#It's so funny to me that so many people hate this route for being too long and tedious
timeturner-jay · 2 years
How about a drabble about your favorite Pokémon game? Maybe let us figure out which game/region it is through the story :D
(So normally, I would only take requests that are formatted with a character name and a one-word prompt, but you're a regular, so I'll make an exception for you. <3 I hope you like it!)
She remembers the first time she took this hike – looking back, she had been ridiculously underprepared then. She’s lucky that she survived it at all, and if it hadn’t been for the help of a cautious but compassionate wild Sneasel, who had guided her through the blizzard and to a nearby cabin, she knows she wouldn’t have. What had she been thinking, climbing this mountain in a skirt and a sleeveless top? Even at that age, she should have known better. Then again, she remembers how she felt back then, on her very first journey – free and undefeatable. She hadn’t been afraid of anything, because nothing had been able to stop her.
She knows better, now. Years of being the Champion have taught her the value of preparation and a level head. She’s still undefeated – she wouldn’t be the Champion otherwise, after all – but she has taken life’s lessons to heart.
She shares a smile with the Weavile walking beside her, older and all grown-up now, just like she is. He’s still perfectly adapted to his home environment of course, even if they don’t come here all that often; his steps are so light, he barely leaves a trace in the snow. She can’t say the same for herself. Her boots are heavy with crusted ice as she trudges on, sinking in deep with every step. Still, she is warm in her heavy coat and snow gear, and her eyes are bright as she takes in the beautiful landscape this far north. It’s harsh terrain, and it nearly cost her her life once, but she thinks it’s all the prettier for it. She loves the hike to Snowpoint City.
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yuikomorii · 1 month
Do you like Cordelia or Christa more?
// Does ‘none’ work as an answer too?
On a more serious note, this is a tricky question. That said, I guess I do prefer Cordelia over Christa. Don’t get me wrong, Cordelia is a TERRIBLE mother and unarguably the worst of the three. But, despite her actions, she's an incredibly interesting character and does a fantastic job playing the role of the villainess. I love her interactions with Yui and Ayato in DF, and what I find particularly fascinating is how that route didn’t try to portray Cordelia as a good person. Instead, it helped the audience empathize with her. Even after she comes back to life, there's no apology or remorse for what she did to the triplets, yet we get to see the reasons behind her actions as well as a chatty and funny side to her, without automatically redeeming her as a person. Cordelia is unapologetically a bitch and she's honest about it.
As for Christa, I simply don’t really like her—neither as a person nor as a character. What annoys me the most is how 99% of the fandom sees her as this docile, weak-looking lady when she’s actually a completely CRAZY woman. Sure, it’s normal to feel bad for her, I do too, but I don't understand why so many people excuse her behavior by saying that “she’s mentally ill 🥺,” when literally all the characters are mentally ill. Why does she get a free pass for being awful? I get that what Karlheinz did to her is disgusting and that she’s his victim, but so is everyone else. On top of that, I’m not fond of her role in the story. The reason she was so admired in the Demon World was because of her purity (in the virgin sense), and then she starts blaming Subaru for ruining that purity—? Losing her title drove her to madness, which leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I understand she didn’t want to get pregnant, but she was in love with Karlheinz and wanted to marry him, so she should take some responsibility as well instead of blaming her son, who had nothing to do with it. It's nice that she had a loving side, but her constant back-and-forth—"Subaru, you filthy monster! Kill me! Kill him! He loves me the most! I hate you!"—is so exhausting and confusing. I especially remember a scene where Subaru tried to defend Christa from Karlheinz, but Christa got mad, slapped him, and was like “HOW DARE YOU SPEAK LIKE THAT TO YOUR FATHER!?". She’s not even meant to be a villainess, yet her unpredictability makes her dangerous. I was hoping Subaru’s DF route would make her a more entertaining character, but she actually felt like a downgrade compared to the previous games.
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spidey-555 · 7 months
Things I hope the devs of CotL don't do, but a part of me feels like they'll do anyways (or might already be doing):
Revive Ratau if we chose to sacrifice him. Like I said on a previous post, it would invalidate the weight of our decision, and would open the floodgates of "can we undo other heinous actions we do?" If yes, then why should we care about the events of the game if they can all just be undone?
Make the bishops so unlikable and unsympathetic to the point where the audience ceases to care about them. I know they already aren't the most likable characters due to their abrasive personalities (excluding Shamura), but people still find them tragic, so taking away that would just be the nail in the coffin. Unfortunately, this one already seems to be happening, if the description for the graphic novel is anything to go by.
Make Narinder seem like the good guy or otherwise have the story take a side in the whole "sealing of the one who waits" debacle. This kind of ties in when the previous bullet point (especially with the "already happening in the graphic novel" thing), but if they did this, it would feel like they're just pandering to the Narilamb fans by having the story bend over backwards for it.
Have the Lamb be this flawless, unstoppable, and perfect being who everyone (except bad people) loves and will never lose ever. This one is kind of self explanatory. If the devs decide to go this route, then I feel many people would cease caring about the conflicts if this game. After all, if the Lamb can't lose ever, then what's the point of caring about any the conflicts in this game of the Lamb? I will admit that this one is more of a "me" thing than anything else
Cure the bishops of their disabilities. Heal the injuries, sure, but not the disabilities, please. In my opinion, it would be very ableist to do this, as it would imply that the only way for the bishops to be truly happy is them being cured of their disabilities.
Have there be a "canon" interpretation of the Lamb. At the end of the day, the Lamb is a player-insert character, and the fun about those characters is that they can essentially be anyone and can have many interpretations. Making a "canon" Lamb would take away the fun of those characters. This ties into the other Lamb related bullet point somewhat.
Have the Fox and Midas become followers once we beat them. This is assuming we fight them at all, of course. This one is also very opinionated. I feel like getting them as a follower would be bad because it would A) imply they have a chance at redemption and personally I like the fact that we have at least 2 villains we can just hate (here's hoping to more!) B) let us treat them however we want, which means they could not get the punishment they deserve. And before someone says that you can do the same with the bishops (the whole "not getting the punishment they deserve" thing), they already suffered in purgatory, which counts as punishment imo.
Rely too much on toilet and "naked people are funny" humor. This one is another opinionated one. Personally, I'd prefer if we got more character-based humor (hell, maybe some surreal humor as well) than humor that only a child would laugh at. I do want to post this one on the suggestions channel, but I'm afraid of the backlash.
I'll probably add more onto this when it comes to mind
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
Bro, the noise I just made. I literally cannot stand the fanon for Stiles or Derek. It is so so soooo bad, I think these people literally have only seen the 2 hour sterek compilation. Every day I am like "who fucking told you people that Derek never smiles and has no sense of humor?"
Stiles gets turned into this big eyed, kitten twink who wouldn't dare to misbehave because he's the sheriff's son (the kid who gets drunk in the WOODS, and gets his dad drunk so he can steal casefiles!!)
Derek like... He is either completely useless and cannot dress himself for a date without fanon!Laura (do not get me started) telling him what to do, or he is so emotionally repressed and damage that he can barely handle someone kissing him without him falling to pieces.
LIKE. Derek smiles. Derek makes jokes!! Derek laughed at Stiles right before the pool scene. Derek knows how to use a cellphone and a laptop. Derek is a goddamn millenial, he knows what grumpy cat is. He knows he's hot, he has a mirror!!
Also... the man lived in New York fucking City. He's not afraid of crowds or talking to people or making out, he uses sex to get his way (Erica and the deputy at the front desk!!)
i know.
like, there's a period of fics that are usually from the s1-2 period that lean pretty hard on derek's dark, brooding and grumpiness from season 1 but of course he was like that. he was going through The Horrors during season 1. he was grieving laura, he was being retraumatized by kate and dealing with scott, stiles and fucking jackson.
he wasn't one dimensional though. his anger was a mask for all the fear, confusion and trying to be in control.
do you know how many fics i've read where people have stiles think about all the apparent physical violence derek has done to stiles as if he's always slamming him into surfaces? way too many to count and it's incorrect. off the top of my head i can count 3 times derek did something like that to stiles. the shove into the wall and slam into the steering wheel in wolf's bane both of which had a point to them. whether or not it was a good emotional response doesn't matter. what matters is that they were not random or part of derek's personality. he didn't just shove stiles into things every time he saw him. the wall shove in s4 with de-aged derek was a deliberate call back to that very instance in wolf's bane. it was literally coupled with the whole cousin miguel bit.
fandom doesn't like to acknowledge that derek hale isn't particularly violent over the course of the show. he hardly even wins the fights he engages in and he is often forced into fights knowing he cannot win.
our boy mostly ends up on the fucking floor.
