#It's nice having LV to fall back on when I feel lost
minas-linkverse · 9 months
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My goal this year was to get Rabbit Roadtrip done, so, that worked out quick! I'm quite proud of how far I actually got this year with the storyline, I wasn't expecting to get to Wild's reflection until 2024!
I'm not sure what to expect or hope for next year, but at least I'm setting myself the goal of getting some proper content of Masks finally. It's about Time BA DUM TSH--
Also thank you to everyone who sent an ask telling me to have a happy new year! I hope you'll all have a good one too! And the person reading this! And your friends!
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watcher-servant · 5 months
Rusted Arc dialouge lines
This took way longer than it should've, but I did it.
Side note: His 3rd Ascension is a reference to Ragna from Ragna Crimson & Guider to the eternal edge from Granblue fantasy. He is a 3 star servant coming from an event.
Also, the Witch of the Holy Night Collab is coming out for FGO, and Aoko and Soujuurou look amazing. It also applies to Alice as well, but Alice and Aoko take the cake on NPs for the event.
Summoning (pre event): Greerings, I am the rusted knight, guardian of the Ever after. What's that, a fairytale, I see so you have servants connected to stories. Well then master, what story are you trying to tell?
Summoning (post event): Well, didn't think I see you again. Glad to see you again, Master of Chaldea. Since you helped me, it makes sense I do so in return. So master what will you have this freelance knight do?
Level up 1: Oh, I felt a change, it's almost like some chains have been lifted.
Level up 2: Mastery is a journey that almost never ends. I wonder what step is this?
Level up 3: Seems I reached a new step in my journey. Don't worry I'll always be of help when you need me.
1st Ascension: This form, never thought I see this face again. I guess proper introductions are in order. My original name is Jaune Arc. Though at this point it may not mean much to anyone.
2nd ascension: Hmm no changes huh? Well that's fine, though I didn't expect to return to my 19 year old self. Though it is nice Juniper recognize me instantly.
3rd Ascension: This...what is this apperance? These scars, my hair, and yet the strangest thing is, I feel so close to my aura. I think I reached a new understanding.
4th ascension: So, this is my limit as a Pretender. It's not bad, for a time I only accepted the role as the Rusted Knight just so I can survive. Though now, I owe a lot to the original guardian, if it wasn't for them. I shudder who or what I could've become.
Battle start 1: Despite the apperance, I'm tougher than you think?
Battle start 2: Now then what plan, would work on them?
Battle start 3: Which would you prefer, sword, fist, kick or a headbutt from a stampeding animal?
Battle start 4: Let's see what I can create?
Skill 1: *drinks from a cup* Thank you *hands it to a genial gem*
Skill 2: Think you can get past my shield?
Skill 3: Focus...*Quick burst of aura*
Skill 4: Gotta remember the basics.
Attack select 1: Got it
Attack select 2: Understood
Attack select: Grit your teeth
Noble phantasm select 1: As my decree of the rusted knight
Noble phantasm select 2: So shall we hear a quick tale?
Noble phantasm select 3: Looks like we reached a crucial point.
Noble phantasm select 4: A new chapter is about to begin
Extra attack 1: Go Juniper!
Extra attack 2: Get ready to fly
Extra attack 3: I'll mow you down
Extra attack 4: Now fall!
Noble phantasm 1: After all the leasons she learned, and the friends she made and lost. Who has she become? The leaves in the tress rustle on the wind. There was one question. Who are you? [Ever After]!
Noble Phantasm 2: I hope your next journey is more kind to you. [Ever After]
Noble phantasm 3: Everyone one is in place don't worry I'll patch you right up. [Aura Amp]
Noble phantasm 4: I got your back just leave the defense to me. [Aura Amp]
Damage from phantasm: I won't fall not yet!
Defeated 1: So...this is where my journey ends
Defeated 2: Finally I can rest...I leave the rest to you.
Battle finish 1: Looks like we made it.
Battle finish 2: *Sigh* that took more than I thought
Battle finish 3: Just like that job is done.
Bond lv 1: Oh is there something you need master. Or did you come to pet Juniper?
Bond lv 2: Despite me bearing this title, there was another knight in the Ever After. The best way to describe them would be...my mentor
Bond lv 3: Won't lie I feel really out of place here. There's so many heroes around...if I was my child self. I know he would ask for a autograph...or to train them.
Bond lv 4: What? Surprised I can play guitar? I'll be honest it's been so long I didn't think I could. Guess the muscle memory remained after so long
Bond lv 5: Didn't think I reached a place Ike this. I won't lie I'm surprised I was actually summoned as a servant. Trust when I say I wasn't anyone worth remembering...though most likely it was my connection to my mentor that I ever reached here. To be honest there's probably more deserving from my world that should be here...yet here I am.
Dialogue 1: Oh hello master, you mind helping me brush Juniper? Trying to get some of this loose fur.
Dialogue 2: The master servant contract. To think you manage to hold so many, I think that speaks volumes to kind of person you are.
Dialogue 3: To think I can use and mold my aura like this. The possibilities I can do...let's try test them out master.
Dialogue 4 (Child servants): Hmm what's that? You wanna ride Juniper, I don't mind and pretty sure she doesn't mind either. You guys gotta take turns though at least 2 at a time.
Dialogue 5 (Jeanne D' Arc): Hmm there's something about her...that just makes me feel odd. It doesn't help she looks like one of my sisters. Plus her name as well...an ancestor maybe. Huh? Oh uh...it's nothing.
Dialouge 6 (Jeanne Alter): Oh its...wait somethings off. Jeanne Alter? Hmm so there are servants with counterparts. Something tells me she's really caring, despite her attitude.
Dialogue 7 (Voyager): Hmm to think I meet the original Voyager servant. So far there's only 2 of us, but I think we found good company in our current classes. Seems even Juniper took a liking to you.
Dialogue 8 (Deck of heroes reference): It's strange, I swear it was my first time fighting along side them. Yet I could feel I can trust them. A lingering trust...can't be right.
Dialogue 9 (Tamamo no Mae): Hmm, Hmm huh oh Tamamo no mae right? No, it's uh, it's nothing. No, wait, what are you? HEY!?! OH ohhhhhh
Dialogue 10 (Oberon): Fairy King Oberon or Vortigern? Either way, you wouldn't be the first liar I've been around. As you're the first pretender I'll give respect, but that doesn't mean I'll fall for your lies. Dealing with a certain cat was more than enough
Dialogue 11 (Hephaestion): Pyr...no sorry about that. You reminded me of a old comrade from long ago. It's nice to meet you Hephaestion...quick question you mind a spar?
Dialogue 12 (Tlaloc): Wait you embody a city? That's pretty cool...though a part of me is worried if the Ever After takes a servant form. No wait...the blacksmith is the closest I can think of.
Dialouge 13 (Alessandro): The grand scam artist. I'm not interested in any of your tricks
Dialouge 14 (Lady Avalon): Hmm..Lady Avalon? It's a pleasure to meet you though and if you don't mind me asking...what is Avalon like?
Dialouge 15 (Mordred): Oh its you Mordred, something you need? A sparring partner...alright then.
Dialogue 16 (Atalanta or Atalanta Alter): Oh Atalanta, I believe it's my day to watch over the kids. Don't worry me and Juniper will watch them.
Dialogue 17 (Diarmuid): Seems that curse of yours is still causing you trouble? If you want I think we can seal it for a moment. Oh it seems that's that needed. I wonder how different you fight with swords
Dialogue 18 (Medusa): Hmm, think Pegasus and Juniper might get along. I think they would and it seems she likes you as well.
Dialogue 19 (Medea): I think I see why you were hesitant with me for a while. Jason is...a bit of work. Though something tells me there's more to him
Dialogue 20 (Emiya assassin): Kiritsugu...it took some time but it looks like you find some light again. Even got a family as well.
Dialogue 21 (Frankenstein): Oh hello Fran, is there something you need. Alright I don't mind you tying my hair...no full bows though.
Dialogue 22 ( Edmond Dantes or Count of MC): It's good to see you again Lord Count. I can tell despite the change of scenery your act of guardian is still strong. If you don't mind, I want to have a chat when you have the time.
Something you like: Hmm good question, beside Juniper being on this list. I do enjoy a nice meal with people and maybe be it around campfire. That is a idea though, a nice camping trip.
Something you hate: The merciless pursuit of power...getting innocent folks involved and hurt in the exploits. Another I can't forgive...is a fallen maiden, who doesn't deserve any mercy.
About the holy grail: If I was younger I would've made a wish with the Grail. Though with my experience now...there's always a cost when using such powers.
During an Event: Sounds like something big is going on. Wanna go see what's that about?
Birthday: Your birthday? Have you already told somebody it's today? Know what, follow me. I think it's time to show how fast Juniper can run.
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anfie-in-the-box · 4 years
X-tra Dark Cream Teaser
I’m still very much not participating in Dark Cream Week, yet somehow this thing is done right in time, so I’m posting it with respective tags.
The story of X-tra Dark Cream is going to be pretty big and serious. Like, plot-wise, lore-wise, so-many-other-aspects-wise, you have no idea what you’ve got coming. And I just really hope you all will enjoy the ride.
What you need to know now is that I’m kind of getting back to my very own idea that you can find right here. Though it’s a different timeline, not Genocide Route. What they share is a concept of both Dream and Cross being villains, at first sight their atmosphere and aesthetic are kind of similar, but that’s it. What exactly is happening here will be explained in the story, and let me tell you, Dream and Cross have a long way ahead of them before they reach the point described in this little teaser.
So I’ve got a question for you. Answer honestly.
Would you like your Cream extra dark?
Just a Bad Dream
Once the portal is safely closed and there’s no more negativity pouring right into Dream’s cursed soul, he hurries to Cross’ side, hugging him tightly. Dismissing his huge knife, Cross hugs Dream back with a weary yet content sigh. “My greatest hero, once again taking down the whole world in my name,” Dream murmurs, ever so appreciatively and very, very gently. Cross caresses his spine through the clothes and the gloop, and, although he never really bothers to use words after a foray to one AU or another, the tremble of his hands is telling Dream enough. So, as much as the fallen guardian wishes to hold Cross like this forever, he lets go.
“I believe you are due for a good rest now.”
Dream cannot help a smile when Cross doesn’t argue, merely lingering to give his spine one last stroke. One could say they are finally figuring out their routine, grasping the ways to make their complicated lives easier, if only a little bit. For Cross it’s definitely lots of sleep and lazing around after all the work he’s done; no matter how much he doesn’t like it, and despite all the bad dreams that he’s most likely to have with all the LV, both old and new, still raging in his soul.
Dream, on the other hand, won’t be sleeping any time soon. It would do him no good at all — this lesson he learned the hard way. There isn’t much to be done when Dream’s whole being is brimming over with shattered positivity of the whole AU, — agonising grief and fear from those who survived; absolute despair from the last moments of those who died; guilt of those who were supposed to protect their people, parents and rulers all the same; at last, contempt and helplessness of every single soul. Oh, the two of them truly are beneath contempt, aren’t they? Breaking entire worlds, taking away a mere possibility of them functioning like they are supposed to. Monsters who only seek to twist and corrupt.
That’s what they say, Dream knows it all too well, both from careful whispers that no one else was supposed to hear and from straightforward, provocative screams right in his face. It’s good, exactly how he wants it to be, but right now he couldn’t care less. Dirt on Cross’ clothes matters more than this.
Actually, that’s what Dream’s going to busy himself with. Cross’ new uniform is piled up beside their bed, soaked in humans’ blood and covered in monsters’ dust. There’s no doubt washing these will be a real pain in the neck, but that’s exactly what Dream needs right now. Something basic yet not too simple. Easy enough for Dream to be able to pay more attention to Cross, whose even breathing and serene expression bring peace to the fallen guardian’s rotting soul, too. This way his hands are occupied, all of the energy he’s gathered is guided in the non-destructive direction until it settles, and his troubled mind is resting even without sleep. It’s a nice bonus to be able to look after Cross, ready to help him break free from yet another nightmare, for the dreadful, horrific visions are always haunting him in reality as well… At least in the first moments after waking up, although sometimes it takes Cross much longer to snap out of it, even with the aid of Dream. Hopefully, this time won’t be so… troublesome.
It’s so obvious that Dream isn’t in the slightest used to doing the laundry — any laundry at all, let alone something as tricky as washing all this blood and dust out, — it’s almost funny. Although, to be fair, it really isn’t supposed to actually be useful — a mere distraction, nothing more, nothing less.
Cross will overwrite his clothes anyway. And, if that fails (though lately the number of failures has lessened significantly; the thought makes Dream’s chest tighten with warmth and pride in his most loyal ally and dearest fiance), they’ll just trade new armor in some AU for the delusive sense of safety. Material needs don’t concern them anymore.
Dream’s progress on washing the uniform is still close to none when he feels a sudden powerful wave of severe distress, and merely a moment later the air gets heavy with magic. Bones and blasters are everywhere, there are so many of them there’s no speck of whiteness left, everything bright red and purple instead. It’s not the first time — neither it is the last one, Dream’s under no illusion about that part, — yet it’s no less mesmerising. If only it weren’t so dangerous for both of them.
Dodging all the attacks, getting closer to Cross is the easy part, that Dream’s doing effortlessly, without sparing it much thought; it’s not like Cross is able to properly hurt Dream, neither in his sleep nor while being fully conscious. Especially not like that. Cross wouldn’t gather enough harmful intent, and considering Dream’s nature is far from ordinary…
It’s even easier to throw Cross out of their bed, his body light, though trembling violently. He jolts awake the moment Dream’s hand touches his chest to grab the fabric of his shirt, but his mind is still very far away. Out of reach. It’s only the lack of resistance that shows Cross has recognised him, if only a little, on some kind of subconscious level. Nothing other than that — just pure black hate pouring down his cheeks and LV raging on within his soul. No way Dream will stand such a state of affairs any longer. Cross is his and his only, he doesn’t belong to whatever hell he’s seeing. And so the fallen guardian growls, as if his own life depended on it, “Wake up!”
Please, please let this one end quickly. Dream hates hurting Cross more than needed.
“Wake up!”
Of course that doesn’t work, it rarely does, but Dream has to try anyway. Besides, it’s usually when the struggling begins. Not this time though; good. Dream feels every single bone directed at his back, oh so clearly hears the Gaster blasters charging. Nothing ever comes. Nothing ever would; not when he’s close enough for Cross to feel the familiar warmth and weight of his body, that Dream knows for sure.
Holding Cross’ hands tight, chanting “Wake up, wake up, wake up”, as if it were a spell (or a plea,  or a prayer), Dream reaches out to Cross’ chest with one of his tentacles, pressing firmly right in the middle of the ribcage, forcing his soul to appear. Cross sharply inhales, obviously in pain, and even tries to arch his back, — only Dream doesn’t allow it, keeping him in place. That’s when his tentacles come in handy…
Other than that, nothing much happens. “Thank stars,” Dream thinks, taking a deep breath. From now on, he needs to be extremely careful. Souls are not to be toyed with. Or, well, the souls of those he loves are not to be toyed with. All the others are perfect but hollow dolls to be filled with oh so very hurtful fragments of their shattered dreams.
That’s what Dream and Cross do. That’s what they’ll continue doing, and no haunting visions would ever take Cross away. They’re together in this.
With his gloved hand Dream cautiously touches the soul, pulsing with LV and shining red and purple, no trace of it ever being one of a monster. Cross’ eye sockets and mouth open wide… It’s almost like he’s screaming without a sound, or maybe the sound merely goes just as far away as his mind is.
Dream’s never asked. He’s not going to ask this time, either.
The charged blasters fire all at once, and the bones are falling behind his back, yet none of the attacks ever land as Dream bawls, “I am Dream, and you are the one who swore an oath of loyalty and love, the one who saw through me, and accepted me, and stayed by my side! You are Cross, and whatever hell you’re seeing, you do not belong to it!” Cross’ mismatched eye-lights get a bit less blurry for a second, and that’s Dream’s cue to finally act with all he’s got.
And so he lets Cross go, leaving utterly motionless body lying on the floor, only for all of Dream’s tentacles to hit the soul at same time before it disappeared once again.
This time Cross actually screams; there is unparalleled agony in his voice, unexpectedly hoarse, as if he’s been screaming like that for hours. It hurts so much to hear it.
Dream is certain it’s better than whatever Cross has just broken free from. As Cross himself once said, “At least in reality I’m in this mess with you.” Very vividly Dream remembers his own response — a warm smile and quiet, confident “Likewise.”
That was then. Now Cross is looking at Dream with lost, pained, vulnerable expression, and his eye-lights, though faded to white, are still blurry — only this time from exhaustion, not because he’s seeing something too much different from reality. That Dream knows how to deal with. He doesn’t help Cross get on his feet, picking him up instead, holding him with hands and tentacles the same.
It’s nice to feel Cross’ weight, and his soul beating more and more steadily. Soothing, really. And that is why Cross only squeaks a little, otherwise showing no signs of discomfort or desire to argue about his position. Not like an argument would lead him anywhere, even if he had enough energy to start one.
They don’t talk until both of them are back in the bed, so close to each other it’s still very easy to hear their souls beating, their breaths warming what little space is beetween them. Dream squeezes Cross’ hand and offers a smile. It’s a tender one, if only a bit teasing.
“Hush now, Cross. It was just a bad dream.”
No words can ever describe his immense relief when Cross smiles back. And all too clearly Dream sees the moment some kind of mischief sparks in his love’s eyes.
“Oh? Well, then I definitely woke up,” Cross says, almost nonchalantly, though there’s no way that would fool Dream, who knows exactly how much he weighs every word. “Because what I see now is not 'just a bad' dream but the worst Dream ever.” At that the warmth in Dream’s chest is blooming like a flower, bursting like thousands of fireworks. Then Cross adds, so gently, as if the two of them might break — and take the whole world with them. “You are my worst.”
And places a kiss on his forehead. Like a final blow.
That weird, silly fool. That wonderful idiot. Dream loves him so, so much.
It takes the fallen guardian a moment to find his words again, and to be sure his voice won’t be trembling as soon as he starts talking. For a moment Dream simply stares at Cross, who just looks back, so calm, so sure, so present.
“Good one,” Dream finally says. “Though if you're feeling fine enough to make flirty puns, we should go back to sleep.” It’s a perfect moment to return the kiss, only on the cheek. Cross seems content anyway.
“Yeah, let’s do that.” He chuckles. “Won't summon any more bones. Or blasters. Promise.”
Undertale © Toby Fox
Dream © jokublog
Cross © jakei95 / xtaleunderverse
Shattered!Dream © shattereddreamsau
Dark Cream © zu-is-here
X-tra Dark Cream © me (anfie / anfie-in-the-box)
Link to the Russian version will be here!
I'm too sleepy to write down the references, but there are quite a few! I'll update them later.
But god and stars, do I love Cross' wordplay in the end. That's the first thing I got to know about this story. Then it became "Two villains who have the whole Multiverse terrified being idiots in love". Then I blinked, and suddenly it's huge and super serious. That was fun. It still is.
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twstarchives · 4 years
Epel Felmier・Voice Lines
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Additional Voice Lines
Dress-Up Groom event card
Scary Dress event card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “What’s wrong? ...Is there something on my face?”
Groovy “I’ll peel an apple for you too. I can promise you they taste delicious.”
Home Setting “I wonder what kind of magic we’re going to learn today.”
Home Transitions “I only wear this frilly blouse because the dorm leader told me to. It’s not because I like it... or anything.”
“I like magic... I think. I mean, the strength of your magic doesn’t have anything to do with your stature, so...”
“It’s really nippy where I live, so—oh, huh? You don’t know what nippy means? It means ‘very cold’... kind of.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “You’re staring at me really hard; do you need something... maybe?”
Home Taps “If I got taller, I’d look like an even more powerful mage... I think.���
“Meemaw—ah, I mean, my grandmother sent a bunch of apples from home. Do you want one too... maybe?”
“Apples can grow in harsh winter conditions. They’re a very strong, durable fruit. Did you know that?”
“Living in a dorm isn’t really that inconvenient... I think. There were always a lot of people in my house back home anyway.”
“Look here, the hell were you——....Ahh, I mean, are you teasing me like I’m weak...?”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I like these clothes. And I’m not just saying that ‘cause I have to or anything...”
Groovy “Are you tired? Hehe, being a mage is a real test of strength.”
Home Setting “Clothes that are easy to move in are nice, huh?”
Home Transitions “I decided when I first came to this school to try out some sports. 'Cause I wasn’t really able to do them back home...”
“The magical shift club leader Leona told me that winning depends on strategy, not your physique.”
“I’m good at flying... I think. A lot of the sweet, delicious apples grow in high places, right where the sun hits, so I have to ride a broom when I pick them.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “A lot of people say I don’t look like I’d be good at sports, but I kind of like them...”
Home Taps “I don’t really have any muscles, even though I work out. I wish I had muscles like Coach Vargas...”
“Apples are good to eat after exercising. I heard the acids in them help you cool off.”
“I’m not really good at dancing... I think. I’ve only danced a little at the festivals in my village...”
“My muscles are sore after working out with the dorm leader... He told me I wasn’t flexible and tried to stretch me out like pie dough.”
“Y’know, I’m real tired of you jabbin’ at me like tha—ah! Um, could you maybe not poke me like that?”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “We have a lab...? If I mess it up, the dorm leader’ll get mad at me... probably.”
Groovy “I want to be a master at making potions someday too.”
Home Setting “I want to learn about potions that grow plants...”
Home Transitions “The work at Night Raven College is hard... kind of. I can never remember those long plant names...”
“Whenever Professor Crewel teaches, you can tell he knows a lot about color-changing potions and flowers that can dye things really pretty colors.”
“The library at this school is full of books from all around the world. The dorm leader told me I need to read one every week.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “There’s a lot of fruits I’ve never seen before in the Botanical Garden; it’s fun looking at them all... kind of.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “It’s frustrating when I can’t solve a hard problem... kind of. I was going to go try researching in the library. Want to come too?”
Home Taps “There’s a lot of people in Pomefiore who are good at magic potions. But I’m not really there yet... I think.”
“One bite of the poisoned apple and you fall into an eternal slumber... I need to be careful when making strong potions.”
