#Its like when autocorrect gets the wrong word
trixi-is-a-bimbo · 1 year
autocorrect, gettinf stuff wrong, using different words
someone asked me recrntly why i spell sp much stuff wrong snd like i thinj its really important to say im not doing this deliberately and faking typos!! but i have made some chnages to be a better bimbo because thsts super important :)
i do mostly know how to spell stuff, i just turned off autocorrect and only correct stuff now when it makes totally ni sense at all. that way i sound dumb and dont have to thinj about gettinf stuff right. the only words i always make sure i get right are really important words like Cock
dumbing dkwn works in loads of ways. the more u act dumb and soubd dumb the more it bcomes normal to be this way. snd the more dumb u sound the less respect othrr people have for u which is rwally good beacause then they treat u as dunb which feels rwwlly good and like reminds u how dumb u are even more and it becomes like a cycle thing??
what i have stsrted doing deliberately is usinf less big words and using less like commas and stuff so i can just fpcus on saying stuff for people to get off to snd not boring stuff because i figure it still makes sense anyway? also stuff like u instesd of you because it soubds dumb and cute!
anyway i hope thst explains it!!
please let me kmow if u think theres ways for me to sound dumber and more Cock pleasing!!
edit: i forgot a super important thint! all not caps except important words like Cock 💕 lots of pretty colours and emojis too esp hearts and stars!! ✨✨
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
the fandom has felt kinda quiet to me for a few days now (which might totally be my fault i dont think im using this app correctly) and i kinda feel like im standing with a group of people where everyones done talking and no one know what to say next so im gonna do what i do then too: Yap ‼️ (its my one talent)
if you’d like to yap with me feel free to hop in my ask box and say whatever you like, headcanons, theories, whatever, but for now here are some random little headcanons I have:
(disclaimer: my apologies for weird spelling errors or oddly autocorrected words im dyslexic lmao)
- Wild loves to do fun things with his hair! He loves braiding it up in new styles or putting pretty things in it or buying fun clips to keep it out of his face. Sometimes one of the others with shorter hair who can’t do their own fun hairstyles will ask Wild if they can do his, and he almost always says yes
- Legend is the most likely to buy little gifts for the others. He’s not as likely as the others to verbally say he cares, and he can come off as a bit standoffish, but he really does love the others and gifting them little things is how he shows it. He bought Sky a beautiful new carving knife once, he loves giving Wild earrings (and Wild is not above just poking new holes in his ears so he can wear more of them at once), he gave Warriors a new journal one time, etc.
- Four is a HUGE fan of rain at night. He loves the sound it makes on roofs, it’s calming to him. It’s less fun when he’s sleeping outside, but he just loves the sounds and smells of rain. Warriors does too, and the two of them have sat out in the rain together silently, just enjoying each other’s company
- Twilight loves the occasional pet as Wolfie, as long as the others still hold the same respect for his physical space they do when he’s a hylian. He loves hugs, he loves the occasional pet, and he loves bonking the top of his head into the backs of Warriors’s legs to trip him before he innocently runs off to Time and acts like he’s done nothing wrong in his life ever
- Sky wakes up every day and chooses peace. He chooses kindness and love, and he seems so very calm and sweet on the outside, but if someone dares to lay a finger on someone he cares about he will explode and there will be serious consequences. He’s genuinely a very loving person, but he does have a side of him that’s just full of rage that he occasionally unleashes on monsters that deserve it. He one time let a sliver of that anger loose at a monster that knocked Wild unconscious and the others stood their with their jaws open, and then of course Sky turned back around after he calmed himself down and looked at them all like “:3”
- Hyrule cuts his own hair and because it has a good amount of curl to it, it ends up looking fluffy and it’s hard to see exactly how uneven it is. When Legend found him just trimming his hair in the dark with a knife he was like “what the fuck” and ever since he’s at least tried to help Hyrule make his hair a LITTLE more even (its still an absolute mess, but it looks fine on him)
- Wind gets under stimulated a LOT, it’s hard for him to just stay in one place or walk super slow or not be doing something with his hands, so Warriors taught him how to finger knit so he can do that while he walks as a sort of mindless activity. He doesn’t really make anything in particular, and he ends up unraveling it at the end of the day so he can keep reusing the same ball of yarn, but it helps him stay with the group and it gives him something to do as they walk
- Time is the biggest prankster of the group and he gets away with it every single time, and Wind, Wild, and Hyrule often end up taking the blame for it. The only ones who know it’s really him are Warriors (though he never actually catches him in the act, he just knows) and Twilight, who’s seen him do it several times and had to swear his silence. He’s too scared that Time will be disappointed in him if he reveals who the true prankster is, but he does feel genuinely bad every time someone else gets yelled at for one of Time’s dumbass pranks. On their last day together Time does reveal it was him all along, and then he literally leaves and disappears before the others have a chance to yell at him for it. When he arrives at the ranch alone with tears in his eyes, laughing his ass off, Malon somehow knows EXACTLY what just happened
- Warriors is usually the one who helps mend the other heroes’s clothes. They all have SOME ability to sew (some of them are better than others, like Wild and Legend, and some of them refuse to fix the holes in their clothes until it gets so bad there’s no fixing it and they literally just have to buy another tunic, *cough* Wind), but more often than not Warriors gets asked to do it, and he does it gladly. He does a wonderful job every time, and sometimes he gets to embroider little patterns, which is a lot of fun for him. When he gets bored he’ll just do that on his own spare tunics
again feel free to come talk to me in my asks or add ur own headcanons to this post :) i like to yap and i’ll gladly yap with you if you send me things
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
so in the delta squad masterlist (my autocorrect wanted to write masterpiece….not wrong…) we’re missing Fixer and this is a pity. So I would like to request something for him. Maybe the reader once saves his life and he’s like super mad because ItS aGaInSt ThE rEgUlAtIoNs or something but then some time later it’s the other way around and he does not hesitate to save the reader (and break the rules) because surprise! He’s madly in love
that would be nice…🫣
The Delta's Jedi
Summary: You've been working alone for the majority of your career, so when you're assigned Delta Squad, you're less than thrilled. But your opinion quickly changes.
Pairing: Clone Commando Fixer x Jedi!Reader
Word Count: 2548
Warnings: Mentions of torture (nothing detailed)
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So, my plan had been to write my normal four stories for today, but this idea had me in a stranglehold, so this is the only other thing I'm going to write today. Also, there might be a minor implication that the reader is also in a relationship with the other members of Delta, but it could also be seen as just being a close friendship.
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When you were assigned to assist Delta Squad, you weren’t sure it was a good idea. Mostly because as a Jedi Shadow, you’ve always been better suited to working alone, and partly because you were pretty sure that your specific skill set wouldn’t mesh with theirs.
And, by and large, you were right.
You specialize in information gathering. A spy, for lack of a better word. And while you are handy with a saber, the truth is you rarely use yours and you actually have a preference towards blasters.
After all, lightsabers are the opposite of stealthy. 
And Delta Squad already had an intelligence person. In the form of Fixer. So you argued against it, at length. But you were overruled. Of course, you’ve never been one to follow orders directly.
So, here you are. Ostensibly on the same mission as Delta Squad, just…not attached to them directly. In fact, you’re pretty sure that they aren't aware that they have a Jedi yet.
Yikes. You’re going to write a stern letter to the Council about important information slipping through the cracks.
But, that’s a problem for later.
You absently reach out through the force, pinging the four men under your care almost absently, so you’re able to keep track of where they are and if they’re in danger, and then you slip into the ventilation shaft and silently enter the facility.
You manage to secure the information you need, plus some extra, and you’re about to leave the facility to wait at the ship for Delta, when you get a ping from the force string you attached to the four men. 
Three of them, Boss, Sev, and Scorch, are fine. Stressed and worried, but largely fine, but Fixer has been separated from them, and appears to be going down.
On the one hand, you could trust his brothers to save him. On the other, however-
You slip your comm extension into your ear, and effortlessly slice into Delta’s comms, “Pull back to the drop ship,” You order as your gaze tracks Fixer’s location, “
There’s silence for a moment, and then a deep voice, “Who’s this?”
“What, you weren’t told you were getting a Jedi?”
“No,” Boss said, sounding annoyed, “We weren’t.”
You hiss out a sharp breath as you jump back into the vent and start navigating your way down, “This war is a hot mess,” You bitch under your breath, “The left hand doesn’t know what the right is up to.”
“We can’t just leave,” Scorch, your mind provides, says irritably, “We haven’t gotten the intel, and they have Fixer!”
“Relax Scorch.” You hear his sputter, “I have the intel plus some bonus intel. And I’m heading to Fixer as we speak.”
“We can be your backup.” Sev offers.
“You can go back to the ship,” You silently drop down a floor, and then pause to get your bearings, “Listen. You’re all very good. But so am I. They didn’t assign just any old Jedi to Delta. Ah, there it is.” You turn and crawl down a vent, “Fixer isn’t going to be able to get out the way that I got in, which means I need you all to make some noise.”
“A diversion.” Boss says thoughtfully.
“Just so. I’m very good, but I’m not ‘take on a whole army solo’ good. Not with someone to protect, at least.” You grimace as you slide through a suddenly smaller section, “So, I’m thinking a series of explosions-”
“Based at different locations-” Scorch continues.
“And with me keeping the crowd thin-” Sev adds.
“That might just work,” Boss agrees, “You’ll get Fixer out?”
“You have my word.”
“Alright General,” You make a face at the title, “Happy hunting.” And then the comm cuts out, and you heave out a sigh as you continue your trek downward.
Eventually you find the small room that Fixer is being held in. A handful of droids, some Geonosians. Nothing too bad. Aside, of course, from the entire army standing between you, Fixer, and the dropship.
Oh well.
You carefully balance yourself on the vent opening and then you kick down.
All attention turns to you, and you casually, as though you don’t have a dozen blasters aimed at you, cross the room and pick up Fixer’s helmet. And then you turn to the room at large and you smile. 
You lift your hands, Fixer’s helmet hanging from your fingers, and you push-
The droids slam into the wall with enough force that they shatter, the Geonosians, tragically, do not. So you draw your saber, and you move. 45 seconds later, the three Geonosian guards are no longer a threat, and you’re kneeling behind Fixer to free him from his manacles. 
“Who the kriff are you?” He asks as you hand him your helmet.
“I’m Delta Squad’s Jedi General. Nice to meet you.”
He blinks at you, twice, and then he frowns, “Regulations dictate that any clone captured by the enemy get left behind.”
You move so you’re crouching in front of him, “I cannot emphasize this enough, but fuck regulations.”
Fixer scowls, “I think I hate you.”
“So long as you’re alive at the end of this, you can hate me as much as you like.” You stand and pull a second saber off your belt and you press your finger to your comm, “Boss? I have Fixer, just waiting for an opening.”
“Copy that, General.” Boss says steadily, “One distraction in 3…2…now!”
The building shakes as there’s a massive explosion somewhere above you, “I found a fuel tank,” Scorch sounds far too pleased with himself.
“We’ll see you both at the drop ship,” Boss says, “Good luck.”
One hour later, you’re safely sitting on the gunship, your lightsabers stowed at the small of your back once more, and you’re wrapping your hand in bacta infused bandages.
“So, why didn’t you tell us that you were on the mission to begin with?” Boss asks, his arms folded over his chest.
You flex your hand, grimace, and unwrap the bandage to try again, “I’m not used to working with other people. I figured that I would just work tangentially alongside you until I was able to convince the Council that you didn’t actually need a Jedi.”
“And then Fixer got snatched.”
“And then Fixer got snatched.” You agree, “I’m a Jedi, it’s not in my nature to leave people behind.” This time, when you flex your hand, it doesn’t feel half as bad, so you leave the bandage as is, and then you flash a small grin and introduce yourself.
Contrary to your worries, you actually fit in pretty well with Delta squad. Sure, there were a few bumps to work out, but it didn’t take long before you developed a strong working relationship with the group. Which very quickly turned into a genuine friendship.
Well. With most of them.
Fixer doesn’t like you. At you, you don’t think he likes you, he’s kind of hard to read in the force, and, well, you don’t like prodding at emotions in the force. It makes you feel guilty.
So you make due with a professional relationship Fixer. He knows his stuff, after all. And your specialties tend to cross in some ways, so you actually end up working together a lot.
And sometimes you might think that he actually likes you, when you’re talking about the latest advances in tech and cybersecurity, and then it’s almost like he suddenly remembers who he’s talking to, and he goes cold again.
Honestly. Fixer’s just confusing.
It is too bad. He’s cute, and you are nursing a small crush on him. But that’s your problem to deal with, and if he’s not interested then he’s not interested.
So you put it aside and focus on building a strong work relationship.
And you think it’s working, none of the missions you go on with Delta go horribly wrong, after all.
And then the Council assigns you a solo mission.
And while Delta Squad argued against it, claiming that having back-up is important, you do manage to talk them into letting you go on the mission solo. They’re just protective. It’s adorable.
After all, it’s just a simple intel gathering mission. You’ve been doing them solo since you were a child.
Famous last words, so to speak.
