#Impact FM
hicginewsagency · 2 years
"We're considering relocating our Radio & TV Studios due to constant fire attacks" Pastor Joseph Sserwadda
“We’re considering relocating our Radio & TV Studios due to constant fire attacks” Pastor Joseph Sserwadda
By E K Benj Pastor Joseph Sserwadda Uganda Police has not released any statement yet concerning 3 times fire out break at Victory Christian Centre Ndeeba, Kampala where Dream TV & 98.4 Impact FM is located owned by presiding Apostle De Joseph Sserwadda. According to eye witnesses, fire gutted in the neighborhood of the studio premises that operates timber business in the late hours of Saturday…
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witch-hazels-musings · 11 months
warning: princess!reader, knight!character (slight AU* Prince and Princess) | sfw | slight hurt (due to different social statuses, arranged engagements,etc), comfort* (happy ending yayayay) | forbidden love | pre-relationship | character perspective 
citation: *song lyrics - Just for Now, Michael Crean
Knight!Diluc x fm reader | anthology (Albedo, Kaeya, Jean - coming soon)
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He knew every assignment wouldn’t be enjoyable. As much as he’d prefer to be wandering the plains of Teyvat searching for those who would do his Kingdom harm, it wasn’t possible. Still, out of all the knights, out of all the assignments, why did it have to be this one? 
Diluc sighed and did his best not to roll his eyes as he watched the Princess he was sworn to serve finish her discussion with a foreign dignitary. As the eldest of daughters, she was tasked to handle foreign affairs as well as the kingdoms resources while her younger sister and brother were able to be more free in their day to day. The older brother, the Prince in line for the throne was not well liked which made Diluc assume his sister would be the same. She wasn’t. 
Still, Diluc found most of his time was standing off in the corner while meeting after boring meeting was held in the castle. He’d once climbed the coldest mountain in the land and, honestly, that sounded far more enjoyable than listening to another Fontainian talk down to the person whose patience knew no bottom. 
“I understand you are frustrated by the swiftness of our response,” you said, hand moving to rest against the ambassadors arm. Diluc noted how his face flushed at the contact. “I cannot guarantee we will solve each problem, but rest assured I will not let a day go by without checking in and assessing how we can continue our support.” you bowed slightly and smiled. 
ugh, the tediousness of talking to diplomats, Diluc frowned at it all. 
Once the ambassador left, you wandered back to your seat to gather the notes, forms, and other documents you’d ultimately review until passing out in your room. Dark circles were starting to appear under your eyes from all the sleepless nights. He made his way to you, picking up the stack of books before you could. 
“Is your schedule free?” He asked, twisting slightly away from as you tried to grab the items he picked up. You were stubborn, but so was he. 
“Yes,” you said and sighed, “but not for long. The Favonius knights have requested more arms, and the masons require stone for the eastern wall. I didn’t get to these yesterday, so I’d like to attend to them before dinner.” Settling the items in your arms, you did your best to push the hair that continued to brush against your cheek away with puffs of air. It wasn’t working. 
“Do you not think it is better to rest?” If his superiors were around, they would shame him for speaking so directly. ‘Royalty is to be tended to like a fragile flower, otherwise they will be tarnished,’ he could hear his mentor recite all the while forcing the knights in training to hold 40 lbs barrels over their head. 
You looked into his eyes before moving on to appease him. “You always look after me, Sir Ragnvindr. I’m alright,” you smiled but he could see the exhaustion in your expression. A fragile flower, yeah right. “Anyway, I’m sure you’d much rather be beyond the castle walls.” You reached for the books he was holding, “I know being my guard isn’t very exciting, so please don’t let yourself be trapped for my sake. I can manage to make it back to my room without incident.” 
Your hand touched his on accident. Quickly, you pulled back, apologized, then tried again. With a roll of his eyes, he scooped the items in your arms, adding them to his. 
“S-Sir Ragnvindr!” You protested as he made his way to the door. He was much faster due to his long legs. Diluc couldn’t hide his smirk as he heard you rushing after him. It must have been hard to keep up in a dress as decorated as yours. “Please, it’s too much --” he stopped in front of the door only to feel you bump into him. When he twisted to look, he noticed you cupping your mouth and nose. He swore he saw a dab of color on your cheeks. “Sir, I cannot ask you to --” 
“And yet I can ask you to carry all of this?” He cut you off and watched the implication of his words settle in your mind. Diluc wondered if you disliked the rules and expectations of royalty as much as he did. After all, before he was a knight he was a nobleman - he understood the pressure of this world better than most. 
Deflated, defeated, you backed down. “If you insist.” He could tell you hated being doted on. In every interaction he’d seen between you and an attendant, you were always respectful, helpful, and often insisted upon doing the task yourself. At the end of the day, who could deny the eldest princess her request? Well, other than him --- “But as soon as we get back I can --” 
You were cut off by a voice down the hall. If it was possible for the walls to have ears in this castle. 
Diluc watched as you prepared yourself, stepped into the hallway and greeted the stranger. They were one of the Prince’s scribes, and a rather annoying one to boot. Diluc had a bitter taste in his mouth every time he showed his face. There was just something about the way he looked at you ... 
“I was informed you were free,” he said with his head lifted as if to look down on you. 
“That is the case, but ...” 
“Do come with me then. I have work for you to attend to since it seems you cannot get them done without a watchful eye,” he reached for your wrist and Diluc moved before realizing it. With one step, he was in between the both of you but his cold gaze was seen only by one. The man’s hand retreated so quickly it was like Diluc’s proximity had burned him. 
“The Princess has other priorities at this moment.” 
“How dare --” 
“As the Princess’s guard, I am to ensure she can fulfil her duty to the kingdom.  Do you not think the Ambassador of Fontaine would be surprised to find his request delayed yet again because the Princess was pulled to another task?” Diluc stared the man down, commitment unwavering. He heard you start to say something so he stepped further in front of you. 
“How da- I -- I’ll be speaking to your superior,” the man spat before turning on his heels and loudly walked back the way he came. Diluc didn’t move until he was out of sight. 
“Sir Ragnvindr, you didn’t have to go that far,” you expressed as he turned to face you. Your head had dropped, your eyes looked to the floor while your fingers pinched their neighbors. “I will write a letter to Mrs. Gunnhildr explaining the situation.” 
Diluc wasn’t sure why you were looking after him, he was capable of standing up for himself and dealing with whatever punishment might come his way. Besides, it was bound to be far less painful than watching you spend any amount of time with that man. 
Wait ... what?
“Don’t fret over it. Let’s go,” Diluc quickly passed by you, his head shaking to remove his strange thoughts. He heard you catch up to him. From the corner of his eyes he could see you were still unsettled by what had happened. 
“I um - I do want to thank you.” 
“For standing up for me. I - um - As you know it’s hard for me to say no,” you sent him an appeasing, sad smile. “Though I do feel guilty. Perhaps if I -- ah! Sir--” 
Diluc put his hand against your back and pushed you forward just enough so you couldn’t turn around. “Don’t make me carry you too -” The words fell from his mouth so fast he had to snap his lips closed to not say anymore. 
What in Teyvat was coming over him. You riled him up so much-
You let out a hearty laugh and his heart skipped a beat. “Haha! That would be a sight to see,” you covered your mouth but he wished you wouldn’t. “Sir Ragnvindr carrying the Princess through the halls of the castle. Can you imagine?” 
He could imagine. Though the sight wouldn’t be pretty, nor proper, since the only way he’d see that happening is if he tossed you over his shoulder. Nevertheless, he was glad you were laughing at the idea rather than being appalled. Diluc put his hand back on the items he was carrying now that he knew you weren’t going to rush back down the hall. 
For a moment he listened to the sound of your footsteps, to the soft giggles echoing in the hall. Why was the weight of his armor suddenly so noticeable? 
“You can refer to me by my first name,” Diluc said as your laughter started to fade. 
“Oh, but Sir Ragnvindr is so natural to me.” You tapped your chin before turning to look at him as you walked, “Sir Diluc --” 
“Just Diluc is fine,” 
You paused, unsure of what to say. Eventually, you turned to look down the hall, hands returning to hold onto each other. He wasn’t sure what was going on in your mind but, honestly, he wouldn’t have been prepared even if he did.
“Diluc ...” the sound of his name on your tongue nearly made him fall over. Instinctually, he clenched his jaw over and over again. “Um, actually, if it’s alright with you, I think I’ll stick with Sir. Ragnvindr for now ...” you explained in a panic.
Diluc didn’t dare look at you. What expression would he have it he met your gaze? So, he gave a curt nod and a quick, “Alright,” and the two of you made your way down the hall in silence. 
Every once in a while you’d try to push him away. Though he wasn’t sure if it was because you needed a moment alone or if his wistful gaze toward the window drew too much attention. Out of the two, he’d much prefer you the latter, especially since his other stare was directed at you.
Weeks went by and he settled into a nice routine. It was difficult when he first arrived, but you asked him on several occasions if there was anything you could do to make his stay more comfortable. Even the smallest things; you did your best to get him what he asked.
Diluc didn’t want for much, so your offers were often left unanswered; however, he did notice a steady supply of grape juice in the kitchen when he was sure there hadn’t been before. He only mentioned it once.
At times he'd forget himself. Forget that he needed to hold an expression of disinterest. Forget to pull himself back when he was starting to soften each time his eyes landed on you, each time you stood close by, each time you turned to search for him.
You found him and he could breathe again. 
He was forgetting how very high the wall was between the two of you and every day he spent in your shadow, it became blurrier and blurrier. 
“I’m going to win!” You shouted, hair wiping around your face as you pushed forward. The horse you were riding picked up its pace with a flick of the reigns, pushing you past Diluc. How did he end up racing you again? 
You cackled as you passed by and he couldn’t help but be swept up by the noise. With a deep, “hya!” he squeezed his thighs and tapped his horses belly, urging it to increase its speed. It did, and soon he was rushing past you and laughing at the sound of your fading protests. 
When the path began to taper out, Diluc slowed his horse bit by bit until it was at a standstill. He patted its neck and praised it for its hard work while it raised and lowered its head, breathing heavily. Twisting so he could see behind him, he found you making your way toward him and your voice began to cut through the thicket of trees. 
“---er! --eater!!” You reigned your horse in, coming to a soft canter until stopping beside him. Panting, you repeated yourself, “cheater.” 
“I did no such thing,” 
“You did!” Patting the neck of your horse, you moved up beside him, punching him in the leg when you were close enough. 
“Cheater--” You pointed at him, making him laugh. Carefully, he took your hand his his and moved it back toward you. 
“Did you forget I’m also a Calvary Captain?” You scrunched your face in protest but quickly relaxed into realization, “Hah, you did!” 
