#Its Ifrit
sageofthestarz · 9 months
Looking through my wips rn thinking ya'know maybe I am a whore at heart
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arkiwii · 2 months
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travelling-hydaelyn · 4 months
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Lahabrea possessed Thancred before this questline even started which means these are back to back Laha interactions. Here is how he greets the WoL in the Waking Sands immediately after his Disney villain introduction.
Meanwhile in Minfilia's solar:
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presumably he took a brief break from running Alphinaud's errands to go dramatically laugh at the WoL
#enjoying all this with Pandaemonium context#there is a lot to unpack here#OK LETS GO PANEL 1#based on the follow up he's really just testing out the person who killed ifrit - not too different from elidibus' test later.#he comes across as goofy but i gotta ask if he taunted panda critters the same way before experiments#moreever hydaelyn is busy going “Eeeeeevvvilllll!!!” in your ear while laha chatters#I assumed this was direct line to the WoL consciousness the first time#but based on 5.2 she might just be bullhorning to anyone with ancient powers which means lahabrea is listening to her shout “eeeevviilllll”#hilarious I hope that is what was happening#PANEL 2#not shown is laha opening with “oh hi <player name>”#like he sounds more like panda laha here than almost anywhere else nearly#in which of these two panels is he acting more I ask???#I'm thinking its an even split per emet-selchs reckoning of his lost personality#if he could hold out as long as he does hanging out there in the Waking Sands hall then#it becomes very easy to see emet-selch felt like he was getting enough sanity out of him at the time. hes surprisingly functional#in spite of that intro#PANEL 3#we were SO ROBBED to miss alphinaud investigating ascians with lahabrea. so robbed#alphinaud is still unsocialized at this point so extra annoying to laha for sure#thinking about how lahabrea acted around themis in the far past fills in a few blanks. can draw a couple of parallels perhaps#rotating that thought#ffxiv#ffxiv spoilers#Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn#lahabrea#alphinaud#minfilia#ffxivedit#gamingedit
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kurozu501 · 11 months
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do you ever just remember how one of the most effective things parvis said to get silence to lose faith in saria was essentially "do you really think she would ever choose YOU over everything?" and silence with her low self esteem really didn't believe saria would.
Then in the end saria really did choose them over everything, left her defense director job and her whole life up to that point behind for the sake of silence and ifrit. and silence still doesnt even know. do you ever think about that and lose your mind a little bit.
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girlishfrenzy · 11 months
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the Dearly Adopted ADHD Daughter of all time
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miasmaghoul · 2 months
whos the best ghoul cook? do you think they have any weird eating quirks (like water ghouls eating raw fish, mountain chewin on his terra cotta plant pots, fire ghouls needing to eat more bc of higher body temp, anything like that)?
Did I ever tell you guys that I earned a scholarship to culinary school? I couldn't go, but cooking and baking remain passions of mine that I do NOT get to talk about enough.
But now you've given me an excuse >:)
So here, a BUNCH of my cooking (and favorite food) headcanons for the ghouls and Papas alike!
(There's some murder ghoul content here, mostly in Alpha's section - couldn't help myself 😌)
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Aeon isn't one for cooking. Loves eating food, certainly, but not making it. He's more of a snacker, partly because it's more convenient but mostly because he doesn't have the attention span to do much more than microwave instant noodles. He's not picky though, will eat whatever is put in front of him as long as someone else has prepared it. Also doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, more of a salty/savory guy. Favorite foods include hot cheetos, thick cut beef jerky (good to gnaw), and whatever appears on his plate at meal times.
Aether is a ghoul of simple tastes. He'll cook when he has the time, but it's going to be one of his four go-to recipes every time. Always some format of protein + starch + veg, with a complementary sauce. He meal preps every weekend after his retirement so he can have easy meals to microwave and eat in the infirmary. Isn't the biggest fan of cooking with company, unless they're willing to stay out of the kitchen and not interrupt his routine. Has a weak spot for bananas. Favorite meal is one-pan roasted chicken, potatoes and asparagus with rosemary and garlic from Mountain’s garden.
