#In More Ways Than One eyyyyyy
bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
at the rate they went, danzo told hiruzen it was fucking, but it was really holding his bandages while he used the eyewash station. if there's smoking afterwards it counts. yuh huh okies i'm very good at this
Dhikhshisgisgidhjsvjsvjsvka I am sending u a Cease & Desist
Hiruzen like: I want to stare into your eyes while we do the nasty
Danzo: okie but which ones
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cuddlecave · 8 months
Hi, haven't been by in a while, vore brain went dormant for a while ♠️
Idea where Gordn is working at a facility where they say they have a mer captured. Said mer is of course Ben.
They do the usual "Gord sees mer Ben, feels sorry to see such a majestic creature in captivity, vows to help him escape" type plot. Except when Gordn gets this scrawny mer to the ocean and puts him in, Ben Changes.
He seems to rejuvenate, his dark scales illuminate with hidden lines of bioluminescent spots, his seemingly withered fins restore and fan out.
He also abruptly grows in size. He used to be smaller than Gordn, and looked so sickly. Now he's huge, and fully revitalized. (Cant decide if he stays relatively humanoid, or if he starts shifting towards your Deep Ben design. Never was a mer, but a restrained eldritch)
Gord is staring at him in awe when they both hear security or soldiers coming their way. Gord had planned to hop onto a small boat nearby and making his own escape, but Ben has other ideas. One hand, now big enough to wrap fully around his rescuer's torso with ease, emerges from the water and snatches Grdn up as gently as possible. He can't say much, he doesn't want to give away their location, but when Gord cries out, suddenly alarmed and wondering if releasing the captive mer was a good idea, he tries to comfort him with a small dose of blue voice. Gordn has only a moment to be mesmerized by the light, and then it dissipates, revealing the rapidly approaching maw of the entity he tried so hard to save. He can't bring himself to fight or cry out, subdued by the blue as he is. He's helpless as those jaws close on him, surprisingly careful, and he's pulled in and swallowed.
Ben hurriedly nestles the confused and frightened human safe away deep inside, curled up in a pouch with an air supply, then heads for open water, eager to escape his captors reach. It won't be the end of their troubles, he knows. Gordn will have to go back to land sooner or later, once the search for Ben has died down a little. But Ben will happily keep his kind, brave little human within, sustained and protected by Bens own body. It's the least he could do, Ben thinks as he cuddles at the weakly squirming form inside. Girdn seems frightened, but Ben projects reassurance, alongside happiness and gratitude. He would never harm him, his favorite little human.
Gord was still uncertain, having been swallowed whole by a giant sea monster(?) But despite his anxious squirming, he was growing more and more hopeful of his situation. He hadn't been chomped, he wasn't dumped in acid, and the air in his little holding pouch had yet to go stale and suffocating. He had hoped and prayed that it meant his holder didn't intend to hurt him. Maybe he was wrong, maybe this being had been deceiving him all along, and that facility had imprisoned it for valid reasons...
An odd call echoed around him, sounding almost delighted. Gleeful. He felt gravity shift around him as the giant mer(?) presumably dove and swooped through the water, reveling in this newfound freedom. Gordn flailed a little as he was thrown, and he tried to readjust. The movement lessened, and a deep, happy croon rumbled through his entire body as the creature suddenly pressed in around him. He couldn’t suppress a yelp of alarm, worried at the loss of space, and potentially air. The walls squeezed him firmly, kneading him and curling him up further. Dozens of fears darted through Gordns mind, worries of being crushed, suffocated, or trapped forever, but all those fears were soothed by a wave of more strange light, and a voice echoing from all around.
"Thank you. You helped me. Now I will help you. You are safe with me."
(Ends up similar to the main Deep Ben concept, just that when Gord asks to be let go, Ben only says "not yet, not safe" instead of "nah, I'm keeping you." This Ben knows how it is to be trapped against your will, he would never do that to the guy who risked so much for him)
eyyyyyy welcome back!
and dohohohohohohoho
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
More Reading Thoughts: “The Black Gate Opens”
What’s this?? Another chapter review within a week of the last one??? Gasp! Incredible! Unheard of!
(I just didn’t have a lot of stuff to draw for the last chapter, haha. We’ll see how this one goes.)
Haha another reference to people traveling “in the van”. Guess I’ll have to draw another Volkswagen ;-P
Aww, Merry is left behind…poor thing. Poor all of them, really.
“Bergil was with him, and he also was downcast; for his father was to march leading a company of the Men of the City: he could not rejoin the Guard until his case was judged.” Oh nooo, Bergil, bby 🥺 Has to watch his father leave, wondering if he’ll come back. Argh.
And Merry has to do the same thing with Pippin!! Argh! This is just like that one scene in the movie, but without Aragorn at his side to comfort him…
“Everyone that he cared for had gone away into the gloom that hung over the distant eastern sky; and little hope at all was left in his heart that he would ever see any of them again.” Merry noooooooo 😭😭
“He was roused by the touch of Bergil’s hand. ‘Come, Master Perian!’ said the lad. ‘You are still in pain, I see. I will help you back to the Healers. But do not fear! They will come back. The Men of Minas Tirith will never be overcome. And now they have the Lord Elfstone, and Beregond of the Guard too.’” BBY SON 😭😭😭 Bergil has inherited his father’s defiant optimism. You keep up your spirits, buddy.
The king’s head!! They put the king’s head back on the statue!!
And they broke the bridge to Minas Morgul and set fire to the sickly white flowers. Good. This may only be small pocket change compared to the might of Mordor, but any way they can destroy the darkness and ruin and replace it with beauty and light is a good thing.
Imrahil urging them to use the name “King Elessar” for the psychic damage is GoodTM.
Aragorn guessing the mind of Sauron is giving me huge Death Note vibes. “He knows that I know that he knows, etc. etc…”
Oh now this is interesting. Some of the men from Rohan and Lossnarch are too afraid to keep going towards Mordor, so instead of scolding them, Aragorn tells them to turn back and take the port city of Cair Andros back from the enemy if they can. Some of them do, and it’s good, because they’ll still have the chance to prove their courage with a battle that’s more their speed. And others choose to stay with Aragorn, who treated their weakness with kindness.
I could make SO many spiritual parallels here, like SO many, but I think I’ll save that for a future essay post.
Ohhhhhohoho Mouth of Sauron time—
“At its head there rode a tall and evil shape, mounted upon a black horse, if horse it was; for it was huge and hideous, and its face was a frightful mask, more like a skull than a living head, and in the sockets of its eyes and in its nostrils there burned a flame.” OHOHOHO DUUUUUUUDE
Aragorn: *has a staring contest with the Mouth of Sauron* The Mouth: “I CAME OUT HERE TO HAVE A GOOD TIME AND I’M HONESTLY FEELING SO ATTACKED RIGHT NOW”
“And there to the wonder and dismay of all the Captains [the Messenger] held up first the short sword that Sam had carried, and next a grey cloak with an elven-brooch, and last the coat of mithril-mail that Frodo had worn wrapped in his tattered garments.” aND A BROKEN PAIR OF EYEGLASSES HAHAHA F R I C K—
Gandalf: “Bring out the halfling, and we’ll consider your terms!” The Mouth: “👀 Umm…ahaha…about that…er, ah, FOOLS! HOW DARE YOU CHALLENGE SAURON!”
I love the fact that the Mouth of Sauron panics here 🤣🤣 HE DOESN’T HAVE FRODO!! SAM CAME AND GOT HIM AND THEY ESCAPED! LOLOL
Actually, if you look at his words carefully, you can tell that Sauron actually has no idea how bad he fumbled this. He speaks of ONE Halfling, not two. He speaks of a SPY, not a carrier of the Ring. He briefly panics when Gandalf demands to see Frodo as evidence. Don’t you think Sauron would take the chance to brag about it, if he’d gotten the Ring back from Frodo?? But he hasn’t!! The Halfling(s) slipped through his grasp! And he has NO IDEA how big of a cock-up this is!!! HAHAHAHAHA GET REKT DIAPER-BABY
But in the moment, we don’t have time to pick apart his words. In the moment, the tiny army of the Free Peoples is surrounded by an enemy host more than ten times their size. It is reasonable to assume that they are all about to die. Hoooolyyyy crap.
Pippin thinking these grim thoughts about the end of his life, noooo. “I might as well die quickly and get it over with. It’s all gone wrong.” And he thinks of Merry, and he thinks of Frodo, and “I wish I could see cool sunlight and green grass again!”, and AAAAAHHHHHHH—
*sobbing* The Eagles are coming! The E-eagles are comi-hi-hiiing!
“‘This is my tale, and it is ended now. Good-bye!’ And his thought fled far away and his eyes saw no more.”
(I would just like to issue a formal note of gratitude to C. S. Lewis for not letting Tolkien HECKING KILL PIPPIN in this scene. You have done the Lord’s work, sir. We salute you.) EDIT: Sorry, this is an unconfirmed rumor started by the RotK movie trivia website. Should’ve checked my facts first. :-P More discussion can be found here.
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natasha-in-space · 2 years
Eyyyyyy it's mc-and-elise's mod here on main! Came to say one thing: Soft Vanderwood is always best Vanderwood.
Gimme soft agent being domestic with his two adopted brothers/sons and living in peace, please Cheritz-
"Woah that sure is one huge snowfall! Guess we can expect a white Christmas this year around. Yoosung will be thrilled." Saeyoung let out a low whistle, shielding his eyes from the pouring snow and overlooking the perimeter of their newly made front porch, now being completely covered in deep snowdrifts.
"Well, you have your work cut out for you. No basement can save you from cleaning now. Good luck clearing all that snow off your porch if you want to go out." Vanderwood's voice sounded dry, although they couldn't hide a sly grin stretching the corners of their lips. While the older twin was enthusiastically looking over the snowy view, practically bending over the railing in the process, Saeran and the former agent stood a few feet away, hidden safely from the raging snowfall by a sturdy roof. Vanderwood crossed their arms over their chest, leaning on a nearby wall with their hip. "-And before you start nagging: no, I won't be doing that for you. Don't even try."
A wounded whine followed suit, as Saeyoung clutched at his chest in a fake display of hurt. "Ms. Vanderwood, why do you have to be so harsh!? Can't you just appreciate the beauty of winter right before our eyes? Besides, I know you love cleaning! I might even lend you one of my babies as a Christmas gift..."
"-Stop trying to bribe them to do your dirty work for you, you idiot." Saeran suddenly spoke up, his red locks peeking out from under a knitted hat carelessly thrown over his head. He looked quite uncomfortable in the multiple layers of thick clothing put on him, and yet, that's the first time he actively spoke out loud ever since they came out here. His mint gaze narrowed with clear irritation plastered over his face.
Quite obviously, this was about something entirely different, rather than the whole argument about clearing the snow.
Still, the way the younger twin puffed out his reddened cheeks under the safe cover of a soft scarf was just too adorable to ignore, which is why a series of quiet chucking followed, much to Saeran's further annoyance.
"Jeez, Saeyoung, are you trying to make a living cocoon out of your brother or something? There's clearly more than two layers of clothing under that coat." Vanderwood mused, only now taking notice of the boy's uncomfortable situation.
Suddenly, Saeyoung stumbled over his words, clearly feeling somewhat embarrassed by his former partner's remarks, which was quite uncharacteristic of him. "W-well, it's important to stay warm during this kind of weather! I'd hate for you to get sick, so you need to make sure you have enough protection against the cold, you know? And I know that your immune system is not that strong, so..."
He scratched at the back of his neck, only now realizing just how silly his own words sounded when being spoken out loud.
Ugh, if only you were here, this wouldn't have happened in the first place... You were always there to make sure that he wouldn't get too overbearing with his brother. But, since you were busy helping Jaehee with the opening of her new cafe at the moment, he was stuck dealing with his closest family all by himself. Which was definitely a good thing! However, he couldn't help but feel like he just screwed up.
Like he always does.
Before he could say anything to apologize, though, the older twin was interrupted by the exasperated sigh coming from Vanderwood. They merely rolled their eyes at his perplexed reaction, suddenly coming up to him to slightly flick him on the forehead. Not expecting something like that from his former partner whatsoever, Saeyoung stumbled back a bit, letting out an awkward: 'uh-', before quickly regaining his balance once more.