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derek also does make jokes. dry ones usually he thinks they are hilarious too. he thinks he's a funny guy. his dad joke game must've been off the charts, sorry eli.
he and stiles trade barbs a lot and he thinks stiles is funny. stiles amuses him and he indulges it a few times. he shows off to stiles too like a loser.
he likes to fuck with scott and stiles and enjoys taking the piss out of peter. he genuinely enjoyed fucking with liam in s4.
he's not a luddite either. he has a cellphone and we see him use it. i bet he plays games on it. i bet he plays candy crush and words with friends.
and fanon evolved to strip away that stiles is an asshole. he a violent little freak. he threatens people, he expresses regularly his desire to kill people or have them die, he cares about a very small selection of people in his life and if you're not in that circle than god be with your ass because stiles most definitely won't.
he loves and respects his father but this doesn't mean stiles respects the law which is why i don't know why the law enforcement route was chosen for him. stiles hates rules and boundaries. he chafes at them.
stiles casually helps kira and scott break into evidence to get her cell phone. he tells scott's fbi agent father to fuck himself. he got his dad drunk to get access to case files. he copies people's keys. he's a nosy shit.
the whole show started because stiles was a nosy punk kid who wanted to see a dead body.
but i digress.
fanon stiles had a lot of scott's characteristics projected onto him so they could bash scott. i know there's a lot of people who don't like scott which is fine or whatever but there are so many that do it so they can make a pinata out of a character they've extracted all the good points from and give to their favorite little white boy fav.
stiles "i will beat you with a bat" stilinski is a freaky little shit who will bite you.
do you know how hard i laughed when in s3 stiles and isaac genuinely just like could not stand each other? they couldn't be in the same room with out insulting one another and it was the complete opposite of stiles being oh so sensitive to isaac's past and history than straight up in 3b stiles the epitome of insensitive says to isaac something about still milking it (his abuse). stiles is a dick.
i also genuinely have umbrage with the pack mom trope that stiles gets saddled with. the way fandom has oft feminized stiles leaves a bad taste in my mouth too.
derek and stiles are both assholes and i love them very much.
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pillarsalt · 6 months
How do you cope with loneliness? My friends are so important to me but sometimes I feel like I can't fully relate to them anymore, and I just think about how they would hate me if they knew I was GC. I have TIF and even a few TIM friends that I love and cherish very dearly because I can see that they've just fallen victim to a toxic ideology feeding their body dysmorphia and self-esteem issues. But I can't tell them how genuinely worried I am about their mental health or send them detrans testimonies that I think they would relate to because they'd think I was some hateful violent monster that I'm not. Even the content creators that bring me joy and comfort are all so fiercely anti-TERF and it just makes me sad. I don't want to hurt anyone. I even distanced from the radfem community a bit because I felt like I was becoming too hateful towards men and TIMs when I truly believe many of the ones in my life are just trying their best and fell victim to a manipulative ideology that myself and other women also fell for. It's not that I wish I was still a TRA, because I feel much more at peace internally with my identity and my belief system, but I don't know if I can say peaking has made me happier overall. I feel like I don't fit in anywhere now. Making radfem friends helped a little bit but it's not the same as being around people I've known for years and gotten close to for reasons other than this one shared belief. I don't just want to abandon them all. And it's FRUSTRATING to see people spew misinformed fearmongered nonsense and not be able to actually help them dissect those beliefs. Feeling like the only one who sees things for how they really are, but forced to play along regardless, is just so restrictive and isolating.
To be completely honest with you, I don't have a great answer. I've been lucky to have one or two close friends at a time to whom I can tell everything, including my uncensored feminism-related beliefs. I've also been (and currently am) in friend groups with multiple people who identify as trans or are dating someone who identifies as trans, and have had to keep my thoughts and opinions to myself to keep the peace. I agree it's incredibly difficult sometimes, and I know a fair few of them would instantly drop me if they knew I was a "terf". It's kind of funny because I know some of them have an inkling of what I think about the issue, but say nothing so they don't have to fight with me. If anyone asked my opinion directly, I wouldn't lie, but I admit that I lie by omission.
It is hard to watch the ones who take the medicalization route hurt themselves. My ex girlfriend and I still talk, she's a they/them nonbinary now and despite always and still being very feminine and never expressing discomfort with her body before (including posting thirst traps often,) she wants to get a mastectomy soon. It sucks because of course after having looked into this phenomenon for so long, I'm well aware of the complications and side effects that can result from a major procedure like this: phantom pain/itching, extensive and restrictive scarring, the risks of infection and necrosis, and of course the risk of regretting having an entire organ unnecessarily removed from your body later on when it's no longer fashionable to do so. It sucks that voicing even the mere suggestion that it might be a bad idea is enough to have you shunned as an apostate. I genuinely care about her and I would feel similarly if she was having any other radical cosmetic surgery like breast implants or a BBL. At the end of the day, our friends will make their own choices regardless of how we feel about it, and the only thing we can really do is be there for them in the end.
I feel similarly to you in that I don't want to hurt anyone, only to protect people and especially women from the harms that are intrinsic to trans ideology. Unfortunately, you can't help anyone who doesn't want to be helped. Sometimes though, you can play dumb and ask questions that might get them to think a little bit more about the rhetoric they're repeating. For example, I often go out for drinks with coworkers, one of whom is a she/they nonbinary woman. One time she said something about how she couldn't be a full they/them because she's still 'girly' sometimes. I said something like "doesn't it seem kind of regressive to associate how feminine you are with how much of a woman you are? what about butch lesbians?" She didn't have an answer and brushed it off, but I could see the cogs turning a bit. Playing the uninformed normie pointing out the obvious sometimes gets them to realize how twisted the logic in trans echo chambers can be. And I think sometimes expressing your disagreement with the dogma can show your friends, who know you well and know you're a good person, that, contrary to what they've been told, not everyone who disagrees with gender ideology is an evil nazi out to slaughter transwomen in the streets.
But yes, in general, it is very very isolating to hold radical feminist beliefs. I'm sorry you're going through it. One thing to remember is, there are tons of women even in your general vicinity, who like you, don't buy into gender rhetoric but aren't saying anything in order to preserve their safety and social lives. I do believe that as the world seems to be becoming more aware of the reality of the situation, more and more people will feel able to be open about their dissent, and it will become less of a fringe opinion as the flaws in the ideology are exposed. Here's hoping I guess. Keep your chin up anon.
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cowboymantis · 4 months
Y'know what since it's pride month, I'll do a little random rambling about my identity, bc hell I am 22 whole years old and I am still struggling with my gender lmaoo 😭😭
But also, nowadays I think it's really funny that I took so long to properly realize I was trans and aroace
There were. So many signs. 💀
I almost dreaded to come out as trans to one of my old online friend groups, not bc I thought they were transphobic (bc we were always a heavily lgbtq group), but because I thought I took so long and now I'd have to explain myself. (Stupid I know, but my family is very transphobic, so I never got to be my true self irl, and idk if I ever will as long as my family lives, but maybe I'll be brave enough one day)
But one of the first reactions I got was just yeah I always thought you were gonna say that 😭 And us all talking AND OTHERS COMING OUT TOO it was just such a weight lifted from my shoulders, it was so great.
Because of my family, I'm not 100% sure how I feel about my gender, if I feel more nonbinary or male, it's more something in-between, but more towards male,, but that's why I just feel most comfortable without a label, I'm just me and I'm here 🛌
When it comes to figuring out I'm aroace, the thing is, I kinda thought about it before, but I wasn't sure. Even then, it wasn't too long before I realized.
I always hated romance and cheesy scenes, kissing and especially sex scenes in anything I watch make me super uncomfortable, I'd sometimes think about, if I'm grown up and in a relationship, I have to do all of that... And I was actually scared of needing to get in a relationship, or something like that. Part of it was pressure from my parents to tell me I need to find a partner, to, I guess properly live my life or something. And this is essentially what a lot of people think, that you NEED to have a partner to be complete, and I always found it so weird. I don't want a partner I just wanna sit in my room and play videogames all day :'D
Oddly enough, No Straight Roads, one of my favourite games ever, has indirectly helped me- NOW HEAR ME OUT. One name: Eve.
Omg I love Eve so so much, and her whole arc just made me slowly go ... I feel that omg
I was in one relationship in my life, I'm actually still friends with that person, they also came out as trans, but are in a poly relationship now, which is kind of funny to me because we went pretty much the exact opposite route, I love it 😭
Anyway, I never had any feelings of love how people describe it, I never had any attraction to people. But I was so desperate when we broke up, like I lost my one opportunity in life to be in a relationship, like I needed to have someone else no matter how uncomfortable I felt being in one.
And I just saw my younger teenage self in Eve and I think this is one of the reasons I am so attached to this character, gahhHH I love No Straight Roads so much. It has helped me in a time I was feeling down, it indirectly got me into kpop (😭😭yeah), which then also came at the right time when I had a downer phase, and the community of the game on release was just so sweet.
But yeah, to come back to it, throughout my life, I basically went from "I guess I'm pan or something, because I don't have a preference"
To "Okay the thought of being with a man disgusts me, so I have to be a lesbian"
To "Okay, but I just like looking at people in an aesthetical way, I simp for characters or actors as a joke, I just like looking at them or think they're cute, but that's about it"
And then I was just like oh. Oh wait. it's all coming together.
Realizing you're aromantic and/or asexual can be really hard, and I've seen others' experiences be similar to mine. I think, in a way, it's so hard bc pursuing relationships is the norm for most of the world.
Thinking back to that one lesson we had in ethics class I'll never forget, we had to write down something about the meaning of life. And then everyone should say what they have written down and what their idea was. Most people wrote down having a family. I don't even know what I wrote down (probably something like a happy life or something basic), but I talked about how meaning of life doesn't have to be having a family. And the teacher basically laughed at me for saying that bc that's the whole point of being a human!!!
And I guess from that day I had this one sided beef / grudge against this teacher bc how the hell are you an ethics teacher and think so one-sided 😭 Sure, humans start families so they don't die out, but not EVERY human needs to start a family to have a purpose in life?
