blue-skytan · 1 year
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I’ll be the perfect daughter
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babacomic · 7 months
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mazes and monsters
Fofo, It, Keke, and Me are staring at a game board. Fofo is wearing a costume. It: (I wonder how close I can get to breaking the fourth wall before the others start to notice?) Keke: Mage pulls a wand out of his hammer space. Me: The Monster inches closer. Fofo: As the Monster encroaches and approaches upon Mage, I stare down its gaping maw. I think for a moment, then roll a die, to observe my surroundings. Me: You got a 5.
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foseker · 2 years
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Collab for PizzaStart on twitter I didn’t want to shade Isooc much so I made it simple. Simple colors, simple mysterious pose and... WAIT A SECOND! IS THAT A REFERENCE TO-?!
Collab: https://twitter.com/PizzaStart/status/1535023487714205697
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IsoCity, 1999, by Zagato. A city car concept powered by a 505cc Lombardini 2 cylinder engine with gullwing doors that might have revived the Iso marque but didn't. It was first presented at the Geneva Motor Show
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oderu · 1 year
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my deathless demon and white wolf... this game is eating me alive
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kinomiakai · 7 months
Hi, Kinomi!
Do you think Razzie will ever finish or continue it started over coffee?
I know this is out of the blue but it has been my favorite for more than a decade and it’s my dying wish at this point
Aww hey anon!! I have to admit, I read the first ISOC and never kept up with the dream bits and sidefics, so - in my head, it's been completed! I'm living in a dream world, I know hahaha. I'd love to see Rasengan22 come back to fic but mostly I just really hope they're doing well! We lost contact a bit ago, so I don't have any insider knowledge for you I'm afraid! <3 You have great taste in fics though ;)
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p-paradoxa · 3 days
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Tomorrow, April 27th: if you’re in the SoCal area, meet at the ISOC mosque in Garden Grove with supplies to support student protesters in LA.
alternatively you can use these links to donate directly to the USC and UCLA solidarity encampments!
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bio-metal404 · 4 months
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Some doodles and texts from GYM schoolshit time
1)Bit and Vile(+Cache) headshot
2)Zero L
3)Bit Tit
4)Isoc swap logo based on my au shit
(yeah Sigma is Scientist now🧍‍♀️)
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mywifeymax · 10 months
Sadgirl(Kit walker x reader) Part 4
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Y/n pov:
waking up I found myself in a room I looked over to see a pure looking nun "where am I?"I asked "Briarcliff you got into a bad accient but luckly we found you"The nun said I looked around "I need to leave"I said "I'm afraid not your not well It caused some truma on the brain so we going to have you treated here" She said
Leaving the room the next day I went into the common room and looked around and I walked to the couch as I hide my face away from everyone "Hi"A female voice said I looked up to see two women standing there "HI?"I asked "I am grace and this is lana"The girl said "I am y/n"I said Grace widen her eyes "wait as in the y/n kit talks about like his bestfriend?"Grace asked I nodded
The girls told me everything about Briarcliff how horrible it is how kit got throw into isocation because he got into a fight with another person"Grace said I sighed to myself "That's not even the worst part I was a victim of bloodyface last night luckly I got away but then I woke up here the sisters said that when I woke up I went completely insane"I said "The sisters here are not what you think they are y/n"Lana said "what do you mean by that?"I asked "They keep you here to do curel things to you and make you go more insane"Lana said I sighed "when kit get's out we need to leave"I said "I agree"Grace said "Okay then we leave when kit get's out in 3-4 days"Lana said I nodded "we need a plan"I said
The first three nights here was toture Lana and grace was right about all of it they keep you here so they have the sick pleasure to hurt you Today will be better though because kit is set to get out of isocation and tonight is movie night so we are planner our escape during then I got up and walked out of my room and saw grace and lana I walked to them "We need to tell kit the plan"Lana said I nodded "I can do it if anyone he can trust out of us it's me"I said "I agree"Lana said
Getting to the common room I saw kit I quickly went over to him and tapped his shouder and he turned around and widen his eyes "Y/n what are you doing here?"He asked "I became bloodyface victim luckliy I got away and then I got away in this car and he was so angry he shot himself infront of me and then I woke up here the sisters said I went crazy in the hostpital"I said "Your not crazy y/n"Kit said I smiled "I know and neither are you which is why we are leaving this place tonight"I said "that's really risky y/n"Kit said "it's either we leave this place or we be held here for the rest of our lives"I said "Your right"Kit said "The plan starts during movie night tonight"Grace said "And then when we get you out I can prove your innocent because I got a tape of bloodyface"I said "Your a geneius y/n"Kit said I smiled "No I'm just trying to prove that your innocent kit because I know you since I was 7 years old"I said I smiled and then we sat down on the couch
We all know that the plan will be risky but it's better than staying in this place for the rest of our lives I'm just happy I was able to be by kit's side again even after the huged agurement My feelings for him never went away but right now isn't the place for that not until we are out of this horrible place
As we we're talking I saw the doors open and I saw bloodyface walk in and he stared around and then his eyes fell on us and he smirk He was an evil man I will expose him for who he really is and then I will get this place shut down with along side of lana as she planned to do the same we will just do it together.