They raised a brow quizzically. "I know that look. Stop overanalyzing everything inside your own head and relax. Nothing horrible happened. You just wanted to protect your family in a pretty ridiculous way. It happens in every family. But, you know that Saeran is more resistable to cold temperature than it may seem at first glance. There's no need for you to try and make these decisions for him. Just trust him, even if that's scary the first few times around. Sure, it'll suck if he'll get sick, but then you'll both learn a lesson. Ease up on yourself."
Saeyoung blinked, not sure how to even respond to such a sentiment coming from Vanderwood of all people. All he could do was stand there with his mouth hanging open, like a fish out of water.
Seemingly satisfied with his response, the former agent instead turned to the younger twin this time. "And Saeran?"
The other Choi kept quiet, although his gaze was focused firmly on Vanderwood, letting them know that he was, in fact, paying close attention. Saeran was always way less talkative than his brother, which they quickly learned and adapted to accordingly.
"You could say something earlier, instead of just glaring daggers at him throughout the whole process and hoping that he would get it. This one here is horrible when it comes to hints like that. Believe me, I know. Yeah, he may be a bit too much to handle sometimes, but I'm pretty sure he would back off without putting up a fight, if you'd just tell him that you'll be fine on your own. Even twins sometimes have to deal with stupid misunderstandings like these, and you two still have a long road ahead of you."
Saeran's eyes widened slightly as he listened, before he quickly averted his gaze to the side and borrowed his visibly blushing face into the fabric of his scarf. Still, he did respond with nod and a quiet: "Okay."
"...Wow. You're like our parent or something." Saeyoung muttered, feeling somewhat dumbfounded and touched all at the same time with this whole situation.
This time, it was Vanderwood's turn to blush and choke as they turned their full attention to the older twin again.
"Say something so ridiculous like that again, and I will personally push you into a snowdrift!"
"Oh, a family snowball fight! Ms. Vanderwood you're a genius~! I'll make sure to write that down into my bucket list!"
"-Can you two stop playing house between yourselves and help me get this damn scarf off me already?"
This was the first winter they all spent outside of the bunker. And while some mishaps still occurred from time to time, they'll always be there to help each other out, whenever it was needed.
While Vanderwood would never admit this out loud, spending this year's Christmas by these brother's side was the sole reason they caught themselves smiling at the end of each new day.
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
Eyyyyyy babay. Color me not surprised that you have so many fans. Oooooobbbbbvs I want to do sunset orange. 🌞
Let’s see…I love food, family, my puppers, friends, shitty comedies, Eddie Munson, Joe, YOU….😉
I’m just so proud to be your friend when you’re so talented and shit. #BLESSED 🫶
ash. baby. love of my life, pain of my ass. i ADORE you. the moment you sent in your request i've been so excited to get to it and i'm apologizing for it taking so long. <3 also we have been over this ma'am: not fans, friends!!! y'all are my friends!!! who are so kind and support me and who i will give all the forehead kisses (with tongue thanks katie lol) to!!!
first of all, i ship you with me. forget about eddie and steve and robin etc. you're all mine baby <3 but if i was forced to share, i suppose i could share you with.... eddie munson. (we saw this one coming, didn't we?)
let's get into it, shall we? imagine below the cut is just me writing you a loveletter and not even talking about eddie haha jk... unless?
okay, so here's the thing. eddie munson is a lot of things. he is a menace, he is annoying, he is feral, and he has spent his entire life being reminded of those things. too much. he has always been too much. until you.
you'd take his too much with stride, and never make him feel as others had. you'd bake him incredible 'special' brownies, you'd make him delicious home cooked meals, you'd show him that show of the brothers you sent me who play dnd. you'd see his crazy, and you'd raise him your own times ten. he'd be absolutely whipped for you, completely devoted. he'd be the worst influence, always telling you to take a break if work got overwhelming, convincing you by any means necessary. you'd text him to pick you up some wine while he's at the store, and homie would dramatically respond "yes dear anything for you" as if he didn't already have your favorite in the cart. any time one of your puppers joins in the snuggle sessions with the two of you, he'd sigh dramatically, but secretly adore it and get offended once said pupper decided to leave. the best part of his day would be when he gets random memes sent to him from you, always smiling the moment his phone buzzes in his pocket because he just knows you sent him something hilarious. anytime you're on your period, he jumps at the opportunity for cuddles, willingly handing over his hands as personal heating pads and doting on you in anyway you may need. he knows your love language is simply death by affection, and as a touch-starved boy, he'd be more than happy to comply. endless kisses are a must, and if he somehow convinces you to play with his hair at the end of it all? well, that's just bonus points for him. and don't even get him started about how much he adores how short you are compared to him. aside from the merciless stream of jokes, and the way he always would put his snacks on the top shelves you couldn't reach, he'd also love the way it let him hold you so easily. when cuddling bed, when he hugs you from behind in the kitchen, when the two of you press together into one corner of the couch despite all the free space available when you decide to rewatch your favorite feel-good shows. he just loves everything about you. you're his favorite person, his favorite time of day, his favorite season of the year - you're his favorite, simply put. he's smitten, and he's not ashamed to admit it.
which is why your song with eddie has to be smitten by leanna firestone. that funky fun beat, that mundane love laced through every lyric. it's completely the two of you, and eddie is absolutely thanking his lucky stars that this time, he managed to do something right when it comes to you.
1k celebration - requests for this are now closed, but you can still send in general requests! just check out my rules first <3
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oasisofgalaxies · 2 years
✋ I wanna hear about rosegold (lol)
EYYYYYY SDFJSLKDF ok so ive talked about rosegold a bit on here!! prolly can find it under rosegold or ikea au (previous name) in the tags but tumblr isnt a functioning site so who knows. a few people know of it from the lovely indy @ind1c0lite's animatics for it (CHECK THEM OUT THEY ARE GOOD)
anyways !! brief overview, Guardians! Guardians are created by the universe, known to them as Mother. Each guardian is a kind of god of sorts in terms of power, but they arent worshiped or anything. Each guardian controls a domain, or domains. If one guardian has multiple domains, its limited to two and they usually go hand in hand! Mori, the guardian of life and death, and Memento, the guardian of time and memory, and Una, the guardian of timelines and reality are good examples of this.
BUT some Guardians come in pairs! Usually these pairs have corresponding or even opposing domains. For example, Sana, guardian of healing, and Aegri, guardian of disease.
Basically Guardians exist as a conduit for their domains. They help maintain order within them and prevent any anomalies. They help keep their respective timeline all in order! Nice n tidy. Sometimes things do go wrong, mostly due to the Collective.
The Collective is one antagonistic force in the Rosegold universe! The opposite to Mother, they are an eldritch hivemind/collection/smorgasbord of chaos and destruction. While horrific, they are the guardian's balance. The Collective destroys timelines, the Guardians maintain new and old ones. Its a cycle of the universe!
So getting into the meat of it all, the plot of Rosegold follows Mem, Mori, and Una. A lot of this is illustrated in the animatics (go watch they are amazing) AND the overview video Indy made!! (CLICK HERE) Indy explains it way better than I ever could but here we go.
So Rosegold's plot jumps around a bit. Doesnt help that we're still building it, things a huge work in progress. Anywho- You got the exposition in the beginning of it all, the beginning of this particular timeline. The start of the universe! Its all well and dandy and the like. It progresses from there, but the past isnt really the main focus.
It all starts around the 50s and 60s when Una, bored i guess (im unsure of her actual motivations for this. fuck around and find out?) makes her existence known to a research facility. The facility was inspired by the SCP foundation if that helps with visuals. Anyways there she meets a human scientist by the name of Marcus Doom.
The two form a sort of working friendship, Una giving Marcus sparse details on the Guardian's Homeworld, affectionately called HQ, and Marcus eating all of this up like the weirdo conspiracy theorist he is. But as time went on, Una visited Earth less and less until one day she stopped coming. Marcus did not like this.
So, theres some unfortunate consequences to a Guardian interacting with a mortal being. Boundless as they are, the mortal mind can't really comprehend them. Sort of like how Greek Gods had to disguise themselves so people wouldn't spontaneously combust at the sight of them. Thats not the case for Guardians, however. It acts sort of like long term exposure to radiation. Just a brief point of contact and you're not likely to experience any harm. But over time the effects get worse. Side effects can vary guardian to guardian. In Marcus's case, he became obsessed, traveling down this rabbit hole as far as physically possible.
This post is already getting really long so if you want to know more!! shoot me another ask!! :D
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chilljunkyu · 2 years
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TREASURE Reaction To...
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕒𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕖𝕤𝕪 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞.
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genre: fluff
warnings: some cringy cheesy pick-up lines, i guess??
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[you and treasure were on a radio show, having a talk after your newest album had come out. you were able to explain the meanings behind your songs, answer questions from your fans and show your unexpected charms. suddenly, you were asked to say something cheesy to one of the members as all the fans wanted to see an interaction between you two.]
hyunsuk: "do you have a name, or can I just call you 'mine'"?
hyunsuk would be all smiley and would quickly cover his face with his hands, giggling at your question.
"yes, you can. go on y/n" he'd answer cooly, but would giggle right after. he'd be dying deep inside at how cheesy that line was, but at the same time, he wouldn't be able to hide his happy face.
jihoon: "kiss me if I'm wrong but, dinosaurs still exist, right?"
he would laugh out loud at your cheesy words, looking at you as if he didn't believe in what he'd just heard.
"what?" you'd ask, unsure of his reaction.
"you know y/n, you're right. they do exist" he'd answer, making everyone laugh. he'd definitely be so proud of himself for turning you down and would tease you later for how embarrassed you got after his rejection.
yoshi: "your hand looks heavy. let me hold it for you" you said as you grabbed his hand without hesitation. he'd smile shyly and go "woaaaah" while looking around to check other's reactions.
his heart would be beating really fast, and even though he'd be embarrassed, he would really like the feeling of you being so bold.
junkyu: "if i was a cat, I'd spend all nine of my lives with you"
junkyu would laugh loudly, finding you extremely cute. the analogy of cats being so hilarious to him that he wouldn't stop smiling, even after he got back to the dorms.
he might tease you a little, saying something like "ohh, I see you're really obsessed with me y/n"
mashiho: "in my opinion, there are three kinds of beautiful: cute, pretty and sexy. somehow, you manage to be all three"
he'd smile widely at your words, not being able to hide how much your words affected him.
he may just say simple "thank you", while smiling at you warmly, but it doesn't mean he wasn't affected. HE DEFINITELY WAS.
jaehyuk: "so, aside from taking my breath away, what do you do for a living?" you said confidently as you stared right into jaehyuk's eyes.
"I.. I.. um..." he'd stutter, not finding the right words to answer you. he'd be quite embarrassed, but not because of what you said, but more of not being able to tell you anything in return.
asahi: "do you believe in love at first sight, or should i try walking by again?"
asahi would smile gently, avoiding eye contact with you. he wouldn't really reply to your cheesy line, being too shy to do so.
if you tried walking by again, he'd definitely ask you to sit down as not to make things more awkward for him.
yedam: "do you happen to have a Band-Aid, cause i scraped my knees falling for you"
I see yedam going "eyyyyyy~~", while looking at you with a shocked face. he definitely wouldn't expect it, but would clearly like your words.
he'd either simply say "thank you" or go more bold "come to my room later and I'll bandage it for you" which would result in embarrassed and shy yedam later on.
doyoung: "you know, I'm actually terrible at flirting. how about you try to pick me up instead?"
he'd be more than happy to hear those words, and of course, he'd comply almost immediately. he wouldn't have to be asked twice as he knows his stuff and is great at flirting.
he'd totally make you way more embarrassed than planned, but he would be way too excited to stop.
haruto: "i ought to complain to Spotify for you not being named this week's hottest single"
he'd immediately laugh, making everyone hear his high-pitched voice. I don't think he'd reply much, but would remember that pick-up line for some time.
maybe he'd use it one day on you, just to make you shy afterwards and see your reaction.
jeongwoo: "i didn't know what i wanted in a man until i saw you"
he'd be soooooo shy. he'd just smile to himself, while going crazy inside. he might say "don't say that..", while looking away from you, but he'd absolutely love to hear such words.
it'd be like a real confidence boost for him.
junghwan: "hey, do you mind if we take a picture together? I just want to show my mum what my next boyfriend looks like"
he'd giggle so much. he'll tease you later about it as well. he'd even offer to take a real picture together and tell you to send it to your mum (as a prank).
