#Into the Woods????? WHYYYYY
manny-jacinto · 2 years
I agree with the meryl take but in her defence i feel like, when shes nominated, she also is like ?? why am I here
you're right but at the same time i'd simply wouldn't go if i were her. look at the number of her nominations, this is crazy
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girlfailurefelix · 4 days
hi fazgang you’ll never guess what i’m doing as we speak
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eazy-peazy54 · 5 months
The songs that Iare the most relatable to me from In Case I Make It are Euthanasia and Against The Kitchen Floor
I MIGHT be cooked 🙏🗣🔥💯‼️ (I'm definitely cooked)
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transkingcobra · 6 months
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When the lighting completely blacks out your Tav you get a free self-insert screenshot lmao
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delphi-dreamin · 10 months
Lucifer, Asmodeus and Beel for FMK? :3
Oh fuck, babe...
I mean. Marry Lucifer, obvi. Love of my life and all that.
But the other two...Shit. I wanna say fuck Asmo. But I also don't think i could live without Beel's absolutely massive dick, y'know? And he's like a puppy! I love him so much.
Can I just marry Lucifer and fuck Asmo AND Beel?
I'm so mad at myself for putting FMK on that list
Let's have a sleepover!
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I love Ghostbur so so much and he is in so dreadfully little VODs why must I go through this pain.
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amethystfairy1 · 4 months
The avians are fightingggggg whyyyyy?!???! Truly, awful, having to fight because they think their masters are fighting when it hasn't come to that yet (?) Oh Gem oh Mumbo pleaseee come to terms and quick! There's more than the 5 of them in the woods methinks
There's a lot going on in the woods, that much is for certain 😅 So glad you're enjoying the chaos!
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
admin live reaction to the 2003 TCM movie lets gooooooo going to be one full post rather than a series of reblogs so i dont clog the blog
so like was there ever a reason for changing the family name in this reboot or was it just becaue
i never really thought about it but im quickly starting to realize how different horror was back then as opposed to the 2000s and to now- like obviously things change and evolve but like. tone and style so far feels different
3 miinutes in and theyre getting FREAKY hello!!!!
maybe im the weird one but how the hell can someone be so comfortable getting THAT into a makeout session in the company of friends- like a kiss is fine but these two are literally moaning and fondling each other in the backseat
oh theyre not even friends one of them literally just joined the group
WHYYYYY are you kissing your girlfriend while driving god i hate distracted drivers im glad this is a slasher movie
i know im only 13 minutes in but i do not enjoy this group the group from the og had more charm to me idk
i do not trust this old ass woman
unrelated but i looooooooooove cabin in the woods but i hate that it pointed out the "character types" you see in slasher movies because now im hyper aware of which character is gonna die and which one isnt before any slashing happens
whos punk ass kid
can i pet the daaaaaawwwg
sheriffs got some fatass eyebrows god DAMN
random ass pigs in the house??
oh! the sheriffs a creep! i mean obligatory "its a slasher film theres always at least one creep" but like. you know
morgans easily the most annoying of the bunch though
obligatory "hes already been on screen" but this is our first full body shot but woo yeah leatherface mr thomas hewitt let me see why a bunch of people keep requesting you
epvfpmpfvmf the nails on the wall ripping off.. euuuchh... 10/10
this version of leatherface (or really the whole movie) feels waaaaay more brutal than the og and idk how to fell- maybe im biased because i fell in love with the og but i kind of prefer it, but i can see why people may like this remake more
chat can we kill the sheriff
*shoots multiple shots from a gun right next to their head* "you girls need to get yourselves under control!" chat i hate this man so much. like even without the "we know this group is innocent" knowledge id still be hating this dude. so so bad
"i aint never seen no weapon go off without somebodys finger on the trigger" dude how many fucking times do they have to say that she shot herself god damn. like i KNOW logically its because "oh he found a body and drugs, and one of the people is missing" blah blah blah and thats the thought process and thats not something to be treated gently but like. this just feels... too far? like literally making someone sit where someone committed and then making them put that same weapon in their mouth feels like its going waaaaaaay too far
"we got ourselves a killer!" and then its just a group of people scared out of their mind, one just got chased by a dude with a chainsaw and the other is getting his shit pressed and all three nearly got shot in the head ofc someone is not going to think rationally of course theyre going to want anything to get out. that doesnt automatically mean they killed the girl. curse of knowledge for knowing what happened curse of knowing the sheriff doesnt know raaaah raaaaaah divine death blast i still hate this dude so so much oh my god
actually pausing the movie to take a few minutes because the sheriff is pissing me off so much LMAO
hitting the sheriff with another death ray for drinking and driving god if theres anything i hate more than distracted drivers its intoxicated ones. "but hes not drunk" and he still shouldnt be drinking
"so what are you going to do with your tickets" "you can have them" "is that bribery!!! *smashes a glass bottle on the dudes head*" oh my fucking goooooooooood leatherface can you get this bitch.. i havent hated a character this much since carmody from the mist
the tire flies off as they finally get the car to work be so fucking for real
the tea was drugged wasnt it
chat i deadass have no idea whats going on
also like... so is it more than brothers this time? og was just them plus grandpa but it looks like theres more here- also baby snatching? hello? also are they still cannibals?
