#It was a nice surprise I was kinda worried he didn’t like us anymore
vergilboyfriend · 2 years
🦑 visited earlier today my 🦑 yayayayay
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poetlus · 3 months
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how these three (separate!) react to a reader who is shy at first, but warms up to them when they get to know the characters! requested by my baby @sepptember !! not proofread !!
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he doesn’t care for you at first. to be fair, he doesn’t care for anybody. thinks you’re an extra who’s just getting in his way.
you were quiet & reserved, so he picked on you a little bit. he called you “mouse” because of how quiet and “weak” you were.
his words…not mine
“why don’t you speak, huh?! is there something wrong with you?!”
“hey, man,” kirishima would say, “lay off. it’s no big deal. maybe they just need to warm up to everybody!”
as the year goes on and everybody begins to warm up to each other, he realizes that you’re not just some extra. you genuinely are super nice & kind of bubbly.
not that he would admit it, but he didn’t mind you. you had a pretty powerful quirk and some good potential.
the more you opened up, the less he picked on you. in all honesty, you and kirishima were the people he hated the least in the class.
there was no way in hell he was letting up on the nickname though.
i imagine him trying to talk to you on the first few days of school and not getting much of a response.
“you’re not much of a talker, huh?” he would ask you, and then you would get embarrassed.
i think he’d keep his distance from you for a bit, since he’s into more social people.
after you start getting used to everyone though, he would definitely shoot his shot and start talking to you again.
he would also feel horrible about your guys’ first interaction.
“i’m sorry about kinda sorta ignoring you. i’m just awkward around quiet people, y’know? but you’re not quiet anymore! i should’ve known you just needed to come outta your shell.”
after that, you guys ended up actually being pretty close. it was surprising for most students.
when you meet new people and you’re with him, he always gives the other person advice.
“don’t worry, they were like this when i first met them, too. it’ll wear off.”
Fatgum introduced you two when he started looking at people for work studies.
He knew you guys would make a good pair because both of your teachers gave him a warning:
“They’re pretty quiet when you first meet them. They have a lot of potential though! I know you’ll get through to them.” Is what your teacher said. Tamaki’s said basically the same thing.
Fatgum has always wanted to bring people up and help them, so he thought, why not help these two at once?
When you first met Tamaki, you could tell he was way more timid than you were.
“Uhm…hi— I’m Tamaki… Amajiki. I— uh…” He stuttered. He then faced the wall and squeezed his eyes closed. “I can’t do this…I want…to go home.”
“Alright then…” Fatgum sighed. “What about you, Y/N? Introduce yourself to the guy!” You did better than Tamaki, albeit, but you were still extremely shy.
As Fatgum worked more with the two of you, you began to feel less intimidated by both him and Tamaki. You started opening up first, but Tamaki slowly followed after.
When Fat sent you on patrols together, Tamaki seemed more energetic and himself. That quickly ended when he noticed the other citizens around him, though.
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I hope everyone liked this!!! I’m still trying to get a feel for Tamaki, so I’m sorry if he’s ooc. I love him though. My cutie pie. Remember!! Reblogs > Likes
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jarofstyles · 5 months
Sugar, Sugar 13
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Hey… sorry it’s been so long angels 😭 here you go!! I hope you missed them as much as I did.
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Sugar Sugar masterlist
WC- 3.1k
warnings- mentions of disordered eating and bad relationship with food, body issues, fad diet mention, bad relationship with a parent, body shaming, etc
“So, spill. How was it?” Delilah asked as she eyed Y/N. 
“How was what?” Playing coy behind the counter, she did the initial cash wrap check as she avoided her best friend’s eyes. She knew exactly what she was talking about. 
“Getting railed half to death.” She deadpanned, making Y/N choke on her laughter. “Don’t play games with me, girl. I can see your literal glow.” She paused, her eyes moving south. “And your man has a nasty habit of biting you.” He did. Y/N knew exactly where the hickey was on her collarbone, but her wrap she had on over her lacy tank top usually hid it. She was just careless this morning and didn’t think about it being on display. 
“He is quite bad with that, isn’t he?” She snorted, turning to her friend with giddy light in her eyes. “Great. Better than I expected. Made me really comfortable and I spent the whole night and day.. Y’know.” Her face felt hot as she placed the cash into the register before starting up the POS and making sure everything would be right for when the day ended. “I was worried for nothing. The man is kinda unreal, if I’m being honest. I was taken care of in every way. I shouldn’t be surprised considering he’s been really good to me so far.” Brushing her hair over her shoulder, the drawer was closed and she took note of her green tea, picking it up for a sip now that it wouldn’t burn her tongue. 
“It’s what you deserve.” Her friend smiled softly. “You deserve a great love like you read about in your books. Besides, I know you’re going to get it. It’s written in the stars.” She was joking, but also… not really. Delilah knew things without knowing how she knew them, and it was almost always true. “Where is he today? Are we expecting a drop in from him?”
“Actually, I don’t know.” Y/N hummed. He hadn’t replied after his initial good morning message but she wasn’t too worried about it. “He said something about stopping by the bakery. He had today off to go run errands so he’ll be dropping things off but I know I’m seeing him tomorrow. We’re going to that new pizza place.” She was excited about that. There was a flatbread she was looking forward to trying, and Harry had suggested getting two different things and splitting it. It was nice to feel comfortable eating with someone. That was one of the anxiety triggers she had to unlearn as she got older. 
“I think we’re going to get a drop in.” Taking one of the baskets they used for restocks, she went towards the tumble table and began to deposit the little baggies of colorful stones and minerals into the correct cubbies. “Have you brought up that Claire woman yet?”
Y/N hadn’t, very well for a reason. She didn’t like the feeling it gave her stomach. Somehow, she was well aware she and Harry had been involved. Somehow, someway. It didn’t seem strong, as she obviously couldn’t be that close to him anymore if she’s unable to contact him but… It still wasn’t a good feeling. The woman wasn’t nice, her energy was rancid and muddy, and she obviously looked down on them for believing in their own thing. That was the exact person she tried to avoid. Y/N knew it was perhaps rude to judge solely off of one interaction, but something told her Harry wouldn’t be happy to hear about her coming in. 
“Not yet.” She said sheepishly, spooning a bit of yogurt into her mouth. “I know, you don’t have to give me the eyebrow. I’m just… You know how it is. When you know it’s going to cause an issue.” Y/N didn’t think it would be with her but the idea of upsetting Harry at all wasn’t something she enjoyed. Being so new in the relationship, she wanted that honeymoon stage. It had been so lovely this far, she selfishly wanted to avoid the past and the real world from inserting themselves in her rose colored daydream with her dreamy new boyfriend. 
Unfortunately, that wasn’t how life worked. 
“Putting it off isn’t doing either of you any favors, Cher.” She gave her another look, hanging up a necklace back on the display. “I trust you to handle it on your own time, but do it soon. I have a feeling she isn’t done sniffing around yet.”
“Hey.” A wide smile greeted her as she heard the chime of the bells on the door, seeing the man that had been on her mind. High waisted black pants with a flare at the bottom and a yellow tee shirt, he walked in with his boots clicking on the hardwood floor. Lifting his sunglasses off his face into his fluffy hair, he extended his arms to motion for her to walk into them. She did so without a question. How could she not? 
Falling into his warm scent, she nuzzled her face into his neck and allowed herself to be engulfed in him. Something about them felt closer now. More intimate. Maybe she was making it up but a layer had been shed and he felt even more close to her soul. Lips pecked a few times into her hair, swaying her back and forth as her fingers curled into the hair at the nape of his neck, a relieved sigh leaving the man. “Y’alright, Sugar?”
“Mhm.” She nodded against him. “Tired. Spilled my coffee a quarter through but it’s been a bit busy today so we haven’t had the chance to get away. You win some, you lose some.” She’d rather be a little tired and making money, giving readings, all of that. 
“Should have texted me.” His tongue clicked, finally getting a good look at her as she pulled out of his neck. Didn’t she realize he’d do almost anything for her? “Would have brought you some over, sweets. What good is having a boyfriend if you’re not gonna use me?” He was joking, but not really. He knew that he’d bend over backwards for the girl in his arms. 
“In all honesty, I didn’t even think about it. I knew you were busy today running errands and we had a lot of walk in readings, I’ve been a little busy.” Her fingers ran through his hair again, liking how it felt between them. He always melted like a pup getting pets when she did it too, so it was a win win. “Did you get everything done that you needed?”
“I did.” He moved on swiftly. “Are you sayin’ you didn’t eat?” His brow raised, making her wince. Sometimes she forgot, but it wasn’t on purpose. It was genuine distraction. “Baby…” 
“I had a yogurt and granola bar. I was planning on making some food when I got home, but I was busy. Promise.” She tried her luck at a pout which luckily seemed to break down the glare. 
“Too bad.” He sighed. “M’gonna run and get you both food. I don’t like this, Sugar.” Large hands cupped her face, making her feel more delicate than she ever had been. Sometimes it felt hard to lean into that femininity of delicacy when she’d been treated as the opposite most of her life, but Harry had her falling into it so easily. “I know you’re a big girl and you can handle yourself, but it’s okay to ask me for help. I want to help you, I want to be a good boyfriend and grab your things when you’re busy. I know you’d do the same for me.” She already had. The girl had given him a whole welcome basket when he opened his own business, for fucks sake. 
“I know. It’s…” Feeling slightly guilty now, she rested her hands on his wrists. “It’s a hard habit to break. I’ve been independent for years now and I don’t like to rely on people.” It was always thrown back in her face. “I’ll try harder, H. Promise.” Turning her head, she caught his palm with her lips and pressed kisses to it. That move melted him completely, leaning down to kiss her lips a few times before peeling himself away. 
“Good girl. I’ll be back in a bit. Be good for me.”
Y/N hated to see him go, but she loved to watch him leave. Still buzzing from the affection, she jumped as Delilah came out of the back room fanning herself. 
“That man is completely gone for you. Lord…” She shook her head. “What a guy. I’m glad he wants to take care of you, Cher. You deserve it.” Her hand squeezed her shoulder as she slipped past her. 
“It has nothing to do with the fact he’s getting you lunch too?” She snickered, watching her friend shrug. 
“That definitely helps.”
Y/N’s good mood was squashed just 10 minutes later when a familiar face walked through the shop doors, nose wrinkling at the scent of the incense. 
God, why now? 
“Y/N, I’ve told you that these smoky scents are going to drive away customers.”
Yeah, that was the point. Drive away customers with impure intentions. 
“Hi, Mother.” Y/N sighed, feeling her shoulders tighten as she watched the woman come closer into the shop. Her tumultuous relationship with her mother had a lot to do with the fact that Y/N reminded her of her own. They’d been extremely close, sharing their love of the spiritual world, of magic, all the things while her mom had rejected it. Y/N had been easier to bond with for her grandmother and she knew she held resentment over it for years. 
She wasn’t an awful person, was the thing. She liked to support her at school, took her shopping for makeup, taught her how to do her hair and tie her shoes. She held her when she was sick, stuck up for her when she got bullied- but she didn’t realize she herself was her daughter’s first and biggest bully. 
“Hello. It’s been weeks since you’ve visited me or your father.” She sent her a look. “Are you well? Do you need money? I know the shop is a bit of a hard venture to keep up…” 
There it was. Her mother had always hated this shop. Hated what it stood for, what it represented. Y/N never faulted or judged someone for not believing or being connected in the things she was. It was a calling, she truly believed, whether natural or brought on by a life event. But her mother thought it to be a bit of a waste of time. Always expecting her downfall, though she didn’t think she was cruel enough to hope for it. 
“No, we’re actually doing incredibly well.” It was the truth. They were making bigger profits than the years before and she was more than glad about that. They’d paid off the loan they took out and now they were working towards a possible expansion. But her mom didn’t want to hear about that. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around. I’ve been a bit busy.” 
Her mom gave her a scrutinizing eye, unsure if she believed her. Y/N wasn’t usually a busy person, despite the shop. She liked a slower lifestyle and she knew that, which is why she understood the look on her face. “Have you gone back to the gym like I asked? I haven’t seen you there. I can go with you, you know. I think you’d love my trainer. He’s very dedicated.”
There it was again. Y/N felt her stomach drop, though she should have expected it. Her mother was obsessed with her weight. She’d been the one to try and get her on diets at an early age, effectively ruining her relationship with food. While she knew her mother was someone who cared about her, sometimes she cared about the wrong things a bit too much. Once Y/N had made peace with the fact that she’d always be a bigger girl, her mother had pushed back at it causing more of a rift. She wasn’t going along with her plans and fad diets anymore, and it felt like a personal insult. 
“No, no. I’ve been busy with something else, actually.” With Harry. The pretty, driven, thoughtful man that had her tummy in knots and her head in the clouds. 
“Well, what? I’ve sent you dozens of recipes. I doubt you’ve tried them though. It looks like you’ve put on a bit of weight in the last few weeks. I thought you were making progress.” Her frown made Y/N’s stomach hurt. She’d resigned herself into knowing she would probably never get her mother’s approval on her body, but the reminders didn’t do much to make her feel good. Accepting it didn’t mean liking it. 
