#Investment restrictions in India
samarthcapital · 4 months
What are the Advantages if you invest in FDI (foreign direct investment)?
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A Tale of Two Entrepreneurs
Consider the story of Raj and Sarah, two ambitious business owners. Raj, a seasoned Indian entrepreneur, has been successfully running a textile manufacturing company for years.
Sarah, a visionary from the United States, has been eyeing India's vast market potential for her innovative textile technology.
Raj and Sarah's paths cross when Sarah decides to invest in Raj's company through FDI.
This strategic partnership not only brings Sarah's cutting-edge technology to India but also provides Raj with the capital and expertise to expand his operations.
Together, they create a synergy that propels their businesses to new heights.
The Benefits of foreign investment in India
Access to Global Markets and Technologies: FDI brings advanced technologies, innovative business practices, and global expertise to Indian companies, enabling them to compete on a global scale.
Job Creation: It contributes to India's employment growth by creating new job opportunities and upskilling the local workforce.
Increased Foreign Exchange Reserves: FDI inflows contribute to India's foreign exchange reserves, strengthening the country's economic stability.
Technology Transfer: It facilitates the transfer of advanced technologies, helping India to bridge the gap between its domestic and global technological capabilities.
Infrastructure Development: including transportation, communication, and energy sectors.
Knowledge Transfer: It fosters knowledge transfer between Indian and foreign companies, enhancing the skills and capabilities of the local workforce.
Increased Competition: Foreign investments promote healthy competition in the Indian market, driving innovation and efficiency among domestic companies.
Improved Corporate Governance: FDI encourages Indian companies to adopt international best practices in corporate governance, enhancing their overall performance and credibility.
Selling FDI Shares in India
Investors looking to sell their FDI shares in India can do so through a well-established process. Samarth Capital, a leading financial services provider in Mumbai, offers comprehensive FDI services, including share sale and purchase assistance.
There is a great opportunity for both Indian and foreign companies to leverage their strengths and create a mutually beneficial partnership if they invest in FDI. By embracing FDI, India can unlock its full potential, fostering economic growth, job creation, and technological advancement. As you navigate the world of FDI, remember that Samarth Capital is here to guide you through the process, ensuring a smooth and successful investment experience.
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 months
[VoA is US State Media]
The White House said Thursday that it would accept the results of Indonesia’s presidential election in which Prabowo Subianto, a former army general who for more than a decade was banned from entering the United States because of allegations linked to human rights abuses, has claimed victory.[...]
In 2020, the Trump administration dropped the de facto ban on Prabowo’s entry into the United States that was imposed over accusations of human rights abuses, including the abduction and torture of pro-democracy activists during the 1998 ouster of his then- father-in-law, President Suharto, and involvement with military crimes in East Timor.
Prabowo denies the allegations and has never been formally charged.
Pressed by VOA on whether the Biden administration was comfortable with Prabowo’s track record, Kirby underscored that human rights have been “the very foundation” of Biden's foreign policy.[...]
Jokowi defeated Prabowo in previous elections, but this year signaled support for his former rival through his eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, 36, who ran with Prabowo as vice president.
Gibran was able to join Prabowo’s ticket only after the country’s constitutional court created an exception to a rule that candidates must be at least 40 years old. That fueled criticism that Jokowi was trying to create a political dynasty in the world’s third-largest democracy.
Those concerns will largely be overlooked by Washington, considering Indonesia’s pivotal role in the U.S. geopolitical contest for influence with China and international efforts to mitigate climate change. Indonesia is the biggest exporter of coal and claims the world’s biggest reserves of nickel, a key component of electric car batteries.
“If the results show a Prabowo victory next month, then I would expect the U.S. to treat Minister Prabowo the same way that it treated Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi after he was elected in 2014, waiving any remaining restrictions on engagement with him,” Aaron Connelly, research fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, told VOA.[...]
Just as with India, which Washington sees as a counterweight to China, the United States is keen to foster closer ties with Indonesia, home to the largest Muslim population in the world and an important voice of the Global South.
For months, Jakarta and Washington have been discussing a potential minerals partnership aimed at facilitating nickel trade. Indonesia's nickel mining and refining industry has been largely dependent on investment from Chinese companies and besieged by environmental concerns
15 Feb 24
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sanskriti-2751 · 1 year
What is Mutual Fund?
A mutual fund is a type of investment vehicle that pools money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of securities such as stocks, bonds, and other assets. Investments in securities are spread across a wide cross-section of industries and sectors and thus the risk is reduced.
It is managed by a professional fund manager or an asset management company (AMC) who makes investment decisions on behalf of the investors.
Mutual funds offer good investment opportunities to the investors. Like all investments, they also carry certain risks
SEBI formulates policies and regulates the mutual funds to protect the interest of the investors.
The mutual fund industry in India was set up through a combination of regulatory changes, legislative reforms and the entry of various market players.
Unit Trust of India- UTI was founded in 1964, which is when the mutual fund sector in India first started to take off. To mobilize public funds and invest them in the capital markets, UTI was established as a statutory body under the UTI Act, 1963. The idea of mutual funds was greatly popularized in India because to UTI.
Regulatory Framework-In India, the mutual fund industry's regulatory structure began to take shape in the 1990s. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Act, which established SEBI as the governing body for the Indian securities markets, was passed in 1993. Among other market intermediaries, SEBI was responsible with regulating and supervising mutual funds.
The SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations,1996- This regulation established the legal foundation for the establishment, administration, and operation of mutual funds in India. These regulations outlined the standards for investor protection, investment restrictions, disclosure requirements, and eligibility requirements for asset management companies (AMCs).
Introduction of Private Sector Mutual Funds: UTI was the only active mutual fund provider in India prior to 1993. Private sector mutual funds were nevertheless permitted to enter the market as a result of the liberalization of the financial sector and the opening up of the Indian economy. Many domestic and foreign financial organizations launched their own AMCs and entered the mutual fund industry.
Product Line Evolution: The mutual fund sector in India has grown and increased its product selection throughout the years. Mutual funds initially mainly offered income and growth opportunities. To address various investor needs and risk profiles, the industry did, however, offer a wider range of products, such as equity funds, debt funds, balanced funds, and specialist sector funds.
Investor Education and Awareness: Serious efforts have been made to educate and raise investor awareness in order to encourage investor involvement in mutual funds. Industry groups, AMCs, and SEBI have run investor awareness campaigns, distributed instructional materials, and supported systems for resolving investor complaints. Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) were introduced, and this was a significant factor in luring individual investors
Technological Advancements-The mutual fund sector in India has embraced technological development, making it possible for investors to access and invest in mutual funds through online platforms and mobile applications. Investors can now transact, track their investments, and get mutual fund information more easily thanks to digital platforms.
