#In general I’m not typically into next-gen stuff so I don’t really have a lot of headcanons for anybody in that regard
kingchad · 1 year
Do you think Chad would be a good dad?
I do not actually haha. I think Chad is very single-minded and would have trouble being selfless enough. Like, I see him as a hyper-romantic person, to the point where it’s genuinely a problem in his social life, because ultimately he is fixated on himself and another person and doesn’t really see the world outside of that. being a parent requires more self-awareness I feel.
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happyflux · 2 years
Star Trek posting again because oh man I am rotating stuff in my mind so much. Putting it under a cut because this turned out really long but it’s about Data and autism and how much I love this funny little android.
So I know that these days, when we talk about autism representation, a lot of people will talk about the long-running sci-fi trope of the autistic coded alien/robot. Specifically they will talk very negatively about it, about how it’s dehumanizing and alienating and, to use a word that I’m aware has absolutely zero meaning these days but that’s kind of the point, problematic. Up until very recently I used to agree with that viewpoint- in the abstract it sounds reasonable, it makes sense, so being the 99 gen z I am, I just... sort of bought into it, went along with it, started complaining about it whenever i saw it without giving it much thought.
And then I started watching Star Trek: The Next Generation and oh. Oh. Oh, Data.
Data feels more authentically autistic, more relatable to me as an autistic person, than any other character I’ve seen in any production, especially in productions of this scale. The only other character I can think of who comes close is Raddagher from Find Us Alive, an extremely niche indie podcast that started airing in 2019. Data was out there in the 80s, more than a decade before I was even born, and while yes he’s an android, and yes he’s not explicitly autistic... He is the first character I’ve seen on TV to actually make me feel that hey, that’s a person like me-feeling that good representation is supposed to give.
See, Data doesn’t just fit all the typical autistic coded boxes- not getting jokes, speaking overly formally, being emotionally constipated to the point of being convinced he doesn’t experience emotions at all despite very clear evidence to the contrary, et cetera. I mean- he does fit all of those criteria, but so do all those more recent autistic characters that I don’t feel this way about.
Data infodumps; whenever asked a question he will, unless interrupted, be happy to tell the asker everything he knows about the subject. He always makes sure to be as clear and direct as possible when explaining something, he doesn’t want to leave anything out, even if others might find that annoying. No matter how many times he’s told off for this, he doesn’t change.
Data has special interests, that aren’t “useful”; usually with autistic characters in media their special interests will be something like their field of science or maths or something like that, but Data’s special interest is Sherlock Holmes. He will cosplay and drag his friends into re-enactments and will quote the books and walk around with a pipe (until told off for that) and imitate Sherlock’s mannerisms in a way that is just, so familiar.
This might be a small thing to some, and it might just be because I don’t watch enough stuff, but before Data, I have never seen a character practising expressions in the mirror. Never. 
And- and this is the thing that really makes me love Data as autistic representation- Data is loved, by the entire crew, not just in spite of his autistic traits but because of his autistic traits. Even though he is not technically human, his colleagues, no, his family, never once treat him as lesser for being the way he is. There are times when he is dehumanized, for sure, but that is always coming from someone who is an outsider in some way, and it is always rejected wholeheartedly by the people who know him. Data, as he exists in the show, is a statement that autistic people are worthy of love and respect, and that it is the duty of those around us to fight for our rights to be treated as human.
I am not by any means saying that Data is a perfect analogy for an actual autistic person; he’s not, there’s a lot about him that isn’t accurate to that experience at all... but despite all that, he feels more relatable to me than a lot of characters who on paper should be better representation. And he’s been on TV since 1987.
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banana-sims · 4 years
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Choose Your Own Legacy
Disclaimer: There’s likely challenges out there like this. This is simply how I’m playing my current legacy and thought I’d share the details in case it could be useful for anyone. 
Hi friends! This is a legacy format which allows me to explore different aspects of the game while still having loads of freedom to do what I want and tell stories if I wish. 
As I do or complete each thing in the game, I strike it out, with the hope of eventually ticking off everything (but there’s no order to do things in)! Below is the template. Keep or remove whatever items you want! There’s some things I chose not to include (they are in brackets), but feel free to put them back in if you wish. 
Begin on an empty lot (size is your choice) with a new young adult sim and $0. No money cheats allowed.
Everything about the sim is up to you. Strike out the traits you use and world you choose to live in. Continue to strike out other stuff as you complete it. I’m also really type A so I put the generation when it was struck out in brackets beside it (ex. G1).
Build a house on the lot as you earn money. Don’t move to a different house, lot or world until the gen 2 heir is a young adult and moves out!
As with normal legacies, the next generation begins when the heir becomes a young adult. You don’t have to move out the heir at this time - I just typically will since it’s pretty normal in real life for children of that age to move out on their own. 
Try not to use any mood cheats (though occasional use for storytelling purposes is fine).
For realism’s sake, when moving an heir out into university dorms or an apartment, I give them $5000 to start with. The rest of the family money stays with the parents’ household (exceptions could be for storytelling purposes). For spares, money doesn’t matter and I give them whatever nice house I choose!
When moving in a significant other, add only $10,000 to the household funds. Deduct anything extra. (This is for the realism of another young adult having saved some money but not having the equity of a whole house to bring into the household)
While I’m only striking out traits if they belong to the heir or spouse, I will strike out aspirations, maxed skills, maxed careers and university degrees for anyone as long as I was playing them for the duration of that task. So, if a spare completes a skill or a degree while I’ve been playing them, I will strike it out since I, as the player, completed it. 
I don’t own Horse Ranch, Realm of Magic, Vampires, Strangerville or Werewolves so these packs and their subsequent aspirations, careers, traits, etc. are not included below. However, you could easily add them to the lists. 
Aspirations - (Public Enemy, Chief of Mischief, Leader of the Pack not included) - strike out once completed
Friend of the Animals, Bodybuilder, Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Painter Extraordinaire, Musical Genius, Bestselling Author, Master Actor, Master Maker, Lady of the Knits, Successful Lineage, Big Happy Family, Super Parent, Master Chef, Master Mixologist, Fabulously Wealthy, Mansion Baron, Renaissance Sim, Nerd Brain, Computer Whiz, Archaeology Scholar, Academic, Serial Romantic, Soulmate, City Native, Beach Life, Mt. Komorebi Sightseer, Freelance Botanist, The Curator, Angling Ace, Outdoor Enthusiast, Jungle Explorer, Eco Innovator, Country Caretaker, Joke Star, Party Animal, Friend of the World, World-Famous Celebrity, Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist, Zen Guru
Artistic Prodigy, Rambunctious Scamp, Social Butterfly, Whiz Kid, Mind and Body, Playtime Captain, Creative Genius
Drama Llama, Goal Oriented, Live Fast, Admired Icon
Careers - (criminal career not included) - strike out once level 10, 5 stars, or reaching the highest-paying gigs
actor, astronaut, athlete, business, civil designer, conservationist, critic, culinary, detective, doctor, education, engineer, entertainer, freelance writer, freelance programmer, freelance artist, freelance fashion photographer, gardener, law, painter, politician, scientist, social media, secret agent, style influencer, tech guru, writer, salaryperson, interior decorator, any part time job
own/run a vet clinic, own/run a retail store, own/run a restaurant
Degrees - (villainy not included) - strike out once graduated
Art History, Biology, Communications, Computer Science, Culinary Arts, Drama, Economics, Fine Art, History, Language and Literature, Physics, Psychology, any distinguished degree
Worlds - (Magnolia Promenade, Selvadorada or Granite Falls not included)
Brindleton Bay, Britechester, Copperdale, Del Sol Valley, Evergreen Harbour, Henford-on-Bagley, Mt. Komorebi, Newcrest, Oasis Springs, San Myshuno, San Sequoia, Sulani, Tartosa, Willow Creek, Windenburg
Traits - (erratic, kleptomaniac, evil, mean, lactose intolerant not included) - strike out ones used for the heir and spouse
ambitious, cheerful, childish, clumsy, creative, genius, gloomy, goofball, high maintenance, hot-headed, romantic, self-assured, squeamish, unflirty, art lover, bookworm, dance machine, foodie, geek, loves outdoors, maker, music lover, recycle disciple, active, adventurous, child of the islands, child of the ocean, freegan, glutton, green fiend, lazy, materialistic, neat, overachiever, perfectionist, slob, vegetarian, animal enthusiast, bro, cat lover, dog lover, family-oriented, good, hates children, insider, jealous, loner, loyal, noncommittal, outgoing, party animal, proper, self-absorbed, snob, socially awkward
toddler angelic trait, toddler charmer trait, toddler clingy trait, toddler fussy trait, toddler independent trait, toddler inquisitive trait, toddler silly trait, toddler wild trait
infant cautious trait, infant sensitive trait, infant calm trait, infant intense trait, infant wiggly trait, infant sunny trait
good manners trait, bad manners trait, responsible trait, irresponsible trait, mediator trait, argumentative trait, compassionate trait, insensitive trait, emotional control trait, uncontrolled emotions trait
Skills - strike out once maxed
charisma, comedy, cooking, fishing, fitness, gardening, gourmet cooking, guitar, handiness, logic, mischief, mixology, painting, piano, photography, programming, rocket science, video gaming, violin, writing, herbalism, baking, wellness, DJ mixing, singing, dancing, bowling, parenting, veterinarian, pet training, archaeology, selvadoradian culture, flower arranging, acting, media production, robotics, research & debate, fabrication, juice fizzing, knitting, rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding, cross-stitch, entrepreneur
male heir, single mom/dad heir, blended family (kids from both previous partners), queer heir, have 1 kid in the generation, have 2 kids in the generation, have 3 kids in the generation, have 4 kids in the generation, have 5 kids in the generation, have twins, have triplets, adopt a child, one night stand pregnancy, broken engagement, marry a childhood friend, marry a coworker, marry someone who was once your enemy/rival, marry someone famous, never get married, have a cat, have a dog, have kittens/puppies
Extra things/collections
live in a tiny home, live off-the-grid for a season, live in an apartment, live in a 3-storey home, live on a farm, sell craftables on plopsy, make/sell candles, have bees/sell honey, craft/sell fizzy juice, reach 5-star reputation for odd jobs
have a child do scouts, have a child do drama club, compete in E-Sports, compete in soccer, join cheer team, join chess team, join computer team, join football team
omiscan treasures and omiscan artifacts collections, city posters collection, snow globes collection, feathers collection, seashells collection, postcards collection, elements collection, mysims trophies collection                                                                                                            
If you want to see how I’m playing it, click here!
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lothris · 3 years
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源 姫波 | Hinami Minamoto 
hinami’s old crs audition (deleting the page, lol) 
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❀ Introduction ❀
❝ Why do the gods make kings and queens, if not to protect the ones who can't protect themselves? ❞
Crazy Rich ❀ Year 2  ❀ Mizuchi/Mei House 
Full Name: Minamoto Hinami Nickname(s): Hinamihime, Hinami-hime-sama, Hime-sama, Hinami-sama, Minamoto-Sama, Ojou-sama, Hinami-Ojou-sama, Hi-chan, Hinamin  Age: 20 Date of Birth: February 17, 1999 Zodiac Animal: Usagi (Rabbit) Hometown: Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan Faceclaim: Dilireba aka Dilraba Dilmurat
❀ Personality ❀
ENFP-T ❀ Chaotic Good ❀ Sanguine ❀ Aquarius
Likes: Tolkien, shoujo-manga, manga in general, anime, SpyXFamily, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, Ouran High School Host Club, Inuyasha, Psycho-Pass, Dark (tv series), the moon, flowers, sakura (cherry blossoms), higanbana, poetry, van gogh, the stars, Varda Elentári, Yavanna Kementári, Vána, the lay of Leithian, the witcher (books, not a gamer), tolstoy, dostoevsky, war and peace, winter, a song of ice and fire, daenerys targaryen, shiera seastar, the sea, blue, pink, purple, onii-chans, ichigo daifuku
Dislikes: summer, bugs, cicadas, mosquitos, her father, jon snow, the people who make game of thrones, the hobbit movies, pushy people, people who invade her personal space, people who act all "buddy-buddy" with her even though she doesn't particularly know them all that well, abuses of power, the patriarchy, american imperialism, america, akechi mitsuhide, poor parenting/bad parents, the worldwide epidemic of sexual abusers, the catholic church (for that reason), the fact that it's 2019 and people still have to fight for basic human rights like freedom to marry whomever (within appropriate age gaps, and, of course, consent) they like, society in general, people who somehow are ignoring the massive injustices in society, the uselessness of the UN, north korea have missiles, north korea's government, the japanese government and their history of rewriting history, rise of facism and nazism sweeping across the world, again, ANTI-VAXXERS!! how fucking stupid exactly do you have to be to not understand how vaccination works in the fucking 21st century????
lmao, yeah, she's angry about a lot of stuff, basically why I put her in house mizuchi instead of toyotomi. I wonder where she gets it from, we'll never know will we? (jk, it's C, her anger comes from C, who also passes it all onto me)
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Hinami has a somewhat dual personality, though both encompass who she is, and don't act independently of each other, nor is she unaware of both sides of her personality (in essence, a long winded way of me saying she does not have DID). Really, it's more like layers, so basically like all people who adult, I'm not sure what the fuck I'm going with here, but whatever. Oh wait, a better analogy would be levels. Level one Hinami; classy, kind, friendly, she's easy to get along with, and polite and charming, can hold her tongue where needed, and speak out where appropriate. Typical high born lady with that "fuck the genxers and baby boomers, they ruined society" millennial/gen-z attitude, zillienial attitude if you will. Level two, she's dorky and nerdy, so nerdy. "You've never heard of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien? Let me change your LIFE!" This is more common Hinami, Hinami with the common folk. Level three is just a slightly more amped up version of that reserved for friends and Onii-chan's. Will also feature "petulant" Hinami, the baby who wants something and onii-chan will get for it/besties will do it with her. "You don't want to spend the next 11 and a half hours watching the director's cut of the Lord of the Rings trilogy with me? *chokes up* I thought we were friends!?!?" But level three is for Onii-chan and close friends only, easy way to find out if you're a level three; have you ever sat through an LoTR trilogy with her? If you have, you're at least a level three. Level four, aka "I'm sorry, you must be at least a level four friend to unlock my tragic backstory". These are the people she's most open with, there's generally a lot of crossover with level three friends here. Honestly, I just wanted to reference the meme. Anyway, basically, at this level of personality, she lets out all the "the world is a nightmare, I'm kind of with the sun on the whole heat death thing, humanity should be wiped out" type stuff. Also the "I hate my dad and can't wait till someone kills him" stuff.
Hinami's inherent duality is at she at once yearns for fairytale lands; once upon a dream, a dream is a wish the heart makes, a song so sad one can move the heart of Mandos himself, but, at the opposite end, she also fervently burns with desire to burn the world to ashes and remake it anew, to pass righteous justice upon all those whom have made the world the nightmare it is. This duality bleeds through all her friendship levels; but the two opposite points are strongest at level one and four, respectively. Because of her position, she is forced to refrain from stating her most extreme viewpoints in public, particularly at events, and thus when in private, can't help, but spill it all out. When she does express more extreme points in a public setting, she focuses on justice, which doesn't exactly upset the social setting in Japan, they are amongst one of few countries to not only have the death penalty, but also use it. Though, no where nearly as frequently as the United States and other countries.
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Hinami can be impatient, particularly amongst her own generation/age group. She can't comprehend others in her own generation not also burning with anger, maybe not "let's tear down these walls and feast upon the flesh of the king" type rage, but how can they not burn with zeal to change the world when everywhere in the world they rape little girls and boys. Teenagers, maybe, she can understand just wanting to "yeet" or whatever, but as a person over 18, with the power to vote and change things in society, she can't handle young adults who are "disaffected". Disenchanted, sure, upset, great, but "yeah, I'm just going to ignore reality and live in my own little fairytale", she can't stand that attitude and will give an impassioned speech/shout. Everyone's experiences are different, sure, but you don't have to suffer to empathize with the innocent migrants being kept in concentration camps by the most powerful country in the world. You don't have to have been raped not to feel rage for all the people in the world who were sexually assaulted. It's called empathy, if cats can express it, so can you.
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She's also got a somewhat contradictory sense of entitlement. While she has socialist-communist views, and thus, technically doesn't even believe that there should be "divine ruler" at all, she is a royalist. She is the daughter of the Crown Prince, the blood of the Emperor, and the direct descendent of Emperor Suinin and Yamatohime-no-mikoto. She can't change that about herself, nor the value it has in the world. Thus, despite it all being ceremonial, a show in essence, Hinami places great importance on the Chrysanthemum Throne, and as someone privileged enough to stand in close proximity to it, she does not allow anyone beneath her social rank to command her nor coerce her into doing anything she does not want to. For better or for worse, Japan has a divine throne, thus it is the absolute duty of whomever occupies to always place the peoples' happiness and well-being above all else. The only reason the gods made kings and queens was to protect those whom cannot protect themselves, so if you call yourself Prince by any name, fulfill your purpose (outo-sama). She doesn't necessarily act high and mighty 100% of the time, but it is part of her personality, and one of her main motivators, as well as moral centres.
