#In which Morgana is a Ninja
Devil Summoner: Akechi Goro vs the Phantom Thieves Chapter 14: Suffer for Your Art
The Residence of Madarame Ichiryusai Akasaka, Tokyo
"Madarame-san? It's Officer Yoshizawa with the Cyber Security Task Force…are you home?"
Sumire's knuckles ached from rapping on the door so much without answer. The longer she and Shiho stood on the stoop, waiting to be allowed inside, the more she had to pretend to ignore the flurry of questions coming from reporters over her shoulder.
"Miss, have you spoken with Madarame-san?"
"What is his reaction to the Sayuri's change?"
"Is this disappearance part of the exhibit? Did Madarame-san plan this in advance?"
"Are the Phantom Thieves responsible for this?"
"Remain calm," Morgana purred from the backpack on her shoulder. "You don't have to give them an answer."
"I know," Sumire muttered, trying to ignore the flashing camera lights coming over her shoulder. "Can't the police move them back a little?"
"There's no room on the street," Shiho sighed, slamming her palm hard on the door. "Madarame-san, our colleague is meeting with the prosecutor to determine how to proceed with this case; he will either give her your explanation for the Sayuri's transformation or ours !"
"What's our explanation?" Sumire whispered.
"That's for Madarame to worry about," Shiho said, perking up as the locks clicked open. "See?"
A slim, dark-haired teenager stuck his face through the crack in the door, carefully hanging in the shadows to avoid the lenses of the cameras. "A-Apologies…sensei isn't feeling well enough to answer the door at the moment."
"We can come in if that's easier," Sumire suggested, offering her badge. "But I'm afraid this is official business; your master's painting has been defaced, and-"
"Sensei is already aware of that," the boy mumbled, eyes trained on the stoop beneath Sumire's feet. "H-His lawyers are reviewing his statement; please be patient as we…as we consult our counsel."
Those aren't his words, Sumire thought, trying to see into the darkness of the house behind him. Someone told him to say that…
"Put me down," Morgana whispered from the bag. "I have an idea."
"We have reason to believe the Phantom Thieves will make another move tonight ," Sumire lied, lowering her backpack to the ground behind Shiho's legs. "If there is any information your sensei can give us; anything to suggest why he was targeted like this-"
"Thank you for your work, officer," the boy mumbled, moving to close the door. "W-We will make our statement when we are ready…"
"Wait." Shiho's hand slammed on the door as it started to close, badly startling the boy in the process. "Look at me for a second."
The boy's jaw quivered, and for the first time Sumire noticed how tired he looked. The skin on his fingers was puffy, red, and cracked where it wasn't completely stained with white paint. For a moment, it looked like he wanted to say something, but before he could work up the courage, he slammed and locked the door again.
"...he's scared of something," Shiho said with absolute certainty.
"How can you tell?" Sumire asked.
"I know what scared kids look like," Shiho said softly. "Something or someone is terrifying him…and he feels like he can't even ask for help."
Something seemed to lend weight to Shiho's theory; something that concerned Sumire but not quite enough to ask about it. As she bent down to pick up her sack, she found it curiously several pounds lighter.
Where did he...no, he didn't.
"That old painter is really gonna make us get that warrant, isn't he?" Shiho sighed.
"Maybe we won't need it," Sumire said, nodding at a cafe across the street. "Let's get some tea while we wait."
"For what, Madarame to have a change of heart?" Shiho asked.
"No…for Morgana-senpai to finish his investigation," Sumire murmured, glancing back at the house behind her.
Start From the Beginning >>
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crystalstylehexagon · 23 days
"The Light and Darkness Reversed"
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Looking at their In-game moves from Naruto Ninja Storm and League of Legends, they're basically analogies of one another: Their Kit is similar, and their ultimate is literally the same. Both destroy things out of seeking "Justice", though Kayle is BLINDED by the "Just and glorious light", following in the shadow, much like Indra to Kaguya, of her mother, Mihira, who is the true aspect, if not, the holy light itself. This analogy works well with Indra as well, not only unknowingly walking under his grandmother's shadow, but also his father's. He, before fully coming to be evil, is the man who had been strict and a relentless teacher canon-wise, he was a "Just", or "By the book" type of character, or in other words, the perfect soldier/heir for his father, only to be betrayed by the very own ideals he stood for and this might just also be the case for Kayle.
This will turn into a giant post, but bear with me.
That reminds me,
We can't forget
Ashura and Morgana The Fallen:
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While Morgana's Ideals of rebellion take a similar path to Indra's, binding her wings out of spite for her kin, the ascended (People who gain powers through a holy  variety of magic, chiefly celestial magic, granting them the ability to become something more than human, channeling that power through their connection to the celestial entities), sore the ground, to feel what humanity really was about, to find out why her sister spited them and called them "Deceivers and the unjust".
she's not driven by vengeance against her own kin, nor is fully spiteful towards them, especially her just-blinded sister, but driven with the hopes of making her sister and the ascended see the beauty of mortality, of making mistakes, of love and pain, of fear, so Kayle could see what she saw in these humans.
This was also a way to stop her sister from bringing forth the "Judgement day" (basically something out of a bible story. What else do you expect from good and evil story?), meaning she would "vanquish the evil and filth from this world." even if it meant burning the planet alive from the inside out granted by the flames of her mother.
Guess who else holds the ideology for love of humanity?
Aside from the still-confused Hagoromo, Ashura outside of all of the Otsutsuki was an empath. From a young age, he seemed talentless, despite being the son of Hagoromo, the sage of six paths, so he spent a lot of that time playing with children his age, helping out and loved his brother very much, but slowly, their relationship grew colder
Indra, much like Kayle was afraid of making mistakes, being the perfect son, following the path of ninshu, which we could arguably call the path of "ascension from something beyond human", teaching humans how to unlock their superhuman talents, but much like every mentor, he was biased towards strength, especially as black zetsu slowly poisoned his mind.
While Kayle was afraid of feeling pain, Indra honed it to his advantage, and with that he unshackled himself and became something, not human, but back when Ashura was away and he taught ninshu, he shared same sentiment as Kayle did.
"I must feel nothing to fight injustice" - "To find grace, I cannot rest, I will not" - "I have given up everything for the light" - "The law does not tolerate imperfection. I am no exception." "If I slip, I will fall, so I must fly." - Kayle.
And Indra before finding out he was, in fact- was not the inheritor of ninshu, basically shared the same ideals. He was afraid of being imperfect, he was afraid to make mistakes at that point, he was doing everything by the book, knowing he was superior to his brother, he gave up his childhood because he was given a promise of a rightful inheritance, he knew this, he was born for this.
But he got screwed over and completely fell into the abyss of darkness and rebelled and from what I can tell, Kayle's story is going there as well: To sacrifice your whole life for a cause, only to find out you were fighting on the wrong side/get absorbed by your mother (Probably, this is just my theory.)
And then, when she would know pain, she would probably take a similar path as Indra did: Vengeance and hatred.
(Mihira: mother of Kayle and Morgana)
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Then we, once again have Morgana and Ashura: The empaths who took the side of humanity, who in a way rebelled against their own system and decided to explore what being human was like; hence, Ashura's Journey.
As we know, Ashura came back home much later than Indra, and that was because he accomplished great feats. While Indra was looked onto as a god for his power, Ashura humbled himself, working with what he had honed from his ninshu training, and he worked HARD for it.
Eventually he, in a way, became a part of this community and even gained followers from his journey back, told his story to Hagoromo and hence got chosen, because not only Hagoromo saw a strange darkness in Indra,(I can't live that down, like, how could he not suspect. He has THREE EYES for fuck's sake, counting his marking as the third eye.) but because he saw HIMSELF in Ashura. He remembered his journey, his bonds and his connections with people. He saw all that was good in him (Basically the Cain and Able analogy).
And guess who does the same thing? Morgana
While she conflicted between her celestial and mortal natures, Morgana bound her wings to embrace humanity and inflicted her pain and bitterness upon the dishonest and the corrupt. She rejects laws and traditions she believes are unjust and fights for truth from...
While this may sound like Indra, i'd say it is more of an Ashura analogy.
Ashura, in his own way, rejected the traditional ways of ninshu and teachings of ninshu from a young age, because he was simply bad at it and got mocked for it, even in this journey, their father sent him to do... Whatever and come back and tell him the story so he could choose a successor.
Unlike Indra, Ashura, much like Morgana bound her wings, learned more about humanity, and bound himself and his overpowering ass. He instead felt the pain and suffering of humans, he felt their sorrow and cries for help, and he empathized with them. While being an extrovert, we cannot forget that Ashura was still - partially alien, and much like Kaguya, we don't know how Otsutsuki's emotions work. We only know that Kaguya hypothetically managed to humanize her emotions, actually felt them, maybe she mimicked, maybe Otsutsuki, when coming close to emotions, simply get overwhelmed by them (Stone-faced: Ishiki, Momoshiki, Urashiki, who, if you take a closer look, simply did not function like human beings, have similar emotions. It was either a stone face or a sadistic look, which points to Otsutsuki simply being born as dickheads, but you may prove me wrong since I hadn't read or watched the full Boruto series, only snippets).
And while being on earth for decades, I believe those genes got mixed and mutated, hence Ashura and Indra developing more but the inner conflict, something aching deep within would likely stay.
Because they're both basically demigods and they're alien demigods, I'm pretty sure both had some struggles and questions about their humanity and otherwise, and Ashura is a perfect example of overcoming that "darkness within". While Morgana uses darkness to inflict suffering on those who do evil, power does not matter, what matters is that these two have similar views about humanity, love, and family.
Ashura loved his brother dearly, and even at the end of the fight, he tried to check on him.
Morgana loves her sister despite all, and just like Ashura, she wants to make her sister see the truth, blinded by light, only Indra's vision was blinded by darkness.
When i watch Naruto, i come across some very interesting characters and analogies like these and I think out of all of them, this one is the most beautiful and poetic one out of all.
Siblings, ripped from one another by fate, forever to battle one another.
Darkness vs Light
only in League, the Light is the true evil.
But both of these come to the yin and yang theory: One cannot exist without the other, darkness needs light, and from mythologies, the Sun needs the Moon.
In Naruto, true evil is taken as a concept, not an actual literal thing, and I think Kishimoto tried hard to point that out with the end game and executed it beautifully: Evil does not exist, black and white make grey, it is all about the balance, hence Naruto and Sasuke:
The Moon and the Sun come together to defeat a great threat to protect their world, the cycle of hatred between Indra and Ashura ends with them, and both accept their roles in the world. Naruto being the light, and Sasuke being the Light's shadow.
And pretty much, if Riot doesn't come up with some weird shit, or drops the whole concept altogether, I believe that the path the story of Kayle's and Morgana's story will take is the same as Ashura's and Indra's/Sasuke's and Naruto's, which, out of many other Anime/Stories, is one of the most perfectly executed story, if we look at Naruto series like the "Good and Evil, Cain and Able, Lucifer and God" analogy path it had taken towards the end of Shippuden.
"Through light, we find darkness, and through that darkness, we find the light once more"
That's all i have to say about this.
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popawritter12 · 8 months
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My name both here and on other networks is Popa or Peporovich, I have been a fanfic writer for a long time. I've been writing Yandere fanfics for a long time, and I love Tumblr, so i started to write in this app.
So, let me welcome y'all with this
Master list
So, maybe i dont know a lot about Tumblr post (because im accustomed to Wattpad) so excuse me if i do mistakes through this masterlist :<.
My native language is Spanish, therefore, since my English is not good, I will use the google translator. I'm going to upload my fanfics that are already in Spanish here!
I am part of several fandoms, but my fanfics and stories are purely and exclusively Yanderes, men, women, creatures, etc. Although these fanfics are in Spanish on Wattpad, I could post the English version on Tumblr.