“If I made a potion that could strengthen weak apple trees, it’d make Pawpaw really happy.”
“Rook’s an amazing person; he’s so good at sports and his studies too... I think. It’s just, he’s really, really weird...”
“Are you blind or somethin’? I’m busy brewing here so leave me alone for now—...ah! I mean, it’s dangerous if you’re not careful, so please don’t touch, okay?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Have you grown any plants before? ...Oh, I see. Want me to split seedlings that are easy to grow for you?”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “Don’t worry about me. ...He does this for the both of us.”
Groovy “I’m going to surpass the dorm leaders in no time. I swear it...!” 
Home Setting “It feels like my robes are dragging on the floor... kind of.”
Home Transitions “They say the hoods of these robes are supposed to give off the impression of the Beautiful Queen when she turned into an old woman... Did you know that?”
“The Queen was even willing to make herself ugly in order to be the fairest in the land... She’s real marvy.”
“The Mirror of Darkness is supposed to pick your dorm based on the qualities of your soul, but does my soul really match Pomefiore...?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Students with all kinds of natural power go to this school... I want to get stronger here too!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “When I sent my grandma pictures of me from the entrance ceremony, she said ‘You look real smart ‘n spruce’! Meemaw’s just exaggerating...”
Home Taps “I feel like there’s a whole lotta ballsy guys at this school. It’s a little different from what I’d pictured before coming here.”
“When the black carriage came to pick me up, all my relatives and the villagers came to wish me off... Hehe.”
“Neither of my parents can use magic, but Big Maw and Meemaw⁠—ah, I mean, my great-grandma and my grandma are both witches.”
“I didn’t grow up around a lot of mages, so life at this school feels very new... kind of.”
“Ah? The hell do you want? Stop actin’ like we’re so close.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “This makeup Vil put on me won’t smudge at all... How is it now? Did it come off?”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “Want a bite of an apple so sweet you’ll think you’re dreaming?”
“I’m just obeying what the dorm leader asks of me. ...For now.”
Groovy “I may be in Pomefiore, but... I’m still me!”
Home Setting “Welcome to Pomefiore! ...Hah.”
Home Transitions “I’ve got a lot of weird seniors in Pomefiore. It still feels kind of hard to fit in here...”
“I’ve never really cared that much about how I dress, but I love apples that are shaped nicely... I think.”
“I always thought Pomefiore was all about enforcing beautiful looks, but not everyone’s like that. The dorm leader is just a special case.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Wearing the Pomefiore dorm uniforms isn’t just about being beautiful. The dorm leader told me ‘You must get strong,’ too.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I wish people would tell me I’m cool instead of saying things like ‘pretty’ or ‘cute.’”
Home Taps “The deep indigo used for our dorm uniforms is said to be the same color as the Beautiful Queen’s dress.”
“I once got lost in the dorm and ended up at this creepy basement. I wonder what that room is used for...”
“Did you see the huge apple trees in our dorm’s courtyard? Back home, we’ve got apple trees too. ...But I’m not homesick or anything.”
“Keep this a secret from the dorm leader, but... I actually wanted to get into Savanaclaw. They seem kinda bad and tough. I like it.”
“Quit pokin’ at me so casually! ...I’m kidding. I just don’t really like being touched, I think.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Ramshackle must be so nice. I’d love to be alone and free.”
Duo Magic Epel: “Let’s go, Rook!” Rook: “How daring you are, Monsieur Cherry Apple.”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Epel’s birthday event (May 5 - May 12, 2021).
Unlock Card “I can’t believe you guys are throwing such a huge celebration for me... Thank you, everyone!”
“I want this year to be fruitful, like the way fresh apples grow every year.”
Groovy “I hope that next year I can have a blast with you and everyone else again!”
Home Setting “How do I look? Cool, right? ...Huh?! I’m ‘cute’?”
Home Transitions “Deuce gave me a cap with really cool patches on it. I’m gonna wear it next time I go see him.”
“Ruggie told me ‘I’m expecting a little something back from ya!’ when he handed me a present... I have no idea what I’d get for a senior.”
“Everyone looked so shocked when I blew out my birthday candles in one breath... Do I really seem that weak?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “It’s my birthday party today, so maybe I can act like myself a little bit, and have fun...”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I’ve still gotta do homework after this... Ah! Maybe it’d fun if I worked with you. It’d be like we’re keeping the party going!”
Home Taps “Jack gave me a cactus. I hear it’s hard to get them to bloom flowers, but I’ll try my best to grow one!”
“I used to mark my height on a pillar to see how tall I’d gotten. But I stopped because I wasn’t really growing...”
“Huh?! There’s cream near my mouth? That could’ve been bad... Vil was about t’get real hacked off at me!”
“It makes me happy to get presents, but I don’t really have a use for makeup and fluttery clothes and stuff like that...”
“You want to see me carve an apple? Then I’ll give a go at carving a portrait. Will you be my model?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I like how the party really picks up when you and Grim are here. I don’t do so great when the mood’s all stiff.”
Duo Magic Epel: “Vil! There’s something a bit different about me today.” Vil: “Happy birthday, Epel. Let’s see it.”
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Tutorial “Let’s go! I’ll leave you behind if you don’t keep up.”
Lv Up “Ehehe, I made some progress... I think.”
“If I do my best, someday I’ll definitely make it...!”
“Let’s try our hardest from now on. Okay?”
Max Lv Up “I feel a strong power rising in me, like an ice-cold poison. It feels like I could put anyone to sleep... maybe?”
Episode Lv Up “Why’re you even botherin’ with me? If it’s ‘cause you think I’m strong ‘n reliable, then... that’d make me happy.”
Magic Lv Up “With this power, I’ll even take on the dorm leader!”
Limit Break “I’m getting stronger. Do you believe in me too...? Maybe?”
Groovy “I wish I could grow slowly and steadily, like an apple.”
Select Lesson “What subject are you going to take? ...I like flying, I think.”
“Do you want to take a class with me? It doesn’t really matter to me, though... hehe.”
“Seriously, how long are you just gonna stand there? Pick already.”
Lesson Start “Mm, hello everyone.”
Lesson End “I’m drained from all that studying!”
Battle Start “You’ve got some nerve biting at me...!”
Battle Win “Guess I’m not as soft as I look! Maybe.”
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Profile Quote “Apples are awkward and hard to handle... just like...”
January 2020 Trailer “Are you by chance waiting for your prince on a white horse to come?”
Countdown Poster “Would you like a bite of this red apple?”
Login Bonus “It’s important to keep up at something everyday. Apples won’t ripen either if you don’t take care of them everyday... you know?”
Player Birthday Wish “It’s your birthday, ain’t it! I made some jam outta the apples my family sent me... Here! Ah... Um... What’s wrong? You’re making a funny face... Did I say something weird... maybe?”
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Epel sometimes slips into speaking in Tsugaru dialect, which is so different than standard Japanese that sometimes it’s impossible to understand unless you’re familiar with it. I’d describe it as a “heavy country dialect.” There’s no perfect way to translate it, and I don’t really have a good grasp on different English dialects anyway, but I tried 🙆‍♀️ If anything was worded strangely, it was probably intentional!
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Doomsday, Genesis, Holo - Reference + Info Sheet
I know it’s messy, I’ll never get used to doing these haha
Will definitely be doing these in any free time I have (I seem to pile art on myself for no reason :3) for the other kids, the blasters and possibly the parents and my own persona/self (Thun).
(Please, don’t steal/repost, copy or trace it, or anyone else’s art, for that matter.
If you ever want to use it for any fanart, do use it to help. Just be sure to credit @asknightmareanderror or @thunfire0605 for the kiddos, and so it doesn’t get lost and that I can see it!)
Let’s get this started :) Info Sheet down here \/
Oldest kid/first born (Originally supposed to be an only kid).
Three months (in the story), sixteen (in the ask-void) and seventeen (in real life, if that makes sense XD).
Born May 6th.
Nickname: Doom.
The name is literal; when he has any high amount of negative emotions, universes, planets, and anything else close by will be destroyed. Whether that be an armageddon event or simply blowing up random objects.
When he has any high amount of positive emotions, however, flowers tend to bloom around him, even if the floor isn’t suitable for it.
His overflow in magic is caused by Nightmare and Error’s high LV.
Like Error, he has eight tongues, and sharp teeth, like Nightmare.
He lives with Classic, soon to be looked after by Fell, too.
The (final) chapter which should explain why he lives with Classic (Spoliers): https://asknightmareanderror.tumblr.com/post/188283779626/armageddon
He has a stutter and twitches due to high magic.
He’s not a bad kid, he just finds it difficult to control his emotions and magic.
He loves eating.
Hugs are nice.
His ecto-stomach can open, like a mouth, and even has it’s own teeth.
He melts into a puddle when distressed, keeping himself safe from any harm from his own magic.
He acts younger than he actually is.
He has separation anxiety, for obvious reasons.
He randomly falls unconscious at points.
Next in line for the throne.
He is pansexual and asexual, but doesn’t mind being in a relationship, nothing too intimate though.
He did not appreciate finding out he had brothers.
He has grown closer to them, but will prefer to keep to himself, instead of talking to them.
He doesn’t sleep well, but can help others sleep easier with his presence.
He is based off of myself, to a degree (I wear a jumper and a hoodie on top of each other to make myself feel less anxious).
His high magic is his version of my Type 1 diabetes.
He is the most powerful out of the kids.
Genesis Phoenix:
Unidentical twin with Holo.
Not created yet (in the story), thirteen (in the ask-void and in real life).
Born November 5th.
Was originally supposed to be just a fanchild, not canon, but became canon because I loved him too much.
Nickname: Gen.
He is the result of Nightmare shifting forms during...the process.
He is the shortest of the kids.
When positive, flowers will bloom around him, like Doom.
The flower is an eye and is symbolic of Nightmare and his past.
When upset, he creates universes, which causes an imbalance as well (Like Doom).
He was meant to be the opposite of Doom, but is still socially anxious, despite being more outgoing.
The flower is a representation of his emotions, and changes shape depending on how he’s feeling.
Oil will drip out from underneath the flower if he’s feeling negative.
He can control his magic and emotions a lot easier than Doomsday.
He is pansexual.
Like Nightmare, he likes his milkshakes.
He has normal teeth, like Error, with two big canines.
One tongue.
He lives with his parents, because he wasn’t as unstable as Doomsday, and they were a bit wiser.
He is three years younger than Doomsday.
He tries his hardest to show as much care as possible to Doom, knowing he’s not pleased by the fact of having brothers.
Is naturally immature about situations.
He is the least powerful out of the kids.
Unidentical twin with Genesis.
Not created yet (in the story), thirteen (in the ask-void and in real life).
Born November 5th.
He is the inbetween of Doomsday and Genesis.
He is non-binary, but doesn’t mind people thinking he’s male or female (He doesn’t care for pronouns).
Pure black, no light bounces off of him, like NIghtmare, he absorbs it.
He is the result of the imbalance in the multiverse, and was created unexpectedly at the same time Genesis appeared.
He is much more related to Nightmare than Error.
Much more stable than the other two.
One tongue.
He tries to speak formally, but will slip up sometimes.
He is a smartass and talks back to Nightmare and Error.
He makes sure nothing gets out of hand with Doom and Genesis.
He is pansexual and polyamorous, currently in a very big relationship with a lot of viruses.
He is a lot more stern and serious than the other two.
He has a bigger soft spot for Doom than Genesis, even though he does tease him quite often.
He is capable of subduing Doom if he gets out of control.
He is capable of subduing Genesis if he gets out of control.
He is capable of destroying and creating, like his two brothers.
The two feathers on his cape are from his gaster blaster, Dusk.
He was the first to find out about the blasters’s true/power forms.
He lives with his parents, too, but only stays around for days at a time.
He cleans coding of breaks and viruses.
He has had six viruses attached to his soul so far.
Only three remain on his soul (in the ask-void).
He is mature for his age.
He is the tallest out of the kids.
He can fuse with his viruses, but only with all of them, and only in a very dire situation.
He gets irritated easily.
He does become immature, if his viruses manage to make him grin.
He has a very strong bond/attachment to Caust (the first virus he found), and tends to become anxious if he ever leaves (usually in a mood over an argument).
He is almost as powerful as Doomsday.
So, there we have it! I probably will update this every so often with some more info on the kiddos, but that’s all I could think up of right now (even after not sleeping for a while XD).
I hope this sheds some light on these three, and I will do this for the other ship kids because it was actually fun to do!
Love y’all! <3
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crysta-cub · 5 years
Caught in a Blind. Chapter 5: Stretch.exe Has stopped working
All Stretch wanted to do was to check on Edge. He wasn't expecting this.
**Caution with descriptions of Injuries and, well, Red's humor may not be in good taste for everyone**
Also Sorry for the long wait, got a bit busy with life and minor writer's block.
Last Chapter Next Chapter 
The next few days passed rather uneventful. Lots of food and rest, almost like a vacation with Blue overly fretting over him. His bones no longer felt like lead and he was beginning to feel energetic. After convincing his brother, Stretch was up and walking over to the door of their guest bedroom. After a classic nails and a haircut knock, Stretch waited for a gruff, “come in” before opening the door and stepping in. “hey, Red, how’s...” Stretch stopped in his tracks once he got a good look inside. There on the bed was Edge, unconscious and bandaged from head to toe, his left arm and both legs in casts. Pale red magic glowed over the bruises around Edge’s face, tracing along the bandages, what little magic the injured skeleton had was trying to heal the multiple wounds. Two IV bags hung above the unconscious skeleton. A maroon glowing bag contained the concentrated raw magic that was gifted from Blue. The line going directly to Edge’s soul, conveniently covered by the blanket. It was a breath of fresh air to hear that Edge’s magic was accepting the concocted mixture of magic of Blue and the Undyne from Underfell. The bag looked half empty, the slow integration potentially aiding in giving Edge the chance to gain the raw magic he lost. 
The second bag, a thick and rich crimson that could only be marrow, ran a line to an uncomfortably large needle that bore right into the bone of Edge’s right ulna. Marrow, the life support of a Skeleton monster. The current bag wasn’t going to be enough to completely replace what Edge lost but would help while his body produced more as he recovered. Blue’s already is talking about possibly donating his own as well. 
From what Blue had told him, Stretch already knew Edge’s injuries where server, but it was another thing seeing them for the first time. “tsk, take a picture, it’d last longer.” Red’s voice pulled Stretch out of his stupor. Stretch mentally shook his head before closing the door and walking towards the bed. “is nice ta see ya up an’ ‘bout, honeybun.” “thanks… how’s he doing?” Stretch kept his voice low, standing by the bed, unable to keep his eyelights off of the unconscious monster. “eh, out of any danger. he’s woken up a few times but the meds and healin’ magic keeps him loopy. he’s just been sleepin’, which is good, he needs it.” Red sounded tired as he shifted in his chair. Stretch looked down, noticing the shadows under his sockets. Stretch wondered when he last slept. “you did good kid. got him home.” “heh, i can’t take all the credit, Edge lead me back most of the way. he fucking saved my life. least i could do was to get him home.” Stretch sadly smiled at Red who only hummed back. Red rubbed at his face, giving out a sigh. “do me a favor, watch him for a bit, need to step out.” “yea, no prob. take your time, you look a little bone tired.” Stretch chuckled. Red chuckled tiredly “you have no idea.” and with that he slid off of the chair and walked out of the room, leaving the door ajar.
Stretch took a deep breath before looking back down at Edge, taking a closer look at the injuries he sustained during his rescue. Blue had given Stretch the low down, but now he can see it all himself.
Edge sustained most of his injuries to his left side of his body. A few minor cracks to his skull that would heal over but had definitely threatened the socket. Like Edge really needed more scars to that socket. 
The bones of his left arm and wrist had cracks and minor fractures, as if he used it to block a force. His clavicle was separated where the ball joint of his humerus had been popped out of the socket. A pang of guilt hit Stretch as he thought of his attempt to help Edge to his feet. 
Three broken and two cracked ribs, it was a wonder Edge struggled to breathe only at the end of the journey. His pelvis had a few cracks in it, nearly breaking the ischium. He was lucky with his spine, a few inflamed disks but nothing broken or ruptured. 
Traveling down the the right femur a wicked fissure fracture where the knife had been, nearly going straight through the bone had it been any longer. Blue mentioned their luck that the knife wasn’t poison, which tends to happen in Underfell. Blue also mentioned that it was the site Edge’s marrow had bled most out of. There had to be a lot of force for the knife to go that far, more than just a stab and if it was when he dropped Edge… Stretch soul clenched at the thought. 
Then came the fibula and the tibia on the left leg, both with a spiral fractures and the patella was not where it was supposed to be. Just remembering feeling the ankle’s positioning made him shudder. Apparently there were a few dislocated bones there too. Stretch hugged himself, thinking of the mess of injuries. 
Stretch jumped at the sound of a groan. Stars, why was he so jumpy?
Edge’s browbones crinkled as he slowly began to wake up, blinking slowly. Stretch wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, but it seemed Edge may have murmured something. Stretch leaned forward, to try to hear what the fell monster had tried to say, when those hazy crimson eyelights landed on his face. 
Stretch eyes widen in surprise. That wasn’t what he had expected at all. Just as he didn’t expect Edge’s uncasted hand shooting up and grabbed him by the front of his shirt, only to pull him down into one hell of a passionate kiss, Stretch was thrown off balance, as he struggled not to fall onto the surprisingly strong, injured skeleton. Luckily it didn’t last long as Edge’s strength faded quickly. As Edge slid back to the bed, Stretch watched the content, pleased smile shift to a sadden forlorn smile, Stretch never wanted to see that despairing look on him again. As his eyelights drifting away from Stretch, Edge let out a resigned sigh. “It’ll Never Happen.” Slowly those sockets fluttered closed and Edge’s breathing evened out once again as he drifted back to sleep. Stretch brought his fingers up to his mouth, lightly touching where Edge had planted that kiss. ‘did he just…”
Stretch felt his soul freeze at the growl from the doorway. “mind tellin’ me what yer doin’ wit my brother.”
Stretch spun around, his hand flew behind his back as if hiding something, facing Red. Those eyelights darken as he glared at Stretch, the bag from Grillby’s crinkled in his grip. Magic and intent crackled in the air. “i, uh, um, i.” Ah, words of eloquence, next he’ll spout poetry. “think ya can take advantage of my bro while he’s doped up on pain meds?” Red’s voice was low and dangerous as he slowly stalked closer to him. Stretch’s soul pounded in his chest. 
“no, i, i mean, its not....” Stretch feels the bed at the back of his legs preventing him from backing away from the advancing fell monster.
“ya know what happ’ns to those who mess wit my brothra?” The growl that rumbles from Red’s chest is low and threatening, Stretch could feel his metaphorical throat close as Red loomed up at him. He gulped.
“It’s not what it looks like… if anything he took advantage of me!” Stretch squeaked, hands up in a plea for mercy.
A bark of laughter and a snap of magic as intent vanished without a trace. “ah, yer great to fuck around wit’. the look on yer face. oh that was priceless.” Red laughed as he reclaimed his chair. 
“what?” Stretch crumpled with shock and relief. ‘what just happened?’
“saw the whole thing, yer good. told ya he’s been out of it. probably thought it was a dream.” Red glanced over at Edge, Stretch followed his gaze. Edge looked to be content, almost peaceful in his sleep. “ah good one at that.”
Stretch turned a confused look at Red. “does… does Edge li... does he have a cru… is he infatuated with me?!” Stretch’s hands flailed as his mind tried to process what just happened, first pointing to Edge then to himself as he was filled with disbelief of the question he had just asked.
Red leveled an amused gaze at Stretch before taking a bite of his burger, taking his time to chew before speaking with the mouthful. “ain’t my peace to tell.”
Stretch threw up his hands in the air before running them down his face. 
“let me level wit ya.” Red took an unusual serious tone, causing Stretch to focus on him.
“once we got Edge out of immediate danger and that mask shit off ya. i had to trace back ta where ya were attacked, found that the marrow didn’t start completely spillin’ out of mah bro til part way thru yer walk, i’m guessin’ ya fell or somethin’. recalibrated that trap you walked thru. cleaned up yer trail.” Red took a bite out of his burger, motioning for Stretch to sit down at the foot of Edge’s bed.
Stretch glanced at the offered spot before sitting, making sure to steer clear of Edge’s legs.
“there’s no point in sayin’ that this could ‘ave been prevented. so i’m gunna skip that part. what happ’n happ’n. let me fill you in on somethin’s.” Red continued to stuff fries in his mouth, before he took a swig of mustard. 
“my bro. he’s tactical. he plans ahead, he sees ‘alf a dozen moves in any givin’ situation. he’s always thinkin’. i’ve seen him fight so many times, i can read his fights in the snow.” Teeth sunk back into the burger, not once but twice before Red gave Stretch the mercy of continuing. “ta say my brother was distracted is an understatement. ya tale ‘verses have him all worked up.”
Another bite and a short laugh. “He’s always been doing what he hopes is best fer the underground. endin’ fights wit’ his mere presence if he can. trainin’ those who are weaker ta defend themselves or escape. doesn’t kill unless he has ta.”
Another bite and a swig of mustard. “so he’s got it in his head ta better himself. he’s worried about gainin’ LV, findin’ ways to ‘void EXP. not wantin’ ta show this side of our lives. he’s doin’ things differently and this ain’t the first time it’s nearly got him or someone else killed. this time is just the worst one.”
Red finished off the burger, licking his fingers. “it should have been an easy an’ clean fight, ya know.” Red grabbed a fist full of fries and engulfed them, watching as Stretch wrung his hands. “He didn’t need to get hit either.” Stretch gave a worried glance at Edge then back at Red. “he wasn’t in line with the spiked log that is released when that trap was triggered, but from what I could tell, yer was.”
Stretch flinched a bit at Red’s words, fingers gripped and dug into the side of the bed. “wait, you’re saying that…” 
Red eyelights met his, stern and steady. “he ran in front of the log to block it from hittin’ ya.” 
Silence filled the room as that statement was left to sink into Stretch’s skull, eye sockets opened wide. Red finished off his fries and crumpled up the bag in his hands. Stretch swallowed harshly before looking back at Red. 
