#Is it perfect? No
iamverprost · 1 year
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Ah, the indomitable Marzipan.
That's Governor Marzipan, to you.
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reegis · 10 months
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(also the ambigram for brian/merlin if anybody wanted that for some reason)
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nadas-dirthalen · 7 months
So I was listening to this Neil Roberts cameo and I noticed... some alignments... with this track from GoT's season 6 soundtrack. And. Maybe you can enjoy them, too.
I wish we had a confession like this in game. <3
Credit where it's due, I put them both together. Not my voice, not my composition, I obviously don't intend to make money here, I hope it's ok to post.
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Just take this from me please, I’ve been shading roses for days.
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my kingdom for 10-12 episode PJO seasons with hour long episodes 🧎🏽‍♀️
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 1 year
@hinnymicrofic Day 13 | 288 words
With Cho, he overthinks.
He overthinks about how to ask her to the Yule ball, until it is too late and she has a date already.
He overthinks about how cool he looks next to Neville and Luna with sap from some weird plant in Neville's lap covered on his face.
He overthinks how to flirt. How to find the right funny thing to say that might make her smile.
He overthinks how to kiss her for the first time. Where he should place his hands, how much pressure should he put into his lips? Open or closed mouth? He waits for an excuse like a mistletoe to kiss her.
But with Ginny, everything comes naturally. It is innate, as easy as breathing. As if his body was wired to know how to be with her without even thinking how to be.
He doesn't think to ask her to the ball, but he subconsciously watches her all night long. How she winces when Neville steps on her toes.
He is not embarrassed sitting next to Neville and Luna with sap on his face because she is sitting right next to him, covered in it as well. She laughs at the look on his face before cleaning him with a simple charm.
He doesn't even consider it flirting with Ginny as they tease each other constantly that summer before his sixth year. Everything he says makes her smile. And everything she does makes him burst into a fit of laughter.
He kisses her without even thinking about it or without ever planning it. One look at her blazing gaze and Harry knew. He knew how to hold her, how to kiss her. 
With Ginny, he doesn't think. He knows.
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wilting-fl0wer · 27 days
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back muscle practice/study w Sol
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wall-e-gorl · 1 year
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POV: Youre about to be lasso'd by the centaur lady circling you cause you, a feywild cow, have gotten out of the pasture again and its really not safe for anyone for you to do that actually
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whenthegoldrays · 2 months
it’s also like. sometimes you watch something and get obsessed with it and have this idea of its themes and implications and the truths you can see in it and then you find that other people don’t love it so much or at least don’t love it for the more detailed reasons you do and you stop and ask yourself whether it was actually that good or whether all that good stuff is just what YOU saw in it and then the conclusions you drew and headcanons you added onto it afterwards
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creative-hanyou-girl · 8 months
I'm only making one post tonight because I gotta be up in a few hours but WOW!!!!! What a finale episode!!!!! It was everything I loved from the book and more. Also that scene with Percy and Poseidon!? I actually got teared up. You could just SEE the pain and grief in Poseidon's eyes over the fact that he couldn't be with Percy and Sally and it was so heartbreaking!!!
Also ADORE that Poseidon saved Percy from Zeus. Not only from the bolt, but by surrendering. We all know how prideful the gods are, especially Big 3 gods, so the fact that Poseidon put Percy FIRST over his pride makes my heart melt. I always believed that as far as the Greek gods go in PJO, Poseidon was one of the better and more genuinely caring parents, and the show is just proving me right 1000%. Its also a good moment because it demonstrates to Percy that the gods aren't all black and white; they're not all terrible parents by choice. In my opinion, this moment gives Percy's motivation on fighting FOR the gods more weight and grounding. Because he sees that his dad DOES care about him. We all say Percy could've EASILY turned out like Luke, but because Percy sees that his dad does care about him, and that some gods do care about their kids, it allows him to see that not all the gods are completely terrible for the sake of being terrible. I still love his motivation in the books where he fights for the sake of his friends, but I like that the show is letting Percy see too that the gods, like humans, are multiple layered and that they have their reasons. This is not me trying to justify all the gods' actions btw, but I do think that there are SOME gods at least that aren't completely terrible for no reason like Zeus and Ares in PJO, and Poseidon protecting Percy is a great show of that and adds to Percy's decision to defend the gods instead of fighting against them, even though he and Luke are a lot alike with similar feelings of abandonment and resentment.
Also, I wonder how the TV only viewers are doing right now after Luke's betrayal. From what I heard, TV viewers loved Luke, so I can only imagine how WRECKED they must be feeling. I feel devastated, and I saw it coming as a book reader. That's how great Luke's actor was, and how great the show portrayed Luke as a older brother figure to Percy.
Overall, AMAZING final. I'll try to express more thoughts tomorrow.