One thing to clarify: I kindly ask that, if placing an order, you specify the gender of the reader, since it affects a lot when I translate it into English thanks to my lack of English <3
And, im gonna put the things that i can writte through requests.
Secondary Wattpad account (Were everything is in Spanish): @Mondongohater32
If you want to make a request, there are manly chooses!
But, if you want one, you need to put just two obligatory things.
And there are:
-Put if you want a One-Shot, Headcanon or other things that I do (I put them right here 👇🏻)
I can write:
-Only Yandere requests.
-Yandere female, male, non-binary, etc.
-One shots.
-"Correspondence messages to a lost lover"
-"In each situation, how would this Yandere react?"
-(Reader) storys.
I Cannot write:
-NSFW (At least now)
-Characters under 18 years x character +18 years.
-Extreme violence.
-Strange fetishes (Like feets or things that are common in R34).
Series, video games, movies, etc. for which I can write requests:
-The Witcher.
-Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
-Portal 1 and 2.
-Team Fortres 2.
-Stardew Valley.
-Devil May Cry.
-League of Legends (Not Arcane)
-Yakuza saga.
-Chainsaw man.
-Jojos Bizarre Adventure.
-Kengan Ashura.
-Demon Slayer.
-Shuumatsu No Valkyrie.
-Violet Evergarden.
-Captain Tsubasa.
-Teenage mutant ninja turtles (Rottmnt, 2012, 2014 ☝️🤓)
-One punch man.
And actual state: Request open
Also, I made a total count of the number of one-shots and Headcanons I've made so far (those I have saved and those I uploaded to Tumblr), each with their respective links to go there <3
The dynamic goes like this:
-The red color is for those already finished and uploaded to Tumblr.
-The light blue color is for those already finished but only available on Wattpad.
-The ones without color are NOT finished yet.
Tally of all half-done stories/projects:
“Let me tell you a story” – One shots
One shots made:
Kimetsu No Yaiba
-Yandere! Upper Moons xfemale reader (Part 1):Only on Wattpad
-Yandere Upper Moons x female Reader (Part 2): Only on Wattpad
-Yandere! Muichiro Tokito x female Reader: Only on Wattpad
Kengan Ashura
-Yandere! Kaede Akiyama x Fighter! male Reader: read here
-Yandere! Cosmo Imai x female reader: read here
-Yandere! Setsuna Kiryu x female Reader: read here
Super Champions/Captain Tsubasa
-Yandere! Genzo Wakabayashi x female reader:Only on Wattpad
-Yandere! Kojiro Hyuga x female Reader:Only on Wattpad
-Yandere! Jun Misugi x female Reader.: read here
League of Legends
-Yandere! Sett x Neutral reader: read here
-Yandere! Morgana Star Nemesis x male Reader: read here
-Yandere! Talon Du Couteau x female Reader: read here
-Yandere! Pyke x Male! Reader: read here
-Yandere! Primal Ambush! Talon x Fem! Reader: read here
-Yandere! Blood Moon! Shen x Male! Reader: read here
Dragon ball
-Yandere! Future Trunks x female reader:Only on Wattpad
-Yandere! Goro Majima x female reader: Only on Wattpad
-Yandere! Hidan + Yandere! Kakuzu x female reader:Only on Wattpad
Mortal Kombat
-Yandere! Smoke + Yandere! Sub-zero (Kuai Liang in this case) x female Reader:Only on Wattpad
Far Cry 3
-Yandere! Vaas x female reader : Only on Wattpad
DC Universe
-Yandere! Clark Kent + Yandere! Bruce Wayne x female Reader: read here
-Yandere! Evelyn x female Reader: Only on Wattpad
-Yandere! Baker x female reader
One shots unfinished in general:
-Yandere! Jack the Ripper x female reader (Shuumatsu No Valkyrie)
-Yandere! Fem! Angron x male Reader (Warhammer 40k)
-Yandere! Santana x female reader(Superchampions/Captain Tsubasa)
-Yandere! Harem! Captain Tsubasa x female Reader.
2. "More than 100 headcanons" (League of legends Yandere headcanons)
-Yandere! Aatrox headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Ashe headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Aurelion Sol headcanons:
-Yandere! Akali headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Aphelios headcanons: read here
-Yandere!Akshan headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Ahri headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Braum headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Caitlyn headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Cassiopeia headcanons:
-Yandere! Camille headcanons:
-Yandere! Darius headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Draven headcanons:
-Yandere! Diana headcanons:
-Yandere! Talon Du Couteau headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Zed headcanons: read here
Yandere! Blood Moon line of skins:
-Yandere! Blood Moon! Shen for a male Reader: read here
-Yandere! Blood Moon! Yasuo headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Blood Moon! Talon headcanons: read here
Yandere! High Noon line of skins:
-Yandere! High Noon! Talon headcanons: read here
I add more when i have time (and also im gonna put some one-shots that are only avaible on Wattpad <3)
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coderedblood · 1 year
Rune Factory English Voice Actors/Actresses:
I’m a huge fan of Rune Factory. It seems sort of niche bc when I ask other gamers (I’m a casual gamer, don’t ask me to be on any teams 😂) about it they don’t really know what it is. One of the things I love about is is how they get these huge voice actors for the games, which seem so small (but I know it isn’t, it’s sold hundreds of thousands of copies)
Raguna (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Vash the Stampede, Ichigo from Bleach, Sabo from One Piece, and Nero from Devil May Cry
Mist (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Haru from Persona 5
Bianca (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Saya from Blood+ (I didn’t see that one coming)
Tabatha (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Mima from Perfect Blue and Rem from Trigun
Iris (both of them, RFF) is Rukia from Bleach and Yuki from Haruhi Suzumiya
Anette (RFF) is Starfire (and Blackfire!) from Teen Titans and Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time
Raven (RF3) is Amy Rose from Sonic Boom
Electra (Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny) is Annie from Attack on Titan (didn’t see this one coming either)
Bacchus (RFTOD) is Vampire Hunter D (and D’s left hand!) (loved this one)
Vishnal (Rune Factory 4) is Leonardo from the 2003 Ninja Turtles cartoon and Kappa Mikey
Clorica (RF4) is Shiki from The World Ends With You
Xiao Pai (RF4) is Jenny from My Life As A Teenage Robot
Doug (RF4) is Sasuke from Naruto
Margaret (RF4) is Hinata from Naruto, Kyrie from Devil May Cry and Orihime from Bleach
Forte (RF4) is Abbey Bominable from the first Monster High cartoon
Amber (RF4) is Morgana from Persona 5
Dolce (RF4) is Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist (this one actually makes sense), Maka Albarn from Soul Eater and the female protagonist of Persona 3
Frey (RF4) is Gaz from Invader ZIM
Ares (Rune Factory 5) is SwaySway from The Breadwinners
Scarlett (RF5) is Retsuko from Aggretsuko, Akko from Little Witch Academia and Ryuko from Kill La Kill
Lucy (RF5) is Loona from Helluva Boss and Emira Blight from The Owl House
Martin (RF5) is Louis from Beastars
Cecil (RF5) is Hunter from The Owl House and Remy from Big City Greens
Ryker (RF5) is Trebol from One Piece (also, also did not see this coming)
Livia (RF5) is Rebecca from One Piece
Misasagi (RF5) is Tatsuki from Bleach
Rudolph (RF5) is Mugman from The Cuphead Show!
Yuki (RF5) is Beauty from Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo
Darroch (RF5) is Jelly Jiggler from Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo (which brings back memories and makes actually a lot of sense)
Radea (RF5) is Reiju from One Piece (also makes sense)
Gideon (RF5) is Griffon from Devil May Cry and Scratchmen Apoo from One Piece
Lara (RF1 and Rune Factory: Frontier), Eunice (RFF) and Maerwen (from Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny) have the same voice actress (and are Kitana and Mileena from Mortal Kombats 9 and X)
Melody (RF and RFF) and Sonja (Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny) have the same voice actress
Carmen and Shara (both Rune Factory 3) have the same voice actress and is Triela from Gunslinger Girl
Rosetta (RF and RFF) and Beatrice (Rune Factory 5) have the same voice actress
Nancy (from RF4) and Hina (from RF5) have the same voice actress who’s also Kikimora from The Owl House
Ventuswill and Lin Fa (both RF4) and Selphy (RFF) have the same voice actress who’s also Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop
Micah (Rune Factory 3) and Bismarck (RFTOD) have the same voice actor who is also Ling Yao from Fullmetal Alchemist and Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail
Violet (RFTOD) and Priscilla (RF5) have the same voice actress
Lily and Sierra (both RFTOD) have the same voice actress
Pandora and Quinn (both RFTOD) have the same voice actress
James (RFTOD) and Leon (RF4) have the same voice actor who’s also Law from One Piece and Levi from Attack on Titan
Dylas and Bado (both RF4) have the same voice actor
Arthur and Jones (both RF4) have the same voice actor who is also Donatello from the 2003 Ninja Turtles cartoon
Father Gerard (RFF) and Heinz (RF5) have the same voice actor who’s also adult Gohan from Dragon Ball Z and Kiba from Naruto
Cinnamon (RFF) and Fuuka (RF5) have the same voice actress who is also Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug and Verosika Mayday from Helluva Boss
Simone and Julian (both RF5) have the same voice actress who’s also Ash from Pokémon and April from the 2003 Ninja Turtles cartoon
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ducktoonsfanart · 2 years
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Quack Pack Week - Superheroes
Admittedly, I didn't have time to do as I planned, so I will post some of my drawings that I did before, that is, a couple of drawings reposted while I am publishing one drawing now.
Although I'm already late, one of my favorite themes for this year's Quack Pack Week is definitely superheroes. Of course I'm planning some drawings about it, but I'll post it in the next few days this week or maybe next week.
The first drawing is from last year, when I drew it for the 30th anniversary of Darkwing Duck and the 25th anniversary of Pk-Duck Avenger-PKNA (Paperinik New Adventures) and the 25th anniversary of Quack Pack. Since I didn't put the drawing well then, I'm putting it here in this form. Certainly a crossover of two Duck heroes, Darkwing Duck (Drake Mallard) and Duck Avenger (Donald Duck) with his gang such as Launchpad McQuack, Super Daisy (Paperinika-She-Avenger), Uno (One), Morgana Macawber, Quiverwing Quack (Gosalyn Mallard) and T-Squad (Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck). All together against evil. Yeah, I should write a fanfiction about it. You can see more about this drawing here: https://ducklooney.tumblr.com/post/648305531011956736/now-a-big-surprise-especially-for-fans-of
The second and third photo of the same drawing (drawn on 10/27) is actually a redraw of my drawing from last year related to my version of T-Squad ie Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck as superheroes. Huey Duck is Red Shadow or the red version of Darkwing Duck. Dewey Duck is Blue Cyclops or the blue version of Gizmoduck. Louie Duck is Boy-Venger or Paperinik Junior or the green version of Duck Avenger. Yes, drew as redraw poses from Quack Pack. You can see more about this here: https://ducklooney.tumblr.com/post/662811548827500544/i-apologize-for-any-delay-had-some-problems-and
And the fourth photo, which represents three drawings in one, is a repost of the same drawing I drew at the end of April and month. It's about Donald Duck as a super ninja / secret agent / superhero with his nephews who have become teenagers and go on adventures with him. Since they like extreme things, they can get extreme adventures, but they should be careful. Huey Duck is with Double Duck, Dewey Duck is with Maui Mallard, and Louie Duck is with Paperinik (Pk-PKNA version). Yes, there's also Kay K, Lyla Lay, Hernae, Uno (One), Jay J and more. More on this here: https://www.tumblr.com/ducktoonsfanart/683178923062870016/donald-duck-as-a-superhero-secret-agent
I hope you like these drawings and these ideas. Don't worry, there will be more new surprises.
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shinobirain24 · 3 months
Young Justice x Persona 5 – Honor Among Heroes and Thieves
Wolf – AKA Lycanthrope
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This doodle is inspired by Morgana/Mona from Persona 5 series.