“what I suggest for the future.” Red rubbed his grease coated hands over his pants. “lay off of his LV, ya seem to affect him the worse about it. ya don’t understand our world and what we hafta do to survive it. ya don’t know ta sacrifices he’s had ta make. ya don’t even know him.”
Red slid off the chair and grabbed the mustard. “do me a favor and keep an eye on him. i need ta get some sleep. just need to make sure nothing goin’ in him ends up not reactin’ well, project some nice feelin’ if his dreams goes south and shit. don’t need him flailin’. He ain’t goin’ anywhere, so ya should be alright, just holla if anythin’ happens, ya?”
Stretch nodded as he watched Red walked over to the door, giving his pelvis an obligatory scratch before he reached for the door knob. He paused at the door frame before letting out a sigh, an invisible weight settled on his shoulders. Red’s voice was unusually soft, “Stretch, one more thing.” A breath of a pause before a glimmer of crimson eyelight peaked over the shorter skeleton’s shoulder. “Whatever ya plan on doin’ wit’ him, go easy on him. whatever that is, he’s never dealt wit’ it before. i ain’t gonna threatin’ ya if ya hurt him. but if ya toy with my bro, what ya saw earlier, that’s yer warnin’.”
Red closed the door, ending the tension and leaving Stretch alone with Edge and his thoughts.
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chemicalmagecraft · 5 years
The Gamer Hero, Deku Chapter 17
A/N: I know I said that I probably wouldn't post for a while because finals, but then I had a flash of inspiration and my poor time management instincts took over. But seriously, now that I'm done clearing my WIPs so they don't distract me later, it'll probably be a week or so until I start working on my fanfics again. Need to do a bunch of essays, then I'm giving myself a bit of time to be lazy once break starts up. So for once, I'd like to ask you guys to not give me suggestions for a bit...
The first part of this chapter is something that I figured should happen eventually. How would magic change an already superhuman society?
Have a Little Feith: Thanks for the suggestion! I certainly don't mind using legendaries, however I already have plans for that particular one. My idea for Momo was more along the lines of manufacture.
Xekless: With the exception of elementals, humans (and some animals) are the only inherently magical beings that exist as of this point in the story. Let's just say there's a reason nobody knew of magic before Midoriya...
In the weeks leading up to the sports festival, we saw a surprising amount of magical advancements in the world. Supernatural healing, which was once considered rare and often involved some sort of caveat that meant it couldn't be used freely, turned into a matter of training, skill, and mana, even if it was weaker. I actually did some volunteer work helping some local hospitals out with the spells, as well as the regular medical help I needed to do for Shuzenji-sensei's healing course.
While only lightning mana could be directly converted into electricity, special generators were built to use other kinds of mana as fuel, meaning more people could work at power plants and more clean energy. There was probably also research being done to use mana as it was. More water-users meant improved water services. Construction businesses flourished with earth mages. Apparently Uraraka's parents in particular gained some profit because she was able to use her elementals to get her parents a few interesting spells in their elements. She and Aizawa were really happy about that, actually.
Conservation only benefited from a new wave of bio-elementalists and other kinds of magic-users. In fact, I heard there was a group that was in the process of getting permits to use magic to deal with the trash in the sea and on the beaches better. Not to mention, even unaspected magic was incredibly useful in agriculture, so farms were able to produce more crops. I even heard about some experiments in infusing plants with magic, which sounded interesting.
While there was, unfortunately, a bit of a rise in villain attacks with the advent of magic, pro heroes were better able to combat it with the fact that hero agencies had more or less turned into modern-day mage guilds. I'm sure there was someone out there biding their time until they learned how to cast Ultima or Raise Greater Undead, but at the same time pro heroes were organized, well-funded, and now produced their own spells, so they could handle it. I even saw on the news that the Wild, Wild Pussycats now had a series of cat-themed spells.
There were still some limitations on dissemination of magical knowledge to the general public, but a few weak spells were made available to everyone. With the buzz about magic, I heard there were talks about reducing Quirk- and magic-usage laws, which was exciting. I mean, I may or may not have been using my magic in public a bit already, but it'd be nice to be a bit less sneaky about it...
"Poor thing," I said as I looked at the small, gold-furred cat that Juniper alerted me was in a nearby alley. She was missing part of her right foreleg, and the stump was bleeding. She had a few more scrapes, and her fur was dirty. She gave me a weak meow. I'd always liked cats, so I felt a pang in my heart to see one so hurt. "What happened to you?
Stray Cat
LV 6
I reached my hand out to her, but she shied away. I concentrated, trying to use Magycked Words to put my intention into what I was about to say. "I want to help," I murmured in a soothing tone, then closed a popup for a new skill, Animal Whisperer. She looked a little bit calmer now. "Good, now just hold... still..." I slowly reached my hand out to her, whispering affirmations to her. She let me touch her, and I activated Healing Hands. "That's a good girl. I'm healing you now."
Unfortunately Healing Hands couldn't do much for her missing limb, but at least it wasn't bleeding anymore. After her wounds were dealt with, I gave her a quick rinse to clean her off, making sure to dry her off completely before she could get cold. Oddly enough, though, her temperature didn't drop at all from the water. She purred at me, now doing much better. She didn't have a collar, but... "Does she have a chip on her, Raimon?" I asked.
"I don't... think so?" he said. "I can't find anything like that on her."
I grinned. "Then I guess you're coming with me, girl." I picked her up. "A cat with golden fur... I think I have the purrfect name for you." She purred, and her fur... glowed. She got really warm. "Okay nevermind Yang it is," I said.
Stray Cat
LV 6
A cat with a Quirk... I'd heard of people having pets with Quirks before but I wasn't entirely sure what the rules were. I assumed I'd have to register her, though.
"Don't you still have school today?" Claude asked.
I bolted up. "Crap! School!" I looked at the time. Kacchan was probably looking for me. I looked around for a place to put Yang, then had an idea.
"The hell were you taking so long?" Kacchan asked me when I ran up to him.
"I, uhhh... had a magic thing?" I said, then rubbed the back of my head.
Wait crud that's was the wrong hand! I quickly lowered my arm, but not before a meow escaped from my sleeve...
"Why the fuck did I just hear a cat?" Kacchan asked.
"Oh I don't know, maybe there's a cat nearby?" Kacchan looked around, then focused on my sleeve. I acted totally natural, nothing up my sleeves at all! For a second I felt like he would buy it.
He didn't buy it.
"Oi Deku, what's up your sleeve?" He grabbed my hand a bit more forcefully than I'd have liked, causing it to fall out of my sleeve. "...What the actual fuck," he said after a few moments of holding my disembodied right hand.
"Stupid Rayman limbs..." I muttered.
"Meow," Yang said as she poked her head out of my sleeve. To be honest I wasn't entirely sure how my sleeve was staying in proper shape considering most of my forearm was made out of air, but it was. Somehow.
"Did... Is your arm a cat now?" He looked between my still very much real hand and the cat's head coming from my sleeve. "You know what, I'm going to hold your hand hostage until you fucking explain."
"Not my hand!" I shouted. "I need that to not get arrested." I started trying to fly my hand out of Kacchan's grasp. Because my hand was attached to a body part I'd turned to air, it could fly. Somehow. It wasn't strong enough to escape Kacchan, though. Actually, I wondered how much of my body I had to turn into air before the rest would fly. I'd have to test that later...
"Stop muttering and answer the damn question."
"I wasn't just going to leave Yang there! She lost a leg."
Kacchan facepalmed, letting go of my hand. It floated back to Yang, and I scratched her chin with it before nudging her back so I could put my hand back in place. She was taking Air Embodiment surprisingly well. I was actually a little worried she'd activate her Quirk... "You named her already. In hindsight, though, I'm more surprised you haven't done something like this already. Actually, is it okay that the cat's breathing your arm?" He stopped walking and just rubbed his temples. "Hang... hang on, I just need a fucking moment to process how fucking absurd that last sentence was."
"I've confirmed that it's perfectly safe for both me and whatever's breathing me. Same for other elements. And I'm sure someone's said something like that before."
He started walking again. "Right. Your life is fucking weird. Not gonna give myself a headache. So how long can you do that?"
"Partial Embodiment is a lot less taxing than Full Embodiment, so it's just slightly more than what Mantra gives me back. In fact, if I get another point of INT, then it might just break even. If I use Meditate every so often, I'll be able to keep this up until we get home. Assuming we don't have practicals in Hero Studies today."
He shrugged. "Fuck it, good for you. Now we should probably hurry as fast as we can without you jostling the cat. We're already a little late."
I was walking in the hallway on my own when I heard a meow. I froze and so did Aizawa-sensei, who was walking past me. I silently pleaded with Sonia to help. She gave me a grin. A grin I could almost describe as like the Cheshire Cat's...
"Meow," she said. Audibly. Even with Gamer's Mind, I could feel my heart pounding. I tried not to let it show on my face. I tensed up, though, when Yang meowed again. Though I noticed that Aizawa also grimaced. Yang pushed my hand out of the way, but at the same time a black cat with golden eyes poked her head out of Aizawa-sensei's capture weapon.
Alley Cat
LV 4
I nodded at him.
He nodded at me.
Yang and Blake meowed at each other.
I offered Aizawa-sensei my right arm in an invitation to pet Yang. He gratefully did so, then pointed to Blake. I used my floating right hand to pet her.
We nodded to each other, then gently nudged our cats back into their hiding spots and walked away. I had to Meditate in the bathroom for a bit because the stress of the moment deactivated Mantra, though.
We never talked about our encounter, though we did trade a few cat puns later in the day. I'm not an expert, but I think that makes us brothers.
"Hey mom?" I said as I opened the door. "I have something I'd like to ask you about..."
"What is it, sweetie?"
I brought Yang out from behind my back. "Her name is Yang."
Mom sighed. "Honey, you know a cat is a big responsibility..."
"I promise I'll take good care of her!" I promised.
She frowned, then nodded after a moment of thought. "Alright, you can keep her."
"Thank you!" I shouted. "Oh, uh... By the way, she has a Quirk..."
As it turned out, the Japanese government is very approving of Quirky animals being pets with responsible owners, though there was some red tape surrounding it. It made sense that they wouldn't want animals who had no concept of Quirk usage laws just roaming the streets... First I had to get her registered and fitted with a special chip that could withstand a lot more heat than normal chips thanks to her fire-based Quirk. Then we had to go to specialized classes for us to be able to deal with her if she activated her Quirk. I also got a good prosthetic for her with some of the money I got for various prizes related to discovering magic.
Thanks to Animal Whisperer I gained an increased understanding of all animals. After a few talks with Yang, I could pretty much speak cat, which was neat. I was hoping to get a familiar skill, though. Even if I never used Yang like a proper familiar, a familiar skill might give me access to her Quirk, I Burn, which would be nice.
For my preparation for the sports festival, I decided to focus mainly on DEX and INT. Because I was more or less indestructible due to Damage Reduction and Elemental Embodiment, I didn't need to worry about VIT at all. Because of that, I decided to focus on my original idea I'd had before Roaring Muscles to train my DEX, though with INT training as well to power up my magic. It was close, but a few days before the sports festival I got both above one hundred.
DEX gave me three skills, Light Step, Flash Step, and Weird Flex. Light Step was the next version of Fleet Foot and Flash Step was, well, a Flash Step. I could use MP to cross a few meters in the blink of an eye. Weird Flex... had a fitting name. It seemed to just make me disturbingly flexible. The flavor text implied that it was what made contortionists contortionists, and I couldn't really disagree with that. It seemed like it'd be useful, though, because it was a passive that didn't use MP.
Raising INT gave me Mana Talent, Eye for Magic, and Open Mind. Mana Talent, like Light Step, was a better Mana Affinity. Eye for Magic, which I got because I had an eye-enhancing spell, was a spell that allowed me to "see" magic, which was absurdly useful. I could probably copy spells just by looking at them, for one. It gave me really bad eye strain, though. Open Mind was also a potentially useful spell. The flavor text said it was mind magic, which was useful in and of itself because it gave me a base for mind magic, and it allowed me to hear other people's thoughts. When I used it, I was able to hear the internal monologues of everyone in the spell's radius, and could hone in on one person in particular. I wouldn't use it much because it was clearly an invasion of privacy, but I was sure I could put it to good use.
With my stats where I wanted them, I spent the rest of the time before the sports festival practicing various spells and skills. The day of the sports festival, I knew I was ready.
A/N: I thought of that scene with the cats and was legally obligated to write it. This is a little shorter than my usual chapters, but I figured you guys would prefer one short one now and then a longer one in however long it'll take me to do all my school stuff and then start the sports festival arc than just an especially long one later. And now I have no excuse not to do my schoolwork. Pray for me...
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e8luhs · 6 years
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my favorite comic book, favorite comic book, favorite comic book about a guy whose hand's a hook, guy whose hand's a hook, guy whose hand's a hook and he's got blood on all his shirts, blood on all his shirts, blood on all his shirts cause everything he feels he hurts, things he feels he hurts, everything he hurts
i gotta figure out where mommy keeps the dynamite i'll get some measuring tape so i can time it right i know it's dangerous, i know you're thinking i am a fool but it's the only chance i'll ever get to look so cool
i gots me a knife, a bandanna and a topaz necklace yeah, i'm extremely reckless: i ride an otter like a motorcycle! yeah, i'm not kidding, man! yeah, i'm not kidding, man! i’m not kidding, man! you know i’m just a... shark fighter, toughest man in the sea! shark fighter, with his wavy blond hair flowing so freely
let the sun burn my eyes let it burn my back at the beach in my dreams but you still...
ooh woo, i'm a rebel just for kicks, now i been feeling it since 1966, now might be over now, but i feel it still
do what i want 'cause i can, and if i don't because i wanna be ignored by the stiff and the bored, because i'm gonna spit and retrieve 'cause i give and receive because i want to gonna get through your head, what the mystery man said because i'm gonna
when you need a disk of oven baked bliss (we always deliver!) 24-hour pizza pie power (we always deliver!) rain or shine (aaaah!) sleet or snow (aaaah!)
control yourself take only what you need from it a family of trees wanting to be haunted
touch it, break it, shake it, yeah take it apart and break it, yeah try to rearrange it, yeah couldn't recreate it, yeah
sunrise over my shoulder, reflected in your eyes untied, we do what we wanna drifting in the wind, don't know where this will end up there's a fire in my head going wild over things we did can't believe it, am i dreaming i just feel like, this ain't real life, whoa
i like long walks on the beach and i like the feel of sand on my feet yeah i like nature just fine from time to time i like those video games and i like most airplanes and trains i like nice weather but there’s something so much better
this is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see and only one will survive, i wonder who it will be this is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny
we didn't start the fire it was always burning since the world's been turning we didn't start the fire no we didn't light it but we tried to fight it
i will never defend the men who make amends with any enemy’s friends, i will never pretend i will never bow down to another man even when everyone’s saying i’ve sinned, i will never repent
i'll make a living, trying to get away ten thousand fathoms, under a tidal wave it can never pull me away no way
ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with i just want your extra time and your kiss
it covers my rest with a saccharine sheen kissing the wind through my window screen the restlessness calls us, that i cannot hide so much on my mind that it spills outside
light touched my hands in a dream of golden skans from now on, you can forget all future plans night touched my hands with the turning, golden skans from the night to the light, all plans are golden in your hands
my mind has changed my body's frame, but, God, I like it my heart's aflame my body's strained, but, God, I like it
but it's hard to see clouds when you're 6 feet underground keep building a house then tearing it down
i got a new disease in me i got a friend that's losing sleep i take it hard, it's hard to take i'm wide awake i'm wide awake
i'm waking up at the start of the end of the world, but its feeling just like every other morning before, now i wonder what my life is going to mean if it's gone the cars are moving like a half a mile an hour and i started staring at the passengers who're waving goodbye can you tell me what was ever really special about me all this time?
what will we do now? we've lost it to trying we've lost it to trying
you lay awake in the night, just staring at the ceiling above pulling pieces of it out is such a waste of time keep on fighting to remember that nothing is lost in the end when you burn, burn, burn your life down
i'm searching for the difference between what content and content can bring maybe they're no different 'cause they look the same maybe i'm just an algorithm with a given name but trying to find the difference
a wave, an awesome wave that rushes skin and widens in flooded veins breathe in, exhale i’ve poked a nerve; he’ll slap me like a whale
now you've gone so far, you really had to get away you knew it in your lifetime running to it acting like you've come so far, the bed you made yourself, and this house, and me, are all falling apart
in the rear, i can see the beast getting close surrounded by ghosts in a cloud of smoke the smoke reeks of failure, i don't want to fail but all the stairwells lead straight to hell
are you too terrified to try your best? just to end up with an educated guess like success like those times you wake up mystified
now you're standing in the kitchen, and you're pouring out my drink well there's a very obvious difference, and it's that one of us can think if there's a bump in the road yeah you'd fix it, but for me i'll just run off the road but tonight you've got me cornered, and i haven't got a place to go
the palms are down, i'm welcomed back to town sometimes i feel like they don't understand me i hear their mouths making foreign sounds sometimes i think they're all just speaking tongues
i'm tryna reach out to you yes, i'm talking to you, you're the one in the room we'll share a moment, let's meet we're a fire with heat you didn't know, not me we all start suddenly and get carried so far away
with all these things i wait for revelation these things make me want to duck for cover with all these things i wait for revolution these things ask the biggest question to me and it's are you what you want to be... so are you what you want to be?
so i used my mind and i used my hand it was what i want to do i really don't know what to do if my body should want to what i want
if i could have it back all the time that we wasted i’d only waste it again
no one cares about the waves at the bottom of the ocean and at the bottom of the ocean it's always blue no one will remember cause nothing lasts forever and everybody's looking for somebody to use
so tell me: how long do you think you can go before you lose it all? before they call your bluff and watch you fall? i don't know, but i'd like to think i had control at some point, but i let it go and lost my soul sit tight, but the revolution's years away i'm losing faith and i'm running low on things to say so, i guess i have no choice but to regurgitate the tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite
i'm trying to keep the ground on my feet it seems the world is falling down around me the nights are long i'm singing this song to try and make the answers more than maybe
so give me something to believe 'cause i am living just to breathe and i need something more to keep on breathing for so give me something to believe
is this it... is this it?
we can't just blame it on our mothers claim everything they did was always wrong and there ain't not turning back when our train is off its track and there's nothing we can do but watch it crash and there ain't no right and wrong when we know it won't be long and there's nothing we can do but watch it crash
i know what I know, but nothing will fill the hole so let your mind go (let my mind go) straight down the runway does one want to get more used to, the mall and misery? (the mall and the misery) the dead mouths it costs to be alive
if there's a bomb in your hand, just throw it if the ground's too hot, just run this place is filled with sickos! this place is filled with sickos!
i'm making my escape, making my escape tell myself that everything's in shape everything's in shape, but me how long can we stay, how long can we stay? tell myself that everything is great everything is great, well how am i doing?
we could leave this world, leave it all behind we could steal this car if your folks don't mind we could live forever if you've got the time, oh, oh, oh
a time is coming, and i must warn you though it's something that you may not understand, they can't be saved by just one man and I am sorry, because i was wrong and I'd take away the weight his shoulders had to bear, because when he fell i was the only one that cared you need to know, you are not him, his fight's not yours!
anytime will do, my love anytime will do, no choice of words will break me from this rule anytime will do, my love anytime will do, what choice of words will take me back to you?
pushing and shoving, hugging and kissing all of the time all over again
so now i follow it around the world i can’t keep up the story never ends as long as we have blood and cuts
counting on my relative friends when this keeps coming up again and again if everybody knows how it's gonna end why doesn't someone stop me?
i would do anything to hear you say “there goes an american hero”, darling call the press and tell 'em all "he's got a front page picture face with all of the amenities”
can't help but feel attacked, what's that supposed to mean? i know i won't relax or act like it's no big deal this happens all the time, it's kind of our routine but we all recognize that i'm the problem here
spells fall frail webs catching sail in eternal eternities divine purpose catching free
tonight, i think i might explode yeah, nothing's right, nothing's right comfort me until the sun arrives
i wanna tell you there's a really good reason why i came down easy, spinning threads to your throne a tiny kingdom at the bottom of the trees where i was always a winner and i was barely alone
if at some point we all succumb for goodness sake, let us be young 'cause time gets harder to outrun, and i'm nobody, i'm not done with a cool, cool breeze and dirty knees, i rest on childhood memories we all got old at breakneck speed slow it down, go easy on me
the wild dogs cry out in the night as they grow restless, longing for some solitary company i know that i must do what's right as sure as Kilimanjaro rises like olympus above the serengeti i seek to cure what's deep inside, frightened of this thing that i've become
oh mother, tell your children not to do what i have done spend your lives in sin and misery in the house of the rising sun
boy i was shaped for the fury now i pay the price of the human race's vice and i was promised the glorious ending of a knight but the crown is out of sight
i feel your racing heart, my liquid silver arms extended these waves aren't far apart black gold in claw foot tubs, unchanging i am fire, where's my form? whisper crimson, i intrude there's light beneath your eyes new overtones in view endless form, endless time
now i can talk, no one gets off (i know how you like to) now i can talk, no one gets off
after you, i don't know what i believe in after you, hell should be easy after you, i don't know what i believe in after you, hell would be easier
come with me, come with me, we'll travel to infinity come with me, come with me, we'll travel to infinity i'll always be there, oh, oh, my future love i'll always be there for you, my future love
rule number one, be bright like the sun whether rude, whether flawed, like it's just begun rule number one, be the only thing they see
as i walk through the city streets, these frightened people watching me pass there is an evil that holds them here, yet they won't try breaking its grasp but if i stay here with you then i will leave them to their doom
so let's go home, let's go home let's go home, and you will never be alone
who knows what the future holds? i don't, if the truth be told they say "play it safe, young soul" fuck that, i'mma take control
is this the place where all our hopes and dreams are piled and burnt? into the waters slide into the flames i'm light but they're watching us lift off, as the chasms open up, it took me a century but i'm starting with tonight
sometimes it's not subjective: wrong and right deep down you know it's downright wrong but you're invincible tonight so you, do it anyway it's done, you did it
i am going to make it through this year if it kills me i am going to make it through this year if it kills me
there is a city that this darkness can't hide there are the embers of a fire that's gone out, but i can still feel the heat on my skin this mess we're in, well you and i, maybe you and i, we can still make it right
first things first i'mma say all the words inside my head i'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been, the way that things have been second thing second don't you tell me what you think that i can be i'm the one at the sail, I'm the master of my sea, the master of my sea
and when we fall we will fall together no one will catch us so we'll catch ourselves and when we roam we will roam forever no one will understand what we meant
play with matches if you think you need to play with matches seek out the hidden places where the fire burns hot and bright find where the heat's unbearable and stay there if you have to don't hurt anybody on your way up to the light
oh hey, i had a night i had a day i did one million stupid things i said one billion foolish things i'm not okay, I got a baseball bat beside my bed to fight off what's inside my head, to fight off what's behind my meds i'm lonely; lost in pain
your love is like the white whale my finger's on the third rail i want you to be okay i want us to be okay
and i wonder, if everything could ever feel this real forever if anything could ever be this good again the only thing i'll ever ask of you you got to promise not to stop when i say when
i could get used to these endless possibilities adrenaline for dinner means a headache that the morning brings
and i don't know much, but i do know this: with a golden heart comes a rebel fist but i can't help agreeing with those that would not quit
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odderancyart · 6 years
You Held Me Down
...but I got up, already brushing off the dust
On AO3
Next (??)