I can imagine him repeating that pick-up line to you later on from time to time, liking the way you always got embarrassed and hid your face in your hands.
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Thank you for reading! :))
Requests are 🅾🅿🅴🅽! Feel free to DM me anytime~~
Sorry for any mistakes as English is NOT my first language!
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mimsyaf · 3 years
Aisha Gets A Life
Aisha is grounded for two weeks, and suspended for one. Not that the suspension matters — her parents yoink her out of West Valley so fast, she never does get her favorite pink hoodie from her locker. She wonders if it’s still there.
Sam doesn’t text her back.
On day four of Aisha’s captivity her mom goes to get her hair done, an all-day affair. Aisha Ubers over to the hospital and sits by Miguel’s side. His hand is cold and she holds it in both of her own. At last her warm, sweaty hands are good for something.
At the beginning of September, Aisha starts school at Cabot Preparatory. It’s pretty white, but so was West Valley. So.
Sensei texts her back to say he’s not a sensei anymore. He makes even more spelling mistakes than normal so Aisha figures he’s pretty drunk. You’ll always be my Sensei she texts, feeling a lump in her throat like when you swallow a too-big ice cube.
The three dots appear ... and disappear ... and appear ... and disappear...
Her parents make it very clear they don’t want her studying karate anyway. “Why not the dance team?” her mom asks brightly. Aisha laughs so hard she almost falls off the port side of the yacht. Yeah, her dad bought a yacht. Her mom says it’s a sign of a midlife crisis.
Aisha does not join the dance team.
She tries out for lacrosse instead. The captain is a tall, thin girl from South Africa, the daughter of a diplomat. She wears her hair in Bantu knots. Her name is Lerato and she takes one look at the way Aisha moves and her face lights up in unholy joy. “Eyyyyyy a new defender, I like our chances!”
“What about me?” sulks the existing defender, Sujin.
“What ABOUT you?” snaps Lerato, but she teasingly pulls her clever fingers through Suj’s long black hair as she passes.
Aisha is pretty sure the whole team is gay for Lerato.
Or maybe that’s just Aisha.
Miguel wakes up but he can’t walk. He can’t walk at all. Aisha visits him in the hospital again. She can tell he’s trying to be brave for her, so she does her best to act like nothing’s wrong. She makes fun of her rich-y rich private school to make him laugh, but the thing is. The thing is, Aisha’s beginning to love Cabot.
She’s taking AP French Lit and explicating Baudelaire. The girls in her classes are REALLY smart. And yeah, there are a couple bitchy cliques, but they’re amateurs compared to Yasmine in her prime.
Aisha does not give any of them a front wedgie. She can’t be bothered.
Sam texts her back out of the blue. She apologizes a lot. Aisha leaves her on Read. Not to be a shit but because she doesn’t even know what to say.
In October, everyone’s talking about the Halloween dance, and RIP Aisha, she has total trauma from last year.
Except. Except it’s supposed to be amazing, for one thing. No high school gym here — they have the dance in the auditorium, and all the theatre kids have transformed it into a haunted grotto or whatever. Also Lerato asks her to go.
“Like, go with you or go with you?” Aisha asks. Cringe.
“Like, be my date. My best girl.” Lerato is obsessed with Captain America. She cosplays as him on the reg. Aisha has a lot of feelings about one particular TikTok.
So on Halloween, Aisha dresses as Furiosa, and Lerato picks her up in an old Jeep Wrangler. Her mom looks... surprised. Tough titty, thinks Aisha. If you didn’t want me to be gay, you shouldn’t have sent me to an all-girls school.
Also, Lerato is dressed as Max, which is a. touching, b. thematically appropriate and c. THE HOTTEST THING EVER.
Aisha has her first kiss in the costume room at 9:26 pm and her first non-solo orgasm about 15 minutes later, because Lerato did not come to play with you hoes, she came to slay, bitch.
Aisha has no complaints.
One day out of nowhere Sensei texts her about Eagle Fang, tells her she should come meet them in the park.
Can’t, my mom said no more karate she texts.
The three dots appear ... and disappear ... and appear ... and disappear...
Lame he texts finally, so she knows it’s ok. She tells him about lacrosse, and also about Lerato.
Is she a babe?
She sends a pic. Badass comes the reply a minute later.
TTYL Sensei she texts. Then she has to explain TTYL. He does not correct her about calling him Sensei this time.
Cabot sweeps the All Valley Championship in Lacrosse. So there you go. She won the All Valley after all.
Please suspend disbelief re: lacrosse, I know you play it in the spring. (I know NOW, that is.)
Cobra Kai Zoomers scare the hell out of me to write. I’m terrified of coming off like “How do you do, fellow kids?” But I love Aisha, so...
Thanks so much for reading. ❤️❤️❤️
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liighty · 3 years
Guzma babysitting Reader’s Niece
In all honesty i’ve thought about making another largeass super self-indulgent Guzma x Reader mega fic, but I’m not sure if I want to? I don’t know if anybody would read it, so that’s what this post is for!!! If you like this and want to see actual Guzma x Reader with plot and not just fluff drabbles lmk!! I have a bunch of asks to address so maybe i’ll get to that too soon
Anyways, back to the fic.
Mini Summary: (Y/N)’s niece needs to be babysat while (Y/N) is interviewed, so they turn to Guzma and crew to help out for a bit. Chaos ensues.
Rating/Triggers: UH drugs are mentioned but not really? THE KID DOES NOT DO DRUGS!!!! but yeah if that makes you uncomfy i’d be careful with it??\
Pairing: Guzma/Gender Neutral!Reader (I used the honorific ‘Titi’ which is gender neutral for ‘Tia’ or ‘Tio’ [extra thanks to Ocha_Bocha for helping me with that one <3] and tried to make it as gender neutral as possible. Originally this was written with a male reader, and then I went female, and ultimately attempted to eliminate gender completely. [Following the footsteps of Splatoon teehee])
Fic under cut!!!!!
"Are you sure this is a good idea, honey?" You clutch your niece's hand as you approach the large walls that separate Po Town from the rest of Ula'Ula Island. It's not that you don't trust the man who you're leaving her with- in fact, those two have been acquainted previously and seem to get along fairly well- It's his friends who you're concerned about.
"..." Her silence is expected, as the kid isn't all that talkative. Recognizing the young girl's silence, you frown. 
"You can stay in the office lounge if you really want to. I know you aren't the biggest fan of crowds, and um- Guz has some pretty loud friends-" Your explanation of what to be expected is quickly interrupted by a blue haired young man decked in black and white clothing. "Yo yo, what's with the kid?!" 
You arch a brow. You knew that Guzma worked with kids, but this guy couldn't be any older than 15! "I could say the same for you. I'm here to talk to Guzma-"
"Ya mean the boss? Why would some random chick want anything ta do with the leader of the Team Skull, huh?!"
A pink haired girl dressed in the same outfit walks up to the boy, crossing her arms. "Shut it, ya clod. Don't you remember the conversation we had with Boss yesterday?"
Hearing this, the blue haired boy's eyes light up in an epiphany. "Ohhhhh shit- Right-"
"Watch yer fuckin' language around the kiddo." She lightly smacks the back of Dansei's head. "She's in good hands, ma'am."
Another pink haired woman, this one being someone you finally recognize, walks in and smacks both of the delinquents in the head once more. "You say that after cussing, Reese?" 
Thank God. Plumeria. "Hey Plumes-" You smile weakly, waving politely with your free hand. Your niece does the same. Another young man, this one much shorter than the first and with green curly hair scrambles after Plumeria, jumping up and down to be seen. "Sorry about these numskulls. I'll lead y'all to the big boss man, yo. No worries at all, so you can chillax!"
I'm regretting this more and more by the second.
The crew starts whistling some hip hop tune as they make their way to the Shady House, the smaller boy beatboxing. You've taken this time to offer a piggyback ride to your niece, who's politely declined. Are all kids like this? Or is it just her?
Once they approach the boss, Guzma immediately jumps out of his chair, his signature shit-eating grin plastered on his face. "Eyyyyyy! (Y/N)!!! Kiddo!! What's up, homeslice?!" He hops down the stairs and crouches so he can get at eye-level with the young girl, offering his fist for a pound-it.
She bumps her fist against his, smiling just a bit. It's more of a reaction than you expected, at least. "S-sup, Uncle Guzma-" 
Looks like his slang is rubbing off on her. That's cute.
"Thanks for droppin' by, Doll. No need to worry about Little Miss Troublemaker over here, I got it all under control." He picks up your niece and walks over to you, pressing a looooooooongass smooch on your cheek. The other Team Skull members all make mini comments, like "Ewwww-", "Grosss-", and "Cooties-", causing Plumeria to once again smack their heads together. 
You roll your eyes, unable to stop the smirk on your face from growing any further. "Not in front of the kids, Guz." "Ah, right, right- My bad." His shades slide onto his face, hiding the bright red blush that had crept onto his cheeks. "Well, you should probably get goin', ey? The Aether Foundation's one lucky company to have you interviewin' for a position."
"Dork." You boop his nose, then your niece's. "Call me if you need me, okay honey? I'll be back as soon as I can."
"Okay, Titi (Y/N)-" You smile at the nickname while the others snicker. 'Titi' sounds an awful lot like 'Tittie', and considering three of the 7 people in the room are immature teenagers, there's definitely some laughing going on in the background. Plumeria looks very tired. How does she deal with these kids all the time?
"Alright, I'll be back. Don't light anything on fire, okay?" You yell as you walk off, feeling a slight hint of unease at the idea of leaving your young niece with so many delinquents, even if it's just for a few hours. It'll be fine, though. Guzma's there to keep them from doing anything stupid.
You laugh at the thought. Who am I kidding? He's probably gonna be the one who explodes something first.
The interview itself wasn't all that bad. You're fairly certain that you either aced it or put yourself up for consideration, which in itself helped your confidence just a bit. With the absence of Lusamine and the arrest of several of her chairmen, the foundation was very antsy and in need of someone who could handle the Pokemon Observation department. With your background in medicine and PR, you were rationally on the list of potential replacements, and despite your initial resistance, learning that the company would be run by somebody that WASN'T the manipulative little bitch Lusamine gave you enough comfort to accept the offer for the interview. Was it just an offer or an invitation? You weren't quite sure, but Wick was very insistent on you showing up.
Either way, you're pretty certain you got the job. Good on you. 
You can't help but wonder how your niece is doing, surrounded by so many troublemakers. As you make your way to the entrance of the Shady House, you can hear loud music, causing you to feel a small tint of anxiety. She'll be fine.
You walk up to the door and creak it open, the smell of burnt… whatever the fuck that is flooding your nostrils. Of course. They lit something on fire.
"Guz??" You call out to the empty room. "Plumes? Anybody home?" As expected, there's no response. You start to feel more and more anxious the more ground you start to cover. Where are they? Peeking your head around the corridor, your anxiety comes to its peak when-
"And that's why you should never do drugs, aight?"
Your niece sits on Guzma's knee as he bounces it up and down, his signature shit-eating grin plastered on his face like usual. Awfully burnt cookies sit on the table, explaining the smell from earlier, and Plumeria seems to be asleep with the other team skull grunts. Are they… napping? Seems like it. 
She nods enthusiastically, taking a bite of a charred cookie and grimacing shortly after, causing the two to both laugh in unison.
"Doesn't matter if it's just for recreational purposes, you could still get hooked, and that's the last thing we want!" Grinning once again, Guzma pokes her forehead.
Hypocrite. You're reminded of the first time you two had kissed, which happened to be shortly after you both had blazed a couple of joints. It's enough to get you laughing, though.
"Huh?! What're you doing here so early? Don't tell me ya flunked THAT bad!" Guzma's eyes widen, a genuine look of bewilderment painted on his face.
"I did not flunk! I think I did great!" You huff, crossing your arms defiantly. "It's suuuuuuuper comforting that you thought I failed, Guz."
"Nononono I was joking!! Right, kiddo??" Your niece quickly nods. "See???? No harm, no foul!"
