#potentially associated with an obligation rather than a desire
kingchad · 1 year
Do you think Chad would be a good dad?
I do not actually haha. I think Chad is very single-minded and would have trouble being selfless enough. Like, I see him as a hyper-romantic person, to the point where it’s genuinely a problem in his social life, because ultimately he is fixated on himself and another person and doesn’t really see the world outside of that. being a parent requires more self-awareness I feel.
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dailyanarchistposts · 2 months
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I.7.2 Do anarchists worship the past or the “noble savage”?
No. However, this is a common attack on socialists by supporters of capitalism and on anarchists by Marxists. Both claim that anarchism is “backward looking”, opposed to “progress” and desire a society based on inappropriate ideas of freedom. In particular, ideological capitalists maintain that all forms of socialism base themselves on the ideal of the “noble savage” (see, for example, free market capitalist guru Frederick von Hayek’s work Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism).
Anarchists are well aware of the limitations of the “primitive communist” societies they have used as examples of anarchistic tendencies within history or society. They are also aware of the problems associated with using any historical period as an example of “anarchism in action.” Take for example the “free cities” of Medieval Europe, which was used by Kropotkin as an example of the potential of decentralised, confederated communes. He was sometimes accused of being a “Medievalist” (as was William Morris) while all he was doing was indicating that capitalism need not equal progress and that alternative social systems have existed which have encouraged freedom in ways capitalism restricts.
In a similar way, Marxists often accuse Proudhon of being “petty-bourgeois” and looking backward to a pre-industrial society of artisans and peasants. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Proudhon lived in a France which was predominantly pre-industrial and based on peasant and artisan production. He, therefore, based his socialist ideas on the needs of working people as they required them at the time. When Proudhon did look at large-scale production (such as railways, factories and so on) he proposed co-operative associations to run them. These associations would maintain the dignity of the worker by maintaining the essential feature of artisan and peasant life, namely the control of work and product by the labourer. Thus he used “the past” (artisan production) to inform his analysis of current events (industrialisation) to create a solution to the social problem which built upon and extended a freedom crushed by capitalism (namely workers’ self-management in production). Rather than being backward looking and worshipping a past which was disappearing, Proudhon analysed the present and past, drew any positive features he could from both and applied them to the present and the future (see also section I.3.8). Unlike Marx, who argued that industrialisation (i.e. proletarianisation) was the pre-conditions of socialism, Proudhon wanted justice and freedom for working class people during his lifetime, not some (unspecified) time in the future after capitalism had fully developed.
Again it is hardly surprising to find that many supporters of capitalism ignore the insights that can be gained by studying tribal cultures and the questions they raise about capitalism and freedom. Instead, they duck the issues raised and accuse socialists of idealising the “noble savage.” As indicated, nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, this claim has been directed towards Rousseau (often considered the father of socialist and anarchist idealisation of the “noble savage”) even though he explicitly asked “must societies be totally abolished? Must meum and tuum be annihilated, and must we return again to the forests to live among bears? This is a deduction in the manner of my adversaries, which I would as soon anticipate as let them have the shame of drawing.” Similarly, Rousseau is often thought of idealising “natural man” but he actually wrote that “men in a state of nature, having no moral relations or determinate obligations one with another, could not be either good or bad, virtuous or vicious.” [The Social Contract and Discourses, p. 112 and p. 64] Rousseau failed to understand that his adversaries, both then and now, seem to know no shame and will happy suggest that he advocated the exact opposite of what he actually wrote. Anarchists are also subject to this (particularly by Marxists), particularly when we look through history, draw libertarian currents from it and are then denounced as backward looking utopians.
What libertarian socialists point out from this analysis of history is that the atomised individual associated with capitalist society is not “natural” and that capitalist social relationships help to weaken individuality. All the many attacks on libertarian socialist analysis of past societies are a product of capitalists attempts to deny history and state that “Progress” reaches its final resting place in capitalism. As David Watson argues:
“When we consider people living under some of the harshest, most commanding conditions on earth, who can nevertheless do what they like when the notion occurs to them, we should be able to witness the contemporary doubt about civilisation’s superiority without growing indignant. Primitivism, after all, reflects not only a glimpse of life before the rise of the state, but also a legitimate response to real conditions of life under civilisation … Most people do not live in aboriginal societies, and most tribal peoples themselves now face wholly new contexts which will have to be confronted in new ways if they are to survive as peoples. But their lifeways, their histories, remind us that other modes of being are possible. Reaffirmation of our primal past offers insight into our history — not the only possible insight, to be sure, but one important, legitimate entry point for a reasoned discussion about (and an impassioned reaction to) this world we must leave behind.” [Beyond Bookchin, p. 240]
This essential investigation of history and modern society to see what other ways of living have and do exist is essential. It is too easy to forget that what exists under modern capitalism has not always existed (as neo-classical economics does with its atomistic and ahistoric analysis, for example). It is also useful to remember what many people now consider as “normal” was not always the case. As we discussed in section F.8.6, the first generation of industrial wage slaves hated the system, considering it both tyranny and unnatural. Studying history, previous cultures and the process of hierarchical society and the resistance of the oppressed to it can enrich our analysis and activity in the here and now and help us to envision an anarchist society, the problems it could face and possible solutions to them.
If the challenge for anarchists is to smash power-relations and domination, it would make sense to get to the root of the problem. Hierarchy, slavery, coercion, patriarchy, and so on far outdate capitalism and it is hardly enough to just analyse the economic system of capitalism, which is merely the current and most insidious form of hierarchical civilisation. Similarly, without looking to cultures and communities that functioned quite well before the rise of the state, hierarchies and classes, anarchists do not really have much solid ground to prove to people that anarchy is desirable or possible. For this reason, historical analysis and the celebration of the positive aspects of tribal and other societies is essential.
Moreover, as George Orwell pointed out, attacks that reject this critical analysis as worshipping the “noble savage” miss the point:
“In the first place he [the defender of modern life] will tell you that it is impossible to ‘go back’ … and will then accuse you of being a medievalist and begin to descant upon the horrors of the Middle Ages .. . As a matter of fact, most attacks upon the Middle Ages and the past generally by apologists of modernity are beside the point, because their essential trick is to project a modern man, with his squeamishness and his high standard of comfort, into an age when such things were unheard of. But notice that in any case this is not an answer. For dislike of the mechanised future does not imply the smallest reverence for any period of the past … When one pictures it merely as an objective; there is no need to pretend that it has ever existed in space and time.” [The Road to Wigan Pier, p. 183]
We should also note that such attacks on anarchist investigations of past cultures assumes that these cultures have no good aspects at all and so indicates a sort of intellectual “all or nothing” approach to modern life. The idea that past (and current) civilisations may have got some things right and others wrong and should be investigated is rejected for a totally uncritical “love it or leave” approach to modern society. Of course, the well known “free market” capitalist love of 19th century capitalist life and values (specifically the grim reality of Victorian Britain or Gilded Age America) warrants no such claims of “past worship” by the supporters of the system.
Therefore attacks on anarchists as supporters of the “noble savage” ideal indicate more about the opponents of anarchism and their fear of looking at the implications of the system they support than about anarchist theory.
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egipci · 1 year
top 5 j/d songs & top 5 j/d fics you'd like to write or that you'd like someone to write
Answering on Friday, so Merry Dadfucker Holidays <3. I already answered top 5 j/d songs, so here’s (some of) what I would like to write (or rather, what I want to find fully formed and ready to post in my drafts) in no particular order:
Mary lives normal au — I've somehow gotten it in my head that even in a completely normal world where Mary doesn't die j/d would be possible. This relies on Mary's characterization from later seasons as pretty emotionally withdrawn, her keeping secrets, etc. , and what we know about her and John's less-than-perfect marriage (potentially leading to John's affair with Kate). I could see in this world how, without the obligation to care for Sam, Dean and Sam end up somewhere like they are in 2x20, or possibly closer, but nothing like they eventually become in canon. The John/Dean side of things though would be pretty unchanged in its intensity— Dean would become elektral over time, providing John that emotional support to fill in Mary's place, and John, without the anxieties associated with hunting, would be much mellower in some respects (though of course he wouldn't be John without giving Dean approval-and-masculinity related issues). In a way it would be much more sinister than canon, real family horror shit-- but my guiding principle is always that what little joy is in John's life revolves entirely around his children and Dean in particular.
Alpha!John/Alpha!Dean --- this is like super niche and hyper-specific and completely flouts the purpose of a/b/o and the place Dean usually occupies in it ---- but I'm so so intrigued by alpha!John/alpha!Dean! I must have read fewer than 5 a/b/o fics total in any fandom and it's generally not my jam. I think it does away with the thing that makes gay sex interesting, namely that its teleology is pleasure in and of itself. (This is of course also possible in straight non-reproductive sex, but reproduction always looms as its true purpose, even if undesirable, I think). What a/b/o does, in a way, is create a biological imperative to have sex that is functionally identical to straight sex. Which, you know, is fine, though not super interesting to me (straight sex is obviously sexy and interesting, because I find women sexy and interesting — and that’s what genderswap is for). What's super compelling to me is alpha!Dean, who does have all the pseudo-animalistic impulses and instincts involved with being an alpha, but also the desire to submit to his dad, to be fucked by his dad, to be his dad’s omega, whatever you want to call it. That conflict between hard-wired teleology and desire is really fascinating in a world where sexual roles are very rigid, I find. Like, what do you do if you want to be fucked but your body is unfuckable for whatever reason? And on the other end of that, I'm also super interested in John's scruples about violating Dean's body when he has obligations to raise an alpha, etc. etc. In a way this just compounds the anxieties re:masculinity already present in their normal canon dynamics + knots and rough snarly sex or whatever.
Fuck-or-Die/truth curse --- Dean has to be fucked or he dies. Of course the curse can only be broken when a certain person fucks him. Of course Dean doesn't even know who the fucker must be, because of course Dean is not in love with anyone and is just a normal guy. Of course the fucker has to be Dad. Of course Dad would never fuck Dean and would just leave him to die, so why even bother saying it. Except, as it turns out, Dad would fuck the shit out of him without even fully figuring out how the curse works. Of course. (The shape of this is super vague, though I think the conceit has to be that the curse is mostly about humiliation, which begins with recognition and admission of feelings, and then I suppose reciprocation would come in — the trouble is John would of course fuck Dean to save his life, he would die to save Dean’s life — that’s canon — but how does that happen at a pre-canon point such that it doesn’t become its own canon-divergent thing? And how would that square with Dean’s irrational Dad-related opinions in s3, for example?)
Heaven reunion --- sometime in the distant future, after Sam gets there, they finally go visit Mom and Dad. Dean and Dad do normal father and son things like go on long drives, fix cars, go fishing while not talking about whatever the fuck was going on since Dean turned sixteen (which is decidedly incestuous, though not necessarily physically consummated). Is reconciliation possible? Is a normal relationship possible? First time in a long time? What happens if they relapse into weird shit while John is committed to living with Mary as his heaven-life partner? etc. etc.
John/Deanna first time --- I've said this before but Sharon Olds's "Reading You" is one of my favorite j/d poems. The lines "cock promised and never given/ that I would strip my skin for" capture this forever incurable unrequited longing Dean feels for his father -- but what happens when the cock is finally given? More and more I find myself uninvested in the question of consent and the centrality it seems to occupy when it comes to j/d. Rather I'm more concerned with the ways consensual sex can be terrible and traumatizing and ruinous (even if also pleasurable and physically fulfilling). So, that would be that story.
Bonus: and this is less a fic and more just a specific thing I want to see, which is really possible in all of the scenarios above-- I need John to fist Dean and make him piss himself :) (Deanna gets two fists because more holes obviously <3). This is one of those things that is so intuitively possible and plausible for this ship and at the same time involves so much intricate politics that I think it would be hard to pull off in a canon-feeling way. Yet I think about it daily.
Anyway--- this is an open call for anyone who wants to chat about these weird notions or tinker at them in fic form or just nag me into writing them or whatever. My inbox and dm's are open.
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jlc3991 · 3 months
Time-Share Exit Scams: How to Avoid Falling Victim
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The Rise of Time-Share Exit Scammers and How to Protect Yourself
For many individuals who own time-shares, the burden of rising annual maintenance fees or a lack of time to enjoy the property has led them to consider exiting their contracts. However, this desire to relinquish ownership has made them vulnerable targets for time-share exit scammers. These fraudulent companies promise to help owners escape their contractual obligations but end up stealing their money instead.
While the prevalence of time-share exit scams is difficult to quantify, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and other organizations assisting victims of such fraud consider it a serious problem. In this article, we explore how these scams operate and provide tips on how to avoid falling victim to them.
The Mechanics of Time-Share Exit Scams
Time-share exit scammers employ various tactics to target owners who are looking to sell their properties or exit their contracts. By searching through real estate records and online platforms, these scammers can easily identify potential victims. Once they make contact, they resort to manipulative techniques, often utilizing high-pressure sales tactics or forcing individuals to sign up for credit cards to pay off balances.
In some cases, victims are held captive for hours and subjected to misleading presentations that cite inaccurate laws as scare tactics, according to Josh Planos, a spokesperson for the BBB.
The Dangers of Dealing with Fraudulent Time-Share Exit Companies
Andrew Connor, a South Carolina-based attorney who frequently represents time-share owners, reveals that he receives numerous calls each week from individuals who have been scammed by fraudulent time-share exit companies. Unfortunately, once victims have handed over their money, recovering it becomes nearly impossible. Scammers often transfer their ill-gotten assets overseas, making it challenging for authorities to pursue legal action or retrieve the stolen funds.
This lack of accountability is a significant concern for both consumer advocates and the time-share industry.
Safe Alternatives to Exiting a Time-Share
Despite the prevalence of time-share exit scams, consumer advocates and industry experts emphasize that there are legitimate and safe ways to exit a time-share. Rather than dealing with questionable companies, owners are advised to explore options such as selling their time-shares on reputable platforms, working with licensed real estate agents, or contacting the resort directly to inquire about resale programs or exit strategies. These legitimate avenues offer a higher chance of success without the risk of falling victim to scammers.
Tips to Avoid Time-Share Exit Scams
When considering exiting a time-share, it is crucial to be vigilant and cautious to avoid falling prey to fraudulent schemes. Here are some tips to protect yourself:
Research the company: Before engaging with any time-share exit company, thoroughly research their reputation, credentials, and track record. Check for any complaints filed with the BBB or other consumer protection agencies. Avoid upfront fees: Legitimate time-share exit companies typically do not require upfront fees. Be wary of companies that demand payment before providing any services. Consult an attorney: Seek legal advice from a reputable attorney who specializes in time-share law. They can guide you through the exit process and help identify any red flags. Read the contract: Carefully review the terms and conditions of your time-share contract to understand the exit provisions and any associated fees or penalties. Report suspicious activity: If you encounter a fraudulent time-share exit company or suspect a scam, report it to the BBB, your local consumer protection agency, or law enforcement authorities.
Exiting a time-share can be a daunting task, but it is essential to approach it with caution to avoid falling victim to time-share exit scams. While these fraudulent companies prey on owners looking for a way out, legitimate alternatives exist that offer a safer path to exiting a time-share. By conducting thorough research, seeking legal advice, and being vigilant throughout the process, individuals can protect themselves from falling into the traps set by scammers.
Remember, it is crucial to prioritize due diligence and explore legitimate avenues to ensure a smooth and legitimate exit from a time-share commitment.
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does netflix block all vpn
🔒🌍✨ Get 3 Months FREE VPN - Secure & Private Internet Access Worldwide! Click Here ✨🌍🔒
does netflix block all vpn
VPN detection by Netflix
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have gained popularity in recent years for offering users enhanced privacy and security while browsing the internet. However, streaming services like Netflix have been actively working to detect and block VPN usage on their platforms.
Netflix uses various methods to detect VPNs, primarily by identifying and blocking IP addresses associated with known VPN servers. When users connect to Netflix through a VPN, the IP address provided by the VPN server may be flagged as potentially coming from a VPN service rather than an individual user. This triggers Netflix to block access to its content, displaying an error message such as "You seem to be using an unblocker or proxy."
In response to Netflix's VPN detection efforts, many VPN providers have implemented technologies to bypass these restrictions. Some VPNs constantly update their IP addresses to stay ahead of Netflix's detection methods, while others offer specialized servers optimized for streaming services that are less likely to be detected. Additionally, advanced VPNs encrypt not only the user's internet traffic but also the metadata, making it harder for Netflix to distinguish between VPN and non-VPN traffic.
While using a VPN with Netflix may violate the platform's terms of service, many users opt to continue using VPNs to access geo-restricted content or enhance their online privacy. However, it's essential to choose a reliable VPN provider with a proven track record of evading detection to ensure uninterrupted access to Netflix and other streaming services.
VPN restrictions on Netflix
Title: Navigating VPN Restrictions on Netflix: What You Need to Know
In recent years, the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to access content on Netflix has become increasingly popular. VPNs allow users to bypass geographical restrictions by masking their IP addresses, granting them access to Netflix libraries from different regions. However, Netflix has been cracking down on VPN usage, implementing measures to prevent users from accessing content outside their designated region. These VPN restrictions have sparked debates among subscribers, with many questioning the fairness of such limitations.
Netflix justifies its VPN restrictions by citing licensing agreements with content creators and distributors. These agreements often specify that certain content is only available in specific regions due to licensing and copyright regulations. As a result, Netflix is obligated to enforce these restrictions to comply with legal obligations and maintain positive relationships with content providers.
To enforce VPN restrictions, Netflix employs advanced detection techniques to identify and block VPN traffic. When a user attempts to access Netflix through a VPN server, the platform can detect the use of VPNs and display an error message, preventing access to the desired content. This detection process is continuously evolving, making it increasingly challenging for VPN providers to bypass Netflix's restrictions effectively.
Despite these challenges, some VPN providers offer solutions to circumvent Netflix's restrictions. They regularly update their servers and IP addresses to stay ahead of Netflix's detection methods, allowing users to access geo-blocked content seamlessly. However, it's essential to choose a reputable VPN provider that prioritizes user privacy and security while offering reliable access to Netflix libraries.