You remember Wolf from Young Justice? This is the Wolf in his Metaverse form similar to Morogana/Mona. A bit more of a ninja type of Phantom Thief.
After being transported to the Metaverse, Wolf found himself able to communicate with his human companions even after exiting the Metaverse.
As a Phantom Thief, Wolf goes by the codename Lycanthrope, which is a literal term for wolves. And has a rivalry with Morgana. In the Metaverse, Wolf is capable of transformation into vehicles just like Mona.
When interacting with Morgana, they would often bicker to see who is the better guide and thief. Wolf/Lycanthrope's main weapons are dual tomahawks. His secondary weapon are bow and arrows.
Lycanthrope's persona is Nightwolf – based on a Mortal Kombat character. Nightwolf can shoot arrows to stun enemies and also an axe to increase damage.
While Lycanthrope and Mona have a fierce rivalry, they knew when to put aside their differences in order to help their friends. Cause one thing they have in common was that they are loyal to their friends.
That way, if that crossover were to happen for Young Justice x Persona 5, maybe this might give Wolf a much needed development.
So what do you think of Wolf's Metaverse Form? Pretty adorable, right?
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cafecitoeddie · 2 years
Going through my drafts because I wanted to clean up 30 posts worth and I found this Merlin/Arthur drabble I wrote maybe... 11 years ago? i was so ashamed of my writing back then... so anxious and scared to post anything but now MEH. 
Anyway, have frat boy Arthur rooming with a very pretty, very weird Merlin. <3
Arthur felt like he was three sheets to the wind. He'd heard that phrase used by his cousin Morgana once when she'd been, as she said, "completely sloshed." Or was it one sheet in a gentle breeze? A warm, sea breeze? Three sheets to the nor'easter wind. Yes, that is what he was currently feeling. He was a sheet ambling along in a strong nor'easter wind. That thought alone made him laugh hysterically, enough to cause several heads to pop out of doorways and stare at him before flipping him the finger and moving back into their own rooms.
He frowned at the floating heads popping out of doorways because how dare they have floating hands and flip him the finger with their-- floating fingers? Stupid floating heads.
God, it was only-- he paused, bringing his wrist up to check the time on his watch, stared for a few moments wondering where the hell it had gone before realizing he had never actually worn a watch before this moment in time-- some time after 1:57 because as official timekeeper for keg stands that was when the last one had happened.
What was his room number again? What was the meaning of life? He decided not to ponder the second question but he did know the answer to the first. He stopped in front of his own doorway before remembering Merlin had the key. 
Ah. Merlin. Where was the cheeky bastard now? 
"Merlin! Merlin! Merlin!" He cried out to the empty hallway. The hallway did not respond.
"I'm right here," came a voice from behind him. "Move or else I can't open the door." 
"Merlin! You ninja! Don't scare me like that!" Arthur wondered when Merlin had found the time to learn all of his ninja skillz with a z. The boy did nothing but bury his face in his volumes and volumes of history books and run errands for his uncle. But why would they employ the help of Merlin for their ninja-y ways? Merlin was clumsier than a horse on roller blades, not that he'd ever seen one but he imagined it was very clumsy.
"I've been right behind you since we left the party! 'Come now, Merlin, we must make haste back to my chambers to drinketh some more,' you said. And because I am a good friend and don't want to be stuck with whatever paperwork I'm sure to be doing in case you die, I followed you. That and you're a moron and probably forgot that I had the key." Arthur turned around and saw Merlin leaning up against the wall, arms crossed looking peeved. 
"I did not say that." Arthur was sure he had never said drinketh before in his life. "You're a liar."
"Whatever, Arthur. Also, you're horrible at "making haste." We left the Baseball House at 2:02 and it's 3:15. It took you over an hour to walk three blocks." Merlin looked like he was willing to commit murder any second now, yup, any second he would be chopping bitches up. Arthur laughed at his own mental images. "What? What's so funny?"
"You, chopping bitches up." 
"I'm-- I'm not even going to ask."
Arthur watched as Merlin dug the key out of his pocket and stepped forward, shoving him out of the way with a muttered 'idiot.' 
"Come on."
Arthur ambled after Merlin, walking into their room with the air of someone who had just beaten the record for longest keg stand in FSU's history. He knew his father would not be proud of the fact, which was precisely why he did it. He wondered if Merlin had seen him do it.
"Hey Merlin. Merlin. Merlin. Hey. Hey. Hey, Merlin."
"What, Arthur?!" Merlin was moving things around in the clutter and mess of stuff that was atop his bed, making room so he could lay down. Arthur had half the mind to ask Merlin to sleep with him on his bed but gloating was much more important. Besides, his trousers didn't need any more incentives to get any tighter than they already were from watching Merlin strip his shirt off. Maybe he should take them off... Huh.
"Did you see me do my keg stand?"
"Yes, I did. Oh, about that. Are you sure you weren't scared when Gwaine tipped you over the keg like that?" Merlin was staring at him, eyes narrowed, looking somewhat horrified and really-- pink. Arthur was sure he was already doubting whatever Arthur was going to say.
"What? No!" 
"So... you're telling me you weren't even a little bit scared?"
"Of course I wasn't!" How dare Merlin think a measly keg stand would tame the great Arthur Pendragon, captain of FSU's Rugby Club, captain of the debate team, and all-around awesome dude. How dare he! "I'm a warrior. You learn a lot of things through rugby, Merlin! You learn to control your fears, to—" 
Arthur, so busy not staring at Merlin's chest, never saw his computer chair mysteriously get in his way. He walked right into it, slipping a little as the chair slid away from him. He kicked it, cursing when it only moved a few more feet away from him. Stupid chair. Arthur walked over to his bed before plopping down and staring up at Merlin's chest— face.
"You looked scared," Merlin said, looking as if though he was struggling not to fall down laughing. 
"Everyone was enjoying themselves," Arthur replied frowning. He was pretty everyone had been. "Well... Gwaine got a bit quiet towards the end there."
"I'm pretty sure it was because he thought he almost killed you." Merlin rolled his eyes before plopping down on his own bed, leaning back against the mountain of stuff still on it. 
"Perhaps I should go see him." Arthur struggled to get up and stay upright.
'"Are you sure that's a good idea? You can barely stand up."
"Are you saying I'm drunk?" Of course he was drunk but he didn't need Merlin telling him that. And why was he still blushing?!
"No. I'm just saying I don't think you should be wandering around the hall." Merlin was very pointedly not looking at anything other than Arthur's face. Did he have something on it? Was his hair alright?
"And why is that?" Arthur, taking a lot longer than he would've liked, was making his way to the door and he was-- almost-- there!
"You're not wearing any trousers." Okay, maybe, Arthur thought, Merlin was coming down with something. He still wasn't any less red. Only now, he seemed to staring intently at Arthur's— Oh! Would you look at that? No trousers!
"Good point. Well... I suppose Gwaine won't mind." Gwaine was a good fellow. Annoying as fuck with all his "Princess Pendragon" bullshit but he was fun to be with and okay, maybe Arthur just wanted to check on the status of Gwaine's Shot Glass From Every State Collection. He had 37 the last time Arthur checked but Gwaine had recently visited his great aunt Mildred in Kentucky so he must have gotten a new one!
"Wait!" Arthur spun around just in time to see Merlin rush past him to the door. "You shouldn't go anywhere. Uhm. Without your, uh, trousers. No. You-- shouldn't."
Arthur was certain Merlin was sick. He was red, really really red.
"But Gwaine is-- Gwaine. He probably won't be wearing any trousers either!" 
"Exactly. So don't go."
"But he went to Kentucky!"
"What? No! It doesn't matter. No pants no go!"
Arthur frowned. Fine. If Merlin didn't want Arthur to see Gwaine's Shot Glass Collection, then he wouldn't. Not tonight at least. Maybe tomorrow night!
"You suck." Arthur stuck his tongue out at Merlin making sure the other boy knew just how much. "Now I have to walk all the way back to my bed."
"I'll-- I'll help you."
Arthur watches Merlin get closer and huh-- Merlin looked very pretty when he blushed. Actually, Arthur knew that he looked very pretty doing, well, almost anything. Not that he ever stared at Merlin enough to know that but-- Okay so maybe he did.
"You're very pretty," Arthur mumbled. There. Now Merlin knew. Oh wait. That wasn't good, was it.
"What did you say?"
"But I heard--"
Merlin grabbed his shoulders and for a few moments, the room spun. He was then shoved none too gently in the direction of his own bed as he heard Merlin say 'just go to sleep!' from behind him.
Yes, maybe sleep is good, Arthur thought as he landed haphazardly on the bed. Sleep-- sleep was good, very good. Arthur pulled himself up to lay completely on the bed, barely managing to cover his legs before he felt sleep overtake him. 
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moviesludge · 3 years
Updated the movie link list for gifs on my page for the first time in a while. List is updated with everything I giffed or capped that wasn’t already on there. I used to omit movies where I only giffed or capped 1 thing, but I added those now, some of which were requests that I deemed more or less ungiffable (sludge-wise). I tested all the links and they should all be working now. I had to fix a few that led to nowhere due to dashes or misspellings or whatever. Let me know if you find a broken link and I’ll fix it. Link list is here https://moviesludge.tumblr.com/movies broken into 2 parts alphabetically.
Here’s the movies that were added to the link list:
Absurd Aenigma All That Heaven Allows Amityville 3D Angel Annabelle Arachnid Avengers Bad Samaritan The Basement Battle Beyond the Stars Beastmaster Beyond Dreams Door Biotherapy Birdman Black Mama White Mama The Blood on Satan's Claw The Bloody Exorcism of Coffin Joe The Border Brazil The Breakfast Club Bride of re-animator Brightburn Brokeback Mountain Bug Buster Busting Carnosaur The Cat The Cellar The Child A Chinese Ghost Story 3 The Church The Collection The Conjuring Crawl The Crawling Eye Creeptales Cthulu Mansion Dangerous Seductress Daughters of Darkness Death Walks At Midnight Death Wish (2018) Deathstalker IV Demolition Man Demon Knight The Devil's Nightmare Disembodied Doom Edge of the Axe Evil Dead Trap Evil Ed Exorcist III Fade to Black Family Plot Five Element Ninjas Friday the 13th part VII: The New Blood Future Kill Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night Grave Secrets Graveyard Shift The Greasy Strangler Green Snake Gremlins The Guest Haunt The Headless Eyes Hell Fest Hereditary Hiruko the Goblin Holidays House of Dracula The House With Laughing Windows The Howling II Human Lanterns It's Complicated The Jar Jason X Kenny & Company Kickboxer Killing Spree Kiss of Death Klute Life Life After Life The Lighthouse Living Dead in Manchester Morgue Lone Wolf Love Is A Gun Mac And Me Making Contact Mandy The Meg Memories of Murder Mindkiller Mirror Mirror Mister Designer Mom Mortal Kombat (2021) Mothra Night angel Nightbeast Night Killer NOES 5 The Nude Vampire Oculus The Oily Maniac Opera Organ Out of the Dark Overlord Paris Texas Peacock King The Pit & the Pendulum Poison For the Fairies Psycho Goreman The Purge: Anarchy Q: The Winged Serpent Red Eye Repossessed Requiem For a Vampire Road Games Rosemary's Baby Scared Stiff Seeding of a Ghost Shadowzone Shakes the Clown Silent Night Bloody Night Silent Night Deadly Night Silent Night Deadly Night 3 Silent Night Deadly Night 4 Simon Says Skins The Slayer Slumber Party Massacre II Slums of Beverly Hills Spasms Spontaneous Combustion Spring Student Bodies Surf II Suspiria (2018) Syngenor Tammy & the T-Rex TMNT II Terrifying Girl's High School: Women's Violent Classroom Terror on Tour Thir13en Ghosts Trick Or Treats Underwater Unmasked Part 25 Us Vacations of Terror 2 Vice Squad Videodrome Vivarium Viy Watchers Wax Mask We Are Still Here Who Framed Roger Rabbit Wolf Devil Woman Yongary
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riftimagines · 4 years
Thanksgiving Headcanons
I live! At least for the Holidays XD. Anyway I’ve done some Thanksgiving Headcanons. I did some Sylas and Morgana because a lot of you have asked for them and I haven’t gotten to them so uh here’s some content for them XD I hope you enjoy!
