#It's about opposites and similarities and about how both sides of the coin are connected after all
lesenbyan · 1 year
Give me the director's commentary on the fic about Falon'Din's temple beatdown - what compelled you to write it, what you wanted it to accomplish, etc.!
Fanfic Writer Director's Cut
oh man hon it's been years and my memory is terrible, let me see what I can slot together with the pieces it gives me.
First off, though you know this, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I'm a Falon'Din kinnie with Opinions and Headcanons (read: projection).
But I think what compelled me ti write it is the same thing I wanted to accomplish, which is. basically the same thing any sympathetic retelling of a villain's story does. Like. I'm not gonna argue with the very little lore we've got that says he was fucking terrible bc like yeah. yeah. They all were, they had to be. He was a fucking monster. And the temple beat down was very much him getting a bit of what he deserved (but. not from anyone who deserved to dish it out) but like.
You know how when you take a character canon gives you nothing on and you build them from the ground up everything you made shapes how you see canon events? Like the only telling we have of it is that it happened really, and not a whole lot more. But when you add in the many flavors of mentally unwell and otherwise traumatized my hcs make Falon'Din it gives the whole thing a different tint. From the outside it's an arrogant asshole refusing to back down. From the inside it's a scared boy bluffing a fake it til you make it as so many of his actions actually are and the moment the bluff starts the fracture internally where his worries go.
Like, I've always been fascinated in what makes people break, where that line is for each person and whether or not they can recover. But, of course, it is far more ethical to explore this in fiction which is why I can't even really write fluff past a certain word count without a vein of bittersweet or crack to keep it light. And when the mighty and arrogant fall they fall hard. But my Falon'Din, while he's bought into his own act, it's doesn't run very deep. My Falon'Din is conscious of how much of him was shaped by Dirthamen and how much of his power he owes to his twin. Could he have done it alone given the same knowledge? sure, probably. But no one was going to give him that. Literally and figuratively Falon'Din knows he owes everything he has to Dirthamen and would give it up in a moment if Dirthamen asked (love as a corrupting force, y'see) but Dirthamen wouldn't ask bc like. He doesn't want it. that's so much work. he only worked for the goal bc Falon'Din wanted it.
So he honestly thinks he can't die, that he's in the right, but he also knows this shit is real which is why he doesn't let Dirthamen stay. Bc he's cocky and arrogant but he knows that this isn't just gonna be some reprimand, he knows this is gonna be bloody, and he's a damn good fighter, he fights among his own front lines, but Dirthamen isn't here to shield him and he's against everyone else. And that moment is compelling.
But to balance it, to show him in his entirety, his recovery needed to be seen too- his recovery and his past. Bc there is where we see Dirthamen's hand molding the clay, shaping him. I wanted to convey that Falon'Din (excuse me, Athim) is a blank slate and not once, but twice Dirthamen (Renan, bc what is he to the world here if not his voice?) took him and molded him into this. That Falon'Din's a monster and knows it and loves it, but he knows it's because Dirthamen made him so.
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phantomwitch16 · 1 month
Recently I've been thinking about Hypnos and his position in Hades Hades 2. I've been seeing a lot of posts about him lately so I really want to talk about him cause to be honest, other than Zagreus, Hypnos is my favourite character in both games.
From what I've seen from Nyx's family, Hypnos seems to be the odd one out and too be fair, he quite literally is. Most if not all of his siblings are reclusive, quiet and don't keep in contact, similar to how it was with Nyx and Chaos. But Hypnos is the opposite, being quite sociable, talkative and wants to be around his mother and brothers as much as possible. In fact, that's possibly why he works at the house, likely to be closer to Nyx and his brothers. Which really makes sense, since out of all of his family, he never sees any of his other siblings save for their Nyx, Than and Charon and that was largely due to their obligations to the house. But despite his easy going demeanor, Hypnos is probably one of the most powerful gods in the house, save for Nyx given that he was able to put everyone in the house to fall asleep.
Which I imagine it was quite isolating to be doing his duties, especially since most of his siblings, notably Than, were off doing something else. At least with Than, he had the opportunity to see Nyx and Charon whenever he had the time. Which makes sense since other than sleep and death being two sides of the same coin, there isn't much else that keeps Hypnos connected with his family and its likely what made him want to take a job as a receptionist, despite how bored he generally is at it.
It's sad looking back on first game when he's being talked down to by Than and Nyx for having a difficult time to get the hang of doing essentially two full time jobs. Thankfully by the end of the game, he's managed to become much more capable in managing both jobs and having a better relationship with his family.
But this has made me wonder if working as the receptionist had a drastic affect on him in the second game. He's practically in a comatose state and has been like that since before Chronos attacked, since Mel was a baby and it's one of the biggest questions of the community.
I have a few ideas what could've happened to him and the possibly larger role he many have within Hades.
I haven't watch the technical test and frankly i don't want to know too much until the game comes out on the switch, but i think Hecate was down at the house was partly due to Hypnos' condition and maybe to see Mel as well. Because frankly it would be a large part of concern for everyone to come across Hypnos and being unable to wake him up. So she comes to examine him and while there, Chronos escaped, leading her to escape with Hypnos, Melinoe and the portrait.
As for what could've put Hypnos into that sleep, it could've been possible that he was doing so well before the events of the Hades 2. There could've been a large influx of souls and some additional preparation for Melinoe's birth that caused a lot of tension in the house. Or else, he received a terrible vision. In Greek Mythology, Hypnos had a great connection with handling the visions and prophecies. Mainly delivering them from Apollo or other Gods to prophets such as the Oracle of Delphi, alongside his sons. It could be possible that Hypnos received a vision from someone that influenced him to go into a deep sleep.
With him being asleep since then, it's likely that he's only been sleeping. However, it could be possible that Hypnos could be aiding those who were left behind or helping Mel and the others in the Crossroads? Such preventing other enemies to spawn alongside Chronos or putting those left behind in a deep sleep so that they won't feel pain or be controlled by the Titan.
What i find most interesting is his connection with Melinoe. From the get-go, we're already well aware that Mel looks up to Hypnos and finds him fascinating which makes sense. In mythology, Melinoe was not only had a connection to Hecate and ghosts, but one with sleep, specifically bringing about nightmares and madness.
With this connection to him, Mel could possibly interact with Hypnos in her dreams or wake him from his slumber. Or if those who were in the house were under his control, Hypnos could lull them into a sleep and Mel could wake them up by inducing a terrible nightmare that could shake off whatever control Chronos has over them.
I don't know if Hypnos might still have his old job by the end of the second game but considering with Mel could intercept dreams, I think that he would get a promotion by overseeing her duties or training her in those aspects of her abilities, probably punishing those worthy of those nightmares or aiding him in handing out prophecies.
I highly doubt that all of this would be used in the game but its a nice idea.
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thehappynewzo · 14 days
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I just want to give a heads up that I am no professional astrologer.. although it's funny cuz you see most users saying this here and their predictions seem pretty professional in the end no? Lol. Anyways, as I was saying, please don't plagiarise my content..but wait, no, I don't really have a problem actually cause astrology is astrology and if you wanna use it for your posts, fine...feel free to...I have no issue so please widen your knowledge and share it with others. Okay, I think it's best i begin now.
Also, I'll be talking about stuff that are meant only for adult eyes lol😂 so dear minor watching, i understand how curiosity fuels your engine but please don't interact with this, otherwise curiosity will also begin to kill minors along with cats.😂😂
If something here does not relate with your experience, please keep in mind that astrology is an insanely vast but such a beautiful topic so this varies based on other aspects and placements too.
☀️Sun in the 8th house🏠 -
•The sun person makes the house persons insecurities and past wounds exposed due the sun persons brightness, because of this it seems like the sun person hurts the house person unintentionally.
•The house person gets triggered a lot with certain actions of the sun person but keep in mind, the sun person has no intention of triggering the house person.
•These are the triggers that's developed because of the house persons past and it gets exposed to the sun's light.
•No matter how much the house person tries to stop those triggers, it won't stop in the beginning of the connection.
•The sun person might want to explore the house persons deepest parts that they hide from the world and as the dynamic gets closer to eachother in the connection, the sun persons heat either worsens the wounds or helps heal the house person heal them.
•The sun person pays a lot of attention to the house persons deepest wounds and desires.
•They notice every little detail of the house persons insecurities but you'll be happy to know that the sun person usually finds brightness in all your darkest parts.
•The house person will be someone who provides them a shadey place to relax from their own ego and shine. A place for them to dig deeper than surface level.
•The house person gets obsessed completely with their entire soul towards the sun person. It's usually possible that the house person felt an instant pull to the sun person on their first meeting.
•Here, usually along with the above points, manifests in such a way where the sun person wants the house person to be as open and comfortable with them as possible but the house person is too afraid to expose their sensitive hidden parts to the sun person.
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8th house synastry -
•i feel, according to my studies and observations that whatever planet sits in the 8th house becomes like a two sided coin or a opposite sort of thinking here most of the time.
•Usually the planet person thinks and feels some way about the house person but the house person feels like the planet person thinks the complete opposite of what the planet person actually thinks (lol I hope it made sense) and vice versa.