“I may have. I’ve been fine, though.” She sighed, running a hand through her hair. “I’ll come by for dinner next week, I promise. I just-”
The door chimed again, interrupting them both. Her stomach dropped as she saw Harry’s smiling face, something that usually would make her erupt into butterflies- but this wasn’t the introduction she wanted to make. Not quite yet. 
“I’m back, sorry. There was a line.” He murmured, going behind the desk and pressing a kiss to her cheek. Her body flushed as she looked towards her mother, her eyes wide as Harry adjusted her hair for her before setting the food bag and coffee tray on the counter. “Sorry, I’ll step out of the way if you’re helping someone.”
“Who’s this?” Her mother’s interest was immediately evident. 
“I’m Harry, Y/N’s boyfriend. Nice t’meet you. What’s your name?” He asked, placing a hand on his girlfriend’s back. 
“H, this is my mother.” Y/N swallowed, looking between the two of them. She could see his eyes widen, reaching a hand out for her to shake. He was always so polite, so charming, but she couldn’t help but see the look on her mom’s face. 
“You’re her boyfriend?” She asked, brows raised. Her voice sounded in disbelief, looking between the two of them as if something didn’t add up. “I didn’t know she even had a boyfriend.” 
Thankfully she’d let him know she hadn’t exactly told her yet so he didn’t seem shocked about that, but the meeting was a little unorthodox. 
His brows did furrow at her tone and she could tell he didn’t like it. But for her sake he kept a smile on his face, shaking the woman’s hand lightly. “Yes, I am. M’quite gone for her. You raised an incredible woman, Ma’am.” He spoke earnestly. 
“Excuse my shock, I just didn’t realize….” She trailed off, still seeming confused. “Y/N does like her secrets, it seems. You’re very handsome. What do you do?” It was likeher mother to be nosy, sniffing out why exactly the man was around her daughter. Y/N could see that she was suspicious and it hurt her because she knew exactly why she was. 
She was making sure he wasn’t using her for another reason. For money or something else, because it was hard for her to believe a man as attractive as him would be with her for pure attraction and chemistry. 
“I actually own the bakery across the street.” He said easily. “Thank you for the compliment. She’s an incredible woman, so welcoming and kind. Beautiful to boot.” He meant every word, tapping the tip of her nose. “I don’t want to interrupt, though… I brought the girls lunch.” 
“Oh, it’s not trouble. I was coming because my daughter forgets she has a phone.” She shot her a look. “Why don’t you come to dinner next week with her? You’re more than welcome. Her father would be more than happy to meet you.” 
“If it’s alright with Y/N, I will.” He nodded, showing his loyalty immediately. Harry wouldn’t do anything that made his girl uncomfortable and he was dedicated to the cause. He was already unsure about the woman, but the next words solidified it for him. 
“Alright, whatever you decide. Just make sure she doesn’t have too many sweets from your bakery, hm? It’s starting to show again.” She was joking as if it was funny, patting her daughter’s hand before stepping back. “I hope to see you next week, Harry. Call me, Y/N, we have much to discuss.” 
Her mother was swift, walking out the door as quickly as she had come in. As soon as she was gone, the energy calmed and her shoulders fell, groaning low in her throat as she moved to hide her face in Harry’s chest again. He knew better than to talk, instead stroking over her hair as he let her recover from that interaction. 
Internally though, his view on her mother was soured. How dare she make a comment to not only her daughter about that, but to him? A man she was dating and obviously really liked her? Did she not realize how awful it was to comment on something like that? Y/N had told him that her relationship with her mother had been a weird one but he hadn’t expected her to say something cruel like that. It didn’t even seem to register that she was being mean, she genuinely seemed to think it was funny. 
“I’m sorry about that.” She sighed, pulling back from his chest. “She’s… she’s a lot. I promise she isn’t all bad, but she’s got quirks.” Her face pulled in a slight grimace, making him smile sadly at her as he caressed her warm cheek. 
“That wasn’t nice to say, but I have a feeling it isn’t something you want t’unpack in the middle of a work day.” It wasn’t something he felt could be properly discussed out here anyways. “We can talk about it tomorrow, if you want…but I just have to say this one thing.” His head dipped to get closer to hers. “I don’t mind if you gain or lose weight. I don’t care about that at all so long as you’re healthy and comfortable. I’ll never restrict you from eating, never make you feel as though you’re too much. I know you struggle with it, but I’m never going to contribute to that. I’m here to support you.” 
His words were genuine, eyes shining as he told her his truth. She could feel it radiating off of him and it made her want to tear up, but he didn’t give her a chance to reply to that before he smacked a kiss to her nose and pulled back to open the paper bag that had been stapled shut. “But now I want you to tell me if I did a good job choosing your meal, please. I did the caramel coffee with oat milk, iced. I remembered that bit.” 
Y/N wasn’t sure where the hell Harry had come from, but she was thankful for whoever had sent him. It seemed like she needed him now more than ever.
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gunilslaugh · 10 months
Under The Mistletoe
All members / º ~ º /
Summary: When Xdinary Heroes get caught under the mistletoe with their crush.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Gunil and you were talking casually. He invited you over to his home to watch movies togethers. The movie you were watching is currently paused while the two of you make your way to his kitchen to make yourselves some hot chocolate. Just as you both were walking through the doorway to the kitchen you both heard. 
“Freeze you two.” Gunil’s mother ordered. Gunil and you looked at each other confused and a little scared. Gunil’s mother chuckles. “Look up,” she points, wearing a smile. The pair of you look up to find a mistletoe hanging right over the both. Gunil feels a blush creep up his neck.
“Mom that wasn’t there this morning,” Gunil he partially whined. She only shrugged before walking away. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why she’s playing like this. We can just go make our hot chocolates now,” Gunil was about to usher his way into the kitchen when your words stopped him. 
“Didn’t know you were a rule breaker,” you said playfully. 
“What?” His neck feels like it’s burning. 
“It’s the rule right? To kiss under the mistletoe,” you said. Suddenly Gunil turns to you with some newfound confidence. He grabs you by your arms and pulls you the one step you both needed to enter the kitchen, then he kisses you briefly. 
“Yes, I’m a rule breaker,” he says before going off to grab two mugs for your hot chocolates, leaving you with burning cheeks.
The annual office Christmas party that Jungsu didn’t want to go to. Only going because he knew you would be there, his coworker crush. He’s stuck in some small talk with some of the other office employees when you arrive. When he finally escapes the small talk he makes his way over to the snack table. In hopes of not being dragged into anymore conversations.
“Hey Jungsu,” you greeted him. At the sound of his name Jungsu initially tenses, but once he sees that it’s you he’s filled with glee. 
“Hey y/n,” he greeted you back. 
“I’m kinda shocked to see you here. You said you don’t like these types of things. Did our boss pay you?” you joked. Jungsu laughs. He can’t tell you that he came to see you, well he could if he wasn’t such a coward. 
“That’s top secret information,” he joked back. The two of yours’ conversation is then interrupted.
“Looks like we have our first mistletoe couple,” one of your colleagues announced. Jungsu and you looked up to find that you are both standing under the mistletoe. All of your colleagues staring at you two makes Jungsu feel uncomfortable, but he’s more worried about you being uncomfortable. However it doesn’t appear that you are since you leaned up to press a sweet kiss onto his cheek with ease. Jungsu looks at you surprised and you carry on your conversation with him.
You were over at your best friend's house helping them decorate for Christmas. Currently you are standing on a ladder, stringing up some lights around the walls of your friend's room. 
“Here y/n hang this too while you’re up there,” Jiseok, your friend's brother, says while handing you something.
“Sure,” you grab the object, stopping with your arm raised halfway when you realize what the object is. “Nice try Jiseok,” you throw the piece of mistletoe back down at him. Much to Jiseok’s dismay.
“I’m gonna get us both under the mistletoe one day. I was so close just now. I’m almost there,” Jiseok declared. Jiseok would always attempt to get you and him under the mistletoe together. In the past it was just a way to tease you, but ever since he realized that his feelings for you went beyond teasing he has been trying harder than ever to steal a kiss from you under the poisonous plant. This was the closest Jiseok has ever gotten. Your cheeks flushed, to think that if you had just raised your arm a few more inches, you would’ve been under the mistletoe with Jiseok. 
Getting back from Christmas shopping meant that you now have to unload the gift-filled trunk.
“Gottcha!” Jiseok snuck up behind you, making you jump. He cheekily pointed to the mistletoe he attached to the lifted trunk while you were grabbing the gifts. You started at the plant for a moment.
“Fine, you got me,” you admit defeat. Jiseok wastes no time in cupping your cheek and pressing his lips to yours.
Seungmin had his eyes glued to you all evening. Your family was throwing a Christamas party and your brother, Seungmin’s best friend, made Seungmin come so that he wouldn’t be bored all night. Although Seungmin wasn’t providing much entertainment with how his only focus was you. More specifically paying attention to how you and some dude were talking and standing a little too close to a certain little green plant. Not being able to just stand and watch you slowly creep closer to the above hanging plant, Seungmin very quickly makes his way over to you.  Maybe he was walking a little too quickly cause next thing he knows you're crashing into his chest.
“I’m sorry, are you ok?” he checked, holding onto your shoulders. 
“Yeah I’m ok, but we’re um..” you glanced upward. “Under the mistletoe,” you finished. Seungmin looked up to see the mistletoe that had been tormenting him the entire night. He was now standing under it with you. 
“Yeah we are,” he said. His hands are yet to leave your shoulders. 
“So?” you question awkwardly. 
“Should I kiss you?” Seungmin suggested in a playful manner. 
“That’s how the tradition goes,” you nodded slightly, a small laugh leaving your lips. Seungmin brushes the stray strands of your hair away from your face, hands sliding down to cradle your neck. He leans in, pressing his lips to your forehead in a tender kiss.
Hyeongjun and you were baking gingerbread cookies together. You had just finished up making the dough. Hyeongjun was getting to work on rolling out the dough, so that you could cut out little gingerbread men. While he was distracted you found that this was the perfect time to initiate your plan. You stepped over to the oven and tied a little mistletoe onto the handle. You stared at it excitedly then made your way back beside Hyeongjun. Each of you rotated turns in cutting out a gingerbread man and placing them onto the baking tray. After the trays were full of cookies, you opened the oven door for Hyeongjun to place them inside the oven. He always insisted on being the one to place things in the oven, because he worried about you burning yourself. After they were placed in the oven and you closed the door the pair of you bent down to watch your cookies bake. That’s when Hyeongjun took note of the mistletoe hanging from the oven door. 
“When did?” he turned to you confused. 
“I may or may not have put it there,” you say, causing Hyeongjun to blush. He looks at the baking gingerbread inside of the oven. “We don’t have to if-” your words are cut off by the feeling of Hyeonjun’s lips on your cheek. Your lips curl upward into a smile before leaning over to peck Hyeongjun’s cheek in return.
It was confirmed you had the absolute worst luck ever. You currently stood stuck under the mistletoe with your enemy, Lee Jooyeon. Jooyeon is your noisy next door neighbor. The sound of his guitar fills not only his apartment but yours too and no matter how many times you ask him to keep it down you always hear the resonating sound of his guitar the next day. His excuse is that he needs practice, but you know what? You need sleep and that’s hard to do with his constant strumming. 
This morning you both entered the small elevator, it could only hold five people max. You were doing your best to ignore his presence, but you couldn’t ignore the feeling of his eyes boring into you.
“What?” You finally asked, not being able to handle his staring. 
“There’s a mistletoe.” He pointed to the hanging mistletoe above the two of you. You glared at the plant and whoever stuck it there. 
“So?” You tried to dismiss it. 
“People who stand under the mistletoe together have to kiss. So give me a kiss,” he said. 
“Not happening,” you stated. 
“Oh come one. It’s just some holiday fun,” Jooyeon egged you.
“I’m not kissing you Jooyeon. Definitely not because of a stupid plant,” you insisted.
“Fine,” Jooyeon spoke. The elevator door dings, Jooyeon quickly grabs your wrist before you could leave and spun you into him, lips landing right on yours. Then he runs out of the elevator leaving you with stinging lips.
AN: I wanted to do a fun little thing with tropes here. Incase you couldn't tell.
Gunil and Hyeongjun- friends to lovers
Jungsu- coworkers to lovers
Jiseok- best friend's brother
Seungmin- brother's best friend
Jooyeon- enemies to lovers
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snowstained · 1 year
pervy best friend itto mngnnfnrnrnedhsh (i’m insane) (slightly yandere ???)