So yeah, anyway. Aspecs are very nuanced, there are those who have platonic relationships, people who enjoy sex although they are not attracted to someone, I myself am absolutely repulsed by anything sexual and I don't ever want any type of relationship, I don't like being lovey dovey, and I hate being too close to someone, like hugging, etc. On the outside I've always been very distant, but on the inside I have all the love I don't have for romance, for my friends and for this world instead 😌🙏
I guess I can really seem too cold or maybe even angry, bc it's hard for me to properly show my emotions, and that's why I prefer text over word, I can express myself so freely and can add all the silly little emotes I want :3
Also, I always loved the I do not perceive and do not wish to be perceived bc yeah . Me fr jfhdjdhr
Also, I'm not too fond of sexualities and genders all having weird stereotypes, but god damit I love robots/androids etc sm I always would love to be one fr ‼️‼️ I guess that's one of the reasons I was immediately hooked on Tokusatsu- NO THIS IS NOT GONNA BE A TOKU POST THIS HAS DERAILED WAY TOO FAR
But speaking of-- Naki me belobed and ofc their actor, I love Nakayama sm man and recently read an a bit older interview of him and he's so real 😭😭 I've never literally me-d for an actor so much 🥲
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sammyfenderr · 9 months
I Love you
This is my first fic 🙈. I’ve been a Sam Fender fan for years but never had the confidence to post anything myself. I’m a massive fan of lots of writers on here @17-goingunder @theborders @the-leveller @jhangelface0523 (and many more) and they’ve all inspired me to try myself. I hope you enjoy!!
Friends to Lovers
Y/n was a shy girl. Never one to be outspoken in a group setting and certainly not one to be confident in her own skin. She struggled with her body image and with socialising with people she didn’t know too well. However, despite these so called ‘flaws’, she was kind. Her eyes had a warmth to them and when you looked into them, you felt at home. Without knowing, she had a capability to make people feel safe and good.
Sam had secretly admired her for years. She was in the same year as him in school and after Sixth Form Y/N had cemented herself well into their friendship group. Sam thought she was the prettiest girl out there. He loved how much SHE loved, how she constantly put others before herself and how her heart was just the purest. The crease between her eyebrows when she laughed and the twinkle in her eyes when she was faced with cute cat videos were little quirks he was enamoured by.
However, Y/n was far too self conscious to let herself believe anyone like Sam would be interested in her. She had been there through all his previous girlfriends, secretly earning to be them, wishing she could be the one being comforted by Sam when drunk, getting songs written about her or better still, getting random kisses and hugs from him just because he could. But she never verbalised these desires and so Sam never felt he was in the position to express to her how much he loved her. It was a vicious cycle and it was inevitable to catch up on them.
Urgh. There it was. That sickly sweet voice Y/n had grew to hate so much.
Leah was Sam’s newest girlfriend. He’d met her a couple months back on a night out in Newcastle and they’d been going out for about 4 months. There was nothing wrong about her. She seemed sweet and made Sam happy, but that’s what made Y/n secretly resent her more.
“We were just talking about you!”
“All good things I hope” Y/n joked in jest.
“Is that a new top you’re wearing?”, the blonde girl asked.
“Erm no it isn’t actually, it was me Mams in the 90s, she let me borrow it.”
“Aw, cute”, a slight trace of a patronising tone in her voice.
“Sam was just saying how you’ve finally found a new job. Took you long enough! Anyone would think you’ve just been living off this lots money!!”
Woah. You could tell she was drunk, but she’d never been this confrontational with you before.
“LEAH.” Sam snapped. He looked mortified.
Y/n’s cheeks had flushed bright red and she began to recoil in on herself.
“Leah, what the fuck?” Dean said.
You were so confused, where had all this come from? Sure, you and Leah were never the best of friends but you also were never enemies.
“Oh calm down would yous, it was only a joke!” she declared.
But you didn’t find it funny, and Sam could tell. You were very self conscious about the fact all your friends now had money and you were still struggling to get ends to meet. You never asked anyone for help financially, but Sam new you struggled and would always be conscious never to make you feel uncomfortable because of it.
“Leah, where did that come from? You know Y/n has never taken advantage of any of us!”, the geordie blonde boy seethed.
“Oh give over, none of you can take a joke. I’m going to the toilet.”
Y/n wanted the ground to swallow her up. She hated attention, and currently everyone was staring at her. All she could think about was the quickest route to leave.
“Y/n Im so sorry I don’t know what’s gotten into her.”, Sam apologised. The look of guilt written all across his face.
“Don’t be daft,” Y/n stated, “I’m sure she meant nothing by it.”
Sam wasn’t so sure though. He’d had constant arguments in last few weeks with Leah about Y/n. Leah felt threatened by her and Sam’s relationship, and so she expressed that by declaring to Sam she didn’t like Y/n a few weeks back. She also felt like Sam cared more for Y/n then her. To make matters worst, Sam couldn’t console her on this. He loved Y/n and if it came to it, he’d pick her, every time.
An hour later and Y/n was outside the pub having a cig to calm her nerves. She was still so embarrassed from earlier but she didn’t make a fuss, just sat with her friends and pretended nothing had happened. Inside it had ruined her though, she needed a few minutes outside to just compose herself before she faced Leah again.
“May a join you?” a familiar voice filled her ears.
Subconsciously, a smile plastered its self across Y/n’s face and her rapidly beating heart began to slow. Sam was the only person who made her feel like this.
She quickly nodded her head and he took a seat next to her, his scent drowning out everything else. He was just perfect.
For a couple moments they sat in silence, just enjoying one another’s company. They were the type of friends who could do this and it wouldn’t be awkward. The warmth radiating off him was addictive and Y/n couldn’t resit her desire to be closer, deciding to rest her tired head upon his shoulder.
She was slowing starting to feel more calm and like herself until a sob could be heard from the blonde man sitting next to her.
Y/n’s head whipped round and she felt her heart shatter from the sight in front of her. His eyes looked desperate for some comfort and his body was pitifully shaking. She couldn’t take it, seeing the one person she truly loved being so broken and vulnerable.
“Oh Sammy. Come here”
He didn’t need to be told twice. His head soon buried itself into her neck and he clung onto her like his life depended on it.
Y/n had never seen him like this before. So heartbroken and inconsolable. It was torturous. His sobs were harsh and he was struggling for breath, his salty tears were soaking themselves into Y/n’s top and his hands had become white from how hard he was clinging onto his girl.
“Oh my darling, please talk to me. Tell me what you need.” Y/n whispered comfortingly.
“I need you.” was all the man said.
Y/n’s eyes began to tear up at his confession and subsequently she began to rock him side to side, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.
“Baby tell me what’s the matter, please. I hate seeing you like this and not knowing how to help you.”
“Erm..” Sam started, “Well…” he was struggling and Y/n could tell. She placed a sweet kiss on his cheek, a sign telling him to keep going, she was there for him.
“I hate how Leah treated you earlier and I hate how she clearly made you feel. You’re the best person in my life and I’ll be damned if I let anyone, especially a girlfriend, treat my best friend anything less than the princess she is.”
Y/n was speechless. Did he really care for her that much?
“Truth be told, I’ve always admired you. Thought you were the kindest, cleverest, prettiest girl I knew and I think Leah knew that deep down. But I’ve been too scared to do anything about it. I always thought you’d never feel that way about me so I’d get myself another girl who wasn’t half as interesting as you, but would be interested in me.”
What the hell was going on?! Surely Sam didn’t feel the same way about Y/n as she did for him.
“Anyway I’m rambling. The point is, I’ve just broken up with Leah.”
“I know it’s probably a shitty thing to do it so quickly and in such a public place but I couldn’t take it anymore. She didn’t make me happy and I didn’t really want her like I wanted you.” his voice noticeably got quieter at the end of his little speech, but Y/n heard loud and clear.
“And I’m not expecting you to feel the same way or to even say anything back to me, I just want you to know that’s it’s always been you. It always has been, and always will be.”
It was music to Y/n’s ears. That’s all she’d ever wanted to hear, right from the first day she saw him she was captivated and she knew she’d never fall out of his spell. Everything about him was perfect; his goofy smile, sensitive nature, immature humour and incredible musical talent. Y/n was in awe of him and always wished she could be good enough for him. Little had she known though, it was exactly Y/n’s humble and kind nature that had made Sam equally fall for her.
“Sam… i don’t know what to say” Y/n’s voice trembled. And before she could wipe the tears that began to pour down her face, Sam was wiping them away with the pads of his thumbs, kissing away sweetly at the tears on her cheek.
“I’ve always wanted you.”
Now it was Sam’s turn to be stunned.
“From the moment I saw you I knew I’d never love anyone the way I loved you. You were just perfect and so I never let myself believe I could ever have you because, how could someone so good love someone like me.” Y/n confessed.
“Oh Y/n, you have no idea what you mean to me. You are the best person I know and I promise, if you let me, I’ll spend the rest of my life making you see yourself the way I see you.”
“Fuck, you have no idea how much I want that, Sammy.” You spoke through tears of joy.
And before Y/n could think another thought, his forehead rested upon hers and he bumped his nose against her little button one, a silent question of consent asking her if he could get closer. She smiled and nodded gently.
Suddenly his sweet lips began to press against hers. He started slowly and softly, testing the waters, before the pair let there passion take over and they kissed each other like they’d been so desperate to do since the very first day. Tears were spilling out both their eyes, it was just perfect. All she could feel was him, and all he could feel was her and that was all they wanted for the rest of their lives.
——————————————————————— ——
Arghhh. I hope this was ok?! Please let me know your feedback!!
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It makes me almost laugh how, even after P5R, some genuinely believe Akiren and Akechi hate each other. It’s just so baffling to me when (and this isn’t even everything):
1) The whole beginning of their confidant (and Akiren still going out with Akechi for eight whole ranks) implies in a not-even-subtle way that Akiren knew. He knew from the very start that Akechi was someone at the very least dangerous due to his detective work, and even more so with the full-on certainty (basically) that Akechi had already been into the metaverse. Yet the full true ending requires that the whole confidant has been completed and truly, besides an initial attempt to understand the danger the PTs were getting into with Akechi, Akiren/Akechi’s whole outings were... dates. The most normal of dates, aside from Rank 7 (which is where, again, not even so subtly, Goro “mentions” the whole assassination ordeal and an aborted-from-the-start possible accomplice route) and ofc Rank 8. Akiren didn’t have much to gain from them, besides possibly understanding... well, Akechi as a person. And also, Akiren is kind of an appreciator of the fine art of danger, he likes the thrill of it. He loves the rivalry they have. 
