#In the second drawing I was trying to show a speedpaint that I wanted to do!!!!
skretri · 9 months
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my favorite crow and raccoon together dwp !!!!!
(@ghostly-tart ocs!!)
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chunklet · 4 months
how do u color so nicely? sorry for such a vague question but your style and the way you color and shade stands out so much to me, its super unique, do you upload speedpaints or anything?
Lol its ok thank you so much! I haven't made a speedpaint since I was like 12 but they were fun so I could record more if anyone would be interested
My actual coloring process is hard to describe (and also generally very inconvenient but its the way I like to do things) so i will do my best to show you using this arcade drawing I never posted:
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First my sketches are reallyyyyy messy. Also i draw on a grey background because supposedly it helps you choose better colors but idk if that's true. Also here's my sketch brush for CSP if anyone is interested
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Second I put down flat colors. These ones are a little messed up since I erased them as I went later but this is the gist of it. My base coloring is messy and usually doesn't cover all the sketch since I change so much as I go anyway
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Third i make a new layer above both the colors and lines layers and just paint over it until I like how it looks. usually my rendered/realistic drawings look bad until I do this. For this piece I had THAT ^ until i decided i didn't like it so I colored over it AGAIN: (colored over instead of restarting bc I liked the face)
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NOTABLY, the most important part of my coloring process is probably color jitter. I mostly use a brush called flashito on CSP which has built-in color jitter, but you can turn it on on basically any brush you use. It basically just makes it so that each stroke has a slightly different saturation or hue based on your brush settings. It helps me get the color variety I like and works well with my insane painting process.
usually by the time I'm done painting something, I do so much that I can hide the lines and flat colors layers and it'll be virtually the exact same. Here's my arcade drawing without the flats/lines layers on
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It's a little tedious but I like how it looks. This is a long post but honestly in short I think using a brush with color jitter will do a lot for you if you like the way my coloring looks. If u don't want flashito here's how to turn on color jitter on any brush on CSP, not sure about other art programs though
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As for shading I honestly think I'm not very good at shading but i'm just critical because I'm myself. Usually i just try to remember that if the lighting is warm then the shadows will be cool or some sort of similar rule. unfortunately i love bright colors so it is hard for me to follow this
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rainbowgothdisaster · 2 years
For the artist asks, 2, 11 & 18 :3
2. 5 favourites of your own work?
in no particular order:
pokesona, the stars are falling (not posted, will be posted with this years redraw), jewel's house, sleeping jewel, jewel's bedroom (also an extra bcuz i really like it but couldn't find the compressed file to put here: be back soon screen)
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i have a lot of fun drawing my pokesona, it was drawn completely using vector lines which was unbelievably enlightening
the stars are falling was first drawn back in 2020 and has become a way for me to compare how my art has developed over the years. 2020 only featured Jason (he/him), 2021 only had Zero (ey/em), and 2022 includes the former two plus Cleo (she/her, but shes bigender and also goes by Liam he/him), 2023 will include Jason and Ambe (she/her). its a way for me to basically do a benchmark test on my composition and anatomy and colours and shading. i always have a lot of fun drawing it and sometimes making whole new brushes. important note: this one was actually submitted to an art contest, sadly i lost but it was actually my first time since elementary putting my art out with the intent to be judged.
jewel's house was my first time drawing and designing a house and finding different places to incorporate hearts was literally so much fun.
sleeping jewel is just super cute and jewel's bunny hoodie is my favourite thing ever. i have it on my phone and could stare at it for hours.
jewel's bedroom is ALSO a redraw. i enjoyed trying to fit so many things in it, i enjoyed sketching, i enjoyed lining, i enjoyed colouring. though this is actually my least fav of the 5 bcuz i fully believe the idea that your art is only as good as its weakest point. that's not to say its bad or that everyone will approach it as critically as possible. not even to say that everything needs to be perfect. but when i was rendering it, i didn't want to shade. so i took a funky brush and just rushed thru shading. in fact you can see that when watching the speedpaint, i just kinda scribbled the shading. HOWEVER that doesnt take away from the fact i think the rest of it is really well done. i think i did well on the bed in particular and the fact that i stylized a real bed that we own and my actual childhood bed that i would die to get back (we owned two, mine was lost when mum and dad had to abandon my childhood home bcuz of shitty roommates and a shitty landlord) i enjoyed drawing my actual stuffed animals and my actual lolita dress. it like actually has sentimental value bcuz of all of that i just wish i did it better.
11. favourite comment you've ever received on your work?
uhhhh so like i dont usually recieve comments on my work aside from my family's "wow i could never do that" soooo well go with the comment you left on my bunny hoodie design bcuz as far as i can remember iirc it was the first time id gotten a nice comment about my fashion designs and i was really happy someone liked it bcuz im like super nervous about my silly fashion doodles :)
18. do you have any larger projects you'd like to pursue? like comics, shortfilm, a series, etc?
yes! id like House Of Misfits to be a cartoon, tho the show would probably be lighter than the short stories bcuz i don't imagine i could explore Amber's backstory on screen. im making a proof-of-concept website which is technically online and more than 70% unfinished.
i also have a coming-of-age novel i need to do research for called Saftey Blanket about a hijabi girl named Aminah in her senior year of highschool (if i made it a series wed get to see her twin siblings realize they're trans which would be fun but rn they are but lil babbies), id like to make a children's cartoon and a visual novel but i don't currently have any ideas for either.
btw despite the fact that i am an animator, i don't want to animate a show. i want to run a show. i don't actually enjoy animations longer than maybe 10 seconds.
i have a side project based around the album A Constant State Of Ohio by Lincoln that would be a very personal project around self image while having multiple personality disorders (and other problems), but i cannot for the life of me make an animatic. there's lots of ideas like this jostling in my brain, like a stop-motion animation of Through The Roof n Underground by Gogol Bordello, where i just simply cannot which i am fine with.
then theres the fact i do actually want to sew my fashion designs, at least that bunny hoodie if nothing else, and i cannot get my hands on any fabric despite owning a sewing machine
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stellarxdeath · 4 years
Aight fuck it, I got sum things to say. Most of it is anecdotal but here we go
Things I wish I could tell to my younger self about art(and also for young/new artists who may see this)
Getting started:
- Starting art with any medium is going to be challenging, but a little inspiration goes a long way. You wanna draw your favorite tv show character? Maybe an Oc idea? A slice of cake? Doesn’t matter, make that shit your muse and go for it.
- I’m a digital artist through and through, using clip studio and a Wacom tablet. Do you need these things to start? Nope, not at all. I started with a mouse and MS paint. You can do some impressive stuff with just those two things.
- Expectations vs reality is important. Your mental style will be different from your ‘real’ style, and that’s ok! You won’t be perfect when you first start, but don’t let it discourage you. 
- Let yourself have fun
Learning/growing your style:
- At first it’ll feel like you’re only a mishmash of styles from artists you like, but soon enough your own style will emerge.
- Tracing is a good skill, but if you don’t want to trace, you can mimic. Watch speedpaints, animations, look at other artists’ work; then replicate that. Your own style will shine through and things you couldn’t draw yesterday can become much easier. I use this myself, personally it’s been super helpful.
- Same face Syndrome is definitely a bit of a roadblock to handle. Instead of throwing yourself in the deep end with a million different face shapes, tweak the smaller things. eyes, hair, even irises/pupils can help two characters stand out. 
- Shapes are good, but vague shapes are better. Basically: sketch at least twice. Construct(the foundation of everything), clean up(jotting down the finer details), and then any additions that stand out. It’ll take awhile, but it will help you in the long run.
- Fuck around, combine random things. Mess with colors, mess with proportions. Draw a snake with a chicken head and cat feet, who cares? Get a feel for straight lines, curvy lines, jarring and chaotic lines. Let yourself have fun: electric boogaloo.
Criticism and Feedback:
- to preface this: the main person you draw for is yourself. People liking/relogging is a secondary source of motivation. relying on others to give you the energy to draw is not sustainable, so please, please do what you want to do.
- Receiving critique is not an easy thing to do, especially if you’re on the younger end of the artist spectrum. It’ll feel weird and it might hurt; that’s ok, it’s a sign you care. Be prepared for people to ask if they can critique and for people to not ask and give it anyway.
- Adding to that, there’s probably a knee-jerk reaction to defend your work from criticism. Before you respond to said feedback, take a second to remember that it’s not a personal attack, and that the commenter is simply trying to help.
- “This sucks lol” is not valid critique and can be entirely ignored/deleted. 
- You are not contractually obligated to take the criticism! It’s up to you if you’ll use the tips given. You can try them out, and if they don’t work, that’s fine too.
- Remember that you are always improving. 
Other tidbits I can’t categorize: 
- CHERISH YOUR OLD WORK! please, please keep that shit close to your heart. It’s easy to look at your old art and go “haha cringe”, I’ve done that too, but it’s so important to remember where you started so you can be proud of how far you’ve come! A lot of artists struggle to recognize when they’ve improved, so taking a gander and your old DeviantArt gallery is beneficial.