Alpha does not cook, wouldn't dream of it. He doesn't even deign to eat human food most of the time, turns his nose up at it when offered. He likes his meat raw, and wants to hunt it himself so he can feel the blood run down his chin. Any prey is fair game - if he finds you in the woods, you'd better hope you can outrun him. (You cannot.) Favorite foods include the flesh and organs of anything with a pulse.
Aurora likes the idea of cooking, but in practice...well, she tries. She's impatient, is the problem - what do you mean simmer for 20 minutes? She's hungry now! She inevitably rushes everything she makes, no matter how much input she gets from the others, and has yet to learn her lesson. She also has a MASSIVE sweet tooth, they can't keep enough sugary snacks in the pantry as far as she's concerned. Favorite foods include spaghetti with butter and cheese (one of the only things she can always get right), boxed brownies and any kind of fruity candy she can get her paws on.
Cirrus can cook pretty well, if she says so herself, but it's rare that she does it for anyone but herself. She has very particular tastes, and doesn't want to have to adapt them for others. She loves organ meat and bitter vegetables, enjoys the intensity of those flavors while the smell alone keeps most of the others away. Oh well, more for her! She'll eat anything thats made for her though, especially if its served on a silver platter by someone on their knees. Favorite foods (aside from the aforementioned organs) mostly include healthy things like fresh fruit and veggies, steamed shellfish and lean meat.
Cumulus is more of a baker than a cook, but enjoys any time spent in the kitchen either way. She's the type to make a day of it, in her comfiest clothes with music playing while she dances in front of the stove. Her food is never the prettiest, but it's made with love and tastes so much better for it. Her favorite things to bake are cookies and pies, but she doesn't eat many sweets herself. Prefers seeing the others enjoy them. Favorite foods include homemade bread (she has a sourdough starter named Breadly) with lots of butter and flaky salt, anything citrus-forward and wants her proteins heavily spiced (not spicy, she has a low tolerance, but loves the fragrant flavors of herbs and spices).
Dewdrop doesn't advertise it, but he's one of the best ghouls to have in the kitchen. His precision and attention to detail are second to none, and while it doesn't make him particularly fun to share a kitchen with it does make him an outstanding cook. He likes very intricate, involved recipes because he can use them to showcase his skills (and earn a whole bunch of praise at the dining table as a bonus). Loves spicy food, which everyone assumes is due to him now being a fire ghoul, but he's actually always enjoyed a good burn. Favorite foods include any meat served on the bone, fermented foods (kimchi and sour pickles especially) and anything smoked.
Ifrit does not know how the stove works. He survives on protein bars and any leftovers he can pilfer from the abbey kitchens. Food is not a thing he's super interested in, just takes what he needs to fuel himself, and would rather follow in Alpha's footsteps anyway. He likes to hang out at the lake every now and then with Mist, though - she'll pop up from the water every now and then with a nice plump trout to toss his way, which he will roast with his bare hands. Doesn't really have a favorite food, but does like crunchy things.
Mist, if she isn't sharing her spoils with Ifrit, will keep her catch for herself. She's small enough that one good-sized lake fish will tide her over for the day. She does prefer them raw and whole, always a bit on the feral side, but she can be convinced to join the others for sushi if the offer arises. Favorite foods include anything alive and not poisonous in the lake, and cookie dough ice cream (don't tell anyone).
Mountain is overall considered to be the best cook amongst the ghouls, and definitely has the goofy apron to prove it. Naturally skilled and adaptable, he enjoys preparing meals for his pack and will do so with anyone that wishes to lend a hand. Usually it's Cumulus or Sunshine, but they all keep him company at one point or another. He grows much of the produce used in their kitchen himself, all of it fresh and delicious, but Mountain does not eat a bite of it. He's a total carnivore - the closest he gets to eating his homegrown goodies is including them in a stew but avoiding them in his own bowl. Favorite foods include rabbit, venison and this one Vietnamese style grilled beef and rice noodle dish that Dew makes.
Omega learned to cook by osmosis, if you ask him. Time spent under three Papas will do thay to a ghoul. He doesn't cook much, but he's excellent at crafting simple, filling pasta dishes that are good for the soul (so to speak). Also treats it as an excuse to drink plenty of the good wine stashed away in the abbey's cellars - blame Terzo for that habit. Favorite meal is fresh pappardelle served with roasted tomatoes, basil and spicy sausage.