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itto x afab! reader
desc: modern au, VERY NSFW!!! kinda dubcon? itto being veryveryvery pervy n dirty n stupid, he’s just a big dummy who needs smth to fuck!!! not proof read i’m lazy oops
kinks included: blood, biting, bruising, choking, breeding, pet names, thigh riding, pain, scratching, hair pulling
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itto can’t help it when you wear short bottoms, his gaze always trails to your perfect thighs. when you bend over he can’t help the boner he gets seeing your ass, especially when you’re wearing tight bottoms and he can see the outline of your pussy. he’s just so enamored and infatuated.
today you and itto were going out shopping. it was more or less you try a million things on and he drools over you for a few hours. at one of the stores you found an adorable mini pleated skirt that went perfectly with the top you were wearing. “itto, doesn’t this look perfect? it’s so cute with this outfit…” you took a peak at the price tag and gasped, “oh nooo! i’m not gonna be able to get it, this is way too expensive!”
itto immediately perked up at thought of treating you to something so cute. surely he’d get you to pay him back in… other ways. there was a sound of something dropping on the floor, your hair clip, oh no! itto watched as you bent down to grab it and went red when he saw your panties that didn’t fully cover your pussy. yeah, he needed you to get this skirt. “don’t sweat it, itto’s got’cha!”
“are you sure? this is 5,000 mora… that’s really expensive for just a skirt…” you asked him hesitantly.
“yeah, yeah, it’s no problem. you can always pay me back later, it looks great on you anyway!” he said with a little too much excitement. next thing you know he’s buying it for you and you’re walking out with a brand new skirt that’s gonna get you into trouble later.
on the drive back to itto’s he felt himself struggling. his jeans felt painful and he had a vice like grip on the steering wheel. it was hard for him to pay attention to the road when your thighs looked so tempting, he wanted to die between them. his hand was softly placed on your thigh and without a warning he squeezed tight. you didn’t know what to do, all you did was look at him with big eyes in confusion.
“uhm… itto? everything okay?” you asked, worry lacing your words.
“mhm, mhm, all good. don’t worry your pretty little head” he was fighting the urge to pull over and just fuck you then and there. he looked to your chest and gripped tighter, good god your boobs were perfect.
your breath hitched, he was being weird again! dammit itto! you couldn’t lie, it kinda turned you on, feeling like a lamb next to a wolf. you squished your thighs together, feeling some sort of heat grow between your legs.
itto could smell that he was turning you on, being an oni had its perks. his hand trailed further up your thigh until it was a mere inch away from your pussy. the heat coming from between your thighs was making his brain go numb. he pulled into the parking lot of his apartment and you both took an awkward ride up the elevator. you felt oh so small, and he felt hungry.
once into his apartment, he just stood and stared at you for a moment. you were used to it, sometimes you did things to turn him on on purpose because it felt nice to have someone look your way. but right now it felt different. you were helpless and at his disposal, alone in his apartment.
suddenly, he marched up to you and grabbed your hand. you let out a squeak of surprise and stumbled behind him. once in his room, he slammed the door shut and shoved your body onto his bed. you were a bit scared now, you didn’t know what was to happen. he took a step toward you and lifted your chin, making you look into his eyes, “i can’t hold back anymore, ‘m sorry angel face.”
your heartbeat increased and within seconds his bottoms were down below his hips and you were pinned. you felt something hard and hot against your thigh. when you felt the wet tip you knew it had to be his cock rubbing against you. he let out needy moans and whines, just begging to be inside of you.
“let me fuck you, pretty please? you’ve been tempting me for so, so long. i bought you that skirt, you owe me” he said with a husky voice.
you looked up at him, eyes a bit teary. “i- uhm…” you stuttered out. you didn’t know what to do. you were confused and kinda scared and really horny now. “…yes” you gave him the go ahead and he was so so happy.
he kissed you hard, fangs catching on your lips. it was sloppy and wet in the hottest way. his fingers trailed to your pussy and slipped right in. it hurt because of his nails, but he needed to prep you a little bit first. he kept rutting against your thigh as he fingered you, moaning into your mouth. he pulled away from the kiss, drool and blood lacing his lips. you licked your own, they hurt and you could feel spots where he tore skin. seeing your bloody and bruised lips only turned him on more.
he took his fingers out of you, there was a bit of blood due to his finger scratching your insides, but he didn’t really care anymore. it was more of a turn on anyway. “lemme cum inside of you, wanna fill you up ‘n breed you, doll” he whispered into your ear. you did nothing but nod in agreement.
he tried to enter you slowly, but god you were so tight. he slammed in, his dick stretching out your poor pussy. you let out a cry as he did, “itto! slow down, hurts!”
he breathed heavily, something primal was taking over. as much as he didn’t wanna hurt you, he needed to cum inside you. your cries of pleasure and pain only edged him on, he needed this. “i’m sorry, can’t stop.”
he pulled out, hooking your legs over his shoulders and slamming back in. he went hard and fast as he watched your tits bounce with every thrust. your eyes rolled back, you were getting so so close to cumming.
“itto! fuck! more more please more ‘m gonna-“ you were cut off by your own scream as you came all over him. itto let out a gutteral moan watching your face contort in pure bliss.
all that came out of him was animalistic grunts and groans until he finally came inside of you. he wasn’t done with you yet though. he flipped you over, ass in the air and face in a pillow. he mounted you, fucking you even harder and digging his nails into the fat of your ass and thighs. you felt blood trailing down, but you didn’t even care anymore. all you could focus on was how good you felt.
he grabbed you by the throat, pulling you up against his body as he fucked you. “‘m gonna claim you baby, you’re mine. mine as long as you live. i’m gonna make you mine forever” he said, biting down hard in the area between your neck and shoulder. you screamed in pain, cumming as he bit down. your hands went behind itto’s head and you pulled at his hair. he kept his fangs locked in place. one hand stayed on your throat and the other trailed down to your lower abdomen. he pressed hard, feeling his cock bulge from your tummy. he came inside you again.
you both stayed in the same position, his fangs unlatching. “mine mine mine, mine forever, got it? ahh, fuck! fuck, ‘m gonna breed you full. want you dripping with my cum, got it?” he asked you.
you nodded your pretty little head. that’s all you could do. you were so brain dead by now. his hand travelled lower, going from your stomach to your clit. he rubbed it in circles, only increasing your pleasure. he bit all over your neck, leaving little marks to let people know who you belonged to. “ah, itto! ‘m gonna cum again! lemme, please please please!” you begged him.
“go ahead baby, do it for me” he said before biting down again. you came together, finally satisfying itto. he held you up for a moment, then you both fell down onto the bed. itto took your sweaty clothes off of you before removing his own.
you felt hot and sticky and in pain. you just laid there, questioning what the fuck just happened. it didn’t feel real, but the bruises and blood were proof enough, let alone the cum dripping from you. itto laid down next to you, rubbing circles on your tummy. he pulled you close and buried his face into the crook of your neck where he claimed you as his. “‘m gonna love you forever, doll. you’re stuck with me now. if i didn’t give ‘ya any babies this time we’ll keep tryin’, okay?” he said sweetly.
what the fuck did you get yourself into?
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crispysoupwonderland · 7 months
~It Will All Be Ok~
William Afton/Dave Miller x Nb/AFAB reader
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Notes: kinda proofread, smut coming soon ;), stupid idk I don't really know what I'm doing (art by me ^w^ I used a base too but whateva)
Tw: none (for this chapter)
Check us out on AO3
or part 2
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Summer was finally here, you took a sigh of relief as you stepped off your train. You’re finally home. College was nice, you made a lot of friends and you loved what you were studying but you missed home. As you open your door, your mom greets you with a big open and warm hug.
“I missed you soooo much!” 
After smothering you, your mom helps you carry your bags into your bedroom. You stand there for a while taking it all in, you really did miss your room. You flop onto your bed and sniff in the scent of your sheets. A smile comes to your face. Your bedroom was in the front of the house, you got the view of all your neighbors and the street, the sun always shining in on it so you rarely closed your blinds. It wasn’t that much bigger than your dorm, your house had always been on the smaller side, but you didn’t care, it was home.
You hear some ruffling around in the hallway and your dog, Kally, comes to greet you.
“ Hi my good boy!” you give him a nice pat behind the ears, he looks up at you, tongue loped over to one side, panting, tail wagging.
“He missed you a lot too,” your mom says taking the last of your things into your room. 
“Well honey, you just get settled in now and I will call you down when I’m finished with dinner” Your mom gives you a warm smile and kiss on the head and gently closes to door behind her, Kally following after her. 
It doesn’t take long for you to finish unpacking your bags. You decide that you’ll help Mom with dinner so you head toward the kitchen. As you walk around your house you notice things missing. There is less decore, it seems more bare and dirty looking. Your mom’s favorite painting was missing.
“Mom, what happened to your painting? You loved that thing I thought it was your favorite?” 
“Oh ya, I’m surprised you even noticed honey,” she looks a little sad and keeps her gaze on the boiling pot of water “I’ve been a little short on money lately, I just wanted to make sure that you were supported with college.” 
  Your eyes widen you know that your family had never been rich, it was just you and your mom after all, but you never thought that your mom would be this tight on money. 
“Mom I’m so sorry I had no idea, I’ll get a job right away I can’t have you do this for me, I-I I'm so so so sorry, “ tears form in the corners of your eyes, your face starts to burn a bit. 
“No honey it's ok,” she delicately wipes away the tears from your eyes and smiles at you “I wanted you to focus on your studies, you’ve been doing so well kiddo.” 
You hug her and begin to chop some vegetables for dinner. You had no idea that your mom had been struggling this much. You were lost in thought as the knife slid across your finger, and beads of blood started to form. You wince a bit and quickly run in under the sink and quickly wrap a band-aid around it hoping not to alert or worry your mother. She is preoccupied with her task. 
You place a fork and knife on top of paper napkins at the table making it look semi-neat and somewhat presentable. Your mother plates your food and you bring it to the table and wait for her to sit down for you to start eating.
“So have you met anyone yet sweetie..” I’m your mom asks you with a smug smirk on her face.
Your face is flushed pink “M-mom! Don’t ask embarrassing questions like that..” you head you gaze down at the food on your fork making sure not to make any eye contact with her. 
“ Oh come on, you're not a child anymore, you can tell me these things without having to be embarrassed.”
“N-no Mom I don’t have a partner yet, no one has felt right to me yet…” you say trying to hide the disappointment in your tone.  
“That ok sweetie I didn’t mean to make you upset, I’m sure you’ll find your perfect someone soon enough, there are plenty of different kinds of people in college.”
You finish your dinner, scrub the leftovers off the dishes, and head up to your room. You finally can take off your binder, it had been killing your bag all day and you were excited to be free. You could have sworn you saw a flash coming from outside your window. You quickly throw on your baggy pajama shirt and look outside your window. I must have just imagined it. You close your blinds. 
You head into the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. Your hair had gotten frizzy and dry from the Utha sun. The summers had always been too hot here.  You walk into the hallway and say goodnight to your mom and pat your bed telling Kally that it was time to go to sleep. 
You get nuzzled in your bed, your mom had put light blankets and sheets on it to not overheat you. Just as you are about to finally drift off to sleep you shoot up out of bed. You needed to look for a summer job. You can’t keep letting your mom suffer for your sake. You take your laptop from your school bag and begin to search for any place that is hiring. After scrolling for a while you find a Restaurant called Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. The pay wasn’t the best, minimum wage and you would be working in a customer service position but it was better than nothing. You log your information into the system and schedule a consultation and interview for the nearest date, tomorrow. 
You wake to your dog barking, the sun has created a pink and blue ombre in the sky. It was too early but you had to get up, today was your interview. You sleepily get out of bed, throw up your arms into a big stretch, and yawn. You rub your eyes as you let your dog outside, stumbling over to your pajama pants. You let Kally back inside and fed him his kibble. 
You head into your closet and pick out something business casual.  A button-down and some jeans. Probably too hot for them but you didn't really like wearing shorts and you wouldn’t be caught dead in a skirt. You try to be as quiet as you can to not wake up your mom. You scarf down some cereal and begin walking to Freddy’s, it should only be about a 15-minute walk. 
You looked around the empty space, the only thing illuminating the room was the arcade lights. It was cold inside, the AC blasting. You stepped in further. You look up and find an OFFICE sign and follow it deeper into the building. The door is slightly opened yet you think it polite to knock. You get to the door and knock, but there was no response. You knock again. 
“Hello there,”  you hear from behind and you whip around to see a tall shadowy figure looming over you. The figure cracks a grin at the sight of your shock. “Are you y/n, the new applicant?” he asks. 
“Ah sorry you scared me, yes I'm y/n” you reply in a nervous voice. He moves closer, your back touches the door behind you. He keeps moving closer and the door gives way, you stumble back into the office. He fluidly moves into the office and steps around you. He walks over to a large wooden desk, there are blueprints and schematics for animatronics all over the table. 
Your heart is racing, what’s this guy’s deal? He overall had a weird vibe that made the little hairs on the back of your neck stand up. 
“Um... I was looking to work here, for the summer,” you stuttered and tried to hide your nervousness, “I really need the money right now, I can pretty much work any shift or position.” 
“That’s perfect sweetie, I’m glad you're so, eager, to work here,” his eyes narrow and he smirks. 