-Food? A lot of food? He’ll be there immediately for that. This one is basically a bottomless pit you’d think he has a void for a stomach. Where it all goes? You have no idea but you will notice as your cooking that some of your ingredients might be a little short or when one dish is done some of it is missing by the time dinner comes around. Damn ninja skills keep you from catching him but you know it’s him. The cheeky look on his face tells you enough.
-He does kinda like cutting the vegetables. It gives him an opportunity to show off his knife skills. By knife skills I mean flipping and twirling a knife in a way that looks like he’ll cut his fingers off and gives you anxiety to watch. The little shit that he his will laugh as you panic when he speed chops or seems like he’ll hurt himself or you. He does know what he’s doing though so no worries. He’s just a bit of an ass sometimes.
-With Thanksgiving comes not only food but family as well. Kayn’s family mostly being Zed and he is...well Zed. He’s stoic and intimidating for the most part. It’s actually kind of unnerving when he just sits there and watches you both. He very much so is just like a shadow lingering in the room watching but not really acting. Truth is he probably isn’t entirely sure what to do and doesn’t want to interrupt your hard work cooking there. He might finally move when he’s caught Kayn sneaking too much food and stop him in the act, slightly embarrassing Kayn in the process.
-He likes the holiday overall. It’s nice to spend time with those that actually mean something to him and it’s kind of nice to do something normal. At least for a day. Though perhaps he shouldn’t have eaten so much. He could really use a nap and a sweet love to snuggle with.
-She is so here for the cooking. Eating it is great but spending time with you and messing around making great dishes is the best. It’s fun to learn what you make and teaching you what she makes. In the end some dishes can even be mixed together to make a fusion that is uniquely your own and that definitely puts a light in her eyes.
-Her family of course is coming over, no debates. She won’t take no for an answer from anyone and will drag Shen and Kennen to dinner if she has to. It’s a family holiday! The balance can wait till tomorrow! She and her heartlight went through all the trouble to make a nice meal and they will eat it damn it! It’s both hilarious and terrifying to watch her pull the literal wall of muscle that is Shen towards the house all while telling him to screw the rules and take a break.
-Shen and Kennen are fairly calm company. It’s Akali that likes to stir the excitement. Usually by telling you old embarrassing stories or rumors she’s heard about Shen. To which he promptly denies or corrects which annoys Akali just a little because she’s trying to stoke some feeling out of him. It’ll get to the point she’ll start flicking food at him. At first she’ll just be chastised for doing so until something just breaks and Akali gets a very accurate shot of mashed potato launched at her forehead. It’s probably the first time you’ll see a small smile on the stoic eye of twilight and it really is hard not to laugh at Akali’s gripping.
-The holiday is actually pretty nice, even if she has to force her family to chill out for a day. She’s happy to wind down the day with you, some pie and maybe some tea while enjoying the cool nights breeze. This is really nice. Can you both do this all the time?
-Is admittedly a bit overwhelmed by the sheer amount of food on this holiday. As someone who starved or ate moldy bread and rats it’s just so much. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to try everything and is absolutely sure everything is as heavenly as it smells. Anything is better then wet rats honestly.
-Feels a bit bad about having all this food for just you two. He’d probably want to invite people who are less fortunate to join you both. Especially poor mage families with children. No children should starve on a day for feasting. He could not bare to watch them suffer as he did.
-Even though he has no family of his own anymore he’s very happy to share this day with you and all these people. To see everyone eat and be merry. No prejudice. No status. No war. Just peace and happiness. It’s exactly what he wants to strive for. A world where everyone is equal no matter where they came from or who they are.
-He is very grateful to you for introducing him to this holiday. War is all well and good but it is so nice to remember what he’s fighting for and that it is possible to achieve his goal. For now though he’d just like to enjoy the day with you and show you how much you mean to him.
-Ah a holiday celebrating family and togetherness. Such a lovely mortal holiday and truly one to be celebrated. She isn’t the best at normal cooking but she’s pretty good at baking! She’s happy to make a pie or some cookies for dessert. Otherwise she does need your help with everything else.
-She’s happy to let you try what she’s making and she’ll try what your making too. To be fair of course. It really warms her heart whenever your face lights up from something she’s made. Not only are you absolutely adorable but it makes her feel like all the lights from the heavens are shining on her once more when you been at her in joy. She did not think she was capable of giving light anymore and she is glad she’s wrong.
-Family is...a sore subject for her. A part of her wishes she could celebrate this day with Kayle. To be a family. To love again as sisters should, but that’s just a dream that will never come to fruition. She would be more down but she’s not alone. She has you! With all your mortal joy and love. Making her feel more joy now then the centuries she’s spent alone.
-She has enjoyed this day tremendously with you. You are wonderful to her in all your quirks and imperfections. You are all she could ask for. A person to love and to revive love back and for that on this day she can truly be grateful.
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auncyen · 4 years
since vday is coming up have angsty pegoryu bit that is doomed to never make it into the fic it was intended for
There were three guards at the intersection, and Ryuji watched them with narrow eyes. Two of them looked like all the other guards they'd already fought, tall and thin and looming. And then the third--
"We should take that one hostage, right?" Ryuji asked. "He's a shrimp."
"Actually, I'm getting some weird readings off him," Futaba said. "I'd advise caution."
"Besides, taking hostages isn't going to work with these shadows," Morgana muttered. "Remember, they're all distorted to think nothing is better than serving the Palace master. If you take one of them hostage, the others will just leave it to die."
Ryuji grunted. He wanted to fight, find Ren quickly, but he guessed that plan wouldn't work.
"That one does look weird," Ann said. She squinted. "Doesn't it look...human? Fox?"
"Yes, I noticed the same thing," he said with a nod. "It's not easy to see from this distance, but its chin is visible between the mask and jacket. It does look human. Actually..." He made a noise that nearly sounded pained.
"Fox?" Haru prompted gently.
"...Again, the distance makes it difficult to be certain of details. But, though we came to look for Joker as an inmate, I...I want to say that warden is him. He's standing straighter, and his shoulders are broader. The jacket may be bulkier than his thief suit. Otherwise, those are his proportions. And his jawline."
In better circumstances Ryuji would rib Yusuke about being able to tell his boyfriend's jaw from fifteen meters away.
These were not good circumstances. Now that Yusuke had mentioned it, the shorter, more modest stature really looked too much like a human's proportions compared to the other shadows. It looked right for Ren's size.
...Ren being one of the aggressive guards instead of a passive prisoner was going to make things messier.
"Oracle," Makoto spoke up. "Does that make sense at all for the readings you have?"
"...Unfortunately, yeah." Futaba squinted behind her googles, tapping at a minimized console. "He doesn't read exactly like Joker usually does, but he has that mutable quality. Like he could change into other things."
"The wildcard ability," Morgana murmured, his ears flattened. "That's him for sure. I know it."
Makoto chewed her lip. "All right. We separate that one from the normal guards. If that is Joker, he's distorted from the Palace, so we'll need to rip his--that mask off. if we're lucky, that will be enough to snap him out of it. Panther, have Dormina ready, we don't want to harm him."
"Got it," Ann said with a serious nod. "Hecate and I will give him sweet dreams."
"Final Guard? Been ready."
"Skull. You're up for the ambush."
Ryuji swallowed down a gulp. He had the most practice with ambushes besides Ren, yeah, but he still wasn't sure he could ambush Joker. And not just because Ren was more skilled at those. This was his boyfriend. Even if Ann was ready to put him to sleep so no one got hurt, could she be sure she'd get the spell to stick the first time?
"Skull," Makoto repeated. "...I'll do it, if you can't."
Makoto had less experience than him. She also had shorter arms, which didn't help when you were reaching to pry off a mask, and she couldn't sprint as fast as he could. Ren was distorted--he might hurt whoever tried the ambush. "No, I got this," Ryuji said.
He did not.
They waited for the right moment, as the guard-possibly-Ren started to approach their hiding spot. At first it seemed like he was making a patrol same as other wardens, so they waited for him to pass by or turn away from their hiding spot, but then Futaba whispered: "Incoming."
Ryuji snuck a glance. Under the bulky visor-like mask, a small grin had started on the guard's face. It grew as he beelined toward them. Like he knew exactly where they were.
And Fox was right. That was unmistakably Ren's jawline, and his wild smile when he thought he had the upper hand in a fight.
Ryuji swore under his breath and launched himself out of hiding so he could at least make an attempt to get the strange black mask off. He jumped right at Ren, hoping Ann was ready with Dormina--
And Ren just fucking sidestepped him like the ninja he was. Then, to add injury to insult, his baton caught Ryuji on the shin, tripping him up.
The blow was softened when he caught Ryuji before the blond could hit the ground. The baton dangled slack as the hand that had been holding it rose, delicately moving his mask to the side to expose more of his face.
Ren's eye peeked out from the mask, irises red as the veins of Mementos, still half-hidden under curly black bangs, and Ryuji felt his heart thud in his chest.
But Ren chuckled, smiling like Ryuji was the best thing he'd ever seen. "Caught you," he bragged, like they'd both just been playing around. Still holding the blond, he lowered his face and kissed him.
The sudden turnaround was too much, too fast for Ryuji; his first instinct was to pull away. But in his position, he didn't have good leverage, and Ren seemed to take his lips pulling away as an invitation to chase. At the second kiss, Ryuji felt himself softening, some of the tension uncurling from his muscles. The disorientation from nearly falling faded as he got his feet back under him. And despite the strange mask and warden's uniform, Ren helped him along. Once upright, Ryuji grabbed the stiff warden jacket and eagerly returned the kiss. Would Ren be doing this if he was still stuck on that bullshit about giving up his desires? No way. Maybe just seeing them had been enough to jog something for him. Maybe just seeing Ryuji had been enough to break through the distortion. The blond had never considered himself a romantic before, but he was willing to consider true love breaking curses when Ren was kissing him so, so passionately, hungrily.
Desperately. This time, Ren pulled away, wrenching Ryuji's hand off him and taking a couple steps back, and Ryuji knew from the wide red eye that something was wrong. Ren palmed the strange mask back over his face, hiding his expression except for the tight smile at his lips.
"Lust...how disappointing. Still clinging to that desire."
Ryuji's fists tightened. So Ren's head was still full of that distorted bullshit. Ryuji might not be a romantic, but he knew for damn sure that his feelings were more than just lust. "Joker," he said, "We're bringing you back home."
Ren shook his head. He clasped the baton more firmly in hand again, his back ramrod straight. "Lord Yaldabaoth made you all a generous offer. You can still take it. Leave now, and your trespass will be overlooked."
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #704: Preparing for the Beauty Pageant (Persona 5 X SSBU)
3:54 p.m. at Shiyuba, Haru's Residence.......
Shiho: (Trying her Hardest Not to Burst Out in Laughter at What is in Front if Her)
Ryuji: (Has Deadpinned Look on.his Face While Wearing Pigtails and School Uniform That Almost Resembles the Same Style Ann is Wearing Beside Him)...........................This was a mistake.......
Ann: (Smiles Proudly While Wrapping her Arm Around his Shoulder) Oh don't be like that, Ryuji. You look great! We're practically like my Siamese twins already~
DarK Pit: (Puts on a Smug Smirk on his Face) ('Heh') Yeah. Expect he's more muscular and stupid looking than any twin I see. (Continues Laughing Some More)
Ryuji: (Glares at the Dark Angel) S-Shuddup, man! You guys can laugh all you want, but at least I'm man enough to do this kind of shit!
