#It was bound to happen eventually
yrsonpurpose · 1 year
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Lando smashing Max's P1 trophy
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adh-d2 · 7 months
Ok. I'm going to need to wait for the next episode to truly decide how I feel about this, but right now I'm like, pretty pissed off at Hunter and Wrecker?
You'd go to the ends of the galaxy for your sister, spend the rest of your lives searching for her, stop at nothing to get her back...yet when she returns with your long-lost brother you look at him like this?
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Look, you've been on thin fucking ice since he told you he'd had his chip removed and you just believed him. The guy that you know had a mind-control chip in his brain. The effects of which you've seen and felt and know for a fact are impossible to resist. And you just believed that the people who put it in him in the first place voluntarily took it out? No follow up questions? No doubt?
How little did you care about Crosshair to begin with that you'd so readily accept that he was of sound mind and acting of his own autonomy?
Just for fun, let's review what you know about Crosshair right now:
His chip activated. He was forced to say, think, and do horrific things; and these things were outside of his control.
Those horrific things included trying to kill you. He's shot at you multiple times. He's an unparalleled marksman. He's always missed.
You left him behind on Kamino. It was the right choice at the time. He was literally trying to kill you, you didn't know why, and you couldn't have safely extracted him. But he still got left behind.
He has expressed how painful this was for him every time you've interacted since ("we didn't have a choice" "and I did?" | "They don't leave their own behind...most of the time").
He also said some really mean things to you.
He was horribly injured while under the Empire's control.
He rescued Omega from drowning.
He maybe had his chip removed? No need to confirm, I guess.
You left him behind on Kamino. Again. But he asked for it this time, and he said he knew what he was doing, so...
He became a prisoner of the Empire. In the facility that houses dissenting, disloyal clones.
He managed to get a message out to you while imprisoned. That message wasn't a cry for help, but a warning. Go to ground. They're after Omega. Protect yourselves.
Omega just told you he helped her escape the Empire.
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I'd say I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed...except actually nah I'm pretty mad.
Episode 5 is going to have to do some serious work to salvage my opinion of these two. Or at the very least stop framing them as the moral centre of the show.
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shhh-secret-time · 6 months
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We're back with another Soulmate AU request AND another request from AO3, they're so rare these days! I wanted to do something special for Craig, I kind of feel like he'd be a fuck destiny kinda guy. Anyway y'all know the drill.
Warning: Hot Pokemon takes, Strong-Language, Clyde being a dork again
Pairing: Craig x GN!Reader
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"Dude. Stop."
"Dude! Stop!"
Clyde's voice pulls Craig's gaze over, the bored expression on his face would normally make anyone flinch back but Clyde's used to the look. Years of friendship with the stoic man will desensitize anyone to that kind of look. Craig swears it's just because Clyde's an idiot, no one else in South Park takes that kind of tone with him.
"You sound like a glow-stick over there! I swear you've already popped all those fingers a minute ago, are you on your knuckles now or something?" Clyde puts his DS down on his lap with a grumble.
He's slouched so far down on Craig's couch it looks like he's melting into it, the lower half of his body is barely on the couch at all. He's all but holding himself up with his legs while his back rests on the firm cushions beneath him. He looked like a slinky being tossed down the stairs, but if it got stuck going down a step.
"You're in my house." Craig responded so matter of fact.
Then he finished cracking the hand he was in the middle of working on. He presses his thumb against each finger on his hand. Once each little finger makes that satisfying sound, he wraps his hand around the other and squeezes. His thumb and index finger settle just below the knuckles, feeling the muscles and bone shift under his grip a shiver runs down his spine.
"Gaaaaaah! That doesn't hurt you? You're gonna fuck up your hands man." Clyde physically squirms at the sound, twisting and rolling back and forth as if he's trying to escape the sound.
"No. I like it." Craig picks his DS up from his lap and continues playing on the little handheld device.