The mutual fund industry in India has developed into a strong and regulated sector through regulatory changes, market competition, and investor-centric initiatives. The sector keeps expanding, drawing in more investors and providing them with a wide variety of investment possibilities around the nation.
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metamatar · 2 years
two positions on effective nuclear power advocacy
1. everytime there's an attempt to build a nuclear plant in india there are mass local protests which get locked into cycles of state repression due to fear of meltdowns. that's actually also the case with building dams (narmada bachao), large mining projects (vedanta) and expansion of coal plants (thermal power plants in assam/tamil nadu.) dam opposition is actually the most powerful environmental force in the country.
people are right to believe that they will be uprooted from their lives and that they will not be adequately protected in the case of failures which is borne out by the the bhopal gas tragedy or sterlite gas leaks. nobody wants to live near these plants. so inevitably it is the world's most marginalised people who end up living near them. look at the data on land conflict watch regarding industrial land use and acquisition for power.
outside the comfortably stupid german green party caricature there are actually people with serious concerns about nuclear power. long term investments and public trust can only occur when energy prices decrease and plants operate reasonably safely. prices of nuclear hover around ₹4 per unit while solar is ₹2 per unit in india. and it is a lie to pretend global nuclear retrenchment happened due to a conspiracy by oil/gas instead of the extremely expensive price of failure at fukushima (200 billion usd or so.) westinghouse went broke. pretending nuclear waste is the concern and not meltdowns is missing the forest for the trees.
2. i think we need to recognise the way the Non Proliferation Treaties choke civilian nuclear power while not making any commitment to long term disarmament in nuclear states rather than berating people with misgivings about meltdowns. rn, nuclear security for me and not for thee is its basic principle. the Nuclear Suppliers Group has not approved membership for india because it remains a useful tool of superpower gamesmanship.
lack of nuclear fuel means most existing nuclear power plants in india run at 60% capacity because we don't have that much uranium and have to import it and widely available thorium requires breeding which is technologically and economically infeasible. technology sharing is obviously very difficult when you're not in the NSG.
the US betrayal of iran after their deal was struck is the other obvious roadblock to building nuclear capacity in the third world. restricting nuclear tech is another way that imperial noose seeks to maintain control of states trying to unseat themselves from domination. it is not actually a surprise that north korea continues to pursue a weapons programme because deterrence works. and ukraine, of the three countries that disarmed because of the NPT is currently being invaded. you either subsume to China/Russia/US for defence or you just don't get to have nuclear energy which is not the position of a world that wants nuclear energy.
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beguines · 1 month
In the days leading to August 5, 2019 and in the weeks and months to come, Kashmir became a site of unfathomable cruelty. Thousands of Kashmiris were detained; pro-India politicians were placed under house arrest, pro-freedom leaders as well as minors were rounded up and thrown in jail. Young boys were shipped off to Indian prisons 1,500km away in Agra and Varanasi. Foreign journalists and international human rights groups were banned from access to Kashmir. The region was placed under a complete communication blackout. Cellular phones, Internet, landline services, and even the postal services were dismantled. News traveled by word of mouth. Journalists compressed photos and video onto memory cards and smuggled them out with passengers en route to Delhi. Schools, offices, banks, and businesses were closed for months. Life came to a standstill.
On August 5, 2019, the Modi government revoked both Articles 370 and 35A, split the region into two union territories of Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh, and placed them under the direct control of Delhi. Kashmir had been effectively annexed. It was a stunning rebuke to the myth of Indian democracy as well as the veneer of Kashmiri autonomy. Observers warned that this move represented an intensification of India's settler-colonial project in Indian-occupied Kashmir. Under the new status of the state, India would now have the legal justification to allow non-Kashmiris to access residency rights in Kashmir as well as purchase land that had previously been restricted to Kashmiri permanent residents, or state subjects. The end goal was now within sight: Kashmir's Muslim-majority demography would be changed in favor of Indian Hindus. In time, elections would be held, and democracy would cover for the ethnocratic, colonial rule that had been imposed on the region.
Revoking Article 370 and Article 35A were long-held goals of Hindu nationalists and supremacists in India. They had resented the autonomy PM Nehru had "granted" Kashmir in 1947 and wished to see Kashmir fully integrated into India. For Hindu-supremacists, these two articles were an obstruction to the region's full integration into the Indian state and had contributed to the rise of "separatism" or "terrorism" in the region—which is how India refers to Kashmiris' decades long resistance to Indian rule. To the Hindu right, the problems in Kashmir were borne out of India's coddling of Kashmiri Muslims. The question of Kashmiri self-determination had never been on the agenda. The removal of the two Articles was therefore portrayed as ushering in a "New Kashmir" in which peace and prosperity would arrive through Indian investment and development. This had been a central plank of Narendra Modi's second election campaign, too.
Azad Essa, Hostile Homelands: The New Alliance Between India and Israel
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clarynewme · 1 month
hi dear!! I saw your profile today!! How are you doing? Sending positivity to you.. If you are open for free readings i wanna drop my details here!!
Birth date : 19.08.2005
Birth time : 9:43am
Birth place : Cuttack, odisha, India
sending loves to you ❤
Hi😊 For your reading I am going to use mostly vedic astrology.
NOTE1: Since you are in a relationship, I didn't dive into timing, transits of meeting another potential longterm partner or future spouse, other charts.
In D1 chart taurus jupiter is transiting your 8th house indicating abundance, sucess and luck in investments/finances, deep intimate connections, spirituality, transformation.
Aquarius saturn transit over your aquarius 5th house aspecting leo sun Darakaraka (spouse) in 11th house that you could be having delays or obstacles when it comes to your romantic relationship with future spouse, perhaps ego clashes, third party situation (friendships could stand in the way), society expectations, need for validation/lack of attention or recognition, freedom vs union/relationships/commitment, boredom, responsibilities (education/aspirations/longterm goals), restriction in your social life (ex: not hanging out with friends), etc. This indicates a test in your current relationship.
Pisces Rahu is transiting over your pisces 6th house rahu and virgo ketu transit is affecting your virgo venus (1st + 8th lord), jupiter(3rd + 6th lord) and ketu in 12th house. This means you could be going through a transformative/karmic period in your life related to romance/love, spirituality, intimacy, finances, shared resources, work, communication, school/learning, etc; you might be rethinking/reflecting (solitude) about healing your traumas/fears related to communication about feelings, vulnerability/intimacy in romantic connections; reevaluating your relationship (seeking deeper connection); developing skills/studying deep spiritual topics that will help other people(service); engaging in unconventional/creative/spiritual daily routines, work environments, domestic responsibilities; finding new ways to solve conflicts; etc. Due to rahu/ketu energy you need to be careful with overindulgence, illusion vs reality, health issues, hidden enemies (ex: third party situation in your relationship or work/school enemies), secrets, lies, deception, spirituality vs practicality, freedom vs codependency/union, etc.