-To be continued-
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beningtirta · 2 years
Look Back
Tiga bulan ke belakang adalah momen adaptasi dari seorang student jadi seorang employee. Saya tidak sempat merasakan hal ini setelah lulus S-1 karena saya dapat kerjaan yang bukan saya lamar (by recommendation).
Sebagai employee atau pegawai, ada kontrak kerja dimana tertera ekspektasi employer dan hak pegawai. Setelah dijalani ternyata tela'ah atas kontrak kerja ternyata bisa beda dengan yang dialami. Loh?
Confirm everything by black-white proof
Saya mengajukan revisi kontrak kerja. Lalu dapat kontrak kerja_v2.pdf dua bulan kemudian. Request 3 item. Approved semua, berdasarkan email manager. Saya buru-buru menandatangani kontrak (e-sign, tinggal klak klik) karena seakan doa-doa terjawab.
Setelah dijalani, ternyata item #1 yang terpenuhi tanpa drama. Item #2 ada di kontrak tapi tidak ada terms and conditions yang jelas. Item #3 cuma beracuan balasan email dari manager dan HRD. Alhasil, item #3 jadi tidak bisa di-claim dimana HRD dengan gampangnya bilang "sorry, the information given by my colleagues were disjointed in different emails". Badumtss, orang HRD menganulir email kolega-koleganya. That's really WTF from their side. Item #2 tidak bisa di-claim full karena dipotong pajak 20%. Pelajaran dari sini adalah untuk meminta terms and conditions yang jelas dan detail sebelum menandatangani kontrak kerja. Emails do not count.
2. Finance affects your focus
Hidup akan lebih tenang jika tidak harus memikirkan finansial seperti mencari side hustle. Saya salut sama para bapak dan ibu yang punya side hustle. Saya sendiri punya space otak dan baterai konsentrasi yang terbatas. Untuk cari "bumper finansial" saya kerja serabutan dengan orderan proofreading. Lumayan pemasukannya, tapi lumayan berantakan juga fokus saya di kerjaan utama. Selama proses secara aktif cari bumper finansial ini saya menyadari dua hal. Pertama, Allah tidak lupa memenuhi rezeki basic-mu, makan dan minum, selama kamu berazam untuk menjalani kewajiban. Rezeki sudah tertulis di lauhul mahfuzh. Apalagi dengan kamu berkeluarga, ada +x mulut dan perut untuk diisi. Kedua, kecukupan finansial membuat fokus tidak pecah dan sangat mendukung pekerjaan yang melibatkan otak seperti jadi peneliti, dosen, dan guru. Jadi, menabunglah sekadar untuk bumper finansial saat transisi dari pergantian status student ke employee atau dari pekerjaan satu ke yang lain.
3. Ingat-ingat doamu dulu
Ini satu hal yang cukup menyentil diri sendiri. Saat menjalani kuliah, saya pernah atau mungkin beberapa kali berbisik dalam hati tentang jenis pekerjaan dan kondisi kerja yang ideal. Dan ternyata bisikan doa-doa itu terkabul. Allaahu akbar!
Saya pengen punya fleksibilitas, alias manager yang tidak ngatur pritilan. Saya pengen ngerjain sesuatu yang sifatnya development (bukan pure research). Saya pengen bekerja yang mudah dalam beribadah.
Awalnya saya agak jetlag. Di kampus dulu di Singapura, semuanya mudah dan lengkap. Di tempat kerja di UK, fasilitas tidak lengkap. Ditambah pula request benefit #2 & #3 cuma bisa dapat partial.