"Alright but when you have old grandpa hands at the age of twenty-five don't come crying to me. Spongebob broken finger head-ass." Clyde smirks, returning to the game with his friend.
Craig side eyes him, shooting a small glare his direction but it goes unnoticed. Once again, Clyde is lucky he's one of his best friends. Being stupid makes you brave apparently.
The two fall into a comfortable silence, the music from Clyde's DS playing loudly while Craig's is shut off. The sound of both games going on at once drove Craig mad. If the music didn't line up it felt like someone jabbing him in the head. So, he settled for listening to Clyde's, he knew the brown-haired man liked the Pokemon sound track anyway. A small tradition they started in middle school that's held up. Playing Pokemon next to each other on the weekends, if one got Green the other got Red. If one got Sapphire, the other got Ruby. Right now, Craig has Diamond, and he has Pearl.
Craig was no means a perfectionist, but something about the incomplete Pokedex drove him mad. He hated looking at the black silhouette of a Pokemon uncaught, the taunting ??? made him want to spike the thing into the ground. They would spend hours next to one another talking about their teams, racing to see who could beat the Elite Four before the other, making fun of each other's favorite Pokemon. Craig long since beat the game and was just waiting on Clyde to catch up, he was still waiting on Clyde to catch his Slowpoke like he promised him forever ago.
Clyde was a Slowpoke.
He chuckles at the thought making Clyde look up at him with his brow raised but he chooses not to say anything. After a while Craig closes his DS and chooses to watch Clyde walk around the tall grass.
"You're using the Scyther I traded you?" he asks, resting his cheek on top of Clyde's head. Holding himself up right now sounded exhausting, Clyde made the perfect head rest. Even if he wasn't slumped down on the couch, their height difference allowed for it. To be fair Craig's height difference allowed him to do this to just about anyone. The only person he couldn't comfortably do this too would be Broflovski.
"Yeah! He’s my favorite! He's a handsome devil, reminds me of myself!" Clyde tucks his chin in between his index finger and his thumb, the smug smirk on his lips makes his face look stupid.
"Do you wanna evolve him? You can trade him over and we can turn him into a Scizor."
"Nah, then I'll lose all the affection I've been building him with! Look I've got two little hearts by his head! He loves me man!"
"You can build it back."
"Maybe you can toss away your Pokemon’s affection, but not me Tucker! He doesn't need to change! He's perfect the way he is!" Clyde exclaims as he throws his hand in the air.
Craig's about to respond but stops when Clyde encounters another Pokemon, a Pachirisu nothing out of the normal. But what was out of the normal was the stripe on its tail wasn't the typical baby blue, it was a bright pink. Craig's eyes widen as the sparkles swirl around the little animated creature.
And typical Clyde just button mashes through the whole thing, he's not paying attention to the DS, going on about his love for his Scyther. His thumb moves over the attack button and Craig wants to grab his hand to stop him. But once again he's not fast enough, and the low leveled thing is easily defeated by his level sixty something Pokemon.
"Um dude...you know I love hugs and all, but I thought you hated them?" Clyde's voice is muffled under Craig. Craig has him pinned under him against the couch, chest pressed into his side, arm outstretched to grab the DS.
"Dude! That was a shiny! You could have caught that!" Craig's exclaims shaking the man under him.
"What?! Oh man! I didn't know!"
"How the fuck didn't you know?! It sparkled! It's fucking pink!"
"Uh...was it?"
"What?" Craig stops shaking him at that, tightened fists around his collar loosen only slightly.
"I didn't know, you know I'm color-blind right?" Clyde takes the opportunity to sit up, he chuckles at Craig's expression.
Although rare, it's not unheard of. Craig isn't a robot, or a man born without emotions, he just has a hard time expressing them sometimes. Clyde knows that, but it's still funny every time he sees that crack in Craig's usual stoic nature. Even more so that it was over a stupid video game and Clyde's inability to see color.
