#Impact of culture on business
cf56 · 9 months
I don't have anything big to offer on Animaniacs' 30th anniversary, but I don't think I need anything like that. I wanted to at least say something on the day itself.
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Animaniacs has truly had an indescribable impact on me. All the connections I've made and the passion I've felt, my life would be completely different without it. I'd be a different person. I can't even begin to imagine where I'd be.
And to think that, if I had simply decided not to check out the reboot for this 90's show I'd never watched, I'd have missed out on all of it. Tiny moments and decisions in your life can completely change your trajectory. It's a good thing I'm a sucker for nostalgia that isn't even mine :)
It may just be a silly cartoon at the end of the day, but its impact on me is immeasurable. I truly love the characters- Yakko Wakko and Dot are just incredible on every level. Just seeing them (especially Wakko) opens a tunnel straight to my heart. I love the friends I've made and I love all of you. It's such a gift to be able to express my creativity, my silly thoughts, and have them actually be accepted and appreciated by others. I never have to wake up wondering if I've had an impact on the world or trying to find my place. I've found it. No matter what else goes on in my "real" life, I always have something driving me forward. I can't even begin to express how important that is.
I'm so glad Animaniacs exists. I'm so glad all of you are fans too. Whether it's here or elsewhere, keep creating and showing the world what you can do! The creativity you have inside you is so valuable. Everyone has so much to offer. You shouldn't ever doubt that.
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halluciniwaynia · 3 months
dishonored is honestly such a weird video game franchise in terms of a larger cultural legacy because it was one of the most popular non-indie games of 2012 (a year which saw some of the most influential indie games ever released to the public like Hotline Miami, Journey, Minecraft Xbox 360, the original Walking Dead, etc) but it was released basically on the edge of the larger publishers like Bethesda shitting the bed and succumbing to late-stage capitalism. The sequel was released half-baked and without the razor-edged focus of the original (even though it’s very good in its own right), and because single player FPS/action-adventure games were going the way of being nothing but COD clones, there wasn’t enough time for any kind of legacy to spawn or influence other creators, nor was there any time for the forward and progressive ideals of the games to influence other like-minded individuals and game developers. It didn’t really help that Dishonored was a game with a kind of scope that couldn’t really be made without a massive studio behind it, because the huge amount of systems at play both while the player does and does not acknowledge them simply isn’t something most indie studios are capable of replicating, another nail in the coffin of how far its influence would stretch
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bo0bydrake · 1 year
i have got to emphasise on the fact that this is huge actually- gay rights in football is something that's just barely discussed. during the world cup in qatar, captains were banned from wearing a one love captain's band because it was too political (it was just a band with a rainbow heart on it), homophobia and racism is practically rooted in the songs sung during matches and there are no out players in the premier league, or more generally, there is only one (1) out player in the top leagues. having a character simply just,, be with another man and also a footballer in the premier league is a huge statement and will hopefully aid in trying to make football a better space.
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random-blep · 1 year
Thinking of language in genshin being like the nation's language and then to use everywhere it's common so thinking like that I think
Diluc- fluent in Mondstadts language and Common. Is fairly skilled in at least a little of each of the other nations languages. Shneznayan being like his 3rd most fluent language. And I like to think he knows a little Khaenri'ahn cause I like to think he learned it from Kaeya as kids
Kaeya- is fluent on Mond and Common and he's a little out of practice but Khaenri'ahn too. Being adopted by the Ragnvindrs he had to at least get the basics in other nations languages cause like for Diluc it's important in business to know it.
Thoma- he's fluent in Mond, Common, and Inazuman. I like to think Thoma is proud of his heritage from both sides of his family and he likes to embrace both cultures. Though now that he lives in Inazuma it's really hard to keep up with what's going on in Mond, but he's still hoping to one day share Mond with the people he loves in Inazuma and share Inazuma with the people he loves in Mond.
Kazuha- as a wanderer he is knowledgeable of basics to a good about of languages. Inazuman and Common were his first, possibly followed by some Liyue and Mond. Though common is probably what he ends up using most.