Rain doesn't cook if it involves more than the microwave, not because he can't but because he prefers to be waited on. Breakfast in bed, charcuterie plates in the afternoon, specially prepared dinners to make sure he's kept happy - none of it is necessary, but Rain can't help how much he loves being served. Good thing no one minds giving him the royal treatment. He will also indulge in the odd raw fish during a swim, but only does it beneath the surface, away from prying eyes. Favorite good is soup, any kind, but he prefers brothy ones over thick or creamy styles. If he had to pick a single favorite varitey, it would be miso.
Swiss is only allowed in the kitchen because he's good with a knife. He can burn through prep work like nobody's business, but that's where his skill set ends. He's caused one too many greasefires to he trusted at the stove, and every time he's put something in the oven he's forgotten about it until smoke filled the room and the ghoulettes had to magickally air it out. But he can chop like a food processor, so he gets the knife pass. He's another one that'll eat anything put in front of him, with one exception: eggs. Can't stand them. Favorite foods include red meat served rare, really dark, bitter chocolate and anything with hideous amounts of garlic.
Sunshine is chaos personified in the kitchen. She loves to experiment with flavors and techniques, but has yet to have anything close to a success. Pasta with pesto and pineapple (alliteration is fun), chocolate covered avocado balls (with bacon, because why not), a tuna sandwich made with coconut yogurt instead of mayo (it's healthy!) - these are but a few of the food crimes that have lost her solo access to the kitchens. This girl could burn cereal, and no one wants to see that. She does love to eat though, and will frequently hang out when someone else is cooking so she can sneak bites whatever they're making. Favorite foods include cheese (all kinds), sour candy and all the orchard fresh peaches she can get her hands on.
And for the Papas:
Primo had to learn his way around the kitchen from an early age, thanks to the responsibility of raising his younger brothers falling onto his shoulders. He learned by watching the kitchen staff - a pair of elderly Sisters with so much skill in their gnarled hands that Primo couldn't look away. He never got very good at it, mostly sticking to a handful of reliable dishes that could be made cheap and easily for the three of them. His favorite of the bunch was also the one thing he was best at making - a simple mushroom risotto.
Secondo took to the kitchen like it was second nature, once Primo could trust him to not chop a finger off. Would spend hours poring over cookbooks and learning by doing, eating his own failures so his brothers wouldn't have to. He really enjoyed making simple but hearty comfort foods, lots of rib-sticking braises and stews filled with herbs and veggies from Primo's modest garden. He even cooked the last meal they ever shared together, on that fateful Uno night. It was his favorite, a lasagna constructed from fresh sheets of pasta, homemade ricotta, spinach and a simple tomato sauce, served with roasted garlic focaccia.
Terzo did not get the cooking gene, aside from being able to boil water for his tea. It wasn't a big deal since his brothers picked up the slack, and he decided there were other things that took priority - like music, history and how to retain a full head of hair after age 30. He preferred drinking over eating anyway, mostly saw food as something to put in his stomach to cushion the wine. He was a man of simple tastes, and his favorite thing was a humble sandwich of mortadella, provolone and spicy pickled peppers.
Copia never had to learn to cook, raised by the Clergy and doted on thanks to a not-so-subtle suggestion from Sister Imperator. More than a little spoiled in that sense, he would also go on to be the most worldly Papa in terms of his tastes. So much time spent traveling the world helped to expand his palate, and he got into the habit of sending pictures and descriptions of his favorites back to the abbey so the kitchen staff could figure out how to replicate them. It's impossible for him to pick a favorite, but thanks to so much time spent in LA he does have a real soft spot for Mexican food. Tacos al pastor in particular, but without the cilantro (he has the soap gene).
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forlorn-crows · 5 months
𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒚 𝒎𝒂𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚 8: 𝒔𝒆𝒙 𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆
pairing(s): zephyr/ifrit words: 1121
notes: explicit! they/them zephyr (cock used for their anatomy)
The heat turns nearly desert-hot around them, air and fire tangling together in wisps of heat and lust. Ifrit drags a feverish hand down their torso as it heaves, wrapping that big hand around their cock once more. 