- for fucks sake please watermark your art. Be it your initials, online name or an icon unique to you. it doesn’t have to take up the whole canvas, but it’s better if it’s somewhere harder for people to erase. Watermarks can protect your art from being stolen online.
- elaborating on the first tidbit: it’s ok to look at your art and be proud of it! Sometimes it can feel like calling your own art good is a sin and you’re a self-absorbed asshole for saying as much, but you have every right to be happy with what you’ve made.
- You don’t have to finish every project you start, Sometimes sketching just to sketch is better than spending hours on a single piece. doodle to your heart’s content.
- Artblock is inevitable, and it’ll suck. But, there’s always that creative spike at the end of the inspiration drought, just embrace the break and you’ll get back to drawing when you’re ready.
- And never work for exposure.
 Godspeed younglings, go have fun
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ashenlights · 3 years
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From planning to posting, share your process for making creative content (part 2!)
RULES: When your work is tagged, show the process of its creation from planning to posting, then tag 5 people with a specific link to one of their creative works you’d like to see the process of. Use the tag #showyourprocess so we can find yours!
Thanks for tagging me @vishcount! :D Here’s the process of my Liu Sang art which I drew for your birthday (and which is technically named “Waterfalls of the Sun” in my files ^^) This drawing wasn’t as neat as the process of my LWJ art that I showed in the last post -  I didn’t have a super clear idea of where I wanted to go with it at first, so it really evolved a lot as I drew!
1. Planning
Step 1 of planning was to brainstorm and try to find a quote/lyric that captured his whole character in a nutshell. I had 2 other ideas at first - one was to take inspiration from his character song The Man in the Rain (雨人) (with the lines “Maybe if I listen to the sound of rain, I will then be able to face the inevitable separation”) and draw him in the rain with an umbrella. The second idea was to take that quote from Liu Sang to Wu Xie: “One good ear is enough for me in everyday life. Consider the damaged one as my present to you”. But in the end, I couldn’t find a solid translation of his song and I found both of these ideas a little too depressing/tragic to draw and wanted something a little more positive for your birthday present ^^; So I went with the excerpt from Dogfish by Mary Oliver which you used in your edit x instead! (”You don’t want to hear the story of my life, and anyway I don’t want to tell it, I want to listen to the enormous waterfalls of the sun”). I have to mention here that your edit was a huge inspiration for this art and I purposely referenced its aesthetic a lot, as you’ll see later on in my process! (You can see it in the colours, the forest/water aesthetic and the flowers).
2. Sketch/ Basic colour plan
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A messy sketch as usual! The plan was to have him use his hearing abilities - him drawing out the map of some tomb while listening and working out its structure. I knew I wanted the sun/circle as the major focal point of the composition. It’s probably impossible to tell from my scribbles, but originally I was thinking of going a bit more abstract with the background. Along the edges (in dark teal), I was going to draw those bronze pieces from that giant bell structure in s2 and have those illuminated by the golden light of the sun. But it ended up looking too busy and geometric, so I scrapped that idea.
3. Some painting and thinking about the background
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Here, I slowly started to paint and shade things. Not sure if you can tell from the scribbles, but I was thinking about having a more organic nature-y background- those scribbles are flowers and trees XD This is also where Mary Oliver’s quote came in and helped a lot! As you can see on the left, I was going to have more abstract tear drop shapes as the “waterfalls of the sun” and then some reflections of the golden sun on the lake waters. But the composition really didn’t work and got too busy, so then I thought - wouldn’t it be cool if the sun was dripping like an actual waterfall? Which is where the right picture came in! This is also when I did some flower research to try to figure out which flowers to draw. I wanted something that would fit into the colour scheme and also had suitable meanings for this present and for Liu Sang - I ended up going with hydrangea for gratitude and daisies for innocence. I was also going to have a border at first! I wanted it to be like the maps Liu Sang drew in his notebook, but that also ended up looking too geometric/busy so I took that out.
4. More painting! And considering borders again
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Mostly more painting and detailing of the face and the flowers here! And I was considering no border vs border and going slightly crazy trying to decide XD
5. Final painting steps and overlays
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I ended up going halfway - I got rid of the fancy border and stuck with a plain rectangular one. And I placed the daisies into the scene, floating on the water! I also finally figured out the dripping sun! I had so much trouble with it in step 4 (where it looked really thick and plasticy?) But here, I discovered the perfect solution - I erased bits of the “drips” with my brush, and then blended them into the empty layer, which produced a really nice wispy fade effect ^^ And the final step was adding a few overlays - some highlights to make the sun and its waterfalls really glow, and some extra shadows here and there to clean things up. And that’s it!
6. Posting
This time I didn’t end up posting it right away because I had to wait until it was your birthday in your timezone haha. But I didn’t have to wait long - I actually only ended up finishing it the day before ^^
Bonus speedpaint!
And a speedpaint because my iPad actually recorded some of the process! I wasn’t expecting to share any of it when I was drawing, so it’s not the best and not totally representative of my whole drawing process  ^^;  Some parts are cut out because I turned off recording to check references and forgot to turn the recording back on again haha. But maybe you’ll find it interesting to see anyway? At least you can see my million other border ideas that I briefly considered but scrapped XD
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Chapter 10: A Real Guilty Feeling
Hey everybody, here's chapter 10! But, unfortunately, it'll be the last chapter you see for a while. I need to take a break from writing for a while, do something else and recharge a bit. Maybe also knock out some drawings too while I'm at it.
Current timeline is looking like this: Couple of weeks without writing, and then maybe build up a bit of a buffer of chapters for <i>Outside</i>. But first, I'll be working on episode 2 of <i>Happy Times at Handeemen HQ</i>. Y'all are starting to show an interest in that, and I wanna put something new out for it.
If you want to keep updated, or even just see what I'm drawing, you can follow my art Tumblr here. Also check out my YouTube, in case of livestreams or speedpaints!(Am I plugging my own stuff too much?)
Whenever I'm ready to start posting again, I'll make sure to leave an announcement on here.
I'll see y'all later.
When Will got home, he dumped Stacy's stuff and scout on the couch. He then pointed out his locked workroom, and told her that she was never to go in there no matter what. That done, he left her to her own devices, and went off to bed. He took off his shirt and jeans, then crawled under the sheets. The last thing he did before passing out was shoot off a message to the group chat about how DnD Night was canceled until further notice.
When he woke up, far too few hours later, it was to a light weight on his chest. He stared at Scout for a moment, then picked her up and dropped her on the floor, rolling onto his front. He grabbed his phone, squinting at the too bright screen. Several messages were in the chat, and he sighed as he opened it up and scrolled to the top.
Masonary: um, excuse me?! i asked for that day off u can't cancel!!! somebody better be dead! D:<
Blooming_Stitches: Mason, shut up. We don't know what could be going on.
drWEED420: ugh, stacy. I told you to call me.
Masonary: y would stacy need to call u sam?
Masonary: is it because she hacked ur account and changed ur name again?
 drWEED420 has changed their name to DrSamIAm
DrSamIAm: no but it is something we'll going to talk abaout.
Will_and_a_Way: Stace is in the hospital for infected surgery stitches
Blooming_Stitches: I'M SORRY WHAT
Masonry: dude i was joking about som1 being dead
DrSamIAm: goddamit stacy
 DrSamIAm has left the chat We're ALL Idiots Here
Masonry: ok first of all what happened to stacy
Masonry: second who changed the chat name again?
Blooming_Stitches: lol
Will sighed, the went into his phone and pulled up his drop box, where he'd sneaked the file into a while ago. He hesitated briefly, then sent it to the chat. Stacy could be mad at him later, but he was too tired to think up a cover story for her right now.
 Will_and_a_Way posted a file in We're ALL Idiots Here
Masonry: ?
Blooming_Stitches: !
Will_and_a_Way: read that if you guys want to know what happned.
Will_and_a_Way: I'm going back to sleep now try not to kill each other
He clicked his phone off, dropping it to his mattress and letting his head fall on his pillow. Within seconds he was back asleep, completely oblivious to Scout Jumping back on his bed and climbing onto his back. She curled around the small Kirby toy, using it as a pillow as she settled back into sleep herself.
When Will woke up again, it was to a light weight in the center of his back, right below his shoulder blades. He huffed, glaring at the wall. He took a deep breath, then heaved himself up with all his strength. As predicted, Scout was catapulted off, and he quickly got out of bed, heading to the kitchen.
He made himself some toast, checking his phone on the way. The group chat was mostly just full of the various reactions from Lisa and Mason. Sammy had come back at some point, going on a rant about what Stacy hadn't told him.
He read over the various comments as he  ate, able to tell where they were in the document. Unsurprisingly, Mason finished it first, and Lisa was intent on meeting Scout. Sammy had told her Scout was nothing special, which Will privately agreed with. He finished the back reading and, seeing as nobody was online at the moment, locked his phone again. He picked up his toast and moved into his work room for the time being, deciding to get something done.
