deardearestbrands · 2 months
#XjetBlackBird #enXantingXMEN
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Alden Ehrenreich seems to have made a rare Hollywood comeback thanks to his role in Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer. The star-driven biographical drama has already earned over $400 million at the box office in just two weeks, surpassing Solo: A Star Wars Story — the film that should've shot Ehrenreich into stardom. Oppenheimer isn't just a major financial success; in addition to earning quadruple its budget, the film has received widespread acclaim for its ensemble's performances. In Oppenheimer, Alden Ehrenreich might play a small role, but he has some very memorable moments.
Acting opposite Robert Downey Jr., who plays Lewis Strauss, the Solo star plays an unnamed Senate aide. Despite his limited screen time, Ehrenreich has earned praise for his performance, which managed to be a standout in a film filled with more recognizable names and faces than most. The conversation surrounding the actor is reminiscent of the buzz that stemmed from Ehrenreich's role in Hail, Caesar!, the Coen Brothers' film that helped distinguish him as an emerging star. Given the success of Oppenheimer — and the actor's other 2023 projects — Ehrenreich's career seems promising once again, even after Solo's failure derailed him.
Alden Ehrenreich's Promising Career Was Slowed By Solo Bombing
When a huge movie bombs, it can tank the careers of even the most talented actors. Unfortunately, Alden Ehrenreich is a prime example of this ripple effect. From the onset, Solo: A Star Wars Story had major hurdles to overcome. After all, it recast an original Star Wars character, placing Ehrenreich in the boots of Harrison Ford's Han Solo. The choice was met with backlash: Han Solo isn't just one of the most iconic Star Wars characters of all time, but he's one of cinema's most beloved personalities. In the years since Solo's failure, Lucasfilm's Kathleen Kennedy confirmed that it was a mistake to recast Han Solo.
Alden Ehrenreich faced an insurmountable amount of pressure leading up to what could've been his breakout role. When Solo ended up bombing at the box office, it gained a reputation as one of the worst Star Wars films to date. Unfortunately, not every young actor can escape the shadow of their greatest film-industry failure. Talyor Kitsch, for example, saw back-to-back blockbuster bombs with his lead roles in Battleship and John Carter, which dimmed the rising star's chances of future success. Luckily, Alden Ehrenreich has put himself back on the map by giving impressive performances in supporting roles in several major motion pictures.
2023 Is A Big Year For Alden Ehrenreich - And Oppenheimer Is His Best Release Yet
After earning his first bit of recognition as a scene-stealer in the already star-studded cast of Hail, Caesar!, Alden Ehrenreich has finally returned to what worked best for him: playing small but crucial roles in large ensemble casts. Despite his limited screen time, Ehrenreich was fantastic in Oppenheimer. He also stood out in Cocaine Bear, delivering some of the film's funniest scenes. In early 2023, he appeared in an independent movie, Fair Play. After a successful premiere at Sundance Film Festival, the movie was picked up by Netflix for distribution.
Cocaine Bear and Fair Play were riskier choices that seemed to have paid off for Alden Ehrenreich. While those films generated buzz on social media and added to his overall acclaim, Oppenheimer has emerged as Ehrenreich's greatest success of the year, allowing him to showcase his talents in one of 2023's largest cinematic platforms. Five years after what should have been his big break, Ehrenreich's Oppenheimer success might be his ticket to starring in mainstream Hollywood films once more. Regardless, it's safe to say that the actor's 2023 choices have put him back on the right track.
What Alden Ehrenreich Is Doing Next After Oppenheimer
After Oppenheimer's popularity wanes, viewers can catch Alden Ehrenreich in a few other projects. So far, Netflix hasn't set a release date for Fair Play's streaming debut, though the film will undoubtedly offer the actor a chance to showcase his talent to an even larger audience. However, the biggest project on Ehrenreich's docket is Marvel's Ironheart, which is still set to release in 2024 as a miniseries on Disney Plus. While Ehrenreich's part in the MCU is still shrouded in mystery, his supporting role in Ironheart might just undo the negative associations viewers have when it comes to the actor appearing in Disney-backed franchises.'