Ternyata, saya dapat banyak kenyamanan dari aspek-aspek lain.
Pertama, manager saya memberikan kepercayaan penuh bagaimana saya mengelola beberapa task di saat bersamaan. Saya tahu saya tidak jago multitasking, tapi saya melihat ini sebagai kesempatan untuk bertumbuh. Ada fleksibilitas juga dalam pendanaan riset. Bisa beli ina inu tinggal isi form.
Kedua, saya sedang mengerjakan sesuatu yang nantinya bisa dipakai dan diukur di kondisi riil. Hasil pengukuran bakal jadi acuan saran untuk kebijakan (evidence-based policy). Satu lompatan besar buat saya yang selama empat tahun mengerjakan sesuatu yang terkondisikan di lab. Ada ruang (gap) yang besar untuk belajar dan melatih kemandirian (independence).
Ketiga, tempat sholat yang ada di gedung sebelah dari gedung lab/kantor. Sholat zuhur dan ashar ramai di masjid ISOC. Sholat jumat tidak perlu naik bis keluar area kampus seperti di NTU dulu.
Keempat, life balance. Awalnya berat memang buat saya yang biasa ngelembur atau kerja weekend untuk kerja di setting-an Monday-Friday only dan jam 5 lab harus dikunci. Waktu terasa kaku dan sempit. Tapi, hikmahnya adalah kita yang harus meningkatkan efektivitas waktu (bukannya makan waktu buat keluarga dan rehat).
Terakhir, negara empat musim. Saat daftar PhD, saya ingin sekali kuliah di Jerman atau Swedia. Kebayangnya kalau stres eksperimen gagal saya bisa rehat ke taman atau country side, lihat yang hijau-hijau. Tapi, Allah baru menjawab keinginan saya sekarang setelah PhD. "Kelebihan" lain tinggal di daerah empat musim adalah keharusan untuk bersiap akan perubahan. Jam sholat bergeser sesuai musim, cuaca tidak akan selalu sama. Ini bukan zona nyaman, tapi sebuah tantangan untuk jadi wahana berkembang.
Thanks to my parents who have supported me this far. My stay here wouldn't be possible without my Mom's future-mindedness.
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spinningbuster98 · 10 months
Mega Man X6 Part 4
Ok so.... I need to apologise in advance XD
Last time I said there was going to be a sort of filler video showing how to get some extra stuff and a hidden cutscene.
However I did all of that....only to then realise I hadn’t hit the record button. Oops.
Anyway this is the cutscene in question, which you unlock after obtaining 3000 Nightmare Soul with one of the 2 characters BEFORE beating the 8 bosses or High Max (which is INCREDIBLY grindy and also cryptic in its execution)
So this is Gate and Alia’s backstory! Locked behind a hidden cutscene...wonderful.
Well technically Alia does give you snippets of her past during small debriefings after every boss...but not only are they really small they’re also told to you out of order due to the way Mega Man games’ level progression works, meaning that you might get one instance of Alia talking about Gate like you already know who the guy is...only to later give him a more formal introduction like she’s just starting her story. It’s such a goddamn mess.
Not that Gate’s backstory is that interesting anyway, when you boil it down to it it’s basically about 50% of Wily’s only he’s technically more justified in his grudge because he was more literally fucked over by his collegues. But he has none of Wily’s charm and personality, really the only reason Gate is held in any kind of regard is because he’s not Sigma which ain’t high praise to start with
Also we get an explanation for what the Nightmare virus is!
It’s the Phantom Ruby from Sonic Forces. In more ways than one. At least I think
So Alia says here that the Nightmare is capable of corrupting Reploids and controlling them. That is correct since during gameplay Nightmare enemies may infect normal Reploids turning them into zombie-like robots.
However this does NOT explain all the Nightmare phenomena we encounter throughout the stages.
At the start of the game Isoc claims that the Nightmare can show Reploids a “kind of dream” and “confuse them”. During stages Alia may comment on some Nightmare Phenomena saying that she can’t detect them on her computer even though X and Zero are affected by them.
I take this all to mean that the Nightmare can alter Reploids’ perception of reality, making them see things that aren’t really there that their bodies also think are real, hence why only X and Zero are affected but Alia (who isn’t present on the field) can’t detect it.