You were put off by his usage of pet names, sweetie, really? You shook it off. Mom needs you. You can’t keep relying on her, you’re not a child anymore. 
“I just need you to fill out these forms and you can start working here, let me get you set up in our system.” 
“ Oh, that was easy, um, thank you,” you give him a soft smile and glance at the nameplate sitting on his desk “, I look forward to working here, Mr. Afton.” 
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ridiasfangirlings · 20 days
What if the boys were able to realize their feelings and confess before joining HOMRA? So when they do join, they are already in an established relationship? How would that affect things down the line?
The messy break up would be even more of a literal messy break up :D Imagine Fushimi and Yata start dating in middle school, like maybe when they move out Yata straight-up confesses his love, awkwardly admitting that he thinks Fushimi is really cool and handsome and he just wants to stay with Fushimi forever. Fushimi obviously has never done this whole relationship thing before and isn’t sure how to handle it, but he just lets Yata’s words sink in with a nod and they move in together. Fushimi maybe even manages to give Yata something of a reply, the words ‘I love you’ aren’t exactly in his vocabulary (especially at this point) but he gives this little ‘me too…about Misaki’ and Yata’s eyes shine because he realizes this is as close as Fushimi gets to an actual confession. Things are great for about two weeks or so until the jungle surprise party happens and everything goes sideways, imagine afterward the two of them cuddling in Yata’s bunk because they’re both so shaken by the experience and Yata was so scared that Fushimi was going to die, and meanwhile all Fushimi can think is will Misaki still love him now that he’s failed.
So then when they join Homra imagine maybe Yata’s even initially a little hesitant to admit their relationship due to the whole masculinity thing, worried that people in Homra won’t like that he and Fushimi are a couple. Totsuka notices right away though and happily asks Yata if he and Saru-kun are dating, Yata goes bright red and is like ah um well that’s while Fushimi just clicks his tongue and mutters yes. Totsuka thinks that’s nice and Yata relaxes, happy that their relationship is accepted, and meanwhile all Fushimi can think is that Yata must have been embarrassed by the whole thing, that Yata didn’t want his hero Mikoto thinking that he was dating someone as useless as Fushimi. I imagine things being a bit strained between them but Yata doesn’t entirely notice, like I think Yata would be trying maybe a little more to make time for Fushimi here (they go on dates, they kiss and cuddle and Yata’s still being all openly affectionate) but Fushimi is still silently pulling away because he probably feels it even more keenly here, the way Yata looks at Mikoto and talks about Homra. I imagine Fushimi convincing himself that Yata doesn’t even want to date him anymore, that Yata just doesn’t want to make things awkward since they’re still living together and in his head the two of them are probably not even actually dating now, all while Yata thinks things are fine and they’re both still in love and Fushimi’s just getting used to things in Homra.
When the betrayal happens I imagine it gets framed by Fushimi as both a breakup and a betrayal, like just imagine Fushimi laughing and claiming that he never loved Yata anyway and how stupid Yata was for believing it. Poor Yata is now heartbroken in more ways than just losing a friendship, not understanding how things went so wrong when he thought they were fine and in love (so basically the literal version of what Gora said once in an interview about Yata and Fushimi being a married couple where the wife asks for a divorce and the husband thinks ‘but we were doing well weren’t we’). I imagine in this AU that post-betrayal Fushimi is sure to use their former relationship as a cudgel against Yata whenever he gets the chance, like the ‘virgin’ jokes are probably more frequent even if he possibly knows in this AU that Yata is not, in fact, a virgin. Yata is even more torn here too because he wants to hate Fushimi for breaking his heart but he’s also kinda aware that he’s never stopped being in love with Fushimi and no matter what he tries to do he can’t make himself hate Fushimi entirely. Fushimi meanwhile is still in love with Yata too but he probably isn’t even aware of it, like he doesn’t have enough emotional maturity to recognize this as love but he knows that his heart beats fast every time he sees Yata’s face and that just makes him even more determined to make Yata hate him, so that he can make this feeling stop already. 
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allmoshnobrain · 4 months
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𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
part 02 of ? | masterpost
word count: 3.3k
You didn’t want to dwell on it, on how your life was like a museum of places your family had been but weren’t anymore. Even something as simple as a spot you used to frequent as a kid was now just a distant memory. When your gaze met his, you found nothing but understanding there.
✦ warnings and tags: jason newsted x reader, age gap (23/38), no use of y/n, slow burn, grumpy/sunshine dynamics maybe?, reader has a backstory and it's kinda tragic, a bit of angst, eventual smut in future parts
✦ a/n: part 2 is finally here! i hope my portrayal of a small town is at least a bit accurate lol i know nothing about American towns, so I based it around what I usually see in fiction and also my personal life living in a small town growing up. also, jason and reader are still getting to know each other, but you can expect things to heat up a bit soon 🖤 hope you guys enjoy the read!
Jason never thought waking up in a quiet place would feel so weird. 
Maybe it was to be expected. After living in LA for so long, he'd gotten used to the constant noise — cars, loud neighbors, all that chaos that comes with city life. When he opened his eyes that Sunday morning, he spent a few minutes trying to figure out what was off. Then it hit him: it was the silence.
Jason was never one to laze around in bed after waking up, so after giving himself five more minutes under the covers, he got up to brush his teeth and stretch a bit. The house was still quite a mess, with cardboard boxes all over the place, and he grunted softly, thinking about the unpacking day that awaited him. 
At least he didn’t have anything else to worry about for the next few days, or weeks, or months. No dealing with packed schedules and tours, no getting his ideas shot down at the studio, no interviews, photoshoots, or autograph sessions. 
Just him, his new house, and his music.
After heading downstairs and pouring himself the last bit of yesterday's coffee, Jason’s mind couldn't help but drift back to you. He wondered if you’d have followed his advice, and if you’d be hungover right now. You’d been so kind to him the day before, and he thought maybe it’d be nice to return the favor and check up on you. Plus, he needed to return your baking tray and coffee pot anyway. Which reminded him — he still had a few pieces of your brownie left.
He opened the fridge and grabbed the tray, munching on one of the brownies while he rummaged through a cardboard box for some kitchen utensils. Your brownie was soft but dense, with a strong chocolate taste and a crisp shell that was just amazing. She must be really good at cooking, he thought, a bit impressed. Even though Jason could take care of himself, cooking definitely wasn’t one of his talents.
He finally found a plate and put the remaining brownies on it before washing your stuff. Once everything was nice and clean, he quickly went back upstairs to change his clothes, then headed over to your house and rang the doorbell.
It didn’t take you long to answer. Your eyes lit up with excited surprise when you saw him, and a smile spread across your lips. You were wearing a pretty little dress, your cheeks slightly flushed and breathing a bit fast, making him wonder if you had rushed downstairs to answer the door.
“Good morning,” you smiled, and he cleared his throat, suddenly aware he’d been staring at you a bit too long.
“Hey,” he said, his voice still a bit rough from yesterday’s tiredness. “Uh... I brought back your stuff.”
“Oh, thanks,” you said, quickly taking the baking tray and coffee pot from his hands.
“So, you’re feeling okay? No hangovers?” he asked with a soft smile. You blushed a bit, probably still embarrassed about last night, but shook your head with a small smile.
“No hangovers. Took a long, warm bath and drank a lot of water, just like you said,” you giggled, and he chuckled. “Sorry about last night, by the way.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he said, then hesitated. He knew he should get back to unpacking, but he couldn’t help but think he should return your kindness from the day before somehow. If Jason was any good at cooking, he might have invited you over for lunch, but he knew he couldn’t cook anything that wasn’t too plain for a guest. “So, do you know of any cool restaurants around? I’d like to treat you to a meal, you know, as thanks for the brownies and the coffee. They really saved my day.”
“Did you like it?” you asked, excitement shining in your eyes as you smiled. Jason nodded, a small smile on his lips. “Oh, I’m so happy! I don’t know if there are any restaurants open today, though. Everybody’s at church or at home, but Joe’s Diner might be open if we’re lucky.”
“Well, I don’t know much about the town yet, but we can head over there for lunch if you’d like.”
“Oh, anything beats staying home all day,” you joked, and he wondered how many Sundays you'd spent alone since losing your parents. A knot twisted uncomfortably in his stomach, but he pushed it aside. He didn’t want to pity you, but he couldn’t help feeling a need to protect you, to shield you from a grief you shouldn’t be facing at such a young age.
If taking you out to lunch could help, then he was glad he'd invited you.
“Okay, then,” he said. “I’ll get back to unpacking my stuff, but we could grab my car later and head to the diner. Pick you up at one?”
“One? You sure eat late,” you frowned, and he chuckled.
“How about half past noon?”
“That’s better,” you smiled.
“Alright. See you in a bit,” he replied, a smile spreading across his face to match your excited one.
Jason showed up right on time at your door, wearing jeans and a black t-shirt, his short brown hair neatly combed. You had swapped your dress for jeans too, pairing them with a cute black tank top.
"Hey, we’re matching," you said when you saw him. He blinked, looking a bit confused before noticing you were both wearing pretty much the same thing.
"We really are. Want me to change or something?" he asked, a soft smile matching the warmth of his blue eyes. 
“No way. You look good,” you replied, making him chuckle softly. 
"Well, you look awesome too. Let's go, then, I'm starving," he said as he walked to his car, a big, black pickup truck. You raised your eyebrows, curious; the truck was brand new and clearly expensive, totally different from the battered old pickups you usually saw around town. Money clearly wasn't as tight for Jason as it was for you, which only made you more intrigued about him.
You walked over to his car and hopped into the passenger seat, feeling a bit hesitant. Being in a car still felt weird after the accident that took your parents' lives, but you didn't want to turn down Jason's kindness. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart and dry mouth.
"You alright?" Jason asked, his blue eyes studying your face with a curious look. You nodded, forcing a smile to hide your discomfort.
"Just hungry."
The ride to Joe’s Diner was calm and nice. You showed Jason the way to Main Street and then to the diner, pointing out all the shops and spots you thought he might like. Jason was easy to talk to; he seemed genuinely interested in what you were showing him and in getting to know Oak Ridge better, which made you happier than you expected. You usually warmed up to people quickly, and his calm, laid-back nature was a pleasant surprise, a nice balance to your eagerness to help and please.
"There it is," you said as you both pulled up to Joe’s Diner and Jason looked for a place to park. The place was a small, old building with red brick walls. A neon sign displayed the name of the diner, but the lights were off since it was still daytime. A small "open" sign hung from the glass door, and you sighed with relief. Joe didn’t always open up on Sundays; Oak Ridge was a quiet place, even quieter on weekends, but as your stomach rumbled softly, you were just glad it was open. "It’s not much, but I swear the food is awesome."
"I can’t wait to try it," Jason smiled, and you giggled softly before hopping out of the car.
The first thing that hit you when you opened the diner’s door was the mouthwatering smell of fresh-brewed coffee and sizzling bacon. You stepped onto the black-and-white checkered floor, smiling softly as an AC/DC song played on the old jukebox by the window. The place was empty, except for Maggie, Joe’s wife, behind the counter in her pale blue dress and white apron. She smiled when she saw you, her eyes flickering with curiosity when she noticed your company. Her graying hair shone like silver in the warm sunlight streaming through the windows.
“Go grab a table; I’m just gonna say hi to Maggie,” you told Jason, and he nodded, picking a spot to sit. You sauntered over to the counter, a warm smile spreading across your face. “Hey, Maggie. Where’s Joe?”
“Oh, hello, dear. Joe’s in the kitchen,” she said, smiling as she grabbed a mug and poured you some coffee. You wrapped your hands around the mug, savoring the warmth. “Who’s that handsome stranger over there? Family?”
“Oh, that’s Mr. Newsted. He bought the house right next to mine — the one that used to be Mr. Parson’s,” you explained. “I’m just showing him around town.”
“You’re such a good girl,” she said warmly, glancing over your shoulder at Jason before leaning in and whispering, “If he does anything weird, you tell me or Mrs. Fischer, alright?”
“Thanks, Maggie, but he seems nice,” you chuckled.
“I know he does, but you’re a young girl living all by yourself… We look out for each other around here, so if you need anything, just let me know,” she said.
"Well, I think I'm gonna need a cup of your wonderful coffee for Mr. Newsted over there," you grinned. "And you know I'm gonna want that delicious meatloaf with fries on the side again, right?"
"Sure thing, honey. Just go sit down with your friend, and I'll bring it over in a jiffy. Oh, and..." Maggie hesitated, and you raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "I know you might not want to hear this, but... Ethan's been asking around about you. Said he wants to see you if you ever showed up. I'm sorry, babe. I know you don't want to hear about him, but I figured you should know," she finished, apologetically.
"It's alright, Maggie. Thanks for letting me know. But I'm not... I really don't want to see him right now," you said, trying to muster a smile despite the annoyance creeping into your mood at Maggie's words — not at her, but at Ethan, your ex-boyfriend. You were getting tired of his persistent attempts to contact you, even though you'd made it clear you were done with him. "Sorry he bothered you with this."