So instead of responding to him Craig shakes his head and furrows his brows, confusion written clear on his face.
"Yeah man," Clyde takes a breath in between cackling. "I'm completely color blind, lost it when we were in high school. It's my soulmate thing. I see in black and white now." He waves his hand over his face with a dorky grin.
He doesn't respond at first, taking a moment to take in what his best friend was saying. "I just thought you dressed like that on purpose."
"Come on dude! Would it kill you to say something nice to me?! Just oNCE!?" Clyde smacks him with the cushion tucked behind him which Craig uses to beat him back.
After a brutal beat down using a couch cushion, Craig pulls back the weapon and looks down at the defeated pile of Donovan further pressed into his couch. He sits back with his leg pulled up towards his chest, arm thrown lazily across his knee.
"So, you can't see color because you haven't met your soulmate? That sounds rough."
"Yeah, it kinda sucks, it's gonna sound gay but I miss seeing things like the sunset and movies are kinda lame now. I still wear this jacket because at least I know it's red." Clyde collects himself and tries to fix his hair that's been flattened down.
"Hm." A low grunt and Craigs on his feet.
To anyone else it would be the end of the conversation, it would be their que to move on and talk about something else. But Clyde isn't just anyone. He's the guy who's been with Craig since they were kids, he knows that grunt. That shift in body language. Craig's uncomfortable but wants to say something.
"Come on Tucker Bear don't be like that, tell me what's going on." The nickname earns him a glare, but it stops the black haired man from going to the kitchen. He grins at him in return, telling Craig that he's getting what he wants.
"What have I told you about calling me that?"
"That you love it so much and you're so grateful that your best friend would give you the best nickname ever." The sentence is almost cut short from the way he scrambles back away from Craig, holding his hands up defensively. His voice is cracking from the way he tries to keep the giggle out of it.
Craig stops and sighs, his hands come up to the strings on the side of his hat. The frayed yellow rope splitting at the ends from how often he twists it between his fingertips. He does it when he needs to collect his thoughts, figure out a way to put them into words.
".... you didn't tell me you got your Soulmate thing." It finally comes out in a soft tone.
"Are you upset because I didn't tell you? I'm sorry man." Clyde's silly demeanor drops, quickly shifting to one that matches his friend’s tone. He stands up and follows him into the kitchen.
"No. I just..." A pause and he opens the fridge door. Scanning the inside for something to drink, his mouth is incredibly dry right now. "...didn't know. I thought you were like me."
"Like you?"
"Like...born without a mark or whatever."
That's all he can say, all that comes out of his mouth. Craig snaps the can of soda open and takes a sip and it feels like a rock settling in his stomach. His lips press together tasting the sugary drink on his lips. The rock in his stomach lurches up when he sees Clyde's eyes well up with tears, little beads of water spilling from his lids. For the second time that day, he makes Craig's eyes widen.
"Are you crying?"
He quickly goes to wipe the tears away from his brown eyes, the little orbs always looked like a baby cow's. Using the sleeves on his jacket, he sniffles and looks up at him. "It's just- you don't have a soulmate!"
"Yeah, I know."
"That's so sad dude!"
"I guess."
He sobs again, the tears spill faster and harder down his face. Craig sighs and gives into the over dramatic man an awkward pat on the back. The rest of the day was spent calming Clyde down and reassuring him that he wasn't actually angry at him for killing the shiny. They watch a few episodes of Red Racer where Craig describes the colors for him until he got tired of it.
All through the day the conversation gnawed at the back of his head. It followed him to bed and kept him from sleeping. Clyde refused to go home so he spent the night on the floor next to him. Didn't want to sleep on the couch but didn't want to sleep in the bed with him. Wanted to be near but not close enough to make Craig want to peel his skin off. He appreciated the idiot.