Zephyr cries out, fingers digging further into the nape of the fire ghoul’s neck. Craning their arm to get a full handful of sweat-soaked hair. Arching back against his chest. Ifrit has them absolutely ruined, mind fuzzy and body alight with sensation as he fucks them. 
“Fuck, how’re you always so tight,” Ifrit groans. “Oh, you’re so good to me, so fucking good to me.”
Zephyr gasps, pre dripping over the fire ghoul’s knuckles when he squeezes hard. “Know how to treat me,” they breathe, “know just where to—gods yes.” 
Ifrit hitches up their leg with his tail even further, thrusting in deep, right down to the base. Deep, until they nearly seize up, unsure whether to lean in or lean away. Deep, so they feel him up to their ribs, up to the tips of the feathers on their neck.
“Ifrit,” the air ghoul begs. 
“Uh huh,” Ifrit whines in return.
“H-hold it there, get in deep, make me—hells, make me feel it.”
The fire ghoul makes a wounded noise, hips stuttering. Nearly blowing his load right there. Zephyr can feel him throb.
“Fuck, Zeph,” Ifrit gaps, slotting all the way in and melting to their back. He pants, moving his hand from the air ghoul’s cock to grip at their hip. He buries his face into the soft down of their feathers and inhales their cool, honeysuckle scent. Ifrit bites back a moan. “Oh—wanna cum in you so bad.”
Zephyr sighs shakily and covers their lower stomach with a trembling hand. “Not yet. Not just yet.” Their eyes fall shut, pale lashes fluttering over the tops of their cheeks. Ifrit rumbles low and their mouth silently drops further open, bottom lip shiny with spit and swollen from being sucked between sharp fangs. And oh, Ifrit’s never felt such a demanding rush of admiration. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he blurts, voice cracking on the last word. He has to say it, lest it burst out of his chest unbidden. The sappy side comes out in an instant. He tucks a sweaty strand of hair behind an alabaster horn. “Feel so lucky. My birdie.”
The air ghoul huffs a laugh, looking over their shoulder. “You’ve gone sweet on me, dragonfly,” they lilt. 
“Can’t help it.” Ifrit props himself up on his elbow so he can capture their lips in a kiss. Slow and tender, pressing his mouth to theirs with the same level of softness as cats nuzzling their cheeks against one another. Parting and meeting again, over and over, like he can’t bear to actually pull back. 
Zephyr laughs against his lips and covers the hand on their hip with their own. “Are we going to continue, my flame?”
He can’t help the way his cock kicks at the pet name, drawing a quiet gasp from them both. “Yeah, yeah,” Ifrit nods quickly. Tips of their noses bumping together. “Switch? Wanna see you better.”
“Yes, dear,” the air ghoul teases, smiling against his mouth. Ifrit blushes. He pulls out slowly, pressing kisses to their shoulders. They do a quick dance, shuffling until Zephyr’s relaxed on their back and Ifrit’s straddling their lap. Looking down at them like they themself put the stars in the sky. They smile lazily at the loving gaze, giving him a long look up and down. Easing them back into the moment with a hand dragging down their own torso—down, slowly down, until their lithe fingers wrap around their cock. Zephyr arches into their own hand with a lavish groan.
“Fuck,” Ifrit says dumbly. Practically drooling over the way they bring their knees up, hooking one foot against the small of his back and beckoning him closer. 
“I’d like if you continued to do that, yes,” Zephyr purrs. “Please?”
Ifrit’s eyebrows draw up, and he whines a little. “Yeah,” he breathes. He slips two fingers in his mouth and slicks them up, bringing them down to circle their already-stretched rim. Zephyr doesn’t need anything more, he knows, but he watches that angular face soften again, their face blooming with heat as it morphs back into an expression of easy bliss. They gasp as he presses up and in, just a little. Their own hand milking out a pearl of slick and thighs twitching around his hips. 
“Please,” they repeat. Quiet and pretty as the wind through the willows. 
