browsethestacks · 6 months
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IvX #01 (2016)
Black Panther 50th Anniversary Variant
Art by Mike Del Mundo
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farsight-the-char · 11 months
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IvX was an entirely terrible event. Some of the memes were good, though.
Been looking for this post for reaction images purposes.
(Emma Was Right).
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IvX #6
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actual22plus · 1 month
Be safe out there, African mutants!
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ddfl · 1 year
Let the lion prowl.
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cupfullofpapas · 4 months
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(yes! finally new art :D!!) Second Vol in The Assistant series: In the arms of a Devil Rated: E F/M Cardinal Copia x F!Reader Papa Emeritus IV x F!Reader Also read it on my Ao3 here Previous Vol. : The Assistant Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Part 7: Oh when will my dear Cardinal come home
"What?, what?, Is everything okay? is Cardi okay?." You asked worry buzzing inside of you like a swarm of angry bees, Imperator placed her hands on your shoulders.
"No, no nothing like that sister please calm down, the Cardinal is just fine and on his way home as we speak however the tour bus is having some minor issues on which we are keeping an eye on, the thing I have to say is that-- Sister Emelia has taken ill meaning Secondo no longer has an assistant at the moment and you are our only option I'm afraid." You could tell that Imperator did not like the idea of you and Secondo being in the same room let alone working together once again either.
"What about Laiah, Sofia even Vittoria surely one of them has to have some of the same skills?" You watched as Imperator shook her head. "They may possess organizational skills but they do not possess the knowledge and skills that you do, there are no other options." Before you could continue to argue you watched the older woman turn on a heel and start to walk away. On either side of her were two Imperiale ghouls two that you hadn't noticed beforehand their tails swaying to and fro the most you knew about them were their names.
One tall and stock his skin tone had a bluish-grey tint to it his hair was shoulder-length with only one complete horn on top of his head the other had been broken long ago his name was Alto, and walking beside him was Anvil he was shorter than Alto his hair was put back into a bun a scar rested over the bridge of his nose.
"Well, this is perfect." You grumbled to yourself closing the door and retreating to your bed and ignoring the slick between your legs, no longer in the mood. Deciding to just go to bed not even the smell of your Cardinal was enough to make you feel better, your mind tormented you with the memory of the last time you and Secondo were 'together' the look on his face, the look of utter betrayal, hours passed before you were able to get any rest.
When morning hit you dragged yourself out of bed, got yourself ready, and fed your and Copia's fur babies. You also noticed that you'd have to get another cage soon the little pink nuggets were already getting fur. You followed your usual routine the day hadn't even started and you were already irritated. You wanted nothing more than to retreat back under your covers and stay there. Completing your morning begrudgingly you found yourself outside Secondo's office, with an inhale and exhale you knocked on the door a familiar raspy voice called from behind it.
Entering you saw a set of exhausted eyes look up from the papers on the desk a fleeting look of anguish passed by them before being hardened, the hunched figure sitting up straight as your name passed his painted lips.
"What are you doing here ragazza?"
Secondo asked as his eyes drifted from you back to the papers that he had been working on as he dipped his quill pen into the small bottle of ink his elegant writing continued.
"Sister asked me to fill in for Emilia, I heard she was ill." You answered keeping things professional, it was best to let old memories and feelings stay buried. "I see, well there is the work, get to it sorella".
Secondo pointed the pen towards the desk, your old desk, venturing over you sat down eyes glancing at the area and appreciating that Emilia had kept her workstation neat and organized. Without a second glance, you pulled the folders over staring. Hours passed in silence the scribbling of the pens and an occasional clearing of a throat were the only noises.
"So". Secondo started "How have you and that stronzo sorella?", You shot him an aggravated look before looking back down at the papers choosing not to answer.
