n) watched him for a moment, trying to calm herself down at but from the rollercoaster they just went on. It had to be their 4th rollercoaster in a row, she was just surprised with how casual Ace still seems to be acting. With a small scoff from her lips, she jumped up and intertwined their fingers once again.
“A hot dog doesn’t sound too bad.” She smiled leading the 2 of them to the food stand. Ace smiled down at her while the 2 of them walked hand in hand through the crowded park. Today was possibly the best day ever in Ace’s eyes, nothing could ruin today. The weather was perfect: not a cloud in the sky nor a chilly breeze. The park was amazing: not too many people nor long lines. And of course the best part of all: that fact that he’s going on a date with his best friend. Nothing could be better than this. After Ace got over his shyness and awkwardness, everything began to flow smoothly. The conversations came naturally and there seemed to be no conflict between the 2 when it came to activities. It was almost like the 2 were hanging out as friends but with all the hand-holding and the way Ace’s heart still raced in his chest, it made him remember it was a date. It also made him realize just how hard he has fallen for her.
“After this let’s go play some games.” (Y/n) had exclaimed as she squeezed his hand to get his attention. Glancing down at her, Ace followed her pointing her finger over at a row of games, “I wanna win a really big bear.”
“No more rides?”
“Ace if I go on another ride I will puke all over you,” (Y/n) said in a dumbfounded tone as she looked up at her date. Still hand and hand they made their way to an empty table. As (Y/n) took a seat pointed over to the stand and smiled, “Now Ace, go get me a hot dog!”
“Huh? You can’t get it?”
“Nope, it’s the man's job to buy their date a hot dog. It’s the first rule of dating.” (Y/n) exclaimed. Ace's face flushed red before he made his way over to the stand to order. Once Ace got them both a meal he went back to (Y/n) and let out a scoff as he saw (Y/n)'s eyes light up at the sight of food.
“I don’t think I’d ever been this excited to eat a hot dog.”
“So you really didn’t eat before coming here?”
“Of course not. Knowing you, you’d wanna go on a lot of rides so I tried not to eat anything that would upset me.” (Y/n) explained as she took a bit out of her food and hummed happily. Ace froze for a moment as he watched her eat. It was always the little things that made Ace fall for her. Even if she did it for herself, the fact that she thought of him was enough to make his heart explode. With the rush of shivers that ran through his body, he opened his mouth to speak but he caught his breath before he could say anything. He had a plan, well more like Macro and Thatch had a plan, for how Ace would confess. The 2 of you would spend the day together riding rides, playing games, eating junk food, and taking pictures, silly and cute ones. Basically, stuff the 2 of them would normally do together, and then at the end of the day is when Ace would confess. The park plans a huge firework show once every few months, so what would be a better place to confess than a huge firework show. The plan was simple and flawless, the only problem is waiting to see if it goes that way. He felt confident though, the date has been going smoothly so far. He hasn’t seen anyone who knew them or hasn’t run into any problems, with (Y/n) or anyone else. It was going well, nothing seemed to be getting in the way...
But of course, he spoke too soon. As the 2 of them finished their meal and began to ball up their trash, a loud voice called out to them. (Y/n) was the first to perk up and turn around to search. Ace immediately cringed as he recognized the voice. He’s totally jinxed their date.
“Ace, (Y/n) !!”
“Oh! Luffy, Sabo! I didn’t expect you 2 to be here.” (Y/n) called out as she waved back to the 2 approaching boys. Luffy and Sabo were quick to make their way over to Ace and (Y/n)'s side. As soon as Luffy took a spot next to (Y/n) and Sabo took a spot next to Ace, Luffy and (Y/n) already began to laugh.
“Pfftt...Lu-chan what are you even wearing? That headband seems very-“
“Shishishi, isn’t cool!! I beat Sabo and won it.” Luffy cheered as he smiled brightly at (Y/n) and place a hand on the strange hat he won. Now that he mentions it, (Y/n) does remember seeing those hats at the front. It would be a lie to say that winning one of those didn’t cross her mind, but she figured that she would force Ace to win her on one the way out like a boyfriend should do.
“Luffy beat you? Lu-chan must’ve been going easy on you.” (Y/n) teased as her eyes glazed over to the older blonde. Sabo tensed up and shook his head, trying to hide his embarrassment.
“It was dumb luck. I was winning but he came in and won instead. My hand simply slipped.” Sabo explained to cover up his embarrassment. (Y/n) scoffed as she raised an eyebrow at Sabo, who stared down at her. He knew (Y/n) was gonna say something, she always says some type of remark. Just like Ace, Sabo also met (Y/n) in one of his classes. They easily got along and it wasn’t until later on did (Y/n) learn that he was Ace’s brother. That was probably the moment Ace realized he fell. To him, family is extremely important to him and of course, his lover must like his family. So when Ace learned about how well she got along with Sabo, he knew he fell. Ace watched too, wondering if (Y/n) was gonna say anything and she was because she opened her mouth but was quickly cut off by Luffy again. He grabbed her attention and began to talk about who knows what. Sabo seemed to be interested in the conversation but he was pulled away when Ace spoke up. Ace still found it hard to believe, out of all the days, why did Sabo and Luffy have to come today. Out of all the days, why today? It was no lie that it made him frustrated. This day was just supposed to be him and (Y/n) and now Sabo and Luffy showed up. He’s not stupid either, he knows what going to happen next now that they ran into the 2, and it made him upset but he knows that the 2 of them mean no harm, it was simply just a coincidence.
“What are you 2 doing here?” Ace asked, trying his best to not sound upset, although it wasn’t really working. Sabo was quick to catch onto the tone in his voice but for the sake of Luffy and (Y/n) in front of them, he decided not to call him out on it.
“Nothing much.” Sabo shrugged, “I had a day off and Luffy wanted to come. Although we didn’t know you’d be here today, especially with (Y/n). I thought you were busy?”
“...I am.” Ace hesitated as he looked over at (Y/n) who continued to laugh with Luffy about something. The way her whole body would jiggle when she laughed, and the way she would put a hand on the other person’s arm, and the way her laugh echoed through the area, it was all things Ace knew all too well. No matter how many times he looks at her, he just keeps finding more reasons to fall in love. Sabo followed his gaze and looked at (Y/n) before looking back at Ace and the blush that not so subtly covered his cheeks. He’s had his speculation about Ace’s crush on (Y/n) for a while now, and seeing how he can finally connect the pieces, he understood why Ace was busy and it didn’t help that Luffy and he interrupted it.
“Oh.” Sabo hummed as he shifted in his seat grabbing Luffy and (Y/n)'s attention. It was Sabo’s and Luffy’s cue to finally leave Ace and (Y/n) alone to enjoy the rest of their date. It would be a lie to say that he wanted to leave, in all honesty, he wanted to watch Ace go on this date. It’s been so long since Ace has found someone that actually gave him butterflies in his stomach but Sabo respected Ace’s wish. The one he really had to worry about was Luffy, he’s definitely one to not read between the lines, thus this is where Sabo comes in, “Luffy, come on let's go. We should leave Ace and (Y-”
“No!! I still wanna go on some rides with her!” Luffy exclaimed as he jumped up out of his seat and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand. She yelps from the sudden force, causing Ace and Sabo to jump up alongside her to make sure she doesn’t fall. Although she didn’t have time to fall as she was quickly dragged behind Luffy as he pulled her to the next ride he wanted to do. (Y/n) looked back at the others with a worried yet apologetic look as she tried her best to regain her balance. She felt really bad leaving the Ace behind, it was just supposed to be him and her the whole day yet Luffy and Sabo just happened to appear. Even though they did appear, (Y/n) was just going to make a short conversation with them and move on. She was sure Ace had the same idea, but she should’ve known that Luffy was bound to do something. All (Y/n) could do now I hope that Luffy doesn’t stay long.
After a long day of being pulled around the park with a very energetic Luffy and going on almost all the rides, (Y/n) was ready to puke. Not only was she ready to puke she’s also ready to go back to Ace and hopefully end the day together, at least. Throughout the day, (Y/n) barely had any time with Ace because of Luffy. Ace and Sabo tried their best to try and keep up with the 2 but as soon as Ace and Sabo arrived at the ride Luffy had already dragged (Y/n) on it or to a different ride. So much for Ace and (Y/n)'s date, it might as well have been Luffy and (Y/n)'s date. However, Luffy finally began to crash near the end, letting Ace and Sabo finally catch up to the 2. At the moment, Luffy and (Y/n) sat at the front of the park talking about each of their favorite rides while Ace and Sabo made their way to them. Now don’t get her wrong, (Y/n) enjoyed the day with Luffy but she still felt really bad about leaving Ace behind. It was supposed to be their first date today yet they hardly spent any time together.
“I liked the roller coaster that spun around while we rode it. That one was probably my favorite. " (Y/n) explained as she recalled that ride. She made Luffy ride it at least 3 times.
“Shishishi. We rode it at least 3 times, you really did like it.”
“Of course, it was a lot better than those rides you made me ride with all the twists and turns. I’m surprised I last as long as I did, I was about to puke. You're worse than Ace.” (Y/n) exclaimed as she leaned back into the bench, she was happy to sit somewhere that didn’t move. All Luffy did was laugh. It was around sunset, the skies painted hues of pinks and purple with the moon threatening to take over the sky. To (Y/n), there was nothing special that’s going to happen now. She doesn’t know that there’s going to be a firework show tonight, so as far as she knows is that the 2 of them are waiting for Ace and Sabo to arrive so they can go home. Because she already spent most of the day with Luffy, she might as well go home with them and try to make up for the time she didn’t spend with Ace.
“Jeez, we finally caught up with you 2.” Sabo’s voice called out, as he and Ace approached the 2. Both Luffy and (Y/n) perked up when they heard his voice and as soon as (Y/n)'s eyes landed on Ace, she jumped up from her seat and joined him at his side.
“Ace! Your finally back.” (Y/n) cheered while she easily and quickly slipped her hand into his, sending chills down each of their spines. The blush that was missing from Ace’s face had now reappeared as he looked down at his supposed to be date. Sabo scoffed at the 2 of them and looked back down at Luffy.
“You didn’t drag (Y/n) on every ride, did you?”
“Shishishi, nope...” Luffy shook his head, letting Sabo release a relieved sigh but he was quick to suck it back in when Luffy spoke up again, “Some rides were closed and had too long of a line.”
“Thank god for those. Luffy was trying to kill me. We went on like ever ride.” (Y/n) sighed, looking over at Sabo before looking back up at Ace again, “And I can’t believe I thought you were bad. Luffy made me go on every ride without a break.”
“I almost feel bad for you but I told you how much of a handful he was.” Ace laughed. It was nice to finally see her again after a long day of having to chase after her.
“Almost?! Aww, Ace you're so mean.” (Y/n) playfully pouted. Sabo scoffed again as Luffy stood up and join him by his side. Sabo finally felt at ease, Ace was finally able to go back to the date he and (Y/n) were supposed to go on, even if it can only last for one more hour.
“Well seeing how you were supposed to come here with Ace only. I’ll take Luffy and leave the 2 of you alone.” Sabo quickly noticed the relieved look on (Y/n)'s face and could guess for 2 reasons why: One so she can actually enjoy her date with Ace and two, so she can get a break from Luffy. Luffy laughed once again and waved bye to Ace and (Y/n), they finally took off leaving the 2 alone after an extremely long day. As if in sync, Ace and (Y/n) both let out a sigh and looked at each other, and laughed. It was no lie that the 2 of them were finally happy to be alone with each other again, give or take the crowd around them.
“Well, I can proudly say I officially met the whole ASL trio.” (Y/n) chuckled as the 2 of them began to walk hand and hand to the lake that sat in the middle of the park.
“Heh, I did tell you Luffy was a handful. Although I probably wouldn’t make the 2 of you get to know each other at an amusement park.” Ace added, smiling down at (Y/n), “I bet you're pretty tired.”
“Ugh, Ace, that’s an understatement. I feel like I can sleep for days.” (Y/n) said as the 2 of them approached the lake. Ace scoffed at her comment, but then fell silent. All he did was looked down at (Y/n) who began to kick pieces of popcorn on the floor into the lake for the ducks to eat. He really wanted this day to be perfect yet Luffy seemed to come and interrupted that. It was so not how they thought the day would go. The 2 of them had hardly spent any time together, Ace just spent the day talking to Sabo about (Y/n) and tell him every reason why he fell in love. At least he was lucky enough to be with (Y/n) right before the fireworks and if all goes well this time, right before the fireworks Ace should confess his feelings.