But it was that idiots fault he was thinking so hard on this. Why was he born without a soul-mate tic, or thing or whatever the fuck it was called. Were there others like him or was Craig Tucker really that just unlucky? Why did he care so much, he made it this far in life by himself. So why was it just now starting to eat at him?
With a huff he turned and rolled over towards the window next to his bed, staring up at the night sky. The moon was half full today, and it was cloudy out so he could barely see the stars. He was a grown man majoring in Astronomy, he didn't need a stupid mark to tell him where to go and who to be with. He could still see color fine. No flowers were blooming out of his face making his allergies act up.
No, it was just him. Just him and whatever was out there waiting for him. Right now, he really wanted it to be sleep.
Eventually he gave in to the tired behind his eyes, lids so heavy he couldn’t keep them open anymore but burned when he finally closed them. Clyde was gone the next morning when he finally woke up, he left him a text saying he was going to pick his sister up and do something with her.
It didn't matter he had class to get to anyway, the semester was in full swing, and he didn't have time to fall behind. As he gets ready, pulling his blue hat over his head and the matching NASA jacket over his shoulders, he peers down at his DS left on the side table. He picks it up and tucks it into the pockets of the jacket, in between classes he could wait in the lounge and play on it a little more. There wasn't much left to do but he could always grind his team to a hundred.
Once he feels ready, he steps out of his house and starts the walk to the bus stop. Ever since he moved out of his parents the walk to the college campus took a little longer than normal, so it was easier to just ride the bus there. He sticks his headphones in and settles in the worn-out seats of the dirty looking white bus. Somehow cleaner than the yellow ones from when he was still a teenager, but not by much. The music from his DS playing in his ears drowns out the sounds of people mumbling to themselves and whatever other weird thing South Park could throw at him.
It also drowns out your footsteps. Drowns out your question if the seat next to him was taken. So, it isn't until he feels you sitting next to him that he notices you're there. He side-eyes you for a moment, which you return with a little nod. A part of him is relieved when you don't immediately try to make small talk with him. Instead, you offer him a little smile and go back to the book in your hand. His amber eyes travel down to peek at what it is you're reading, and he's surprised when instead of a textbook he sees a comic.
Guardians of the Galaxy
From the angle you were holding it, he couldn't tell exactly what issue you were on, but the cover looked good. He cocks his head to the side a little to get a better look. Feeling his eyes on you, you look up at him and raise a brow. It takes a second, but you piece together what he's trying to do so you close the comic and show it off to him.
You're on an issue he's already read through. He removes the headphones from his ear.
"I didn't think anyone else read the Guardians series." Craig says, it's out of pocket for him to be the first to initiate but the thought of meeting someone who's a fan like him is actually exciting. It's enough to pull him out of his little mental funk.
"Yeah! I just started collecting these issues last week! Have you read this series?" You say with a smile that’s a little too bright for him.
He nods again at you, and that's where the conversation should have ended. You go back to your reading, and he goes back to his game. But it doesn't, you lean over and catch a glimpse at what he's playing. He watches the recognition sparkle up in your eyes.
"Oh, which one is that? Gen four, right?"
"Yeah. It's Diamond."
"Oh! Cool! I've got Platinum! I gotta default to the third one because I don't have friends who play the game!" You laugh at your own joke, eyes going from the DS to his.
Craig stares down at you for a while. He sets the DS in his lap and pushes the palm of his hand against his fingers. Hands popping and snapping again, the little tic making him relax. You don't comment like Clyde does, but you are still talking.
"Gen four has to be my favorite in the series! I just couldn't get into Black and White!" That makes him stop and look at you like you're crazy.
"That's the best one in the series though."
"That's what everyone tells me, but I hated the starters!"
Time slips past him, the way you pull him into the conversation so naturally. It isn't until the bus pulls up to the campus that he realizes he's been talking to you the entire time. You perk up when the bus lets out a sigh and a hiss, telling its passengers that they've reached their destination.