they got bros dogs on the piano
i would like to apologize for calling the kid a punk
maybe its sympathy but maybe morgan isnt so bad i think i just didnt vibe with the group when they were first being introduced. perhaps. i was too harsh
morgan has some balls i think hes my favorite out of the group- blode dude is also cool but i forgot his name.. tbh im starting to enjoy the entire group asides the boyfriend but tbf he got yoinked early
oh hey... thomas cut his leg... just like... side eyes
girl you are hiding in the lockers, hes walked past you. why are you screaming
lmao nvm i forgot she grabbed the cleaver but like wwwhhhhhhyyyyy not just sneak him
oh just casually chopped his arm off with a few swings
also why not just aim for the head? i know "shes freaking out, logic is out the window" but like ?Q?Q???!!?!?
theres 10 minutes left of the movie i do not trust the truck driver
ok nvm the truck drivers just a dude
i give this movie a 7 out of 10! i liked it, but not as much as the og- horror wise i think it hit better, style wise i personally prefer the og but i can understand why many would find this version appealing!
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morganee · 2 years
Byler Fic Rec Week - Day 1: Post-canon
stare at pictures of you 'til i'm blind by agustplz (shout_out_lou) (@wheelerstrange) (14k, complete)
Mike gets into the habit of pulling his hair up. And it drives Will crazy. It opens up an entirely new perspective on a face he thought he had memorized, softening his profile and placing his features in new angles that Will had never considered. He looks pretty. He’s never thought about it before, but once he starts putting his hair up, Will can’t think of him in any other way. He looks soft and open and inviting, all of which is a dangerous combination for a boy with a hopeless crush. Even worse, it makes him want to sketch him constantly. He keeps a sketchbook under one of his floorboards just for portraits of Mike. He tries not to do it often, but sometimes his want threatens to overtake him and he has to put it somewhere. Soon enough, the sketchbook has every angle imaginable of Mike he can recall without having him model for him. It’s possible that the sketching has greatly improved Will’s skills in a short time; they might even be his best work. But he can’t be sure since there’s no way they can ever see the light of day. If he’s going to lose his mind over Mike for what is apparently going to be the rest of his life, the least he can do is keep that insanity to himself.
so why don't we go (somewhere only we know) by sterrenhemel (3k, complete)
“Look,” Will says again, showing Mike the table he crafted to go in Castle Byers. “Oh! Cool,” Mike answers, although Will can tell his mind is elsewhere. “You alr—" "Who is "M"?" Mike suddenly asks, interrupting him. Will’s eyebrows shoot up, confusion written all over his face. "Huh?" Turning around, he realizes that Mike is holding something. A piece of wood in an odd shape. He steps a little closer, squinting his eyes. The capitalized M + W, bluntly carved in the wood, is impossible to miss.  And Will's heart drops to his stomach. Because he knows that piece of wood. Of course he knows it, he goddamn carved that himself years ago.  "Uh, I—," Will says.  Or, the fic where Will and Mike rebuild Castle Byers and Mike figures something out (but it takes him a while, obviously.)