“Shut up--” Diluc laughed, louder than he had in so long. His hand pressed into his stomach and his eyes began to water. “Stop it --” you pleaded, the notes of laughter laced in your request. “You hardly ever talk about yourself. Sorry for not remembering something you told me almost a year ago.” You turned your head away from him, moved your hands to fix the hair that had fallen free from its holding. He found himself looking a little too long at the back of your neck. 
“I don’t mean poke fun,” there was a stick in your hair but you didn’t seem to notice it. “Here,” with expert skill, he dismounted his horse. In a matter of seconds he had the reigns looped around a low hanging branch and had made his way over to you, his hand resting against the horses neck to let it know he was there. The horse bumped his head and he smiled. “Allow me to help,” he said, offering you his hand. 
“Don’t need it,” you replied, fixing your clothes. You were wearing a pair of form fitting pants and a dark green top that pressing against you underneath a warm, cream vest. It was one of the only times he’d seen you not dolled up in what your maids forced you to wear every morning. He liked it. 
Ignoring his hand, you began to dismount but, as he had expected, it’d been a while since you last rode so you weren’t as graceful as he was. Your hand on the saddle slipped but he was there to catch you. 
“Got you,” he reassured you with an arm wrapped around your back, a hand gripping the waist of your pants before pulling you toward him. Your body collided into his chest. The heat of contact, the wave of your perfume, shampoo, crashed into him causing him to stumble backward. He’d caught whiffs before, hints and hypothesized about what it would be like. He never anticipated becoming overcome by it so intensely.  Diluc held you while your toes scraped the ground, arms coiled around his neck for support. 
Let her go -- he told himself but couldn’t do it. 
“S-Sir Ragnvindr ...” your voice was shaky. He set you down and took several steps back, bowing. 
“Are you alright?” he asked, tone even, professional. 
“Mmhm,” he glanced at you. His jaw clenched at the sight of your discomfort. You wouldn’t make eye contact with him, began to wring your hands like you did when you were uneasy. He wondered if his teeth would break by how hard he bit down. Without saying anything, Diluc grabbed the reigns of your horse and brought it over to his. “Um, that ride made me hungry,” you began so he looked back to you, “those trees provide good shade, if you’d like to eat with me? I brought enough for the both of us.” 
“Alright,” he agreed without protest, grabbing the pack off his horse and brining it to the place you pointed to. You quickly laid out the blanket, taking up space near the tree. He was glad you did, it would be much harder for anything to attack you with it at your back. Diluc offered the basket to you which you took and began to put several items on a plate. Soon, you offered one to him.
“I tried to bring things you’d like,” Diluc looked at the plate. He wasn’t planning on eating anything but when he saw several of his favorite items, he changed his mind. 
“I thought you didn’t remember things about me?” He teased, a rare occurrence.
You pursed your lips into a pout before answering, “I can remember some things.” 
“I see.” He popped one of the finger foods into his mouth. The taste wasn’t exactly the way he imagined but it was still good. “Thank you for requesting these, Princess.” 
“Y-You’re welcome,” you replied, making your own plate. “but - um - I made them. So, if they aren’t very good you don’t have to eat them.” 
Diluc looked at you with awe, “you made these?” you nodded, “when did you find the time?” 
Shrugging, you took a bite of your own food. “I had a spare moment. Though it was hard to keep it a surprise when you’re always around.” You stole a peek at him, “Are they good?” 
Diluc felt his lips curl into a smile as he looked at the food on his plate. Now that he gave them a careful eye, he could see they were done by novice hands, “Very,” he told you and ate another. 
The two of you enjoyed the rest of the picnic in quiet peace. Diluc leaned back against another tree, let his body stretch out on the blanket while you maintained your trained posture. Legs bent to your side, back straight. The wind tussled your hair, making it difficult for you to review the paperwork you brought. Of course you’d still be working, even outside of the confines of the castle.
Soon, a soft hum drifted on the breeze. Peeking through half-closed eyes, he watched you sing to yourself. He’d seen you do it times before but, just as you did then, you stopped. “Sorry,” you appologized. 
It was so comfortable, so relaxed that he couldn’t help but close his eyes. The horses were close by that if they sensed anything he could hear their agitation. The woods had been cleared prior to this excursion anyway, he made sure of that - perhaps that’s when you found the time to make him lunch.
Funny, while he was scouting thinking of you, you were thinking of him. The thought made his chest tight. 
“I don’t mind.” 
“It’s not proper.” 
Who told you that? He wondered. “I’m the only one here.” 
“Somehow that doesn’t help,” you chuckled and he swore your cheeks changed color but maybe that was the light passing through the shifting leaves above, “um, do you have any requests?” 
You’d never asked him before. He wasn’t sure what to say. “Your favorite one then?” 
“Okay.” The world grew quiet. As if it were settling to listen to your song. When you began he lifted his arms, folding them behind his head like a pillow, eyes closing again. 
Take me And I will fix you for the night Hold those breaking lights Dreaming past those eyes
feel me  breathe me to the sky ... 
The song was gentle, sad. He’d never heard it before so he paid careful attention to the words.
So scream Your voice it can't be heard To no one else but you So sing as loud as rain And run until you break
Diluc’s brow furrowed at the sound of your trembling voice, at the motion of your hand as it brushed over your eyes. You tried to keep it in but didn't make it. Your hands covered your face as you cried; cried in the wind, cried under the sunshine sky, cried in front of the man who realized, in this moment, he never wanted to see you this way. 
And yes Just for now Just for these small hours You can fall beneath the ground You can break...
...without the pain
You cried, bent over in the shade of the tree and all Diluc could do was watch and wonder why.
A few days later he learned the truth. Your brother had convinced the king to accept a proposal for your hand without consulting you. Somehow this was still endorsed, still expected. You were forced to accept it but Diluc couldn’t. 
He rushed through the halls practically burning the tapestries that lined them. He didn’t even wait to knock on the door to your inner chamber, he just opened it, freezing when he found you sitting on the couch as if this were any other day. 
It wasn’t any other day to him. 
He wanted to fight, wanted to yell, wanted to free you from your station. He swore to protect you, to shield you. So how could he let this happen? Diluc was in turmoil - every inch of him was struggling; strangled by the expectations of his duty and his devoted heart. 
When you heard him enter, you looked up from the paperwork on the coffee table, eyes puffy, swollen - how much had you cried today? 
“I wasn’t expecting you, Sir Ragnvindr,” you explained, but the tightness in your throat told him you were suffering. How terrible was this suitor? What archaic laws shackled you to him and not ... 
Diluc made his way toward you. 
“I’m sorry but I’d like some time a-alone,” your voice cracked. He didn’t listen. With ease, he knelt on one knee before you. His eyes searched your face until your red-tinted eyes landed on him. “P-please,” you tried to smile, tried to pretend but he was okay if you didn't. He rested his arm on his knee and touched your fingers. Biting your lip, you looked at him and shook your head. Your breathing became unsteady, tears pooled in your eyes. “I’m alright,” you lied. With every tear-drop you lied. A quite sob escaped your throat so you covered your face with your hands and said the one thing you shouldn’t have, “Diluc --” 
Diluc, going against everything he was taught, everything he swore to uphold, to commit to, opened himself and took you against him. His arms wrapped delicately around you, his hand found the back of your head, fingers weaving in between the strands of your perfectly brushed hair. 
“I’ll fix it,” he vowed, knowing he couldn’t. 
The following weeks dragged by. Preparations for your engagement were planned. Even though you were in the room when the decisions were made, you gave no opinion on them. Not the flowers, not the dress, not the food which you had little interest in lately. It seemed all you could do was devote yourself to your work and nothing else. 
Diluc lay awake at night thinking about how to solve this problem. What could he do to break off the engagement. Surely he could take drastic actions - what was a life of imprisonment if you could be free? His step-brother told him to be patient, be rational, but his heart refused to let him. He was spiraling, and jealousy was right in the middle of it all. 
Agitated, he lifted himself from his bed and made his way to the door that led to your chambers. On the other side you were sleeping, safe, untouched by anyone. He pressed his forehead against the harsh wood, gripped the doorknob with so much strength he worried it would bend to his will. He wanted to see you, wanted to hold you - to keep you - but you weren’t his. Would never be his. 
Shaking, he pried himself away, threw on a shirt, and made his way down the hall to cool off. 
On the other side of the door, you sat with your knees to your chest, head resting against the wood with eyes flooded in tears as you silently cried in the color of the rising sun. 
The day of your suitor arrival had finally come. You did your best to smile, to hold yourself high. You’d practice these skills for so many years but Diluc could tell you were struggling. As you rose from your chair to greet the man who’d soon be your husband, Diluc took a step closer to you hoping to ease your anxiety.
“Your majesty,” he bowed, low and proper. His smile was unsettling, his eyes darted around the room until they landed on you and the flash of excitement Diluc saw in them made him drive his claymore deeper into the ground. “Ah, and my beautiful fiancé,” he took several steps toward you so you extended your hand as far as it could go to create space. Diluc was enraged at how familiar he was; grabbing your hand and pressing his lips to it. Rubbing your arm without a care. The man flashed his eyes to Diluc but Diluc didn’t turn away. 
“Welcome to the Royal Capital, Prince Calmin Velena. I’m sure you are tired from your journey. Please do take --” 
“I am eager to hear of the wedding plans and celebrations, your majesty,” the man interrupted you, his hand still holding yours as he pulled you toward him and the king. Diluc had to restrain himself from cutting that hand off. “Am I to be boarded next to my sweet Princess? I do wish to spend as much time with her as possible,” he glanced back at you and, instinctually, you tried to retreat toward Diluc. 
“Prince Calmin, do understand that while you are in our kingdom, there are certain, etiquettes, that must be followed. You will have your own room in our guest quarters. They are lavishly furnished as you will find.” The King gestured to an attendant who appeared suddenly before the group. With a scoff, the prince released you allowing you to go back to your original spot. Diluc watched how your hand shook as you hid it behind your back.
You can’t protect her if you kill a prince, he reminded himself. 
“Yes of course, then I will retire for now. Until then,” he turned and blew you a kiss before following the attendant out of the grand hall. At which time you collapsed into your chair. 
“Daughter --” The King rose from his seat, moving toward you but before he could continue, your brother got in the way. 
“Father, don’t mind her, we have much to discuss.” The King looked at you and you shot him a desperate look. A pleading, ‘please’ to which he closed his eyes and followed after your brothers persistent pushing. 
When they left, you tried to stand but found your legs unsteady. Diluc noticed, offering you his hand, never taking it away. 
“I feel unwell,” you whispered while other attendants moved about the room. 
“Let’s away for now,” with ease, he pulled his cape around you, blocking you from the eyes of the would-be onlookers. You tucked yourself under his arm, brushing against his hips every once in a while. 
Would this be all he ever had? Fleeting, accidental touches while that rat had the rest of you. The thought made his chest burn, blood boil.