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karimwillia · 2 years
Shuri x Riri Ideas.
Riri wants to get a tattoo and Shuri designs it for her. (Sneaks in an S maybe 😏)
They are out walking and Riri mentions how she loves flowers so next thing she knows there are 6 dozen delivered to her.
Riri wants to surprise the Queen so bad but she can’t figure out how. She has to turn to those who know her best.
AU:They are in college and Shuri is a little rough around the edges. She only softens when she meets her tutor.
Riri is giving Snooze (SZA) energy about Shuri she will go to war again and again about her Baby. She will do it 3-4 times.
Shuri is being extra extra nice to her “friend” Riri for her birthday. Ri is turning 21 so Shuri is going all out. She does an all expense paid shopping trip in Chicago, dinner with her family. Then Vegas girls trip and it goes more the well.
They go to the concert of Riri’s fave artist. Shuri knows the artist well. So she sets up a meet and greet privately for Riri. Our girl jumps out her skin.
AU:Shuri is the popular rich kid. Riri is the kinda nerdy girl that no one sees. Shuri is always so nice to her but it’s low key. They make it to senior year and Riri is determine to have all the cliche “high school experience” so she makes a list to achieve. Shuri wants to help so they play like best friends. But reality is Shuri has liked her forever and Riri has liked Shuri forever. Her First Kiss is full of fireworks ✅
They have been dating a while and Riri is normally the bottom. She should not complain at all because she is always pleased. But she wants to top at least once to see what that be like. 😏
Little angsty but they are fighting about the silliest things. It’s causing them to take these long time outs from speaking to each other. They have to work together a few times but the tension is thick. Aneka, Ayo, Okoye and M’Baku council them to address what is the actual issue. They finally do when the mission they are on causes Riri to be hurt. Shuri is determined to get her better and apologizes. She realizes that the reason she was so mad is she missed her. They make up and Riri is gone be sore in the morning. 😂
Shuri is nervous about something she has had on her mind for sometime. She’s ready to ask Riri to marry her but she’s done everything she can think of to make the moment special. (Our girl likes to do everything big.) The ring is made the words are ready but she needs the environment. One day she can’t take it anymore and just asks no frills no thrills. Riri is so impressed she loves the moment.
Riri wants to talk to her wife about the last piece to the puzzle of their life. She knows Wakanda has the technology and they have played around with the idea. But she’s really thinking about being a Mother. She would even give up being IronHart to do so.
@somethingcleaverandwhitty @shuriris-stuff @neptoons1998 @cupidzboww
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oreichalkos · 2 months
im sitting here like thinking emoji why does dardanos have teal colored hair and no one else in his goddamn family seems to have that? we know nothing about his mother but ironhart has grey hair (it may have been brown once?) iorei has brown hair and so does chrysanthe??? and im starting to think that there's a chance that dardanos' teal hair is more of the result of magic use and learning to go back and forth from dragon noodle shape to human shape and he may also have had brown hair at the start HMMM... im going to rotate that in my head .... also the idea of dardanos using magic to re-dye his hair to its natural color to blend in with other people more??? HM!
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melissalencioni · 6 months
The Cost of Enlightenment
In the serene atmosphere of their workshop, a sense of awe and wonder filled the air as Amelia Ironhart and Percival Steamwright delved deeper into their communion with the ether. With each passing moment, their minds expanded, their understanding of the universe growing ever more profound.
But as they reached the pinnacle of enlightenment, a sudden shift occurred—a disturbance in the delicate balance of the cosmos. A wave of agony washed over them, wrenching their souls with an intensity they had never before experienced.
Amelia gasped, clutching her chest as a searing pain lanced through her being. "Something's wrong, Percy," she cried out, her voice tinged with panic. "I can feel it—the very fabric of reality is unraveling."