In conclusion, VPN restrictions on Netflix are a result of complex licensing agreements and legal obligations. While Netflix's efforts to enforce these restrictions may inconvenience some users, they are essential for maintaining compliance with content licensing agreements. Subscribers interested in accessing geo-blocked content should carefully select a VPN provider known for its ability to bypass Netflix's restrictions effectively.
Bypassing Netflix's VPN block
Netflix is a popular streaming service that offers a wide range of movies and TV shows to subscribers around the world. However, due to licensing agreements and other restrictions, the content available on Netflix can vary depending on the region. To access content that is not available in your country, many users turn to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to bypass Netflix's VPN block.
A VPN works by encrypting your internet connection and routing it through a server in a different location, making it appear as though you are accessing the internet from that location. This allows users to mask their true IP address and access content that is geo-restricted.
Netflix has implemented measures to detect and block VPN users in order to comply with licensing agreements. However, there are still ways to bypass Netflix's VPN block. One method is to use a reputable VPN service that regularly updates its servers' IP addresses to avoid detection. Another option is to use a dedicated IP address provided by the VPN service, as these are less likely to be blacklisted by Netflix.
It is important to note that using a VPN to bypass Netflix's VPN block may violate the service's terms of use, and there is always a risk of having your account suspended. Additionally, not all VPNs are effective at bypassing Netflix's restrictions, so it is important to choose a reliable and reputable service.
In conclusion, while bypassing Netflix's VPN block is possible, users should be aware of the risks involved and proceed with caution to avoid any potential repercussions.
Impact of VPN on Netflix access
Title: The Impact of VPNs on Netflix Access: Navigating Through Geo-Restrictions
In an era where streaming platforms like Netflix offer an expansive library of content, geographical restrictions often hinder access to certain shows and movies. However, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have emerged as a popular solution, allowing users to bypass these barriers and unlock a world of entertainment.
Netflix employs geo-blocking to adhere to licensing agreements, meaning that the content available in one country may not be accessible in another. This can be frustrating for users who wish to watch specific titles that are restricted in their region. Enter VPNs, which reroute internet traffic through servers in different locations, masking the user's actual location and providing access to content otherwise unavailable.
The impact of VPNs on Netflix access is profound. By simply connecting to a VPN server in a country where the desired content is available, users can bypass geo-restrictions and unlock a plethora of shows and movies. This not only enhances the viewing experience but also offers a sense of freedom and choice to subscribers worldwide.
However, it's important to note that Netflix actively works to detect and block VPN usage. As a result, not all VPNs are equally effective in bypassing geo-restrictions, and users may encounter occasional difficulties in accessing content. Additionally, VPN usage may violate Netflix's terms of service, although enforcement of these terms varies.
Despite these challenges, VPNs remain a popular choice for accessing Netflix content across borders. As technology evolves, so too will the methods employed by both streaming services and VPN providers. Ultimately, the relationship between VPNs and Netflix access underscores the ongoing battle between content availability and copyright protection in the digital age.
VPN and Netflix geo-blocking
VPN and Netflix geo-blocking
In the age of digital streaming services, Netflix emerges as a global frontrunner in providing a vast library of movies and TV shows to its subscribers. However, the geographical restrictions set by Netflix often lead to frustration among users who want to access content limited to specific regions. This is where a Virtual Private Network (VPN) comes into play.
VPN works by redirecting a user's internet connection through a private server in a location of their choice, thus masking their actual IP address and tricking websites, including Netflix, into thinking the user is accessing content from a different location. By using a VPN, users can bypass geo-blocking restrictions imposed by Netflix and other streaming platforms.
Netflix employs geo-blocking to adhere to licensing agreements and copyright laws, preventing users from accessing content that is not licensed in their country. However, avid viewers who wish to watch a show or movie available in a different Netflix region can utilize a VPN to unlock a world of entertainment options.
It is important to note that while using a VPN to circumvent geo-blocking is not illegal, it may violate Netflix's terms of service. Netflix actively detects and blocks VPN usage, so users should choose a reliable VPN service that can effectively bypass these restrictions.
Ultimately, the ongoing battle between VPNs and Netflix geo-blocking showcases the evolving landscape of digital content consumption. As users continue to seek unrestricted access to global entertainment, VPNs remain a valuable tool in navigating geo-blocking hurdles and unlocking a world of entertainment possibilities.
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jakiakhatunn · 9 months
Exploring Feline Nutrition: Can Cats Safely Consume Clams?
Cats, known for their discerning palate and often portrayed as picky eaters, have unique dietary needs. As feline enthusiasts seek to provide the best nutrition for their beloved pets, questions often arise about the safety and suitability of various foods. One such query that emerges is whether can cats eat clams safely indulge in clams, the delectable seafood delicacy.
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Understanding the Feline Palate
Before delving into the compatibility of clams with a cat's diet, it's essential to understand the dietary habits of these enigmatic creatures. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means their diet primarily consists of meat. Their systems are designed to derive essential nutrients like taurine and vitamin A from animal sources.
Assessing Clams for Feline Consumption
Clams, being seafood, might intrigue cat owners considering their pets' dietary variety. However, while cats enjoy a diverse diet, certain foods can pose risks to their health.
Clams themselves aren’t toxic to cats, but they come with some caveats. Cats consuming clams may encounter potential health issues due to:
Allergies: Cats, like humans, can develop allergies to certain foods. Introducing new food items, including clams, might lead to allergic reactions, manifesting as gastrointestinal upset, itching, or skin issues.
Parasitic Concerns: Clams might harbor parasites like Toxoplasma gondii or bacteria such as Salmonella. These can be harmful to cats and may lead to infections or digestive issues.
High Sodium Content: Seafood often contains high levels of salt, which could potentially lead to sodium ion poisoning in cats if consumed excessively.
Best Practices for Feeding Clams to Cats
Should a cat owner choose to introduce clams into their pet’s diet, moderation and preparation are key:
Cooking: Cooking clams thoroughly helps eliminate potential bacteria or parasites, making them safer for feline consumption.
Portion Control: Offering a small amount of clam as an occasional treat rather than a regular meal reduces the risks associated with introducing new foods to a cat's diet.
Observation: Monitoring a cat's reaction after introducing clams is crucial. Any signs of allergic reactions or gastrointestinal distress should prompt immediate veterinary attention.
While clams aren’t inherently toxic to cats, their inclusion in a feline diet should be approached cautiously. Every cat’s digestive system and tolerances vary, and what might be safe for one cat could cause issues in another. Consulting with a veterinarian before introducing any new food to a cat's diet is always recommended.
In summary, the decision to feed clams to cats involves weighing potential risks against the desire to diversify their diet. As responsible pet owners, it’s crucial to prioritize a cat's nutritional needs and well-being above culinary experimentation, ensuring they lead healthy and happy lives.
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nervestatic · 4 years
mcyt but they‘re god tier
hello mcyttumblr today i’ve got god tier assignments for a whole bunch of youtubers! this post will include both my assignment, a definition of what that god tier means, and my reasoning! a lot of this is based off of the dream smp <3 this is also intended to be a full session worth of players with no overlapping classes or aspects, which did impact my decisions! also i ignored gendered classes because they’re dumb
TECHNOBLADE / the prince of blood one who destroys via blood | blood is the aspect of bonds! friendship, unity, attachment, and obligation.
blood for the blood god! i chose prince of blood for techno because “one who destroys through bonds and connections” seemed like it really matched up with not only his general persona, but how he acts on the dream smp. the extended zodiac also says that blood players can be very intelligent and aware of other’s relationships even when their own are a disaster! which fits techno displays a lot of awareness about other’s relationships but tends to be pretty awkward and avoidant when it comes to his own. he also tends to be very chaotic and a big fan of destruction, which makes prince a good choice because it’s a god tier that is About Destroying Stuff.
PHILZA / the mage of space one who knows about space | space is the aspect of literal space, physics, and creation. i genuinely believe that philza minecraft is the only person responsible enough to be a space player. space players are about patience and the journey, not the destination, which fits with the playstyle that phil has on his hardcore world, and space players in canon also tend to be very isolated, which goes along with that. mage also gets defined as “setting an example using knowledge pertaining to [aspect]”, which fits phil’s position as the “dad” of the group and the fanon concept of him being the de facto leader of SBI due to his knowledge and experience.
WILBUR / the heir of rage one who is consumed by rage | rage is the aspect of chaos, negative emotion, and violence. this one is based pretty much entirely around the SMP. heirs are implied to be players expected to represent their aspect regardless of their own will, something they are duty-bound or fated to become. they are also defined as “one who invites change via [aspect]. rage is of course about negative emotions, and often associated with insanity. wilbur’s motivations have always come from a place of anger, and he has invited change in both positive and negative ways. but watching his descent from a man who doesn’t believe in violence to someone willing to blow up all of his friends really paints the image of the heir of rage for me.
NIKI / the sylph of breath one who heals through breath | breath is the aspect of freedom, confidence, direction, and change. for me this one is all about niki’s potential!! breath players often tend to have storylines about potential, both wasted and fulfilled, and i think a lot of how fandom sees niki is based around her potential in the storyline. personally, the idea of healing through freedom is one that really strikes me as something that fits niki- especially after her “dear friend” video about escaping from manburg and how she reacted to both schlatt’s election and the festival, she’s very firm in her belief of freedom- and how that freedom will help other people!
ERET / the maid of light one who creates light | light is the aspect of luck, discovery, knowledge, and awareness. i will be real with you this is very much in part because of the character design with the glowy eyes. but maids are about creating and repairing their aspect, rather than the sylph’s healing via their aspect, and i think maid of light sets up a really fun arc for both being a traitor and a redemption arc. eret made the smart choice in betraying l’manburg- or they thought it was the smart choice. her arc about coming back from that (discovery) and fixing that skewed luck fits very well with a maid’s quest.
TUBBO / the seer of hope one who understands hope | hope is the aspect of belief, perseverance, and positive emotion. i picked seer for tubbo mostly because of his position as a spy!! he sees hope even while living and working under schlatt, he refuses to back down even when it gets dangerous- even to the point of being a little dense about it. when he was up on that stage, he never stopped looking for the brightest path- for help from his friends, for techno to not pull the trigger, everything like that. he sees the consequences of actions as a seer, but those consequences tend to be skewed towards what he believes is “good” due to his aspect being hope.
TOMMY / the knight of heart one who serves through heart | heart is the aspect of souls, emotion, and intuition. being a knight in homestuck has always been about protecting other people using your aspect. most of the knights also have some sort of servitude to their aspect- tommy is impulse-driven and makes emotion-based choices, usually to protect what he believes in or his friends, showcasing that part of his classpect. he hides away the other parts of himself by putting that raw emotion on display at all times, not being afraid to pick a fight or follow that base desire even if it ends up with him dead, like the duel with dream.
FUNDY / the rogue of time one who steals from time | time is the aspect of literal time and time travel. time throughout homestuck has had a connection to technology, and i thought that would be really fitting for fundy! being a rogue is about twisting [aspect] to the benefit of your friends and session, and time is one of the main aspects that effects paradox space. fundy, as a programmer who is literally known for digging into the world (minecraft’s) code and changing it to suit his whims, seemed like a really obvious choice.
DREAM / the thief of mind one who steals using mind | mind is the aspect of thoughts, decision-making, and consequences. it’s the thousand iq plays, baby! dream is all about thinking ahead, rapidfire decision making, and reading other people’s plays. with his aspect covered, i actually had a bit of trouble with his class, but i decided on thief because both players who had that class in homestuck had storylines pertaining to being “relevant”, and both of them stole from their own allies. dream’s position as the “hunted” in the minecraft manhunts as well as it being his server seemed like it lined this up really well for his classpect.
GEORGE / the witch of void one who manipulates void | void is the aspect of nothingness, invisibility, and obfuscation. haha funny british man isn’t found!! but in all seriousness, the idea of “manipulating visibility” really resonated with george for me. this is in part due to appleflavoredkitkat’s amazing analysis of the FF dodgebolt strategy, and how a lot of his amazing plays are so amazing because people underestimate him. they see sapnap and dream before they see him, despite the fact that he’s a really good player and actually pretty awesome at pvp, and i think george knows that and relies on that. he manipulates his own visibility and how people perceive him to his own advantage, and that’s a witch of void, baby!
SAPNAP / the bard of doom one who invites destruction through doom | doom is the aspect of fate, futility, and decay. i will be real with you: sapnap drew the short straw on classes. i think that prince would have most likely been a better fit for him, but he lost that metaphorical game of rock paper scissors with technoblade because he doesn’t have a royalty theme.  but doom players are all about rules, and fate, and All Things Must End, and when paired with the destructive nature of being a bard, it’s very much “all things must end because i personally am going to end them”, or in sapnap’s case, “all things must end because i am going to set them on fire”.
BADBOYHALO / the page of life one who provides others with life | life is the aspect of healing, resurrection, and life force. last but not least, bad!! the page of life! i assigned BBH this because of the role he tends to take in the minecraft manhunts- he’s the biggest communicator, he instructs others and reminds them to think stuff through. he’s happy to let george and sapnap take more of a lead in hunting as well, which goes along with the idea that pages are one of the most powerful classes, but only after they realize their potential. as he exists currently, bad isn’t one of the most powerful people here, but he’s definitely an inspiring force and has impact on all of them!!
and that’s that!! i have some thoughts about other members of the mcyt community, but i also really wanted to have a full fansession, so now i have the power to write fic about it >:) i hope you enjoyed reading, and if you want to send an ask to talk about this more in depth im always happy to!! have a good day!
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bang-fantansies · 4 years
Sasaeng BTS Profiles: Yoongi Edition
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Warning: Heavy mentions/implications of suicide, mentions/implications of overdosing on medication, insomnia, unhealthy behaviour, obsessive behaviour, poor mental health, self-denefse killing, homelessness, nightmares, mention/implications of side-character being drunk, death, blood, gore, destruction of evidence, crime, profanity.
I did my best to include any triggering topics mentioned in this post, but if you see any more potentially sensitive topics I may have missed, please let me know!
This does not represent Bangtan as people or a business, nor does it represent anyone/anything associated with them. This is purely fictional and was made for entertainment purposes only; not to slander anyone or any company.
Mental Stability: 3/10
2:50 AM.
As was the same battle every night, Yoongi lay in bed, the whole world sleeping apart from him. He couldn’t help it, of course - believe me, he would if he could - and this was what made the thoughts in his head run wild.
Each thought had a voice, all unique to their varying degrees of uselessness, yet the message they chanted was identical.
“Sleep! Sleep!” they cried. They’d grown louder over the years as Yoongi’s insomnia worsened, and in spite of their efforts to help their master, they did the complete opposite.
That dream - red and monstrous - drowned out any measure of volume the voices could hope to muster. 
The sound of a man gargling with his own blood made Yoongi feel as if he was suffocating, and more often than not he’d jolt up in bed, forced to replay the events of his early adult years.
Before finding his current residence, Yoongi had been forced onto the streets by unjust circumstances, leading to a great deal of situations he’d rather keep buried beneath the layers of his memory.
One such situation involved another homeless man - drunk, Yoongi had assumed - competing with Yoongi for a bottle of liquor he had scored.
Yoongi’s only use for such a thing was to sell it off and use the money to find a cheap room and a meal. But his opponent had refused to accept such nonsense.
“Such fine wine shouldn’t go to waste!” Yoongi could still hear him say, voice ringing in his ears.
“And it won’t if you just let me pass, you stupid old prick.”
In short, the drunkard had taken Yoongi’s tone very personally and caused his own demise by making a haphazard attempt on the younger’s life, resulting in having the bottle of wine he oh-so desired slammed into the side of his head, shattering and giving Yoongi a sharp enough tool to puncture his throat with. 
Yoongi fled the scene not long after, keeping the remains of the bottle to hand until he could destroy the evidence later on.
Nowadays, while he was far from sleeping rough, he hardly slept at all for fear of his actions whispering cruel and dark remarks into his ear.
As it would for most, this took its toll on Yoongi’s health; physical, emotional, and mental.
The pressure had proven to be too much for him to handle, and on this night, he had decided he’d had enough.
On his computer desk stood a bottle, a proud shade of orange with its contents revealed in a cluster of black ink, made to resemble actual handwriting, written across a label stuck to its front - the only semblance of privacy Yoongi was allowed. Its white cap was ajar, and though no scent came from within, Yoongi could practically smell the prescription enticing him to a snack.
And under normal circumstances, he would have declined as he had many a time before. 
But these were no longer normal circumstances.
Yoongi rose from beneath the bed sheets, any semblance of humanity he’s once held having burnt out alongside his will to continue.
He knew what it meant to live - to love the act of being human - but he was no longer human. He most similarly resembled a shell; cold, hollow, and filled with the shadows of his own mind.
And so he had made his decision. Despite his lethargy shackling him to the bed, he made a reach for the bottle, popping off the cap and peering inside.
A glass of water sat on his bedside table, bubbles sticking to the water-covered walls as a result of disuse.
Yoongi counted the pills, assuming that the amount he was left with would be enough.
At this point, he figured that if he was to find no rest in life, he would surely find it in whatever lay beyond his broken, mortal body.
In these last moments, Yoongi granted himself his last comfort.
He brought his laptop beside him and searched his favourite artist on YouTube.
He only had a few artists in his arsenal that he could dispense at family dinners or reunions he’d been invited to.
he never was an adept conversationalist: even at friends’ parties where a guest he didn’t know would be obligated to talk to him on account of appeasing the birthday girl or boy.
For a second, Yoongi faltered.
His mind backtracked to the joy he’d felt with his friends, and in turn the joy he had granted them.
Was he really going through with this...?
A stab of doubt was all it would take to make Yoongi withdraw from his initial intentions, and he cut the tie with said doubt immediately, pushing his friends to the back of his mind.
He was exhausted - tired of helping and appealing to others; now it was time to take care of himself.
From the tiny speaker in his laptop came the sound of solace: his favourite track from his idol.
He lay back, pill bottle and water placed on his bedside table as he basked in his last melody.
Through the duration of the song, Yoongi’s unease had worn away - eroded by the tides of his own resolution.