"Oh, honey, it's not your fault. He really messed things up with you," Maggie replied as she refilled your mug with fresh coffee and poured another cup for Jason. "Don't stress about it, alright? Just enjoy your lunch. I'm sure things will work out."
You gave Maggie a soft smile, taking both coffee mugs and making your way to the table Jason had picked out. It was right by the window, sunlight streaming in through the red curtains and casting gentle patterns on the wooden tabletop.
"Hey. Brought coffee," you grinned, sliding into the seat opposite Jason, who was deep in concentration studying the menu. He looked up, returning your smile and reaching for the coffee mug.
"Thanks, dear," he said appreciatively, and you felt a slight blush creep onto your cheeks at the casual way he used the nickname. He offered you the menu. "You wanna pick?"
"Oh, I already know what I'm getting. How about you?" you asked.
"I think I'm gonna go for the cheeseburger with fries on the side," he replied, taking a slow sip of his coffee. "And how about dessert later? I noticed they've got apple pie. We could split a slice."
"Sounds good," you smiled.
Before long, Maggie swung by your table to take your orders. You properly introduced her to Jason, and as they chatted, it became clear that being a people person was definitely part of his personality. While Maggie seemed a bit wary at first — typical Oak Ridge resident behavior around newcomers — soon enough, she was chatting and laughing with Jason as if they were old pals.
"So," you began as we waited for your lunch to arrive, "what are your plans for the week? You gonna hunt for a job or anything?"
"Oh, no, thank God," Jason smiled, shaking his head softly, and you giggled. "I'm just gonna start composing some new music, I reckon. Wanna give solo work a shot this time."
"This time?" you asked, intrigued. "You mentioned you were in a band, right? What was that like?"
"Messy," he replied, with a slight frown. You blinked, trying to decipher the expression on his face. He looked troubled, but you knew it wasn't directed at you, which made you wonder what could have driven him to leave his old band. "That's why I needed to be somewhere quieter, I suppose."
"Was it really that rough?" you asked in a hushed tone. He met your gaze, taking in your concerned expression and offering you a reassuring smile.
"It wasn't all bad. For one, it lined my pockets enough to do whatever I pleased after I left," he chuckled. "But... We had our share of issues. Eventually, it all became too much, so I had to step back."
"Oh, I'm sorry," you whispered, and he chuckled with a smile.
"Don't sweat it. I'm happier now that I'm out of that mess. Plus, I got to meet the coolest neighbor ever," he joked, and you laughed softly. "I just... I wanna start fresh, you know? Glad I could give myself the chance."
Your conversation was briefly interrupted as Maggie brought your food — cheeseburger and fries for Jason and your beloved meatloaf with some Coke for drinks. You chatted quietly as you dug into our meal, saving room for Maggie's apple pie, which you devoured soon after. Jason insisted on paying for the whole meal, and after a bit of back-and-forth and him reminding you it was his idea to treat you in the first place, you agreed.
As you headed back to his car, an idea popped into your head — there was somewhere you hadn’t shown Jason yet.
“Hey, can we take a little detour before heading home?” you asked as you settled back in the passenger seat. “There’s somewhere I want to show you.”
“Sure, let’s go,” Jason replied, and you smiled. You were starting to like how easygoing and open to your suggestions he was.
As you drove through Main Street, you pointed to a small street right next to the police station.
“Take this street over here,” you said, and Jason turned the car wheels. The few commercial buildings quickly gave way to houses, and then, as always happens if you follow a path in Oak Ridge long enough, the street turned into a dirt road surrounded by trees. Houses became more spread out, and soon you reached a fork in the road. One way led down to some farms and properties, the other up a small hill through a denser part of the woods. “We’re almost there, just go up this path,” you directed.
“Alright. You’re not gonna tell me where we’re going?” Jason asked with a small smile, his blue eyes glued to the road ahead. You giggled.
“You’ll see.”
You drove up the hill for a while on a narrow, twisty path that might’ve been tricky for an inexperienced driver, but Jason handled it just fine. Finally, after a few minutes of climbing, you reached the top, a little spot with a couple of pine trees and a wooden bench in the middle. Jason parked the car, and you hopped out.
“Come on,” you said with a smile, running up to the bench under the trees. Jason followed, grumbling about having to climb the rest of the way on foot. You laughed as a soft breeze messed up your hair. “Come on, old man, you can do it.”
“I’m trying. Sorry I don’t have your energy, kid,” he muttered with a mock-annoyed look. “I’m not used to the outdoors anymore.”
“I’m not a kid,” you huffed, and he laughed, a bit out of breath.
“And I’m not an old man,” he shot back.
“Well, you sure are looking like one. Don’t people in LA ever go for a walk?” you teased, and he laughed huskily. You grabbed his wrist. “Come see this.”
You both walked over to the wooden bench, and you turned to Jason, putting your hands on his shoulders before using him to help you climb up on the bench, standing on it.
“Careful,” Jason said, tensing up as he held your waist firmly, his rough palm brushing against the skin between your tank top and jeans. You chuckled, feeling warmth spread through you as your heart raced, his touch sparking a fire in your belly that you didn’t know could exist.
“I’m good,” you assured him, offering your hand to help him climb up onto the bench beside you. “Let’s go.”
“Do I really have to?” he joked, but he took your hand and pulled himself up with your help to stand on the bench next to you.
“Check it out,” you said, pointing downhill where the whole town sprawled out before you. From up here, you could pretty much see everything in the more urban part of Oak Ridge, which wasn’t all that big. Jason made a low impressed noise. “See over there? That’s Joe’s Diner,” you gestured to the red brick building that seemed tiny from this height. “And that’s the police station… And down there, in that tree-lined path, we can’t spot the houses from here, but that’s our street.”
“That’s awesome,” he murmured, his voice low as he took in all the sights you’d pointed out. “How’d you find this spot?”
“Just some hometown know-how,” you quipped, and he chuckled, his blue eyes meeting yours warmly. “Actually… My parents used to bring me here all the time. But I haven’t been in ages. It’s kinda tough to get here without wheels.”
“If you ever wanna come back here, just give me a holler. I’ll bring you,” he said gently, his voice tinged with a kindness that made you blush a bit.
“Thanks, Mr. Newsted.”
“You can call me Jason, remember?”
“Thanks, Jason,” you chuckled. He grinned before returning his gaze to the view ahead of you.
“So, got any other hidden gems to show me?” he gestured toward a bunch of trees near the white building you knew was the town church. “Is that a pool?” he asked, and you stretched up on your tiptoes for a closer look, spotting a square of water nestled among the trees. 
“Yeah, that’s the Recreation Club. It’s pretty cool. My folks used to take me there all the time, but…” your voice trailed off as you spoke. You didn’t want to dwell on it, on how your life was like a museum of places your family had been but weren’t anymore. Even something as simple as a spot you used to frequent as a kid was now just a distant memory. “Couldn’t keep up with the membership fees after they passed,” you explained, glancing up at Jason with eyes that tried to hide your sadness. When your gaze met his, you found nothing but understanding there.
“C'mere,” he said, pulling you into a hug, his arms wrapping around you. 
The sudden embrace caught you off guard, but soon you relaxed into it like it was second nature. He was warm and unexpectedly gentle, and you realized maybe that’s what you’d been craving all this time: warmth, and gentleness. He pulled back, gently tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
“Let’s head back home.”
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qveerthe0ry · 4 months
Lions Ain't the Kind - Part 3.5
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Summary: Frankie asks you about transitioning Pairing: Frankie Morales x NB/Gender-fluid! AFAB! Reader Rating: 18+ Explicit Warnings: 18+ mdni, talks about gender non-conformity, talks about gender dysphoria, mentions of transitioning, mentions of HRT and gender affirming surgery, chest binding, use of packers A/N: I said I wasn't going to post anymore of this series until July but I was WRONG! I wote this for @romanarose 's Pride Event. Week 2: Transitioning. I realized that writing this little snippet would actually add a lot of depth to reader and explain more about what their gender identity means to them (while also reiterating that Frankie is a perfect little sweetie pie)
“Do you ever want to get surgeries? You know, like, gender affirming ones?”
You pause Netflix to turn to Frankie, shirtless and looking at you with genuine curiosity. 
“Why do you ask?” 
His brows draw up.
“Just wondering. This is all kinda new to me, I guess, and I’ve done some research… I just know it’s an option and— yeah, I mean— I really am just curious.”
The backs of his knuckles trace your arm, and goosebumps form there. 
“That’s a bit of a loaded question, honestly. Do you want the short answer or the long answer?”
He smiles, soft, and you swear he’s an angel with that halo of curls framing his head. 
“I wanna know whatever you wanna tell me.”
You smile too, tangle your legs with his under the sheets and get relaxed for the conversation you’ve never been so comfortable having before now. 
“So… basically, I think the pros and cons completely stalemate each other. You know? There are things about hormones and surgery that I’d enjoy. But… because I’m so fluid, I’d also sometimes not enjoy them. Does that make sense?” 
Frankie nods, “I think so, yeah.”
“And that’s the thing— Right now, there are things about my natural body that sometimes I like, and then sometimes those same things make me uncomfortable.”
“Dysphoria?” He asks, a timid and sad tone weighing down the word. 
“Yeah— exactly. Look at you, Mister Research.” 
A bashful dimple appears as he ducks his head. 
“So, there’s things I have that help. They’re temporary… but… so is the dysphoria. I think, for me, the best decision is to lean into those temporary aides. I mean for one, it’s cheaper. And much less invasive. Why go through all of that just to be in the same boat, y’know?”
“Yeah, I get that. I’m sorry you have to compromise, though. Sounds… Not easy.”
You shrug, but you’re smiling, because it’s quite thrilling to have someone so understanding in your corner, and your bed, and your life. 
“Thank you. You’re right, y’know, it isn’t easy. Especially when it comes to dating. So it’s really nice that you’re… Well— that you’re you.”
A surprised breath leaves him as his eyes light up. 
“It’s nice that you’re you, too. I like you, everything about you.”
It’s silent for a moment as you stare at each other, smiling, sunny, giddy almost. 
“What— umm… What are those things that help? You don’t have to tell me, but… If you want to, I’d like to know.”
You nod. 
“Yeah okay.”
You take a deep breath and debate on what would be easiest to start with. 
“You know how you asked me what those marks were on my back yesterday? In the shower?”
“Yeah, you said it was just indents from your blanket. Were they not?”
You shake your head. 
“I use this stuff called transtape. It’s used to bind your chest, you know? So it looks flat? Sometimes it leaves little marks— like a bandaid would.”
“So it’s like a binder? But… tape, instead of a garment?”
“Exactly. I was wearing it that day you… it’s why I haven’t really let you touch, yet. It’s kind of unsexy to explain in the moment.”
“Why didn’t you wear it in the shower? Should I not have looked?”
Worry creases his brow, but you huff a laugh and grab his hand. 
“No, it’s okay. I wanted to shower with you, and I needed to replace it anyway. It— I mean, like I’ve said, sometimes it bothers me and sometimes it doesn’t. I felt like we were in a rush, and it wasn’t… sexual. And I felt comfortable with you like that. I knew you wouldn’t gawk or… comment, or anything. I liked being able to just be myself with you, and having you still see me as me.”
“Oh, okay. I mean… I liked what I saw. Is that… okay to say?”
You roll your eyes and laugh.
“Yes, you’re allowed to like my tits, Pretty Boy.” 
He flushes, but his eyes glance down to your chest in a brief flicker. 
“You’re wearing the tape, now?”
“I am. Do you wanna see?” 
“I— I mean, yeah. If you wanna show me.”
So you do. You slowly slide your shirt off, and you bare yourself. You feel confident, which is new, in a situation like this. 
He stares, like he’s studying you. His eyes take catalog of the different pieces, the way they’re shaped, the way they hold everything up and back and flatten. 
His fingers twitch under yours, and you squeeze them before letting go. 
“You can touch,” you whisper. 
He does. In an instant, his fingers gently trace the edge of the tape, then his palm covers it all, right over your heart that’s pounding. 
“You’re so… fuck, I’m sorry, I don’t wanna be weird. You’re just really hot.”
You do preen a bit, even if you don’t want to admit it. He makes you feel so good about who you are. 
“That’s not weird. I think you’re hot too, so it’s good we’re on the same page.”
He hums, traces his middle finger down the center of your chest, so light it tickles. 
“What else?” 
“There’s more, right? More… aides?”
You nod slowly. 
“You know what a packer is?” 
He nods slowly. 
“I’ve read about them. I haven’t seen one.”
“I haven’t worn one around you. It could be confusing at first, right?”
You feel sweat start to prickle at the back of your neck. 
“It could be, yeah. I get that. You can, now. You always could have, you know?” 
“Yeah, I know, now.”
He clears his throat, and gives you a signature Frankie grin, and the room starts to feel a little less stifling. 
“If you want to show me, I’d like to see. I wanna know everything about you, when you’re ready for me to.” 
You debate for a minute, how to show him, which one to show him, before you get out of bed and duck down to grab the box that’s under your bed frame. 