2) I adore how dudebros many use the whole “I hate you” bit of Rank 8 as proof of Akechi’s hatred towards Akiren and... it is kinda funny. Because, yes, the sentiment is there, and Akechi isn’t utterly lying, but it requires a reading between the lines operation. Both Morgana and Maruki literally state, respectively that “Goro likes Joker” (OG Japanese Engine Room, translated in English as “You don’t hate Joker”, which still conveys the same meaning, albeit less strongly/forwardly) and that their relationship “ISN’T based on hatred, nor ill will”. 
What Goro defines as spite for Akiren as a person is mostly spite because of his envy. Envy because Joker is everything Goro could have been had he had a chance. Envy because Joker was luckier. Envy because Joker got what Akechi had been craving for the most: being loved by people around him for who he is. These same people are also ones that state how basically everything from Akechi’s mouth is a full on lie besides this one and only one, but I digress. A more normal line of thoughts linked to this is, well, Akechi’s whole assassination attempt as proof of his hatred again, which well, the assassination attempt is yikes on a healthy relationship perspective, but since I am not debating on whether their relationship is healthy or not as if enemies to lovers where the lovers attempt to kill each other isn’t a basis for many heterosexual classical literature romances as well, isn’t it pretty funny that Goro challenges Akiren to a duel just before that fateful day of November. And isn’t it even funnier how he wasn’t that surprised by Akiren surviving and even states,at max rank, how Akiren too isn’t satisfied with how they left it either. I wonder.
3) P5R whole, well, Royal part is literally Maruki creating a false reality for all the PTs and somehow people still believe Akiren hates Goro with the full-on knowledge that Akiren’s whole ideal (again ideal, wished for) reality is Goro living and working with the PTs. It’s Goro having a second chance. It’s Goro specifically being with him, playing Chess with him in the reserved space of Akiren’s attic (the window behind them is the same as Akiren’s attic), their card is the only one, besides Simping Morgana - where Ann isn’t even looking at him btw) - where two PTs are together). 
I have seen someone in a comment mention how this is proof Akiren wanted Akechi to pay for his crimes and being alive was so Goro could be sent to jail when? Literally Akechi isn’t allowed to go to jail in Maruki’s reality LMAO. Akiren could have asked for everything. Money, fame... yes, but we can state these aren’t truly Akiren-like wishes, right? So, not that. But how about... having a loving family that actually cares? Because no, I can’t believe parents who leave their child to a friend’s acquaintance are supposed to be good parents. But this is an HC, so let’s scrap that. Then there is it: clearing up his name. Making it so that all of his crimes would vanish completely, especially in a country like Japan where having a dirty record is utterly terrible. He would get rid of the side-looks, the prejudices, the suspicions possibly brewing in his home town about him being the worst of criminals at age 17/18. And yet. No. For sure we can say the PTs being all together is also accounted for in Akiren’s wish, possibly, but the thing is, Maruki doesn’t use that as a last resource. His ace in his sleeve was Akechi. Had always been.
4) Every single third awakening in the game is in each PT’s room. It’s somewhere private, somewhere which is only theirs, somewhere they can call home. Akechi’s initially, in early development as uncovered by Faz, was in Jazz Jin which, he himself admits, is kinda his place, a place where he unwinds and relaxes. Akin to, well, a bedroom. Yet, it was significantly changed. Changed to freaking Leblanc. And no, I don’t think it’s because of the coffee. 
5) You know the song No More What Ifs? The one which at first was in Proof Of Justice (which, by the way, either inspired the contents of the game or the Anime and P5R directors are besties, since what’s in there is basically Akechi’s P5R confidant condensed in 20 minutes of angsty gay longing footage) and then got put, as many other Proof of Justice related matters - as stated above -, in the game? It’s literally Akechi’s theme song. And it talks about him in every way (I can only be me... if you haven’t read Mementos Mission GO READ IT) and about someone else who brings joy to life (I wonder who that is)? Yes, well, the instrumental of it is the default song in the Thieves Den. Which. It’s defined as Akiren’s palace. 2+2=4 and in here Suspicious coincidences add up to just equal either fruity (for real) or still the undeniable fact that what these two share is a sentiment far, far from hatred.
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A little opinion about the boys?I love your blog 🩷
Thank you~
William - Not my type, but I don't dislike him. He's so self-giving, and kind and very polite........and I'm a girl who likes jerks. Sometimes he can be crazy for example, in his birthday story, I was spoiled that one time, on his birthday, he asked his victim to sing him 'Happy Birthday' before killing him. I mean that's brutal but badass at the same time! When he's with Kate, so far, he's very kind, and asks her to be more open and more selfish with her desires and it's just all fine. It didn't make me go 'Awww, that's so cute!!!' or anything. It's just fine. His route is a little drag though, I won't lie.
Liam - Okay. I didn't like Liam at first. I thought his looks and his profile sounded boring (except for him being a stage actor, I LOVE IT WHEN MALE LEADS HAVE DIFFERENT JOBS!) I was scared that they were going to make him overly flirtatious....but I'm glad that he isn't. He's so cute! OH MY GOD, HE'S SO CUTE!!! His route looks fucked-up and also according to @archiveikemen she told that the story isn't an 'I can fix him' story, which I really appreciate btw! His route does have some cute moments like him acting in front of Kate to cheer her up and jumping off of roofs while carrying her in his arms...those are all so cute, and I love it!! His personality is very innocent and childlike and other members are worried about him because they don't want him to get hurt because of his curse. I love him now, he went from being my least fav character to one of my favs!!
Harry - Ofc, I love him. I find him cute! I find his lies also very cute. He's like 'I and Liam are not buddies.' and the same Harry is worried about Liam getting hurt. I love their dynamic too. Other than this I don't know too much about him because I haven't even started his route. But I love him and I find him interesting. Also his route. just from its preview looked cute and less dark, I guess? So I'm curious. And given that he's a Sherlock Holmes fan, I wouldn't be surprised if later Cybird releases a card of him and Arthur together.
Elbert - I think this guy is an idiot! lol. A funny idiot. He wants to lock Kate in his room because he thinks she's the one he is looking for...man that's so creepy and hilarious at the same time. Outside that, I think he, like William, is a kind and polite character. But I like him more than William because I feel like Elbert could be a yandere....maybe I'll be proven wrong. But he seems like he could be a Yandere character. Also, I find his ability really interesting. The other male leads have abilities that are very good for their 'Crown-related' jobs, so I'm curious how they use Elbert's ability in desperate circumstances. You can use his ability on your enemies if you want to mentally torture them.
Alphonse - For me personally, I don't care about him. I don't hate or like him. I don't even find him......interesting. He looks to be like he's hiding something and is into shady businesses and I feel like I have seen so many characters like him. I can't give any examples, it's just I 'feel' like I have seen characters like him before. He looks to be the spy of this game, but who knows? One thing I really find interesting is his ability is really fucked-up if you think about it. You can use that to literally manipulate people into showing them what YOU want to see. That can actually mess up people's minds in reality. But as a character, he's a hit or a miss for me. Let's wait of his main route.
Roger - His profile says he is egoistic but I don't find him that egoistic. When you read his bond stories, I find him really caring towards, Kate and other members of the Crown. Even when he says he uses Liam as his test subject for his 'human experiments', it doesn't seem like he's tormenting him or anything. I don't know, prove me wrong. I like him though.
Jude - \(≧▽≦)/(≧◡≦) ♡σ(≧ε≦σ) ♡Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→(˘∀˘)/(❤ω❤)(。・//ε//・。)(*/ω\)(⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)(„ಡωಡ„)
Ellis - Yep! He's hot, caring, kind, funny and creepy. Yes! I find him a little creepy but I love that creepiness. His ability actually involves restraining people...................why do I feel like we might be getting 'bondage' scenes in his route? He has this certain smile that looks like he wants to tie me up at this moment and I like that smile. Towards, Kate and the others, he is very kind. All he wants is for everyone to be happy and if he finds anyone unhappy, then he will do anything to make them happy. This can be mess-up too, like in the prologue he offers to kill Kate because she looks unhappy to him. This same guy is also like 'I'll make sure you will be happy while you live with us.' Look I love creepy guys okay. I find them genuinely funny most of the times. I also love his dynamic with Jude. These two are so hilarious together. Hands down the best pair in this game! For example this one scene in William's route:
Victor: "Ellis, do you want to go on a mission with them?"
Jude: "There he goes again, using my men without my permission."
Ellis (Sad puppy dog eyes): "I don't mind, but....."
Jude: "But what?"
Ellis (Sad puppy dog eyes): "If I go, and at that time, if Jude encountered the happiest moment of his life. Then I wouldn't be able to see it."
Jude (Angry): "Tch. You, creepy bastard! I hope you go there and die."
Victor - I love Victor. He's my second fav character! I love his lively, chirpy and loud personality. It's cute. He's like a real dad! Reminds me of my own dad. Maybe that's why I like him! He's like the comic-relief character of this game. A funny guy and I like that. It's better than a cold, brooding, unapproachable character that looks cool at first but becomes boring later on. He cares for the Crown members, and also looks after them, making sure all their wishes are fulfilled. Even Kate. He makes sure that as long as she lives with the Crown, she's happy and safe. Still, I don't know much about him, but so far, I really really enjoy him whenever I interact with him.