Arching a brow, you walk up to the two and pick up the young girl. "Mhmmm. Did you have fun, honey?"
She nods again, unable to contain the grin on her face. "Uncle Guzma told me about his Pokemon training! And I got to ride on Golisopod's back!" 
The large bug type pokemon bops up and down upon hearing its name, prompting a smirk from Guzma. "Yeah, I told ya I'd take care of her. She's welcome back anytime, okay?"
"Thanks, Guz." You peck his cheek, and your niece sticks her tongue out, closing her eyes. 
"Icky cooties!!" Where the hell did she hear that? The only people you can think of who'd say such a thing are in the other room snoozing, so- Yeah, actually, you know exactly who taught her that word.
"Well, I'm gonna getchu with my cooties! And my tickles!" You raise a hand menacingly, wiggling your fingers with one eye closed. She immediately curls up, not out of fear, but out of excitement. It's nice to see her so happy again.
After a very long tickle session, you quickly glance at the large grandfather clock, noting the short hand of the clock slowly approaching the number 8. Shit. "We gotta go, kiddo. Your dad isn't gonna be all that happy if we get home any later than 8:30. Besides, it's past your bedtime."
"I bet Uncle Guzma stays up past his bedtime-" She yawns. "Can we stay for a little longer?"
How can I say no to that face? You find yourself incredibly conflicted. Do you tell her you have to leave anyways? Or do you stay and risk getting in trouble by your brother-in-law?
"Eh, as much as I'd love to have you over for longer, kiddo- Look at your Titi (Y/N). They look exhausted."
You smile gratefully at the comment, glad that it doesn't have to be you to tell your niece to go home. "Yeah, I'm beat. We can hang out some other time, okay? I promise." You pat her head and get ready to leave.
"Aww… okay. Bye, Uncle Guzma!! Bye Golisopod!" She holds your hand, and the two of you eventually walk your way back to the car. As you drive away, one thing lingers in your head. You can't think of anything else, in all honesty.
Guzma's great with kids. I should've expected as much, but… I'm glad he gets along with my family.
Your stomach rumbles at the intersection. I'd kill for some malasadas right about now- 
Okay, maybe you CAN think of something else.
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londonfoginacup · 3 years
Hi, sorry to bother you, but I just finished your fic “compass to my soul” and i loved it, so I just wanted to know if you were thinking of doing a sequel or the same history from Harry’s POV, it’s just that I would have love to see them apologizing to him specially Niall, after how they treated him and I would like to read more about the after. Thanks for writing lovely things <3.
Eyyyyyy thank you!
I would love to write a sequel or timestamp of some kind based around that! I truly don't know if I'll ever have time, especially since I'm just chronically bad at sequels, but here's a bit that I wrote before, of messy boys being a messy pack together.
And here's something else, maybe;
When Louis sleeps, Harry doesn't.
Louis doesn't always like to sleep in the pack bed at the back of the bus. Harry can tell, he can see the way Louis hesitates sometimes. Like it's still not his place, like it's someone else's home.
On nights when Louis seems to be battling something, when he's quieter than normal and more tired than normal, Harry lets him lead the two of them to his old bunk.
Every single time it happens, Harry's heart breaks.
Louis will jump up onto his mattress and push blankets and clothes aside, making room for Harry as Harry ungracefully scrambles in after him. Harry's not a huge fan of the small space, knows his back won't thank him for it in the morning, but this isn't about him.
So he crowds Louis in, wrapping limbs around him and bracketing him against the wall as if he's putting Louis away in a treasure box, secure and safe, in the only way he knows how.
Louis falls asleep in time, his face under Harry's chin, their legs tangled together. His breathing evens out into warm little puffs against Harry's collarbone, and his tense muscles start to relax.
Harry doesn't sleep.
Because on those nights, he stares at the wall. The photographs that are still up, even though Harry's offered to put them on the fridge or string them across the wall like in pinterest photos. Louis declines him every time.
At first, when this started, Harry used to look at them and feel hurt and jealousy in his stomach, because they're all of family and friends back home. They're not of the pack, like his inner alpha so desperately wants them to be. Louis is pack, he should have pack photos too.
Then of course, it had hit him like a bolt of lightning. The photo that Louis had that meltdown over, the one that Harry had found tucked next to the mattress and figured at the time that it had been discarded and forgotten. He had used it as a bookmark in one of Louis' books the first time they cuddled in this bunk, when Harry couldn't sleep and just thought he was there to help Louis.
(Well, that wasn't exactly what he thought -- but his hopes had been buried deep and purposefully ignored).
The photograph had still been there, when he reached over Louis' sleeping form and felt next to the mattress. So much more faded, folded, loved, hidden.
That's why Harry can't sleep.
Because being in Louis' bunk is being filled with reminders of how terrible things had been. How Louis had suffered, alone, and constructed an existence where all he was doing was trying to survive.
Harry can't sleep in the bunk, not with the way he drowns in guilt, trying not to wake Louis but also to hold him all that much tighter, to make up for those years, even though it truly doesn't change anything. He can't make up for anything like this.
Harry realises that this time, lost in his thoughts, he's been hugging Louis too tightly, squeezing him like a stuffed animal. "Sorry," he whispers, loosening his grip. "Go back to sleep."
Louis pushes back from him (not like there's much room for that in this confined space), far enough to look up and make eye contact. "Whoa," he says. "You're crying. What's-- what's wrong?"
Harry sniffs. He had been sort of hoping Louis wouldn't notice that part. "It's nothing," he says. "Just being that crybaby the fans know me as."
"Shut up," Louis chides, reaching up and smoothing Harry's curls again. "Try again, because I don't believe you."
Harry's breath catches in his throat and he averts his gaze. "I just," he stammers. "I can't apologise to you in a way that counts."
"What are you talking about?" Louis asks. "Is this because you ate off my plate today when I was in the toilets? Because it was really obvious when half my chips were gone."
"No, it wasn't--" Harry growls. "I'm talking about all of this," he waves halfheartedly to the wall behind them. "I can't apologise for years of neglect! I will never be good enough to erase all of that from your memory. Your life was ruined because of us."
Louis snorts. "I don't give a fuck," he says.
"What?" Harry asks, alarmed.
"Harry," Louis says. "I'm not a good person."
"What?" Harry asks again, more alarmed.
"I wished for Simon's death every day," Louis says. "I still do, actually, I just don't think about it as much. I hate that man."
"Get in line," Harry mutters.
Louis flicks him in the nose. Harry reels back and hits his head against the corner of the bunk.
"No, I'm first in line," Louis says. "That's the thing. I hate him. I hate him for all those years of sadness. I don't know if it's what I should be doing, but I don't care. I'm putting all of that on his shoulders only. I'm not going to hold it against you." He glares at Harry. "It fucking sucked," he says. "It still sucks, sometimes. But if I have any agency over what happened, it's my choice to blame who I want. And I'll hold that grudge for forever."
"Okay," Harry says, wrapping his arms back around Louis. "Can I still try to apologise, though? To make it up to you?"
Louis thinks. "You can make up for lost time," he says, finally. "We missed things. I missed things. I don't need an apology, but I need you to hold my hand and tell me I'm going to be okay when I get real fucked up." He yawns. "I just need my pack and my alpha. I'll figure out the rest later."
Harry nods. It doesn't feel satisfactory. He feels like he's in Louis' debt, like he needs to redeem himself.
But he strokes Louis' back until he drifts off to sleep again, and he accepts that he has a lifetime to figure it out.
And he will figure it out eventually.
He doesn't sleep when Louis does, when they share his little bunk full of memories. But he keeps watch. Against bad dreams, against bad thoughts, against his own fears that this won't work out.
And when the morning comes, Louis is still there in his arms.
Which is all he can ask for.
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im-a-star-boy · 3 years
Chrysopoeia (Part 1)
eyyyyyy 2 parter,,, nether fun with a side of angst,,,,,
@panna-pan @princeboo do yall still want me tagging you when I post this AU or should I stop?
TW: Panic attacks
Summary: They haven’t been to the Nether since they left the SMP, but they can’t put it off forever.
Word Count: 1,700
Date of Completion: Saturday, January 16th, 2021
Tommy cast an anxious look to Tubbo and Ranboo, who were chatting quietly between themselves. “Is this a good idea?”
The two looked up at Tommy’s voice. Tubbo glanced back to the cave and made an unsure noise. “I mean, we gotta at some point, we’ve been here for two months. And… and we need quartz.”
Tommy looked down for a minute before returning his gaze to the cave. “Okay…”
The three bore their armor, enchanted iron with gold boots, and made their way down. The walk was quiet and tense as the stone slowly shifted into netherrack, patches of gravel shifted soul sand, there were small patches of blackstone and nether wart growing around, crimson vines hung from the ceiling, their sharp thorns dangling hazardously. Something in Tommy’s gut twinged as they approached the nether portal. 
The three had found it a few days before from a zombified piglin exiting the cave, an active nether portal that they hadn’t built. The nether had seemed to seep into the cave, converting natural minerals into the nether materials. It was built in the same style as the old ruined portals, but it wasn’t ruined, and it was still active. Some of the obsidian had begun to crack and weep, but not enough to offset the portal as the dark purple continued to swirl and whisper. The portal was protected by the cave, surrounded on all sides by stone supports. On the top of the portal, two gold blocks still glimmered, unwavered and untouched by the elements. 
They didn’t know who built the portal or how long it had been there, just that it was there. Tubbo shifted in his spot in front of the portal. None of them had been to the Nether since they left the SMP, and the idea of going back put them on edge. “You got the gold?” Tommy asked.
Ranboo nodded and lifted up the bag. “Yep,”
“Everyone have their tools and armor?”
Tubbo and Ranboo nodded and murmured softly in agreement. Tommy took a deep breath and led the way. “Then in we go,”
The Nether hadn’t changed much. It was still hot, it was still dangerous, and it was still quiet, so, so very quiet.
Sure, there were sounds, but not enough in Tubbo’s opinion. The sound of fire crackling, lava bubbling from a lavafall nearby, the distant sound of a ghast crying, the sounds of piglins, or maybe hoglins, snorting somewhere. These sounds would break the silence every few minutes, but it was never enough to calm his nerves. Tubbo hated the Nether silence.
It wasn't like the Overworld silence, the sliver of time where the crickets would stop chirping, where the nocturnal animals would find their resting place, where the brooks and streams seemed to stop, if only for a moment, as the sun rose. It wasn't the peaceful moment of calm where everything in the world slept, everything but him at least. When the sun would break the horizon, the birds would take the place of the crickets and their cows and horses and chickens would wake and begin their day. The moment would be over. 
The Overworld silence was peaceful, momentary, and calm. The Nether silence was deafening, a threat, a reminder that few creatures lived here, that few creatures ever could even survive here. He could count all the truly living mobs here on one hand, and still would have less than ten if he counted the undead mobs. 
The portal had led them to a crimson forest. Tommy half expected to come through to the Nether hub, to see the bridges to his exile and to Techno’s house, to the floor from where the portal formed precariously over a lava lake, but no. It was untouched, overgrown, and empty. 
The portal was built into a wall on the edge of the crimson forest, the same stone brick framing around it keeping it stable, and the same cracks of obsidian that wept the strange purple fluid. The gold that typically decorated the structures was missing. A zombie piglin spared them an uninterested glance as they stepped through and examined the terrain.  
Tommy was quick to step forward and loot the chest that accompanied the ruins. There was a flint and steel, two fire charges, a clock, a few iron nuggets, and a helmet.
Tommy pulled out the helmet and examined it for a moment before returning it to the chest. Tubbo stepped forward, swallowing thickly. “Come on, let’s build a quick base here.”
Tommy raised an eyebrow. “A base? Why?”
“A place to store our stuff, it doesn’t hurt to have some emergency supplies here.”
“I’m with Tubbo, it doesn’t have to be complex, just something safe if we need to bunker down.” Ranboo piped in.
Tommy looked between the two and sighed. “Alright, fine, whatever, let’s build a base.”
Tubbo grinned. “Can you chop down some trees?”
Tommy didn’t reply, just grabbed his axe and stepped forward. “You two pick a spot, I’ll start there.”