Shiho: (Smiles Softly) Ryuji, we were only laughing with you, not at you. You look amazing.
Pit: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah. I really like your pigtails. It matches great with your outfit.
Haru: (Smiles Brightly) You and Ann look so beautiful together that I honestly couldn't tell either of you apart~
Ryuji: ('Sigh') Thanks, guys. (Glares Back at Dark Pit) At least you three appreciate my looks!
Dark Pit: (Rolls his Eyes) Whatever man. You still look dumb.
Makoto: (Glares at Dark Pit) Pitto!
Dark Pit: What? I'm just saying.
'Room Door Opens'
Futuba: We're doooone!~
Lavenza: And on a perfect schedule as well!
Morgana: You guys might wanna see this!
The gang turn and see Yusuke walking to the living room wearing a red kunoichi like uniform, with a beautifully long ponytail.
Yusuke: How do I look?
Ann: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprised) Wooooow, Yusuke..... You look amazing!~
Ryuji: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah, man! You look like badass ninja girl!
Ryuji turns to see Lavenza giving him a very unimpressed look on her face.
Lavenza: He is known as a proper kunoichi. (Glares Intensely at Ryuji) You uncultured swan.
Ryuji: (Eyes and Mouth Widened in Complete Disbelief at the Sudden Burn Lavenza Given Him)
Futuba: Awwwww!~ She's already learning what I taught her. I'm so proud~
Morgana: (Sighs While Facepalming Himself)
Makoto: (Rolled her Eyes a Little) Questionable teaching methods aside.....(Smiles Softly) You look great, Yusuke.
Haru: (Smiles Brightly) I agree wholeheartedly. What makes you want to become a kunoichi in the first place.
Yusuke: It was all Futuba's idea, of course. She has shown the design of this outfit a day before then and convinced me to wear for the tonight's beauty pageant. (Smiles a Little). Needless to say, I believe the outcome in all of this itself has become somewhat impressive. (Turns to Futuba) Thanks to you, of course.
Futuba: (Gives Yusuke a Bright Smile and a Thumbs Up) Anytime, Inari!~ You look like a badass already!..... That's a good thing.
Yusuke: (Simply Nodded) Ah. I see. Thank you.
Dark Pit: Yeah. (Went Back to Smirking Again) You look a million times better than Ann's knockoff twin over there, that's for sure.
Pit: (Starts Chuckling Lightly at Dark Pit's Insult to Ryuji) Knockoff twin!~
Makoto: (Sisterly Glares at the Two Angels). That's enough, you two!
Pit: (Immediately Stops Laughing)
Makoto: You promise me and all of your mothers that you two would behave yourselves once you step foot in our world.
Haru: (Gives the Duo Motherly Yet Disappointed Frown) That's right. What would your mothers think if they were to find out that either of you broke that promise?
Ann: Makoto and Haru are right, you guys. (Have her Arm Around Ryuji's Shoulder Again) Don't make fun of my knockoff twin like that!
Makoto/Haru: Ann!
Ann: Okay! Okay! I was only joking here! Really. (Turns Back to The Angel Duo) But seriously, you know what we're saying here, right?
Pit: (Immediately Feels Bad For What He (May Have) Done) Yeah.....(Turns to Ryuji) We're sorry, Ryuji....
Dark Pit: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yeah....We didn't mean to make fun of you or anything......
Ryuji: Eh. It's fine. Should've saw the insults coming the moment I put on this get-up. (Chuckles Lightly) Hopefully I won't look bad as Renny boy would be.
Haru: Speaking of which, what is taking Ren-Ren so long to getting ready?
Makoto: I'm not sure.....(Gets Up from the Couch) Maybe I should go check on-
'Music Starts to Play'
?????: HOT IN....
Ann: Did.... someone turn on the radio or.......
Haru: I don't think I ever own a radio in the house.
?????: SO HOT IN......
Ann: So where the heck the music is coming fro-
Everyone immediately turns to the sound of an opened door. Only to see.....
Ren: (In a Feminine Voice) I'm ready~
Ren Amimaya fashionably walk towards the living room, wearing a black leather police uniform with, high heels, a policemen hat, and black cherry colored lipstick on his lips.
Pit/Dark Pit: (Eyes Widened and Jaws Dropped to the Ground in Complete and Utter Shock at What's in Front of Them)
Ann/Shiho: Oh.....
Haru: My......
Ryuji: Freaking........
Futuba: God..........
Yusuke: Huh. Interesting....
Lavenza: Indeed.
Morgana: (Eyes Widened Along with Everyone Else in this Room) Wow.
Makoto: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Shock as Deep Crimson Blush Appears on her Cheek) R-R-R-Ren!?~
Ren: (Giggles Softly While Gently Holding up Makoto's Hand) Yes, my beautiful lovely Queen?~ (Kiss the Top of Makoto's Hand)
Makoto: (Immediately Pulls her Kissed Hand Away While Blushing Even More Bashfully) Ohhhhmygosh!~ W-W-What are you wearing?~
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) Police outfit. I thought I could try and blow the crowd away a little. (Went Back to his Seductive Feminine) You guys like?~ (Begins to Wink at his Group of Friends)
Ann: (Already Blushing Herself) Ren....You can't do this to me! (points.at Shiho Over Dramatically) My girlfriend is LITERALLY standing right here!!!
Shiho: (Blushes While Staring at Ren at the Same Time) O-Oh gosh~......
Shiho: I'M SORRY!!~ I can't help it!~ He just.....looks sooooooo hot as a girl right now!!~
Ann: ('Sighs in Utter Defeat') Yeah...... I'm not even going to deny that fact. He's too hot for his own good.......
Ryuji: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) WELP.......So much for hoping that you would be the laughing stock at school with me, bro. Bet you're gonna win that contest with flying colors too.
Ren: Why, Ryuji~ I am soooo thankful and humble that you have soooo much faith in me-
Ryuji: (Immediately Facepalms Himself) Dude! Just.....('Sigh') Enough with the voice already.....
Ren: (Starts Chuckling Again) Alright. Alright. I'll stop already. But.... seriously though. What do you guys think? Too much?
Haru: (Smiles Brightly) Not at all, Ren-Ren. You look wonderful~
Pit: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah. You rock that dress, Big Bro!
Dark Pit: Can't believe I'm saying this....But Pit-Stain is right. (Smiles a Little) You look great.
Lavenza: (Smiles Brightly) I agree to this statement. You look magnificent, Joker.
Yusuke: (Smiles in an Impressed Manner) Very much so.
Morgana: (Smiles While Shrugging) I can agree to that.
Futuba: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. Not as badass looking as Inari though....
Ann: We love it, Ren-Ren. (Smirks Playfully) And I'm pretty sure that a certain "Queen" in this would say the same~ Right, Makoto?~
Makoto: (Sighs Heavily as She Takes her Hands Away from her Face) Yes......I would. (Smiles Softly) You look amazing, Ren-Ren. (Gives Ren a Loving Hug) And I'm so proud of you for doing this~
Ren: (Softly Smiles While Hugging Makoto Back) Thanks, 'hon. And don't worry. I won't let the audience take me away from you that easily.
Makoto: (Gives Ren a (Cute) Pouty Face) You better not!~ Cause you're mine and mines alone, mister!~
Ryuji: (Starts Snickering) Already getting jealous there, Queen?
Makoto: (Immediately Gives Ryuji a Piercing Glare) SHUT IT, KNOCKOFF ANN!!!
Ryuji: (Eyes and Mouth Widened in Complete Disbelief Again Before Slumping Down on the Floor)
Dark Pit/Pit/Futuba: (Burst Out Laughing at Ryuji's Blantent Dispense) AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Ann/Shiho/Haru: (Starts Snickering at the Poor Man)
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) Knockoff Ann aside, you really don't have anything to worry about here.
Makoto: ('Sigh') I know...(Smiles Softly at her Boyfriend) I love you, Ren-Ren~
Ren: (Smiles Softly) Love you too, Makoto~ (Gives Makoto a Loving Kiss on the Lips)
Makoto: (Giggles Softly) I love your lipstick color~ It suits you fairly well.
Ren: Thanks. Love yours too~
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thetombedspirit · 4 years
Could Angor and Draal be alive?
So I have a theory concerning the most recent installment of Tales of Arcadia: Wizards. Warning! There are spoilers ahead.
So, when Douxie and the others went back in time, they altered history, right? Not too much to cause a Gum-Gum apocalypse but enough that there were some serious changes.
Like for instance, when Morgana was sealed away. I may be overthinking this, but last time Morgana was imprisoned, she was trapped in the Heartstone. But this time she was thrown into the Shadow Realm ahead of time. And this is when Morgana had just been titled the Eldritch Queen, before she gave Angor Rot his powers, before making the Inferna Copula, before turning him into an assassin to hunt Merlin’s Trollhunters.
Which COULD mean, that Anger is alive and never became evil and not a highly skilled troll ninja warlock. Which ALSO means that he couldn’t have killed Draal with the Creeper Sun Poison Blade in Merlin’s Tomb, meaning that Draal is alive!
Which means Angor has a shot at redemption and Jim has his big troll brother back.
And if we’re going down the road of ‘Morgana was defeated early so that never happened’ then that could probably mean that the Night Eternal never happened and that Morgana never took Merlin’s magic and so on.
Just like... roll your head around it for a while. If you see any holes in this theory, please I would love to hear your opinion
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risingmoonyue · 5 years
Batman/P5 Crossover
-Sometime before Akechi but after Futaba or Haru
-Damian is sent to Tokyo to check it out for whatever reason (maybe they had a fight, or he’s going stir crazy, or he’s just the only one they can send at the time and didn't bother with all that "you're not old enough" business)
-Dami is younger than Futaba by a year or three or four
-He is baby
-He is transferred to Shujin as a child prodigy where he also immediately joins the "outcast" community because of his attitude and intelligence
-Talia goes too, manages to cut off all his communications with the Batfam, and is planning to take him home in a month whether he likes it or not
-For whatever reason, Batfam doesn't realize this??? (Like, either she's faking reports or they're too busy (think fight or chaos in Gotham scenario maybe???))
-Anyways, obviously Dami doesn't want this
-Somehow the Phantom Thieves hear about the situation
-Maybe he was assigned to shadow Makoto for a while, and they managed to overhear a phone conversation either to Talia or Dami trying to get in touch with the Batfam and nothing really working
-And eventually they outright see him fighting with his mother with him at some point (either in person or over a phone call) mentioning that she already disowned him, he's happy with his Father's family, and that he will head her family business over his dead body—and oh would you look at that, you already managed that, care to try again Mother?