Diluc looked at you, vowing to ensure nothing but his presence could get close. 
Every interaction he saw the two of you have made him furious. Prince Calmin was disrespectful to you. He flirted with others in front of you, talked down to you as if you were nothing, second guessed your decisions and even tried to take over your duties. The amount of times you had to quell the fires of the ambassadors because of his stupidity -- it was giving Diluc a headache. 
Complaints were passed to the King but your brother always managed to stop them. Somewhere in the back of Diluc’s mind he suspected foul-play. Why was this man being pushed so hard when - even if he hated to admit it - there were other, better suitors out there. Just what was your brother playing at? 
Diluc did his best to investigate, asked his most trusted to assist him when he couldn’t. The day’s to your wedding were drawing closer so he didn’t dare leave your side. Not while that snake continued to slither his way into places he wasn’t wanted. 
Several nights before the wedding, Diluc heard your voice on the other side of the shared door. You sounded upset. When he went to investigate, he found Prince Calmin pushing his way inside your room. It took all of his strength not to break every bone in his body but - luckily - the prince backed down, running away as fast as he could, and you were able to quell the rage in him by reassuring him you weren't hurt. 
Even still, Diluc spent the rest of that night in front of your door. 
What nightmares would await him in the next few days. What nightmares would befall you that he couldn’t stop. He needed a solution, fast. 
The day before the wedding came, and while others were celebrating in high spirits, you did your best to keep your mask up. Even though you smiled and acted pleasant, people were noticing that you didn’t stand in the middle of the room like brides often do, didn’t raise your glass to the toasts wishing you well, didn’t react when your fiancé touched you. 
You were like a statue. A commodity. And your faithful knight was forced to watch. 
“Hey there,” a familiar voice broke his concentration. His brother, Kaeya, had slipped into the festivities without an invitation, as customary. 
Diluc stood with his arms crossed in the dark shadows of the grand hall. Eyes locked on your ‘would be husband’ - searching for the slightest movement that would allow him to end his life.
If he hurt you, would the king pardon the knight sworn to protect the princess? He clenched his jaw. 
“Did you find anything?” Diluc asked, desperate. Kaeya could sense it too and let out a sigh. 
“Just tell her you love her.” 
“Kaeya -” 
“Perhaps a kings heart can be swayed by the profession of true lov-” 
“Did you find anything?” Diluc barked, causing Kaeya to throw his hands up. 
“Alright, here,” Kaeya offered a roll of papers to Diluc who snatched them faster than lightning. “You’re senses are always spot on ya know - well, except for where it counts.” 
Diluc read the papers over and over again. When he was done, he looked at Kaeya.
“I’m good, what can I say?” Kaeya shrugged but Diluc was already gone, “I’ll take my thank you in a bottle of wine. Do you hear me??” Kaeya shouted, throwing his hands in the air when he got no reply.
Diluc’s heart pounded as he pushed through the crowd. Nothing was set in stone yet, this was it. The chance to save the love of his life. 
“My king!” He shouted over the crowd, through the music bouncing around the room. He picked up the pace, running. “King!” 
The royal family and its intruder looked toward him. You sat up in your chair - the first sign of life you’d had all evening. The crown on your head slipped but you didn’t fix it. 
“What is the meaning of this?” Your brother stood, the scraping of his chair putting a stall on the noise in the chamber. “How dare you interrupt us!” 
“I apologize king,” Diluc knelt, bowed his head and lifted himself up again before extending the rolled up parchment toward the King. “I will take whatever punishment you decide fitting for my interruption, but first, read this.” Diluc held out the documents but when the Prince tried to snatch them away, Diluc grabbed his wrist and shoved him back. 
“Sir Ragnvindr!” The King stood and the knights in his charge moved out from the shadows. 
“Wait!” You shouted while your brother tried to scramble for the document. Unfortunately, you had a hard time getting any closer as your fiancé yanked you back toward him. 
The parties’ attention turned to the commotion at the royal table. Diluc held his ground even as the threat of drawn weapons drew closer. “I have entrusted you with the safety of my daughter and yet you slander this celebration?” 
“Her safety is my highest priority which is why you must read this!” The prince grabbed the documents before the King could and Diluc felt his heart drop in his chest. 
“What rubbish. Have I not tried to warn you father, this knight has means to harm my precious sister. He must be dealt with -- away with him!” Diluc refrained from drawing his sword, if he did he would look even more like the enemy. 
“Your majesty, please,” Diluc bowed to hide the fear in his eyes but also show he meant no harm. Please -- please hear him -- Hands touched Diluc’s shoulders and began to pull him back. He could hear your shouts and the quieting demands of your soon to be husband. 
I failed 
“Is this true?” 
“Be still.” The King demanded and the room stilled. Diluc’s head shot up, his heart flipping as the king reached for the parchment. The prince did his best to plead, to explain that it was nothing but when the King didn't back down, he reluctantly handed it over. Diluc’s heart pounded, he felt his hands burn as he looked on only to find you still bound by the hands of that man. 
Read faster, be begged.
“Yes, Majesty,” Diluc confirmed. “Take notice of the seal on the last page.” The King flipped to the last page, grimacing at what he saw. When he snapped his head to Prince Calmin the fear in the man’s eyes was clear. 
“Unhand my daughter. Seize him!” 
“W-What?” the prince stuttered, backing up with you in his grip.
Your brother reached for the king's arm but was shoved off. “Father what are you doing!?” 
“Be silent, child.” The King moved toward Prince Calmin who grabbed a knife hidden in his clothes and held it out, while his other hand held tightly onto your hair.
“Back away! G-Got it?? I-I was promised -- you promised me!” Calmin screamed at the prince who was cowering in his chair. The commotion grew as the kings guard closed in but all Diluc saw was the fear in your eyes, and how your trembling hand extend to him. 
“Let her go,” Diluc reached for the table and tossed it out of the way. The thick wood and metal bindings kept it in place as it slid down the steps narrowly avoiding several patrons as it went. He didn’t care about them, he didn’t care about anyone, he only cared about - “I won’t say it again.” 
Diluc’s claymore appeared in his hand, ablaze. The Prince forcefully moved you in between him and the fire but Diluc knew enough about his vision to control every microscopic flame. 
“Get off her!” In an instant, the room was filled with a flash of light. You covered your face as blue and green flames whipped past you, smacking directly into your captor. He screamed, releasing you, shoving you. As you stumbled forward Diluc caught you so you wouldn't fall. 
“What have you done?! You’ll pa-pay for this ---” Calmin screamed, toppling over in pain as flames clung to his skin. Diluc held you against him so you couldn’t see and hoped the sound of his cries wouldn’t linger in your memory forever. 
The king's guard shackled and carried Calmin away. They hauled off the prince as well, who in a state of bumbling cries revealed he had plotted against the kingdom for riches, and a power greater than visions. As long as he got the princess to marry this 'prince'.  It was through this plot the king learned of an uprising to the east, spurred on the by hands of the northern archon. If they had been successful, the kingdoms resources would have been wiped out.
You slid your arms around Diluc, unwilling to let go and placed his hand on your back. he’d thank Kaeya profusely for saving more than he could ever imagine. 
As the party goers were escorted out of the hall, and the energy in the room died down, Diluc stewarded you to the balcony for air.  
“You’re shaking,” he commented, removing his cape and draping it over your shoulders. 
“How could he do this ...” you mumbled, “my own brother.” 
“But, y-you saved me --” 
“Power and corruption are one of many slivers of the darkness that plagues this world. I never wished for you to be exposed to them.” Diluc rubbed your arms, called on his vision to warm you as best as he could. He might have saved you from a sham of a marriage but he failed everywhere else. “I am beside myself for what has happened to you,” he lifted your chin, looked at you but wished he could do more. 
This proposal was one of many you'd get. How was he going to survive the next one?
“Did I?” 
You began to speak but the sound of footsteps interrupted you. Diluc took several steps back and bowed. 
“My daughter, how are you?” 
“I’m alright,” you extended your hand toward the King and he pulled you close. Diluc kept his gaze to the ground. 
“You are unharmed?” 
“Yes,” the King breathed a sigh of relief. He took note of the color wrapped around you, turning his attention to the knight at your side. 
“And you, Sir Ragnvindr?” 
“I am fine, King,” he bowed again, missing the expression you sent to him. 
“Good. Then, if you can spare us a moment I’d like to converse with my daughter in private.” 
“Of course,” Diluc excused himself through the balcony door but made sure to keep you in his line of sight.
For several days after, Diluc couldn’t get close to you. He was frustrated, annoyed that his duties kept pulling him away. He rarely fought assignments, but this constant distance was making him insubordinate. 
Finally, he was allowed to return to the castle but no matter where he looked he couldn’t find you. Every room he searched was empty, even your chambers had looked unused for days. The pain in his chest began to burn his throat. 
Where were you - what happened to you - why couldn’t he find you
A figure moved in his peripherals, he spun toward it -- 
“Ah, there you are.” The Kings voice shattered his focus. Within seconds, Diluc was kneeling. “Oh, well. Always do dutiful. Please rise, my boy,” the King chuckled and Diluc did as told. 
“Your majesty. How can I be of service?” 
The King made his way to Diluc who’s head had stayed lowered since the King called on him. There was an uncomfortable silence blanketing the scene, he did his best not to fidget. 
“Diluc Ragnvindr,” hearing his full name, Diluc lifted his eyes but kept his head lowered, “You have sworn to protect my eldest daughter, is that true?” 
“Y-Yes your majesty.” 
“Does that also include her heart?” 
Diluc was hesitant, but he straightened to his full height, coming into direct eye contact with the King. “Sir?” 
“I have watched you care for her, help her, protect her, and though there are suitors who do the same there are none whom she looks at the way she does you.” 
Diluc could hardly breathe. 
“Would you protect my daughters heart the same way you have protected her life?” 
“Yes.” Diluc spoke with conviction. Unsure if what he was vowing too was the one thing his heart yearned for. As stupid he was to believe it, he let himself. 
“Then,” the King took Diluc’s hand in his, one resting on the top and the other cupping the bottom, “You have my blessing. Though I should hardly have the authority to give it.” 
“... I ...” 
“Go. She’s waiting on the balcony.” 
Diluc looked toward the doorway. He swallowed, swore his heart was going to break out of his chest and kill him. He loved you. He wasn’t supposed to - told himself he wouldn’t and yet 
he loved you 
“E-Excuse me,” Diluc bowed, slipped free of the Kings embrace and moved toward the one thing he had wanted but was never allowed. 
There you were, standing with your hands on the marble railing. Your back too him, hair fluttering in the wind. The gown you wore was beautiful. Long trains of white with thick red fabric billowing out behind you. 
Diluc called out your name and, slowly, you turned toward him. He didn’t move, you didn’t move. 