Tubbo nodded and began searching. A little ways off from the portal, there was a nice flat area. “Over here!” He called.
Tommy stepped forward and began chopping the trees down, taking down the nether wart blocks that were like leaves to the tree. Once a good area was cleared, he handed materials off. Tubbo glanced at the materials and back to Tommy for a moment before smiling. “Tommy, why don’t you carve out a pathway? We can make it with red nether bricks, but we’ll need the netherrack to make them.”
Tommy straightened up a bit, his eyes brightening slightly at the idea of building a path. “Oh so now you’re making me do all the shitty work?”
Despite his snippy reply, Tubbo could see his excitement as he already began digging. Ranboo chuckled as Tommy got to work, looking eager with his job. 
The three had worked quickly, Tommy had carved out a path, chopping down trees as he went, and had set all the netherrack to smelt into bricks, letting Ranboo combine them into red nether bricks and then into slabs. He frequently would get sidetracked in cutting down trees and chopping the thorny crimson vines that dangled dangerously. He was quick in placing the slabs, looking immensely pleased with his work. 
As he placed the final slabs, he paused when his communicator pinged. He grabbed it, expecting a message from Tubbo, but froze when he saw the message. Niki says: Hey, Tommy. I know you’re… gone… but I need to apologize one last time. I’m sorry this happened to you, I’m sorry you have to pay for our mistakes, and I wish things could’ve ended differently. You didn’t deserve to die for our causes.
Niki says: You, Tubbo, and Ranboo were just children, and we chased you away. You died for a cause that didn’t last and I’m sorry we put you through that. I wish you three the best in whatever afterlife exists, and I hope you can find it in you to forgive us.
Tommy reread the message over and over. Niki had always been one to give speeches to the dead, but one to him? They thought he was dead?
His stomach churned as he read it again. He hadn’t even realized his breathing was picking up, or that his vision was blurring, or that it was suddenly too hot, too cramped, he can’t breathe he’s dying I’m dying I’m dying I can’t breathe I’m dying- Dream help please Dream I’m sorry-
There was a hand on his shoulder. “Tommy, deep breaths Tommy,” A gentle voice encouraged.
Tommy looked up, tears blurring his vision. When had he sat down? “Tommy, follow my breathing, okay? It’s okay, you’re okay,”
Tommy sucked in a shuddery breath and felt his hand get guided to someone’s chest. He could feel the expansion and collapse of their lungs and attempted to follow along. He took deep, shaky breaths. “Tubbo?” 
The brunet smiled. “Hey, Tommy.” 
Tommy took a slow breath, looking uncertain as he gathered his surroundings again. “Oh,”
Tubbo nodded gently. “You had a bit of a panic attack there, Big Man.” Tommy avoided his gaze, repeating, “Oh,” a bit softer. 
Tubbo’s gaze softened. “What happened?”
Tommy shakily pointed to his communicator, which he had dropped during his panic attack. Tubbo glanced over to it and Ranboo, who was watching worriedly from behind him, grabbed it, handing it to the brunet. He looked up at Tommy, getting his permission, before turning it on and seeing the message from Niki. His gaze hardened as he read the message before shutting it off. “Ranboo and I just got a similar message,” He hummed, setting the communicator aside for the meantime. “On the bright side, if they think we’re dead, they won’t come looking for us.”
Tommy avoided his gaze. “Why are they just now apologizing? After they think we’re fucking dead, that’s when they choose to apologize?!”
Tubbo nodded gently. “Yeah, it’s pretty stupid, isn’t it?”
Ranboo shrugged. “I mean, at least they’re trying, I guess.”
“Trying a bit too fucking late!”
Ranboo flinched back at his yell and Tommy quieted, curling in on himself. “I’m sorry, Big Man, I’m sorry.”
The Enderman hybrid’s gaze softened as he met his eyes. “It’s okay, Tommy. You have a right to be angry. They shouldn’t have waited until we ‘died’ to apologize.”
Tommy nodded weakly in agreement, still looking beat. Tubbo stood up and offered down his hand. “Wanna head home? We’ve made a lot of progress and I say we deserve a break.”
The blond nodded again. “Yeah, I could use some water and a nap.”
The other two nodded. “We’ve made pretty good progress on the base I’d say, it’s pretty and functional!”
Tommy grinned. “Oh yeah? We’re making headway, bitch! Soon enough we’ll have netherite again!”
Tubbo pumped his fist happily. “Yeah!”
Ranboo grinned at the two. “Wooo! Blowing up the nether with beds!”
Tommy let out a strained but genuine laugh. “Hell yeah!”
The three walked back through the portal, seeming a bit more eased about the situation.
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ezrisdax-archive · 4 years
b7 + texted the wrong person (feel free to also combine it with a group chat AU) for the sapphic september bingo!
also here on ao3 for my sapphic september bingo card~
September 1st 2376, 18:54
[ace pilot changed the group name to party bus]
you wouldn't like me when I'm angry: tom why?
Tuvok: Captain, permission to transfer.
sad clarinet noises: we're in the delta quadrant? where are you transferring to??
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: permission denied
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: you're suffering alongside me tuvok
Tuvok: Captain at least change your name here.
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: no.
  September 1st 2376, 21:12
[you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry >> Seven of Nine]
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I’m bored, meet me at the holodeck
Seven of Nine: If you feel you have insufficient work I can provide some more. I believe the warp drive coils need to be looked at.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: my warp coils are fine and don’t touch them.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I meant to message harry
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry:  you guys just both start with ‘s’ and I wasn’t paying attention.
Seven of Nine: Ah, I am a victim of you impulsiveness then.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: lighten up seven, it’s just a mistake. even you can make those.
Seven of Nine: Have you found flaws in my work?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: in the work no.
Seven of Nine: You took seventeen minutes to answer, I assume you were going over my work.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I was trying to be tactful for once. you could learn how yourself.
Seven of Nine: You meant to say something else then?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: learn to read between the lines, seven.
September 1st 2376, 22:24
[Seven of Nine >> you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry]
Seven of Nine: I find it difficult to discern the tone in these chats.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: now who’s taking too long to respond.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: okay I get it.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: look just assume most of us have a second meaning behind what we type.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I’ve learned it’s easier to just get that most people don’t mean what they say the way they say it.
Seven of Nine: That could have been written at once.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: lesson two:
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: learning to text.
 September 2nd 2376, 07:40
[party bus]
ace pilot changed their name to captain proton
captain proton: you can all call me captain, it’s okay
sad clarinet noises changed their name to mom’s not home play the forbidden clarinet
captain proton: seriously harry? you were supposed to change it to buster kincaid
mom’s not home play the forbidden clarinet: why do I always have to be the sidekick, tom?
captain proton: okay that’s captain first of all
Seven of Nine: I believe no one will refer to you with that title.
Seven of Nine: Nor is anyone interested in your juvenile holodeck adventures within this chat.
captain proton: wow rude, seven
mom’s not home play the forbidden clarinet: hang on, Seven did you just text twice?
captain proton: oh no seven’s been infected again, @virtuoso you online yet?
virtuoso: I am always online, Lieutenant, benefits of being a holoprogram.
Seven of Nine: I am functioning at peak performance.
Seven of Nine: I was merely informed by Lieutenant Torres that this is how humans communicate.
captain proton: you’re listening to b’elanna?? you never listened when harry and I tried to teach you to use this chat.
Seven of Nine: Lesson six:
Seven of Nine: “Never listen to Tom and Harry.”
mom’s not home play the forbidden clarinet: that’s probably for the best but @you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry, rude
chakot-eyyyyyy: I truly taught b’elanna the right lessons in life.
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url is online
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: tom believe me when I say I’m the only captain allowed in this chat.
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url changed captain proton’s name to demoted™
demoted™ permission changed
mom’s not home play the forbidden clarinet changed their name to buste(d) kincaid
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry is online
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: savage
great talaxian bake off: breakfast is ready everyone, for today I’ve got a selection of human and hanonian delicacies, with the substation of leola roots of course but don’t worry I’m certain you won’t be able to tell the difference. why I’ll bet if I hadn’t said a word you’d never even know.
great talaxian bake off: except that I did just tell you then.
great talaxian bake off: oops.
Tuvok is offline
 September 2nd 2376, 09:44
[you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry >> Seven of Nine]
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: not bad seven
Seven of Nine: I am not certain I should be seeking your approval.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: and you ruined it
Seven of Nine: I take that to be sarcasm?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: you can take it however you like
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: are you not coming to breakfast?
Seven of Nine: I have already taken my meal.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: no people watching to learn how to socialize today?
Seven of Nine: I believe you were against me doing that.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: no I didn’t like you doing it to me
Seven of Nine: You were a fascinating subject.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: you say the nicest things
Seven of Nine: I did not mean to insult you with that.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: no I know that now.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: just get down here and socialize already
Seven of Nine: Very well.
 September 2nd 2376, 19:32
[you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry >> Seven of Nine]
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: meet me in the holodeck in ten
Seven of Nine: I believe Ensign Kim is on duty right now.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: yeah which is why that message was for you
Seven of Nine: I see.
Seven of Nine: What is the activity we will be doing?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: sparring >:)
Seven of Nine: Very well.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: lesson eighteen:
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: just say ‘okay’
Seven of Nine: Very well.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I know that one was on purpose.
Seven of Nine is offline
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: well played seven
  September 2nd 2376, 22:17
[you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry >> Seven of Nine]
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: don’t say anything
Seven of Nine: This conversation was initiated by you.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: shut up
Seven of Nine: I am uncertain what you mean.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: oh you know exactly what I mean
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: don’t think I don’t know you play the ‘pretend not to know social cues’ on purpose when it suits you
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I’ll win the next round seven don’t you worry
Seven of Nine: I was not concerned.
Seven of Nine: Except perhaps for your shoulder.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: shut up
Seven of Nine: Is this to be a regular event then?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: depends
Seven of Nine: On what?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: did you enjoy it?
Seven of Nine: It was not bad.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: yes or no seven
Seven of Nine: The experience is repeatable
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: ugh, yes or no seven?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: if you don’t want to spend time with me don’t worry I won’t take offense to that
Seven of Nine is offline
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: guess that answers it
  September 2nd 2376, 23:48
[Seven of Nine >> you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry]
Seven of Nine: Yes.
Seven of Nine: I would like to spend more time with you.
Seven of Nine is offline
 September 3rd 2376, 06:27
[you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry >> Seven of Nine]
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: come down for breakfast then
Seven of Nine: You are up early.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: you said you were taking breakfast earlier than us
Seven of Nine: I shall acquire coffee then.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I didn’t think you drank that
Seven of Nine: I do not enjoy it.
Seven of Nine: You however do.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: oh
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: just with a little milk
Seven of Nine: I am aware.
Seven of Nine: I noticed you drinking it as such during the time I was observing you.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: that’s….weirdly sweet seven
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: stalker
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I’ll get you some nutritional supplements
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: even typing that sounds gross
Seven of Nine: I prefer it to the current food choices.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: actually looking at what neelix made this morning I can’t blame you
Seven of Nine: Then will you be picking one up for yourself?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: hell no
 September 3rd 2376, 08:29
[buste(d) kincaid >> you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry]
buste(d) kincaid: did you eat breakfast with seven this morning?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: yeah
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: what about it?
buste(d) kincaid: texting her a lot too
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: get to the point Starfleet
buste(d) kincaid: 👀
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: go look elsewhere
buste(d) kincaid: I’m just saying
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: maybe I just get that it’s not easy to understand a ship full of humans all the time when you feel like something else
buste(d) kincaid: b’elanna
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: don’t
buste(d) kincaid: all right. I’ll drop it for now.
buste(d) kincaid: but if you need romantic music playing during your dates I know a great clarinetist
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: there’s someone else on this ship who plays?
buste(d) kincaid: ouch
 September 3rd 2376, 08:42
[party bus]
demoted™: can I get permission to change my name again?
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: no.
demoted™: @Tuvok c’mon, you’ve got admin rights on here too, right?
Tuvok is offline
buste(d) kincaid changed their name to I stan 1 (one) Vulcan
demoted™: shut up harry
  September 3rd 2376, 09:32
[betting pool]
I stan 1 (one) Vulcan: I want to change my bet to this fourth week this month
demoted™: hey insider knowledge is cheating
I stan 1 (one) Vulcan: I can’t read all of a sudden
chakot-eyyyyyy: change of timeframe noted
great talaxian bake off: oh do you know something mr kim?