•It's like both the house person and the planet person may have similar feelings about eachother (planets depend as it can change this) but they both think that the other doesn't feel the same way about them.
• EX: VENUS in the 8th house - both of them (planet person and house person) love eachothers beauty and insecurities of eachother but they are insecure that the other person does not like it or will not like it sooner or later.
ANOTHER EX: SUN in the 8th house - both of them (planet person and house person) wants the other to open up to them but they think the other person does not want to or will not support them or understand them. Both of them want to open up abt their insecurities but they both are afraid and hence take a long time to open up but in the beginning are closed off.
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Btw, I'll be making a list of Eros in the houses and signs in synastry soon.
Eros (433) in 3rd house : Firstly, Eros is your turn ons. The Eros person is turned on / finds the house person voice very attractive. Also the house persons hands, how the house person speaks and their mind.
Eros (433) in 7th house : The Eros person is turned on / finds the house persons feminity attractive. Even the house persons ass lol. If the house person is a woman, then the Eros person finds her feminine body very beautiful.
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Kiss (8267) in the 4rth house :
•the house person can be comforted easily by the kisses of the kiss person.
•the kiss person's kisses feels like home for the house person.
•soft loving kisses.
•slow comforting kisses.
•The kiss person can love to kiss the house person's chest.
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Kiss (8267) in the 9th house :
• the house person gets very hyped up and excited when the kiss person kisses them.
•the house person feels protected and safe everytime the kiss person kisses them.
•since this is Jupiter's house, the house person may want more and more of the kiss person's kisses. They may also get a lot of kisses from the kiss person. The kiss person may have the urge to kiss the house person whenever they're around around them since Jupiter expands whatever he touches. This holds true if the house person's Jupiter is in conjunct with the kiss persons kiss Asteroid.
•the kiss person can give the house person kisses out of nowhere too.
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Vesta (4) is an asteroid that indicates what our soul is most devoted towards, where you're most dedicated, where you invest a lot of your energy. The conjunctions can make this asteroid very prominent in synastry.
= If you want to know if you are going to invest a lot of energy in a connection, check if Vesta conjuncts any of your inner planets, especially big 3 (ascendant, sun, moon) and ESPECIALLY JUPITER.
= Which planet Vesta conjuncts indicates the kind of dedication or the areas in which you or the other person is dedicated towards in the connection.
•Vesta conjunct Jupiter = Vesta person is dedication to guide and protect the Jupiter person.
•This conjunction makes the Vesta person extremely, I mean superly duperly extremely excessively devote all the energy they have in them towards the Jupiter person.
•The Vesta person surrenders and devotes themselves to Jupiter person as if the Jupiter person were a god.
•Vesta conjunct Venus = the Vesta person has a romantic dedication towards the Venus person.
•The Vesta person is very much dedicated to showing the Venus person their love.
•This is a 100% loyalty placement in any romantic relationship. Other aspects matter too though but this tops the loyalty placement among many other.
• The Vesta person is usually the one very loyal in this connection but the Venus person loves the dedication that the Vesta person has towards them and this becomes the Venus person's fuel for loving the vesta person in return.
•The Vesta person is devoted romantically towards the Venus person.
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• Vesta conjunct Sun = the Vesta person has an overall dedication towards the sun person.
• This literally means that the Vesta person is dedicated to the sun persons soul.
This time I'll give an example of Vesta seated in _______ house.
• Vesta seated in the 8th house = The Vesta person has such a deep leveled soul digging devotion towards the house person, especially if Vesta conjuncts any planet here (esp. big 3).
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Yay! Special asteroid mention time!!
Vesta ☌ child (4580) -
The Asteroid Child is youthfulness, where your inner child never dies, where you feel a little lost, where you feel like a child.
•The Vesta persons devotion is aimed at making the child person feel like a child.
•The Vesta person invests HUGE amounts of their energy just to make the child person laugh like a child, smile like a child and feel like a child.
•The Vesta person is also devoted to make the child person's inner child never die, to keep their inner child alive.
•The child person can make the Vesta person feel lost at times.
•The child person is lost when it comes to the Vesta persons devotion towards them, especially if Vesta is also ☌ (conjunct) Sun/Jupiter.
•The child person wonders why the Vesta person is so devoted towards them.
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That's all for today my dear readers with amazingly curious minds. I hope you all enjoyed reading this post today and I hope I made somebody smile! Let me know in the comments if anything resonated and if you'd like me to cover anything in astrology!! Love you all so much ! Bye bye for now! Take care, be happy and healthy!😊❤️
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Asteroids mentioned above : 433,8267,4,4580
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thalunalovegood · 3 months
Two sides, same coin
It's day 2 of Gwynriel week @gwynrielweeksofficial
Today it's about complementary, and I think Az and Gwyn really complement each other, and one of the parallels that I really like is the siphons and her invoke stone.
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Gwyn says the Invoke Stone can be used to heal and protection, whereas we know that the Illyrians Siphons were made to filter the magic into something to harm, the Invoke Stone and the Siphons are the opposite and they complement each other, can you imagine this in a battle field? Or during a mission? for me it's clearly that the both itens can be connected, and can be used together, one to attack one to defender.
[Not sure if the siphons can be "borrowed" or the Invoke Stone, but I think it would be interesting to see Gwyn use the siphon and Az the invoke stone.]
I also think that Gywn is really curious and she verbalize her questions, and Az is more the type that don't speak, unless it's necessary, so this another way they can complement their personalities, I imagine will be something like this:
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They during a mission, waiting and waiting, and Gwyn whispering a lot of things, cause she can be loud and bring attention, and Az just listening to her, with a soft smile.
We know they are both competitive, and even though this may not look like something to complement, cause isn't the opposite, it is. A lot of thing that are opposite have their complement, like sun and moon, day and night, salt and sugar, but their competitiveness will complement each other.
They will be able to create strategics together.
They will love to hear each others stories about their winnings.
They will be living challenging themselves.
Another thing is, they ara both strategists.
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How will this complement them? Like I said, they can work together on some strategics, I can see Gwyn become a spy too, so I think they will spying together, and they will work like a symphony in harmony.
Last, but not least, admiration, you can be with someone that you don't admire or you trust.
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We know that Gwyn trusts Azriel, and we know that he admires her, and trust her abilities, so they will be able to complement each other in a lot of ways, and helping each other to heal.
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Gwyn and Az are the perfect complement to each other, their opposites are a perfect match, and their similarities bring the best of them.
That's it, can wait to see more of them!
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pearlprincess02 · 2 months
taylor swift and joe alwyn synastry (sun)
the sun rules will power and ego. it is the core of your potential and uniqueness as an individual; who you are and what you are about. it represents the main direction and focus you want your life to take, and your determination to accomplish what you set out to do. it is your personal honesty and integrity, and the ability to command respect and authority, to impress and influence others.
house overlay and aspects
taylor's sun
taylor's sun in joe's 2nd house
sun in the 2nd house synastry brings a forth light onto material security and self worth. the sun person (taylor) becomes like a care taker of the house person (joe), it could be financially. the sun (taylor) provides confidence in security and wellness of life. the house person (joe) feels protected and treated like royalty, spoiled with sweets and kisses.
taylor's sun conjuct joe's lilith
lilith (joe) in this scenario is truly the sun persons (taylor) dark side personified. the sun (taylor) is a hot arizona morning and lilith (joe) is the dry dark night. with the conjunct specifically, a lot of mutual attraction is shown, the sun person (taylor) represents liliths (joe) good side, and lilith (joe) is the sun persons (taylor) dark side. together in synastry the two may be able to strike a really nice balance of energy if both can meet in the middle. the sun person (taylor) will activate all of liliths (joe) traits, which could be uncomfortable if they haven’t been exposed much to them. similar to the square/opposition something about being together feels a bit wrong but it’s more likely to be sexy then alarming. the flip side with the conjunct here is that it can go either way, if the chart is mostly positive it mostly an enhancer that adds depth, two different sides of the same coin. the connection will feel profound even if it’s mundane.
taylor's sun square joe's pallas
it takes some effort, but sun person (taylor) and pallas (joe) person can come to understand each other. sun person (taylor) is at first thrown off by pallas person's (joe) intellectual nature and may see pallas person (joe) as aloof or scheming. pallas person (joe) may see sun person (taylor) as only out for themselves and out conscientious of how their gifts can benefit society. it may take some effort to adjust to each other’s nature but with mindfulness and patience, sun person (taylor) can awaken pallas person's (joe) creative side. pallas person (joe) can draw on their artistic and charismatic nature to further their agenda as sun person (taylor) will inspire them to do. pallas person (joe) can help sun person (taylor) develop a more socially responsible attitude and channel their leadership skills toward collaborating on important strategies. each may struggle to be in charge and compromise may be needed so this couple can more effectively work together.
taylor's sun opposite joe's vertex
sun (taylor) has some qualities about them that vertex person (joe) desires in their ideal partner. there is a mutual attraction, although usually vertex person (joe) feels this more. even though in some ways their characters may be different, they can fill in pieces for each other- it is a balancing act. 