Character tropes:
The Baby of the Bunch: The youngest of four children, and younger than her friend group, the majority of whom are a year or two older than her. She is the cutest of the bunch (sorry guys), and definitely could get away with anything when it comes to her onii-chan's, the at home dynamic, however, is nowhere near as cute as this trope.
Abusive Parents: I mean, pretty straightforward here, well, I guess not since the personality section is above biography, lol, oops. Well, anyway, her parents suck; surprise. Her father is, of course, the physically abusive one, definitely crosses over into the Break the Cutie trope - which applies not only to Hinami, but her elder brothers as well. Mummy dearest is more psychological abusive, because moms cut deep.
Hollywood Nerd: She's massively dorky and taught herself how to speak quenya, sindarin, and write in the tengwar and cirth scripts, plus she's a massive nerd for space and philosophy, shewill talk your ear off about wormholes and black holes and futility of time, but, she's also mega hot, no thick rimmed glasses are gonna take that away.
[seeking] A "True" Hero: Hinami herself is not a "true" hero, but rather is seeking one, though she doesn't completely believe in the concept either. It falls into her inner (sometimes outer) debates about morality and humanity; there is no one who is a true hero, who has done no wrong, will do no wrong, and will always appear to save anyone in distress. She displays a sliding scale of idealism and cynicism, she wants a better world, with true knights, and great heroes like All Might, but also believes that so long as humans rule the world, that will never come to be. She also tends to fall into hero worshipping, particularly of the fictional variety, but as well as her oldest brother. As he's not done anything "unheroic" nor "bad" thus far, she tends to view him as a real life one true hero, despite her awareness of the disappointing nature of humanity.
Scars are Forever: Presents from daddio, also psychological ones, which also are forever, but, physically, she has
Tranquil Fury: Hinami, when angry, like truly, deeply angry, when it goes beyond superficial annoyance, is cold. When it's clear that words are pointless, and debate is meaningless, she is stoic and attacks without mercy until the opponent physically goes down. Or leaves when it comes to arguments with her parents. Over the years, she and her siblings have learned it's pointless to fight back, so they maintain silent fury (and of course, their broken little hearts). However, it is possible to set her on the emotional opposite, triggering Berserker Tears as well as Unstoppable Rage.
❀ Skills & Abilities ❀
Strengths & Skills
Weaknesses & Flaws
reading: Hinami is a fan of a wide range of things, but her favourite genres are shoujo manga, high fantasy, and philosophy, as well as theoretical astrophysics. Her favourite writers are J R R Tolkien, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Akira Amano.
flower arranging
art "freeing":  She detests the whole concept of privately collecting art, it should always be free for everyone to enjoy. A favoured hobby of hers is to buy up expensive artwork at private auctions before donating it to museums for public consumption.
learning new languages: There are roughly 6,500 spoken tongues in the world and Hinami craves to speak them all! Of course, she doesn't, but it's also part of why she watches so much netflix. There are so many great shows in so many beautiful and different tongues, she must learn them all!
book collecting: This sort of contradicts her stance on art collections, but she loves collecting first, collectors, and special editions of her favourite authors and stories throughout history. Listen, what's the point of a diamond headpiece if you don't also own a leather-bound copy of the Silmarillion translated in Quenya?
book translating:  Sometimes (usually), one has to translate Nietzche into Quenya oneself, because no one else would waste their time on that. (Yes, she has done that)
maxing out daddys' credit cards with the onii-chan's out of pure spite
Languages: Japanese (obviously), English, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Jeju, Javanese, Rukai (primarily the Tanan dialect), German, French, Dutch, Russian, Serbian, Turkish, Hebrew, Latin, Arabic, Romanian, Sindarin (fictional elvish tongue created by J R R Tolkien), Quenya (fictional elvish tongue created by J R R Tolkien), Tengwar Script (the writing system invented by fictional Tolkien Elf Fëanor, used for a variety of languages in Arda - the world, Hinami uses it for both Quenya and Sindarin), Cirth (another elvish writing system, but specifically for Sindarin, it was later adopted by the dwarves, while the Sindarin elves took on Tengwar), Dothraki (fictional language from George R R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire, created for the shitty tv show), High Valyrian (fictional language from ASOIAF, but fully created for the shitty tv show). aside from her native Japanese, Hinami's favourite languages are German and Sindarin (though she favours the Tengwar script over Cirth)
Can drive a car
❀ Family ❀
Hinami is a member of the Minamoto Clan, an Imperial branch family founded in the Heian period, and with claimed ties to Emperors of Legend. As of the Royal Tragedy in 1994, Hinami's immediate family is considered part of the main Imperial family, with both her father and brother having been adopted into the Royal Household, and are first and second-in-line, respectively, to succeed Emperor Seijuro. Should her father or brother succeed Emperor Seijuro, it will mark the first time a magical person has ruled japan since the ancient days of Yamatai.
Minamoto wealth originates from investments and ownership of various shares, as they used their various stipends from their Kuge and Kazoku days wisely (those terms are explained below, but essentially different versions of aristocrat). They have since purchased numerous luxury hotels and resorts, all maintained under the family owned "Kazoku Corporation", often shortened to "KC" (taken from the first Romanji Letters), and a reference to their high born past. The current CEO of KC is Minamoto Reina (mother of Minamoto Hinami).
Clan History
The present day Minamoto Clan have a long, glorious, and arguably rather embellished history. The modern day clan claims their bloodline can be traced back to Yamatohime-no-mikoto, a legendary princess said to have founded Ise Shrine, which enshrines the goddess Amaterasu. According to Legend, about 2000 years ago, during the Princess Yamatohime-no-mikoto's 20 year long journey from Mount Miwa through the regions of Ōmi and Mino in search of a suitable location for the worship of Amaterasu Ōmikami, Yamatohime-no-mikoto encountered Miroku-no-Mino, a sorcerer of Yamatai, wandering the lands of Wa (Japan) in search of yokai (demons) and such to slay. They fell in love for a time, but all record of him disappears by the time Yamatohime-no-mikoto reached Ise, however, with her was a daughter, Tsukihime-no-Ise, who was raised as a shrine priestess. Tsukihime-no-Ise was said to be touched by the moon and Tsukiyomi (the brother-husband of Amaterasu) as she had silver hair and matching eyes. According to the Minamoto's, Tsukihime-no-Ise later departed Ise shrine to study sorcery under Empress Himiko of Yamatai, taking Kusanagi (the legendary sword of the god Susanoo, brother of Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi, and one of the Three Imperial Regalia of Japan), but legend states that Yamatohime-no-mikoto gave the sword to her nephew, Yamato Takeru, lost at sea, and then later recovered as detailed in
The Tale of the Heike
, and maintained by the royal family. Publically, the Minamoto family state that the sword was lost at sea by a descendent of Tsukihime-no-Ise, and recovered as stated in the tale, and currently in the keeping of the Monks at Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya. However, privately, they state that the sword kept in the shrine is a cursed fake, and the family has the true sword in their keeping within Nagoya Castle. As the public are not permitted to look upon the Imperial Regalia, it is impossible to determine the truth.
The Minamoto Clan, in origin, was in effect numerous branch families of the Imperial Family, as the name was granted by Emperors to members of the imperial family who were excluded from the line of succession. Also called the Genji (with the on'yomi reading of the kanji of the name - 源), the Minamoto were amongst the four most powerful Imperial Branch families during the Heian period; the other three being the Fujiwara, Taira, and Tachibana clans. The present day Minamoto Clan trace their lineage to the Seiwa Genji branch of the Minamoto Clan, founded by Minamoto no Tsunemoto (894–961), a samurai and Imperial Prince, the grandson of Emperor Seiwa, and named the branch after his grandfather. The Seiwa Genji was the most successful branch of the Minamoto's, and numerous samurai clans of the later famous Sengoku Period (also known as the Warring States Era) claimed descendent from it, and used the Minamoto name in official records. Notable Seiwa Genji descended clans include; the Tokugawa Clan (who, with Tokugawa Ieyasu, succeeded in unifying Japan), as well as the Hatakeyama and Takeda clans, who participated in the founding of Amaterasu Gakuen, while the Takeda clan also had Takeda Shingen, the famed Tiger of Kai as it's lord during the late Sengoku era. Other famed names include the Imagawa, Mori, Ogasawara, Shiba, and numerous others.
Tsunemoto had ten children, four sons with his wife, and an additional four sons and two daughters with an unknown mother. Hinami's clan claim descendent from Minamoto no Mitsumasa, Tsunemoto's second son with his wife, who married Isewara no Shirohime, the descendant of Tsukihime-no-Ise. Raised in the Ise Province (modern day Mie Prefecture), Shirohime was a talented sorceresses and shinto priestess, later teaching at Tsukuyomi-Kō, and ultimately becoming one of it's early headmistresses.
As the Sengoku era raged on, Mitsumasa and Shirohime's line of the Minamoto Clans; continued by their children Shiroyuki, Izayoi, and Yoshinobu retreated further and further into magical society, slowly distancing themselves from the quabbling warlords, many of whom used a mix of both sorcerers and hunters. Initially utilizing Tsukiyomi-Kō as their primary stronghold, they tried to turn Owari into a safehaven for the magical, as well as militarize their students to protect and fight back against the hunters, not to mention survive the general time period. After the destruction of Tsukiyomi-Kō, the Minamoto's relocated to Mikawa under the protection of the Tokugawa clan, ultimately moving to Nagoya Castle with the Owari branch after the establishment of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
What they lacked in true power, the Minamoto had name and friends, and were able to create a small magical community in Nagoya with the Owari-branch Tokugawa, despite the removal of sorcery from the central courts, Nagoya and slowly all of Owari was almost able to experience the widespread sorcery and mystical arts pre-Sengoku era. As the Tokugawa Shogunate grew ever more absolute, the Minamoto's grew ever more isolated in Nagoya, keeping to their magical peers, and handful of Tokugawa friends and family. From their time with the Owari branch, the Minamoto claim descent from Tokugawa Ieyasu by Tokguawa Yoshinao, the ninth son of Tokugawa Ieyasu and founder of the Owari branch. However, the Minamoto ultimately turned on the Tokugawa, seizing control of Nagoya Castle and Owari in the name of Emperor Meiji and the Meiji Revolution/Restoration. After the revolution, the Owari-Minamoto branch became part of the "new" social class the 華族 (Kazoku) (lit. "Magnificent/Exalted lineage"); a hereditary peerage of Imperial Japan, formed by merging the two former social classes of the 公家 (Kuge), the ancient court nobility of Kyoto, and the former 大名 (Daimyōs), the feudal lords who lost their power after the Meiji Restoration. As one of only 3 Minamoto Clans to survive past the Sengoku and Edo periods, the Owari-Minamoto were given the Kazoku rank of 公爵 (Kōshaku), ie Princes, the equivalent to a western Duke. Due to this title, the Head of the family and their consort automatically became members of the House of Peers in the Diet of Japan.
Under the new Meiji government, the Minamoto's found renewed relations with their parent House, and claim descent from Emperor Meiji, by way of Imperial Princess Sada-no-miya Tokiko, tenth daughter of the Emperor, who married Minamoto Kauzhito. However, these relations ultimately soured during the reign of Emperor Shōwa, given the various coups and conversion of the government serving the Emperor into a military one. The (then) permanent split between the Minamoto Clan and the Imperial government came with the Mukden Incident, when the Japanese Army staged an attack on the Japan-owned South Manchuria Railway near Mukden (now modern day Shenyang), and used this supposed attack as a pretext to launch a full scale invasion and the subsequent occupation of Manchuria. The truth was ultimately exposed to the world in 1932 by the Lytton Report, but the Minamoto's were aware of the truth as early as November 1931 (approximately 2 months after the explosion at the Railway), which was followed by their complete withdrawal from all government offices and return to Nagoya Castle. They attempted a coup, to remove Emperor Shōwa, and install Imperial Princess Teru (Shōwa's oldest child, then about 6 years old) on the throne, with one of their own as Sesshō (Regent) until she came of age. The aim was to demilitarize the government, while rehabiliting the image of Japan to the League of Nations, as well as bring magic back into the heart of the government. Their coup failed however, and a few Minamoto's were executed, while the rest were silently exiled from the capital, and forbidden from returning to Tokyo until his Imperial Majesty decided otherwise. This exile ultimately worked in their favour, as they were related to the Imperial Family, but without the taint of war crimes on their name.
Even after the 1946 Constitution abolished the Kazoku, the Minamoto's retained their use and style of the title Kōshaku (Prince), but did not have any of the privileges the title used to come with. However, as they did not participate in the war, the Minamoto's were able to work with the occupying government to reestablish Taishō Era democracy and build on it, though they ultimately began to despise the Pro-America government they were installing. To the day, the Minamoto maintain roles and influence in the Diet, as well as various other roles in the government, though as of 1994, the Main branch (ie Hinami, her siblings and parents) has removed itself from current and future positions, given their rise to Imperial family. In 1994, the main branch of the Minamoto's (once known as the Owari branch, and further back by other branch names) became part of the Imperial family after the Royal Incident of 1994, when members of the terrorist group, Hangyaku, placed a series of bombs in Akasaka Palace and succeeded in assassinating the immediate family of the Emperor, and many of his close relatives through the line of his father, Emperor Shōwa, though the Emperor himself escaped. While other descendents through the line of his father, and even his grandfather, Emperor Taishō, remain, Emperor Seijuro surprisingly chose Minamoto Masaomi, a somewhat distant cousin born through the line of Emperor Meiji. In the subsequent law of succession passed, both Masaomi and his eldest son, and therefore heir, were immediately adopted into the Imperial Family, aka the Yamato Dynasty, thereby dropping their surnames of Minamoto, as well as formally changing Japan's law of succestion from agnatic to absolute primogeniture, including the provision that should Prince Kousei die prematurely, the line of succession would move onto to his younger siblings, and could not skip over any females.
Immediate Family
Masaomi, Crown Prince of Japan (Kōshi Masaomi Shinnō) Father | 52 | FC: Arnold Chun
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Father of Kousei, Chihiro, Kyoya, and Hinami, and the current Crown Prince of Japan, Masaomi is a talented opportunist and manipulator. Having coveted the Chrysanthemum throne since he was child, he would do and has done anything to achieve his goal. Working with Hunters and Hangyaku (an Anti-Imperial terrorist organization, more info here), he orchestrated the Royal Tragedy in 1994, leading to the deaths of nearly all the members of the Main Imperial family. Utilizing documents found by Hangyaku, which explicitly proved the Emperor and other Imperial Family members involvement and culpability for Japanese War Crimes, he blackmailed Emperor Seijuro into naming himself the heir to the throne, and his eldest son after him should Masaomi die before the Emperor.
Minamoto Reina Mother | 50 | FC: Tamlyn Tomita
Prince Kousei Elder Brother | 26 | FC: Hayashida Kohei
Chihiro Elder Brother | 22 | FC: Deng Lun
Kyoya Elder Brother | 22 | FC: Ryoma Takeuchi
Extended Family (Paternal)
Emperor Seijuro Great-Uncle | 68 | FC: Tzi Ma
The reigning Emperor of Japan, his reign began on January 8, 1989, the day after the death of his father, Emperor Shōwa (known as Emperor Hirohito during his lifetime), and beginning the current Heisei era of Japan.
Minamoto Kurumi Paternal Cousin | 21 | FC: Hayashida Miyu
Extended Family (Maternal)
Yagi Hiroyuki
Hinami's maternal grandfather, Hiroyuki was a salaryman in Tokyo, where he met his eventual wife, before the pair moved to Hokkaido to raise Reina and takeover the family business; a small osen in the town of Shikabe. An only child with no other family, the onsen was eventually sold and ultimately shut down after his and his wife's deaths. The Yagi's were not magical.
Krüger Amalie Hinami maternal grandmother, also known as "Ami" (pr. ah-me), called such by her Japanese family and friends, she was originally from Belgium, born in the city of Verviers in the Belgian province of Liège, she came to japan to study in the Daigaku program at Amaterasu, ultimately falling in love with the country, and later Hiroyuki, and thus moving to Japan. The Krüger's were and are magical, and are a rather well-off family, but while influential in Verviers, and possibly a tiny bit with the Belgian government, they're no heavy hitters. Low ranking bourgoisie, in essence.
Krüger Martha und Albert Amalie's parents, and Reina's grandparents, thereby the great-grandparents of Kousei, Chihiro, Kyoya, and Hinami. They died by the time Chihiro and Kyoya were born.
Krüger Aleksander The younger brother of Albert, Reina's great-uncle.
