#J Razbry
enteringdullsville · 2 years
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It’s Color Theory Ep. 1
Welcome to Dullsville
This is the first episode of the series with a 2x2 panel structure; this structure becomes the norm as of episode 15.
This marks the debut of the Primary Six, the Oobay-Monade household, and (by extension) Chloe’s Lab.
All the characters appear in their designated order as seen in most supplementary materials.
Knowledge of the fourth wall is passively common knowledge, but (as Angie touches upon) ICT is the only group to give it any real thought.
Unlike later episodes, Violet’s pupils become narrow slits with rage, as opposed to widening.
Angie’s smug grin, Rudy’s bristling hair, and J.’s gleaming eye all become character trademarks throughout the series.
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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It’s Color Theory Ep. 2
Rhythm, Stim, and Blues
This is the first episode Gordon and Angie don’t appear in, the first to take entirely within one room, and the first to lack any dialogue.
J.’s limbs appear on different sides of the screen, an early indicator of his power.
From this episode onward, Rudy is drawn with discolored eyelids/dark red eyeshadow.
This is the first time the frames of Chloe’s glasses change shape to match her eyes.
The remote Chloe is seen building is a prototype for the one she is seen using three episodes later.
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enteringdullsville · 6 days
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“It's easier to just let Coco get the zoomies out sooner than later, like at night.”
It’s Color Theory Episode 45.
Lloyd Knows
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This marks the first appearance of Lloyd in It’s Color Theory, his first appearance as Lloyd after going by “Pietro” in Rough Sketch, and the first appearance of any DNA Drewmans.
Lloyd went through many changes in color, from salmon as Sam, to gainsboro as Pietro, to light gray as Ray, to oil black as Pedro, to robin’s egg as Robin, to dark blue as Niles, and finally gray (blue) as Lloyd. No other character has gone through as many changes.
This is the first episode Olive appears without her beret since its debut at the tail end of RS’ second season.
Rudy and J. don’t wear the hoodies or shoes for the entirety of the comic.
This is the first time Rudy and Olive interact since the latter’s debut.
The Zanille household is the third outside of the Oobay-Monade house to be seen onscreen, after Ingrid and Geneva’s rental house and Aziz’s home.
Despite her prominent role, Coco doesn’t speak, nor does Lloyd.
This is the first episode to acknowledge J. as Coco’s joint owner.
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enteringdullsville · 3 months
It’s Color Theory!
Character Jingles, Wave One! (Violet, Rudy, J., Angie, Chloe, Gordon)
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enteringdullsville · 5 months
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“Comment allez-vous (How are you), what’s up with you?”
It’s Color Theory EP. 25
‘Ello, Elo, Y’ello
This marks the first appearance of Eloise and Amber, having gone by “Skye” and “Charlie” in the old continuity. Incidentally, Olive and Paige used to have their names.
This is the first episode since “Back Again, I See” in which all six core characters appear.
Lyman is seen without his jacket, Bryan his vest, and Peony her ascot for the first time. We also see Peony’s hair down.
No Grey Drewmans appear. Geneva is also the only Red Drewman in the main cast to have debuted by this point and not be present.
Peony’s parasol debuts here.
This episode ends a mini-arc starting with “Violet and Scarlett” where the door is busted down.
Nobody in the Oobay-Monade household is seen in their regular clothes. This is subsequently the first time J.’s eyes are seen in full.
Chloe wears a sleep mask, much like her original continuity counterpart does.
This episode aired, although doesn’t necessarily take place, on Lyman’s birthday.
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enteringdullsville · 8 months
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“You…think it’s okay?”
It’s Color Theory EP 20.
Hiring Squad
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This episode marks the debut of Olive (Eloise in Rough Sketch) and Tanner in It’s Color Theory. It’s also the first appearance of Marina, Rowan, Leo, Lydia, Honey, Shamus, and Vito, none of whom ever appeared in Rough Sketch. Pixie Cola returns from the old continuity.
Charlie and Bobbie return after their cameo in “You Live Like This?”. Dwight is nowhere to be seen.
When developing this episode, Aaron, Georgia (in her old design), Eloise, and Fuchsia took the places of Rowan, Lydia, Honey, and Charlie. The former four wound up becoming ICT members anyway, eliminating the joke in the process and necessitating their replacement.
This is the first episode to focus on Rudy and J. as a duo.
No Gray Type Drewmans appear.
J.’s eyes are seen in clearer detail here; from here onwards, they’re spherical with pale blue pupils. On that note, Rudy’s eyes are apparently removable.
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enteringdullsville · 11 months
Random Lines of Dialogue I May Never Get to Use in It’s Color Theory
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Violet: It’s amazing what you can accomplish through emotional suppression!
