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Doob on the bus ✨now in technicolor✨
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autumnrory · 1 year
today feels like it would be a good day to do some of my errands but i was just like no i'm hungry now i just wanna sit and eat my food and chill out especially after yesterday being so stressful even if it ended up relatively okay
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its-in-the-woods · 20 days
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 22
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here, six here, seven here, eight here,nine here, ten here, eleven here , twelve here , thirthen here, fourteen here, Fifteen Here Sixteen here, Seventeen here, Eighteen here, Nineteen here, Twenty here , Twenty-One here,
master list
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out. This one is pretty tame, some angst, some hurt, come comfort, teeth rotting fluff
Synopsis: Learning how to be alone again.
“You going to be okay?” Walton asks as he stuffs his carry-on. You hand him his charger and ipad, watching him carefully tuck it into the front pocket. Happy that you had bought him the hard case for it, wondering how it had survived beforehand. 
“No, I believe I will turn into stone until you return?” You fake fall onto the bed, causing Walton to chuckle at you. You would definitely miss him, and it was hard to be away, but that was part of life. Part of the agreement, so to speak.
He lays down next to you, hand rubbing along your stomach. “I mean it. You're welcome to come with me, though I am not sure how exciting it will be.”
You hum contently, “I promise, I will be fine. It's four days, plus I could always use extra practice. Get to know the rest of the crew.” 
It also meant you’d have a decent paycheck, but you’d keep that to yourself. Walton had a habit of paying for anything and everything, he said it was the gentlemanly thing to do. Old ideas die hard, or something like that. As much as you appreciated it, having money tucked away just in case was still a priority for you. 
“I will have my phone, make sure I am replying when I can,”  Walton replies, pulling his phone out of his pocket to show you. 
“Do I need to get some duct tape?” You ask, teasing him as you run your fingers through his hair, getting a soft groan. “You'll be back here before we know it.”
The two of you take the elevator down into the hustle and bustle of the city. Leo is waiting for Walton, you give Walton a quick kiss and hug before you see him off. You watch him drive away, your heart clenching as your stomach turns.
Four days, that's all it would be.
It was not four days, not surprisingly several things had come up, and now he wouldn't be back till Friday night. Walton should be back that evening, but it still left you feeling a little sore about the whole situation. The week had been challenging, to say the least, filming schedules shifted, and locations needing to be changed on the fly. The first day had been okay, everyone was easy enough to work with. You were back in a pop-up tent, but work was work. Right? 
That’s when the realization that some of the other artists weren’t happy with your placement. So instead of being welcoming, they’d given you the cold shoulder. Nothing new, or really exciting, but it was annoying. Trying to get details was a guessing game, that had meant pouring over the notes you could get your hands on. Rereading scripts and pages, and trying to hopefully get things right. The ADs hovering over your shoulder didn’t help matters, nothing was fast enough. Just to see the extras get tucked in the back, where they wouldn’t get seen by the camera. 
By the end of the day, you had decided to stop by the liquor store and grab something a bit stronger. Along with some mix, limes, and a greasy sandwich you’d probably regret later. Once back in the hotel, you had a long hot shower and crawled into bed with a drink. Flicking your phone open you weren’t surprised to see no messages. Walton had been busy, so you sent a quick message goodnight and called it a day.
Days two and three were much the same. Handling extras that were never seen, avoiding glares from the other artists, you had given up trying to talk to them. Sitting in the lunch tent, flipping through a novel on your phone, when one of the artists sat across from you. The woman had neatly placed black curls, a round face, olive skin, and hazel eyes that looked at you over her gold-rimmed glass.
“New girl in town?” The woman asks, picking at her salad, she has several tattoos along her arms. One was a pair of scissors and a comb meaning she was more than likely part of Hair. 
“Sort of.” You reply, putting your phone down, no sense being rude. “I usually work with Walton, but he is away this week.”
“Ahh, the girlfriend. That’s why everyone’s so cagey.” She says quietly, putting her fork down to look at you. 
You shrug, doing your best not to show how much that bothered you. “No need for anyone to be cagey, I am here to do my job like everyone else.”
“Yet, you’re not like everyone else.” She points the fork at you, raising her eyebrows. “You’re the lead actor's girlfriend, or whatever. Which means we all got to be on our best behavior.”
You lean back in your chair, crossing your arms across your stomach. “I am not different than anyone else.” You push your plate away. “Just here to do a job, and be apart of the process.”  
The girl rolls her eyes, it isn’t lost on you that she hasn’t given you her name. “You won't be a little nervous about some new artist coming in? No one knows you, you're doing the fx on the lead actor, and have barely said hello to anyone”
You fiddle with the watch on your wrist, you hadn't really thought about that. Others might have taken your lack of socialization as being a bit of a stuck-up.