"Oh, this is my stop! Hey, it was awesome talking with you!" You grin and stand up, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
You give him a little finger salute and take off, you're so quick to scurry away he doesn't have time to tell you that this is his stop too. Of course he's never noticed you around campus before, Craig was never one to waste his energy on things that didn't require it. He had his select group of friends and was happy with that, but now here you were wedging your way into his mind. As he stands up to get off the bus, lazily throwing the headphones over his neck, it dawns on him that he didn't even catch your name.
Oh well, so much for that. Maybe he'd see you around.
The universe must have answered that for him because the next morning he sees you on the bus again. He watches as you push past the isle of seats and plop down next to him with another book in your hand. A different issue, a different conversation. There are days where you sit in silence doing your own thing. Then there are days where you talk his ear off and he just sits and listens, occasionally throwing in his thoughts on whatever you're talking about.
But he listens. That was new, normally he just tends to zone out if he doesn't care. Somehow you find a way to make him care, a way to make him invested in the conversation. He even goes out of his way to learn your name and what you're studying.
"Ah it's just general studies right now, a little bit of everything until I figure out what I wanna do. I wasn't even planning on going to college, it just kinda happened." You tell him leaning back in your seat.
"What, so you just woke up one day and decided that was it?" Craig scoffs a bit at the idea but the amused glint in his eyes doesn't go unnoticed by you.
"Heh. Well Mr. Space-boy not all of us know what we wanna do with life from the womb." You snicker at his reaction, tallying another eyeroll in your head.
"It's Space-Man. I'm Space-Man Craig." He corrects you before moving on, so you don't comment on the little pink hue on his face. "I get that but how do you go from I'm not going to college, to just doing it?"
You smile, it's different than the dorky one you usually shoot at him or the one when you tell a bad joke. It almost seems sad. He can't put his finger on it, but he doesn't need to wait long for you to roll up your sleeve. On your wrist is a font that looks almost like an alarm clock, the block black ink reads "0:00".
"Had this guy I was with. Was with him for six years, we were high-school sweethearts, prom date, whole nine yards. They were my soulmate, the little counter on my wrist told me that much." You take a deep breath, and he watches the way your fingers move across the skin.
He pops his fingers again, pushing them against each other.
"Well, about a year ago I realized...I kinda hated it? Hated the fact this stupid mark on my body got to dictate who I fell in love with? I mean we didn't even have anything in common, and while we never really argued we just had a different outlook on life. I think a part of me still loves him, but...I can't really love him in the way this thing wants me to." You emphasize that you're talking about the marking on your skin by holding it up.
Little rays of sunlight brush across your skin and Craig can't help but follow it. You had a soulmate, of course you did. He feels that rock in his stomach again, weighing heavier than it did last time. The week he got where he wasn't thinking about this whole thing was nice, but now that he's reminded his body tenses back up.
He cracks his fingers again, squeezing the side of the palm.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trauma dump on you." He raises a brow at you silently asking you what you mean by that. "Call it a sixth sense, or the fact that you pop your fingers and do that little Hm when you're thinking about something. So, I figured you were annoyed by the random dump."
You were more attentive than he would have given you credit for. He hasn't known you that long and you're already picking up on things that took Clyde years to. Then again, Clyde and attentive don't really go hand in hand.
"No, it's not you. It's the..." He rolls his wrist a few times trying to find the words, fingers eventually find purchase on the strings of his hat dangling by his face. "Soul-mate thing. I don't have one."
"Ah yeah, I can see how that's a weird topic for you then! But hey that's kind of cool!" You beam up at him, the sunlight slips off your wrists and onto your lips.
Wait, what?
"You get to pick who you wanna love, that's awesome. That means the connection goes deeper! You gotta build something with someone, nothing telling you to just jump straight into a relationship! No pressure, just you and the other person!" Your eyes are like little stars as you speak. A tiny galaxy that he can't seem to pull himself out of.
Wait, what?