Rudy: You middle urinal of a living being. 
J.: You can’t kill me in any way that matters.
Gordon: We can’t kill you at all!
Angie: (About to punch someone) I think this needs a woman’s touch.
Gordon: I wanna do something so out of character the message boards will whine about for years to come!
Chloe: (Collapsed on the ground, deadpan) Want some blood? I’m clearly not using it.
Bryan: Unyielding rage, my old friend, how I’ve missed you!
Peony: I…I never want to hear any of those words again.
Geneva: Not even “the”?
Lyman: I can see your intrusive thoughts.
Coco: Everyone shut up, I’m dissociating.
Aziz: Why are you this kind of person?
Noah: Hey, if I hit on every available adult in the vicinity, statistically somebody has to love me back.
Whitney: It’s like they always say, “if your life is without order, make the lives of others shorter”!
Tyler: What, you think you’re better than me?
Martin: As someone who has no self-esteem, yes.
Ingrid: Tonight, girls become women, and boys…(brandishes hedge clippers)
Geneva: Whelp. I guess I’m the voice of reason now.
Tyler: Oh, you SON OF A…Tanner, what’s our age rating?
Tanner: My mom watches this show.
Tyler: Jerk.
Olive: (About her drawing) Be honest, but please remember I’m holding a pointy object.
Tanner: Sorry, brah! I can’t hear you over my outdated nineties’ slang!
Paige: (To Martin) You sure do talk a lot for someone nobody listens to.
Scarlett: Can somebody just say the title of the episode so this whole thing can end?
Aziz: You don’t even deserve to hear my lame excuse. I’m out of here.
Sylvester: I’m right behind you, aren’t I?
Crimson: Turns out putting up emotional walls is terrible for your social life. Who knew?
Martin: Guys, you can’t just pressure him into this! He’s a person with his own feelings and desires!
Alexandre: (Genuinely confused) No I’m not!
Clarence: I want my life back, Dullsville.
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enteringdullsville · 3 months
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“You will regret everything.”
It’s Color Theory EP. 36
The Evils of Lies and Hate
This marks the first appearance of Landon. As of this episode, every Violet Drewman in the first season’s main cast has debuted.
This is the first episode since “Hiring Squad”, “Sore Losers”, “‘Ello, ‘Elo, Y’ello”, and “Violet and Scarlett” in which Rudy/J., Tyler, Amber, and Olive speak respectively.
This is the first episode since “Exposition News” to feature Rudy, “‘Ello, ‘Elo, Y’ello” to feature J., and “Violet and Scarlett” again to feature Olive. J.’s powers return after a similarly long absence.
No Orange or Gray Drewmans appear. Martin is the only Violet type absent.
This is the first episode where Amber talks onscreen.
The prop Olive was building, as well as Amber’s appearance here, leads directly into the following episode.
Yes, the title is a Team Rocket reference.
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enteringdullsville · 9 months
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“I want you…”
It’s Color Theory EP 15.
This marks the first episode after another long hiatus. Unlike last time, this one has no in-universe explanation.
The marks the debut of Ingrid in It’s Color Theory and Geneva overall, the latter having never appeared in Rough Sketch. Ingrid and Geneva were initially intended to be introduced in separate, back to back episodes. The two became inseparable in the interim and debuted thusly.
Siren also debuts after having previously only appeared in the noncanon pilot.
The time between episodes results in a number of design changes between characters: Violet has a lankier design, Peony has a chubbier build, J. has a different hoodie, Gordon’s hazard symbol has a shine effect, and Martin’s sleeves are a different color. The season’s plot also becomes far grander in scope, having initially been planned solely to introduce the cast.
In this episode, all the characters’ “dialogue” consists of Pokémon cries. This persists for several episodes after before being dropped entirely.
This episode returns to the 2x2 format of the first episode.
The characters’ badges no longer appear on the text boxes, but they notably don’t appear over their intro splash texts yet.
Oz Square, one of seven subdivisions of Dullsville is first mentioned here before debuting properly in the following episode. The Void Between Voids, the subconscious place where Violet was initially introduced to the fourth wall, physically appears for the first time.
No Green, Orange, or Gray Drewmans appear in this episode. Gordon is the only Drewman present to not be in Red, Blue, or Violet Types.
Formblende appears initially with a distinctly humanoid shape, then grows horns all over his body, and finally morphs into a monstrous version of Martin’s face due to the latter cutting her dream short. This shapeshifting power is unique to him and isn’t shared by the other
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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Character profiles for the six main characters are finally linked in the pinned post.
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
The Blue Drewman, J.