P.S. I took a sneak peek at other divisional charts and it confirms this energy (D1) of having issues in your relationship.
From the dates you've given me I feel he might be your future spouse (potentially).👀
When you met him jupiter was either in aquarius transiting your 5th house aspecting your leo sun Darakaraka (spouse) in D1 and leo 7th lord mars + jupiter in D7 chart or was in capricorn aspecting your 7th lord(spouse) Capricorn moon and cancer saturn in 7th house (longterm) from MOON chart; Saturn was in capricorn affecting these placements; Venus was in libra aspecting your 7th house aries in D1/D9/D7 chart; Mars was in virgo aspecting your venus + jupiter +ketu in D1 (activating love + spouse +past life), 7th lord mars in D9, etc; north node was in taurus aspecting your 5th house of dating in MOON chart, etc; You were going through rahu-mercury-rahu activating meeting longterm partner/fs (mercury is in your 7th house of D7 and MOON chart, it's the sign ruler of your jupiter + venus in D1 and 7th lord mars in D9; rahu is in your 5th house in D1/D7 chart).
When you started dating him jupiter was in aquarius transiting your 5th house aspecting your leo sun Darakaraka (spouse) in D1 and leo 7th lord mars + jupiter in D7 chart, etc; Saturn was in capricorn (same thing above); north node in taurus (same thing above); you were going through rahu-mercury-jupiter (jupiter signifies spouse/marriage).
When it comes to your career you asked if medicine is the best for you I would say YES 👌 You have a lot of Cancer/virgo (Healthcare career fields) energy in your divisional charts(D1/D10/Moon/D7).
Moreover you will be very successful in this field specially working as surgeon or with your hands due to mercury influence in 10th house of D1 chart, among other factors.
You might face some challenges/delays, study for a long time ->specialization/master degree (saturn conjunct 9th lord) and/or receive recognition/success later in life (after your saturn return).
Next year I can see great things 😌 in may when jupiter transits in gemini your 9th house of higher education and in october when jupiter transits in cancer your 10th house and 9th lord mercury + saturn. If you're wanting to go to college next year, you have good chances of getting in👀
I also noticed you might study abroad.
Nevertheless you must stay patient, focused and keep working hard💪🙌
NOTE2: If you would like to know more about your relationship, longterm potential, further confirm if he is your future spouse reading (I would also need his birth details) or your career (professional life, sucess, etc) you can later request a paid reading.
In regards to magha sun Darakaraka in 11th house D1 chart your spouse could embody these characteristics: similar to you/mirror you; your hypeman, hot, attractive, active/athletic, creative, spiritual, influential, humble, admired, serious, open minded, ambitious, dynamic, sophisticated;values heritage, freedom, family, service, community, friendships, respect; leader, charming, charismatic, passionate, talented, creative, confident, persuasive, generous, assertive, famous, wealthy, regal nature, unique ideas, private, romantic, intelligent, honest/blunt, loyal, unwavering, proud, bookworm, smart, nerd, prude, wise, sense of humor, good natured, powerful, traditional yet unique, dramatic, social engaging, proud; loves his friends, being online, technology, hair; egoistic, arrogant, need for validation/recognition, wants to leave a legacy, charitable, activist, inspiring, strong, transformative, intense, supportive, loves sports, fitness and arts, gift giving/receiving, acts of service, challenge society (rebel), arrogant, loud communicator, know it all, competitive, selfish, agressive, domineering, could have had a lot of relationships, sleeping issues, goth style, etc.
Darakaraka is aspecting dhanista capricorn moon(10th lord) in 4th house by 6th aspect that indicates your future spouse could struggle to express his feelings with his family and with you, balance between personal life and work/career/status/reputation; need for validation from family and authority figures/public. He could elevate/increase your status/fame, influence your career and home/family. However he could be way too logical, strict, serious and controlling which can cause misunderstandings/conflicts/power struggles/ego clashes in the relationship.
Your 7th lord aries bharani mars (2nd lord) it's actually in 7th house. This means your partner could be sensual, sexy, attractive, hot, influential, ambitious, competitive, assertive, active/athletic, direct, blunt, persuasive, passionate, creative, romantic, seductive, transformative, intense, youthful, brave, grounded, stable, mysterious, fast paced, goal oriented, silent leader/confidence, talented, balanced, fair, acts of service, physical touch, conflict resolution and financial management skills; business, family and service oriented; soulmate/twinflame energies (mirror you); passive agressive (burst of anger), overspending habits(shopaholic), lazy, sexual abuse, dark, "player" vibes, jealous, vain, selfish, possessive, impulsive, materialistic, vengeful, indecisive; values independence/family/equality/luxury/money/beauty/justice/morals, etc. This also shows a strong focus on creative business/partnerships and building a stable foundation/family together. Despite the physical attraction, strong chemistry and passion, you might experience a lot of conflicts and fights in the relationship cause mars is a malefic planet. 
7th lord is aspecting cancer Saturn (4th + 5th lord) in 10th house, which shows future spouse or longterm partner could have a serious approach towards family and romantic relationships; he might be emotionally detached, workaholic, controlling (power struggles), ambitious, serious, hardworking, stable, disciplined; have conflict resolution skills, high standards, expectations, need for validation; struggle to balance fun/romance/creativity vs responsibilities/work/practicality; etc.
Communication, establishing priorities and finding strategies to keep the romance alive is essential.
Jupiter is also significator of spouse/marriage, your jupiter (3rd +6th lord) is in virgo hasta + ketu + uttara phalguni venus (1st+8th lord) in 12th house: twinflame energies/mirror, practicality (daily routine/work) vs spirituality, emotional stability vs financial stabilty, logic vs emotions, communication, intellectuality, knowledge, efficiency (meticulous/detail), shared domestic responsibilities, planning, organization, acts of service, activism, teamwork, balance, harmony, beauty, affection, love, generosity, past life partners(twinflame/soulmate), patience, strenght to overcome obstacles, karma, transformation, physical and mental health, healing fears/traumas, mutual growth, intimacy, passion, shared resources, finances/investments, illusion vs reality, overindulgence/materialism, laziness, romance vs practicality, creative/spiritual projects (skilled hands), lies, secrets, deception, control, manipulation, high standards/expectations, criticism, perfectionism, dualistic, cheating, need for validation, emotional abuse, etc.