It was easy, really, for Will to get lost in his work. Dissecting the "toys" he brought home, taking them apart and recording it in his notes. He was currently working on the body of the head he'd been looking at last night. The brown, fuzzy thing was strapped securely onto the table, the front having been sawed apart and spread open.
He shifted through the innards, making careful, detailed notes about what was in there. He would compare them to the stolen blueprints later, figure out what was supposed to be in there and what wasn't. For now, though, the intention was to make a catalogue of parts.
When his phone alarm finally went off, signalling it was lunch time, he straightened up with a sigh. He pulled off his rubber gloves and, making sure the straps on the table were tight, went out to the kitchen. He made himself a simple sandwich, eating it in the kitchen as he glanced through the group chat. Mason and Lisa were on and currently discussing things, but Sam hadn't been on again since his rant.
He lurked a bit longer after he finished his sandwich, then got up to go back to work. On the way through the living room, he paused when he saw Scout sitting on the couch. She was curled up in the corner, Kirby plush on her lap as she stared at it. Even as a Puppet, he recognized the look on her face as one Stacy had often worn in the first year after her mother had died.
'Why the hell do I feel so bad for that thing?' He sighed, rubbing at his face. Making a snap decision, he went over to his DVD shelf and pulled out The Iron Giant.  He turned on the TV and player, then loaded in the movie, skipping the previews. When he reached the main menu, he selected play and dropped the remote near Scout. He then left, heading back towards the basement and his work.
Scout watched go, staring silently after him as he once again disappeared behind the locked door. She didn't even try to follow him, instead settling in to watch the show he'd turned on. With any luck, it would be violent and/or funny enough to take her mind off of things.
'That is the saddest shit I have ever seen...' She sniffed, rubbing at her frustratingly dry eyes. 'I can't believe he let himself get blown up like that. What the fuck.' She rubbed at her eyes some more, then tried to figure out how to choose a different show. When she couldn't figure it out, she threw the remote down in frustration. 'Fuck it! Where's Will?'
She Jumped from the couch, heading over to the locked door. She peered in the crack between the door and the floor, but couldn't see anything. She could hear, however, and what she heard were power tools. The sound sent a shock through her system, dredging up unwanted memories of Riley's lab. She drew back, then jumped onto a nearby table when the noise stopped. Thinking quickly, she opened the drawer that was there and tried to pretend that she had been going through it.
Will came out of the room a minute later, wiping his hands with a dirty towel. He glared when he saw what she was "doing". "What the hell are you doing? Get out of there!" It wasn't quite yelling, but his voice was definitely louder than it needed to be. Scout suppressed her fear and scoffed.
"Fine. There wasn't anything but batteries in there anyways." She slammed the drawer closed, feeling a small, petty joy in how the contents rattled around when she did. She watched him cross to his bedroom and, when he'd closed his door, opened the drawer back up in order to snoop for real.
Batteries, keys, some weird plastic clips, and other odds and ends she didn't have words for had been organized neatly in the drawer. Working quickly, she shuffled everything around even more, then shoved a handful of what was sitting on the table into the drawer. She then closed it again and sat back as innocently as she could, tilting the shade of the lamp next to her. When Will came back out, now dressed in different clothes, he sighed and fixed the shade.
She watched as he gathered up a couple of things, then came over and grabbed up a set of keys she hadn't dumped into the drawer. There was a pause, or maybe more of a hesitation, and then he scooped her up and left the house, ignoring her protests.
"Hey! Hey lemme go! H-mmph?!" He easily covered her mouth with one hand as he locked the door. He made his way to his car, not letting her go into he'd climbed in and dumped her in the passenger seat. "What was that for?!"
"Okay, here's the deal." He told her, ignoring the question. "We're going to go see Stacy. To do that, we have to go through a whole hospital full of people. And you will be quiet and good the whole time, or you will be going out the nearest window."
"We're going to go see Stacy..." That was the one thing she had really comprehended. Her Host was alive, Scout knew she had to be. If she wasn't, then the Puppet wouldn't have long to-
It didn't matter. She didn't matter, not after what almost happened. Not after what she almost did, accidentally or not.
She was jolted out of her thoughts as Will started the car, realizing belatedly that he'd continued talking to her. She hoped he hadn't noticed she wasn't paying attention. Whatever he'd been doing behind that door, she did not want to become his next patient.
In the silence of the car ride, Scout easily lost herself in the thoughts swirling through her head. The most prominent were thoughts of guilt, knowing she was to blame for this and wondering where she had gone wrong. Maybe she hadn't tried as hard as she should've to subjugate her Host back in the Studio? Or maybe she shouldn't have stayed with her after they escaped. Maybe she should have left after making sure Stacy was okay.
'Maybe I should leave anyways.'
She missed it when Will parked, only noticing when he picked her up. She let herself stay limp, though not so much out of compliance than a desire to try and keep working on the plan that had come to mind.
Vaguely, she was aware of the clean white halls Will was taking her through, as well as a nauseating smell that reminded her of Riley. A few other unclaimed Hosts like Will, though wearing clothing that, again, reminded Scout of Riley. She watched  those ones carefully, just in case. She may not like Will, but Stacy did and she didn't want something to happen to him.
Will came up to a door, opening it and peeking inside. Scout tried to look, but could only see the very end of a weird looking bed. Whatever he saw he seemed to like, as he fully entered the room, kicking the door closed behind him and approaching the bed.
"Hey Stacy." He began quietly, and Scout felt her stuffing go cold at the sight of her Host in the bed. Her normally warm brown skin was several shades paler, and there were dark circles under her eyes. She was mostly upright, though leaning heavily against the pillows behind her. The scariest thing, though, were the several tubes connecting her to various machines by the bed.
Scout felt another cold rush of guilt when she saw how Stacy's eyes lit up when she spotted them. She waited for her to say something, anything, but the Host didn't speak, instead lifting her hands to use that weird hand language.
"She can't talk right now." Will translated. "She had to be intubated and her throat still hurts. But, for some reason, she's happy to see you." He sounded annoyed by that, and Scout couldn't help but be confused. Surely Stacy knew about what she did.
'Unless she doesn't.' The Puppet realized. 'She doesn't know shit about how it works. She had no idea what I almost did to her.' Somehow, that didn't make it any better.
Against her will, she was handed over to Stacy so Will could go set down the bags. Stacy hugged her tight, and Scout couldn't help but curl up in her hold, clutching at the weird shirt she was wearing.
She ignored the humans as they talked, or rather as Will talked and Stacy did one handed signing. Instead she stared at the tubing connected to Stacy's arm, watching the clear liquid slowly drip it's way into her body. She didn't know how long she stared for, but she must've dozed off at one point because she suddenly became aware of her hair being stroked.
It couldn't have been too long, as the room was still bright, though she couldn't hear Will anymore. Instead there was a quiet, steady beeping that matched up with Stacy's heartbeat. It was relaxing, and brought up memories of when Scout had first woken up, all those years ago. Before she'd been made to take part in Riley's "tests", or found that TV. Even before she'd met her siblings and learned who and what she really was. Those first few moments when it had just been her and Daisy, enjoying the gift of life.
She almost wished she could go back to that point. Things were so much better back then, when her world consisted of Daisy's sewing room and her siblings. When she didn't have a Host to worry about accidentally killing, or her own people coming after her.
But she wouldn't have to worry about that for long. If her plan ended up working, Stacy wouldn't be in danger ever again.
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moonziies · 4 years
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I saw some of my favorite artist and obviously Cartoon Network do it so I decided to try it out. At the moment I was drawing this, not gonna lie it was SUPER stressful. I was worried not being able to capture the line width correctly and if it even looked like the show's style. I also tried to capture the shading of the show too to give it that extra touch WHICH WAS EVEN MORE STRESSFUL because it's different than my shading technique. But looking back at it now is was super fun. I really want to do it again with a different OC but I'm not sure I'm ready for the stress of it 😅
ALSO, y'all know the drill. Please sign the petition found at the end of the post! It will help out a lot and it takes about 30 seconds!
Here's the link:
Here's my Speedpaint 💕
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cogitaeworks · 5 years
So I just found what has to be the coolest feature in Clip Studio Paint PRO/EX for comic book artists
Generally when I do my comics I always do them by hand and step by step. You know, doing the sketch, cleaning it, making layers to colour in, and then of course blocking it and painting loose colours over to give it a painterly effect. But, today I realized that Clip Studio Paint introduced a feature a few months ago that acts like a colorize mask with a painterly-ish effect which makes the work SO much easier and faster! And seeing how many people in the Good Omens fandom (and on Tumblr in general) struggle with making colouring methods faster (which are annoying when you end up spending way longer than needed on *one finger*), or how many comic artists are always on a time crunch, then I will show you how to make a fast colouring of a sketch! I wish I had known this sooner, honestly. (I’m pretty sure a lot of people already use this option but I’m new to these technythingies so I thought I could share it for those who didn’t know). First, you do your sketch (ft. Anathema this time around). Just some clean lines sketch.