Heizou- funnily enough although he is a smart man I can't see him knowing anything beyond Inazuman and Common cause I just don't see him ever really leaving inazuma all that much or ever
Harbingers in general - I think the harbingers all have some fluency in most languages (a lot of them are old okay). So in order of fluency I guess it would be their home nation, common, probably Shneznayan (if that's not their home nation) , then in order probably from the countries they're most around and down. Example: Scaramouche- Inazuman, common, Shneznayan, Sumeru , etc
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hwiyoungies · 9 months
arm*es are so goofy some truly are mad because professional korean esports gamers could be exempt to do the military service if they win a gold medal (just like any athlete LMAO)
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poisonousquinzel · 1 year
personally I think it's an improvement that we've evolved enough to care about the morals and personal views of the celebrities. I'd take people asking genuinely if so & so is problematic or has done anything questionable over people not caring at all. Indifference isn't a good when it comes to these influential people, especially because their views will be broadcast to a much larger audience regardless. It's a good thing to question the intentions of the richer celebrity folk in our world and to not trust in them blindly.
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femmeidiot · 9 months
do you ever wonder if you had been alive during beatlemania if you would have participated?
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kiran · 2 years
I’m officially a business major ☹️🎉 *sad defeated party horn noise*
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rickgoodman · 2 months
Discover Dr Rick Goodman's Impact on JSI Inc Workplace Culture
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usarimseo · 3 months
Unraveling the Web of Ironside Fakes: A Closer Look at Counterfeiting
In today’s world, where authenticity is prized ironside fakes and trust is paramount, the prevalence of counterfeit goods poses a significant challenge. Among the myriad of counterfeit products circulating in the market, one particular area that has garnered attention is the realm of Ironside fakes. From luxury watches to electronics, the market for counterfeit Ironside products has burgeoned, leaving consumers and authorities grappling with the consequences.
But what exactly are Ironside fakes, and why should we be concerned about them? Let’s delve deeper into this issue to understand the implications and repercussions of counterfeit Ironside products.
Firstly, it’s essential to grasp the significance of Ironside in various industries. Ironside is renowned for its commitment to quality, innovation, and reliability. Whether it’s electronics, tools, or other consumer goods, the Ironside brand symbolizes trust and excellence. However, this reputation also makes it an attractive target for counterfeiters seeking to capitalize on its brand value.
Counterfeit Ironside products often mimic the appearance of genuine items, making it challenging for consumers to distinguish between the real and the fake. From the packaging to the product itself, counterfeiters spare no effort in replicating every detail, often at a fraction of the cost of the authentic product. This deceptive practice not only deceives consumers but also undermines the integrity of the Ironside brand.
Moreover, the proliferation of Ironside fakes poses significant risks beyond financial losses. Counterfeit electronics, for instance, may lack proper safety certifications, potentially endangering consumers with substandard components or faulty wiring. Similarly, counterfeit tools and equipment may compromise workplace safety, leading to accidents or injuries.
The impact of Ironside counterfeiting extends beyond individual consumers and businesses. It undermines legitimate manufacturers’ revenues, erodes consumer confidence, and fosters a culture of deceit within the market. Furthermore, it contributes to a broader ecosystem of illicit activities, including organized crime and money laundering.
Addressing the challenge of Ironside counterfeiting requires a multi-faceted approach involving collaboration between governments, law enforcement agencies, industry stakeholders, and consumers. Enhanced regulatory measures, stringent enforcement of intellectual property rights, and public awareness campaigns are vital components of combating counterfeit goods.
At the same time, consumers play a pivotal role in thwarting the spread of Ironside fakes. By exercising caution, conducting thorough research, and purchasing from authorized retailers, consumers can mitigate the risk of falling victim to counterfeit scams. Additionally, reporting suspicious products and sharing knowledge about counterfeit awareness can help safeguard others from falling into the trap of counterfeit goods.
In conclusion, the issue of Ironside counterfeiting underscores the broader challenge of combating counterfeit goods in today’s global market. As consumers, businesses, and authorities strive to uphold integrity and authenticity, addressing the root causes of counterfeiting remains imperative. By working together and remaining vigilant, we can protect consumers, preserve brand reputation, and uphold the principles of trust and transparency in commerce.