Krüger Edgard The only son and child of Aleksander, cousin of Amalie, and uncle to Reina, thus great-uncle of the Minamoto children.
Krüger Alois und Alain The sons of Edgard, thus cousins of Reina, and uncles of the Minamoto Children.
Krüger Leon
Maternal Cousin | 30 | FC: Andreas Pietschmann
Eldest son of Alois Krüger, and elder brother of Gisa und Engel, he's a magical archaeologist.
Krüger Giselle "Gisa" Maternal Cousin | 19 | FC: Natalia Dyer Middle child, and only daughter of Alois Krüger, younger sister of Leon, and older sister of Engel.
Krüger Engel Maternal Cousin | 17 | FC: Louis Hofmann Youngest son and child of Alois Krüger, younger brother of Leon und Gisa.
Krüger Hanna Maternal Cousin | 17 | FC: Lisa Vicari The only daughter and child of Alain Krüger,
❀ Biography ❀
Having been born after the 1994 Tragedy, Hinami was born a Prince du Sang (Prince of the Blood), though one could argue that she was born a literal Princess, but the law of succession specifically adopted Masaomi and Kousei into the royal family, with provisions for the throne to pass on to another Minamoto if necessary, but not explicitly, in order to preserve the Minamoto name, which Hinami, and her elder brothers Chihiro and Kyoya, are expected to continue. All four Minamoto children were raised with the express goal of helping their father realize his dream of obtaining the throne.
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slade-neko · 3 years
Monster Hunter Rise ~ My Thoughts
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Oh, man, Monster Hunter Rise, where to begin?! I guess I’ll start with the game itself in a nutshell is a BLAST! It’s not without a few issues I have with it personally, but I’ve been having a lot of fun playing it nonetheless. I want to take the time to mention I am a second generation hunter myself. Started playing Monster Hunter in 2008 with Freedom 2 on PSP at the tender age of 13. So its safe to say I’ve got a lot to say about this game! If you want to read the full thing then here it is. 
This review is MOSTLY spoiler-free! There isn’t a lot you can spoil in this game... I mention some endgame stuff and there is a screenshot that contains the final boss’s armor but not focused on it. Just a friendly warning if you are a die-hard spoiler avoider. 
The Weapon Types
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I’ll start with the fact that the weapon types in MH Rise are all really fun to play and have very well polished movesets. I haven’t extensively played with all the weapon types, but I’d like to say a few things about the ones I have been using. Long Sword feels the best it has ever been in the entire series in my opinion, ironically this game starts you off with a Long Sword equipped too. 
I went ham with Long Sword throughout the main story, but now have swapped over to maining Light Bowgun. I was a big Heavy Bowgun main in MH World, but shield spreadshot builds don't feel the same for me as they did in World, but the Light Bowgun in this game shreds. Narga Piercing LBG for distance shooting and then Magnamalo Spread LBG for getting up close and personal. Evade Extender 3 makes zipping around the battlefield a breeze and next to impossible to get hit making it a very fun and rewarding playstyle. 
My brother on the other hand has been hitting hard with Long Sword and the new Hunting Horn. He misses the original note playing at times, but the damage on HH is insane and healing constantly with the Rampage Horn is a big plus too for a game with no health regen factors. He’s been building sets for nearly every weapon type, but LS and HH are his two mains. Both weapon types were introduced in 2nd Gen, where we started, so maining those two for him is a bit symbolic. Also the fact that LS has been heralded as the most used weapon-type and HH the least used as of recent games is a neat contrast to use both.
The Characters, Setting, and Story
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I know Monster Hunter isn’t exactly known for it’s characters or story, heck most games hardly had a story until World came out. Typically Monster Hunter games follow the simple formula of big bad flagship monster causing problems with local village and ecosystem, hunt it, happy ending?, turns out bigger badder scarier secret boss monster was actually causing the problems, hunt it, true happy ending. Nothing wrong with that, I can roll with whatever story they make, majority of players are here for the gameplay. That said, I still enjoy and appreciate what story the devs put together no matter how it turns out. I liked what Rise offered, nothing too grand like World, more of a simple story following the old games formula. 
Surprisingly I haven’t seen many people talk about the characters in this game and the little fact that this is the first time in the ENTIRE SERIES (outside of MH Stories) characters have REAL names! Hinoa, Minoto, Fugen, Yomogi, Iori, Hamon, Rondine, Hojo, Utsushi, like honest to goodness actual NAMES, not “Blacksmith,” “Village Elder,” or “Fish Mongress.” The characters are fun though, nice and memorable, not really annoying. Also following World’s fully voice-acted characters is a nice touch. I sometimes miss the days of old when characters had simple grunts and you read everything, but I doubt that will ever come back now, just something lost to the classic MH games. 
Then there’s the super Asian-inspired ninja-like theme to the entire game. You’ll either love it, hate it, or maybe you don’t care about how the village is at all. I like the whole ninja aesthetic while it does work for this game in particular, but I will admit its a little bit weird in the entirety of Monster Hunter as a series.
The Hunts, Gameplay, and Everything Else
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Ah yes, the gameplay, the heart of the Monster Hunter games... while yes I do think this game is a lot of fun overall, I do have a few complaints with it... I’m going to break this down into mini-sections because there is a lot to cover here.
Quest Preparations Maybe I’m just old school, but I feel like they took away a lot of the prep work for going on hunts. No cold/ hot drinks, access full inventory on quests, refill items, no longer eat for attack/ def buffs, monsters always visible on maps, no random spawning on High Rank quests, little things like that. In the old games you had to prepare for each hunt, it was part of the game. You go after a big monster, you make sure you got everything you need to win BEFORE you depart on the quest. It feels like they are double-downing more so on just the fighting itself. 
Tracking Monsters Monsters aren’t even tracked anymore, they’re always visible on your map. No having to run around and look for them like classic MH games... Though to be fair maybe that’s better off in the old games with the paintball tracking system and individual loaded areas than in a game with a fully open-world setting because I got headaches tracking monsters in MH World’s open-world especially the Ancient Forest. 
The Monsters The new monsters in this game a welcome addition. I don’t really have any problems with their designs or fights. Have to say Goss Horag has a very fun fight, but my favorite new monster is probably Rakna-Kadaki. A pelican spider is a dang neat idea for a monster and there aren’t a lot of Temnocerans. Would love to see the return of the Carapaceons though! This is literally the perfect game for Shen-Gaoren to come back with the new rampage system! Bring back my giant enemy crab, Capcom please!
Monster Behavior/ Minion Monsters/ Herbivores Added this subsection to talk specifically about the monsters’ behaviors in this game along with the minion monsters cause while not very important overall there are still some things to be said. 
Same thing in MH World, but the monsters act more like animals now. While yes, that is more realistic and is mostly a good thing, but it honestly gives me second thoughts about hunting them. In World most boss monsters wouldn’t attack you unless you attacked them first. That made me feel terrible walking up to a calm Teostra just chilling in the dunes and then I start smacking the heck outta it with a weapon... Old games the monsters saw you, the “something’s gonna getcha music starts playing” and then it charges you and your in the fight! Now its like you’re the monster killing a bunch of animals (exaggerating a bit, but still!)
What’s not exaggerated is the minions in this game. The old games had minions that were incredibly annoying and I wanted to kill them. This game however has the sweet little bullfangos, jagras, and other minions just lazing around sleeping. My brother and I were in need of Rhenoplos scalps for some gear, set out on a quest to slay some, find them peacefully sleeping by some rocks and I ask my brother, “Okay, so you gonna bash its skull in with your hammer and pop its eyes out or am I gonna fill it full of lead with my bowgun?” Needlessly violent example, I know, but it still makes the point that it feels more like animal cruelty when they aren’t bothering anyone. I’d rather the minions just start charging me and piss me off as a player, so I wouldn’t feel bad defending myself to take them out. 
Lastly, there’s the herbivores. Not a lot to say on the matter, but I feel like they could’ve given a few more herbivore types. Like no Aptonoth in this game? I thought they were kinda a staple of the series for herbivores. I also feel like the maps could feel a bit more lively with more herbivores placed around. Maybe Mosswines in the Shrine Ruins, especially when scaling the central mountain shrine with the mushroom colonies everywhere. Great spots for mushroom piggies! 
The Maps/ Locales I love them! Well for the most part. They are good and I don’t dislike any in particular. My only problems is that they sometimes feel too big, too open, and too empty. I know they have a lot of stuff in them, gathering points, spiribirds, relics, and many other things, but there is an odd sense of emptiness there. Like I mentioned earlier, I think perhaps adding in more scattered monsters might’ve helped that a bit. Only other thing to mention is that the new locales rely too heavily on the Palamutes to get around effectively. I personally like bringing my kitties with me on multiplayer quests, so I am at the mercy of wirebug zipping to get around and often left behind. 
Oh, last thing I will mention on maps is while its not in the base game, I pray they add back the Tower as a map. Preferably the 2nd Gen version where you start at base camp and scale the tower. A game that’s all about rising and verticality, the Tower is literally the PERFECT map to have in this game! 
Spiribirds Love em or hate them, there’s the Spiribirds. Cool concept, but I don’t think it works very well in my opinion. I don’t care about roaming the map to collect my bird buffs, I just want to eat for Attack Up large like old games and be done. I definitely try to grab them when I can, but I can’t be bothered to chase down all the birds each and every hunt just to get my full Attack up buff. 
Wirebugs On with the title of the game being Rise giving meaning to the new wirebugs feature. Wirebugs are fun to use, zip around the map, super attacks, and what-not, but I can’t help but feel its a little out of place in a Monster Hunter game. Feels like I’m Spider-Man or something. I know I praised this when I played the demo and I’m not dissing it now, I still enjoy using them, but I am also admitting that they do feel very outlandish for a Monster Hunter game. Still better than the slinger/ clutch claw though! Let’s never talk about those accursed items again. 
Silkbinds The Silkbind attacks though are fully great! I love having access to super attacks like Hunting Arts and things like that for my weapons, so I sincerely hope they keep some kind of super attack format in future games.
Mounting The mounting system in this game is weird, but pretty cool! Its a great way to let you control a monster for a change and beat the snot out of other monsters as a monster. I saw someone describe it is as “going full on Ratatouille with the monsters” and honestly there isn’t a better way to explain it than that. 
Palicoes/ Palamutes The Buddy System in this game is great! Palicoes still feel about the same as they did in World, maybe a little less powerful now since you can have two of them at once, still love them though and prefer to bring a Palico with me on my quests. 
Then there is the new doggies, the Palamutes! Super cute and cuddly, but also quite powerful! I love the doggos, but I wish the maps weren’t designed around them. I like to bring my cat with me on multiplayer quests, so I don’t get a dog to ride and the maps are HUGE, very wide-opened, lots of running... Wirebugs help, but still not quite as fast as the puppies. 
Oh and two little pet peeve of mine is you can’t see other players buddy names and you can’t change buddy comments! I want people to be able to see my buddies’ names and I need my Garfield cat’s comment to say “I hate Mondays.” and my Sonic dog to say “Gotta go fast!” and my Courage the Cowardly Dog dog to have “The things I do for love.” Unless there is a hidden menu somewhere where you can edit these, but alas I have yet to find it...
Voiced Hunters Hunters have always been the silent protagonists of the games with attack grunts, hurt sounds, and little to nothing more. Now they are full voiced for gestures and full hunting dialogue. I really like this, its funny to hear them shout things and stuff and having some familiar voice actors in the game is really cool to have them voice my characters. My brother rocking the Xander Mobus voice-type on his hunter is freakin’ cool and hilarious at the same time. I am tempted to make a Zentisu hunter, name him Zenitsu, give him the Zentisu voice-type, and go full Thunderclap maining a Thunder-type Long Sword just for the heck of it. Oh and also there’s the fact that CRISTINA VEE IS OFFICIALLY IN A MONSTER HUNTER GAME NOW AS A FEMALE VOICE OPTION! Still feels weird comparing it to previous games, but I’m okay with it because the fun factor in it outweighs the weird for me personally. Besides if you for some reason decided you hate fun you can just mute them in the options. 
Layered Armor (or lack-of) I love Layered Armor... and there is only two sets in this game. The Deluxe Edition’s “Kamurai” samurai looking layered armor and the Magnamalo amiibo “Sinister” layered set with a few head only layered pieces as DLC in the eShop. I was honestly expecting all armor to be layered and unlockable in the base game after the huge demand for layered armor in MH World and Transmog being a thing in the side team’s last game, MHXX/ MHGU. 
I think a mixed system of both Transmog and Layered Armor would be ideal. Transmog system for in-game armors and then additional bonus themed armor sets made as Layered Armors like the Kamurai set. That way players can be rewarded for crafting all the armors with use of a Transmog system even giving an incentive to make multiple sets twice to Transmog differently. While the devs could still make money off cool unique Layered sets as DLC in the eShop. Literally fixes both issues right there. Feel free to use that idea, Capcom, and you’re welcome.
Multiplayer/ Lobbies/ Scaling Four people lobbies are back! Not necessarily a good thing. I mean hey its not bad either, but I honestly preferred the larger lobbies like World had. Having more people doesn’t make it less social. All they need is to force people to do multiplayer quests in the Gathering Hub. I prefer large lobbies and have people do whatever they want and meet up in the Hub for socials. Mainly what I dislike about 4 player lobbies is everyone will be expected to help each other on their quests within the lobby. I just want to chill and do my own thing, but see and interact with other players in the village between quests. Oh, but the ability to join quests late is seriously great! Dropping into a lobby and seeing people already on a quest and being able to jump in with them is a godsend! 
Difficulty scaling is a very weird thing. It’s basically a double-edged sword. Its good to have because you can beat everything on your own, but that also defeats the purpose of multiplayer. In the past games, Hub quests were scaled higher for multiplayer, so getting more people to help only made it easier. Now, why bother with players when you could just do it yourself scaled to an easier single-player difficulty? I can usually get faster times when I solo things now. Multiplayer is there just for the social aspect to goof around with friends or if you just wanna do chill hunting with people. It’s no longer a requirement or an aid for beating the game. Like I said, its a weird thing, not bad, but not good either? I dunno, I just compare a lot of things to the classic MH games. In the past getting a second player to help makes it twice as easy compared to beating a Hub quest by yourself, while getting four players makes it where you’re effectively doing 4x more damage. Now its like you get 4-players and the monster gets 4x the health too. That might not be the exact scaling, but you get my point. 
One last thing I want to touch on which a lot of people have already mentioned is the fact multiplayer can get pretty chaotic. Especially when you have 4 players with 4 palamutes all smacking away at a monster. Hit effects are EVERYWHERE! Creates quite the mess and can be hard to tell what’s happening. 
Quest Difficulty/ Harder Monsters I don’t care too much about how hard the game is and I know this is a touchy subject, but I do like challenging monsters, without relying on gimmicky crap to fight them. MH World was filled with gimmicky fights like Behemoth, Leshen, even Alatreon and Fatalis to some degree. I still have Extreme Behemoth PTSD. I just want good clean fights, no damage checks, unavoidable one-hit kill moves, crap like that is not cool. I want to cart because I screwed up and made a wrong move and got punished by some wicked strong attack from a big bad boss monster. Not a stupid damage check telling me, “Oh, you not do enough damage, you die now.” To be fair, old Monster Hunter games had some gimmicky fights too though. MH4U with Apex Monsters and Wystones, MHGU with HP tank Hyper Monsters, heck even Freedom 2 was unintentionally gimmicky with outrageous hitboxes haha. Oh, that game was brutal! Deviants in MHGU were amazing though! Some really tough fights there, but incredibly rewarding to beat, that’s what I love!
The Endgame/ Secret Bosses (or lack-of) There is no Endgame, we are stuck in the Infinity War for now (or Affinity War as my brother calls it since the meta is all about those crits!) Okay, so that’s a bit harsh, all jokes aside there is an endgame, but its not exactly what I was expecting and leaves me wanting more. One of my favorite aspects of Monster Hunter games is the endgames and the secrets they hold, which this game had very few! They revealed nearly EVERY monster before this game launched. I get it, they want to sell their game, but leave some secrets please. Only monster that was secret was just the final boss. I love getting to the end of the game and unlocking new quests to fight the big scary endgame bosses. I guess World kinda suffered from that too a little bit. Mostly hanging on to old games like Freedom Unite unlocking Fatalis, MH3U getting Abyssal Lagiacrus, and Molten Tigrex in MH4U was very cool! Could just be the state of games these days like Smash Ultimate where they reveal everything before the game is out since data miners will just leak them anyways... kinda makes me sad. 
Updates and Future Content
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I know this game has planned updates that will add a lot of content, but I can’t help but feel those “updates” were part of the game that’s been withheld to make the updates feel like so much more. Its like they ripped out the ending of the game and are passing it of as a big huge update to be released after launch. 