Percival's eyes widened in horror as he too felt the onslaught of anguish tearing through his essence. "We've delved too deep, Amelia," he murmured, his voice filled with despair. "Our quest for enlightenment has come at a terrible cost."
And then, it happened—a profound shift in the fabric of existence, a rupture in the cosmic tapestry that bound them to the universe. With a deafening roar, a rift tore through the workshop, consuming everything in its path.
In the chaos that followed, they watched helplessly as their beloved creation, the vessel of their enlightenment, was torn asunder by the destructive force unleashed by their quest for knowledge. Its intricate machinery shattered, its ethereal glow extinguished, leaving only devastation in its wake.
Amelia and Percival clung to each other amidst the wreckage, their hearts heavy with grief and remorse. For in their pursuit of enlightenment, they had unleashed forces beyond their control, paying the ultimate price for their ambition.
As they surveyed the ruins of their workshop, a sense of loss weighed heavily upon them. They had reached the zenith of human understanding, only to find that enlightenment came at a cost too great to bear. And as they grieved for what they had lost, they realized that some truths were better left undiscovered, lest they lead to the destruction of all they held dear.
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darkburning · 2 years
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this going to be vague as heck because everyone has their own interpretation of what is going on in atlantis, so i just threw in random stuff. naturally this is just going into details on who mana was in atlantis --- and not the whole leviathan / seal / orichalcos drama. that's what wiki is for lol.
mana hails from a family of oracles that serves the atlantean royal family. while she was not there to witness the great beginning of the atlantean civilization, she would eventually come into possession of her own orichalcos stone. for the longest time, atlantis was considered a peaceful paradise with the stone being the source of all its technological advances. although, mana did grow up as an irresponsible and silly child, she was still the daughter of a highly respected scientist (father) and a divine prophetess (mother). this obviously means that the atlanteans carried high expectations for their little progeny, who likely did not understand the mantle she had inherited. nevertheless, her parents spoiled her greatly and her childish nature remained throughout the course of her studies. she was greatly proficient in magic and naturally understood the technological science behind atlantis' advancement.
as a daughter from a highly regarded oracle lineage, mana studied closely by her mother's side. she learned the ways of prophetic rituals, the mathematical equations of orichalcos trajectory, the meaning behind stars and constellations, holy prayers, ancient magic, songs, and dance. while her mother wasn't particularly strict, she did have high expectations for mana's behavior when it came to the temple. by the time mana was sixteen, she was given the minor title of priestess. her duties interwoven with temple life as she continued her independent studies. meanwhile, outside the temple, atlanteans began to exhibit worrying symptoms of monster transfiguration.
in an effort to understand these horrifying cases, the previous king of atlantis [ironhart] turned to both the seers and scientist. many conducted their own experiments to maintain order, but it would be mana who accidentally discovered the evil properties behind the orichalcos stone. using her divine abilities, mana was the first one to purify her stone and transform it into the sage's stone. this was likely the conduit that connected atlantis with the spirit world, where ironhart would plead for their assistance. throughout the war between ironhart and dartz, mana continues to rise up in her duty of sainthood, taking along multiple apprentices to ensure the knowledge of atlantis continues to live on. in her lifetime, she was successful in following both her mother and father's footsteps and became a highly beloved high priestess. she was given access to forbidden knowledge that was not shared with the masses, and through her quick thinking she was able to weaponize her spirit and created the first manifestation of dark magician girl. although she would be one of the casualties who died when atlantis descended to the ocean, her legacy would live on in her spirit where her reincarnation would continue her battle.
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thelorehold · 2 months
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Thalia Ironhart
Class: Fighter (Champion)
Race: Half-Elf
Description: Thalia stands at an impressive 6 feet tall, with a lean, muscular build that reflects years of rigorous training and combat. Her long, auburn hair is often tied back in a practical braid, and her striking green eyes hold a fierce determination. She dresses in finely crafted, practical armor adorned with subtle elven designs, blending elegance with functionality.