7th lord in D9 nakshatra and sign could also show future spouse characteristics and how will be the marriage.
Your 7th lord in D9 has the same energies as your jupiter in the D1 chart (Check above).
When it comes to appearance fs would have masculine features; strong jawline; defined/muscular hips/butt/chest/back; strong bone structure; prominent hair/forehead/face/ankles/calves; defined legs; average to tall height; average size of hair/feet/forehead/face; have reddish or dark features; unique/exotic or exagerated features (ex:large or penetrating eyes), different culture maybe; piercings/tattoos on legs/feets/stomach; big beautiful stomach/abs/feet; balanced/symetrical features; etc.(You can find more from Camila Regina tiktok🤌)
For your future spouse career I am trying out this tecnique the 10th sign from 7th lord in moon chart (normally is D1 or D9) could indicate possible fields: 
D1 Capricorn (moon): anything related to leadership, music, performing arts, engineering, psychology, counselling, finances, law/legal, real estate, construction, architecture, entrepreneur, business, politics, military/police, healthcare, CEO, boss, etc.
D9 Gemini: anything related to communication, media, writing, publishing, journalism, public speaker, education, teaching, sales, marketing, creativity, arts, technology, engineering, travel, tourism, entrepreneur, human resources, languages, counselling, etc.
Regarding your meeting, pay attention to symbolisms of these signs: 
Cancer: mother, family, home, house, crab, lake, lobster, car, showing up at your house, food, restaurant, hospital,nursing, foster home, baby, child, real estate, childcare, moon, private, etc 
Libra: library, fashion, beauty, museum, arts, law, scales, skin, wedding, arranged match, blind date, balance, self care, social groups, friends, networking, beautiful building, etc.
Scorpio:occult, night, dark, hospital, funeral, nightclub, scorpion, mall, death,sting, surgery, private, secret, spiritual, blind date, transformative place, intimacy, finances, etc
Aquarius: color aqua, waterfall, watercarrier, spirituality, tarot, astrology, Internet, nerdy, technology, online, science, sea animals, dam, arts, accident, sudden, Electricity, aquarium, social media, groups, friends, etc.
NOTE3: cancer and libra from vedic chart; scorpio and aquarius from tropical chart
(This technique is by Camila Regina on tiktok💗)
Vedic Astrology placements D1/D9 (includes atmakaraka AK):
Mars, sun, mercury, mars, venus, jupiter, ketu nakshatras/influence
I found this new technique that 7th lord sign/house from MOON chart indicates big 3 placements:
You have 7th lord moon in capricorn 1st house so the signs are Capricorn or Aries.
You can also try this for your future spouse or longterm partner to see if it matches your big 3 placements (7th lord of moon chart must be in Libra/7th house/Capricorn/10th house/Leo/5th house).
Okay I think I am done😅 I hope you like this reading if you do leave feedback on my page🙏 And let me know if it resonates👌it helps improving my readings🫶💜
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imperfectorange · 2 years
Diwali: Pan-Indian in its Truest Sense!
One of the biggest festivals in India, Diwali knows no foundation of the North and South as it is celebrated with great zeal across the country. Diwali falls on the 15th day in the month of Kartik according to the Hindu calendar. Celebrated as a cumulation of various festivals spread over a period of five days, the rituals of Diwali take place on the third day.
The first day of the festivities is celebrated as Dhanteras. It is believed that on this day Lord Dhanwantari came out of the ocean and bestowed Ayurveda to mankind. The second day is celebrated as Choti Diwali/Narak Chaturdasi, the day when Lord Krishna killed the demon Narakasur. On the third day, Diwali rituals are fulfilled and Lakshmi Puja takes place. The puja is done to seek blessings for wealth and prosperity. The fourth day is celebrated as Govardhan puja, attributed to Lord Krishna. The fifth day is dedicated to all sisters as it is Bhai Dooj. It is believed that Lord Yama visited his sister Yamuna on this day and granted her a boon that whosoever visits her banks on this day will be liberated from all of their sins.
The legend behind the culmination of the festival is well-known in the entire region of India. Diwali is associated with the return of Lord Ram to Ayodhya after vanquishing the demon king, Raavan. It is said that the entire city of Ayodhya was lit up with candles and diyas, so much so that the night appeared to be as bright as day. The tradition of lighting diyas roots in the same legend. The festival is also associated with Goddess Lakshmi’s marriage to Lord Vishnu and also Lakshmi’s birth. Diwali also signifies the harvest festival. As it occurs at the end of a cropping season, it is also believed that Diwali originated as a harvest festival. Following the same notion, many households in urban and rural areas prepare the dish of Poha from freshly cropped rice.
Although the zest of Diwali is unsurmountable and is perhaps one of the most awaited festivals in the country, the rituals differ from region to region. While gurudwaras in Punjab are lit up with candles and fairy lights even though Sikhs are not directly a part of this festival, Goddess Kali is worshipped in Bengal. In Eastern India, in addition to diya and candle lighting, doors are kept open by people to allow entry to Goddess Lakshmi. Western Indian regions mainly associate Diwali with business and trade and the time is considered auspicious to invest in new ventures, land and businesses. In Gujarat, a diya is left burning for the entire night and in the morning the residual material is collected to make kajal and is used by women, which signifies prosperity for a whole year. In Tamil Nadu, Naraka Chaturdasi is the main day of celebration, where the oven is cleaned, smeared with lime, and religious symbols are drawn on it, filled with water, and used on the main day for an oil bath. There is a musical act of Hari performed in Andhra Pradesh where there is a common belief that Krishna’s spouse, Satyabhama actually killed Narakasur.
The varied interpretation of the same festival across different states provides a detailed insight into the diversity contained in India. People from different regions, communities, religions, and classes celebrate this festival to the best of their abilities is further proof that Diwali is not restricted to one section of society. The handicraft market booms around this time as diyas, decorative items, and firecrackers (although hazardous) sell like hotcakes, providing employment and some financial stability to the families involved in the same.
- Ananya.
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techno-99 · 6 months
Narendra Modi Story
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Narendra Modi (born September 17, 1950, Vadnagar, India) Indian politician and government official who rose to become a senior leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). In 2014 he led his party to victory in elections to the Lok Sabha (lower chamber of the Indian parliament), after which he was sworn in as prime minister of India. Prior to that he had served (2001–14) as chief minister (head of government) of Gujarat state in western India.