The ease with which he slides back in has them both groaning. Zephyr wraps the other leg around his hips and ushers him down into a kiss, probably the sweetest one of the evening. Nothing heated or desperate, just pure connection. Ifrit groans when the air ghoul clenches around his cock, involuntary. Begging for more.
“Love you,” Ifrit mumbles against their lips. “Fuck, birdie, love you so much.”
“I adore you, my dragonfly,” Zephyr breathes. Shuddering when they lift their hips and his cock brushes at that spot deep inside. 
“Oh, make that noise again,” the fire ghoul begs, grinding into them. Zephyr does, of course, can’t help that they do when the head of Ifrit’s cock presses into their prostate again. 
“Like that,” they whisper, nodding. “Yes, just like that.” They let their head drop back onto the pillows, mouth dropping open as the fire ghoul picks up a meaningful rhythm. Measured thrusts that jolt Zephyr a little each time he hits home, but not as rough and reckless as before. More present. Intimate. Neither of them willing to pop the warm bubble they now reside in. 
Ifrit noses up the long line of Zephyr’s throat, diving into the feathers just under their ear. Soft and sweet and them, Ifrit groans bodily at the way they ruffle and twitch under his touch. The air ghoul bites back a whimper. Clutching at Ifrit’s arms as they bare their neck to him. 
“S-sensitive there, you’re—” They cut themselves off with a startled noise as the fire ghoul moves one hand to grip at their hip, lips simultaneously ghosting over the base of their feathers. Just enough pressure to send a wave of tingles down their spine and fizzle out any last coherent thought. 
Ifrit hushes them. Thrusts just that much more purposefully. “Let me,” he rumbles. There’s neediness in his voice too, but he’s devoted solely to Zephyr in this moment. Tuned into the thrum of pleasure getting louder between them, to the way their body blurs further into his.
He strokes them with a gentle hand to the timing of his thrusts, and the noise they make is a delicate surrender. 
𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✿
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puppsworld · 5 months
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haha hehe. zephrit, third day in a row.
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iruma-samaposting · 1 month
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So we are getting a glimpse from azz past. I wonder how raim know azz, is he the person raim buy from auction? Probably not since raim said she can still get in touch with them while azz say he forget everything from the past. I wonder what is that place where ifrit and azz meet... Orphanage?
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Hear me out.
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smashsthings · 5 months
alpha and who?
cw: blood and other cruel things
alpha returns to his room, leaving the infirmary. he is exhausted and tired, he just wants to go to bed and fall asleep.
he is walking through the night territory of the ministry, lost in hus thoughts. the smell of blood hits him in the head. his ears twitch and he sniffs, following the scent.
he can smell the faint scent of his fellow-ghoul amidst this intense smell of animal blood and flesh. but who? it's so close, but at the same time he grabbed this painfully familiar smell with his hand, but it dissipated like a fog. he doesn't understand.
alpha is frowning. he sees it in the distance and walks closer. his eyes open in horror and sleep clears away like a hand. his stomach twisted, causing his knees to tremble and swallow.
ifrit? no way. he's a big good man.
..it can't be ifrit, right?
ghoul turns to alpha. alpha's breath catches in his throat. the sight turned his head and the smell became even more intense. alpha wasn't afraid of much, but this case was an exception.
ifrit as passionate and bright as a firework, always smiling, and laughing, and bragging.
just a big goofball.
and then he is seen coming to the ministry at night covered in blood, and his chest heaves and falls heavily.
what the hell are you talking about? it's kinda funny.
there is nothing in his eyes.
his mind is clouded, and his brain is like porridge of his bloodlust.
he is afraid of ifrit standing in of him, all covered in blood and some little pieces of flesh, his so tight-fitting uniform sticks to him.
everyone's familiar image of ifrit was simply torn to shreds in front of alpha. his guts clogged up before the ghoul in his blood slowly reached his consciousness.
ifrit is silent and just smiles as if he is on a high.
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Characters, book, and author names under the cut
Salim/The Jinn - American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Silas Bell/Daphne Luckenbill - The Spirit Bares its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White
Charlie Braxton/Reid Giordano - Fire Season by KD Casey
Lewis/Jason Lu - Proficiency Bonus by Charlie Novak
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nyaawn · 6 months
Hmm that new ffxvi keyart look very familiar somehow, I wonder wh—
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Oh. Ooooh....
