#It's been worse than usual!
Klawf is an ambush predator. You'd think that the horrible land crustacean wouldn't be good at that, but then when it's actually in the environment it should be in, you will immediately lose them.
In other news, there's a Klawf somewhere in this goddamn ravine. I don't know where, but there sure is one! I may be bigger than it, but I fear it nonetheless.
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loumandiel · 1 year
I feel like many people have a fundamental misconception of what unreliable narrator means. It's simply a narrative vehicle not a character flaw or a sign that the character is a bad person. There are also many different types of unreliable narrators in fiction. Being an unreliable narrator doesn't necessarily mean that the character is 'wrong', it definitely doesn't mean that they're wrong about everything even if some aspects in their story are inaccurate, and only some unreliable narrators actively and consciously lie. Stories that have unreliable narrators also tend to deal with perception and memory and they often don't even have one objective truth, just different versions. It reflects real life where we know human memory is highly unreliable and vague and people can interpret same events very differently
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saturdaysky · 6 months
SOMEbody failed his wisdom save to resist unlimited tadpole power, and that somebody is definitely my tav Mayhew. a WIP:
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mindflayers are incredibly fun to draw fwiw, do recommend
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fbfh · 1 year
omg i love painting my nails but i always end up chiping them because of ✨️ anxiety ✨️
RODRICK THINKS THAT'S THE CUTEST FUCKING THING EVER. There's tons of girls at your school with perfect manicures, but he likes the way yours chip as you use your hands, as you play his drums and help him study and pick at them. It looks more organic. It's like a comfy worn in pair of jeans, and he thinks it makes your hands look so pretty. plus it's an easy way for him to moniter how bad your anxiety has been recently. If you call him instead of texting because your nails are drying and by the end of the next day they're almost bare again, he knows to stay extra close to you. He knows to send you playlists and extra I love you texts throughout the day. He drives a little slower when you go places in his van and parks a little more carefully, and if you even look like you might want to talk, he's already so down. He'll blast your favorite album in an empty parking lot so you know no one can possibly overhear you, and lets you spill your guts. He'll hug you if you want, or kiss you, or just be a shoulder to cry on (literally and figuratively) and if you have any breathing exercises or coping strategies, he knows them like the back of his hand. He's always down to repeat affirmations to you and hype you up and ask what would Billie Joe Armstrong or Gerard Way do. He kisses the back of your hand while you drive and lets you pick the music and keeps the seat pushed all the way up for you, he'll stay up late texting you, even wake up from a dead sleep bc he has your ringtone and text tone set to the loudest one, just in case you need him. He knows people think he's a loser or a screw up, but the two things he's never going to half ass are music and being there for you. in spite of what people might think, he's a really good fucking boyfriend.
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aropride · 3 months
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this post was a game changer for me. thank you ryan reynolds
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moochio7 · 10 months
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I was looking at a slightly old drawing I did (and posted in early July) and decided to add some stuff to make it fit my current art style more.
original under cut
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not that much of a difference but eh
also I would love input on what y'all think of the adjustments- I'm not scary I swear, my inbox/ dms are always open :)
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isbergillustration · 3 months
like the previous anon, you are one of my favorite artists ever. i am utterly in love with your art style.
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slutdge · 4 months
hard to cope with the pain of having an addiction and knowing youre doing irreperable damage to your body combined with the fear that maybe one day things will get better and you can get clean/sober and not need to self medicate the pain anymore but itll be too late because you already fucked your body up beyond repair. i need to go lay face down in the snow.
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fleouriarts · 8 months
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feeling bad about my art lately. will probably not post for a while. but i wanted to at least dump some stuff here before i retreat into my hidey hole
#hivemind tv#hmfcu#riley savage#graydon weaver#quadeca#jane remover#eden burke#my art#2023#fanart#doodles#furry#its like. augh. longtime fleouriarts followers are familiar with my eternal tango with posting art online#doing this since i was 11 has like rotted my brain and made me rely wayyyy too much on external validation to motivate myself#and every year or so it gets bad enough that i take a break. but the break usually only lasts a month before i miss the feeling#and come back and then the cycle repeats#its probably worse now bc this is a fandom where getting seen by the creators is not really that hard#so there have been times where im like 'well idk if i wanna draw this. but if i do maybe hivemind will rt it :-)'#NO!!! THATS NOT WHAT ART IS ABOUT!!!!! i cant keep letting myself get addicted to the numbers going up man i gotta get out of here#and i was reading a quad interview from around when idmthy got released. cus hes also brain poisoned like this. but he managed to get out#and now just kinda comes online to release music and then leave#i need to be like that. i need to take a break from art posting thats so long that i come back as a changed man odysseus style#idk. its been so long since i drew stuff that no one gets to see but me. all the art i keep to myself is just out of embarrassment#i need to relearn how to draw stuff just for the love of creation and not “maybe people online will like this one”#or “this new thing came out i need to prove my love of it by drawing it”#sometimes it leads to good art but more often than not it just makes me feel worse#whatever. if any of yall are in the hivemind jane or quadeca discord i MIGHT still post stuff there. but otherwise ill keep to myself and m#friends for a while i think#woooooo this is queued to post while im in orgo lab everyone wish me luck with my thin layer chromatography
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Huh, I didn’t remember all *that* in Barbie: The Princess and the Pauper
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sciderman · 2 months
Sometimes i remember a comics moment i randomly came across somewhere, where Sam Wilson mentiones a musical and Steve Rodgers says he doesn't like musicals, to whitch Sam goes "Guess that means you really are straight" and even tho i don't care about Cap America or the Avengers, the moment stuck in me for that quote by Sam. And like....Sci, any ideas if straight men actually don't like musicals or is that bullshit?