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Aesthetic: Creepy
Age: 21 (Season One)
Alignment: Accomplice
Badge: Four-Point Star
Color Type: Blue
Debut: Welcome to Dullsville
Effects: Blueshift (J. teleports in and out freely); Light Distortion (J. fires lasers of the light his powers derive from); Pin Drop (J. drops a Light Pin to better focus his teleportation to faraway places); Pulse Shock (J. circles his arms, then emits a pulse that briefly stalls all electronics it passes through)
Family: Rudy Razbry (Stepbrother); Coco Haggleslak (Dog); Joy and Collin Razbry (Stepmother and Father)
Rank: A (Primary Character)
Standout Features: Massive cowlick, eyes with blue pupils obscured by bangs, two-tone hoodie with giant zipper
Character Bases
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J. changed abruptly between his first two designs, dropping his initial gentle and poetic nature to become a mischievous prankster.
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The Rough Sketch era made J. (then named “Lou”) a far deeper shade of blue in anticipation of other blue class characters being introduced. His usual stoicism debuted here.
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From there his outfit was all that needed changing with pale blue cuffs and a new zipper.
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Be Strange
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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It’s been a while since I’ve drawn the whole group.
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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“Your lucky numbers are 6, 83, and 19.”
It’s Color Theory EP 10.
Look Deep Inside
This is the first episode Lyman appears in since his debut back in episode three and his first speaking role.
Violet is the only Primary Character not to appear.
J.’s selective mutism debuts here. Notably, this is the first episode he appears in where there is written dialogue from other characters but he does not speak.
In this episode and certain ones after, Lyman’s sclerae display a mild reflective quality.
This is the first episode to show a character in their past. In this case, it is Chloe.
Peony is quick to try to dissuade Lyman from reading J., likely remembering her last encounter with the latter.
This is the first episode to have more than twelve panels.
Lyman’s aura vision was originally an ability he could not repress. While he still can’t turn it off, he can dial it down to a tolerable level.
Rudy and J. are directly stated to be brothers for the first time.
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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J. Razbry, the Blue Drewman
Be Strange
Rank: A+ (Main Protagonist)
Aesthetic: Creepy
Visual Inspirations
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Other Character Bases
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Eternal Enigma
J. and Rudy are brothers; J. being the younger of the two. He’s pretty meek and Rudy tends to do most of the talking for him, so don’t be too surprised or offended if he seems to go out of their way to avoid you at first. J.’s just incredibly shy and self conscious around new people. To be fair, many people find his blank expression, monotone voice, and vaguely corpse-like body language kinda creepy in return.
However, around familiar faces like the rest of ICT, J. quickly becomes eccentric, wisecracking, and exceptionally trollish. If he’s sporting his signature broad grin and twinkling eye, he’s probably already played a prank on you.
On second thought, maybe you’d be smart to find them creepy.
Fun Facts
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J.’s first name is an obvious play on “blue jay”.
J. and Rudy weren’t initially designed as stepbrothers. Peony (formerly Rosie) was Rudy’s sister instead, J. (Lou) being an only child.
J.’s ethnic background is a mystery to everyone.
J., along with Angie, changed the most from his first prototype design. Aside from looking almost completely different, he was far more demure, sensitive, and polite. By Rough Sketch, he shifted into a familiar characterization, but was instead more wild than usual.
J., Noah, and Chloe underwent the most name changes of any character, the former initially being named Art, then Lou and Lars before settling on their current name.
J. consistently and bizarrely glowed in dark in Rough Sketch, even when others were realistically shaded. This was scrapped for It’s Color Theory.
J.’s distinct “glowing eye” effect is usually only applied to his left eye. If both his eyes start glowing, turn around and run.
J.’s one floating hair at the top of his head is actually attached to their body, and he can be pulled around by it if needed.
J.’s surname is derived from blue raspberry flavor. This contrasts with Rudy’s red color scheme.
Due to the Primary Characters’ initial spotlight episodes being in rainbow order and the first episode doubling as a spotlight episode for Violet, J. is the last one to get his own.
J.’s name is spelled in varying ways by the others’ dialogue. Rudy, introductory subtitles, and most out-of-universe writing spell it as “J.” Most other members of ICT refer to him as “J”, dropping the period at the end. Several background characters and, for some reason, Angie and Clarence refer to him as “Jay”.
J.’s fluent in several languages, as well as English.
J.’s given several people completely different answers as to what his name stands for. This has caused Violet no end of legal trouble.
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
I’m still workshopping the main series, so enjoy an equally canon side comic in its steed.
It’s about pets and why some people should not be allowed to have them.
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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Thanks for getting me past 200 followers! I have but one question to ask all of you…
*Gets down on one knee*
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