joe's sun
joe's sun in taylor's 3rd house
the lower mind of the house person (taylor) becomes radiant and full of life. conversations about themselves become more prevalent. the house person (taylor) provides knowledge and quenches the curiosity of the sun person (joe). the sun person (joe) can comfortable verbally express his or herself to the house person (taylor), and vice versa. there’s lots of good and open communication here. opening the mind becomes a daily process.
joe's sun trine taylor's moon
with the sun trine moon synastry aspect, the relationship simply flows. the moon person (taylor) relies on the sun person’s (joe) energy, enthusiasm, and vibrancy, while the sun person (joe) appreciates the emotional support of the moon person (taylor). this couple has a strong emotional bond. they’re attracted to each other mentally and naturally understand each other. in fact, the sun trine moon synastry aspect means that this couple is really in sync. they may each feel actual pain when the other person is hurt. each person feels as though they can rely on the other. this is a natural quality, so this is often found in the chart of couples who stay together long term. the sun trine moon synastry aspect makes this energy flow from day one! typically, the sun trine moon synastry couple is at ease with each other. the sun person (joe) may “lead” the relationship a bit more, while the moon individual (taylor) provides the emotional support, but this usually works for the couple and no one feels overshadowed. this relationship is full of emotional bonding. each person feels super secure with the other; you know that your emotions are safe with each other. the sun person (joe) shines a light on the moon person’s (taylor) darker side, while the moon individual (taylor) gives emotional depth to the sun’s (joe) ego. ultimately, this is a really beneficial, important aspect.
joe's sun sextile taylor's uranus
there is respect for independence and individuality in each other. their connection is through the mind, through learning, and through lots of activity. sun (joe) brings passion and excitement, uranus (taylor) brings discovery. this aspect can make the couple sensitive to bad communication or disrespect. 
joe's sun trine taylor's lilith
the lilith person (taylor) will feel like the sun person (joe) really “shines” a light on their personality and can discover untapped talents. the sun person (joe) isn’t likely to hold back the lilith (taylor) in terms of sexual expression and spirit, theyre likely to “get” what/why lilith (taylor) is the way they are. sexual undertones will be present in most interactions as lilith (taylor) is quite sexual by nature.
joe's sun trine taylor's ceres
sun person (joe) and ceres person (taylor) bring out the best in each other. sun person (joe) knows how to uplift and empower ceres person (taylor). ceres person (taylor) in turn is nurturing, caring and affectionate, making sun person (joe) feel loved and admired. this makes sun person (joe) feel more secure. sun person (joe) can help boost ceres person (taylor) self-esteem and both understand each other’s unique emotional needs. sun person (joe) can bring ceres person (taylor) out of a low mood and help ceres person (taylor) nurture their own needs as well as finding deeper inner value. ceres person (taylor) may find sun person (joe) to be encouraging and inspirational.
celeb's masterlist / moodboard
sun synastry
sun - lilith aspect / sun - pallas aspect / vertex aspects / sun - moon aspect / sun - uranus aspect / sun - cere aspects
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How are oppositions and squares different in synastry?
That's a good question! Oppositions and squares are both considered harsh aspects, they both cause some kind of disharmony between whatever planets are involved. However, there are some (often subtle) differences between the two.
With oppositions, we're placed with two conflicting energies pulling each other in opposite directions. The root of the conflict here is usually quite easy to discern, as these energies tend to be in clear contrast with one another. The goal with oppositions is to find balance. Opposing signs are essentially two sides of the same coin, so while they may express themselves very differently, their internal drive is the same. Each of the opposing signs have traits that their counterpart lacks; in synastry, this can make for an interesting and exciting dynamic where two individuals can learn a lot from each other (as long as they're willing to compromise a little). A synastry chart containing a lot of oppositions can foster a fair amount of growth in both people, as these two challenge each other in ways that force them to take on new perspectives. So while oppositions in synastry may be frustrating at times, they provide us opportunity to push past the confines of our own individual perspectives and learn to achieve a happy medium in our lives.
Squares, on the other hand, bring forth tension, intensity, and harshness. Unlike signs in opposition, which may feel deeply unfamiliar at first but ultimately have the same underlying motivations, signs forming a square do not share the same goals and are often stubbornly set in their own ways. There's a sort of fundamental incompatibility going on with the square which can cause some friction. There's less of an impulse to be cooperative and flexible with each other - and this isn't necessarily always a matter of ego, it can also be caused by fear or feeling blocked in some way. Squares also have a tendency to feel urgent due to the conflict and discomfort they bring. But this discomfort can actually be a good thing, as it urges us to face these issues head on and learn to problem-solve and adjust our behaviour in order to facilitate connection. Squares are kind of like roadblocks that we need to find a way around, and unlike oppositions, where the goal is to strike a balance between two extremes, squares are less about finding balance and more about finding clever ways around the roadblock.
Summary of the two aspects + key words:
Oppositions: Two mutually opposed energies meeting and coming to understand their similarities, then learning to find balance and compromise in their differences. Integrating qualities the other possesses and they themselves lack, and becoming more whole in the process. Two sides of the same coin, clearly contrasted energies, lots of push and pull, learning to see things from a new perspective. Learning to avoid extremes, favouring moderation and finding a middle ground. Same modality, compatible elements, making it easier to understand each other. Needs balance and compromise to work.
Squares: Two fundamentally incompatible energies meeting and creating tension and discomfort, feeling blocked off from connection. Learning to coexist without dominating the other, favouring patience, respect, and curiosity. Roadblocks, discomfort, stubbornness, friction. Finding ways to understand each other and adjust certain behaviours to facilitate connection. Same modality, incompatible elements, making it hard for one planet to "win", both signs in constant battle. Needs patience, understanding, and a certain degree of sacrifice to work.
Example synastry aspects to note the difference:
Mars opposite Mercury: Mars and Mercury are embodying two extremes here; Mars is combative, forceful, and driven. Doing before thinking. Favouring action and aggression, and behaving on instinct. Mercury is thoughtful and analytical. Thinking before doing. Favouring investigation, introspection, planning, and communication. Mars can be a little too fiery and impulsive, while Mercury can be too contemplative, and struggle with taking action. Mars can teach Mercury to take the ideas they've mulled over and finally put them into action. They can also inspire Mercury to communicate with more passion, or to assert themselves more. Mercury, on the other hand, can urge Mars to stop and deliberate before they do something brash and impulsive. They can encourage Mars to be more thoughtful and intentional. Let's say these two planets are in the opposing signs of Virgo (Mars) and Pisces (Mercury). Virgo Mars is practical, analytical, and grounded in facts and reality. But they tend to get worked up quite easily; when angry, Mars in Virgo often spews criticism and harsh words, which easily hurts sensitive Pisces. Virgo Mars' rigidity and scathing judgement is directly opposed to Pisces Mercury's delicate, compassionate, and open-minded nature. Pisces Mercury isn't interested in the limited nature of reality, they're much more fascinated by their own imagination, which can frustrate and baffle Virgo Mars to no end. Pisces Mercury views Virgo Mars as being too skeptical and 'nitpicky', not enough of a dreamer, while Virgo Mars views Pisces Mercury as being too "wishy-washy", and not realistic enough. These opposing energies can be frustrating to deal with, but there is an upside; both these individuals possess qualities that the other person lacks - Pisces Mercury can provide Virgo Mars with some much needed imagination, whimsy, and optimism, and Virgo Mars can provide some reality, bringing Pisces Mercury back down to earth when they get too lost in the abstract.
Mars square Mercury: Now, similar to the opposition, Mars and Mercury are both in conflict here. But they're not opposing each other so they don't have the same underlying goal, making it a little harder for them to relate. They also don't possess the qualities that the other lacks, which means they don't quite make up for each other's pitfalls either. The aggressive and impatient nature of Mars clashes with the introspective and mediative nature of Mercury. Mars can bring a hostile energy to conversations, which likely bothers Mercury quite a bit. And Mercury's endless rambling and deliberating can really get on the Mars person's nerves. Let's say these two planets are in the signs of Virgo (Mars) and Gemini (Mercury). Both Gemini and Virgo value logic, but they express this very differently and usually in conflicting ways. Gemini is more curious than analytical, and their style of communicating tends to be much more scattered than Virgo's. The lack of order in Gemini Mercury's thinking can frustrate Virgo Mars, as Virgo needs structure, organization; they need things to make sense. And in the eyes of Virgo, Gemini is nonsensical. Since this is Mars, the planet of aggression, they're likely to be easily irritated by Mercury, frustrated by the way they jump from topic to topic and are unconcerned with fully dissecting each subject the way Virgo wants to. On the other hand, Gemini Mercury finds Virgo Mars abrasive and disagreeable, and doesn't appreciate their compulsive need to analyze and criticize everything. They can find Virgo uptight and overly scrutinizing. Both Virgo Mars and Gemini Mercury are very stubborn here, they don't want to succumb to the other person's way of doing things. But squares aren't hopeless; these two may not be able to find balance in their clashing traits the way they could with an opposition, but they can still find ways to work around their differences and connect nonetheless. Virgo Mars can try holding back their criticism every once in a while and learn to appreciate Gemini's more chaotic way of expressing themselves, while Gemini Mercury can pause their rambling every so often and allow Virgo to analyze, dissect, and organize to their heart's desire.
The difference between these two aspects isn't huge, but understanding these subtle distinctions can really help add nuance to a chart. I hope this helps!