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Once the sketch is done (black lines + transparent background), you select that layer and click on the button above said layer, called “reference layer”). This will set your sketch to main linework so the AI will take the conctours into account. (PLUS: IT WORKS WITH GRAYSCALE PAINTINGS HURRAY).
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Once the Reference Layer is set, make a new layer underneath and bloc in some colours. Doesn’t need to be neat, or clean, just make sure all the colours from your main palette are there!
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Once the colours are ready, You go to this menu shown down below and click the second option while the block paint layer is selected.
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The computer will take it’s time to make this, so just wait and see what happens. IMPORTANT: YOU MUST HAVE INTERNET CONNECTION TO USE THIS FEATURE. Voilá! Colour blocking done in minutes! The layer by default is set to Multiply and on top of the lineart/sketch layer. I changed that by setting the layer to “normal”, put it underneath the sketch layer, and also changed the linecolour to multiply with a brown colour to not keep any heavy harsh lines.
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Now that the layer is set, the colours seem off. You will notice that there are a few colours that are off, didn’t pick properly, and that the tones are extremely light and desaturated. To fix that, you will go to the correction menues and and fix the colours with Brightness/Contrast and Hue/Saturation/Luminescence until you get the tones you want. After that, you will have to repaint parts to make it look pretty, like a common artwork done without the AI. But, you have to admit, it’s way faster and the colours being so blended actually look like the typical style done with loose paint strokes!
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This is how the sketch looks with the fixing needed, and repainting several partsin the process.
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Now, this is an optional thing but I love using this feature because it’s SO USEFUL FOR ANY ARTIST EVER and it’s in the realm of nitpicking. If you click on this option and set the type of fixing you want, the AI will try to soften all harsh lines and pixels in the drawing, so it looks smoother and more professional. To use this option I tend to combine all the layers into one, and set the option on “low” and then gradually repeat this option until the lines and colours are smooth enough.
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And this is the final result. It’s literally a fast sketch done in fifteen minutes, and it looks just like the other painted comics that I did before with the colour blocking and mask layers.
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FAST PSA: I do not recommend this to people who have issues colouring or who haven’t practiced enough. This is so useful and fast to use that you will not learn proper colour theory or painting techniques, so it is borderline cheating territory if you’ve never coloured or drew something before. Mostly think about it on a professional position: if you are ever hired to work as a colourist and they ask you to use another software that’s not CSP, then you will be in trouble because you will not know how to paint or colour properly. But to those who have enough experience and are tired of spending time on colouring silly thingies (or professional thingies), this is a powerful feature that will defeat deadlines in a snap of your fingers! And if you can’t use CSP: KRITA (freeware software and my favourite program alongside CSP) has a similar option, the Colorize mask, but it’s not as painterly as the CSP one. KRITA is more defined and works on vector mode which is perfect for north american/harsh line comics and illustrations.
This is a video tutorial from my Youtube channel where I explain how to use the Colorize Mask in KRITA for fast processing images in minutes when on a time crunch. (I also have more tutorials and speedpaints on my channel).
And this is how I normally paint my artworks:
Happy drawing!!
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shinkamilyn-sakonma · 5 years
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✿ Little speedpaints done over a longer period of time~ Characters are Vael (antagonist of NuError) and his Anima (summon), Morpho.
Anima: Vael with Morpho, in her pink butterfly form. She never really takes on her insect form and prefers her humanoid form instead (it's easier to annoy Vael in it) . As for Vael, he is a survivor of the Exanimia disease (=a plague in the world of NuError), and shares his body with his dead twin sister Hlaeja (who died from that disease 10 years prior). 
Opiumorphis: Vael’s weapon. Its true shape is unknown. He merely tried to create it after a dream that Morpho showed him. (Normally, weapons are created at designated science facilities, after the Anima offers one of their body parts to be shaped into a weapon. Yet Vael obtained Morpho illegally, and she didn’t offer him much, other than dreams and illusions). 
Incarnation: Like all Host&Anima duos, Vael and Morpho are one soul. Morpho was the very first incarnation of the soul, and Vael is the current one. Morpho actually wants to take over Vael's body and live as a human again, so she is frequently searching for ways to "kill" Vael in her free time.
Ascendant: Morpho's fullbody design~ Since she is a butterfly technically, I wanted to use that as the theme for her design. It was really fun, and it's one of my favorite Anima designs ´7` 
Credencia: Actually-- more like the lack thereof ΦΦ Credencia means “state of trusting” in Latin, and is actually a ritual in the story that people have to go through in order to combine the ancient and their current incarnation. Because Vael obtained Morpho illegally though, he never did the ritual, so their souls are not "processed" and not connected correctly. Morpho is desperately trying to bridge that connection, but since Vael is not having any of it (for various reasons), Morpho likes to resort to annoying him instead. In reality, she can not actually kill him (that would mean she would die too), but likes to pretend that she does just to get on his nerves.
Morpho: A more recent front-view of her design. I actually really like her eyebrows for some reason ´7`9 They are my favorite part to draw in her design haha~ Second favorite are all the eyes! Morpho's ability is giving people nightmares or illusions, and she can do that whenever someone makes eye-contact with one of her eyes. It's really hard to avoid looking at one of them since she has so many pfff 
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thefallenarbiter · 6 years
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READ ME!!!!!
---------HERE 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_ZxtQ6RhA4 HERE ---------
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vys4D71bgAw&feature=youtu.be
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=592zJhAAFok
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Midnight Trick and Treat
“This is the perfect chance to take all those snacks,” Olive said with such glee that I had to glance over to make sure they didn't hear her. Evia hushed her before she could let out another booming cry of desire. Olives ears quickly perked down, a pout was on her face from being hushed. I watched as Evia rolled her eyes but gave a quick lick to her ears. The fur on Olive's cheeks somehow turned a rosy red from blushing. But her ears perked back up, a wolfy grin was on her face again.
I held in a groan. This was was not a good plan. We were hidden between the grass, its long blades kept both me and Olive hidden but Evias horns poked through when she shifted her weight. Looking back at the ground I watched as they chatted between one another. I noticed a pattern as one would move their mouths and the others would laugh not long after. Olive followed my gaze but her eyes were stuck on the unguarded bags of treats.
A devilish grin formed on Olives face, ”We gotta get those treats. Ill split all the bags with you two.” she said.
“I dunno Olive, It doesn't sound like a very good-” I stopped when I looked back over at Olive. A grin was placed on her mouth while her eyes tarted between me and the treats. I nearly shivered when I looked at Evia. Half her face was hidden behind Olives but I could see her eyes narrowed dangerously at me with a scowl. When our eyes met she started to mouth something to me. I stared at her mouth, what is she trying to say to me-..Oh. Her claws began to tap the ground impatiently.
I laughed softly, ”Oh god Olive, I knew leaving all the ideas to you was just a fantastic idea! Nothing will go wrong!” I said with the biggest, fakest smile I could muster. You couldn't blame me for lying. You really couldn't when you were stuck between pleasing a giant warrior and a tiny dog who could make you regret anything if you upset her.
“S-so what's our plan?” I asked, the tapping stopped. I held back a sigh of relief at least one of them is pleased with my answer.
“Oh it's pretty simple, we're gonna sneak up right up to them and they won't even notice a thing! It's gonna be great!”
Oh my god, we're going to die. Were so dead. Dead,dead,dead. She's going to get us killed! I laughed nervously. Maybe I can eat a few candies before they catch us. Yeah, that sounds less bad than dying on an empty stomach I thought. The panic I was feeling felt less bad when I thought of this.
“Well, we better get this over and done with! I'm just DYING to get all that candy.”
Olive must have agreed with me because her face lit up but quickly disappeared in the mass of grass as she crawled away.
Evia smirked at me, ”If all hell breaks loose and I have to choose one of you, I'm choosing Olive.” her smirk widened when my eyes grew in size with my mouth agape. She quickly slithered after Olive. I stayed where I was for a moment before following suit. The grassed softly brushed my sides as I crawled through slowly. When I lost sight of Evia I peeked my head out to see a large white wolf sitting on a bench. I tilted my head as a bag of candy was right under them. They were distracted by the messages on their phone. I peered at the candy and nearly sighed in relief. The wire was under their leg to keep it from falling which meant one less person after us during the run.
I quickly hid back into the safety of the grass and proceeded to follow the scent of both Evia and Olive. My ears tilted towards the left at the sound of rushing water. I suddenly felt thirsty but pushed on. I spent a few seconds crawling before stopping. Evia was facing me and when she saw me she pushed me past her. When I was right next to Olive she stopped, I glanced around than stared at Olive puzzled.
Her eyes moved to the area ahead of us, I followed her gaze than wished I had made them both upset. The group was right in front of us, each one chatting away as their bags laid helplessly on the bench closest to them. I looked back at Olive who looked at me expectantly. I quickly looked away so she wouldn't see my panicked expression.