“Sorry that Sabo and Luffy showed up. I didn’t know they were gonna be coming today.” Ace started drawing (Y/n)'s attention up to him. She took a moment to look up at him even if its dark outside, (Y/n) could still see the cute freckles that covered his face. Before any moment longer; not wanting to make Ace feel uncomfortable and shrugged her shoulders and smiled,
“Yeah, It was unexpected but I-”
“They ruined our dated.” Ace cut off (Y/n) as he hung his head low in guilt and frustration. It was already hard enough to figure out his feelings for her and now it’s just as hard to just ask her out. (Y/n) could completely understand how he feels, she was also so looking forward to his date but even if it was interrupted by Luffy and Sabo it still considered a date, just not a perfect one.
“They didn’t ruin anything.” (Y/n) scoffed, squeezing Ace’s hand pulling his attention over to her.
“It was supposed to be a date. With just me and you and yet-”
“-and yet, your brothers tagged along. There nothing wrong with that. We still rode some rides together, took pictures together, ate together, and did other couple-y stuff together. Your brothers just happened to be here.” (Y/n) explained as she recalled all the times the 4 of them did meet up with each other. Ace’s face seemed to soften a bit after hearing her explanation, “And plus, I don’t know about you but I think I'm finally ready to be apart of your crazy family. After the hell your brother put me through I better be apart of the family.”
That’s when Ace froze. He didn’t know what to do or what to even say. All he could do was repeat her, “...Apart of my.. family??”
“Well of course,” (Y/n) gave a firm nodded as she looked up into Ace’s eyes. As he stared right back down at her, he noticed there was a look of determination in them. It almost reminded him of the determination he had of making this date perfect, but that had to just be wishful thinking. (Y/n) couldn’t possibly know the plan behind the date. Seems like he was wrong, “All that’s left to do is confess to me, right? So whenever your ready Ace, I’ll give you my answer.”
“You...know? How’d you know??” Ace began to panic now. The plan was supposed to be kept secret and yet she seems to know all about it. He knows for a fact that Marco and Thatch didn’t tell her, they hardly even know her and as far as he knows, she was pretty good at keeping his feelings to himself, so how does (Y/n) know. She giggled as she inched closer to Ace, slowly closing the gap between them. Ace didn’t even notice, he was panicking too much.
“Ya’know Luffy doesn’t have a quiet mouth. Soooo, he ended up telling me. Well, he told me something along the lines. I figured out the rest.” (Y/n) smiled.
“Luffy told you?? God, he so stupid. How does he even know, I don’t remember even telling him anything about it. I’m mean I think I brought it up with Sabo but the only people who knew about it was-” Ace began to ramble on as the heat of embarrassment rushed through his body. He, no doubt, felt embarrassed. Luffy practically told (Y/n) that Ace like her. One more thing that Luffy did to ruin the day. Ace would’ve probably rambled on for a while too, not that (Y/n) didn’t minded. It was cute seeing Ace freak out and see the blush that covered his freckled cheeks, but if (Y/n) didn’t shut him up they would’ve gone nowhere. So while she wanted Ace to be the one to confess, it looks like (Y/n)'s just gonna have to step up for this one. (Y/n) doesn’t know what came over her when she thought of this idea but she has seen it happen in a lot of romcoms so why not try it in real life. Standing up on her tippy-toes, she closed the gap in-between them and connect their lips. Ace definitely froze now. This date is not going how he planned at all. The one he asked out is the one kissing him now.
(Y/n) had only planned to kiss Ace quickly and sweetly; a small peck on the lips to shut him up but things didn’t end up going that way Unknowingly to (Y/n) the fireworks began to go off right in the middle of their kiss. Gasping, her mouth slightly opened for just a moment and Ace was quick to take advantage of that. There wasn’t a lot he could control about this date but he knows that he can easily take control of this kiss. Now he’s taking full advantage of (Y/n). He knows that she’s hardly kissed anyone before so she’s inexperienced. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and began to dance around her mouth, taking his time and enjoying the feeling. (Y/n) face lit up in at least 10 different shades of red, this was definitely now how she imagined the kiss going but she enjoyed it. Her hands found the back of his neck while his hands found her waist. By now, there was no extra space between the 2. A small groan left Ace’s lips as the 2 of them continued to kiss. Fireworks continued to light up the sky, but the 2 of them didn’t even care. Ace probably could’ve kept the kiss going but after feeling a soft tug from (Y/n) on his shirt, he finally broke the kiss. As he leaned back he studied (Y/n)'s face. With the help of the bright flashes of light that illumined the sky, he could see the huge blush that covered her whole face: her cheeks, ears, and even neck. It was an amazing sight to see, especially after all the times (Y/n) had made Ace blush. He easily thought of it as payback, and seeing how he left her speechless he felt satisfied.
“I guess I don’t have to give you an answer anymore, do I?” Ace smirked as his strong arm continued to keep a tight hold around her waist. It still took (Y/n) a moment to regain her composer, the kiss was so unexpected and...amazing. There was no doubt that the feeling between the 2 is very much mutual.
“I...uh..A...a-after that kiss, if you don’t ask me to be your girlfriend now I might as well walk out of here empty-handed.” (Y/n) also kept her hands around her neck not wanting to let go of the warm body. Ace scoffed at her comment. Although the day didn’t go as plan at all, at least Ace was able to confess and not lose (Y/n). It filled him with so much indescribable happiness, he was going to be smiling for weeks. He closed the gap one last time, but this time with a tight hug. As he snuggled his face into the side of (Y/n)'s neck, she giggled feeling his black hair tickle her neck, “Ya’know, I guess we do owe it to Luffy. I mean, if he didn’t tell me then I wouldn’t have confessed either.”
“You? Confessed?”
“Mm-hm. I can’t tell you how long I’ve liked you. But I guess it was the same as you. I was scared to ruin what we already had.” (Y/n) explained as she nuzzled the nose into his hair as if she was trying to hide. Ace’s eyes widen at her explanation, turns out he hardly knows his best friend, “But, we really do have to make sure to thank Luffy.”
“I’ll make sure to beat him up later.” Ace muttered causing (Y/n) to erupt in laugher. Although, (Y/n) thought Ace was joking around Ace knows for a fact that he will beat him up for ruining their date, but he must give him credit at least. Even though Luffy didn’t mean to do anything, he ended up making this the best day ever.
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hwrryscherry · 4 years
The one with the Christmas Eve, eve.
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blurb: Harry and Model Y/N are spending christmas in the French Alps with their families and suddely realizes they didn’t have any time to go christmas shopping this year.
word count: 2.8K
author’s note: Heeey guys, so I'm editing with my phone and I'm not able to add the "read more" tag but I'll do it in the morning🥰 I hope you enjoy♥️
christmas song of the day: Sleigh Ride by The Ronettes
December 23rd, 2020.
house near La Clusaz
— What are you doing? — You'd ask Gemma a you arrived at the first floor leaving the stairs behind you. You observed your sister-in-law with a bunch of wrapped boxes on her hands as she walked towards the huge christmas tree settled on the living room on the left side of the enormous fireplace. Gemma crouched down beside the tree and placed the enveloped boxes on the foot of the tree while you walked towards the big and comfortable brown sofa and sat on the same prop for your things.
— I'm putting the presents here. They were up there in the room and I already started to think it’d break or something — The woman told you while placing the boxes under the tree — And also because it looks nicer like that though. You and Harry should put yours here too.
— Sure, it looks more like home this way — You said agreeing with Gemma and then got up and walked behind the sofa where you placed your palms over it  looked at her — I'll get them, they must be in Harry’s suitcase — You smiled tenderly at her and walked again to the stairs, where you went up step by step until you reached the top floor and walked up to your room. When you opened the door carefully since when you left the room Harry had just entered the shower, you came across Harry with a towel wrapped around his hips giving you an excellent view of his exposed chest and arms tattoos as he placed the items of clothing he planned to wear on the bed.
— Love, I was thinking that we should've gone skiing yest... — Harry started to say the moment he noticed your presence in the room.
— We have a big problem, Hazz — You interrupted him bringing all his attention that were previously in the clothes for the you. He noticed the look of despair that you had on your face and felt the concern take over his body — A huge problem! — When saying this, you rubbed your palms on your face and Harry approached you in a quick pace, gently touching your arms.
— What happened? Are you okay? — Harry'd ask while carefully examining your face and body with his green eyes looking for any sign that you'd have been hurt in any way.
— I'm okay, that's not it! — You said taking a deep breath and then sighing to take your gaze against his — We forgot that we had to go christmas shopping — You'd say with a long breath coming out of your nostrils as you watched Harry frowing in completely silence as he actually noticed that none of you remembered of buying any gifts. The thing is, with Harry filming Don't Worry Darling and you doing so many shootings you both would always say "oh let's go tomorrow" and then you'd never actually go and it turned out that you totally forgot about it — How could we forget it? Oh my god, your mom's gonna be so upset and today is Christmas Eve eve, there's no way we'll find something for them and I panicked and told Gemma that their gifts were up here and...
— Love, love, love — Harry'd interrupt you as he rushed towards the bed and grabbed his clothes to start dressing up — Let's not panic! There's a christmas market down in La Clusaz. I bet there must be something good left! — Harry would say trying to convince himself more than you actually. He'd feel completely bad and shattered by giving no presents to his family. But he was kinda right though. The house you rented were up in the mountains but a fifteen minutes drive would take both of you to a commune that had a beautiful Christmas Market and as christmas day is so close it probably should be open.
— Yeah, sure! — You'd agree going directly to the small closet there was in you guys bedroom that you organized both of your clothes in there yesterday and grabbed some warmer clothes because it was probably the coldest it's ever been since the day you both got here, but thank god it wasn't snowing at this moment.
— Ok but what if they want to come with us? — Harry said as he put on his sleeves and later on his snow coat alongise with his beanie.
— We'll tell them we're going on a date! — You'd fastly say back as you changed your sweatpants to a legging and following it with jeans, and then changing your hoddie for a heavy coat of yours and your slippers for snow boots — I'm sure they won't try to follow us on our date.
— Yeah that'd be weird! — Harry would agree with you taking his phone and putting it inside his pocket and then his mask. Remember how the mask made your face warm in the summer? Thank god it makes your face warmer now. — I'll go downstairs and starts the car and then I'll just say that I was planning it and ye' didn't know.
— Ok! — You'd tell him as you searched for your phone on the mess sheets from the bed, as you found Harry's gloves, you'd take it in your hands and show them to him — Won't you use it?
— No, I'm good! See you downstairs! — Harry'd say as he left the room and walked downstairs leaving you alone in the room. And also, unlike Harry, you weren't wearing a beanie when you got downstairs.
— Oh, you look pretty! — Anne would say with a big smile on her face at the moment she'd see you leaving the stairs while putting your gloves on. She'd come closer to you with your newly washed mask on in her hands — We didn't know you both were having a date, dear! — She would complement as you'd put on the mask on your face feeling a little tense from her words. It's not like you don't know how to lie, you're good at it. It's just that you love this woman so much and it's hard to lie to her.
— Oh yeah, I didn't too! Harry said it was a surprise! — You'd say while putting your phone inside your 2005 Re-edition Prada bag that was actually last christmas gift from Harry. God, you wanted this bag for so long and you got so happy when Harry gave it to you that you couldn't stop thanking him for almost a week after christmas — We should be back soon, though! I don't know how much time is gonna take — You'd add stoping your movements and looking at the shorter woman's face.
— It's okay, darling! — She'd say giving you a warm hug before walking with you towards the door — Now go have some fun! — She'd say happily as you walked towards the car that Harry had rented too. God, the air felt so cold. Of course you lived in NYC for years, and you are used to snowy weather but this feels ten times colder. You'd rush into black SUV that Harry rented feeling the warmness almost instantly when you sit in the passagers sit and put on your sit belt.
Harry started driving directly to the commune center with the GPS instructions and honestly, you were glad that you had a GPS because you could never tell the difference on the way because all you could see was snow and mountain until you got in center. 
You both were so surprised when you left the car after you had parked it. Of course, it was dead cold but it was so pretty. It felt like you were inside a christmas movie with all the lights and decorations and the cute houses with all those people going ice skating and walking around the christmas market with a christmas song in the background. It felt like a heaven made of christmas.
— This must be what heaven looks like — You'd say as you and Harry walked hand in hand towards the christmas market getting a chuckle out of Harry. He knew how much you love the christmas spirit and all it came together with it. It just felt so great, and he learned to love it just as much as you do with the time.