"I asked you a question woman, I expect an answer". "We are just fine, now please Secondo let me get back to work". You finally answered sounding more exacerbated than you meant to. Secondo only scoffed "After leaving me for-" He made a face as he spoke "A Cardinal, I would appreciate some communication and answers." "Answers to what?" "Why you left me, Bella". You opened your mouth to speak but no words came out you didn't have any words to give nor answers. "Secondo.." "No don't 'Secondo' me I want to know why". You watched as he stood from his desk crossing the small area, you had already stood up from your desk backing up until the cold wall pressed against your back the former Papa towering above your shorter frame. "Tell me tesoro, what can that Cardinal give you that I hadn't already?" This was so unlike Secondo usually he was silent and stern, this caught you off guard. Secondo had once convinced himself that he didn't need you that you were just a fling that he got slightly attached to and nothing more. But here you were in his office again doing the same work you once did, looking as beautiful as the day you walked away. "Secondo don't-"
"Answer me". His voice was commanding as he pinned you to the wall behind you. "I deserve an answer at least." There was barely any room between you his strong body against yours, unlike Copia you had to crane your neck back to look up at him. Feeling his gloved fingertips trace your sides and down over your hips where each strong hand gripped hard enough to both leave a mark behind and make you whimper.
A gasp passed your lips as Secondo ducked his head down his lips meeting your exposed neck and going right for the spot he knew would drive you wild, gasping your hands flew up to grab onto his Papal robe.
You hated that he still knew your body so well each little spot, each little button that drove you wild, mixing that with not having another's touch for months was a dangerous concoction one that caused a soft moan to pass your lips.
"You remember it, si?" Secondo's lips moved lower biting at the nape of your neck nibbling his way back up and stopping at your ear. "The way I felt inside of you? withering away in pleasure below me as I took you, dolcezza" his voice was deep, husky, and raspy.
You bit your lip your mind disobeying you making you remember it, vividly remembering it, being bent over his desk your skirt around your middle while you let Papa have his way with you, the pressure, pleasure, and pain when his cockhead abused your cervix each time his hips slammed against you.
You silently cursed as you felt your lower lips slick together you were wet, practically dripping as you felt his hand starting to slide your skirt up. For a split second, you heard his voice in your head, the voice of your Cardinal
........."Each time I thought a sorella or fratello loved me, wanted to be with me they always chose Terzo or Secondo-"...................
That was enough to snap you out of it as you pushed against the large man pinning you. "Secondo- Secondo stop". When he didn't listen you grew angry using all the strength in your small frame you shoved him back the man looking surprised.
"Secondo" You spoke firmly. "We had our moments, we had our fun that is all we were and all we will ever be I'm sorry that I hurt you but I am with Copia now and I can tell you what he gives me that you didn't, actual love he never left after we finished fucking I woke up to him still there and not alone in the bed feeling like someone's dirty little secret, I've moved on and now it's your turn to do the same".
You weren't sure where that surge of bravery came from be it anger or adrenaline but you were glad it did because it seemed to be enough to get through the former Papa's head. As he uttered an annoyed 'mi dispiace' as he once again gathered the shattered pieces of his pride, it was truly over. The rest of the evening you both worked in silence, you hoped that one day you would at least be friends again and put this behind you both.
Another month had come and gone and every time you and the ministry expected the band to come back something else popped up, to which Copia always called and told you even before Sister Imperator told you. Again you would wake up alone in your bed you had long stopped getting excited when you heard a big vehicle pull into the ministry parking lot.
The sound usually being a delivery van so when you did hear something pull in you didn't run to the window like the rest of your sin siblings, not until you heard one of them squeal 'They're back!' Your breath caught in your throat, back? as in back, back? as in your Cardinal was home? not waiting for another second you made your way quickly down to the lobby where the large doors opened.
First, the ghouls walked in tiredly several siblings walking them off to the den to rest and then that's when it happened you locked eyes with your Cardinal you felt like pinching yourself to make sure that this wasn't another one of those torturous dreams where you jumped for your Cardinal but was only met with the bedroom floor. You threw all caution to the wind as you ran from the base of the grand stairs to him watching as his arms opened wide you could feel the sting of tears hit your eyes as you lept toward his awaiting arms.