I slowly began to crawl forward and paused when one of them shifted more than 60 degrees. When I made it to the bench safely, I observed the bags, each had different animals which held the candies inside. I slowly moved my head forward, grabbing of the largest bag which Evia helped me put down. Once it was released she had a firm hold on the end. I then grabbed ahold of two sets of strings, I pulled softly until the bags were softly nestled on the ground. Olive reached forward, bit onto the wires and held them in her mouth like Evia.
I glanced at the last bag, it's pumpkin eyes staring intently at me. I gulped nervously. I
slowly took a step forward with my head outward to bite the string. With a snap, the twig underneath my claws broke in half. Any conversation that the group had halted, they all turned towards me all at once to see the source of the noise.
I smiled nervously, ”Hello! My name is Sona. It's nice to meet all of you-” I paused when Olive and Evia made a run for it. The group let out shocked cries looking between me and the runaways. I bit into the wire and made a dash for it. The sounds of feet stomping and yelling were right behind me. This is all Olives fault.
Birthday gift for @Spoopy-snek
Don't kill me pls
So For your bday, I decided to draw a group picture that involves your friends. Side note I'm sorry if I forgot anyone. I tried finding everyone and drawing them but again I'm sorry if I forgot anyone.;n; But If I did miss any close friend go ahead and comment saying that you were forgotten so when I do something big like this again I can add all her friends.
Happy Birthday old lady!!!! I hope you have a fantastic bday and get to celebrate it, friends and family. DONT DO DRUGS. Drugs are restricted on your bday and I will steal all dem drugs for myself >: ) BUt ANyway… Happy birthday to my closest buddy! <33333 You mean so much to me and always got to use your bday as a way to spoil you with love and art cuz you deserve it!!! Even tho you're a major butthead but two can play with fire!!! I really hope you have a fantastic day!! you so much. I'm so thankful to have met you and I can't believe we've been friends for 6 years???!!! Wow, time really flies I can't believe we're so old now. You meet me when I was basically a smol gorl. Like much wow were both getting so freaking old. (as my lollipop decides that falling is a better idea than living,,,) But again I'm so freaking thankful we're friends, you've been there for me for so long and I can't thank you enough for sticking with my ugly butt. You helped me through much whether it be mentally or with anything. You've been there for me and when I get money I'm gonna try to repay you for everything that you've helped me through with gifts. You're my closest friend Olivia and without you, I would be in a different place. I doubt I would be the same if it weren't for you. You always had my back no matter once. Every time I lost someone close to me whether it be family or relationship wise you've helped me stay strong and keep going. Honestly ilu so much you big softy and I'm so sorry we don't hang out enough. I really want to return the favor and help you in any way I can because you're my best friend Olivia. Were both total nerds and goofballs who love videos games way to much and basically kill our characters lmao. I can't wait to spend the rest of our life as besties. We need to seriously meet in person tho. We have been friends for so long but I only ever see you through your photos. We have to meet eventually because your my best friend and we've been through thick and thin together. If we don't meet I'm sending the squirrel after you!!!! I'm so glad we have each other even if we lost all our other friends through time even tho I miss them, I can't wait to spend our time together through hell and heaven. We're gonna kick life's butt and get through everything together. Hopefully, we both can hang out more often because we're both busy bees and never get the chance ;n; I still can't believe we both happened to join DA around the same time and managed to start talking right after. If it weren't for you I would have been dead on that website a year after I joined. Anyway, ilu and I wish you the biggest Happy Birthday you spoopy butt. I would attempt to give you the biggest hug I can muster but my arms are too short :,,,D
Explanation of each drawing
Golden Skull Zayn with Olive ----- When I did the three doodles in the speedpaint I was planning a creepy vibe with each one. So for this one I wanted to show off the fact that parts of Zayn are indeed made of gold. It was meant to go with his design just to fit the color combo but I decided that any character that has future sight have gold parts to them. It would be very rare for a kaian to have all gold bones but I figured it would fit the prophet when they start to loose their mind to the visions. There's always a price to pay when you can see into the future. Poor Olive just happened to be around when he ripped the skin off during one of his major visions. But don't worry she lives and he gets his face back.
Sona and Loch ------- I wanted to have Sona soothing one of Lochs sessions of pain. Not much to say here other than I wanted to have her kind of grumpy looking and comfort him since in our story for them she kinda uses him for bad to get what she wants so she gets a body.
Olive's Secret Protector ---------- Again not much to say other than Evia is using her dark powers to blend into the shadows to keep an eye on olive.
Run Run from the Scary Mob ------ The main drawing that I spent the most time on that comes with a speedpaint. For this one I wanted to show off our main characters plus a side character that she loves. When I made this I realized I wanted to make it big just for Olivia so I decided to include all her friends that I could think of or find. Each character is dressed in something to show off the fact that each one is trick and treating for Halloween. I'm pretty proud of how everyone turned out and how most the background turned out.
Experiment Brewing ------ A little sketch where I had an idea that maybe Olive wasn't a real Kaian and was actually a experiment made by the banished shadow go. I like the idea that maybe he made her so he could put himself into a form onto the home planet of the Kaians than seek the other gods out for revenge. This was before he used Evia as a host even if she's in control. He hoped that when Olive was ready he could take her body over. Sadly the scientist who made her on the home planet did not complete the project and Olive had gone missing when the lab was destroyed. Funny thing is that not long after Olive was found by Evia when in a field of flowers. The god believes Olive is dead but I like to think that he takes over Olive during the final battle to use her to summon him when the other banished god is summoned by Calla. If he did succeed in taking her body over than she would look like her portals. I like the idea of the gods portals and powers looking like this but his are purple. The crystals on her help power the portals and powers she uses which are basically just like the gods expect weaker since she couldn't handle all his power in her body.
Selfie ----- A head doodle to show off Olives looks frontview. First concept sketch of how she would look. Also based on one of Olivia's doodles of Olive with crystals imbedded in her body. I decided to expand on that.
Design ---- A design for Olivia to repay the design she made for me >:0
Thirsty as heckles ---- Olive ready for some Evia but decided on the way to bed that she also likes Zayn a lot. Evia stops what they planned to go find Zayn.
Official Design for Olive as a experiment ---------. I wanted to show off the fact that she would be constantly dripping from the gods powers that she barely holds in her body.
This is War ------- Zayn has a vision in a different timeline where Olive chooses Evia over him and betrays him by killing him. He mistakes it for it being in this timeline and plans to repay the debt by killing them first. Looks like everyone has to fight with the person they love eventually.
Left to right are the corresponding characters belonging to their creators
Big brown and green wolf, Evia dressed as Dracula belongs to me
Tiny yellow doge, Olive wearing snake onesie belongs tp @spoopy-snek
smol purple and blackbird, Sona dressed as a messed up Egyptian belongs to me
spooky dog on a broom, Ney dressed as a witch belongs to @neyzilla
Purple dragon in sleeping wear, Hobbes dressed in a dragon onesie belongs to @hobbledragon
Tall skelelly boi being attacked by hungry doggy, Calabaza dressed as a skelly belongs to @anxietywithaspook
The white dog that shakes, Milk belongs to @milkfake
Mummy that is so done with you, Wilhelm dressed a mummy belongs to @wilhelm-the-undead-man
A woman who wants her candy back, Shaman dressed as a literal Shaman belongs to @missmcgregor
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fuel-truck · 2 years
collecting things
for as long as I’ve ever known, I have collected things!!! it was my main hobby when I was around 11 possibly alongside drawing, and it still is something I do, though maybe more subtly.
when I was a child, I would collect toys. I think my first collection was Filly Princesses, which were these royal horse figurines. I started collecting when I was around 7 and got well over half of the available horses, though they stopped selling before I could get the entire set, unfortunately.
then I started to collect Shopkins, Beanie Boos and Num Noms, they were my three most expansive and passionate collections. as for Shopkins I have likely over 600 today, as well as a lot of playsets and Shoppies dolls, I started collecting in S2. with Beanie Boos, my brother and I shared a collection totalling over 150, and for Num Noms I have not really counted my collection in a while though I’d estimate there are at the very least 60, not including Surprise in a Jar or merch (started collecting them when they released in S1). these three collections combined totalled much of my brain space back then lol, many of my fondest memories in 2017/18 involve these three things. I have been suspecting they were a bit more than just a regular interest for a bit. I might list some of the most vivid memories I have with them!!
going onto the Beanie Boos list website and just looking at all of them lined up in alphabetical order.
spending LOTS of time on the Shopkins, Num Noms and Shopkins Fan wikis, I was a very active member on all three and would interact with the community a lot, though got banned for being underage. then I ban-evaded LMFAO and my second account is still up!!
trying to make my own Beanie Boo wiki and then losing interest HDKCGJXB
owning a “BooTube” channel, essentially I was a Beanie Boo youtuber!! I would make skits, music videos, speedpaints, top 10s, reviews and more, all about Beanie Boos!! sometimes Shopkins and Num Noms were also featured, though Beanie Boos were the main focus. I made almost 70 videos on this channel!!
watching a lot of other “BooTube” videos, channels like Cutie Juliet, The Gooney Show, Cody’s Beanie Boos and Fireworks Productions. it was basically the only content I would watch on youtube at the time.
buying more collectibles at the shops, the employees at our local ToyMate recognised my brother and I for the amount of times we would go in to buy Beanie Boos LMFAO. I remember specifically how I got a lot of my collectibles, especially my favourite ones!!
playing a lot of games with my brother featuring the Beanie Boos that I still remember the storylines to!!