— Do ye' have any idea on what we should buy? — Harry asked as you both first entered the market that was actually a little too crowed for being so early in the afternoon.
— I think that for your mom, we should get her new crystal bowls because you broke hers last christmas and for — You'd say casually remembering last christmas when they were all playing games together and Harry was a little too excited about winning the game and a little too wine drunk too to realize that he was one step away of breaking Anne's brand new crystal bowls.
— Hey, I still feel bad for that, let's not talk about this! — Harry'd say on a playful way making you let out a chuckle as you looked at the many stands options of presents to buy.
— Ok, I'm sorry! But anyway, I think we should get Gemma something classy and cute, maybe with a little...
— Pride and Prejudice vibes — Harry'd interrupt you making you turn your gaze to him seeing the boy with raised eyebrows at you — You say this every year!
— Yes, and she loved all the gifts we gave her in the past 2 years! — You'd say convincingly as you started to walk inside the market basically dragging Harry with you — Imma buy my mom a light spot necklace, you know? That one with only a small diamond in it? She's obsessed with it lately.
The first thing you'd buy would be your mom's necklace.It'd take you a while to find it, but it was so worth it because it was just like the one you have and you knew she would love it. The cute french woman, the seller was an old lady with white hair and a very sweet voice and it's been a while since you've put your french in work so it would really nice to talk to her. She'd tell both of you that she plans on spending christmas with her grandkids on their house and then later appreciating the christmas fireworks. The thing is that both you and Harry loved to know people's story, it's easier to understand and like someone when you know it's story of life and what made it be who it is.
Later you'd start looking something for Michal, which was probably the hardest thing ever because Michal is the kind of person that will like whatever you give to him so it's hard to think about something special and it's a proven thing when it's already the fifth stand that you ans Harry stops at to look for something to him.
— Why is this so hard? — Harry would say looking through some very cute sweaters.
— I know right! — You'd add as you looked through the many jewels it had on the stand — I'll go finding something for Gemma, and you find something for Michal! — You'd say starting to walk away from him and being stopped by the man's rough voice at you making you turn around to look at him.
— Why do I have to choose anything for him? Why don't you do it? — He'd say making you go silent for a moment as you thought about a good excuse about him finding it alone. You know Michal likes anything but you don't want to be the one to find the "wrong" anything.
— I mean, you're a guy! You know what guys want for christmas, love — You carefully say touching his arm as you approached him — And by the way, you've known the guy for five years, and I know him for two years so you'll do it! — You'd say with a convincing smile on your face as you petted his arm.
— Ow so that's the game? 'Cause I've known Gemma for 26 years! — He'd argue back.
— Yes, but she likes me better! — You'd say grabbing a bracelet with the letter G in it and observing it closer to your eyes.
— What do ye' mean she likes you better? I am her brother! — He'd say making a huge deal about the "brother" part. You'd roll your eyes at his little drama and then you'd show him the bracelet.
— Yeah, whatever! — You'd say — See, you could ask if you can buy this bracelet with the letters G and M and I think it would be the perfect gift for him! I'll go find Gemma's one! — And you'd leave. Harry would be kinda shocked on your presenting skills. It surprises how you can see one thing and transform it into the perfect christmas gift ans he knows that you'd call it your natural talent and maybe it was.
For Gemma, it would be a lot easier and right after Harry finished buying Michal's gift, he'd help you with Gemma's gift. You'd buy her two of them because it was just perfect for her. First, Harry would find a beautiful journal with major vibes from Fairy Academia and you both think it would be so useful for Gemma because she's always travelling and discovering some new things and with this journal she could write it down and read it 50 years from now and remember the good old days and the great experiences she experienced. And the second one, you bought her a bracelet that had "sisters by heart" written in it because you and Gemma had the best relationship ever and you knew you could count on her through the good and the best at this is more than what you could ask for.
At last, you both bought the crystal bowls for Anne and god, it was the hardest thing to find. Specially because it was already Dec 23rd and most actual stores was closed now. When you finally bought it, all you could do was to tease Harry about it asking him to please don't break those too. Poor Harry, he really felt bad about it and he really wishes he never made such a mess but it became a funny story to tell and to tease him about.
Later on that day, you'd grab some lunch too because you finished your shopping by just a couple of hours before it was actually dark and you'd just agree that what you and Harry said to Anne didn't have to be a total lie and you could actually have a date and enjoy some alone time.
You both would choose a very cozy restaurant called Les Rhodos, for the grace of god it wasn't very crowed and you both chose a sit by the window so you could eat with the most phenomenal view of the snowy mountain. The restaurant had a lot of details in stone and wood which brought all the alps vibes to it.
You'd both chose burgers to eat and it would honestly taste like one of the best burgers you've ever eaten in your life. Harry'd order a special type of beer to him that was literally green. You don't know how, but it was. You'd talk. You'd talk about last christmas, this christmas and what you expected from next christmas.
— Do ye' think that we'll ever tell them about we forgetting to buy their gifts? — Harry would ask in your drive back home while you admired the sunset by your window. The sky was lilac with a bit of orange and pink and for a moment you felt like you were inside the movie Brother Bear from Disney and all it missed was the northern lights, which you'd totally search on google if it happens in the french alps and you'd find out that it's possible but also really rare.
— I definitely think they'll notice it, H! — You'd say trying to contain your laugh. It's not like you both bought the worst gifts in the world; you bought amazing gifts but it's not what you usually buy and your families will notice it, but they'll appreciate the fact that you both really tried to get them something nice and I mean, it's christmas. Enjoy the holiday experience.
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regbeckblk · 4 years
i really fucking love the arsonist!regulus hcs because it always reminds me of my uncle who’s sort of a pyromaniac... so i have a few hcs that are heavily inspired by him...
- at birthday parties when it’s cake time, you can see the actual fucking joy and fascination in his eyes while he’s staring at the candle flame.
- never blew out candles and always put them out with his fingers instead
- go across the country border just to buy some illegal fireworks
- he buys several christmas trees every year so he can use them as kindling throughout the year
- always has firewood in the back of his truck for any emergency bonfires (imagine regulus with a truck lmao)
- if it was his lucky day, he would find a disposable lighter on the ground and would chase family around with it
- went through all the trouble of making crème brûlée just to use the torch
- possessive over the big matchbox
- sirius is trying to make a bonfire but the wood was bad, so he kept throwing newspaper and leaves into the pit yelling “KINDLING IS ENOUGH” while regulus is trying to pour lighter fuel to get the fire going.
- it never did of course
- and the whole neighborhood smelled like smoke for the day, and the house for a week. (this was my brother and i 😐)
-set fire to a friend’s garage. he will never tell the truth of how it actually happened. says it was just a spark that caused it
- but everyone knows it’s because he stuck several fireworks together and lit them all up at the same time... inside 🤨
that’s all i can think of for now... imma ask my mom for more stories about my uncle lmao
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kings of unconventional (part three) ROMAN
Again! Late as fuck! I’m sorry, I had no motivation for what felt like forever. Hey, listen to Experience by Ludovico Einaudi while you’re writing btw. Also the thing abt me getting an AO3 account? The stupid blocker on my computer that I can’t figure out how to turn off deemed the website unworthy, and frankly I don’t have the energy.
Warnings: Kissing I suppose? I consider it a blessing but whatever. It’s kind of just a fluffy meet cute.
Tagging: @emiisanxious @genderfluidmoma @my-life-is-an-artistic-mess @penguins-penguins @jinxedrose101 Imma cross my fingers and hope I tagged everyone.
Still short, but it’s a tiny bit longer this time! Yay! Fic under the cut.
ROMAN inhaled the familiar scent of orange aerosol as he checked into the bookshop as a volunteer. Though he wasn’t a big reader, he came in on Thursdays to help supervise the meetings of Inqueery, a new book club that was quickly gaining speed due to its focus on LGBT+ content from all different types of genres. It was designed to help curious or queer youth label themselves if they preferred and to introduce people to media put out by the LGBT+ community.
Roman knew he was polyamorous and gay already, and he was very comfortable with his sexuality. Although, it helped a bit when your destiny was written across your arm. Many people came into these meetings simply to meet people and make sense of their soulmark. It was especially hard for kids with gender neutral names like ‘Alex’ or ‘Riley.’ But since it was technically still a book club, Roman came here to help guide the curious and confused so readers could discuss their books in peace. Mr. Sanders used to do it, but as he got older, he split his time between resting and keeping his business afloat.
He got a head start on changing the displays as he waited for Joan, an official hire. What Roman liked about Mr. Sanders’s Books is that every other day, the displays rotated, so lesser known authors and books got their chance in the spotlight. Even if it was some extra work. He had just finished with all of the display shelves when someone tapped him on the arm, prompting him to turn around.
“Well hello there, cutie.” In front of him, a curly haired young man with square glasses smiled brightly. He proudly sported a rainbow pin, a he/him pin, and a poly pride pin, all attached to his gray cardigan that fell loosely around his shoulders. He beamed at the compliment. (And blushed a little. Roman considered that a win.)
“Hi! I was wondering if you knew where the sign up sheet for Inqueery was? I can’t seem to find it. I’m new in town, so I was hoping I could make friends.” Well wasn’t he precious. Roman felt his heart melting into a puddle of goo.
“Of course! It’s actually behind the counter, which is why you couldn’t find it. There’s a bit of a waiting list simply due to funding. Unless you can buy your own book, in which case you can join as soon as they start a new one.” Roman grabbed the clipboard and a blue marker from under the counter. “Here you go sir! Oh, hey Joan! I finished the displays, so I’ll be out of your hair in a bit.” Their fond smile made Roman grin as they passed him to go to the back. “So yeah, just sign right here.”
“Thanks! I can buy my own book, which means that I check off this box here, right?” Roman nodded and watched as Patton signed his-
“I’m Roman and I really want to kiss you right now,” he blurted like an absolute idiot. But Patton looked up, nearly in awe. They pulled their sleeves up simultaneously, and true enough, Patton’s name was in simple blue half cursive, nearly identical to his signature on the sign up sheet. Roman’s name was in big red letters on Patton’s arm, fancy swirls underlining it. But directly underneath, ‘Logan’ was written in scribbly dark blue handwriting, just barely decipherable. Both ‘Virgil’ and ‘Janus’ were still in neat black print. “You met him? What’s he like?” Patton giggled.
“He kind of ran away from me in a moment of gay panic. But he complimented me first, and he seemed really sweet.” Roman’s face must have fallen slightly because Patton leaned over the counter and booped his nose, making him snort with laughter. “We’ll find him again, don’t you worry. We’re meant to be together.” Roman leaned over the counter as well, getting much farther forward than Patton had.
“It’s destiny.” Patton’s eyes widened and his face reddened, but he captured Roman’s lips in a soft, sweet kiss. They both closed their eyes and melted, Roman bringing his hand up to caress Patton’s cheek. No fireworks went off, but it was like burying your face in a ton of cotton candy at the fair - sugary and exhilarating. His mind traveled to the fair as they deepened the kiss. God, that’d be a beautiful date. He imagined the food, the ferris wheel, the bumper cars - but the loud crash that sounded wasn’t in his head. Roman broke away from the kiss and saw an absolutely mortified young man desperately picking up way too many books for one person to carry.
“Oh, are you okay?” Roman had officially decided Patton was perfect as he rushed to the young man’s side. Roman quickly followed, putting stacks of books on the counter. He offered out his hand, and the guy shakily accepted it.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine, just a little shaken-” His eyes dropped to Roman’s arm and his jaw went slack. Roman and Patton followed his gaze. In purple, relatively neat print. Virgil. “Up.” Virgil scrambled to his feet. “So you’re...“ He pulled up his sleeve. “Roman and Patton?”
“Two of your soulmates at your service. Roman Regio. Lovely… lovely to meet you, Virgil.” The words almost died in his throat as his breath was taken away by the man. Virgil was tall. And Roman was taller than average, but wow. Oh god that was hot. Why was that hot? He inhaled sharply. Man, he really wanted to kiss him right now.
“I have such handsome soulmates!” Patton exclaimed. Roman felt his face warm, but Virgil went full on red. “I know we just met, but I feel so close to you two already. We should get ice cream! And then we can learn all about each other and we can-”
“Slow down sweetheart, I think we’re overwhelming our poor Virgil.” Virgil seemed as if he was gonna fall over again, though he had his hand on the wall to steady himself. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m… I’m great. I’m so, so… great.” Virgil glanced between them and smiled like he was close to shouting that this was the best day of his life. It certainly was the best of Roman’s. “I- uh, wow.” Roman looked over at Patton, who, even though he had known him for all of five minutes, looked at him like he could read his mind. Patton nodded excitedly, so Roman stepped slightly closer.