I stan 1 (one) Vulcan: maybe. maybe not.
chakot-eyyyyyyy: by the way captain, I changed the roster a little
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: putting seven and b’elanna on the same shift all week is also cheating @chakot-eyyyyyyy
chakot-eyyyyyyy: you did it last week
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: I can’t read all of a sudden
virtuoso: is there an epidemic going on I need to know about? Please state the nature of the medical emergency.
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: we’re fine, doctor. don’t worry about it.
virtuoso: very well. Seven appeared to be in good spirits this morning.
chakot-eyyyyyyy: she and b’elanna were seen leaving the mess hall together
chakot-eyyyyyyy: arguing, but it’s progress
great talaxian bake off: they did seem quite close while they were eating. a shame I couldn’t convince seven to try my new oatmeal, much better than those nutritional supplements she keeps eating.
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: we’ll get them there yet
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: put me down for first week of next month
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: I’ll hedge my bets
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: now everyone get back to work
demoted™: @chakot-eyyyyyyy, you have admin rights, right?
chakot-eyyyyyyy is offline
 September 4th 2376, 21:38
[you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry >> Seven of Nine]
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: does everyone seem to be watching us more lately?
Seven of Nine: It would appear so.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I’ll question harry what that’s about
Seven of Nine: I do not enjoy the scrutiny.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: well now you know how I felt
Seven of Nine: Noted.
Seven of Nine: Apologies.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: hang on, I’m screenshotting this.
Seven of Nine: I will delete this thread from both our padds.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: good luck hacking mine
Seven of Nine: I have considerable more patience to try.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: and I’m a damn good engineer and you know it
Seven of Nine: You have a considerable skill there.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: wow and an apology and a compliment
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: damn maybe tom and harry were right and you are compromised
Seven of Nine: I am not suffering from any internal or external conditions
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: doubt
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: your not bad at your job either seven
Seven of Nine: *You’re
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I take it back
Seven of Nine: I have already committed it to memory.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: dammit seven
Seven of Nine is offline
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: STOP DOING THAT
  September 6th 2376, 06:45
[Seven of Nine >> you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry]
Seven of Nine: You are late.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: sorry, we had an emergency in engineering last night and they woke me up
Seven of Nine: Did you requite assistance?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: maybe later
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: it’s all set now
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: vorik caught the mistake made in time
Seven of Nine: I presume it was not your own.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: no, it was just one of my staff
Seven of Nine: Should I speak to them?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: don’t terrorize my staff seven
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: that’s my job
Seven of Nine: Your coffee is cold, I am ordering you a new one.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I don’t have any replicator credits left for this week
Seven of Nine: I am using mine
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: oh
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: thanks
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I have to head straight to engineering, carrey just pinged
Seven of Nine: I will meet you there.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: seriously don’t terrorize my staff
  September 6th 2376, 15:47
[you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry >> Seven of Nine]
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: hey you texted first this morning
Seven of Nine: Should I not have?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: no no, I was just surprised
Seven of Nine: I see.
Seven of Nine: I will endeavor to do so more often.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: yeah
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: you do that
Seven of Nine: Sarcasm?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: maybe not this time
Seven of Nine: I see.
Seven of Nine: My attention is required in astrometrics, I shall see you tonight at the holodeck.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: make it dinner
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: to make up for breakfast
Seven of Nine: I will see you then.
  September 8th 2376, 17:39
[betting pool]
great talaxian bake off: they arrived at dinner together!
  September 8th 2376, 17:42
[I stan 1 (one) Vulcan >> you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry]
I stan 1 (one) Vulcan: 👀
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: don’t say anything
I stan 1 (one) Vulcan: 👀👀👀
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry is offline
  September 9th 2376, 08:53
[party bus]
demoted™: @Tuvok, c’mon!
Tuvok is offline
demoted™: @chakot-eyyyyyy
chakot-eyyyyyy is offline
I stan 1 (one) Vulcan: lol
 September 9th 2376, 12:00
[Seven of Nine >> you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry]
Seven of Nine: What is the importance of celebrating someone’s birthday?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: it’s just showing them you were glad they were born
Seven of Nine: It often appears to be an excuse for celebration for that sake of it.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: that too.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: but mostly the first thing
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: it’s just nice to know people care about that enough
Seven of Nine: Another important human lesson?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I’m the last person you should really ask for those
Seven of Nine: I find your information on them to be enlightening.
Seven of Nine: You have a different perspective I find easier to understand.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: us outsiders have to stick together, hunh?
Seven of Nine: Indeed.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: then meet me for lunch. I’ll save you some cake.
Seven of Nine: I do not require cake.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: seven
Seven of Nine: I shall be there shortly.
  September 11th 2376, 16:08
[Seven of Nine >> I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url]
Seven of Nine: Captain, I have a personal inquiry.
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: oh?
Seven of Nine: What is the conclusion to draw in enjoying someone’s company.
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: could be a lot of things seven
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: friendship, romance, anything in between
Seven of Nine: I see.
Seven of Nine: There is no logical conclusion then.
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: do you want to talk about it more?
Seven of Nine: I find myself drawn towards someone. I am uncertain what this means.
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: how do you feel about them compared to let’s say…the Doctor
Seven of Nine: Ah.
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: ah? You’re typically more succinct seven
Seven of Nine: I have to go.
Seven of Nine is offline
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: good luck seven
  September 11th 2376, 17:21
[Seven of Nine >> you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry]
Seven of Nine: I will be unable to attend dinner or the holodeck tonight.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: ?? everything okay?
Seven of Nine is offline
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: seven?
  September 12th 2376, 06:29
[you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry >> Seven of Nine]
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: you going to stand me up for breakfast too?
  September 13th 2376, 10:58
[you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry >> Seven of Nine]
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I need your input on the latest dilithium crystal chamber designs.
Seven of Nine: I have sent Ensign Kim your way.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: seven
Seven of Nine is offline
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: fine
  September 13th 2376, 20:47
[I stan 1 (one) Vulcan >> you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry]
I stan 1 (one) Vulcan: b’elanna?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: don’t
  September 14th 2376, 09:18
[I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url >> Seven of Nine]
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: you still have to be able to work with her seven
Seven of Nine: I shall endeavor to do so.
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: what happened?
Seven of Nine: I made a mistake.
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: caring isn’t a mistake seven
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: it’s the human in all of us
Seven of Nine: I did not wish to be human.
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: neither did any of us
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: we are anyway
Seven of Nine: I will speak to her.
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: good because I was about to make it captain’s orders
  September 14th 2376, 09:34
[party bus]
demoted™: this isn’t even funny anymore
I stan 1 (one) Vulcan: disagree
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: disagree
chakot-eyyyyyy: disagree
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: the people have spoken
Tuvok: It has improved crew moral.
demoted™: tuvok?!?!
Tuvok is offline
��  September 15th 2376, 07:37
[Seven of Nine >> you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry]
Seven of Nine: I wish to apologize.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I don’t care
Seven of Nine: I attempted to speak to you at breakfast.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: you’re lucky I didn’t shove that coffee in your face, seven
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: also saying you wish to apologize isn’t an apology
Seven of Nine: I am sorry.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: good for you
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry is offline
  September 15th 2376, 16:29
[you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry >> I stan 1 (one) Vulcan]
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: was this you?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: [img: cake]
I stan 1 (one) Vulcan: no? can I have some?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: help me figure this out and maybe
I stan 1 (one) Vulcan: I’ll ask around
  September 15th 2376, 16:33
[betting pool]
I stan 1 (one) Vulcan: hey anyone leave b’elanna cake?
great talaxian bake off: :ooooooooo
great talaxian bake off: seven asked to use my kitchen earlier today. she didn’t let me see what she was making though, or ask much for my help.
demoted™: the plot thickens
  September 15th 2376, 20:47
[you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry >> Seven of Nine]
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: did you leave me cake?
Seven of Nine: Yes.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: why?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: is this another apology?
Seven of Nine: I was informed that people celebrate others birthdays as an appreciate for the other being alive.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: my birthday is tomorrow
Seven of Nine: I did not wish to distract you from celebrating with ones you cared about.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I see
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: stop moping seven, come to my damn party that tom keeps saying he’s not throwing
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: thanks for the cake
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I’m not mad anymore
Seven of Nine: Your username is incorrect.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: ??
Seven of Nine: I still like you even when you are angry.
Seven of Nine is offline
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: what is that supposed to mean?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: dammit seven
  September 16th 2376, 06:26
[Seven of Nine >> you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry]
Seven of Nine: Happy birthday.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: bring coffee
Seven of Nine: As you’d like.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: and that better come with an explanation.
Seven of Nine: If you’d like.
Seven of Nine: I dealt with my feelings poorly. I could not understand them and they confused me.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: they do that
Seven of Nine: After examination however I would prefer you in my life knowing the truth and that my actions were unfair to you.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: and the truth is?
Seven of Nine: I have feelings for you that are not just of friendship.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: hunh.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: bring me a kiss too
Seven of Nine: You are taking this better than predicted.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I’m unpredictable seven, keep up
Seven of Nine: That would be an oxymoron.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: your an oxymoron
Seven of Nine: *You’re
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: just get over here seven
Seven is offline
  September 16th 2376, 07:04
[betting pool]
I stan 1 (one) Vulcan: pay up
demoted™: this isn’t fair
chakot-eyyyyyy: actually harry someone beat you by having the third week of this month
I stan 1 (one) Vulcan: what?! who?
chakot-eyyyyyy: tuvok
I stan 1 (one) Vulcan: tuvok?!
demoted™: tuvok?!
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: tuvok?!
great talaxian bake off: :o mr vulcan?
virtuoso: this simply can’t be right commander
Tuvok: I believe I was ordered to participate in this by you Captain.
Tuvok: It was simply logical.
Tuvok is offline
I stan 1 (one) Vulcan changed their name to the absolute betrayal
   September 16th 2376, 13:17
[party bus]
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: who started the betting pool? which one of you was it?
the absolute betrayal: tom
chakot-eyyyyyy: tom
I had sex with amelia earhart and all I got was this lousy url: tom
virtuoso: Lieutenant Paris
great talaxian bake off: mr paris
the absolute betrayal: who told?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: tuvok just handed me a bunch of replicator ration credits and told me where they came from
the absolute betrayal: well happy birthday?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: blocked
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: @demoted™ I want to talk
demoted™ is offline
  September 16th 2376, 17:41
[a collective of two]
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: there, now we have our own chat away from the traitors
Seven of Nine: Was that not just our private messages anyway?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: shut up seven
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I can’t believe they did this!
Seven of Nine: It would seem in line with previous actions. You yourself have taken part in such betting pools.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: not the point
Seven of Nine: I see
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: come over
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I want a few more birthday presents from you.
Seven of Nine: That is an innuendo.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: you’re taking the fun out of flirting
Seven of Nine: Apologies.
Seven of Nine: I will be over when my shift finishes to make amends.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I could get used to this.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: hey seven
Seven of Nine: Yes?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: for the record I like you too
Seven of Nine: I have committed it to memory.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: you better have
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: don’t worry, it’ll just be the two of us for dinner and you don’t have to come to the party afterwards
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I know crowds aren’t your thing
Seven of Nine: I will adapt.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: the point is you don’t always have to
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: I’ve got your back either way
Seven of Nine: I appreciate the sentiment.
Seven of Nine: I am surprised by the title you have chosen for this chat.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: yeah well
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: so long as it’s an ex-borg turns out it’s not so bad
Seven of Nine: I see.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: lesson twenty
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: pick something to say other than that too
Seven of Nine: How many more lessons are there?
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: who knows. I’m still learning them too.
Seven of Nine: Then we shall learn them together.
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: yeah
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: yeah we will
Seven of Nine: I am off shift. I shall see you soon.