actually i think i know more gay men who hate musicals than i know straight men who hate musicals. i've had a drag queen stop me point blank when i was about to sing a barbra streisand song, and i know so many gays who pointedly hate abba. so based on my experience i think the inverse is true. most of the straight men i know are kind of impartial about musicals, but gay men? hate.
my theory is that a lot of gay men don't want to fall into stereotypes, maybe. but thaaaaat's just a theory! a gay theory.
#sci speaks#i'm trying to understand the gays. they are a mystery to me.#i've seen a lot more toxic masculinity coming from gay men than i have from straight men.#i think it makes sense. they have less women in their lives. so they reckon with a lot more masculinity. more dick measuring.#also gay men have some of THE most unhealthy romantic relationships i've ever seen in my life.#this isn't a blanket statement on everyone but just from what i've seen. it's such a strange pattern i've observed.#lesbians? healthy. straights? usually healthy. gay men? universally a tire fire that makes me say “if you hate each other so much ??”#“why are you together??????????”#i have never met a cis gay mlm couple in real life that was healthy. every single one of them made my eyes widen in horror.#i want them to be healthy. please treat each other better.#the number of bitchy bitchy fights i've seen between mlm couples in public that make me so terrified#but i know mlm relationships in general are usually less... affectionate than wlw relationships. even and especially friendships.#just an observation.#i hate to say that there is a definite difference between amab vs afab experiences when it comes to relationship dynamics but.#of course there is. there is. as much as i want to say gender and sex do not matter. it really does.#it makes a difference. it does.#which is kind of why i'm glad i was born in the body i was. when people say “trans means you feel you were born in the wrong body”#im like.. i don't think that's true. i don't think that's true for me.#i wouldn't be me if i wasn't born the way i was. and i want to be me. but i'm a boy. i'm a boy but in the body that i have.#my body is still a boy's body. because i live in here.#sorry this went off on a tangent.#but yeah i know my brain would be different if i was amab. and i don't want all those other issues.#i think the only reason i'm so peaceful and serene is because i'm afab. and afabulous.#i see cis guys and im like.. yeah i don't want what you got.#once again! lucky to be me! i'm lucky. im lucky i have a vargooba. thank fuck for that!#couldve been so much worse off. could've been born with a dick and would be fighting for my life right now.
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triangle-dog · 29 days
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
There truly isn't a universal answer to what a man and woman "is" and that's where the whole "well, tell me what a man is if you say you are one" spiel falls apart for me. In trying to answer it, you fail to see that gender is not something to be understood empirically - it isnt something you can analyze like you might a hard scientific phenomenon, but gender something that is a tool. Gender is (one) of the languages we use to communicate to others, so like language, there is nuance.
My version of manhood* is one which differs from another man's. We use similar language to describe our malehood, perhaps, but much like language, we will have different dialects which we use. If I were to try to answer what a man "is," I will be informed by my own manhood* and the manhood my culture deems desirable. This is inherently exclusionary because it relies on myself and my culture to be the only "right" ones. I refuse to play this social game because it relies on this exclusionary mindset. Gender is what we humans make of it, and there simply cannot be an "answer" to the question as to what men and women "are." It varies culture to culture, by religion, by race, by a history of colonialism, even, and all of this is ignored, downplayed, and erased, essentially, when one acts like there is a universally-applicable answer to what a gender "is".