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notes i
when it comes to synastry, i find that having moon-moon harsh aspects can be the most beautiful thing
having moon opposite moon can feel so calming in a way, because both of the people involved have core views on the world that are quite similar, even if the reason for why they have those reasons may differ; meaning convergent reasons pretty much
e.g a taurus moon and a scorpio moon: both treasure their loved ones like crazy; it doesn’t make sense to them, when they really care for someone, to just disappear from that person’s life. the way in which they show that care diverges, but the core “idea” still remains
it’s like each person is the “missing puzzle piece” of the other (you could say they are the other side of the coin), they complete one another, and if both parties work on the relationship and communicate, it’s quite easy to “fix” the issue, i.e to find common ground. in all honesty, i believe that sharing this aspect in synastry with someone can be one of the most transformative influences in one’s life, even if the relationship doesn’t last, one will always feel the connection and appreciate what they learned from it and how it changed them
on the other hand, if we look at this aspect from a not so optimistic lens, damn it can get real volatile real fast. the pair can clash non-stop, not really because they can’t understand one another (as mentioned above, there’s a lot of potential for mutual understanding), but because they don’t actively listen to what each have to say, resentment can linger in the air
memes that remind me of moon opposite moon:
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having moon square moon is what i like to call “crazy fun”, meaning the relationship both feels amazing, and well it can be immensely fun, but it can also be very frustrating at times, like there is no hope/salvation when butting heads, i.e it can make one think “yeah... they’re not going to understand no matter what i do/say”
this square screams “frustration” to me, i feel like they can act like complete kids with one another and have this intense need for just sharing feelings and ideas, because everything about the other is new and different and that is exciting
generally speaking, one tends to feel attraction towards the other individual, whether romantic or not, there is a sense of magnetism and intrigue here. the amount of things you learn and discover with someone whose moon squares your own, it’s a whole new perspective (woooooooorld, a dazzling place i never knew <3) and it can be extremely fulfilling
not that this aspect indicates the lack of an emotional connection and depth, but there tends to be a lot of misunderstandings since the lenses with which each individual sees personal values and how they express their emotions is usually not compatible, i.e it diverges. so conjugating both emotional sides may be a bumpy road. in a more wholesome note, there tends to be a lot of honesty involved and listening
moon square moon is one intense hell of a ride that will open somebody’s eyes to things that maybe never even crossed their minds before and yes, it will push one out of their comfort zone emotionally (if they really do put in effort in the relationship) since it will sometimes require one to respect the other, even if they don’t comprehend for e.g the other person’s emotional reaction at all. being at peace with, and also respecting, differences and realizing they are not flaws is key
memes that remind me of moon square moon:
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leanderfields · 1 year
Not too long ago I rambled about how Leander, Ais, and Mhin might be representing each of the three moons in the Triple Goddess Symbol and what that could imply about the Touchstarved routes. I left out Kuras and Vere since it’s, well, the Triple Goddess Symbol… but I wanna talk about them now. Leander, Ais and Mhin are connected, but so are Kuras and Vere. 
Just in a different way: they’re foil characters.
A foil character is essentially a literary device in which writers highlight a character’s traits (be it their personality, appearances, or philosophies) with another character who has traits that are opposite to them. But this is not to say that they’re complete opposites or made to be protagonist vs antagonist. They can be similar in some ways like two sides of the same coin. For example, Sherlock and Watson are popular foil characters. Both are intelligent, but in different ways. Sherlock is the logical type of intelligence while Watson is emotionally intelligent. They’reboth  friends, but they also challenge each other with their philosophies and methodology.
I feel like that is also the case with Kuras and Vere. Though they are far from friends, I do believe that they were designed to be foil characters and possibly challenge each other whether that be as rivals, foes or eventually– friends.  Am I coping? Maybe. But hear me out:
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Vere’s design is primarily black and silver whereas Kura’s design is white and gold. Black and White. Silver and gold. Both of these are opposites. Black and white represent the typical opposites like good and evil.
Kuras is a virtuous person at heart. He dislikes dishonesty and has saved both MC and Mhin’s life and they might not be the only people he’s saved because we know he wanders the wastelands. On the other hand, Vere dislikes rules, is a natural liar and causes a lot of trouble whether that be breaking into Kura’s clinic or stealing MC’s key.
Another set of opposites black and white represents is heaven and hell. Kuras is obviously representative of heaven. He is an angel, a divine being. One that supposedly sinned, but he is still a divine being nonetheless. Then there’s Vere, a monstrous beast chained by Senobium. While he isn’t from hell (or maybe he is; we’ll have to find out), he has a hellish motif in his chains. In the Bible, the Chains of Hell are forged by humans who choose to disobey God's commandments. Chains of Hell give Satan the power to control and influence humans. Vere’s hair is also a fiery red. While the notion that hell is a burning hot pit of sulfur is biblically inaccurate, we have come to associate hell with hot temperatures because of how modern media depicts hell. But it also depends on different conceptions of hell you look at. Some shows like Netflix’s Lucifer depict hell as a cold, desolate place and Good Omens depict it as an underground subway of sorts. In Dante’s Inferno, hell is described to have nine “layers”. We know them better as the nine circles of hell, each modeled after a sin. The center of hell in this depiction is burning and hot, but other circles are cold or have completely different environments.
Silver and gold is also mentioned in the Bible. They’re usually mentioned together, but these metals do have different connotations. Gold is thought to be more “superior” than silver is. Even today, gold is used to represent first place and silver is used to represent second place in competitions ranging from school spelling bees to the Olympics.  
But biblically speaking, gold was a metal chosen to represent God’s glory. It’s mentioned in Genesis (2:11-12)– “It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. And the gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone”. Gold is one of the first metals mentioned in the Bible thus being closely associated with God. And from there, the heavens have always been depicted with gold. Golden gates, golden arches, etc. And this is my own interpretation, but seeing as gold can withstand extreme heats without being tarnished, it can also be seen as a “pure” metal, a metal that could withstand hellfire. Supposedly anyway. As for silver…. It’s a bit more “common” than gold would appear to be. If gold represents wealth and the heavens, then silver is associated with trade. Although silver is a precious metal, it is also a fairly mundane metal. You see silver every day whether it’s real or steel– on mechanical pencils, technology, utensils, needles, etc.
Kuras having gold in his design helps to sell the ethereal look of an angel, but it also creates this divine, out-of-reach aura without revealing his true form (which is also probably too much for mortals to handle). His height adds to that as well. He’s so tall that he is literally out of reach. Kuras’s personality also makes him hard to reach. He doesn’t talk much about himself and you can hardly learn anything about him with small talk. He’s mysterious and allusive and Leander has never bought him a drink before. Also he’s a doctor. Not to say that doctors can’t be friendly or have friends, but it does create this professional boundary for many of his patients– and perhaps other people too– making it hard for his patients to connect with him in an intimate/close way.
Vere is of a fairly average height and despite being a monster, he has a very mundane feel to him. Not mundane as in he’s boring, but rather earthly. Very grounded. Compared to Kuras, he is very much within reach by human standards. At least from just talking to him. Yes, he plays around with his food and his words, but you can also garner a lot more from someone who talks a lot than from someone who never talks about themselves at all. From the get go, we knew he didn't like Kuras. In the demo, he makes many of his likes and dislikes clear. Vere feels very human in a way. He also goes out to have fun, drinks, expresses himself whether that be through talking up a pantomime, speaking in a vulgar way,  or having a hobby like drawing.
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Each character’s chest windows also visually imply something similar about their personalities. Vere has a plunging neckline that exposes a good part of his upper body. Kuras has a bit of a plunge too though it’s not as deep, barely going past his sternum. Kuras’s chest area is also covered by some kind of sleeveless undershirt. It’s sheer, but it still covers his chest. These design choices suggest that Vere is more open about his feelings than Kuras is hence why his chest, or heart, is more exposed. Kuras’s “heart” is covered by a sheer material, meaning you could see some of his feelings but perhaps not all of it as he is guarding them with a barrier of some sort. Keeping his guard up, if you will.
Their chest areas aren’t the only “similar yet different” aspects of their designs. Color schemes and chest areas aside, they both have a robe-like outfit. Their top garments have bell sleeves and this small “train” that drapes down to their legs. Kuras’s sleeves are much longer than Vere’s and they’re detached from the rest of his top, but I think that it’s part of his ethereal look. There’s something classy and elegant about long sleeves.
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As for the rest of his outfit, it’s pristine and structured. There’s distinct shapes and sections. The design is seemingly symmetrical (except for his belts) which probably suggests that he’s an organized and straight-laced person with an occasional 180 (probably fueled by his fatal flaw)
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Vere’s sleeves and most of his top is sheer and flowy. They’re probably made from a comfortable, silky material. In addition to his chest window, he’s also got a thigh window. Vere has a very lax and flirtatious design. The only thing that isn’t so flowy is the belt/collar situation he’s got going on with the Senobium. His center or his chest/heart. His collar is straight and symmetrical. It ties him and his nature down.