The real kick to this is the fact there is no Hunter Rank in the current game... I’ve done approximately 300 quests so far in my game, its going to hurt me very badly when I see the HR update come out and I don’t get any HR for the hunts I’ve done so far. I know some people could care less about HR and just see it as a number, but for me that number is a nice thing to see. I love seeing it go up as I do more quests and play more of the game. Going hard at launch has been a lot of fun, but less rewarding knowing I am quite possibly not getting any HR points for all my gameplay. 
Only reason I can see they would not want to allow a buildup of HR before this update is because this update will add a bunch of new endgame monsters most likely unlocked through getting high Hunter Rank. I pray for my boy Akantor to finally shine again, I know the side team loves him, so let’s please get him into Rise! AND Please don’t show them off in videos, Capcom! Just stealth drop a bunch of Elder Dragons and Endgame bosses into the game!
Final Thoughts
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I’m probably just stuck in the old days some, I guess this is just how the games will be going forward, but a bit of that makes me sad. Feels like the game series I loved so much is losing some character and personality of what made is special and unique. This review might’ve got a bit ranty, but I like to critique a game series I am very passionate about. World was very similar to this. From everything I’ve said, by no means do I hate this game. I still love MH Rise and the entire series and I’ll keep playing it having a lot of fun along the way. Best way I can describe Monster Hunter Rise is it’s the Side Team’s Monster Hunter World. Its fresh, new, and very experimental! 
All in all this game is still great and I stand by what I said at the beginning of this entire post, its a blast to play! I hope everyone can enjoy it and remember, Happy Hunting! 
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pkmnomegaverse · 4 years
🍄 for Juri, 🌼 for Roan, 🌻 for Bailey? (Optional 💫 for either Casimir or Corin)
Juri - 🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
She really likes junk food in general, but cookies are a fav, particularly the cheap bite sized one you can buy in packs.  Traditional Sinnoh dishes are a common comfort food for her, especially anything that reminds her of Lucas' cooking (bonus points if it just is his cooking).  Juri is the worst cook of her traveling group, so while she can maybe get by if she has to, she avoids cooking if she can.  Lots of instant ramen and other premade meals if things are left up to her.  She has a bit of a sweet tooth, so while she loves baking in theory, again, she typically won’t do it herself.  Although she will sometimes bake up a pack of premade cookie dough and (attempt to) eat the whole thing herself.
Roan - 🌼 Who are this characters friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner?
He’s honestly very close with his actual family (Bede’s side anyway), to the point he doesn’t really have a found family that can trump them.  The protective big bro to his younger siblings.  As for friends, he gets along with some of the older Galar kids (Cassia and Hadley, the former of which he’s childhood friends with) and ends up friends and primary traveling companions with Rhea and Axel.  They meet by chance when Roan decides he wants to try venturing out to a far away region, and chooses Sinnoh for it’s rich history and folklore.  I’m honestly not sure about a potential romantic partner for Roan, but as for what he looks for in friends/partners, he ends up getting along best with people who contrast with him, complementing his more serious nature.  Extroverted people like Rhea and Cassia are the types he ends up getting along best with.
Bailey - 🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them?
While he may not be particularly into the visual arts, he has an eye for beauty he inherited from his parents (or perhaps just picked up from being immersed in the world of art/acting from a young age). He’s sometimes prone to getting a bit theatric in waxing poetry about the things he’s sees. “Oh how the low hanging sun peaks from the red stained mountain tops,” that kind of poetry.  Which he’s embarrassed about people overhearing so he mostly writes it down.  But he enjoys looking for those details in the world and trying to put into words his thoughts on what he’s seeing.  He mostly looks for scenery related things, but will observe people and Pokemon as well, since there’s beauty in the little domestic interactions people engage in without thinking about it.  Beauty in the mundane, so to speak.
Casimir - 💫What is your favorite fact about this character and why?
He’s the only reason this verse even exists.  While Juri may be the first official fankid, Casimir was the first fankid who had a plotline to go with him (which was an apocalypse AU of sorts).  It was this that got me thinking about actually making a legit next gen AU, since while I did discard the original plotline that went with him, it planted the seeds.  It’s because of this that he’s always been the true protag in my heart.
Corin - 💫What is your favorite fact about this character and why?
His dad was a mystery for the first month of his creation, since I really don’t ship Calem with anyone, but always knew I wanted Casimir to have a younger brother he had issues with.  I created basically two versions of him, Tierno!Corin and Sycamore!Corin after narrowing down his father choices to those two.  I went with Tierno!Corin mostly since it seemed like Tierno/Calem would be the happier endgame for Calem.  Mostly I just find this bit of trivia amusing, since I always like what-could-have-been prototype trivia, even for my own stuff.
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obeymematches · 4 years
Hello! I hope you're not swarmed in all the matchup requests lol, but I have to say - they're great! I love how detailed they are and how much work and thought you put into them! It's admirable, to be honest.
But of course I came here for my own matchup lmao. I'm polyamorous so I'm okay with multiple matches (if you want to, ofc).
So, I'm an INTP, aesthetically edgy, nonbinary.... something, ig. I'm a retired weeb that became a kpop stannie and an e-girl/e-boy but I'm still very much a nerd when it comes to entertainment, like video games and stuff.
I've been told that I look intimidating ever since I was a kid and people tend to be lowkey scared of me at first - add to that the fact that I don't talk much with strangers and have a permanent murderous gaze. But once you force your way into befriending me I become a very loyal and chaotic middle school boy with a negative amount of braincells.
I used to be known as a cryptid - never took pictures, never left my room, so quiet you'd never know if I'm currently in the same room as you or not (my friends would call me irl Kuroko - yes, that even applied to when we played basketball in school). But then, one day I decided that I'm bored of being boring and turned into the loud, vulgar, hot friend (according to my friends, again) that you'd book a room with in a closed off apartment complex but then decided to get some kebabs at midnight and then had to climb over the fence once you got back because the gate man has already left for the night. That was not oddly specific at all.
I know that what I'm doing is usually dumb and dangerous and that's exactly why I do it. I'm dumb but I'm not an idiot, y'know? I also have problems with authority lmao. And while I love doing all the dumb stuff with my friends I'm extremely protective and always take the blow or make sure no one gets actually hurt. Self-sacrifice is a personality trait 😌💅✨ Also, I still have a crippling social anxiety but after mastering the art of dissociating I can go out in public!
I'm not a very affectionate person - I don't really like physical affection all that much. I'm cool with hugging, hand holding and cuddling but in moderation. I express my love towards those close to me by doing favours and helping them. You'll also know I like you and am comfortable when I stop with all the "uwu i love u ur so amazing" and start throwing (not genuine) insults around or bully you (affectionately). I'm also straight up emotionally constipated.
There's very few things in life that I take seriously and even less things that I care about in general. Because of that I can seem very apathetic and dishonest. That being said, I *do* have hobbies and interests (hyperfixations, actually), I don't have an artistic soul but I do a lot of different art (drawing, dancing, singing, rapping, makeup, fashion, etc.) - but my heart belongs to the world of linguistics.
I'm quiet pessimistic on the inside but I just implement it into the typical Gen-Z humor and ignore all my (often serious) problems. I prefer keeping a happy, funny, loud persona in front of others - I'm the distraction and mood maker!
I'd want my partner(s) to first and foremost - be my best friend(s). Someone who isn't very emotional and can solve problems with logic and in a calm manner. Someone who'll be happy with us just existing and vibing next to each other.
Also someone who'd wrestle with me. Or at least would let me throw them around a little, lol.
My faves are Levi, Belphie, Beel and Monie but I think I match with the first two better, imo.
Thank you in advance! Hope you're having a great day/night!
Ahhh thank you for your kind words!!! >w
Okay so I think you are in fact a great match to each of your favourites for a different reason!
So in canon I don’t think there much info about their take on mono/poly relationships. Sure, besides Beel all of the other candidates are known to get jealous easily but like being poly is not cheating lol. I’m not sure if someone already made HCs about this but I think it would take so much time to convince Levi that theres not one, but two (or more) people who actually love him oh god. But I think the others mentioned above would be ok. 
So I decided to match you with Mammon! 
 Okay so when it comes to aes I think you and Mammon would make a matching couple! 
Mammon also plays games from time to time, so you could spend some time gaming together. He is surprisingly good at them! Obviously Levi could relate to your otaku past, but that is the past. 
I think your intimidating exterior would probably give off Lucifer vibes to Mammon at first. This is not something to worry about though - Mammon has a tendency of stealing or using people (he’s not crushing on) + he also looks down on humans. (these are sometimes ignored in the fandom but it’s all canon) So sure he is definitely stronger than you, but I think he would be less likely to pick on you like that if you have a pretty but intimidating face. 
He is also one of the more loyal demons, so you have a priority on the same spot! 
I think he would definitely support your chaotic ideas and steal kebab with you at night. You would annoy his brothers a lot and he would get you into trouble very often! So be prepared for some lectures by Lucifer. 
The fact that you self-sacrafice might end up getting you in danger but Mammon is also protective so it’s just the two of you protecting the other while doing someting silly.
Mamon definitely has many favors to ask for, so it’s nice that you don’t think of that as a turn-off! However make sure he doesn’t use you
 His love language is giving gifts so in return you can expect him to get you something! 
I think he likes affection but definitely not in public and he will deny wanting a hug from you with his life
Okay so the fact that you actually call out your friends when they are being unreasonable is something that comes in handy! Mammon gets bullied a lot by his brothers - sometimes there is no reason, but other times he is not innocent at all. So it would be nice if you could shape his personality a bit! 
I definitely see him with a partner who cares about appearance, so you being into makeup and fashion is a good bonus! He wants to set you off on being a model after all
He is definitely outgoing so you being able to sing and dance are great additional points! He will definitely show you off at some bars so be prepared!
I don’t think he is very fond of linguistics as really the only thing that gets him going is cash. He would probably look up how to make the most out of being a linguistic and he will definitely have a conversation with you about his findings
You two could definitely hit it off as best friends first! I mean he will not confess early, being a tsundere and all.
 Okay so Levi would be better at solving difficult situations logically as he is an admiral at the navy. However there is a reason why Mammon is the second strongest that gets overlooked sometimes! If an issue arises he has ideas to solve them! These are not always very great ideas and they might sound silly but most of the time they work! 
Mammon is definitely the best candidate to play-fight out of the potential candidates!! I imagine him being much stronger than you and giving you a hard time but he is not a sadist at all so he will let you win at the end 
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
looking for longterm novella-style partner
general hey guys i'm lauren, 26 years old and living in EST! i just got dumped and thought i'd fill the void in my life with some good, good writing so i'm looking for some people to plot and rp with. i'm usually bopping around on social media and love talking to my partners, whether it's getting to know them or just plotting future events for our characters.
i'm also very ditch-friendly! if you're tired of me or our rp, totally just ghost me, i'll get the hint. no need to get all anxious over breaking up with a partner. it's rping, it's all chill. if you're able to, giving me a head's up that you're not feeling the rp would be great though! i will absolutely return the courtesy if i'm not feeling it anymore either.
as a quick side note, i will only rp with people over the age of 21, and have a preference for partners over the age of 23! i just feel more comfortable when my partner is around the same age as me.
posts and characters i only write in third person past tense and would prefer for my partner to do the same. i'm very flexible with post lengths, but i tend to be on the wordy side. i'd love it if you could provide four or five paragraphs per post on average, though i absolutely value quality over quantity so post length isn't a huge concern of mine as long as there's something to reply to! longer posts are wonderful as well, and i have no issue waxing lengthy posts if that is your preference.
i generally reply at least once a day or once every other day, but even if i'm tied up with work and not able to reply consistently, i'll absolutely be available to chat. i'll let you know when i'm busy and love to shoot plot ideas back and forth even when i can't put aside a chunk of time to reply.
characters! i love playing multiple characters, but having a singular main character is great too. i prefer playing OCs but can also do canons, which i'll talk about more below. i have no preference about what sort of character you're playing, that's your decision! i like to develop new characters for each rp i do, but feel free to bring in old characters if that's what you want! i like characters that are complex and interesting and not ultra-powerful people -- or if they are, you're able to explore the emotional repercussions of it. if you're looking for a specific sort of character to play yours against, give me some guidelines before i whip up an OC and i'll be happy to make someone that fits your needs. i adore creating characters, and like making side or background characters that pass through or come in and out of the plot.
i like creating characters before the plot, rather than the other way around. i have a huge preference for character-driven plots -- putting our characters in a setting, and then letting their specific quirks and motivations lead where the rp goes next.
i also can provide rp samples if you'd like to see my writing before we rp!
genres; love and sex so first let me prattle off some original character genres that i love! i will list fandoms later.
• adventure; anything with a band of people coming together and forming a found family, traveling together on the way to a goal with obstacles thrown in their way • fantasy; i adore fantasy, whether it's magical realism or all out medieval fantasy. world-building is one of my favorite things. sci-fi is great too, but i'm not great when things get too tech-y haha • paranormal/mythical creatures; sort of goes with the fantasy, but i'm always down to rp different species in any sort of setting • fairy tales; i love taking old fairy tales or stories and giving them a unique twist, whether it's making them #gritty or just tossing them in a different sort of setting • superheroes; people with superpowers using it for good or evil and coming together yesss • romance; romance is great and i'll discuss that below, but i prefer this to be like a sub-genre • AUs; i love taking a fandom and making it an alternate timeline or AUing it completely. also once we have characters and a rp established, i love love love talking about AUs for our characters. i will AU everything, there is no AU too AUish for me
those are just my favorites so feel free to suggest others, but i will not do slice of life. i just find myself bogged down when there's not a defined plot, and it doesn't keep my interest. i also love these things if you'd be interested in tossing any of them in the rp:
• mages • shapeshifters • daemons [like from his dark materials] • people with horns or wings • pirates • dragons
pairings what up what up. i love rps with a dash of romance, whether our characters come in as an awesome couple battle duo, or two dorks realizing they're developing a crush on each other. either way, i don't like characters who are not in a relationship immediately getting together -- i'm all about the bonding and character development. i do not like rping cishet m/f pairings. bi girl and bi dude falling in love is great. trans man and trans woman falling in love is great. ace woman and a masculine nb person falling in love is great. any other type of lgbtqia+ pairing is great. if you have a general preference for m// or f// just let me know!
i also love anything unconventional, from happy polyamorous couples to obsessive unrequited pining. love triangles are great, conflict is great, anything to keep the relationship fresh and interesting without verging into the realm of over-dramatic. if you're looking for someone to rp a dark and unhealthy romance with, i am your person. also if you want to rp cute poly couples. i am also that person.
for fandoms, i'll do canon/canon and OC/OC but not canon/OC!
smut smut is totally rad, as long as it's not the sole focus of the rp. i like the smut to add something to the character, the characters' relationship, or the plot in addition to just being for porn's sake. cute smut is great. dark smut is great. getting to do both is even better. i do have a handful of smut-based limits including things like water sports, pedophilia, vore -- if you want a complete list just ask when you contact me. themes i would enjoy exploring typically depend on the character and what my partner's limits are.
limits i don't have any limits besides the aforementioned smut limits. besides that, i love violence, gore, and swearing. i like exploring dark themes when the rp calls for it. i do not like rping with people who treat trauma, abuse, and psychopathy as personal traits or try to make things obnoxiously dark and gritty. but otherwise everything's pretty much on the table! if you have any limits please let me know -- i have no problem not swearing or avoiding certain topics or fading to black if that is your preference.
fandoms stars denote preference.
dragon age [origins; da2; inquisition] ✩✩✩ dragon age is my favorite thing in the world and i would love someone to rp it with. i have a preference for OCs though would also be up to rping canon characters. rping an OC MC with OC companions is my jam, though i also like exploring what the rest of the world is up to while the main plot is going on. also any AU of dragon age is great -- inquisition in a modern setting, kirkwall with a sci-fi twist; universe diverging where the bad guy wins and stuff like that.
pokemon [any gen] ✩✩✩ i am always down for a pokemon rp you have no ideaaa. however i really like my pokemon rps more serious (i know how ridiculous that sounds). i like exploring aspects of the pokemon world outside of just being a trainer and getting badges. i like to rp pokemon like they're intelligent animals, meaning that wild pokemon aren't so easily tamed and pokemon can get hurt. i'm also so down for crossbreeds/fusions. i have some plot ideas in mind for pokemon and would love to hear yours!
final fantasy [IV, VII, VIII, crisis core, advent children, dissidia] ✩✩ i have this random love for IV, but honestly i am total VII trash and have been playing the remake a lot. i'm also a little familiar with XIV and have some OCs already created for a setting like that.
fallout [any game] ✩✩ would love to do OCs for this, and admittedly something in the commonwealth would be rad because i've played 4 most recently. brotherhood of steel is always great, anything with them is awesome. also stuff with synths that involves questioning what it means to be human and have faith in your own identity/memories w/e w/e would be cool. also just a general AU of a fallout-like setting maybe set in a city that hasn't been explored yet.
kingdom hearts [any game] ✩ i'd love something in the bbs era, but honestly anything is great. exploring nobodies successfully turned into ansem-heart-holders, the new keyblade warriors to defeat ansem (this guy gets around), or kh1&2 characters during the bbs time is all great. for canon characters sora, aqua, ventus, marluxia, and larxene are the ones i've played the most but i'm always looking to branch out.
medium i like to rp over discord, email, or google docs, with a separate discord channel or IM for separate chatting and plotting. i'm also open to making a joint tumblr blog that we both post our posts on, which i did not know was a thing until very recently!
contact if you're interested please shoot me a message on my tumblr or at Lauren#5244 on discord! :)
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volturialice · 5 years
I voted reqs #1
@heydisneyhiremeplease asked for something about how seth would act if he imprinted on someone! I think after the initial shock, he would Thrive because lbr he’s the ultimate sweetie and would be such an attentive and fun partner.
