#Interactive Program
tsusbengaluru · 7 months
Understanding the program design for TSUS students in 2024
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The Curriculum and Pedagogical approach at the Shri Ram Universal School is “Child Centric” and aligns well with NEP 2020. The entire teaching learning program and the design for school children has taken a 360-degree turn to suit new trends of learning. Interactive learning is a key area of focus and the students are engaged and inspired constantly. Visual elements and games hold immense potential alongside Auditory and Tactile approaches that enable higher aptitude conceptually. Experiential Learning brings in additional colour to the Factual information. Children are motivated to comprehend, connect, correlate analyse and synthesise information actively.,  Zen spaces and Open space Learning adds colour to every learning experience leaving behind the scope for extended learning.
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The Shri Ram Universal School brings finer elements of Learning arena using the best practices in the real time learning consciously.  It assists in capturing their focus and keeping them engaged. The interactive program for school students on our campus is child-centric.
Children are engaged and inspired throughout the Teaching Learning sessions using the Modules of progressive curriculum. All the activities are well captured with specific objectives of student engagements and Learning outcomes
Projects based teaming r. Real-world activities bring them closer to skills and communication with each other. Arts and technology also add meaning with visual representation.
Outdoor activities in the campus like sports, music, Dance, Theatre, Visual Arts Athletics, swimming, skating, Taekwondo, Tennis, Cricket, Football, Basketball, etc and gardening, also keep the children active and brings in the Joyful Learning Trend every Day..
The Shri Ram Universal School we constantly focus on bringing in the Best Practices to create a special edge and hence continuously upgrade all pedagogical approaches To understand the power of our teaching-learning pedagogy, we welcome you to visit the campus. 
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prokopetz · 24 days
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This remark is both excellent form for instructional text – one should always explicitly point out when one's worked examples are departing from best practices for the sake of clarity or brevity – and a very funny way to make this particular point.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 2 months
American jews 🤝 Israeli jews
"holy shit, I'm so scared for you in your country - it isn't as bad for me in mine!"
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vicktoryscreech · 1 year
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Evan Kelmp-core
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Apex predator, my ass. I’m going to pet the dog 🐻🐻‍❄️🐼
perhaps now is a good time for some responsible bear programming to remind everyone that as cute and cuddly as they may seem, bears are lethal apex predators and should absolutely be treated accordingly if ever encountered.
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lycanthian · 1 year
so today i was sitting in my game engines class (basically intro to game programming) and im just doing fuck all on my phone waiting for my game files to zip and. we have like a forum where we post our game design assignments and stuff and my professor is idly scrolling thru it and looking at freshmen stuff and he pulls up my profile and looks at a bit of my stuff before zooming in on my profile and going like "whats this"
which for the record.
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and im just like oh its my silly guy and go back to doing fuck all and i start doodling absentmindedly on ms paint as my file is still zipping
(image for ref)
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and my professor like MATERIALIZES behind me. mind you there is only like four people in the lab and were all just doing our own things. and my prof stares at me screen for a minute and hes like "i need to run a test on you". which like. thats unnerving! im intrigued. he goes back to his backpack by his desk and rumnages thru it for like a straight minute before coming back with something in his hand.
and he gets like super serious and quiet. hes like "do you know what this means." and he produces a lanyard from his hand and like stretches it out so the words are legible and. in big bold letters. "ANTHROCON".
and i stare at it for a minute before being like "yeah" bc what else was i supposed to do, lie? after he saw my multiple drawings of my fursona? and he just nodded and went and put it back in his bag and then my file finished zipping and i left. i later told my friends about it and they all went fucking insane. i have not laughed abt something so hard w a friend in a very long time
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larkingame · 6 months
hi :) my video about how toxic the coding community can be online is up and ready to go! i worked really hard on it so I hope you give it a watch!
also, i've attached it i the description, but if you're looking to learn to code, or develop a text-based game, I've compiled this list of resources here!