“-eneral. General, can you hear me?”
You groan as pain shoots through your entire body, “F’xer?” You slur his name out, the mixture of pain, drugs, and suppressors making it incredibly difficult to focus. 
“Oh, thank the force.” He sounds relieved, “General, are you alright?”
“Depends,” You manage to get out, your voice slightly clearer.
“Oh what?”
“Your definition of alright.”
“Are you injured?” Fixer asks.
“Yeah. P-pretty badly, by the feel of it.” You grimace as you try to keep your balance. You’re not quite hanging from the middle of the cell you’re in. Not quite in the sense that the chains holding your arms over your head are just long enough that you can balance on your toes, but they’re also too short for you to actually be able to relax.
And you’ve been hanging here for a while, based on the ache in your shoulders, and the fact that you can’t feel your hands.
“General,” Fixer’s voice cuts through the haze, “Look around you, what can you see?”
“I’m…in a cell. Underground maybe. There are no windows.” You answer, “Fixer, what are you doing here?”
“It’s not just me. We’re all here.”
He’s quiet for a moment, “It’s been almost a month, General. Did you think we wouldn’t come for you?”
“I thought that regulations said that I was supposed to be left behind.” You joke weakly.
There’s a long moment of silence, before he sighs softly, “I would never. Even if it is regulation.”
You release a slow breath, “Well…that's good to know.”
“We’re going to be there soon, General. Just…just hold on, okay?”
“Copy that. I’ll just…hang out.” A delirious giggle bubbles from your lips, and you can hear Fixer’s concern over the comm. It’s fine, when they get here they’ll realize it’s hilarious.
You must have blacked out again, because the next thing you’re aware of is rapid gunfire, and shouting. And then your cell door slams open. You blink blearily at the man standing in the door. You can’t see clearly, but you’re pretty sure you see white and green, which means Fixer.
He crosses over to you and reaches up to pick the manacles holding your hands over your head. And he catches you when you fall into him. “I have you General. I have you. We’re going to get you home, and you’re going to get a nice bacta bath.”
You blink up at him, hazily, and he curses, “What did they give to you?”
“Just about everything, I think.” You admit, and then, when the world spins nauseatingly, you press your forehead against his armor, “I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk.”
And you think you’re imagining it, but you swear you feel his gloved hand press against the back of your head, “That’s alright, we brought a stretcher.” He turns away from you, long enough to pull the hover stretcher into the room, and then he carefully sets you on it.
Just before you slip back into unconsciousness, you feel the prick of an IV sliding into your arm, and you hear Fixer’s voice, “Everything’s going to be fine, General. We’ll take care of you now.”
The next time you wake, it’s to the annoying beep of a heart monitor, and the sharp smell of antiseptic.
“Welcome back to the land of the living,” You turn your head slightly and see Fixer sitting next to the bed you’re in, “Good morning, General.”
“Morning,” You mumble, “We’re back at base?”
“We are. You’ve been in a bacta tank for two weeks. And you’ve been under 24 hour watch since you were pulled out a day ago.” Fixer explains, “It…it was pretty close there, for a bit.”
You press an arm over your eyes, “Sorry.”
“Not your fault. You shouldn’t have been sent alone.” He hesitantly takes your hand, the one closest to him, “It’s not going to happen again.”
“Boss called the Jedi Council after we got you back and there was no small amount of threatening done.” Fixer sounds amused, “And when the council asked about the intel rather than you, Sev and Scorch exploded on them too.”
“And that worked?”
“It was accepted that Delta Squad is far too valuable to risk us going AWOL due to losing you.” Fixer says dryly.
You laugh weakly, “You would never.”
“If we lost you, we just might.”
You shook your head, and smiled at him, “You’re loyal soldiers.”
“We are. Loyal to the person who expected us to be more than soldiers. To the person who expected us to use our best judgment rather than mindlessly following orders.”
You drop your arm and blink at him in surprise.
“You seem surprised.”
“I would expect this kind of talk from Scorch or Sev…not so much you.” You admit.
He chuckles, “The 212 is fiercely loyal to their Jedi, as is the 104. Is it so surprising that we’re just as loyal to our Jedi?”
You sigh and sink back against your pillow, “No. I suppose not.”
“Good.” He pauses and his grip around your hand tightens, “I need to tell you something.”
“Go ahead.”
“I don’t hate you. I know I’m not as…overtly affectionate with you as, say, Scorch is, but I don’t hate you.” Fixer explains quietly, “It just took me some time to figure out what it is I do feel for you.”
“And what’s that?”
He smiles wryly, “I’m afraid I’m in love with you. And I know you’re a Jedi, and I know it’s not allowed, but-”
You laugh softly, “I’m a Shadow, Fixer. The rules don’t necessarily apply to me like they do with most other Jedi.” Slowly, painfully, you roll onto you side and you reach out to lightly touch his cheek, “For what it’s worth, the only reason everyone knows that Jedi don’t do relationships is to protect us from people trying to use sex or romance to influence us.”
He blinks, twice, and then huffs out a sharp breath, “That makes so much sense. The Jedi are seen as incorruptible because they can’t be bribed.”
“The ancient Jedi were clever assholes. There are those who have decided to adhere to that rumor as the truth, but you won’t find a single Shadow who views it as anything more than rumor.” You smile softly.
“So,” You continue, “I’m willing to take a relationship a day at a time with you, if that’s agreeable to you?”
“Very agreeable.” He pauses, “Does that mean I can kiss you?”
“I taste like bacta.”
“Don’t care, and also not an answer.”
You smile at him gently, “Yes, you can kiss me.”
Fixer leans in and gently, very gently, brushes his lips against yours. And then he pulls away, “I’ll kiss you properly when you’re not still laying in a hospital bed.”
You laugh softly, and settle back on your pillow, “Alright, give me an update. What’s been going on the last…month and a half?”
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ughgoaway · 7 months
- 🦀
okay so... a lot!
tw; mentions of murder and inappropriate tagging...
speedy rundown; tia didn't tag a fic appropriately, stranded pt 2, where matty was revealed to have been plotting to kill reader. there was 0 mention of dark themes in the tags. and that's fucked.
multiple people DMd tia, and I know that anons also had the same issue, idk who those were! tia freaked out, refused to believe she was in the wrong, and didn't tag it. then, when people were vulnerable with her about why she should, she still didn't care.
she tagged it days later, still with an inappropriate tag but whatever. still refused to believe she could ever be in the wrong, and acted like she was being personally attacked.
(more things happened but I don't remember everything)
also, I posted that teaser for the Vegas fic, then found out tia had also done a married in vegas thing, but I honestly didn't care because its not a unique plot.
but then tia messaged me, "Wild." with my post attached. I asked for clarification on what she meant (I knew what she meant, but I wanted her to say it) she claimed it was "autocorrect," which... isn't how it works. I was nice, and apologised for the "misunderstanding" (in hindsight, too fucking nice.)
the same thing happened to molly, but 100x worse. molly used 3 words in a fic of hers, genuinely 3 words, that tia had used those words as a fic title. And molly thought it was a cute little reference. tia did not take it that way.
she then went on a tirade claiming that molly "copied her" and "didn't give her credit"... OVER 3 WORDS THAT ARE A COMMON PHRASE. she was so horrible, and it really affected molly. Thank god she ignored tia and blessed us with more of her work. but she almost didn't because tia couldn't get her head out of her ass.
the things she said to molly were horrible. and she never let it go and started claiming that everything molly did was a copy.
she did it with tropes too. no one could dare write a fic with a vaguely similar plot. god forbid we have fun fucking hell.
anyway, back to the tags thing;
Tia still was being childish about the tagging thing and deactivated because she couldn't fathom that she was wrong and people didnt just bow at her feet when she "apologised" (didnt actually apologise but i digress).
then lily, her little puppet, came on and started it all back up. and accused people of things that were in no way true.
but guess what- she ran away too!
and let's just say tia had a fucking history.
oh well, over now and we can all be happy and write fics with APPROPRIATE WARNINGS. and can share tropes.
I hope they're both happier away from tumblr, because I am without them here lmao
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n3tworksucks · 2 years
word count;656
warnings; angst, umm idk lmk if i missed any
-school can suck.
-especially law school.
-and alex was smart, you would tell him all the time and tell him how proud you were
-and he somewhat knew he was smart too
-but sometimes the thought of him not being smart or good enough would get to him, and would effect him enough to where he'll just kina stop what he's doing, asking himself what he's doing.
-he doesn't want you to know if he's upset about school either.
-but knowing him long enough and being with him whilst he studys most of the time, you'd get an idea of when he was feeling this way about himself(and he's not very good at hiding it so well but shh) 
-when he's staring to feel this way or when hes stressed, he'd work a lot slower mentally and physically, he'd go quieter than usual and his inhales would stutter
-so when you'd notice you didn't really know if you should give him space or give him love.
-but you decided to give him love.
- you were on the foot of your shared bed and he was sitting on his side of the bed on his laptop
-youd hear slow typing and a shaky inhale
-so that's when you knew something was wrong
- you look over to your boyfriend and he looks tired, it stung a little to see him like this
- you had thought of giving him space but it didn't look like it
-so you crawl your way next to him
-but when he saw you moving towards him he had quickly tried to fix himself up and take a deep breath
- when you made it next to him comfortably you told him hey
- he said hi back
- you then asked if he was ok. he only nodded
- you look on his screen to see what he was writing and you see a lot of blue lines under some of the words meaning autocorrect corrected some words you knew he could spell, even though he was typing slow.
- you think he needs a break
- so you wrap your arm around his arm then use your other hand to move his computer out of his lap
- you put your head on his shoulder and slowly rests his head on top of yours
- then you grab his hand, playing with his fingers for a few minutes 
- then he sighs and closes his eyes
-" you know you can talk to me right" you say more of a statement than a question
-"i know" he says
-"you wanna tell me whats wrong?" this time you say more of a question than a statement
-you never wanted to pressure him into opening up because it can be uncomfortable if he's not ready. and we don't want that
-but you always try to make sure he knows that he can talk to you
-"its just school" he says " its been kinda hard and I can't focus" he said with a sleepy voice,  and you can hear it
- "do you wanna just stop for the night?" you ask and he goes silent, almost like he's thinking. 
-"come on" you say making sure his work is saved on his computer before turning it off and putting it to charge
-he doesn't even try to get it back. he's just too tired
-you come back and see Alex already under the covers waiting for you
-you gladly join him in the bed, getting under the covers holding each other with his head buried in your chest and your fingers in his hair
-not long after. you hear light snoring
- you smile to yourself, thinking about how smart your boyfriend really is and how proud of him you are
- but before you could fully drift off to sleep, you heard a little mumble coming from alex.
-"i love you"
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dingbatnix · 1 year
Rest (part 2)
I was vibin hard with some DreamXD is actually Dream, so this kinda just spawned :D
It was supposed to be shorter, but somehow it just...exploded into a very long word monster.
Anyway, have some sketchy reference art for Dream and Karl’s god forms. (pending till when I feel like it ;D)
Oh yeah thanks to @local-squishmallow for proofreading! : )
Word Count: 8,164
Warnings: Alludations to Fatal Vore, Fearplay, Ect. Pretty mild on the violence this time, actually :D
Also, y’know, my autocorrect says that ‘alludations’ isn’t a word. But it also says ‘vore’ isn’t a word, so screw grammar, I make my own words and rules >:}
Dream was trapped in an incredibly boring gathering. Again. For what seemed to be the millionth time for this century, and it was starting to get on his nerves. Dream hated gatherings. Now, don’t get him wrong, he was a people person, and he actually liked catching up with old friends and meeting the newly-formed gods and goddesses, but in a gathering like this, everything was too formal. He didn’t want to be stuck in a stiff, fancy environment with little to no humor and no fun. He couldn’t even crack a joke without breaking some social rule or something equally stupid.
Now, as both the God of the End and the Overworld, he was one of the most powerful gods to exist (below the Gods of Prime, of course.) As such, it was his duty to keep the peace between the others by hosting such events, but Prime, if it wasn't the most dry, soul-sucking kind of event he'd ever had to participate in. He couldn’t even chat with any of his friends because he was stuck at the head of the room in a gilded seat in case anybody needed to speak to him, or if any of the new godlings needed to meet him. It was so boring.
If he could, he’d ditch the gathering and go hang out with the two mortals he had recently befriended, but for one, the Gods of Prime would chew him out for ‘abandoning his ever-so-important post’ at such an big event, and two, if they found out he was in contact with mortals, the humans would be killed, and he would be stripped of his powers and position for interacting with them.
He stretched his secondary pair of wings out absently, iridescent white feathers glittering beautifully in the amber light of the magicked sconces. A few appreciative humms purred through the room, but he didn't much care for what the others thought of his wings. He would love to be flying right now, or even sprinting through the trees in the overworld, but no, he had to stay here and look important. He held down an irritated scoff and leaned back in his fancy, slightly uncomfortable, seat.