Tag list: @thesoundresoundsecho @xpapaemeritus @copiasprincipessa @siouxbauhaus @strawberrypimpsimp
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maximusboltaqon · 4 months
i dont think the inhumans show was actually the Main Issue in the inhumans getting buried tbh. because theres like,,, a good handful of characters who get either mediocre or shitty live action adaptations and afaik absolutely none of the rest of them were completely removed from the adaptations going forward AND basically completely written out of the comics for nearly a decade.
the show WAS the final nail in the coffin that turned them into The Joke that they r now, but i believe that the actual cause of Death was IVX. i geniunely believe with my whole heart that if they just did not make IVX that doti would not have been made and they would have only been made less active in the comics
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txrminatxdstar · 5 months
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N*b*dy is c*ming t* gxt y*u. Gxt up.
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Kinda hilarious how practically everything that happen with the X-Men from 2016-2019 has just been completely forgotten. Honestly, you could read everything up to Secret Wars in 2015 and then jump right to Krakoa and will not feel like you've missed much.
At least the X-Men are still around. Marvel also made a big push during this period to make Inhumans a huge thing (including having them fight the X-Men) and they've now been erased completely. I can't even remember the last time Inhumans were so much as mentioned.
Even Ms Marvel is now one of the X-Men instead of an Inhuman.
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brw · 2 years
i've seen someone unironically call bobby drake a race traitor for dating outside of his race. romeo. a visible man of color. race traitor for dating a brown inhuman. ok. bobby drake, race traitor. the mutant metaphor is so... wow.
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farsight-the-char · 1 year
One last thought on the Kamala situation before I head to work:
Emma Was Right.
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lycheelovescomics · 1 year
is there anyone else left on this site that thinks Intense Things about scott and ororo or is that just me
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cbd fixed my ankle
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look at how much you have to edit my pictures ; for them to be internet appropriate
This is rediculous : I blame The FBI.
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racefortheironthrone · 6 months
How do you feel about revolutionary era cyclops? Both in premise and execution?
A fascinating premise fatally undermined in execution by contradictory editorial and writing choices.
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To start with, Revolutionary Cyclops was a completely logical extension of where Cyclops’ character arc had been going ever since Utopia and AvX and the Phoenix Five. All his life, Scott Summers had been Charles Xavier’s perfect soldier - not his favorite student or his most trusted student, by the one that Xavier could count on to put the mission above himself no matter the cost. And for many decades, that’s who Cyclops was, to the point where it destroyed his first marriage and caused his second to founder under the weight of his repression and trauma. But after the Decimation, Scott had to move past that, to take up the mantle of independent leadership for mutantkind - something he pursued with unflinching pragmatism and ruthlessness, before it culminated in the ultimate Oedipal rebellion. So having completely severed himself from the legacy of Charles Xavier and his dream, Cyclops had to find a new purpose, a new direction for his life, and he found it in revolutionary politics. I think that’s a quite compelling arc.
Where I think the execution got messed up was that editorial clearly wanted to portray him as being in the wrong, another well-intentioned extremist in the vein of Magneto (who not coincidentally was increasingly loyal to and admiring of Cyclops as time went on), but Brian Michael Bendis never quite agreed. We would keep reading stuff about how Scott was going too far, that his ends couldn’t justify his means, and so on - but when it came to actually showing on the page what he was doing, it wasn’t anything more extreme than the X-Men had done in their “outlaw” era, and arguably much less morally questionable than the stuff he did when he was running Utopia and was coded more consistently as heroic. (This reached its peak of ridiculousness in the post-Bendis era with Death of X and IvX, where turned out that the thing that had convinced the world Cyclops was “worse than Hitler” was to make a big psychic projection of his head and destroy one of the Terrigen Mist clouds that were threatening to wipe out mutantkind.)
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oatmealmcswagger · 2 months
Ory xa W rijc zrc epmc za zcll fcaflc inaez zrc qauz jelvcpinlc fipzu ah qy lwhc? Ory ipc qy ucspczu ua ripx za gccf? Ivx, wh ivyavc mczu zrwu saxc, zrcv W iq anlwmizcx za zcll avc. Beuz iu i lwzzlc miqc.
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maximusboltaqon · 1 year
being an inhumans and an x-men fan is like having divorced parents
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