#It's like the lowest bar
oifaaa · 2 years
Honestly with the amount of bullshit dc puts Jason through I think the very least they could do is make him the tallest bat
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indelicateink · 4 months
as an american, sam reid’s total inability to hide his contempt for overly fake-chipper american journalists, especially ones who Have Not Done The Assigned Reading know and care about the show, will never not be hilarious and iconic to me
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hyunpic · 3 months
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mephiles-the-jester · 1 month
the best(worst(best)) part about euclidia's destruction is that bill did it to prove himself,, because he says in the book that everyone loved him,,but based on that color-code lullaby from his mom,,,,it makes it sound like he really needed comfort because he was ostracized for his mutation and only felt safe with his parents(or at least his mom,,verdict still out on the status of his daddy issues,,),but even then they took him to the eye doctor to 'fix' him and 'make the visions go away' which he viewed as blinding him,,,,,so like,,no one seemed to believe bill at all,and he really wanted to show that the 3rd dimension he sees was real and that he was right,and thought it would be good for them to see it,,,,but in the process he just tore his dimension apart so horribly his brain literally blocks the memory because he cant confront the regret,especially with his parents fate, considering that after losing ford and getting drunk,he tries to call his dead mom and wonders where they all went,,,,,he wanted them all to see the stars like he did,,,,,,god,,and hes also getting a bad grade in therapy,,something he just discovered on his own and is apparently possible to achive for him
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mollywog · 11 months
Here is me everlark-ing that time I passed out and took a nose dive into some dude lap at a blood drive (there was no cute banter or romance in my case - only embarrassment)
I used this as an exercise in not overthinking… It didn’t really work; but I tried not to let myself linger…
Ao3 link
“I’m sorry. You don’t meet our minimum weight requirement, you won’t be able to donate today”, Nurse Sae turns the digital monitor towards her to inspect the number. Her shoulders slump.
One pound!
She won't be able to donate blood today over one measly pound! “I weighed myself at home this morning and I had two pounds to spare,” she pleads. She hates the sight of blood, but ever since her sister had received a lifesaving transfusion when she was eight, Katniss has been dead set on donating.
Nurse Sae frowns sympatheticly, “Different scales, different precision.” She gives Katniss another quick once over before sighing, “tell you what: why don’t you go and eat something; See if you can get another couple ounces to stick to your bones and I’ll weigh you again?”
Katniss perks up, “really?” If there’s one thing she can do, it’s eat.
Sae nods before busying herself organizing her stand. She continues casually, “If you really want to know the art of the weigh in you should talk to one of the wrestlers. The things those boys will do to make weight.” She shakes her head, “on second thought, don’t do that; they're not good examples,” she waves her hands in the direction of the offending group.
Katniss looks over to find a pair of blue eyes fixed on her, before flitting away.
Peeta Mellark.
Her stomach swoops. They’ve never really spoken, but this isn’t the first time she’s noticed him looking. He’s seated at the cookie table chatting with some other guys from the team. They’ve already donated and are waiting their required fifteen minutes.
She thanks the nurse and grabs her backpack moving in their direction towards the exit when her feet falter. Leevy, a girl from her neighborhood is giving blood and seemingly not doing well. She looks pale and her breathing is labored. The nurse has taken note as well, reclining her seat and fanning her as she checks the bag volume.
It’s too hot, Katniss realizes, though she was comfortable only moments ago. She’s sweating and pulls at the chest of her shirt for relief. Her breathing is short and shallow and she feels dizzy.
She needs to get out of here.
She stares at the door with renewed determination and urges herself towards it.
She’s not going to make it.
She doesn’t know what will happen next, but her vision is narrowing. New plan: she needs to sit down, preferably on a chair. She knows she must be close to the snack table. Her hands reach out searching until they hit something solid and she clings to it before her knees give out and the darkness closes in around her vision.
She floats to consciousness feeling relaxed and more rested than she remembers feeling in years. The lights behind her lids indicate sun pouring through her bedroom window: it’s late. She can’t believe she’s slept in, she only ever does that when she’s sick. Her head is cradled in her mother’s lap as she strokes her hair. Katniss flexes her fingers and the hand in her hair ceases its motion. She whimpers in protest. A voice close to her ear says her name, but it’s not her mother’s soft tones. Instead a deep rumble, laced with concern.