One of the other gods, (and Dream knew their name, he definitely did, absolutely) sidled up to his side and snapped their fingers, a small, fancy cage appearing in the air next to them. Dream perked up a little at the sight, knowing what it meant. Usually, whenever this particular god approached someone (they were a courier of sorts, for between the worlds), it meant that the mortals of the overworld or netherworld had sacrificed an animal or another mortal in that god's name.
Dream’s currently nonexistent mouth watered. Sacrifices and offerings, particularly human sacrifices and offerings, were delicious. There wasn’t another taste quite like it, at least, not that anybody had found. Dream greeted the other god warmly and leaned forward in his seat.
"You've been given two mortal sacrifices, End." They murmured, letting the small enclosure drift into two of Dream’s awaiting hands. He quietly thanked the god, who nodded and moved away, then looked down through the bars to inspect the two mortals that he had been offered. Being the God of the Overworld and the End did have its benefits, he supposed.
And there, smack dab in the center of the cage, cowering down against one another, were the two human mortals Dream had befriended. His stomach dropped, and if he didn’t have such an excellent grasp over his appearance, his body would have fizzled out in shock.
They were terrified, that much he could tell from how they were pressed up against each other, tiny eyes darting from the large, gilded gathering hall around them to the mingling mass of inhumanely-shaped gods to Dream himself. The dual-colored eyes of the older mortal, George, the one Dream often gave pretty gifts and anything else he asked for, eyed him suspiciously. The one with dark hair and fiery bright irises, Sapnap, who Dream enjoyed fighting and competing with, glared at everything, a dark, angry scowl plastered over his fanged lips. Their hands were twined together, and they had their backs pressed against one another in a horribly defensive position.
The probability that they knew why they were there was very, very unlikely, as the language of the gods, the one they had all been speaking, was indecipherable to mortals. The most they probably knew was that they had been left at an altar, and were then brought to someplace that was too bright, stuffed in a cage, and given to some random giant creature.
The two wouldn't recognize Dream, of course, not when he was in his true body. The size, for one, would make it impossible for him to be the Dream they knew. The true forms of the gods were always massive in comparison to humans and mortal creatures. It was a difference that Dream had never truly thought about until just now, when he was presently aware of how tiny his two human friends were compared to himself. His fingers were longer than they were tall.
Then the white mask over his face, one with an 'XD' marked delicately onto the surface. It was a small shorthand for who he was, as the End and Overworld god, though the distinction was hardly needed. Anyone who could feel his aura would know who he was. The mask was similar to the one he wore in his human body, but there was no way they would know it was him. That, plus the dual halos that orbited over his head to form a spherical 'X.'
The four arms his body hosted, two to each of his shoulders, separated him further from the supposed ‘mortal’ they knew, and the six great white wings that sprouted out from his shoulder blades, an eye of ender floating near the wrist of each, threw that distinction even further.
Dream had always taken his human form when he visited them out in the overworld, unwilling to reveal his godly status to them lest they grow afraid and leave him, and to shield his own actions from the Gods of Prime. He didn’t want word of his mortal interaction to get back to them, lest he be cast out and his two friends killed.
It was customary to consume human sacrifices when you received them, but Dream didn’t want to do that. He didn’t want to kill his two human friends! He valued them too much, he was too close to them. He liked hanging out with them and joking with them, and he liked doing the little chase game the three of them had devised, the one they dubbed ‘Manhunts.’
Dream fluffed up the primary pair of his wings, expertly hiding his discomfort, and frowned. He didn’t want to lose that relationship. Not even to have the ambrosiac treat of a mortal.
There was, of course, a way he could safely consume them, but…but that would be terrifying for them. As a God who had the ability to shapeshift, he could do whatever he wanted with his current body. That meant he could form a safe little pocket within himself, to store them for an indefinite amount of time. The best way to get them there, though, would be to act as though he was actually going to eat them, and he didn’t want to be the cause of such fear and panic that they would surely experience.
He decided to leave the cage floating by his side, planning to discreetly release George and Sapnap back to the overworld once the gathering was over, and hoping that nobody would look too closely at the occupied cage, but not too long after he had received the ‘offerings,’ one of the other gods approached him.
The God of Time neared, eyeing the cage curiously. At least, Dream figured he was looking at the cage. Time wore a blindfold around his eyes, a cool lilac-grey that changed color depending on his emotions, that had a dark lemniscate, the symbol for infinity, stitched into the soft-looking fabric.
Dream muttered a small greeting to Time, who returned it absently. He seemed more focused on the two mortals in the cage than anything else, which worried Dream to no end. What was he wanting…?
“Are you going to…?” Time finally asked, gesturing towards the cage in an obvious question. The two tiny mortals flinched away from his hand. Dream thought fast, knowing it would seem suspicious if he outright refused to eat them.
"I'm not in the mood," He grumbled, leaning against his high-backed seat. "The last sacrifice I had gave me indigestion for days." The other god gave him a small, absent nod, fingers tangling in the multitude of chains, trinkets, and time-keeping instruments strung around his neck and shoulders.
"If you don't want them, I'll take them," the God of Time offered, hidden eyes nearly glued to the two humans as he fidgeted with his bangles and watches.
Dream immediately bristled. Oh hell no! Did he want George and Sapnap for himself? Did he want to eat them for keeps?! Dream knew that Time rarely got sacrifices, as most of the mortals didn’t see him as an actual deity. Dream could sympathize for the other god, but like hell would he give his two fragile human friends to someone else to kill.
A few of the eyes that floated about his wings swiveled to glare at Time, and Dream let a low rumble emanate from his chest. It was too quiet for anyone but himself and Time to hear, which was what Dream wanted. He didn’t need to create a spectacle over this, especially not when George and Sapnap were at risk.
"No. They weren't sacrificed to you, now were they?" Dream grouched, maybe a bit too sharply.
The God of Time averted his gaze and raised his long arms in surrender, splaying his hands out apologetically. One of the many ribbons of golden sand that flowed around his body flickered and twisted strangely under Dream's harsh gaze before stabilizing itself.
“What are you going to do with them, then?” He queried, an odd tone bleeding into his voice. He bit at his lip, seemingly nervous, and shifted his footing.
“I don’t know, feed them to the dragon or something?” Dream flared his secondary wings up in a facsimile of a shrug, feigning indifference. He wouldn’t actually feed them to the ender dragon, but it would be a good excuse for why they had suddenly disappeared, and it would back up his unwillingness to eat them.
“That’s such a waste, though!” Time exclaimed, blindfold shifting colors from lilac to a pale fuchsia. “I’ll gladly take them off your hands, End. You wouldn’t have to make the trip to see the dragon if you gave them to me.” The other god pressed, inching closer to the floating container.
Dream hooked a clawed finger through the cage bars and pulled it away from Time, slightly concerned that the other god would snatch it and bolt. He raised his tertiary wings defensively, leaning forward and staring Time down.
“What if I like visiting the dragon? She always enjoys it when I bring her gifts, and she loves the attention. What is with you, Time? You're not usually like this.” Dream snapped defensively, primary wings fluffing up to twice their size.
Time’s shoulders shrunk in, but he pressed on, strangely persistent. Dream was more than a little annoyed and concerned, now. “Please, End? I hardly ever get offerings! None of the mortals really believe in me,” he pushed, seemingly more desperate. Dream brought one of his tertiary wings between them, and, more importantly, between the other god and the two mortals, growing slightly uncomfortable at the God of Time’s intensity.
He realized that Time probably wouldn’t give up on pestering him for the two mortals anytime soon. With a small internal sigh, he came to the conclusion that he would have to take care of the problem in the best way he could think of; ‘eating’ Sapnap and George. Maybe then Time would get off his back about it.
“Actually,” Dream said slowly, tugging the cage in front of him and further away from the other god. “I think I will eat them. I suddenly have an appetite.” The color of Time’s blindfold drained to a pale greenish-yellow, and his fingers tightened in his pendant chains. He tried to protest, but Dream ignored him in favor of focusing on his two mortal friends.
He'd have to do Sapnap first, and get him over with. The fireborn-mortal would fight the most, and probably be the most difficult to get down.
Dream let a jagged black maw form and split the lower half of his mask, testing it a few times by opening and closing his jaw. He didn’t form any teeth, as he didn’t want to accidentally bite either of his fragile friends, but he did shape a soft, pliant tongue, to make the landing into his mouth not as harsh, and allowed saliva to pool over and underneath it so that he could slicken them up and make the journey down easier on all of them. For the faux stomach, he simply opened up a small pocket of flesh between his lungs, just below his heart, and attached it to his esophagus via a small opening near the top of this new space. He supplied air through small connections to his lungs, knowing that his two mortal friends couldn't last as long as he could without breathing.
Fake stomach prepared, he braced the cage with two of his hands and reached into it with a third hand, intent on grabbing the dark-haired human. The bars yielded to his touch, automatically bending around his wrist as he stuck his hand through them.
He moved quickly, surrounding Sapnap in his fist before the tiny mortal could scramble away, pulling him from George’s desperately grabbing hands, and lifting him from the solid metal floor, then up through the bars, out of the cage.
Dream did his best to ignore both of their cries of fear, as well as Time's strangled gasp, as he lightly tossed Sapnap into his newly-formed mouth and closed it. The tiny mortal cursed, shoving at the roof of Dream’s mouth and kicking violently at his tongue. He held his wince and squashed the human against the roof of his mouth, soaking his clothes in saliva. He then pushed Sapnap to the entrance of his throat and swallowed, ignoring the clawed fingers that drew blood and the furious shriek Sapnap let loose.
The sound of tiny screaming drew a few curious glances from the other gods, but they soon looked away. The consuming of mortal sacrifices was normal for them all, so the screeching humans were nothing interesting to watch.
As Sapnap slid down to the safe stomach, Dream turned his gaze down to his brunette friend. George had actual tears in his eyes, and his breath was coming in such short, harsh pants that it was a small miracle that he hadn’t passed out already. Dream felt a pang of regret ring through his chest, but he pushed it down. He had already made his decision. It would look incredibly suspicious if he backed out now.
Holding back another sigh, he stuck his hand back through the cage bars and moved to grab the little mortal. George pressed against the bars of the cage, chest heaving, then tried to lunge underneath Dream's clawed hand as it approached. Instinctively, Dream slapped his hand down on top of the human, slamming him to the floor of the cage and trapping him underneath his palm. Dream winced at George's strangled cry of pain, and resolved to apologize for that later. As well as for everything else. Profusely.
Carefully, he scooped the struggling man up and pressed him between his fingers and palm, negating his struggling. “Fuck off, you monster!” George screeched as Dream brought him out of the cage. The spoken English was a jarring difference from the language spoken in the godly realm, and usually Dream enjoyed hearing it. Now, though? It hurt.
Gently, he shoved the now definitely crying, cursing mortal into his mouth and closed it. Dream ignored the saltine taste of the human’s tears as he ran his tongue over George’s body, and when he finally swallowed, it was a relief to no longer have to endure the flavor of his fear and anguish.
They both tasted amazing, aside from the fact that it was his two closest friends he was eating. Of course, mortals always were like the sweetest ambrosia, and usually Dream really would enjoy it. Not now though. Not this time, not when it was George and Sapnap. He held back a shudder and straightened his shoulders. Now he just needed to wait for the end of the gathering, so that he could explain everything and let them go.
Through everything, Time's gaze never left him. He couldn’t see the other god’s eyes, but something about his aura felt desperate, felt heart-broken. Dream forced himself to brush it off. If Time wanted human sacrifices that bad, he could work harder to make himself known to the mortals. These two, he could not have.
Dream could hear them crying from inside of him, and though the sound never left his body, it haunted him. It tore at his heart, and he wanted to reassure them so badly, but he couldn’t. If any of the other gods knew that he was friends with mortals…
Something sharp spiked into his flesh from the inside, but the wound healed almost immediately. Dream held his winces, and eventually, the two mortals gave up and stopped stabbing at his guts.
Eventually, Time wandered away, a sickening green wash coloring his blindfold. Dream didn’t watch him for too long after he left. He was more focused on the no-longer struggling contents of his gut. They were scared, that was for certain, but maybe it had been long enough that they had realized they weren’t going to die?
Death shot him a knowing look near the end of the gathering. Dream held back a wince. Of course she'd know that he didn't actually eat the two mortals...their lives were her domain, after all.
He raised his primary set of wings at her, daring her to say anything, but she only quirked her lips in a serene smile and turned away. Uncertainly, Dream folded his wings back down and settled back into his chair. Death wasn’t one to call someone out on something, and she was actually quite nice. Maybe she wouldn’t report him to the Prime Gods? He hoped not. He’d have to talk to her when he next got the chance, as soon as he could. He didn’t want to risk anything, even if she didn’t plan to turn him in for breaking one of the Gods of Prime’s laws.
After the gathering, Dream swept from the hall, regally declining any sort of accompaniment from all of his godly friends. He couldn't run through the halls of the citadel without arousing confusion and concern, but he damn sure wished he could. His two mortal friends had spent too much time already being scared for their lives, and he wanted to reassure them as soon as he could.
Before he could enter his chambers, the God of Time intercepted him, stepping out from behind one of the thick, decorative sconces that bordered the door. Dream stopped, reflexively puffing up his feathers and crossing all of his arms. What did Time want now…?