I remember I wanted to be a toy designer around this time because of my passion for collectibles and drawing.
sorting and grouping my collectibles into different orders (see my previous post!!)
and more!!!
unfortunately, I was also there for the downfall of most of these franchises. MGA stopped selling Num Noms while I was still avidly collecting them, which was very saddening for me. as for Shopkins, Moose stopped selling them more recently, though I was already starting to collect them less around the time of S10 as the new seasons were unappealing and did not have the original Shopkins charm. Beanie Boos, while still being sold I believe, I have also stopped collecting due to them losing their original charm. it didn’t help that I was around 11 or 12 at the height of my love for these things, and hurtful things were said to me by peers because I liked something they considered “childish”. it wasn’t a regular occurrence at all, but nonetheless I tried to hide my love for my interests as I knew it wasn’t “normal” to like them at that age. this not acting my age issue is definitely a topic for a future post, as it has been a common theme in my life.
I do still collect things now, though said things are different!! I collect miscellaneous plushies, I don’t have as many as I did Beanie Boos but to be fair most of the reason is that I don’t leave my room, therefore rarely going to the shops. I adore squishmallows, while I haven’t counted my entire collection I do have 10 regular sized ones, 3 larger ones, a few smaller ones and one really big boi, Tristan!! I also adore squishables, but I don’t have as many due to them not being sold in shops often. in general, I have a lot of food plushies and bunny plushies haha!! I also collect Pringles can lids (they are so round and clear and cool) and it could be debated that I collect original characters as well. though I try not to have too many OCs because other people online tend to dislike when people have a lot, it is also pretty difficult to keep up with so many OCs!! nonetheless my characters are my main interest right now, as they have been for a few years, and I might make a post on interests in future!!! I have over 300 right now, though that number used to total over 600. in summary collecting things is really fun, and it was a hobby of mine for a lot of my life!!!
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mitamicah · 4 years
Look forward to a long post about lots of random stuff
First of all thank you so much for not only the super embracing welcome of my ToA art and my newest fanart badge it means a lot to me seing 50+ and 100+ notes on both of these (updated to trollhunters gifs just for funsies) 
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Second of all thank you so much for 75 watchers it is wild to me <3 
So now to the meat of this textpost; 
There’s two things I want to talk to you guys about according to my blog. One is that I’ve decided to not only share my own art but also reblog other people’s art. The more I am around and hear the arguments for why reblogs are great for artists the more I feel selfish and silly for not doing it - this means you can expect my blog to be way more busy for now on
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If you want to only watch my art I tag all that with “my own art”, a link you can also find on my blog <3 
The other thing is that I’ve decided not to do any inktober challenges this year which means although I showed interest in Suptober I will not be joining that. Instead I will be taking on the A-Z fanart challenge following these rules I’ve set myself: 
The characters should be someone I’ve not yet drawn or been a while since I’ve drawn 
I will try to add the letter into every drawing (for the fun of it) 
There will be no time limit meaning if I don’t feel like or have time to draw an entry a day that’s okay ^V^ 
No speedpaints will be recorded for this (it would take far too long and sometimes I like to watch things while drawing) 
The rest of this post will be my list for the challenge ^V^ thank you for reading, for being here and hopefully with these changes and new exciting challenges we have many nice things to look forward to ^V^ (if at least on this blog and not in the world because yikes) 
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A-Z fanart challenge for @thebadgerfoxdraws​
Aavaros (The Dragon Prince) 
Benson (Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts) 
Cat Noir (Tales of Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir) 
Dee Dee (Dexter’s Laboratory) 
Eugene Fitzherbert (Tangled)
Doctor Facilier (Princess and the Frog) 
Guienevre (BBC’s Merlin/Merlin: the New Adventures) 
Hilda (Hilda) 
Iron Man (MCU)
Jake Long (The Amercian Dragon) 
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
Lyra Bellaqua (His Dark Materials) 
Morgana le Fey (Wizards) 
Nico di Angelo (Riordanverse) 
Odette (The Swan Princess)
Patton Sanders (Sander Sides)
Quicksilver (MCU/X-men) 
Regina Mills (Once Upon A Time)
Sadness (Inside Out) 
Tyberius Nero Blackthorn (Shadowhunters) 
Uriel (Good Omens) 
Valkirye (MCU) 
Wart (Over the Garden Wall) 
Xenophilius Lovegood (Harry Potter) 
Yzma (The Emperor’s New Groove) 
Zuko (Avatar: the Last Airbender) 
# (any other symbol) 5 (The Umbrella Academy) 
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phantombrushy · 7 years
How do you make your speedpaints? (Recording, editing etc)
Hey there nonnie!
So, there have been multiple programs I have used. Right now, I’m using Camtasia 9 for both recording and editing, and this is a program I highly recommend.
I used to use iSpring Free Cam 8 for recording and Sony Vegas Pro 14.0 for editing, but I quickly ran into problems with those as far as making speedpaints goes. 
iSpring Free Cam 8 didn’t take very good recordings (some colours wouldn’t show up because the quality was low), and the video files weren’t compatible with Camtasia 9. The only upside to it compared to Camtasia 9′s screen recorder was that I was able to pause a recording, instead of having to create multiple every time I walked away from the computer. Either Camtasia 9 can’t do that, or I haven’t figured out how yet. 
Sony Vegas Pro doesn’t allow me to speed up a video as far as I want. I can change the speed up to a certain point, but not enough, because then speedpaints end up being 20 minutes long. However, whenever I’m in the mood to make a video edit or to make my own movie trailers for movies/shows, this program is a good choice for that.
The process of making my speedpaints is like so:
I pull up the Camtasia 9 screen recorder and make sure the dimensions are right (I end up recording my entire screen anyways). I record when I’m ready.
When I’m finished, I pick a song for the speedpaint. I do this step before editing because I try to keep the videos short enough for one or two songs. The music I choose generally comes from here, here, or here. Cinematic music or epic soundtracks normally don’t have extensive copyrights, so the likelihood of a video being blocked or taken down is low. Of course, I have been able to use the odd pop/indie song in my videos. Careful using Muse’s music though, I tried with my John Kennex speedpaint and it was taken down.
I insert the title card, which normally contains the title of the art piece, what fandom it’s from, the duration, what song(s) I used, and the program(s) that were involved. If it’s an NSFW speedpaint (which I have made but haven’t posted yet because it’s for Spice Peaches), I also include a warning card. I also place a .png of my drawing at the end of the song.
Since the title card lasts 5 seconds (barring any warning cards) and the image file at the end of the video lasts about 3 seconds on average, I subtract that from the time from the song length and adjust the recording to the length I get. What makes this easy enough is the clip speed that I can adjust by simply typing the length I want the video to be, which adjusts the speed to fit that.
I normally check over the video a couple of times to make sure everything runs fine and then I render and post it.
Perhaps I’ll make a tutorial video in the future? I hope this is what you were asking for!
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Hi! I was wondering something about your drawings.. With your redraws... how do you do your texture (It seems soft/grainy like rice paper?)? Is it by brush?Overlay? You don't have to give away all your secrets~ It's cool!
You are the first person asking me for my advise @_@ I am so excited! (Even if I am so super bad in such things because I ony draw for 1year myself >.
Now to the advices I have as a not so experienced artist/ girl who likes to draw.
1. draw whenever you can! Practie is the best you can do. There is no magical spell or medicine you can take for improving ;) So practice is the A and O. BUT don´t push it when you have no head for it!!! I often draw even when I know my situation mentally and physically is not good and it comes how it has to come: nothing looks like it should. I have to learn even know to make a break when I know everything sucks and nothing will work. And it is fucking hard. BUT the last 2 weeks it was really helpful for me, to stop and take one day break. Your perfectionism will thank you ;) And the next day you can start refreshed and full of energy! Ho yeah.
2. Practice with references! It´s the best you can do. I suck so hard in anatomy and poses and the best you can do is to look references up on deviantart or pinterest and practic with them. (and NO, I think you are not a bad artist when you draw with references! Even the best people take them for their works! So you can do that, too!) No one has EVERY SINGLE pose in their head :) It is impossible. I search in the net or take my Ball jointed doll- Boys for most of my drawings (they are not so happy about it, but they have to bear with it xb haha). AH and the biggest help is to stalk lifestreams OR watch speedpaintings :D.