Now, Jude - I FUCKIN LOVE THIS MAN AND THIS LOVE IS OVERFLOWING RIGHT NOW!!! I can't contain it! I love this motherfucker! He's ruthless, arrogant, swears, bullies, delinquent, kind, caring, cute, and ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!! Just look at his smile man! It's so angelic compared to his arrogant personality. I wanna kiss this man on the lips every time I see him being kind to Kate! I wanna call him a jerk every time he bullies Kate! God! I even want to keep him to myself and never give him to anyone when he's being so FUCKIN CUTE!!! The more I learn about him, the more I love him! He's so lovely! He's absolutely lovely....there's no saving me from this jerk, guys! Even his ability is so cute. He can help me sleep! For some reason, no amount of medicine works on me! Maybe his warmth, his angelic smile, and his ability will help me!! Honestly, I cannot express my love for him completely just through words! I love him! I AM JUST HOPELESSLY IN LOVE WITH THIS GUY!!
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magmythedevil · 1 year
Hi There! So, I'm the one who made the ask about the criticisms Murder Drones has been getting lately and I wanted to make one more ask to follow up on it. I hope you don't mind and that this doesn't bother you at all, feel free to answer if you want and if you feel comfortable. 💙
So, I've seen the hate for MD get worse and worse (Some people have even made fun of others for loving the show and calling it Mid Or Awful) at least when it comes to over on Twitter..I've even seen someone say that the show is going the HB route when it comes to a show going downhill. If you don't know what I mean, basically Helluva Boss (another webseries on YT) started to slowly go downhill back in S1 sometime around episode 4 of the first season which is where I myself actually started to see a drop in quality and saw just how flawed it was, it's especially worse when you find out nothing was planned out. But, things got REALLY BAD for the show when S2 arrived and more and more critical videos and posts started to come out for Helluva..although with that show, I don't see anything being improved and getting better, especially since the creator herself sees herself as untouchable and sees no flaws with her shows and just absolutely refuses to take criticism.
But with Murder Drones, as I've mentioned..I'm kinda worried and concerned that this show could end up not improving on the issues people have had with the series and more people being thrown off and pushed away from it, some have already called it a drop in quality from Glitch Productions and it's weakest show or just not giving it a chance at all. Of course, there's absolutely nothing wrong with criticism and it's important to hear criticism as it can help you improve and some fans have pointed out and agreed with the criticisms, at least when it comes to it's pacing problem + adding too many mysteries and not answering others we need answers too. Someone also pointed out about the teasers Glitch throws at us when hinting at the next episode drop, some have called it a copout and just there to get us hyped and just false advertising and a cheap way to get fans to watch the show. As I've mentioned, some fans pointed out that telling by the thumbnails and teasers for the recent episode, everyone thought this was gonna be the darkest one yet for the show and a turning point but it ended up disappointing some in the end, ect. I kinda do fear this show going down the drain and even losing interest in the show myself and how people may view it. I'm even worried about the show being rushed, I fear that the reason both 4 and 5 have been struggling with it's pacing + some other issues is because the show is probably trying to rush to the finale, afterall we only have 3 episodes left before the season ends (S1 is supposed to have about 8 Episodes) and we aren't sure where the show goes from here, honestly.
But, back to the criticisms, most criticisms I've seen for MD is that the comedy is pretty bad (or not being funny enough for adults, or something like that) and ruins scenes that do not need them, mostly the intense moments, the shipping and hinting at romance, (Someone on Twitter literally called Nuzi another version of Starco (Star Vs.) I'm not joking!) the direction for the show, since many have mentioned that the story is all over the place and it seems like such a mess and doesn't know where it wants to go and that's kinda understandable..although I don't know much about Liam and how he does his storytelling, so maybe I'm missing something. For anyone who's familiar with Liam please let me know, because most people have pointed out they see the writing as lazy and rushed, but others have said that Liam has a unique and interesting way of telling stories and that's why the show leaves people confused, but idk..as I've said, maybe I'm missing something. I didn't know much about Liam Vickers and what he did beforehand before making MD, I did know a bit about Cliffside, but nothing before that.
Sorry for this post being super long and too detailed, but I wanted to add onto my ask from the other day and see if anybody else has been worried and feeling the same way, I know MD has a huge fandom, but I wonder how others feel when it comes to criticism. I know some fans understand that it's okay for others to dislike the show, but I've noticed the criticisms have gotten a little harsher, at least from what I've seen from people. But, I honestly want to know yours and even everybody else's answers, for anyone who want to give their opinions on this issue that's going around for Murder Drones lately. Are any of you worried and concerned for the future of the show and does it make you sad that the show has been bashed and shit on lately? Is anyone (especially if you're a huge fan of the show) worried about losing interest and the future of the show, or no?
As for myself and how I see things, I'll always love and adore the show and I'm enjoying where we're heading for the show and after that cliffhanger of Episode 5, it left me both excited and invested to see where we go from here, I want MORE of this show and wanna see where we go next and how this season could end. Although, I certainly do hope that Liam and the team do listen to some of the criticisms the show's been having lately and improve on that in the future, especially if we get more seasons of the series. Murder Drones really does mean a lot to me and I think it definitely deserves more love and appreciation, sure it's popular and has a fandom, but not many really talk and discuss about it when it comes to a webseries like Helluva Boss, you know? I remember discovering MD for the first time and it was during a hard time in my life and when I was struggling with my issues, it really helped me happy and smile during hard times and it's just so comforting and I just don't think I'll ever stop being hyperfixating on it. :3
I myself havent see any criticism at all, Just the fandom making memes, fanarts being happy and making theories. The only one i saw was sarcastic chorus's review where he says that episode 5 was the weakest one because the episode felt more like a a set up episode for next one.
And i have nothing more to say than what i alredy said before; I trust the creator and i believe things are going great and when the right time comes everything will make sense.
So If you want a very "scientifical"review analysing everything to say If things really are going bad or are going great im the worst person for It lolll, im just a guy who is in love with everything about the show so im unable to see things in an negative way
Also, comparing murder drones with Helluva Boss doesn't make sense.
These are two completly different shows that are being made in completly different ways, Just because hb is a big indie show doesn't mean all of the other indie shows are being influenced by It c'mom.
Its the first time Liam has gone this far with one of his stories, All of his other projects are unfinished (because you know, animation is hard and expensive) So please give the guy a chance before making those weird "things are going downwhill :/" assumptions
Idk what you guys are so afraid of, the story is going great for me, just because some episodes weren't as good for you as the others ones it doesn't mean that its a "helluva boss situation"
Also, the "It has to much comedy, It should be more serious" thing doesn't make sense for me, murder drones was never meant to be that serious, at least, not when its ins't needed, some people saw how dark episode 3 was and thought all of the other ones would be similiar to It and thats why some guys get disappointed every new episode.
Also on the Topic of the teasers, i agree that the teasers really make things seem like things are going to be more serious when they acctually arent, but saying glitch is doing It on purpose to get views is very.....they just like to make suspense, theyre not clickbaiting you and its very weird that you think that,
theyre just artist doing their best to give a good show. Theyre not a another "evil viviziepop" playing dumb with their viewers, you guys are traumatized JEEZZZ
maybe you just got anxious because you see way to much negativity, try to calm yourself. this is one of Liam's biggest projects, i can assure you this story and Its characters are in great hands.
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
A drabble for Honesty with Yuno and Muu for @amugoffandoms! Thank you for the request -- not only was I really inspired by the concept, but writing this FINALLY made everything click in my brain about Muu's character. As Yuno is making realizations about her, so am I lmao 😂
Yuno was good at breaking people down. Given a bit of time, she could pick them apart -- what they wanted, what made them tick, what was going on behind the scenes. There were many methods to get them to give in and open up to her. Milgram had given her a challenge, though. Try as she might, she could not break Muu Kusunoki. And boy, did she try. 
As soon as they met, Yuno could see her for what she was. The two were the same, she thought with a bit of satisfaction. Yuno saw a bit of herself every time Muu read the room and responded accordingly, nudging people in a certain direction to get what she wanted. 
She tried everything in her power to connect. After all,  they were just two actresses trying to make it through this ordeal. But Muu never seemed to reciprocate. She delved into personal secrets in the hopes of seeing the other unmasked as well. She offered attention and praise. She grew chatty. She shut up and listened. She became more forceful, asking questions about her crime. Each time, Muu was far more focused on Haruka than anything else. There was something going on, and Yuno would get to the bottom of it.
Yuno knew there was only one option left to try. She’d always hated the honest route, though.
The pair had just seen Haruka off with sweet smiles. They had a quick moment to themselves in the dining hall. Yuno rested her cheek on her palm.
“Why do you do that?”
Muu took a sip of her drink, avoiding her eyes. “Do what?”
“String Haruka along like that.”
“He’s Muu’s friend. Of course we hang out.”
“He won't do anything for you in the long run. He can't.”
“Do anything…?” She giggled sweetly, knowing exactly how to angle her head to appear oblivious. “Isn’t being my friend enough?”
Yuno sat up straight. She was tired lying in circles around each other.
“Come on. Just be honest with me. What are you trying to gain in all this?”
Her face scrunched in confusion. “I told you, I want a friend. Someone who likes me and treats me well. Haruka gives Muu lots of attention. He tells me I’m pretty, and nice.” She smirked, but it was the kind of smile that showed she knew she was pretty and nice. “And I like him, too! He’s cute. Like a sad little puppy, you know? I’m less lonely with him.”