Usually, he and Time were on pretty good terms. They weren't close enough to know each other’s chosen names, but they got along very well. He liked Time, but right now, his behavior was starting to freak Dream out.
"The mortals, you didn't kill them, did you?" Time blurted before Dream could say anything. Dream froze for half a second before forcing himself to look composed. How did he know…? Should he be worried? He didn’t think Time would turn him over to the Gods of Prime over such a small thing as refusing to give him his sacrifices, but…
Dream looked over Time. The other god’s shoulders were pushed out bravely, but his hands were shaking. His multitude of necklaces and pendants jingled with the movement, and his blindfold was still that same sickening shade of greenish-yellow as before. The golden streams of sand that drifted around his body, usually quite smooth and tranquil, seemed more scattered, frantic, even, and were swirling much faster than usual. His face was pale, and he couldn’t seem to stop chewing at his bottom lip.
Dream cocked his head and flared out his secondary wings. "What would make you say that?" His mind was racing, already coming up with possible excuses to toss out at the slightest hint of suspicion. If that didn’t work, he was already mapping out ways to subdue Time, maybe knock him unconscious, and after that…well, the God of Memory still owed him that favor…
"I asked Death, if–if I could have their souls back from her. She said that she didn't have them. So that means you still have them.” The other god blurted, shoulders hitching down just the slightest bit. “That means that they’re still alive…" Time’s chin dipped down briefly, and quickly rose up again. Dream realized with an unsettled jolt that the other god had glanced at his abdomen, where the two mortals currently were.
Dream froze for a moment, then mentally shook himself. He was on equal ground with Time, as they were just about the same in power, so he couldn’t just attack him straight out. He’d either have to bluff his way out of this, or distract Time long enough to catch him unawares.
"What if I do? What does it matter to you?" Dream blustered, straightening up to his full height. The fact that Time was pretty much as tall as he was gave him little pause, but he pushed past it and stared the other god down. “I already told you before, I’m not going to give them to you. They’re mine.”
The God of Time flinched back at the intensity in Dream’s voice, and he seemed internally conflicted. He opened his mouth to say something, blindfold flushing to a pale blue-green, then closed his jaw. The sand around his body fluctuated as his internal debate raged, but finally, he managed to speak.
"I–" Time wavered for a moment longer, then sighed a long, resigned sigh, hands tangling up in his clock chains again. "I know the black-haired one. I–he–. We're good fr-…acquaintances. I don't want him dead." He mumbled, casting his head down and away from Dream.
He perked up suddenly, a fierce hardness solidifying in his aura. The sands around his body condensed into more solid trails, and the color of the cloth around his eyes twisted up into a violent reddish-orange.
"I know I broke the rules, but I don't care. The Prime Gods can stuff it. I’ll even fight you over this, End, I will. Just give them to me, and I’ll leave you alone, okay?” Despite his strong words, his hands were still distinctly trembling. Between Time’s fingers, Dream could feel the unmistakable pressure of the other god’s magic coalescing. He was obviously ready for a fight, even with his visible anxiety.
Dream himself was left speechless at this new revelation. Time knew the black-haired one, knew Sapnap…? He was thrown off-balance by this information, and didn’t know how to react. That, and the fact that Time had basically just insulted the Gods of Prime! He was lucky there was no one else in the corridor. He could be excommunicated for that!
His higher thinking finally kicked up into gear. If Time already knew Sapnap…that meant that Time was in the same boat as Dream was. That meant that he could tell time of his own involvement, and, more importantly, avoid a fight while he still had his fragile mortal friends inside of him.
Dream sagged inwardly at this final thought, and made up his mind. He would, could tell Time, and this whole unfortunate mess would be resolved.
Outwardly, he showed no emotion other than his wings folding down against his back and his feathers smoothing down once more. "Come on, then," he finally said, beckoning the God of Time towards his chamber door. Time faltered, blindfold melting into a strained brown, and a befuddled twist curled over his lips. He didn’t immediately move to follow Dream, so the End God flicked a tertiary wing out and waved him forward again. “We…we have to talk, and I don’t want to do it out here.”
Cautiously, the other god followed him as he pushed open the heavy chamber door and entered his rooms proper. Dream could feel Time’s suspicious yet hopeful gaze on the backs of his wings, but he ignored it for the moment.
Once the varnished door was closed and firmly barred, Dream slumped and let all six of his wings droop down until most of his primary feathers brushed the polished floor. Normally, he wouldn't be one to let the other gods see him be anything but strong and in control, but…well. This wasn't a normal situation. Plus, he and Time were already fairly good acquaintances, so he didn’t much care.
Quietly, he flicked out a wing and cast a privacy ward over the room. No word of the upcoming conversation would ever reach any ears other than the occupants of his chambers.
Time looked at him oddly as he set up another charm to warn if someone was approaching the entrance of Dream’s chambers, but otherwise said not a word. He was waiting for Dream to speak first, it seemed.
"I know them both." Dream finally sighed, making his way to the doorway that led to his, in mortal terms, ‘living room.’ Time made a strangled, surprised noise as he followed Dream into the room. “You–ah–what? You know them?” Out of the corner of his vision, Dream saw Time’s blindfold flush up to a bright, startled yellow, and his sand seemed to poof out in a spastic burst.
“Yeah.” Dream wearily eased himself down onto one of the low-backed burgundy chesterfields surrounding a short, gilded glass table, mindful of jostling his tiny passengers, and gestured for Time to do the same. The other god sank down onto the cushions opposite of Dream, confusion still twisting up on his features.
“I…I hang out with them, in a human form, when I don’t have any duties to attend to.” He started to explain, leaning forward to clasp two of his hands together. “I thought…I thought you just wanted to actually eat them. Sorry.” He gave Time a small, apologetic smile with his still-present mouth, and waited for the other god to reply.
Time stared at him for a long moment, before letting loose a long, heavy breath. He ran a hand through his curled hair and glanced at the baroque-styled ceiling. “Ohhh, thank Prime. Thank Prime. Ohhh, you have no idea how scared I was, that you had actually…actually killed him.” He looked back at Dream, then tilted his head down towards the End God’s abdomen. “So…Sapnap’s okay? Err, they both are?” He hesitated for a moment, then added, “I’ll admit, I don’t know the other one.”
Dream nodded, straightening up a little and glancing down at where the two mortals were. “They’re both fine. I formed a separate, safe pocket of air to hold them in for the time being.” He jolted, then, at a sudden realization that flooded his body with guilt.
“They don’t know that it’s safe!” He blurted, six wings flaring up in alarm. “I…I didn’t tell them.” Time’s lips creased in concern as well, at his words, and he leaned towards Dream. “You can get them out, right? Or at least tell them?”
Dream sucked in a short breath with another nod. “Yeah, but they probably won’t trust my words. I’m gonna let them out.”
Gently, he touched at the area of the faux stomach, readying to push at it and squish its contents up, but paused. He had to prepare himself for whatever confrontation came in the next few seconds. Whatever happened, he knew it was not going to be pretty. Neither human was someone to be trifled with when they were upset.
Finally ready, he dug his fingers into his abdomen, squashing the bottom of the faux stomach flat and forcing the two small bodies up into the tube that connected to his esophagus. They cried out, startled, as Dream’s muscles tugged them upwards towards the outside world.
He closed the flesh up behind them as they rose, no longer needing the faux stomach, and not wanting them to fall back down into it.
They passed up into his throat, and slid into his mouth. One, and then two small weights rested on his tongue once more. He could feel them clinging to one another, the flavor of their desperation and fear absolutely pooling against his taste buds, and it made him feel awful.
He cupped two of his hands together and brought them up to his mouth. Very gently, he opened his jaw and slid the two trembling bodies onto his palms with his tongue. Saliva clung to his skin wherever the two mortals touched, but it was fine. He could clean everything up later.
When he lowered his hands to get a good look at them, George let loose a small cry, scrambling back in his palm and pressing up against the barrier his curled fingers made, while Sapnap lunged in front of the other man, trying to block him from Dream's view.
Dream shot a small, worried glance towards Time, then looked back down at the two soggy mortals he held in his hands. He…He was unsure of what to say, of where to start. Seeing them here, now, in the godly realm, in his hands, it really hit him, how much power he had over them, how truly insignificant they were to the grand scheme of the Prime Gods.
Dream pushed that thought away with a special kind of dislike and settled on apologizing, first and foremost.
“I’m…I’m sorry. I didn't mean to scare you guys.” He apologized, speaking in English, the most common language down in the overworld. The two of them wouldn’t understand the speech of the gods. Time leaned forward, probably trying to catch a glimpse of them, so Dream lowered his hands down even more and waited for the two mortals to say something.
At the sound of his voice, George had frozen. His bi-colored eyes were wide with shock and a large dose of fear, and his lips were slightly parted. Sapnap, meanwhile, jolted out of his frightened stupor and exploded.
“Who the fuck do you think you are–what even are you, you bastard? What kind of jackass decides it’s okay to–to fucking eat somebody?! What’s fucking wrong with you?!” Dream could feel the human’s ire in the form of heat as he snarled forward over his palms, and it was only George’s restraining hand on the fireborn’s bicep that kept him from trying to lunge for something vital on Dream’s immense body. “Fucking—why are we even here?! Let us go, before I shred you into pieces, who the fuck even are you–”
One of Time’s hands was covering his mouth. Dream couldn’t tell if he was shocked at the mortal’s outburst, or amused. From the way Time’s blindfold had shifted to a pale grey-green, he’d say surprised and worried. Dream himself didn’t know what to say, but he didn’t bother trying to shut the mortal up. Once Sapnap got started, there was no stopping him. He’d have to work himself out first, before Dream would be able to get a word in edgewise.
A thought drifted into Dream’s head, and he decided to follow it. If it could get Sapnap to stop ranting…
Without a word, Dream let his godly form start melting away. His wings shivered and sank into his back with the slightest sound of shifting of feathers, eyes of ender popping quietly out of existence, while his two free arms merged into the ones holding George and Sapnap. He let the little jewelry and bangles he wore disperse, as well as the dual halos orbiting his skull, and he even went so far as to change his long, flowing robes into the usual attire he wore in his human form. A cropped, bright green hoodie over a tight black undershirt, and baggy, tan cargo pants. Finally, the markings on his mask changed from an ‘XD” to a simple dot-eyed smiley face.
Despite the immense size his body still held, Dream looked, for all intents and purposes, human. He even used his shoulder to push his mask up to the side, finally allowing him to see the two tiny mortals eye-to-eye.
Sapnap’s rant faltered at the sudden sight before him. “—and…Dream…?” The man’s mouth went slack in shock. George, meanwhile, had tightened his grip on the other man’s arm, and had gone as white as a sheet.
“Hey,” Dream greeted hesitantly, keeping his voice low, only now realizing that speaking at full volume around their weak human ears may be a bad idea.
“What the fuck,” Sapnap hissed, stumbling away the few steps he had taken and pressing his back up against George, who wrapped an arm around Sapnap’s chest and stared agape over the fireborn’s shoulder. Dream could feel both of their heartbeats hike up significantly against his fingertips, and he winced. He didn’t know if that had helped at all, but at least it had gotten Sapnap to stop cussing him out.
“I…” He started, then paused, slowly gathering what he wanted to say. Time had leaned forward so far that he was practically on top of the glass center table so that he could see the two humans, but neither of them had noticed the other god. Their eyes were focused on Dream, and Dream alone. “I guess I have a lot of explaining to do,” he finally mumbled, glancing away to look at Time. The other god met his gaze and gave a small noise of uncertainty, one that Dream definitely felt. What did one say, when you had lied to your best friends about your humanity, and especially when the truth had come out in such a way as this? Dream didn’t know.
At the noise Time had made, George had whipped around and let out a small cry of alarm when he caught sight of the other god, tumbling away to press against the heels of Dream’s palms. He dragged Sapnap with him, who only now caught sight of how close Time was. He let loose his own startled cry and shoved George back behind himself, now facing the God of Time with a violent, apprehensive expression on his face. It made Dream feel a little better, to know that they’d rather have him at their backs instead of Time, who was their current unknown, but he knew it was only because of circumstance. He didn’t know if they’d want to associate with either of them after this.
“Who–who’s that? Who are you?” George demanded, voice shaking. His minuscule fingers tightened in Sapnap’s shirt, and Dream was hit with the distinct desire to bundle them both up against his chest and hide them both away from the world, from everything. This was awful, seeing them so terrified of everything.
“It–it’s me,” Time blurted, directing his gaze at Sapnap. The fireborn’s eyes widened, shock coloring his features once more, and his tiny hands scrambled to grasp at George’s for support.
As if just the sound of his voice wasn’t confirmation enough, Time spoke again, more insistently. “It’s Karl,” he nearly pleaded, leaning back over the table just the slightest bit. His blindfold flared to a bright, hopeful-looking blue, and he bit at his lip nervously.