“Did you see the king?” You asked and when he nodded you smiled with tears rolling down your cheeks. Diluc walked toward you as if he were in a dream. “What’s your decision? Could you ever love the princess you swore fealty to--” 
Suddenly, he moved faster than he ever had. His hands cupped your face as he kissed you. He’d never known such a feeling as your lips. Never thought warm tears would feel so invigorating against his hands. 
He had you 
He finally had you 
“Marry me,” he professed above your lips. 
“Tomorrow?” You teased but he didn’t protest. If he were allowed, he’d marry you this instant if it meant you could spend one second more as his wife. 
Laughing, with love rushing through his veins, he hoisted you into the air and let you fall against him as you cupped his face and kissed him in the mid-day sun.
“Wherever you go, whatever you do,” he said in between kisses, “I will follow you. I am yours --” 
“And you are mine,” you vowed. 
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@sarahslolitaportfolio​ (these are gonna be long soooo i’m making it a series lol) 
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misachan1506 · 11 months
You're finally back home, it's time for cuddles !!
He missed you a lot 😭🥺 O-(-(
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332 notes · View notes
FL x reader where FL was out for some time and comes back home to call reader outside because he’s all excited n stuff
When he enters the house he cant find reader
reader is hiding in like a small quiet space because they got overwhelmed because of somethin and theyre now having a mini panic attack
and FL just comforts them :((
oh anon i am hearing you on FM!!! this is deliciously tasty and delectable!
imagine Foul Legacy's coming back from a small adventure outside, his arms full of pretty leaves and shiny rocks he picked up along the way- he always, always brings something back for you when he goes outside, something small for you to display on a shelf. you don't know that they're courting gifts, trinkets and flowers being especially important to Legacy, who lived surrounded by death and lightless stars. he pushes the door open with a happy chirp to call out for you, but instantly pauses, the noise dying in his throat. the house is utterly silent, lights left on but missing your familiar warm presence. Legacy trills frantically, going from room to room to search for you until he catches the faint sound of wheezing from none other than your closet. he yanks the doors open and- there, there! you're tucked in the farthest, darkest corner, your breaths coming out in quickened, painful huffs and coughs as you struggle between wanting to sob and wanting to breathe
Legacy's chitters immediately soften to gentle croons, kneeling down and flattening his wings so he's not as threatening before slowly extending a clawed hand. you flinch at the movement and Legacy whines in anguish, keeping his hand extended until you tentatively take hold of it, your fingers trembling, and his heart just breaks. he simply sits there for several minutes, gently pressing his thumb into your palms and purring, low and soothing. eventually he gives your hands a light tug, your breathing coming out much calmer, and you slowly scoot from your position in the closet to his lap, leaning your head against his chest. Legacy promptly wraps his arms around you and squeezes gently, slowly rocking you back and forth. he shows you what he picked up on his walk to distract you, nudging his forehead against yours as you admire the shiny stones and fiery leaves. only when he's absolutely sure that you're feeling okay does he let out a quiet, questioning trill, and settles back with you in his arms as you recount the day and everything that happened too quickly and too much, until Legacy came home and held you close
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gemlighter · 8 months
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this is partially a redesign, partially a genshin au design for ely. please ask me about her i have many thinks about it
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qqchurch · 10 months
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what the—
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hirazuki · 7 months
Top five anime of all time and go!
Lmaooo, asking the difficult questions XD
Naruto (+ Naruto Shippuden, I always consider it as one)
Tenpou Ibun: Ayakashi Ayashi
Fate Series (IT ONLY COUNTS AS ONE -- but, if pressed, specifically Fate/Zero)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
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satansfarmant · 2 years
when you’re listening to pretty pictures and you get to 1:26:
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bongaboi · 2 years
Running In The Night
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I used to be the one I used to be your getaway dreamer I couldn't get enough Thinking that we would last forever Don't know what you're thinking of Slipping further out of reach To the edge of town we could go Away from all the world to see
You were wild trying to set yourself free I didn't see the signs right in front of me
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Oh, I'm running in the night so soon I've got nothing left to lose I'm leaving it all behind, running in the night with you I won't let you get away again We can see it through to the end But whatever we do I'm running in the night with you
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I used to be the one I used to be your place to land Under the shadows Into the palm of my hand You're always changing the situation Just when we found paradise You're always shutting down the conversation I can never read your mind
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Oh, I'm running in the night so soon I've got nothing left to lose I'm leaving it all behind, running in the night with you I won't let you get away again We can see it through to the end But whatever we do I'm running in the night with you
(Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh) Running with the night (Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh) (Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh) I'm running with the night (Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh)
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I used to be the one I used to be your getaway dreamer I couldn't get enough Thinking that we would last forever
Oh, I'm running in the night so soon I've got nothing left to lose I'm leaving it all behind, running in the night with you I won't let you get away again We can see it through to the end But whatever we do I'm running in the night with you
Oh, I'm running in the night so soon I've got nothing left to lose I'm leaving it all behind, running in the night with you!
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witch-hazels-musings · 11 months
warning: princess!reader, knight!character (slight AU* Prince and Princess) | sfw | age mention: 23 (Reader) | angst* (due to different social statuses, reader confinement/isolation, reader is kidnapped & rescued (bound, eyes covered, put in a small box), kaeya is beaten T.T), comfort* (happy ending yayayay) | forbidden love | pre-relationship | kissing! 
Knight!Kaeya x fm reader | anthology (Albedo, Jean - coming soon)
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You hung your head low, avoided the piercing eyes of the nosey, curious bystanders who happened to be around every time you were. Your life was placed on a pedestal, cast in a light so bright you wanted to shed your skin and melt away. 
To the kingdom you were its ‘gift from the heavens’. A miracle, a good omen. A precious gem whose luster should never be tarnished. And for that you were locked away. 
You were more like a prisoner than a princess. Albeit a gilded one. 
You were already trapped but as you walked to the grand hall with an escort of polished maids, you were headed to suffocation. 
“Sir Kaeya Alberich, do you vow to fulfil your duty of protecting the Princess no matter the stakes.” You watched as the King, your father, towered above the blue-haired knight who knelt before him. You hardly paid attention. Instead, you put on your practiced face while your mind ran through the fields of the kingdom you’d never see. Something moved to your right. Automatically you straightened your back and lifted your head at the feeling of your mothers sharp eyes. 
“My vow is my seal, your majesty,” the knight spoke. His hand moving to his chest but he didn’t raise his head. 
“You are not originally a ward of my kingdom, for this reason I see fit to mark  any failure as punishable by death.” 
His statement hung heavy in the hall. Murmurs from nobles passed around ivy decorated pillars, gasps rose in front of golden dishes holding food no-one touched. Your chest tightened; why would anyway agree to those terms. One person couldn’t possibly be that important. You frowned and hoped your mother didn’t notice. 
“I understand,” the knight said and you fought back an expression of disgust. 
“So be it,” the King snapped his fingers and the room stilled. You rose from the cushioned chair beside the Queen while a maid fussed with your long, elegant dress. “Rise, Sir Alberich.” 
Kaeya Alberich lifted off his knees and you took him in for the first time. His complexion was tanned, he had waist-length hair that was tied off to the side, the ponytail falling over his left shoulder in waves of cobalt and azure. His armor of silver reflected the dangling crystals that hung about the gold-lined windows in the hall. Over his right eye was a black eyepatch that was shrouded by his bangs. Kaeya was, without a doubt, handsome, and you found the juxtaposition of his hue against the narrow, red rug beneath him striking. 
The knight made eye contact with you so you looked at your hands. 
The King called for you to stand at his side. As trained, you moved like fluid to reach him, made sure your expression was serene like the paintings of your likeness lining the castle walls. “From henceforth, you will be the sword, the shield, the protector of our kingdoms greatest asset. Should harm befall her, so too shall it you.” 
“I will guard her with every breath,” he affirmed with a nod but when he lifted it just enough to look your way, you swore he winked at you.
The room erupted in polite applause. You felt the hand of your mother against your back as she glided down from her seat as if to display her love for her daughter. You, however, looked on and did your best not to cry. 
After the ceremony ended, you were escorted back to your bedchambers with one extra in tow. Your new personal knight walked silently behind the entourage of attendants. His armor clinging and echoing in the hall was the only indication he was even there. 
The labyrinth between the main castle and your hidden quarters made the already oppressive atmosphere thicker. Your gown was thin but you felt weighted down by it. 
“Wait here,” the head maid instructed your new guardian before she closed the door in his face and assisted you with changing. Your mother had instructed them to never keep you in the same clothes for long. There were days you’d have on upwards to nine different outfits just to satisfy her. The Queen’s own personal doll. 
When they were finished, you were wearing a flowing gown that spilled out behind you when you walked. It showed bits of your back, which you hated, and had strands of translucent fabric coming off your chest connecting to golden bracelets around your wrists. It was a hue of your least favorite color. You looked at your reflection and tried to be happy.
The head maid shooed the others to other duties while she took it upon herself to let the patient knight back in. 
“You are not allowed to be close to the princess,” she barked as he stepped into the room; too far for her liking. Kaeya looked down at her which made her fluff up like a mother hen. If there was anymore more protective than Lila, you didn’t want to know. 
“It’s alright, Lila, I’m sure he was vetted thoroughly. Were you not?” You appeared from behind a tall, viridian green divider that had carved scenes of landscapes you’d seen only in picture books. The shoes one of the maids tied to your feet clacked against the marble floors, drawing the knight and your maid’s attention. Sir Alberich took you in for so long you had to cross your arms and cough to get him to answer you. 
“I can assure you I will bring no harm to the Princess,” he answered, more to Lila than to you but his focus never left you. Suddenly, he bowed for a proper introduction, “Kaeya Alberich, pleased to make your acquaintance. As professed prior, I will ensure your safety or my life take me.” 
You rolled your eyes, “Please, I’m not worth that level of commitment.” 
“Princess!” Lila screamed as she rushed over to you. She took your hand and smacked it, “do not say such things,” she hit your fingers again making the tips sting. “I will not hear it! What would your mothe-” 
You watched as Sir Alberich snatched Lila’s wrist before it could fall one more time. The action stole your breath and made both you and your maid stumble. 
“Ah-ah, this won’t do,” he tisked, a gentle smile on his lips even though the eye you could see said something different. “I can’t let you continue with such violent actions. If you wish to hit someone, I will take her place,” Sir Alberich offered his hand by placing it above your own. Lila, understandably frustrated and taken aback released you before taking several steps away. 
“I-I will check on your mid-day meal ,my lady,” she huffed, adjusting her skirt as she stumbled toward the door.
“None for me?” He called to her but she was already gone. “How cruel,” he chuckled, turning his attention to your warm fingers. Using a gentle touch, he lifted them. One palm above and below and soon the heat started to fade into a cool, localized chill. 