At that moment Yuno was hit with a sudden and painful realization. It was a rare occasion in which she had been wrong about someone: unlike her, Muu was an honest girl. 
All of their past conversations made sense, now. Muu never lied, she just stayed quiet. She didn't twist any truths, she just offered different ones. She may have been giving others exactly what they wanted, but she never had to fake parts of herself to do so.
Muu squinted at her. “Don’t you have friends that are just… well… friends?” Yuno’s gaping expression must have gone unnoticed, because she simply laughed. “You’re funny, you know that?” 
The two sat in awkward silence. Well, it was to Yuno. Muu seemed perfectly untouched as she finished her drink. 
She stood. “Muu is going to go see what the others are doing.”
“Alright, have fun,” Yuno said distantly. “It was nice talking with you.”
“Oh, was it? I thought it was kinda weird.”
A dry laugh escaped her. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” 
Muu made it to the doorway before Yuno blurted. “Hey.” She had one last question, and knew she’d get an honest answer. “Why did the warden forgive you? I heard it was a really tough decision for them.”
“Hmph, I still think they should have forgiven Muu very easily…” She tapped a finger to her lips, thinking cutely. It was a practiced pose of Yuno’s, but she made it look effortless. It probably was. “I guess they finally understood that what I did was to protect myself, and that I was worth it. I mean, you were forgiven too, so you understand.”
She left with a dainty wave. And that’s when Yuno was hit with a second painful realization. Another rare occasion: she was jealous.
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lilac-udon · 18 days
very triggering speech, I love this character is just have issues with how people perceive it I am not good at english or expressing so this probably sounds very harsh
I laugh about how much Sunny is cute in many eyes, and I make Sunny cute in mine Au too. The "cute" I mean is more like you have done something wrong but you act a bit like you are the victim even though you are an overall "good person", the lack of responsibility you take. The situation is complicated, and I don't blame Sunny, I like his character a lot but the overwhelming love of preference for him and makes him in all the good is just ironic to me partiality, if that's the right word I think the problem is I took a look at my understanding of Basil's perspective, I just think Sunny is kind of a jerk. In all hikikomori routes, he leaves and starts a new life, which is miserable to sunny, and most readers react to this as such a bad ending, bc IS bad for sunny, how about the others, not only Basil being dead, how hero kel and Aubrey was left their whole life confuse. For Basil he died the day Sunny pushed Mari, in ppl eyes Sunny wasn't responsible for it, it was all basil own fault, it was just four years of torture before basil death day. In many eyes, Sunny isn't responsible for anything, Mari, because it's an accident; Sunny parent, bc is Basil; his friend group, bc is Basil.
saying all this made me realize how much the author made it this way it is so painful to understand these. It is funny and irritating how hard or how much most people hate to see/acknowledge this side of sunny or things that happen in the background i love angst, and I ran to see Basil's corpse, its not that I don't care for him but the implication of it toward Sunny, is good stuff(and no one understands :( I always see it as literacy to make it all so hard to understand to picture the whole clearly, like it hiding something. I felt it is genuine in writing, however, I also question if this is a writing flaw making the perspective so imbalance and easy to miss, because the implication takes so long to get there, and vague
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madametnt · 2 years
The Worst Possible Run of Until Dawn as Scientifically Calculated by Me
Sequel to this post aka Best Run(TM) can be found here
Many people have jokingly done “worst runs” of Until Dawn. Usually these are standard “everybody dies” runs where you kill every character as soon as possible, or you’re just trying to pick all the seemingly funny options. However, these runs are typically done without the absurd amount of game knowledge a loser like me possesses.
Armed with my awareness of Until Dawn’s intricacies, I sought something deeper than a simple all deaths run. My mission was to not only kill these characters in the most tragic way possible, but make them the worst possible versions of themselves while doing it. Fair warning, this guide will contain spoilers for the entirety of Until Dawn since it is best experienced after playing through the game at least once. You get to see a lot of dialogue exchanges that I haven’t been able to find documented anywhere on YouTube, so it’s very worth while if you are interested in that kind of thing. Here’s how I did it.
For this run we are only getting clues/interactables that are either mandatory, or give you the opportunity to lower a relationship with another character. The only exception to this is the hand you can touch as Mike in the asylum because it makes him look stupid. The characters have a tendency to discuss things they find and piece together clues, but not finding any change the cutscenes to make them look like confused and bumbling idiots completely oblivious to what’s going on.
Another thing that will make sense later is that you actually need to play some sections of the game correctly as to set up worse fates for the characters later down the line. Missing QTE’s for the most part only serves to slow the game down, but if you feel like doing so in the earlier sections of the game where the threat of danger is minimal then who am I to stop you?
Dr. Hill is kind of an odd ball and you can get kind of creative with these parts since they are mostly subjective. I personally recommend picking options that hate on animals, crowds, fearing women, etc. Pick the more selfish moral options, I recommend honesty since too much honesty can be seen as cruel. Just don’t pick charity, we hate giving to others here. When picking characters, pick Josh as your favorite since we wanna be a narcissist and Sam as your least favorite since she’s the most difficult to make a terrible person. The absolute must though is being completely unrepentant about the prank and suffering of the characters. Play it like Josh genuinely thinks they are getting what they deserve.
Anything labeled a “bonus” is something that doesn’t really effect anything, but add just that little extra flavor of awfulness. They aren’t mandatory and can be skipped if you feel they are a waste of time.
Last thing is anything marked with a * is just additional information
- Drop Hannah
Bonus: miss all QTE’s, take safe route, pick follow footprints, pick follow noise
* You have to feed the squirrel or else you can’t progress
- Snoop in Chris’s bag as Sam to lower their relationship
- Shoot the squirrel as Chris to lower his relationship with Sam
- Explain as Jessica
* This will lower her relationship with Sam slightly while raising it with Chris, (vice versa if you pick demand) but between the two options I think explain comes off as sassier
- Threaten Mike as Matt to lower their relationship
- Protest Emily’s request to go back for her bag
* Despite it seeming sweet Matt is worried about his GF, threatening Mike actually raises his relationship with Emily so protesting will immediately put it back down
- Encourage Matt to look in the telescope as Ashley
* Snowball fight is mostly irrelevant except for this next step, deck Mike to your hearts content
- Hit the bird during the snowball fight
- Shove a snowball in Mike’s face
* The ice sickle QTE afterwards doesn’t matter as Mike will save Jess if she doesn’t push them out of the way first
Bonus: mislead Matt when he initially asks to look through the telescope before conceding afterwards, this basically lets Matt know that Ashley at least momentarily tried to deceive him and then proceeded to be a complete pushover after a little prodding
- Gossip with Josh as Chris as worry raises their relationship
- Be unsettled when talking to Ashley as Chris since confident raises their relationship
- This is a bit hard to miss, but if you walk down (basically opposite of where Ashley is sitting) you can talk to Matt. Ask him how he Emily are doing. This will upset him since he looked through the telescope earlier.
- Basically keep telling Josh to stop being a creep when he talks to Chris about Ashley since agreeing with him raises their relationship
* Talking with Sam doesn’t have any dialogue choices
- Fight Mike as Matt (pick warn followed by attack) this will set Matt’s relationship with every character except Emily to almost zero
Now for a section I like to call Being a Horrible Boyfriend starring Michael Munroe: Part 1
- Jessica will ask Mike about Matt, I forgot what the exact option is called but you want to downplay what happened instead of being openly mad at Matt so Jessica can call bullshit on you
- Ask Jess what she remembers about the prank to be insensitive and lower their relationship
- When Jessica falls into the mineshaft, be as unhelpful and unheroic as possible, do not willingly jump down (Mike will eventually do so on his own after Jessica complains enough) to lower their relationship
- Be grumpy about the bird to lower their relationship
Back to our regularly scheduled programming
- Be mocking about Chris and Ashley as Sam to lower her relationship with Josh
- Tell Josh that “it’s weird to be back” when he tells Sam he’s glad she came
- Pick up the baseball bat while Josh is doing Josh things
- Select humorous, this causes Sam to bring up Josh’s daddy issues and lower their relationship
- Do not high five him. This doesn’t effect stats or anything but it’s about the disrespect.
* Choosing to prank him or not does not affect their relationship
- Choose to investigate the noise together since picking heroic raises their relationship
Bonus: intentionally fuck up the selfie as Mike with Jess
- Be flippant about the spirit board as Ashley to lower her relationship with Josh
* Pick any options you want during the seance, just be sure you don’t apologize since we are unrepentant bitches
Being a Horrible Boyfriend starring Michael Munroe: Part 2
- Be angry about getting pranked
- Do not cross the bridge, instead walk down towards the camera until you discover a tree with E+M surrounded by a heart
- Interact with it, and then make Mike deny it was him and blame it on Emily in a display of toxic masculinity and lower his relationship with Jess
- Kill the deer as Mike because animal cruelty
- Go into the old shed and pick up the mask inside
- Choose scare to be an asshole (and lower their relationship)
- During the chase sequence, pick all the safe options (or let time run out prompting Jess to take the lead), and make sure not to help Jess and unlock the door instead
- Pick up the rifle near the front door and select scare to lower their relationship and be an even BIGGER asshole
- Dismiss Jessica’s insecurities, pick seduce to further ignore her emotional vulnerability, and just generally use your intuition to be an uncaring dick to lower their relationship
This ends our series of Being a Horrible Boyfriend starring Michael Munroe
- Show Ashley the letter as Chris, as being protective implies we care
- For once we wanna be a good boyfriend as Mike and save Jessica during the chase (pick all the risky options, jump instead of shimmy, and get through the QTE’s)
* This is a setup so we can give her a sadder death with Matt in the caves
- Choose to save Ashley as Chris, this lowers his relationship with Josh and makes him bitter later on
- Touch the waving hand. Let the intrusive thoughts win.