“I have a few, they’re all different,” you start to explain. 
You set the box next to him, then crawl into bed too, and unhook the latches on the lid. 
He sits patiently as you open it, and you’re afraid to look at him when they’re revealed. 
“That’s a lot of penises. Peni?”
You choke on an awkward, startled laugh and shake your head. 
“I know, I know.”
“No, it’s cool. I wish I could have a different dick for each occasion.”
And he’s laughing with you, not at you, and you finally brave a look at his face. 
His eyes run curious circles around the inside of the box, but when he notices you watching him, his gaze falls on you again. 
“Tell me about them.” 
So you do. 
You explain that the smaller one is easiest to wear in public without feeling awkward, but still feeling euphoric. The mid-sized one is usually for the odd occasion where you go out to clubs or bars or other queer spaces. The biggest one, you tell him, is for when you’re just at home, and you want to be able to look in the mirror and see you, on those days where you need to be as masculine as possible. 
“What about this one? It’s smaller too.” 
“It’s uhh… well, it’s a 3-in-1.”
“What does that mean?”
You pull it out of the box to show him the back of it. 
“So this is like— so I can pee standing up. And then this” you say, grabbing the rod that’s lying in the box, “is to make it hard. So I can penetrate, or ‘jerk off’ with it. I don’t wear it out much, except for maybe when I’m gonna be out all day and I don’t know the bathroom situation.” 
You look up to find his eyes and mouth both wide. 
“That’s sick,” he says, then swiftly adds— “in a good way. I didn’t know that was a thing.” 
You hum and nod. 
“Do you… wish you were wearing one? Right now?” 
And it’s kinda weird, the way he asks so innocently, but you really do. Especially with the way you’re shirtless and taped up right in front of him. 
“Kinda, yeah.” 
“Can I see it? You can say no. But— how does it work? Like, is it secure?” 
You place your 3-in-1 back in the box, and grab your medium sized one. 
“Let me show you.” 
You’re already wearing your favorite briefs to pack with. You have a lot of pairs and they’re comfy with or without. So you shed your sweatpants and get up on your knees to show him.
“There’s a secret pocket in here,” you tell him, “these aren’t good for the 3-in-1, since the pocket is between the packer and my skin. But I have different underwear for those.” 
He nods, and watches you pull the waistband down to show him the pocket. 
“You could keep snacks in there, too.” 
You laugh at the silly look in his eyes. 
“Not sure they’d be that good, all pressed up against my crotch.”
“I’d eat ‘em,” he says, and wiggles his eyebrows for good measure. 
“Noted,” you joke, “so— yeah, I just, put it in here.”
And you do, sliding the packer into place and fiddling the waistband back.
“I mean, usually I look in the mirror to make sure it looks right, adjust it so it doesn’t pinch anything when I walk.” 
He nods as he stares at your crotch, and his hand reaches out to wrap around your thigh. 
“And it feels good? To have that there?” 
“Yeah, when I’m dysphoric. Just having that weight there, it feels real and right.” 
He smiles at this, so wide, so sweet. 
“Wear it around me. When you want to. I want you to feel that way, always. Okay?”
Your throat feels a little thick, and your eyes sting a bit, but you still smile. 
“Okay,” you whisper. 
“C’mere,” he whispers back. 
You close your box and place it on the floor, as quick as you can. He pulls you to him tight, and it feels incredible, to have all of your bare skin against his own, finally, nothing but your tape in between you. 
He kisses you without a bit of urgency, just lax and syrupy. His hand is firm against your spine, pressing you to him, and you feel dizzy when he pulls away. 
“Thank you for showing me everything,” he says.
“Thanks for… just… being cool.” 
He chuckles, then coaxes you on your back, so his head can take its coveted position back, over your chest. Your naked, flat chest. You hold the remote toward the TV, intent on unpausing your show, but he stops you. 
“Can I hold it?”
“The remote?”
“No— your dick. Just to keep it warm? No funny business.” And he’s looking up at you with those damn eyes again, and how could you say no to that?
last part/next part
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the-himawari · 2 months
A3! Usui Masumi - Translation [R] A New Use for a Crown (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Izumi: (What great weather! Let’s dry the laundry quickly.)
Masumi: I’ll help you, Director.
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Izumi: Oh! Masumi-kun, thank yo—ah.
Masumi: …
Izumi: Whoops… I’ll give you 100 yen later.
Masumi: …Sure.
Izumi: In any case, switching the way you call someone is pretty hard… (Seeing Masumi-kun with a crown on is pretty refreshing though…)
Masumi: Great job today, Director. I made tea, so have some.
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Izumi: Ah, Masumi-kun…
Masumi: …
Izumi: Oops, I did it again… (I’m glad that he’s helping me out like this, but I can’t stop myself from calling him by his name.) (Plus there a penalty, so it kind of feels like I'm being subjected to the carrot and stick approach...)
Masumi: Sorry, Director. It’ll just be a little longer.
Izumi: O-Okay? (Just what in the world is he up to?)
Izumi: (I still call him Masumi-kun a lot, but since then, I’ve gradually grown used to calling him “prince”). (Today, I’ll call him prince from the get-go…!)
Masumi: Director.
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Izumi: (And here's my chance!) Good morning, prince.
Masumi: …! Good morning, my princess.
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Izumi: (I got a response I didn’t expect. W-Welp, I’m feeling kinda embarrassed…)
Masumi: Today marks a week passing, so you don’t have to call me prince anymore.
Izumi: Oh right, you’re not wearing the crown right now… (Urgh… now I feel even more embarrassed.)
Masumi: …But I got to hear a nice line to finish it off. By the way, I’m sorry for imposing a penalty on you.
Izumi: Don’t worry about it… what was the thing that you wanted to do though?
Masumi: Wait in the lounge for me.
Izumi: (I was so busy these last few days, but it looks like I’ll be able to relax today.)
Azami: Oh, your skin's lookin’ brighter now.
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Izumi: Azami-kun. Maybe the face masks you gave me the other day were effective! Not to mention Masumi-kun also helped me out a ton.
Azami: I see, that’s nice.
*door opens*
Masumi: I’m back.
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Izumi: Welcome back, Masumi-kun.
Azami: Hm? Is that bag full of ice cream?
Masumi: I bought them because I want Director to eat them.
Izumi: Gudiva, Baagen Dazs, and Madam Borden*—all of the ice creams are expensive, seasonal flavours…!
Masumi: You seemed really busy lately, so I wanted to give you something that would cheer you up. You probably would’ve liked curry, but it’s hot out right now.
Izumi: I can’t believe you were thinking of that… Thank you, Masumi-kun.
Masumi: Here’s your money back too.
Izumi: Huh?
Masumi: I wanted to give you something that covered your penalty fee, so I just used it as reference for the amount I should buy.
Azami: I see. It was like a surprise then. Nice goin’.
Izumi: Yeah, I’m really happy. Thank you so much.
Masumi: You’re very welcome.
Izumi: Alright, I suppose I’ll have one right away then.
Masumi: They're all yours, so you’re on break until you finish every last one of them. Stay here.
Izumi: Wait, what!
Azami: He went from 0 to 100 real fast… Anyways, eatin’ too much isn’t good either, y’know?
Masumi: But there’s guys who will take them if we leave them in the freezer.
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Azami: True. There might be some people who’ll eat ‘em without checkin’ whose they are first.
Izumi: In that case, can we at least eat them together? We can scoop out all the different flavours onto a plate.
Masumi: Sure.
Izumi: Even then, it might be too much to finish… (I’m on break until I finish eating this ice cream… if that’s the case.) Say, Masumi-kun. If you don’t mind, why don’t we make it “ice cream time” together until we finish eating everything?
Masumi: Ice cream time?
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Izumi: Like Azami-kun said, I don’t think eating too much is a good idea either. So let’s make some time everyday to eat this ice cream as a break. And for that, let’s put them in a bag with our names written on it and place it in the back of the freezer so it won’t get swiped.
Azami: I see. I agree no one’s gonna overlook the bag. And it’ll be fine if you just get through ‘em little by little each day.
Izumi: Even so, I think it’s going to take quite a while to finish them all. Masumi-kun, if you happen to have some time as well, then why don’t we eat them together?
Masumi: That sounds good. Just call me, and I’ll come over right away every day.
Izumi: Fufu. Alright, then we’ll make today the first day.
Masumi: Once we run out of ice cream, I’ll go buy more. I can do ice cream time with you every single day.
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Azami: Err, there’s somethin’ called a limit, y’know?
Izumi: Ahaha…
*Parodies on the brands Godiva, Haagen Dazs, and Lady Borden.
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rosemarycovet · 1 year
Billy loomis x wallflower reader
(so I started reading ‘the perks of being a wallflower’ and got inspired to make a reader like charlie and i’m using a lot of quotes from the movie/book)
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-billy knows you’re an awkward teen
-an outcast as well
-he wouldn’t necessarily call you a loner but you get what I mean
-he never really acknowledged you for that reason
-he just never really knew you existed
-until one day he was late to lunch and he saw you sitting alone at your own little table reading a book
-he had came up to you asking what you were reading
-you were surprised someone came up to you
-when you didn’t respond he raised his eyebrow slightly
-you quickly apologized
“sorry I just ..didn’t think anyone noticed me”
-he gave you a soft smile reassuring you it was ok
-from that day on he became your only real friend throughout high-school
-you guys would occasionally listen to the smiths together
-billy liked the idea that you liked to write so for Christmas he bought you a typewriter
-you would write to billy now and then on your type writer about almost anything mostly about your day starting off with ‘dear friend,’and ending it with ‘love always ,(y/n)’
-billy was fine with it and would actually read them each night because he knew that’s how you coped
-he liked that you observed and kept quiet/understood people
-because of that reason he knew that you would never judge him and would understand him
-billy loved seeing you smile it was pretty rare
-billy knew high-school wasn’t the easiest for you and that you were pretty used to being lonely
-if anyone gave you a hard time at school don’t be surprised if they get a call later that night from ghost face
-billy would also read your books to you when you are tired to pick them up your self
-billy would often take you on car rides as music blasted in his car because he knows how much you enjoy them
-before you and billy started dating he introduced you to his friend group at a party they were pretty nice
randy and you kinda hit it off as you saw billy and sidney walk off together you kinda knew randy had a thing for sidney and he had asked silently “why do nice people choose the wrong people to date?”as he referred to sidney “we accept the love we think we deserve..” you replied to him
-now for your mental health billy takes no joke to it
-he knows how bad it gets
-but before he knew how serious it was he had did something he regretted
billy got into an argument with his dad and walked into school pissed off. you had went up to him trying to tell him about a new song you think he liked when billy had randomly angrily said to you “not now (y/n) I really don’t care tell it to someone that does” you instantly got silent and apologized as you quickly walked away
a couple weeks later billy soon realized that you had been distance from him he was actually pretty concerned and confused it surprised him that he cared that much
billy then confronted you asking what was going on all you replied to him was “I didn’t want to be a bother to you anymore..”
from that day he promised you and himself that no matter what he would never leave your side or that you were a bother to him and he kept his promises surprisingly to you
-one time billy walked in on you with a worried look on his face as you repeated “stop crying..stop crying” to yourself
-billy was really only the person you vented to since you always kept your emotions bottled up
“what will you do if your parents ask?”
billy asked
“…if my parents ask me about it I probably won’t tell them the truth because I don’t want them to worry that I might …get bad again” billy knew that you didn’t want to put any worry onto your parents he hated that you thought you were a burden
-one night you called billy panicking
“(y/n/n) breathe.what’s wrong?”
“it’s been getting worse and I can’t turn it off this time..” all billy could hear was you having trouble breathing and you letting your feelings get the best of you saying that it was all your fault
when you hung up billy screamed your name panicking luckily he was already in his way and got to you before you did anything ‘stupid’
he had saved you that night
-you knew that billy would understand how you were both happy,and sad and how you’re still trying to figure out how that could be
-billy probably never had felt or experienced what you went through but he was the only person that truly understood you and how you felt
-billy had made you feel free not only that but he brought new experience to you
-he not only was your lover he was also your best friend and had saved you throughout high-school
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rius-cave · 3 months
Hey! It’s the anon that hadn’t watched Hazbin or Helluva before and wanted some encouragement to try it out 👋 I wanted to let you know that I did it! I watched the pilots for both series as well as helluva boss episode 1 (as I heard that was a better introduction) and 👉👈 I actually liked both. I thought that Charlie was cool she has an attitude that I really like in characters believing in others when she has no reason to. Angel was cute Pentious was really adorable (I like weirdos) and Husk was pushing a lot of buttons for me. The only character from Hazbin that I still don’t really get is Alastor and tbh it’s 90% cause of the hair like I can’t think he’s hot with that haircut I’m sorry 😭. But I really liked it I really took to the humour and tone. 