Warnings: Violence, minor character death, minor bullying. 
The Royal Guard was coming through Hotland again. Slipping outside, Sans pulled up the hood of his striped hoodie as he scuttered past the crowd gathered to watch. It had its advantages to be little. His soul pounded inside his ribcage as he stared at the armoured monsters marching past, all in perfect order. In the very front, the Captain led them all. Powerful, intimidating, important. Watching in awe, Sans could feel his eyelights change into stars.
“Wow,” he whispered. The hot, dry air must be excruciating in those heavy armours, yet not a single one showed a sign of caring. Of being affected at all. The discipline was perfect. They were New Home’s own forces, scouting out the way to ensure Her Majesty’s safety as she travelled through the Underground. He grinned widely as they moved, perfectly in sync. “I wanna be in th’ Guard one day.”
“Pfa,” someone said above him. Sans’ eyes widened. He hadn’t realized he was speaking aloud. Swallowing, he glanced up at the monster, a cat monster in a torn crop top. Sans recognized him well, it was one of their neighbours. “Dream on. Like a 1HP runt like ya, from th’ Hotland slum no less, could ever.”
Ducking his head, Sans held in a growl. Tears gathered in his eyes, but he didn’t allow them to fall. Yes, it was unlikely, he knew that. However smart he was in school, the chances someone like him would ever get into the Guard was less than slim. Sticking his hands into the hoodie’s pockets, he clenched his fists. Didn’t meant they had to rub it in his face like that.
In the end of the guard force, the Lieutenant marched, keeping the group gathered together. Leading the scouts ensuring no one was following them. Their expression was proud, ruthless, as they kept an eye on the crowd. Their eyes glazed over most of the spectators, before they caught Sans’ gaze. His breath hitched, and his soul stopped dead. The corner of their mouth twitched, revealing multiple sharp fangs. Then they looked away, leaving Sans gaping. When his soul kickstarted again, it beat so hard he almost lost his breath.
“Children, stand up,” the teacher ordered. On cue, about a third of the class obeyed, the shuffling of chairs following. On her glare, most other followed, including Sans. He groaned as he slid out of the uncomfortable plastic chair, placing a hand on the bench he shared with three other people, so he could lean on it. Only the class’ biggest rebels were sitting now. Sans quite admired how they dared defy Mrs. Miewer like that, she was really fucking scary sometimes. Just as he thought it, she straightened, towering over them. “Those of you who continue sitting will find yourself cleaning up the cafeteria tomorrow.”
That was effective. Slowly, slowly, the last students stood up. Mrs. Miewer nodded sharply before stepping toward the door, unlocking it. Why they bothered to lock it, Sans didn’t know. It wasn’t like a kick wouldn’t have it off its hinges. He knew, because it had happened last year when two of the older kids decided to get out of attention that way.
When she opened the door, the entire class gasped. Outside, a royal guard stood, in full uniform. The Delta Rune shone on his chest, proving that she was a servant of the Crown. A Knight Knight. She stepped in, as Mrs. Miewer stepped away to make place for her. Sans stared in awe, his mouth falling open. What was a royal guard doing here?
The Knight Knight marched up to the blackboard, which was broken on the edges. She didn’t bother to look at them until she turned to face them, looking bored. “Since criminality is on the rise, I have been assigned to warn all of you,” she said. “Hotland is full of gangs and perhaps some of you have already joined one. The members of these gangs will be ruthlessly hunted down and executed by the Crown, without an ounce of mercy. Understood?”
“Understood,” most of the class mumbled, the enthusiasm quickly dying down. Another one. Sans resisted the urge to roll his eyelights, and pressed himself off the bench as she continued to warn them, telling them in gruesome detail what the punishment for gang activity was. Hadn’t he already seen worse in real life, Sans likely would’ve felt sick. But what were words, really, when you’d already seen multiple of your neighbours dust on the street?
“Any questions?” the Knight Knight finished.
Before he could convince himself not to, Sans stuck his hand in the air. She nodded at him, permitting him to speak. “What if we wanna join th’ Guard an’ help when we grow outta stripes?”
Muffled laughter spread through the classroom. Sans clenched his hands as a furious flush lit up his cheeks. Let them laugh. He hunched his shoulders, regretting he had asked. The Knight Knight looked bored. “Guard trials. But I sincerely doubt anyone from here have what it takes.”
Nodding stiffly, Sans accepted the answer. When there were no other questions, the Knight Knight left, and the students slid into their chairs. Behind his back, he could hear someone giggle. At least they didn’t laugh in his face. They wouldn’t dare, or his dad would be quite cross with them. No one wanted to anger the Riverman.
Taking Papyrus’ hand, Sans led him through the crowded square, away from his favourite thrift shop. They often found really nice clothes there. Cheap, and sometimes hardly frayed. Where they came from, he didn’t know, nor did he care. If he didn’t have to dress like a hobo, he was happy. Also this time, they had a new sweater for Papyrus – sweaters were extra cheap, since most monsters couldn’t wear them in Hotland – and both a new skirt and a new leather jacket for him.
Sliding in behind one of many bars, full of people wishing to get drunk, he glanced around before picking Papyrus up. The shorter immediately clung to his neck, holding on tight. His legs dangled in front of Sans. Papyrus didn’t say a word. They’d trained this, in case they needed to get away fast. Hurting children was illegal, and the stripes acted as protection, but not everyone cared. Especially if they were drunk. Not even if they were the terrifying Riverman’s kids. Though Papyrus was growing heavy, and much too tall, so soon they wouldn’t be able to do this anymore. Seemed like he’d outgrow Sans within a year.
Stepping in behind a few barrels, he turned Papyrus around, so he sat on his back instead, and scaled the wall until he could climb over the gate. Behind, the gym area lied. This late, it was closed, which meant no one would be there. That meant Sans could have it all for himself.
“Stand guard, Pap,” he told his brother. If someone saw them, there’d be a hell to pay.
Papyrus was twelve now, and a quiet kid. But he nodded, grinning at Sans. He plopped the lollipop he was sucking at out of his mouth. “O’ course.”
Chuckling fondly, Sans turned away, gathering his magic. Focusing on the dummies on the other side of the field, he summoned his bones, sending them away in a flurry. If no one wanted to teach him without him paying them, then he’d have to teach himself, and that was exactly what he’d been doing the past four years.
“Sans Gaster,” the sergeant major called out, looking down on his list. Stepping forward, dressed in the same bland, indigo uniform as all the other applicants, Sans pressed his fist to his chest in a salute. The sergeant only nodded, gesturing toward the training material spread out over the flat cliff. “From the slum, huh,” Sans heard him mumble, and he gritted his teeth. The sergeant glanced up at him with a raised eyebrow. “Well. Show me what you’ve got.”
“Yes sir,” Sans replied sharply before breaking out into a run. Snapping his fingers, he summoned a wall of bones, keeping the bullets thrown toward him by the assistant guards from hitting their goal.
His soul pounded in his chest. He shot them toward the dummies. Summoned bones from the ground, piercing them. In the corner of his eye, he spotted another projectile. He narrowed his eyes. Threw himself behind a rock, the rough surface scraping his bones. Scaling the rock, he stared down at the area. At the guards, all focused on him. On his targets, all spread across the field. The sergeant major, watching him. Throwing himself off, he made a volt. Rolled as he landed before bouncing back on his feet.
If he was hit, that’d be it. Since he gained his first LV, his HP had raised. But these were royal guards. Their intent was enough to take all his 15HP in one hit. Adrenaline pulsed through him. He raised a hand. A flurry of bones rained down on the dummies. One of them screamed. Another shot bullets at him. Forming a bone, he hit them, sending them back where they came from. Another was out.
Sweat dripped down his brow. Glancing to the sergeant major, who wasn’t looking impressed, he concentrated. Three Blasters formed, hanging in the air. He fired. The beam was blinding as he turned them. Within second, only burnt remains were left, as well as a few angry-looking ghosts. Panting, he dispelled them. Sans turned back to the sergeant, who was staring, wide-eyed.
“Sir,” he said, saluting again.
“You’re in, Gaster,” the sergeant major finally said, and Sans couldn’t suppress his grin. “You’ll be assigned a patrol by next week.”
“Thank ya, sir.” Holding in his squeal was difficult, but he managed. He was pretty proud over that.
The salary was decent, better than any money Sans had ever made. Better than the few coins his dad earned as the Riverman as well, and now when Papyrus had gotten a job in a shop, they were certainly better off than ever before. Even so, he hated his job.
Growling, he summoned a bone, pressing it to the jaw of the monster kneeling on the ground. Another day, another small-scale thief. Being a guardsman in this part of Hotland meant nothing other than that you’d spend your day threatening drunkards and thieves stealing to survive, and watching out for the gang-activity you couldn’t do anything about anyway since they were more than you were, and more powerful. And, in his case, trying to stop his fellow guards from taking bribes and turning away their eyes. This was not what he had had in mind when joining the Guard. He wanted out of Hotland. Out of this hellscape.
The thief whimpered, staring up at him with frightened eyes. Sighing, Sans rolled his eyes. “I warned ya last time, ya idiot. If I caught ya again, it’d be over.”
“Plea-” before he could even finish the word, Sans jabbed out with the sword, piercing their throat. They coughed, and within seconds turned to dust. Fresh EXP rushed through him, and he shivered in pleasure. Checking his stats, Sans’ felt the corner of his mouth twitch. LV4. Not bad.
Fishing up his phone from his pocket, he pressed one of the numbers he had on speed-dial. When they picked up, he quickly gave them the address before spitting out, “And hurry up with it before the dust is scattered.”
New policy forced them to keep track of the dust they created, so the Crown would know how the population levels looked. It was logical, but a huge pain in his ass. He glared at the crowd who had gathered until they scattered before turning his back to the pile of dust, and go find his incompetent colleagues. Probably at a tavern again, drinking away their day. Holy fucking fuck, what had he done to deserve this?
“Hey, freeze!”
The thief straightened, glancing back at them, before throwing themself out the window. Sans could hear the crash as he landed among the trash a floor down. Sprinting up to the window, he saw the thief scurry out on the street, carrying the sack full of gold on their back. Not a chance. Turning around, he saw his commander was opening his mouth, likely to give some stupid order. Before he got the chance, Sans told them, “I’m following them.”
Pulling himself up on the window, he climbed out the other side before pressing away, allowing him to land a bit away from the wall. Landing, he rolled, and stood before following the thief. The street was full, they had been stupid enough to break in in the middle of the day. His breathing quickened as he ordered the bystanders out of his way, dancing around those who didn’t obey.
Looking around, he searched for the thief in their red hood. A glance was all he needed. Doing a ninety-degree turn, he crossed the street, sprinting after the other. They were going out of the slums, down to the finer parts of Hotland. Fucking- They better not get anywhere near NTT Hotel or there would be a hell to pay for Sans.
The crowded back alleys were left behind, and Sans paid the guards stationed along the street little mind as he raced by them. If they hadn’t understood to stop the thief, they couldn’t be trusted. His high heels smattered against the stone ground, and sweat dripped down his brow. The lava down the cliffs flashed by. There. Oh fuck no. NTT Hotel, right there. Gritting his teeth, he hurried past a few well-dressed pedestrians. Paid their indignant shouts no heed.
Summoning a bone attack, he threw it toward the criminal. They dodged in last minute. Yells were spreading among the Hotland residents. Demands to know what was going on. If he… Yes. Turning around another corner, he left the main road, running around the hotel. Darkness surrounded him as he came behind, running beneath the bridge leading toward the CORE.
The thief had to be coming this way, there were only so many roads through the Underground. Before the disbelieving eyes of the spectators, he climbed the hotel, seating himself on a windowsill. Sans held his balance by digging his claws into the stone wall. Now he could only wait.
And it wasn’t for naught. Less than a minute later, the thief came strolling, obviously believing Sans had given up. Their smug grin made him want to growl, but he waited. Holding his breath, he didn’t move an inch. The thief closed in, and soon, they were just beneath him. Sans grinned. Snapping his fingers, he turned their soul blue, lifting them into the air. Rising, he stepped off the windowsill, falling the five meters down to the ground. He chuckled, bringing the squirming, terrified criminal down to his height.
Just as he turned around, a voice called. “Soldier! At attention!”
Freezing, Sans snapped into attention, although he didn’t let go off the thief. His eye continued to blaze purple as the criminal whimpered. Before him stood the Lieutenant. The very same one who he had seen all those years ago. He immediately saluted her, feeling his soul drum in his chest. Was she angry he’d allowed a thief to come as far as NTT Hotel with all its fancy guests?
“What’s your name and patrol, soldier?” she demanded, studying him closely. She was a fish lady with dark brown hair, and wearing a formal uniform instead of her armour.
Sweat dripped down Sans’ spine as he answered. “Sergeant Sans Gaster, Lieutenant, o’ Hotland Unit Fifty-three.”
She blinked, frowning. “By Toriel, what are you doing there? You are obviously much too skilled for those slums. It was a long time ago I saw something like that. Never seen someone climb a wall that easily, unless they were a spider.”
Unable to help it, he boggled, staring at her. He opened his mouth to reply, explain that he was born there, no one had wanted to send him somewhere else, when she shook her head. “You are the Riverman’s oldest son, aren’t you?”
“I am, lieutenant.”
“Very well then. You come from a family who have always been loyal to the Crown, and you are incredibly skilled for being lower class.” Sans had to stop himself from frowning. Undoubtedly she had meant it as a compliment, yet it was hard not to feel at least a little offended. She grinned widely at him. “Such abilities can’t be wasted here. I am sending you to the Royal Academy for guard training.”
Sans’ mouth fell open. That was where the New Home-guards trained. Where all the officers came from. It was basically only the nobility who went there. There was no chance she was serious.
“Close that mouth, Gaster. You look like an idiot.”
It snapped closed, and he almost dropped the thief in his shock.
“Now then, Trainee Gaster,” she said, and that was when he realized she was serious. He was going to the Royal Academy. At first he wanted to grin, before he realized what that really meant. He swallowed. To study with the New Home nobility. Him. The kid from the Hotland slum. Fuck. “Dust that criminal, and go home and pack your things. The term started a month ago, so you will have a lot to catch up on.”
Nodding quickly, he replied, “Yes lieutenant. Thank ya.”
“Oh, and you might want to work on that accent. Makes you sound like a gutter rat. No one’ll respect you if you talk like that.”
He nodded again. “As ya say, Lieutenant.”
This was going to be tough. But it was the best chance he’d ever get, and like hell was he going to give it up. When she turned her back to him, he smirked. Time for him to get the recognition he deserved.
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voltronfandomhag · 6 years
Oldtron People and Places: The Galaxy Alliance and Galaxy Garrison
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I’ve discussed the Drule Empire but what its rival the Galaxy Alliance? A basic explanation to anyone only familiar with VLD is it’s a combination of the Voltron Coalition and Galaxy Garrison. But that’s a simplification, as the Galaxy Alliance and its military arm, Galaxy Garrison, have different origins, operates differently, and possesses an almost completely different set of concerns than their VLD counterparts. With that said, let’s examine the Galaxy Alliance and Galaxy Garrison as they existed in Voltron: Defender of the Universe, including its values, goals, concerns, and officers.
What is the Galaxy Alliance?
Founded on Earth, the Galaxy Alliance is an interplanetary coalition devoted to maintaining peace throughout the universe. This is done in a number of ways, including promoting shared values like justice and freedom, sharing resources, and protecting each other from common threats. An attack on one Alliance world is treated as an attack on all Alliance worlds, and they expected to aid one another whenever possible. The coming together of various alien species and cultures, with their unique gifts, resources, and technology makes the Alliance one of the major powers in the universe.
The epicenter of the Alliance is Garrison City, located on Earth.
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What is Galaxy Garrison?
Galaxy Garrison is the military arm of the Galaxy Alliance, meaning the protection of Alliance worlds falls on them. The Garrison isn’t devoted strictly to military matters, however. They are heavily involved in the Alliance’s search for livable planets to help ease the overpopulation of numerous Alliance worlds. This is likely because the exploration of space, unfortunately, can lead to run-ins with hostile citizens like the Drule Empire.
Their role in the Vehicle Voltron series is much larger than in Lion Voltron. Reasons for this include that many characters, like Commander Hawkins, being among the Garrison brass and the plot centering around their mission to find new livable worlds. Galaxy Garrison also sends the S.S. Explorer and the Vehicle Voltron Force supplies and support troops a few times throughout the series.
In Lion Voltron, however, the Galaxy Garrison officers exists to be exposition bots who sit around discussing what the Voltron Force on Arus/Altea is doing and why they can’t send help. In the second LV season episode “Envoy From Galaxy Garrison” they send a stuffy general dude to Arus to take command of the planet’s defenses, which is apparently customary for Alliance aligned worlds. The general is an incompetent blowhard who doesn’t want the Voltron Force to actually use Voltron and ends shipped back to Earth the same day he arrives.
It’s also responsible for training space explorers. To that end Galaxy Garrison runs the Space Academy. Here aspiring cadets train in everything from piloting spacecraft, to combat training, to various sciences to prepare them for battle and space exploration. All the members of both Voltron Forces with the exception of Princess Allura trained there. As a result there’s a number of friendships between the two groups, like Keith’s rivalry with Jeff, Lance and Wolo playing pranks on people, and Hunk and Rocky being sparing buddies.
Galaxy Garrison headquarters is the Sky Dome located in Garrison City. They also host annual war games.
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Concerns and Interests
Exploration and Colonization of New Worlds: While the search for new livable planets is central to the plot of Vehicle Voltron, the series also makes it clear not everyone in the Alliance feels its a priority. Many people, even among the Alliance elite, feel the overpopulation problem is exaggerated and is just a scare tactic Galaxy Garrison uses to secure more funding. Some civilians and Alliance leaders want the plugged pulled on the Explorer program altogether.  This can make acquiring necessary support fleets and supplies out to the Explorer more difficult.
Construction of Another Voltron: No one can deny the power and usefulness of both Lion Voltron and Vehicle Voltron or how wonderful it’d be to have yet another mighty robotic defender. However, constructing a third Voltron has proven impossible thus far. Lion Voltron used both technology and magic in its construction which probably why it can’t be replicated by Galaxy Garrison, especially with its creator, King Alfor of Arus, deceased. Vehicle Voltron lacks its brother’s mystical elements but much of the technology used in its construction was lost with the death of its creator, Dr. Lauring. Galaxy Garrison has built new Voltron prototypes using what information Lauring left in his notes, but thus far these wannabes have proved woefully inadequate.
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Relations with the Drule Empire: It was during the Explorer’s search for new planets the Galaxy Alliance came in contact with the core of the Drule Empire, as opposed to one of it vassal kingdoms. How to best respond to the threat and the possibility of peaceful coexistence was subject to debate. Early in the conflict many felt Drules were inherently bloodthirsty troublemakers who could never be trusted or reason with. Further mudding the waters was not much was known about the Drule beyond their crazy leaders. Others still didn’t take them seriously as a threat until they invaded Earth and unleashed a robeast on Garrison City, coming very close to conquering the planet.
The Vehicle Voltron story line ends with the Alliance and Drules making peace and Emperor Zeppo dethroned. But the former emperor and his council escaped to Planet Deva to rebuild the tools of war and regain power. War between the free Drule people and their former rulers is brewing, and it seems likely the Alliance will be dragged into it  if they don’t want to lose everything they’ve worked for. There’s also the issue of the Drule Empire’s vassal rulers like King Zarkon. I find it unlikely  an aggressive imperialist tyrant like Zarkon will halt his conquest just because his former overlords, who he barely listened to or respected in the first place, want to play nice with the Alliance. Had DoTU continued, I speculate Zarkon and some of the other vassal rulers would’ve severed ties with the Drule Empire, opting to either become independent empires and/or ally with each other to continue their conquests.
Alliance Officers
Below is a list of some of the more significant Galaxy Alliance officers shown throughout DoTU.
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Commander Hawkins: The reliable and peacemaking commander of the Vehicle Voltorn Force’s mothership, the S.S. Explorer. While normally stoic he can lose his temper if pushed too far, like when he punched Shannon in the face during “In The Enemy Camp”.
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Captain Newley: Hawkin’s outspoken right hand man on the Explorer. Stars in “No, Who’s On Second”.
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Space Marshall Graham: A distinguished old military man who’s one of the highest ranking officers in the Galaxy Alliance. Gives orders and advice from afar on Earth. Stars in the snorefest “Meanwhile, Back at Galaxy Garrison”.
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Colonel Cross:His stubborn refusal to call the Explorer for help almost cost himself and his men their lives in “Defend the New World”. Waited way too long to retire.
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Commander Steele:Brave leader type. Was one of the few top Alliance officers who ventured to Planet Drule to assist with the liberation and evacuation of the Drule people.
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Captain Carver:Unshakably devoted to the Alliance’s cause. Instrumental in stopping the Drule invasion of Earth in “Raid on Galaxy Garrison.” Also saved the Vehicle Voltron Force’s hides in “A Man Made Sun”.