“May I kiss you?” Virgil stumbled then, and Roman’s arm shot out to steady him, and as Virgil looked over at Patton, who was still smiling, (thank goodness Roman hadn’t misinterpreted his expression) Roman stood on his toes and gripped Virgil’s patchy jacket. Virgil glanced back with longing in his eyes. “May-”
“Oh God yes.” Roman didn’t need to hear another thing. He yanked Virgil down and there. There were the fucking fireworks. Kissing him wasn’t better or worse than kissing Patton, it was just different. So different. He was nearly unable to stop himself from shoving his tongue in Virgil’s mouth right away, but Virgil opened his mouth hungrily for him anyway. This was an explosion, all the blood rushing in his head told him that. But they didn’t need an explosion quite yet. Ice cream sounded nice. So Roman pulled away, smiling as Virgil tried to follow him with his lips. “I-” Roman stepped back, and Virgil flushed hotly in embarrassment, but he then nodded to Patton, who beamed.
“May I?” Virgil nodded, looking dumbfounded and completely overwhelmed, but in a good way. Patton giggled as he got closer, his hands slipping up to clasp around Virgil’s neck. Roman sighed as their lips connected, knowing that Patton was leading the chaste, soft kiss and knowing exactly how it felt. He grinned and nearly laughed as the tips of Virgil’s ears went red, but when they separated, his grin only widened at the smile on Virgil’s face. Patton’s kisses were so sweet, they were enough to distract Virgil from anything else.
“So my darlings, I think that ice cream sounds great. How about you?”
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readbythestarlight · 4 years
Why must you hurt me in this way
Any bit but a k-pop bit I beg
Ooooo Yasha joining the tattoo crew!!
Runes?? Orphanmaker??
Is that a name she wants to keep claiming? Reclaim??
I can’t wait for tattoo art
"The horses had dresses?"
I do NOT remember the horse dresses
Shopping episode yayyyyy!
Beau is about to get some highly illegal fireworks
lol 50 gold
"Beauregard. Pirate Beauregard."
"Interesting first name, your parents really had a plan for you."
lmao I love this
A whole fricking cart of fireworks
Oh my god this is so PRECIOUS ajslalkss I LOVE JESTER AND MARION
"I wanted to know where my family lives" that’s both funny and sad
Anyway guys I’m like kinda in love with Marion
Fjord and Yasha shopping trip?? Excellent
Alchemical Fire is something Veth will be sorry she missed
Fjord xD
They’re gonna buy something cool and have the rightful owner on their ass for it
They are having too much fun fucking with those poor shop owner xD
"5000 gold!?"
"What if we go to hell or something??!"
Do iiiiiit Yasha
lmao noPE
Yasha and Fjord are disasters together and I LOVE IT
More of them wandering off together
Matching yellow family overalls xD
Poor Yeza lol
xD Fjord
You could have had it for 5k and now you’ve spent 5500 you dork
Wait we know that name don’t we
Wait did they KILL that guy??
What are the odds?
Wouldn’t it be fucking amazing if they killed him with fire?
Marion with the open invitation to her ex and if he doesn’t answer it I will be SALT
Veth please, keep your bedroom stuff in the bedroom :P
Niiiiiice transporting home??
I don’t think Caleb likes the idea of leaving Veth and I get it but... he needs to understand that she needs to be home
Beau realizing she has Authority
I just read the coin story and Lol
This store plays music when you walk in??
Good lord
This shop sounds like Jester’s prank haven
My god
It’s a shame they didn’t find this shop BEFORE traveler con
What’s this other ring I missed it
Oh the spell ring
See THAT’s 5000 well spent
They’ve cleared the stock of so many shops lol
"Anyone interested in small clay doggies?"
F: "Do they move?"
"If... you... make them...?" *wiggles hand*
These losers finally get so much money and they spend it mostly on dumb things and I love it
Please buy the unicorn and give it to Jester I beg you Fjord
Aww dancing and drinks that’s cute
Lollllll Jester
Of course
YES the unicorn
good boy Fjord!
I’m so pleased
Oh look, Jester giving her blessing for a BeauYasha kisssssss ;)
They all ship it at this point let’s be real like Jester over here giving Beau a nudge "you have to give her the chance to make that choice" and Cad with the "thinking about your future" like
Guys you’re amazing
Oh okay imma need Cad doing some bonfire dancing
And Yasha doing bonfire dancing
"How it used to be" that’s amazing I’m gonna cry
Cad: "I miss it, but I’m afraid I might miss this more." <3
"You might be stuck with us for a little while longer."
"That’s a fine future."
God I’m so soft for all the soft bonding tonight!
I’m so tired I haven’t been properly following but fuck here we go
A Godkiller weapon huh
Eor is an interesting name
But yeah I’ve got a baaaad feel
Oh shit so it’s a fight to find weapons capable of destroying the gods
Oh my god, icy and desolate, he CALLED it when he said earlier they’d end up somewhere frozen xD
I like how just everyone hates Trent
Like they’re just “ew no he sucks” all the time
Too many giant floating cities going on here
They’re not going to go without Veth tho I assume
Ice breaker ship?? Nice
75,000 gold NICE
“Who are we gonna run into”
God I hope it’s hotboi
“Are you Bren?”
Matt that’s amazing
But shit
It’s gonna be fucking Trent isn’t it
Nasty creepy freak
Bad vibes bad vibes BAD VIBES
“A proper family reunion” I’m going to stab him
Matt you sneaky bastard
Shiiiiiiit man did not see that coming
We love you too Matt
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bitchiha · 4 years
HC of Kiba, Shino, Choji, Neji and Lee playing animal crossing. Do they do it hidden from others or not? Their islands, favorite activities, group interactions (especially) and other things you like.
A/N: Yes!! Thank you for requesting this!! I love writing little fun things like this. I haven’t gotten a chance to play animal crossing on the switch because I was saving up for it w/ my job and everything, but now that Corona has shut down my province I can’t actually buy the switch or Animal Crossing 🥺 I watch gameplays for like hours on end tho and my friends never shut up about it so I know enough to make these HC’s I Hope lmfao and I’ve played it on my DS and phone for timee so I’m educated dw
✎ Animal Crossing x Naruto Characters!
Kiba Inuzuka
He was so pumped for animal crossing to come out. Probably used man the beast clone justu in the game store to make sure that he got his hands on a copy.
He won’t hide that he plays Animal Crossing, he’ll be such a confident douche about it. Once he’s got a fly outfit and he’s starting to get gains he will flex his island to anyone, especially Shino.
He would pick an island in the northern hemisphere and he wouldn’t even strategize tbh like he’s just excited
He would name it like “Dog Land” or “Akamaruville” or some shit like that
He’s the type to read all the things the characters say out loud. Will also 10/10 respond to them.
He’s so excited at little things “look akamaru! It’s a stick!” “Oh shit! Wow! It’s a fishy!”
Or when the seasons change he is so hyped
Hates Tom Nook (greedy capitalist) and also hates Eugene
Starts calling people by nicknames from animal crossing. “Sure, Bunyip!” “Sure thing daddio!” And only the other ninja who play Animal Crossing will get it
Everyone else will be like: (;-;) shut the fuck up dog boy did you just call me “daddio?”
His title on his animal crossing passport is “photogenic animal” I felt the need to include this information
Sometimes I don’t even know what the fuck Kiba does on animal crossing like he just messes around all the time
I think he’ll like fishing a lot tho
Despises the snooty or cranky villagers like he wants to pop one at them through the screen
Having interactions w friends on Animal Crossing can either be fun and friendly or super passive aggressive
Him and Shinos interactions are so ducking passive aggressive like Shino is hitting Kiba with his bug net and Kibas like ?? And Shino will just be like “there was a bug on you” like bruh
Him and Chojis interactions are friendly at first until he realizes how much better Choji is doing than him and he gets so aggressive so Chojis like: aight imma head out
Refuses to let Rock Lee get into his island and it makes Lee so ducking mad bc he wants to flex on him, but Kibas ego will be so damaged so he refuses
Anyway, his house is literally what a 12 year old boys house would look like. Like there’s clutter everywhere the only clear path is the one to his bed
Also whenever he uses the vaulting pole thing he pisses himself like he thinks it’s so fucking funny
I’m sorry but Kibas character will look like a rat like it will look so ugly
I feel like he has like one braincell when he plays this game
Shino Aburame
He’s so secretive about it at first, like this is Shino Aburame, he’s supposed to be this cool mysterious guy
So he will not let anyone know about it, until kiba accidentally finds out
Like they’re on a mission and they’re in their tent sleeping. Once Shino thinks everyone’s asleep he whips out the Switch and starts playing. Then Kiba rolls over to face him and is like “I KNEW IT”
Then Kiba tells everyone else
They’re Animal Crossing rivals now
He’s got a Southern Hemisphere island and he strategically picks his island in a way that he’ll (in real life terms) be able to have access to bugs... but it’s a game, no point in explaining it to him tbh
Like he only strategizes on the game for bugs. Probably talks to himself whenever bugs are involved in it
He doesn’t read the captions out loud, he’ll read them in his head like normal person
Names his Island after a bug species or “Bug Landia”, “Bikochu Island” <- as tribute to those filler episodes lmfao
Starts talking like K.K. (The dog w the stupid ducking guitar) and tbh it fits his personality pretty well, minus some of the hippie energy, but still.. sometimes Hinata and Kiba look at eachother like: is he good?
Will talk like K.K. When fighting enemies and sometimes they’ll stop and be like “did you just quote fucking K.K?” Sometimes it pisses enemies off even more
Also hates Tom Nook, Kiba and him will put their rivalry aside sometimes just so they could gang up on him
Like they’ll just yell insults at him through the screen and think they rlly did something amazing
His fav activity is obviously bug catching!! He gets so hyped when he catches a bug.
If he’s playing the game outside and you can’t rlly see his face bc of his outfit, it will look like he’s spazzing, but in reality he’s bursting with joy bc he caught an uncommon bug
Likes the cranky villagers.. idk why he just gets a kick out of them
His little house thing is bug and tropical themed, he lowkey should be an interior designer
Shinos character will resemble a bug. Don’t know how, but it will.
Choji Akamichi
Loves animal crossing almost as much as he loves food, it’s a close second
He will talk about Animal crossing with anyone, like he thinks everyone is dying to know about his island
One day Sai made eye contact with him for like 2 seconds Chojis dragging him over to his Switch like “oh hey Sai! I seen you looking at me and I figured you must be wondering what I was doing. So I’ll save you the time and just show you instead.” Sais just there like: wtf?
He’s neutral on the capitalist pig that is Tom Nook, Infact, he thinks he’s kind of nice. Poor Choji, so naive.
His island is in the Northern Hemisphere and he doesn’t really strategize it too much bc he doesn’t take the game as seriously as the rest of them like they’re really out here with survival tactics? My G..
Like he doesn’t take it as seriously as Neji and Lee, but he still is doing better than all of them in the game
Anyways, he’ll name the island after his favourite chip brand / chip flavour
Lives for interacting with the other islanders!! Loves Lily and Pashmina bc they’re so nice.
The sisterly and peppy villagers are his favourite
Favourite thing to do is collect fruits and get cool foods. Aside from that, I would go with bug catching as a close second.