wish you were here by sheriffandsteel (5k, complete)
"You promised you'd write!" Will snaps, jumping to his feet and nearly slipping in the snow. Mike grabs his elbow to steady him and can't hide his flinch when Will shakes him off. "It's just like California all over again. You know you get mad when people break their promises but you break promises all the time!" "I didn't break my promise!" Mike defends himself before he can think better of it. "You never even wrote me one letter!" "No," Mike shakes his head and sets his shoulders back. His heart is beating as fast as a hummingbird's as he forces the words past his dry throat. "I never sent one letter."
i get drunk but it's not enough by delusionaltogether (Whyyyyy) (5k, complete)
Mike gets drunk at a party and Will takes care of him against his better judgement.
will-they-won't-they by orphan_account (5k, complete)
Mike ignores the bilious feeling that swims in his gut as he scoops fruit punch into their cups, his mind tortuously replaying that girl’s hand sliding over Will’s shoulder while he does. He shoves the mental image away.  Steve’s words ricochet in his mind. Carpe diem. Seize the fucking day. So stupid.  Then again… (Or: Mike and Will have always walked the thin line between friendship and something more. A little encouragement goes a long way.)
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How Jersey nearly died:
(This took place after the Battle of Trenton)
It was a cold December night when New Jersey decided to take a walk through the dark woods to get to his house (that was for some reason in the middle of f**king nowhere-). He needed to get home to patch up a few wounds that he had received during the Battle of Trenton and get some rest. After about half an hour of walking, he stopped in a clearing when he heard the sound of a twig snapping behind him.
"Is somebody there?" He called out. There was no answer. "Hello?" He called out again, but still no answer. He just shrugged and continued walking. About 10 minutes later, he heard the same sound again.
"Hel-" He started as he turned around, but he stopped talking halfway through when he saw what had been following him this whole time. His heart started racing as he backed up a few steps.
"Hello, my dear son." England said with a sneer that quickly turned into a cruel smile. There he stood (well- not exactly seeing as he was on horseback), the a-hole himself, along with two other British soldiers on horseback, all three of them wielding a rifle and a sword.
"Wha- What do you want?" Jersey asked, trembling slightly due to fear and the fact that it was December at night.
"Now, now I raised you better than that~ As for why I am here, I heard about your little… attack earlier today." England with faux sadness that quickly returned to his usual cruel smile that sent shivers down the spine of the colony in front of him. "I’ve got to say, I’m quite disappointed in you." He hopped down from his horse and snapped his fingers, and then the two guards hopped off their horses as well. The two soldiers ran at Jersey and grabbed him by the arms, and preventing him from being able to escape from them.
The Garden State struggled a bit and tried to escape, but alas he couldn’t. He looked back at his father confused, only for all the color in his face drain when he saw that England had a whip, chain, and bayonet in his hands. He started struggling again as his father walked over to him.
The next evening:
New York had been instructed to go check up on his brother, seeing as they hadn’t heard from him since the night before. So here he was; riding horseback through a dark creepy forest on a cold December evening. He wrapped his jacket further around himself and shivered a bit. ‘Ugh… whyyyyy…. Wait- what is that?’ York thought to himself as he stumbled upon some random house/cabin. He decided to investigate, thinking that maybe Jersey had decided to just stop there instead of going the entire way to his house in the cold.
He tied his horse to a random nearby tree and walked into the house. He took a look around; it seemed like a cozy little place, and there were even a few lanterns hanging on the walls, though it seemed to be kinda messy and was that… BLOOD ON THE FLOOR-?! This was kinda concerning to York, so he sped up his search. He went through a few different rooms before finding the one Jersey was in. Except he didn’t find him in the way he hoped to have found him…
He ran over to where his brother was, all the color drained from his face. Jersey was laying cold and unconscious on the floor, surrounded by blood. York looked over Jersey’s body a bit carefully and physically cringed at how bruised and bloody he was. There was a puddle of blood under his head and another leaking out from under Jersey’s jacket, which was stained with blood. York reached a hand over to Jersey’s neck to check for a pulse, and was surprised when he found a small pulse and how cold he was. He tried shaking the older to wake him up, which slowly but surely, he did start waking up.