The song eventually clambered to a fading finish. Yoongi knew what came next.
He sat up and tipped the contents of the bottle onto the table, a hill of oddly-coloured tablets forming.
He threw the bottle somewhere behind him, hearing it land in a hidden corner of the room.
Pale hands scooped the pills up like candy, bringing them to Yoongi’s lips.
And like a saving grace emerging through a storm, a miracle unfolded.
A soft sound played beside him; the sound of angel wings and promises of a better future.
Yoongi didn’t so much as falter as he did pause, lending his ear to the tune.
It played notes from an instrument Yoongi didn’t even think existed - a soft twinkling stalked by a voice he had yet to have heard on his musical voyages through Soundcloud and YouTube.
For a second - just a second - the doubt that had made such a ruckus to enter had now slithered through the back door of Yoongi’s mind.
What was this music?
Reluctant, he lowered his hand to his side, though held tightly on to the pills.
Turning the screen to face him, he came face-to-face with someone other than his idol.
Her eyes looked a soft shade of (e/c) in the no-doubt filtered lighting of the video, though the sincerity she held within them was far from fabricated.
The background was crystalline - faux crystal props - oversized and oversaturated. They were littered around the studio in which the woman sang, and beneath a purple hue she sat on a stool, an air of comfort radiating from her.
As to what she was singing, Yoongi had no idea.
He let the music play for a moment, considering his options.
What harm would it do him to listen to something new? It wasn’t as if he’d be able to after he was gone, anyway.
Lying back down, Yoongi stared at the ceiling, the lack of light or patterns making it easier for him to focus solely on the music.
His fatigue embraced him like a long-lost mother, shrouding him in a warmth unmatched by that of any real person.
The singer’s soft humming filled the desolate room. And if Yoongi wasn’t mistaken, he could feel his eyelids growing heavy.
He forced a bitter smile, doubtful that his mind would actually allow him any such solace as sleep.
To humour his weary self one last time, Yoongi shut his eyes, sighing deeply and sinking into the mattress.
The next time Yoongi opened his eyes, his room was still dark. And as if it had never left to begin with, his bitter smile returned.
I knew it, he thought. Though the victory of beating his already hell-level expectations filled his overflowing spirit with grief, disguised and diluted by the anger that had slipped into the mix so long ago.
Sitting up, Yoongi lent his ear to the room once more.
He could hear the soft hum of the woman’s song no longer, and it was in this second that he realised he didn’t remember actually hearing the song end.
It was on one minute, and off the next.
Suspicious, Yoongi glanced at his half-lidded laptop, faced with a blackened screen as the device had switched itself off.
With a push of the power button, the power returned, and in a blast of light the screen sprung to life.
Through the tips of his fringe, Yoongi checked the time.
11:15 AM.
He recoiled.
That couldn’t be right - surely.
Logging in, he noted how his battery was running low, despite having been fully charged before he lay down.
The screen gave way to the last application he’s been using, and clear as day the same starry-eyed woman with the voice of velvet was on-screen, though the video she was in had long since ended.
Yoongi checked the time again, pulling his fringe back so as not to trick himself a second time.
11:16 stared back at him, steadfast and unwavering in its absolution.
Yoongi’s eyebrows raised in a sense of alarm.
He rose from the bed, tearing his curtains open.
A cityscape greeted him, and the sun waved from its fixture in the sky. It was daytime.
Yoongi stumbled back, carding a hand through his hair.
There was absolutely no way he’d-
...Had he actually managed to get to sleep?
Yoongi checked his phone, watch, and alarm clock; no-one dared deceive him of date nor time.
He was willing (and already considering) to accept the idea that he’d time-traveled; the concept of having a decent night’s sleep was as foreign as a language to him.
Nevertheless, he hadn’t the time to dawdle in such a concept, though he made absolute certain to when he was at work.
His colleagues seemed to notice a change in Yoongi’s behaviour.
Though he was often dazed into bouts of silence by his exhaustion, this quietude was new. Different.
A few co-workers commented on how he looked much livelier. And more alive, he felt.
In spite of this, the constant what-ifs of the morning had followed him - clung to him like a cologne.
What if...what if he was actually dead?
He considered this, deciding against his theory.
If he was dead and this was indeed Heaven, he should be receiving a lot more good fortune for all the shit he had to deal with in his life.
No, this was neither Hesven nor Hell. Or Purgatory.
Yoongi also considered that he was in a coma, but that didn’t add up, either.
He tested to see if he was comatose. Nothing.
He was still trapped in his same-old reality. But at least he could think clearly now.
By the time he got home, his body yearned for the sweet release of music, and he sought the comfort of his favourite artist - as he usually did on days as long as this.
Shoving his bedroom door open, he grumbled at the brightness the room held for a change.
He’d forgotten to shut his curtains before he left.
In the dwindling light of the afternoon sun, he saw the pills scattered across his duvet, the sole remnants of his almost-actions.
He cringed, forcing them to the back of his mind.
He could acknowledge the gravity of his decision later. Right now, his head was filled with the phantom melodies longing for a vessel.
Yoongi has attained the good sense to charge his laptop, and as he switched it on, he was greeted with the same lady who had pulled him to sleep the night before.
Or, Yoongi supposed, who had just happened to be playing on the night he was finally able to sleep without the nightmare scaring him awake.
Such wonderment remained at the back of his mind as he went about his business.
Through his own music, the whisper of the lady’s tune plagued him. So much so that, after a good three hours of composing, Yoongi found himself eyeing the tab he’d left open from before.
Having returned home from work later, his body was weighted with the day’s contrivances and stresses, as well as its successes and joys.
Emotionally, Yoongi had given all he had to offer, which, if he was to admit it to himself, was far more than he usually did.
He considered that it was more than likely it wasn’t just the song that had sent him to sleep.
On the contrary, he believed that a multitude of factors had to have been at play in such a miracle.
He wished to replicate the conditions of the night before: he kept his room dark and a glass of water on his bedside. He packed his pills away and placed them on his bedside, too, taking care not to lose any in case their service was required again.
He set the woman’s song up, lying in bed and playing it.
The creeping horror of the notion of never obtaining such a quality of sleep again was the only odd variable in this equation, and though it quietly consumed Yoongi’s thoughts, the hum of the song muffled it.
The song was no longer than 4 minutes, though the eternity that stretched between Yoongi and his voyage to the fabled land of dreams made it impossible to tell how long it had been.
He was not yet familiar enough with the song to place a time on the segment he was experiencing.
His concerns faded as he simply let himself be.
If it works, it works, he told himself.
The next thing Yoongi remembered was hearing a bird chirping nearby his window.
He cracked an eye open.
Much like the night before, his room remained in a state of quiet disarray, though only noticeable to the trained eye.
His laptop lay near his side, screen dark and lifeless.
Yoongi checked through a crack in the curtains. And sure as anything, the sun had risen once again.
Over the next couple of weeks, Yoongi researched the song, its creator, and whether it was really the secret to staving off his insomnia.
He had discovered that the creator’s name was (Y/N) - a popular artist who had fans far and wide, as well as domestically.
He found more of her particular songs - the ones that she hummed.
He tested both the original and these humming bird songs (as he called them), and to his delight, the humming birds worked.
Yoongi would go to sleep and wake up at reasonable times, rather than the odd dips in and out of consciousness he would try to induce on his own terms.
It was just your music that soothed him so, and from the day he uncovered this, he vowed to be your loyal follower.
Though, with any influential fan can blossom obsession, and as Yoongi became ever more eneamoured with your gossamer vocals, he feared the day that your songs would no longer support his sleep.
Or, God forbid, you stopped singing.
He often fretted over such a premature worry, though he couldn’t deny how it had all but devoured his thoughts.
Months into his expedition into your music, he decided to finally take action to ensure that your voice would never die - never fade with age, accident or abuse.
No, he would preserve it like the fine wine he had failed to so many years ago - to be sipped and savoured for eternities to come.
Sasaeng Masterlist
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magicalforcesau · 3 years
Letters (part 1)
The written correspondence between Obi-Wan and Satine throughout their Hogwarts career. In this part, we see the early stages of their friendship leading up to where we find ourselves in the beginning of “Dancing with Ghosts in Your Garden”.
ao3 link
First Year- Winter
Dear Obi-Wan,
I distinctly recall requesting that we continue correspondence over the course of our winter holiday and yet, here we are nearing the halfway point without any trace of a letter. It is to my understanding that you are intrinsically hardwired to automate politeness, but such pleasantries are meaningless if you do not intend on following through. Here I was thinking that despite our many differences, that we were becoming acquaintances. 
Before you go off developing delusions of grandeur thinking I am lonely or desperate for your reciprocated communication, I am quite well off either way. I am just miffed that I was not afforded the opportunity to practice writing in Mando’a more this break and my owl, Copikla, needed the exercise. 
Should this letter find you well, I must emphasize that I am not crying out for a response. Your silence will be loud enough on your intentions regarding any pursuit of a potential friendship. Do not write back out of pity, either, because that would be as insulting as it would be foolish.
Satine Kryze
Dear Satine,
Please understand that I am deeply apologetic for not writing sooner. It was not out of intentional callousness nor more damningly, indifference. Cody had written to me as well asking in regard to my whereabouts. Though it is not an excuse for my silence, I’ve mentioned before that my parents are very specific in what they expect of me, and unfortunately, I did not meet their hopes for the term. As a result, I've resolved to cleaning every square inch of the house. While this might seem like a simple set of chores, I promise you my house has many inches to clean.
Even in writing this letter I had to perform with haste. Mother has, of course, enlisted my assistance for the New Year’s party as she had for the Christmas party. I beg of you to ignore the fact that this is written on a napkin. All of my parchment is upstairs.
My semester at Hogwarts could have been completely dreadful had it not been for Cody and your combined efforts in preventing me from wallowing in my own self-pity. I am beginning to see the positives in starting fresh in Ravenclaw house and hope that one day, I will be capable of showing my parents the potential as well. Only time will tell, but I cannot wait to return to Hogwarts and that is because of the both of you.
I truly hope I can return some of the happiness you’ve given me and I say that not out of obligation, but from the depths of my heart.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
 Second Year- Summer
Dear Obi-Wan,
I know we just parted not but a few hours ago (don’t let it go to your head), but I couldn't help but look up what we were discussing earlier on the train. The International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy was formed due to the many witch and wizard (mostly witch- sexism and all that) burnings that were taking place all across the globe. Witches and wizards did not feel safe especially for their young, who could not control their magic as easily. However, as I suspected, there was opposition to maintaining secrecy and it was from none other than the pureblood sectors of magic.
That’s interesting, right? Especially when you consider our present political climate where it is the opposite. The purebloods preferred the melding of the two worlds, because they enjoyed coming and going as they pleased as well as associating with the upper class muggles of the time. 
I hope you are not chained to your bedpost for the entire summer considering Ravenclaw claimed the House Cup in part to your miraculous save at the end of the match. You certainly deserve to see a little sunlight and that’s coming from someone as pale as myself.
Do actually write back this time if you’re allotted a quill and parchment. You’ll be insulted to know I am using a mechanical pen as we speak. There are some aspects of the wizarding culture that I will never understand, and the lack of simple innovation is one of them.
 Dear Satine,
What is truly a wonder is that someone is tackling the summer reading assignments even before I’ve managed to touch them! If you aren’t careful, everyone is going to start calling you the nerd behind your back. They’d be utterly daft to say it to your face, of course. I do not want to hear any nonsense about you finishing your homework before me, because simply using a standard pen is giving you a significant advantage to your arsenal. Before you retaliate with some droll rebuttal about how I’ve had countless advantages in being bred with wizarding history all around me, I think you need to reconsider my sources and how often I have to sift through half-truths to find reality.
For instance, the very piece of history you’re speaking of is told entirely differently in our textbooks than it has been my whole life. My family has always given off the impression that purebloods wanted to spare the less fortunate wizards from the muggle world and that it was those of lower status who did not understand the dangers of the world and got themselves twisted with dangerous muggles. It’s a little frightening how perspective changes the course of history.
The witch burnings were truly a terrible incident altogether, which is something all sources seem to agree upon. I do wonder though if they were more like martyrs for the ISS to begin. I’m sure muggle history has its ugly spots as well in regards to this era. When you finish your assignments and inevitably grow bored enough to write to me again, I’d be interested to hear the muggle perspective on historical incidents such as these. I’m sure as someone who has gone to muggle primary school, you were afforded a different and more rounded perspective on the matter. 
 Third Year- Summer
Dear Ben,
I don’t understand how you can even REMOTELY believe that an institute that enslaves LIVING BEINGS of any kind is anywhere near acceptable. How do you go a full two years of knowing a person and never come across that key factoid? While I do often find myself trying to be considerate of the environment you grew up in, this is a basic core belief that is incredibly black and white. Either you believe that slavery is a reasonable option, or you do not. It is not a subject in which someone can have no opinion, because in doing so would only support those that believe in its merit. It’s how oppression thrives, not in its believers, but in those unwilling to say anything at all. 
House Elves were not enslaved because it was the very reason they were created, but they were enslaved and then brainwashed into believing that their life’s purpose was to serve. The very ideal of their desires being infringed upon with the abolitionist movement was a narrative that was bred by slaveowners. A while back, when we spoke of witch burnings and of skewed narratives, you mentioned that you have been raised under the belief that historical moments happened a certain way. You then had to question your beliefs because your textbook said differently.
Allow me to be your textbook: wizards are not entitled to house elves. The institution that thrives off of the economic convenience of house elves was built on the backs of slavery. Cruelty. So, pardon me for feeling no remorse in the economic lapse taken when your ancestors were forced by wizarding statute to relinquish their slaves. In fact, I am doubling down on that apathy in how your family treats their paid servants. 
Dear Satine,
I never said owning a house elf was okay nor did I say I agreed with it. For Pete’s sake, do you always have to dig into controversy the moment we enter the borders of London? I swear you get pleasure out of catching me with my foot in my mouth with the excuse to go on some form of a tirade. How silly of me to ever dare to assume that I had the last word on the train.
House Elves were slaves and it was and always will be wrong. You’ll have no arguments from me in that regard and I’ve always believed that, with or without your infinite wisdom. I wish it was never a facet of our society, but it was. I’ve been honest with you in reference to how poorly my parents treat their servants and that they are not paid a typical wage, but out of indentured servitude. I was merely stating before that I have no pull nor say in ending this “contract”, not that I agree with its existence. While I’ll be honest, I never truly considered the injustice of it all until more recently, I never envied him and always showed compassion. I’ve been compassionate not to lessen my burden of guilt, but because it’s the right way to be.
I do not appreciate your comments in reference to my upbringing, as though that somehow makes me a lesser person simply because I come from bias. Everyone has bias and everyone must learn to differentiate from them. 
My primary argument was from an economic standpoint only and in trying to raise the important question of how to repair that without relying on servitude. To this day, former elves struggle as some of the very elves who participated in the revolution are still alive and without a set purpose in this economy. Though they deserved to be free, the manner at which is was done was nearly as horrible as keeping them chained forever. Most fall back into stride of serving former masters. It raises the question of if they were ever really free and if we require such practices in order to thrive, are we really free? That doesn’t say much about us, now does it?
Now that I had more than exactly three seconds to articulate my point, does that satisfy you? Or would you rather return to your soapbox?
P.S.: I hope your newfound abhorrence to my character does not prevent you from continuing to write this summer.
 Third Year- Winter
Dear Satine,
Perhaps it’s near damnation for me to be physically documenting this moment, but I simply had to tell somebody. That impulse alone is a very frightening character change that I did not see coming. I’ve always thought I liked keeping to myself, but now I wonder if that was mere acceptance rather than preference. Regardless, I need you to know that I released Jar Jar, our humble and bumbling servant, from his contract this evening. 
They were going to hurt him. 
It wasn’t my parents’ decision, by my grandfather’s, who if you ever believed my parents were strict and traditional, you’ve never seen him in action. Practically senile, my grandfather loathes not only muggles and muggleborns, but halfbloods and low-ranking purebloods as well. My mother swears he was not as blunt and fiery in his youth, but I cannot be so sure.
Jar Jar has gotten a bit clumsier in his growing age as well. We have a whole lot of ‘loyal’ butlers and maids, of course, but Jar Jar has been with my family the longest, dating back shortly after the house elf revolution. He made the unfortunate mistake of spilling a glass of milk on my grandfather’s lap and his punishment was decided. It was to be done later that night in the backyard like he was a rabid animal.
I did not realize such practices even existed, nor that it was impossible for Jar Jar to simply run, since he still owes a significant monetary debt to my family on behalf of his ancestors. He would have died if he’d done so, because unbeknownst to myself, an unbreakable vow had been committed. 
My Father was quite upset too, saying he’d grown to care for him and all the work he’s done since he was a child. It was the closest my father and I have ever come to sharing an emotional moment. Of course, now I can’t seem to hear anything they say regarding the matter without your words ringing through my head, so it was a bit muddled by the fact that he was more focused on losing out on Jar Jar’s service than on Jar Jar. He was also quite sloshed.
I could stand it no longer and I could simply not allow this sort of act to occur. They could have killed him if I’d heard correctly the sort of punishment method they were going to implement. I’ll spare you the details, but they were quite gruesome. 
So, I crept upstairs, grabbed the savings I’d been holding onto beneath my bed,  and I handed it over through a door that was merely cracked open enough to fit my hand through. I’m not even sure if Jar Jar knew it was me. All I knew was that Jar Jar was gone when they opened it later to retrieve him and we were all surprised.
Again, writing this down and admitting to it might be foolish, but while I might have committed a grand piece of treason from the shadows, I have never felt more relieved.
 Dear Ben,
Yes, recording the very stunt you are trying to maintain a secret is not the most logical way to keep it under wraps, but I am ever elated to hear that you did it anyway. I’m sorry to hear that Jar Jar was to be harmed at all- let alone for something so mundane and that he didn’t get to achieve freedom until late in life. Who’s to say if he’s truly free right now anyway, as you have pointed out before. However, I will say, he is certainly better off being far away from your grandfather, who cannot harm him anymore.