Dream jolted at the sudden drop of Time’s chosen name, and watched in mild shock as Time's form twisted and wavered until a human body emerged from the shifting sands. His wavy brown hair was the same, though now adorned with thick brass goggles, and now Dream could see his eyes, a warm amber in shade, blindfold gone. The majority of his clocks and pendants were gone as well, only a small golden hourglass with a delicate chain looped around his neck. Instead of deeply violet robes, he had a cropped multicolored hoodie, much like Dream's own green one, with a dark undershirt and simple dark cargo pants. Multiple thick belts were looped around his hips, and a simple brown book bag was strapped over his chest and hanging from his side.
A strangled croaking noise escaped from Sapnap’s throat, and he dropped most of his weight against George as his legs weakened on him. Dream moved a thumb to try and help steady him, but the way both of them flinched back stilled his movement. He retracted his silent offer of support. “What the fuck,” Sapnap whispered once more, reaching up to cover his mouth with a trembling hand. George grunted in concurrence, glancing uncertainly between the looming forms of both Dream and Time–Karl? Was he allowed to call him that? Since he hadn’t expressly given Dream his chosen name? Dream didn’t know.
“What…What are you two?” Sapnap muttered, looking up at the two of them and clutching at the pale arms wrapped around his chest. “Where the…where the hell are we?”
There was a long moment where neither he nor Ti–Karl, he decided, answered. “We’re…gods.” Dream finally stilted, killing the sudden silence that dropped over them all. “We–you’re uh, in the Void. The, the Realm of the Gods. You got…sacrificed.”
Another strangled noise came from them both this time, and Dream could see George’s legs shaking now, as well. Oh, End, how badly did they hate him now? Hate Karl?
“Can you—” George started suddenly, then stopped, swallowing to clear his throat. “Dream. Put us down. Please.” Dream nodded hurriedly, lowering his hands down to the surface of the glass table that Karl was rapidly scrambling off of, and flattened his fingers to allow for a ramp to the clear surface.
The two stumbled off of his hands onto the glass, supporting each other even as they sank down to the ground on account of their shaking legs. They eyed the translucent ground warily, and beyond that, the dark rug covering the smooth stone floor beneath them.
Later, Dream would have to clean the footprint-shaped spit trail from the glass, as well as the puddle where they were sitting, but for now it could wait.
For now, he wiped his saliva-sticky hands off on his pants and decided to apologize to them again.
"S-sorry. For scaring you guys. And–and slapping you so hard George." Dream cringed at the mention of the memory, and George winced. "Are you okay?"
Slowly, the brunette nodded, dual colored eyes glittering in the light of the enchanted sconces lining the room. "It's…it's fine. Just a few bruises, nothing that won't heal quickly."
Though he knew that the mortal was probably lying about the severity of the bruises (he had slammed him down pretty hard) Dream breathed a breath of relief. If George was in severe pain, he'd be tearing into Dream about stupidity and for hurting him.
“Why—why the hell did you eat us?” Sapnap suddenly demanded, sitting up straight and glaring over George's shoulder. "What the fuck was that about?!"
“I…” Dream faltered, glancing up at Karl for help. The other god’s eyes darted between the three of them, and he sucked in a heavy, preparatory breath before speaking. “He thought I wanted you two. To, um, to eat.”
Dream joined in, thoughts gathered enough to know what to say. “I…I thought that I only had three options. Err, keep, keep refusing and have somebody get suspicious and probably report me to the Prime Gods, give you to him,” Dream jerked his head at Karl, “to be, what I thought, actually eaten, or,” he paused again, sucking in a steadying breath. “Or just do it myself, where I knew you’d be safe.”
"It's also tradition," Karl butted in, face twisted in a way that made it seem like he wanted to be anywhere other than there. “Nobody–nobody’s ever rejected a sacrifice. There would be an upheaval if someone did.”
Dream noticed that he didn't mention that humans, especially those that had been sacrificed to the gods, were delicious. It was a tactful move, one that Dream would follow along with. There was no need to make the two mortals hate them both even more.
"It also breaks a lot of rules, one of us interacting with mortals." Dream added. "If the other gods had found out, you both would be dead, and Karl and I would probably lose our positions, or at the very least be cast out of the void."
He noticed Karl glance at him at the use of his chosen name, but he said nothing about it. Dream dipped his head at him, indicating that the other god could use his name as well, if he so chose.
"If it had been someone else, if somebody else had been sacrificed, would—would you have killed them?" George asked.
Dream fell silent and turned his head down. He…He did not want to admit to anything, even if it was true. The dead silence was deafening, other than the sound of Karl nervously shifting on the sofa opposite him.
"Have you–" Sapnap started, then stopped. He was silent for an incredibly long moment, and then said decisively, "Nevermind."
Neither Dream nor Karl needed to ask what his question was. Have you had sacrifices before? Have you killed before?
The answer was obvious. But they weren’t willing to say it.
"So…"George started, clear hesitance coloring his tone. "What's going to happen to us now?"
They were shivering. Dream didn't know if it was from fear, or from the saliva still soaking their clothes and the fact that the room was a little chilled.
"Do you guys–do you wanna wash off, or something…?" Dream ventured, pointing carefully at the slick dampness still dripping from their clothes. The two looked down in disgust, but shook their heads regardless. “Maybe later,” George muttered, reaching down to try and wring out his shirt a little bit. “I don’t know about Sapnap, but I really don’t want to be touched right now.” The by either of you went completely unsaid, but both Dream and Karl could read between the lines.
Sapnap was nodding, and it really, really did hurt, how neither of them seemed to be able to trust the gods, but after what had just been said…Dream didn’t blame them. He couldn’t blame them. He’d be scared, too.
"We'll take you two back to the overworld, then, when you’re ready,” Karl broke the choking quiet by answering George’s previously asked question. He wrung his hands together, biting at his lip as he carefully ventured forth his next words.
"If you ever feel like talking to either of us ever—ever again after this, or–or if you need help, just…just call to the God of Time, or the God of the Overworld, okay?" Karl implored hopefully, leaning forward from the cushions of the chesterfield. "We'll hear you, wherever you are."
"I think…" Sapnap trailed off, bisected orange eyes drifting down to rest on a smudge on the glass table. Dream held his breath, hoping against hope that the fireborn wouldn't reject them outright.
Sapnap looked up, first at Dream, then at Karl, where his gaze lingered. "I think I will. I just…I need time to process. Uh, all of this.” He then turned his eyes to George, who was looking contemplative as he wiped his damp hands on his damp pants. After a long, long beat, he finally glanced up and met Dream’s gaze. A whirlpool of emotions were swimming in his eyes, most indecipherable for the God of the End. What he could see, though, wasn’t promising. Apprehension, wariness, the gleam of calculation, tiny hints of lingering fear…Dream didn’t know if George would ever want to see him again. The human may feel like it was too dangerous, may feel like Dream had betrayed him…Dream wouldn’t argue, if that were the case and George wanted nothing to do with him, but…
Dream would be heartbroken, that was for certain.
“I…I don’t know, Dream.” The brunette finally spoke, turning his eyes away again. “I…you’re a god. How am I supposed to respond to that? You ate me, ate us, what do I say?! I’m going to have nightmares from this whole…everything, and now that I know it was you…” He trailed off, glancing at Dream’s chest, then quickly away. “Maybe in the future, I don’t know, but…not, not right now, okay?”
Dream’s heart pinged painfully at the human’s words, but he wouldn’t let himself be crushed. At least George hadn’t decided to completely cut himself off from Dream? The End God had to hold onto that, and hope that it would keep him afloat.
“Okay,” was all Dream said, even though his brain was screaming at him to plead and beg for George to accept him now, because he was still the same guy he knew, just bigger and more powerful than any mortal could possibly fathom.
A solemn moment imposed itself over them all as the four of them mulled over the events that had transpired. Karl was fairly happy with the outcome. Sapnap would…probably come around, eventually, and it’s not like mortal time would be very long to wait, for a god. As a bonus, he had learned that End, no, Dream, had broken the same rules as he had, and in that, he had found a new kinship with the other god. He did feel bad for Dream, though, because it seemed like his other mortal friend, the brunette, was rejecting him. He hoped that George wouldn’t hate Dream for any of this.
Sapnap was still processing. His…very close friend, Karl, had turned out to be a god, (of either time or of the overworld, he wasn’t sure which) and that scared him, but…he could get over it. Karl was still Karl, after all, no matter how big or scary or powerful. Same with Dream. He would get used to it, he was sure. He was just mostly happy that they weren’t going to die in the gut of some giant deity. Everything else? Piece of cake, a flat breeze. Sapnap could deal.
George…George didn’t want to believe any of this. Dream, his very favorite friend, was a god? Dream, the man who could make him laugh in almost any situation, had eaten him? Had eaten Sapnap? What was George supposed to think? Even if it was for their ‘safety’ or whatever, at least he could’ve given some sign, some warning? George knew that he’d be having night terrors after this awful experience. He’d already had trouble with sleep, but now? Oh, he was so screwed. A small part of him hoped, just maybe, he would be able to force himself to interact with Dream without freaking out, but every time the thought crossed his mind, uncontrollable shivers wracked up his spine, and he felt sick to his stomach. He didn’t think he could do it. He didn’t want to. At least he still had Sapnap. At least they were both alive.
Dream wanted to cry. Or smite something. Maybe he could go fry a pillager outpost after this? Maybe. George…he didn’t think George wanted to be around him after this. He really, really hoped George would come around, but he doubted it. He knew the mortal wouldn’t. George was very, very stubborn, which meant that Dream had just lost him. He tried to cheer himself up by telling himself that he may still have Sapnap, and that he had just gained a closer relationship with Karl, but it didn’t help much, not when it was compared with the loss of George.
His thoughts turned to whose fault this all probably was, and a sudden realization that had a snarl crawling over his face passed through his head. He needed to know, so that he could smite them, for causing all of this mess. That, and the indignant anger over the fact that his two humans had been slated to die.
"Who the fuck had the gall to sacrifice you two?!" He abruptly growled, and Sapnap snorted at the sudden outburst. Soon, they were all cackling uncontrollably, and Dream felt just the littlest bit better about it all. Maybe things wouldn’t turn out so bad…maybe.
So, a while later, like, several months or something, George runs into some trouble, alone at night being attacked by a hoard of mobs, and he’s desperate. His armor is gone, his sword is about to break, and he will die if he can’t think of anything. So, he does the only thing he thinks he can do: he screams for Dream, he calls for the overworld god to help him, please, and then suddenly the mobs are being mowed down, one by one, by a (thankfully human-sized) green clad man. Then there’s a terse, heartfelt moment between the two where Dream says that there isn’t much worth doing without George. A bunch of emotions are laid bare that night, but they reconnect, and grow very much closer to each other. 
Sapnap is elated by the news, as well as Karl.)
Taglist that I fucking forgot o~O
@brick-a-doodle-do @i-am-beckyu
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timetravelerpyrite · 11 months
Uh, hi.
My name is Pyrite, I go by he/him mainly… don't mind she/her though. Newly found out I like Pup/Pupself pronouns too.
I'm 30. (B-day is November 16th, if that matters to anyone.)
//Current Arc: None rn!
//Finished Arcs: Fool's Faller, ABSOLute Panic!
Anyway, not too important, I just kinda found this site and realized 'Oh, there's some people like me here!' so here I am I guess?
Don't expect me to be friendly.
I don't bite! I'm trying to make more friends, but don't shove too much at me at once please.
I don't like staying in one place, it makes me anxious, no I won't tell you why. I was running a lot because of my Ex, she and my bio fam wants me to come back, but I won't, I'm actually tying to get use to staying in one place now.
Most important thing, I'm a Time Traveler and Dimension hopper, how the hell am I both?
I caught a Celebi (He/She/They) by COMPLETE ACCIDENT so now I'm kinda stuck with them, and I kinda got adopted by a Dimension hopping Iron called Iron Eclipse (It/Its)… no, I do not expect you to know what that is.
Call me a fake if you want, I don't care, just try not to hold me down in one spot, got it? Wow I don't like this part the most, why was I such a jerk in my intro??
Anyway, I might visit ya if I feel like, I have two adopted (not legally but who gives a shit) sisters @queen-of-the-phantoms and @pokedexcamp! I'm dating @silveredfeathers and living with him and his wife (and now my Girlfriend-??) @trainerlynda.
Adding an addendum: Sometimes we, his Irons, connect to his phone to be able to post. We are;
🐉: Iron Rage. (She/Her)
🕊️: Iron Serenity! (He/They/Fae)
🌋: Iron Eruption. (He/Him)
🌑🌈: Iron Eclipse.
⌛: And sometimes I steal the phone, I'm Chronos his Celebi.
🍞: Thanatos types sometimes too, she has rather broken English so it will likely be autocorrected to hell and back, please tell her if it gets a word wrong, from what I can tell she wants to understand (She/It)
//Open ask games!
Pelipper mail and malice.
Ask an invasive question.
//Magnifying glass ask game!
See his dreams and nightmares.
//A post for you to give me permission for him to hop to your character's dimension! (Either on purpose or by accident.)
//Ooc info under the cut!