Seven of Nine is offline
you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: see you soon
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pidgeon-widgeon · 3 years
hey, i noticed you haven’t posted in awhile, i just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing, hope everything’s ok <3
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I am hither, good friend.
yes, all is as well as it usually is. Sorry for not posting as much! I made a side account for one of my more obscure interests cause most of my followers follow me for Star Wars n stuff so I’ve been doing that a bit.
also school just started and I’m SWAMPED because I took way more classes than I should’ve but like eyyyyyy we all good I’m only up until 11:30 each night.
ive been meaning to post more but tbh I don’t really know what to post cause my artist and writers block have both been like the only thing I have right now so the creative juices are NOT flowing and everything I post gets like 5 notes lmao.
I was meaning to post some things on Thursday to keep up with the account here but then I got my eyes dilated and couldn’t look at my phone without ending up in tears because it was too bright and gave me headaches. (which made doing my homework tons of fun lmao) and I forgot to do it Friday morning instead.
but you have no idea how happy it makes me that you checked in on me! I know it can be really scary when you try to check in on someone and they don’t answer right away, so my apologies for not answering until today. I feel like I’m in a sweet found family tv show and you‘re the friend that made me a cake because you thought I was sad and honestly 🥺.
ive been questioning some of my irl friendships recently, so you have no idea how happy this made me that I now have an online friend (I think we friends?) who checked in on me!
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nevermore-ocs · 4 years
13 x Plus-Size!Reader-- A Real Woman
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Author’s note: EYYYYYY FIRST WRITTEN ONE SHOT FOR 13, and it’s SAUCY AS HELL AT 3.6K WORDS, hope y’all enjoy!!
"Are you kidding me?"
The amount of irritation that filled your body and threatened to explode out of you could put a volcano on the verge of erupting to shame. You picked up the sliver of cardboard that had the black-lettered numbers imprinted on it. It was the right size. It was clear as day. However, when you glanced back at yourself in your long, standing mirror, the (favorite color) fabric very obviously hugged your body and curves in a less than comfortable way, good thing you kept the receipt...somewhere in the bevy of bags you had scattered at the foot of your bed. It was quite frustrating, honestly, the dress was the clothing you were so excited to come home and wear, only to be shot down at the height of your excitement. It was also pretty disheartening, the sight of the dress strained in the more fuller areas, even more so when it was a bit of a struggle to peel the clothing off of your form, just fold it away and take it back, all you could do now. "Darling?" The knocks rang through your head like a loud siren, 13, Remy, you forgot you had told her that showing off your new dress was a surprise for her. She must have gotten impatient and walked to your room from the living room where you left her at, teeming with overwhelming eagerness to see whatever you had in store for her. "Darling, it's been quite some time now, can I come in?" You heard the metal doorknob jiggling with her turning it. "U-Uhhh, one second, Remy!" You called out, silently praying to yourself that she would listen, but knowing your SCP girlfriend, listening when she was this ecstatic was out of the question and wasn't coming back either. "I have to wait longer? But, darling, I want to see you now, I've been waiting far too long!" You could hear the growing need in her voice, and that alone tugged at your heartstrings. Balling up the dress with the tag and the receipt, you snagged one of the bags from the end of your bed and you tossed the items, hurriedly, into it and set the bag to the side, hidden, right in time for Remy to throw the door open. "Hmmmmm? Darling, I thought you were going to show me the new clothes you got, I've seen this underwear pair on you before!" It only now hit you like a ton of bricks that you were stood in front of her, almost fully naked, in nothing but a bra and panties. "But, I adore seeing that perfect body of yours, so this is wonderful as always!" She went up to you, her arms hooked underneath your thighs and she easily hoisted you up into her arms and she kept you pressed against her formally dressed chest. Her lips peppered all over the skin on your face, your lips, the bridge of your nose, and the tip of it too. You, at the very most, attempted to return as many kisses as you could, but Remy, knowing you like the back of her hand, which may have seemed extremely creepy to some, read you like a book. "Darling?" She set you down on the bed, carefully, "What's the matter? Usually, you keep up with all of the kisses I give you! What's going on?" You almost didn't want to answer, mostly out of the fear of Remy going out to the store where you bought the clothes and her just, going on another rampage. Without saying anything, other than letting out an audible sigh, you leaned to the side and grabbed the bag from before by the woven handles and you lifted it, handing it to her.
The bag was empty now, she was looking over the dress and holding it out in front of her to get a good look at it, "It even looks like it'll barely fit me!" She let out an actual growl, it turned into a snarl when she took another look at the tag in her other hand, and in a huff, she stuffed the bag back full. She would have thrown it to the side out of pure angry if it weren't for your hand going onto her arm to stop her. "Remy, it isn't a big deal-! I'll go and return it," she gently-she was always so tender with you as if you were going to break-paused your words by taking a hold of your hands and she knelt onto one knee in front of you as you sat on the mattress. "But still, darling, you sounded so excited when you came back home with this! I can tell when you're troubled, this is an insult from them if anything!" She shook her anger off, for now, and refocused all onto you again, "Tell me, darling, what's wrong? Is it the fact that you paid for it and now you have to take it back?" You let a small smile, albeit with some sadness to it, slip onto your lips listening to her words, your fingers threading through the fluffy, onyx-colored hair she had on her half-shaved head, her eyes fluttered close, her head craning into your open palm and her own wide, sharp-toothed grin spread across her face like a fire spreading through a forest. "Remy, it's, it's not because I paid for it, it's because...." you were dreading to tell her this, out of everything, she despised it when you spoke like this about yourself. "Darling?" She squeezed your hands, "It's because it didn't fit in the first place. That's why I'm upset," the moment that the words dusted from your lips, your lowered your head and silently prepared yourself for a verbal lashing. She stood back up to her feet quite abruptly when she heard that. Her brow furrowed, but a sigh left her lips and she sat down next to you on the bed, the mattress dipping down slightly when she did. "Darling...we had this conversation already, you know your body isn't an issue." She repeated it so much, the words were starting to stay stuck in your head like a mantra you could repeat to yourself and you tried to, honestly, just some days, it was harder than others. "I know that Remy, you tell me every day and I-I appreciate you telling me it's just-" your words got cut off in your throat when one of Remy's fingerless-gloved hands took a hold of your chin, specifically her thumb and index finger. With a gentle tug, she urged your head to turn and face up towards hers and the moment you two locked eyes, you could feel her unnaturally colored eyes boring into your soul in an unwavering, unbreakable gaze. "And I tell you the truth every time I say it." You felt her turning on the bed, you were so fixated on her eyes that you didn't even realize that now, she was facing you. "Darling, your body is...gorgeous. It's perfect," you opened your mouth, to be defiant on your words but she was quicker than you, and she put a finger over your lips, hushing you softly. "It's real, it's beautiful, you aren't some whore who had vulgar things done to it, it's you, it's perfect," her hands went from your head to your shoulders, and cascaded downward in a warm, massaging way. "The way your body fills out my palms when I squeeze you, when I hold you," her words paused momentarily, you felt her hands glide over your hips and when she did, she took a handful of you and squeezed, drawing a gasp out of you and your hands instinctively shot up to her broad shoulders and you held onto her, your fingers digging into the cloth of her navy blue vest. "It's heavenly," the words escaped her lips in a soft, shuddering her breath, feeling your body alone did that much to her, you could feel the excitement resonating from her body by her heavier than normal breathing.
Her hands moved back, they pressed against your lower back and while she motioned you to lay down, she continued to speak, her voice was so low, so addicting, her words flowed into your eardrums and stuck themselves into them like super glue. You, out of all people, knew just how talented she was with words, "Now, lay back, relax," when your body rested against the mattress and your head cradled by the surplus amount of pillows piled up at the head of the bed, she moved up onto her knees above you, her hands moved up and took hold of her bowtie and she untied it, her eyes never breaking from your body. "Let me show you how beautiful you are..." when her bowtie came undone, her vest was unbuttoned quicker than you expect. She leaned down, her hands planted at the sides of your head to keep her elevated above you. "Darling~" The word rolled off of her tongue so smoothly, that time she said it, it sent jolts running rampant through your body before shooting down straight into your core, it made your thighs press together and it occurred to you that she noticed since after that happened, one of those signature wide grins settled onto its usual place on her lips. She began to move her hands up to your bra and your bosom, when they arrived, she hooked her finger around the clip at the front of your bra, however, she paused her movements when she did and waited before she even attempted to undo it. "May I?~" You couldn't the smile that broke out across your face. She always asked. With a nod of your head, you pressed a chaste kiss against her lips before relaxing again, "You may~" the moment the words left your lips, she pulled upwards on the clip and your bra unfastened. Your breasts spilled out of the cups when she pulled the clothing away and set it to the side for whenever you needed it back. Her hands instantly went back up, she cupped both of your breasts and squeezed, drawing a breathy gasp to come from your mouth, "How your body reacts," she started again, her voice was beginning to get drenched in that recognizable, insatiable desire, all for you. "It's otherworldly~ Every breath you take, seeing your breasts rise and lower," she ran her thumb over one of your nipples, teasing the hardening nub with her fifth digit before adding her index finger and she pinched it tenderly, giving it a soft tug too. "It makes my blood boil in the best of ways~ It stirs this, this, want for you," her words drifted off when she leaned closer to your right breast. Her inhumanely long tongue slinked out of her mouth and she dragged a long, wet, lick up your nipple at first, then she closed the distance, her lips wrapped around your breast, and she sucked on it tenderly. You could feel those sharp, dangerous teeth of her grazing against your skin in almost a teasing way as if she was preparing to bite down, but, wasn't going to.
"Remy~ Haaahh~" Your hand, shakily, reached up and your fingers snaked into her fluffy, soft, black hair. You gripped it and gave a soft tug, and in turn, it pulled a low, rumbling growl from the pit of her stomach. You felt the sweet, pleasurable vibrations go through your breast, alongside the suckling from her, and how her tongue flicked across your nipple over and over again. Pulling back, she breathed out quite heavily, panting shortly after, and whilst she did that, her fingers hooked around the edges of your panties, and she tugged downwards. "No, no it's not a want-it's a need~ It's as if I don't get you, if I don't claim you, I can't go on~ You and your perfect body awaken this, almost primal desire for you," she reached downwards to unbuckle her belt, however, this time, you beat her to the punch. Letting hand press against the tent in her slacks, you wrapped your fingers around her restrained, hard cock, and you pumped it a few times. She gritted her teeth, sucking in a soft breath through the gaps, her hips bucked somewhat into your hand at the pleasurable friction, "Can't you see what you do to me, darling?~" She breathed out, "Remy?" You questioned after slipping the black, leather belt out of the belt loops of her slacks, "Don't you feel just how erect you got me?~ I'm throbbing, it's almost uncomfortable in my slacks, haha!~" She took over, taking a hold of the zipper, she pulled it downwards and pushed her loose slacks down with her boxer briefs. She breathed out a low groan of relief when her imprisoned length sprung out from her cloth restraints and stood hard at attention. "You did this, darling~ Your body did this to me, those, mhm, delectable moans and noises you let out~  How your eyes roll back when you get lost in your pleasure," to prove her point, one of her gloved hands made its way to your wet slit, she slid her finger downwards from your clit to your entrance, letting your wetness collect on her digit, then she slid it deep inside of you. It made you moan out quite loudly, and your actions repeated exactly what she had said. Your eyes rolled back, you threw your head back into the pillows and moaned out openly. "Just like that~" Her finger steadily pushed in and out of your slit, her other hand, free as it can be, went to your thighs and kept your legs spread open for her. She caressed it thoroughly, going across the inner part, then moved upwards and across the top of it, then to the outer side, and she gripped tenderly, her fingers digging into your body somewhat, not enough to do any kind of damage though of course.