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themoonking · 9 months
honestly seeing godzilla minus one just made me even more jaded to the monsterverse fans who act like it doesn't matter if the movies are badly written because "it's just a godzilla movie" as if there isn't physical proof in both minus one and also shin godzilla that godzilla films can be more than that.
but EVEN THEN i'm not even fucking asking that the monsterverse fundamentally change to become poignant pieces about ptsd and survivor's guilt and government inaction, i'm fine with them remaining fun little action movies primarily about big monsters punching each other, literally all i'm asking is that the human plots do something other than (a) put me to sleep or (b) barely hold themselves together long enough to get to the next scene.
pacific rim is a film first and foremost about big robots punching big monsters, but it also has a genuinely well written human storyline with fleshed out characters. it doesn't have a half-baked plot built only to loosely connect the monster battles, it has an actual story.
like you guys "fun action movie about big monster battles" and "decent script" are not mutually exclusive and it's an insult to the kaiju genre to act like they are. and you should also take it as an insult to the fans that studios think they can ship out rushed scripts because audiences will give them money for it anyway. like, besties, i like the monsterverse. i just also acknowledge that the movies are lowkey shit and want them to be better and hope they will be in the future.
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solar-halos · 3 months
hey everyone it’s me again. i know i’ve deleted + reuplaoded this same pic like a billion times but since im trying my hand at (hunger games!!) pixel grid crochet again i figured that i should upload this as a progress marker, so i present to you: my (semi-failed) mockingjay tote bag (ft my ugly floor pls don’t judge xoxo!)
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butter-on-ghost · 6 months
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Clown Indie
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not to be a simp but i actually realy liked phil's take on the cactus dragon
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ames-draws · 1 year
baby me 15 years ago taking photo after photo during the one year I lived abroad: I would love to be able to paint from these some day but I can't picture myself ever getting there
me now (among other things, finally diagnosed with adhd and medicated): hee hee hoo hoo wheeeeeee *paints*
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Back on my "Dragonlords with dragon traits" bullshit and man. Imagine if they had eyeshine. It's caused by a reflective layer of tissue in the eye, called the tapetum lucidum, which is how nocturnal animals see in the dark. (Best example is how a cat's eyes glow when you shine a light at them.) It's not noticeable under normal circumstances because they're usually around other people in the daytime, or if it's dark, there's usually torches, a fire, some kind of light source that'll hide it.
But imagine being on night watch, coming around the corner in a dark corridor, and all you see is a pair of eyes shining in the dark at you like
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And you almost fucking shit yourself, but then you hold out your torch and it's Merlin. Just Merlin. The servant with the silly ears and stupid scarf. That's all. Right?
ok so imagine:
You're a guard on the nightwatch. It's your first time here. Typically, you would be tasked with patrolling the second floor courtyard during the day but there weren't enough guards for the nightwatch (too many prisoners escaping and whatnot), and staffing chose you because you were new to the castle anyways.
So, it's your first day on the job. You're partnered with one of the seasoned guards. He's a little strange. Always snacking, always giving you furtive glances with a sly smirk. You really want to knock him off his socks, but the job comes first (unfortunately).
After hours of silently contemplating whether it'd be worth the loss of another job by hitting your companion right in his smug face, the two of you hear a loud crash near the kitchens. You can't tell if you're relieved or disappointed by the distraction, but both you and your companion investigate the noise.
"Who's there?" you shout.
Your companion smacks the back of your head.
"Yeah, great going there, now they know where we are and could kill us!"
Such a paranoid watchman, you think to yourself.
No one responds to your shout, but there's some shuffling and a shadow appears near the torchlight. Despite your companion's protests, you move quickly to the shadow and find--
The servant freezes, sighs, and turns around grumbling about something or whatever (you don't care enough to listen). He lifts his head up to the hallway's ceiling, praying (you bet) that maybe this night ends quickly. When he brings his head back, you yourself freeze as you are met with red-like eyes flashing right at you.
"Again, Merlin?" says your companion. "You said you were done with stealing the pastries during the night."
Merlin gives your companion a sheepish look and turns away almost like a little kid caught stealing cookies from the jar. You can't help but notice that his eyes are no longer that strange reflective look now. They reminded you a little of a cat or an owl or...anything that doesn't resemble a human.
"Yeah, I know," Merlin says with that soft smile of his. You forget why the servant had unnerved you in the first place. "Old habits, ya know?"
"I understand." Your companion nods then grabs you by the arm. "Well, I guess we'll just leave you with a warning then! Remember to be careful on your way back to bed. I heard there's a monster prowling about."
Merlin gives a nod in response with a blinding smile. Again, his eyes give that same reflective look like an animal's would. You can't help to flinch.
The two of you walk away from the kitchen (more of, your companion drags you but semantics). You're still a little unnerved from what you saw that you don't even pay attention to where you're being dragged to until you arrive back where patrols began.
"You saw nothing."
You blink, surprised at your companion. He's clutching your arms very tightly, looking right at you (too close, if you're being honest).
"Merlin," he says slowly, "was just getting a night snack, right?"
"You saw nothing strange."
You open your mouth to protest or maybe question why this should matter. Or maybe why Merlin's eyes were so strange. But he cuts you off shaking you a little.
"You saw nothing!"
Feeling a little delirious, but thoroughly shaken, you nod. You're beginning to piece together why the guard is doing this, but not everything is there. Yet.
"I saw nothing."
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