Like clockwork, the bus stops and you go to get up. Except this time Craig is fast enough, he takes your hand. His fingers slip into your palm and stop you from moving. Your finger salute falls back to your side. He just looks at you for a while, the only thing he can hear right now is the collection of people getting off the bus and his own heartbeat drumming in his chest.
"If you're not getting off, I need you to sit down please!" The bus driver makes you flinch and sit back down next to Craig.
"Sorry sir!" You call back.
When you look back at him with a confused look, he freezes again. His mouth hangs open for a second, only to close. He almost looks like a fish out of water from the way he's trying to collect his thoughts. Craig expects you to get back up and tell him goodbye. To run off the bus and never speak to him again.
Instead, you sit there, patiently waiting for him to collect himself. You wait there even when the door to the bus shuts and the engine kicks back on. You look at him with wonder and he has to avert his gaze from you. Pulling his hat over his eyes for a moment because he realizes he's still holding your hand and the heat coming up to his face is too much.
"I... I’m sorry. I just wanted to-" What did he want? His mind was drawing a blank, he was floating and the only teather was your hand in his.
He knew he wanted to keep holding your hand. He knows your touch doesn't bother him like it should. He wants to steal a few more moments with you because these bus rides aren't enough time. Something he's never felt before.
"You're good. Take your time." You can't know what that means to him to hear you say that. To not pull your hand away and call him a freak for just grabbing you like that. Instead, you turn your palm over and give his hand a squeeze back.
"I want to...do that." He says it. With his eyes covered so he's not blinded by that smile on your face. He can hear it in your voice, the way you chuckle.
"Do what?"
"You know what I'm trying to say."
"Maybe. You better say it just so I can be sure." You're teasing him now, leaning forward so you can get a peek at his blushing face.
Craig huffs again, frustration building up in his chest. He moves the hat from his face and stares you down like a showdown. His brows knitted together with newfound determination.
"I want to build a connection past this." There. It's out. Out in the open, out in the space between the both of you. Confession falls from his mouth in that monotone voice he's so famous for.
"Hell yeah. I'd like that Space-Man Craig." You laugh and it sounds so sweet.
He smiles down at you, and it feels like a gift. It's the first time you've seen him look at you like that. You make a silent promise to yourself that it will not be the last time you see it.
"So, any idea where the bus is going now?"
"No idea. Wanna get off at the next stop and walk to campus?"
"Nope! You stopped me from going to class so now you're taking me out. I want food!"
Craig scoffs at you and takes the headphones off his neck, he offers you the other bud. He sticks the one in his ear and pulls out his phone. His fingers slide across the screen going for the music app. He hands you the phone and gestures for you to pick something.
You excitedly take him up on the offer, sticking the bud in your ear. You begin going on about whatever album you’ve been listening to, and the whole ride he sits and listens to you. Nodding along so you know he’s listening, not that he really has to. You can tell from the way he looks at you that you have his undivided attention.
So wrapped up in the music and your voice he doesn’t even notice the font on your wrist change. It’s not that boring clock anymore, it shifts and swirls around. A moving tattoo that eventually turns into a painting melting down your arm. The deep darkness of space with a little astronaut sitting on the moon, just watching the sun.
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daily-pramanix · 2 months
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As recompense for missing yesterday's post, please enjoy a special Double Enya Event!
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blood-orange-juice · 11 months
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lillyosaurus · 5 months
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gardensnakie · 2 months
i just saw mpreg of that one guy in the barking image you send me sometimes
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housediva · 2 months
Nothing Resembling Normal (Emergency!)
Summary: Roy made a promise to Joanne before they got married. It's a promise Roy hadn't had any trouble keeping until Johnny came along. But with a little help from Joanne, he and Johnny might be able to work out a new kind of arrangement.