Pushing her finger into you deeply, she kept it buried inside of the warm, wet crevice, she curled it inward towards her palm over and over again, and her thumb planted gingerly on your clit, and she rubbed it in tantalizingly slow circles, "How soaked you get at my touches, you're a sight people dream about~ That they wished they had~" She continued, watching and taking in the sight of just how you writhed with pleasure on the bed, your fingers gripped and held onto the bed-sheets tightly, if you had the strength she did you were sure to tear through them. "Remy~ Hah~ Anh~ Please, that's so good, I-I had no idea you thought all of that about me~" You managed to get out, taking in that grin she had. "Then I'll always make sure that you do~ And even if you forget, I'll gladly repeat it, I'll tell you as many times as you need to hear it, as many times as you want, darling, you are so perfect~" She slowly retracted her fingers from your dripping wet slit, causing you to whimper in a needy way, desperate to feel something of hers to fill you up again. As if right on cue, she began to answer your desires all over again. She slid herself into place, snuggly in between your thighs, and when she did, she placed her hands under your legs, and she moved them until they rested comfortably at her waist. "And darling, seeing you like this, your body burning, the scent of my love's essence pooling out of her and filling my senses, I cannot wait for another moment," her hips adjusted and you could feel the head of her cock brush against your folds, it nudged past them, but she didn't enter you, yet. "I have to take you~" When she leaned over you, you took the chance, your arms hooked around her neck, and you pulled her down to your level. Your lips crashed against hers in a much-needed, deep, passionate lip-lock, your tongue, feeling bold, ran across her bottom lip and she instantly received the message. Her mouth pried open, welcoming your tongue, and it made the kiss deeper, hotter. Your tongue swirled around with her inhumanely long one, it made your legs tighten around her waist, and you felt her hips begin to rock. It made her cock grind against your cock, it gradually gathered your wetness on the length of it, making it slick. "Then take me, Remy~ I need you too, I, God, I need you so badly~"
Hearing you beg was the best music in the entire world to her, better than her favorite song in the same. "Gladly, darling~" She reached down, wrapping her hand around the base of her cock, she lined herself up to your entrance, you felt yourself breathing heavier, preparing yourself for what's about to come. Her hips pushed forward, her slick, hard length slid deep inside of you, her hips pressed up against yours when she easily hilted herself, letting herself be engulfed by the welcoming feeling of your wet, velvety-soft walls hugging around the shape of her cock, "Ooohhhh, darling~ You always feel, mmmm, wonderful~ How you hug around me, no one is as perfect as you, my dear~" She leaned down, and pecked your cheek, "Hold onto me, I don't think I can contain myself anymore, now that I'm," she pulled her hips back, almost sliding herself out all of the way, only to snap her hips forward again and pump her cock deep inside of you. "Inside of you~" Doing what she said, you kept your arms locked around her neck, your fingers clawing at the back of her shirt as she started to thrust in and out of you at a steady, growing pace, her hips slapping up against yours. Her name escaped from your lips in loud moans numerous times, like a mantra, as if it were the only thing you knew, she wasn't as loud, but her low groans, matched with a few quiet, breathy little laughs sent shivers up and down your spine since her mouth was right next to your ear. Your legs wrapped properly around her waist, your heels digging into the spot above her rear, her arms moved down and wrapped themselves firmly around your waist and she clung onto you. Thanks to your legs, it made her thrusts grow faster, her forehead rested against yours, you could see just how red-faced she was, she panting, breathing heavily. "Darling~" She gasped out, it took you a couple of attempts to pry your shut-tight eyes, but when you did, you were greeted with the sight of her red sclera, light grey irised eyes focused onto (eye color) ones, the sight made you feel safe, it made you feel loved, she never scared you or anything like that, it made your heartbeat louder with uncontrollable love all for SCP-013. "I love you, darling, I love you so much~" She had leaned forward, and you, surprising her, leaned forward too and closed the gap in between the both of you for another warm, passionate lip lock, "I love you too, Remy, I, mmhf!~ Hahhn!~ I love you~"
Her thrusts grew faster, more rapid, inconsistent, she was getting close. Her noises got louder than before, her panting started to turn heavier and almost sounded more primal-like due to her mouth being open as it was, "D-Darling I'm, ohhh, I'm so close~ You feel, so, hnh, unf, amazing~" Nodding, as your orgasm was at the precipice, ready to come crashing down and hit you with all the force it had, you pulled her down closer to you, her head next to yours and instantly, she turned it and nestled it into the crook of your neck, placing several kisses all over the side of your neck, along with little bites here and there. She attempted to contain herself, however, after the whole incident with the last bite she did to one of your thighs and almost gave you a heart attack when she lifted her head and she had blood on her lips. "M-Me too!~ Cum, hahh, cum inside of me, Remy, please!~" You could feel her grin against your skin, "I wouldn't want to anywhere else, hnh, anyway, darling~" You laughed breathlessly alongside her, turning your head, you pressed your lips against her cheek and onto one of the swirling, deep tissued scars that spiraled across the exposed side of her face. She pumped and pounded her hips down into yours a few more times and it was that last one that made her hilt herself all of the way inside of you, keeping her hips locked down onto yours. She groaned out loudly, her hips flexed forward with each pump of her cum flowing inside of you, flooding you, she hadn't even begun to pull out when droplets and dribbles of her cum seeped through the gaps of her cock buried deep inside of your slit. She was never too keen on pulling out of you, not that you had a problem with it. "Hopefully," she started, huffing out a much-needed breath, and she hiked herself back up above you, her hands planted on the mattress much like before. When she adjusted herself like that, that damned, large, wide, sharp-toothed grin slid onto her face and made itself at home on her lips.
"That got through to you, darling~ Or....do you need more convincing?~ Trust me, as you know, I can be, hehehe, quite persuasive~"
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pips-fics · 4 years
hi! can you make a high school au where jisung is sick but still goes to school, but then he feels worse and hyunjin take him home? thank you
eyyyyyy the kindness on this blog recently is giving me the superpower of actually finishing more fics!!!  nice!!! :D
this is my first ever au fic; i didn’t develop the universe a whole lot, but i hope you all enjoy it regardless! :)
—— jisung wakes up freezing and furious at whoever turned the AC up way too high, but he doesn’t have time to figure out who it was because he is running way late for school.  he somehow managed to sleep through his alarm three times, and definitely doesn’t have time to consider eating.  he’s in such a rush that it almost doesn’t surprise him when he feels faint on his way to school.  a brief pause to catch his breath and stop seeing stars, and he’s on his way again.
by the time he gets to class with a solid 16 seconds to spare, he has a pounding headache and a moderate amount of nausea settling in his stomach.  he’s not too concerned - probably the lack of food caused the headache, and the nausea is just a side effect of his brain trying to exit his skull.
here’s the thing.  he may have made it to class on time, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to pay attention.  as far as jisung is concerned, his duty for today was accomplished the second he got to school before the late bell rang, so he allows his head to fall into his hands and closes his eyes.  it isn’t his fault the fluorescent lights are waging war on his poor head!  he doesn’t even realize he’s drifting off, but even if he did, he can’t say he would’ve done much to prevent it.
when he wakes up his head is going to explode.  they’re nearing the end of the period and he’s that he has to wake up and suffer.  he reminds himself to start getting more sleep and the bell rings.  on his way out he finds himself lingering as he passes by the sink, his stomach now engaged in a competitive somersaulting contest.  against itself.  and yet, jisung is determined not to let the “headache” get the best of him.  so much so, in fact, that he doesn’t notice hyunjin waiting for him in the doorway.
unsurprisingly, he was also completely oblivious that hyunjin was watching him wearily for all of class, so he’s caught entirely off guard when the older boy places a hand on his forehead the moment he steps through the door.
“what are you doing?”  jisung says, noting vaguely that his speech is slower than normal.
“what am i doing?” hyunjin is incredulous.  “what are you doing, coming to school with the flu, probably about to-“ suddenly hyunjin takes a step back.  “you’re not going to puke on me, are you?”
at the mention of vomit, jisung feels the color drain from his face and his knees get shaky as he swallows compulsively.  “i don’t have the flu,” he eventually chokes out.  “just a headache.”
“right, because you can’t have both,” hyunjin sasses.  “it’s not like one is a symptom of the other or anything.”  jisung glares at him, but probably not well, considering how desperately he’s trying to keep his stomach contents where they belong.  he leans against he lockers for a few seconds, then stands up straight.  “well, i’m fine, don’t wanna be late for my next class, so.  bye, i guess.”
hyunjin raises an eyebrow but shrugs, almost convinced.  or maybe just tired of arguing.  jisung takes about three steps away from him before stopping.  “jisung?”
“i’m fine,” jisung says, still not moving.  then he bends at the waist and his stomach contracts visibly and with a harsh sound a stream of sick is spilling onto the hallway floor.  hyunjin flinches and glances around, glad that the other students have gone to class already.  jisung groans and straightens up.
he coughs, wiping his mouth on his shirt.  “‘m okay.”
“but you just-“ hyunjin doesn’t finish his sentence because jisung is now projectile vomiting onto the floor.  his face reddens as he struggles for breath and chokes, puking again.  hyunjin sighs and puts his hand tentatively on jisung’s back.  the hunger boy sinks to the ground, belching up smaller mouthfuls of sick while placing his head in his hands, squatting above the mess.  his hands are so shaky.  a heave racks his body only to bring up a bit of bile.  he’s panting when the next big wave comes, and then it’s just a few more small streams before he seems done.  hyunjin squats next to him and he can hear him panting.  jisung shudders.  there are tears at the corners of his eyes.
“so… still think it’s just a headache?”
jisung groans and hyunjin squeezes his shoulder to let him know he was joking, even if it was in poor taste.  “hey, let’s get you home, how’s that sound?”  jisung nods, and lets hyunjin guide the way.
feel free to send more asks!
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burning-fcols · 3 years
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Felix kicked a can as he walked by, thoroughly frustrated. That stupid jealous bitch had decided to throw a party at some other locale than their usual and had conveniently 'forgotten' to invite him, and honestly he's not in the mood to show up just to fuck with her. He has to wonder if any of the others even noticed him missing… His phone's off, or he'd have noticed Dray texting him about it. Pink blurred in the corner of his vision and he blinked, looking up. "Angel?" || Felix to Angel
- ✩ { @worldly-diversity } ✩
{ ☆ } Angel’s day has been a... mixed bag. On one hand, his show had been a big hit. Even better than the usual crowds, swarms of demons drooling over him— some a bit too literally —as cold, hard cash rained down on him from their greedy hands. Honestly, he had made a killing. Or well... Val had made a killing. Which is the downside to Angel’s peak performance; the ‘star’ walking away with mere chump change to show for it. Still, it’s better than NOTHING, even if Angel can count through it depressingly quickly.
Muttering obscenities in Italian as he flips through the meager bills, he shoves the wad into his chest with a frustrated huff. Glaring at the ground, fingers shoved into the pockets of his distressed shorts, he ignores the hungry looks aimed his way. Normally he might give them a choice look— and few words —of his own, or perhaps even mess with them in a DIFFERENT way. Blue-balling someone can be just as good, if not better, than chewing them out when he’s off the clock. But at the moment, he’s trying to decide just how pissed he is that Daddy’s pockets are fat with cash while the only reason he’s not sucking on some greasy landlord dick is because a Princess read one too many fairytales.
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As if happy endings are waiting right around the corner...
Blinking at the sound of his name, gaze raises along with a brow as he glances in the direction. Wariness is evident for a split-second, body tensing instinctively— before he catches sight of Felix, immediately relaxing when what he thought he heard is confirmed. What can he say? He’s learned that hearing his name spoken can either be really good or really bad... and people who assume the worst when given those options tend to live the longest. For the most part. But there’s no denying the smile that stretches across his face, slouched shoulders straightening into a more confident posture as he saunters over to the Incubus.
❝  Eyyyyyy, babe~  ❞  Angel calls out with a flutter of his fingers, a hand resting on his swaying hip as he saunters over to the other male. Drawing a few gazes with his approach, the spider looking like Sex on legs, Angel seems to have regained a bit of his spark at the other’s presence. Bending forward a bit to better meet Felix’s gaze, back arches in a skilled swoop that pushes out his chest and ‘conveniently’ displays his rear for the viewing pleasure of the lucky demons passing by... A view that’s about as good as they’re gonna get tonight, since he doesn’t owe any of them shit right now. Felix on the other hand, gets ALL his attention.
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❝  Fancy seein’ you out an’ about in THIS part’a town...  ❞  On cue, a hand playfully ruffles the Incubus’s hair, messing up the thick ebony locks as he gives Felix a wink,  ❝  Lucky me, eh?~  ❞  Hand then moves to boop the other’s nose, Angel snickering through a smirk,  ❝  So- what brings ya ta this li’l slice o’ Hell, hmm? I figured you’d be out an’ about, paintin’ th’ town white wit’ th’ crew...  ❞  { ☆ }     
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