“I didn't mean to be rude, just my first full fx gig.” You reply, looking down at the texture of the table. "Plus Walton often needs a little more attention cause of the prosthetics and the heat."
She shrugs, "I get it, but really you should come by the trailer and introduce yourself. We aren't as bitchy as we seem. I promise"
You decide then to hold out your hand and introduce yourself to the woman across from you. As well as take the time to stop by the trailer before lunch had finished.
"I am, Angela," She said, shaking your hand firmly. "Nice to finally meet you.
The two of you talk back and forth about schools, aspirations, and what shows you had both worked on. You are grateful that Angela left out any questions about Walton, instead filling you in on who was who on set.
The two of you walk to the trailer, and Angela introduces you to everyone. Despite a few sideways looks, they are friendly and one of the make-up artists even gives you the shared cloud link for all the notes.
Then day four came, and the dread text came through. You knew as soon as your phone buzzed what it would be.
Walton: Looks like I am going to be here till Friday. I will make it up to you <3
You: Nothing to make up for. Can’t wait to see you <3
Walton: I miss you so much.
You: I miss you too, love you.
Walton: Love you more
You close your phone sliding it onto the side table, tears staining your pillowcase. Even if it was only a couple more days, it was still hard not to feel alone. Angela had made some headway in the department so the other artists were now accepting you, but the tension hadn’t left. At least you had notes and could prioritize the extras that were in front of the camera instead of guessing.  
Still, the whole space felt off, you felt off. Maybe it was just you, but you missed having someone to talk to at the end of the day. To tell you it was going to be okay. Yes, you both had talked on the phone, over text, and facetime, but it wasn’t the same. Yet, again, that was part of the job, part of the relationship. There were going to be days, weeks, even months where you didn’t see each other. It didn’t help the loneliness, that was a new feeling. Not a feeling you were too fond of either, after years of not relying on anyone, missing someone was rough. 
Dragging your blanket over your head you force yourself to try and sleep. Two more days, just two more days right?
Friday night had come, it was so damn late that it was hard to keep your eyes open. You now fully understood why so many people did harder stuff, cause the long nights were catching up to you. At this rate, it would be turning into a fraturday. You shift on your feet, the ache in your calves had settled in sometimes on Wednesday and hadn’t given up. A chair wasn’t an option when you were juggling this many people, the ADs always eyeballing you. A massage, and a hot bath. You mentally are doing the math as to how much you have in your account, maybe just a bath and some tylenol. 
“Hey,” You look up at the head of the department walking over. Taylor, or Tanner? You couldn’t remember exactly. “You are clear to go home. AD just sent the extras home, go get some sleep.” 
You give him a thumbs up, “Perfect, thank you. See yah on Monday.” 
You hobble over to your tent, grab your water bottle, then make a beeline for the trailer. The SPFX trailer was not technically in use this week, but that hasn’t stopped you from stashing your kit in there. At least it meant no one would steal stuff. You clean everything, grabbing cleaner and your brushes for the weekend. A deep clean was needed, you also mentally noted that you needed to come in forty minutes early to get yourself set up on Monday. 
The ride back to the hotel is mostly filled with yawns, and trying to stay awake enough to make the drive. The hotel is thankfully quiet, being as late as it is, you hit the elevator and stop staring at the buttons. You realize that you have no idea what floor your room is on, chuckling you walk out and ask the front desk. Who gives you the floor number, looking as confused as you feel.
You finally up to the floor and walk over to your room door. Juggling keys and bag you finally get the door open, and Walton is sitting on the bed leaning back on his hands. Looking like he was fresh out of the shower, a crooked smile on his face.
“You’re home,” He grins, getting up to help unload your things. 
You smile back, blinking in surprise. “You never texted that you were here.” 
He leans down and gives you a quick kiss, “Wanted to surprise you. Knew you had a hard week.”
You take off your jacket, and toeing off your shoes stretching your feet in the carpet. “It was, well it was interesting.” You sigh, grabbing a cup to fill with water. “But I think things are looking up. Maybe now?” 
Walton chuckles, handing you some tylenol, which you gratefully take with the water. “I think they just need to get to know you better.”
Rubbing at your temples you nod, “You may be right. I wasn’t exactly in my best mood. Handling twenty extras was a bitch.”
“But you did it, made it to the end of the week.” He says, walking over to the bathroom. “Let me draw you a bath, order some overpriced room service and we can unwind.”
“I will be fine without food,” You try and argue, stripping out of your clothes, you dig into your bag finding a loose-fitting t-shirt and a pair of baggy shorts. 
Walton sticks his head out of the bathroom, “Room service, maybe some ice cream too.”
“You aren’t going to let me say no, are you?” You sigh, walking over to the bathroom, he shakes his head when he sees you. 
“Not this time, you need to eat and relax. I’d do anything for you,” He grins as he sits himself up on the counter, bare feet moving back and forth.