...but here’s a ficlet about the initial shock because I love Drama ok
relationships: jacob black & seth clearwater
rating: gen
~700 words
notes: set a handful of years post-canon
Of course Jacob finds him right away, even though Seth’s thoughts are broadcasting LEAVE ME ALONE.
Spare me the serious heart-to-heart pep talk, he groans, and can see in Jake’s mind how much he sounds like Leah. Great.
Jacob must sense that the invasion of privacy is too much, because when he comes striding into the trees it’s in human form, with the usual bare feet and hole-y sweats. Seth shakes off his own wolf form and sinks sullenly onto a mossy log, wishing he were rude or stubborn or assertive enough to stay a wolf so he wouldn’t have to have this conversation.
“Leah asked you to come check on me?”
Jake nods, plopping down beside him on the log like it’s an overstuffed La-Z-Boy. “Woulda done it anyway.”
“I’m fine,” says Seth, hating how sulky he sounds. So typically the pack baby, throwing a tantrum because he can’t handle the freaky soul-bond stuff.
“It’s okay if you’re not,” offers Jacob.
Seth picks at a clump of lichens. “I’ve got no right to complain,” he mumbles. “I didn’t break anyone’s heart, or wind up as a babysitter for the next couple decades. I hit the jackpot.” He laughs, a bitter foreign sound. “What Leah wouldn’t give to imprint on a nice, normal, human adult. And here I am, running off into the woods because I can’t even handle that much.”
Jacob shrugs. “It’s a lot to handle,” he says.
Seth heaves a frustrated sigh. “Why does it have to be like this?”
“Honestly? I dunno, kid. I could feed you all that bullshit about genetic compatibility and making the next generation of super-wolves, but I’m not sure I believe it myself.” He scratches the back of his neck. “Imprinting just…happens.”
Right. It just happens that you’re visiting a national park when suddenly the whole world shifts and you find yourself lingering at some random ranger talk, sitting through all these facts you damn well already know about wolves just so you can stay a little longer, keep hearing that warm, low voice, keep seeing the flash of that dimpled smile…
“I know that look,” says Jacob, rolling his eyes. “For someone so worked up about the idea of imprinting, you sure are ready to ditch me for your imprint-ee.”
“It’s not Alex’s fault,” mutters Seth.
“It’s not yours either,” Jake reminds him. “Sometimes I think there’s some god up there playing wolfy matchmaker, and he’s got a deeply fucked up sense of humor.”
“Or he’s just totally plastered,” offers Seth, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Jacob grins back. “There’s our annoying little ray of sunshine. Knew you couldn’t stay upset for long.”
“Yeah, yeah. I told you I’d be okay.”
“‘Course you will. Because the freaky part’s over. You may not have chosen who to imprint on, but you get to choose what happens next. You don’t have to see Alex ever again if you don’t want to.”
Ok, so Seth was mad about the lack of free will involved, but never see Alex again? Even now there’s a little part of his brain going hey, I wonder what Alex is doing. We should check in with Alex. I wonder if those dimples are still as cute as they were a few hours ago. It’s hard to imagine living with that voice, that pull, for the rest of his life and never giving in.
“No, that’s okay,” says Seth a second too fast on the heels of Jacob’s suggestion. “I want to. Just…maybe not right now.”
Jake nods. “Good plan. There are perks to sulking, you know. Edward heard about your existential struggle out here and I’m pretty sure he’s making you cinnamon rolls.”
“Really?” Oh, hell yeah. Seth could seriously use a cinnamon roll right now—or a dozen cinnamon rolls.
Jacob laughs. “Would I lie to you during a serious heart-to-heart pep talk?”
Seth is on his feet in half a second, already shaking with the effort of holding back his wolf form. “Awesome! I’ll race you back!”
Jacob stands up to wriggle out of his sweats, chuckling and shaking his head at Seth’s enthusiasm. “Geez, kid. Anyone would think you’d imprinted on the damn Pillsbury Doughboy.”
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nikatyler · 5 years
Hi :) Do you have any tips for telling a story through your gameplays? Or even starting a legacy challenge?
When I was in the middle of writing this, I realized it’s all over the place and not everything probably answers your question, but they’re all things I’ve learned in my three years of being a simblr and trying to tell stories through this game. I hope at least some of it will be useful 😊 There are currently 2 different ways I approach storytelling. My Rose Legacy is mainly planned in advance with breaks for regular gameplay (but I focus on the story, therefore less completely random stuff happens). Golden Days, aka the gen 4 story I keep talking about but haven’t shown much of, is planned in advance completely (I write it first, then I go in the game to take pictures) and has no true gameplay parts. And then there are NSB and BPR, which are mainly about me having fun with the game. A lot of random stuff may and will occur. I do some planning too, but nothing too heavy usually.
But onto those legacy tips now. Some apply more to Roses, some to my other two legacies. Just get inspired by what you think could work for you!
It’s under the cut!
1. Come in with no big expectations
This might be just a coincidence, but it’s something I’ve noticed happened with all my big legacies. The only intention I had when I started them was to have a good time playing the game that I love. Don’t immediately think “I’m going to make the best founder ever” or “this is it, I’ll never create a better legacy”. Don’t stress yourself too much about it, just have fun. Don’t force yourself to be head over heels about your founder from the beginning, you will form a natural “bond” with them and their family as you play and get to know them better. They don’t have to be the best sim in the legacy, you might like their children more. It happened in all my legacies: I like Ezra more than Amelia, Isaac more than Elizabeth, Roxanne more than Gwyneth and (even though it wasn’t like that from the beginning) Ross more than December.
2. Have a basic idea of what you want to do
I found that I like setting requirements for myself because if I don’t do that, I’ll do what I’m always doing in the game, and well, then it all gets boring so quickly. When you’re playing a challenge-based legacy, you already have these requirements you have to complete somehow. If it seems too easy, just add your own! I’ll be doing that in my grey generation because I’ve already finished a lot of the requirements during the yellow generation, and this one would be too short and easy.
3. Try things you’ve never done before
Step out of your comfort zone! Think about what you’ve never done or explored in the game before: complete some aspirations, master some skills, have a certain number of relationships your heir will have to have in their life, make a rule about how many children your sim will have…have these basic guidelines, but don’t forget to give yourself some freedom too. Which brings me to the next point.
4. Whatever comes your way, roll with it
This is something I’ve been doing a lot in my NSB and it’s so much fun. Your house is on fire? It sucks, but don’t quit. This sim keeps showing up and wants to talk to your sim? Maybe they could be friends…or maybe enemies. Or maybe enemies to lovers! Was your spellcaster cursed? Nice, don’t you dare to exit without saving, challenge yourself and break the curse. Do you get an impulsive need to abduct your sim? Turn them into a vampire? GO FOR IT! Go crazy. Do bizarre things. Act on a whim. Let your sims suffer from time to time. Get inspired by the awful things the game throws at you. You could also make a list of things to do in the game, assign them numbers and then use google to roll the dice. Actually, I think I’ve seen someone make something like this already, but I might be making that up right now.
Basically: have goals, but leave some free space for unexpected twists. It’s like life, isn’t it? You focus on something, but sometimes, you can’t get straight to it. Obstacles happen.
5. And what about story-heavy parts?
If you want to add a part of a story that is less about gameplay, go for it! It can be refreshing. I always plan these parts in advance. Also, if I’m in the middle of a storyline, I usually break the previous rule, meaning that yes, I pretend some things didn’t happen, and yes, I quit without saving when something doesn’t go right. 
A perfect example is when Miracle burned to death while I was setting up another scene. If it happened in a gameplay, I’d be heartbroken, but I’d keep it (and maybe I would get a new, different storyline out of it). But in this case, I was in the middle of the story and I couldn’t just let her die, it would affect everything and I wasn’t in the mood for that monstrous rewriting. (it was in the middle of quads’ storylines and really, I don’t think they’d be in the mood for going on dates right after their mother died, but that’s off topic)
6. If you need to, take a break
This sounds simple, but I’m always surprised how often people force themselves to open their saves just to crank out content for their simblr. Why? You’ll just end up being bored and bitter and very often, you can tell when someone isn’t having fun with their game (or simblr in general). It took me four months to feel like opening the Rose save again. It would be pointless to make myself load it up when I actually don’t want to play it. Remember what I said in that first point: you want to have a good time. If you’re not having it, just leave. Take that break. You don’t owe anything to anyone, and if anyone tries to tell you otherwise, well…they’re the asshole here, not you. You can get burned out or uninspired from time to time, it happens, it’s natural, don’t feel bad about it. Get some rest and then come back - next week or next month, doesn’t matter.
7. Small generations are the best
I learned this the hard way and yet I still find myself breaking this rule so often. Gen 5/6 of Rose Legacy were exhausting because there were just so many sims and so many stories I wanted to tell. I still ended up scrapping a lot of them and I’m not satisfied with it. My tip would be have less children per generation, but write down your story ideas and just use them in later generations. Be patient. In fact, as the time goes, you can develop these stories and get rid of the flaws, so in the end they’ll be better than if you have used them all in one generation!
8. Writing prompts, tags and ask games are amazing
If I develop a character more, I find it easier to get attached to them - and then I’m less likely to quit the save too. I’ve had many pretty sims, but I let them go in the end because they had no depth. You can always develop your sims on your own. No one is stopping you from sitting down and writing all the headcanons you have for them. 
However, what I find more fun are ask games with questions about your OC. Not only you’re challenged to think about something new (these questions can be about awfully specific things, I love when that happens), but you also learn which characters people are interested in or what they want to know about them, and then you can work with that too. However, don’t get discouraged if no one asks anything. It happens a lot and it’s hard to then not feel down, but you’re not the only one. It’s not even that big of a deal when you think about it! (I’m still learning this, by the way, I’m always discouraged when no one asks haha.) I’d suggest that you interact with others. One thing I always try to do is leaving an ask for the person I’m reblogging from - of course, sometimes I just can’t think of anything, but if it’s something as simple as dropping some question numbers, then why wouldn’t I leave them there and just pick a character I like?
9. Get inspired, but don’t become a copycat
This one…inspiration is great, but make sure you’re not taking it too far. I don’t want to draw a line where inspiration ends and imitation/copying begins, as I know that everyone sees it differently and what I’d consider copying someone else would still call inspiration, so basically, I’d just say follow your heart and be nice. Taking someone else’s storyline and just playing it step by step with your own characters is not okay. Also speaking of imitation - imitating a person’s writing style or sense of humor can sometimes be tricky. It comes natural to them, but you’re just trying to be like them and it might show and it won’t feel right. Allow outer sources to inspire you and shape you into a better writer, but stay yourself at all times and you’ll be just fine. 💕 
10. Play for yourself, not for other people
This probably should’ve been the first tip. Do the things you want to do, not the things that are currently trendy in the community. I mean, if you want to do the trendy thing, that’s fine! But if you’re only doing it because everyone else is doing it, well, you’re not going to enjoy it. Same with…let’s say you have a sim and she has to pick between two guys. A typical love triangle. You want her to end up with guy A, you have good reasons why you want her to end up with him, but your followers want her to end up with guy B. Maybe listen to their reasons and consider them, but in the end, you’re the one who’s making the decision. And if you still feel like she should end up with guy A, then just let her. Don’t completely give up everything to please your readers.
I can’t really think of anything anymore, but I think I’ve said enough. I hope it made sense. I wrote most of this on the train so yeah 😅 Also, sorry it took me so long.
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data-monkey · 5 years
AO3 stats project: kudos
Up next: what kinds of works get kudos?
The Data | Basic Questions | Fandoms | Tags | Correlations | Kudos | Fun Stuff
Thanks to @eloiserummaging for beta reading these posts; any remaining errors are my own.  A Python notebook showing the code I used to make these plots can be found here.
I want to be really specific before we get into this: I don't mean "which works are better." There's a perception I see sometimes in fandom that more kudos = better material (e.g. when you're sorting on the works page). That may be true within narrow categories, but kudos also relate to things like "was this emotionally moving vs technically skilled or both or neither" and "what would I be embarrassed to be seen liking" (since the usernames of people who leave kudos appear at the bottom of the page). So exactly why some things have more kudos than others is outside the scope of this post.
The first thing to look at is how the number of kudos scales with the number of hits. Obviously, if more people look at your work, more people are available to leave kudos. But we wouldn't expect the same ratio at low hit counts and high hit counts. That is, if 10 of the first 100 people who looked at your work left kudos on it, we would expect fewer than 10 of the next 100 to do it. That's basically because the top fans--of the author, of the genre, whatever--are more likely to read it right away when it's new, while people who read it later may not fit into the target audience quite as well. Even if a lot of them like it, statistically, you might expect that fewer of them will hit the kudos button. Also, because you can only leave kudos once, repeat visits will increase the hit counts without increasing the kudos counts; that will matter for works that people like to reread, or for works that were posted one chapter at a time.
So here's kudos vs hits. The blue-colored region is showing where the most works are: low hits and low kudos, like we already knew. The heavy purple line is the average trend. If you look very closely at the low end, you can see it bends a little bit: the average kudos-to-hits ratio is higher for low-hit-count things, like we predicted.
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In fact, we can just plot that (average) ratio:
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We can do the same for bookmarks and comments. (I’m just going to show the ratio from now on, because it’s easier to interpret.)
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Those are pretty similar, with fewer overall numbers, and slightly more comments than bookmarks. I’m not sure what to make of the fact that bookmark & comment ratios increase with the number of hits. I don’t really use either bookmarks or comments, so maybe I’m missing something of the essential psychology there.
Okay. That’s averaged over all works on AO3. Do things change if we subdivide the works into categories?
First up: have the number of kudos per fic stayed the same over time? The first few years of the Archive didn't have the kudos feature, so the oldest works we would expect to be very low, but did things change after that?
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Yes. I was a little surprised by this, but it does look robust: Works seem to get peak kudos (adjusted for hit counts) in 2016 and 2017, with less both before and after. I think there are a few possible explanations for this besides "people got more likely to leave kudos and then less likely to leave kudos." One would be a difference in other kinds of reader behavior: for example, repeat visits to the same work will drive down the kudos-to-hit-count ratio, because you can only leave kudos once; or, if people click on a work to mark it for later, that can register as another hit without actually being another human reader. Another would be a difference in reader populations: maybe the same people who have always left kudos are still leaving kudos, but the AO3 is now big enough that we also get readers who aren’t in fandom social circles and are less likely to hit that button.  Also, if works in progress get a lower kudos/hits ratio, then more recent stories with a higher WiP rate might have a lower average--although, as I’ll show below, I don’t think it’s large enough to explain this discrepancy.
How about word count?
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By the way: the labels have the same color as the lines they go with. I’m using an algorithm that tries to place the labels so they don’t overlap, which sometimes means the labels aren’t that close to the line they go with--for example, here, the 3,000-10,000 word line is actually mostly covered by its label, and there will be some cases below where the labels are pretty far off. Just match the colors and you should be able to figure out which is which!
Anyway, peak kudos occur around the 3,000-30,000 word count. Lower for the very longest and very shortest things. My anecdotal experience is that very long works are most likely to be ficlet collections or otherwise works in progress, and so you might expect more repeat visitors to those works as authors add new chapters. Actually, let's check on works in progress in general. Here's complete works and works in progress:
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You do see signs that having a WiP gets you fewer kudos per hit. Again, this is almost certainly because the same readers come back for successive chapters but can't leave multiple kudos. The differences aren’t very large, though--look at the y-axis.  The different years range anywhere from 0.03 to 0.08 at a low hit count, but the same range here is like 0.060 to 0.065!
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Here’s an example where the labels are pretty far off the lines--“Not Rated” is the green line that ends under the second “e” of “General Audiences.” Teen and gen are a little higher, explicit a little lower--I would guess some combination of more repeat visits to explicit fics and possible embarrassment at leaving kudos on fics with certain kinds of content. (Also, higher ratings are somewhat more likely to have warnings on them, which may change the emotional calculus that goes into whether you hit the kudos button.) But again, these differences aren’t that big--nowhere near the differences for years or word counts, for example, if you look at the range the vertical axis is spanning.