#trans#transgender#lgbt#lgbtq#ftm#mtf#nonbinary#this feels like gender 101 but it seems like some people are stuck trying to rationalize what 'is' and 'is not' a gender...#...which is pretty devastating to trans *and* cis people. eventually somebody is barred from simply being a man/woman/person...#...for instance drawing the line of 'womanhood' at 'is feminine' excludes butch and gnc trans and cis people intersex people...#...because the definition of feminine has to be exstablished and people *usually* have a definition in mind for what 'is' feminine...#...trans people are correct in saying what their gender is in *part* because there IS no correct answer to being a man/woman/person/ect...#...if there is to be no correct answer how then can you be wrong in saying what your gender is?#this is why trans inclusion is so threatening because there is recognition that people should be allowed to just *be*...#...and to *be* without constraints without expectations without conforming without conventionality or assimilation#so yes i am a man*. but i will not answer what makes me one. the premise itself is faulty#and you don't have to answer what makes you a man or woman or person or whatever else to anybody too#(and anyway when people ask that question it's always soooo fruedian. it's always been a source of discomfort)#(like in movies with a ~scary transsexual~ where a psychiatrist will come on screen/stage to explain transsexuality. very odd indeed)#(99% of the time in my experience all this is done in worse-than-bad faith and as a 'gatcha')#(as though a cis person would give a 'legit' answer to what makes them a man/woman. a legit answer doesn't exist really)#oh and this is also why xenogender and 'genderweirdos'/'genderfreaks' are completely understandable *and* valid :)#i say genderweirdos and genderfreaks with complete love and sincerity but i have seen people reclaim those narratives for themselves#ig i'm a genderfreak. i'm a gender weirdo. what the genderhell am i doing here? (radiohead if creep was more trans)#if anybody reads all these tags you deserve a medal
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crimeronan · 1 month
cleaned for 9 hours today, half of which was dedicated Just to a 5x2 foot space beside the bed that has been my Disaster Area for Literal Years. motivation being that i just got back from three weeks at my mom's house, which is VERY well-kept and organized, and that meant i could See Clutter for the first time in ages. i wanted to fix some shit before the ADHD blindness set back in.
discovered a literal 5 years worth of dust in some corners. oops
found a Scary Biohazard (mold pillow. millow, if u will. it has now been disposed of.)
took out 4 forty-gallon bags of trash
took out 3 forty-gallon bags of recycling
found 8 months worth of one medication
and 4 months worth of another
and 9 months worth of a medication i no longer take and should dispose of
plus so many old steroids
and painkillers
and inhalers
and anti-nausea meds so i could keep down all the meds i used to be on
also found 3 years worth of saved birthday and christmas cards
and 8 books i'd forgotten i had down there
and several sets of gel pens
and 3 beautiful unused journals
and 2 delightful unused coloring books
and all the art of mine that fell off the walls months ago
found houses for everything i don't want Right Next To Me At All Times
reorganized everything on my bedside table
made notes for shelving and containers i need to get tomorrow
did 2 loads of dishes
decluttered the kitchen
fully unpacked from my trip
became less insane.
the apartment is not Clean yet because it is filled with corners and piles that will be their own little four-hour projects. but my bed space is clean for the first time since 2020 and we have clean dishes and all the trash bins are empty so it's now a lot easier to pick up after ourselves.
Nine Hours.
i'm gonna. go take a Very Hot Bath.
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subsequentibis · 4 months
i think part of what Gets me abt metalocalypse is how clearly the people making it really love metal music, like i've mostly seen it in extras and non-show material (skwisgaar guitar lessons, charles on the phone talking abt vintage guitars, defense of speed guitar in the comics) but then of course like. all the music for the show whips ass as genuine metal songs of their own accord, they put the effort in on music videos & visuals, it all just rings true with this genuine passionate love of the genre and i truly don't think i'd be half as interested without that beating heart at the core of it.
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salsedine · 1 year
9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @greypetrel - thank you! <3
Last Song: Francesca - Hozier (the song is amazing, and I can't help but think it was somehow inspired by the story of Paolo e Francesca in Dante's Divine Comedy).
Currently Watching: ... nothing? I'm terrible with shows because I often end up rewatching my favourites instead of catching up with the newest releases - or I just do other stuff instead (unless it's a period drama, let's be real).
Currently Reading: parallel-reading Rinascimento anticlericale by Ottavia Niccoli (lots of topics that I used to study at Uni- it feels like meeting again a bunch of old friends) and a (very good) fantasy book written by a friend.
Current Obsession: Dragon Age, no questions - thank you, Arja :P I'm playing at snail-like pace the second one, and so far I'm really enjoying it (meta storytelling? a city as a character, almost a living organism, albeit a rotten one? queer characters all around? YES). Will I try to install&play Inquisition too even if technically my pc is not that powerful? Ahaha... yes.
Too tired to think of 9 people, but maaaybe @birdkeeperklink wants to share? No pressure tho!
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