-The PT's are understandably alarmed
-The palace is basically a fortress full of assasin ninjas and clones
-Dunno what her keywords are tho
-Or her what her palace actually is
-Cognitive Bruce, Ra's, Damian, Dami clones, and Jason (maybe rest of batfam??? Idk)
-Long story short, the traps are so assassin-y that they need someone who knows the actual Talia because egads, this is the closest they have all come to actually dying
-And they didn't really want to do it and were just gonna power through
-But Dami manages to find out and get in and of course uses his background to help out whether they like it or not
(-he's slightly off put by Joker's name, but then decides to just solely call Gotham!Joker "The Clown")
-At some point they are captured by the Shadow Talia who is decked out in super fancy traditional Arab clothing and probably every conceivable hidden weapon known to man
-Talia says Damian won't and can't ever change from who he "is meant to be", referring to him as her Alexander and basically brutally addresses all of his insecurities concerning the batfam and people and society in general
-And all this is kinda killing him cause he still loves Talia despite the fact that she killed him and had a violent citywide custody battle with Batman but he also loves the batfam too even if he would absolutely never admit it (except to maybe Grayson)
-Joker does his emotional kick-start thing and/or Dami is like Makoto and just gets so mad he triggers it himself, but either way, lo and behold, Damian is now a persona user, usurping Futaba's place as the baby of the team
-The outfit is kinda inspired by his future adult league outfit with the top and bottom and gold jewelry, but has a raggedy cloak with dull gold edges, a Robin mask and gauntlets, and his main weapons are batarang-sword hybrids
---acknowledging his past and moving on with his present
-Persona: Aladdin, Tsun Zu, Ali Baba, somone else???? Need ideas plz help
-Probably the fastest member of the group
-His small body makes his hits not as strong, but hoo boy can that kid move around
-Hits a lot and dodges most
-Most of his Persona abilities are physical and have high crit and/or are status affects
-Downside is he has not a lot of SP (compared to the rest of the group)
-And he has pretty good HP
-Those good ol' “superior genetics” have to be good for something after all
-Anyways they escape to find the treasure another day
-And Dami is all smug because HA you definitely can't stop me now
-And the PTs are just resigned to keeping an eye on the extremely competent snotty assassin/vigilante child
-They do like him though so it's not too bad (comes with learning all his darkest secrets via his mother and thought processes that tends to accompany watching someone at their lowest get a persona)
(-They do manage to temper him a bit and help him adjust better to actual society too that's nice)
-As such, they also know about Batman and Robin and his whoooole family. Both sides.
-Damian decided not to tell batfam because he does agree with the whole "most adults suck" mentality that the Phantom Thieves have; despite his deep, deep respect for his father and mother and Grayson, they all do kinda suck
-And he’s rather not get pulled out as he surely would if he told them
(-On a side note, he likes Sojiro
-The man gives him coffee, curry, and leaves him mostly to his own devices
-Instant win)
-He is dubbed "Mockingbird" apon return to the metaverse because of his freaky talented vocal skills in mimicking anyone and everyone's voice
-Eventually, they beat Talia
-She doesn't publicly confess to all her sins unlike everyone else
-PTs don't realize it worked until Damian came into school with a genuine smile on his face, and more relaxed than he'd been since he got there
-PTs are confused until Damian's like, this works out because hey, don't want to have several people assassinated and draw the entire freaking league to Tokyo
(-Which was probably why Talia didn't)
-They agree
-But she does break down to tears in Dami's arms and promise to ACTUALLY TALK CIVILLY with Bruce to try and make up for everything and try to fix up the league
-He stays for the rest of p5
-But steers all his reports very much away from the Phantom Thieves
-If anything, he downplays absolutely everything, and makes it seem like it's nothing super big but he's gonna stay a while to keep and eye out because y'alls are busy and I like it here and I haven't gotten expelled so there
-The PTs like to add funny stuff on there just to see if they’ll notice
-Like, Akira likes to have Dami describe his day in excruciating detail. Like, recounting the entirety of his nine or so months to Sae during police interrogation, excruciating
-Mona is pushing for the shiny stuff
-Yusuke just likes to put in bursts of randomness (Dami once mentioned that an acquaintance made another acquaintance T-pose in a church for art lol)
-Ann loves to rant about food
-Haru is always insisting on about feelings
-Ryuji likes to complain about everything and puts in ridiculous requests
-Futaba is just putting in every gen-z thing ever
-Makoto is actually responsible and tries to get him to talk about his progress in school and his social life
-And Akechi is absolutely nowhere near any of this and doesn’t know it exists
-When they have the Tokyo/Japan-wide calling card, Batfam sees it too because let's face it, that's totally the sorta thing that they would keep an eye out for even if he didn't look at the news in the entirety of the time Dami was in Tokyo
-And they send a message to Damian (the first actual communication they've had since before Talia) saying "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON OVER THERE????"
-And with the entirety of the Phantom Thieves looking over his shoulder, Damian's just like "Chill dudes, everything's fiiiiiiiiiine"
-And they're like "UH WHAT PART OF THIS IS FINE????" because they've dug around a bit and found every news report, and oh hey, this isn't anywhere near as calm as Damian described and he’s being super OOC and what’s going on?!?!?!?!?!
-And Damian, being egged on by the most of the PTs, just sends a winky face
-And he's smug, because it's still chaos over there so they can't actually come get him and try to pull him out because he's being super ooc
-Which means he's free to do what he wants/needs in the meantime
-Cue the end of the game
-And Dami is going with them on their summer road trip and cackling because the batfam is scrambling to find him in Tokyo but lol nope he's in a van the Japanese government tried and fail to follow
-And he found all the trackers like, a year ago
-They eventually track him down to Akira's house where they're calmly eating dinner (and they've been expecting this for the past week so Mona was keeping watch just so they could pull this off) and talking about how uneventful the school year was
-Cue mass confusion in the batfam
-As the PTs enjoy just confusing them so much
-By talking to Mona
-Talking normal then crazy then normal again
-And just generally being their normal selves lol
-They explain absolutely nothing beyond gushing about how much progress socially and academically he’s made (gotta embarrass the baby of the group somehow) and making sure that if Dami absolutely has to go home that he's able to stay in touch
(-Later, Damian forms his own hero persona outside of Batman and Robin)
(-He names it Mockingbird)
(-Batfam proceeds to have a brain aneurysm while the PTs dab their happy proud tears out of their eyes on their regularly scheduled tea time at the Wayne Manor)
(-Damian sends a private plane every week or two lol)
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(Psst if you guys have ideas for art, outfits, interactions or scenarios, let me know)
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pixxyofice · 4 years
You guys know how in PQ2 there are scenes that jokingly give the members of other teams Phantom Thief names? How these names were not the most serious, how they weren't exactly treated seriously?
Well. I decided I wanted to give a serious shot at trying to determine what the Investigation Team's Phantom Thief names would be. Note that due to a lack of familiarity with the SEES members that I won't be doing them; just the Investigation Team members.
The Phantom Thief Outfits are based on what someone's Image Of Rebellion is. The Phantom Thieves (usually) name themselves after the image their Phantom Thief outfit represents. If not that, then they are named after something meaningful to the Phantom Thief themselves (which can tangentially relate to the outfit in some way.)
For examples...
Joker looks like the traditional Gentleman Thief. His name relates to how his wild card ability makes him a useful asset up the sleeves of the thieves. The Joker's power can depend based on what game of cards you are playing, after all, sort of like... Well, Joker.
Queen looks like a post apocalyptic hero, which are usually in Very Badass Action Scenes. Cool scarves, odd outfits, spikes and metal armor... Very cool. As someone with a position of power, she can be seen as a sort of 'ruler'... A Queen.
Noir looks like a musketeer. Traditionally defenders of justice, known for a tale where they fight off evil to their kingdom. Noir named herself that because she views herself as working on the darker side of the law... hence the French word for black. (Which actually fits her thief outfit a lot! The french, I mean.)
So when giving the IT thief names, we have to consider what their personal images of rebellion would look like. Along with that, we have to consider what they would name themselves based on those images.
Let's get started.
Souji Seta/Yu Narukami. (I prefer Souji, so that is the name i'm going to use.)
Souji's image of rebellion very likely closely resembles his Persona. What was his persona based off of... A banchou or something? Kingpin, whatever. His image of rebellion seems to be a cool, collected, intimidating figure. See his Persona and also how he dressed up for the cross dressing pageant. His mask could look very similar to Izanagi's mask.
As Souji is similar-ish to Joker, I reasoned that Souji would be named in a similar manner. He is the leader of the team, the level head making the decisions... And a Wild Card. His look is intimidating, like a Kingpin, so... Name him after a strong card in a deck, or the central piece of a chess board: King. (After all, if he falls, the game is over.)
Yosuke Hanamura.
I'll be real with you. I thought image of rebellion for Yosuke, and I thought Superheroes. Sure, his first persona looks like a Ninja... But all of his Personas have a Hero Vibe to them, yeah? And he wanted to look into the TV world because he wanted to be a hero... So, Superhero Costume. His mask would probably be that Traditional Superhero Mask.
As for his codename? Knowing him, he'd probably try to come up with something Cool. Hero Sounding. I am not good with names, alas, but... What I came up with is Galestorm. It fits his wind vibes, it's a cool sounding word... Uh... I dunno. It fits him maybe!!
Chie Satonaka.
Let's be real here. Her image of rebellion is TOTALLY the protagonists of kung-fu movies. She would probably wear a yellow tracksuit, like her Persona, which.... Yeah, reference. As for her mask? ... Haha I have no idea, y'all come up with one.
As for her name.... Well, Dragon. As in Trial Of The Dragon. Alongside that nifty reference, Dragons, as mythical creatures go, could very well fit Chie. Protective, aggressive towards those it deems a threat, a fiery attitude... Its pretty good! Maybe!
Yukiko Amagi.
Yukiko Amagi's image of rebellion is likely closely related to birds. You look at her outfit and you probably think 'bird'. Remember in the Anime how Yukiko admired her pet bird for being able to fly free? Yeah. That. That's why her image of rebellion would be birdlike. Her mask could resemble plague doctor masks, somewhat. Think a less pointy Prince Akechi and also it covers more of her forehead for Beak.
As for her name? She would likely connect the feathers on her outfit to the attachments of her Persona, which represent... Sakura Petals/Blossoms. She probably had a thought jump from "sakura" to "flower terms", and probably prefers Blossom out of the two terms she thought of. It sounds pretty... But also has a tougher name Feel than Petal. Blossom sounds more like a codename, too!
Kanji Tatsumi.
Lets be real here. There's a reason the Thieves named him Skull 2.0. Their images of rebellion would be... similar? Kanji's is influenced by various outside factors, including a certain manly push, but still. His costume would probably represent his punk ideal... maybe subtly mix in his preference for cute things here and there in accessories? Dunno.
As for his codename? Well, he looks tough, and he is tough! He's the one to point to if you want someone to smack people down. Call him... Breaker. Because he breaks things. (Additional thing I only realized and laughed at now: he's an electric user. Aren't Breakers also the names of the things you use to control whats powered in the house...?)
Rise Kujikawa.
I'll be honest, I... Have no clue. In the version of this post that I lost, I think I HAD a clue, but it went with the wind. If I were to think, though... Maybe her image of rebellion is... sorta like Panther's. She has an image of a woman who is assured of herself, knows herself and her friends, and reflects their brightest points. A somewhat revealing outfit, but one that's... mature? I don't know... Her mask would probably resemble Himiko's "face" of solar panels (somehow).
As for her codename... Let's think about how she's the IT's support. Or... Well, her Persona. Her Maxed Persona has a solar system orbiting around her, with the Persona itself being the very center, like a sun. The Investigation Team could be like those planets; strong and sturdy on their own, thriving with the touch of the sun. She's like... Sunlight is necessary for a human to live, and she provides that sunlight for her teammates to stand even taller. With her outfit idea in mind... Sunlight sounds too "young". So perhaps Sunbeam for her codename. Same idea, but sounds Better!
...... Hey, before I just go right out and say it... Technically... Aren't both of Teddie's forms some form of rebellion from the other Shadows? He formed his bear image so he could be loved by humans, and then formed his human image so he could be with his human friends. That... That's rather unique, isn't it? Could be a rebellion in itself.
... And now for me to just say... It's Ted. Teddie gets the Morgana treatment here. A shortened version of his name that just sums up that, yep, he sure is a bear that helps in fighting shadows. No fancy name for him.
Naoto Shirogane.
Naoto's image of rebellion is rather simple, honestly! ... The outfits of the heroes of shows like Neo Featherman! Sure, Naoto admires detectives and loves reading/watching detective things... But thats not their image of rebellion. When they think rebel, they think of posing live action heroes, fighting bad guys regardless of the laws! As for their mask... Uh. Bandana across face look. Also worth noting: their Persona's little wing/cape thing would Definitely be a part of their thief outfit.