Helluva Boss was the same I was actually surprised that the kids dying didn’t really bother me at all and the death of background guys were not as uncomfortable as I thought. I think I worked myself up about that aspect which is good cause I liked how horny and gay it was. After seeing so much nsfw of them I do get simping for Blitzo, Moxxie and Stolas now they were all kinda cute in their own way (You can tell I’m a gay guy huh?) and yeah I liked quite a few of the jokes as well. So I feel like I can go on with these shows!
I know this is a really random place to do this but I wanted to tell you since it was seeing all the nice adamsapple stuff and the storytelling possibilities from that as well as you’re specifically more chill and fun side of the fandom that made me want to take the plunge and actually watch it so thank you. 
Heya!! Yay!! We got another one boys 💪
I think I probably said this in your first ask, but well yeah Hazbin and Helluva are definitely... for specific tastes, it's not for everyone, I think if you're someone that gets offended easily they're probably not for you (which is why sometimes I'm surprised at the absolute stupid things some people say in the fandom lol) but I'm glad you gave them a try and liked them!
It's been a couple days since I received this ask so hopefully you've watched more by now and still like it? :D at least I hope so lol. One disclaimer, I believe the Helluva pilot is not considered canon anymore? I'm not a 100% sure exactly what parts are canon or not, but yeah just keep that in mind.
Your faves are absolutely completely valid, I really love those characters too! And it's not just that you're gay, I honestly think the male characters are just more interesting in the writing in general sfdggdf (unfortunately, please Viv throw us a bone here).
I absolutely feel you in not understanding why people love Alastor so much LOL. I love him, I really do, but I do think he's a taaaad overrated because he scratches a specific part of tumblr people's brains. It's... hard to explain, but yeah if you don't simp for him then he's kinda just alright lol.
Don't worry about chatting with me! Happy to hear about a new fan!! Just a heads up though, if you expect to understand why we ship adamsapple after watching the show.... you probably won't LMAO IT'S MOSTLY BASED OFF OF OUR OWN DELUSIONS TO BE FAIR (I have two friends that I got into hazbin after they saw all my adamsapple art and brainrot, and they were like ".... yeah Riu we don't get it" haha)
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might i request cowboy codywan by any chance
🐎 they would be the best cowboys honestly
A wonderful request. Here is a scene for cowboy codywan!! I will admit I started writing this one then got super obsessed with my idea and got kinda carried away. But I also had so much fun writing this! Thank you for the ask 💜💜
“You can’t just waltz your way onto any property you please.” Cody folded his arms over his chest and frowned down at Obi-Wan.
He was busy tying up his horse, which he’d only learned to properly ride within the past month or so, to a post of the fence. Cody couldn’t help a small smirk as he watched him fumble his way through a quick-release knot, taking him several tries until he finally gave it a tug and was satisfied.
“You didn’t seem to have a problem when I accidentally ended up on the Fett Ranch. Seems to have worked in favor of the both of us.” Obi-Wan looked up at him with a bright smile and squinting eyes to try and see Cody through the sun.
It was a hot one today, and even Cody had to admit this sounded fun, but it would be wrong. Old Man Jabba didn’t like anyone on his property, especially near his pond. Last time someone snuck on his property to swim Cody had heard they’d been chased off the property with a sawed off shotgun. Then there was the time he’d heard Old Man Jabba had chased someone off with his plow, trying to run them over. And also the time he’d made some trespassers clean up old cattle manure from his rundown barn that wasn’t in use anymore. 
“The Hutts aren’t as generous to trespassers as my father and brothers.” Cody could feel the sweat trailing down his back.
Obi-Wan really needed to find a shadier spot to keep Boga; she was going to overheat out here and then she wouldn’t be very useful in his getting back to the ranch.
The sun beating down on them was harsh, even with the protective clothing. Even his hat didn’t seem to be doing much, his scalp drenched with sweat underneath the rim. It was a surprise that Obi-Wan’s skin wasn’t brighter than a tomato with how pale he was. The only real protection he had from the sun was Cody’s old hat.
Going for a dip did sound quite refreshing. Not to mention the opportunity to finally see Obi-Wan without that prim little button up, vest, tie, and fancy coat he always wore was quite an enticing prospect. He also looked pretty good in Cody’s hat and it would be a shame to take it off. The hat was white in color with a black weaved leather band around it, held together by a little clasp that had three orange sun rays on it.
Seeing Obi-Wan in it made him really notice the sun heating his own neck around the collar. He couldn’t even imagine having the opportunity to take it off of him in order to--
That wasn’t a very polite thought and Obi-Wan had been nothing but respectful to him. He was simply going to take that inappropriate thought and tie it to a post and leave it out to shrivel up in the sun.
No more thinking like that.
He looked down at Obi-Wan who had removed his jacket and was in the process of loosening his tie.
“What are you doing?” Cody frowned, his view shifting a bit as his horse, Tooka, adjusted her footing.
“I’m preparing myself to go for a swim. Don’t mind me, you can be a buzzkill and go back to your chores if you’re so worried about it.” Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow at him.
Cody wanted nothing more than to grab that beard and kiss that snarky little attitude right out of his mouth.
They could skip swimming altogether and just find a nice little place under a tree in the meadow and--
“Are you coming or are you just going to keep gawking at me?” Obi-Wan removed his tie now and began unbuttoning his vest. 
“Who taught you to talk to strangers like that, and break into other peoples’ property?” Cody looked away now, feeling he was invading something private now.
A melodic sound came from Obi-Wan and Cody could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Obi-Wan had the sweetest laugh he’d ever heard, more relaxing than the singing of the crickets and frogs whenever evening fell.
“What can I say, Cody? You have this weird effect on me.” The other man sent him a wink. 
Cody really wanted to go swimming with him, badly enough that he couldn’t bring himself to care if this was something that would get his hide tanned. The well-learned city-boy before him wanted to get the real experience of living in the country, so he would provide.
“Come on.” He heaved a sigh and tightened his grip on the reins. 
“I didn’t mean it, you don’t actually have to leave.” Obi-Wan’s voice was soft and it made Cody look over. 
“No, city-boy. I’m not leaving. You can’t just tie your horse up in the sun like that.” Lightly kicking his heels into Tooka’s sides, he pointed with his head. “There’s some trees a short ride that way. Then we can get in the pond.”
Obi-Wan’s whole face lit up with a smile and he quickly clambered back onto his horse, forgetting he still had to untie it. His jacket and tie were shoved haphazardly in the saddle bags and his vest remained half unbuttoned. The man who claimed to have a schooling degree in English and was here on a journaling assignment suddenly seemed a whole lot less put together than he originally appeared.
Cody decided at that moment that he not only wanted to go swimming in that pond with Obi-Wan and maybe get chased off the property by Old Man Jabba, but he also really wanted to get to know him more before he had to leave and probably never return. What he really wanted was to start officially courting him, but knew Jango would probably never approve. So for the time being he was simply going to have to be okay with tying the horses up in the shade and going for a swim.
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herofics · 2 years
Okay I have one. How about mirio, izuku, and bakugou (separately) finding out their s/o had been going back to therapy again and didn't tell them. Like they used to be in therapy years ago but seemed to have "gotten better" but still ended up back in therapy. That's kinda how it's goin'.
I miss therapy tbh, sure it was very draining mentally, but it helped me so much. I still have counseling once a month but it’s not really intensive therapy like I used to have almost five years ago. I could use some more frequent therapy again tbh. This is again on the more hopeful and comfort rather than angsty side. In their twenties and living together I guess. I decided to put Deku and Mirio under the cut, so check there if you want to read them
~Bakugou Katsuki~
“Why the fuck wouldn’t you just tell me!? I feel like I’m entitled to know when my partner isn’t doing well, so how about you don’t keep things like this from me?!” Bakugou growled in a very annoyed tone.
“It’s just therapy, Katsuki, it’s no big deal” you tried to argue back, but he wasn’t having it.
“It’s just therapy” my ass, there’s a fucking reason you’re going there. No one goes to therapy without a reason, especially not someone with your mental health history” he ranted.
Bakugou was incredibly pissed, mostly at himself. He had noticed you’d been a bit more shut off recently, and he hated himself for not having noticed how bad you were truly feeling.
“You could use some damn therapy yourself” you muttered under your breath.
For a moment Bakugou looked like he was about to start raging at you, but he just exhaled deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose with two fingers.
“Fine, fine… You’re probably right about me needing therapy but we’re not talking about me right now. Could you just please tell me what made you go back to therapy, so I can maybe fucking help?” he said more calmly.
“I… I just wasn’t feeling like myself, at least no like my good self. The intrusive thoughts, anxiety and depression were getting bad again, so I figured I’d nip it in the bud before it got really bad” you shrugged.
“So why wouldn’t you just tell me?”
“I guess I just didn’t want you to think I’m weak. I’ve been doing well for such a long time and I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me” you said, trying to sound unbothered.
“Babe, you’re one of the strongest people I know. You’ve gotten through so much shit on your own, but you’re not alone anymore, so don’t act like you are”
That got you to go quiet. He was right, you weren’t alone anymore, you hadn’t been for a while now.
“And if I’ve got any say in it, you’re never gonna be alone again” Bakugou added, stepping towards you and pulling you into a hug.
You were so darn close to tearing up but you fought the feeling to the best of your ability. You wrapped your arms around him tightly, grasping the back of his shirt and burying your face to his shoulder.
“Just fucking talk to me too, okay? I’m always here for you and I want to know first hand if you’re not doing well” he said, hugging you tighter.
“Thank you” you mumbled into the shoulder of his shirt, trying to hold back tears.
~Mirio Togata~
You’d decided to go back to therapy, without telling Mirio. You had been doing well for such a long time before this, but since things had started to go downhill, you had decided to get some help.
You weren’t really sure why you hadn’t told Mirio, maybe you wanted him to keep believing you were doing well and that he didn’t have to worry about you. Maybe you just felt like if you got better quick, he would never need to know about your little slump.
You didn’t want to burden him with your problems, since he had so many other things going on. He had just taken over the former Nighteye hero agency and was busy with all the new applications and the new recruits. Mirio was going to work early and coming home later and later every day.
Mirio felt bad about working so much, so he had arranged himself a free afternoon, so he could surprise you with a nice dinner. He really wanted to make up for basically only being home to sleep for the past month or so.
He came home at around two in the afternoon. You weren’t home, as he expected, you still had an hour before your work ended after all. You were usually home at about half past three, so he had time to make a shopping list and hit the grocery store for the dinner ingredients.
Half past three came and went though and you were nowhere to be seen. When the clock hit four, he decided to call you. You didn’t answer and his text had also gone unread.
“Damn” he muttered.
Mirio wasn’t exactly worried yet, but he was getting there. He decided to start the dinner preparations to keep his mind off of the whole thing. You were just running late, that was surely it.
You’d gone to therapy straight after work. It started at half past three and would end at five, since it was a double session.
When the session ended, you checked your phone. There was a missed call from Mirio and a message as well. The message was asking if you were okay, and if you were running late coming home.
You didn’t realize why he would ask those things since you assumed he would be late at work again. But while you were walking home, you realized he must have been at home.
“Why did he have to do this today?” you sighed and shook your head.
You decided not to answer his text since you were close to home anyway and it wouldn’t take you long to get there.
You hesitated for a moment when you got to the front door. You would have to tell Mirio where you’d been, or to come up with an exceptionally good excuse. You sighed and put the key in the clock, twisting it open.
The moment you got the door open, you were hit with an amazing scent of food. Of course he’d cook for you, he usually did on his days off.
“Hey” you greeted as you shut the door behind you.
“Hey babe” Mirio said, peeking his head out through the wall of the kitchen. “Where have you been?”
“Therapy” you said nonchalantly as you hung your jacket on the hanger.
“Oh?” you could hear the surprise in his voice as his face disappeared back through the kitchen wall, and he soon walked around the corner.
“How long have you been going?” he asked.
“About a month now” you said.
“Is there a reason you didn’t want to tell me?”
“I… don’t really know” you sighed. “The food smells amazing, could we maybe just eat?” trying to worm your way out of the conversation.
“Sure, but I would like to know why you didn’t tell me?”
“I’ll tell you as soon as I figure it out myself” you joked dryly.
You tried to walk past Mirio, but he grabbed your hand to stop you.
“I’m sorry I’ve been working so much, I know it can’t be easy on you since you have to be alone so much” he said, with a sad look in his eyes.
“Don’t you dare think this is in any way your fault. I hadn’t been feeling the best for a while before I decided to go back to therapy” you said sternly, placing your hands gently on his cheeks.
It broke your heart to see him like that. He always took everything upon himself, even when he definitely didn’t need to. You didn’t want him to blame himself for this. It wasn’t his fault, it wasn’t anyone’s fault, sometimes things just happened and there wasn’t anything anyone could do to stop those things from occurring.
“Just… promise me to keep me updated on how you’re feeling? Even if I’m not here all the time, I want to know if you feel even a little bit down” Mirio said tenderly, grabbing your hand from his cheek and placing a kiss on your palm.
“I promise, as long as you promise me you won’t burn yourself out with all the work stuff you have going on”
“I’ll try not to” he said with a jokey tone.