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twstarchives · 4 years
Silver・Voice Lines
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Additional voice lines:
NRC Master Chef event card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “What’s your next class?��
Groovy “I want to learn what a servant should be like.”
Home Setting “Oh, it’s you.”
Home Transitions “Are you done getting ready for class? Being ready is oftentimes more important than jumping right in.”
“The weather on days like this makes me wanna sleep...”
“I don’t really pay attention to my clothes. You think I look good in this? Oh, really?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’m leaving if you don’t need anything. ...Why’re you looking at me like that?”
Home Taps “I’m going to study my hardest, as to not embarrass Lord Malleus.”
“It’s good to exert yourself. Hard work always pays off; it’s easy to do, and the outcome is obvious since it relies on you.” ¹
“I’m fine with any kind of clothes, as long as it’s not rude to wear them.”
“Have you gotten used to this school yet? ...Oh. Well, there’s no need to rush.”
“Mm, thanks for waking me up.”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “Physical training is the groundwork for everything. Wanna train together?”
Groovy “My greatest enemy really is myself.”
Home Setting “I’m looking forward to seeing how far I can go.”
Home Transitions “Whether or not I act on my own doesn’t have anything to do with anyone else. You shouldn’t get too caught up about your surroundings either.”
“I think you might have some potential with using a sword. I’d like to see you take a serious try at it sometime.”
“Are you interested in horse riding? Come take a look at the Horse Riding Club sometime. It’d make Riddle happy too.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “What are you going to go do right now? If you don’t have any plans, it’d be great if you could come work out with me.”
Home Taps “Whenever I’m practicing, Sebek always comes over to try challenging me. It’s part of our normal.”
“Training your body in turn trains your mind. You should take it seriously.”
“I go through all of this training so that I can protect Lord Malleus and the others.”
“It’s faster to take a hands-on approach than just learning about something.”
“You don’t need to hit me so hard; I’m already up.”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “Relax. Your results will suffer if you’re so tense.”
Groovy “I have no choice but to train to overcome my weaknesses.”
Home Setting “You want to study together? You really work hard.”
Home Transitions “You can’t protect the ones you love with power alone. Situations will always come up that require knowledge and wit.”
“Have you been to the greenhouse yet? Be careful in there. It’s warm and puts you to sleep if you don’t watch out.”
“‘Tips for doing labs’? Follow what’s written in the textbook. That’s it.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’ve been trying to incorporate prep and review for my classes into my routine, but... I accidentally fell asleep last night. I’ll do it now.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “The one thing that stays the same between magic and your studies is the need to work your hardest.”
Home Taps “Kalim from my class often fails all his experiments, but he never loses his motivation. That’s an important quality to have.”
“Aren’t you in the same grade as Sebek? What do you think about him? Isn’t his voice the most annoying you’ve ever heard?”
“Fath—Lilia has a ‘creative’ way of cooking. First he finds a recipe, and then he cooks without ever looking at it.”
“Everyone has a certain amount of hours they need to sleep each night, but exactly how many hours short am I...?”
“Rush like that all you want, but you’re not going to finish all of your learning in just one day.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I cook sometimes. I’m not that good at it, but at least I can sort of imagine how I want it to taste when I make things myself.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “Zz... Ah! Were you calling for me?”
Groovy “The little birds are singing so joyously. I think it’ll be a nice day today.”
Home Setting “I tried fixing up my appearance so I didn’t look like I put in zero effort.”
Home Transitions “I’m really not used to seeing myself look so dressed-up.”
“When I first enrolled here, I was nervous too... Oh, looking back, I guess I wasn’t.”
“I’m still barely a rookie compared to Lilia. Someday I want to make it to his level.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Night Raven College has so much history behind it. I’m so grateful I’m able to attend this school.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Mm... Zzz... Ah! S-Sorry. I got too comfortable and fell asleep.”
Home Taps “It’s a little hard to move in these, but I won’t let something like this stop me from getting in my daily training.”
“They say that silence is golden. But in my case I just don’t have anything worth talking about...”
“I got tired and accidentally rubbed my eye. Did my makeup get smudged?”
“Academies are for nothing but learning. I’m glad I have the opportunity to develop myself. Yes.”
“I don’t know much about clothes, but... these robes would be considered unusual, right?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Someday I want to appear at a Night Raven College ceremony next to Lord Malleus.”
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Tutorial “Let’s go.”
Lv Up “I’m glad I’ve expanded my capabilities.”
“Alright, I’m feeling confident.”
“The only way is to keep on training.”
Lv Up Max “With every swing of my sword, I can feel the power rising in my hands. It makes me feel like I’m dreaming.”
Episode Lv Up “It’s not really any fun being with me. And yet you’re always next to me... You’re so weird.”
Magic Lv Up “My magic is hardly anything compared to Lord Malleus, but I’m going to hone my skill as much as I can, at least.”
Limit Break “If I get stronger, I’ll be able to protect Lord Malleus even more. That’s why you can never have enough power.”
Groovy “I’m happy. ‘I don’t look like it’? Understood. Next time I’ll try harder.”
Select Lesson “Any one of your classes is going to be worthwhile.”
“You’re going with that one? I think that’s a good choice.”
“Go ahead and pick anything.”
Lesson Start “I need to be careful not to fall asleep.”
Lesson End “It’s over? Time to move on to our next training.”
Battle Start “If you’re prepared, then draw your weapon.”
Battle Win “Thank you. I’ve gotten a little stronger now.”
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Profile Quote “Malleus, my lord, enough dawdling.”
January 2020 Trailer “It’s strange... I feel like I’ve met you somewhere before.”
Countdown Poster “No matter what enemies come for him, I will protect Lord Malleus.”
Login Bonus “You’re training again today? You can never be too prepared.”
Player Birthday Wish “Sorry. I remembered it was your birthday, but I couldn’t get everything ready in time. …No. An excuse isn’t good enough. Instead of a present, I’ll come with you to do anything you’d like.”
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Magic History
Good ★
“We’re at school, so let’s learn.”
“It’s just memorizing.”
“Strategies? I want to learn them.”
“It’s not good to just be sitting down.”
“Studying is training too.”
“Lilia is good at history.”
“A sleeping curse, huh?”
“I have horse-riding training after school.”
“Even lost kingdoms... still have history.”
Great ★★
“That was so easy.”
“I won against my drowsiness.”
“I’ll get by without Father scolding me.”
Perfect ★★★
“It’s just as I was taught.”
“Someday Lord Malleus will be in these textbooks.”
“Father taught me this.”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“Just do it like I always do.”
“Psyche yourself up.”
“Don’t lose your momentum.”
Good ★
“I’m on the right track.”
“Straighten you back.”
“I’m good at moving around.”
“Zz... Ah!”
“It’s just like riding a horse.”
“Did you warm up?”
“I bit my tongue.”
“I almost fell asleep in the air...”
“Always stay calm.”
Great ★★
“I have a lot of endurance.”
“No problems with this.”
“So this is it.”
Perfect ★★★
“I want to fly faster.”
“Lilia wouldn’t need a broom.”
“Horses are harder to get along with.”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“I want to watch the Headmaster give an example.”
“He’s watching me.”
“I don’t really mind.”
Good ★
“The recipe... is...”
“That egg smells rotten.”
“No issues.”
“Wish I could solve this with a sword.”
“The chemicals sparked...!”
“I have no interest in gold.”
“There’s no easy way out.”
“You need to listen to the teacher.”
“I’m going to rest a little.”
“Eternal life...”
“Let’s keep at it.”
“I’m used to making concoctions.”
“This also trains your ability to focus.”
Great ★★
“It worked.”
“Father taught me this.”
“I can do it even if I’m half-awake.”
“Could be... worse...”
“Follow the textbook.”
Perfect ★★★
“I made jewels. Want one?”
“It’s just like cooking.”
“You can do it if you try. Don’t think about it.”
“I want to show this to Lilia.”
“Let’s try the next one.”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“I feel calm when the Headmaster’s here.”
“Do it just like always... Stay calm.”
“Getting careless will make you mess up.”
“I’m not going to bring shame to Lord Malleus.”
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twohearts-hs · 7 years
‘An Office Affair lV’ - CEO!Harry Series
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Words: 3,097
Pairing: Harry Styles & (Y/N) (Y/L/N)
CEO Harry Series - please request part 5, plus ideas. I need ideas!
Warning(s): Swearing
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
They rolled off one another, the heavy breaths filling the room. She just moaned a bit to grab his attention. Of course Harry had no interest with her, again, she was just a fuck. He just wanted to slip; get rid of this sweat and tell her to go away.
“That was fun.” she stated, going to lie on her side, looking at him. Harry’s hand was behind his head as he stared to the ceiling. He didn’t want to have the whole after talk, about it all. He just wanted to sleep.
“Come on, baby,” she said, placing her hand on his cheek.
“Addison, I’m not your baby. I’m not anything to you,” he grumbled, ignoring her actions. All she did was huff and puff; turning away.
“You always ruin the fun,” she grumbled back. Harry closed his eyes lightly, trying his best to block out her voice.
“Addison, can you please go. You know the routine,” he said, still in his position; he hadn’t even looked over once.
“Fine. I’ll see you at work in the morning,” she said, rolling out of the bed to put clothes on.
She laughed at his joke. (Y/N) hasn’t seen Harry all day, and it was lunch time. During the course of the morning, she was invited for lunch with Scott. It wasn’t date, it simply was, ‘let’s go get sandwiches at a coffee shop, and head back’ kind of thing. And, to her it was good.
It was good for her to try something new, to try and socialise to make new friends; she liked it. So (Y/N) laughed at his joke, a smile creeping on her face that has never existed for a while. They were so close together, while walking back.Their shoulders brush against one another, and fingertips touched once in awhile. She was happy; simply happy. And, it was good for her.
The two of them exited their ways after lunch, her having to return to an office that had no boss in at the moment. She just filled reports, and talked to some clients; telling them Mr Styles was not available at the moment. It was a repeatable process and she was glad that Scott took her away from that.
(Y/N) sat down on the chair that faced a grand entry door; it was Harry’s office. The windows behind her showed the city in it’s peakest hours, and you could see small yellow dots, signaling taxis that roamed the streets. His desk was huge; every single thing was lined in order and nothing was on his desk beside a telephone and a locked laptop. The desk laid on a step higher from the floor; a signalment of power. It was spick and span. She sat, placing her arms out and just move them to the end; a sign of power and independence, something she craved. (Y/N) giggled to herself.
Right then the door opened, and closed without measures. You couldn’t see the person behind the act since they were falling every so often from the untied shoelaces that laid below. She pulled her arms to herself, placing her hands together and coughing to grab their attention.
“Sorry I am late.” they looked up. Their hair was an untidied mess, and their tie was barely even tied. It was Harry.
“It's two o’clock. How can you be this late when you start at ten?” she asked, still sitting in his chair, facing him. He looked up, seeing her glare. He scoffed.
“I slept in.” he mumbled, walking up on the step to her, “you’re in my chair.” he stated. She didn’t get up, and just glared, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh you cheeky bugger. Do you really want to know why I am late?” he said, getting down to her sitting height. She just kept glaring. He grabbed her chin with his fingers, making her to fully look at him in his eyes.
“Because I was having a nice fuck. Now what’d you do this morning?” he said in the most simple yet stern voice he could muster, turning away at the last sentence.
She let out a loud breath. She was scared with him that close to her. “Mr Horan called, he agreed on the preposition.” she mumbled, seeing him pace back and forth.
“Good, get him on the phone,” he said, turning to her. She hasn’t moved, hands still crossed and eyes still glaring.
“What?” he yelled a bit too loud. She didn’t move.
“He is unavailable. Called me an hour ago, taking time off work for the rest of the day.” she said with a smirk rising.
“God damnit, Horan. Why?” his voice was getting louder and louder.
“Don’t know. It is none of my business,” she stated.
“Ughhh, get out. I don’t need you.” he said, swishing his hand to the door. She simply obeyed and walked towards the door.
She exited with a sigh. He couldn’t control his anger, and she didn’t need to be there to see it. Scott waved her over when he saw her exit, making her smile.
“Hey,” she said smiling. She heard a bang from behind her and saw Harry heading to the reception, which she realised that Scott and her were heading towards.
Scott stopped, handing a paper to another lady because Megan was busy talking to Harry. He leant against the counter looking at (Y/N) smiling. She could feel the stare from Harry from behind her, making her a little nervous. She ignored it, though.
“There is this place on fourth that just opened, its nothing fancy, I think, just an restaurant, but I heard good things and want to try it. Are you in, tonight?” she said smiling back.
Harry’s face fell, he was losing this battle, and in his mind Harry Styles never loses a battle that he is fighting and especially not to some fuck head who is too perfect for perfect. He glared at Scott who saw the glare himself.
“Yeah, definitely,” he stated, smiling.
“After work then? I end at six tonight.” she smiled, ignoring the glare from behind her.
“That works for me,” he stated, starting to walk back to his desk with (Y/N) next to him. She smiled once again and waved goodbye.
Harry stormed into his office, closing the glass doors with a bang;  them vibrating for a bit. He placed the papers hard on his desk, and looked up, seeing her sitting at the chair facing his desk, with a neutral face. His hands came in contact with his hair, and then went to lean on the desk to her, facing her.
“How fucking dare you?” he said loud and clear, she just looked up from some documents, not even giving him a confused look.
“Excuse me?” she said, looking up and raising an eyebrow.
“You know what I am talking about, (Y/N).” he said, she just shook her head, “Oh, the whole, ‘let’s go to that new restaurant, Scott.’ thing,” he told her, throwing his hands up.
“You were listening to my conversation?” she inquired, looking back down at the paperwork.
“Yes, because I don’t trust Scott.” she stood up, and walked towards him, handing him the paperwork.
“Harry, this is my personal life. I don’t need you to know my personal life.” she stated, coming eye to eye with him. He looked at her, just lost in her eyes.
“As a friend, (Y/N), I’m looking out for you and it is my business.” he stated above a whisper. Their faces were just inches apart, and his green eyes kept glancing down to her pale lips.
“And I am glad that you are, but I don’t need you to look out for me.” she said, he placed his hand on her cheek, yet she didn’t pull away. His rings that came with his hands came in contact with her cheek, creating her to shiver a bit.
“I need to,” he stated still looking in. She could feel his breath as he said those words.
“I think it is me who has to look out for you,” she stated, placing her hand on top of his, and gently placed it back to his side.
“What’d you mean?” he asked, as she began packing up things around the room, that belonged to her.
“I think you know what I mean, Harry. You can’t live your life like you’re living it like right now.” she stated, looking back up to him, “You can’t treat everyone like you own them. I don’t even know you, and you call us friends.” she said, grabbing her jacket.
“Where are you going?” he asked, looking at his watch.
“I have to deliver these papers to Mr Horan. It is the little changes that you wanted to add last night, that you didn’t tell me about till now. He asked me to deliver them to him, because he is not in office.” he let out a breath, and nodded, rubbing his eyes a bit.
“Ok, tell him to call me about the final deal,” he stated, heading to his laptop.
“Will do.” she finally said, exiting the room.
Harry grabbed the telephone on the edge of the desk and pressed a three digit number to an certain office that was below him. The ringing only went for a second before a voice all to familiar to him, answered. It wasn’t nice, though.
“What?” he blinked, surprised that someone, let alone her would answer to him.
“Fuck, that is not how you speak to me,” he said, stern and harsh.
“What do you want, Harry? You never call me during the day, or let alone call me,” she said, he could hear the sass in her voice.
“We’re friends, right?” he asked, “Well, come to my office, now.” he hung up, not even listening to her reaction. He knew she’d come up, and he thought correctly, two minutes later she opened the door.
Addison came in, the clicking of her pearl white heels could be heard from miles away. Her lipstick that was placed on her thin lips, looked untouched as if nothing that whole day has touched it, and the white satin that was on her body didn’t even have a wrinkle in.
“Harry Styles calling me to his office, when does that ever happen?” she said, laughing at him.
“Sit.” he sat down in his chair, facing away from her.
“Fine.” she plopped down on the chair opposite to him.
“We are going on a date tonight,” he said, facing her; her eyes widened.
“You know I am flattered to go on London’s wealthiest bachelors, but usually the guy says some cute things to make the girl all gushy.”
“Shut up” he fired back.
“What is happening?” she asked, he leant on his hand, and just looked at his desk in a sight of wonder.
“It's her,” he said, still looking down. “Who?”
“(Y/N).” he sighed, looking up, “I know it's pathetic.”
“Is it the intern that you tried to get over with, hmm?” Addison shook her head, a laugh coming up in the room, “I have known you for about six years, and we have been fucking for two. But, I’ve never heard of Harry Styles being so obsessed with a girl. What is happening with her?” she said in a mocking matter.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Addison. Would you shut up? Its fucking embarrassing, and you’re not making it any better.” he growled at her.
“Tell me why we are doing this? I am not judging; I’m simply a friend,” she stated, holding her hands up in a promising matter.
“She is going out on a date with Scott, and I want to go and see if he does anything that I don’t like,” he said, playing with his hair a bit and his fingers after.
“Oh, it's Scott, huh? What a shame, you’re competing with Scott,” she said, giving him a fake pout.
“Oh shut up, are you in?” he asked, giving her a glare with a smile.
“Fine, but you owe me one.” he did that kind of fist thing in a signalment of winning. He got up, coming towards Addison, kissing her forehead, multiple times.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
(Y/N) thanked Scott as he held the door for her. She was wrong, the place was quite fancy and she was glad that she arrived in her work attire, than changing after her day. He held lightly on her lower back, which just made her smile. She liked this so far, he is respectful, and kind; unlike Harry. The waiter sat them down at a table together, both of them looking at the menu, while he started the conversation. This lasted forever. Their conversation lighting with laughter and curiosity
Harry and Addison walked in, almost ten minutes after and was sat awfully close to (Y/N). Harry smirked with that, he could almost hear their conversations. He ordered what seemed like what he liked, and the gentleman that he could be, he actually wasn’t. Harry ordered for Addison without her putting an opinion in.
“Ok, tell me about her?” she said, sipping the expensive wine that he ordered.
“What’d you mean?” he said, looking over her head to see what the two were doing. Scott’s hand was on hers. Fuck.
“How do you feel about her, because we are fucking spying on the two? Do you think this is a game?” he looked down, giving her a sharp look.
“Addison, I will make this very clear; life is a game, and I’ll always win.” he said, grabbing his glass, and sipping the liquor into his system.
“But seriously, you can be honest with me,” she said, pushing back her curls a bit.
“I’m not a deep person, but her, I don’t know. She is mine, and that fucking boy, not man, is trying to steal her heart, which is not going to happen on my watch,” he stated back.
“And, come on. Get into the deep stuff,” she said, leaning over.
“Addy,” he said lightly.
“Awww, you called me by my nickname that you haven’t called me by for four years,” she said, smiling, and touching her heart lightly.
“I don’t know how to describe my feelings for her, but there is more that I want than just fucking on a Sunday night. I feel like my whole world is resolved over her, and that she is the main reason I do stuff in life. It’s weird.” he stated, scoffing back his wine and calling the waitress.
“Can I get a whiskey, like a lot? Thank you, love,” he said to the blonde and she nodded, walking away.
“Anyway, I conclude that you are in love.” she said, smiling, “My baby is growing up and actually loving someone and not for their vagina, aww,” she said, giving him a sympathetic look.
“Oh shut up. I am not.”
The night continued like this, the little glancing up to the table across, and Addison trying to get him to spill his darkest secrets. He had fun with her. They’ve never actually sat down and talked to one another like this ever, not even over coffee, and he enjoyed it. But, once he saw (Y/N) get up and pack up; he called his waiter over immediately and followed the actions.
Addison followed him out of door, as Harry put his credit card away. He didn’t realise where he was heading until he bumped into someone. He looked up, coming to contact with eyes so familiar to him.
“Hey! Didn’t know you’d be here today?” he said lying, placing his wallet into his pocket. He saw the glare from Scott and he gave one right back.
“Yeah, hi Harry. I uh, I went on a date, and you?” she asked, giving a glare as well. Everyone was glaring at Harry, while Addison just bounced her knees; a way to tell she was cold. Harry pulled his coat tighter around himself.
“I went out with Addison, she is our colleague, manger on finance, downstairs. It wasn’t a date though, business meeting. Uh, Addison meet the lovely, (Y/N), and (Y/N) meet Addison.” he said, pointing to each one, “And that’s Scott.” he finished, not even paying attention to him.
“Well, I have to go. Thanks, Harry.” Addison said, bringing his cheek to a kiss. He waved her off.
“Can I drive you home, (Y/N)? Since, I know you take the tube to work, and it doesn’t make sense to take it home at the moment, since it is kind of late, love. And, please waste your money on a taxi” he asked smiling, she looked over at Scott.
“I was actually going to take her home, Harry,” Scott said, trying to be friendly.
“Scott, we may be out of the work space, but I am forever your boss till you quit, so you call me Mr Styles or just Styles.” he was silent after that.
“Um, if it is ok with you Scott, Harry knows where I live already, and he lives nearby. Plus I don’t want you to drive me home, and drive to the other side of town for you, especially on a work night.” she said, smiling. Harry nodded in a over exaggerated way, placing his hand on her lower back.
“Um, yeah. I’ll text you,” he said, kissing her cheek.
“Most definitely.”
The date did prove something to her; she always knew Harry was watching her. She knew from the moment they sat down, seeing the curled hair, anywhere. But, the thing that the date did prove is that Harry will never stop fighting for her. Another thing that it proved, she was falling under his trap. She is going to be his next victim.
“My car is right here,” he stated, tapping her on the lower back.
“Yeah, awesome. Thanks for driving me, Harry,” she told him, getting on the passenger side.
“No problem, babe. Let’s go,” he replied, repeating the same actions as her, but with the driver’s side.
Part 5
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topazshadowwolf · 6 years
False Hope (Chapter 5)
After the human left the underground, Sans is left trying to piece his life back together with those who remain. As time goes on, decisions are made about what monster kind should do next, and how best to escape to the surface. But if they do get their freedom, what will happen?