“How’s that?” He asked. You were painfully aware how close he was to you. A shiver ran up your arms. 
“F-fine.” You’d never met someone who could manipulate the elements like this. Of course you’d heard of vision users, but no one you’d come into contact with held one. If they did, it was kept a secret. 
“Delightful,” he hummed as he looked at you. “Mm, that’s better,” he said as he removed one of his hands so he could see your fingers. He had gloves on but you could still feel the warmth of his palm. 
“T-Thank you, Sir Alberich.” Pulling your hand to your chest, you tried to hide the way it trembled. When was the last time a man touched you? 
“Kaeya,” he corrected, catching you off guard. 
“I’m sorry?” 
“Call me Kaeya, Princess,” he explained, emphasizing a little too sweetly on the title you had. The corner of his mouth lifted higher the more uncomfortable you became. 
“I ... That would be improper. B-Besides,” you shook your head, taking another step back not noticing you were nearing the shallow steps that led further into your bedroom. “I barely know you.” 
“Hmm, that may be true,” he said taking a step toward you. Rubbing his chin, he thought for a moment. “A compromise then.” 
“... compromise?” 
“In public you can address me however you’d like. Sir Alberich, Sir Knight, my loyal protector,” he teased, playfulness written all over his face. He chuckled and your cheeks grew warm, “but in private, call me, Kaeya.” 
“I couldn’t --” you stammered, moving backward as he approached. It was strange, you didn’t feel threatened but you somehow knew it was dangerous to let him get closer. 
“It seems we are in private right now, Princess,” he noted, scanning the room. “Come on, give it a try.” 
“Sir - Sir Alb-” you put out your hand as you fell backward, tripping over the steps you forgot existed. Unsurprisingly, he caught you. His hand wrapped expertly around your arm, the other pressed against your lower back as he pulled you away from danger. When you were stable, he let you stand on your own. 
“What were you saying?” He smirked, not letting you escape even though he technically wasn’t holding you hostage. 
Your fingers dug into the fabric about your chest. Your heart was pounding and you felt light-headed. Nervous, you scanned the room but found it was only you and your knight. 
“K-Kaeya,” you mumbled. Saying his name felt like a violation of etiquette. It made your ears ring but when you stole a peek at him, your world shifted color. 
Kaeya reached for your hand, his thumb brushed over your fingers, the fingers he had protected moments ago. “My Princess,” he whispered above them before placing a kiss to the tips of your nails. He lingered there for what felt like forever. You found it hard to breathe. “There, easier than you expected, hmm?” 
He rose to his full height and you pulled your hand away. The sound of rushing footsteps, no doubt belonging to your head maid, echoed just outside the hall. 
“If y-you’ll excuse me,” you stammered and practically ran to the washroom praying, for once, someone would give you five minutes of privacy. 
Day’s turned into weeks, weeks into months, and you and Kaeya settled into an easy rhythm. Or as easy as it could be. Most of your days were boring. You weren’t allowed to wander around the castle without permission. Even going to the private library had to be passed through channel after channel. You thought getting a personal guard would make it easier for you to live a ‘normal’ life; what a lie that turned out to be. 
You hated the rules, hated the expectations; so, naturally, a person born without them would find this secluded lifestyle miserable - Kaeya never complained. Not once did you see him huff or roll his eyes at the state of your life. Instead, he moved about it with ease. Made jokes and had fun even if you found it difficult. He seemed to even have fun with you. The days didn’t seem so lonely with him around.
Maybe whatever duty he had before being whisked away to be your knight was tedious or dreadful - this, probably, seemed like a walk in the park. 
Nothing bad ever happened save for an accidental cut when being fitted for a new dress, of which twenty new ones were on their way, or a burn from eating something too hot. Otherwise there were rumored threats that came your way. Threats you weren’t aware of until your father dished out hoards of the kingdoms wealth on a suitable protector for you. Kaeya was not the first knight you were given in your life. 
Once, you stumbled on one of the ‘so-called’ letters when you were waiting for your mother to finish getting ready. It was sticking out of the edge of her journal. Your heart was racing as you read it, not because of the contents, more for being caught with something you weren’t supposed to see. 
Your parents shielded you from every possible threat but they couldn’t understand how that level of protection harmed you mentally. Their obsession with your safety had turned into chains, their promises of a good life were rose-tinted and flimsy. They wanted a child so badly, but they forgot why the moment you were born. 
Slowly, you pulled your attention away from the book in your lap. You’d read the story multiple times, ran your fingers over the pages that had been stolen so you wouldn’t be hurt by the scenes that played out on them. You tried to imagine what the characters went through, what occurred during their forced time-skip. Your ideas changed over the years until you realized it didn’t matter anyway. 
Gazing through the thick, crystal glass in your conservatory, you watched sheets of water glide over the other side. You reached out and touch it but felt only cold. Around you the aroma of exotic flowers filled the space, forgotten food lay untouched on a silver tray. There were ample places for you to sit, but you always chose the one closest to the windows. Maybe one day you’d finally break through them. 
“Princess,” Kaeya’s voice interrupted your thoughts. When you twisted to look at him he froze in the doorway. His brows bunched up, eyes narrowed as he made his way toward you. With ease he sat in the empty space in front of you. The long day bed creaked at his weight, you moved your legs to avoid touching him. 
Kaeya pulled off his glove. 
Your gaze grew distant. 
Kaeya cupped your cheek and slowly brushed away your tears. 
You faded away. 
And while you slept beside him, he looked through the distorted glass as his bare fingers brushed through your well-kept hair. 
On the night of the new moon, everything changed. 
You awoke to find yourself tied up and alone, headed to a place you didn’t know. The threats that were just rumors had finally come to fruition. While the kingdom slept, infiltrators acted their plan. 
You overheard their conversations through the bindings they tied around your head. Bleeding arguments seeped through the wrappings you were sure had torn out chunks of your hair. For a while you thought it was a dream until rough hands picked you up and threw you against splintering wood. Whoever they were, they were in a hurry. 
“L-Lock it already!” One stuttered, their tone tense and anxious. 
“I’m trying,” another said and soon you heard the sound of a lock falling in place. Lifting up, you rammed your head into the celling and fell back down with a heavy thud. Were you in some kind of crate? You stretched but couldn’t extend your legs completely. If your hands weren’t tied behind your back you might be able to feel around. For now you’d do your best to loosen the bindings. 
“-- money --!” 
“Hahah, we’re --- good for ---” 
“--- keep her who knows --- much - make -” 
Straining to hear, you picked up even less of their conversation than before. From what you could gather, they just wanted to hold you long enough to get a hefty ransom. You hoped that’s all they wanted. At some point you began to shiver the longer the cart you were in rocked back and forth. 
“-- that?” The cart slowed causing you to roll into the side of your small enclosure. 
“-- hear th-- AH!” Horrible cries erupted around you. The world outside was so foreign to you that every nightmarish thought you ever had ran through your mind. Their screams grew louder, more guttural, until they stopped as soon as they started. 
Tossing in the small space, you wondered if you should make noise or not. If these thieves were attacked by other thieves, would they search the cart only to find you? Would they look over whatever container you were in and let you die alone and afraid. You struggled against your bindings - if it was another threat, having your hands ready might give you the edge you needed. 
The cart jostled violently. The creak of a door sounded more like metal bending by enormous force. The lock you heard earlier strained against something before shattering. You scratched up your arms but managed to free your hands. Shifting to your back, you prepared your legs and hands for a fight. 
A gust of chilly night air hit you and you launched forward hopeful you were attacking whatever had come to steal your life. Strong hands grabbed you so you thrashed against them. 
“GET OFF! LET GO OF ME!” You shouted in the darkness until something ripped the binding off and you could see the face of your attacker. 
Kaeya’s face appeared in the shade of the night sky. His complexion looked wrong, unlike him, there was panic in his eyes that didn’t ease even when you said his name. You relaxed, looked past him and saw an arm extended in the dirt.
With expert strength, Kaeya scooped you up. His body shaking as he held you to his chest, as he walked away from the cart so you couldn’t see what he had done to those who stole you from him, as his hand pressed against the back of your head. Your feet dangled over the musty earth while your arms wrapped around his neck. 
“You’re alright,” he breathed against into your hair. Repeated the words until they became nothing but mumbling noise. 
“You came for me,” you said and tightened your grip. 
“You thought that I wouldn’t?” His question had the cadence of a joke but his trembling voice betrayed him. Carefully he set you on the ground and began to look you over. His jaw clenched when he saw the state of your wrists, his eye turned a shade darker when he noticed the cut on your cheek. 
“They’re just small injuries, that’s it,” you tried to reassure him but that didn’t seem to work. He was raging, you could tell. 
Tenderly, you brushed the hair on his brow. You meant to comfort him but instead you did something else. Kaeya pushed you back until you bumped into the sturdy tree-trunk. His fingers snagged your wrist before brining it to his lips so he could kiss the bruises starting to form. 
“... kaeya ...!” you pushed against him, confused and overwhelmed by the sensation. He had been touchy with you before. A wandering hand at your back, a playful shake of your head as he held your chin when you didn’t listen, sat a bit too close while you were working on something, but this. Never this.
Kaeya grabbed your other wrist. Bounced back and forth with his affections while you slid further down the tree. 
It was difficult to breathe. Why was he doing this? 
“ ... sir ... sir ka-” 
“Don’t say it,” he pleaded, appearing in front of your face so fast your head bounced back, startled. “Not yet,” Kaeya leaned in and kissed you, his hands holding your own to his chest while he pushed into your lips with his. You felt dizzy, heart fluttered.
When he finally pulled back you were gasping. It was so hard to focus on anything but him. 
“I serve you --” he whispered above your lips, the caress of them as he spoke tickled and made you shiver. “Tell me to stop.” A shock went down your spine. Looking at his face you noticed how his gaze was locked on your lips. “Tell me -” he pleaded, desperate, desire dripping of him. You knew what to say, knew what was expected but knowing the feel of his lips made your will distorted. 
“d-- s-stop --” the words bubbled on your lips. You heard them but it didn’t sound like you; that wasn’t what you thought you’d say. Kaeya moved closer only to pull back moments later. You stumbled at the absence of him and tried to catch your breath. 
Kaeya, jaw clenching, ran his hands through his hair before turning his back to you. For a moment, the two of you were silent. Composing yourselves with whatever strength you had. 
“We aren’t far from the castle.” He eventually said, voice back to normal. The honeyed tone covering each word. “We need to return now before the King sends out his whole army.” He turned, extending his hand toward you. “Can you walk?” 
“ ... yes.” 
“Ready when you are,” he said and you took his hand even though it was torturous to your heart. What did his actions really mean -- and how could either of you go back now that you knew what the other tasted like?
The two of you returned you to the castle in the early morning but the comfort of the stone walls soon turned into a nightmare as royal guards ripped the two of you apart and drug Kaeya to be reprimanded while you struggled in vain to stop them. 