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Speaking of being tied down, both Kuras and Vere have vambraces on their forearms. Kuras’s is gold while Vere’s is silver. They’re the only characters to have this. I personally interpret them as manacles. Vere’s vambraces are exposed. He sports them as he does with his collar– out in the open without care. He doesn’t advertise that he’s chained down by the Senobium, but he also doesn’t go to extreme lengths to hide it. Yes, he initially hid his leash from MC, but he also let MC figure out that he was affiliated with them. If people found out, they found out. If they knew, then they knew and he’d make sure they’d know how powerful he is too. On the flip side, Kuras’s vambraces are somewhat shrouded by his long sleeves. In every pose and artwork we’ve seen of Kuras, his vambraces are always half-covered. It’s like you know there is something going on, but you don’t know the full story or feel close enough to ask.
Those vambraces could also be representative of how both characters are prisoners in their own ways. Vere is more literal. He was captured and made to be the Senobium’s pet against his will. He’s somewhat resigned to that life, but of course he wants to escape. Kuras is shackled down by his own ideals. He stays in Eridia because he is compelled by his own guilt. In a way, he chains himself down and gives himself his own punishment. Vere is literally shackled. Kuras is figuratively shackled. Vere is a prisoner of the Senobium. Kuras is a prisoner of his ​​culpability.
The last thing I want to mention is that Vere is affiliated with the Senobium while that place is listed on Kuras’s dislikes. There wasn’t an exact reason for his dislike though. For Leander, we can sort of infer the reasons. He’s a mage, possibly an exile, etc. But there’s not much to go off for Kuras’s revulsion. He is also friends with Mhin who happens to like the Senobium. Does Kuras’s dislike for the Senobium have something to do with Vere or is it something else? Their distaste for one another is mutual according to their relationship charts.
Perhaps if Leander, Ais and Mhin are connected through the Triple Goddess symbol, then Kuras and Vere’s routes might be interconnected since they appear to mirror each other. They’re foil characters!!!
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Not just visually but also with their personalities. They’re also marketed with complimentary colors. Colors that are opposites. Kuras is yellow/gold and Vere has purple. I think that means something. Maybe.
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vasito-de-leche · 9 months
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;NSR DJSS - General Headcanons
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Compilation of headcanons and analysis about DJ Subatomic Supernova and other related things.
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I got an ask asking for DJSS' love languages (don't worry! working on it!) but then it hit me that I don't think enough about DJSS to talk about love languages right away, so I'm getting this out of my system to try and fleshen out the way I write him!
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The most healthy and solid friendship DJSS has is with Eve.
Eve's post is still fresh on my mind, so it got me thinking about how DJSS and Eve are very similar - like, two sides of the same coin, or two opposites in the same spectrum. But before I get carried away, let's talk about DJSS.
Out of all megastars within NSR, DJSS is very clearly the one with the least amount of connections to other characters, at least in the way he's presented in-game. Like, all of them are connected to NSR and Tatiana because they work for her, that's obvious - but the Sayu Gang have each other, Yinu has her parents, Neon J has 1010, Eve and DK West both have Zuke and Tatiana/NSR respectively. Tatiana has Kliff, the Goolings and Mayday.
DJSS is just. There?
Maybe it's because he's the tutorial boss, but very similarly to Eve, themes of loneliness and not being appreciated enough or understood are prominent in his background. The casettes literally show him spiraling from an underappreciated but very passionate teacher to a very influential but egocentric megastar.
There's just something about how DJSS and Eve share loneliness as a theme. And how both of them also fully embody their work, becoming a personification of their craft and passions so that their self-worth and identity is DIRECTLY tied to how said passions are received and perceived. To others, music and art are simply an extension of themselves, an important part of their lives, not the whole of it. But DJSS and Eve? You can't separate them from their work. Again, the Sayu Gang are a bunch of teens bonding over a shared interest. Yinu is a megastar BECAUSE of her family, not by CHOICE, she plays the piano FOR her deceased father. Neon J is, first and foremost, a war veteran and protector of Vinyl City before he is a musician, even if dancing and music are his passions.
There is also something to be said about how their respective journeys are opposites of each other yet end the same way. They've gotten what they've wanted, but they're stagnant and unfulfilled.
We see DJSS starting as a starry-eyed teacher, thanking the THREE students AND A JANITOR who came to his lessons because he's grateful for anyone who will listen to him. He's using his passion and work to teach others and expand their minds and whatever other cool one-liners he says in his videos and cutscenes. This directly mirrors Eve, who starts as a self-loathing, deeply insecure artist who uses art as a way to cope and vent. (If you read my Eve post, throwback to the duality theme - outside and inside. DJSS is channeling his work to the world, to the outside. He's looking for people who understand him. Nadia is channeling her work to herself, to the inside. She's looking to understand herself.)
The middle part of their whole journey shows a moment of introspection and healing for both of them.
DJSS reconnects with his love for music and the reason he even became a teacher in the first place - not out of love for teaching (which is another point I wanna talk about later in this post) but for a genuine love and intrigue for the universe. After years of trying to get anyone to listen, he finally remembers how it feels to look up at the sky. He finds a way to merge both music and space as a means to further his goal.
Eve heals because she believes she's found someone who can complete her, someone who isn't herself but who can understand and see her just as good. She doesn't hide her pink side, she doesn't hide her face with her hair, she is shown to be very, very lively, excited and intense. This is the moment she realizes she can be understood and loved, all the things she saw as impossible before meeting Zuke. Her art reflects this, she can now focus on something other than hating herself.
(It's very important to me that we remember her heart piece with Zuke is made out of recycled bottles. Both DJSS and Eve were shown to have this thing for helping others - DJSS through teaching and Eve through art.)
And then, their last collectible shows them at their worst.
DJSS has finally managed to be influential enough to have thousands of people actually pay attention to what he's saying. And he explicitly says that, even though he's gotten this far, he feels empty. And he feels empty because all of his work will disappear, because he will be forgotten in a few generations. And we see how music has replaced his love for the universe, it's a subtle shift in which DJSS goes from wanting to learn and teach others about something he's deeply passionate about from wanting his music and hard work to live on forever through space.
There's a metaphor somewhere in there about DJSS' legacy being not his work as a teacher, astrophycisist or even a pillar of the EDM movement - but a few of his songs. Attached to an NSR satellite. Going through the empty void of space.
And then there's Nadia, all alone again. Because she's gotten so comfortable with the idea of being understood, that she expected Zuke to see everything the same way she did, and therefore setting his hair on fire wouldn't be that big of an issue. And this is her worst fear, but it doesn't hurt as much as she thought it would - because she's expected this to happen at some point, even when she was at her happiest with Zuke.
I want to draw a line between this moment and the way their loneliness permeates in their words and actions - DJSS who has tried for years to reach out to like-minded people, finally has an audience that respects him, he still feels unfulfilled and empty. And he further distances himself from everything by setting his sights and his legacy on THE COLD VACUUM OF SPACE. Eve, who has always believed she would end up alone, IS NOW ALONE AND ABANDONED (from her perspective anyways, since it would be unfair to say Zuke was a horrible monster for leaving a relationship this complex) and yet she doubles down on finding someone like her.
DJSS states that no one is able to think like him, no one within NSR shares his ambition nor vision - he's resigned. Eve states that she will bring everyone to her level one way or another - she's desperate. Two sides of the same coin. Two extreme opposites in the same spectrum.
It all boils down to believing that somewhere out there, whether in Vinyl City or the universe, there's someone who can really appreciate them.
The two conceal a sense of inferiority, the difference being that Eve's comes from a place of pure, genuine hatred for herself (if her work can't be understood, she can't be understood. if her work can't be appreciated, she can't be appreciated) and DJSS' comes from a place of blind confidence in his own potential and ideas (if his work cannot be understood, it's because no one has the ability to understand it. if his work cannot be appreciated, it's because no one is sensible enough to appreciate it).
There is also something about how, at their worst and/or when they feel threatened, they seem to switch?
This is most notable in Eve's boss fight, in which she acts condescending and dismissive to both Mayday and Zuke - saying all the things she knows will hurt just for the sake of hurting Zuke. She establishes her superiority over those who can't understand her, similar to how DJSS treats B2J initially. And in DJSS' case, hints of this reversal can be heard in his casettes, already explained above. He somewhat resembles Eve during her final section, a resigned and numb acceptance to being alone.
I think these two would be friends because they would be able to recognize their similarities - not openly address them, mind you, that's too much for either of them to handle - but enough to just chill with each other. There is an underlying feeling of understanding between them, even if all they do is hang out to do superficial things, gossip or rant about work.
And I like to think they're both fine with this arrangement, because sometimes people need relationships that aren't mentally or emotionally exhausting or intense! Sometimes you just need a buddy who shares a similar trauma that neither of you will address and who wants to go bitch about Stacy from HR! It's an unlikely friendship that surprises everyone, but once they stop to think about it, it just makes sense for them to click - at least with the façades they present to the world.
No matter how hard he tries to rebrand, DJSS knows that he'll always be a teacher at heart. Not necessarily a good one, but a teacher anyway.
I really like that one post I saw through the NSR tag about how DJSS makes sense as the tutorial boss because he used to be a teacher, we can assume that there was a time in his life where he loved to teach and shape the minds of the future generations. It's a little meta connection that makes sense to me!