//Ooc. This is a sideblog! Unreality. Mod is an adult and goes by she/her he/him pronouns All art I use is my own (Or made for me)! I follow from @theshadowqueenofthedistortion, more info about me on my main! This blog is not settled in one dimension at the moment, so expect conflicting area info. Here's some of my other accounts as well!
//Semi-Serious blog, I will participate in active silliness and also write serious stuff. Will sometimes touch on death, abuse and a few other things, I will tag the serious stuff with their appropriate tw/cw tags.
//I will not ship with anyone who isn't my BF (and myself, but that's a note for later), just for my comfort. This boi does n o t stay in one place, if he goes to visit someone he will get there himself/he fell into that universe by accident.
//Magic anons are allowed! But I am picky.
//I am very open to crossover stuff!
//This guy is very much centered around Future Paradox pokemon! He's not gonna know all the Pokemon's names and will call them 'Irons'. The Iron names are VERY much headcannons unless talking about a cannon Iron.
//When he's on the move things he says aloud will be under
[Voice to text active!] where as when he's actully writing it will be under [Pyrite is typing...]
//What the tags mean.
//Shadow Mod Speaks: Mod speaking.
//Mod Reference: Me and/or Zorana making references for this account
//Shadow Art: Art by me that isn't a ref/finished.
//Pyrite info: Self-Explanatory. For both IC and OOC.
Little Hops: His post/response tag.
Warping Reality: Closed and/or serious RP. I will also use this tag when responding seriously to something.
Where am I today?: When Pyrite is mainly talking to himself.
The Pokemon tags: They are for each respective Pokemon/Iron
Magic Anon Things.: Stuff with magic anons.
Triangle Terror: Pyrite dealing with the truth triangles. He can't turn them off, so hehehe.
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snapshot-culture-is · 7 months
Hello! Welcome to Snapshot Culture Is! Below I'm gonna list a few things about this blog regarding boundaries and stances and a bit about me but for now I want to talk about the blog itself.
"Snapshot Culture Is" is a blog I was encouraged to make by my partner system since we both always see system blogs about roles or being a system in general but I can never really find one about snapshots. Which brings us to the next point!
What is a snapshot? Snapshot is a role in a system which just essentially means you are a former version of yourself of a person. Think of like if you went to go talk to a past version of yourself, that's like 13. They have the same thoughts, same interests, same personality, same general way they hold themselves that might not apply to you today. That's what we call a snapshot and the most important thing about snapshots is that many of us don't change past that point in time but not like truamaholders do. Many people consider snapshots and traumaholders the same thing but some snapshots, myself included, actually don't have anything to do with truama I'm simply stuck in the past with an attitude some of my headmates don't associate with anymore and beliefs they also don't believe in. Some snapshots are hosts and some hosts become snapshots but its kinda a minor role some people don't have and that's okay but this blog is here for the people that do and people that don't get posts they can relate to.
This includes snapshots with no truama, snapshots who are also truamaholders, snapshots who have truama but not the main truama, and snapshots who are hosts.
I was gonna see if snapshots had a flag but it seems like we don't so maybe in the future I'll make one if I get the change or if someone finds one let me know!
Under the cut I'm gonna be talking about boundaries/DNI/BYI things and a bit about myself
Edit: BTW I'm like dyslexic and autocorrect saves me more then I like to admit but just a warning I will mess up words in spelling and reading and I'm sorry if I read your asks completely wrong
While I am 19 I don't want NSFW asks on this blog since I'm allowing minors to interact. Please be respectful about that.
If you wanna send in an ask that isn't about snapshot culture but just want to talk about something interesting like a fun fact about yourself go right ahead it just won't be tagged as snapshot culture, we can have fun here.
If you send in asks about general system stuff I probably won't submit it since this is a role specific culture blog but if you are questioning I'm perfectly okay with that too just remember this is a specific subrole blog.
I do not have a dni. Straight up I don't care what you do in your free time as long as it's not on my blog. I'm not going into your house and telling you to take down your decorations because I don't like it. I don't want NSFW, discourse or hate on my blog but if your a heater in your free time I'm happy for you just don't come harassing people through my blog.
I'm EXTREMELY Anti Harassment of all kinds. I don't care you have no right to tell someone to kill themselves. Ever. Again not my house not my problem.
This blog doesn't care for syscourse or shipcourse or anything else discourse in the slightest. Anyone can interact forever. I've done my fair share in discourse and frankly I'm already done I'm a grown adult I got no time for that when I have bills to pay.
About the Owner:
So as you know my name is Rubik collectively and I'm a system myself as well as a snapshot host. As I've said I'm 19 as well as Nonbinary Transfem who's too pamsexual for her own good. My pronouns are She/It and we have a special interest in minecraft! We are specifically in love with Minecraft Story Mode and will talk about it all day if you give us a chance.
Some of our frequent frontiers are as followed
Jasmine - Ageless - Snapshot Host
Rewind - Ageless - Optimist Sponge
Roxy - 24 - Ex host Jack of All Trades
We have more frequent frontiers but these are our main trio. We do not identify with a system origin. System origins are unnecessary to us for many reasons we wish to not get into.
Thank you for reading this far I hope you have a great day and send in some asks! We love you systems of all types and hope you find our blog enjoyable at least!
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crowithy · 1 year
Fuck It I doubt I'll get to drawing all of them but have mine and partially my friend @jackbmx637 's headcannons on what WOF dragons each epithet erased character would be
We came up with these weeks ago so I don't really remember much but I'll try to explain each one I can (all under the cut)
Apologies for typos, new phone with wider screen plus horrendous autocorrect plus no glasses plus eepy
Molly- Night/Rainwing | Nightwing to give the star scales in place of her hair stars, and rainwin for the frill so they can still be on her head :) also so the scales could be colorfully but the designs I have for them don't follow cannon colors really so that part doesnt matter as much, just the frills mostly.
Giovanni - Rainwing | mostly vibes but also come on tell me Giovanni wouldn't absolutely love being a color changing dragon that can spit acid, you can't because he would. And rainwings are the coolest so nyeh
Sylvie - Silkwing | was originally icewing cause he gave off the vibes but I also kinds headcannon silkwings to be a little bit fluffy. Also the idea of him being all like "I'm not a kid >:(" even tho he literally doesn't have wings yet really funny (I have looked up an age chart for WOF to figure out the atrocious age system and came to realization he would have his wings at his age making it less funny but I still kept him silkwing because I liked it so much)
CarCrash/Fred - Silkwing | litterally only because I remember someone in the Talons Of Peace discord server joke about how silkwings have the right anatomy to drive cars. I don't even know if that's technically true or not .
Crusher - Leafwing | I felt the leafwing fin would he a nice way to give him his bangs, Crusher with eyes just felt wrong. Also idk if it's cannon or a headcannon from a fic I read that he liked gardening and plants so like leafwing. (It was prolly a headcannon)
Flamethrower - Silk/Skywing or Rain/Skywing | Kinda debated by me and my friend, because he does cheerleaders we wanted to choose the most fitting for him. I argued rainwing because from what I know they seem to have better movement (I'm not good at words but like yaknow how they have to climb around a lot idk I can't words its like 1 am) he argued wsilkwing because the four wings could give better maneuverability. Idk neither of us know anything about what we're talking about here I don't think.
Ben - Skywing | maybe if you get a cooler name Ben maybe you'd be assigned a dragon that's not just your sterotypical dragon. Jokes aside I can just easily imagine his voice fitting a skywing for some reason???
Spike - Hive/Icewing | the two spikiest dragons I could think of.
DarkStar - Nightwing | Darkstar is 100% a nightwing name.
I'll do more later today when I'm not about to pass out. Uh let me know if yall want anyone specific I guess.
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johnnyhasanigloo · 1 year
GRIPS YOU hey do you have a fallout oc of any kind. bats eyelashes
I do :))
I actually have like a few but I'll just talk about one of my favorite ones
His name is Constantine, and he's a ghoul who has been around for about 70 years (so like from sometime between the time period of fallout and fallout 2 since in my brain prison its taking place around fnv and fallout 4) and lives in the mojave and mojave adjacent areas
He sorta just started microdosing on radiation (radicalism showed up in my autocorrect and it is not wrong) because he'd hook up with priests and historians who were tripping on the amount of radiation they exposed themselves to, as a historian himself, it was mostly just to steal their books for his own library and books he'd want to write, he's not really a romantic but loves a good time especially when he can feel his kleptomania
He's mostly stationary in the outskirts small towns except when he's traveling to different storage containers where he keeps all his books, journals, histories, etc. The different containers are organized between dates, languages, and genre
His separation from the small towns and way he just dissappear sometimes inspires ghost stories of a lonely man who died a long time ago (among other variations) and he loves that
If the courier or survivor interact with him, he'll ask them to bring back burnt books, theres also an option to bring him pre-war clothes
Since this is getting a little long I'm gonna put some sample dialogue now but like there's so much in my brain about Constantine
> If you bring back burnt books
"They aren't trash- theyre rich with the words of super dead people. You might not be able to read them but I have some fucking class."
> If you ask him if he believes in God.
"What the fuck else is there to do? Half my skin is in the dirt or in a priest and I'd doubt that would happen if I didn't at least humor the idea."
> If you have notes and journals in your inventory
"Handsom, stupid, and a habit of taking souvenirs? You might be just my type."
> If you bring him pre-war clothes
"A new outfit? How'd you know fashion history was my first love?"
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But I Love You...
SUMMARY: In which Dabi stalks and then kidnaps you, all because he loves you.  WORD COUNT: 1.9k
WARNINGS: Stalking, kidnapping, mentions of (somewhat) animal abuse, you ignoring Dabi for a cute puppy, getting burned/passing out, possibly yandere(? I'm not sure- like it wasn't meant to be yandere but-), angst(ish) to fluff
A/N: The reader has a quirk called Siren; when you sing and focuses on a specific target, you can get their quirk. How long you have it depends on how focused you are, and how long you have sang. You can also sing mentally, but that usually takes more time. If you sing for a while and you don't have a target, and then find someone to focus on, then you can have their quirk for much longer. And, and- your target has to be fairly close to you. (This explanation is so long and this fic barely even mentions your quirk </3) Alsoooo- sorry if Dabi is a bit out of character, I tried- (he's my comfort character, I should know what he's like, but I still don't-) A/N PART 2: The word "Gin's" was autocorrected to "God's" and honestly that makes me happy :3 (If you know who Gin is, then good-) A/N PART 3: Don’t know if this was the kind of oneshot you wanted, but oh well- A/N PART 4: Originally posted here.
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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Dabi wasn't sure what had drawn him to you. Maybe it was your hair, or the way you held yourself. Maybe your smile. Whatever it was, he was entranced by you.
He still remembered the first day he saw you in passing... Your small smile as you talked with a stray puppy, urging it to come closer. The way you gently rubbed its ears, making it let out a soft whine of happiness and lick your hand gently, which made you laugh. How you picked it up so tenderly, the dog nuzzling right in to you—almost like a baby clinging to their mother. It was sweet.
He didn't know what had pulled him to move closer to you. All he knew was that he followed you home, hiding out in little alleyways until you reached your apartment. He heard your soft voice, cooing to the little dog.
He had remembered seeing that puppy in passing, heard how its owners yelled at it. It reminded him of himself, in a way... But that dog looked so happy with you now. It had run away whenever he tried to get closer, maybe scared of his scars. Whatever... It didn't matter, anyway. Not like he could've done anything for the dog.
Maybe, if that dog became so happy with you... Could you make him happy, as well...?
Maybe that was what started it. This- this obsession. Because as days passed, he found himself more and more entranced by you, following you home, following you everywhere. Learning your name, [L/N] [Y/N]. He longed to just have you all to himself... But he couldn't do that, right? He couldn't just lock you up in a cage or anything...
He sighed softly, watching you as you walked to the balcony of your apartment, letting your puppy have a breath of fresh air. You cooed to it gently before kissing the top of the dog's head. And that made Dabi so, so jealous. Why couldn't he have any affection like that? What was so wrong with him? He knew he looked terrible, but... He just wanted someone to love him for who he was. Although he knew that was impossible, right? Who in their right mind would love him? A soft snort escaped him before he froze.
Your eyes had flickered up to his figure, looking worried. Shit. He quickly turned away, sprinting as he ran from your gaze. Your soft, pure gaze that he loved so much.
You weren't sure who the mysterious man was, or why he ran away when he caught your gaze. But... It was fine, right? You looked at the little puppy in your arms, looking like a bundle of fallen leaves. "You look so adorable, Gin-chan!" You smiled happily, gently placing her down and petting her before leading her back inside. You were glad this apartment didn't have anything against pets... It would've broken your heart if it did.
Gin had looked worried when the two of you had first arrived at your apartment, squirming in your arms as you walked inside. Still, a soft hum from you relaxed her a bit. She clearly trusted you a lot... Which was a bit weird, but it was okay. You learned not to move suddenly, and soon she was all over you. Cute.