As for their name... Naoto would probably go with something on the simpler side. Their outfit reminds them of their Persona, who is bug based, and thus, bug theme names. Wasp... Beetle... Moth. Moth fits their Persona's wing/cape thing the most, and sounds sort of soft... But if you underestimate Naoto, they'll show you that their softer name hides a brain of steel and a quick trigger finger.
So... The Investigation Thieves are:
Souji Seta/Yu Narukami - King
Yosuke Hanamura - Galestorm
Chie Satonaka - Dragon
Yukiko Amagi - Blossom
Kanji Tatsumi - Breaker
Rise Kujikawa - Sunbeam
Teddie - Ted
Naoto Shirogane - Moth
What do you guys think? Should I have come up with better names? Reblog/Tag with your thoughts!
please I know there could be better names for Yosuke and I know someone out there has a good Rise Thief Image, please
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madamebaggio · 4 years
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As I’ve said, now we have our 50 ships and there won’t be any new ships, but still many more adventures.
Our complete list is:
Robb Stark (Game of Thrones) X Arthur Pendragon (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword) 
Tauriel (The Hobbit) x Valkyrie (MCU)
Napoleon Solo (The Man From U.N.C.L.E.) X Miriam “Midge” Maisel (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) X Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
Vortigern Pendragon (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword) x Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
Erik Lehnsherr (X-Men: First Class) X Susan Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)
James T. Kirk (Star Trek) X Rey (Star Wars)
Klaus Mikaelson (The Originals) x Kisa | Santanico Pandemonium (From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series)
Daisy “Quake” Johnson (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) X Gary “Eggsy” Unwin (Kingsman)
Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl) X Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Beverly Marsh (It) x Eleven | Jane Hopper (Stranger Things)
Matt Murdock (Daredevil) X Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf) X Bucky Barnes (MCU)
Natasha Romanoff (MCU) X John Wick (John Wick)
Darcy Lewis (MCU) x Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)
Joseph Dredd (Dredd) x Octavia Blake (The 100)
Maria Hill (MCU) x Merlin (Kingsman)
Thranduil (The Hobbit) X Loki Odinson (MCU)
Steve Rogers (MCU) x Mera (DCU)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural) x Wynonna Earp (Wynonna Earp)
Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones) x Clarke Griffin (The 100)
Ravenna (Snow White and the Huntsman) X Morgana (Merlin)
Murphy and Connor MacManus (The Boondock Saints) x Anna Poliatova (Anna)
Frank Martin (The Transporter) x Lorraine Broughton (Atomic Blonde)
Baby Doll (Sucker Punch) x Priest (Priest) 
Gretel (Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters) X Prince Nuada (Hellboy: The Golden Army)
Margaery Tyrell (Game of Thrones) X Roan (The 100)
Maleficent (Maleficent) X Jareth (The Labyrinth)
Dutch (Killjoys) x Leonard McCoy (Star Trek)
Sam Winchester (Supernatural) X Felicity Smoak (Arrow)
Diana Bishop (A Discovery of Witches) x John Constantine (Constantine)
Queen Freya (The Huntsman: Winter’s Wars) x Conan (Conan The Barbarian)
Roxy Morton (Kingsman) x Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons (Agents of the S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Faramir (The Lord of the Rings) x Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
Lucian (Underworld)  x Tamara (Conan The Barbarian)
Snake Eyes (G.I. Joe) x Katia Von Dees (Hitman Agent 47)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn 99) x Kate Kane (Batwoman)
Darth Maul (Star Wars) x Lady Jaye (G.I. Joe)
Hattie Shaw (Hobbs & Shaw) x Jane Kano (Charlie’s Angels)
Face (The A-Team) x Han Cho Bai (Red 2)
Jacob Hood (Eleventh Hour) X Santiago “Pope” Garcia (Triple Frontier)
Selene (Underworld) x Mina Harker (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
47 (Hitman) x Elena (Charlie’s Angels)
Dagonet (King Arthur) x Brienne of Tarth (Game of Thrones)
Borra (Maleficent: Mistress of Evil) x Catia (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword)
Diaval (Maleficent) x Yennefer (The Witcher)
Sabina Wilson (Charlie’s Angels) x Daphne Kluger (Ocean’s Eight)
Lady Sif (MCU) x Sara (The Huntsman) 
Chris Argent (Teen Wolf) x Madison Maxwell (Dollface)
Frank Castle (The Punisher) x Grace (Ready or Not)
For the end of this month we’ll have the Alternate April, which means all these lovely ships in AU situations.
I’ll follow the list below:
Actor AU
Alien AU
Android AU
Angel/Demon AU
Apocalypse AU
Arranged Marriage AU
Artist AU
Art Student AU
Assassin AU
Athlete AU
Author AU
Babysitter AU
Bakery AU
Ballet AU
Band AU
Bartender/Bar AU
Beach AU
Bodyguard AU
Book Store AU
Bounty Hunter AU
Celebrity AU
Chef AU
Clothing Shop AU
Club AU
Coffee Shop AU
College AU
Coworker AU
Criminal AU
Cyborg AU
Dancer AU
Detective AU
Doctor AU
Enemies AU
Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage AU
Fire Fighter AU
Gang AU
Haunted House AU
Hero/Villain AU
High School AU
Hogwarts AU
Hospital AU
Jedi AU
Lawyer AU
Library AU
Mafia AU
Magic AU
Mechanic AU
Medieval AU
Mermaid AU
Military AU
Model AU
Modern AU
Musician AU
Neighbor AU
Ninja AU
Office AU
Officer (Police) AU
Paranormal Investigator AU
Pirate AU
Road Trip AU
Room Mate AU
Rival AU
Royalty AU
Scientist AU
Soulmate AU
Space AU
Spy AU
Star Trek AU
Street Racing AU
Stripper AU
Student AU
Tattoo Shop AU
Teacher AU
Thief AU
Undercover Cop AU
Vacation AU
Vampire/Vampire Hunter AU
Veterinarian AU
Wedding Planner AU
Werewolf AU
Wild West AU
Witch AU
Wizard AU
Now... If you want to choose a AU for your favorite ship, let me know the name of the ship and the AU here in the comments.
Be daring, choose something completely out of the ordinary for the ships.
I’ll see you at the end of the month.
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megashadowdragon · 5 years
the reason for  each phantom thiefs metaverse outift, weapons ,names of their personas  ( including the evolved personas
The appearance of each character's Phantom Thief costume is supposed to reflect their idea of a rebel. The truth of that really hits home when you take a close look at the party members and their costume:
Joker starts the show with his black coat and outfit. A bit non-specific, but perfect for blending in with the shadows in order to get away with whatever you want. Take a closer look and you'll see his outfit even has a bit of a tuxedo feel with the undershirt, coattails, and shoes. Now who was wearing a fancy suit when they falsely accused Joker and started this whole mess?
Ryuji is a former track star who's been branded as a punk by society. His outfit certainly reflects that with the metal plates, leather jacket, and club-like weapons like a back-alley street thug.
Ann grew up admiring a cartoon super villainess for her free spirit. Little wonder her costume basically looks like an Expy for Catwoman's.
Morgana's outfit looks like it might not fit, given he appears like a mascot character. It fits in with his thoughts that he is a human, and thus is "rebelling" against the idea that he is truly a cat.
Yusuke is an artist and (partially due to his poverty) takes a rather old-fashioned view of things. His rebel persona therefore has the tight jumpsuit and flashy mask of a romanticized period-drama ninja thief.
Makoto is the prim-and-proper, reason-over-emotion head of the student council. What else would reflect a rebel to her but a hot-blooded biker chick?
Tech-savvy Futaba is almost deceptively easy to place as a black hat hacker, but take a closer look. With all the high-tech gizmos and powers her persona grants and the fact that she's always riding inside of it instead of being on the battlefield with the others she's like the final boss from a video game!
Haru's own persona calls her a "princess", and she's desperate to break that role. Hence her outfit reflects nobility, but looks more like it's meant for a gentleman burglar than a female courtier like Milady's dress.
Akechi follows a similar theme to Haru. A white outfit that just screams disgraced/exiled noble (which he sort of is being Shido's bastard son). His true costume reveals another side to the rebel, though: The stripes on his outfit look like a prison uniform, like the countless people he's helped lock up. It also serves as a hint that he, like Joker, is a prisoner of the Demiurge.
   .  (mystech-master . tumblr . com/post/183038928970/cincosechzehn-everyones-outfits-in-the#notes  
 everyone’s outfits in the metaverse are supposed to represent what rebellion from “fate” is supposed to look like and all i can think of is how goro’s outfit is a princely regal look with a light saber and a raygun    rebellion for him was being acknowledged as a legitimate heir and being allowed to be a child )
The thief outfits and weapons also represent how others perceive them.
Ren is thought of as shifty criminal and some of the rumors you see in the hallway even imply the students think he is carrying a knife on him, just by reputation, his awakening manifests a knife as well for him to fight with.
Ryuji is perceived by others at school as a violent no-good thug after his altercation with Kamoshida, the outfit and lead pipe make him look the part, he even mentions after his awakening "Kamoshida's cognition ain't changing, so I'll act like the troublemaker I am!"
For Ann, around school people see her as a shameless flirt who uses men, like she's a femme fatale, the sexy catsuit and whip makes her looks like a woman who dominates men.
Morgana looks like a miniature mascot, hard to see and easy to miss, with weapons he can easily use. Igor probably meant to make Morgana an ally and give him some things that wouldn't be hard to use due to his miniature size.
Yusuke is seen as a quiet cold artist, who's quick to draw his weapon/brush in a flash when the moment strikes. His outfit also has white, black and blue, frequently seen as cold/winter colors.
Makoto is harder to pin, but she is seen as the enforcer of the principle or like his loyal knight, her mask looking very knight-like, her knuckles could be seen as almost word play of her "knuckle down and follow orders" personality she gave off initially.
Futaba was really interacted with by Sojiro, he saw her as a strange but exceptional girl, like a high tech specialist, her persona being a UFO also represents how alien she is to everyone, strange but fantastic.
Haru has a refined elegant look, but is armed with a brutal axe and grenade launcher, many saw her as a proxy of her father and perhaps perceived as being capable of being as ruthless and aggressive as he is as a business man.
Akechi is seen by all his fans as a hero and all around "pleasant boy" even as the second Prince detective, his outfit being very princely, his weapons being fantastical, his fans believing him to be capable of doing impossible things just by being star struck by his charisma. His Black Mask outfit also fits, given it looks like the in universe Neo Featherman series outfits, mashed with a prisoner theme: Shido and Yaldabaoth see him as nothing more than a doll to be used and thrown away when it bores them.
The appearance or namesakes of the Phantom Thieves Personas are also rather fitting concerning their circumstances or how they rebelled from society.
Akira/Ren has Arsene, based on the fictional character Arsene Lupin. Arsene was written as a force of good, but often found on the wrong side of the law, which is well symbolized by Arsene's Gentleman Thief combined with his angelic black wings, who is also Chained by Fashion. Akira/Ren had just recently found themselves on the wrong side of the law and branded a criminal for something he didn't do, but is still a good person.
Ryuji has Captain Kidd, based on the real life figure William Kidd. William Kidd was a pirate, who are often stereotyped as having eyepatches, golden teeth, and peg legs. The third is actually very fitting, considering Ryuji's leg was broken by Kamoshida and thus he'd have a bum leg for awhile. Kidd was also notably tried and executed, and Ryuji's fit of rage caused the Track Team to get disbanded, effectively "executing" Ryuji.
Ann has Carmen, based on the character that the same play is based around. Carmen is a known heartbreaker and deconstruction of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope. This is fitting because Ann has been trying to keep away from Kamoshida, never confronting him while his cognition of Ann shows that he wants her to be his Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Carmen is shown having two broken hearted men in chains with herself, which befits how Ann not only stops running away from Kamoshida to fight against him, but also destroying his cognition of her, in essence intending to break his heart.