Your mother held your bruised wrist so tightly you swore it would break all the while you’d be forced to watch as several guards beat Kaeya. You weren’t supposed to be here, you’d broken every rule to fight your way to him but he - he was worth it. 
“STOP!” You shouted, clawing at your mothers wrist, tearing beads and jewels off her sleeve. “FATHER STOP THIS!” Lila, tears in her eyes, rushed toward you to try and pull you back through the door you burst through moments ago. 
She was conflicted by rules and love, “Princess, you mus’nt.” 
“He didn’t hurt me. FATHER PLEASE!” 
Your heart was shattering, you felt weak and strong at the same time. Like a caged animal who sees the light of freedom, you shook against the hands that held you back. 
“Mother, please --” you gazed up at the Queen whose expression was twisted. She was the only one powerful enough to stop the king but in the twenty-three years you’d known her, she never once went against him. “Mom, look at me please,” she did, the corner of her eyes glistening, “If you care for me at all -- please.” 
You could hear the sounds of every contact, every brutal landing against Kaeya. He never made a noise. 
Torn, conflicted, your mother’s grip eased which gave you the chance to make a break for it. Without thinking, with cries and screams chasing after you, you ran toward the man who gave you his life so you could give him yours. 
Shoving past the guards as they swung, one of their blunted weapons made contact with your shoulder but you didn’t care. Kaeya’s eyes went wide. You threw your arms out toward him. He did the same and caught you and brought you below him, shielding you from the blows that followed. 
“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!” Your fathers voice echoed, causing you to tighten your grip around your knights neck. He pressed his bloodied palm against your back and lifted his head. You peeked to look at him only for your your blood run cold at the expression on Kaeya’s face. 
His eyepatch had fallen off. You could see the sharpness of his eyes. One rich in royal blue while the other a paler white, an old scar slowly turning red from a cut at his hairline. He had a split lip and another cut against his nose. You bit back a sob at the sate of him while everyone else took several steps back. 
“Release my daughter,” the King rumbled, stealing a sword from one of the guards. 
“She came to me,” Kaeya bit back, aura growing darker at the sight of the weapon. 
“I won’t leave.” 
“Enough of this! Do as I say or I will --” 
“Will what?!” Everything boiled up at once. The floodgates opened and you let them flow, “Keep me in a cage for the rest of my life?” You adjusted so you could look at the royal family, at the guards who were unsure what to do, at the maid who raised you hiding behind her hands, but wherever you looked, you never let go of him, “My life is already one of a prisoner. Do what you want with it! I was certainly never the owner of it - so take it! Take my life!” 
“Hu-husband,” your mother took a tentative step toward your father but he shook her hand away. 
You continued even though your throat was tight, even though your arms trembled and you could feel the sticky , sickly heat of Kaeya’s blood seep into your gown, “I’ll do whatever you want. Whatever it is - I will be obedient but, please, let Kaeya go.” 
Everyone fell silent, even Kaeya who’s breathing was ragged in your ear. He opened his mouth to protest but was interrupted. 
“Why would I do that?” The King asked, knuckles turning whiter the longer he held onto his sword. 
You choked down a sob, “Because I love him.” 
The truth was a weight off your chest but would it make a difference? A princess falling for a knight -- there was no precedent for it. 
“You - love - him?” Your father swallowed every word. 
“I do, father.” 
The king scoffed but before he could lift his sword, your mothers palm pressed against his chest, “what about you, knight?” 
Kaeya, without warning, moved to stand and you helped him by pressing your hands against his chest being careful not to touch the bruises he had. Fear and worry gripped you - what was he doing?
He wrapped his arm around your back and held you too him while he crafted a sword out of frost in his other. He panted, wheezed and spat out blood from his mouth but through it all his chin remained lifted. 
“Give me nothing but her love and I will revel in it for the remainder of my days.” 
“You love my daughter?” 
“With every breath.” 
You couldn’t stop the tears as they cascaded down your cheeks. You thought it when he kissed you in the dark, hoped it meant what you wanted, but hearing him say it ---
Desperate, you looked toward your mother. 
The Queen stepped between the King and the two of you, her eyes softer than they’d ever been. For a moment you recalled the warmth of those eyes as if her arms were holding you once again. 
“Sir Alberich, you are herby unbound from your duty. The vows you once took are dissolved.” She held up her hand, her husband held his tongue. “For your service, and the rescue of our only he- for the rescue of my beloved daughter, I will grant you one request. Whatever that may be.” 
Kaeya dissolved his weapon, you adjusted under his arm to keep him steady. He was let go of his vows. Relieved, you couldn’t help but smile at him. Kaeya looked at you then back to the Queen and the supportive, if not by force, King. 
“You will grant me anything I wish?” Kaeya confirmed and the Queen nodded. Grabbing your hand, he took a step forward, “Release her.” He said with determination as he pulled you in front of him. 
You twisted, shocked at his request, “Kaeya --?” Confusion washing over your face, he didn’t hesitate to explain himself. 
“Ah, you haven’t realized it yet,” he mused as his thumb ran across you the cut on your cheek, “all your life you’ve been viewed as something to be won, a commodity, but that’s not what you are. I do not want you caged, bound like some trophy to put on the shelf. I will have you, Princess, but by your choice alone.” Searching his eyes, you landed on every bruise, cut, and scrape he accrued for your sake. “Let her live, that is my wish,” he doubled-down as he gazed at you the way you always wished someone would. 
Kaeya saw you --- 
“Granted,” your mother’s voice broke and when you looked toward her you saw her crying. All the fear of losing her daughter was finally outweighed with the understanding that holding her with bars of protection had nearly done just that. “Whether you wish to keep or throw away your title, I will - I will support you, whatever you wish to be. We will be here,” she expressed through her tears. 
You never knew the bite of real shackles but you swore your arms and legs felt lighter at her words. 
You were free. Free.
Stepping toward Kaeya, you made your commitment, “you say it is my choice,” you repeated with a glistening, cheek-straining smile, “but, I believe, Sir Alberich, you must know the choice was never my own. Certainly, my heart would surely break if it didn’t belong to you.” 
Kaeya leaned toward your lips, “I thought we agreed on Kaeya, hmm?” 
“You’re right, Kaeya.” 
“That’s better,” he hummed as his lips pressed against yours and you were filled with the overpowering taste of iron and utter devotion. 
The story is your own - however you want to have it
Just remember to live
Live to the fullest 
The both of you --
You, and your beloved Knight, Kaeya Alberich. 
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vexwerewolf · 6 months
*reactor bootup*
*servo whirring*
*Nelson ramjet igniting*
*Apocalypse Rail charging*
*ZF-4 Solidcore firing*
*Siege Ram impact*
[plays My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the Black Parade]
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PSTPSTPST HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT Big moth man lays his head onto ur lap but hes scared he might break ur legs bc of his size <333
Foul Legacy's very scared of even touching you at first- you're so much smaller than him; a fragile mortal akin to a flower; and he's... well, he's a monster, plain and simple. an Abyssal monster no less- and he desperately doesn't want to hurt you in any way, shape, or form. you deserve to be kept safe and warm, away from the corruption of the world- away from him. so for the longest time he keeps his distance, skirting away from your fingers, merely keeping an eye on you by watching you from another room in your house
but no matter how he tries to deny it, Childe still craves your touch, your soft, gentle hands holding him close, and gradually he strays closer and closer until he's comfortable sitting beside you on the couch, claws itching to wrap around your fingers. but he still never touches you. ever
so you, with a heart full of love and affection for this peculiar, starlit beast, invite him yourself
Childe's on the verge of drifting off, the warmth and comfort of your little home seeping into his weary bones, and you notice the way his head nods to the side only to jolt awake when he feels himself falling. so with a wide smile you open your arms, waving him over and patting your lap. Childe lets out a startled screech, looking from you to your lap and back again, shaking his head wildly- he'll hurt you, he know he will, because that's the only thing Foul Legacy knows how to do. but you simply keep smiling that sweet smile, arms outstretched like you're asking for a hug, and Childe feels his will crumbling at your kind words
tentatively he scoots closer, slowly leaning down and settling his head onto your legs, careful to keep most of his weight off of you. quickly you begin petting and stroking his hair, and Childe yelps at how nice it feels, melting into your touch, talons instinctively kneading your legs. the laugh you let out is full of warmth, sweet adoration flowing like honey as you scratch behind his horns and Childe purrs, body relaxing more than it has in weeks. whenever you stop petting his crystalline eye peeks open and he lets out a whine, asking for you to keep going because he hasn't felt this warm and safe and loved in so long
you caress his hair until he drifts into sleep, and when he wakes, you're still there, humming a tune and flipping through a novel, and Childe murmurs and nestles his head against your legs
he could get used to this
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smahell · 6 days
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i miss otaku fm with all my heart and soul and i've been patiently waiting for satoshi kada (leviathan's va) to get back into the studio, and interview everyone all over again. i miss the live drama recordings, the stupidly funny plots, the realistic slip-ups and quirks from each of the cast members. i miss a toast in hell's kitchen and genuinely learning and listening about the talents behind the game, and people's amiable messages and questions towards them in Tell Me!
honestly i'm on my knees begging for a third season where maybe he interviews the vas for thirteen, mephisto and raphael since i haven't seen/heard much from them too in terms of personal messages to fans.
satoshi kada, with his radio, acting and tv experience is such a sweet and soothing personality who brings such warmth to every single project he works on, including obey me. i just wish solmare really really recognized how impactful these podcasts were, no matter long or short, and the abilities of this main cast because goddamit..in such a time where nightbringer is being scrutinized and obey me itself is falling in popularity, absolutely none of the voice actors have forgotten or even brushed aside obey me.
"oh it's because they're working for the game, they'd get fired if they criticized it"
//NB: ik this video is sort of old but i have plenty more proof that the vas still play the game, I thought this was just the best example.//
fuck, most (if not ALL) of the vas play the game??? they get the exact same experience as you and i!! and every boys in the house clip i see them happy to be there together, praising and celebrating the game and just having fun man. it's honestly so touching.
i miss the anime episodes: the ideas shared between the vas and the writers, and every episode seven with the va's analysing their performances and characters makes me laugh till my stomach hurts. you *should* consider how entertaining the anime is; it's obviously rather low budget but you can really tell ( even though this wasn't the obey me universe we know and love) it still kept people on their feet and entertained me like some twisted ao3 crackfic istg. you can tell that the anime was made with fans in mind, and that's where the writers for it really flourished. to this day I still see people talking and sharing screenshots from it..
basically.. let's try not focus on the fact that "obey me is getting worse", let's all look to a future and try and be positive about things, yeah? because behind this silly little demon dating sim are talented writers, artists, coders, ambassadors and fans that have kept the game alive for 5+ years.
i wish obm does flourish more in the future, and the devs focus on creating a game(s) and content that inspire, enlighten and make everyone smile.
please, as a ty, take my silly photos of my favs. I must spread the word..