After a vigorous campaign—in which Modi portrayed himself as a pragmatic candidate who could turn around India’s underperforming economy—he and the party were victorious, with the BJP winning a clear majority of seats in the chamber. Modi was sworn in as prime minister on May 26, 2014. Soon after he took office, his government embarked on several reforms, including campaigns to improve India’s transportation infrastructure and to liberalize rules on direct foreign investment in the country. Modi scored two significant diplomatic achievements early in his term. In mid-September he hosted a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping, the first time a Chinese leader had been to India in eight years. At the end of that month, having been granted a U.S. visa, Modi made a highly successful visit to New York City, which included a meeting with U.S. Pres. Barack Obama.
As prime minister, Modi oversaw a promotion of Hindu culture and the implementation of economic reforms. The government undertook measures that would broadly appeal to Hindus, such as its attempt to ban the sale of cows for slaughter. The economic reforms were sweeping, introducing structural changes—and temporary disruptions—that could be felt nationwide. Among the most far-reaching was the demonetization and replacement of 500- and 1,000-rupee banknotes with only a few hours’ notice. The purpose was to stop “black money”—cash used for illicit activities—by making it difficult to exchange large sums of cash. The following year the government centralized the consumption tax system by introducing the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which superseded a confusing system of local consumption taxes and eliminated the problem of cascading tax. GDP growth slowed from these changes, though growth had already been high (8.2 percent in 2015), and the reforms succeeded in expanding the government’s tax base. Still, rising costs of living and increasing unemployment disappointed many as grandiose promises of economic growth remained unfulfilled.
This disappointment registered with voters during the elections in five states in late 2018. The BJP lost in all five states, including the BJP strongholds of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Chhattisgarh. The rival Indian National Congress (Congress Party) won more state assembly seats than the BJP in all five elections. Many observers believed that this portended bad news for Modi and the BJP in the national elections set for the spring of 2019, but others believed that Modi’s charisma would excite the voters. Moreover, a security crisis in Jammu and Kashmir in February 2019, which escalated tensions with Pakistan to the highest point in decades, boosted Modi’s image just months before the election. With the BJP dominating the airwaves during the campaign—in contrast to the lacklustre campaign of Rahul Gandhi and Congress—the BJP was returned to power, and Modi became India’s first prime minister outside of the Congress Party to be reelected after a full term.
In his second term Modi’s government revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, stripping it of autonomy in October 2019 and bringing it under the direct control of the union government. The move came under intense criticism and faced challenges in court, not only for the questionable legality of depriving Jammu and Kashmir’s residents of self-determination but also because the government severely restricted communications and movement within the region.
In March 2020, meanwhile, Modi took decisive action to combat the outbreak of COVID-19 in India, swiftly implementing strict nationwide restrictions to mitigate the spread while the country’s biotechnology firms became key players in the race to develop and deliver vaccines worldwide. As part of the effort to counter the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Modi undertook executive action in June to liberalize the agricultural sector, a move that was codified into law in September. Many feared that the reforms would make farmers vulnerable to exploitation, however, and protesters took to the streets in opposition to the new laws. Beginning in November, massive protests were organized and became a regular disruption, particularly in Delhi.
Modi’s policies backfired in 2021. Protests escalated (culminating in the storming of the Red Fort in January), and extraordinary restrictions and crackdowns by the government failed to suppress them. Meanwhile, despite the remarkably low spread of COVID-19 in January and February, by late April a rapid surge of cases caused by the new Delta variant had overwhelmed the country’s health care system. Modi, who had held massive political rallies ahead of state elections in March and April, was criticized for neglecting the surge. The BJP ultimately lost the election in a key battleground state despite heavy campaigning. In November, as protests continued and another set of state elections approached, Modi announced that the government would repeal the agricultural reforms.
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daviddaniyikaye · 9 months
1. The Nigerian Economy will be in a very delicate state due to inflation & scarcity of funds. I see a highly challenging year for the economy because it's still in a transitional stage. There is a desire to ditch an over-reliance on the dollar. (The Yuan & digital currency in view) but the cabals will resist the move fiercely.
2. Crime rate will be on the rise in Nigeria. The rate of prostitution & selling of hard drugs next year will be insane. I see busy timelines for law enforcement agents.
3. Speculative ventures & investment companies will flood the market space; where most of them will be positioned to rip people off based on "opportunities" for fast cash.
4. Politically, I see a lots of decampment in Africa! New allies or hybrid parties will be formed.
5. There will be economic recessions globally; a downturn for the USA as the dollar gets more weakened. Joe Biden will not win the election, & a woman or a Trump could replace him.
6. Russia & China will have the upper hand in the global power dynamics of 2024. Putin will be flexing his muscles but must be wary of the effects of wrong decisions on the economy of Russia. India will experience huge growth economically, while the UK will experience a highly challenging year.
7. Ukraine will be completely defeated by Russia in 2024 & will be taken over for a build.
8. Tensions will continue in the middle east in 2024 but there will be the appearance of some powerful figures for conflict resolutions to prevent WWIII. Tensions will exist strongly between the USA & Iran, while Russia sides with Iran. The role of China will be crucial to avoid escalations.
9. There will be massive spiritual awakening like never before, globally.
10. Big year of success for Davido & afrobeats in general. Wizkid will be moving smarter to regain lost grounds.
11. A year marked with conflicts, civil wars in many countries, heavy restrictions globally & financial losses for big companies.
12. A year of judgement for many evil people who pretend to be angels of light. It's also a year of fruition & rewards for the righteous.
13. A fortunate year for travel & hospitality industries. The desire for travel will be very high generally in 2024.
14. Huge progress in scientific discoveries, inventions & technological advancement. (Cure for an incurable disease).
15. A year of intense office politics & legal disputes. There will be intense discord among leaders due to differing opinions but I see hard settlements. World powers could resort to underhand tactics to gain control (e.g Major cyber attacks).
16. Nigerian actress Bimbo Akintola should lay low & be more mindful in 2024 to avoid a tragedy, bad health or huge loss.
17. Obtaining funding & raising capital will prove to be more challenging for many countries. It will require diligent efforts & valuable alliances to gather resources in 2024. Africa will come into huge focus because of her resources.
18. Some countries might offer to help Niger Republic (E.g China). The country is in need of a leader, & must be very careful in forming alliances. I see a major coup happening in another African country.
19. Pray against earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flooding or other kind of disaster in places around California, Mexico, Italy, Japan, Turkey, Syria & Indonesia.
21. Some high profile men & women being brought down to earth in 2024. It's a year of karmic repercussions for past evil deeds. I see more unveiling of more scandals & atrocities.
22. People born in the year 1982, 1994, 1970 & 1958 with birth-month between March & December must be very careful of launching or starting anything new in the year 2024. They should avoid anything that has to do with some spotlight or risky moves. Prayers should be done against evil enchantments, the face of God should be sought like never before.