How about pairing type?
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As a reminder, those pairing types are gen (no romantic or sexual relationship); male/male, male/female, and female/female; then “multi” meaning either multiple types of pairings, or a relationship with more than two people; and “other” meaning everything that doesn’t fit neatly into those categories. I could have seen this plot going either way--M/M is the most popular so people like it, or other things are less popular and so readers reward them more. Looks like it’s the former. Not sure what to make of “other” and “multi” being the lowest.
Are fandoms different?
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Indeed they are. (I don’t think this is entirely explained by differing kudos rates & fandom popularity over time, although that's probably some of it.) How about tags?
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I feel like there's a paper somewhere in this plot alone...
One last note. As I mentioned, people tend to view kudos as a measure of quality. I have no way to measure actual quality of works. But I do have one way to think about it: Creators are likely to produce similar-quality work. (Not always, as fans of many published authors can tell you. But often.) So how much do individual authors' kudos counts vary? As I mentioned in the first post, I have a policy of not showing data for individual authors here. But I can show my own, since I can give informed consent as to this usage of my data. :) So here's the average kudos vs hit count line, with my fics shown as dots around the line.
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I would definitely say my works have variable quality (particularly because I included all my own backdated works, meaning my fics span more than 15 years of my life--and I hope I'm a better writer now than I was when I was 18!). But you can see that the kudos to hit count ratios are ALL OVER the place. Twice the value of the line, 1/10th the value of the line--really varying, right?
So here's how I made the plot I'm about to show you. For every creator in the database, I look at their kudos vs hit counts for all their fics, and I measure how far away from the average line they are (and whether they're above it or below it). And then I measure what's called the “standard deviation” of those distances--basically, asking how much those numbers vary. A really low value means of an author’s works are the same--and that could be "every work has only 10% of the average number of kudos" or "every work has 1000% the average number of kudos"; doesn't matter, it just means they're consistent. On the other hand, a high value would mean, well, somebody like me: with some works that get a lot of kudos, and some that don’t. Here's the distribution of that standard deviation, for all authors with more than one fic and at least 1000 total hits on all their fics:
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So you can see it does, actually, vary a lot. My particular number, by this count, is 0.44, and you can see that that's a little high but still pretty typical--even though it's a lot of variation if you look at it! So I think this is support for my statement earlier, that you shouldn't think of kudos (or kudos/hits) as a measure of quality, for some definition of quality. It's measuring something--but it's way more complicated than quality.
One more post after this: just some fun questions.
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auspicious-lilana · 5 years
Ultimate Spiderman (Peter Parker x Stark! OC x Sam alexander x Danny Rand)
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Summary: When people hear 'Maya Stark' everyone would think about the perfect, smart. good looking, rich, student body president of Midtown High.Nobody but her childhood friend Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man and her new team of heroes. Ava, Sam, Danny, and Luke AKA  white tiger, Nova, Iron fist, and Power Man knows about her secret of being Queen's very own Mistress, soon to be ULTIMATE Mistress
Part 1 
“I know you're out there you wall-crawling menace! It is the duty of every New Yorker to report the actions of these masked miscreants. So listen up: As long as J. Jonah Jameson is CEO of Daily Bugle Communications, I won't rest until New York has seen the last of Spider-Man!”  I rolled my eyes as the mentioned spiderman webbed the screen Jonah’s face was just on. 
 Other kids I know start their day with orange juice. Us? We- well not Mistress- get yelled at by a 100-foot tall cranky pants. Where’s a little love for the spider-guy? I'm down here with Mistress everyday trying the best we can at this hero routine. It's not easy to learn the ropes by yourself-expect Mistress who gets trained by Mr.Iron Man- Let's face it, introduction to super heroing isn't a high school elective. Speaking of school, I still have to pick a cake for Aunt May before first period. Then its hang time with our best pals MJ and Harry. And maybe a nap between classes.  But first we gotta save that cop from a skidding car.
I was quick to act and quickly sent a force field to stop the car from crashing into the bakery. Oh, I knew fully well Pe- Spiderman had to pick up that cake for Aunt May. 
“I’m starting to think Jameson is wrong about you two, spider, Mistress!” 
“Spread the word Chief!” Spidey yelled back from the building he was gripping on to and I floated beside before we landed down a roof to see Trapster.
“Heya bug brain and the wicked witch of the west, I knew that had to draw you two out” 
“Nice to see you too Trapster” I replied sarcastically rolling my eyes. We’ve been heroes here in Queens for about a year and we fought this guy THREE times already, All being a complete fail. Let's skip forward all the gross stuff (yes I mean the slime thing, that is one thing I don’t ever want to mention AGAIN) 
“This is when I leave the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man note? Can I borrow a pen?” The Villain's eyes widen in terror but no spidey/magic sense? This is new. I said before the both of us paused the show.
Let us explain the whole spidey sense or Magic sense for Mistress thing. 
It's like an early warning system that kicks in whenever there's a danger to happen.
And maybe it's on blink 
Spiderman began knocking on his head. 
“Hello? This thing on?” I facepalmed at his ridiculous strategy. If there is no spidey/magic sense and the Villain is in terror it only means one thing...
“Spider-Man, Mistress” S.H.I.E.L.D. of course. We turned around to see Nick Fury stepping out of his helicarrier. Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. That's the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. Or as Spider-Man would put it, The super spies.
“You super spies make an appointment to sneak up on hardworking superheroes?” I mentally sighed as I didn’t want to seem unprofessional and ruin the whole great magic Sorceress image but really Spider-Man? Really? 
“Kid” Nick pointed at the mess Spiderman had done-yes spiderman cause I went off somewhere to do an errand while he took care of it- in the process of stopping Trapster. “We got to talk. No one's saying you stop the bad guy but look around you. Is this the way Captain America would've done it? Cap could have stopped Trapster within 5 seconds. You took 3 minutes. With lots of collateral damage.”  Yeah, Uncle Steve would’ve finished this job in 5 seconds, exactly why I was trained by him. It could’ve been faster if I had joined in but Spidey-boy here would’ve been regretting big time later. 
“You mean you, I took no part in this” 
“Fine. I do a good job!” 
“For a clueless rookie” 
“Yeah- huh?” I shook my head at my partner. Don’t take this the wrong way! I knew Peter since I first started school and I love him and all- as a friend- but even I can be done with his idiotic ways. 
“Look, everyone starts out clueless. Even Iron Man back when he was a novice. But he learned. Eventually. What would you say if I can help turn eventually into right now for Spider-Man and Mistress?”  I’m not surprised Dad was a novice once since he cracks jokes in battles right now but he knows when to be serious, and when to be not...also cause I may or may not witnessed his first mess-up when he tried out his suit back when I was what? 6? 7?
“Heh. I knew it. You want me to buy a line of self-help books. Not interested. Besides, I'm tapped out till payday so if we're all done here I'm gonna…” 
“I’m serious, Peter Parker, Maya Stark”  you may not see but I raised my eyebrow under my mask before Spiderman or now Peter turned to him confused. 
“You know?”  If that isn’t the stupidest thing to ask a super spy then I might as well go shave my hair. 
“Everything. Super spy, remember?”   
Don’t tell me another flashback
You know it, Maya. Anyways Growing up with Uncle Ben and Aunt May,and being friends with Maya was a pretty typical childhood. Until the radioactive spider bite and Maya getting kissed by some butterfly that had potion on it. After came the powers and that terrible night I-
We. Peter. We. 
Right WE lost Uncle Ben. That was when we made a promise to do something good with the hand of fate dealt us. Things  I wouldn't joke about even if I knew how.
Which brings us to what we are now
“With great power comes great responsibility. Good words from a good man” I looked down. Even if Uncle Ben wasn’t really my Uncle, he still treated me like I was his niece whenever I came over to Peter’s. 
“Uncle Ben was the best,” I saw Spiderman look away glaring at the sidewalk. 
“It's been what? A year now?” 
 “It would’ve been his birthday today” I sadly mentioned as I looked down at my brown boots that seemed more interesting at the moment. 
“You two honored it doing what you do. Now I'm offering you the chance to do better. To really learn about responsibility.” 
“Translation?” Spidey asked growing curious I'm guessing since he’s now looking at Nick. 
“I want to S.H.I.E.L.D. train you to be a better Spider-Man and Mistress. The Ultimate Spider-Man and Mistress”
 “And how Ultimate is Ultimate?” I saw Trapster running away behind Nick but before I could do anything Nick had shot his gun high hitting a pole which knocks down on Trapster knocking him out.
 “That Ultimate”
 “Cool,” Soon Peter’s phone rang and he checked to see it was MJ calling. 
“Seems I got to put my Ultimate phone into Ultimate vibrate, hehe” 
“Your tech needs to upgrade” Nick placed a new web shooter on Peter’s wrist. “S.H.I.E.L.D. tech guys developed this next-gen web shooter”
 “Too big, too clunky” Nick stuck his hand out. “I didn’t say no”  That obviously meant he liked it but had too much of an ego to admit it.
“With your talent and my training, you can learn to be a better heroes. The next Cap, the next Iron Man, one of the greats” I’m pretty used to people saying  I would be the next Iron Man or Tony Stark since I am his only daughter or family but I can tell by the way Peter’s eyes shined, he was more than honored to hear it but again hid it with a ‘cool’ act. 
“Thanks for the offer, but I'm not allowed to talk to strangers. Have a nice life okay. Cool?”  Peter swung away as Nick and I shook our heads.
“Correction. Teenage boys” Nick nodded before turning to me.
“How about you kid?” 
“I’m in. I guess, seeing how dad would try to get me to agree with the offer either way so I can follow his footsteps to become an avenger of the next generation” 
“Good choice. Let's go” 
“Wait. now?” 
“But I need to get this cake to peter” I brought the cake out from a place I kept it in during the fight with Trapster. 
“I’ll get Coulson to pass it to him after his classes” 
“Wait a sec” I quickly did a summoning spell getting paper and pen and wrote a note for him. “Give him this too” 
“Okay. we must get going now” I nodded as I boarded the Helicarrier.
Peter unlocked his locker to see a note drop out. He looked at it confused before opening it. 
Hey, Peter! 
I won't be coming to school today as I decided I would say yes to Nick’s offer (Don't worry I’m only checking it out! I won't join till you want to as well!) make sure to pick up Uncle Ben’s cake from Principal Coulson! Your welcome!
-Maya S. 
Peter thought about the note a bit taken aback Maya would agree to do something without him, but then again she is Iron Man's daughter. It was in her blood to do this! 
“Peter. I've been calling you all morning. Where have you been? And where’s Maya?” MJ stood by his locker with a notebook in hand as Peter smiled at her. Peter thought about Nick’s offer before making up a lie.
“Uh, the bus broke down? And Maya’s home sick” 
I hate to lie to MJ. ever since we were kids nobody’s been a better friend than MJ...well except Maya though. Like the time we were 5 the two of us ran away together and tried to get Maya to do it too but her dad had security on her, also, we weren't allowed to cross streets so we just walked up and down the driveway. When we were 12 we decided to finally get serious, Mistake! 
“That sucks, anyways I wanted to show you this” MJ showed her a video of Jameson. 
“ It is the duty of every New Yorker to report the actions of these masked miscreants. Especially that ticking time-bomb called ``Spider-Man.”  
“Doesn’t that jerk ever shut up? And don't you find it weird he hates Spiderman but doesn’t complain about Mistress?” 
“This ‘jerk’ is going to someday give this journalism student her first job, and besides, I think it’s because Mistress is cleaner with her messes and less talkative too.” Is she saying I talk a lot?
“You want to work for Jameson? Total nightmare” 
“That's what it takes. Jameson's the biggest game in town. Kids have to be realistic Petey. We can't all be like Harry or Maya. “  As soon as Harry was mentioned Harry was seen coming towards them.
Meet Harry Osborn.  I love Harry. Everyone loves harry, even Maya does. He’s rich(as well as Maya), He’s handsome (Maya also has equal good looks)  but most importantly he’s been a friend to me when I need it. 
Since that day we met, we’ve been best friends forever. Well that’s life here in Midtown. It’s okay
I sensed my spidey sense before I heard the voice of the one person I never liked. 
“Hey Puny Parker!” let me rephrase myself. Life here in Midtown is okay, except for one drawback. “Its locker knocker time! This time there won’t be no Stark hottie to save you this time!”
 If Tony Stark were ever to hear this I swear this guy would be swimming with killer sharks or even worse. And the guy’s name is Flash, Flash Thompson the Sasquatch sized football player. There's always this rigid consistency to our relationship.  
Just once I’d like to turn it around instead of always once again being locked in my own locker.
I somehow stayed in my locker till the janitor opened it to see me again before he started rambling on how I should stand up for myself and how he in my age did this and that while I awkwardly walked away. 
Soon Harry and I were at lunch as the lunch lady winked at him before he uncomfortably dragged us away as he awkwardly smiled at the lunch lady.
“Dude, Locker knocker time again? Thompson is such a tool” 
“That's the worst thing that happens to me today. I'm coming out ahead.”  I was about to eat before my senses went off. Remember the spidey/magic sense me and Maya talked about? Well, this time it's kicking up a storm.  An explosion happened behind me as we all fell back and the frightful four-well three at the moment- came in while holding up the principal. 
“Attention students. Your principal has something to tell you.”  Wizard exclaimed as he levitated the principal in front of him.
“ Students. Your attention, please. Your school is now under the control of, of…” The principal trailed off not knowing who they were. 
“The Frightful four” Thundra finished off.
“Uh, there’s only three of you” MJ awkwardly pointed out. 
“Quiet!” Wizard yelled and threw the principal into the wall in frustration. 
These guys are bad news. Wizard, master of high tech gadgets. Klaw, the villain made of living sound. Thundra, ruthless warrior women from an alternate future timeline...Don’t ask. And Trapster- oh wait Maya and I already captured him. 
“Before the Trapster was captured, he learned Spider-Man and maybe Mistress as well attends this school.  And unless they give themselves up, we'll tear this place down brick by brick.” Wizard explained.
“Yeah!” A student yelled. 
“We’re serious” The kid quickly shut his mouth in fear. 
“Klaw. So who is our mysterious wall-crawler and cold witch? A teacher? A student? A cafeteria lady? They seem reluctant to talk. Klaw, make them listen to reason.”   
“STOP IT!” I yelled angry as everyone got it by a sound wave. 
“Peter no!” MJ pulled me back but I pulled away.
“Heh. Definitely not Spider-Man or Mistress” 
“I’ll crush the runt” Thundra volunteered. 
“ Don't crush him, make an example of him,”  Wizard said as Klaw sent the sound waves at him making Peter fall back yelling in pain as he gripped his ears tight. Harry held back MJ so she wouldn’t get hurt. 
“Shut it down! I’ll talk!” Peter yelled. Klaw stopped and Peter got up and saw his lunch. 
“Listen up. Everyone needs to hear this. Food Fight!” Peter quickly threw food at Wizard, soon everyone began throwing food at them as Peter took the opportunity to hide behind a pillar and took off his shirt to reveal his suit. “This is nuts. How do they know? How did they find me?” Peter saw the tracker on his arm and took it out and smashed it. “Fury was right, I have a lot to learn about responsibility,”  Peter said to himself before placing on his mask and coming out from hiding to see Klaw pointing his sound laser arm at a group of kids. “Dude! Don’t point that thing! It might go off!” Klaw looked at Spiderman as he shot a web onto his arm so it can hit Klaw making him dizzy from sound waves. “It really stinks to be you today. Actually, it probably stinks to be you every day. Then again it could be me. I haven't washed this suit in a week.”
Maya was walking around the Base with Nick Fury touring her around the helicarrier. She had already placed her cloak down since this whole base was filled with secret agents, who would spill her identity?  “Here’s where we keep weapons and gadgets inspired by you.” Nick Fury said as she looked at the different things that were being tested. Cloaks filled with weapons that can be used at anytime. masks with built in lasers. An invisibility cloak. All similar to hers but different sorts of upgrades and such. 
“Maya Stark, meet Dr.Curt Conner. Dr.Curt Conner, meet Maya Stark” I nodded at Dr. Curt Conner as I saw a missing arm? he soon pushed down his arm and stuck it out for me to shake with a grin as I shaked his hand.
“It’s nice to meet the daughter of a genius like Stark. Makes me wonder if you’ve inherited those genes” 
“She had. How do you think she’d be able to help build the Iron Man suit Mr.Stark is using now and have a much higher IQ then a lot of her scientists” 
“Would you ever be in interest of working with us?” Dr.Curt asked as I politely shook my head. 
“I’m made for the field. As much as I love too, I have a good reputation of Mistress to uphold.” 
“Yes, yes. I’ve seen you fight, your a good one.”
“She’s obviously the better Stark” Fury said, I’m guessing he’s not much of a fan of Dad. 
“Have she taken the entrance simulation yet?” 