"Y-York…?" Jersey said quietly, immediately coughing and whimpering after.
"Shhh..ur alright… Yea it’s me. What the h*ll happened?" York responded quietly. He moved his hand from Jersey’s shoulder to his knee, but then instantly moving his hand away when the let out a small yelp/cry. He looked over and his jaw dropped when he saw what seemed to be half of his brother’s bayonet shoved in his knee and the other half laying next to him. "Why the f**k do you have half a bayonet shoved in your damn knee?!"
"E-England h-h-happened…." Jersey responded, but his voice was really quiet and cracking due to lack of use and pain.
"HE DID THIS TO YOU?!" York yelled, but lowering his voice when Jersey flinched and raised his arm to cover his face. F**k England… He took off his jacket and draped it over Jersey’s body. He picked up his brother and walked outside to his horse, where he put Jersey in front of where he would be sitting. He untied the horse and mounted it. "Aight Jers. You know this place betta’ than I do, so I’m gonna need yous to tell me who’s land is closest to here, and what direction we have to go."
"P-Penn’s house is c-closest to here i-if we are where I t-think we are…"
"So east?"
"Ok. Try to stay awake and don’t you dare die on me. If yous die, I’m gonna kill ya."
"I-I’ll t-try…" Jersey said with a slight chuckle that quickly turned into a choked whimper. York adjusted the older to be closer to him for warmth and then started to Pennsylvania’s house.
When they got there:
York hopped off the horse and gathered Jersey in his arms after tying his horse to a post. He ran to Penn’s shed where he heard his voice and what sounded to be Mass, Delaware, and Virginia. He knocked on the door and was greeted by Penn who let him after taking one look at the bloody beaten colony in his arms.
"Woah what the f(speaks Boston) happened?!" Mass asked/shouted.
"First off, lower ya damn voice. Second, England happened. What it seems like, is England found him, beat the living s(speaks northeast) out of him and left him there in the cold to die." York said, taking the blanket that Virginia offered him and wrapping it around himself and Jersey, whom he was still holding. He let Mass take Jersey from his arms and set him on a mat that Penn had placed on the ground.
"Can yous explain wth happened? Ya don’t hafta to right now if you don’t feel like it, but ya need to tell us at some point." Mass said as he took
"Godd*mn…." Mass muttered under his breath as he looked over his twin’s injuries and removed his jacket. Jersey started to slowly stir awake and blink his eyes open. "Hey dumb**s, good to see ya alive I guess." Mass said, putting a hand on his twin’s head and running a gentle hand through his hair. He managed to get Jersey’s jacket off without hurting him too badly.
"Good to see ya too… w-where am I?" Jersey asked.
"Yer at my house, well- in my shed." Penn said, walking over and kneeling down next to the injured colony opposite of Mass. "It’s honestly a wonder that you’re still alive after what looks like a beating that was meant to kill you."
"Yea even I was surprised." York piped up from the back.
"Can ya tell us what happened? Ya don’t hafta right now, but you need to at some point. And Jesus Christ is that ur rifle shoved in your knee?!" Mass said, shouting a bit when he saw the bayonet in his brother’s leg (PS: it was the blade end of a bayonet).
"Wellllll- half of it at least….?" Jersey said with a face that had "well maybe…?" written all over it.
Mass sighed. "That doesn’t exactly make it better!"
"I know. As for what happened… Well; I was walking home after the battle, and I don’t know how, but E-England found me in the middle of that clearing that we always hang out in along with two redcoats. Next thing I know, the two guards have a hold of me and England has a whip, chain, and his rifle in his hands. After that everything went dark. I woke up in some random house with England standing in front of me with the whip and rifle. And then started beating me w-with it… and the rifle. That continued for a while and the last thing t-that I r-remembered seeing before going unconscious was him jamming my gun in my knee and snapping it in half… I’m gonna guess that some of the bruising was from the chains cuz’ that’s what he used to knock me out before beating whatever bejeezus I had left out of me…"
There was silence throughout the entire room.
