#Implied Transphobia
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fixing-bad-posts · 2 years
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[Image description: A tumblr post, edited blackout/whiteout-poetry style using the colours of the transgender pride flag. Resulting text reads, "Transphobia is meaningless promote lgbt into the mainstream."]
Transphobia is meaningless promote lgbt into the mainstream.
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astralfandoms · 3 months
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mods are asleep post bellringer trauma/parental issues
anyway uhh was raised as a girl but then found out as a teenager/young adult that he actually both
hasn't talked to his parents in literal years since his transition
i think that's about it :]
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Screw meeting mutuals at dashcon, does anyone wanna go to prison as illegal aliens and get transgender surgery
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Elegant, confident and straight forward, Sammy is the spitting image of what people envision when the title of conductor or music director comes up. A man who knows what he wants and will be unhappy if he doesn’t get it. A man with a strong vision of his art and is impatient with those who don’t see it. He’ll be even more unhappy if anyone dared to imply what he does isn’t art, lucky for most Joey is by his side to stop him from throttling anyone for such comments.
Yes, Sammy is quite the character, to contrast his husband’s constant smile Sammy has a near permanent frown he wears around the studio and his life. Many question how such different characters could come together and decide to spend the rest of their lives together, Sammy usually responds saying when he first met Joey he almost couldn’t believe someone hadn’t already swooped in to take his heart. Despite what most assume, Sammy will happily admit he fell for Joey first and practically knew he’d held such feelings for the man since they shook hands during his interview. He knew Joey was an artist, a man with a strong vision, and wild imagination the moment he saw him.
Joey could always find a way to make the wild and fantastical so real, Sammy couldn’t think of something he’d rather do than bring his characters and stories to life with music. He takes great pride in the work he does too, in fact when he first was hired at the studio he was a one man band. He still brags about those days when the staff was rather small and he was the only music producer making instrumentals for cartoons that at the time had no lyrics or words in them. Who knew how fast the production would grow in such short time, with voice actors, songs that now needed lyrics and Sammy knew just the man to write them.
Of course Sammy had to pick his childhood best friend Jack Fain, the two had been a musical duo before their studio days after all and if anyone could help him, it was Jack. The two always had each other’s backs, even when Sammy’s home life pushed him out of the home and onto the streets, the two stuck together. Of course Sammy saw it coming. His rather religious parents never truly approved of their friendship but he didn’t care, finally getting out of that hell of a house also allowed Sammy to change his body to match both his current name and identity. Sure surgery isn’t the kind of thing to try doing when you’re an amateur but for Sammy, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
With such a rough childhood and upbringing, it’s no wonder Sammy was so quick to adapt to the lifestyle he has now. Becoming the kind of elegant and respectable music director the investors love, so long as he and Joey are subtle about their behind the scenes romance of course. Sammy has all he could’ve ever asked for when he was younger, a loving, charming husband and a studio that truly values his work… What more could anyone need?
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theiceemperor · 2 years
Not me crying because literally every single one of my cis woman relatives (two cousins and a sister) were told they "Look/act like a boy" and me, the only trans (genderfluid) person in the whole family is constantly being told that I am AFAB.
Like. WHAT MORE I HAVE TO DO. I wear binders when I feel masculine. I cut my hair short – I have what one could consider a "man" hairstyle. My whole posture shifts in accordance to what gender I currently identify as.
But somehow, I am the only one who is constantly being told that I am a woman and a woman only.
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fucknuggetmaguire · 2 years
!!Vent Poem Warning!!
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Casey and Leo share an early-morning picnic in the park.
Day 26: Swan
Inspired by you’re too pretty for me by leones. @leonsi
Title taken from the song Swan Song by Dua Lipa.
You can find resources related to the current Roe crisis on my sideblog here.
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erigold13261 · 2 years
So Dodo is mute… and in some timelines Dodo is forced to get a voice… but why force someone to get a voice when he/they are content? (I forgot which pronouns Dodo uses) (Failed Revolution AU)
Dodo uses mainly He/Him with some They/Them sprinkled in every now and then. Though in the Failed Revolution AU he only uses he/him (pronouns sometimes change for AUs, like in this one Sayu uses strictly she/her and 1010 all use he/him. Also technically Remi uses she/her but because he is out with the Crew and using he/him with them, I still use he/him for Remi even in this AU where he is not out yet).
And to answer your question, it is ableism. The Failed Revolution is the only AU I have that has Dodo with a voice, every other AU I have Dodo is fully mute, either using sign language, writing, or magical symbols to communicate.
But also in most of those AUs, Dodo is not living with his family, but is instead either in some kind of dorm with the rest of the crew, or is an emancipated minor living with the crew.
In the Failed Revolution AU, the crew all live with their families and not each other, so they are subjected to the rules of their families. And there's obviously a reason why the crew wanted to not live with their families, as you can see with Dodo forcibly getting a voice and it is implied with the fact that Remi has not socially transitioned at all yet.
Having a voice makes dealing with Dodo "easier" according to his parents. They didn't have to learn a new language (even though they don't really see sign language as a language) and wouldn't have to explain to strangers what is "wrong" with their son.
It sucks a lot, but the crew doesn't really know any healthy relationships with other adults that could help them. Eve doesn't care about Remi or his friends. Tatiana, Neon, and DJSS are all more cold and hostile. The only one who would help really is Mama and she was way too busy with Yinu to realize what was going on in the Crew's lives and the Crew were not willing to trust her enough to tell her their problems.
So they stick with their families hoping things will get better if they just bring in more money, get more popular, and make their families happy. Which will never be enough because most of their families are just using their kids for money at this point (think of child actors before laws were put into place to protect them).