History: Thalia was born to an elven mother and a human father, both skilled warriors who met on the battlefield. Raised in a small village on the borderlands, she grew up amidst the tension of two cultures. Her parents taught her the art of combat from a young age, fostering in her a deep respect for both elven grace and human resilience. Tragedy struck when bandits raided their village, and Thalia lost both parents. Determined to honor their legacy, she set out as a wandering warrior, seeking to protect the innocent and uphold justice.
Personality: Thalia is fiercely independent and driven by a strong sense of duty. She is loyal to her friends and allies, often putting their needs above her own. While she can be reserved and serious, she has a dry wit and a soft spot for those who show courage and kindness. Her resilience and tenacity make her a formidable opponent and a steadfast ally.
Voice & Mannerisms: Thalia speaks with a calm, measured tone, her voice carrying the soft lilt of her elven heritage. She is concise and direct, rarely wasting words. In combat, she moves with fluid precision, her actions speaking louder than her words. She often touches the pendant around her neck—a keepsake from her mother—when deep in thought or making a difficult decision.
Motives & Goals: Thalia is driven by a desire to protect the vulnerable and to honor the memory of her parents. She seeks to make the world a safer place and to find a place where she truly belongs. Her ultimate goal is to form a fellowship of like-minded warriors to defend the realm from the growing threats of darkness.
Beliefs & Values: Thalia values honor, justice, and loyalty. She believes that strength should be used to protect, not to dominate, and that true bravery lies in standing up for those who cannot defend themselves. She holds a deep respect for the natural world and the balance between cultures.
Reputation: Thalia is known as the "Iron Guardian" in the communities she has protected. Tales of her bravery and unyielding spirit have spread, earning her the respect and admiration of many, though some view her as too rigid and uncompromising.
Quirks & Flaws: Thalia can be overly harsh on herself, never feeling she has done enough to honor her parents. Her drive for perfection can make her inflexible and critical of others. She also has a tendency to isolate herself, fearing attachment due to past losses.
Secret: Thalia harbors a deep fear of losing those she cares about, stemming from the traumatic loss of her parents. She sometimes dreams of leaving the path of the warrior to live a peaceful, quiet life, though she feels this would be a betrayal of her parents' legacy.
Allies & Contacts: Thalia can call on Elara, a skilled elven healer who was a close friend of her mother; Garrick, a grizzled human mercenary who fought alongside her father; and the Brotherhood of the Shield, a group of warriors dedicated to protecting the realm.
What's in their pockets?: Thalia carries a small, ornate dagger given to her by her father, a locket with a portrait of her parents, a map of the region, a few gold coins, and a polished stone with a symbol of protection carved into it.
Character Synopsis: Thalia Ironhart is a half-elf fighter driven by a fierce sense of duty and the desire to honor her parents' legacy. Known as the "Iron Guardian," she is a protector of the vulnerable, a formidable warrior, and a loyal ally. While her relentless pursuit of justice can make her seem rigid, she is deeply compassionate and values honor, loyalty, and the balance between cultures. With her trusted allies and a heart full of determination, Thalia seeks to forge a safer world and find her place within it.
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thundergrace · 3 years
To join the chorus...give Loki a watch simply for continuity and the way in which Marvel has tied this all together. I'm meh on Loki and I don't care about him to any new degree, but the way this fits is perfection. Also, Wunmi and Gugu. That was my pull. The idea of these series is great. It provides us with small stories we won't get in the films.
P.s. I legit gave not one single f about Wanda, but what they did with that series was just game changing. Anyway, give it a go, just so the next round of films will make sense. 😁
But I'm also probably....well hm I was going to say I'm not that interested in the films but I know I'm going I see Captain Marvel 2, Black Panther 2, Thor: Love & Thunder lol so like the sequels to the ones I saw I guess. Well I saw Ragnorok. But I don't even know all of what's coming.....