She knows that voice. Her eyes flutter open and she’s met with Peeta’s concerned stare. He releases a breath and smiles, “good to see your eyes again.”
Her lips quirk involuntarily but then the memories creep in. She must have passed out; How embarrassing! She moves to sit up, but her head swims and she lays back taking the opportunity to inspect her surroundings. She’s been moved behind a privacy curtain and Nurse Sae is busy beside her, checking her blood pressure, asking questions, and gently testing her limbs. Her initial euphoria has worn off to a giddy embarrassment. She’s clammy and chilled, but physically no worse for the wear.
“It’s a good thing you caught her,” The nurse finally proclaims, patting Peeta on the shoulder, “Could have twisted an ankle or gotten a bump on the head.”
“It was nothing, right time, right place.”
‘Mm-hmm’ Sae hums with a sly grin.
Katniss notices Peeta’s blush, though she’s not sure why he’s embarrassed, “well regardless, thank you.”
“Now, I want you to sit here a bit and don’t you dare leave before you finish these,” she places a juice box and 2 cookies next to her. “Unfortunately after that excitement, no donating for you today. If you’re alright here, I’ll leave her in your care.”
Katniss opens her mouth to protest, but Peeta answers first, “don’t worry: our patient is in good hands.”
“I bet she is,” Sae winks.
Katniss waits until the nurse is out of earshot, covering her face before speaking, “I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I did that. I swear I’ve never done that before.”
“It’s alright, really. You’ve actually fulfilled my white knight fantasies. What little boy hasn’t dreamed of rescuing a fair maiden?”
She bites back a smile; she can’t imagine anyone considering her a damsel in distress. More like a feral cat. “Come on, this isn’t your first rescue. What about that time Glimmer Rogers thought she twisted her ankle and asked you to carry her to the nurse’s office?”
“You remember that?” His lips twitch in amusement, “We were in like what… 5th grade? And besides, I think she faked it on a dare.”
It’s a silly thing to remember, but if she really thinks about it, she has plenty of memories of this boy’s kindness, as if she’s been watching and cataloging them for years. She masks this revelation with the last bite of cookie, “well I’m glad to relieve you of your duties Sir Peeta. I’ve got it from here.”
“I don’t know. I take this responsibility very seriously. How chivalrous would it be for me to just abandon you now?”
She rolls her eyes, “What are you going to do? Escort me to fourth period and sit behind me in case I faint again? Abernathy will love that.”
He scrunches his nose, “maybe not.” He pauses, “okay, here’s the deal; you’ll let me walk you to class and then maybe you could offer me a token of your favour.”
“Come on, haven’t you been paying attention in History class?”
She hasn’t. They’ve been watching a costume drama about Henry VIII under the guise of learning in Mr. Plutarch’s history class. She vaugly rememebers a jousting scene where the ladies had given the jousters ribbons as good luck charms before their turn. “So you want my hair tie or something?” She laughs.
“That’s one option. Or… you could give me your number instead? That way I can check in on you later… make sure you’re recovering well.” He fidgets with his backpack straps. If she didn’t know better she’d think he was nervous. “If you’ll allow it,” he adds, averting his eyes.
Coming from anyone else she would think it was a line, but Peeta’s a genuinely nice guy. He’s only asking to be kind and she wouldn’t want him to worry if a quick text is all he’s asking. “Okay, I’ll allow it,” she says, extending her phone towards him.
This time when their eyes meet, his don’t flit away and the smile he gives her is so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness, that she can’t help returning it.
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spite-and-waffles · 2 years
Trying to drag real-world ethics into the Batverse is a bad faith argument when absolutely nothing in the Batverse has any ethical or moral standing in the real world.