Summer of 51s--Sharing, Normal
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tzuu-died · 1 year
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skystar week day 2: remorse
bringing in the angst for day two :,)
loyalty blog -> @transformers-loyalty
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absolutebl · 1 year
Hello! Not sure if you're a fan, but Nine and Mill from OnlyOneOf have started shooting their BL series.
Apparently all members will be in it, but bts photos only show 2 of them so far.
I was wondering who (amongst them) would star.
I knew they'd be doing it (for like a year now?) but I am wary after OmegaX falaffed about with their whatever-the-shoulder-that-was.
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So I'm less excited than I once as. Cautiously intrigued?
Back to OnlyOneOf...
For those who have been following along, Nine (Main Vocal) and Mill (Main Rapper) were in the "escape the bullies" installments of OnlyOneOf's "be" music video series.
There is a small part of me who wanted it to be the visuals (of course, I'm shallow) but I think these two were the best actors, for the limited bits we get in MVs.
i would say I am... curious to see what comes of this.
At least it can't be worse than Shoulder, can it?
Here's the last deets I had on the show in question:
Bump Up Business
Form Idol Romance, announced here, me talking about it here. Studio will do sad but can do good kisses (Wish You, Nobleman Ryu, Once Again, Kissable Lips, Poongduck 304, Tasty Florida, Tinted With You).
So... who knows?
"Depicts the tickling love story between a trainee who is about to debut and a celebrity from the same agency."
Kpop boy group OnlyOneOf has collectively signed up to be in this idol-based BL, Bump Up Business (based on a webtoon of the same name).
They’ve been auditioning for this since Libido IMHO. You can watch me chronicle their BL MV series in this post.
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sicklymuttz · 1 month
can I ask why you don’t wanna associate with the fandom anymore:0 was it stressful? Did something happen? It’s fine if you don’t wanna answer :3
It was mainly losing interest in it, really. I got into different things, and the Regretevator interest slowly just drifted from my mind.
However, I will admit the things I've seen in this fandom, on Tumblr alone, was very bothersome. I haven't been on very many other sites, so maybe it's just Tumblr that has this problem, but even on AO3, it's bad. Too many gross people linger here, and quite frankly, I'm just tired of it. That's just me though.
But yeah, the bulk of it was mostly just me getting into new interests. Sorry </3
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itsbaku · 8 months
I was a little nervous about posting this but hey maybe someone would like to see it
Doodle of Sushi from Ghøstkid
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It took a good amount of time to properly doodle this. It was supposed to be a sketch, SUPPOSED to. Unfortunately my hand did not sketch. Anyways I went through a lot to make it as accurate as I could and throw in my own special touches as well, there's probably some inaccuracies but it's fine I think. I'd argue he doesn't look great in my style but hey, I tried right lol
Uh anyways I'm supposed to be taking a break but fuck that right. Yeah I'm talking too much hope y'all like it lol
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crimson-armageddon · 2 years
It would appear that the @pansear-doodles effect has taken hold of me yet again
Behold, anthro Capacitor design. (How does my highest quality art always end up being drawn on my phone?)
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aucatgirl · 2 years
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Can a boy who barks really fall in love with a boy who meows
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duckapus · 7 months
So, while the SMG universes (and to a lesser extent Veggietales Online) do have some crossover between them, and several of them are at least aware of each other, they're still disconnected for anyone without Commands or similarly powerful abilities. So, as part of this initiative, they've been working on a way to allow travel between their worlds for anyone, not just those select few. To that end they've created Hyperlink Gates, stable wormhole generators based on...well, internet links... with the intent to create a gate network between their worlds. They're also working on small, portable Portal Casters based on the same technology for both individual use and for exploration into other universes.
As this is going on, the leader meetups gradually shift gears to working out the logistics and ramifications of this connecting of worlds, most notably the fact that it'll push them into the wild world of Code-Level Politics, with them hammering out the details of what will eventually become the Meme Alliance.
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 9 months
scrump you beautiful sandslash i am so glad i knew you. thank you, and goodnight
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