3. “It´s finished, not perect”. Ohhh my, that is the hardest thing for me -.-; to end a drawing before I crash my tablet on the wall. Because I am the type of artist who would draw days or weeks on a pic because I think every little mistake is the worst and it has to be “perfect”. BUT it helps me when I say to me: “What IS perfect?” every artist makes little mistakes. Even the best. AND everyone has their own preferences in art. I mean, there are artists who say “without lines? Without me.” and other “Lines will bring me in my grave” (I am the second one ^^;). Yeah. There is no “perfect”. THERE ISN´T!!! Ha. So end your project before you become crazy :3 like me. Sometimes. But if you are REALLY not happy about it, you can always make a second try of the drawing :)!
4. If you are not sure if you like your finished drawing, wait one night or make a break, watch tv or read a book and look on it again. You think it is okay? Then let it how it is and be happy that you made such a good job :) There is smth odd with it? Then try to figure out what looks not so right and try to change it. But think on No. 1 and No. 3 I wrote before. Don´t push it. And “it´s finished, not perfect” is better as “I don´t want to finish it because I think it looks odd.” :)
5. Drawing is like therapy. For me, at least. Let your emotions out in your drawings. Or light your depressive mind while drawing a happy face :3 It helps.
6. Draw only the things, you like!!! There are many ships, fandoms, nfsw things bla bla out there, BUT you don´t have to draw what other people draw only because you think it is “fandom” and “I have to because everyone like it”. That is ... not cool. You will be disappointed when you look at the ship you draw even so you don´t like it. :) OR for example me don´t like it to raw girls >.
7. Fiiind your styyyyllleee. Look up all the artists you know and try and practice and copy and then BAAAMMMM at one point you will realize what you prefer :D with lines, without lines, easy eyes or BAM eyes (I can´t draw them xD), only scetches or in full color? What is with the head, the nose, the HAND shape? JUST HAVE FUN to figure out what you like. Everything looks gorgeous! There is is no “you must to draw like that”. You can draw however you want ^^ If you are not sure if the drawing- style suits you and your skills, then try another one. And if you look up your beloved artists, you can see that the style change in the years. Because you will practice. And that means you will improve. And yeah. You know?
8. Are you a digital/traditional or maybe both drawing type? :)
9. Don´t forget your social life ^^; (haha, I think I am saying this to me right now -.-;)
10. Don´t forget to eat *cough*
Okay. It is SO much bla bla but maybe it helped a bit? (I don´t think so, but I enjoyed to talk about smth like that ^_____^;) If you have other questions ... PLEASE ASK!!! :D And I think I will remember a lot more hacks later, but now my head is tired ;)
Ah, but if you want me to show you “how I draw this or that” than write me what you want to see and I can make a short video ;)
You can do everything if you want
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zacfaq · 8 years
PLEASE DON’T SEND ME “PASS IT ON” MESSAGES !! as sweet as some of they are they can be really annoying. i don’t check my PMs here! if you need to get ahold of me either send me an ask, or email me.
apparently necessary reminder: google exists! i’m not a know-it-all source, honestly i shouldn’t even be your second plan after google unless it’s a question specifically based on me or something relating to me
i try to avoid fandom drama as much as possible and keep a generally positive space, so please don’t come and ask me about stuff like that. thanks. 
if you want to commission me please send an email to [email protected]. do not email me through this address if your intentions are purely social and not work related
-what do you use to record and edit your speedpaints?
i use OBS to record, and edit in sony vegas
-what do you use to draw?
huion gt-191 and clip studio paint
-what are your pen settings?
just the default settings. all my custom stuff/things i’ve downloaded from CSP assets are just things i think look neat but probably never end up using. 
-a blog called papersans is claiming to be you! are they a thief?
that’s literally me, i use it to archive my art so i can find stuff easier without having to hunt through my tag. also available for people who just want to see my art n not my other posts
-when is your birthday?
february 6th!
-what is your sexuality?
gay. i like men.
-how long does it take you to draw?
idk like. awhile? sometimes 45 minutes sometimes four hours sometimes a week. 
-can i draw you/your ocs?
of course! pls show me after it would make me very happy !!!!! 
-favourite band/singer/musician?
i don’t know a damn thing about myself here’s a spotify playlist
-will you do art for cheap/free?
nah. art is currently the only job/income i have, if ur interested in commissioning me you can either find my prices on like, any of my pages, but if not ur more than welcome to email me @ [email protected] and i can give you prices there !! -(venting or something involving abuse, suicidal thoughts, self harm, bullying, eating disorders, or other similar things in real life situations. even in fiction i’m iffy.)
i hate to sound rude or not be of help, but please don’t send these messages to me. they send me into horrible anxiety  for several personal reasons. if you’re having such negative thoughts i implore you to speak to someone you trust without an anonymous mask, or do your best to seek help from a professional. i have my own things to worry about and as much as i’d like to help, i simply can’t.
-(asking for advice that isn’t related to art)
i would love to help but i’m not an ~all knowing source~. i can’t give you tips for school. i can’t give you tips for life. not only will i probably not know a solution for you but there’s likely a chance i’m in just as bad a situation as you/going through the same problem, as silent as i am about my personal life. also don’t use ‘asking for advice’ as an excuse to vent about things or to send me a paragraph describing in depth something listed above/that’s potentially triggering. thank you.
even if you’re looking fr art tips i’m not a great source i’m still learning, ur best bet is looking for already existing sources and reading through those bc i don’t preach the word of Art God. i’m also awful at explaining things
-why didn’t you answer my ask?
Main reason is i’m just really really bad at socializing, so it’s not anything on u. i’m almost always low on energy and when i do talk to people it wears me out really quick. i’m also just. not gr8 at talking in general so if i can’t think of a reply i tend to just leave things n then end up forgetting about them
-how do you draw [blank]?
honestly my art style is such a fucked up thing that’s so personalized to my own use i can’t do or make tutorials. the best i can do is direct you to my youtube.
-can we do an art trade?
sorry, i’ll have to say no. i’m not necessarily busy but i get stressed very easily, so i try to keep my art to either personal stuff or work ! if you would like art from me, please considering commissioning me! mutuals and friends may be the exceptions here if they catch me at a good time or we make plans well ahead to do smth when we’re both free to work on stuff
-can we be friends?
please don’t ask this. i’m awful enough at socialization as is and i just don’t fit well with most personality types. not to mention this is just overall a bad question. it backs the person being asked into a corner where they either have to say “yes” and end up in a friendship that actually isn’t working out and is maybe only good for one side bc they’re getting any and all of the benefits, and if they say “no” they look like a total dick bag and come across as an ass. don’t ask this question. it’s not how socializing works. it’s not how friendships work. thanks. -can you tag [blank]? unfortunately i’ve been a real bad place in terms of memory so i can’t tag tons and tons of things. i try and tag more general/basic things but i’m sorry i’ll have to pass on specifics. if i post or reblog things that trigger u or harm you it might be best to unfollow for ur own safety!! very sorry
if it’s specific words you’d like tagged please consider blacklisting the word itself. 
-how tall are you?
i’m 5'11".
-can you promo me?
i’d rather not, doesn’t sit well with me. if you have a commission post you want me to reblog i’m happy to! but i won’t just do text based handouts, y’know? not a fan of being used for visibility for no reason, and chances are if i do it for one person it’ll happen with hundreds of others and i don’t want my blog to turn into a free advertisement zone that just floods peoples’ feeds with promotions.
-you reblogged something from someone extremely problematic/unsafe
thank you for letting me know! tell me what it is they did, even better offer proof on it. i’ll likely delete the post and blacklist their url to hopefully prevent their name popping up on my blog in the future. i won’t publish these asks mostly to avoid discourse or in the event false information is provided. sorta just safety precaution i guess
-you’ve done something bad
again, thank you for letting me know! if i post or say something questionable please feel free to message me and i’ll try my best to address the issue and adjust accordingly. i’m aiming to grow as a person so critique is welcome, both on me and my artwork. don’t just come up and call me an asshole or a prick or something, actually point out the errors and explain why they’re wrong so i can better understand and it doesn’t just turn into a defensive round of who’s worse, because i tend to be a very defensive person.
-i think someone is stealing/reposting your art!
thank you very much for telling me! don’t message them right off the bat, come to me first and i will deal with it. i’ve dealt with this shit tons of times and it’s tiring as fuck but i’d rather repeat the same stupid civil message over and over again than start a giant calamity over something and end up with someone getting hurt. if you do get involved please stay polite about it don’t throw insults just a simple “hey this art was done by princeofmints/tv-headache/zachary jack/dirtypip/(etc my other account names) and he doesn’t want his art reposted, please take this down or add proper credit.”
-can i use your art as an icon?
sure man. only on places like instagram, tumblr, or twitter though, and proper credit in an easy to see place must be given. if a piece of art is of my ocs or especially vent art though never use it for icons. thank you.
-can i repost your art?
the answer is “no” but i know you’re going to do it anyways. easy to see credit is mandatory. if you see somebody reposting my art please let me know and i’ll talk to them. if you want to use my art in things like image edits, i don’t allow that. want to use my art in a video? if it’s something like an AMV sure fine just credit me and inform me beforehand, if it’s something like a cringe/comparison video. no. i don’t want any association with work like that whatsoever. you may not use my artwork for fanfic covers.