And I like to think that this is something that DJSS can't ever get rid of - the need to just teach. It can come across as DJSS not being able to shut his mouth when it comes to telling people why they're wrong and why he's right, but at the end of the day, he's still trying to clarify misconceptions and teach others new things. It just happens through layers and layers of his condescending attitude.
Of course, this also doesn't apply to just teaching, it applies to learning as well.
DJSS strikes me as someone curious and very driven, instead of asking others why, he sets out to find out answers himself - either because it's easier and faster, because he has something to prove, because of he's so full of autism and hyperfixates easily or whatever other reasoning you like the most.
I like the idea of a DJSS who knows his worth and knows he shouldn't bother trying to argue with people who clearly don't care about facts, logic and research, let alone putting the effort to learn or have an open mind - those simpletons who aren't worth his time - but still struggles with keeping his mouth shut.
During his boss fight, he immediately dismisses B2J because they're small fry, they're not even here for him, they're here for inconsequential reasons that he doesn't have time for. Why should he even entertain them? AND THEN HE DOES. HE GETS RILED UP AND JUST GOES ON TO TALK ABOUT HIS ENDEAVORS AND GOALS ANYWAY.
He REALLY reads as a guy who makes the funniest of jokes and can't help but explain them anyway - and he gets away with it most of the time.
Very organized, detail-oriented person, loves routine and to plan things beforehand. DJSS cannot stand spontaneous decisions and has a hard time adapting to sudden changes.
Sometimes it might be easy to forget that DJSS is most likely the smartest member of NSR as a whole, specifically because of the way he acts and presents himself typically - even if he makes a point of constantly reminding others of his intellect and academic achievements. But! Nothing escapes DJSS' keen vision.
Out of other members of NSR, Tatiana trusts DJSS the most to keep up with his responsibilities as charter and many other projects benefitial for the company, like the rocket launch! He's proven time and time again that he's more than competent to be left to his own devices. Even if he doesn't care much for the other megastars, he still shows up on time for meetings and speaks his mind on things that need addressing (that he considers worth addressing, at least), never pulling his punches when offering his opinion.
Literally that kind of annoying coworker that loves to nitpick and someone you don't get along with but who makes the best points and arguments ever.
I like to think this is reflected in his position in Vinyl City - he's the furthest away from the NSR Tower, because he requires little to no supersion at all. He's also closest to the heart of Vinyl City: Festival Plaza and the Grand Qwasa, maybe because he can absolutely take care of any problems that might arise with it.
Even if he's extremely dismissive, DJSS does remember the people he works with - mostly based on their skills and how useful they are, just so he can know who to send away and who to keep around. He doesn't remember your name, but he remembers that you're competent enough to do a quick check on his turntables or other equipment. That sort of thing.
DJSS likes when things go his way, the way he expects things to be, the way he planned them out to be. He thinks of every possible outcome and prepares for it, without going overboard as to hinder his progress. So he can live with someone on his team messing up the rocket launch procedure - because that was already something he expected that would happen, even if he throws a little fit about it. But he can't deal with suddenly being told that someone else will handle the rocket launch entirely - because that's just not a possibility in his mind.
I can see DJSS being a fan of to-do lists or spreadsheets to stay on top of his game. He doesn't need them, he remembers everything he needs to, but hey, it's a fun flex!
I also just remembered one of the interactable things in Cast Tech - a drone that Zuke comments on, saying:
 "It must have crashed from all the conflicting signals. DJ Subatomic Supernova really likes the idea of blasting his signal into space..."
Which makes me think that yes, DJSS is great at solving things, he's careful and meticulous, doing anything to ensure his success in whatever he sets out to do - but his tunnel vision makes him careless enough to overlook some of the most obvious things in the world. Like how blasting his own signal might disrupt every other drone in the city or mess with other machines.
And this whole point is totally not me subtly trying to write DJSS in a way that compliments the way I perceive Neon J because I think the ship is fun and their dynamic is even funnier, absoluTELY NOT LETS MOVE ON
Cast Tech is the most academic district in Vinyl City. Basically paradise for nerds.
The same way Eve supports the arts in Dream Fever by having a lot of galleries and art studios, it makes sense that DJSS would support academic endeavors by having schools and other academic institutions, funding people's research and etc. It's another little thing that ties in with his background as a teacher.
In-game, Cast Tech is basically a short main road with two or three paths that lead to small areas. It's very lackluster compared to the rest of districts and I blame that on the way the game is structured, showing the boss first and then the district - plus the fact that DJSS is the tutorial boss so by proxy, he gets less content. But it's serviceable enough for the main plot in the game, which is to show us that NSR can be superficial, shallow and careless company.
And I'd like to argue that, maybe, the area Mayday and Zuke go through within Cast Tech, is not meant to be representative of the entire district. It feels more like an area meant for tourists or general NSR propaganda that ended up flopping massively because people weren't that interested?
DJSS is a megastar, sure, but he's not shown being that much of a public figure outside of advertisement. Compare him to any other member - Sayu and 1010's popularity rely on their fanbase, because they're public figures. Eve is an artist, we also see her dabble in all types of art, not just music, even fashion! Yinu is a literal child, but she's still in advertisements for healthy food and drinks.
Did you notice how Cast Tech and Club Planetarium are the only places that lack NPCs? Unique NPCs to be more exact, like Celine in Dream Fever, Mia in Festival Plaza, Yiruk in Metro Division, etc. People who most likely live there?
Once again, DJSS is an outlier. It makes sense to me that, even though this area has a statue of him and a store selling products based on him, literally just revolving around him, playing his advertisements and etc it's not... That important overall within his district. Even the Planetarium where he hosts concerts has a bunch of small stores outside, nothing grand. Even though it's HIS district, he's NOT the focus, ironically.
I would love to get into details about how the actual district works and what goes around, but I dropped out of my bachelor's degree and I don't know enough about science to get super in-depth about it! So anyone who DOES know or wants to develop this more, feel free!
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raayllum · 1 year
At the Same Time
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So I was thinking about S4, specifically two of the three main arcs, as Ezran’s speech in 4x03 sets the stage, thematically, for the entire season. It’s not hard to see how it connects to how Janai has to deal with lingering human vs elf sentiments or in her impatient brother who refuses to see the wisdom in Ezran’s ideology. It’s also not hard to see how it connects to Callum’s feelings towards Rayla, given that, “We have to acknowledge the weight of the pain and loss, but open up our eyes and allow ourselves to hope and maybe forgive and love again.” 
However, I was thinking about my post in which I claim the Soren-Claudia reunion scene in 4x07 and the two cakes Janaya scene in 4x08 operate as a Mouthpiece for what Rayllum isn’t saying overtly to one another (for more reason than one) and realizes that applies doubly in Janai and Amaya’s case not necessarily for Callum, but also for Rayla.
Because we can view Ezran’s speech as it is straightforwardly, and it is very thematically rich. But if we connect it further to Ezran and Janai’s similarities throughout the season, something a little bit deeper takes shape.
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Which is to say: how you maintain two forces and desires that seem utterly opposing? Just have 
Two Cakes
Amaya argues that Janai’s two paths are not mutually exclusive to each other. Unlike what Karim believes, Amaya posits that Janai should, “Forget Karim: this is not about him. What life do you want?” Forget about the nerves and anxieties in your heart or even about pleasing people (even her as Janai’s fiancee) to determine what does Janai want. She wants her love but also to follow what she feels is her duty, and Amaya reaffirms that Janai can have both. She does not have to sacrifice one for the other (even if it means risking her life in the following episode in order to hold onto the crown).
Janai’s views these two paths and desires as things that cannot be reconciled at first. This is why when she turns to Amaya after the fight in 4x09 and states the future will be beautiful while looking at her future, it’s meaningful and full circle. But the tribunal verdict also proves that while Janai is determined to at first reconcile justice and compassion, she is also aware that having both her place as queen and her place at Amaya’s side will be difficult - not impossible - to likewise reconcile.
This mirrors what Ezran says in his speech about having to acknowledge the weigh of the pain and loss, but to also push forward. To not forget how you have suffered, but to not let yourself be defined by it as well. To realize that pain and love are not mutually exclusive, but largely two sides of the same coin, and you cannot lose sight of either if you want to move forward in a way that will actually heal you. You cannot move forward through denial, but you also cannot move forward if you do not acknowledge your grief. 
On the one hand, we do see this with Callum’s side of Rayla and Callum’s reconciliation (part 1) arc this season. But I think if we keep this idea of opposition in mind, we get a peek into why the 4x09 scene exists for Rayla, after everything. 
In one of the few scenes where she gets to talk about her own feelings, we know Rayla has come to realize or reaffirm that her paranoia and mission to kill Viren made her “risk losing the best thing she ever had: [Callum].” She’s spent the season dealing with the fallout, whether it’s Callum being almost unable to look at her, not wanting to speak with her, still having walls up and not discussing their relationship even as he begins to heavily thaw throughout 4x06-4x08. 
Then rather than paranoia, Rayla is confronted with absolute proof, when she also knows Viren’s plans are deadly and dangerous and would put Callum in the most absolute danger possible (re: Aaravos’ possession). Still, she holds back. She lingers.