"G-guys?" Jersey said, uncomfortable with the deafening silence.
"Ima kill im’."
"Mass no!" Virginia shouted, grabbing Mass by the arm to keep him from leaving.
"Don’t tell me what to do! Look what he did to my brother!! He’s gotta pay!" Mass shouted back as he tried to twist his way out of Virginia’s grasp.
"I understand, and we will get revenge eventually. We are in the middle of what could be the biggest revolution in history after all. But right now, your brother needs you." Virginia said, putting a hand on the smaller’s shoulder.
"Fine…" Mass said, shaking his wrist a bit when Virginia let go. He walked over to his brother started to help patch him up. When he finished with everything else, it was now time to pull the gun out of his brothers knee. He helped his brother sit up against one of the posts in the shed so that Penn could pull out the gun.
"Aight Jersey. This is probably the most painful part of this whole thing, so I’m gonna need you to tell me whether you want me to knock you out or not." Pennsylvania said, putting a hand on Jersey’s good leg.
"I’ll be fine. Please just pull it out so we can get this over with."
"Ok…" Penn said. He put his hand on Jersey’s knee and grabbed the bayonet with the other. With one swift pull he yanked it out, muttering an apology when the other let out a small cry and whimpered. He quickly used a nearby rag to help stop the bleeding, and ten minutes later they had Jersey’s leg wrapped up in a bandage. Around twenty minutes later, they all went to sleep somewhat peacefully. At least, more peacefully than they have in a long time….
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pomodoriyum · 5 months
watchign ep 6… aww jopson trauma <3333 yummy. :)
also wtf happened to irvings hands. did i miss something????
well either jopson’s mum died or she went right back to the laudanum. i think its 2 and then 1. for pain <3
also. why the hell is hickey even in heathers room???????
“theyre counting luggage, billy” ooooh hickey just figured out they’re prolly gonna be walking soon
awww collins. depression sucks man. also you have lead poisoning. stay safe <3
stanley your daughter you miss her….
heehee fitzjames has scurvy
bridgens you are such a sneaky communicator. good job man <3333
crozier. whyyyyy. whyyyy is half the time he talks to jopson when hes on the ole seat of ease????? surely there must be a reason the writers chose this. surely
this carnival is quite. intricate. also stanley keeping the tins secrettttttt. thatll end badly!!!
irving is fucking blasted lol. hickey staring from across the room like the little creep he is.
des voeux whyd you take your mask off???? also. terrible costume btw.
hickey running his mouth to. pilkingotn?
update: evil clown laugh track with suspenseful music. thanks i hate it
symbolic guy with top hat axing wood reference to hickey in top hat cleaving crozier’s leadership from his shoulders?
SILNAAAAAAAAAA. please get medical attention.
and hickey’s need to pee outside saved them all <3 (so sorry for putting it this way)
but honestly stanley. what the fuck man
mamma mia. and i thought the birthday party couldnt be beat in terms of shittiness
man hickey you have insane strength to be able to eviscerate someone like that. also good job des voeux and jopson staying behind with the captains trying to get every1 out. aomething i did notice is how coolheaded jfj and crozier thruout all this. :)
also peglar n bridgens huggg <3
in conclusion: this situation sure sucks
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lunarmoff · 11 months
Reaction. pt:1
Okay. I know that MAYBE- no one will never see this but this kinda came to my mind, so I wanted to post about it. So have any of you wondered what the reactions of the chain would be if they saw someone (s) that they lost or missed the most? in like a dream? Or if something happened that made them saw the ones the missed the most? Well, here's how i think they would react. Time. Okay so first who would Time miss? Navi. Malon. the sages? mostly Saria. Maybe tattle. SO- I think Time would reach out to them or be shocked and stand there. I do think he would catch on to what's going on and would know that's it is a dream. BCAUSE- Navis missing and is probably dead (even through time doesn't want to believe it-) and Malon is back at the ranch why would she be here? The sages are not needed in this timeline or are dead in the other timeline. And Tattle would be in termina with Tale and Skullkid that or the lost woods. Twilight. Midna. The children of Ordon village. I think he would run up to them and try to see if they are real or not probably hug them *cough- cough- Midna-* Twilight would be head over heels to see Midna again LIKE- after dumping him bc the portal needed to be disconnected from Hyrule to the Twi realm EVEN AFTER- everything that they went through together like- couldn't you just wait a little bit to say a proper goodbye instead of lying and saying "I will see you later" LIKE- WHYYYYY???