“She’s just about to” 
Peter quickly changed back to normal and ran into the cafeteria from the lockers -one of them having Flash in them- to see MJ holding an unconscious Harry.
“Oh, this is all my fault.” Peter looked up from Harry to see Mr.Osborn. “Mr. Osborn. I'm sorry” Mr.Osborn picked up Harry, scowling. 
“Why apologize Peter? What could you have possibly done?”  Mr.Osborn left with Peter looking down guilty. ‘I wish Maya was here, maybe then She could’ve helped protect him and...clean up my mess once again…’
Soon Peter got home to aunt May cooking. “Peter!” 
“Hey Aunt May” 
“Are you okay? I heard there was trouble at your school” 
I know what you're thinking: Spider-Man lives at home with his doting old aunt? Loser. Think again. My aunt is pretty cool. She works all day. Then Monday night she's at yoga. Tuesday, it's French cooking. Thursday it's bowling. Her full schedule lets me come and go as I please. Of course I have to keep the Spidey stuff on the down low. There's no way she'd approve of her little Petey mixing it up with super villains. At least it’s easier for Maya. Her dad already knows about her secret as well as mines so she doesn’t sneak around.
“yes, Aunt May, Those psychos never touched me” I wish I could say the same for Harry.
“You know what. If we had Norman Osborn or Tony Stark's money, I would put you in private school immediately.”
“Yeah, that’d be sweet. Hey when’s dinner?” 
“It's almost ready, put the candles on the cake”
“Yeah, the one right there on the counter” Aunt May pointed to the boxed cake. I chuckled and smiled. Maya once again cleans up my mess. I went up to my room and sat down after a nice dinner and cake. It was weird not to eat with Maya since she comes EVERY night..she must be training hard to become what Fury promised huh? Ultimate Mistress... Nice ring to it. I looked back at at the picture of me and Maya from where we were in science camp when we were 11. You’re always there to clean up after me Maya. Not once have I ever returned the countless favors you had done for me… maybe it's time to change that. I nodded to myself and changed into Spider-Man and gone out to the S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier that up in the air. Okay, let's do this. Put out the welcome mat S.H.I.E.L.D. Spidey's come a callin. Fury's right. With his help, I can do better. I'm done with this one-sided duo loser routine. It's time for me to step up and show the big boys and Maya what the Ultimate Spider-Man can do. I shot my web up high for it to backfire and not reach the Helicarrier...Great. I began falling as I brought out Fury’s web shooter he gave me. Fury's tech boys better be on their game or I'm street pizza. Whoa! Yeah! Okay, not too clunky. I thought to myself as I gripped onto the Helicarrier.  
“Intruder alert. Intruder Alert” Lasers came out from the Helicarrier and began blasting me as I dodged them while holding onto the steel wall of the Helicarrier.
“Whoa! What is this? Blast the Spider-Man and win a panda?” I started webbing all of them before I lost my footing and fell. I quickly shot another web and got myself up there again but on top of the Helicarrier instead. 
“Intruder Alert. Intruder Alert” Then out of nowhere, all the laser targeted me… I was cornered. Then out of nowhere, all the laser targeted me… I was cornered.  I turned to my side to see Nick Fury, who turned off the security system with a press of a button. I quickly took off my mask and saluted. “Your friendly neighborhood Ultimate Spider-Man reporting for duty sir!““ Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D. Spider-Man. Hope you survive the experience. “ Nick Fury said as he walked off leaving Peter there standing awkwardly. “Uhh, to be continued?” 
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crowtwink · 5 years
AO3 Stats meme
Copy and pasted from @icouldwritebooks
Rules: Go to your works page, expand all the filters, and answer the following questions! how fun!
1. What’s your first and second most common work ratings?
Teen And Up Audiences (34)
General Audiences (10)
2. What’s your most common archive warning? Least common? Do you consider yourself an adventurous writer?
No Archive Warnings Apply (24)
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (18)
Major Character Death (6)
Graphic Depictions Of Violence (1)
I only have 4 that I’ve used, so have ‘em all. I think all the Major Character Death ones are canon character death - I can get really affected by unexpected character death in fic so I don’t tend to write it. Honestly, my AO3 stuff is pretty mild as fic goes. My weird shit tends to stick to tumblr or not get published at all.
3. How many fics have you written in each relationship category? Is this more accidental, or do you have preferences?
M/M (33)
Gen (11)
Multi (7)
F/M (6)
Other (4)
F/F (2)
The order is not surprising, although I honestly thought I had more F/F on there. Especially considering my original works generally skew towards F/F. I guess I tend to get more attached to male characters in fandom though.
4. What are your top 4 fandoms by numbers? Are you still active in any of them, and do you tend to migrate a lot?
Newsies (1992) (8)
Les Misérables - All Media Types (8)
Teen Titans (Comics) (5)
Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken (5)
I’m sort of active in one of those. I’ve managed to successfully keep DC comics as a background fandom for many years. The rest, not so much. I tend to hyperfixate for several months/years and then get distracted by the next hyperfixation.
5. What are your top 4 character tags? Does this match how you feel about the characters, or are you puzzled?
Tim Drake (8)
Kon-El | Conner Kent (8)
Jack Kelly (7)
Bart Allen (6) 
David Jacobs (6)
Yeah, that’s about right. I’m a bit surprised Jack comes in before David though.
7. What are your top 2 most used additional tags, and your bottom 2? What would happen if you combined all 4 of these into a fic?
Top 2:
Asexual Character (6)
Canon-Typical Violence (5) / Trans Male Character (5)
Bottom 2:
Pre-Slash (2)
Post-Canon (2)
Honestly, all five of those could have come from the same fic. It would probably be a Newsies fic. 
8. How many WIPs do you have currently running on AO3? Any you don’t plan on finishing?
Incredibly, only one. It was last updated 6 years ago. The chances of me finishing it are not looking good.
9. Total stories and wordcount hosted on AO3?
49 works, 122,754 words  
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okaywowcool · 6 years
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Let’s Talk About ASOS’s New Sub Brand, Collusion.
ASOS just released a new sub brand called Collusion, a collaboration between ASOS and young influencers (who seem to be taking on some kind of design or curator role for their first collection, though to what extent is unclear) which purports to be specifically for young folks “coming of age,” which seems to be defined loosely--the 6 influencers involved at launch are 18 - 23, but older and younger faces seem to be featured in ad campaigns and on their social media accounts. 
first of all, the line itself is very cool. the brand immediately makes some bold claims...things we’re used to seeing at this point from a lot of brands looking to make a buck off of progressive millennial and gen z shoppers, about size inclusivity (which is what we’ll be tackling in the most detail for this little post), experimental fashion, and a vague statement about the collaborative aspect of the line. we also get some more concrete claims, that everything is animal free and that the “majority” of their cotton is sustainably sourced.
i of course was instantly interested, the website was cute...
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and their mission for fashion was insanely close to things that i’ve written for my own brand on my website.
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all the listings on the site immediately take you back through to ASOS’ page for adding to cart and checking out however, so you’re back to seeing the typical ASOS model look and product listing page there. 
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the prices are also quite good (more could be obviously said to this subject, the cotton may be sustainable, but who knows the wages of the workers are making these products & i’m not aware of enough to even comment on it in more detail than that), with the most expensive pieces being still under $100 (for coats and jackets) but the majority of the line being well under $50, in the $20 - $40 range. 
the models being used in campaigns are cute and refreshing, i like that brands are willing to take risks on more “real” looking people right now, though plenty of indie brands have been doing this for years w/ zero accolades so i have to admit (as one of those indie brands) that it is frustrating to have fast fashion brands get rewarded for inclusivity that would be considered bare minimum for most actual artists. 
i like their choice of influencers for this first collection and feel like the actual pieces and concerns that the influencers are bringing up are timely and that the final result of their collaboration (to whatever extent they were involved) feels like it rings true from the statements in their bios on the collusion site. 
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plus size representation (for a brand that specifically claims to be size inclusive) is strangely absent in their first group of influencers, and on their social media...it’s a hole that i feel like is very much felt once you start looking at their actual plus sized offering. 
there’s not really any across the board sizing, usually i would expect all pieces in a collection to come in at least a specific size range, but these are kind of randomly distributed where the pieces are true plus sized and where they are not. when you break it down, there are literally only 10 pieces total that come in a size US 16 and above...which is an XL in most retailers. 
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(no, literally. that’s all of them. i’ve zoomed out so you’re able to see all of these pieces at once.)
20 pieces come in a 2XL (which is the highest size they list in most of their dialogue about the size inclusivity) that are all unisex, jackets and tops. 
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(a little more fun at least, though i’m getting extremely sick of boring cishet people thinking “unisex” means “boxy top” and nothing else ever)
with many of the pieces designed to fit oversized, i feel like most folks would be able to fit in those 20 unisex pieces, but they’re not necessarily the best pieces in the line by my standards...with the Actual 10 plus sized garments being even more basic. 
now, i’ve gone and picked up two of the dresses from that list of 10 plus sized pieces (both shown in the header above), the stripe midi dress (plus version / straight sized version) and the black roll neck sweater dress (plus version / straight sized version). luckily the sizes aren’t priced differently, and i thought the price on both of those pieces was really good, so i’m eager to see how they actually fit IRL. but i thought from those photos that the pieces were actually sewn to fit pretty differently for a plus sized consumer, and i’m a bit baffled about why. 
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i’ve seen on shows like project runway, tim gun faces the workroom during a “real bodies” style sewing challenge and says something about how plus sized bodies are different and so you should make different silhouettes for them, but it’s never been something i’ve personally subscribed to. if i buy an oversized smock dress, or an oversized sweatshirt, and it’s actually coming to me in plus sizes, i expect it to come looking the same on me how it does on the straight sized model, specifically in terms of the fit and drape. 
before one of y’all heathens comments some useless nonsense, let me explain what i’m talking about just with the two images above as a representative example. now obviously changes in height and body proportion are one thing, but the neckline on the straight sized dress looks higher, like a mock neck, the sleeves are slightly off the shoulder, the waist line is more dropped, the bodice fits more loosely, the sleeves appear longer (which might be accounted for by the plus model just having longer arms or being taller) and there’s enough fullness to the skirt for the straight sized dress that it almost appears pleated. the plus size silhouette is missing all of that, like almost looking like a designer knock off of the dress on the left and missing a lot of the charm that the dress on the left has in terms of what it is doing, visually. 
maybe it’s just me but it is almost wacky looking to me in terms of difference. i’m hoping half of it is the photos that they’ve selected for this plus sized model (which aren’t at all very fashion...y....if that makes sense lol) but it’s kind of an issue i noticed with all of the pieces that are truly “plus sized” in the line up. 
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the sweater has a lot of the same problems, mostly in the fit through the torso in this case, but the slight bubble hem on the sweater dress on the left is something that seems that it would be accounted for by the actual cut and shape of the garment and something that shouldn’t be affected by the model’s body at all. 
why even advertise your line as size inclusive when you’re altering major selling points to the garments to put them on plus sized bodies? or even more seriously, why advertise your line as size inclusive PERIOD when only 30 (if you’re counting the unisex and the truly plus sized pieces, let’s be generous lol) out of 152 pieces are size inclusive?
ASOS might be gauging response to see how this line does before expanding their size range, who knows. but i also don’t really feel like i owe companies benefit of the doubt...especially when there are companies doing this. the response to target’s wild fable line within the plus sized community was immediately so passionate as well--brands who are actually doing this and coming out of the gate doing it are doing well, a huge brand like ASOS shouldn’t be that timid to begin with...if that’s even their reasoning. i don’t even know anymore with brands claiming this as a label, sometimes i feel like brands are claiming these socially-conscious labels just to appeal to specific types of consumers....like claiming the animal free label when your garments are majority cotton and synthetic fibers just seems kind of intellectually dishonest to me, but who knows. i know just personally i feel like i fall for these kind of things every time but then end up almost always disappointed once i go to the actual page and see all the listings--big brands love to claim these things but then the follow through always feels so low effort to me. maybe they’re just too big to care enough to try and also not afraid enough of the blow back, while the little guys like myself or someone like big bud press or premme are scratching w/ everything we’ve got to actually genuinely stay true to our word, who knows. 
regardles, i’m looking forward to these pieces coming in the mail, and also am interested in what this brand does next...if they stick to their claims and actually sell more plus size, affordable clothing, i think they could make some really cool stuff. i’m hoping to review these pieces for here when they come in, and will let you all know how that goes. 
what do you guys think about this brand? what do you guys think about brands hopping on the plus size train so late, and also so lazily? (looking @ you, dollskill’s plus size line lmao) are you planning to pick anything up for yourself? i’m interested in hearing others’ thoughts! <3 
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 5 years
Their Hero Academia: Chapter 19
My on-going, next-gen, My Hero Academia fan-fic!   Chapter 19, presented raw and unedited and featuring Shota Shinso! Chapters 0-18 (plus an interlude) can be found here
“Yow!  Look out and shout, listeners!  This is Present Mic and the time is 0630 on this beautiful Tuesday morning!  If you’ve got work today in Hosu City, better give yourself extra time, because there’s a Villain attack downtown that has everything all tied up!  Fortunately, new outlets on the scene are reporting that Ingenium and his sidekicks are on the case!  We’ll keep you updated when we know more.  But for now, here’s the latest hit from Jiro and the Jamming Wheys!”
Shota’s sleepy fingers prodded at his alarm clock until he found the volume button, lowering it to something less likely to jolt him out of bed.  He’d stayed up too late (again), reading through the various Hero News sites and watching videos of Heroes in action.  He always paid for it the next morning, but he always considered it worth it.
He threw back the covers and put both feet on the floor, blinking his eyes for a few moments as he adjusted to being awake.   Pro-Heroes stared back at him from every corner of the room, from the posters along every wall, to the statues and action figures that covered nearly every other available surface.  It had been a real challenge deciding what to bring to U.A. with him, but he’d somehow managed.  But maybe he’d trade a few things out the first time he went home.
As he set his phone to voice response mode as he started to get dressed.  “What’s the current Top Ten Hero Rankings?” he asked it, one of his pre-programmed searches.  While the Official Billboard rankings only came out biannually, there were plenty of other Hero-fans and communities out there using similar algorithms to track on a more regular basis.
A hologram popped up of the results:
1)     Deku
2)     Lemillion
3)     Shoto
4)     Ground Zero
5)     Nejire-chan and Suneater
6)     Ingenium
7)     Rodeo
8)     Gale Force
9)     Froppy
10) Red Riot and Real Steel
Most of those weren’t surprising.  Deku and Lemillion traded off spots fairly frequently and both had been working overtime in the advent of the Quirk Virus outbreak.  Shoto had pretty consistently held the Number Three spot for a number of years, though Ground Zero occasionally rose to the Number Three or Two spot for about a day or two before dropping down.  Ingenium had been pretty solidly Number Six for even longer.  
Neijire-chan and Suneater both worked at the same agency they’d founded with Lemillion after he’d gotten his Quirk back, and typically worked together still, even when his duties drew him apart from them.  Even without him, they’d racked up a number of impressive victories, rescues, and captures to their name.  Hero couples usually did.  His parents frequently worked together too and had similar results, her Quirk complimenting his quite nicely.  Even if they were largely Underground Heroes, operating below most people’s radar.
The only real surprise on the list was Rodeo, Mika Mineta’s mother.  After he fixed his tie and slipped on his jacket, Shota opened the article associated with the most recent list for more information.   She’d previously been hovering in the low to mid-teens, but it looked like a victory against the Villain group known as the Rustlers, she’d been propelled up several notches. It looked like the Villains had taken a bullet train hostage and she’d pulled off the rescue single handedly.
Unfortunately, there weren’t very many video clips of the rescue, just a couple of hastily taken and shaky cell phone videos.  There were more when the train had pulled in the station and she’d walked out with them all tied up, but those weren’t nearly as exciting.
On the other hand, a linked article showed that a newer Pro-Hero, Wreck-It, was rapidly rising in the ranks following his fight with Fullmetal last week, having hit Number Twenty-Seven already.  Most people were speculating he’d crack the teens by the end of the year.   Looking at the time, Shota saved a video of Wreck-It fighting Cy-Bug for later.  If he wanted breakfast, he’d have to go down now.
There was never enough time for the important stuff!
Shota came out of his room at the same time that Isamu Haimawari was coming out of his.  Tall and skinny, Haimawari had a good six inches or more on him. Shota gave him a wave.  “Morning, Haimawari!”
“Oh, morning, Shinso,” he said.  “You, ah, you look tired.”
Shota shrugged. “Stayed up too late again watching Hero videos.  I’d watch one, and then it just kept suggesting more!”
Haimawari laughed. “You do know that’s just what it does, right?  For the clicks and ads?”
“Yeah, well… they shouldn’t have so much cool stuff if they’re gonna do that!”
He laughed again as they headed for the stairs.  “If you say so, little dude.  Just don’t let Aizawa catch you napping.  I don’t think it’s be pretty.  He’s really scary.”  He held open the door to the stairwell for Shota.