That does not, of course, take away from the bravery of your actions. I find myself apologizing not once, but twice in this letter, because I do owe you one for ever insinuating that you would be actively in support of cruelty. It is not your way and I should know that by now. Sometimes, I’m a bit too rigid for my own good and I’ll admit to that firsthand. I worry that your need to confirm this with me was simply because you feel as though I think ill of you.
This is not the case. I know I was brash and reactive the first time we discussed this, but while I try to empathize, you must do the same to me. I grew up in a world where this sort of nonsense only existed in history books rather than being an ongoing debate. What concerns me most about the wizarding world is that it refuses to evolve. Not only technologically speaking, but on a humanitarian level.
As always, please keep me updated. I fear not only for the safety of this recently liberated indentured servant, but for you, because I understand you stuck your neck out for him and I admire you for it.
Best regards,
  Fourth Year- Summer
Dear Satine,
I can already tell that summer is going to be brutal around here. While the climate has been tolerable, my father insists on around the clock quidditch practice. It seems my ‘lucky’ catch in second year was not enough to fully establish their faith in me. I can’t say I blame them. I’m indisputably the worst player on the team. Ever since Ventress caught the snitch for Slytherin and took the cup this year, it’s just about all they can talk about.
I actually don’t mind playing quidditch with my father. He’s very passionate about the sport or moreover, being the best at it. My father was captains of the Slytherin team his 6th and 7th year at Hogwarts. Evidently, he was an unstoppable force. I know they’ve always wished that for me, for that feeling of pure satisfaction at one’s job well done, but I am not the athlete he used to be.
Speaking of Ventress, they keep bringing her around more often than not. She’s still as pleasant as ever, if you’re wondering, and actually mentioned you the other day. She’s still cross about your beating her in wizard’s chess. She hasn’t said as much, but I can tell. I’ve got plenty of practice with deciphering young women that project their annoyance onto me. I can thank you for honing that special skill of mine.
How is your family? It’s to my understanding that your sister is not participating in summer camp this year. I know you saw her at Christmas, but you mentioned that you hadn’t truly spoken due to being so distracted from festivities. I know that you do not enjoy talking about it so if you do not want to, please do not feel obligated. I understand better than many the complications of the families we have to love. It makes us question our sanity sometimes.
 Dear Ben,
You must truly be miserable to be writing to me first this summer. Usually, I have to pry letters from your hands if I want to hear about the whereabouts of your family. Now that you’ve turned the tables on me, I can understand why you are less than forthcoming.
Bo being around certainly is odd when it never used to be. I’ve only been at Hogwarts for almost four years. Why does that feel like a millennium? She’s taken great care to be away every summer in its entirety for camp, but this year the camp had been closed. My mother says she’s furious, but I suspect that’s because she doesn’t have an entirely different setting to run off to. I suppose I can’t judge too heavily, but I usually do enjoy my time at home. Seeing my mother and my brother is always refreshing and warm. I don’t want to set the impression that I don’t love my sister, because I do. She’s just… difficult. She doesn’t understand or like the concept of magic. Where my mum and my brother see an amazing new opportunity for me, Bo sees absurdity and refuses to open her mind.
If I can be honest with you, and you’ve certainly proved thus far that I can, I suspect she may be a little jealous. It would not be out of character for her to project her own disdain towards me. 
Explaining any more deeply than that would be migraine-inducing for the both of us. I assure you my familial drama does not run as deep as yours, try as you might to downplay your situation. Before you object, I know you care for your family and wish for them to be happy. Of course I respect that. Maybe because I would give just about anything for Bo to be happy too. Within reason. She’s a bit fixated on these violent video games and I assure you I would not be leaning into that lifestyle for the happiness of a twelve year old.
As for your playdates with Ventress, do try and put some distance between yourselves. I wouldn’t want you to catch anything contagious. You tend to sit awful close to Cody and I at lunch.
Best of Luck,
 Fourth Year- Winter
Dear Ben,
I can’t believe we are officially halfway through our time at Hogwarts. It’s silly to think about when we’ve got so much ahead of us, but for some reason this evening, shortly after I got off the train, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Now, here I am, losing sleep like an imbecile despite the fact that I’ve got plenty of time to consider the future. It doesn’t help that they’re already priming us for OWLS and eventually NEWTS shortly thereafter. It feels like just yesterday I’d held a wand for the first time. I’ve never been the same since, of course, but I also don’t feel all that different at the very core.
Well, I certainly don’t despise you anymore and that’s a difference. You’re going to tease me for being soft, but it’s 2 in the morning and the only part of me that is working to quell my anxieties is the realization that the passing of time has only strengthened my knowledge, resolve, and friendships. Not to mention my overall strength in general. At the end of this year, they’ll be announcing who the incoming prefects will be. Naturally, you’ll be amongst them by status and grades alone. I hope to be among that lot. You can’t possibly run the careful ecosystem of law enforcement without me. You’re far too nice.
Maybe you won’t be teasing me for going soft then…
I kid. You’re brilliant and Hogwarts would be lucky to have you. Your family is lucky to have you. I’m (And Cody, of course) very lucky as well. Do not make me say it again, but I will if I must. Sometimes, you need to be reminded of your positive light in people’s lives more than once and I suppose that's what friends are for.
I wish I had a more intellectual debate to pick your brain for at this moment, but in reality, I just wanted you to know that as we stand at the halfway point of our Hogwarts careers, I wouldn’t change a second of it.
 Dear Satine,
I’m missing the part where I was supposed to be making fun of you. I do wonder what brought this on, but then again, I find myself in a panic over the passage of time more often than not lately. I truly need to start learning to live rather than survive, because otherwise, I’m going to miss a lot of valuable moments. That’s what Professor Qui-Gon says anyway. I will not miss this one, though, because I am going to save and highlight the portion where you called me brilliant. Just for reference.
I would tac it to the wall, but that might draw some unwanted questioning.
I simultaneously can and cannot believe we are at the midway point of being in school. Look at how far we’ve come! I mean this in the most gracious way possible, but I feel as though I’ve known you all of my life. I don't even want to imagine what I would have been like if you hadn’t shoved all that dessert in my face during first year. Most likely a lot skinnier, which yes, I know that’s still saying a whole lot considering Tarkin refuses to call me anything other than “broomstick”. I’d be more insulted if he wasn’t going gray at 16. It’s quite a pity.
But truly, you’re the reason I didn’t starve and I’ll never forget that.
Ease your thoughts, my friend, because the future for you is bright and limitless. You’ll rise beyond Hogwarts in whichever world you so choose- muggle, magic or both. I believe I speak for Cody as well when I say we have great faith in you.
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shortnotsweet · 4 years
The Allegory of the Tin Man, the Dictator, and the Knight: a Dissection of Ironqrow and a Character Arc of Failure
“There lived in the Land of Oz two queerly made men who were best of friends. They were so much happier when together that they were seldom apart.”
— L. Frank Baum
A brief Ironqrow meta and character analysis of James Ironwood, the ultimate screw up, in three parts.
I. Qrow and Ironwood’s Homoeroticism in Canon Source Material and its Translation
II. Ironwood’s Repressed Characterization and the Inherent Chivalry of the Dictatorship
III. Ironwood, Alone
Qrow and Ironwood’s Homoeroticism in Canon Source Material and its Translation
Within the Oz series, the Tin Man and the Scarecrow are layered within homoerotic subtext, even if it is included unintentionally. Tison Pugh’s analysis Queer Utopianism and Antisocial Eroticism in L. Frank Baum's Oz Series posits that the land of Oz as portrayed within the series is a largely asexual environment of suspended adolescence that involves the deviation of binary gender norms, and of performative heterosexuality. Pugh refers to it later as a “queer utopia”. Men are portrayed as a lesser military force to women, and heterosexuality is a flimsy presence at best; all signs of procreation within Oz are stifled. While this could be chalked down to Baum not wanting to get into the subject of sex and exploration in a children’s series, it does contribute to a particular tone with real-life critiques of capitalism and a particular deconstruction of gender norms. Ozma, who will become the ruler of Oz after the Wizard and the Scarecrow respectively, for example, is originally a boy named Tip (the name itself holds phallic implications) who is “transformed” into a girl. The strongest military force is one of all-women led by a rebellious female general. Pugh observes, “At the same time that Baum satirizes...women as leaders…he consistently depicts women as more successful soldiers than men, and female troops appear better capable of serving militarily than male troops…[the] male army comprises of twenty-six officers and one private, and they are all cowards…” and cites the Frogman’s declaration that “Girls are the fiercest soldiers of all...they are more brave than men, and they have better nerves”.
RWBY itself isn’t opposed to this kind of subversion, either in its characters or its relationships. There’s an obvious effort to include LGBTQ+ representation (albeit primarily in the background), strong female characters are prevalent and make up most of the main and supporting cast, a character’s gender is not strictly reliant on its source material, and BlackSun, while cute and a valid ship in its own right, is treated as a heterosexual red herring to Bumbleby. Additionally, there have been a lot of hints by the voice actors, writers, and creators on social media that Qrow himself is queer, the infamous Ironqrow embrace included.
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Admittedly, if I wanted to write an essay about the likelihood of Qrow being LGBTQ+ or having some kind of queer identity, I would probably focus more on his relationship with Clover, which had a lot more overt and probably canonically intentional Gay Vibes, and despite having known Qrow nowhere near as long as Ironwood has, it has just as much, if not more, to extrapolate. Unfortunately, that’s not the main point of this essay, although it remains relevant. While I personally don’t doubt that Qrow has had sex with women or experiences valid sexual attraction to them, I get the feeling that it is, to a degree, a performative act and a masculine assertation of enjoyment intended as a coping mechanism. It plays into the trope of the handsome, tortured alcoholic (best exemplified, perhaps, in the MCU’s Tony Stark, Dean Winchester in Supernatural, and critiqued in the superhero episode of Rick and Morty) who sleeps around just to recall the feeling of intimacy, or because he associates sexual ‘degradation’ as a reflection of his worth. Real self-deprecating, slightly misogynistic stuff. Qrow’s recall of short skirts, as well as his brief exchange with the waitress in an earlier volume, reminds me of one specific interaction between the Scarecrow and his own love interest. Within the series, the Qrow’s source-material counterpart, the Scarecrow, has one canonical love interest, the Patchwork Girl:
“Forgive me for staring so rudely,” said the Scarecrow, “but you are the most beautiful sight my eyes have ever beheld.”
“That is a high compliment from one who is himself so beautiful,” murmured Scraps, casting down her suspender-button eyes by lowering her head.
Pugh points out that the two of them never develop this relationship further than flirtation, and heterosexuality is reduced to a “spectral presence” lacking the “erotic energy [driving] these queer narratives in their presence”. Specifically, Qrow never reveals a serious or long running heterosexual love interest - he is not the father! [of Ruby] (despite much speculation that he and Summer Rose were involved) and he and Winter never really moved past the stage of ‘hostility with just a hint of sexual tension’ - and there is no debunking of potential queerness. His interactions with Clover (deserving of an entire essay on its own) seem to support this interpretation, and is more or less a confirmation of some kind of queer inclination or identity. Again, the “queer utopia” of Oz comes at the cost of the expulsion of the sexual or the mere mention of reproduction - still, through this device, same-sex relationships gain a new kind of significance with the diminishing nature of heterosexuality. Speaking of queer narratives, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man have the most tender and prolonged relationship of perhaps all the characters in the series, exchanging a lifelong commitment:
“I shall return with my friend the Tin Woodman,” said the stuffed one seriously. “We have decided never to be parted in the future.”
Within the source material, the Tin Man and the Scarecrow voluntarily live together, and are life partners in nearly every sense of the word. The second book in the Oz series is The Tin Woodman of Oz. In summary, the Tin Woodman recalls that he had a fiancée before the events of the first book, forgot all about her, and now must search her out so that they can get married. Who does he ask to accompany him in this pursuit? None other than his no-homo life partner, the Scarecrow. Although this sounds like a stereotypical heteronormative storyline, “this utopian wonderland...rejects heterosexual procreation...First, the Tin Woodman does not desire...Nimmie Amee...” and even acknowledges that due to the ‘nature’ of the heart that the Wizard had given him, he is literally incapable of romantically or passionately loving or desiring Nimmie, and by extent, women in general - to me, that works perfectly as an allegory for a gay man who is literally incapable of experiencing legitimate heterosexual urges, but ‘soldiers on’ out of obligation and societally enforced chivalry. “The Tin Woodman excuses himself from the heteronormative imperative...Only his sense of masculine honor, rather than a heteronomratively masculine sex drive, impels the Tin Woodman on his quest to marry his long-lost fiancée.” Again, Ironwood’s character follows the lines of propriety within the sphere of the wealthy elite, and his persona as a high-ranking military man and politician, as well as the conservative values instilled within Atlas, prioritize duty and obligation. This kind of culture is stifling and in a lot of ways aloof, as the upper class deludes itself into believing that it is objectively better and more advanced than its neighboring territories. *ahem the myth of American exceptionalism ahem*
“There lived in the Land of Oz two queerly made men who were best of friends. They were so much happier when together that they were seldom apart.”
I think it’s funny that the characters that Ironwood and Qrow are based off of are canonically the closest of friends, who coexist almost as a unit. In contrast, the first introduction we get of Ironwood and Qrow is a hostile exchange where they’re at each other’s throats, never on the same page, and never in sync, not when it matters. Indeed, Qrow snaps at Ironwood for his lack of communication, which is a recurring issue between the two of them on notable occasions. If the source material is anything to go by, there should be a significant relationship between the two of them, or at least some kind of connection, even if it goes unspoken or unacknowledged. To be fair, in RWBY’s canon, I think there is.
I’ve seen this joke that while Qrow hates the Atlas military, the only people he really seems to flirt with is Atlas military personnel. “Ice Queen” is something I interpreted to be partially hostile, partially mocking, and partially flirtatious, in equal spades - the voice actors and creators have indicated that it was flirtatious, and there was a whole Chibi episode dedicated to the concept of Qrow and Winter’s extrapolated sexual tension, albeit in jest. I might argue that his use of abbreviates aren’t reserved for people he dislikes, but for people who bring out his playful side. “Brat”, “Pipsqueak”, “Firecracker”, and “Kiddos” are all drawn from a place of affection, however short or mocking it may seem, because that’s what crows do: they mock others.
Qrow has little nicknames for people; while it’s not exclusively a sign of affection, I do get the feeling that ‘Jimmy’ is an informality that irks Ironwood, but can also be interpreted as Qrow giving James what he needs, rather than what he wants.
Glynda is by no means a pushover, but in assuring him that while he does questionable things, he’s still a good person, she’s softening the blow and probably further enabling deeply rooted and pre-existing traits, many of which contribute to his problematic control complex. It is established early on that Qrow resents the military (as he should), and it is implied that he’s spent a fair amount of encounters harassing and provoking military personnel (Winter being the most evident example of this), and has insulted the military numerous times to Ironwood’s face. He lectures Ironwood about the way he conducts his operations, his inability to communicate, and basically what a complete, inconsiderate asshole he really is.
What Ironwood needs is someone who operates outside of the pretense that he works, breathes, and lives under, and just tells it like it is. Jimmy isn’t all that - he’s a person, just like the rest of us, and he can flaunt all the titles that he wants, but James stripped down is still just Jimmy.
Qrow also is the kind of person who pries, who is insistent, and not particularly sensitive. For someone like Ironwood who has a lot of (physical and emotional) barriers, logically, in order for him to receive genuine understanding, Qrow fits the profile of someone who is invasive but not exploitive, who sees past the cracks in his armor and takes him for what he is. What is just important is that whoever Ironwood is with is someone who makes him want to try not only to be better, but to be real; thematically, General Ironwood seems to have a great respect for but a deep struggle with authenticity. He clearly resents the ignorance and frivolity of Atlas’s wealthy elite, as evidenced by his support for Weiss at the dinner party in announcing that “she’s one of the only people making any sense around here”, while struggling to project the facade that he’s carefully created.
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See, we don’t have evidence that there is something going on between Ironqood and Qrow so much as we have enough evidence to inconclusively say that there’s not not something going on. I think there’s enough evidence to support the idea that something could be going on, or was going on.
When Qrow saves Ironwood at the Battle of Beacon, who is under the false impression that Qrow believes him to be the culprit of the attacks, his eyes follow Qrow and we get a closer shot of his awed expression; we the viewer can only imagine what he sees as Qrow arcs through the air and slices down a Grimm from behind his back. The focus on Ironwood’s expression portrays something like shock (so Qrow wasn’t trying to attack me after all, but then what the hell is he doing?), maybe wonder (I can’t take my eyes off of him, I can’t look away), maybe respect (I know he’s a good Hunter, but I’ve rarely seen him in action), but it is unfiltered nonetheless. In a show where fight scenes are vital to the progression of the story itself, the dynamics of these fights are at their best when they are character driven, whether it is revealing or reinforcing something about the characters and their relationships, or it is deciding their fates. There’s something to be said about characters being given moments together in battles, and what that says about the significance of their relationship. The best example of this might be the battle between Blake and Yang vs Adam; it served to give Adam what he deserved, help Blake and Yang reach closure in certain aspects of their own trauma, and solidify the bond between the girls. Similarly, Qrow and Ironwood’s moment is meant to reveal a theme that will later be revisited in volume 7; trust. Ironwood is startled but not shocked when he believes that Qrow distrusts him to the degree of attacking him, and is ready to attack or defend as needed.
Qrow tells him what he needs to hear, more or less: YOU’RE A DUMBASS. Ironwood is, indeed, a dumbass. While he does extend the olive branch of trust and good will to CRWBY and co. this trust is highly conditional and proves to be, while from a place of desperation and sincerity, at least partially performative.
When Ironwood snaps, he snaps hard.
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Amber’s voice actress tweeted early on, joking that Qrow has two Atlas boyfriends, and Arryn has made comments, too. It’s one of the older ships, and the crew is certainly aware of it (“...extended chest bump...”).