23. South Africa, France & India could form more economic alliance with Russia. India will be doing very well economically.
24. There will be significant climatic changes that are unfavourable globally. Sea levels will be rising exponentially. World governments will lay huge emphasis in the area.
25. Significant laws will be passed in relation to the use of AI as it gains more ground in the tech & media industry.
26. Dwayne Wade getting into some trouble legally. Gabrielle union could remarry or make a new relationship official & I foresee some sort of elevation of status for her.
27. Don Jazzy finally stepping down as the main boss of his label, to lead behind the scenes. He should be mindful of his health & not begin anything new for the spotlight to avoid a huge loss in 2024.
28. Fortunate year for Rihanna but artistes like Ty Dolla, Nicki Minaj, Lil' Uzi, Madonna, Lil' Baby, Lil' Wayne & Zlatan could be in the news for bad reasons. They should lay low in 2024 & be more prayerful.
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janhavi-21 · 1 year
Real Estate Evolution In India!
Real estate, a constantly changing market, has a rich history and complex evolution. Although understanding its journey is challenging due to numerous factors, I will attempt to provide a simplified overview of the real estate sector in India. Let's explore its fascinating evolution without further ado!
Early years:
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The real estate sector in India underwent significant transformations during the post-independence period. The government played a crucial role by implementing policies and undertaking various projects to meet the housing demands of the population. Special residential houses and colonies were constructed to cater specifically to government employees, equipped with essential amenities like schools, parks, and hospitals.
Another noteworthy development during this era was the introduction of public housing projects. As there was a shortage of residential spaces in major cities, the government initiated these projects, which greatly improved the living conditions for people. Additionally, land reforms were implemented in the 1950s and 1960s to benefit farmers and enhance rural life. These reforms included land allocation to landless farmers.
In summary, the post-independence period in India witnessed the establishment of government housing for employees, public housing projects, and land reforms aimed at improving housing conditions and supporting agricultural communities.
Urban Planning and Infrastructure:
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During the post-independence period in India, there was a strong emphasis on the development and modernization of cities, which involved the implementation of infrastructure plans. These plans included the construction of bridges, ports, improved road networks, and other initiatives aimed at enhancing transportation and connectivity across the country. As a result, urban centers emerged, and the improved infrastructure contributed to the overall economic growth of India. Additionally, these developments created new employment opportunities in cities.
Basically, from the 1950s to the 1970s, the Indian government primarily focused on public housing as a key priority. However, in the subsequent years, there were significant shifts in priorities and approaches to the real estate sector.
The 1980s to 1990s marked a significant shift in the Indian real estate sector. It witnessed the rise of private housing, attracting prominent businesses and entrepreneurs to the market. This era also saw the diversification of real estate into different sectors, including commercial and luxury properties. People began to view real estate as an investment opportunity, prioritizing their comfort and luxury.
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During this time, several benefits of investing in real estate became evident:
Value Appreciation: Real estate investments had the potential for value appreciation over time, making it a favorable asset compared to other investment options.
Long-Term Security: Real estate provides stability and long-term security, offering a reliable and protected investment option.
Multiple Income Sources: Real estate investments could generate additional income through rental properties. The emergence of companies like Getsethome's 'Xtra Income Homes’, allowed property owners to earn rental income, with returns as high as 7%.
The 1980s to 1990s were transformative for the real estate industry in India, shaping the perception of real estate as an investment avenue and offering various advantages to investors. Let's now explore further developments in the subsequent years in the real estate realm.
Liberalization in the 1990s brought significant changes to the Indian real estate industry.
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The government implemented measures to remove restrictive regulations, leading to rapid expansion and growth. This resulted in the emergence of large-scale real estate projects like IT parks, shopping malls, and commercial developments. The real estate landscape underwent a transformative shift, creating new avenues for development and prosperity.
Digitization has also played a crucial role in reshaping the real estate industry. Online platforms have made property search, buying, and selling more convenient and streamlined. Buyers can now easily access information about properties and make informed decisions.
The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act (RERA), introduced in 2016, has had a significant impact on the real estate sector. It aims to protect the rights of buyers and sellers and promote transparency in the industry.
The Covid-19 pandemic presented challenges to the real estate industry, but it also brought about unexpected positive outcomes. The experience of the pandemic shifted people's mindset towards the importance of homeownership, leading to increased interest in real estate investment. As a result, the industry quickly rebounded in 2022.
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In conclusion, the real estate market is dynamic and continuously evolving. Real estate investment remains a reliable and secure option. If you are considering investing in real estate, it is advisable to take prompt action and secure your own property in this diverse and ever-changing industry.
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samarthcapital · 5 months
How important is Foreign direct investment in India?
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Foreign direct investment in India fuels India’s progress by attracting capital from abroad. It strengthens industries, creates jobs, and fosters innovation. This form of investment plays a crucial role in the country's financial landscape. For more information, visit https://www.samarthcapital.in/fdi-services.php#main-content
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tubetrading · 1 year
Differences Between Gas-Insulated Substations and Air-Insulated Substations
Electrical substations play a crucial role in power distribution systems, facilitating the effective transfer of electricity to consumers.  In the realm of substation architecture, two notable alternatives emerge as important choices: GIS and AIS.  This essay explores the fundamental distinctions between these two methodologies, elucidating their benefits and the role played by Switchgear manufacturers in India, with a specific emphasis on gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) technology.
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·         Insulation Medium:
The insulation medium employed in GIS consists of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) gas, renowned for its exceptional electrical insulation characteristics.  In contrast, AIS utilise air as the primary insulating medium.
·         Space Efficiency:
Space efficiency is a notable benefit of GIS due to its compact design.  The utilisation of SF6 gas facilitates the compactness of GIS in comparison to AIS, rendering it highly suitable for sites with restricted land availability.
·         Environmental Impact:
Although the utilisation of SF6 gas in GIS manufactured and supplied by one of the top Gas Insulated Switchgear manufacturers in India - Radiant Enterprises offers effective insulation properties, it is important to note that this gas is classified as a greenhouse gas due to its substantial global warming potential.  The release of SF6 has raised concerns over its environmental consequences.  In contrast, the implementation of AIS does not entail the use of gases possessing elevated global warming potentials, so rendering it more ecologically sustainable.
·         Safety and Maintenance:
GIS provide improved safety measures as a result of their enclosed structure, effectively preventing any potential contact with live components.  Moreover, because of the hermetic nature of GIS components, they necessitate reduced maintenance and exhibit decreased vulnerability to external influences such as weather phenomena.  AIS necessitate a greater degree of upkeep and is subject to increased vulnerability from environmental factors.