Are these two paths, two desires, her mission and the love of her life, doomed to be mutually exclusive, or to have the former tear apart the latter? Can she go after him and still have Callum’s love? 
And Callum, through his own journey that I wanna talk more about, says (in spite of everything), “Yes.”
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She can have two cakes (even if it hurts).
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 year
one thing you can say about aabria iyengar is that any character she makes slaps so hard. any of them. hot powerful ladies with an innate sense of self and sometimes dubious morals. not a single miss. i admire the commitment to divorcing the cr cast, and her sitting with travis and sam again is so exuc to me. silly goofy table with super interesting character dynamics. this time it’s both of them that can kill her super easily, with sam as a new friend with fundamentally different beliefs and travis as the ex.
things we know about deanna leimert:
the coziest gnome--knits, wears a big blanket/sweater and uggs, and carries around stew.
unique laughter
reluctant cleric of the dawnfather
had a fling with chetney ~200 years ago
came to uthodurn, made a family with dustel? and then died after being attacked ~10 years later
still has a thing for chetney, but ~it’s complicated~
lowkey a monsterfucker
resurrected by a high level cleric of the dawnfather ~2 years ago, met FRIDA, and started adventuring with them? we still don’t know exactly what they were up to
lowkey dweomer & laerryn energy. if i had a nickel for every time aabria iyengar played a powerful divorced spellcaster with a loyal aeormaton companion who was present around an apogee solstice i’d have two nickels. which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice
was happy in an afterlife for ~200 years and got pulled from it. the implications of the rest of her life and family moving on are so spicy. i love the character concept. direct contrast to laudna in terms of the resurrection itself.
the idea of waking up to see your partner, older, wiser, and beyond you at this point in your life is so messed up. waking up, feeling like an obligation, a completed promise (to whom? may i ask), and a relic of a time long passed got me really hard. she had a relatively happy life, died, and came back only for everything from that period to hurt. she came back exactly the same, but the world changed in her absence. it’s like that one post that was going around about bringing back your dead wife and you’re insisting that she came back wrong but she’s just normal. coming back to a light type of magic and a connection that you can choose to pull on based on who brought you back.
vs laudna waking up alone physically and coming back ‘wrong’, combining innate magic and a pull from someone else. opposite side of the coin in magic style, all shadows and eldritch energy. no obligation to a past life, but being chased out of the places that you made for yourself. a deep trauma associated with your death and the place that you lived before. your body and countenance stuck in the same state that you died in, so your magic takes on more and more reminders of your death. your family sent you to your death and you never see them again except for within the confines of your mind.
i don’t know if we’ll get a laudna & deanna interaction soon, but i so want them to meet and talk about it at least a little. I want to see how imogen continues to react to deanna for these UBH episodes
fiercely defensive of FRIDA and quicker to judge chetney based on past experiences, even though the rest of uthodurn bell’s hells (UBH) did try to warn them
definitely in a weird place in terms of the gods. the thought of faith as batteries or food for the gods is very very similar to ludinus’ comments in that long monologue:
“The greatest lie ever told is that we need them. We are their gardens, their cattle. They created us to feed them with our faith, our hope, our souls. Lapping up their fables, give them form, purpose, control.”
also the concept of the gift of rest--while coming more from FRIDA than deanna, i think applies differently from two characters who experienced that and were pulled out of an eternal rest. very much self-projection energy that i’m getting. also, powering the gods off is distinctly different from eating them, but has a little bit of a similar taste.
thoughts for the future:
i think this is going to be an opportunity to introduce another couple of factions. that fact that we’re up to three clerics in a six person party is giving me inklings of getting into vasselheim or at least some religious drama, post-chetney backstory. there’s definitely some god-indifferent sentiments in the party, and BH’s most religious people (fcg, and to a much lesser extent orym) are separate and can’t compare notes. aabria and christian are taking them on some kind of ride going forward.
also the idea that D has been awakening and shipping aeormatons all over the world. the ones we’ve seen so far have had some interesting experiences with the gods--a holdover from aeorian thought about the gods? if aeormatons and other aeorian weapons/tools of artifice were being designed to kill the gods that has room for some fun and spicy exploration going forward, if UBH goes to aeor.
i hope that these trial of the take style episodes let us have these characters for a little while. they’re meant to contrast and be foils to chetney and fcg specifically, but the interactions with fearne and imogen have so much potential, and i can’t wait to see where they go.
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sins-of-the-dragon · 2 months
Two Sides of a Coin with No Edge - Anders and Fenris Parallels
A little analysis that isn't really that well organised right now but I have plenty of thoughts around how these two are opposite and yet so similar...
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More beneath the cut~
Names - Anders never had a name, or he likely doesn’t remember it. What he uses is what was given to him. It has little to no meaning. Fenris gave up his name, and had it replaced with one with meaning. The meaning being almost derogatory, another form of ownership over his identity, but it’s one that eventually he could drop and take his original back when he meets Varania. He could...but no. He's not Leto any more, and can't be. That's lost. As lost as Anders' original name and who he might have been before the magic manifested.
Family - Anders has no way to ever know or track down his family. They're gone, all knowledge of them severed from him. (Unless this is covered in a book or comic I haven't got to yet). Fenris actually has a chance to reunite with his sister Varania, to know more about their mother too, but...he also can't. She's a mage, a symbol of everything he has learned to hate and fear from years of pain. How could he resume that connection?
Safety - Anders is being hunted. He’s always going to be hunted. The phylactery can track him, and if not he can likely be traced by what he’s done, where he goes. Even when the Wardens mean he can stop being pursued as an apostate, leaving them means getting chased down for that instead. Fenris is also being hunted. He has been for a long time…but once Danarius is gone, he’s free. He has an out.
Persecution - As a mage, Anders has always had that prejudice towards him. But in other ways he could blend in if he wanted to. He’s human, he could choose not to use magic once he has control over it and wear less obvious robes. He could potentially hide properly. Not that he would given who he is, but the option is there. Fenris will always be an elf, and his tattoos can’t be hidden. They’re going to mark him apart even from other elves. He was born in a place where not only was he going to be a second class citizen from day 1 as elves are across most of Thedas, but most of his people are enslaved too.
Control - Both of them have little control over the powers that are bound to them, even though both chose it. Fenris might not remember, but it is clear he made a decision to have the lyrium bound to him. Just like Anders chose to bring Justice into himself. They both show that emotions can bring out those abilities or that side of them. Fenris glows with his rage just as much as Justice comes to the fore when Anders is in a strong emotional state or faced with certain situations.
Emotions - They are also both highly emotional people. Anders shows more of the swings back and forth, with all kinds of emotions felt more strongly than most people - whether that is how quickly and deeply he falls in love, or how furious he becomes with injustice. His emotions are at the fore, strong, powerful, because that’s how he is, who he is. Fenris on the other hand struggles more purely with anger, frustration, and a very violent reaction to certain situations and people. He doesn’t allow himself to feel close to people easily because that might be a weakness someone can use against him. It takes him a lot to hold back from hurting Varania when he hears about his past, and he’s clearly still struggling with anger even after Danarius is gone.
Forgiveness - Both of them have a strong sense of justice, just aimed in different directions. Anders has felt the oppression of being a mage and everything that goes with that for most of his life. Fenris has felt the same but the source of that has been mages. Anders can’t forgive the Templars any more than Fenris can let go of his fear/hate of magic. They both know and eventually accept there can be good people on the other side, but it takes them a long time to get to that point. And neither can forgive the society that enabled their persecution.
They have so much in common but they can never see it, never truly reconcile. Anders sees someone who is determined to oppress his people, who only believes them to be dangerous and violent, who thinks the only way to prevent harm is to lock them all up and control them even if they’re innocent. Fenris sees someone who wants to unleash danger on the world, to let criminals and enslavers run wild and free to use people like him for their own power, who wants to set every mage free without supervision, inviting abominations to destroy everything good and precious in the world.
By design they can never see eye to eye, even the most determined therapist would concede they both have too much pain to reconcile as acquaintances.
Two sides of the same coin with no way to balance on the edge.
--- That's about all the thoughts I have in me for now~
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mulderscully · 2 years
the connection between rose and clara as companions or moreso, as love interests to the doctors, is so fasinating to me.
whenever i see people try to pit these relationships against each other it boggles my mind completely.
there are, of course, deep differences between these two women and how they were written but at the core of it they are so similar. young, lost a parent, want to see and do more. love the doctor but have a boyfriend back home. see the doctor regenerate. they both meet the doctor at a time where they have lost so much, where they're so hopeless and devoid of wonder and help bring him back to life just by existing.
i love how clara and rose are two sides of the same coin. imo clara is what would have happened to rose had she stayed with the doctor forever. when jackie says "50 years from now there will be some strange woman on some planet but she's not rose tyler. not anymore." etc vs how clara essentially became immortal in the end and herself becomes the doctor, in a sense, losing her humanity.
but she still cannot be with him, even though she's immortal! it does not work. because forever does not exist for the doctor. being immortal is not the answer. there simply is no answer for this timelord.
rose gets to keep her humanity, her sense of self and her family by getting a version of the doctor who could stay for HER forever, but that too in a good 80 years will end for them. but that doesn't make it any less important or real. just like clara's ending doesn't negate the love she and the doctor have for each other either.
the power of having a relationship with the doctor is that it is fleeting, and that it is worth it nonetheless.
the doctor can love you with all of their hearts, but no one can stay with them forever. and both rose and clara show that so so so perfectly in completely opposite directions.
the rose and crown. the flowers outside of the tardis in hell bent. clara singing hungry like the wolf. she and rose are bound together in some way and i love to think about it.