#In today’s world#where authenticity is prized ironside fakes and trust is paramount#the prevalence of counterfeit goods poses a significant challenge. Among the myriad of counterfeit products circulating in the market#one particular area that has garnered attention is the realm of Ironside fakes. From luxury watches to electronics#the market for counterfeit Ironside products has burgeoned#leaving consumers and authorities grappling with the consequences.#But what exactly are Ironside fakes#and why should we be concerned about them? Let’s delve deeper into this issue to understand the implications and repercussions of counterfe#Firstly#it’s essential to grasp the significance of Ironside in various industries. Ironside is renowned for its commitment to quality#innovation#and reliability. Whether it’s electronics#tools#or other consumer goods#the Ironside brand symbolizes trust and excellence. However#this reputation also makes it an attractive target for counterfeiters seeking to capitalize on its brand value.#Counterfeit Ironside products often mimic the appearance of genuine items#making it challenging for consumers to distinguish between the real and the fake. From the packaging to the product itself#counterfeiters spare no effort in replicating every detail#often at a fraction of the cost of the authentic product. This deceptive practice not only deceives consumers but also undermines the integ#Moreover#the proliferation of Ironside fakes poses significant risks beyond financial losses. Counterfeit electronics#for instance#may lack proper safety certifications#potentially endangering consumers with substandard components or faulty wiring. Similarly#counterfeit tools and equipment may compromise workplace safety#leading to accidents or injuries.#The impact of Ironside counterfeiting extends beyond individual consumers and businesses. It undermines legitimate manufacturers’ revenues#erodes consumer confidence#and fosters a culture of deceit within the market. Furthermore
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reviewsduniya · 5 months
Michael Jordan's Net Worth in 2024
Explore Michael Jordan’s Net Worth in 2024, featuring an in-depth breakdown of his salary—revealing the precise figure that shapes his wealth. Gain unparalleled insights into his assets, exploring the factors driving his financial success. Follow us for more financial insights and comprehensive reviews at reviewsduniya.com. At reviewsduniya.com, we provide insights into the factors behind…
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gimmemore75 · 6 months
I feel that dress codes at work shouldn't have any reason other than safety. I find that in this economy, it's very hard to maintain a professional look without spending a lot of money. It's considered investing in oneself. However, if this investment is going to make it difficult for me to pay my rent, is it worth it? Most companies want employees to show up looking clean, corporate, and ready to go, but are they paying us in a way that reflects that they care about our needs as humans? No. Most employers aren't doing that. They demand the same amount of professionalism for the same price despite the rising costs. This makes things difficult for young professionals like myself, where this might be our first job where formal business attire or even business casual attire is required. Most of them have never bought these types of clothing, know where to buy it, or even can't afford it. It's even more difficult for plus-size workers. Clothing tends to get more expensive if the fashion industry decides you're plus sized. At this point, business attire is a form of discrimination based in classism. The socio-economic class of a person who just got out of college and lives alone will have trouble supporting themselves and having the "correct" attire for a job they got a degree in. It's likely taking on another job. If they don't pass their interview due to their dress and not their know-how, then it's blatant discrimination. That's the kind of world we're living in now. Thankfully, some companies I see want people to dress more casually but still appropriate (nothing showing lots of skin). I agree with this
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paktrendz · 10 months
Exploring the Phenomenon of Worldwide Trendz: A Comprehensive Journey
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zylerkade · 1 year
3 Key Traits of High-Performing CEOs
Effective leadership is the cornerstone of any successful business. In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, a company’s performance hinges on the abilities of its CEO to inspire, guide, and empower their team. As the driving force behind a company’s culture and strategic vision, CEOs play a vital role in shaping the organization’s success. But what are the key traits of high-performing…
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premiumessays-blog1 · 2 years
How the levels of uncertainty impact company culture
How the levels of uncertainty impact company culture
Businesses face daily uncertainty in the sphere of global economic influence, volatile money markets, changing political environments and the impact of how legacy technology will affect their business. All these can lead to keep businesses from investing in their own progress and focus on the wrong priorities. Discuss how the levels of uncertainty impact the company culture and what quadrant of…
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Women Elevating Women Presents The 4th Annual Conference Collaborative Pathways, Washington, D.C., September 13th-15th, 2022
The conference was phenomenal AGAIN this year! It was hosted by J.P.Morgan CHASE. I attended the event on Wednesday at the beautiful J.P.Morgan CHASE/Bowen Building in Washington, DC. Wow…dynamic women speaking truth to power about their biz, nonprofits, and the true spirit of collaboration...in full effect! Kudos to Betty Hines, W.E.W. Founder & CEO, and the team for an outstanding job! They are…
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