- Choose to pry free twice, before cutting off your fingers with the newly dulled blade to cause Mike more suffering
- Kick the dog :(
- Do not feed the dog :(
- Tell Emily to squeeze through the window as Matt, she will deny him since our relationship is low and choosing this lowers it further
- Disagree when Emily says to go to the radio tower to lower their relationship
- When Emily falls off the ledge you’re shimmying on, do nothing to help her (she’ll pull herself up on her own but be pissed)
- Get caught by the Psycho as Sam (literally just stand there)
- Rebuke Emily as Matt to lower their relationship
- Kill the elk as Matt, but don’t let him fall off the cliff since we need him alive for now
* You cannot miss any quick time event as he’s climbing back up or he will fall to his death so be extra careful
- Do not give the flare gun to Matt as Emily to lower their relationship
- Immediately fire the flare gun so that we guarantee Emily gets bitten later (having the unused flare gun lets you avoid this)
- Be completely un-compliant with the man on the radio and do the opposite of what he tells you
- Confront Emily about her and Mike as Matt on the tower and be generally unhelpful
- Choose jump to safety both times and by this point Emily should despise Matt
- Insist you saw the ghost as Ashley to Chris to lower their relationship
- Look at the catalogue of lightbulbs in the basement to have Ashley pick up the scissors
- Have Ashley be dismissive towards the prank when talking to Chris to lower their relationship
- Be reluctant at continuing on because we hate our friends
- Enter the door which I believe is in the room with the hitlist, you’ll find a projector inside. Be sure to interact with it
- Be unrepentant about the prank when Chris comments on it to Ashley to lower their relationship
- Don’t follow Chris because splitting up is stupid and thus you want to do it
- Stab the psycho as Ashley, this makes Chris punch Josh later
- Aim the gun at Ashley first to distress her cause we’re evil
- Shoot her as Chris to lower their relationship to 0
- Do not show concern for Mike or Jessica as Sam after getting rescued as this will raise her relationship with them, focus on factual choices like asking how he got there and such
- Play through Emily’s section normally, just be sure to continue not getting unnecessary clues
- Dismiss Josh as Chris to lower their relationship
- Be angry with Josh as Chris to lower their relationship
* Because we chose to save Ashley over Josh, he will antagonize Chris here and further lower their relationship
- Hit Josh and Chris with the plywood to lower his relationship with Josh and lose Mike’s respect
- Survive the encounter with the wendigo as Emily so we can give her a more tragic death later on (just don’t fail too many QTE’s)
- Be confused as Chris when talking to Emily and do not show any concern for her or Matt
- As Chris, demand to have the pistol from Mike, he will deny you because you hit Josh earlier in the shed
- Survive the encounter with the wendigo as Chris all the way through, Ashley will refuse to let him in once he makes it to the house, letting the wendigo kill him
- Shoot Emily as Mike in the basement which puts his relationship with every character present at 0
- Hide the truth as Ashley from Sam since Sam will immediately figure out she is lying and their relationship will drop to zero
- Once the action sequence as Mike starts, put your controller down and enjoy some relaxation as him (and the doggy :( ) get pummeled
- Investigate voice as Ashley
- Open the thumping trap door to get Ashley killed as you won’t have the opportunity to do so later
- Let Matt get smacked by Jessica because funny
- Do not ask Jessica if she is alright as Matt since we do not want to show empathy
- Choose hide during the chase scene, make sure to catch Jessica before she falls
- Afterwards, choose abandon Jessica
* Running ahead could be seen as accidental where as abandoning Jessica implies Matt is knowingly leaving her to die which is much worse
- Fail to close the door in time to get Matt killed
- “Come on shake your body, baby, do the conga!“ AKA fail all the don’t moves
You did it! You made all these characters into the worst versions of themselves they could possibly be.
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rebelrayne · 2 months
Can't believe I thought of The Wizard of freaking Oz first & not this one; really, it should be a crime!
Gossip Girl: LITG edition - who is who?
I nominate either Hamish (mostly because it's funny to imagine, I want to see that man in everything), Erikah or Summer for the role as our gossip sneezer
Hi Saga! Thanks for the ask!
Yes, I loooooooove OG Gossip Girl and I have had a thought on it, though many people may not completely agree with my casting. No one is fully, exactly going to fit here but I tried to use the more affluent Islanders to cast it. I do have 'xoxo' in my drafts, but I doubt it'll ever see light of day. I put the other characters under the cut but left Blair and Serena visible. I don't think there's a perfect match for either and if I were to write this, Blair and Serena would both be OCs. Again, I don't think any Islander fully matches any of the GG characters but mostly because they're so ruthless at different times.
Blair Waldorf - Honestly, no one can match Blair. She is her own level and she's amazing, but if I absolutely had to cast her: Lexi. Lexi is so self-conscious and has a bit of low self-esteem. Though hers is her sister, Blair compares herself to Serena.
Serena Van Der Woodsen - Serena is so bubbly and captivates everyone. I would say Chelsea, but Chelsea is so much of a people pleaser that I don't think she would do a lot of the manipulating Serena did. Now it may be because I didn't do a female route in S8 but I could see Claudia being similar to Serena. She's sunshine and everyone loves her, but cross her and she won't let you forget that she could take that crown away from you before you could even comprehend.
Chuck Bass - Oh Chuck. Probably the best and worst lay of your life. Whoever could fit this super rich business guy with Daddy issues? Obviously this one is Hamish.
Dan Humphrey - Sadly, Dan is sneaky and the most manipulative of everyone and because he's a writer that wrote himself into the story...James. I hate it, too. Sorry.
Jenny Humphrey - This one was hard. I'm obviously going by personality here and not by how I have Dan casted so the Islander that fits Jenny the best and may spiral the way she did would be Jen. They both love fashion, a little edgy, have bite.
Nate Archibald - Again, I'm using affluent Islanders that would actually, possibly be apart of the UES (sorry Lewie you're not affluent). Nate is so boring to me and has no personality except for the fact that he's so perfect that he does no wrong and has this like, exceptional moral compass. He's always pushed by his parents to do things he's not really in favor of doing. Hmmm who else has that problem....Tom.
Georgina Sparks - Georgina is a whole ass mood. She's diabolical and is probably the smartest out of all of the UES. If I had to pick someone to be casted as Georgina, it would probably be Hannah. She flips a switch pretty quickly and doesn't seem to mind getting her hands dirty and pissing off that people she previously thought of as friends.
Carter Baizen - Sorry it's Eddie. I don't make the rules lmfao and I am a Carter apologist. I would have loved to see Serena end up with Carter in the end (yes, even over Nate).
Prince Louis - Youcef would so turn around and be a petty bitch. I do think Louis was actually a good guy but Blair played him the fool too many times for him to let that last one slide. Honestly? Justice for Louis because he was actually so good for Blair despite the little fit she pitched when he acted like he was just a driver on that date.
Lily - Oh come on! This one was so fucking easy. It's Juliet. I don't think I need to explain this one.
Rufus - This one was not easy. He talks about waffles a lot, but is also a good dad (okay, not always when it came to Jenny). Since he's really big into music...I don't know. I can't say Rocco, even though the hair is there, you know? Some part of me wants to say Max, but I don't know why. I think it's because I imagine that Max was similar to how Rufus was when he was young.
Eric Van Der Woodsen - I almost forgot Eric!!!!!! But he's just so special, I can't actually pick someone for him. Literally no Islander fits Eric, but I guess we can say Rohan or Tim. I just think Eric is so specific and the issues his character tackles are so important that you'd need an OC for him too.
Vanessa Abrams - In my GG x LITG universe, she doesn't exist. Bye.
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lemonynesser · 2 months
this is a recount of my reactions throughout the following video:
Tumblr media
“Oh! A negative Undertale review? And it was made around the time people were getting tired of it? I know a lot of popular things go through that stage where everyone hates on it for some reason, but I’m sure it has to contain a few valid points, at least.”
“Oh, the… comments are disabled. Ok, maybe he had em off by default, or he was just swarmed by rabid fans! I know the fans were a bit crazy in the early days. I’ll just look in the description, there’s usually an explanation there.”
Comments disabled because I'm very, very tired of the same old crap being said over and over, plus it's apparently against the law for a creator to comment on their own video after a certain amount of time.
“Ok, guess that settles it. [scrolls down a bit more, for curiosity’s sake]”
UPDATE: I can't say I've missed the comment section for this video one bit. Having zero interaction with Undertale fanatics, their zoomer style morals and their speaking habits has been utterly wonderful.
“…well, I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t a bit of a red flag, but I still believe you can make a good video!”
“Ok, the intro was good, and I’m glad he said he didn’t have anything against fans!”
“Good basic plot synopsis… Ah, he doesn’t like Earthbound, that explains some things.”
“Wait, he didn’t like Earthbound for its boring combat? That’s one of the things that Undertale improved on though!”
“That’s fair, gameplay is incredibly important to a game. (it’s called gameplay for a reason lol)”
“What do you mean there isn’t any depth to Undertale compared to “the average JRPG”? Aren’t most of the more traditional jrpgs just your move, enemy move, your move, enemy move ad nauseam? Honestly, I think Undertale has more depth involved, because even with your normal attack, there’s a little minigame you have to do for more damage, which changes with each weapon you equip!”
“Ok, fine, that’s one point I don’t think was that good. But hey, maybe he just plays a ton of mechanically in-depth jrpgs, and i’m uneducated, I’m willing to admit I’ve not played many jrpgs myself. Plus, I’m only a couple of minutes in, the points can only get better from here, surely!”