“Oh, I don’t worry too much about that.   Uncle Shota’s not nearly as scary as he seems.”
Haimawari missed a step and began skidding down the stairs, only stopping himself by throwing out his hands and using his Quirk to brake himself.   He got uneasily back to his feet.  “’Uncle Shota’?” he asked, sounding as if he didn’t really believe what he was saying.  “How do you two have the same name?”
It took Shota a minute to remember that Haimawari hadn’t grown up with the rest of them.  It had only been a week, but he’d already gotten completely used to having him around.  “I’m named after him,” he explained.  “He’s my godfather.  He was my dad’s mentor, back in the day.  Helped get him into the Hero Course and everything.”
Haimawari tilted his head. “That’s a thing?”
“Oh yeah!” Shota said. “Lots of Pro-Heroes started off in the General Education Department but got to transfer to the Heroics Course after they made their mark in the Sports’ Festival!  It’s pretty much a U.A. tradition!  There’s the Negotiator, and the Safari Samurai, and Iron Blood, and Life Sewer, and…”
“Wow,” Haimawari said. “Too bad more schools don’t do something like that.  Dad applied to a Hero school too… but missed the exam.  He might have made it up after.  Course, if he did that, he probably never would have met Mom, so…” He shrugged.  “Guess things work out.”
“Your dad was gonna be a Hero?” he asked.  “Awww, man! You said he’s got the same Quirk as you, right?  Your Quirk is so cool!  I bet he could have made an awesome one!”
That got a smile out of Haimawari as they reached the bottom of the stairs and headed into the Common Room. “Yeah… well, guess it’s up to me then.”
“You’ll do great,” Shota said.  “I know it!”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, dude,” Haimawari said.  
The Common Room was abuzz with activity, with most either eating breakfast, fixing their breakfast, or otherwise engaged.  Shota saw Toshi sitting with Takuma Sero and the Iida Twins on one of the sofas.  Sora Iida was sitting very close to Toshi, practically in his lap, while Takuma and Tensei Iida were sitting close, but not as close, though both looked rather relaxed with each other.  Everybody had already known about Sero and Tensei Iida, of course, since Kimiko Ojiro had blasted it to the farthest corners of the internet, but Toshi and Sora Iida was new.  Good for them, though.
“Haimawari!”  Chihiro Kaminari’s voice cut across the room, from where she was sitting with Mika Mineta.  “Your mom’s a music reporter, right?”
Haimawari looked over in their direction, maybe looking a little pale from the attention.  “Ah, yeah?” he said.
“Then get over here! You’ve got to have the inside scoop on these Double*Pop girls!” Kaminari said.
“Bunch of wannabes,” Haimawari said, looking disgusted for the first time since Shota had known him. “Hang on, let me get a Pop-Tart and I’ll give you the real gossip.”  
He gave Shota an apologetic grin.  “Sorry, I’ve gotta get in on this.  Just… come check on me in about fifteen to make sure they haven’t kidnapped me to have their way with me,”
“Oookay?” Shota said. He wasn’t entirely sure what that meant, but he’d still check up on him anyway.  He’d grab some cereal and then go join Asuka, Izumi, and Kirishima-Bakugo for some quick breakfast before class.
Hopefully the morning wouldn’t drag on too long.  He couldn’t wait to get back to the USJ!
“Go, Shinso!” Akaya Koda directed, pointing with one massive hand.  “My trees have grown strong, but they will not hold back rubble’s collapse for long!”
Back the USJ, they were continuing their Urban Rescue Training.  Yesterday, they’d been training with Doc Clock (she wasn’t very high in the Hero Rankings, but Aunt Eri was definitely one of the top Heroes in his book), and today they were working with All Might himself!  The former Number One Hero in Japan and the world! The Symbol of Peace!  And he was still teaching after all these years!   It was the coolest thing in the universe!
He was working with Akaya Koda, Takiyo Aoyama, Takuma Sero, and Izumi Todoroki.  The cityscape around them was in ruins, with numerous small fires and many of the buildings in states of significant collapse.  They’d already cleared three buildings and were on to a fourth.  Koda had used her Quirk to fast grow trees from seeds (decades of growth in seconds!), shaping their growth enough to reinforce a collapsed section of a building. But they wouldn’t hold forever. So they had to know how many people were inside to be rescued.
Shota took a deep breath and concentrated on his Quirk, sending out as high a pitch as he could manage, almost past the range of human hearing.  Invisible waves of sound penetrated the building, bouncing all around it, until they bounced back to him, painting a perfect picture in his mind. He could see every nook, cranny, door, pipe, light fixture, and “person” inside.
“Five people inside,” he said.  “Two on the ground floor, three on the third.”
He had spent a lot of time with Quirk Specialists and Quirk Counselors over the years.  His was a true, rare, once in a family line mutation, completely different from anything anyone else on either side of his family had.  They were still figuring out everything he could do.  He just knew he could make a lot of things happen with different sounds.  And every time he found something new, it meant it was a new way he could help people. But sonar was really useful here. Not that it didn’t have its drawbacks. There was the time he’d used it when Kimiko Ojiro was around…
“I can take Todoroki up,” Sero said, pointing to the third floor.  “I can get there, but I can’t get past the fires.  You up for that?”
Izumi nodded.  She looked a little tired; she’d been making lots of ice to fight the fires, only occasionally and carefully letting out little puffs of her own flames to balance herself out.  The silver pieces on her costume were flashing yellow. Shota knew they did something to help regulate her temperatures, but he didn’t know what the flashing meant.  He hoped she was okay.
“I can manage,” Izumi said. “Just get me close enough.”
“Guess that leaves us on the ground floor!” Shota said to Aoyama.
Aoyama shrugged, his glow bright and partially obscuring his features.  “I suppose they shall be grateful for the rescue,” he said.  
“Best hurry,” Koda said. “I shall do what I can to reinforce what I have already grown, but I fear providence shall not be with us for long.”
They moved.  With Todoroki on his back, Sero fired a strand of his Acid Tape upward, pulling them towards the third floor.  Shota sprinted inside, Aoyama hot on his heels and soon passing him.
He probably could have navigated with his Sonar—though the picture it had given him was fading fast from his mind—but Shota was grateful for Aoyama’s light.  With the power out in the ruined building, it cast a soft glow over everything.  
“You said there were deux,” Aoyama said.  “Where?”   He held up a hand and concentrated, focusing his light through the reflective armband he wore as part of his Support gear.  The armband focused the light into a powerful spotlight beam, which he traced over the dark corners of the room.
Shota pointed a little to the left of where Aoyama’s spotlight had fallen.  “One there… one further in the back.”
The ground began to shake and pieces of rubble fell from the ceiling.  Aoyama let out a frightened yelp and jumped to the side as one nearly fell on him.  “Then let us get them and get out as soon as possible,” he said.
Swiftly, they checked the first of the animatronics.  There was a fallen filing cabinet pinning its legs and the vital signs meters displaying on its chest told a story of a great many injuries.  Shota grabbed onto the cabinet and tried to lift it, grunting and straining with all his might, but it was too heavy.
Aoyama let out a sigh. “Allow me to show you how it is done.”   He pointed a hand at the filing cabinet and made some adjustment to his arm band.  A beam of light as wide as his fist shot out, striking the cabinet and slicing through it, splitting it into the portion that was over the animatronic’s legs and the portion that wasn’t.  The beam continued on and went into the wall behind it, leaving a smoking hole and red hot edges on the cabinet.
The lights on the animatronic lit up like a Christmas tree before shutting off completely.  Shota reached a hand towards it and pulled it back. The animatronic and the air around it was still hot from Aoyama’s laser beam.  No wonder it had…  died? Was that the right word for what had happened?
He knew Aoyama was powerful, but he also knew he mostly relied on his Support gear to control his Quirk.  Shota’s eyes went wide as he looked at his classmate.
“Non…” Aoyama said.  “I did not mean…   We… we must have been too late already!”  He gave his cape a flick.  “Let us see about the other one, Shinso.”
Shota was very sure that they hadn’t been too late and that it had been Aoyama’s fault.  But after seeing the horrified look on his French classmate’s face, he wasn’t going to push it.  Maybe he’d be a little nicer after that.
As they headed to the back room, the ground shook again and more of the ceiling began to fall.  A big piece of the ceiling fell near Aoyama, causing him to shriek and Shota to flinch at the noise of the crash.  More started to fall, but when Aoyama tried to move, he couldn’t!   His cape had been caught under the rubble that had nearly hit him.  And more was falling…
Shota screamed.  The air around the rippled with the sonic energy he had unleashed, forming a protective dome around both of them. Several more pieces of rubble fell from the ceiling, but they bounced off the dome.  Finally, it stopped and Shota could breathe again, coughing until his throat felt right again.  That had been longer than he typically used his Quirk for.  He was best in short bursts and could only keep it up as long as he could draw in enough air to make sound.
Aoyama looked at him with wide eyes.  “You saved me,” he said, his voice soft and quiet.  “Merci.”
“You’d have done the same!” Shota told him, even if part of him wondered if that wasn’t true.  “And they wouldn’t let us really get hurt, not during training!”
“Still…” Aoyama frowned and tugged at his cape, until it came away from the rubble with a long riiiiiip.  “A pity. My poor cape.”
Shota was going to tell him that he shouldn’t wear it, that very few Heroes wore them these days, exactly because of what had happened.  He even remembered reading about an American Support Gear and costume designer who had campaigned very hard for the international Hero community to outlaw capes in their entirety, though she had not been successful in that. Too many people thought they were too iconic to give up.  But Shota could quote a lot of statistics on why they were a bad idea…
“Aoyama!  Shinso!”  Koda’s voice rang out.  “The structure is becoming unstable!  You need to get out!”
Both turned and ran for the door.  Shota hated leaving the exercise incomplete…but it looked like they had no choice.
The second they hit daylight, the building finished collapsing, taking Koda’s trees with it. “Thank you for your sacrifice, my woody friends,” she said quietly.  “Rest well knowing the lessons I have learned here will mean it was not in vain.”  Her rocky features were tired and a little sad. Shota knew she took it hard whenever her plants were hurt, even in training.
“You two okay?” Sero asked. “You were in there a long time.” Soot covered his costume and he held his helmet in the crook of his arm, scrubbing at the faceplate with a cloth.
“And your cape is torn, Aoyama,” Izumi said.  She was letting flames dance over her fingertips, the blinking lights on the silver pieces of her costume fading from yellow to green.
“We just ran into un petit bit of trouble,” Aoyama said, putting on a proud grin.  But he only held it for a minute, Shota bet he was remembering that they’d all be reviewing the video later. “But… Shinso was quite good at getting us out of it.  Even if we did not complete the rescue.”
“An unfortunate truism of being a Hero,” All Might said, as he left the safe zone he’d been monitoring them from.  Shota had seen plenty of videos of him in his prime, but there was something captivating about the man he’d mostly known as Toshi’s grandfather.  He’d been a Hero longer than almost anyone; and Shota knew he was lucky to learn whatever he could from him.
“Sometimes,” All Might continued, “you cannot save everyone.  Sometimes… you will be pushed to your limits and it will still not be enough. We hold tremendous power and responsibility in our hands.  Our profession is an unforgiving one, one which demands perfection of us, when the slightest misstep or wrong choice can cost lives. But if you train your minds, bodies, and Quirks…  You can at least ensure those moments are as few and far between as possible.
“I think you all know where you can begin to improve, but that being said…  You are all showing great progress!  We will discuss the specifics later, but the other groups should be finishing up and Water Spout and Doc Clock will be wanting to continue your first aid lessons.  But know that I am very proud of all of you!  You are truly showing you know what it means to Go Beyond… Plus Ultra!”
Shota was pretty sure he’d never felt happier.  All Might believed in him!
“Remember, kids, playing by the rules is super manly!  If you see someone cheating, let them know that’s not fair!  And that’s what Red Riot Sayz!”
Shota turned down the volume on his computer while the ad between videos loaded.  Someone had uploaded a bunch of Public Service Announcements that Red Riot had done more than a decade ago and he just had to watch them all!  He wouldn’t be up too late if he did that…
“Shota, go to bed.”
He looked up from his computer to find Asuka, Izumi, Toshi, and Haimiwari in his room.  He must have been watching so intently he didn’t even hear them!
“Go to bed,” Asuka repeated.
“Sorry, dude,” Haimiwari said, an apologetic smile on his face.  “But you looked really tired this morning.  I had to call in the heavy artillery.”
“I’m only gonna watch a couple more,” Shota said.  And he was! Probably.  Sometimes they were just too tempting!
“Those’ll probably get taken down anyway,” Toshi said.  “That’s not an official video channel.”
They might?  Then he had to watch them all tonight!  He started to turn back towards his computer.
“Maybe not the best thing to say, Toshi, *chirp*” Asuka said.
“Shota,” Izumi said.  “It is only Tuesday and you’ve already been tired both mornings this week.  This is not healthy for you or your future as a Hero.”
“Dad doesn’t sleep that much,” he tried.  
“But you are not your father,” Izumi continued.  “And besides… your godfather would tell you to rest whenever you are able.  We must insist you go to bed.”
Shota became uncomfortably aware of the four sets of eyes on him.  And of the fact that despite her soft voice, there was a firmness to Izumi’s words that meant he wasn’t going to win this argument.
“Okay,” he said, dejectedly, getting out of his chair.
“Turn the computer off,” Asuka said.
“And no using your phone either,” Izumi added.
They’d really thought of everything!  He was definitely trapped.  Well… one day without too many videos probably wouldn’t kill him.
He’d just have to watch even more tomorrow!
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sml-str · 6 years
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I have officially gotten into the triple digits, my buddyos! 
I’d like to give a thank you to all of you for making this possible. Of course, I’m too dramatic to not do anything to celebrate this, and too busy to do anything much for a century’s worth of a crowd, so...
To celebrate, I want to give a list of people y’all really should be following instead (if you’re not already). Specifically, 11 people because that’s my number of followers without the zero in the middle. Yes, I’ve kinda done this with a list of 8 before, but like, at least 30-40 of you weren’t here for that one, I’m pretty sure.
Without further ado... They will be under the cut bc I didn’t wanna kill y’all with a long post and drop down to the nineties because of it.
@koedeza - She writes amazing fics. Her titles are amazing. Her fics are typically gen, so you don’t even have to worry about her shipping something you don’t - because there is no ship. 
@theboykingsam Okay, she’s on hiatus rn, but when she’s here, her content is amazing. A choice selection of reblogs and remarkable original content, plus she cool.
@crashng One of my OG followers who I am pretty sure has been with me from an early start (bless her flipping soul). She loves Sam Winchester, and only posts/reblogs the best things. Also, nice to chat with.
@smolstiel My very first beta on a fic, plus she’s a writing genius. Also just a genius in general. Amazing meta; referenced a long rebuttal she made on a post in a school assignment. 
@isaidgetout True Sam fan. Great meta. An icon.
@arlowritessam Again, a true fan of the one and only Sam Winchester, and I always enjoy seeing their stuff on my dashboard.
@boykvngs This goes without saying. We don’t talk and interact much, but somehow we’re mutuals? (#unworthy) and this blog is absolutely fantastic if you somehow have not come across it yet (in which case I ask you - how have you not?). 
@translesbiansam Her writing is one of the best things I have come across, and she kills me. We have had one conversation and she seems super cool. Great posts, fantastic original content. If you somehow (SOMEHOW) have not come across this super being... Do so. EDIT: they changed their URL to @deadlittlebrother in case the link doesn’t work for you/you have to look it up since tumblr can occasionally be shit.
@ghostwinchesters Amazing writing, great meta. Again, probably a blog y’all might already follow. We had one conversation way, way back where they taught me how tags worked on this site, so y’all have them to thank for why this blog has any semblance of a decent tagging system. As such, it seems fitting that they be mentioned.
@eruthiawenluin I don’t know if it’s legal or not to make a post about good blogs without listing Eru as one? Y’all likely follow the mysterious Eru, but if somehow you don’t, now you do. Go and do it. Somehow we’re technically sorta mutuals and I don’t know how that happened (#humblebrag). Fantastic Possum content, and we stan the possums.
@itsaboutsam Absolutely WONDERFUL writer. Again - you probably already know that we stan this blog. But again, there might be legal issues if I fail to list it. 
And that does it for the “Mimzy Sends All/Any Followers Away to Other People” extravaganza! ~not the right context for that word I am pretty sure ~
 Tune in next time to witness the “Mimzy Blatantly Tells You to Unfollow; It’s For Your Own Good” Winter Solstice party! 
jk jk, don’t unfollow I worked so hard. Anyway, go follow all them peeps if you somehow enjoy my many, many reblogs. Actually, you probably see a lot of some of these peep’s content already by how much I reblog their stuffs. It’s kinda like following them through a middle man.
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