Written by: Topaz Shadowwolf Undertale Fan fiction Undertale is owned by Toby Fox
Heads up: Soriel, Sans POV, my goal in writing this is to poke at your emotions Warnings: Major character death, implied suicide, homicidal thoughts, don’t expect a happy ending
AO3 On Tumblr: Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4
I almost combined these last two chapters, since they are so short... but I think they are best separated. Anyway, enjoy...
Chapter five: Wrongs
 The question is: is revenge the right thing. Y’know?
In the big picture, no it isn’t. I mean, hurting someone because they hurt you only means the person who originally hurt you will, most likely, hurt you even more next time. Just makes this horrid and confusing circle of pain. And worse yet, it causes more people to get hurt. Friends and family stand by, watching, and they get hurt trying to stop it from happening.
But I can’t help but wonder, does it apply in this case? I mean… trying to force someone to reset could result in an even worse ending. Yet, it could make everything better.
I remember hearing a long time ago that two lefts don’t make a right. Of course, I had to joke and say, “three do.” The words didn’t mean much to me then. Not that the meaning was lost on me; I understood what was meant. Just didn’t see why I should care. It didn’t feel like it applied to me or anything I was doing at the time. It was just this cute little saying that people would say to stop someone from reacting badly to another. But now, I understand it completely. Now it does apply. I’m thinking of my options, considering the choice I must make, hearing the voices of the others, and that little saying is just replaying in my head.
Which, I guess, is why I’m wavering with my revenge plans. I mean, I still want it, but how do I go about getting it without upsetting my friends?
Which is silly, it’s not like they will remember. Even my dear brother won't remember. Heck, how much of this will I remember is debatable too, after all. So, it’s possible for me to go through with this and never feel any guilt from it. And yet, the pure notion that, without knowing it, Papyrus’s big brother will continue to let him down, is painful.
Still, if my research is right…
Well, let’s just say, I have reason to carry out my original plan. I think you know the reason. You’ve got to know, you must understand that there is happiness for my bro out there, somewhere. So, killing a killer to force that killer to reset… Does that make it right?
Is it right to kill a murderer?
They did kill someone, in this case, a lot of someones, but does that make killing a killer the right thing to do? Objectively, revenge isn’t right. I have no right to play judge, jury, and executor. It would be different if I let Undyne do it. See, then it would be the law passing down judgment. That’d be different than me becoming like the killer I hate just to try getting my way.
But normally, if you kill a killer nothing happens other than maybe some guilt or relief. Yet, this killer can reset. So, does making this wrong, after their wrong, make things right if they make things better? Common sense says, “no. killing like this is never right.” My objectivity says “no,” too. Y’know? Since murder is wrong.
And yet…
I don’t want to wait for Undyne.
I’ve been waiting too long for this reset…
I’m losing myself...
  Based on the levels of determination he could extract from this human, Sans doubted the boy could reset. It seemed reasonable to assume, then, that the power still remained with the other, the killer. So, it was just a matter of time, and thankfully it was not long before he had something that would trick the Barrier. It really was all because of Alphys’s help that he was able to make a breakthrough. She had all the answers he lacked, and thanks to his understanding of what she was telling him, they were able to work together to make a contraption capable of simulating seven human souls. It was complicated and took time to make, but still, freedom was achievable.
Revenge was achievable.
Once the project was done, he took it to the castle to finally see if it worked. Undyne didn’t want to just do a trial run. The Barrier could only be broken once, after all, and she felt all the monsters should be there to witness it. She had gathered all of monster kind, informing them that freedom is close at hand, and might be today. She told them that, whether this works or not, freedom will come, and humans will pay for their crimes against monsters. “Today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, it won’t matter. What will be important is that we will be ready, and we will win!” Undyne rallied monster kind. Which put pressure on him, though her speech left an opening for him to not be disgraced if it didn’t work for some reason. Still, with Alphys by him wringing her claws nervously, he couldn’t help but want it to work. So, as he prepared, he took care in making sure everything was right.
After setting the device, Sans started it and then backed up. The Barrier creaked, cracked, then shattered like a window being smashed by a rock. The natural light of the morning sun filtered in, lighting the cavern. It was so beautiful but far brighter and different than anything his sockets had grown used to. Sans squinted his eye sockets as he looked passed the opening to the world beyond. There were more mountains, trees, and sky as far as he could see. monster kind, behind him, cheered and rushed by him into the open air. He felt a hand on his shoulder as Undyne said, “Nice going, Nerd! You freed us! We’re all in your debt for this.”
“heh, it’s nothing undyne.” Sans started to shrug but felt Undyne’s grip on his shoulder tighten. He looked at her and saw she was about to say something when a member of the guard called for her.
The current ruler of monsters sighed while giving Sans’s back a pat that caused him to tip forward, but not fall. “Look, Sans, I’m being serious here. We’d still all be stuck down there if it weren’t for you. So, seriously, let me know if you need anything. Alright?” Undyne asked with a bit of forcefulness behind her words.
“sure thing, boss,” Sans lazily replied. He offered her a grin that she clearly was not satisfied with. She had that look, one that seemed to say she was worried about him, though he wasn’t fully sure why. Okay, yeah, he had started talking to Toriel, Papyrus, and Alphys more openly, but he didn’t make a big deal about it. So, he didn’t see the reason why anyone would think it was. Undyne was about to say more when she was called again. She sighed, turned sharply, and started barking out orders
With that, the Guard was mobilized and the war on humans truly started. Undyne’s wrath was quickly learned by all that were in her path, deserved or not. Monsters attacked the nearby towns in an organized and unmerciful manner. They easily took out unsuspecting humans with few injuries and barely any losses on the monster side. Sans was forced to sit out when it came to the fighting. Undyne reminded him he was too weak to fight, not that he minded. Papyrus didn’t need to see him fight, and it would upset Toriel as well. So, he watched from the sidelines as the attacks happened. He didn’t know if he liked these random attacks though. His wrath, unlike Undyne’s, was more focused on one, while she was willing to attack all humans. But he was willing to let her waste her time on hunting down every human. It gave him the time needed to send the spiders out to gather information, as well as time for them to work.
Once monsters had conquered that stretch of land, Undyne was prepared to track down high levels of LV. Most likely, other violent humans will hinder her progress. Which was fine for him, Sans just needed time to wait for the spiders to report back. With her tracking down every human criminal, he’d definitely get to the brother killer first. It was now just a waiting game, and he had far more patience than the average monster. Though that was fading fast.
The last issue was what to do with the human kid. The boy didn’t want to go back home, he was apparently scared of his parents. It seemed wrong for a child to fear their parents and knowing that bothered him. But, Sans still had no idea what to do with him. He didn’t want to send the kid off to some human town if it was just going to be the next target for a monster attack. Sans considered asking Undyne what she thought when Toriel said, “Why don’t you take care of him. You are both lonely, after all.”
“tori,” Sans started his rebuttal, but he was quickly interrupted by the eager voice of his brother.
Alphys went on about the anime they could all watch together, but Sans lost interest in the conversation. Fine, he’ll watch the kid. Not like it will matter in the end. Besides, there was no arguing with them once they got an idea in their heads. Right now, he didn’t have the energy to spare to try talking them out of this.
The next few days, the kid was always a step behind him as he worked on whatever projects Undyne needed him for. And she did come up with something. Though he suspected that some of it was busy work. She seemed to think she needed to keep him occupied so he didn’t just sit around and ruminate. There were a few times, when he turned sharply or took a step back, that Sans nearly stepped on the kid. If Sans were any taller, he’d think the kid was trying to trip him. When they had a chance, they would sit together and watch anime or read books. They seemed to have accepted that Sans either talks to unseen monsters or himself, as the kid never questioned Sans about that odd behavior. In the end, Sans was thankful for his “shadow.” At least it was someone living to talk to, even if he didn’t say much.
Asgore could be seen now and then, sadly trailing after Undyne. As bad as Sans felt for the guy, he had his hands full with the three ghosts, or figments, following him and a kid. So, he didn’t really feel like asking the past king to join his already formed group of spirits. Either way, it was just a game of patience, soon enough, Asgore will be alive again.
Sure enough, after two weeks of freedom, the spiders pulled through and he knew where to find the human he hated so much. He thanked them for their service and promised that things will be better soon.
That night he got the kid to go to bed early and asked Toriel, Papyrus, and Alphys to watch him while he was out. Toriel didn’t like what was going on and she watched him carefully, though she said nothing. If Papyrus or Alphys thought something was up, neither of them said anything.
As Sans started to leave he heard a voice behind him, “Sans?” There was so much worry and concern that it hurt Sans to hear Toriel say his name like that.
“yeah, tori?” Sans replied though he didn’t have the heart to look back at her.
“I don’t think you should be doing this…,” Toriel said softly and she moved closer to him. He saw her reach to put a paw on him. If she did, if he felt her touch him, he might lose his will to do this, and so he moved out of reach.
“it will all be okay,” he muttered, trying to hold back tears, “i’ll make it okay.”
“Sans, you don’t have to be the one to do this,” Toriel again, pleaded. But, Sans quickly left, tears seeping from his sockets as he retreated.
It’s not like she will remember…
No one will remember…
He’ll make everything better…
Thanks to the detailed directions from the spiders, he was able to get to the human quickly and undetected by the use of shortcuts. They were living on the outskirts of a small town, in their own house. Everything looked far nicer than the human deserved. Killers like them shouldn’t have all these nice things when others were left struggling with the pain they caused.
He wasn’t going to be careless. He doubted the spiders would give him false information, but he wasn’t about to kill someone based on bad intelligence. He walked up to the house and looked into the windows to check for the human. The first two rooms he saw nothing of interest. But in the third, he saw them.
… and they were not alone.
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starsgivemehp · 4 years
Take an older fic (or art for our artist friends) from about a year ago or older even and talk about it, show it off and hype it up.
Tagged by @imakemywings​
You’re Always Holding On to Stars
Ok so this fic was actually started more like 10 months ago, but eh, close enough. It’s... not finished... but I will finish it someday!
It’s one of my favorites just because it’s got two of my original Undertale muses in it! Red was the first undertale muse I ever used. He’s changed a lot since my initial characterization of him way back in, idk, 2017? 2016? He’s gained a LOT of depth and backstory, and he can be very nuanced. But on the other hand, he’s fun and not too complicated most of the time. He’s a little shit at times, but he’s got a good heart and he cares about his people very deeply. He’s been through some shit, too, nearly given up multiple times, but he’s still standing, somehow. He’s stronger than he thinks he is, and I just love him. <3
Now Arum, Arum was another super duper early muse, he got the first extra tumblr RP account I made, back when I was doing that. As a horrorfell, he’s got a horrific (haha) backstory, and he’s a salty, salty boy who likes to play “my life sucks more than your life sucks” because he’ll win, every time. He’s got major issues, but he, too, cares quite a bit, even if he hates showing it most of the time. They’re both just tragic and funny and put together, once they work out their issues, they can become a really heartwarming couple.
I remember the first shitposts I did with Arum’s blog were to have him post on Red’s blog, having ‘hacked’ it and mocking him a little. They squabbled and insulted each other and that’s exactly how this fic for them started! But in time, like they will in this fic, they grew to respect and understand each other, and even fall in love. Their mutual love of science really binds them together.
So without further ado, the info you need!
Rating: Explicit
Words: 5,914 (so far)
Pairing: Red/Arum (underfell!Sans/horrorfell!Sans)
Summary: After being left to rot underground for too long, after a civil war and starvation and the loss of too many loved ones, Arum hardly cares that he's on the surface now. There's more food, but the rest of it kinda sucks, and he's too bitter and angry to look for something to give his life meaning. He's just traipsing through, unable to die and unwilling to truly live. This crybaby smaller version of him is only pissing him off.
Red maybe has a few issues. Maybe. Like alcoholism, and a sex addiction, and a little bit of recreational drug use, and okay, maybe he's also depressed and anxious and traumatized, but he's fine. Really. Everything's fine. He isn't going to give up HoPe. Not again. He's... He's gonna make his dreams come true. He is. Maybe. Possibly. But it would be nice if that horrifying people-eater would stop being such an asshole. Yeah, that'd help.
Thus, the hatefucking begins.
Excerpt from chapter 2:
[Red] had lost count of how many drinks he’d had, but that was normal. It wasn’t all that many yet, he was pretty sure. He didn’t feel blackout drunk, just pleasantly drunk. But when he saw a familiar horrifying-looking skeleton settle into a seat just one away from him, he felt like he wasn’t quite drunk enough.
“oh, fuck, it’s you,” he muttered to himself. He didn’t really mean to say it aloud, and he cringed when he did, hoping the guy hadn’t heard. But Red should only be so lucky. The guy - Arum, he thought - swiveled his head instantly, good socket narrowing. He looked Red up and down, leaning on the bar.
“oh, fuck, it’s an asshole,” he snapped back, and Red flushed.
“whatever, at least i don’t eat people,” he huffed, knocking back another drink.
“yeah? good for you. bet ya never starved a day in your life, huh? bet ya never felt so hungry you couldn’t even stand up, or see straight, or even talk. huh? ya ever been in that situation?”
“no,” Red muttered, squirming a little in his seat. Sounded awful.
“yeah, that’s what i thought. so don’t judge me for surviving, you whiny crybaby jerk.”
“crybaby?” he protested, bristling and sitting up taller. “who the fuck’s a crybaby?”
“you! tearing up over lv, oh, life’s so hard with 8, i regret every bit of exp, i’m so precious and need to be sheltered!”
“hey, fuck you! you know what? fuck you!”
“What’s going on over here?” Pyre interrupted, looking between the two skeletons in confusion. Arum’s expression shifted strangely, and he looked up at the fire elemental in something like confusion. Red knocked back the last of his drink, then slammed the glass down and gestured for it to be filled again.
“nothin’, buddy, just a little moral disagreement.”
“Moral disagreement,” he repeated blankly.
“yeah. i got morals, and he don’t got any.”
“i’ll moral my foot up your coccyx, you-” Arum started, only for Pyre to flare up brightly.
“Okay, enough!”
Read the rest here!
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annsparksthegmr · 4 years
Pokemon Black Nuzlocke - Part 5.5
Hello everyone, a little weird title for this part since it is kind of shorter than the others - at least in things I managed to accomplish. But there is a good reason which you’ll have to read up. But fair warning: next update might not be for awhile considering what transpires. Read more below if interested.
I thought I feared nothing, until I got into Drayden’s Gym. With a heavy heart, I switched up half of my original team in order to take down his Gym. I relied on two primary Pokemon for this Gym: Snowball the Beartic and BananSplit the Vanillish. Geartown hung in the back with the EXP Share in case I needed to switch him in. Expecting for her to be a sacrifice in case either of my main two needed to be switched out/healed. The only three remaining members of my team had a purpose. Pebbles had Stealth Rocks, which I would set up upon facing Drayden. Zigzagzop would be strictly for Thunder Wave uses and Captain was the tankiest Pokemon I had which I wouldn't mind losing. So I took a deep breath and entered the Dragon’s Den.
It was as challenging as I thought. Because even with having two Ice-Types, I was already struggling with their strength. Snowball and BananSplit were already in some pretty close calls already. I healed up everyone before finally reaching Drayden. And… our battle began. 
I started with Pebbles setting up Stealth Rock as Frazure began to set up Dragon Dances. Which started to worry me as Snowball was obviously slower. But one Icicle Crash took it out without issue. Druddigon was next, but barely survived only to hit me back with a powerful Revenge. One which almost knocked Snowball out completely. She barely managed to hang on and thankfully on the turn I healed, Drayden did as well. So the very least, I wouldn’t have to worry about him healing his true ace. 
But when Haxorus came out, my already weakened Snowball faced a tough choice. One which had him setting up the Dragon Dances and using Dragon Tail to switch out team members. And in his Gym, both Snowball and BananSplit were taken out… both dead as Geartown was the next to be sent out. And somehow, against all odds after I lost both my Ice-Type Pokemon, Geartown clutched the victory and prevented any more deaths by using Gear Grind. His Haxorus falling as I managed to preserve my original party members.
I dutifully put both Snowball and BananSplit to rest. After what they did in the Gym, I couldn’t be more proud of them. Even if seeing them made me teary-eyed for the sacrifices they made. But it only became worse when a Fraxure from an Ace Trainer on Route 10 took out Ramona without any issues. He nearly took down half of my team which was a huge problem. But I managed to skirt by with only losing one additional Pokemon. Making the death count three for this single part. Two I had planned and the third I thought since it was weakened I could manage but did not.
And then I accidentally clicked Sludge Bomb instead of switching and lost him to a Maractus. That actually hurt a little bit more than Ramona’s death. But down two Pokemon down in the beginning of Route 10 without finding an encounter was terrifying. Vowing to not let my death count go even higher, I decided to add Geartown back to the team and headed off once more.
Having Bianca and Cheren decide to ambush me on the bridge did not help my confidence at all. While I was aware that karma may come to bite me, I was already knocked down and missing two Pokemon who had stuck around since the early game. Though I struggled a little bit, I took down Cheren by paying more attention to the type match ups even though his Liepard gave me a scare. Nearly taking out Pebbles with a critical hit Night Slash out of Sturdy range.
But after defending myself from Cheren, his dialogue along Bianca reminded me to not just give up after losing them both. I needed to prepare as best I could for the upcoming battles. Even my encounter being a Sawk was giving me a hard time and nearly taking out both Odette and Zigzagzop. I really didn’t have much use for him on the team, but it would be nice to have in the PC. I named him Paul because it was generic. Though with the losses I have, some time had to be put aside for grinding. As I needed to find potential replacements. Because even though I do plan for Gracey to stick around, Geartown is just filler.
Though I did decide to head to at least grind up levels throughout Victory Road. And what was luck itself was finding a Dieno as my first encounter. A female as well - continuing my weird streak or getting mostly female Pokemon but I knew immediately I wanted to have a potential Hydreigon on my team. Because it would not only be good for type coverage but I really liked the pseudo-legendary line. So I struggled to keep my Pokemon alive while tossing a bunch of Ultra Balls at it. She was a troublesome Dieno to wraggle but I managed to snag her; even with being in red health and parazled it took some time. Then I decided to name her the most appropriate name: Grima.
I’ll cut the massive grinding session I decided to have to level up practically everyone in. And some extra routes I did not go to until now for reasons. Which may or may not involve a certain gifted Pokemon Egg found on Route 18. But while this is going on, I’m going back to revisit previous routes, get some new encounters and whatnot if and when possible. And locating any hidden items I can. Driftveil City encounter was a female Frillish I named Aqua. Mistralton Cave encounter… I decided to risk it and use most of my Super Repels to take a catch to catch Cobalion for my team. As for the other Swords of Justice, I do plan to catch them eventually. Though Cobalion is the only one I can actually use in my playthrough instead of an Axew. (And I don’t know if I can shiny hunt the Swords of Justice in this game but I rather not bother. I do like only certain Shiny Pokemon.) Though one small note I had with Cobalion: GET IN THE BALL! I WANT YOU!!
I secured Cobalion and nicknamed him the only appropriate name for the trouble he put me through: Nebby. And I’ll only catch the other swords of Justice either postgame or if I’m in dire need. But I do want to keep Nuzlocke Rules until the end of the main story at the very least. Though after that minor clean-up session I returned to level grinding. I even got some nifty TMs for my troubles. Next major update will be once I have a final team and I arrive at the Elite 4. Though right before I challenge them.
I still don’t have an exact final team - or at least for a final member. I’ll reveal what my ideal final team is going to be. Queen - my Serperior and starter who I don’t want to lose yet I feel like she deserves to stay on the team. Odette - the Swanna who has already showcased how useful she is now without Captain and one of the few Flying-Types I have. Grima - the newly caught Dieno who will most likely evolve into a Zweilous because I need a Pokemon who can use Dark-Type moves and is overall a pretty neat Pokemon. Plus, the other possible candidates for Dark-Type users aren’t ideal. Nebby - Cobalion who can easily help out with its Fighting/Steel Typing. Or at least I hope it can but I don’t have many other options. Lastly is the Egg found in Relic Castle but given on Route 18. I do plan to use Larvesta and I might just try to overlevel it a bit to evolve into a Volcarona. No name for it quite yet but might name it Hope. 
That leaves one spot open and while I love Zigzagzop and Pebbles, I don’t think they can assist me well in terms of the Elite 4. Especially Pebbles as I can’t trade to evolve her and she’s not as useful late game. Zigzagzop is most likely going to be the last member because using Thunder Wave is useful enough. But at the same time, I don't know if bringing a Zebstrika is useful for the last game. So I’m going to try and strategize a plan for tackling the Elite 4 and everything that comes after.
Don’t expect an update anytime soon because I’ll be on a massive training session to get Pokemon up to Level 50. And I do think i’ll try to do the same with some of my Boxed Pokemon for replacements if things get tough. All I hope is to not lose anymore Pokemon and maintain a decent Type Coverage overall. I hope that by next update, the team is ready to go and at the very least have defeated the Elite 4. Because for those of you unfamiliar with Pokemon Black/White, the game doesn’t quite end with a traditional battle. At least one many might expect.
I’ll smell you all later!
Team Recap:
Queen - Female Serperior (Lvl 50)
Pebbles - Female Boldore (Lvl 42)
Zigzagzop - Male Zebstrika (Lvl 50)
Odette - Female Swanna (Lvl 49)
Nebby - Cobalion (Lvl 42)
In Box/Reserve:
Ghost Girl - Female Liepard (Lvl 20)
Cassandra - Female Sandile (Lvl 21)
Trashie - Female Trubbish (Lvl 22)
Lowen - Male Cottonee (Lvl 20)
Lady - Female Minccino (Lvl 23)
Voltorb - Male Foongus  (Lvl 23)
Rouge - Female Woobat (Lvl 29)
BFG - Golett (Lvl 30)
Tim Burton - Male Gothorita (Lvl 31)
Aqua - Female Frillish (Lvl 10)
Gracey - Male Litwick (Lvl 37)
Geartown - Klang (Lvl 39)
Deaths: 6
Fountain - Male Sampour (Lvl 15)
Puppy - Female Herdier (Lvl 25)
Snowball - Female Beartic (Lv 41)
BananSplit - Female Vanillish (Lvl 40)
Ramona - Female Darmanitan (Lvl 43)
Captain - Male Seismitoad (Lvl 45)
0 notes
harrish6 · 7 years
Until The Last Petal Falls - Chapter 2 - Flowers For Mother
Blueberry's stats are a mix between Papyrus's and Frisk's. Normally, his stats would mirror Papyrus's perfectly.