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1590icarus · 4 months
Thinking about the nightmare I had a few days ago where my parents had another baby and named it my deadname don't talk to me
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What’s this about Nico nearly killing a guy?
You all met Izzy last night, yeah? Well- When she transitioned, she got a lot of bad attention. Couple years ago, there was this wanker that nearly beat her to death. Nicolas found out, and by the time I found the two of them he was burying the guy alive. He had his da's hatchet, was gonna split his skull once the bloke was buried. I swear, it's like he didn't even recognize me at first- Nearly looked possessed.
Nico got off easy, my folks come from money so we got Goldstein on the case. He did community service and had to spend the rest of summer in juvie. He swears he doesn't remember burying the guy- I wanna believe him. But I know if I hadn't showed up, that man would've died.
We don't talk about it. Izzy doesn't know, she thinks Nico went to Juvie for beating the guy's ass. -Parker
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victory-ocs · 9 months
what if derya had stayed?
[This drabble is under a Read More because there is no happy ending. Mind the tags]
He cannot think of another way out. He has tried, so very hard. Tried to be the person that they wanted.
Tried to be the perfect daughter. The perfect wife. The perfect little pawn for use in father's political pursuits.
But he can't. The little songbird will not sing. No. It is time that he is free of his cage.
Even if the only way to freedom... Is down.
He looks down from his perch. Sitting on the windowsill. At the dizzying height from here to the ground.
Maybe it won't hurt.
He closes his eyes.
And he jumps.
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somnus-in-law · 1 year
Ranpo meets the man everyone thinks of as his father when he is fourteen. He bears that same man's child when he is fifteen.
Yukichi takes him to a back alley clinic. There he is introduced to a doctor named Mori Ougai.
"It's better for all of us if we just get rid of It," the doctor hisses, hand gripped on Yukichi's bicep. Even without Ultra Deduction, Ranpo can tell it will bruise.
"Ranpo-kun will decide what should be done with It."
It. Like it's some disease that Ranpo contracted. With the risks involved and the high probability of death, It might as well be.
"You'll let him decide. Yes, because that clearly turned out so well the first time."
There is a pregnant teenager in my clinic, you fool! He should have never had this choice in the first place!!!, Mori wants to shake and scream at the older man.
The other things he wants to do cannot be written here.
Yukichi stays silent like the coward he is.
"And what will you do when people ask. Someone always asks."
Yukichi's gaze lingers on Ranpo's hunched form, "..I had a short affair, nothing more."
"No one will believe you. The Lone Wolf who can't even have dinner with a client engaged in a casual fling? Please."
"You'll need something better."
His gaze turns from the teen to the doctor, eyes glazed over, pleading with him.
"..no. I won't do it, it's hard enough to run my clinic as I am. I can't let my secret get out."
Not when I'm so close.
"You, boy," Mori addresses Ranpo now, fed up with Yukichi's useless answers.
"You have two options: Get rid of the thing that is growing in your stomach, or carry it and hope neither of you die."
The doctor jabs his thumb at the bodyguard, "He is effectively useless when it comes to human needs. I'm sure his mind is equal parts silent and frantic."
"But I at least know he is not as stupid as I or others like to insinuate, so before you decide what your next step is: tell us what you did."
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bluejay-creations · 1 year
Where I Exist
I started out as nothing In a world where people are wanted dead In a world where i don't exist
People look at me and they make assumptions People look at me and they not-so-subtly ask their friends “Hey is that a boy or a girl?”
People look at me and they force their own expectations on me They dehumanise They call me an ‘it’ or a ‘thing’ instead of a person They draw lines that don't make any sense Lines between things that don't make any sense “You’re too short to be a boy” “You can't be a girl, your voice is too deep” “How can you not be a boy or a girl?” “You’re not a real boy”
All of it, every little thing they say, is designed to bring me down To destroy my confidence To pressure me to ‘fit in’ and ‘be normal’
They say these harmful hurtful things, masked by faux curiosity Designed specifically to tear me down from where i stand
I built myself from nothing In a world that wants me dead A world that wants to pretend i don't exist
A world where if i dare to announce my presence, countless people will be there waiting With no other goal Then to shut me down To tape over my mouth To deny me comfort And to deny me my happiness
In a world built on darkness, hatred, and bigotry A small light remains In the farthest corners  We sit by the flickering light of our small fire It crackles and burns to keep us warm as we begin to build each other back up Brick by brick, stick by stick Together we will continue to build eachother up Together we continue to build our growing fire Our small fire isn't so small anymore Its getting bigger bigger and bigger with each passing day We build it up stick by stick, flicker by flicker It keeps us warm in a world oh so cold
But, fire catches And The same fire that keeps us warm Attracts those who like the cold Those who want to tear us down Those who take one look at the fire we've built, and want nothing more then to see it extinguished
Those same people still whisper those same things “Is that a boy or a girl?” “You're not a real boy” “You can't be both” The venom in their voices, vicious in their attacks Though i try not to let them They tear me down  Brittle bricks starts to break, rocks rumble and ricochet off the edge Leaving me lying on the floor, helpless
But now, instead of a tiny flicker, i can see a blindingly bright flame sitting nearby No longer just me, now we can build each other back up again No matter how many time someone tears us down We will still be here to build each other back up
From nothing we built ourselves In a world that wants us dead In a world that can no longer pretend we don't exist
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transmechanicus · 13 days
I know some people have unfathomable beef with the term but i really don’t see the issue with transmascs describing their specific experiences with societal mistreatment and persecution as “transandrophobia”, like i think it’s good to be able to discuss specific experiences and articulate the problems you’re facing actually.
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cobwebbed-crow · 2 years
So many of you need to learn how to be normal about men getting pregnant
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