Kerry has stated that he finds the Ironqrow relationship interesting, and wishes it had been explored more (additionally, allegedly lobbying that Ironwood’s arm in the Ironqrow hug scene be slightly lower). I’m not saying that they’re going to both make it out alive, or canon, or even that romantic subtext was intentionally woven into the script. All I’m saying is that I think their relationship is interesting too, especially when the subtext of their source material relationship is taken into context, and the way their characters are positioned is suggestive of some sort of compatibility, even if it is a hit or miss kind of opportunity, and I have the sinking suspicion that it was missed on both accounts.
The Tin Woodman of Oz concludes,
“All this having been happily arranged, the Tin Woodman returned to his tin castle, and his chosen comrade, the Scarecrow, accompanied him on the way. The two friends were sure to pass many pleasant hours together in talking over their recent adventures, for as they neither ate nor slept they found their greatest amusement in conversation.”
Ironwood’s Repressed Characterization and the Inherent Chivalry of the Dictatorship
“I don’t give a damn about Jacque Schnee...what about the other two? Do not return to this office until you have Qrow Branwen in custody.”
“And that’s not all we’ve lost...I had Qrow in my hands, and I didn’t do what needed to be done.”
Observe: Ironwood, at this point, does not care about politics. I doubt he’s ever wanted to, or ever liked it (if his tired outburst at the dinner party is any indication) but his Knightly qualities (we’ll get to that) have, up till this point, prompted him to adhere to them for both power and etiquette. James surrounds himself in a world that he understands and despises; more than anything, he’d like to be a general, a commander, and the Knight in Shining Armor archetype, because warfare is something he understands. It is a testament to his (superhuman) willpower that he forces himself to become fluent in the language of politics, and to live and breathe in it. To clarify, Ironwood sees himself as a man who does what needs to be done; if he wants to change and control Atlas, he will have to involve himself in its politics.
Likely, his resilience has contributed to the way he views himself and what he deserves, as someone long-suffering and almost martyr-like, a silent hero doing what needs to be done. But at the moment, he’s lost his goddamn mind coming undone. He’s murdered and jailed his political dissent (and might have considered executing prisoners), but at this point, that’s all that Jacque and Robyn are to him. First he dismisses Jacque, narrows it down to the two escaped prisoners, and finally reveals what’s really on the forefront of his mind: Qrow, free and out of his hands.
[ When recalling this dialogue, please do so while imagining a bad recorder cover of the Titanic music playing over the background. Here is a sample. ]
In the most recent episode, Ironwood seems to have gone off the rails even further. The fact that Winter, his most faithful lieutenant, is losing her unshakable faith in him, says a lot about how hard he’s fallen off the deep end. In Winter’s mind, I think that she sees him almost as a surrogate father figure, or at least a patriarch who can be positively compared to Jacques in every way. The previous volumes go to lengths to compare the two as adversaries and showing James in a favorable light; Winter is in her own personal horror right now, because she is beginning to understand that Ironwood is a man who may not be her father but is just as susceptible to corruption, and may have been that kind of person all along. Skipping over the...ah, genocidal tendencies, and the fact that he’s proposing to kidnap Penny’s friends to force her to obey him and likely is starting to realize that Winter is the perfect bait (let’s just say that “Ironwood is not good with kids” is the understatement of the year) Ironwood wants Qrow back (in captivity), I think that it’s significant that while Ironwood registers that Robyn is gone as well, his first priority is Qrow, probably for two reasons. On one hand, he still refers to Qrow by his first name, instead of the formal Branwen. Of course, that doesn’t have to mean anything at all. They’re colleagues within the same age range, both members of the same secret brotherhood and similiar skill sets.
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On the other hand, it reminds me of the moment when Qrow and the kids first fly into Atlas, and they see the heightened security, and Qrow mutters, “James...what have you been doing,” under his breath, sounding concerned, apprehensive. He’s not addressing the kids, he’s talking to himself; he regards James much more seriously both as a potential threat and a friend than he’d rather the other know, and I think that James’ focus on Qrow at this point is similiar, only not only is this a sign of them knowing each other well, but of Ironwood’s slipping control. He offered Qrow his trust and camaraderie, his last attempt to keep a handle on his humanity (or, his heart). Qrow, in return, withheld vital information, got close with another operative instead, then allegedly killed him and and escaped ‘rightful’ imprisonment.
The Tin Man is offering Qrow his heart, at least proof of it, and the Scarecrow [and co.] steps back to observe the situation, and assesses that no, what you are going to do is wrong, and I cannot agree with it.
Ironwood is not an objective person, as much as he wants to be. He’s angry, desperate, scared, and humiliated. Worst of all, he’s rebuffed, and he’s taking Qrow’s escape personally. First, he understands that Qrow is a threat. He’s Ozpin’s best agent, he has years of field experience, and he knows too much, probably more than James knows. Second, they have history.
My personal interpretation of Ironwood is something this:
He’s a sad, sad, lonely bitch. What Ironwood longs for, just like his source material counterpart, is a heart. He will go to any lengths to achieve this, because he believes that he has self awareness and therefore is able to check and balance himself. He treats his subordinates well, is diplomatic, skilled in a variety of trades, fighting the good fight, and longs for the affirmation that yes, he is a good person, and yes, he’s had a heart all along. He just strays from the path, and loses his way.
This is symbolically represented by his partially mechanic exoskeleton; we have no idea how far the cyborg extremities extend, or how deep, but we do get the visual notion of humanity in conflict, or a man’s soul deconstructed and split between the cold efficiency of machinery and the very real warmth of a human body. Ironwood wants to appear human, and benevolent, and genuine, and in return, loved; he is human, and he could be all of these things. If my reliance on the source material holds any merit (although I highly doubt it), then there is also a potential struggle with sexuality, (Glynda herself even explicitly and exasperatedly references a testosterone battle between Ironwood and Qrow, suggesting a regular overassertation of masculinity) and a further incentive to achieve love and subsequent acceptance.
To clarify, I do believe that there were less-than-subtle allusions to Ironwood and Glynda having a vaguely flirtatious history, taking their shared scenes and background dancing into account, but this, again, does not “debunk” the presence of queerness within a narrative; it could be an assumption of heterosexuality, or performative itself, or just not an exclusive interest. Besides, Ironwitch isn’t what this essay is about. I’m not trying to persuade or dissuade someone of the notion that Jimmy is gay, or straight, or something else, only that the potential ambiguity exists. What I do think is most important is that James doesn’t openly ward people away, not when those people aren’t under his command and are technically outside of his jurisdiction. He’s friendly with Glynda, tries to extend trust to Qrow, is kind to people in the aftermath of battle, and overall clings to diplomacy as his first weapon. He wants to be accepted, to be liked, and to be welcomed. This is not an outrageous want, nor is it uncommon. Unfortunately, Ironwood’s understanding of love and acceptance is entangled within the concept of control, and he associates unquestioned compliance with this Want.
Ironwood’s introduction into the series shows him being openly cordial, and very considerate, especially his interactions with Glynda and Ozpin. He’s a gentleman, he’s apologetic, and, as Glynda assures him, he’s a “good man”. She doesn’t really elaborate on what a “good man” is, exactly, but we might presume that a “good man” is a person with good intentions, who strives to do what’s right, regardless of his options.
Here’s the thing - one similarity between Ironwood and the Tin Man is that they both have the capacity to love, but they fool themselves into thinking that they don’t; before the Wizard gives him a ‘heart’, the Tin Man suggests that he is only kind and considerate to everyone in Oz because he believes he needs to overcompensate for what he lacks, and is therefore doubly aware of how he treats others. However, the Wizard knows no real magic, only tricks and illusions, and what he gives the Tin Man is essentially a placebo that enables the Tin Man to act towards and feel about others the exact same as he always had, only with the validation that what he feels is authentic. Similarly, Ironwood has always had the option to be empathetic and not fucking crazy open to collaboration, which he’s very aware of, until his own paranoia cuts into his rationality and compels him to cut himself off from all allies and alternative perspectives. He then uses his difficult position and responsibilities to justify unjustifiable actions, to rationalize irrational urges, and to gaslight and brainwash his subordinates into compliance.
The Tin Woodman knew very well he had no heart, and therefore he took great care never to be cruel or unkind to anything.
“You people with hearts,” he said, “have something to guide you, and need never do wrong; but I have no heart, and so I must be very careful. When Oz gives me a heart of course I needn’t mind so much.”
Qrow sees through this, however, and not only seems incapable of following orders himself, but disrupts the decorum that Ironwood is used to. In return, I think we see a little more of James that he’d like to reveal.
“If you were one of my men, I’d have you shot!”
“If I was one of your men, I’d shoot myself!”
In case this entire ass essay doesn’t make it obvious, I do really ship Ironqrow. I’m open to other pairings, definitely, but this one in particular is just more interesting to me. It feels more revealing, more subtle. I have more questions.
In hindsight, maybe the dialogue example above ^ didn’t age well, considering where they’re at, but I do like how their professional animosity is flavored with a kind of camaraderie, and understanding. This exchange isn’t exactly playful, but they’re taking each other seriously - and, like repressed schoolboys, taking the piss at each other in a childish way, and isn’t that part of the fun of banter, when they’re so focused on each other that they forget to act their age? In a lot of ways, this is a really fun dynamic to watch. They’re opposite-kind-of-people, which I like, at least on a superficial level, and I can easily imagine them tempering each other in ways that would make them ultimately happier people.
They even look well-coordinated, with similar color schemes that lean on the opposite sides of the shared spectrum (white, grays, reds and black); I think the decorative design on Qrow’s new sleeves are supposed to be more ornate simply to communicate that Qrow is committed, and willing to be sentimental, but some viewers have suggested that it resembles the pattern on James’ weapon, Due Process (the revolver is based off of the Tin Man’s pistol, although, curiously, in The Wizard of Oz, the Scarecrow was the only character to carry a pistol, and the commentaries suggest that the 2007 Tin Man miniseries was the “basis of the allusion”. Does that mean anything? I don’t know. Probably not.). Still, it raises the questions: who was in charge of designing the team’s new clothes and gear? How much input did Atlas get, and was this intentional? Personally, I think that the vine-like pattern on Qrow’s sleeves also bear a resemblance to Ozpin’s staff, a subtle reaffirmation and foreshadowing of his allegiance in contrast to Ironwood, but I digress.
They can also deliver that UST kind of banter that takes up their attention, and get up really close to each other, in each other’s faces, and just be pissed, which I think is very sexy of them, mhm. Enemies to Colleagues to Reluctant Friends to Lovers is a trope that I very much appreciate. Gaining some sort of common ground at the Battle of Beacon only to reunite, tired and battered, after the shit has already hit the fan? Slow burn kinda vibes.
That hug between them was something genuinely vulnerable and a sign of Ironwood letting his guard down because he is tired as fuck. It also was uh...kinda fruity.
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Ironwood approaches closer, and Qrow scratches the back of his head, a characteristically nervous gesture that he’s made before; it’s a nervous twitch, manufactured nonchalance. He has no idea what Ironwood wants, but he does know that Ironwood wants something. James is the one to initiate the hug, and Qrow startles and even freezes up before relaxing into it. He seems suprised, but gives the bisexual eye roll of grudging fondness. This is out of character for James - Jimmy - but Qrow doesn’t think that Ironwood is a bad person. He leans into the hug, and the camera cuts out before they separate, suggesting that they probably end up standing there for a long ass time. You can also see from the side shots that it’s a close hug; their torsos are pressed up against each other, front to front, and there’s not a lot of wiggle room. James must be really goddamn depressed. It’s a long, manly, intensley heterosexual hug. Like I said, kinda fruity.
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Other people have analyzed the hug shot for shot, so I won’t get too into it, but I think that it was intentionally left as a double red herring; some people thought that maybe he bugged Qrow, and after finding out that he didn’t, we were forced to conclude that this is a genuine olive branch. To find out that Ironwood is sincere but was still susceptible to corruption is that second subversion that I didn’t really expect. I hadn’t prepared myself for it, at least, and neither did Qrow. I wouldn’t go as far to say that Ironwood’s descent into fucking craziness paranoia is triggered by Qrow not ‘reciprocating’ or something, but I do think it’s interesting how the volume opens up with a signifigant interaction between Ironwood and Qrow, only for Qrow to spend the rest of the volume homosexually bonding with Clover, while Ironwood basically has no one as emotional support (again, his subordinates do not have the power or the place to be viewed as equals and the veil of formality is one of isolation). Qrow initiates nothing further, and nothing further happens.
Ironwood’s downfall, in a thematic sense, is that what he Needs is a heart, and when he gets that chance to demonstrate tolerance and empathy, James ultimately rejects his Need (a heart) and his arc reverts into one of villainy. To be specific, Ironwood is essentially a fascist dick, and that is not very sexy. (Speaking of dicks, the thought of Ironwood’s dick makes me laugh. I bet in the RWBY universe, people have made memes about that. I do not accept criticism because I am correct. Anyway,).
Dictators are charming, charismatic, and one of the pillars of their method is absorbing potential political opponents into their own administration to reduce the threat of rebellion, to appear openly tolerant to their supporters, and to further consolidate power. A good example of this would be Mean Girls, which runs on a comedic commentary of dictatorships as a political structure of power. I hate to compare James Ironwood to Regina George, but Regina’s posse includes Karen and Gretchen, two of the only girls who might take away from the authority she holds over the rest of their school, both in their wealth and attractiveness, and Cady’s interesting backstory and conventional attractiveness is the main reason Regina draws her into her own sphere - because she detects a potential threat. Much in the same way, while Ironwood likely has good intentions, his efforts to win over team RWBY and co. - including Qrow himself - is a logical way to consolidate resources. His willingness, at first, to cooperate with political opponents (ie Robyn) is because he’s not inherently evil, and he has nothing to lose. It’s when he is openly opposed and diplomatic gestures no longer hold the necessary weight that he snaps.
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In one really interesting meta about Ironqrow’s archetypes (that I reread occasionally just because I really love it), @onewomancitadel posits that Ironwood is framed within the archetype of the Knight in Shining Armor, which should inform us of the moral consistency of his character. The meta was written around the beginning of volume 7, I think, and obviously we have a lot more character development and information to go off of now, but I think she makes a really interesting point about the nature of parallels and how that might help drive Ironwood as a character. I love her analysis of the visual of Ironwood stepping out of an airship wreckage, onto the street, the smoke billowing around him to reveal his cyborg prosthetics, and of the intentional framing. Once his uniform is stripped back, we see a man who is literally half-armor, which could be indicative of a lot of things. He’s emotionally guarded, he’s used as a human weapon, and he wants to be a line of defense. In her words, “The symbolism is really obviously put into perspective of his actions in trying to do the right thing: in the flesh (his true physical self) he is literally a knight in shining armour. From the ground up. Even if it's unseen or distorted by his uniform, his nature is still true.”
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While Ironwood clearly has gone down a darker path in the most recent volume, I think this analysis holds true in a crucial way. “Ironwood is working with different information, and he’s doing exactly what he knows: stick to his knightly virtues, even disgraced.” Disgraced, indeed. Ironwood is holding onto his knightly values, and doing what he believes is right. If not right, he believes that it is necessary. The problem is that these values are manifested within Atlas’s sociopolitical-military culture in an inherently toxic way - his response is, at this point, neither rational nor empathetic, but it can be explained partially due to his cultural (flawed) understanding of justice, and because of the extenuating circumstances. The harsher the conditions become, the more difficult it is for anyone to project a facade that is not sincere at its core. If James is to uphold his Knightly virtues, he needs to be a protector, a leader, and a servant all at once while operating under limited intel with dwindling trust. All he has left are the few key players still in his grasp, and the control of the people he is responsible for.
To digress: generally, knights take an oath. It could be to a King, or Lord, or some noble, but Knights are supposed to operate on a code of honor, and chivalry, and to uphold these values throughout the land as an extension of whoever they have pledged themselves to. The story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a really good example of the way that, back in the day, chivalry and honor was supposed to place knights on a moral high ground compared to the common people.
In the middle of a celebration in Camelot, an obligatory tradition that has since lost real value but is rehearsed because Camelot fears that failure to uphold traditions that once had meaning is disrespectful, a Green Knight interrupts the celebrations and offers a strange challenge that boils down to a fight to the death. Gawain volunteers because accepting this challenge is what is expected of him, and Arthur would be humiliated if his knights, supposedly the best in the world, would not rise to the challenge. Gawain - and to a certain extent, the rest of Arthur’s knights - are fickle, in a sense, because their adherence to this code is performative, and it allows them to delude themselves into moral superiority and lie both to the commoners and amongst themselves; their identity as knights is based on a falsehood. Gawain is offered the first blow, and after beheading the Green newcomer, is horrified to see him become reanimated and immune to mortal blows. He invites Gawain to receive his own - likely fatal - blow, and gives him a time in which to meet, before promptly leaving.
Throughout the story, Gawain is tested in a variety of ways - in his final test, he fails, and allows his greed for self preservation and the fear of death to lead him to lie to his hosts and proceed to his meeting with the Green Knight under dishonest pretenses. While he is spared at the last second and becomes a better person (after it is revealed that Morgan le Fay orchestrated the ordeal to spook Queen Guinevere) - and by extent, a truer Knight, by the end of the story, the superficial and hypocritical nature of Arthur’s court is still in question, and still unanswered.
See, the entirety of Gawain’s trials was a test, not necessarily for him, but for Arthur and his court as a whole. Morgan wanted to prove the fickle nature of Arthur’s knights. The Knights of the Round Table were considered the best in the land, and to discredit one was to discredit all. What use is tradition if the meaning is empty, what use is chivalry if it is performed for reward instead of merit, and what use is loyalty if it is blind and unearned? Returning to Oz, the Tin Woodman, or Tin Man, grew to be made of tin because his axe became enchanted by the Wicked Witch of the East to sever his own body parts instead of the lumber he tried to cut down. A nearby tinsmith replaced each amputated limb with one of metal, until his entire body became tin and his meat body had been entirely discarded. Something to note is that Nick Chopper’s, (General Ironwood’s) wounds are technically self-inflicted. Each time he swung his axe, he made the decision to continue, knowing of the end result each time. In losing his bodily functions, the Tin Man believed that he had lost his humanity and ability to love.
The tragedy of his origin story draws a pointed correlation to Ironwood’s current dilemma; his unwillingness to stop, his self-imposed isolation, playing into the hands of the witch, and finally, the decision to let go of his ability to love remain consistent throughout both stories.