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arkiwii · 6 months
If someone gave pre-LT Ifrit a credit card what do you think she'd buy and why?
definitively some cool stuff, maybe at first she'll try to go for just lot of snacks and candies, but then she'll see Something Very Cool but Expensive like, maybe a video game console. but then she'll feel bad about it and that everything she bought was for herself, so she'll try to buy something for Silence too,, then realize there's barely any money left and she can only buy something small for her, maybe a singular potted plant. and she'll feel so so bad about it and be scared to be scolded,,
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miasmaghoul · 2 years
hellohello :)!! i saw the tags you left on the mountaindew piece, very very glad you liked it <3
based on that i am offering you a prompt of some sleepy ghouls, possibly with how they fight off the cold when it comes to winter :0? go absolutely bonkers w it (your writing is fantastic can i say, like. incredible. esp with descriptions)
Cozy eepy ghoul fluff JUST FOR YOU
Rain grumbles to himself in bed, curled up on his side and shivering.
It's another drafty winter night and the water ghoul is miserable, alone in his room and too cold to get up and stoke the fire he'd let burn down to embers much too quickly. It's after midnight and he's tired, a long day of library work and practice behind him. But it's way too cold for him to sleep, and he'd rather be back in the pit than forced to get up in this chill.
Rain hisses as he wriggles an arm out of the mass of blankets he's wormed himself into to grab his phone from the nightstand, fingers shaking while he types.
R: Help, my fire went put and I'm freezing.
R: *out
The screen goes dark and Rain swears he can see his breath in the moonlight pouring over him. He whines high in his throat and tugs a blanket over his head. His phone buzzes a few minutes later.
D: fuck u too? satanas i gotta be in 4 rooms at once apparently
Well, at least Rain isn't the only one suffering.
R: Shit. Sorry Dew.
D: stfu its not ur fault
D: common room in 20
Rain perks up at that. The common room this late at night can only mean one thing. There's just a little problem.
R: I can't het up, I'll be an icicle. :(
R: *get, sorry, fingers are frozen.
D: ffs
D: hang on i'll get u a ride princess
Rain rolls his eyes and curls back in on himself. He imagines the others passing the time while they waited for the impending meetup.
Mountain would be fussing over his plants first and foremost, pressing gentle fingers into their soil to distribute his earthen warmth. He'd be in low-slung flannels and a long sleeved shirt, little sprigs of lavender poking from his hairline as sleep tried to dig its claws into him. Rain thinks about how wonderful Mountain is to sleep next to, naturally warm and big enough engulf his whole body. They sleep back to chest every time, legs tangled together, Mountain's arm clutching Rain's chest with their fingers intertwined. Mountain would snore into his hair, lulling him into a dreamy slumber.
Aether would be in a similar boat as Rain, his proximity to the void at the source of his power leaving him cooler than most. He wouldn't show it though. If Rain went to him right now, Aether would be lounging in bed with a medical text and those elegant silver-framed reading glasses in place, casual as could be in just a pair of pajama pants. His eyes would be heavy though, sleep dragging at their corners. Rain would slip under the covers and Aether would put his things aside, sliding down onto his back and letting the water ghoul curl against his side. Rain would hook a long leg over Aether's hip and an arm over his belly, resting his head on his soft chest. Rain always falls asleep first, soothed by Aether's quintessence and comforting presence.
Dew, if he weren't running around prepping for an impromptu ghoul pile, would undoubtedly be with either Aether or Swiss. It was rare to find the fire ghoul sleeping alone, except maybe in the dead of summer. Rain didn't mind sleeping next to him in any season, his natural chill an advantage that allowed them to share a bed on even the warmest nights. Dew would either be playing his beat up acoustic or watching some nonsense on his phone until sleep took over, dropping the device into his own face at least once. To sleep with Dewdrop is to sleep naked, and Rain quite likes that about the experience. They sleep face to face, entangled in one another any way they can manage, skin to skin and forehead to forehead. Rain would drift off on the scent of cinnamon and a crackling fire, awash in cozy warmth.