Again I THINK this is the implication since the game doesn’t get any clearer than this However the Nightmare can also be used to create a crazy copy of Zero appatrently as we saw at the beginning
Nightmare souls can also be used to power up Reploids by collecting them for some reason
So really the Nightmare can just do whatever the fuck it wants to. Ok good.
And now: the Gate stages
So I’ve made it pretty clear that I do not think highly of Mega Man X6′s level design in the slightest. Indeed I’d go as far as to say that this game has probably the worst level design I’ve ever seen in a commercially released videogame. The only stuff that comes close are fan-games and fan rom hacks specifically made to be bullshit hard
The final stages of Mega Man X6 are the 2 worst stages in Mega Man history. Bar none.
Oh I may have made them look easy but that is purely because I now know how they work, on your first time however you’re gonna have a miserable time.
This is worse than The End of the World from Sonic 06. Much worse. The mere idea of comparing the 2 is laughable, about the only thing the latter has over these two pieces of shit is 06′s trademark loading times
Let’s talk about them shall we?
As soon as you start the first stage you’re gonna hit a roadblock within the first minute unless you have one of 3 kinds of setups
See that tall wall with insta-kill spikes at the beginning?
Literally impossible to overcome unless you have one of the following things:
1) X’s Shadow Armor, which is invulnerable to spikes and makes this first shithole more manageable. Howevere the Shadow Armor parts can be a bitch and a half to get due to their placements in the levels and what you need to actually obtain them so it’s very possible you won’t have it when starting this level
2) X with Blizzard Wolfang’s weapon, which creates small ice platforms, COUPLED with the hidden Jumper part, which allows you to jump higher. If you don’t happen to have found the Jumper part or you haven’t equipped it before starting the stage then congratulations: you’re fucked
3) Zero with Rainy Turtloid’s ability which allows him to stick to ceilings. If you don’t happen to have unlocked Zero or have unlocked the Gate stages by beating High Max BEFORE beating Rainy Turtloid then you are also fucked and you’ll kind of have to figure out you’ll have to at least go back and beat that fucker if you wish to proceed
The rest of the stage is just a marathon of random shit being flung at you at total random. Fortunately it’s pretty short.
Then we fight the Nightmare Mother, which is an awful awful boss, way too big and fast to be dodged. Fighting her with Zero can be a death sentence due to his lower defence and the fact that hitting her cores with his sword can be an absolute bitch.
Then we finally get to Gate’s stage 2
This....is the pits. It’s the worst.
The first half of the level is just spike city + a shitton of enemies halfassedly put through the levels in EXTREMELY awkward positions but ok we’re used to this
Then we take on High Max with his incredibly repetitive pattern, high as fuck durability and cheap as hell second phase where he just keeps spamming his nigh impossible to dodge attack.
Then you beat him, the level end jingle plays, your character teleports out of there, you breathe a sigh of relief...
....and then the level resumes.
The second half differs depending on the character
For Zero we have Metal Shark Player 2.0 because we just loved that stage so much right?
However X gets something potentially far nastier
His second half is essentially a recreation of Rainy Turtloid’s gimmick of finding and destroying small gizmos while acid rain is pouring down. That’s not the bad part.
The issue is a platforming section you encounter about halfway through
You need to reach a distant platform but there’s a particularily low ceiling that won’t allow you to simply dash jump over there. You’ll need to do a mid air dash
And therein lies the big issue
Say you got into this level with the Shadow Armor, which is very likely given its ability to nullify spikes which this stage’s first half is littered with. In fact I’d say that everyone who managed to get the Armor will use it here on their first playthrough, I know I did.
However by doing this you’ll have effectively caused yourself a game over. You’ll just not be aware of it until this point. Why?
Because the Shadow Armor doesn’t have a mid air dash.
There are TECHNICALLY two ways to circumvent this
You can equip a part that allows you to dash for longer distances which will allow you to make the jump even with the Shadow Armor....but it’s highly unlikely you’ll have it equipped when entering this stage given that it’s pretty useless overall and that’s assuming you even found it in the first place
Or you can do this:
Look at how fucking precise you have to be, how much you have to exploit X’s moves. This was by no means intentionally designed, this is the kind of shit you pull when you want to sequence break or when you wanna break the level for speedrunning purposes. You’re not gonna know how to do this during your first time, leaving you literally no choice but to restart the whole fucking stage but with another armor.