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nothings-wholey · 1 year
there was some blue wood you were chewing on that did not seem healthy.....
-Coffee Choc Guy
oh my god, whyyyyy
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epitomees · 2 years
Name: Hanamura Yosuke
Your age: 18
Your perfect date: I guess if it’s not meditating under a waterfall, the gym, or going out into the woods for the night, I don’t mind where we go. I mean, how are any of these good date spots!? That’s like bootcamp or some kind of secret training I don’t care much about. I hate being sweaty...
Make out in public or private: Geez, I’d feel embarrassed if we made out in public, but knowing you, I wouldn’t be surprised if you did it for revenge or whatever. But seriously, I’d prefer this to be private. I’d feel bad for the people who’d have to look at us go at it...
Do you like to cuddle?: I mean, if you want. Try to not Galactic Crush me, okay?
Tell me something about you: At this point, what do you not know about me? We’re like the bickering duo of Yasogami. I’m pretty sure we’ve spilled random secrets unknowingly during one of these arguments. If you were looking for me to serenade you with a guitar and a corny love song, that ain’t happening. 
Why do you want to be my valentine?: Because I guess even though we bicker, I kinda like you? Not kinda, but like, really like you. I know it sounds weird as hell, but there’s just something about you I like. Don’t look at me, I don’t know what the cause is either! I just like you, and if you want to be my Valentine, that’s cool, but if you want to Galactic Punt me to the other side of town as a rejection, I guess that works too. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but oh man I’m going on for too long and I gotta—
This...didn't sound like a joke.
Leave it to Yosuke to pull some light-hearted prank all in the name of instigating the wrath of Chie Satonaka. The previous year held true when someone decided gifting the girl a fake bug sounded like some ultimate Valentine caper. 'You make my heart flutter' was a phrase holding a deeper, more traumatic meaning for the brunette. In the end, Yosuke received his dues. And a swift KO right between the legs.
This year came with no antics or plastic creepy-crawlers sitting on top of her textbooks. Thank goodness. Instead, a handwritten invitation welcomed the girl when she opened her locker. No name on the front. That only meant good things waiting for her. Technically, though? It was great.
It was...serious, too.
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"...wait...th-this isn't..." No ill-intentions, no mockery, not even a single jab about mooching a free dinner off of Yosuke's credit card. She never doubted whether this letter was forged by one of his friends either, since Yosuke's handwriting had a distinct style. This was clearly written by Yosuke. "...h-hang on...heh...c-c'mon...this isn't a funny joke anymore!!"
It never was intended to be, and the more Chie read over his last paragraph the more she felt something irratically beat beneath her chest.
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"...what the hell...whyyyyy...I-I mean, I can't just throw this away now!!" Better question: why did the thought of tossing it to the side cross her mind? And why couldn't she let go of the crunched paper in her fists? Even more...why did something as stupid as a dumb, handmade Valentine make her frustrated? "Sheesh!! Dammit, Yosuke! I m-mean...yeah, sure, whatever! We can hang out or something...just..."
Don't do this again. Don't say those words again.
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tansyuduri · 10 months
having a shit ton of google mans and internet pages because they decided to go to an actual place... WHYYYYY
Also they need to get pizza there at some point because I promissed somone I would have them eat pizza
Also I need to wait till the next mission to do the sex in the woods thinking they are being sneaky but are not scene
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 270
Family Feud/The Pilot
“Family Feud”
Plot Description: Sam and Dean track down Crowley’s son after realizing that a murder at a museum is connected to the centuries-old ship he should’ve been on
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I don’t know. Probably not.