Swiss would be in whoever's bed would have him. Not always for anything lascivious, but the multighoul did NOT sleep alone. He'd had horrific nightmares after his summoning, the others finding him shrieking his lungs out in the dark. The presence of others at night had helped him through it, and the habit had stuck. If Swiss had texted Rain to come to his room, it would have led to two things - being stoned and making out. Not that you'd hear Rain complaining about it. He'd lay his head in Swiss's lap and let the other ghoul feed him the joint. Sometimes he'd kiss him with a mouthful of smoke instead, and Rain liked that especially. They would drift together, tactile and giggly and in just their boxers, Rain eventually falling asleep between Swiss's legs, arms wrapped around his waist. Swiss would sing him there, gentle claws running over his scalp while Rain pressed kisses into the little bit of pudge at his waistband.
The girls would be together in their nest, formerly Cumulus's chambers. Cirrus and Sunshine's rooms were always empty at night, unless they were entertaining a guest. Even then, they always migrated back together. Anyone was welcome in their shared den, to their oversized bed strewn with countless pillows and blankets, but it was always at least the three of them. The ghoulettes all sleep in pajamas that differ only in color; camisole style tops with shorts in light blue for Cumulus, silver for Cirrus and peach for Sunshine. They fit together in the nest, Sunshine at the center so the others could nestle into her warmth. Cumulus and Cirrus would mirror each other at her sides, one leg hooked over each of hers and their heads on her shoulders, arms around each other. If Rain joined alone, he liked to lay on his stomach under their tangle of legs, the weight of them carrying him off so easily.
If Rain were warm enough to sleep, he'd be reading himself there. He's currently in the middle of a trashy urban fantasy with vampires and werewolves, one he couldn't make it through a single chapter of without laughing hysterically. But ideally Dew would be here, sitting between Rain's legs and talking about everything and nothing while Rain braided his hair and soaked in his warmth. Dew would be doing something with his hands - rubbing Rain's calves, up to his thighs and then wriggling back against Rain's naked body. The water ghoul would smirk and say his name low, but the fire ghoul would feign innocence. He was just getting comfy. They'd tease each other until Rain was finished tying off the braid, then Dew would be flipping around so they could ravish each other. They'd fall asleep the same way as always, only much, much closer.
The designated 20 minutes fly by as Rain loses himself in thoughts of warmer times, and before he knows it he's being dragged from his reverie by his door being thrown open. Rain startles, peeking from behind his blankets to squint at the broad shape in the doorway.
"Someone said you needed a lift?"
Rain huffs out a laugh as Ifrit strides into the room in just a pair of low-slung sweats, arms crossed over his ample chest. Rain is tempted to just drag the fire ghoul into bed and lay on top of him, basking in his warmth.
"I can't feel my feet," Rain complains, and Ifrit grins as he leans down to scoop the water ghoul up princess style, blankets and all. He gives Rain a peck on the temple.
"You get tit privileges, Regina, don't worry." Rain chirps at the nickname, nuzzling into the fire ghouls neck in search of burning cedar and sun-warmed stone. He lets his eyes drift shut as Ifrit carries him to the common room, not opening them again until he's being set down next to the makeshift nest in the center of the room.
The couches and loveseat have been rearranged into a bed of sorts, shoved together with any gaps having been filled with pillows. It's lined with at least a dozen blankets and a mountain of pillows. The rest of the pack is already present, bleary eyed and swaying on their feet in the roaring firelight. They all clearly need this.
"Okay, Rain's in first tonight," Dew says, standing at the head of the nest. "Everybody wait your damn turn this time."
Rain yelps as Ifrit scoops him up and tosses him directly in the center of the plush pit. He laughs as Ifrit climbs in after him, scooching to the far end of the arrangement. Dew is right behind him, divesting Rain of his own blankets and rubbing a warm hand over his spine.
"Shit, raincloud, you are frozen," he murmurs, pushing heat into the water ghoul's skin. "C'mon, let's get you warm." It never ceases to amaze Rain how caring Dew can be. It only really came out on nights like this, but it blew him away every time.