Real world evils that claim death tolls:
- billionaires
- cops
- vigilanteism
- copaganda (crime-fighting as a genre is libertarian copaganda)
- prison industrial complex
- war on drugs
- child soldiers
- policing entities without democratic or civic transparency or oversight
- finding acceptable targets for your personal trauma and visiting what you believe is justified violence on them
But all of that is fine and good and acceptable as conceits of the universe, EXCEPT the question of "should this rich white guy who appoints himself the protector of the innocent due to the failures of the legal system, actually do something about this guy who keeps killing because of the failure of the legal system?" THAT is somehow above challenge or question. Never mind that turning the concept of "legal incompetence", meant to protect the most vulnerable population in a society, into a loophole for fictional mass murderers is violent ableism and copaganda. Forget taking a deep dive into why exactly killing is bad, or how far a value system can go before it becomes self-serving, or storytelling imperatives or any of that. The only reason any of us could ever take Jason's side (re: the Joker) is that we, in real-life, think that "bad guys should die". Instead of the fact that because nothing works as it should in the Batverse, the Joker's continued existence actively cheapens any moral code that allows it.
You can take whatever side you want to, but get off that horse and actually engage with the question, or fuck off with the dudebros who think "killing a serial killer makes you as bad as a serial killer" has any actual ethical basis.
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marsupials-of-mars · 11 months
So, I don't think Stede wanted to kill Ned. Ed told him not to, and he did, but I don't think he wanted to.
I know it's been said that both sides still don't fully understand why the other would want them or the kind of life they have. They both think they have to change to be worthy, no matter what they are directly told by the other. It's a fundamental part of their identity that they hate their prior lives.
Think of the first scene of the season, a rugged bearded pirate stede killing his romantic rival in cold blood, an act of utter devotion and unbridled passion, and Ed loves it.
This part of his identity extends to how he expresses himself romantically. I'm not saying that he can't just be eager, like in the second kiss and the sex, especially because he's finally freeing himself from repression of his sexuality. But think about the context.
He wants to show Ed he cares. Ed has defended him with force. He sees Ed being berated and tortured, and he can finally do something about it. Ed tells him not to do it, but Ed is only saying that to spare his fragile mind. Ed would kill Ned in a second, and now Stede is a real pirate, and he is going to show Ed that he can pull his weight, protect his love, use his mean voice, be a proper captain.
So, afterwards, we have Ed, who didn't want Stede to kill Ned for not only Stede's sake, but for his own. Because he's even more sick of the brutality now than ever, he was finally a little settled with a boyfriend who can take things slow with him, and help him appreciate beauty. But he won't say that, because stede made his choice, and he's here to comfort him, because he must be having a horrible time, with how he's handled killing in the past.
But we also have Stede, who catches him entirely off guard. Because he sees the killing of Ned as a GRAND ROMANTIC GESTURE. The shedding of the self to become something new and worthy, not just for Ed, but because he said he wanted to be a pirate, and he'll never go back on that again. So he assumes, after this grand gesture, that this is the perfect moment for their first time. Because it's so romantic! And he even goes in with gusto, how sexy!
He's completely blindsided by Ed saying it was a mistake. Because if he went to the lengths of killing a man in cold blood to make absolute certain that he would do anything for this love to work, then Ed saying it was a mistake means that there's no hope of it ever not being a mistake.
And Ed watches Stede change like this, trying to be happy for him because it's not his place to tell him not to be a pirate after everything. And obviously Stede was spooked by the idea of starting new, plain lives, enough that he refused theirs and left his own twice.
And he watches, knowing that he's taught him this way and played a huge role in hardening him, making him lose so much of the softness and beauty that he fell in love with.
Because he can't help but defile beautiful things.
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everythingmatters · 9 months
people aren’t nice to girls they see crying in public like they used to be. tbh
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beaversatemygrandma · 2 months
Interview. Interview. Oh Another interview. Interview. Interview. Guess what's next? An interview that a manager is like "Today at 2pm sound good?" which I took bc yeah, it was good...
I'm tired.
Now will ANY OF THEM ACTUALLY Call Me Back???