Morgana has Zorro, based on the fictional character of the same name. His character was seen as a savior who defends the commoners of the indigenous peoples of California from tyrants and villains who seek to control them. He hides his fighting abilities when pretending to be a commoner, instead opting to look like a coward and a fop. He also has a horse named Tornado. Fittingly enough, Morgana specializes in Wind/Garu spells, and his cat form has been used more than once to innocuously spread calling cards. Morgana was also created by Igor to find Persona users to help him and defeat/overthrow Yaldabaoth, therefore being a "Savior" to Igor and the rest of Japan.
Yusuke has Goemon, who is based off of the real life figure Ishikawa Goemon. Goemon's supposed earlier life involved the death of his parents while he was very young which lead to him swearing revenge upon the killers, which befits how Yusuke's mother was left to die by Madarame and he in turn swore revenge upon him. Goemon's acts of stealing from the rich and giving to the oppressed poor is also fitting in the sense that he's stealing Madarame's fame and giving it back to the oppressed artists he's long since subdued. Goemon's appearance is also fitting, looking like a Japanese ink wash painting brought to life, and Yusuke is an artist!
Makoto has Johanna, who is based on the supposedly fictional Pope Joan. Pope Joan was said to have disguised herself as a man to infiltrate the church and have risen up to the Papacy, only to be ousted as a woman and killed when she had delivered her child in full view of everyone else. Makoto similarly tried infiltrating the Phantom Thieves at the behest of the Principal, which lead her to the point of finding Kaneshiro's hideout who was intent on making her into a sex slave (aka "with child"?). Her awakening could be seen as her "Death" (which in the Tarot symbolizes change) and rebirth into a Phantom Thief. And what better way to ride out of your old life than on an awesome supernatural motorcycle!?
Futaba has Necronomicon, a fictional Tome of Eldritch Lore in the Cthulhu Mythos by H. P. Lovecraft. It's fictional author was said to be "Mad Arab" Abdul Alhazred, which gives a nice connection to Futaba's Pyramid Palace theme. Not to mention the factor that the Necronomicon is said to be a book of forbidden and eldritch powers fits Futaba. Afterall, what better Persona for a girl who indulges in the illegal art of hacking? Furthermore, it's UFO appearance hits in the sense that Futaba has alienated herself from everyone else, but has been trying to make contact with others like aliens in urban legends do.
Haru has Milady, based on the fictional character Milady De Winter from The Three Musketeers. Milady De Winter is known as a spy and criminal, who had married into royalty but was nearly killed by her husband when her status was found out. And after she manages to survive and tries to get vengeance, she is found out and later executed by beheading. This fits Haru as she willingly joins the Phantom Thieves in hopes of reclaiming her father's heart, and that her fiance is a Domestic Abuser intent on using her as his plaything. And while Haru succeeds in her "vengeance" of stealing her father's heart, he gets killed and essentially leaves heading the company to Haru who doesn't know the first thing of being a CEO, essentially being left headless. The loads of guns within Milady's dress is also fitting, because when faced with the idea of a future with someone like her Fiance, that's exactly the kind of protection you'd want to keep him away.
Akechi has Robin Hood and Loki, based on a fictional story of the same name and the god of deceit and lies in Norse Mythology. Robin Hood's appearance fits with Akechi's desired public image, and his story fits as stealing from the rich to give to the poor. But when the rightful king returns, Robin Hood gives up being a thief and is knighted by the King...which is essentially what Akechi does the moment he's done working with the Phantom Thieves, going back to being Shido's lapdog. Loki is fitting in the sense that he's one of the parties responsible for instigating Ragnarok, the all out war at the end of the world in Norse Mythology. He killed a beloved figure, insulted the gods over their past misdeeds and gave a Motive Rant to how he did all of his, and even fathered a few of the monsters responsible for tearing up the world when Ragnarok comes. This all fits how Akechi intends to build Shido up (killing a "beloved" figure), oust The Conspiracy (insult the gods on their misdeeds) and even testify of all of his own to further break down Shido (Motive Rant to how he did all of this). And that "Fathering Monsters" bit also helps in the fact that Loki has the power to make Shadows go berserk, essentially turning them into vicious monsters! As well, one of Loki's most noted powers is shapeshifting. Akechi has the ability to change his Metaverse Outfit, and uses the false facade of a "Detective Prince" to hide his inner darkness.
The appearance and stories of the evolved Persona's of the party members is also fitting.
Ren/Akira/The PC has Satanael at the end game, who is said in game to be a Gnostic representation of Lucifer before he fell from grace.
Ryuji has Seiten Taisei, the titular Monkey King in Journey to the West.
Ann has Hecate, the Greek Goddess of Witchcraft, Crossroads, and Necromancy.
Morgana has Mercurius, the Roman God of Commerce, Luck, Travelers and Thieves. Mercurius is much more lean in build, wears more rougeish attire and wields a cadaseus in stark contrast to Zorro who had a bulkier build, armor and wielded a sword. This shows how Morgana has embraced his lifestyle as a thief and is a general benefactor/guide to the Phantom Thieves as a whole.
Yusuke has Kamu Susano-o, the Japanese God of Storms.
Makoto has Anat, a goddess of War that has appeared in several northwestern Semitic Religions.
Futaba has Prometheus, the Greek Titan who gave mankind fire.
Haru has Astarte, the Mesopotamian Goddess of Love and War.
Akechi has Loki, the trickster god from Norse Mythology.
His wings go from feathered to black bat wings, as he is draped in armor that looks fine, as well as a dark halo, representing how the PC is willing to embrace being a criminal if it means it's for the good of mankind.
He represents a more beneficial representation of Lucifer, how he freed mankind from ignorance and gave them free will. The Protagonist's endgame at this point is to free humanity (or at least the general public of Japan) from Yaldabaoth's influence. Notably, Satanael isn't shown in actual places as being a good being. This could be interpreted that the PC is no longer going by societal expectations, but creating his own meaning in the world.
He rides a living cloud and wields a staff weighing 800K, which shows how Ryuji is able to work under the pressure and go wherever he pleases at the same time.
"Seiten Taisei" is noted to be a title Sun Wukong gave himself when trying to entice the residents of Heaven. After extending his own life, he was found by Buddha and crushed underneath the Five Fingered Mountain for 500 years until freed by a Monk, who he then followed. Ryuji had notably changed his image after the incident with Kamoshida, going from a good kid to a delinquent to fit where he was at. He was crushed by Kamoshida's own hands, and was going to be executed by Kamoshida's Shadow. While Ren/Akira/The PC isn't exactly a monk, he does free Ryuji, and Ryuji proceeds to follow Akira loyally.
Carmen's twindrills have turned into wicked hair with eyes in them, she wears some armor on her upper body and the two broken hearted men have become rabid dogs at Hecate's command. This well represents that while Ann does have very good looks, she won't let herself be defined by them and that she knows how to look out for, reject and control those who would seek to get to her via her looks.
Hecate is also known as being more at home at the fringes of greek society, how she defies boundaries, eludes definition, and is even seen as a savior by some. Ann became a Phantom Thief by accidentally stumbling onto the Cognitive World, and finds a place she can belong in the Phantom Thieves. As a model, she also eludes definition, and is in with the other protagonists in starting the Phantom Thieves, in essence becoming "saviors" to the oppressed populace.
Susano-o is now a Walking Shirtless Scene with tattoos covering his skin, baggy pants, stark white hair and a scarf with an actual sword compared to Goemon's over the top traditional wear, black pompadour and his sword looking like a huge pipe. This befits how Yusuke seems to be getting more in touch with modern society and the people around him.
Susano-o was known for rampaging through Heaven when he lost to Amaterasu, and was eventually thrown out. He then finds out about the Orochi from a grieving family who lost 7 daughters and are about to lose the last one. Susano-o proceeds to kill it, take a sword from it's innards, and gift them and two other items to Amaterasu as an apology. This seems to befit how Yusuke has embraced the lifestyle of a Phantom Thief, going from a possible enemy of them to someone who helps venerate them. He even creates the calling cards past the 3rd palace.
Anat is a Transforming Mecha of a Motorcycle, plated in steel. The calm face of Johanna has been replaced by an angry visage of a woman with horns. This represents how Makoto won't let society's labels define what she can or can't do, and how she can be or go wherever she wants to if she puts the effort into it.
Anat is known in multiple stories to have avenged her fallen brother by killing Mot, and dragging him back from the underworld. This befits how Makoto was "dragged into reality" by the Phantom Thieves, as well as her desired purpose in life by the end of her Confidant by becoming a Police Comissioner. It also befits how protective she is of her sister, Sae, when she becomes the object of the Conspiracy's fancy.
Prometheus appears like a ball engraved with rainbows and having what appears to be a smiling face emoticon. This seems to befit how Futaba now views life, instead of a lifeless wasteland, there is possibility, vibrancy and color that she has come to experience from her time with the Protagonist.
Prometheus is known as the titan who gave mankind fire and knowledge, which had incurred Zeus's wrath. He was to be chained to a rock, an eagle ripping out his liver each day, only for it to regrow in the night, to which the cycle would continue ad infinitum. He was freed by the hero Hercules during the 12 Labours. This befits how Futaba was tormented by her own self-loathing thanks to the men in black sent by a "god" (aka Shido), and it wasn't until "heroes" saved her (aka the Phantom Thieves) that she started to get better.
Astarte appears to be a black silhouette of a woman with her hair let loose, wearing nothing but lengerie, a large crescent moon symbol on her forehead, and her bottom half is concealed by what appears to be a constantly rotating triple headed skull that faces three directions. One with it's eyes open, the next with them half open and the last with them shut. It also appears to have a rotating halo like thing around itself. This seems to befit on how Haru is able to be more open to people in spite of her status, being able to open her eyes to everything around her.
Astarte is known as having multiple associations, mainly with Goddesses like Aphrodite or Ishtar. She is known as the "Queen of Heaven" in some contexts, but she's also been known to have been demonized into Astaroth, one of the three dukes of Hell. Haru was well known for her high status as Okumura's daughter, but after her father confesses and dies, and she falls in with the Phantom Thieves, it befits how she's become one of the forces for criminals, which society in game could perceive as "Hell".
When one looks at Loki, he has Dazzle Camouflage, a type of camouflage used on ships to mislead onlookers as to what direction they're going. Furthermore, its legs seem to shift into horse's legs at the knee down, his fingers turning into claws and the braids on its head turning a fiery red at the tips. It has horns and wears a malicious smile on his face. In a way, Loki's appearance shares a lot of similarities with Arsene, given they share the smiling face, horns and fingers. Both are the intial Personas of their respective users, but while Arsene is known to be a good guy, Loki is well known for being a malicious troll. Both Akira/Ren and Akechi were put into positions where they were dehumanized by society, but while Akira/Ren tries to make the best of his situation, Akechi wallows in it and becomes more corrupted. It even shows in how Loki is becoming more monstrous in appearance, like how Akechi has become a monster as well. The factor that Dazzle Camouflage is used on ships also details his relationship to Shido: he's trying to misdirect people from hurting Shido, at least not until he can sink the ship himself.
Loki is known as a trickster god in Norse Mythology, who usually got people into as much trouble as much as he got people out of it. However, after Balder's death and during a night the other Aesir were being cruel to him, Loki drunkenly ranted about how he caused Balder's death and how much everyone else sucked. In retaliation, they killed his children, tied him to a stone and make venom drip into his eyes. When Ragnarok happened, he was one of the confirmed casualties. This befits how Akechi was doomed to fail or die no matter what he did, be it by his father's cognition of him, a death sentence for all the murders Akechi did, or fail to defeat Joker as the two couldn't help but fight each other as per Yaldabaoth's game. And unlike the rest of the Phantom Thieves's Personas, Loki was demonized by Christianity marking him as a villain, much like how Akechi was demonized by society for being a bastard child and for saying the Phantom Thieves aren't justice. @nenilein
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