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hahnsplatinum · 2 years
Having completely normal thoughts about kim kitsuragi and how his seemingly meticulous presentation is also wildly contradicting. And how all of it ultimately feeds into his repression and denial of self. He describes himself as a “regular, garden variety Revacholiere” but is obviously anything but (racial minority, member of “the homosexual underground”, police officer, etc). Does he really believe himself to be “regular” or is that just the framework he’s molded himself to fit into over the years. If you say it long enough maybe it will eventually be true
Its implied by some of his pre- and in-game interactions that kim utilizes the authority/power of being a cop for not entirely “just” actions (taking the spinner hubcaps from a suspect pre-game, he joins in on bullying the would-be skulls for their jackets, etc). He’s a “moralist” because it allows him to follow commands and enforce the moralintern’s laws without taking full blame for the larger ethical picture of his and the rcm’s impact. He resents his time as a juvie officer, especially the “kimball” case, because it undermined and threatened the carefully curated image of authority he’s built for himself as a cop.
But in the same breath kim is also patient and often outright kind to harry with his mental breakdown and amnesia. He doesn’t disrespect The Smoker on the Balcony or harry’s obvious bisexual awakening despite his own tight lipped, reserved position in regards to his own place in “the underground”. Kim is kind to lilienne’s little kids and encourages harry to be as well. He fights against the mercenaries at the tribunal despite the fact that they are also throwing around their power not unlike the rcm is known to do (re: mention of harry’s pre-game shootout in a church)
God just, imagine being a war orphan looking around at the world. Your parents died due to their involvement in political movements. People view you as less than or even subhuman due to your race. No one gets married anymore, you’ll never see anyone like yourself out in the open or forget the colorful words people have for boys like you. If someone offered you the opportunity to have more authority over your own life and interactions with others than youve ever known, a community of brothers in arms willing to die for you, access to places and things and knowledge you couldnt get otherwise—what reason do you have not to take up that offer?
Kim kitsuragi wants to blend in with every other citizen in revachol. And yet, he dons his bright orange jacket and police issued ID card every morning. He listens to Speedfreaks FM on his way to work. He’s killed 8 people. Regular, garden variety Revacholiere
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usafphantom2 · 6 days
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IMAGES: South Korea retres F-4 Phantom jets
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/08/2024 - 20:00in History, Military
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The Air Force of the Republic of Korea (RoKAF) has officially retired its F-4E Phantom II fighter fleet, marking the end of an era in the history of the country's military aviation. For about a month, the retirement of the iconic combat jets generated a series of beautiful images in flight over South Korea.
The retirement ceremony, held at the 10ª Fighter Wing in Suwon, Gyeonggi province, was attended by the Minister of National Defense, Shin Won-sik, and featured the final flight of two F-4E jets. Ten Phantom II were operational to date, marking the end of the 55 years of F-4D/E operations at RoKAF.
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The ceremony, which took place on Friday (07/06), included commemorative flights of a series of modern fighters, such as the F-16, KF-16, FA-50, RF-16, F-15K and F-35A, symbolizing the transition from air defense duties to newer aircraft. These demonstrations highlighted South Korea's ongoing commitment to maintaining a robust and modern air force.
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In his remarks, Minister Shin reflected on the history of the Phantom and its impact on the defense capabilities of South Korea. "The noble spirit of the Phantom, dedicated to safeguarding South Korea's airspace, will remain with us forever," said Shin, emphasizing the role of the aircraft in achieving air superiority over North Korea.
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#PhantomFriday#PhantomPhriday#PhantomForever#PhantomPhorever pic.twitter.com/VcQFbYHw48
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The ceremony also paid tribute to the pilots and patriots who sacrificed their lives in the service of the country. This dark moment highlighted the deep respect and gratitude felt by those who operated and maintained the F-4 Phantoms over the years.
The last unit to operate the type, the 153º Fighter Squadron of the 10ª Fighter Wing of RoKAF, conducted a farewell flight last month with four specially painted aircraft, celebrating its service over the years, including a camouflage painting scheme from the Vietnam War era.
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The F-4 Phantom jets first arrived in South Korea in 1969, significantly improving the country's defense posture amid threats from Soviet-made North Korean aircraft. In the last 55 years, approximately 220 Phantoms (in three different versions during the heyday: the F-4D, RF-4C and F-4E) have served in various functions, from reconnaissance missions to interception missions.
Most of the South Korean aircraft were former United States Air Force (USAF), with the exception of two plots of F-4E purchased under the Peace Pheasant I and II foreign military sales (FMS) programs. The F-4 served as South Korea's main fighter until the full deployment of the KF-16 in 1994.
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The aircraft were acquired by the U.S. one year after a failed assassination attempt by North Korean commands against then-President Park Chung-hee in 1968, raising the need to strengthen military capabilities to better defend against threats from the North.
The Phantom II was then a state-of-the-art aircraft that set the pace for the purchase of more advanced fighters such as the F-16 amid its transformation into an economic powerhouse.
The four aircraft that made a farewell flight in May paid tribute to several air bases that were part of their legacy of service and were even escorted by two Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) KF-21 Boramae multifunction combat aircraft in part of their final journey.
The decommissioning of the F-4 Phantom fleet occurs at a time when South Korea is preparing to deploy the KF-21 Boramae, an internally developed supersonic fighter, by 2026. The KF-21 is expected to replace the old F-4 Phantom and F-5 Tiger jets, ensuring that the Republic of Korea Air Force remains equipped with state-of-the-art technology to face future challenges.
The South Korean government announced in February that it will build more KF-21 aircraft in 2024 with an allocated budget of about 178 million dollars, although series production should not begin until mid-2026.
Tags: Military AviationF-4 PhantomHISTORYROKAF - Republic of Korea Air Force/South Korean Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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yuzukahibiscus · 8 months
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Flower Troupe Top Star Yuzuka Rei-san Retirement Conference
(Source from Humming 83.5 FM 宝塚)
This is Tarui Miho.
On August 15 (Tue), Flower Troupe Top Star Yuzuka Rei-san and Flower Troupe Top Musumeyaku Hoshikaze Madoka-san announced their retirement on May 26, 2024.
2 days before their announcement, they had the closing performance in the Takarazuka Grand Theatre on August 13 (Sun). In "Singing Lovebirds", we felt happiness from Yuzuka-san's Reisaburou and Hoshikaze-san's Oharu's smile; in "GRAND MIRAGE!", we saw how compatible the two were in their elegant and beautiful duet dance.
As the performances for the Takarazuka Revue 110th Anniversary were announced for next year, and when I thought that she would show us more dreams in this world from now on, she announced retirement.
The next day after the announcement on August 16 (Wed), she attended the retirement press conference in the Hankyu International Hotel.
Yuzuka-san became the Top Star in November 2019. Her Grand Theatre [Top Star] debut performance was delayed after 4 months and there were days that they had to adapt to the coronavirus. In these difficult circumstances, Yuzuka-san always wanted to deliver us those heart-fluttering times. She always has such a gentle gaze, and kindly approached our hearts.
In front of the golden panel in the press conference arena, what's placed in front of the table were white and Flower Troupe-coloured pink flowers signifying retirement.
Seeing Yuzuka-san appear at that moment, it was breathtaking to see her beauty! She came in with white pants, white suit, white inner shirt and had a great golden accessory [necklace] and white boots. It's a simple white pants and suit attire, but from the lines of her shoulders and chest and even the pocket, you can feel the delicate design and angle of this outfit. White outfits give a bright colour with a pretty cleansed feel to it, so doesn't everyone usually wear white a lot? But when Yuzuka-san wears white, you don't just see how beautiful Yuzuka-san is in white, but Yuzuka-san can also show how beautiful and sparkling the colour of white is✨
Yuzuka-san gives a calming smile that showcases such mild aura. Also, she has such a composed demanour that you almost can't feel too much weight from her presence.
Attending this press conference is Takarazuka Revue Chairman Takeshi Kiba and Yuzuka Rei-san. Chairman Takeshi began in the press conference by speaking about Yuzuka-san:
"Yuzuka had her debut performance in the 2009 Cosmos Troupe performance "Amour, it's something about..." as a 95th student and was assigned to Flower Troupe. She became the Flower Troupe Top Star in 2019. But after that, coronavirus occured, and her Grand Theatre [Top Star] debut performance "Haikara-san ga Tooru" was delayed for 4 months. Then later, amongst the difficult circumstances that performances suspended and there were even performances with no audience, she led the troupe as the Flower Troupe Top Star and fulfilled her important duty. From underclassmen times, she was acclaimed for her dance, and she delved deeper into the roles by singing and acting and showcased vibrant and intricate conviction in her performance on stage every time."
Yuzuka-san had been hearing what the chairman was saying, and nodding as she recalled the days of those difficult circumstances.
Then Yuzuka-san gave her warm words and began speaking:
"Everyone, I'm sincerely thankful that you are all assembled here despite the impact of the typhoon that may have caused great destructions. I am Yuzuka Rei of Flower Troupe of Takarazuka Revue. I'm truly grateful that everyone are gathered here in my retirement conference. Knowing that this time has come has felt once again real to me, that I am nervous. I am aware that there are things I may yet be able to deliver (due to my retirement), but I ask for your kind support from now on."
Yuzuka-san decided on retirement in February this year.
"I was raised well in the Revue, and I received love from so many people. Also since I've known only about Takarazuka Revue, and I am not only thankful, but also hope to stay that way [to know only about Takarazuka], yet I want to meet myself from the outer world that I haven't known, and that is how I decided on retirement."
It seemed like the thought occurred to her at an instance.
For everyone in Flower Troupe, she told them about the retirement the day before the closing performance in the Takarazuka Grand Theare performance of "Singing Lovebirds"/"GRAND MIRAGE!". And I could feel her love [to the members] from her words.
"From the expressions and gaze of every member of the Flower Troupe, their various views and thoughts reverberated and remained in my heart. I once again was so grateful that I was able to workw with these members. It was like having a one-on-one conversation when I announced that I would be graduating."
Yuzuka-san told her partner, Top Musumeyaku Hoshikaze Madoka-san of her graduation in late March around a month after she thought of retirement.
"This was during the rehearsals for "A Battlefield for the Two of Us". After rehearsaing for my parts, I told Hoshikaze about my graduation. Hoshikaze said, "If Yuzuka-san is going to graduate, please let me graduate along with you." So we decided to graduate together."