#taks speaks#literally woke up to an email from a place that interviewed me two days ago saying i wasn't selected for an interview#like??? What???#YOU JUST INTERVIEWED ME#there's one of them that i'm hoping for bc it has the lovely 8-5 hours. not per shift. just being open#and it's a tourist trap#that has good health benefits and gets me into other tourist traps around town For Free +3 guests max#like hello. dad can visit. bring both sisters. we're going touristing#and sea world at 50% off which is pretty damn cool#i'm gonna start harassing them daily on the phone as of wednesday#if that gas station food prep job doesn't get back#which pays a touch more with a 10% discount on GAS#BUT they're the ones who sent that weird email this morning saying i didn't make it to the interview stage which um#why? what? you talked to me twice?#I'm QUALIFIED? It's the same damn job i previously had but for a gas station. i mean come on#ugh. my lowest quality options are part time at a busier and more annoying tourist trap#or *sighs* dominos.#at least dominos gets good tips tho#everyday for like. the last week has been interviews#except yesterday which tbh i slept most of it#i need a fuckin job dude. come on#i have also created a list of managers i would rather be interviewed by#at the bottom of the list is intimidating older woman. next is slightly younger than that woman who thinks i don't look local enough#somewhere in the middle is that really chill old lady who gave me advice about chafing in the heat. great lady#and top is black man in his 20s. very chill. easy to talk to. i've been interviewed by two and the first one was younger than me#and i intimidated him. bc i knew more about interviewing laws than he did. whoops. missed out on the job but he was nice#today's though? KNEW HIS SHIT. Perfect manager. I'd want to work for him. Chill. easy to talk to and understood the laws well#...just realized the bar is that low. wow.#sadly he's the dominos guy and that job is second to last on my preferred list#i have most definitely noticed that the person interviewing you sets the daily tone for the job
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iiota · 8 months
i looked at someone play the first twoish hours of that pokemon ripoff game and its so funny how it somehow does nothing unique whatsoever from its ripped designs and pretty generic environments(its just textured realistically which in turn looks kinda bad with its monster design) its like a pokemon game for people who think theyre too grown up for jrpgs. it also just plays like ark or basically any of those 'build everything from the ground up' type games
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Do people forget that the Revenge like. Isn’t a normal pirate ship? Like. Its commented on by several people? Including the crew of the Revenge itself?
‘Izzy just doesn’t realize that he’s the only one with hangups about Ed Having Feelings/pirates showing emotion in general’ is an abysmal take lmfao.
Ed is the one who insisted that ‘the love of a pet makes a man weak’. Fang says ‘this is the most open we’ve ever seen [Ed]’. Frenchie suggests bottling up emotions. The whole crew is confused by ‘talk it through’ when its first suggested. ‘La vida es dolor’. ‘What kinda pirates are these?’ ‘What kind of pirate has a friend? We’re all just in varying stages of fucking each other over’.
The world outside of the Revenge is not a kind one. It is dangerous to show your belly on literally any other ship. Izzy is (presumably, given its Con’s age) 55/56. Ed says ‘Most of the pirates I know? They’re dead’. You don’t get to be 56 as a pirate if you’re not actively protecting yourself. Including emotionally.
Do you really think that the legend of Blackbeard would be feared near as much if people knew he was a big weepy softie? Regardless of how much he is or isn’t actually that, if he’s showing emotion that isn’t anger that’s how he’s perceived.
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thatonebipotato · 10 months
fanon is usually nowhere near better than canon but damn did they do Skirk right, bc literally what the fuck happened
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elegyofthemoon · 5 months
6 + laios!
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
me who has no memory tbh about dunmesh anymore
i mean i think i'm willing to try something at least Once ? like food wise too. they mention all these monster foods in the story and im like 👀 that looks neat (the whole story made me so hungry sometimes so everytime i read dunmesh it was snack time for me alskdjaflh)
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tchaikovskym · 6 months
I'm doing a scientific writing course, and I got feedback: "Your text is coherent." Well I sure hope it is!!!
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welcometoteyvat · 11 months
not to be one of those guilt tripping people but if you genuinely think israel and hamas are on """equal levels"" wrt unethical acts committed, please unfollow me lol
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persephinae · 10 months
If you have any kind of h//p url you're getting blocked
Don't fuckin touch my shit
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