Hosts everyone who plays animal crossing for the coolest funking hangouts poor Neji has to sit there and pretend he doesn’t play
Like he is so creative about it to and he’ll think up games like playing musical chairs or hide and seek that they can all play together
Probably results in Lee and Kiba getting into a fist fight irl and accusing eachother of cheating
His house has butterfly themed stuff in there as well as cool food things
Tenten is the only one who doesn’t get pissed tf off when she sees how fly his island is, like she’s jealous, but she isn’t like Kiba and Lee
Chojis character will look so adorable like idc his is the cutest one out of everyone’s
Neji Hyuuga
He first sees TenTen and Lee playing it and he acts like he doesn’t like it, but there are fireworks going off inside his head, like the game looks so fire
So he buys it secretly and he is obsessed, he will deny he plays it if anyone asks though
He wants his islands name to be something thought out, like it takes him 5 days just to name his island.. Only for him to settle on some shit like “Leaf Island” he wanted to name it Byakugan Land but his pride wouldn’t let him
Definitely respects Tom Nook. Like Rock Lee and him both treat the game like a survival tactic so he respects Tom Nook as a superior, even if he has some greed problems. He’s still a superior and he must be adressed with respect >:0
Will get worked up when he overhears Shino and Kiba trash talking Nook and it takes every bone in his body not to knock them out, but he doesn’t want them to know he plays so he refrains
I’m not gonna lie he tries to use his Byakugan when he’s fishing in animal crossing so he can see what type of fish it is through the water and it pisses him the fuck off when it doesn’t work
Like he’s just playing Animal Crossing at like 3 am and you hear him whisper shout “Byakugan!” And then he punches the air bc it doesn’t work
He changes his passport title to “Nook Inc’s Island Dweller”
Nejis favourite thing to do on animal crossing is probably fishing tbh. Like yes it does aggravate the absolute fuck out of him sometimes when he keeps catching the same worthless fish over and over again, but he enjoys the rush of it
His house is all white, like only white furniture idk why
No group interactions, only w Hinata who he made swear she wouldn’t tell anyone he plays
Def critiques her Island and in her head she’s like :0 bruh I’m ur only Animal Crossing friend and youre gonna critique my fucking island nah bitch not w your ghetto ass all white stinky looking cottage
I love Neji I’m sorry but this shit is too funny for me
Neji wants his character to look as much like him as possible, but can’t find the right hairstyle
His drip is fire tho like his outfit is so nice even if it’s all white as well
Rock Lee
Kiba and Shino might be rivals, but they both equally despise Rock Lee on Animal Crossing
Treats it like real life.
For example: since him and TenTen are friends he’s like “me and Tentens islands are Allies”
Has declared war on Kiba and Shino so many times and they’re like?? Dude you can’t even start a war like wtf
He is so competitive though LMFAOO AND HE MAKES HIS CHARACTER WORK OUT. Like he makes him run laps every morning and it doesn’t even benefit him in the game at all... anyways
His island is in the northern hemisphere for sure and it’s named “Power of Youth” or something involving the word Youth
Uses his Nook phone to take pics will all the islanders he stumbles upon
“Good evening, Lily! Let’s take a picture together, the sun is shining in a way that perfectly accentuates your features!”
He also talks to islanders out loud and reads their captions in designated voices for them, it annoys the shit out of Neji
Jazzes the shit out of his Passport like his title is “horizon bound patron” and his little passport comment is “THE POWER OF YOUTH!”
Takes the Nook miles quests so seriously. “I will complete three quests today.” Thinks of them as missions and so he gives them the same energy
Probably calls Nook “Nook-Sensei”
“right away Nook-Sensei” or “you can count on me Nook-sensei!” Whenever Nook asks him something
Rock Lees fav activity is literally just completing whatever a character asks him to do. Like constantly does quests and enjoys it. Wtf
If there is workout furniture on animal crossing, best believe it’s in Rock Lees house
He gets so pissy when Kiba won’t let him on his Island
Invites everyone to his island and forces them onto a tour of it.
Also his character looks so fucking similar to himself that it’s eerie
Kiba will make fun of him for it (Shino will probably join in too)
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Hehe ya I’m not the biggest fan but if I get really hyped up it’s kinda fun. Plus I did t really feel like doing leg day so I rescheduled that for tmr!!
Hot guy alert- everybody look!! Good tactic brigid lol. Got us in to help distract. We love you!! We would be so chaotic. Awww yes we love some team hand holding but acting like it isn’t happening. I don’t think quinner can feel his hand after this meet. Lol I’m sorry, but good thing imma make it up to you;) a hot makeout comin your ways lmao. Brigids busy doin other stuff w dyl and Jamie 😏😉. Oo thank you for the tip!! I didn’t know that it got hot during swim meets. I usually wear tanks or shirts underneath lol. I’m always to afraid to wear without. Hehe Dylan’s face in my hoodie and he’s like “I can’t look, did she win, is she swimming, why are they blowing the whistle” I’m just there to reassure him it’s a good distraction so that I don’t get to nervous lol. Team trample is happening, we would all fall down and that would be bad.
Brigid the chips, I’m sorry they will just be happening constantly like Ryan and I held off for many hours but that’s all we can handle lol. Aww Dylan and Jamie taking care of you, I love that!!. I’ll make sure they buy you some squeezy applesauce and some for myself cuz I wanna try. Wait seriously , you like green bananas?.
Ooo that’s a cool jersey brigid!! You would probably start yelling at everybody during the game lol.
Haha me crying during my match is like the funniest thing. People always think that if you cry something hurts but nothing hurts I just saw the best people!! Kesh, I’m excited you are excited !! I hope you enjoy. Lmao I’d probably also fling my resistance band at Ryan hehe. Ya that driving test was awful but I passed sooo:))) I can’t wait for you to pass your test. Oh for sure I would start laughing if I made eye contact w you. I’d probably get a warning tho lol. I’m sorry every time I read Ryan getting hit by a ball and you dying of laughter I just lose it. It’s so funny. Like Jamie is like omg omg she’s out of breath, why is she laughing so hard. Hehe brigid I can just see you yelling at me and being mildly stressed.
Y’all I just wanna go to Coachella !! Wtf I need to go now w you kesh and the team lol. Yaaa Dylan’s feeling special atm, Jamie is literally just glaring at the two of you for 30 mins straight. Dylan has some under appreciated hair so you play w it. Hehe yes braden was just being nice and Quinners mad because he was too late lol . Yes shoulder buddies! Kesh is just having the most chill time w Kirby. She’s just enjoying the music. I knowwww Jamie coming up and wrapping his arms around your waist and putting his chin on your shoulder is 🥺🥺 and swaying omg this is to cute. The kissing under the fireworks is just amazing. I want that to happen. Oo yes matching Dutch braids would be so cute, I might add a ribbon to be braided in or something lol. Or get ones of those hair charms like beads, mini stars to braid in hehe. water is a must and sunscreen!!
Kesh I’ve read until Greece! I love it! I’m excited to reply 💗 some airport ideas coming your way.
Xo Lexi.
Anonymous said:
Ooo I just saw keshs post about Coachella and sports so imma add a bit,
First - hehe yes we are super hype, and yes I am glad to be anywhere w you !!
Hehe thank you, it was a hectic day lol.
Lmao um guys does anybody have an ice pack?
Hehe yes Dylan is handsy but i think Brigid is enjoying it ?!.
Hmmm maybe Ryan and Braden find some girls but I don’t think we can last that long without chirping hehe
- kesh I agree you do have the best shoulders in the sense that Kirby is 6’4 and broad lol. You lucky gal.
Ok yes to all the insta pics!!! Ok we are matching again and I love it 🥰
Kesh thank you for replying !! Imma write about Greece, sports, Coachella and the road trip tmr!!
lmao i love that. i can never push off my workouts bc i just have to do what my coach makes me lol. but anyways another long post
hehe yep, i’ll get all the other girls out of their zone by pointing out the hot guys in the stands who may or may not have come with me lol. and then you guys will just be so chaotic up there and you’re all squeezing each other’s hands so hard but not admitting it lmao. haha yeah i don’t think quinner can feel his hand but once he realizes you’re gonna make it up to him he doesn’t care😏 haha maybe i am busy later😏😉 don’t tell kesh tho lol. haha yes it gets really hot unless you’re wet and then you’re freezing. so then dyl’s using you’re hoodie and refusing to look and asking you what’s happening every 5 seconds, so then you have to keep reassuring him. but i could also see you messing with him and saying i’m doing really bad when i’m actually winning just to see his reaction lmao. haha team trample at the end and we all end up on the ground, i stg if my suit rips y’all are paying for it
lmao as soon as i’m done you and ryan are chirping me bc you’ve held off way too long. maybe i’ll make dyl and jamie make you shut up if you annoy me too much lmao. but yes dyl and jamie taking care of me and helping me get ready for my race🥺 haha you would probably end up having to go with them to get the applesauce so they don’t get lost lmao. yes, ik i’m a weirdo but i can’t stand mushy bananas, i only like them when they’re super firm and green
hehe thank you! i love my o’c jersey. haha yes i would be yelling sm and i would be cheering for the US. we’d have to see what the guys had to say about that lmao. don’t think dyl and jamie would appreciate it very much, but you got to do what you got to do
lmao yes everyone would be so confused, and you would just be like no i’m fine i’m just happy they’re here. haha i can just see you hitting ryan with your resistance band and he tries to come after you, so then we have to keep him away from you so you can finish your warm-ups lmao. haha yes honestly i’ll start laughing too if we make eye contact. wait you could get a warning from laughing? that’s bad but also kind of funny lmao. haha yes now i really want to see ryan get hit in the face with the ball just to see the chaos ensue. and jamie is just simultaneously trying to make me drink water bc i’m just choking and being like ummmm i think ryan might need an icepack. and he’s like what is wrong with brigid bc it should not have been that funny but he can’t worry about it too much bc he’s worried about ryan and he’s trying to find an icepack somewhere. haha yes i’ll just be yelling at you sorry
yessss we have to go to coachella with everyone now. hehe yes dyl is getting handsy and i’m enjoying it, but jamie is getting super jealous and i don’t even realize lol (i’m sorry jamie ily). oooh yes, i get to play with dyl’s hair while i’m sitting on his shoulders. honestly he has really nice hair. hehe yes quinner is jealous that you’re sitting on braden’s shoulders, but it’s only bc braden offerred first. but then you get on my shoulder and ryan and braden wander off to find some girls lol. and then kesh is just chilling with kirby, and i’ll admit that she does have the best shoulders bc kirby is so broad. omg i need this now, jamie just coming up behind me and we’re swaying together to the music🥺 and we would all get our kisses under the fireworks from our men. oooh yes charms to braid into our hair would look so cool, and we could have all the best matching insta pics together. and ofc we need sunscreen and water
i’m excited to see all your replies!
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See... what we not finna do is start popping off fireworks at 2 in the morning.. nope.. stop the shit..
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babyczk · 5 years
can u do sumn about going to disneyland w zion
i want this for myself 🥺😔
“wait, take a picture of me with mickey mouse,” you urged, tugging on zion’s shirt. the costumed mouse was finishing up posing with two children, giving them each high-fives.
zion chuckled, letting you drag him over. it was your first time at disney, and you wanted to do as many of the cheesy, and cliche things as possible. situating yourself next to mickey, you managed to produce a huge grin as the person under the suit put its arm over your shoulder. zion snapped away, putting the phone down when he was finished.
“you’re so fucking cute,” zion complimented, reaching for you as you walked back towards him. smiling, you looked through the one hundred or so bursts he’d managed to take.
shaking your head, you linked your hand with his, continuing your walk through the park. “i look like an absolute idiot in those.”
zion jumped his hip with yours. “nah, imma post them, they’re adorable as fuck. especially with the ears on your head.” you subconsciously touched them, smiling to yourself as you thought about how zion had fought to buy them from you, especially after you’d picked them up followed by immediately throwing them down when you’d caught sight of the inflated price.
heading over to cinderella’s castle, you were overly excited to catch the fireworks display that happened every night before closing. you’d been wanting to see it for quite some time, and had been the deciding factor for zion to surprise you with passes.
standing a little ways in the back, zion’s arms were wrapped around your waist, both of your eyes glued to the sky as the fireworks were set off above the castle.
“i hope you know there’s no one else i’d rather be with, tonight,” zion’s voice whispered in your ear, his breath tickling your skin. you relaxed against him, letting him know you heard him.
“for real, mamas,” he continued. “i love you.”
turning around, you leaned your head up, catching his lips in a kiss. “i love you more.” as you pulled away, zion’s fingers gripped tighter on your waist, deepening the kiss as the fireworks exploded behind you guys.
“and i hope you know there’s no one else i’d rather be with tonight, either,” you repeated softly, zion’s lips tugging into a dimpled grin.
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fandomsforyourthots · 6 years
Modern Valentine's Day HCs no one asked for
Y'all didn't ask, but imma do.
Just a couple of modernHC's for a few of our sweet outlaws for valentine's day and how they treat their SO.
-Think Of The Fanciest restaurant you know.
-That's where y'all gon be.
-Dutch has a love for the extravagant so you're getting SPOILED™
-New jewelry, new dress/suit, a bouquet of 100 roses, you're getting it all fam!
-Slow dancing
-"My god, how did I get so lucky?"
-Spends the whole night showing you off
-Arthur "country boy" Morgan is gonna do some country shit.
-He'll take you out to your favorite place to eat.
-You think that's it but instead of taking you home he drives out to the middle of nowhere
-"What are you doing Arthur?"