“Ok, that is fair, the game is pretty easy (at least on the non-geno routes), and both sparing and killing normal enemies is pretty easy too.”
“While the bosses have some of the most interesting patterns in the game, I’d say that another interesting thing in this game is when more than one enemy is in the same encounter together, so their patterns are added together. Makes for a more engaging fight, imo.”
“Firstly, Toriel is literally the first boss in the game, of course she’d be less deadly than the rest. Second, the only real mechanical differences between Papyrus capturing you, and actually killing you is you respawn somewhere else, your items don’t come back, and he remembers you lost to him. Otherwise, it’s functionally the exact same as dying. Lastly, being unable to die in the Adriel fight is meant to be an engaging ad powerful moment, but once again, it doesn’t really matter, as the fight uses a somewhat sparse checkpoint system, restarting you at the last checkpoint you hit. Which functions, once again, pretty similarly to actually dying. Only difference being you restart from in the battle itself, rather than at your save point.”
“I assume he’s talking about the sans boss fight being the only fight being somewhat challenging. But he did say it was “on the route to” the worst ending, and not at the end of it, so maybe he just misgendered Undyne? Regardless, I’d still say there are 2-3 actually challenging bosses in the game (sans, Undying, and Asgore) (also to some extent Omega Flowey but the game rigs the fight so much in your favor it’s almost funny).”
“Simple puzzles? tell that to the core spaceship puzzles lol”
“Something tougher or more inventive? Doesn’t the game come up with me puzzles and overworld things every section?”
“Glad to hear he isn’t against story. Also yeah the AA games are great.”
“That’s an interesting way of judging a game, asking yourself ‘Would I like this game if it was a person?’”
“aaand he’s just bashing on tumblr users and “sjw”s now. i will give him one thing though, he’s right, if Undertale was a person, it would use tumblr.”
“I feel like saying the games’ characters are just caricatures is a bit “missing the forest for the trees” so to speak.”
“Except some of Papyrus’s traps do work? And him being a lovable dim-witted goofball makes him a really likable character imo.”
“Surprisingly, I didn’t get a vibe of “internet savvy” from a lot of the game, except for like, Alphys and her anime stuff.”
“Oh, right, the Temmies do talk like that, which is sorta indicative of the internet I guess.”
are you telling me,
that you don’t like sans
because he says the word
not only that, but you imply that the word welp is some “new fangled slang” instead of a word that’s been in use for as long as i can remember??? i feel like i just got slapped into an alternant timeline by a whole roll of salami. did i miss when “welp” was young person/internet slang or is this guy just unhinged?”
“bro… why are u comparing alphys with francis from super paper mario bro, the game is 10 ears older than ut bro. bro why are you making it about gender when they’re just different characters bro. also alphys was originally a guy iirc bro. stop making this weird bro”
“yea ur right, a lot of ppl don’t like alphys because she’s annoying (fair but still)”
“that’s the thing. if you don’t find the characters interesting or engaging on even a surface level, you are not the target audience. period.”
“actually there’s technically a few neutral endings where it’s heavily implied she kills herself, so yeah you can (technically) kill alphys …why am j even talking about this”
“the only time the game really hammers home how much of a piece of shit you are for killing monsters, is in the genò route and i’m sorry, you can call that route many things, but “self defense” is not one of them. all sans does in the neutral route is tell you the true meaning of EXP and LOVE, and asks you to reflect, before dipping and saying he’s rooting for you, (unless you killed his brother but, you litterally can’t kill papyrus before he spares you, so that kill wasn’t in self-defense either). also, you can spare enemies when you attack them enough, so attacking “in self-defense” is actually rewarded with a spare! and if the enemy is straight up allowing you to spare them, basically telling you they don’t wanna fight no more, killing them then is not in self-defense anymore. this is such a shallow point, it feels more like a gut reaction than an actual criticism”
“you make fun of people saying welp, then out of nowhere drop the word “mawkish”, that’s kinda funny. but seriously, of course the endings not gonna effect you, you fuckin moron! you aren’t attached to any of the characters! which is litterally what the story rides on!”
“the fuck do you mean ‘tries too hard’”
“boiling undertales story down to “friendship is magic” is almost as bad a take as boiling it down to “killing is bad”. plus, what? do you want games about bringing our fellow man down instead of lifting them up?”
“damn, i guess i was almost right on the money huh?”
“once again. the lesson of undertale is not just “killing is bad”, nor is it just “rpg leveling systems are bad”, good god what are you smoking, and can you tell me what it is so i can stay as far away from it as possible? thanks! the game never said you shouldn’t enjoy this type of gameplay, nor is it saying you should feel bad if you do. all it’s trying to do is answer the questions “what if i could solve these battles peacefully” and “how would rpg characters, and their world, react to you grinding them?” nothing less,”
“no. not every part of every video game is designed to be fun. sometimes it’s designed to make a point (a la ut geno route), sometimes it’s to make the player deliberately feel uncomfortable and question their actions (a la spec ops the line), sometimes it’s to exploit players into spending money on microtransactions (a la almost every mobile game ever). in short, it’s not always about the fun, whoisthisgit… it’s about the mETS BABY LOBE THE METS ALRIGHT BABY GET A HOME RU”
“wow, it’s over…”
“…damn i really hate that guy.”
i hope you enjoyed this decent into madness, i sure didn’t
if you’re ok with giving this guy like $0.0002 in ad revenue, i’d recommend watching the video while reading my comments, theyle make a lot more sense then
welp, buy
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rosewoodconch · 16 days
RWCH Readathon Days 13-14?
Undercover Princess: Ch. 40-45
Mega liveblog
Ill be honest. I'm really ill: but i am on a bus for 2 hours. So: heres a really porrly written summary of like... the lead up to the ball
Ch. 40
"Promise you'll also be happy"
Shes happy sometimes?
I really like that again we see that question of jamies origin which doesnt seem so important until youve read everything else
Ill be honest, i usually skip the valentines day bits
Lola is an icon, shes right. Jamie not liking cupcakes is blasphemous
And ellie getting lottle the flowers her name was named for is really sweet and i miss this era of them when it was so easy to fix
Also that note is so incredibly stupid and yes its a threat but also imagine jamie in his room making up the rhyme
"They might take ellie away" GIRL YOUR JOB IS TO PROTECT HER NOT TO KEEP HER FOREVER. Go read the diary again cmon
Ch. 41
Exams! The ball! Finally we hear more about the ball. Its crazy that they get results that quickly
Lottie having nightmares about failing her exams is... oh this poor girl
Shoutout to angus the most scottish person here i love him
Binah is so funny. I absolutely hated people who reacted like that in school
I'm so proud of Lottie like genuinely because after all of the chaos, shes still done incredibly
I was that one sobbing ivy girl ngl. I litterally appealed my b in nat 5 physics because i was convined i deserved a A. I didnt
Ollies messages was so sweet. I missed him so much. He deserves so so so much better. I wish he was able to know things but hes so right to be concerned and hurt. Then "have a good life"
Ch. 42
DRESS SHOPPING i probably dont have many thoughts other than OMG DRESSES AND SHOES so sorry in advance
Lèon is an icon and i love him
"I never like to be predictable" YES LOTTIE HARNASS THE SASS
Hes so real with the day and night hes all of us
I really wish ellie got to wear a suit here, it wouldve contrasted so perfectly to the book 5 ball
Ellie telling jamie to "just leave" is such a horrible awful thing to have said knowing all we know on reread.
Ch. 43
Jamie lore
I like that we get this explanation before the ball. Because rereading we can see how much the "normal" route relates to ani and saskia and it makes us wonder about who else could be
Jamie is different
The fake story of Hirana, and all of the information about her being lied about not just to ellie, but to jamie too, is so so sad.
Ellie wants nothing but Jamie and her to have normal lives. For them to not be connected in this way. "Everyone should get to choose"
I really love that thats echoed in the ending of the series.
Ugh again with the trust. How often do we hear them go we need to trust each other then lottie hides more stuff again. Im tired lottie.
The Cinderella moment 😭😭😭😭
Ch. 44
Let it be known that in the audiobook connie says Queen Matilda
Her "Real Room" makes me so so happy and i cannot wait to eventually read about it again.
In fact does Lottie ever see it!??!?!?! Someone tell me
See this is what i mean about the trust thing.
Im sorry but if a girl i had a crush on pinned me against the wall, said to tell her a secret or shed bite me i think id pass out
"Youll be mad at me" well no shit sherlock
Jamie is an icon and i love him. Never change
Ch. 45
"I cant promise not to be mad, but I'll hear you out" is so eloquent and I'll always have that in my mind
Creepily similar? A resemblance perhaps?
Ellie lying to try and help lottie is sweet but scary. Because how often does she do this?
I really do think that underneath he is pained for lying to his queen. But not just because hes loyal to her, or that it is his job, but also the queen is nurturing and kind and i think he does internalise that
Lottie defending herself to jamie is so painful
I love the difference between jamie "acting pained" and then the following
For anyone who isn't using the audiobook, i want you to understand how terrifying it is when it switches pov here. Because the whole book has been connie, for the prologue was her mum.
But here, theres a male voice. Jamies va.
Jamie recognising all the palace staff is really sweet
The fact that he has such a routine, hes been trained to hide his emotions from everyone including himself.
And the simple sentence of "he broke down" honestly cuts deeper than if it had been fully elaborated. Its so simple. And thats why its so powerful. He cant even cry and feel comfort. He has to retreat away from everyone and everything
Next chapters are the ball and everything so I'll probably do another mega liveblog for those ones!
Its just easier when I'm ill to group them like this!
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