This is a mix between Undertale, Underfell, and FlowerFell for this chapter. I wanted to give Toriel time to develop in this chapter, and for her and Blueberry to have time together. So I mixed all those three AU's to give me time for that.
Having said that, this is not going as canon - for Undertale, Flowerfell or Underfell. Or at least, not fully like how they went. I may also go out of order on some events.
-Start Chapter-
Stepping into the new room, the doors closing behind him, he took in the new sights.
It was still dark, but a light lit up a section in the middle of the room. Walking closer to the light, he was able to hear soft crying.
'D-N-- W-R-Y BluEbErRY!' A ever changing voice called out to him in the back of his mind.
'Isn-- m- B-- -o -oo-l?' A lazy voice laughed soon after.
It made him feel like he was going insane, he's just hoping that it is his memories coming back and it is not all in his head. 'Blueberry?' He pouted, did he look like a blueberry or was the person behind the voice talking about a blueberry? No, it sounded like it was his name, it was familiar but still felt so wrong and right at the same time. 'What a...unique name I have then.'
A little golden flower Monster was in the ground crying, leaves over it's little face. It's petals were torn and it looked like it had just been in a fight, and lost more then once.
"Hello!" The flower jerked up with a gasp, tear marks on it's little face. "You look hurt, do you need assistance?" Blueberry couldn't help but asked concerned.
"W-What?!" The flower then tried to growl, trying to look threatening. "W-Who are you?! I-If you don't leave me alone I'll-I'll-!"
"Please calm down!" Blueberry raised his hands in a calming manner. "I am Blueberry...I think." He muttered the last part to himself before going on in a louder voice. "I just wanted to see if you needed any help."
"Help?!" The Flower's voice was like a child's, and with the way it was trying to look like a big bad Monster made it look like one as well. "Who are you trying to fool?! I'm not some little boy that can be tricked like this!"
And before Blueberry could say a thing, the flower forced his SOUL out in the open. Both gasped, not expecting a Red right-side human SOUL to come out of the skeleton Monster's chest. 'The Voice was telling the truth...' Blueberry reached out, but stopping just before he could touch the bright SOUL. 'The red human SOUL of Determination!'
"W-How!?"The Flower gasped, and then quickly hit CHECK to see just what was going on.
LV: 1
HP: 12/20
MPP: 680/680 - Not Usable
AT: 20
DF: 20
EXP: 0
- A lost skeleton Monster with a human SOUL for reasons unknown, is looking for someone important.
- Wants to know if you are okay and need any help? You look hurt.
[EFF: ?????] [FACT: ErORR]
Flinching back, the flower squinted at the Error sign before sighing, his whole body shaking in disbelief. "Y-You really want to help me?"
Blueberry's eyes narrowed as he looked down at the buttons right in front of him. He knew what they are and what they meant, but he never remembered using them before. He lifted a hand, not noticing the flower tensing up, and touched the ACT button. Four options popped up right after.
-Cheer Up
Blinking at all the different options, Blueberry grinned and slapped one.
-Cheer Up
"Do not worry Little Flower!" Blueberry opened his arms, as if waiting for a hug. "I, Blueberry, truly want to help you!" He gave the bewildered Flower a wink. "I do not wish to FIGHT you!"
A hesitated smile worked it's way up the flowers face. "You don't want to fight...?" Little pettlets fluttered alive, sprinkling over the little red SOUL. Seeing that Blueberry didn't even move away from his move shocked the flower, and made him wonder where this Monster even came from.
-Your HP has been restored!
-HP: 20/20
Blueberry's grin grew as he shook his head, pressing the MERCY button, much to the other's shock.
Feeling numb, the flower accepted Mercy for the first time. "Howdy...I'm Flowey." Was all Flowey could say, tear starting to form. 'Mercy....A Monster just gave me Mercy!'
"Nice to meet you Flowey." Blueberry knelt down, giving the other a bright smile. "Do you need any help?" Seeing Flowey shake his head softly, a look of awe on his face, Blueberry decided to ask a question that he really needed to know. "Do you know the way out of here?"
"Way out?" Flowey frowned his brows, not understanding. "Do you mean the out of the RUINS?"
"Well, yes, but no." Blueberry pointed up, smile never leaving his face. "I mean out. I need to get above ground!"
"What?!" Flowey choked in disbelief. "Every Monster wants that! And with your SOUL they'll have it!" Flowey has been given Mercy by this Monster, the least he can do is warn the other. "You may have been in the RUINS for a long time to not know, but all they need is one more human SOUL to break the barrier! And you have what they need!"
"Ah! But I haven't lived in the RUINS at all!" Blueberry happily pointed out, not feeling saddened at all by Flowey's warnings. "I woke up in a bed of golden flowers just in the other room." He pointed to where the doors were, making Flowey's eyes widened. "I'm pretty sure I fell down here. And I need to get out, someone is looking for me and I have to find them!"
'A Monster with a human SOUL...that lived on the surface.' It sounded insane...'But,' Flowey narrowed his eyes, looking the other up and down and taking in how he looked, 'what if more Monsters hid so they weren't pushed down here and sealed?' That made terrible sense. A few Monsters hiding out as the others were sealed, then forced to hide out for the rest of their lives so they weren't dusted on sight. And Blueberry did look like he was in some sort of fight, or that he was being hunted by something if Flowey was right, so he ran up the mountain and fell in from running away.
"Even still!" Flowey sputtered, trying to make the other understand. "You would have to get past her to get out of the RUINS, and there is no way you will walk out of that alive!" Then his eyes widened, realizing what time it was. Face paling, he quickly urged the other Monster to leave. "You have to go! If you stay here she'll-"
"Well, well." A voice chuckled. "What do we have here?"
Flowey whimpered, hiding his face in his leaves. Blueberry blinked, seeing white furry feet a couple feet away. Looking up, he gave the new Monster a sweet smile. "Hello!"
The big Monster, was a goat Monster. Wearing a robe of red, black, and gold with the symbol of the royal family on it - or in fact, the symbol of the Queen. Her yellow and red eyes starred down at him wide eyed, but all Blueberry could concentrate on - was that this all felt wrong.
Shaking off her shocked look, she gave a twisted smile. "Hello little one, what are you doing here? I have never seen you here."
Not seeing Flowey shaking his head at him, Blueberry stood up with a bright smile. "I woke up in the flowers not to far from here!" Starry eyes brightened as they stared up at the other, watching as her face twisted into shock and confusion. "My name is Blueberry! May I ask you name?"
A large hand went to her chest, something that Blueberry didn't understand swimming in her eyes. "I...I am Toriel, the guardian of the RUINS."
"It's nice to meet you Ms. Toriel!" Holding out a hand in greeting, he heard Flowey gasp when Toriel laughed. "Oh! Such a sweet little one! So innocent!" Blueberry slowly put down his hand as she laughed, not really understanding why she was. "And you woke in the flower bed?! Oh, my!" Giggling she gestured for him to follow her. "You must be so confused Sweet One, come I will show you how things are done here."
And with that, she turned around and walked out of the room.
"You shouldn't follow her!" Blueberry turned his head to look down at Flowey. "She'll kill you!"
"Nonsense!" Blueberry knelt down, softly patting Flowey's head. "Everything will be fine, you'll see!"
"Please don't leave!" Flowey knew he was losing the battle, but he had to try. "I can't see her-"
"Then why don't you come with me?" Blueberry asked, glancing around until he saw something he could use. Face lighting up, he raised a finger to the smaller one. "Wait here!"
Watching the skeleton scurry off into a corner, Flowey slowly blinked. 'He...wants me to go with him?' Then before he knew it, Blueberry was back, and a old boot in his hands. "Here we go!"
Now, Flowey could have told him no, he did not want to go with him. But seeing that bright smile, one he had never seen before in this dark world, he found he couldn't. He let the other plant him inside the boot, all the while praying that this world of Kill or be Killed wouldn't kill of that smile. A Monster with no LV or EXP, it was unheard of! Yet here he was, carrying Flowey close to his chest.
A light caught Blueberry's eyes before he could walk into the next room. Blinking, he turned to see...a glowing star?
Glancing around, he shrugged and lightly touched it to Flowey's shock. 'He can see them too?!'
-Yes  -No
Without really thinking about it, he clicks yes. He had nothing to loose at this point, so why not?
"Huh?" Blueberry glanced down at Flowey, confusion in his eyes. "What is this Flowey? Does it do anything?"
Flowey gulped, hoping he was wrong about this but knew he wasn't. 'Will you end up just like Them?' Shaking that though from his head, he answered softly. "That's a SAVE point. With Determination...Well..."  Flowey choked, not wanting to say anything. It was if he said anything, that means it would come true.
Hands gently touched his petals, making him look up at Starry eyes gently looking down at him, a soft smile growing on the face. "Don't worry, you can tell me whenever you are ready to!" With that, the small skeleton looked forward and started walking into the new room. "There is no rush!"
'I really hope your right.' Flowey's mind went to the red SOUL, thinking of another who had the same SOUL. 'They.....They have the same smile.' It broke him, but filled him with so much hope. Hoping that this Monster could change what the first human could not.
'Making Friends With Flowey Fills You With Determination.'
-In The Next Room-
"Ah, there you are Sweet One." Toriel smiled when she saw the little skeleton Monster had actually listened to her. When the little skeleton beamed up at her, her SOUL clinched. Such a innocent and naive little Monster. And for one to just show up on the flower bed? The only way besides falling was going through her, so that meant he fell through the hole. 'A innocent Monster from above, why have you came down here?'
Shaking those thoughts for later, she looked back to Blueberry. He was holding a ratty old boot that held that flower monster, clothing torn. The only thing that looked fine was the scarf. But when he looked up at her those starry eyes, that held nothing but trust in them-'It is the same,' Toriel realized with horror. 'He is just like the human children that fell before.'
"Ms. Toriel?" Jolting out of her thoughts, she looked down to see Blueberry looking worriedly up at her. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, of course!" Giving him a smile, she gestured to the her side, which were some buttons. "The Underground is filled with traps and puzzles Sweet One, you need to be careful." Picking up a nearby rock, she placed it on the wrong button. Blueberry gasped when a huge spike came out of it.
"You see Sweet One, you have to be careful." Toriel couldn't help but giggle at the awed look she got as she went through the puzzle, making the door unlock. It was almost like when her own children were-No, no. She should not think on that now. There was someone that needed her right now. "But do not worry, I will teach you all you need to know."
"Thank you Ms. Toriel!" Blueberry gave a eye closed smile, missing the flinch from the tall goat Monster. "I appreciate it!"
Flowey gulped, knowing what she was getting at while Blueberry was oblivious. 'Fighting, to kill.' He lowered his head, not wanting to even think about the one who gave him Mercy killing others. 'But..' He glanced up at the skeleton, who was now bouncing after Toriel into the next room. 'Would he even try to FIGHT?'
For some reason he couldn't see this Monster raising a hand against another no matter what. Flowey didn't know if he liked that or not.
"I have left instructions for you to follow." Blueberry's eyes brightened as Toriel pointed to the switches. "I will wait at the end for you Sweet One."
"Puzzles~" Blueberry's eyes twirled and sparkled. For some reason the thought of all kinds of puzzles filled him with so much joy. He really wanted to finish it all on his own, to maybe make one all on his own.
Seeing the Monster all but run to the switch made Toriel smile, one less twisted then her usual ones before it fell. This was another Monster, not a human child....But yet she felt protective all the same. There was no way that he could fake that kind of innocence, it surrounded him. He also did not have the coloring to fit in with all the other Monsters. His clothing, while torn, were lighter colors unlike any in the underground. Last she checked - or heard from the Spiders - everyone still wore red, black, and maybe gold. Dark colors, not white and blues.
As she walked to the end of the hall, she wondered just what made this Monster different from all others, and what will happen at the end. Because if he is like the human children...then that meant....
"Be careful!" Flowey scolded lightly when Blueberry jumped up to pull a lever that had arrows pointing to it. "Don't forget to read the directions."
"Oh!" Blueberry pulled back his hand, and once his feet touched the ground he shot off to the written directions. "Than you for reminding me!"
Flowey cleared his throat, face flushing lightly. "Y-Your welcome...."
-Pull the lever to the left.
Looking over, the one with the arrows was the one on the right. 'It was a trick!' Blueberry narrowed his eyes, pouting. 'A very clever trick indeed!' While he pulled the lever on the left, Blueberry made a note to read directions before trying to do a puzzle, these could hurt him and others after all if he didn't go over them carefully.
When he was done pulling down the levers needed, he bounded over to where Toriel stood. "I did it Ms. Toriel!" He puffed out his chest, a wide grin over his face. "I solved your puzzle!"
Without thinking about what she was doing, she softly patted the skull in front of her. "I saw! Good job Sweet O-" Her giggles caught in her throat, realizing what she was doing. She had never did this with the others, so why was she being...He reminded of her of the old underground. That is why she was like this. When things were brighter. Looking down at Blueberry, who had yet to notice anything wrong and nuzzling into her hand, she saw what the underground could have been. How Monsters could have been.
It hurt her all the more, yet made her want to keep this innocence safe from all. But he is a Monster, not a human. He had no real need for her to protect him, he will learn. Taking her hand off his head, making him smile up at her and making her SOUL twist, she turned around to go into the next room.
To Flowey, seeing her smile and giggle like that, patting Blueberry's head like that brought back memories. So many happy memories that he though he would never even think about again. She had never acted like this before, usually she was more aggressive. 'Is it because he is a Monster?' Flowey titled his head in confusion. 'But why would that be? I've seen her dust Monsters for just getting in her way before.'
"Come Sweet One, to the next lesson." Blueberry gave a nod, following her into the next room.
He blinked when they first walked in and looked around Toriel, there was a training dummy put up. It looked very beaten up and banged up, stitched all around to make sure it didn't fall apart. Toriel stood a few feet away and directed him to stand in front of the dummy. With a shrug, he put Flowey down and did as told.
Flowey knew what was coming, and feared what Toriel would do once Blueberry's SOUL came out. Monsters didn't usually need to bring their SOUL to fight in a confrontation, but Blueberry's was human. And human's always came out because they had no magic, or not enough of it. And while Blueberry had quite a bit of magic, for some reason he couldn't use it externally. It was like it was trapped in him, unable to tap into it to form it into a attack. So for now all Flowey could do was pray that Toriel wouldn't burn the skeleton to dust once his SOUL comes out.
"Now Sweet One, other Monsters will want to FIGHT." Toriel pointed to the Dummy. "The Dummy will start a FIGHT, and I want you to FIGHT him." She backed away a bit. "Go on then."
Frowning his brow, Blueberry didn't really understand. He didn't want to hurt anyone, so why should he fight the dummy? Turning to the Dummy, his SOUL came out in the open. Red shined as the buttons came alive in front of him, showing his options. Looking at the FIGHT button, it sickened him in ways he never imagined. As he was thinking, he never noticed Toriel's stricken expression, the way she stared at the little red SOUL in front of him.
'A human SOUL!' One hand went to her chest, the other covered her mouth. Muffling the horrified gasp that she couldn't hold back. She watched the little SOUL float in front of the Monster with wide eyes, not able to look away. 'In a Monster?! Did they experiment on Monsters now?! No, even in the RUINS I would have heard whispers of that.' Taking in a deep breath, trying to calm her SOUL down. 'This poor little one, he truly is like the human children! He fell from above, he had too!' It blew her mind that some Monsters may have hidden above for so long, but she had proof in front of her. Maybe some Monsters they thought that died in the War actually lived and hid, and have stayed hidden to live. But that didn't explain the human SOUL. But that did not matter to her in the end, all that mattered was this Blueberry was the same as the other six human children that fell. 'He needs to be protected. The other Monsters would have him dusted for his SOUL.' Taking a gulp, Toriel knew what she had to do. She looked back up in time to see Blueberry finally hitting a button.
With Determination, Blueberry hit the ACT button. Everything inside him screamed not to FIGHT, not to hurt another. He saw no reason to when kindness could get you farther then fighting ever could. Mercy was a powerful thing that could even make Gods bow their head to. He had no idea how he knew this, only that it was important to know.
-Check  -Talk
Giving the Dummy a bright smile, he hit Talk. "Hello Dummy, it is nice to meet you!" Waving his hand in greeting, he continued. "My name is Blueberry, what is yours if you don't mind me asking?"
-The Dummy doesn't seem much for conversation.
A small pout worked it's way up Blueberry's face at what the text that formed in the box in front of him, at what the Voice had told him. That was no fun, and here he wanted to make another friend! It seems he will have to try harder then to do so. Then he paused, for some reason he thinks that someone is laughing at him right now, or is that a memory?
Flowey watched this all in shock, he was right. Blueberry never even seemed to consider fighting. He just looked at the FIGHT button in disgust, then went to press the ACT button without even glancing back at the FIGHT action. It made Flowey so happy, but so worried. Other Monsters will rip Blueberry apart without notice if they wanted to, free EXP to them, if he did not fight back. Flowey had no idea what to do feeling so torn, so he kept his mouth shut on the matter for now.
"Sweet one, you are doing it wrong." Toriel gave him a twisted smile from where she stood, gesturing to the FIGHT button. "You are supposed to FIGHT, not ACT. Try again, take your time if need be when it is your turn."
Blueberry just glanced at Toriel before turning back to the Dummy, he already knew what he was going to do next turn. And FIGHT wasn't even a option to him. But for now, it was the Dummy's turn, though Blueberry was starting to think it wasn't just a Dummy.
-The Dummy just stands there, not up for conversation.
Raising a brow at the Dummy, was it...shy? Shaking that thought off, it was now Blueberry's turn once more. And without hesitation, he hit the Mercy button. For some reason he could feel surprise emanating from the Dummy, but then it accepted the Mercy it was giving, ending the confrontation.
Waving to the Dummy one more time, Blueberry couldn't help but beam at it-or was it them? "Thank you for training with me!"
Skipping to Flowey, he picked him up and turned to Toriel. "I won Ms. Toriel-"
"Sweet One." Toriel's eyes blazed as she cut him off, but that fire just seemed to make the shadows in them look all the darker. "You can not live down here on Mercy. That is a kindness that you can afford, not with that SOUL you have."
"But they accepted my Mercy." Blueberry pouted in confusion. It seemed to work real well just now. "And no one got hurt! Why do we have to FIGHT?"
Toriel sighed sadly, reaching out a hand and softly patting the others skull. 'Such innocence...They would eat him alive...Asgore would-!' "Sweet One, we only need one more human SOUL to leave the Underground. They would dust you and take your SOUL, you must FIGHT to live, FIGHT to survive this place of Kill or be Killed."
And with that, she grabbed his hand and started dragging him into the next room. But Blueberry was more focused on her words.
'Kill or be Killed? That feels...wrong.' Blueberry glanced around, seeing dark walls and nothing but the oppressive feeling of despair. For some reason he felt that this was wrong, that everything should be brighter. But that was wrong, the truth was right in front of his face. 'But is that really the truth? Underneath all this hate and anger, there is Mercy.' He glanced up at the goat Monster, the one who took him in and is showing the ropes of the Underground. 'She doesn't notice, but she is showing me kindness and Mercy right now. I rather be killed then kill.'
Blueberry would rather be killed a thousand times then raise his hand to hurt another. Blueberry frowned, hearing something in the back of his skull. 'Is...someone crying?'
Flowey flinched as Toriel dragged Blueberry through two rooms, only stopping at a entrance into the RUINS where other Monsters also live. 'Why is it like this?' Flowey glanced up at Blueberry, who was looking at everything they pass with wonder in his sockets. 'Why do we have to have seven SOULS? Wouldn't one work as long as....'
"Here you go Sweet One." Blueberry blinked as he was handed a flip phone. Opening it, he looked up at Toriel not understanding why she gave him it. "This is so you can call me if anything goes wrong. I have to get a few things from the store, so I must ask for you to wait from me here."
Blueberry beamed up at her, making her flinch a bit. He held the phone close and nodded, showing he understood. "Okay! Thank you Ms. Toriel!"
Blueberry kept waving until she was out of sight, then he flipped open the phone. Checking it over, he saw that there was only Toriel's number in it and no other settings but call.
"Y-You should run and hide while you have the chance!" Flowey begged once more, not wanting to see this Monster get killed. "She's going to kill you!"
"Nonsense!" Blueberry brightly smiled down at the flower Monster. "Ms. Toriel has been very kind so far. And while she is very instanced on fighting, she has yet to hurt anyone."
"I have seen her kill Monsters for just getting in her way...." Flowey muttered sadly with a hint of confusion.
"How about I call her to prove to you that she isn't doing anything violent?" Blueberry hummed, pressing Toriel's number and ignoring Flowey's protests while he put the phone up to his skull.
"No! No! Don't do that-!"
"Oh, Sweet One! I was just about to call you." Toriel's voice cut through Flowey's complaints. Blueberry's face lit up, giving Flowey a look. 'See I told you everything was fine!' "Yes, how may I help you Ms. Toriel?"
"I was wondering what you liked better; Blood or Dust?" If Blueberry could, he would have paled dramatically at that question. Flowey then gave Blueberry a look that screamed 'I told you so!'. Clearing his throat, Blueberry tried to give himself more time to answer. He would rather not chance this and file it away as a joke only for someone to get hurt because of that.
'I made some butterscotch and cinnamon pie for the golden flower tea! I couldn't decide on which one to pick, so I used both.' A warm voice echoed inside his skull, making him smile. Then it hit him, why not give her a answer not in the options given. Worse case she decides to pick one out of the two herself without his input.
"I like butterscotch and cinnamon Ms. Toriel!" Blueberry told the other Monster on the line. Flowey gave a choked gasp, while a bang sounded out on the other line making Blueberry worry. "Ms. Toriel?! Is everything alright?"
"I...I am fine Sweet One..." She sounded like she was far away, like her mind was elsewhere. "I....Butterscotch and cinnamon?....I see....Thank you Sweet One...."
And with that she hung up without another word. Blueberry lifted the phone away from him, blinking at in surprise. Turning to look down at Flowey, Blueberry couldn't help but ask about what all that was. "Flowey? Did I say something wrong?"