-"You didn't think that was it did ya?"
-He loaded a fuck ton of blankets into the back of his big ass lifted pick up with the intention of watching the stars with you.
-100% asks Charles for recommendations on the best spots for star gazing.
-Memorizes as many constellations and their locations as he can so he can point them out to you.
-You both end up falling asleep wrapped in blankets and each others arms.
-John is a simple man, so it's gonna be a simple date, most likely dinner and a movie.
-Doesn't make it any less romantic though.
-He's on his best behavior. Opening doors for you, complimenting you whenever he can.
-When he spots people looking at you he wraps his arm around your waist and beams with pride.
-Will definitely be the one to be cliche and get you flowers and chocolates, maybe even a nice sized teddy bear.
-Stares at you all night, literally can not take his eyes off you.
-Boiiii, off top you can bet you're getting serenaded that night.
-A dozen red roses show up at your house that morning though, completely unannounced with a little card that only has a heart on it.
-He takes you all over town to pamper you.
-Need your hair done? He gotchu. Need a new outfit for the day? He 👏🏾 got 👏🏾 chu 👏🏾
-For the actual date he decks out his house with the cheesiest romantic stuff. Rose petals on the floor and the dining table, candles everywhere.
-He runs you a bath and while you're in it he throws down in the kitchen, whipping up a full course meal cause you deserve it.
-Serenades you as you eat.
-You already know after the food is gone that you're getting that bomb D.
-Hope you like nature, cause you're gonna be all up in it.
-He takes you to the peak of the tallest mountain he knows right before sunset.
-When the car can't go up anymore he 100% piggybacks you the rest of the way.
-Brings a whole assortment of food with you so you can eat while you watch the sun go down.
-Gifts you with the prettiest turquoise necklace and earring set that he made himself.
-"This is beautiful Charles, thank you."
-"Why are you thanking me? I'm the one who gets to see you wearing it. I should be thanking you."
-If you think he's not gonna make love to you on top of that mountain while the sun sets, you're wrong.
-He's also gonna take you to a nice restaurant, though not as over the top as Dutch.
-Brings you a bouquet of carnations.
-I hope you're ready to hear how amazing you are all night.
-Holds your hand as often as he can.
-Buys you a simple teardrop diamond necklace.
-Definitely puts it on for you.
-"You are absolutely stunning, my dear."
-Will also slow dance with you, a proud and happy smile on his face the whole time.
-Rest your head on his shoulder while you're dancing, he'll melt.
-You already know y'all are gonna end up doing some fun shit.
-An amusement park or carnival is his go to.
-Will try to win you ALL the things.
-"Sean, I don't need another stuffed animal."
-"Course ya do! Can never ave' enough furry friends."
-Cheesy couples pictures on Instagram.
-Will definitely try to make out with you in the tunnel of love.
-Tries to impress you with that strength test thing.
-Fails, but he makes you laugh so that's good enough for him.
-You two stay all day so you can watch the fireworks together at night.
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ts-2020-olympics · 5 years
EPISODE 5 - “https://streamable.com/2bc03” - Beck
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So, I have a very good idea as to what happened. Karen thought they were the one to go with their score, and successfully convinced everyone else to get rid of me. Either to get the gold or to get rid of me, I'm not sure. But I'm on to them. Make no mistake.
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Well, to recap past round, Ben ended up winning the gold medal and returning to the game, which I really appreciate, so he'll be immune next tribal he attends, which am sure he is happy with.   That led to Nik W being the next person eliminated.   Then, as well at the arena, Stoner won the silver medal for his tribe, I won the Bronze medal for my tribe, then Pete won nothing.   Today's immunity challenge was a maze, went into the maze thinking I should get a decent time, as I did mazes a bit as a kid, but then my dumb self didn't save the maze properly so had to redo it, then my internet decided to act up so had to refigure out lightshot which cost me more time.  So I ended up with a really rough score, thankfully the 40% bonus will help a little, but I just feel bad and embarrassed by the time I got, and feel like if my tribe loses, it's going to be because of me.   I can't even be too active tomorrow to discuss vote with people if my tribe loses as I am going back home tomorrow, which just makes matters even worse.   So, at the moment, I don't feel too hot, but at the same time, I shouldn't let one bad round set me back either.
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first loss as a new tribe, rip. I don’t know how this vote may go because i’ve chatted and bonded with everyone on this tribe, well except kevin and kinda nicole, and no one is really sticking out like an asshole. The new mari-whatever tribe has been just chill vibes which is nice but makes strategy much harder cus like what if they’re all secretly just agreed in getting me out? Who knows. I did talk with Landen and we agreed we wanna work together, he threw out the idea that he may be leaning towards voting out an old Shosha member and he hasn’t talked with Kevin or Nicole at all. I’m talking to Eve, Sammy, and Jacob C as well, maybe we could be a voting block...? We’ll see. 
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Sarah felt she’s in danger because of Billy trying to get her out last tribal. I can’t have Sarah out because her and I trust each other so then I think of this idea. Nik just got voted out, Billy is targeting Sarah now... what if I spread a rumor that Billy has a plan to pick off all the yujo members and has a hit list and is playing way too hard now? So basically i tell all my allies that eve and I are really scared because someone told us that Billy wants to pick off the yujo people for an easy vote these next few rounds in the hopes that people won’t trust him if he’s playing too hard like that and hopefully the word gets back to the sonkei tribe members. 
So we have a problem, Eve and I are sticking together as former yujo so we let each other know what the other person has found out. So anyways I talk with Landen for a little while, I trust him, and he proposes this plan to vote out a former Shosha tribe member which i’m not against. He says he’s talked a little with Sammy and Jacob C too. So I let Eve know and she says interestingly enough she’s been talking to Nicole and Nicole proposed that her, Eve, Kevin, and myself all vote together and Eve says maybe against Landen. Eve also let’s me know that Nicole and Jacob C are very very close. So now Eve and I are split, I want to vote with Landen and get a Shosha tribe member out, she doesn’t wanna go against Nicole and wants to vote Landen out. We’re kinda the swing vote here and I want us to make the right decision. 
tribal is getting closer and closer and nobody wants to make a decision! They’re ALL asking ME what to do which i guess is nice but i don’t want them all thinking of me as the decision maker this early. Right now it’s between landen or kevin going so i’m doing what i can to make sure everyone’s fine with writing Kevin’s name down. 
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Let's make this quick because I am obviously stressed as fuck and I just had the most whack ass dream about this game. In it, half this cast got kicked out of the game for being minors and it was actually a Facebook game, then we appealed it and held a whole trial bc some chick compared us to South African famous wanted murderers and we were offended so we held a trial and won the appeal and all the minors got back in the game but then there was instant tribal council and it was a live tribal and we were all whispering to send home someone named Charlotte who isn't even in this cast I... Yeah. So  you can tell THAT'S how paranoid I am about this tribal council, my brain is driving me insane. We going in a million different directions!!! Anyway here's what happened last night. As SOON as I sent in my video confessional saying things are going to be fine, Pete messaged me (hilariously enough, he literally just messaged me with news AGAIN, but we'll get to that later.. it wasn't big enough to change the whole confessional) and said that things had blown up. Essentially what he told me was that Nicole is very close with Eve, but she's also very close with Jacob. Because of this those three kind of took control, and essentially Nicole wants to work with Eve/Pete/Kevin/Jacob. That would leave me and Sammy on the bottom. I knew as soon as I heard that, that Nicole's plan was to vote me out tonight. Jacob loves Sammy, so if they're working together closely, I'm the target, that much is obvious. So basically this entire day would be a race to make sure that we can sway Eve and/or Jacob and make sure the votes are on KEVIN, not on me. Because he doesn't talk to anyone. I gave my best pitch to Eve, but I don't think it worked that much, she doesn't like being in the middle. Nicole/Sammy/Jacob were all like "I'm at work" "i'm driving somewhere" "i'm at a party" lol we love excuses. I'm not buying your fake shit, you just don't want to talk to me. Notice how I said would be though.... Teehee! Well, turns out, I told Juls about all this madness, and my hero, the light of my life, has decided to help me out by giving me a Sit-out-at-tribal advantage! Not 100% sure how it works yet, I REALLY hope I get to make some dramatic play with it at tribal and actually talk about using it... But if not, I'm just glad for the safety. While I'm not 100% sure if it would be me or Kevin going home and if we could sway the votes, I'm not willing to risk my safety at the arena. It's just not going to happen. And I want to see how interesting things get when I return! So when it comes to this tribal, that's honestly my main plan. Sit out with Juls' advantage. Laugh as the fireworks play... Hope to GOD that Kevin, who probably gets sent home, dies in the Arena too. Gotta have faith he can be beat. I'm not amazing at challenges, good, but not confident enough that I'm willing to risk my spot in the Arena now that it's gotten down to all active people who are giving it their 100%. Notice how I said I'd make this quick but I didn't? Yeah this is a mess. So... tonight is going to be VERY. Very fun. You could even say it'll be a disaster..? For them, at least.
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So, Darcy could prove to be a useful asset to bring close to the end. He voted for me last round, and he said he figured that'd reduce trust between us. Honestly, he's absolutely right, I want very little to do with him now, but I'm just "playing nice" until it's time to cut him out.
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Billy is going. Kinda hope he comes back so we can win. Even if we don't it's nice to have an easy vote. I think I need to position myself just a little bit better here. Even if i'm not near the bottom, I need to act like it. I need to have chris and jordan's loyalty over emma. And Emma's over theirs. I need to be in the power position, without being viewed that way. Me not going on skype might help that perception. I'm good at these challenges, this one not included, so I should be solid going forward.
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i’m playing a spreading info game.... is it gonna get me in trouble? maybe! it might! but it could also get me far so high risk high reward. please pray that the info i’m leaking doesn’t get tacked back to me
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This first part of the game for me has been some of the worst gameplay that I've ever displayed. I've received votes every single tribal, I've made no strong connections, the only guy I trusted 100% got his ass voted out, and I'm sitting in the Arena for the second time. It makes you wonder how the fuck I do this shit without breaking down. Well, that's sort of what I did. I broke down after that tribal man, hard. I fkn hate getting emotional man but it felt like complete SHIT being alone and neglected. Truth is, every way I put it, even though I don't wanna admit it, I got no one but myself to blame. What I need in this game is a reset button. When I come back, and I WILL come back from that arena, I need to start a clean slate and get all that chaos the fuck outta there...for now. Fuck I need to win that arena. So bad. When I go back to Sonkei, Imma make sure that I'm the one on top. 
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So for starters, my tribe won immunity the other day, so we got the tribal break we deserved!   Now, waiting on arena, where Juls from my tribe, Landen from Miraitowa, and Jordan from Sonkei are competing for Silver and Bronze, then Pete and Billy are competing for the gold.   In which, my ideal scenario is Billy winning the gold and coming back, as I feel like he could be a potential ally I could have come another swap or merge if him and I make it there together.  Then I'd want Juls to win the silver, since it'd be helpful for next challenge for yushu, then can potentially win another immunity!  Preferably in this scenario, Landen wins the Bronze, just so that one of the other tribes don't end up coming back with two medals.  Anyways, this game is fun, and I made final 19, now to see if I can find anything in Olympic Village this next round, as I have still yet to find something.
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I'm going to go ahead and try to improve this situation slightly. I think I have the makings of a fantsatic position, it just needs to be perfect. Billy and Emma fighting at tribal while Chris was doing his own thing pretty much sums up everything I needed. I need either Chris or Jordan to be my new #1. Jordan appears to be a paranoid nut, Chris is the opposite. I tend to have greater successes with the paranoid nut, but who knows. They need to like me back, which is easier said than done. If Billy comes back we are likely winning the challenge. We won't of course, cause that's who we are, but who knows. My semester starts up tomorrow, which is going to harm my activity a tad, and I'm already not that active, but we'll see how that influences anything.
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I’ll do a video later. Billy got voted out which was unfortunate as I really like billy and vibe with him but it doesn’t make sense to flip when I think I’m in a good position right now. I had a good convo with Sarah, really vibe with her. I have my alliance with Jordan, Jacob, and Em which I feel good about they’re just real quiet. Need to talk to them more 1 on 1. I have my duo with Pines that I feel real confident about. I hope that’s not my downfall this game but I think pines and I are gonna do great things. 