During this conference, Yuzuka-san doesn't make it look like she's answering questions, but as if she wants to converse with everyone, and you could feel her sincerity that she wants to talk about how she feels. That she isn't thinking a lot beforehand, but she's speaking whatever is on her mind in her honest feelings and words. And you could feel how she cares for everyone that has attended this press conference! Even towards reporters that sit at the way back, Yuzuka-san would try to lean closer and meet with the eyes of the ones asking, and responding elegantly and kindly with her small replies of "yes, yes" to the questions asked. I also felt how she has this amazing strength and inclusive energy that doesn't make people nervous. In this press conference, Yuzuka-san is probably too kind and graceful, that it felt like I was invited to Yuzuka-san's house for an after tea [party] that I had the chance to talk to her.
When asked about memorable performances and roles, Yuzuka-san said, "it's difficult!" with a smile and thought, "Every performance and every role is full of memories that I worked diligently and worked through every rehearsal for it, that each role exist like duplicates of myself. It's really difficult...hm...." That "hm" from her was really adorable💕
"What should I do...really for every performance, I cherished every scene in every musical and show, that they feel like my duplicates, but if I should give my answer..."Haikara-san ga Tooru", "Years of Pilgrimage", and also um.... ah "Top Hat" too haha.....AH "Boys Over Flowers" too...yes.....it's so difficult....to give an answer. But these are all dearly important performances for me. Sorry about that (LOL)."
Yuzuka-san held the mic with both of her hands and thought of the performances while looking into the ceiling. The expression is totally kyun-!💘 Also her eyelashes are long! Even if she's frowning a bit, her appearance of holding the mic with her long and beautiful fingers is nice✨
And about turning points:
"There are so many moments that I'm grateful for, so there are many turning points. Even though I feel so....hm....em....yes....uh... (LOL) There's so many memories so this is going to take a while (LOL)."
Then she mentioned the turning points in 3 performances. "The first is the 2015 Taiwan performance. When thinking about how the audience was watching us on stage, I thought about how I should present myself to let the audience feel the same. When I stood on stage, the Taiwan performance was one that changed my perspective of the distance performers have with the audience. Before, I used to think that I must only do things correctly or do them more correctly, but as I stood on stage for the Taiwan performance, those feelings were really memorable that I thought more of how I should create the stage to make it enjoyable for the audience, and how I want the audience to watch it, how I could make the audience smile more, so I'd say the first turning point is the Taiwan performance. The second performance is the leading performance of "Boys Over Flowers" in 2019. Even though this is also a work that I originally like, this felt different because as a musical, it's not just how to breath freely on stage in the performance that it's not a fixed step-by-step performance, it's also a production about enjoying those interactions for every single day, and hoping to embody myself in the role on stage.
You can see the beauty in Yuzuka-san's description that even the words she chose are so pretty! Sometimes, she'd put her hands to her cheeks or chest and using her hand to express what she wanted.
"Then the third one is the 2020 Grand Theatre Top [Star] debut performance "Haikara-san ga Tooru". "Haikara-san ga Tooru" is my second time performing it and either of them is a very significant performance, but my position changed since this was my Top [Star] debut performance in 2020, and the coronavirus also changed many things. If I have to talk about "Haikara-san ga Tooru".... haha...it's going to take 2-3 hours I think (LOL). As a performance, this was one that united our Flower Troupe members together, and also I time that I learnt and felt a lot, thus being an important performance. The debut performance was delayed for 4 months. When the novel coronavirus happened, the world is also in a confusing situation to udnerstand, and it's a situation where it's difficult to determine what's right or not. For theatre, this was also the first time the entertainment industry has faced this in such worry."
The host wanted to continue with "The next question is from..." but suddenly! Yuzuka-san said with an apologetic face like she's about to cry, "Ah, sorry, er...Fascination, Fascination is also a turning point....."
"This is not good! When I talk about it, many different things come to my mind. Because I really learnt so many things and was taught so many things, and was supported by many people. It feels like we should go for lunch [to talk more] right now? (LOL)."
People began laughing and the venue was filled with everyone smiling and laughing.
For me, I raised my hand mentally and thought, Let's go for lunch, Let's go!! 🤩✋💗
"The Fascination!" is a performance that Flower Troupe members learnt a lot. This is the debut performance with Hoshikaze Madoka-san [as the new Top Combi] and an important performance that we embarked on a new step. Phew...this is actually a really difficult question... (LOL)."
Even though Yuzuka-san is calm when recalling these memories, it seems that it is filled with many memories. Yuzuka-san speaks of these memories vividly as if they happened yesterday. As all of these happenings accumulate, these help hone her skills and mentality.
What is the otokoyaku that Yuzuka-san wants to pursue from now on?
"The strongest thing I want to continue pursuing is the male and personality that the directors envisioned that I could be able to embody such role."
Since Yuzuka-san has always played as a man on stage, she has always emphasized various methods of making people's hearts flutter and how to interact with others, creating a framework without gaps and enhances the persuasion, conduct, perspective and feeling of the role. And depending on the change of occupation, era, and the relationship with her partner, she has focused greatly on how to convey the persuasion of the role's presence on stage.
When answering, as if reacting to the word "otokoyaku", her voice became lower as she spoke.
What are Yuzuka-san's memories for Flower Troupe, she who has not been transferred to any troupe but has been part of Flower Troupe for 14 years ever since she was assigned in May 2009?
"Because I know nothing apart from Flower Troupe, my feelings for Flower Troupe are fonder than anyone! Knowing that I could be a part of the Flower Troupe 100th anniversary performance, I hope that the audience and to those who have built on Flower Troupe till this time, that they would all feel proud of this troupe called Flower Troupe. There were many times that I feel proud of Flower Troupe traditions passed down for many generations, and also inheriting the character and style of Flower Troupe. It is a great treasure that I could stay in Flower Trope. So I feel even more determined not to bring disgrace upon being a Flower Troupe member."
Seeing how Yuzuka-san says this calmly, I can feel that she is someone honestly facing the situations she is in and the mission she is given with.
During the coronavirus, Yuzuka-san has seen different situations than before, so I asked this question. With all these performances and things you've seen, are there any especially memorable things that stayed with you?
"After all I think most about the audience's faces right now. Also, I think about their faces and their various smiling expressions too. In that space that I could almost feel their words from the appaluse, even from the masks that I could feel their thoughts penetrate my heart straight and directly towards me with their shining eyes, I am really thankful for the audience's bonds with us, and I love that more than anything as I recall it now and it makes my heart throb."
Yuzuka-san and other Takarasiennes stood on stage and gave us hope and dreams in difficult circumstances. If you want to meet with the Takarasiennes, you can support them by going to the theatre. I feel that that's how we could clearly convey our feelings and they could understand us as such. I am grateful for Yuzuka-san's words.
Is there anything Yuzuka-san would like to say to herself who just entered the revue? to which Yuzuka-san smiled cheekily.
"Hahaha...You are going to be meeting amazing people You are going to meet many wonderful people, they are going to teach you a lot. And you are going to live with love" she replied with a smile.
When asking Yuzuka-san what Takarazuka means to her:
"Now, [Takarazuka] is my everything, and it is my youth. All this time has passed, and I was really taught a lot of things..." she paused and the corners of her eyes drop. "I have slanted eyes, but when I think about it, the corners of my eyes naturally droop and my cheeks rise. I realise the irreplaceable, lovely, important I have spent here. And I feel that this wonderful time will remain with me forever."
Then comes the conventional question... whether she has any plans for marriage:
"You really want to hear about that, don't you? If you don't listen to me, it'll be bad luck~ (LOL)."
She touched her left ring finger...
"There's nothing here today and I can't return with an answer, but for a moment I thought about wearing a rubber band (LOL). But I don't have the courage to try that. So yes, of course now I'm available." she replied cutely with a smile.
After responding to the questions, it's the phototaking time.
Usually it's just 2 simple poses for standing up and waving your hands, but this time we have 4 poses!
Apart from the simple standing up and waving hands pose, a male reporter said, "You mentioned "Haikara-san ga Tooru" just now" and Yuzuka-san quickly responded with a salute! "Ah~ You mean this♪" to which the male reporter felt satisfied, "That's great!" And you could hear so much camera shutter sounds📸
I felt that this was a dream and also pressed the shutter with my trembling hands...!
As if saying "thank you!" with her eyes, the venue started laughing again 😆
Yuzuka-san also enjoyed the phototaking time. Yuzuka-san's too-amazing salute pose made us enter the "Haikara-san ga Tooru" world again✨ As if you can see a cool and cute Ijuuuin Shoui right in front of you😍
Then, another male reporter requested, "Could you do a Flower Troupe...?"
It's probably because Yuzuka-san doesn't make anyone nervous, that there were these fun requests!
Answering to the request, Yuzuka-san became serious and asked, "Do you mind if I unbutton my jacket a little to do that?"🥰
I was so moved to see a Flower Troupe pose in front of my eyes! We tend to focus on the hands for the Flower Troupe pose , but she starts posing from how she stands on her feet! We have an outstanding, cool Flower Troupe pose from Yuzuka-san😍 Attending to the requests with her gaze, Yuzuka-san also checked and adjusted the angle of her feet and body, and she also changed her gaze at times.
When requested to do a cool pose, Yuzuka-san said, "I don't know how to do a cool pose (LOL)". What is Yuzuka-san talking about! She already captivated so many hearts here💘💘💘
The reporters in the venue gave her a great round of applause and Yuzuka-san left the venue.
As Yuzuka-san left, I could see that everyone was smiling like the blooming flowers 😄 In a 30-minute press conference, I feel like everyone in the press was captivated by Yuzuka-san.
I asked to Yuzuka-san again, for she often expresses her gratitude to the fans when given the opportunity, to leave a message she wanted to deliver to all the fans.
So she gives this final message.
"My gratitude is greater than anything else you can imagine now. More than anything, everyone's words, your presence and your applause, and anything that I have received in that space [of the theatre]…This is truly pale in comparison when I put it to words. I hope I could repay my gratitude to everyone on the stage little by little, that I will cherish and treasure this time to do my best. Before the day of graduation, I want to convey to the audience that I will devote myself to Takarazuka."
Here is the upcoming schedule for Yuzuka Rei-san.
Yuzuka Rei Special Concert "BE SHINING!–Glamorous Time–"
November 28 (Tue) ~ December 3 (Sun) Showa Girls' University
December 10 (Sunday) ~ Decmeber 13 (Wed) Kobe International House Kokusai Hall
"Takarazuka Specials 2023 Open the Future ~ To the future~"
Decemer 21 (Thu) ~ December 22 (Fri) Umeda Main Harts Hall
The graduation performance is "Arc en Ciel ~The Rainbow over Paris~"
February 9, 2024 (Fri) ~ March 24, 2024 (Sun) Takarazuka Grand Theatre
April 13 (Sat) ~ May 25 (Sun) Tokyo Takarazuka Theatre
Flower Troupe Top Star Yuzuka Rei will graduate from the Takarazuka Revue on May 26, 2024.
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