Hey I'm waiting on Ironhart, that's a show right?
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chidorifarcloud · 4 years
Flynt waited for everyone available to gather to provide his input on the situation after being properly updated on what has occurred thus far. Flynt initially wanted to use the crystal as bait to lure out the zealots that attacked the lodge and its members, but Raik chimed in to warn him of the unknowns of the situation, possibly being too risky for such an idea.
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Ritsu suggested that a false crystal be used as bait to lure them out which sounded more promising than using the genuine one to some of the hunters. One also mentioned that the zealots grew either intimidated or suspicious of one of the lodgers, Lunarin, when they struck a decisive blow in the fight, uttering things such as "could he be the one?" Flynt didn't know what to make of it, but would keep it in mind for another time...
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After spit-balling several ideas, Flynt thought it best to tackle the situation from several different angles. He asked Lunarin to fashion a device to mimic the sound the crystal made just before the zealots arrived, and accepted the offer of them transferring some aether to the fake crystal once it was obtained. He gave permission to the Ironharts to do non-invasive research on the crystal whilst keeping an eye on "L" as they did so in an attempt to learn more about her intentions. He also accepted the offer from Alberic for them to scout out the Forelands to see if they had any luck in finding a similar crystal, taking note of Ritsu' warning to be careful of possibly running into the Zealots that could be out there.
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All that was left was to find a way to fashion a fake that looked real enough to fool the zealots, the group dispersing after the orders were given.
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aliyah1919 · 6 years
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Two pictures in one day! Someone must be feeling self conscious about the last post 😉 (Miles, Riri and Luna) #spidertamsinktober2018 #avengers #marvelcomics #spiderman #intothespiderverse #marvel #fanart #milesmorales #intober2018 #drawtober2018 #inkdrawing #movies #moongirl #ririwilliams #ironman #ironhart #spidermanps4 https://www.instagram.com/p/BoeuGLOBnv6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=p708t9u1f5s5
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oreichalkos · 2 months
ok in ep 178 ... dardanos says about the battle of atlantis “my foolish father came to face me, where he killed me”, and that sticks with me. a lot
as shown in flashbacks, dardanos wielded a sword as his main weapon ( deity powers don’t count in this ). chrysanthe used a staff ( like a cleric ), ironhart used an axe, and certainly not a throwing axe which means for ironhart to have landed hits on his son, they had to fight in close combat. now, why on earth would dardanos fight his father close combat holy shit, he has deity magic. he CAN throw that sword! he did it and hit timaeus in the eye. you can argue that timaeus as a dragon is a much larger target than ironhart, but still! he took out timaeus’ EYE, he didn’t just land a hit with a sword. 
interestingly, it also seems like the sword dardanos summons in the battle is not the same sword he uses in the throne room scene where he has to slay iorei. 
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2 totally different hilts so anyway i digress. 
so dardanos decides for some reason , to go face his dad head on . ok maybe this is because i GUESS timaeus shoots down gaea’s leviathan, which ok ok cool i have another meta about that later on considering it’s not like dardanos is NOT also leviathan in his own way but ok so dardanos is now facing his father. ironhart has an axe, which means he definitely needs to get up closer in the fight. dardanos can probably summon another sword, but uh that still takes time. 
what i’m saying is ironhart stopped him from doing that by essentially cutting off his limbs like obi-wan did to anakin. atlantis sank into the ocean and yeah dardanos’ body went with it. no one ever said he just left the battlefield. in fact, ironhart and chrysanthe died too, since they’re spirits later on. dardanos does have scars from the incident, because reviving his body didn’t mean that there would be no scars. for ten thousand years, under the control of mother goddess gaea, he hated his father for this. when he was freed of its influence, he was still bitter, but understood why ironhart did that.
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melissalencioni · 6 months
The Iron Resolve
In the heart of their workshop, amidst the rhythmic clang of hammers against anvils and the steady hiss of steam, Amelia Ironhart and Percival Steamwright stood united by an unspoken determination. Before them stood their greatest challenge yet, a towering creation of gears and pistons that seemed to mock their resolve.