I hate how Mary’s lying to the boys. I get why she’s doing it but….god….
Wait… was that an angel keeping an eye on Luci’s baby mama?
The way Lucifer’s not even remotely scared of Crowley
I forgot they left Gavin alive!!! And in the present
The way they boys treat Rowena is so awful. Not even a please when they want her to stay and help her find her grandson
I don’t super love Kelly and her literal hellspawn but there is something fun about the demon sent to protect her
ABADDON?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!! I am being SPOILED this episode
So Gavin’s girlfriend has turned vengeful spirit (maybe??) but….like….there’s usually some kind of motive behind their present actions
Oh. She stowed away to the girls school to get her revenge on teachers
Is Gavin really gonna….omg, why does Crowley care all of a sudden? Gavin’s going to go back in time to die on the ship he should have been on, sparing his girlfriend the horrors she’s been through that caused her to become a vengeful ghost. It’s sweet, really
Well…at least she’s come clean about working with the British Men of Letters…god…Dean is so betrayed. It’s written ALL OVER his face. Sam looks like he might be willing to hear her out but…Dean…that’s gonna take a while longer
Oh. It wasn’t just her recognizing the goodness of Gavin’s heart and actions. SHE WANTED CROWLEY TO SUFFER like she did when he made her kill the little polish boy
Ah…now the episode title makes sense
“The Pilot”
Plot Description: two worlds collide when the Doctor meets Bill, and a chance encounter with a girl with a star in her eye leads to a terrifying chase
I’m so worried that the star is literal and we have a men in black belt of Orion thing to contend with
Wait…it would make a certain amount of sense if Nardole’s body was somewhat mechanical, but is it??
Why’s he a university professor all of a sudden??
I do love when the companion breaks protocol. Bill just asked him “I can’t just call you Doctor. Doctor what?”
I already really like Bill. There’s something about her that reminds me of the RTD era companions
Also? Really appreciating how kind of soft and whimsical 12 is now. I loved the intense best friendship he had with Clara but oh….he’s now able to have more than one friend at a time!! And ones that aren’t trying to kill him every other minute!
Unless there was something actually wrong and harmful, I don’t think I’d be actually mad that I had something that made it look like I had a star in my eye
But uh, why does whatever’s in that puddle need a pilot?? Heather’s so shady
Oh. Just what Bill needed for Christmas, an emotional break down over photos of her mom who died when she was a baby….
Whyyyyy was the Doctor the photographer for one of the pictures of Bill’s mom?
Oh, Heather, what are you doing to her?? OH! Oh no!! What happened to Heather???
“Do you know any sci fi?” Oh, Bill…bestie, he IS sci fi
Ok. This button up shirt, vest, zip up hoodie, long blazer look is SO GOOD on Twelve. The hoodie adds a bit of casualness that he’s been missing
Awwww he wants to protect Bill from what being a companion would entail even though he’s really enjoying her company ☹️
Literally childhood fear reawakened. Why is Heather staring up from Bill’s bathtub drain??? Like…..absolutely FUCK THAT. NO.
This is also giving Midnight vibes and…HATE THAT TOO
Ok but also the moment he knows she’s not safe from all the shit out there, HE’S SHOWING OFF!! He brought her into the TARDIS and powered it up and is SMILING
“You’re safe in here and you always will be” 🥹🥹🥹
Omg she’s CRITICIZING THE TARDIS. I’m cackling. She compared it to a kitchen, all metal and whatnot, but then asked if he ran out of money for the wood doorsssssss
Bill is learning the hard way exactly how the TARDIS works
HOW DOES IT TRAVEL THAT FAST??? The weird puddle, not the TARDIS
Did he take her into a battle during the Time War?? Doctor…
Mmmm ☹️☹️☹️☹️ Heather really liked Bill before she dieddddd. And she’s keeping her promise to her to not leave, which is why Heather’s been following them around the whole universe and all throughout time
I can’t believe he was going to erase her memories. I’m so mad at him for that. After doing that to himself about Clara? AFTER DONNA??
Oh, good. He changed his mind THIS episode
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