·         Reliability and Performance:
The GIS is widely recognised for its commendable reliability owing to its hermetically sealed architecture, which effectively mitigates the potential for failures arising from external causes.  AIS, although mostly dependable, may exhibit increased susceptibility to malfunctions as a result of their exposure to ambient air and external environmental factors.
·         Cost Considerations:
The installation and initial expenses associated with GIS are often greater compared to those of AIS owing to the intricacy of its design and the utilisation of specialised equipment.  Nevertheless, the initial investment might be balanced off by the long-term operational efficiency and decreased maintenance expenses.
·         Switchgear Manufacturers in India:
In the context of India, a nation recognised as a centre for technical progress, the role of switchgear manufacturers is of paramount importance in fostering innovation and delivering state-of-the-art solutions.  Manufacturers with expertise in GIS make substantial contributions to the advancement of modern substations designed to meet the changing requirements of power distribution within a nation.
·         Infrastructure Demands:
The selection between GIS and AIS is contingent upon a multitude of aspects, encompassing the extent of the area at hand, prevailing environmental rules, and the precise demands of the power distribution network.  In highly populated urban regions characterised by spatial constraints, GIS emerge as a compelling alternative.
·         Technological Advancements:
The substation technology domain is subject to continuous advancement, as current research endeavours are dedicated to enhancing the insulating characteristics of GIS and exploring alternate gases that possess reduced environmental ramifications.  It is anticipated that these technological improvements will have an impact on the decision-making process regarding the selection between GIS and AIS in the future.
·         Balancing Factors:
The determination of whether to adopt GIS or AIS relies on a nuanced equilibrium among factors such as spatial availability, environmental implications, cost-effectiveness, and long-term dependability.  The involvement of switchgear manufacturers in India is of significant importance as they contribute to the provision of tailored solutions that are in line with these parameters and facilitate the expansion of the power industry.
Final Thoughts:
GIS and AIS possess distinct advantages and considerations in the realm of power distribution networks.  With the continuous advancement of technology and the growing worries over the environment, the decision-making process between GIS and AIS has gotten more intricate.  The key role played by switchgear manufacturers in India involves the delivery of new solutions that effectively address the growing requirements of the power distribution infrastructure, hence adding to its resilience and efficiency.
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dizzyduck44 · 1 year
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I have so many issues. So many here. Please read to the end as I promise you this is not an attack on any one country.
Firstly the first two are now Saturday night races to accommodate Ramadan. Arab nations bought into F1 fully knowing it was Sunday races. Knew what was expected of them.
However when the FIA and FOM moved hell and high water to accommodate a Vegas race no fans seem to want, that precedent was done with. Whilst they conveniently forgot that they would NEVER race in Italy over Easter weekend.
Swapping Azerbaijan and Japan is an interesting move. Do they hope it will be less wet in Japan and less windy in Baku?
China, Azerbaijan to Italy made a little bit of sense. Japan to Miami to Azerbaijan makes no sense though. “We can’t have a race there during NFL season”. Well maybe it’s time we accepted Miami is not a viable location for a Grand Prix then? Why not Japan, Malaysia, Azerbaijan. Better track, fans want to go back there, logical commute. China, Turkey, Imola. Also an option.
Canada in the middle of the European season. There were no words, none. In no way do I think we should drop Canada, but not considering the climate restrictions they have for a race, whilst pandering to the three US races who don’t want to be too close together because it will effect ticket sales. Madness.
Drop a US race and insert the European Grand Prix to open the European calander. This will alternate between Portimao, Paul Riccard and a German track of their choosing. Let’s thank them for getting us out the shit and racing during Covid.
We need to go to Africa. We don’t care where. Take us back to South Africa, build a new circuit in Morocco, we don’t care, just take us back to that continent. Take some of the money you are pocketing from the oil rich East and the US circuits and invest in getting a track in Africa. It can follow the Spanish race or be the last race before summer break.
Again don’t want to lose Singapore but it is now sitting in the calendar like billy no mates, can’t it go to the other side of the Americas block? Singapore back to the Middle East? Is that not easier than Europe, Aisa, Americas, Middle East? Also the more night races they add the unique selling point of Singapore dilutes more and more, which is not fair to them. They were the original night race.
In fairness they probably are the best selection of European tracks there is. Yes we could run a 24 race European season with all the tracks available. I hope that in years to come they will curate other regions the same way. Austin, Mexico, Brazil is pretty much a perfect set already.
Why are we still indulging the Qatar madness? I see no need for it other than to give Abu Dhabi a friend. Ditch it. Las Vegas to Abu Dhabi will give you the glamorous finale Liberty want.
I know they are trying but they need to ditch the races that can’t deliver. I do think China’s days are numbered for various reasons. Zandvoort’s popularity post Max will be an interesting watch as well. I can’t see Miami is sustainable long term. My hope is that the spaces will be given to permanent tracks that open up the market, maybe invest in getting the India track back.
There is a way this calendar can flow it’s just requires, ahem, not making as much money 😳
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redigostudio · 2 years
What is Redígo?
Hi there! My first post on Tumblr! Here’s who I am and what I’m doing here:
My name’s David, I’m a teacher and a game designer, and I’ve just recently published “Redígo: the ready-to-go roleplaying game”. It’s a game that uses hand signs instead of dice and plain old creativity and memory instead of pen and paper. You can even ditch the tabletop and play it on a walk, in the car, while having a picnic, even during class! Wherever you are, this game can transport you to another world just. like. that. (and to be fair, you can play it with dice too, if you prefer.)
You might be surprised to know, given how simple and easy to learn it is, that I’ve been developing it for the last 10 years or so. That’s about the time that I had the idea of using roleplaying to help my students learn English and develop their writing skills instead of forcing them to learn with textbooks written by other people. I found that this technique makes them invest in their story (and therefore, in themselves) to become better communicators, more creative thinkers, and even happier people.
I developed my game by learning from other roleplaying games and slowly cutting away everything that seemed to get in the way of my students joyful learning (and sometimes adding things back in when I’d cut out too much). The Redígo system is the result, and now it’s time to share it with the world!
You can find it in PDF form here:
And on the web too:
You can even read a review of the game by the amazing TTRPGkids.com here:
As for the personal stuff: I was born in the US, but I’ve spent the last two decades living in Asia, mostly in China, but since before the pandemic my wife and two sons have been living in India, where I’ve been going full time with online classes and homeschooling my kids. I have to admit I don’t really understand the US anymore aside from what I read in the news (which doesn’t really make sense), but I’m always learning! It’s a dream to be living free of the restrictions of typical education systems, using Redígo to help kids learn.