Undeterred by the daunting task ahead, they worked in tandem, their movements synchronized like a well-oiled machine. Each strike of the hammer and adjustment of the wrench was a testament to their unyielding commitment to their craft.
Amelia's brow furrowed in concentration as she meticulously fine-tuned the intricate mechanisms before her, her hands moving with practiced precision. "We won't let this defeat us, Percy," she said, her voice firm and unwavering. "We'll find a way to make it work."
Percival nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring hers in steely determination. "Absolutely, Amelia," he replied, his voice steady. "Failure is not an option for us. We'll persevere, no matter what."
With renewed focus, they poured their energy into their work, pushing themselves to the limits of their abilities. Despite the challenges and setbacks they faced, they refused to be discouraged, drawing strength from each other's resolve.
And when, at last, their creation came to life with a triumphant roar, a sense of pride washed over them. For in the crucible of their determination, they had forged not only a remarkable invention but also a testament to the power of their iron resolve.
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“You gonna be the next Ironman now?”
“The world needs the next Ironman”
“You gonna step up or not?”
Bitch I don’t care about Spider-Man or Peters secret identity anymore u give me this tiny pure little Tony Stark copy as Ironman or ironspider or ironhart or whatever the mcu will own my ass all over again
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andorahq · 4 years
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May the gods watch over you, IOWYN IRONHART. Please report to the village watch in no more than 24 hours and be sure to complete the watchmen’s checklist. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
(katherine mcnamara, 76, cis woman) by the gods is that IOWYN IRONHART? the locals say they’re CHARISMATIC & ALLURING and NOSY & PROVOCATIVE. SHE is known for being a PROSTITUTE AT THE SIREN’S CALL. word around the tavern is that SHE USED TO BE A COURTESAN IN THE QUEEN’S COURT UNTIL SHE FELL OUT OF FAVOR, but you didn’t hear it from me. (ooc: jean, 31, she/her, mst, no triggers)
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wanderingtonberry · 4 years
Flynt waited for everyone available to gather to provide his input on the situation after being properly updated on what has occurred thus far. Flynt initially wanted to use the crystal as bait to lure out the zealots that attacked the lodge and its members, but Raik chimed in to warn him of the unknowns of the situation, possibly being too risky for such an idea.
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Ritsu suggested that a false crystal be used as bait to lure them out which sounded more promising than using the genuine one to some of the hunters. One also mentioned that the zealots grew either intimidated or suspicious of one of the lodgers, Lunarin, when they struck a decisive blow in the fight, uttering things such as "could he be the one?" Flynt didn't know what to make of it, but would keep it in mind for another time...
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After spit-balling several ideas, Flynt thought it best to tackle the situation from several different angles. He asked Lunarin to fashion a device to mimic the sound the crystal made just before the zealots arrived, and accepted the offer of them transferring some aether to the fake crystal once it was obtained. He gave permission to the Ironharts to do non-invasive research on the crystal whilst keeping an eye on "L" as they did so in an attempt to learn more about her intentions. He also accepted the offer from Alberic for them to scout out the Forelands to see if they had any luck in finding a similar crystal, taking note of Ritsu' warning to be careful of possibly running into the Zealots that could be out there.
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All that was left was to find a way to fashion a fake that looked real enough to fool the zealots, the group dispersing after the orders were given.
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LETS GO FISHING! "Fish off" by Andy Ironhart Most paintings of such a scene are always of the catch but never of the lose which all fisherman have felt at one time or another, hence the title. This is how it can be on the kenai! My fellow Alaskans know all too well lol #alaska #andyironhart #artist #fishon #fishoff #painting #mosaic #mirrors #salmon #fishing #fisherman #alaskalife #flyfishing #originalart (at Kenai, Alaska) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwnFXJPhio5/?igshid=1ntthzocal7oy
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