Still, your mind drifted to the strange male that you had seen on the rooftop. What was going on... Were you being watched? A small shiver ran through your body at the thought, and Gin worriedly nudged you, whining softly. You glanced down at her before petting her again. "It's okay. I'm never going to leave you, I promise."
Well... Those words were meant to be true, at least.
You sighed softly as you glanced around the dark room, frowning softly. You sang a soft melody in your mind, powering up your quirk. You didn't use it often, not really liking stealing a quirk, but hey... When you were in an unknown place, it was better than nothing. Hopefully someone was around, though... If not, then you wouldn't be able to use the quirk. For a little while, at least.
You tested the bonds on your ankles and wrists. No luck. It was way too tight.
You froze slightly as you heard a door open, eyes squeezing shut at the sudden light. A rough hand grabbed your chin, humming softly as they did so. Sounded like a guy... Your eyes fluttered open, eyes meeting bright cerulean ones. A soft gasp escaped you, trailing over his scarred features, a faint flush growing on your cheeks. He was handsome, in a scary way...
"Looks like our little doll is awake." A soft chuckle escaped the male, standing up and pulling away. You stared at him, uncertain. Wait... Had you seen him before? Maybe at the small café that you worked at? You didn't think so, though... Surely you would've recognized him. Maybe... The news? You might be onto something there.
Still, you weren't sure as you stared at him, pausing as you heard a few more footsteps. Well, now or never... You focused in on the male, who had his back to you before opening your mouth, letting the melody fly through you as you sang softly.
Dabi froze, whirling around to stare at you as a burst of bright blue flame ran through you. It hurt a bit, but... You could handle it, right? The flames had burned away the rope, and you stood up shakily, wincing as you did so.
"You let them escape?" A new voice. Male, sounding mad. You backed away a little, holding your hands with the flames out even as it continued to burn you.
"No- they- I don't know how they did it, but they stole my quirk-" Bright blue flames encircled you, stronger than the ones that you had from your hands. It didn't hurt, though... It was calmer. However, it was making sure you couldn't escape.
You finally stopped using the male's quirk, collapsing on the ground and wincing slightly as you did so. Burns were on your hands, and you hated the fact... You couldn't even take care of yourself.
You heard a small sigh as the wall of flames around you vanished, strong arms grabbing your waist and hoisting you up. "You really shouldn't do that when you're going to get hurt..." That was the last thing you heard as you blacked out.
Dabi wasn't sure what to think as he watched you laying down on his bed, a pack of ice on both of your arms. On one hand, he was glad to have you there... It was nice. But, on the other hand, he hated that you tried to go away. But, then again, why wouldn't you? He sighed again, shifting a bit closer and running his hands through your hair, enjoying it a bit.
He thought back to how he had taken you from your home when you were fast asleep, grabbing the things that he thought you would want or need. Your phone and wallet, although he kept both with him, some snacks, and... Your puppy. He hated to admit it, but he hoped that seeing your dog would make you relax. Hopefully... At least he had the good sense to bring over some dog food and bowls.
Although it may have been smart to bring the dog, it was definitely not smart of him to lock the dog in a cage. What else was he supposed to do, though—the dog was being annoying and trying to attack him. It didn't even know any better.
Dabi sighed again, then froze as you stirred. A soft murmur escaped your lips, eyes fluttering open. You tensed slightly as you saw the male, eyes widening slightly before starting to push him away.
"Hey. I'm not going to hurt you." A soft huff escaped Dabi, moving to gently wrap an arm around you before making you sit up. He repositioned the ice pack on your arms, sighing again as he looked up in to your eyes. They really were a pretty hue.
"Well, I can't believe that you won't hurt me when you literally have me caught in a place I—wait, Gin?" Your eyes widened as you saw the little puppy, pushing Dabi away again and getting up, stumbling toward the cage.
The puppy whined softly, scrabbling toward you and pressing her nose against the wire. You reached your finger in, petting the dog a little to calm her before turning back toward Dabi. "Unlock the cage. Now." Your voice was cold as you glared at the male, who winced slightly.
"In my defense, she was snarling at me." Dabi huffed a little before grabbing a key, unlocking the door. As if on cue, the puppy darted out, nipping Dabi's ankles before moving to your lap, nuzzling into you. "See-"
You ignored him, gently cooing to the puppy and kissing her. "Shh... It's okay, baby. I know he must've scared you, but it's okay... I'm here now. You must've been so scared without me..."
Dabi sighed again, moving to sit beside you and wrap an arm around you—or at least try to. Because as soon as he did that, the little menace that was your dog moved to bite him. Again. "Can't you make your dog have a bit more manners?"
"Can't you stop clinging to me and being annoying?" You shot back, glaring over at him. You were kidnapped, not knowing where you were with an unknown male, and he had the audacity to ask you to move your dog away? No way you were agreeing to that.
"No. Wait, how do you know my name? And why do you think you can talk to me on a first-name basis?" Your eyes narrowed as you glared at him. "Because one, I don't even know your name, nor who you are; two, I don't know where I am, and why you took me from my house; three, you hurt Gin's feelings; and four, I have no intention of sleeping with you." You held your puppy close.
"I- well, because I... I'm in love with you. And... I'm Dabi. Although you may know me as... Touya Todoroki." A soft sigh escaped the male as he watched you. "I'm a... Villain, I guess... And, I don't want to sleep with you, I just... Want to stay with you. You're so nice, and I just- No one's ever been nice to me before..." He glanced away, biting his lip a little.
You paused for a moment, uncertain. He just looked like an insecure little kid... But still.
"Love? How would you even know if you loved me...?" You felt your cheeks growing hot, but ignored it. "As I said before, we barely know each other... And anyways, why would you even like me?" You sighed softly with a small frown. It was a look that didn't suit you, in Dabi's opinion. He wanted to see you smiling and happy.
Dabi let out a small huff before leaning in, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. The little puppy growled a bit at him before squirming away, but you leaned in to his touch, to his surprise. "I won't hurt you... Promise. Won't let anyone hurt you, either."
You sighed softly, gently biting your lip. Should you trust him...? Maybe not, but... He seemed sincere. "Well, guess I'll just have to wait and see if that's true, then." You glanced over at him with a small smile, and Dabi felt his heart melt as he watched you.
"Mm, yeah. I won't let you down, I swear."
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kierancampire · 1 year
This post will drive me crazy but that's the point, my phone's driving me crazy
So I get a lot of compliments lately for my writing, which is nice, it's always been a severe weak point of mine. But it's not all me. I'm heavily dependent on technology, my spelling is dog shit, I heavily rely on my phone's autocorrect or for it to show words I've spelled incorrectly. Except it doesn't just do that. My Huawei never did this, but the Google Pixel 7 auto-corrects correct words. Now I know it is easy to think I've misspelled the word and the phone is just correcting it to the right word, but nope, I'm spelling it correctly, it makes sense in the sentence I am writing, but my phone assumes it doesn't so it changes it
For instance, without fail it changes "shed" to "she'd" it changes "nut" to "but", the other day it changed "Korean" to "Kieran" (which I never realised how close my name is to Korean), it changes "so" to "do", it will change my "its" to "it's" even though it isn't correct in the context, sometimes it even changes it back itself when it realises this. It also constantly tells me my sentences are grammatically/structurally incorrect, yet my sentence is fine, its suggestions are what's wrong. But it's done it to so many other things that I can't think of right now, and the thing is, every time I write, I am not only having to focus all my attention and focus into my spelling, grammar, punctuation, and trying to remember how to write constantly. I am also now having to keep an eye on my phone when I write to see when it changes (this is another one! It always changes "changes" to "changed") words, and either delete it and correct it and try not to trigger it changing it back again, or second guessing myself and my knowledge in case the phone is right! Which it almost never is!
And although the "simple solution" is turning off auto-correct, with how atrocious my spelling is that causes me more harm than good! I just wish I could get the phone to stop changing correctly spelled words! It freaks me out anyway that it reads everything I write and tries to predict/"correct" everything as I write it, I dunno if it all is being stored somewhere, but I fekin struggle with writing enough as is without some dumb and exceptionally flawed AI programming being worse at writing than I am! Like, even with how much I struggle I know this phone is bad! A few years ago I woulda accepted whatever the phone said and made no progress in my writing! It does far more harm than good, and I say that as the idiot it is harming! And yes, making this post I had to change every auto-correct example I used, and many others my phone did as I wrote this!
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vykko · 2 years
Not going to lie, dyslexia is amazing as nobody in my school or life remembers it exists and if they do they pretend it isn’t a disability
it great like
Tiny letters for no reason that I have difficulty reading
Me trying to make my phone more accessible to myself is not as good as I want it because both, the lay out is not meant for big letters and it doesn’t apply it’s self to anything not deflauf on the phone LIKE GOOGLE
having to learn cursive just as it was no longer useful so now I write in semi cursive when tired or having to be quick, I can’t read cursive
having to ask people who know I’m dyslexic even as well to slow down multiple times when writing stuff
not spelling well so getting lower marks
its a pain in the arse to get my accommodations and ATAR is basically wanting me to get diagnosed again to get a lower word limit so fuck me I guess
I can write and spell well, buuuut because everyone else can write quickly I have to too so I cant read my notes and I’ve cried before because a teacher would slow down
I have to write my notes before the teacher says so, so I can have written before they ask if everyone’s done. Which if I say I’m not I get either have everyone now focusing on me or it’s kinda ingored
”why do you have someone scribe” we don’t have teacher aids in high school for some reason, and during exams yet again getting accommodations is incredibly difficult it was a very hard for me to just get word limits brought down
beimg forced to write rather then type because if the teacher lets us use computers people might play games so again fuck me
them trying to help me with effectively treating dyslexia like I I understood nothing in the English language. also we worked on vowels sounds for ab example of how they did stuff, first I’d done it for 2-3 years 2 yes pior in speech therapy and I was flying through the activities and instead of picking up that I already knew the basics they kept doing the basics
effctivly trying to teach someone who is having difficulties holding their breath underwater for the same time as everyone else by teaching them how to swim by scratch when they allready can swim
more gaint stuff but it gets more ableist so I’d not want to talk about here but later
Last one is the time they changed the daily noctice section telling us where to go when a teacher was away
everyone had difficulty reading it and I couldn’t read it at all and got mild headaches from eye strain, I got lost for 20 minutes because I had forgotten my teachers name and had to get others to read out the table for me and getting pointed I’m the wrong direction by myself
It happened again but it was fault of lazy admin
yeah but I have soo many more stuff on how dyslexia isn’t at least in my school, city, most standard books, old people, the special system at my school, most signs, weirdly a lot of dyslexia awareness stuff and much much more is not accommodated for
also why is dyslexia treated like it’s not a disability
Like if a website has a bad autocorrect system you can very easily tell how much difficulty I have eg
tumblr = good
Skype= BAD!!
like it’s so jarring when I go and write after texting because all of a sudden it’s incredibly hard to English
like if you want to see how kinda I write in pen but for typing either look at posts I made while tired or upset or I’ll take a screenshot of Skype messages
sorry for how long of a rant this is, it’s just infuriating how I honestly struggle because somehow I’m excepted to do as well as my peers WHEN I HAVE A LEARNING DISABILITY, honestly dyslexia isn’t hard to accommodate
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skvaderarts · 2 years
Petrichor Chapter 42: Sunrise
Chapter 42: Sunrise
Note: Google autocorrect has been getting on my last nerve lately. Nothing drives me up the wall worse than when you write something and then it’s auto-corrected into the wrong word right in front of you only for the program to then tell you that you made a grammar mistake. No, I didn’t. Maybe tell your hyper-aggressive AI to stop putting words in my mouth. Or, in this case, my story. I know what I wrote. Clearly, you don’t. GAH!
Sirrus stood atop the train car, reaching his hand down to help pull his companion upwards and onto the ever so slightly rounded top of the last car on the train. The young summoner gripped his hand tightly as the man with the mostly red hair shifted his body weight, holding onto a maintenance railing in order to keep from tipping forward, knocking them both off of the high-speed train. He pulled V towards him as the man with the white hair clambered up the side of the train, a flurry of rapid movements insuring that he reached his destination smoothly.
Once atop the locomotive, the young summoner let out a sigh of relief, shivering slightly as he hunkered downward. The air up here was bracing and chilly, his eyes watering slightly as the cool air hit them and his vision became blurry temporarily. He shuddered, pulling his coat close to his body. He’d expected the air to be cold up here, and it was something that he could adjust to, but it still took him by surprise. 
But as his eyes adjusted to the rushing wind around him, he slowly took in something that he’d neglected to notice previously. The sky around them. It was pale and faint, but the variety of colors and hues was breathtaking as they mixed with the deep, fading blue of the night sky, that blue transitioning to the soft blue of the morning sky as the clouds radiated magnificent shades of purple, pink, orange, and yellow. V felt his breath still as he beheld it, the bright colors reflecting in his eyes as he looked out over the tree-covered horizon, the icy lake off in the distance and the powdery covering of snow atop the trees and the distant mountains simply a sight to behold. It was like something out of the prettiest postcard he’d ever seen.