Far away memories of better times burned at Flowey, making him wish that everything was like before. But it wasn't, and it never was going to be. "I...I think you reminded her of something is all."
"I wonder what spices and food could have reminded her of." Blueberry hummed before shrugging it off. But he was curious about who Ms. Toriel was. 'Her frayed robes had the symbol on it...I think it belongs to royalty?' "Flowey, what can you tell me about Ms. Toriel?"
"....She has been the caretaker of the RUINS for years now, greeting each human child that fell." Flowey started to explain, leaving out his involvement or connection to her. "She took care of them, was very motherly in fact before.....Before they wanted to leave..." Flowey frowned, face becoming shadowed as he thought back to the pained screams of children echoing in the RUINS.
'Motherly? Did...Do I have a Mother waiting for me?' Blueberry frowned in thought, tapping his foot. 'Ms. Toriel does seem to be very caring towards me....Would she....' "Does she like being a Mother then? Does she have any children?" Blueberry thought aloud, a idea coming to mind.
"She did, but they are gone now." Flowey softly muttered, tears forming but not falling. "And the human children have all been killed a long time ago. Honestly I think all she wants to be is a Mother again...." Flowey could see it in her insanity and unbalanced ways. Toriel really wanted to have children once more, but to her it seems they all have been taken away in someway or another, making her break all the more.
"Ah!" Flowey jolted at Blueberry's sudden gasp, watching with wide eyes as he opened the phone once more. "Then I help Ms. Toriel no matter what!"
"What to do you mean?! Don't call her again-!"
"Hello Sweet One, What is it you need?" Toriel's voice answered, voice sickeningly sweet.
"I wanted to ask you a question if that is alright." Blueberry smiled, eyes brightening when he heard her hum in agreement. "May I call you 'Mother'?"
A crash sounded out from the other side just as Flowey gave a horrified gasp. Blueberry just gave a confused frown at all of this, not seeing anything wrong. Toriel is the closes thing he has to a Mother now, and she loved being one from what he can tell...So what was the problem with calling her that as long as she was fine with it?
"You...You want me to be your Mother?!" Toriel started laughing, a twisted sound mixed with so much happiness. So much so that Blueberry couldn't find it in him to regret asking that even as something inside himself said that he was going to regret this. "Of course you can call me that My Child!"
"Thank you then Mother!" Blueberry smiled brightly, not understanding why Flowey was looking at him like he just gave Death a hug. "I excitedly await your return!"
"Then I must hurry My Child!" Toriel laughed harder. "Oh My Sweet, Innocent Child!" She hung up laughing still, making Blueberry smile. 'She sounds so happy! Maybe that will make sure nothing happens!'
"W-Why did you do that?!" Flowey cried out in panic. 'You are going to die!' "T-To call her Mother-!"
"In a way..." Blueberry hummed, walking to the next doorway. "She is the only Mother I know. I do not remember having any parents, so technically Ms. Toriel could be counted as my Mother. I chose to call her that and view her as such."
"But that doesn't mean you have to call her that!" Flowey had no idea what this Monster was thinking. Did he have a death wish?! All those human children made the same mistake, and that only upped  Toriel's 'help'. "You could have kept calling her 'Ms. Toriel'!"
"But she wouldn't be as happy as she is now." Flowey froze. "Ms-Mother sounded so happy when I asked that of her. I think all she wants is to be a mother once more." Blueberry gave a sad smile down at the still frozen Flowey. "I think loosing all her children has broken her, so I want to help her!" Determination blazed in the skeleton Monster's eyes. "And I can help better as her child then as some Monster she is helping out. Do not worry Flowey, everything will eventually be okay!"
"Y-You...want to help her...?" Flowey choked out, not understanding. To him, she was beyond all help. He just hoped that Blueberry would find that out in time to run with all he has. Then Flowey noticed that Blueberry was leaving the room. "W-Where are we going?! I thought you wanted to wait for Toriel?"
"I want to explore!" Bluebrry grinned, not mentioning something inside of him that was pulling him to do it. That something was nagging in his mind that there was much to see, and that everything will be fine. "It will be fine! We'll come back before Mother comes back, or maybe we'll find her first!"
Flowey started shaking, gulping at that very thought. 'That's what I'm afraid of...'
-With Toriel-
Large, white furry hands shook as they closed the flip phone.
Monsters cowered as the large goat Monster laughed and laughed. Her shoulders shaking and eyes watering.
'A child...A Monster child!' Toriel knew humans don't live as long as Monsters, they run on magic after all, not organs that can stop at any moment. To have a Monster child would be the best for her, one that can't die or be taken away from her easily. Sure, he had a human SOUL, but seeing him you wouldn't be able to tell straight off the bat.
To be a Mother was all Toriel ever wanted. Children gave her a joy unlike any other. They filled her SOUL with a soft feeling that should have died years ago. And while Blueberry is fully grown, he is clueless about how everything works and is much younger then her. He is practically a child to her, and one that wants her to be his Mother.
'He wants me to be his Mother.' Toriel smiled wide, eyes brightening. 'My Sweet Child, he wants me to be his Mother.' It just repeated over and over in her mind, that Blueberry wanted her to be his Mother. None of the other children asked that of her besides the first, she just called them her children from the start. And the one time she doesn't do it, is the time he wants to be called that. It made her SOUL dance, something it hasn't done in years.
She would not fail this one, one that can stay with her for years unlike a human one can. One that gives her bright smiles that remind her of happier times.
Buying the items she needed, it was only when she saw the spider spun fabrics that she was hit with a idea. As her child, Blueberry would need it. And what he is wearing is torn too much for her child to be wearing as he ran about to play. What if he caught a cold?!
Besides, her Sweet Child needed to be recognized as her's. It wouldn't do if other Monsters got the idea to take him from her.
"I need some rolls of fabric. Red and-" Toriel cut herself off, eyes glazing for a moment before shaking her head. "No, rolls of blues and whites, and only a little of black, gold and red."
Her Sweet, Innocent Child would look much better in lighter colors then the darker ones usually used. But that was okay, maybe lighter would be best to make a statement. Blueberry did look better in that light blue scarf after all. 'Yes, lighter colors will work. He should be wearing them and not be forced to hide in the shadows like the rest of Monsters.'
As the Child of Hope should, she supposed.
-With Blueberry And Flowey-
"W-What is going on...?" Blueberry cried softly, hand softly touching the light blue flower on his skull. "I-I don't understand! I died!"
At first, everything was fine when Blueberry and Flowey first left.
They ran into a few Froggets, but Blueberry was able to talk his way into them accepting his Mercy, even if the Froggets looked so confused while they did so. It didn't help when Blueberry's SOUL was forced out, making them attack and FIGHT all the harder, only to stop once Blueberry was able to convince them not to go on - seeing that the skeleton Monster meant no harm.
-Unknown to Blueberry and Flowey though, the Froggets all talked about in hush whispers about the Monster who gave them Mercy, one with a human SOUL to boot. No LV or EXP, unheard of! But it is true, so they decided to keep a ear out for now, waiting and watching. How do you think they themselves survived this long living in the same place as Toriel? By waiting and seeing how it all plays out.-
After a few more Monsters and a SAVE point, it was when Blueberry was pulled into a confrontation with one very angry ghost that his world was shattered like his SOUL.
Napstablook was a black ghost with red eyes and a angry frown. Blueberry tried to do what he did to all the other Monsters he ran into, talk to him. But it wasn't enough. More and more attacks hit his SOUL, making his HP lower further and further. Before the last one hit, he was able to smile, making Flowey scream and Napstablook freeze as his SOUL finally shattered.
What Blueberry did not expect was being in front of the last SAVE point not too far from where he met Napstablook, flower growing out of his skull. And tugging at it only hurt him more then ever.
"I....The flower curse!" Flowey cried with Blueberry. "The first human child that fell had it too, every time they died, everything RESET....But your flowers are different..." Flowey took in a deep breath, picturing the flowers in his mind. "They were bright red...Ranunculus, buttercups...Persian Buttercups...."
Flowey can still see those bright red flowers over taking their whole face even as they smiled at him. 'One more time! I'm sure I can get it right next time!'
"I-I'm cursed?" Blueberry took in a deep breath, trying to calm his mind and SOUL. "W-Why?"
"Determination I think..." Flowey bitterly smiled. "But Determination was not built for a Monster, nor does it come cheap."
"T-Then all I have to do it make sure I don't die!" Blueberry beamed up, pushing his negative thoughts away. "If I don't die, then no more flowers right?"
"Blueberry, maybe you should start...FIGHTING." Blueberry jolted, looking at the flower in shock. Flowey sniffed, wiping his eyes with his leaves. "I...I don't want you to-to be covered in flowers!"
"Flowey...." Blueberry frowned in concern before determinedly shaking his head. "No! I refuse to FIGHT! MERCY is the only way for me to do this, to get out of here. And if I die more to show the other Monsters this, then so be it."
Flowey laughed, it's broken sound sounding out, echoing across the dark room. 'Just like them....I...I hope it doesn't come to....' "So be it." Flowey whispered back. Blueberry gave a soft smile, picking him up to go back into the room. 'I want this one to have a different ending!'
"By the way Flowey," Flowey glanced up to Blueberry, sad confusion on his face. "do you know what kind of flower is on my skull?"
Taking a look at the light blue flower, Flowey thought back to his Father's books. He always had a soft spot for flowers, and he kept many journals and books. Some found in the dump, others kept from before they were forced down into the Underground. It only hurt Flowey all the more once he realized what kind of flower was on Blueberry.
"Bella Delphinium." Flowey's horrified whisper might as well have been a scream. "Belladonna Delphinium."
Such a beautiful flower. But the more beautiful one is, the more deadly they are.
-With Toriel A Hour Later-
"That should be everything." Toriel hummed as she glanced down to the bags in her arms and on her shoulder. "Now to get-My Child?!" Toriel nearly dropped her bags at finding Blueberry in the cave like room just outside the makeshift store. "What are you doing here?!"
"Hello Mother!" Blueberry waved excitdly as he bounced up to her, starry eyes shinning extra bright. "I wanted to explore for a bit." He winked up at her. "And surprise you! Did I?"
"Yes My Sweet Child, but you should have-" She cut off once she got a better look at Blueberry. He looked exactly the same before she had left, or would have if not for the flowers on his skull. 'Where did he get Belladonna's? let alone find them down here....Did he always have them?'
They were smalls flowers, but there were so many on the left side of his skull, gathered into a small bunch. At least a dozen if not more, but as they were so tiny it was hard to tell. They were a pretty light blue, in fact they gave Blueberry a more innocent look. But Toriel could feel something...off about it. It was like there was a memory or something she knew about it, but forgot. It swam in the back of her mind, nagging at her.
"Oh!" Blueberry smile dimmed as he lightly touched the flowers on him. Flowey sniffed, hiding his face once more, pained and broken. "Do you like them Mother?"
"They are beautiful My Sweet Child." Toriel brushed off the feeling it gave her, and decided not to question her Child on it. For all she knew it was a normal thing for him. He did come from the surface, and had a human SOUL, so it was not impossible. "But now is time to go home, you can play at a later time."
"Okay! I can't wait to see our home!" 'Our home.' That warmed Toriel up, a soft feeling crept up her SOUL. "Do you need any help with the bags Mother?"
"No My Child, I do not." Toriel chuckled at the little skeleton's concern. 'How long has it been?' Toriel then turned, listening closely to the footsteps following her. It calmed her yet excited her beyond all measures.
'How long has it been since I have been a Mother, a true Mother?'
"What did you do on your adventure My Sweet Child?" Toriel softly questioned as they walked to her-their house. It wasn't too far from the store, only a few minutes.
"I made friends with a ghost!" Blueberry beamed up her as he skipped along. Flowey groaned, remembering how many times Blueberry had died to just make the Monster accept Mercy.
"I see-Wait, what?!" Toriel's neck cracked from how fast she turned it to look down at Blueberry in shock. The only ghost Monster she knew that came around here was Napstablook, and he was not a happy one. In fact, he had tried to kill her before, but she showed him that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. So why does Blueberry think they are friends?
"He was a little angry at first, but then I lifted his spirits!" Blueberry winked at the punch line. Flowey groaning once again, not from memories, but from the corny joke.
A shocked laugh escaped Toriel, not expecting the pun to come out. "I-hahaha-I'm sure it-snort-did!"
All Flowey could do was look at Toriel with shock as the two Monsters walked. How long has it been since he had heard her laughter, not from torturer or hurting another, but genuine happy laughter at a simple joke?
'Maybe...' Flowey glanced up at Blueberry's laughing face. 'Maybe he's the reason....Maybe it will be alright in the end....'
"Here we are My Child." Toriel opened the door, letting Blueberry walk in before her. "Here is your new home."
Sitting the bags down for now, she watched amused as Blueberry started trying to look at everything at the same time. 'Just like a hyperactive child.' Toriel snorted before going to the stairs. "Come My Child, I will show you to your room. You must be tired after such a long day."
"Thank you Mother!" Blueberry thanked as he followed her up. Glancing around as they moved up the admittedly nice sized house, he saw a lot of random things. A few vases, one or two paintings that had stains on them - Stains that Blueberry did not want to know where they came from, or out of. - and a few bookcases filled with books of all colors.
"Here we are My Child." Toriel opened the door then stepped aside for Blueberry to go in. "I'll leave you to rest. I will be downstairs if you need me."
"Thank you Mother!" Blueberry called out as she shut the door. He listened to her footsteps fading until he heard them no more. Blueberry then turned to look around the room, Flowey in hold.
"This doesn't look so bad, right Flowey?" Blueberry asked as he sat Flowey down the the nightstand. "Everything will be fine!" Blueberry cheered, going to look on the shelves and chest in the room.
"For now. But it will all change once you tell her you want to leave." Flowey muttered to himself. While he was shocked by how Toriel was acting, it will all be the same in the end. Give them pie, and once they want to leave she snaps and tries to kill them off. Nothing will change that, not even a Determined SOUL. "She is going to kill you, adding even more flowers to your skull."
Flowey jerked out of his depressing thoughts when Blueberry gave a gasp. "Flowey! Look what I found!" Flowey barely had time to blink before a small flower pot was shoved in front of his face. "This will be better then that old, dirty boot!"
"..T-Thank you." Flowey mumbled while Blueberry gently planted him into the pot. "I-I like it." Flowey's cheek brightened as he glanced away from the bright smile directed at him.
"You are welcome!" Blueberry laughed before going back to exploring the room.
Opening the drawers in the dressers, Blueberry was greeted with stripes. Lifting up the piece of fabric, he found it to be a light green and yellow stripped sweater. Looking further in the drawers he found a black and red stripped sweater, and a few other sweaters with strips also in various colors. Putting the sweater back, he opened the next drawer to find it filled with children's shoes.
Now that alone should have raised some red flags, but Blueberry ignored it. Flowey has admitted that she took care of the human children that fell; So why shouldn't she have children clothes and shoes here? It was logical to him, even as if he was feeling like someone was face palming somewhere.
'Y-U --E T-O in-Oc--T!'
'M- b-o i- --e be--.'
Sighing, Blueberry went back to the bed to lie down for a bit. Maybe he was hearing things because he was tired? Taking off his boots and socks, and folding up his scarf but keeping it close and within reach, Blueberry then laid down and shut his eye sockets.
'Fl-f-y Bu--y li-v-d un-e- a lar-- o-k tre-- ____'
A half broken story lured him to sleep, a smile on his face.
-A Few Hours Later-
The smell of something burning greeted Blueberry when he sleepily opened his sockets. It took him a few seconds to remember where he was, and that's when the smell hit him.
'A FIRE?!' Blueberry jumped up, but then quickly calmed down when he saw the room was not set ablaze. Never mind that he had a vague thought of cooking lessons and houses on fire.
Pushing that thought away he glanced over to see Flowey slowly waking up. Knowing he won't get anymore sleep, Blueberry put back on his boots and socks, waiting for Flowey to fully wake up.
"Hmmm....Blueberry?" Flowey yawned, rubbing the water out of his eyes. "What's that smell?"
"I have no idea." Blueberry quietly said back, going to put up the potted plant Monster. "But why don't we go find out?" He asked as he lifted Flowey up and started to the door. Flowey just hummed sleepily, not really caring.
It was only as Blueberry went down the stairs and stepped into the living room when Flowey finally remembered where they were at. He nearly screamed when he saw Toriel sitting in her rocking chair by the fireplace, hand stitching some fabric together. But when he saw the colors of the fabric - light blue, white, and gold - did he stop. The colors everyone wore where black, red and gold. Darker colors not lighter ones. This is different then with all the other children.
"Mother?" Blueberry questioned as he walked closer, only pausing once Toriel looked up with a happy beam and grin.
"Oh! My Sweet Child you are awake!" Toriel giggled, looking to the fabric in her lap. "And just in time too!" She quickly handed the bundle of clothing to Blueberry, making him stumble back from the unexpected move. "Please go change into this in the hallway, you shouldn't be wearing such ragged clothing!" Then she glanced to his battered boots. "The boots as well, I will make you some new shoes or buy some later."
Flowey and Blueberry glanced at one another before Blueberry shrugged and sat Flowey down, going into the hallway to change into the new clothes. The sound of clothing shifting and light thuds filled the air while Flowey awkwardly looked away from the very excited Toriel.
"Are you sure it's okay to wear this?" Blueberry questioned softly as he shuffled back into the living room. Flowey's eyes widened and gaped while Toriel clapped her hands in delight.
Blueberry now wore a robe like Toriel's only in different colors. He had on a long sleeved shirt, the ends of them loose and open. His pants were baggy but tight at the end unlike the sleeves. The robe over top of the shirt and pants was a light blue color, lined with the color gold. The slit of the robe went up to his thighs. The royal symbol on his chest was a darker blue color with the symbols inside the dark blue heart white. On the back of the robe was a different symbol, one that was also darker color mixing with white and black. The symbol of the Child of Hope, the last one to wear said symbol was the first fallen human. To finish off the look, Blueberry still had on his long scarf.
"Oh My Child!" Toriel softly cried in pure happiness. "Of course it is okay! You are my son now, and the others must know this."
"Thank you then Mother!" Blueberry thanked, hands gently touching the soft fabric. "It is very well done!" For some reason he could hear a laugh sounding out, clicking of wooden needles and see button eyes starring at him. But the laugh was different, like the person's voice was changing at a rapid pace.
"Your welcome My Sweet Child." Toriel smiled gently, getting up and starting to lead Blueberry to the kitchen. "I have made some pie if you want a slice."
Quickly picking up Flowey, Blueberry hurried after her. "What kind Mother?"
"Butterscotch and cinnamon My Sweet Child."
Flowey didn't know if he wanted to cry or scream. This was so different from the Toriel he knew....But so much like the Mother he once knew. Blueberry may not know it, but with those two symbols and clothing style he was wearing no one would touch him until they knew for sure he had a human SOUL in the RUINS. But out of the RUINS he would be fair game, in fact everyone would be after to capture him as he is wearing not just a royal symbol but the Queen's. Asgore would do anything to know where his wife was, and the guards would hunt him down all the harder if they saw his SOUL as well.
If Blueberry ever left the RUINS, his clothing would insure his capture if not death if the other Monsters find it offensive or hate the Queen enough for leaving them all.
-Late At Night/Very Early Morning-
Blueberry smiled softly as he adventured around his new home. His new Mother was not up yet and Flowey was still sleeping as he had gotten up at a very early or late time depending on how you look at it, so he decided to check around the house to get a feel for it.
Last night had been fun. Sure the pie had been burnt and crusty, but it was still so delicious because Toriel had put all her love into it. So he ate every single bit and even more then one piece until he couldn't have another. After that she had read him to sleep, a book about snails and all the facts on them. And while he kept hearing another voice telling him a story about a fluffy bunny, he loved the feeling of being read to sleep.
But for now, he couldn't sleep. And before he knew it, he was going down the stairs to see what was below the house he has decided to call home.
Big doors greeted him, locked tightly and shut. Pressing lightly on them, Blueberry knew that they would not budge unless he had the key to them. Deciding to not mess with them, he turned to leave only for a muffled voice to catch his attention.
"-SSHOLE! I, mean I do everything I can-!"
Pressing his skull onto the door softly, he could hear a deep rough voice ranting about something.
"I HATE THIS! Why can't he just go to hell?! Shove that bone attack right up his-!"
A really not happy deep rough voice ranting about somebody Blueberry corrected.
Now Blueberry had a few choices here. First, he could quietly back away and pretend this never happened. Which he could not in good conscious do, so that was out. Second was try to do something to help. But what could he do? The door was locked. What could he do-
Without even thinking about it, Blueberry lifted his hand and knocked on the big arching doors clearly and loud enough for the person on the other side to hear.
Immediate silence. A long minute passed, making Blueberry think that the other person had left, only to jolt to attention when the voice growled out, sounding closer then before.
"What the fuck was that?!" The voice sounded confused, yet Blueberry bit his tongue so he didn't scold the other for their language. "Where are you, you spying little fucker-!"
Instead, Blueberry took in a deep breath to calm himself. Then he brightly smiled as if the other person could see.
"Your supposed to say; Who's there?"
-End Chapter-
Belladonna Delphinium or Bella Delphinium live up to two or three years. They hold the meaning and symbolization of openness to new experiences, overall positivity, cheerfulness and goodwill.
Light blue symbolize youth and renewal.
Blue symbolize dignity.
Belladonna Delphinium is in the buttercup family and are poisonous.
Burning in mouth and throat, confusion, dizziness, headaches and vomiting. For severe poisoning; Breathing difficulty, then paralysis. And then followed by convulsions and death from asphyxiation and circulatory failure.
I wanted Blueberry to have different flowers as he is different from Frisk. The flowers are still in the same family though and are still poisonous. Having said that, these flowers can be found in gardens; So please do not ingest them. You can get poisoned and die if ingested enough and left alone.
Blueberry's magic is stuck inside of himself, can't be used to fight. For example, he could make a ecto-stomach if he wanted to or needed to for eating. But he can't summon his bones or special attack even if he wanted to. All his magic is trapped in his body - he has to have magic to live, he has no muscles. He needs magic like we need organs. - and therefor he is pretty much like a skeleton running on magic with no back up power from magic. Like a human only with a skeleton.
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