I refuse to believe this wasn’t intentional
Yeah X6 is a rushjob and a half but this....this feels like too much for a coincidence, this feels sadistically planned: have the first half of the level be easily beateable with the Shadow Armor and then throw in a specific obstacle that’s pretty much impossible to overcome with it just a few SECONDS before the boss door. I have the impression that the devs didn’t want to make this game in the first place, that they knew that Capcom was being a greedy cunt milking this series past its expiration date and snuck in shit like this out of spite.
Regardless of the character Gate himself is the worst boss of the game: you can’t damage him, you just gotta wait for him to shoot his energy balls and destroy them to damage him and hope he’ll die before you do in this cramped as hell room and also hope to whatever god you may or may not believe in that he doesn’t waste half of your fucking life time just going back and forth without launching his balls because otherwise you can’t damage him in anyway!!
Also Isoc is dead for some reason and if it wasn’t obvious by this point he was actually Wily, much like Serges before him. This is actually the last time the X series ever uses him in any way and technically the last time we ever see him in the timeline.
I hope to God that this wasn’t supposed to be his actual, permanent death, but rather a Sigma-type situation much like when Serges died in X2, because otherwise God help me this is even worse than the way Eggman’s been treated in the past.
Well....it’s time to end this once and for all I guess...
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rabia011 · 1 year
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@israa__khan nikkah ceremony!🕌👰🏽‍♀️🤵🏽#makeup #ootd #style #pose #trendy #fashion #model #selfie #food #foodie #foodcoma #foodgasm #foodporn #yummyinmytummy #sogood #sis #bride #groom #nikkah (at Islamic Society of Orange County - ISOC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnnzQ0nus75/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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morbid-dreamzz · 1 year
do u think the thing under Douglas' chin is a beard or something else
It's just another part of his helmet (some characters in Megaman have things covering their chins too, these things are always clearly part of their helmets)
But perhaps it was added into his design to simulate a beard? Not sure, but it doesn't sound like a weird idea at all.
But like I said, I'm not sure, since some characters (Like Serges and Isoc) have explicitly implemented "beards" into their designs?? Idk if that makes sense
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alittleuniofmuses · 1 year
A little note to the comic post below;
Something I always feel is that I always fail to describe just how many Exo bots Rium has at her disposal. She may be a whiny, entitled, narcissistic bitch half the time, but she is a genuine threat when push comes to shove. Also, she and Isoc have an argument on a weekly basis, its cannon now :)
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mzaghi · 5 days
Foro de #Telecomunicaciones en #zonasremotas #pueblosindigenas #Guatemala via #Isoc Video
Foro de #Telecomunicaciones en #zonasremotas #pueblosindigenas #Guatemala via #Isoc Video
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kinomiakai · 6 months
Hey, Kinomi! ISOC anon here.
Thanks for getting back to me. I’ve been waiting for years and years for an update even though im 99% sure that there won’t ever be one again. That 1% of hope is a pain the ass lol
I don’t really remember where I saw an interaction or something like that a while ago between the two of you and just thought that maybe you’d know something! It’s hard to maintain an always ongoing friendship online so I get it!
I hope you two can reconnect in the future if that’s something you’d still like :)
You’re a really sweet person from what I’ve always seen both in here and on AO3, and I genuinely wish you all the best!
Have a great week! (Also im looking forward to all of your updates for sns month, read them all so far <3)
Aw hey anon! I totally understand. As someone who did update one of their fics SEVERAL years later after the first update (and then go on to finish it), I unfortunately cannot invalidate that 1% hope 😭
That said, without going into too much detail, Raz was experiencing some pretty severe harassment from members of the Naruto/sns fandom. Given that they're off the grid now, I don't imagine they'd come back in a way they could be recognized and cyberstalked again - even if they did want to come back to Naruto in general. That's not based on anything they said, that's just an assumption of mine, though. But I'd love to reconnect with them again! I do search up friends of mine that I've lost touch with from time to time to see if I can find them again - Raz is one of those.
Aww, thank you so much anon!! That's really sweet of you to say. I think I've been lucky to somehow end up with such kind people around here reading my fics hahaha! It's really hard not to seem nice when you're out here saying the nicest things to me first 😭😭 I genuinely wish you the best too :) <3
Thank you so much friend, you too!! (Aww thank you!!! The next one will be up tomorrow - and between you and me, it's my favourite of the ones I've written. I can't really put my finger on why, but I'm happy with it.)
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