Watts even refers to Ironwood as a “Tin Solider”; a reference to the Tin (Woods)Man, no doubt, but could also evoke a soldier clanking around in metal armor. Ironwood is a Knight in Shining Armor, through and through. He wants to save the world, but at the terrible cost of civilian autonomy and possibly life. The problem is that he’s pledged himself to a discriminatory and hypocritical system, and his code is something that can easily be misconstrued by fear ( @disregardcanon ), much as Gawain’s own values. The Tin Man is, after all, still a man, and if we’ve learned anything from real fairytales, it is that men are fallible, whether or not they are made of metal.
Ironwood, Alone
he’s a lonely bitch
I know I f- up, I'm just a loser
Shouldn't be with ya, guess I'm a quitter
While you're out there drinkin', I'm just here thinkin'
'Bout where I should've been
I've been lonely, mm, ah, yeah
— Benee, Supalonely (2019)
You do get the sense that Ironwood is riddled with self-loathing conflicting with pride, with self-doubt clashing with competence, and that he is the kind of person who longs for things without verbalizing. Maybe his dad never paid enough attention to him as a kid. Maybe he suffered some terrible physical and emotional trauma, which might as well be assumed, given the extensive nature of his cybernetic limbs. Maybe (probably) he’d be more well-adjusted and would’ve made better decisions if the people around him trusted him and were a little more open. To be fair, though, he is the one at the wheel, and he is making the calls; no one else is to blame for his mistakes, and to pretend otherwise is to deny him accountability. I think we do enough of that in everyday life, in excusing powerful men of their responsibilities. To his credit, I do think he wants to help people. I think James also wants to project the personality of a leader who is stoic, controlled, and measured. He is charming when he wants to be, sympathetic when it suits him, and influential in just the right areas. He is not a sociopath, but he is a politician, and in a lot of ways, those are the same thing. We see in his brief flashes of temper, often prompted by Qrow, or most notably by Oscar, that this is not a calm, stable person. This is someone is on the verge of exploding, who is so fucking angry that he is not in control that it’s killing him, and so he is going to lash out and kill the things that are not within his grip. If the people beneath him will not reciprocate the heart that he offers, then he has no real use of it. James Ironwood does not begin this story as a bad person. This is a tragedy, in however many parts it takes.
I read, in one very smart and very put-together analysis that I cannot find and properly credit at the moment, that part of Ironwood’s (many) failures can be seen in Winter, and how, like Ozpin, he has appointed a woman as his talented, no-nonsense, second chain in command at his right hand. In this way, Winter is an intentional parallel to Glynda, who is, without question, a bad bitch. In theory, surrounding yourself with strong individuals is a demonstration of self restraint, in implementing your own checks and balances. James wants to project that he is powerful, yes, but he is reasonable.
I take this to mean that, to some degree, even if it’s unintentional or subconscious, Winter serves to boost Ironwood’s ego.
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The issue with this is that within the inherently hierarchical structure of the military, Winter cannot question, undermine, or challenge Ironwood in a way that is particularly meaningful and their relationship is one of commander and subordinate before colleagues or equals (link to a fantastic post about Winter’s role as the Good, Conscientious Soldier by @fishyfod). Whereas Glynda is free to argue with, converse, and be as combative as she needs to be with Ozpin (although their power dynamic is arguably one of commander and subordinate albeit informally), Winter cannot temper Ironwood effectively, and through the illusion of equality, Ironwood is further isolated.
His head and arms and legs were jointed upon his body, but he stood perfectly motionless, as if he could not stir at all.
Dorothy looked at him in amazement, and so did the Scarecrow, while Toto barked sharply and made a snap at the tin legs, which hurt his teeth.
“Did you groan?” asked Dorothy.
“Yes,” answered the tin man, “I did. I’ve been groaning for more than a year, and no one has ever heard me before or come to help me.”
The Tin Man needs oil to lubricate his joints; without it, he cannot move, and he is rendered helpless and inanimate. When Dorothy and the group find him, he is entirely isolated with no one in sight, and he has been there for such a long time that he has begun to rust. Similarly, Ironwood needs valued voices of dissent to keep him in check. His colleagues were able to serve that purpose in the beginning, and out of them, Qrow is the best example of someone who doesn't take his shit, openly questions him, and looks down on the performative decorum of the military culture that Ironwood is surrounded by. What Ironwood needs is to be flexible and adaptable; his Semblance, Mettle (heh, metal, very nice pun, RoosterTeeth), is a double edged sword in that it gives him supernatural focus and willpower - enough, perhaps, to flay/chop off your own limbs - but it blindsides him, and is only further prolonging his pain.
There is a lot of sympathy to Ironwood’s character, as much as I’ve ragged on him for being an authoritarian, kind of a dick, and bad with kids. There are moments, such as the previously mentioned dinner party, where he shows his colors a bit, and when he assures the students at the Vytal Festival that there’s no shame in leaving before the battle begins, and in giving Yang a prosthetic arm before her father even has to ask. As far as Generals go, it seems that he’s seen soldiers come and go and understands, at least in his best moments, that not everyone is the same, and not everyone has power of unflinching determination to rely on. Ironwood performs his best when he tempers himself because he understands himself, and others. It’s when he fails to self-reflect that his hypocrisy shows through. Glynda points it out, too, as does Qrow; Ironwood advocates for trust but often fails to give it himself, going behind Ozpin’s back, being absolutely shit at field communication, and now the whole fascist, borderline-genocidal keruffle he’s gotten himself into.
I think that Ironwood reaching out to Qrow was his ethical last stand, his last chance and conscious effort to choose the right path. Qrow is unequivocally an equal, not like how Ozpin is the Big Boss, the authority that James becomes disillusioned with and tries to overthrow. He wants someone to trust, desperately so, and Qrow wants that too, but narrative subversion has hands. The Scarecrow and the Tin Man have no brain and heart respectively, and are in need of them. As it turns out, Qrow is actually a pragmatic guy with solid principles angled against authoritarianism, and Ironwood is a dick who would rather enforce martial law than to empathize and tame his military-shaped boner for one second.
I might conclude that someone like Qrow might be best for Ironwood, but that does not mean that someone like Ironwood would be the best for Qrow. Qrow has a brain after all, but Ironwood does not choose his heart when it matters, case in point. Even the intro of the current season features Salem and Ironwood on a chessboard; his white pieces are disappearing, dissolving into dust, as hers transform into Grimm. Ironwood is isolating himself by depleting himself of allies. As this post by @hadesisqueer points out, Ironwood isn’t even positioned as King, the supposed commander, but the Queen, the most versatile player on the board that is so far underused, since he hasn’t moved from his spot. Ironwood’s refusal to unify against Salem is his failure to strategically utilize the best resources that were available to him; soon, the pieces will be swallowed by the dark.
James is guilty of something that a lot of us are guilty of: doing a Bad Thing for what we have convinced ourselves is a Good Reason, when in reality, it is actually a lot of Very Bad Reasons. James Ironwood is a Knight archetype, through and through, and he is charging forward to do the right thing. He is afraid, he is lying to himself, and he will never surrender.
“All the same,” said the Scarecrow, “I shall ask for brains instead of a heart; for a fool would not know what to do with a heart if he had one.”
“I shall take the heart,” returned the Tin Woodman; “for brains do not make one happy, and happiness is the best thing in the world.”
Dorothy did not say anything, for she was puzzled to know which of her two friends was right, and she decided if she could only get back to Kansas and Aunt Em, it did not matter so much whether the Woodman had no brains and the Scarecrow no heart, or each got what he wanted.
The lesson of James Ironwood is a lesson of failure, and of the way that we succumb to fear, because that is Salem’s agenda, really, in the end: fear. It’s the negative emotions, fear being first and foremost, that draw in and empower the Grimm, and it’s fear and uncertainty that causes chaos. It is when Dorothy’s friends give into their fear that they are truly defeated. FDR’s assertion that “The only thing to fear is fear itself” holds true here; it’s not so much that these characters are afraid of losing their lives, their loved ones, and of the dark, but that they do not have the love or the resources to be brave for themselves or for others.
Qrow as a character is introduced as one who is already defeated, in a sense. Half of his team is gone, dead or estranged, he’s forced into the shadows of espionage to protect a world he knows is darker than it should be, and he’s fighting a losing battle with alcoholism. As charismatic as he’s written, he’s referred to as a “dusty old crow”, a hunter of renowned skill but past the prime of his life.
Dorothy’s three titular companions are defined by what they lack; in the same vein of the Disney I Want song (a main character’s main monologue song in which their wants and desires that motivate them throughout the rest of the film is laid out in song; ie Part of Your World, Reflections, How Far I’ll Go), the Lion, Tin Man, and the Scarecrow want bravery, a heart, and a brain respectively. RWBY relies on flipping the script of its characters based on what the audience might expect from the source material; Ruby is not just a helpless little girl - her introduction is a badass with a scythe. The Scarecrow is a chronic alchoholic. Cinderella is a victim of abuse, and is also a villain who wants to set the world aflame. Subversion, subversion, subversion.
There are obviously parallels between the characters in RWBY and in their own fairytales to keep them in character, and part of the fun is spotting those clues and occasionally connecting the dots to anticipate the direction of the narrative and certain connections between characters and the significance of their arcs. While I’m not aware of Dorothy Gale’s RWBY counterpart, if she has already been established or is yet to be introduced, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that Ruby has adopted a Dorothy-eque persona and can act as a surrogate in a way. She begins as a sweet, naive child eager to join a world of color and excitement, who initially believes that she has “normal knees” and is thrust into a political scheme full of powerful and older players. She even has a small dog as a companion, Toto Zwei, who seems like an odd addition, since he’s usually sidelined and basically forgotten about except in a few spare moments, unless he’s there to draw further comparisons to Dorothy. She may not be from Kansas, but she is first helped by Glynda (the Good Witch), and later expects assistance from Ozpin, Qrow, and the later Ozian counterparts. I find it a peculiar detail that for Ruby to be Little Red Riding Hood alone, she is surrounded specifically by Dorothy’s companions. This, of course, only increases the importance of the relevance of the Oz series in particular and the characters that are borrowed.
In the case of Ozpin’s inner circle, Dorothy’s closest comrades (sans Toto) differ in crucial ways to their source material. (After finishing this essay, I found a much better, condensed explanation by @neopoliitan )
Disillusioned by the Ozpin, the Wizard (who has been projecting an illusion of a failsafe) and overwhelmed by the rise of the Wicked Witch of the West, Lionhart (the Lion), gives into his cowardice and ultimately forgoes the arc and redemption of his character from the source material; as such, he is by all definitions, a failure and a premonition, as Ironwood eventually follows. If RWBY is a dark take on classic fairytales, then it is only fitting that these characters are charred husks of their fairytale selves - these are people, and some people are selfish, scared, and cowardly, and they do not overcome these traits.
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This is all opinion based, pure speculation. I have no idea what will happen in the next episode, and whatever goes down will be...shit will hit the fan. I’m under no delusions that Ironqrow is going to be canon in a healthy, tender, endgame sense. They’re both kind of losing their minds, and Ironwood is shitting absolute bricks. No, they’re going to try to kill each other, and I personally cannot wait for Qrow to cleave this man in two. (Not sexually, just, literally. Like, with a scythe.)
On that note, I think that the RWBY writers are good at callbacks, at drawing attention to their own connections, and if Ironwood and Qrow’s inevitable confrontation is scheduled, then it will include visual callbacks to Qrow saving James at Beacon, maybe shot for shot. Their visuals have only gotten better as time goes on, and I imagine Ironwood’s eyes widening as Qrow leaps through the air, scythe drawn, in recal of a moment so long ago when they weren’t on the same page, but they were at least on the same side. When Qrow brings the blade down, there will be no enemy behind him. Only Jimmy James. The difference between the two of them will be that Qrow isn’t fighting out of fear, but out of love, for what happened to Clover, and to what could happen to his girls.
Qrow’s reliance on alcohol, as well as his (mostly) feigned nonchalance is meant to fit with the motif that the Scarecrow has no brain, and, had he a mind to desire anything, would desire it most of all. His role is, also, notably, gathering intelligence for Ozpin (his character is also based on Munnin from Norse mythology). There is so much about Qrow that is an act and so much that is not, and I think that this act is born both from this motif and from his own cynicism, and the alcohol contributes to this act. However, he eventually gets sober after Ruby expresses legitimate frustration, and he understands that he’s putting their lives at risk. While one could say that he gave up drinking for the kids, I would argue that the kids - Ruby in particular - made him want to give up drinking for himself, to better himself.
While Lionhart and Ironwood betray the people depending on them, Qrow’s love for his nieces (and for the kids) allows him to deviate from this pattern. The answer to fear is perhaps not merely bravery - Qrow’s triumph is love.
Ironwood knows triumph in the context of a military state, but he’s backed himself into a corner. Soon he will find himself alone and friendless. Hopefully, his last stand will not be in vain.
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sepublic · 4 years
Willow’s Unwanted Fan
While I don’t exactly think the two would be healthy unless after plenty of development... I am imagining Willow VERY hesitantly giving Boscha a chance as just an acquaintance, and... maybe Boscha makes an offhand remark or feels some frustration at Willow, who has it so easy in becoming popular once she applies herself because of how innately talented she is, how lucky she is- And meanwhile Boscha had to work so hard for fame.
Of course, Boscha doesn’t realize what this says about how toxic the coven system is, and how unfair it is because some people ARE blessed better than others; And the idea that people who are less well-off than others only have a lack of effort on their part to blame, is a faulty assumption that she defaults to, to justify cruelty and superiority. In the end, there’s a lot more to success than just hard work, there are plenty of factors that you just can’t control, so maybe a lack of success by others isn’t something you can fault them for...
Maybe Boscha accuses Willow of being ungrateful, of taking for granted the kind of power she has as a popular witch at school, citing some examples -such as herself- of how other kids really struggle to achieve this sort of fame... And Willow needs to recognize that she has a privilege, a luxury that she really needs to take advantage of and make the most of; She’s got a lot of potential, and Boscha just wants to help Willow achieve that!
Kind of like a parallel to how some kids feel pressured by parents and teachers to pursue major accomplishments in academia because of their potential, when really they’re content with the humble goal they normally desire... Perhaps Boscha will try to vicariously live out her lost power, or at least a talent and level of achievement she never had/will have, through Willow- Maybe repeating what her mother tries to do with her, even! And this’d be a particularly horrifying revelation to Boscha, who doesn’t seem to treat her mother with much respect and maybe even sees her as someone to avoid being like...
In addition, maybe Boscha is trying to replace Amity as a friend by having Willow as the powerful witch that Boscha looks up to and emulates... Though in this scenario, Boscha is almost consciously trying to mold Willow into that specific image of what she wants her role model to be, whereas with Amity she was mostly just projecting, and not recognizing Amity’s actual personality. I could see Boscha trying to get petty revenge against Amity, by making Willow so much more popular and cooler than she had ever been, especially since Willow is apparently more talented than the Blight girl,
So just as her mother uses Boscha’s achievement to show up Odalia and her kid, Boscha uses Willow to show up Amity by basically bragging about how her new friend is so much better; How Boscha is GLAD Amity left her, so the Blight girl is no longer holding her down, and Boscha can actually hang out with people who deserve it... And similarly, Amity is missing out on so much potential that Boscha could’ve supported her in reaching (just as Amity left Grudgby), and it’s all her loss!
Boscha finds an unusual resignation in not being the best, so she settles for latching onto the actual best, and making the most of them to spite those she feels ‘didn’t appreciate her enough’. Boscha is basically trying to convert Willow to be more like her, so she can actually live with Willow being better than her, and thus validate her own beliefs in a very roundabout way, by having the ‘best’ (AKA Willow) agree with them!
She can have Willow validate Boscha’s own choices and values in life, by making Willow reach the same ones... And so Boscha can have a role model who she looks up to, but also a friend who basically tells her that what she’s doing is right, and that Boscha isn’t doing anything wrong! Boscha doesn’t want to consider or self-reflect, she just wants someone to look up to, by providing a flattering world-view that isn’t challenging and only confirms what Boscha already believes in.
Regardless, Willow senses some toxicity brewing and she nopes out of there entirely, and/or completely shuts down Boscha’s train of thought. I think Boscha and Willow could have a very interesting dynamic later down the line, especially in regards to how Willow is possibly becoming more popular than Boscha, and having her greater magical strength acknowledged, particularly begrudgingly by Boscha herself... Although I hesitate to say that there’d be an outright positive relationship between the two, much less actual romance.
Goodness, what if Boscha was SO desperate to have some validation of her old role and beliefs, that she just... goads Willow into attacking her, under the satisfaction that if Willow beats her up, then it justifies her hierarchy of stronger witches being above the weaker ones! And even after being defeated, Boscha just trails behind Willow because she’s really accepting any retaliation as self-punishment for not being strong enough; That maybe she becomes SO devoted to the idea of a role model or a leader that she can follow, that she actively revels in being hurt because it’s part of some really sick and twisted concept of ‘suffering builds character’!
What I’m basically saying is, what if Boscha was like Jasper towards Lapis in Alone at Sea, fully accepting of any abuse from Lapis, because Lapis is SO strong that she’s fully justified in thrashing a weaker Jasper, and it gives Jasper some martyrdom satisfaction to serve and provide for someone who’s so much better than her, especially if it means having any taste or association of the kind of power she looks up to! Maybe Boscha just accepts, if not embraces, any retaliation from Willow as proof of her belief that strong witches should be above the weaker ones, etc., thereby validating Boscha’s loss because all IS right in the hierarchy, it just shifted!
Maybe Boscha even enjoys being hurt, because deep down it plays into some possible self-loathing at losing to Willow, while also acknowledging Willow’s victory and strength... And she keeps picking fights with Willow no matter how badly she gets hurt, because Boscha believes that with each battle, she’ll get better and better and maybe one day defeat the Park girl, so any injuries she suffers on the way are totally justifiable if it means getting back on top!