-can i colour/finish one of your sketches?
no. even if you don’t intend on posting it. 
-what is [insert some form of media/fandom]
-why do you have an entirely separate blog for your FAQ? you know you can make blog pages, right?
i’m well aware of that and originally my faq WAS set up on a blog page, but unfortunately many folks proved to be either lazy or just couldn’t figure out how to get to a blog page on mobile so i had to set it up this way for accessibility purposes.
-tons of your videos are gone, what happened to them? will they come back? can you repost them?
i set old videos on private for my own sake, i don’t like having my old content available bc it just looks old and stale and i don’t like it. there’s nothing deep about it, i just don’t want people interacting with my old stuff. as deep is it gets is i just deleted videos related to fandoms i’m sick of bc the association is fuckin annoying. these videos will not come back into public. i do keep them posted for my own reflection sake, but that’s it. don’t ask me to bring them back. don’t whine about me not putting shit back out just bc ur a little sad n gonna cry. guilting people is gross, reevaluate yourself.
if you want a song from an old video, just ask me! I’ll happily let you know what the music is in case u liked ‘em and can’t remember the titles or artists. i’ve also got a playlist full of the music i listen to so u can comb through there n see if the songs u want are there
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cjoat-boost · 4 years
During my mental break, I’ve been trying to recover from a traumatic experience that occurred last month…I probably won’t be venting about my life anytime soon. But it is really messed up. Anywho, been resting, practicing mindfulness, my period came on, so I’ve been trying to control my temper, etc. 
But here’s an update, I did some more artwork. I’m going to give you that today. I’m going to recommend a few apps, youtube channels, and show off some artists and musicians, in this post. I’ll also mention some servers for you guys to join. In also munching on some organic cinnamon bears by the Wholesome brand. You can’t beat them. 
Apps I use on my phone!
Here’s some apps I use in my everyday life. Some you have to pay a little more for but it’s definitely worth it.
Triller | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/triller-social-video-platform/id994905763 | Personally I have not tried This. But since a TikTok is getting banned in the US and China, I thought well, might try this out. Despite TikTok’s racism and shadowbanning, I liked making small little clips. No matter how embarrassing it is. So give it a try you never know.
Polarr | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/polarr-photo-editor/id988173374 | Okay. I had to include this app into this list. Y’know? This is my favorite photo editing program. It’s simple, it’s sleek, and it’s so fun to mess around with stuff in your photos. I never knew this great of an app exists a year ago? You can add effects, get rid of some unwanted features, or just do a simple touch up. It’s available on the computer, and tablet and phone.
Telegram | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/telegram-messenger/id686449807 | it’s a messenger app. Yes. I know. But! Hear me out! You can set it up to have this so password protected. It encrypts all of your conversations. You get all kinds of stickers to include in your conversations. Honestly? It’s fun, interactive, and safe from unwanted eyes. 
Notebloc | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/notebloc/id1077023687 | oh my gosh what can you do. It’s a free app. With premium scanning capabilities, at no cost to you. It’s amazing to be honest I believe it’s better than Evernote. Just give it a shot.
YouTube channels I watch!
Here’s a list of YouTube channels I highly recommend for a good laugh, interesting fun, SpeedPaints, gameplay, etc.
Jacksepticeye | premium content. Amazing. Loud voice. Beautiful and happy man. Plays many video games, has a lot of reactions, it’s beautiful honestly. Watch his videos.Neebs Gaming | My favorite series on this channel (and I’m currently listening to) is his Subnautica series. It is absolutely hilarious. It’s great. This guy(s) turned this game and made a video show out of it, it’s so laughable. I love it. 
Adrian Von Ziegler | Beautiful channel, perfect inspiration music. D&D campaign music! And taking Celtic Music back to its roots. Oh my gosh it’s absolutely amazing.
Penny Jacobson | Held by our very own CJOAT social media manager! Show her some support, please she’s trying her best.
Epic Meal Time | These guys are absolutely insane. Don’t know how to cook, but made the best cooking show on YouTube (in my opinion) oh but seriously, if you want diabetes for your eyes? This is perfect for you.
Sprocket Tech | Okay I cant help it, this channel reached 40 subscribers as of this week. 1 active commenter, things are absolutely gravy. If you could show some love to the speedpaints and other playlists made in this channel… it would be amazing. Youtube is special but yknow? We’re trying.
Discord Servers to join!
Here’s a list of servers I’m in, and I watch you to take part in. It’ll be amazing if you showered them in support.
UNDERTALE ROLEPLAY Server | Universal Server Invite | https://discord.gg/PQdJX5n
Creator’s Museum: Do you specialize in any of the creativities of arts, (meaning you Create something no matter how long ago or how bad or good you think it is) | Do you need support from others or a place to network? | Do you want to dump all of your stuff in a Safe and friendly place? | Do you have a fandom or two to share? | And most of all, want something to entertain you while you’re bored | Creator’s Museum is the one server for you! We are a community that advertises and supports our members, we’re honest, sweet, trustworthy, empowering fandoms, being allowed to express ourselves, and just giving each other some attention! Got a server you want to gorge? We’ll partner with you. For the entire month of December every year, as soon as you join, you get a gallery of your own to dump everything you want in. For the rest of the year, you get your gallery if you stay two weeks. We have tourneys, and challenges, and some extra Notification ping friendly action. come in and say hi, dump as you please, and make a friend or two! | https://discord.gg/amWDkyz
My Art Currently As on Pride Month 2020!
  Happy PRIDE
Underwater Tram Battle
Medieval Ref
Glowing Eye (Black Lives Matter)
(ᴇʀᴢᴀʜʟᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ĐɆⱤ₳₦₲ɆĐ#2276‘s Character) Erzahler (my Art Though)
Baby Medieval (Thank RedKammy on Twitter for the F2U Lineart)
Chymrali’s Small Body Compared to Her Large Wingspan
Chymrali Catching Dreisig
Fire Practice
3D Filter Practice
I’m Sorry (Soul Update)
Dawn (Halo’s Character) & Graffonti (My Character) Ship Child
Michael & Grillby’s Ship Child
Rebelle Missing His Special Someone
Black Lives Matter Mask
Rebelle’s Soul (Crap I spelled his name wrong)
Post-Birthday Rebelle (21 years old As of June 30th)
Comet! FtM Space Dazzler
Rebelle Flexing In Space
Nilla da Beana
Mystic Anthromorphic Rabbit
Human Form turned into Medieval
EDIT: Okay! So after my art getting called demonic and a severe psychosis breakdown; PLUS, a motivational religious talk from my biggest supporter, my mother, Kelli Wise. Love you, Meema! I decided to completely disregard what my grandmother and my uncle said about my art, and continue posting what I love to draw. Especially since I’m on Art Fight! Can’t be feeling down and below, since my art needs to and is constantly improving. So below I’m going to show my Art Fight Identification Card for 2020! And the Art Pieces I’ve been doing there and recently as of July!
So far I have over 520 points! Come and attack me! I dare you!
Just Child Me, checking in on you.
After I vented for a bit, my close friends sent comfort, jokes, and love my way. I love those guys.
Just my skeleton form in bitty form.
This is the symbol for my character, Chymrali.
Galaxy Swirl Nightmare
OwO Slime
This was my first art attack. While I am not proud of it, I’m still glad this is what set me off.
Pfffhehehehe a certain couple “broke” when they saw this. They loved him, and they both loved the art.
She liked this one. ^^ This was my second art attack.
This was my third art attack. Even though I didn’t get any into for it, I got the Grace of meeting a Parody of James Bond.
Another D&D character! I love drawing Drows. They’re just so fun to draw and colour without going full on black and white.
This was @Fluffaros two characters! I hope they become canon. They haven’t confessed but i hope they do.
This was an attack on Team Spice’s MissOccult. (She loved it btw.)
This was an exact scene from Doldrum’s campaign.
I was thinking about my pup, Shy, may she Rest In Peace. I created this in her memory.
MissOccult attacked me back with beautiful art!! So I attacked her back in revenge (more like love) with another character she loved.
This is an improvement of some of my previous attacks!
This was just practice drawing honey. Could be better but you know.
this could possibly be my first lineless art piece. I’m surprised it turned out so well.
I loved messing with the blues on this piece. It was very fun to do. Also YAY FIRST SUCCESSFUL BACKGROUND! Probably not first but you know.
Trust me, their character design looked a lot better when Vmii did it. But I’m just glad I could throw in a throwback piece for the background.
Was listening to Clarity as I made this caption. I think it impacted the art. It’s nice to pair with the piece.
BEST PIECE BY FAR! I’m so proud of this.
Certainly not the best but not my worst either. But Grandmother seems to like this one.
Girasol Guerrero Sirena Princesa Gianna
…No comment on this one…it brings back pain.
I’m black in America, fighting for our rights to be here in unity and empathy.
Kitten…Be Safe…
Intermission From Life During my mental break, I’ve been trying to recover from a traumatic experience that occurred last month...I probably won’t be venting about my life anytime soon.
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