Always open to questions! Feel free to ask me anything. 😊
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lunsaj · 1 year
Gold Coins And Silver Coins: The Ideal Gifting Choice
Gold and silver are precious metals, which are considered auspicious also. In this way, giving the bride or the lucky man something in gold and silver is very common. As a matter of fact, the North Indian tradition requests that the in-regulation's click here most memorable gift to the girl in-regulation is gold jewelry.
Such is the significance of gold coins and silver coins in our custom and tradition which individuals rush to jewelers on the event of Dhanteras and Akshaya Tritiya to purchase gold. The individuals who are restricted by spending plan requirements have an alternative to purchase gold coins.
Astounding Gifting Choice
Gold coins and silver coins are famous gifting choices for people as well as corporates.
For People
You can gift a gold coin/silver coin for your nearby family/companion's wedding. The gold and silver coins are accessible in changing loads, from as less as 2 g to as much as 500g. In this way, anything that be the event, you can get one such gold or silver coin as a gift. You can purchase the Taraash Ganesha S999 20g Silver Coin for your neighbor's little girl's wedding. For your nephew or cousin's wedding, the Bangalore Refinery Ganesh 24K 5g Yellow Gold Coin would be an optimal decision.
Gold is a preferred investment device too. You can invest your assets in gold coins, loads running over 500g and get it traded later to purchase jewelry of your decision.
For Corporates
Gifting gold or silver coins to its workers and clients is a deep rooted practice in the Indian corporate world. As a matter of fact, numerous public restricted organizations remembered their achievements with embellished silver coins and gifted to the representatives. Numerous workers, on their retirement, are gifted precious coins as a badge of appreciation. As a corporate gifting choice, gold and silver coins are very famous. With Diwali round the corner, corporates can submit mass requests with MMTC India or choose to purchase from rumored jewelers like Tanishq, Joyalukkas, Bangalore Refinery, to give some examples.
How To Choose Gold/Silver Coins
Since you have chosen to gift gold or silver coin, you should know about specific angles prior to purchasing these coins. You can either purchase the gold and silver coins from any presumed jeweler or choose to purchase on the web. Purchasing gold and silver coins online represents no gamble are these are certified sellers, who sell hallmarked coins as it were. You're ensured of value.
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Global Industrial Truck Market Trend, Impact of Covid-19, In-depth Insights by Top Manufacturers and Forecast to 2029
Global Industrial Truck Market: is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.02% throughout the forecast period, to reach US$ 36.66 Bn. by 2027.
Global Industrial Truck Market Overview:
The Global Industrial Truck Market report includes New recent developments, trade rules, import-export assessment, business model, value chain optimization, market share, the impact of domestic and localized market participants, evaluates opportunity in terms of emerging income pockets, shifts in market restrictions, tactical market growth analysis, sales volume, segment’s market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product releases, geographic regions, etc.
To Get A Copy Of The Sample of the Global Industrial Truck Market, Click Here: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/89961
Global Industrial Truck Market Dynamic:
Rapid digitalization in e-commerce sector and supply chain sector is expected to drive the growth of Industrial truck market. These sectors mainly invest in logistic and warehouses, which in return is expanding the industrial truck market across the globe due to easy transport and efficiency. Industries nowadays are facing problems in increasing high yield and production, accuracy, labor scarcity. This in turn is expected to accelerate the growth of the industrial truck market across the world. Apart from that manufacturing industry, mining industry, railway and shipping industry demands for industrial truck due to its fast and easy way of equipment handling, which leads to the growth of industrial truck market in near future.
Market Scope:
A competitor's information is provided in the highly competitive environment for the Global Industrial Truck market. The information includes a business overview, financials, revenue generated, market potential, research and development investment, new market efforts, geographical presence, firm advantages and disadvantages, product introduction, and application dominance. The information shown above is only related to the businesses' focus on the Global Industrial Truck industry.
Global Industrial Truck Market Segmentation:
In urban areas, Industrial truck has limited access as they are diesel operated and led to CO2 emissions. Thus, there is need to use alternative drive system, such as LNG or CNG operated engines and electrical engines that bring higher torque, high horse power and emit lesser emissions in order to control air pollution.
Therefore, in order to sustain the environment, global leaders have implemented EURO 6, EPA 10, JP09, and BS-VI India, in order to reduce air pollution.
Governments of developing countries are providing incentives with programs and schemes for manufacturing of battery electric trucks, which in turn are expected to boost the growth of the electric truck market.
Get Free inquiry of the Global Industrial Truck Market: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/89961
Global Industrial Truck Market Key Players:
• Combilift Material Handling Solutions • Doosan Corporation • Crown Equipment Corporation • Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. • Caterpillar • Kion Group AG • SANY Group • Toyota Industries Corporation • Mitsubishi Nichiyu Forklift Co. Ltd. • Clark Material Handling Co. Ltd. • Hangcha Group Co. Ltd. • Anhui Heli Co. Ltd. • Hyster-Yale Materials Handling Inc. • Jungheinrich AG • Lonking Forklift Company Ltd. • Komatsu Ltd. • EP Equipment Ltd. • Mitsubishi Logisnext Co., Ltd.
The major players covered in the Global Industrial Truck market report are
Regional Analysis:
The causes for the global Global Industrial Truck market's rise, and the industry's numerous users, are explored. Market participants, geographies, and special requirements all give data. This study proposal is ready for the market and offers a full evaluation of all important advancements that are now prevalent in all market sectors. Statistics, infographics, and demonstrations have been used to provide key data analysis.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Global Industrial Truck Market:
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a severe and prolonged decline in production utilization, while travel bans and facility closures kept people away from their facilities, leading the Global Industrial Truck market to slow in 2020. The new research features COVID 19's impact on the Global Industrial Truck# market, as well as insights, analysis, estimations, and projections.
Key Questions Answered in the Global Industrial Truck Market Report are:
Which segment was responsible for the largest share in the Global Industrial Truck market?
How was the competitive scenario of the Global Industrial Truck market in 2020?
Which are the key factors responsible for the Global Industrial Truck market growth?
Which region held the maximum share in the Global Industrial Truck market in 2020?
To Request Customization of the Global Industrial Truck Market Report, Click Here: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-customization/89961
About Maximize Market Research:
Maximize Market Research is a multifaceted market research and consulting company with professionals from several industries. Some of the industries we cover include medical devices, pharmaceutical manufacturers, science and engineering, electronic components, industrial equipment, technology and communication, cars and automobiles, chemical products and substances, general merchandise, beverages, personal care, and automated systems. To mention a few, we provide market-verified industry estimations, technical trend analysis, crucial market research, strategic advice, competition analysis, production and demand analysis, and client impact studies.
Contact Maximize Market Research:
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