And Willow is in a dilemma where she can’t just smack Boscha away, because she doesn’t want to contribute towards that belief and justify it... She hates Boscha and won’t help her, but generally refuses to take the next step in harming the girl by entrenching her in her own ideas. Maybe we’d have a scene similar to Lapis taking her rage out on the other Lapises and thrashing them, reveling in her power over them; Only to realize that this isn’t strength, it’s just tyranny. And just as Lapis rejects Nice Lapis’ worship by admitting that her own retaliation went too far, maybe Willow does the same to Boscha...
...Of course. Even if Willow doesn’t want to outright harm Boscha, nor does she want to give her any satisfaction by playing by her game and rules; If Boscha were to threaten any of her friends, of course she’d punt Boscha into the stratosphere, no guilt nor hesitation. Because in that kind of situation, it’s just a pragmatic scenario of self-defense, where physical safety is prioritized above any ‘principles’ or ‘points’ that are trying to be made here. And Boscha is just someone Willow is going to have ignore, kick aside, and not waste time nor energy in... That yeah, if Willow hurts Boscha to defend herself, that sucks, especially if it contributes to Boscha’s toxic beliefs; But in the end, Willow’s own comfort is prioritized above all-else, and it’s Boscha engaging with Willow, that makes Willow’s happiness come at the cost of Boscha’s own recovery.
Boscha only has herself to blame for Willow choosing a painful option in that ultimatum, because she’s the one that set it down to begin with- Like when she made her friends choose between Boscha and King-Luz, and not letting them be content with both. Or of course, when Boscha makes the school choose between herself, or Willow... When both can be popular and beloved, this isn’t a pie to divvy up! Willow just might beat up Boscha regardless of whether or not she’s playing into the girl’s point or not, because Willow’s comfort comes before proving Boscha wrong- And it’s this apathetic disregard, that it’s meaningless to Willow whether or not Boscha is vindicated, that she’d rather not be bothered by the problem to begin with... That will show Boscha just how pointless her efforts have been, and how little they mean in the end.
If Boscha sometimes dismisses things or people as being ‘beneath’ her, then she’s about to be on the receiving end by none other than Willow Park herself...! It’s Willow’s out of sight, out of mind principle- Unintentionally playing by the game or not, it’s all inconsequential and interchangeable, it just. Doesn’t. Matter. Willow has more important things to worry about, because Boscha isn’t important, and she’ll do what she needs to do to get Boscha out of the way and out of her hair so she can focus on what Willow REALLY cares about. 
And knowing how little she actually means to some, that she’s not the center of other people’s world like Boscha wanted to believe, that Willow certainly has no place for her that isn’t an afterthought; It would be quite the wake-up call. People have lives beyond Boscha, they don’t need her and thus they aren’t obligated to her; So don’t act like they are, Boscha, and don’t act like you can change this and force them to reciprocate by ‘earning’ that right in a challenge they never agreed to.
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arcticdementor · 3 years
I was a pre-teen in the seventies, which means that long before I hit the jaded age of fourteen when older men tried to use it to get me to peel off clothes, I was used to hearing “we’re all naked under clothes.” (Later on I greatly regretted most of these idiots hadn’t read Heinlein so I couldn’t say “nul program.” So instead I had to say things like “We’re also all clean under our dirt, so I see you don’t intend to shower ever again.”)
There were other just as crazy aphorisms that passed for “deep thought.” I’m honestly not sure what caused this, whether it was more people than ever being pushed to higher ed they weren’t really qualified for, but that made them want to sound “intellectual” or that the Soviets were diligently working with their wrenches to take apart the ability to think of the new generation. Or perhaps for whatever reason mass media and TV just encouraged a ridiculous wave of aphorisms that not only didn’t mean much but that aimed to destroy rather than build habits, patterns and ways of life that led to success.
You know, crazy stuff like “What difference does a piece of paper make to whether we’re married?” (Other than meeting potential obligations to potential children, and getting the buy in of both sets of inlaws and recognition of society that protects well…. mostly the woman who puts more biological investment in the relationship, none, really.) And “If it feels good do it!” and– Well, a lot of you are old enough to have heard all this cr*p growing up. And the younger ones, trust me, the current spate of crazy is well anchored in a barrage of crazy — to my certain knowledge — from the sixties and seventies.
I fell for some of them too. The unflappable Miss Almeida was not unflappable when this stuff came at her from someone she respected. So for a long time I bought my brother’s “romance is the opium of womanhood” long before I realized where the origin of that nugget came from, or that my brother — never having been a woman — was in fact assuming that without having romantic notions to encourage her to care about attachment and feelings, young women would be as “free” and sexually available as men wish they’d be. Of course now we know that’s the rankest and most absolute bull excreta, and that in fact women have — surprise! It’s not like we evolved to be the caretakers of children or anything — a different set of sex related hormones that encourage attachment to sexual partners and incidentally children.
But the excreta of “pseudo-profound-social statements is now everywhere, and yesterday I was hit in close proximity by two bits of crazy. And suddenly it hit me “And what is the alternative, precisely?”
Look, all of human civilization has been an attempt to suppress inter-personal violence, or at least keep it within bounds that don’t prevent us from assembling in numbers larger than clan or tribe. Almost any reading of the records of older cities will quickly come to the conclusion that people used to be a lot more interpersonally violent. They just were. Even in early modern England, well…. Let’s say men died young because they fought over the most stupid things.
And that was already a state-nation, where people identified with the nation was though it were a race, and had not only forgotten their early tribal affiliations but their micro-kingdoms (the regional association, which given travel in that time probably had a lot of genetic backing) before it was unified into “England.” So the fights were rarely tribal or regional (though there were family feuds.)
But we are built on a template of great apes, and the remains we find of hominins and other man-tribes show that their lifestyle was in fact close to that of great apes everywhere. And do you know what you call a baby chimp found by a genetically unrelated band? Snack.
So, sure, let’s assume that education — public or not — is a way for a culturally dominant “elite” to suppress generalized violence.
What is the alternative?
The left is assuming violence is justified and on their side, because of course their idea of social dominance, and the model they implement is to take control and rob everyone. But throughout history they are an exception, in fact. Even the “bad old kings” were trying to do the best they could for their tribe or micro nation. They often screwed up and followed their own desires, because human, but the idea of noblesse oblige is very very old in humanity. And most people at least try (Unless they’re all ‘et up with Marxism and self-righteousness, because bullsh*t means never having to say you’re sorry.)
Instead let’s look at it as meaning what it says “education” (by which we can mean everything we do to tame the toddler-beast and up through specific knowledge of how to get ahead in life) is a way to suppress inter-personal violence.
Well, yes. And we’re all naked under our clothes. And wearing clothes isn’t natural, maaaaan.
But what is the alternative? The civilizational process of mankind, from band to clan, from clan to city, from city to nation, accomplishing things that could only be accomplished by many people cooperating without violence is a process of suppressing unnecessary violence and waste of human life.
In the same way, later, while doing my instapundit link rounds, I saw an article about how 2 + 2 is colonial thinking imposed on non-white populations, and are alien and evil, compared to their native ways of knowing.
After I got my eyes from under the sofa, I took a deep breath and asked “What’s the alternative?”
Because, you know, I’ve heard this before, but I never thought about precisely what their nonsense would entail.
Sure, we’re giving up the internal combustion engine, bridges, anything better built than a hut made of rough stones, and probably — let’s be honest — crops. The horrendous thing is that this might be completely acceptable to them, since they don’t realize what supports their ability to live in relative comfort.
Let’s instead explore what this means at the interpersonal level and how much eschewing simple math would make living with other human beings impossible.
Humans have partly got this far, and now enjoy untold prosperity which had practically eliminated famine (until of course the covidiocy starved the third world) because “colonial thinking” defeated that of isolated tribes.
Or perhaps more cogently: those who won a clash between two populations generally (there are exceptions, like Greece and Rome and to an extent India and Great Britain, and perhaps to an extent America and Japan) imposed their mode of life on the defeated. Though they might culturally appropriate that which was worthy in the culture of the defeated.
Is 2 +2 a colonial way of thinking? Oh, probably. But that was probably way back when the colonization of the homo sap by the Neanderthal (culturally, that is. Well, that seems to have been the direction) occurred, because we have trade going that far back, and trade can’t survive without counting.
In fact, even though the concept of zero is also fairly sophisticated, we’ve come across very few tribes that don’t have a concept of counting, or a concept of numbers over 5, and those are usually highly isolated and tiny tribes. Because arithmetic is a darn useful skill, as is everything we’ve built on it from accounting to architecture.
And what’s the alternative? People walking around “Sensing” the numbers? Be real. That’s not native to anyone but the crazier tribes of Homos New Agicus, a tribe who uses cannabis in such vast quantities they’re sure to become extinct.
The alternative is never “death or cake.”
When idiots run around with blunt aphorisms, demanding you dismantle civilization, ask them what their alternative is. And stop them when they start talking of rainbows and unicorn farts, and ask them the exchange rate of the unicorn fart to the rainbow. Because if it’s a civilization, we have to know.
You want to eschew controls over violence? Basic arithmetic? Clothes?
Well, sure. I believe you’re ultimately free to do what you want, as long as you pay the price.
You’re free to take all your clothes off, and take off to the forest with your buddies, where you can live as though 2 plus 2 equals 20, or potato, or chicken.
We don’t care. Heck, you probably won’t live long, but if you do, you’ll be a fascinating ethnology-experiment.
What you won’t be and can’t be is able to shame us out of living our lives as civilized human beings, who have enough to eat and can trade a known quantity for a known quantity. Because you know, there really is no alternative. Not an alternative that allows humanity to survive.
And if you hate humanity enough you don’t want us to survive, I have an easy solution: You go first. After which the existence or non-existence of humanity stops being your problem.
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100 good questions to ask your friends at 4:02 am when you can’t sleep (can also function as an asks list)
Are you bothered by your cosmic insignificance? Maybe just a little bit
Do you mourn for a place or person you’ve never known? I mourn for the college experience I didn’t quite manage to have, and for the utopian life from the end of The Good Place that is impossible to get in real life
Do you really think there is somebody for everybody? Hopefully
Do you place any value in gender roles? Anyone can do whatever they want but I do associate some things with gender
Do you have to be related to be family? I don’t consider non-relatives my family
Are your platonic relationships just as valuable as romantic or family ones? I have always put a lot of weight on romantic relationships
Are you in love? Do you want to be? Not quite but I want to be
Do you think you can put love into categories (family, platonic, romantic, etc.) or is it just one general sensation? I can put it into categories
Would you be happy with a life without romance? No
Are you always going to be a little in love with somebody? Yes, probably Captain and Candy Cane
Would you change your appearance if you could? Yes, but not surgically
Do you have the feeling you’ve lost something you might have had in another life - whether it be a person, a place, a world, a language, etc.? I feel like I could have had a different life experience if I was born a decade or two sooner
Do you believe in reincarnation? No but I wish I did, there are definitely things I want a second chance at
Would you want to be reincarnated? Yes
Do you think you’re special, or just another person amongst billions? Can you be both? I would like to be special but probably not
Do theoretical ethical debates have any value? Is it important people discuss ethical dilemmas, e.g. the trolley problem? Yes, they are interesting and can often lead to real-life scenarios
Did you have imaginary friends? Do you still have them? I did when I was a kid. I still like to make up characters but I don’t consider them imaginary friends
Are you religious? Do you think your religion is ‘correct’? I am not religious, and I think it is most likely that there is no god or spiritual force
If you aren’t religious, do you wish you were? Why? I don’t really wish I were but sometimes I can understand the desire to believe your life will have a guaranteed happy ending
Do you want a grand adventure? Yes
Do you have somebody, whether it be a friend or stranger, who you think you could have loved if the circumstances were different? Yes
How long does it take you to fall in love with somebody?Is the sensation of ‘falling in love’ or ‘being in love’ better? I’m not sure where exactly like turns into love, and I have never experienced being in love in a relationship
Is love about convenience or something more? Can it be about both? It would have to be about more than just convenience
Do you think you really understand your gender and sexuality? I have not really questioned it much. I am a cis girl and I am happy being a girl, but I think if I were born a boy I would probably be happy being a boy too. I am mostly straight but maybe just a little bit bi, although I don’t think I would have romantic feelings for a girl
How fluid is your concept of gender and sexuality? Not too fluid but idk
What’s the most life-changing choice you’ve made so far? Probably where to go to college
Are you afraid of growing old? Yes
Would you want to live forever? How about for a billion years, a million, a millennium, a century? I think I would get tired and lonely living forever, but a few centuries would give me enough time to try things
Do you believe in some form of god/s? No
Are your choices fated or of your own free will? Free will
Do you have a hunch about how you’re going to die? Lately I’ve been fearing dying of covid, but hopefully not
Do you believe in star signs? No
How old do you have to be to be considered an adult? Legally 18, socially probably like 30
Was your childhood happy? I think so
What are you missing from your life? A passion
Have you ever met someone who had a very similar personality to your own? Did you get along? Not any more so than regular friends
Do opposites attract? Not really
Is your life what you expected it would be five years ago? No, even if you take out the pandemic I still thought I would be doing something interesting with my career
Do you know what you want out of life? No
What makes a person ‘good’? Are you a ‘good person’? I guess if they help people? I would not necessarily say I am a very good person but I think I am more good than bad
What fundamentally matters do you? Love and fun
Is freewill an illusion? Not spiritually, but maybe capitalistically
Do you create art? How do you define art? I make jewelry and other crafts, and videos. Art is stuff that is there to be entertaining or beautiful, rather than just utilitarian
How often do you lie? Is all lying inherently bad? Are you generally truthful? I rarely lie and I usually disapprove of lying but in some cases it can be ok
Do you want to be remembered after your death? What for? Something I create
Is true world peace ever possible? Idk. Not looking like it
Do you have to suffer to truly understand the human condition? What is the human condition? How can you really experience it? Who the fuck knows. Everyone experiences things differently, even if you suffer the same thing
Are you free? Will you ever be? Can anyone be truly free? I am legally free but not free of capitalism
Do you hold yourself to higher standards than you hold others? Yes
What do you expect from a friend or partner? Someone with a sense of humor who is easy to talk to, and romantic for a partner
What question could you ask to find out the most about a person? No idea
Do you justify all your beliefs or have you just inherited/absorbed some? I’m sure I have abosrbed some
Which beliefs do you have that is most likely to be wrong? Idk maybe still supporting Harry Potter even though I don’t agree with JK Rowling’s anti-trans beliefs
Can human really understand the complete nature of the universe, space and time? No
Is a conscious what makes someone a person? Probably
What do you think about artificial intelligence? It’s kinda cool but I don’t understand how it works
Do you thinks humans are obsessed with escapism (books, video games, movies, etc.)? Are you looking for an escape? Do you think that’s a bad thing? Yes but it’s not a bad thing
Are we eventually going to ‘run out’ of new combinations for music, art, language, etc.? Is there a limit to human creativity? I doubt it
What do you think the next era of music will be like? Who knows, I barely even listen to this era
What do you think the next era of fashion will be like? Masks will be incorporated into it
Do we live in tumultuous times, or do they just seem so strange because we’re living in them? It’s hard to say
Would you want to meet a clone of yourself? Would you like them? No, and I probably wouldn’t
How confident are you, really? Not very
How consistent is your perception of time? Not very
What age should people be allowed to vote? Should children and teenagers be allowed to vote? 18 is probably a good age, I think it’s hard to make an informed decision as a kid. I know I would either want whoever my parents wanted or whoever was more attractive
How do you feel about the idea ‘an eye for an eye’? Probably not a good idea in general
What’s the worse thing a person can be? A murderer
How do you feel about monogamy? I would like to have it
Can you be in love with someone and still fall in love with someone else? Probably
What’s the tragedy of your life? Losing all my potential
Would your life make a good play? No it would be hella boring
Should people be prosecuted for crimes that weren’t considered crimes at the time? No
Would you fight for your country? Do you feel a sense of loyalty to your nation? I feel some loyalty I guess because it’s home, but I would not fight
Do you believe in gender equality in every aspect? I believe in equal opportunities but not forcing people to act a certain way
Do we have a moral obligation to care for others? To what extent? I think as a society we need to take care of people and probably set up government resources to do so, but the specific people who do that should be the ones who feel fulfilled by it
Do you crave approval and/or praise? Yes
Is there comedy in all tragedy and tragedy in all comedy? Idk
Are you ever going to be satisfied? I hope so but knowing me, probably not
When you are sad, do you listen to music that conveys your emotions or music that makes you happy? Music that conveys my emotions
Is your music organised by mood or sensation or do you just listen to everything at any time? Most of the time I just shuffle it but I do have some playlists
Would you marry a friend if they needed you to (e.g. for citizenship)? Probably not
Are you a deep person? Eh
Given the chance to live your life on Mars, with no hope of returning to Earth but with the promise of scientific discovery and glory, would you take it? Not unless there was already an established society on mars with opportunities for entertainment and community interaction
Are you who people think you are? Not really. I think I am more extroverted than people think (even though I’m really an ambivert), and a lot of people think I should do sales or customer service which I hate even though I’m ok at them
Do you think you would be happier if you had been born a different gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, nationality or religion? I might be happier if I was a boy, but only if I was an outgoing boy. And I might be happier if I was in one of those happier-on-average countries
What’s your toxic trait? Are you trying to improve yourself and fix it? My toxic traits are stubbornnes, procrastination, and lack of motivation, which are by nature extremely hard to work on
Do you anger easily? Maybe a little but I also let go of it easily
Are you a jealous person? Yes
If you lost all your memories, would you have the same personality? I assume not
Given the chance to reset your life (with none of the knowledge you currently have), would you take it? Maybe
Is hate as strong as love? Who do you hate? No. I hate Mitch McConnell
Do you speak multiple languages? Which do you dream in? What language would you want to learn? I only speak a little french and italian, I am not fluent. I dream in English. I might want to learn Gaelic
Do you draw meaning from your dreams, or do you disregard them? Sometimes I draw meaning
How would you describe yourself when you love? Do you love forcefully, unconditionally, gently, quietly, desperately? Probably desperately lol
Is unrequited love real love? I think so
Is your perception of yourself similar or the same to how others perceive you? Idk
Are you overly analytical? Yes
Do you ever feel that you are really a terrible person, and only act good out of societal or some other obligation? Occasionally
Do you believe in magic? Are you superstitious? No, but I wish it was real
What belief do you have that isn’t logically grounded, but you still firmly believe in? That I’ll end up with an interesting or exceptional life. Idk if I firmly believe it but I would like to believe it, because the alternative is depressing
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just-honey-dewd · 4 years
Okay I, uh, jinxed myself here...