You smacked him on the shoulder lightly with a roll of your eyes, earning a chuckle and an over dramatic “ow” from him, before he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you off the floor.
“I love you and I hope you get the help you need from therapy, and I want you to know I’m here whenever you need me” he smiled that stunning smile of his.
“I love you too” you smiled.
“Shall we go eat?” Mirio smirked.
“Oh yeah, I’m starving”
“Alright” Mirio said excitedly, and lifted you so you were fully in his arms in a bridal style carry.
“You don’t need to carry me, I can walk” you giggled.
“You can’t stop me” he grinned.
You just rolled your eyes with a smile and snuggled your face to his chest.
“I don’t even want to” you muttered happily into his shirt.
~Midoriya Izuku~
Midoriya was running around the city on patrol, when he noticed a familiar figure on the street next to the building he was on top of.
He was about to float down and call out to you, but you went into the building. Midoriya wasn’t sure what you were doing in that part of town, but as he jumped down to look at the building, he realized it looked familiar.
He was pretty sure it was where your therapist had had their office a few years back.
“Why would they be here?” he wondered out loud as he landed on the street.
“Omg! It’s Deku!” some passerby shouted excitedly.
Before he knew it, he was swarmed by people wanting autographs and pictures, and the situation with you slipped his mind.
When Midoriya came home that evening, you were sitting on the couch, munching on some chips and watching some TV show.
“Hey” you greeted, without taking your eyes off the screen.
“Hey, were you around the main library today? I thought I saw you there” he asked, trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably.
Midoriya couldn’t think of anything else that was near the therapist's office so he just went with the library.
“Yeah, I… went to see my therapist” you said quietly, turning off the TV.
“Oh? Can I ask why?”
“I’ve just not been feeling that good lately, that’s all, nothing major” you shrugged.
Midoriya sat down next to you on the couch and took your hand.
“Are you sure? I’m proud of you for getting help, but I also know it’s hard for you to ask for it, so something must be wrong for you to get back to therapy”
“I didn’t want you to worry so I tried to hide it, but I’ve been pretty depressed again lately, and the anxiety has been getting bad also”
“Oh love” he sighed with a sad look in his eyes.
Midoriya felt bad for not noticing how bad things had gotten for you. He had known you weren’t having the easiest time with your mental health, but he didn’t know it was this bad.
“It’s not like things are super bad, I just decided to do something about it before it got really bad” you said, squeezing his hand.
“I should’ve noticed, I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you lately, I don’t have any excuses” he said.
“It’s not your fault, these things just happen sometime” you said.
“I want to help you going forward, please tell me if there’s anything I can do for you or anything you need” he said, looking at you with such conviction in his eyes it made your heart melt.
“And I love you so much for that, but I don’t want you to drive yourself crazy with how I’m doing. I’m going to talk to you more from now on, as long as you promise to also talk to me” you said, putting your hand on the side of his face and brushing his cheek with your thumb.
Midoriya leaned his head into your hand and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. You chuckled because him doing that reminded you of a very cute bunny. He put his hand on top of yours to keep it on his cheek.
“I love you Izuku” you said and kissed him on the forehead
“I love you too” he said and opened his eyes, looking at you with an adoring expression.
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an-aroaces-harem · 10 months
Title: fickle
Pairing: Ellis x OC
Warnings: implied sex, failed drugging attempt, modern!au
Author's note: First of all, DO NOT take strangers to your home with you. Secondly, I kinda envisioned Ellis as werewolf!ellis but taking his latest epilogues and other story bits into consideration, his behaviour in my fic pretty much matches his canon behaviour.
This man could be the man she dreamed of, and she met him in a place of short-termed encounters, the reality of the present.
»You know,« Anne says, the loud music getting louder with every step, »I’m surprised we even got in with you wearing that cutesy outfit.«
»Yeah,« Heather chimes in, slightly pulling down her deep v-neck, »especially since cute and innocent is out. We aren’t teens anymore, Hana, guys want seductive women who know what they want.«
Hana just shrugs and follows them to the bar, avoiding all the sweaty bodies on the packed dance floor. The music currently playing isn’t to her liking as she sits down next to Anne. They order drinks, Anne glances to Hana, chin propped onto her palm, and decides that she needs alcohol in her system to cheer up. Anne beckons the bartender back to them, asking for a nice, fruity cocktail for Hana.
Hana rolls her eyes at that, not really fond of alcohol, and watches the other two downing their own drinks, followed by several shots. An orange one appears in Hana’s sight, decorated with a spiral straw and other glittery things she doesn’t need in a drink.
»Join us when you loosened up enough,« Heather shouts over the beats, patting Hana’s shoulder and she disappears with Anne in the crowd of dancing bodies.
Hana wonders why she agreed in the first place to go with them, she’s bored already. One night stands aren’t really her thing. Maybe she’s being a little old-fashioned, at least for someone her age. Anne and Heather, though, they act and live like the majority of their generation, hooking up with strangers at bars because true love is nothing more than a fickle dream, a lie of the past, and worrying about their future, good jobs with good income becoming more and more sparse.
Sometimes, she doesn’t want to grow up and relives her teens instead. Binge watching old cartoons or listening to 90’s or early 2000’s music for example, Hana still owns and wears her old clothing. It’s not like she actually wants to go back, going to high school once is more than enough for a lifetime, teenage boys ignorant—dishwasher kisses, unsure fumbling and sloppy breast groping—or absorbed, believing porn depicts reality.
Of course there are other boys out there but Hana never had the opportunity to date one. She fell for the nice faces and got crushed by her shattered expectations. And still she hopes to meet the man of her dreams—whoever that may be—with unconditional love and a fulfilled future. Hana wants nothing more than a family of her own.
Yet, she sits at a counter in a bar where people solely look for hookups and nothing serious. They want to live their youth to fullest before settling down, if ever.
Sighing in her mind, Hana reaches for her drink anyway. One won’t be a problem, she’ll order a glass of water afterwards and then just coke. Before she can take a sip through the straw, a foreign hand wraps itself around her glass and takes it away with little force.
Confused, she looks to the side where a man settled into Anne’s seat. She didn’t notice his presence at all. How long was she contemplating about her life? He puts her drink down again, eyeing her with a careful gaze.
He leans in to her, »You shouldn’t drink something you haven’t watched all the time.« Despite the loud music around them, his voice is smooth and the only thing she can hear in this very moment. After that, the noise filters back into her system.
Then she understands what he means. »You mean, someone put something in my drink?« she asks back. Rule number one while clubbing—never leave your drinks unattended. Since she appears as cute and innocent, as Heather put it, she is viewed as an easy victim. Now it looks like she actually is one, to her dismay. »Thanks, you literally saved me there.«
»No need to, don’t worry about it.« He smiles, eyes twinkling and piercings on his ears gleaming in the colorful club lights and Hana catches herself falling into her teen behavior—getting enamored by a pretty, good looking face.
The fact that he saved her from getting drugged isn’t helping either, rather enhancing because a man protecting her is totally her type. She orders a coke. Another cocktail would be more preferable but alcohol makes her clingy and whiny and no matter what will happen between them—or not—she doesn’t want him to see this side of her, so caffeine will suffice.
They end up at her apartment. At first, her companion for the night, he introduced himself as Ellis, wanted to go to a hotel but Hana trusted him that he had no ill intent and led him to her place instead. It’s only a small one-room-apartment in the dormitory but cheaper and more comfortable than a foreign hotel room.
Ellis’s an odd one, not in a bad way, but Hana has never met a man like him. There isn’t a single place of skin left on her he hasn’t kissed—or licked. She doesn’t mind, though, nobody has ever paid so much attention to her body and where she likes to be touched—or licked for that matter.
At least, he knows what to do with his tongue. Maybe Hana hasn’t had as many encounters with men as Anne or Heather but she knows for sure Ellis’s a great kisser. His kisses don’t feel like he wants to clean her mouth in a very sloppy way. On the other hand, he isn’t an inexperienced teen.
Another thing about him is his constant sniffing. Her hair, her throat, the juncture between her neck and shoulder and between her thighs seem to be his favorite places.
Everyone has different things they like; licking and sniffing—which Hana both actually enjoys, realizing that during the night—definitely are way better, and more harmless, than him wanting to choke her or telling her ›I want you to punish me‹ or whatever.
Ellis’s someone who likes to please and he’s utterly attentive—of course, that’s also a part of Hana’s type.
When she wakes up in the morning, Ellis’s still there, fast asleep. His face is snuggled into her stomach, forehead resting right beneath the gap of her breasts and his warm huffs of breath slightly tickling her. One arm lays under her waist, the other one is draped over her thighs, their legs are a tangled mess. Her own hands are on his head, fingers cradled in soft black locks.
The last bits of the summer sun illuminates them from her window. Ellis’ pale skin glows in the sun rays, painting him golden as if he’s radiating from the inside. Dust particles dance in the streaming light. The scene is so peaceful and undisturbed—
Hana fears Ellis waking up and the moment being broken. Last night will vanish like a dream, only to be replayed in her head. It’s something fickle, like true love. This man could be the man she dreamed of, and she met him in a place of short-termed encounters, the reality of the present.
Sighing, she burns everything into her memory and her fingers brush through his hair, slowly starting from the nape of his neck until they reach his ears. Ellis sighs as well—pleased unlike her—and nudges his nose into the soft skin of her stomach, the weight of his arm wandering up to her waist and he pulls her even closer with his hand on the small of her back.
Apparently she found his soft spot. Hana smiles to herself and she applies a little bit more pressure with her thumbs behind his ears, the other fingers kneading his neck again. When he presses open-mouthed kisses against her belly, she knows he’s awake and yet, the idle moment doesn’t shatter.
Her heart thumps loudly in her chest and she’s sure he can hear it, if him inching higher is any indication, leaving behind a wet trail on her torso. Ellis’s chuckling a bit, sending small vibrations through her body, before his nose is buried into her neck, taking deep breaths. His tongue darts out, licking a long stripe along her throat. Hana shudders, fingers digging into his scalp and then, his lips press against hers, kissing her senseless.
Her previous hookups—although scarce—never went like this and she wonders if the difference between them and him has a meaning. Not to forget that he’s the first one she invited into her small personal space.
»Morning,« Ellis mumbles low and raspy, one hand brushing over her side.
Hana’s still catching her breath and gets lost in his warm, dark orbs. She sees her own reflection in them and it dawns upon her that she hasn’t removed her makeup last night. Good, she never wears much—why should she plaster her whole face with numerous products if she has a good complexion?—but her eyeliner is certainly smudged and her mascara all over her eyes. Only her tinted lip balm was already gone, smeared away between countless kisses.
Even so, she smiles back. »Morning. Did you sleep well?« she asks, fingers still running through his hair.
A low sound, reminding her of a growl, escapes him, and his nose dives back into her neck. Ellis’ warm breath fans over her sensitive skin as he speaks, »Very.«
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jongbross · 7 months
Hi <3
I’ll be honest there’s one thing I wanna discuss, it’s Lay’s situation in exo. I’m kinda new fan so I’m wondering if you could tell me your opinion about it. I don’t know him much and I’m curious why he’s like he’s still part of exo when he doesn’t appear in promotions for years ? The sad truth is international fans are more ot9 while korean eris are rather ot8. If he’ll ever come back with exo I’d be really surprised, but if he really ‘left’ then it has no sense claiming to be part of the group.
I didn’t mean to be rude, it’s just my opinion with no intention to offend Lay or anyone.
Have a nice day! 🫶
this has been laying on my inbox for a while, but everytime i tried to answer, something happened - so i'm sorry for taking so long.
well, you weren't rude, don't worry, darling! it's okay 💕 and it's also okay to have an opinion like that.
for me, yixing is still part of exo. i love him just as much as i love any other member, and i have never, ever lived a single moment from him with the members. i'll believe that he's an exo and defend him on it till the day he says "hey, i'm not part of the group anymore".
there's a lot of factors that i believe it helped his current situation. first of all, sm's treatment towards him wasn't the best one, let's be for real now. him being the first member to debut solo says nothing to me, tbh. then, i think that when he saw he could do much better without sm, he eventually grew apart from exo (not individually, but as a group) - and that's okay. he found himself as an artist, and that's what most artists wish for, you know? this being said, i think all of these took a part on why he hasn't fully come back to the group (and to be 100% honest with you, i don't think he ever will), but at the end of the day... he made a promise to us, a literal promise.
when exo started to fall apart and members started to leave, all 9 of them made a promise to us, that they would be here with us. so yixing may not be active in the group, but he's still an exo because of that, and that's why he always claims himself as an exo member. now, i wouldn't be sad if he ever left the group, but i can see why he doesn't, at least not officially. when we say exo is 9 forever, that's what i mean, at least - they're 9, no matter what; they will always be 9, because they're the 9 who believed in their dreams and capacity and overcame so much just to be together, you know?
anyways, i love yixing so so much. he was so underrated in exo, he deserved and still deserves so much love. i'm not joking when i say he's one of the best artists i ever had the chance to meet in this life - he's like, the most complete artist. i love him, truly. 💘
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