Ifrit lays down first, half propped against the pillows in a corner. Rain follows him swiftly down while Sunshine mirrors Ifrit in the opposite corner. He molds himself to the fire ghoul's side, head firmly on his chest - Ifrit had given him tit privileges, after all - and twisting a leg around his. Ifrit kisses him on the forehead and Dew is next, pressing himself flush to Rain's icy back. He'd removed his shirt as well, and Rain greatly appreciated it. Dew presses his lips to the back of Rain's neck and hums softly into his skin. It's a weakness of Rain's and he finds his eyelids already begin to drag down.
The others follow suit.
Aether is next, finally admitting to also being cold and wedging himself on Ifrit's other side. He leans over to give each of them a kiss before resting on the other side of Ifrit's chest, laying a strong arm over their little pile. Dew does the same behind him, and just like that Rain is surrounded by warmth and comforting weight. Aether's leg loops around Ifrit's and their knees touch, Rain giggling at the sensation.
In the other corner, Sunshine has been bracketed by her girls in a position mirroring that of Rain and Aether on Ifrit. They all drag their legs up for Mountain to join, laying diagonally between the two piles. Swiss follows, scrambling to lay directly on top of Mountain with his head in the center of the earth ghoul's chest. The rest of them would wait until the two were settled, Mountain then giving the okay for everyone to put their legs up. They all would, a blanket of limbs weighing Swiss down against Mountain's chest until they were both groaning.
Once they're all settled, Swiss is the first to tap into his fire and start the warming process. His heat leaches into Mountain, and into their combined legs. Rain groans as his toes start regaining feeling. Sunshine is next, her summery warmth flooding them with the scent of honeyed peach blossoms. Ifrit and Dew warm themselves together, and the moan Rain gives has all of them chuckling. He can't even think to care, not with the toasty warmth and heady scents engulfing him. It's like he's at a bonfire in a fruit orchard, surrounded by everyone he loves.
"Thank you," he breathes into Ifrit's skin.
Dew kisses the back of his neck again in acknowledgement before going back to humming into the soft skin there. Rain is the first to start purring, drifting away in hazy warmth and a ring of arms. The rest aren't far behind.
Copia finds them like that the next morning when they're late for practice, the room filled with what sounds like roughly a dozen lions. He strokes a gloved hand through Rain's soft curls, chuckling at the way the water ghoul is drooling over Ifrit's skin. He can't bring himself to wake them, instead tiptoeing from the room with a warm smile on his face.
In his sleep, Rain does the same.
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
Mushy May Day 2: Crush
short and sweet just like dewdrop
Words: 265
Paring(s): Aether/Dew, Ifrit/Dew
He really shouldn't be staring so much. But a certain bumbling fire ghoul is making it rather difficult. With his boyish charm, dark shaggy hair, illuminated hazel eyes, animated gestures, those wide broad shoulders descending into full, plump pecs . . .
Dewdrop tears his eyes away, nearly fumbling the pic in his too-lax hand. He’s become rather fond of Ifrit over the past few weeks, if that’s the right word for it. He was intimidating at first, all fire and brimstone straight from the Pit. But once the residual sulfur had cleared and left nothing  but a warm cedar and bergamot in its wake, Dewdrop was a goner.  
Aether looks over curiously, turning at the spike of feedback from the bass strings. “You okay there, Dew?” Quintessence ghouls: always too curious, too concerned. Aether isn’t overbearing, though, and Dew thanks Lucifer—or whoever nudged him towards the Veil—for sending this one. 
“Uh,” Dew starts, sneaking one last glance at Ifrit, still talking animatedly to Mountain and Zephyr. “Yeah, I’m okay. Thanks.”
Aether glances in the direction of his gaze, lips quirking up at the corners. “Ah,” he says knowingly. 
Dew bristles. “What?”
“Nothing, I understand now.” The grin on his face is practically shit-eating. It’s not mean, just teasing. It had taken almost no time at all for Dew to learn his mannerisms, his charms, his quirks, his vices. Call it falling hard and fast, but they already had quite the ‘thing’ established between them. 
Dew and Ifrit, though? Well, they skirt around each other, smiling at accidental touches and staring when the other thinks they aren’t looking. 
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