“This view is… absolutely breathtaking.” The awestruck tone in his voice wasn’t lost on Sirrrus, the other man looking over at him with an eager look of excitement on his face as he realized that their trip up here had most certainly been worth it. That was the kind of child-like wonderment that he’d hoped he’d seen on his friend’s face. He wanted to give him that kind of simple joy, especially after how awkward their interaction had been back in the train cabin. He didn’t want to start the day off sitting in awkward silence in the train cabin. No, he much rather sit up there on the roof in imminent danger of losing his life should they approach an unexpected tunnel. That was much better.
“It is.” He allowed the cool air that blew in from the mountains to blow through his hair as he closed his eyes and savored its crisp embrace. The train was in the foothills now. They could both see the station from here, only a few miles off in the distance, glimpses of it visible through the trees and shrubbery as they approached it. And on the far side opposite the tracks in front of the building was yet another lake, this one smaller but seemingly connected to the one they’d seen yesterday via a snaking river. It was hard to be sure without an overhead view. “I’ve always loved the mist in the air at dawn. It’s just so…”
Sirrus trailed off, not sure what to say to describe it. He knew the word that he had in mind, or, at least the sensation associated with it, but it escaped him at this moment in time. All he had was the feeling it gave him, and he didn’t really mind that, in truth. Sometimes words weren’t necessary and only served to complicate and uncomplicated matters. He subscribed to the notion that silence was indeed golden. Something to be treasured in this world filled with far too much noise.
“Reinvigorating. I believe that might be the world you’re looking for.” V said simply, joining him at his side as they both took in the morning sky, the brisk air becoming just another thing they hardly noticed anymore. Just a small obstacle that they had long since overcome. Like so many before it.
“You may be correct, yes. I think that’s the word I’m searching for.” Sirrus said as he slowly sat down atop the train. Standing wasn’t the safest option, and it wasn’t as though lowering his body position was going to compromise the view. Not in an advantageous position like this. You could see some of this through the interior of the fogged-up windows inside of the train car, but this was far better. Clearer. “We should be arriving soon. In perhaps the next forty-five minutes or so.”
There was a short pause in conversation as V nodded his head in recognition of what his friend had just said. The two of them just sat there in silence again, enjoying the view for a solid minute or two before V glanced over at Sirrus, his friend noticing this but not acknowledging it by moving or speaking himself. He didn’t need to. He knew that V knew he was paying attention.
“I feel like we shouldn’t be up here,” V said in an amused tone, clearly not ready to climb down just yet. But it did seem that the reality of the situation had fully seeped into him and he was really registering for the first time that they were sitting together on the top of a train relaxing, doing perhaps one of the most patently stupid and dangerous things imaginable just because they could. And they both knew that and were indifferent to it. In fact, they were enjoying it. The little thrill it brought them mixed with the simple pleasure of what they were doing up there was hard to explain, but it was a welcome feeling.
Sirrus chuckled at the notion. It wasn’t that he disagree, it was simply the casual, dismissive way that V had spoken those words into existence. “What gave you that idea? How we had to climb up here or the lack of any meaningful hand railings. Or perhaps the fact that we’re on a train with no designated viewing platform?”
V shrugged almost playfully. Those were all good points. The statement hadn’t really required an answer, but he wasn’t bothered by the one he’d received from his friend. It was actually pretty funny when he thought about it like that, even if he wasn’t particularly sure why. “We're going to get arrested.”
“You have my assurances that we won’t,” Sirrus said shaking his head as he actually laughed a bit. As if anyone would be out of their mind enough to even attempt to arrest them. That would be a profoundly troublesome thing to attempt for little to no reason. And no one could see or hear them up here anyway. He’d made sure of that. He liked to take risks, but he wasn’t quite that careless. Yet. “This isn’t my first time up here.”
V shook his head, a soft smile on his face as the two of them fell silent again. They stayed that way for a long while, simply enjoying the atmosphere and the natural splendor around them. It truly was beautiful. That was something that couldn’t be ignored. Fall was perhaps V’s favorite time of year, if only for the way it looked and felt alone. He loved winter, but there was just something about the colors in fall that filled him with… it was hard to say, really. Hope? Optimism? He wasn’t sure he knew the correct words to describe the feeling, but there was something that he wanted to say.
“May I say something important with impunity?” V said in a slightly more serious tone, a tinge of reluctance in his voice. This caught Sirrus’s attention almost immediately, his daydream interrupted by the unexpected question. He didn’t get the impression that something was wrong or that V was upset, but he did get the feeling that whatever V was about to say was important since he’d asked in such a manner. And that alone was enough for him to have the man with the mostly red hair’s undivided attention.
“Of course. What’s on your mind?” Sirrus said simply, looking out at the morning sky. He seemed content with how things were at the moment, and V was hesitant to interrupt that bliss, but he didn’t know what the rest of the day would bring, and this was perhaps the best opportunity he would get to bring this up.
V seemed almost hesitant as he remained quiet for a minute or so, obviously trying to think of the best way to phrase what he was about to say. And that in of itself made Sirrus more cautiously fascinated by what his friend might have to say.
“... I don’t do well with physical contact. It’s something I’ve been working on, but I’m not sure I’ll ever be comfortable with it. I’m not sure it’s something I can learn to tolerate. Or if I even should, for my own sake outside of momentary situational acceptions to the norm.” He paused to make sure that he was coming off the right way toward his friend. He wanted to be sure that his tone was coming across properly. He wasn’t upset or anything of the sort, and he wanted to make sure that he didn’t sound too harsh or unsympathetic. That wasn’t his goal in the slightest. “Your request took me off guard. Looking back, I’m not sure what my answer should have been or how I should have reacted, but I wanted you to know that. But I don’t blame you. Not at all. You only did what I gave you permission to. It’s something I’m just not comfortable with. I’m not upset with you, but I just wanted to be honest with you about that. I’m just not sure if I’m communicating that effectively.” 
Sirrus blinked in surprise, taking in what his friend was telling him. He lingered on the statement, genuinely trying to process what he’s just been told. He got the impression that V was worried about how he would react. That he might be upset or think he was accusing him of something. That he might be concerned that he was punching Sirrus away. But he wasn’t, and he wanted him to know that. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again and looking V in the eyes, an understanding present that he could tell V was relieved to see. He knew how that felt.
V had never truly doubted that his friend understood, but the fear that there might be a misunderstanding was always there, and they both knew that deep down. Maybe he was scared that Sirrus would become annoyed by him. But the fact that he was still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt when he’d clearly been hurt before by doing the very same thing was something that Sirrus treasured. He was still willing to take the leap and give him the chance to disprove the fears that he had, not because he believed that was Sirrus’s responsibility, but because he knew in his heart that those fears were just that: fears. They were not founded on anything that his friend had done, and he knew that. The reality was that Sirrus wasn’t like that, and he knew that deep down without any doubts, and he felt no desire for Sirrus to prove that to him.
V believed in him. And Sirrus knew that.
“I appreciate you saying that. Honesty is difficult. It invites judgment. Retaliation. Resentment. But please… always know that you can tell me no. To anything. You have a right to tell me no. I value our friendship over all else, and would never put it in jeopardy over something as petty and foolishly immature as becoming upset over something I have no right to become upset about. And I will endeavor not to put you in situations that make you feel that you have to ask in the first place. Or worse, that you feel uncomfortable refusing.” The look of genuine displeasure at the very idea of that was evident on his face. V got the distinct feeling that Sirrus had been in that situation before, perhaps more than once. And he wasn’t sure why, but he felt a chill crawl up the base of his spine at the thought. Call it intuition, but something about that statement simply felt too personal to him. To relevant to Sirrus personally. “I apologize. I had an inkling that I might have overstepped and that you were simply too petrified to properly respond. Please, consider forgiving my misstep. And please, never feel the need to learn to tolerate something for my benefit. You have the same right to comfort in any given situation that I do.”
“I do not need your apology. I don’t want you to apologize. I never doubted your intentions. Not even for a single moment. I know that you’re only doing what you think is right. And that’s all I want you to do. I simply wanted us to come to a mutual understanding on the matter so that there were no misgivings or misinterpretations going forward. Because you cannot make an informed decision about a problem you do not know exists.” V nodded, a small smile on his face. He was glad that they could talk freely and openly like this. It was… such a welcome relief. He felt that he could be honest with his family, but there was just a special kind of freedom that he only felt with Sirrus. And that was something he truly treasured. He’d always wanted that: a companion who he could share his thoughts and feelings with. He’d wanted that so much growing up that he’d lost sleep over it. And now he had that. And he didn’t want to lose it, but he also refused to allow any fears about that possibility to rule him. He owed that much to himself. He owed that much to Sirrus. “And for my part, I shall make an effort to be clearer on my limitations if I believe clarification is needed. It rarely is when it comes to you. You understand me very well, and I’m not blaming you for anything. Everyone makes mistakes. You’ve not permanently marred me in any way whatsoever. I just thought we could both benefit from more transparency. But at the same time, please don’t cater to me. I’m alright. Really. Don’t agonize over it. You have absolutely nothing to prove to me.”
“And you were correct in that assumption. I’m happy that we can talk like this. It’s refreshing to be able to just… express myself around someone without fear of being judged for doing something wrong. To be understood. I can’t learn from mistakes I didn’t know I made in the first place.” He chuckled softly as he blinked slowly, a small smile on his face as the both of them turned to look at the sky ahead of them. He hadn’t expected to have this conversation today, but he was glad that they had. He felt closer to V, the two of them both mutually sure that they had a better understanding of one another. “Thank you, V. From the bottom of my heart.”
“Thank you for taking the time to listen to what I had to say. And for waking me up to see this.” V said softly, scooting a bit closer to his friend. He… he didn’t mind being closer to his friend right now. And the gentle look of kindness from his friend as he gestured with his arm as if to ask if he could drape his arm over his shoulder and give him a gentle squeeze was a welcome one, the young summoner nodding in approval. He didn't have a problem with that.
“Thank you for being here to see it with me, V. The view is better when I get to share it with you.”
It was pointed out to me in the comments of the last chapter that V could’ve had a more profound reaction to his interaction with Sirrus in the previous chapter considering how uncomfortable he is with being touched in general, and I totally agree with that. But instead of going back to “fix” it, I thought this would be better. I’ll always take an opportunity for a meaningful conversation! So thank you for your constructive criticism, Ooze! I’m a lot more pleased with how this turned out :D I hope you are, too!
I’ll see you all next Friday and in the comment section. I hope I did this topic some justice! Truly, I do. Take care!
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shanie · 21 days
Ok, so NaNo is a shit show, fuck them, and they've turned what could have been a reasonable discussion into a nightmare.
But, like.
They aren't wrong about spellcheck being AI based now.
I know, shock and awe, but we went over this in an entire previous thread ages ago.
Because once the companies that write the programs found out that they can just machine-learn their spellcheck and autocorrect dictionaries for a fraction of the cost of hiring people to code them, they DID.
This is why spellcheckers and proofreaders have become progressively more inaccurate in recent years. Because they are consuming more and more bad data and, once more, the AI is in the process of Habsburging itself. And no, you don't get an option to opt out of this fun new "feature". I've been using a high(er) end proofreading app for ages and I think it was somewhere at the beginning of 2023? that I was informed they were changing the coding to be AI based and that was just how the program worked now. I had no say in this, the only thing I can do is struggle to continue using an ever-collapsing proofreading program that seems more and more aggressively determined every day to sell me its Generative-AI "Premium" service.
This goes for phones too. I mean it when I said if you have sent so much as a single autocorrected word of text, you have "created" with AI content at this point. It's bullshit, but true.
Really, we literally went over this, there was a massively reblogged thread on this very hellsite and everyone laughed in horror. So yeah. Fuck NaNo, but that one point is accurate... which should be an entirely NEW outrage in and of itself.
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wonysugar · 5 months
my first language is spanish but I moved to the us!! my english has gotten better because of twitter and tiktok+ friends but I still get words confused sometimes.. Its not very noticable in typing because of autocorrect and since spanish is similar to English (in sentence structure) but I have a very obvious accent when I speak english.. (I dont pronounce the t in winter, so it sounds like winner, and I say pizza like pik-sa 😭.. if I speak spanish then switch to english, sometimes I'll translate things too directly.. like "went to the kine?" instead of "fuiste al cine?")
but yes I've been here a while now.. I've been praying for your long awaited comeback.. hiatus longer than bp call that weki meki
OHHH you speak spanish?? i’ve learnt my fair share or mediocre spanish (no i will not speak it, it’s truly horrendous! trust me you do not wanna hear it)
also yess oh my god i get you… only way i learnt how to speak english was cause of online friends and roblox..😭and as for the words YES ME TOO! i sometimes pronounce words wrong too sometimes but i wouldn’t say i have an accent… i do find it super cool that you do tho! :] i’ve always found accents super pleasing to hear!! and don’t worryyy your english is incredible and i can tell that just from reading your asks, don’t get too self conscious about it💕💕💕you’re doing great
thank you for sticking around this long gkekfn<333 and as for the long awaited comeback literally do NAWT speak of it omg i’m like an absent father i’m so sorry I’M ASHAMED,,,💔
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