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handweavers · 8 months
i've been so fucked up for months i haven't been able to go downtown to pick up my work from last spring from my school's textile studio and they always have a cutoff date like if you don't pick up your old work by x date they toss it and they're pretty strict about that unless you arrange with the studio tech beforehand, and the studio tech doesn't like most people she's pretty curt with most students. not rude but just keeps things professional and a bit distant, a very serious person. but i know she grew to like me over the past few years/warmed up to me a lot and we'd chat a lot about different textile things and she would say really kind things to me a lot which felt rare and special, and she let me have special treatment with some of the equipment because she trusted me to use it properly. and i haven't seen her in nearly a year and i expected her to have tossed my work out when i didn't come to pick it up last fall and emailed her to explain why and dropped off the face of the earth, i made my peace with losing that work and accepted it, it is what it is, i will survive, etc.
but she emailed me earlier this week and said she didn't have the heart to toss my work and has kept it safe in her office for me if i'm ever able to come pick it up and if not she's going to keep it as an example piece to show other students when teaching weaving because it's too lovely to get rid of and my heart swelled like 10 times its size bc she didn't have to do that and it meant so much to me that even a year from seeing her last she was still thinking about me and being kind to me. and i emailed her back and picked it up today and saw her and we chatted for a bit and it was so nice. I love her I miss my school's textile studio and weaving in there and talking craft with her... sigh
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meowmeowcatposting · 3 months
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TransDoll (program)
A trans-id term (under the "transramcoa/transprogrammed" umbrella) for one who feels that they should to go through Doll Programming for one reason or another, and currently haven't.
Definition of Doll Programming...
The subject would be given a doll in which they are conditioned to project their feelings on. The programmer will then arrange the doll in certain positions, while the subject would be asked to physically "abuse" the doll. Ultimately, the subject themself would assume the same position and allow similar actions to be done to them by the programmer.
(If this is already coined before, consider it an alt! ≽^•༚• ྀི≼)
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the thing about being a disabled grad student is that if you want even half a chance you constantly have to not only reveal but interrogate and explain your softest most vulnerable parts. while people around you act like this is just completely normal and actually that is not the softest most vulnerable part of you and actually you are exactly the same as all of them. so you feel like you are in disguise as exactlythesame while also completely exposed. and you just have to live like that. absolutely insane
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fever-project · 3 months
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First half of my gift for @wispywinds for the LoZ AU gift exchange! Second half is being posted right after, just for like, pacing? Tagging, it’ll be better for my sanity in regards to tagging and images and junk.
This is an outfit swap between different Minish Cap(and a bit of Four Swords) Links from different Links Meet AUs. Under the cut is an explanation of who got whose clothes, and also the flat colors and drafts of this piece. Bonus.
Monstrous Fusion Minish has Mina’s Linkverse Minish’s outfit, Linked Universe Four has Bonus Links Minish’s outfit, ML Minish has LU Four’s outfit, and BL Minish has MF Minish’s outfit. I used a wheel picker to chose who got whose outfit.
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prokopetz · 5 months
The full set of features of inweb is extensive and this is not the place to go into that. In brief, though, kit section files [...] can't use any of the interesting tangling features (such as @d, or @< ... >@); but they can use all the weaving features. Inform users don't need to have inweb in order to write or use kits, and don't need to understand what the last sentence said.
I do appreciate when documentation knows its target audience.
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fatliberation · 1 year
hey marginalized people. you are allowed to be angry. you have a right to be angry. so so angry.
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disk28 · 3 months
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trans-programmed-vex · 2 months
Any resources for learning how to program?
I don't have any resources on hand but can find some however if you wanted tips then researching is important and also choosing what method of programming you want to implement eg. alpha, beta, doll, pet, etc and what organization method you want to use.
I can't find any resources on how to do it however I found This which is anti radqueer but has info about some things, theres also This which explains what it is, theres also the pluralpedia which has some more info and other resources such 1, 2 and 3 which I haven't read through so can't confirm if they tell you how to but the first one has some details.
Hope these are what you were looking for!
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Normalize not really getting along with all headmates. You're not always going to like people. (And some of them actively try to hurt us, so, not gonna like those assholes.) Yeah, I get along with the people I need to and that happens to be most of my system. But I have some real problems with others, and that's okay. (Not my pookie dookie bookie Vaal though, he's the best.)
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