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https://streamable.com/2bc03 - pete wins the gold medal.mp4
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Well baby dolls, basically eve tried to exclude me from an alliance but I beat that bitch to the punch! And my fearsome foursome played her like a fiddle while she thought I was going home unanimous in all actuality we had the upper hand and dropped the hammer on Pete 4-2, with Landen volunteering for the arena Eve was left to fend for herself for cute little 24 hours and chaos ensued when she realized what happened hopping between calls and chats to damage control for her lack of judgement in including me into things, therefore she feels on the outs and while I was a part of this scheme and to an extent playing a role of the victim who found solace in a group of three who wanted to vote for me, all of which is false, I’m still using these moments to rebuild a bridge I never knew got burned to ashes so she can potentially INCLUDE me in things going forward, after all we’re both out of the loop right? ;)
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Tribal was quite spicy. Nobody reacted to Stoner rolling a blunt while em and billy were arguing and my soul left my body from trying not to laugh. Just found out Billy is not coming back, which honestly whew, because I feel like he'd come back with some vengeance. He's probably a good team player normally, but my only impression was..not great! Hopefully we can come together as a tribe now and aim to NOT go to tribal in the first place. Although I still feel like, entering into this new tribe, there are many, many layers. Salty, spicy layers. Like a delicious onion dip. 
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Nicole, watch your ass. 
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So let me backtrack to before tribal. You’re probably wondering how I got here! *record scratch* Anyway, so we constructed a tribe to have a 4-3 majority, and in doing that there was always going to come a day where when we lost we would have to choose who was going to go between Pete, Eve and Landen. I feel badly because, they’re newbies and obviously putting a reasonable effort into this game BUT, it’s the name of the game, if the returnees didn’t band together we were going to get picked off and have a hard time like Karen is on their tribe. Anyway, so the day comes and we have to go to tribal. NONE of the newbies talked to me about game before we lost. I need to point that out.  As soon as we lost Eve said “what the hell are we gonna do now”....m’am! WE? WHO’S WE? anyway, I played along and was just about to tell her we were going to vote out Pete when she says she was on a tribe with Pete and could make a good number for us. She says I can pull in Jacob...Jacob can pull in Sammy...hold on a minute. Are we leaving out Kevin? WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE KEVIN? This might as well be a Home Alone sequel because they’re leaving Kevin out of EVERYTHING! or at least that’s what I’m being told (more on that later). So I don’t want any weird advantages to get pulled out of anyone’s pocket at tribal and so I obviously go along with it, I say everyone is fine, Jacob will vote with them, we hate Kevin. Basically whatever we need to do. Honestly, I don’t feel bad. You can’t not talk to people for a full two rounds and then decide when you lose you now have a majority. Anyway so, good thing we kept the Pete vote a secret! Because I feel like Eve would have been able to make whoever had the advantage (Juls, I think) use it on Pete and then we would have been REALLY screwed. Anyway, it worked out. We voted for Pete. He left. Eve yelled. The more than curious thing that happened after the vote that makes me second guess my whole alliance is the fact that Beck came out of nowhere and told me that Sammy knew about the advantage because Juls was talking about it on a call (WHICH IS AGAINST THE RULES BC SHES AT THE ARENA BUT I GUESS WE JUST FORGET THAT PART FOR NOW BECAUSE THERES A BIGGER POINT) Anyway, in short I need to focus on keeping more info for myself and not telling my alliance. I’m used to having a ride or die alliance that I can pour info into like I did with Kinky Booties in Seychelles. I knew that info was going to aid in me going forward. Here I’m not so sure. They could literally vote me out next if they want me and push Eve into my spot because she’s a newbie and in that way, less of a threat. But anyway I tell Beck, as I’m telling them, Beck keeps writing to me as if he is being instructed to tell me more info. I don’t know if it was Juls (again, against the f*ing rules, these newbies are..!!!) or if it was someone in the alliance, maybe Jacob or Kevin. I wouldn’t think Sammy but, I don’t know. Anyway I don’t feel safe, and I’ve beat my lowest placement that I’ve ever gotten BUT, that doesn’t mean I want to get out just yet. I don’t feel good about winning this game but I would like to make it onto a jury for once (I’m always at FTC if I get past premerge 🥳) That’s all I got so far,  check back in for my MENTAL BREAAAAK after immunity results for next round bc if we lose, I’m gonna cry. I can’t deal with this again, especially since the whole Pete situation has been pawned off on me. 
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SO we ended up switching the vote within the last few hours to save Karen <3! Karen made a push to save herself by going after one of the OG Blue tribe (Ben) and I was fine with the vote since me and Beck had already been in the works to blindside him in the future and since I think Karen will be more reliable at the moment I was willing to stick my neck out if Juls and Caeleb were down for the plan. With that being said I left it in their hands to make the decision so that it feels like I'm with them and shows them as power players to Beck. As soon as they made the decision I ran to Beck with the news so that he would be in the minority and for him to tell Darcy. I ended up voting Karen because I knew she would be safe but I wanted to create doubt and paranoia in everyone's mind on who voted with Ben and I think I wouldn't be the first suspect you think of. Only a subtle move. For the arena I was rooting for Billy to win to cause chaos on the Sonkei tribe and so that Pete would go home because I think Pete might become a big threat and I rather he be out now than later. Also apparently Juls used the exile to make Landen safe from their tribal council it was obvious they were each other's #1 but now other people are starting to see it. I think that we need to put an end to it because she's telling people like Sammy about her power who she's not even on a tribe with, so it shows she's planning on jumping ship the moment she's not on this tribe. Juls NEEDS to go home. I'm gonna push for her to go home this round, next time I'm on call with Beck I'm gonna try to convince him his best move is to get rid of Juls so that way a big threat is outta the game, and it makes the game that much smoother sailing. It might upset Caeleb but honestly I find people like Darcy and Karen very easy to work with and willing to work closely with me in the long term in comparison to himself or Juls. So my plan is to try and get Beck to consider going after Juls stating how she is not going to be loyal to us come a swap unlike Karen or Darcy would be. 
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I, big dumb dumb, would like to retract and apologize about what I said about Beck and Juls bc when Beck told me I actually did message Juls saying I’m stressed and it didn’t occur to me that I ALSO BROKE THE RULES. I turned myself in but, yeah......it’s way harder to remember not to talk to people than I realized. Shame on me for JUDGING THEM for being newbies and not knowing how to follow the rules. This is the opposite of my proudest moment lmao 
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Whew what a round. BIlly is gone and honestly gonna miss the guy, I think he would have been a great shield for me at early merge, but im not too bothered by it, because Pete is somoene I think I can work with, so like good either way with this one. If we go to tribal again I am going to be in a very awkward position. Because I dont want to vote out sarah and I think the rest of the tribe does, meaning Im gonna need to make a decision if she is gonna be expendable to me or not. ideally we win until a swap but judging by our performances so far... I wouldnt count on it. I think if we did lose Id convince stoner to work with Sarah and to take out one of emma or jacob. I liek them both but at this point Im running out of options. Im sure theyd do the same in my shoes. I'd like a tribe swap, but in the same sense Im a lil scared of a tribe swap too haha.
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Reallllyyyyy tired of going to tribal. Kinda scared of billy now 
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foofaraw, endive and phantasmagorical!
these are hard questions! okay:
phantasmagorical - what is your favorite fantasy involving your f/o? this can be either sfw or nsfw, but please specify.
my fantasies are kinda weird cause i really enjoy conflict, especially conflict with my f/o, ro. i tried to basically summarize but its still kinda long (and sfw) owo
i cant pick just one, but one of my favourites is that we're in a situation where Ro and i are snooty rivals (naturally) like an uptight college or a royal court, or even just musical rivals like in canon
and one of us, usually me, is upset about something very personal and isnt in the mood for the normal nemesis stuff like taunting and trying to foil each others plans. hes like ??? whats up with them??? and follows me and asks me whats going on for the first time since weve met we sit down and have an awkward but well meaning talk about whatevers ruining my day. and then we understand each other a little better and become a little nicer to each other, focusing more on having fun than trying to beat each other. and then we pretty much become best friends who bicker amicably and hang out a lot more in private
endive - if, under the circumstance, you were able to treat your f/o to a single, beautiful day without a budget, what would it consist of?
imma talk about scared stiff for this one, since i dont give him as much love as i should. poor dude
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hmm. im not so good with planning stuff to do but,,,i think id take him to a carnival? one thats not too crowded, but still great. we could play all the games and try to win prizes, and go on rides (but only the slow ones like the wheel bc a fast one like a rollercoaster might make him fall apart ;0; ). and we could also go shopping in a mall! we would get to try on all the clothes and id buy him as many boots and stuff as he wanted. we could also get to pet some puppies or kittens or whatever animals available to play with at the pet store, i think itd be cute seeing SS try to handle a lapful of puppies, haha
he doesnt eat so instead of going to dinner, we could go to the movies? one of the theatres with reclining chairs. or ooh a play! or ballet, he might like fancy stuff like that. and then when its getting pretty late we could get a blanket and chill out on the grass and watch fireworks! or stargaze and chase fireflies, thatd be cool.
oh! and to end it we could do that thing where you pay to have a sleepover in an aquarium? spend the night watching fish and sharks swim overhead and talking until i drift off and he needs to recharge. yeah,, thatd be a cool way to end the day.
foofaraw - do your chosen aesthetics line up well with your f/os? meaning, if the two of you were to say, decorate a home, would your chosen styles clash or compliment each other?
im not sure, honestly. hmmm
well, one of the ways we'd clash is that Ruggiero has rich classy gothy taste, and my taste is more cluttered and colourful and zany
itd be pretty jarring to walk from a room draped in velvety wine red and ombre with heavy cherrywood furniture and thick curtains, into a room looking like its striaght out of the nineties, with bowling alley carpet and wild zig zaggy wallpaper and oddly shaped furniture and at least twenty different lava lamps
oh well. at least we both like velvet. i like gothic rich vampire taste, but im not sure if i could in turn convince ruggiero to let me have a room dedicated to colourful blow up furniture and an entire day/night sky painted on the ceiling :p
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as long as our house is colourful!
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itsaboutbee · 6 years
Who makes flower crowns for everyone? Who buys scented candles for their house? Who makes cute bentos for their friends? Who doodles little rainbows on the sides of their paper? Who loves to play in the rain? Who has pets and what are they? Who has a cute ascetic? Who has a cool ascetic? Who has a creepy ascetic? Who loves memes? Who has the best laugh? Who's eyes sparkle when they smile? What is everyone's favorite time of year? What is everyone's favorite time of day? Have fun ~ ♥
dkif you mean this for ships or just random… so imma just do itrandom because I wanna! I’m putting Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Nya,Skylor and Pixal. Also I’m throwing mine (Teddy and Nozomi) and both @evelinaonline‘s (Cora) and @ninjagoruinedmylife‘s (Ange) OCs inthere…
Whomakes flower crowns for everyone?
Jayand Teddy
Whobuys scented candles for their house?
Kailoves them! Nya also likes them a lot, they used to always have themin their house as kids.
Whomakes cute bentos for their friends?
ZANEAND SKYLOR because they’re the foodies
Whodoodles little rainbows on the sides of their paper?
Coleand Teddy, Cora tries but often fails because she’s blind…
Wholoves to play in the rain?
UhhmJay? Or Nya, but she doesn’t really “play” she just plays aroundwith her powers a bit
Whohas pets and what are they?
Teddyhas a smol Shiba Inu puppy named “Bean”.
Corahas a parrot named “Wheely” who has an interestingvocabulary...
Andwell Zane still has the falcon who has been named “Bridge” by EvEand I accepted it
Whohas a cute ascetic?
Mhhhwell it matters what you think is cute… But Teddy def has one andJay has one too but he doesn’t know he does… ohh and Zane maybe?
Whohas a cool ascetic?
Nyaand Ange definitely….
Whohas a creepy ascetic?
IfI’d call any of them creepy it would be Nozomi because he’s justkinda dark which can be considered creepy too…
Wholoves memes?
Whohas the best laugh?
Lloydand Jay…. OHHH AND NOZOMI! He laughs very rarely and it’s superprecious (Ange dies every time he laughs because of her)
Who’seyes sparkle when they smile?
Jay,Nozomi and Teddy… and Cole!
Whatis everyone’s favorite time of year?
Kai:Summer because he hates the cold
Nya:also Summer because she can go swimming easier at that time
Jay:Storm Season because Storms
Zane:whenever it snows, because snooow
Cole:…Autum… cuz all the good food
Lloyd:Spring, he likes the new start sense (EvE: Bc everything is green)
Skylor:Autum because she likes sitting in a park during lunch break orbefore work and throw leaves at kai’s face (essay by EvE)
Pixal:Spring because she likes the flowers and nature (also what EvE said)
Ange: Autum andWinter because that’s what Ver said.