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heretherebedork · 9 months
I see Ray and Boston being different sides of the same coin aka diametrically opposite of each other.
I mean, Boston is filled with love. His parents both love him. His dad thinks he's doing a fantastic job in school and his mom wants him to live in New York with her. They're supportive of his artsy dreams. Boston is even full of self love! He doesn't sleep around because he's sad, he sleeps around because he's happy and he thinks it's fun and he deserves to have a great time in his great life.
Ray has no love. He has no familial love, no friend love, no self love. He's not having any fun.
I don't know what you mean that they have the same tragedies. I think they see the truth in each other but not because they're similar at all.
I don't think Boston is as loved as his father implies. His father is proud of him, yes, but really only in terms of what he thinks he's doing. He's, rather obviously, long used the idea of sending him to America as a threat for not acting within the lines he's set up for him to fit in order to support his campaign.
And how much do we know about Boston's mother loving him? Just because he can be sent to her in America doesn't mean she's loving and waiting eagerly for him. In fact, it sounds like they've had very, very little contact in the time.
I read his relationships with his parents (and theirs with him) extremely differently than you do. And that's okay.
But I see Boston as trapped not just in his father's expectations but in the knowledge that his father is merely waiting for him to fail with the exact certainty that he has already fully accepted that he cannot succeed and will be sent overseas to his mother because he cannot uphold the image his father wants him to hold up.
I did not think Boston's dad was genuinely supportive of his son's photography so much as he wants to know what Boston might be hiding from him. Because he is proud of him, yes, but he is proud of him more in terms of how he can use him for his campaigns.
Ray does not have family love but there is definitely implications in his father speaking to Sand that there is love there that is not being expressed in any kind of healthy way.
I just view Boston's family dynamics very differently than you. I do not think that Boston's relationship with his parents is anywhere near as good as you think or is meant to be read that way.
I also view his sleeping around very differently. He's so malicious about so much of it and so uncaring, avoiding connections entirely because he knows he isn't going to stay there and isn't going to make anything that lasts a long time because nothing can last a long time. His reaction to Top was not happy and fun and he is not just enjoying himself. He is confident in sex, yes, but that's the one thing he seems actually confident in.
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capricores · 2 years
How do you feel about the relationship between scorpio x taurus?
i LOVE scorpio x taurus connections! i think scorpio and taurus placements (namely taurus sun x scorpio sun, taurus rising x scorpio rising, taurus sun x scorpio venus / scorpio sun x taurus venus) flow so beautifully together (i would be more cautious towards taurus mercury x scorpio mercury or scorpio mars x taurus mars; their harsh traits may clash too much here). they're opposite signs, which to me means they're two sides of the same coin, or two pieces in the same puzzle.
here's why they work:
VALUES | scorpio and taurus energy, especially in sun/venus, hold the same core values in their connections. number one thing to the both of them is unwavering loyalty and honesty. these signs have major trust issues (we'll touch more on this in the negatives section to follow), but because they're both such upfront authentic individuals, they feel at ease around each other - they can clearly see the loyalty and supportive nature one another carries, allowing them to finally feel their hearts are safe with another person.
INTENSITY | i think we all hear a lot about scorpio intensity in romance - and it's true. but a lot of people don't mention that taureans are about that same level of intensity when it comes to relationships. these two signs are both all-in, all or nothing type of individuals. they're protective, they're committed. when they know, they know. when scorpio and taurus get together for the first time, i think they experience a feeling of mutual love, intensity, and safety that they could never experience with another placement. the depth to these signs love is nearly unmatchable.
HOMEBODIES + SIMILAR ENERGY | taurus and scorpio are generally homebodies; and they generally just do not like people lol. they do well with other individuals who prefer to stay at home doing puzzles or playing videos games rather than going to a club or a party. this is where they just fit together; they meet and realize they have very similar ideas of comfort and relaxation. they also have very similar energy levels (scorpio's being a bit higher), they're not going to be exhausted by the other person having a much higher social drive, for example. they tend to run on the same wavelength majority of the time.
CALM TO THEIR STORM | these two have a beautiful natural balance. scorpio tends to overthink far too much, stress too much, worry too much, etc. taurus tends to be slower-paced, thoughtful - they bring so much calm to scorpio's racing mind. they're able to say just the right things that bring scorpio a newfound sense of relief; and reliable, logical situations to their stresses (which is what scorpio prefers over comfort, generally). on the other hand, scorpio brings a more fire-starting energy towards taurus. sometimes, taurus can be passive and slow, dodge opportunities out of fear and anxiety around change. scorpio is their biggest fan, who not only encourages them to take necessary risks, but provides them with a feeling of comfort and security while doing so. on top of this, scorpio goes out of their way to help taurus realize their potential and think beyond their typical box/scope of comfort; helping them plan along the way.
here's why they don't work (usually undeveloped):
TRUST ISSUES | when undeveloped, taurus and scorpio (especially scorpio) are very untrusting, they're extremely calculated and suspicious individuals who do not open up easily. they may never reach a fully open relationship due to their owns intense fears of vulnerability and rejection. their untrusting nature may make them constantly accuse one another - and since both scorpio and taurus' top pet peeve is being falsely accused - this never ends well.
STUBBORN | plain and simple, we have two fixed signs. these signs are hard-headed, they always think they're right, and they're slow to admit when they're not (if they ever do). unless these two have mastered assertive, non-accusatory communication, they can be in for a lot of intense disagreement. if they have any difference in their wants, needs, values - it's going to be really hard for these two to compromise and make sacrifices, probably two of the worst signs to get to meet in the middle - they both have a "my way or the highway" mindset.
JEALOUSY | these signs are protective - they're also jealous. jealousy is not inherently bad (in my opinion), but undeveloped? that's when jealousy is toxic, controlling, intrusive and unhealthy. scorpio and taurus have extremely bad jealous habits and behaviors when they aren't developed. they may try to restrict one another's freedoms, become passive-aggressive, accusatory, etc if they don't control this jealousy. the mutual jealousy can also easily turn into an unhealthy relationship in which they make minimal contact with others outside of their relationship (aka no friends but one another, by choice).
SPEED | this is minor, and not hugely relationship-crumbling, but worth mentioning. scorpio is water - although fixed, scorpio is free-flowing like a river. scorpio cannot be controlled and scorpio likes to move fast. taurus is fixed earth. taurus does not move, does not change. if taurus changes, it takes a season - or two. taurus may take too long to make moves, decisions, etc. taurus may even TALK too slowly, to the point where scorpio gets frustrated (more common w/ mercury). this will be worsened by a scorpio with a lot of sagittarius placements, or any mutable placements in general. a scorpio with libra placements will be less bothered by this. on the other hand, taurus may find scorpio gets too serious too quickly/becomes overbearing - and it can really freak them out when they're rushed into something they aren't ready for.
CONTROL | continuation of my last point: taurus and scorpio both like to be in control. for taurus, it's more than they are unchanging, and like securing their environment. if scorpio is doing things that they see as a threat to security, they will try to reign scorpio in - which will cause distance and distaste from scorpio. on the other hand, scorpios can also be extremely controlling; and taureans hate being told what to do - so you can see the potential for things to get messy fast.
[ apologies for any typos, brain fog day for me ]
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adonis-koo · 7 months
I know in wicked one would automatically think that oc and jungkook are such opposites which is why they hated each other at first, but you know what I actually think they share a lot of similarities!! First the both of them cannot control their emotions 🤣 their first instinct is to lash out or speak up. They are so driven by passion and love. Loyalty and love for their country is so embedded in the both of them. I think one main reason why they’re “different” is because they grew up in different environments, different culture and all that. I’d like to think that if they grew up together, they’d actually be best friends 🥺 anw that’s just my theory and thoughts! Chapter 17 was so so good
They’re definitely more similar then people realize! The biggest difference like you said is the way they grew up and their culture, but also their personality’s of course! The way Jungkook goes about his lashing out is a lot colder, he’s not a very emotional person when he’s angry, which is funny because it’s very paradoxical, it’s all cold unfeeling logic, but for MC, it’s 100% her own personal feelings put into it, her anger is a lot more vexing because of that, she really knows how to go for the jugular when she wants.
But like you said the passion, loyalty and love is what really helps them connect and get more on a personal level with one another, one of my favorite lines chapter 17 was in the beginning when MC is fretting over Wheein, and Jungkook has to remind her that she’s not the only one who cares for Wheein, but when MC tries to apologize, he tells her to not, because in that moment he truly admires her loyalty to her friends, it’s a trait he finds very attractive.
Her passion and loyalty, dare I say, actually scares him a little, it’s extremely intense, a type of intense Jungkook has never experienced from someone, let alone a romantic partner, but he is very attracted to it nonetheless
They’re definitely just as similar as they are different, I really consider them two sides to the same coin
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