Was not expecting in my wildest dreams for the Angel Dust song ‘Addict’, to come out in animation in such small gap time between the release of his comic, and Alastor’s song. (Anyone who read my commentary on ‘Alastor’s Game’ might recall me contemplating on wanting to cover ‘Addict’ but deciding not to: if you haven’t read it, link’s right here)
Truth be told, I talk a lot in the Hazbin Hotel Discord server, so a lot of what the visuals provided pretty much confirmed my previous speculations about Angel Dust’s character. In here, I’ll be listing my speculations that were confirmed, followed by further implications from the song.  Disclaimers: A lot of what’s in here can be traced back to my commentary on Angel’s Comic, so be ready for words and thoughts that sound similar to what I’ve said before with his comic.
Previous speculations that were confirmed by ‘Addict’
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1.  Angel's mantra
The song said enough by the lyrics alone, not to mention the material provided by the pilot and comic. Angel is unquestionably hedonistic and self-pleasuring to a fault -- and hints at having a rather cynical and bleak disposition regarding his life in hell. His mantra can be summed up by the term "YOLO" as outdated as that sounds. Search up the YOLO mentality, it's a thing, trust me.
Angel lives life indulging in his inner demons, and abandoning moral obligations to further feed into his self-indulgent nature. Here's some statements I've made about the song:
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Ironically, for someone who's associated with the word 'addicted', he doesn't have a clear addiction to one thing. As we've seen, he smokes, does drugs, has sex, implies to enjoy drinking, but doesn't seem to have an addiction to any of it. He's no an alcoholic like Husk, he didn't react much to the loss of his drugs, and he isn't sex-obsessed -- it's more of the confident, flirty persona he displays rather than an actual desire to hook up with every man he meets -- further proven when he actively tries to pull away from Val's advances.
So it's confirmed that the addiction he craves is the act of self-pleasure and living life to the absolute fullest rather than the acts themselves. 
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2.  Angel Dust's relationship with Val being abusive
The comic already foreshadowed this aspect with how forceful and cruel Val was towards Angel in the limo, and in here, the visual extends it by showing him forcing Angel to have sex with him multiple times implicitly. Angel behavior towards Val in this music video seems to contradict the comic -- where he went out of his way to help Val.
But given how quickly Angel's people-pleasing facade broke after being sent out into the streets, it's possible that we have another legitimate reason he was trying to do a deal for Val. Reason being, he's actively seeking for ways to avoid him. He was supposed to stay in the porn studio -- where Val would probably watch him from a distance. So he takes on business affairs without Val as "favors" to justify leaving the studio and avoiding Val's sexual abuse.
This evolves past my previous speculation that he does Val favors for acknowledgement and respect, since it's become apparent that Angel knows he's in an abusive situation and is confirmed to be using the hotel as an escape from Val's presence. Not sure if self-worth plays a major role in why he continues to put up with it all, but I still do believe it plays a role in his decisions.
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3.  Angel and Cherri are closer than anticipated
I speculated their friendship to be more than superficial, and the cutaways to Cherri comforting Angel through his pain absolutely confirm it. The music video included her singing the female parts, so it implies she indulges in her addictions as well -- her addictions being less complicated as we’ve already been introduced to her manic love for bombs and destructive chaos. 
They both indulge in each others' bad habits, enabling the other -- which may benefit their emotional well beings, but will further distance their humanity and ability to empathize with other living beings in the long run if they haven't already lost that.
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4.  Cherri's reckless anarchism comes from a place of heartache 
In Cherri's verse, we see a male one-eyed demon who -- going solely from the lyrics -- may have been an ex-lover that broke off because Cherri two-timed him. Heading into speculation-turned-headcanon, it might've been because she didn't take the relationship between them as seriously as he seemed to, which led to him leaving her for the drive to money and power, while she lived life hedonistically to escape the misery his departure brought her.
Alternatively, he might be a relative to her -- due to the similar X pupils, and the trait of having one eye -- but the lyrics itself don’t seem to offer up other interpretation besides Cherri being involved in a love of some sort. Potentially both speculations may ring true -- with Cherri and this mysterious guy being incestuous past lovers. Just another theory to add.
This period of her life may have taken place right before her partnership with Angel began, which could explain why we don’t see Angel comforting her back -- since this ache happened in the past, and for all Angel knows, it’s old news to her. Additionally, with old news that the wiki gained:
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It confirms that Cherri has played an undeniable role in influencing Angel’s behavior negatively. Why he got influenced by her when he’s technically been in hell longer than her leads me to speculate quite a bit more..... but I’ll get to that later.
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Here's the real juicy bit to analyse. The last stanzas.
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5.  The aftermath of Angel's extreme highs
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Even after loss of euphoria and the effects from all the indulgence wears off, Angel still finds himself addicted to the lowest point of the journey -- the surge of pain that comes from the hangover. Sadly, he doesn't respect Charlie enough to even hide the cigarette he's smoking by that point -- Charlie seems adjusted to his mood swings given how he immediately halts her potential questioning with a vicious look of contempt. Unrelated note, the last two verses of the first stanza suggest he's masochistic outside of his work.
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In the second/final stanza, when acknowledging his general dependent nature, he looks down at Fat Nuggets with a look that reflects pained, regretful awareness.
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Looking at the mirror, he gets a traumatic flashback to another time when Val raped him reminding him of his helplessness in his situation, which emphasizes the fact that no matter how much you try to detach yourself from reality, you won't escape it permanently.
The phrase "Raising Cain" refers directly to the bible's "Cain and Abel" -- two sons of Adam and Eve, who brought offerings to God, but only Abel's is accepted, which led to Cain killing Abel in anger and being cursed by God. 
What the phrase itself means is causing trouble/creating an uproar. Angel being able to take a phrase referencing real world biblical lore implies he might have had exposure to Christianity in his life -- which I swear was canon lore since I've seen that attribute being a part of his character in a handful of early fanfics...
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That very last line literally encompasses the same energy found at the very end of Angel's comic -- Angel essentially expressing the tiniest bit of hope that the hotel will provide him some sort of salvation from the all-together terribleness of his life thus far. Even when he’s joined the hotel more than two weeks at this point -- still suffering the pain of dealing with Val and life itself -- he sees the hotel as a sanctuary, a safe haven... his "Atlantis" if you will.
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Final words:
I hope y’all enjoyed this post, I’ve got an extra bonus list of Angel Dust notes coming up later -- it’s way smaller tho (hopefully).
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and determination to remain abstinent by constantly reminding themselves of the rational basis of their decision to quit Jack Trimpey´s AVRT (Addictive voice recognition technique)
AVRT emphasises the fact that you are not your addictive voice, you just think you are. When you recognise the AV as ‘not you’ and say no to it, it drops the “I” and starts using “you,” “us,” or “we.” This is proof that it is not you.
Once the big monster is dead by removing the brainwashing, the only voices telling you to engage in your addiction will come from the little monster (the AV). Because the AV uses the pronoun “I,” confusing the AV with the big monster becomes a possibility.
It’s also important to point out that the AV is a massive liar. It’s only concern is getting dopamine at whatever cost. Your AV will try to convince you to put yourself in potentially deadly situations if it means getting a fix.
“Failure to recognise the AV has lead myself and others who have used Easyway to falsely believe we haven’t fully killed the big monster, so we re-read the book to try to kill the brainwashing again even though we already have”  Failure to recognise the AV combined with the belief that ‘if you failed with Easyway it means you failed to kill the big monster’ will cause you to focus your efforts on the big monster again when it’s already been defeated. You may end up in a cycle of re-reading Allen Carr’s books, lasting a while then relapsing over and over again.
When the AV says something like “I want to do X now because it makes me X,” if you’ve undone the brainwashing and removed the big monster you may think “But I know that this isn’t true, so why do I still believe it is? Have I failed to completely undo the brainwashing.” The truth here is that you have removed the brainwashing, evidenced by the fact that you know better than what your AV is telling you, it’s just that you think that the AV is you because it used the pronoun “I.” Recognising the AV and forcing it to reveal itself by dropping the “I” for “you,” “we” or “us” should confirm to you that it’s not the big monster here, it’s the little monster. If it was indeed the big monster it wouldn’t replace the “I” for “you,” “we” or “us.”
Now when the AV says “Please, can we just do X one more time for old time sake, just one more?” and you say “No,” you may feel an emotional response. You may feel fear or sadness. It’s extremely important to realise that this feeling isn’t coming from you, it’s coming from it. If you’re unable to recognise the AV, you will think this emotion is coming from you and will be more inclined to give in. Recognise the AV and the fact that the emotions coming from it are not coming from you, then feel joy in this.
When you put both these methods together (if necessary, not all people seem to have a problem with the little monster) and maintain a feeling of joy and elation whenever you recognise the AV, success is yours.
From here on I just copy paste from wikipedia excerpts that I find mind blowing and game changing:
The Rational Recovery program is based on the premise that the addict both desires and is capable of permanent, planned abstinence. However, the Rational Recovery program recognizes that, paradoxically, the addict also wants to continue using, [...] because of his belief in the power of the substance to quell his anxiety (an anxiety which is itself partially substance-induced, as well as greatly enhanced, by the substance). This ambivalence is the Rational Recovery definition of addiction.
The primary force driving an addict's predicament is what Trimpey calls the "addictive voice", which can physiologically be understood as being related to the parts of the human brain that control our core survival functions such as hunger, sex, and bowel control.  When the desires of this "voice" are not satiated, the addict experiences anxiety, depression, restlessness, irritability, and anhedonia. 
The RR method is to first make a commitment to planned, permanent abstinence from the undesirable substance or behavior, and then equip oneself with the mental tools to stick to that commitment. (funny thing cause EasyPeasy tells you to not quit or change your usage at all while reading the book, and then towards the end of the book you make the commitment to quit forever and stay clean, which is relatively simple since you have already realized you don´t actually want to use anymore)
Most important to recovering addicts is the recognition of this addictive voice...
and determination to remain abstinent by constantly reminding themselves of the rational basis of their decision to quit (I don´t need this since I already killed the big monster, aka system of beliefs that are lies and illusions, easy peasy helps with this, you don´t need determination as much since you kill the big monster, but it doesn´t target the little monster which in my case is a bit of a problem)
As time progresses, the recovering addict begins to see the benefits of separating themselves and their rational minds from a bodily impulse that has no regard for responsibility, success, delayed gratification, or moral obligation.
The methods are similar to those used in Cognitive Therapy of Substance Disorders (Beck, et al.) and other belief-, attitude- and appraisal-challenging and cognitive restructuring schemes (??? what the heck is all that Idk but sounds interesting)
The RR program is based on recognizing and defeating the addictive voice (internal thoughts that support self-intoxication) and dissociation from addictive impulses
Objectively recognizing any mental thoughts that support or suggest substance use as AV (addictive voice). This passive recognition allows the practitioner to realize that he/she need not do what the AV says, but can effortlessly abstain
Once this "separation" is achieved, and the practitioner has personally experienced that he/she indeed can observe objectively their own addictive voice, maintaining abstinence is a matter of self-control and becomes a personal choice of free will. (not really since the big monster is already killed, now it´s just a matter of not believing I want what the AV says, and emotions don´t come from me, the AV is the hijacking, it´s hiding under a mask of “I”, tricking me to think it´s me when it´s not, it´s the addiction trying to intoxicate me)
In his book, Rational Recovery, Trimpey calls the addict's addictive voice "the bark of Beast", "the Beast" being the desire for intoxication. He proposes that this is the sole reason why addicts continue their self-destructive ways. Furthermore, by recognizing any feeling, image, urge, etc. that supports drinking/using as "Beast activity", the compulsions will fall silent, and the person can eventually regain control over their life and never worry about relapses. Rather than making addiction a lifelong battle, it is much easier to say "no" to the addictive voice, than to give in. Moreover, this separation of the rational self from the relentless "Beast" will, Trimpey says, enable addicts to always remain aware of the repercussions associated with a single relapse.
The notions that internal thoughts support self-intoxication and that the practitioner is in control of the addictive voice have become foundational in "evidence-based" treatment schemes at more progressive substance abuse treatment facilities in the US, Canada, Australia and the UK. These facilities base their programs on the success of rational emotive behavior therapy,[9] cognitive behavioral therapy,[10] cognitive appraisal therapy,[11] and schema therapy[12] for anxiety and depression, as well as for substance abuse.
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thebigfailwhale · 5 years
Background history on the ACE OPS
“So I tried to find the Aesop fables that the ACE OPS team are connected to and write a bit about them so that maybe they can be better understood. Hope you enjoy!
Small disclaimer: I tried to write this as comprehensible as possible but as English is still my third English there might be some mistakes in my writing, so I apologize for that. Also I don’t do any studies related to studying reading/writing so if I missed anything obvious, I’m also sorry. Allright, let’s get to it!
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Clover Ebi
Seemingly the team leader with a four-leaf clover pin, a horseshoe, a rabbitsfoot and what looks like a fishing pole weapon. With this knowledge it seems his origins can be partly found in the fable. “A Fisherman’s Good Luck”.
“A fisherman had been a long while at work without catching anything, and so in great trouble and despair, he resolv’d to take up his tackle, and be gone: but in that very instant a great fish leapt into the boat, and by this providence he made a tolerable day on’t.”
 Now, here’s the kicker, there is also a fable named “The fisherman and his Flute”:
“It tells of a fisherman piping to the fish to make them dance. When they will not oblige, he catches them in a net and mocks their death agonies: “Silly creatures, you would not dance for me before and now that I am no longer playing you do so.” In this context the fable is given the political meaning that those who refuse a benefit when it is first offered will gain nothing by acting as asked when constrained to”
This fable makes for an interesting possibility in the future. Maybe Clover is connected to Salem? Maybe he strives to be better than anyone, no matter the costs to anyone but himself? I have no clue, but it gives us some fun points to speculate on.
Lastly, with all the imagery associated to luck, I wouldn’t be surprised if Clover’s semblance is the opposites of Qrow, where he always gets lucky. This would also be an interesting confrontation between the 2, if something like that ever happens.
Edit: My friend jonthejournalist found that there is a god in the Japanese Pantheon that’s called “Ebisu”. This is the god of Fishermen and luck, whcih explains his last name, and has more callbacks to the fisherman and luck being part of his character.
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Harriet “Hare” bree:
Harriet is presumably named after the Hare from the Aesop’s fable “The Tortoise and the Hare”. Many of you have probably heard of this one, as it’s a very popular children’s fable. It’s about a Hare who makes fun of a Tortoise, who challenges him to a race. The Hare, very confidently, takes a nap in the middle of the race, and thus loses the race.
Combined with vine’s “not everything’s a competition” I can guess she’s very competition driven and always thrives to be the best, which is why she’s a part of the ACE OPS.
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Elm ederne
The buff lady with the big hammer. Elm’s fables origins I believe is in the Aesop fable “The elm and the Vine”. As elm trees are usually used to support vines, it is usually taken as a symbol of marriage. A poem from the 20th century about The Elm and The Vine:
 “Ageinst him where he sat
A goodly Elme with glistring grapes did growe: which after hee
Had praysed, and the vyne likewyse that ran uppon the tree:
But if (quoth hee) this Elme without the vyne did single stand,
It should have nothing (saving leaves) to bee desyred: and
Ageine if that the vyne which ronnes uppon the Elme had nat
The tree to leane unto, it should uppon the ground ly flat.
Yit art not thou admonisht by example of this tree
To take a husband, neyther doost thou passe to maryed bee.”
 this poem means that the Elm and the vine need eachother, the Elm for the company and the Vine to grow up it and get its full potential.
This leads me to believe that Elm is the backbone of the team, the support and friendly, chipper team member. And seeing ep 2. Makes it even more clear.
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Vine Zeki
Could be the vine opposing the Elm tree, or Elm Ederne. Which I guess would make them a couple or married?? Besides this the only other fables I can link to Vine would be “The goat and the Vine”:
“When a goat starts eating a vine's leaves and shoots, the vine retorts that it will still have enough juice left to produce grapes, the wine from which will be poured over it when the goat is sacrificed.”
The morale of this fable is “Ingratitude perverts all the measures of religion and society, by making it dangerous to be charitable and good natur’d.”
This does seem to correspond with his monk like attitude and look, but there’s nothing more I can add to this now. (Also Zeki is a Turkish name for boys, meaning “ God remembers).
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Marrow Amin
So according to a tweet by Kuppa137 on a twitter conversation with Larissa Angus (Senior Character Concept Artist) he seems to be based on the fable “The dog and its reflection.”
“A dog that is carrying a stolen piece of meat looks down as it is walking beside or crossing a stream and sees its own reflection in the water. Taking that for another dog carrying something better, it opens its mouth to attack the "other" and in doing so drops what it was carrying. An indication of how old and well-known this story was is given by an allusion to it in the work of the philosopher Democritus from the 5th century BCE. Discussing the foolish human desire for more, rather than being content with what one has, he describes it as being "like the dog in Aesop's fable".”
I also think that there could be some correlation to Marrow and the fable “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”:
“The tale concerns a shepherd boy who repeatedly tricks nearby villagers into thinking a wolf is attacking his town's flock. When a wolf does appear and the boy again calls for help, the villagers believe that it is another false alarm and the sheep are eaten by the wolf.”
In episode 2, when the team meets the ACE OPS, we can hear Marrow talking about the second time he got banned, and before he can tell us about the third time, Clover tells them to cut the Chatter. This reminds me a bit about the boy who cried wolf, because the morale of that story: “Liars are not believed even when they speak the truth.” Could come into play later in the series.
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So that was my little analysis on the ACE OPS team, hope you enjoyed it, and I hope I’m not completely wrong! Thanks for taking the time to read this!!
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