Cora:  Autumbecause she likes the crunchy leaves
Teddy: New Yearsbecause her b-day is on new years and her parents told her thefireworks were for her when she was a really smol and Festival Season
Nozomi: …well hehates everything (death)
Whatis everyone’s favorite time of day?
Kai:Afternoon, because they don’t have training then
Nya:Nighttime, she’s just an night owl
Jay:Basically any time he can spend playing games, watching movies,reading comics or tinkering with Cole and Nya
Zane:Morning, he just loves how peaceful everything is at that time
Cole:Morning, he loves hiking without everyone around and he loves lunchtime because foood
Lloyd:Any time he can peacefully spend time with his friends or family
Skylor:Morning, because everything is peaceful and the shop isn’t that busyat that time
Pixal:Sunset, because the likes watching the sun go down and the world“shift” into other colour (Very poetic EvE strikes again)
Ange:Sunrise, she has horrible insomnia and nightmares so she likes thetime where she finally doesn’t have to sleep anymore and can do stuff(ver helped with it obvi)
Cora:Around 12:00, because the sun is the highest then and she can see thelight and thinks it’s pretty, with clouds its even better (annnd EvEsaid that)
Teddy:She doesn’t really have one, she loves any time she has fun or ishappy
Nozomi:Any time he can spend with Ronin and Ange is peace, his perfectmoment would be him and Ange cuddling on the couch and Ronin sitingat the table doing some work while talking to them
*sobs* this was indeed a lot of fun! :> Thank you
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whetstonefires · 6 years
d gray man liveblog part 4! (part 1)(part 2)(part 3)
No but seriously, Cyril Camelot is the English Foreign Minister and just staged an assassination attempt on himself for an excuse to declare war on the people he just spent a while negotiating an agreement with.
Why? In what way does this benefit the Noahs?
(...why is the name of the country censored, I feel like hoshino-san just didn’t want to try to come up with a plausible European country for England to go to war with in 18-mumblety.)
I mean Bookman says tragedy breeds akuma in his analysis, but they took Japan while it was so emphatically not at war that it had zero foreign relations at all; war is clearly not necessary for the Earl’s bargains to go through apace.
Cyril kind of looks like he just does this shit for fun.
...”the evil man who made the world his enemy” is a fascinating choice of words, Tykki Mik, I really wonder very hard about you.
And you’re right, when he’s not wearing his balloon costume, and talking normally, and buying flowers from little girls, he looks normal! Weird how that works.
Question: is that umbrella he declined so he could walk in the rain Lero? Does Lero have to share the Earl with other umbrellas outside of official monster business, or disguise himself as a normal bumpershoot when out in public? Is that servant another disguised akuma, or a normal person who has no idea?
...it’s probably an akuma.
why so many chain. it’s not like he lost track of who his enemies were in that last fight, even when he was made of blood. rude to chain.
aw he cry. he cry! ;_; he cry for his friends!
this is the kind of sad boy i like. he can be annoying but not in, you know, a murdery way.
holy shit creepy ghost girl?! i...logically must have read this part before but i don’t remember it, damn i was bingeing like a mad thing.
where...where did the poison come from. why is Krory’s arm sticking out like that. what is going on.
Why Are The Order So Bad.
aaaaand cut to the kind of random hijinks that seem intended to lift the mood but tbh they’re kind of too grim in their own right.
lmao alternately this is an excuse to draw kanda and lavi as chibis and Allen with long hair.
If it’s not because of structural damage, why are they moving to a new base? No one’s said anything about the new headquarters being any more secure against frickin’ teleportation. Maybe the Pope just wants the Order distracted with moving chores?
(I like referring to the higher-ups at the Vatican as the Pope; I realize we have no actual evidence the actual Pope even knows any of this is happening, but if hoshino is gonna be having people shout that other people are ‘property of the Pope’ i’m gonna use the word Pope as often as I can get away with because
1) it makes the whole thing more ridiculous b) it emphasizes the European Gothic Via Japan vibe going on here which is at least 20% of the entertainment value and thirdly, ‘Pope’ is fun to say.)
Oh, right, Allen’s ongoing identity crisis! (it only gets worse from here, kid)
The bosses were logically correct to make Cross Marian do his ‘report to Vatican and be responsible’ part before giving him the pay-off of ‘allowed to talk to Allen’ because otherwise he’d just fuck off but damn it’s hard on the kid, being left hanging.
I absolutely do not believe for one second this business with Mana’s past and secret motives was planned before the series started, but that’s honestly for the best; it’s more wrenching when we didn’t have any more reason than Allen to suspect something was off.
...i like when nice clowns adopt people tho... :o(
not telling the brass or their stooge about your creepy extra reflection was a Good Call.
yes link really truly allen is a good kid who is not plotting evil shit. sheesh.
more Potion Accident gags, i’m sorry, i can’t keep up with your taste in mood whiplash and i never liked most slapstick anyway. the bunny ears are. strange.
...never mind who made the ‘talk like a cat’ potion, who packed that box Miranda spilled; that is such an absurd chaotic collection of items organize your shit people. eesh.
Lmao everyone’s #1 creepy ghost theory is, Komui Playing A Dumb Prank.
...okay, Allen’s reaction as the Matron gnaws on his arm, and the fact that everyone’s first assumption is that Allen has annoyed this very sensible woman to the point that she is communicating via teeth, manages to be funny but noooooo, why would you, not Awesome Shoes Lady after she made it through the Level 4 Akuma attack unscathed, come onnnnnn.
okay, uhhh...contagious vampirism zombie thing...lmao everyone gets worried about matron when she bites Miranda, everyone is super embarrassed when Miranda bites Noise, this is just some impressive Not Realizing Shit’s Fucked guys.
okay, zombie horde of various survivors of all the recent massacres.
uh, if this weren’t being dropped at a time of total emotional exhaustion, it would work better. it’s already working better the second time around for the fact that i took a break after the last arc.
considering it comes out monthly and we had a Noah interlude, it probably worked in the original context just fine, but daaaaaamn did this storyline piss me off the first time, all i even remember about it is the rage.
:D Lenalee rescued Tiny Kanda. Who for some reason can interpret her ‘nyah’ sounds.
...how is a stimulant drug contagious via biting.
i remember the first time i read this i naturally assumed the biting disease was derived from Krory. that still would have made more sense.
robot eats notebook, lol...bickering...”my pride won’t allow me to become a zombie” yes allen excellent logic you weirdo.
okay i’m done checking back in when slightly less stupid shit starts happening....
okay never mind the robot’s fireworks blew Allen through a wall, where Krory was suffering in chains, and then the blanket spontaneously combusted, and then there was somebody with an axe...
...and then Allen wakes up and is informed he was knocked out and concludes Krory’s situation was a dream oh come on.
krory is at the door! but being creepy! the robot refuses to open the door out of self-preservation! allen seduces the robot into risking its life!
‘this is nostalgic’ with the hero face on i can’t.
okay, so it was Krory, who apparently swallowed the entire bottle of poison, lid included? for some reason?
oh great there’s a parasitic zombie ghost thing riding Reever and sticking its face out his stomach. horror! nope, now played for laughs.
aaaand suddenly veering back into pathos. bonus info about evil human experiments!
...aaaaaand touching bonding moment for the Lees. Aww.
Not only is Komui protective and self-sacrificing, when he isn’t being psychopathic, he has absolved Lenalee of his having sacrificed his entire life to watch over her after she was kidnapped into this.
then a stupid gag! and the ghost does a creepy jealous possession thing! and meanwhile everything is on fire.
et cetera, mood whiplash back and forth at least once every other page...komui starts reciting from memory the names of every single person killed in the Order’s human experiments...
...i don’t think the names are intended as an additional gag, but most of them are fairly odd and many downright improbable, though none truly syllable-mashing outrageous. I’m rather fond of Asia Smet and Oona Boelyn.
a page and a half of heart-rending pathos, and then the robot falls off the ceiling with a huge syringe of ‘vaccine’ it synthesized from Krory’s blood because he was the first infected by the...stimulant...egad, that’s not how any of that works.
and then, and then...anyway then everyone was zombies and the boss from China came in off-panel and fixed everything, as you do.
i truly hate you hoshino katsura, all the more for the fact that i genuinely loved about 15% of that parade of neck-wrenching bullshit.
anyway! that’s all over and done with, we are now on a boat being cute, because allen is using the stolen teleportation Ark that only he can drive to open a door between the old Castle headquarters and this...uh...cave? that they’re moving into.
...oh hey Shadow Of Allen (XIV) is now sporting wings remarkably like the ones Krory had during his drugged vampire zombie freak-out. i bet that means nothing whatsoever.
man whenever Leverrierererererer turns up i hallucinate ominous music. smug assholish ominous music. slimier sounding than the Imperial March, you know?
that’s not just my biases, hoshino-san lights the panels very effectively to create that effect. egad, he’s going to be in command??? is that why the move, because it was easier to undermine komui’s authority if he was removed from his entrenched power base?
...we just covered last chapter that that castle was a leverrier family fortress originally tho. huh.
excessively creepy secret Pope police involved in isolating and depowering Allen.
also lol that is very Japanese-style religious magic going on, that is not what a Catholic ritual binding would look like at all. not that they have as much settled precedent, their demon-fighting standards run much more toward ‘make it go away.’
aw shit komui’s right there and he can’t do shit, best he can get is a promise that ‘if Allen is a good child’ he won’t die.
flashback! aw man allen the first lesson mana ever taught you was to make peace with the dead and let them lie. should’ve listened.
...man allen was a grouchy brat. i wonder what color his hair was, before it went white. haha apparently he acquired his adoptive dad by running away from the circus with him.
pfffffft little allen hated clowns, that achieves the level of actual irony...welp, suicide joke.
aw shit mana was too burned out on grief to cry for his dog but allen could, for the doggie that licked his hand once. imma cry now.
whoa actual conversation with Cross Marian! under the supervision of papal ninjas (known as Crow) within a magic cage of paper. and wow! an actual answer to a question! unprecedented!
...it isn’t labeled which of these kids was Mana and which was (the most recent incarnation of??) the Fourteenth but imma hazard a guess that the one with hair that matches little Allen’s is not Mana.
oh also Adam Puddinghead killed the 14th, i don’t think we officially knew that until now? or maybe it came up when he blew up Edo i don’t recall.
oh my god i was definitely bingeing too hard last time; by the time Cross Marian started referring to the 14th in the second person to Allen my capacity to be astonished or distressed was burned right the fuck out. i was just like ‘yeah yeah figured get on with it.’
it’s actually a pretty dramatic scene, but it’s weird to be getting this shit in straightforward exposition after all this absence of any information at all.
wait “the human implanted with” ... “the host for his revival” ... i can’t tell if Cross Marian is referring to whatever the normal noah transfer process is or some way 14 found of circumventing that.
ohhhhhh man this title page has tiny clown Allen and it is the cutest shit ever.
did i ever tell you guys one time when my mom was two and a half, she had her stage debut as the cutest little pigtailed clown? and she ran onstage toward her daddy just like they’d practiced and the whole audience burst into delighted laughter.
and Tiny!Mom turned to look at them in appalled horror, and u-turned right back around and ran offstage again.
no one had successfully communicated to her she was going to be laughed at by a bunch of strangers. possibly they didn’t expect a toddler to mind.
oh sure Cross Marian, tell the kid the horrifying truth about himself and his dad in the most overdramatic way possible, in front of witnesses, and then when he dissociates in horror just beat the shit out of him until he resets.
the amount of playing abuse for laughs in this series is one of the many emotional strains that led me to drop it the first time.
it’s honestly a contest sometimes who i currently hate most, Marian, you or Labradorito or the Earl. Ech.
‘no idea’ tch. but if you’re saying he implanted his memories into Allen before he died, then...the Earl caught up with the 14th really recently, then?! How long were he and Mana on the run? I totally forgot these details, wow. i suspect some of them will turn out to be false.
...why the fuck are you saying it like this? bastard.
wow CM you almost look spooked by the fact that allen cares more about the possibility that his dad never actually loved him than the prospect of having his mind eaten.
maybe he’d care more about the mind-eating if the 14th was the Earl’s ally instead of planning to use allen as a weapon to kill him? allen is already using himself as a weapon to kill the Earl.
oop, way to get him back on target! “what if i told you you’ll kill the people you care about?”
aaaand cut.
that was like ten chapters’ worth of blather, i need to get more efficient.
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