You remove the rest of your clothing, stepping into the hot bathtub, you groan loud enough for Walton’s eyebrows to shoot up. Trying not to think about it too much you sink down into the hot water. Walton is up, rolling a fluffy towel up and putting it behind your head, he makes sure to lift your hair out of the water. Going back he grabs a brush and another towel. You close your eyes and let him take care of you.
“Going to let me take care of you?” He asks as he ties off the braid with practice ease. 
“What do you have planned?” You ask, wondering what he had plans. “It’s already Saturday.” 
“If you feel like it, spa Saturday afternoon, there is a fantastic farmers market we should go to. Then Sunday we are doing massages, and there is a couple of early theater shows I think we should go see.” Walton suggests you shake your head with a small grin. Of course, he’d have the whole weekend planned out.
“I would love that,” You reply, sinking down a little more into the water. 
You hear him get up, walking out of the bathroom to order food, and you take the time to soap yourself up and clean a little. Using a small hand towel to wipe away the dirt, you can just make out the rumbling of his voice. A warm comfort knowing he is there, that you weren’t alone tonight. When did being alone become so scary?
“So food will be up here in about thirty minutes,” He calls out, coming back into the bathroom. “Feeling a little better?”
You can’t hide your grin, “Yeah, I think the headache is almost gone, and my legs aren’t cramping anymore.”
Walton grabs another fluffy towel and robe, “Ready to get out?"
Nodding your head you get out of the tub, Walton walks forward holding the towel. You go to grab it, but he bats your hands away and starts to dry you off. His hands are gentle, as he takes his time to dry you. It’s strangely intimate, feel yourself shiver as he finishes standing just behind you. He leans down and kisses across the top of your shoulder, hands traveling around your ribs down to your hips. You lean against him, humming slightly as your eyes close. 
Soft rob material replaces his heat, as he wraps you up in the rob, kissing your neck before grabbing your hand and leading you out of the room. You follow, the heat from the bath and tylenol had eased the pain in your legs. Walton pulls the blankets back so you can sit down, you adjust the pillows so you’re comfortable. As if on cue room service knocks on the door. 
Walton disappears, rolling a small cart into the room. “Dinner of champions,” He lifts the lid with a flourish, to reveal two bowls of ice cream. “But we keep it balanced,” Walton lifts the other lid to reveal a platter of various fruits. “Also champagne, cause everything's better with bubbles.” 
You happily take the champagne, Walton busying himself getting all the bits and pieces set on the bed. He slides in sitting cross legged beside you. 
“I remember the last time you and me had some fruit,” You tease as you grab a strawberry, taking it with a spoon full of ice cream.   
Walton giggles, his face flushing, as he grabs some melon. “I seem to remember you enjoying yourself.”
You cough back another spoonful of ice cream, “Oh, I have no complaints about anything.” You wiggle your eyebrows at him, taking another sip of the drink, the fuzzy feeling hitting your temples.
His fingers sliding up your thigh, “Always room for improvements, practice makes perfect.” 
“Now, now, let me finish my ice cream,” You tease, making sure not to push him away but lean into it. 
The two of you finish up most of the fruit and ice cream, Walton clearing everything up making sure you stay seated. He disappears for a moment, moving the cart out into the hallway, then slipping into the bathroom. You can hear him rummaging around in there. 
“What are you looking for?” You ask, going to get up when he comes out. He has two packages of something, and several bottles tucked under his arms. “Is that all my skincare?”
Walton beams setting all the bits and pieces down. The two of you sitting
cross-legged on the bed together, grabbing the facemask out of the packages to dawn them. Walton makes faces as you help him stick it on.
“This smells so good,” Walton says, grabbing another bottle. “What do you use for hands?”
Your head tips back laughing, “The one that says hands.” 
“Oooh” Walton chuckles, lifting the bottle triumphantly. He carefully squirts some out onto his palm and holds his hand out for you. 
“So how was LA?” You ask as he starts to carefully rub the cream into your hands. 
“It was a lot, Doug has me jammed for the foreseeable future.” Walton says, making sure each hand is covered. “I missed you a lot, it’s not the same without you.”
You flush a little, “I missed you too. But I am always glad you’re busy,”
He dug through the bottles scooting down the bed to start to work at your feet. You shiver a little curling your toes as it tickles. 
“You sure?” Walton asks, looking up over his glasses, as he massages against the arch of your foot. You wince a little feeling soreness there, as he moves down to cup the heel of your foot. 
You tilt your head, “What makes you ask?”
“When you walked in, it was like you were a different person.” He says quietly, now working up our calves. “That spark, that I love so much, was dim. I haven’t seen it before and I really don’t want to see it again.”
You swallow, crossing your arms to hold at your shoulders. “I’ve come to rely on you, maybe even more than I had realized.” His hands find a knot in the back of your calf that makes you tense up, he eases back but keeps working at it. “I feel like I am repeating myself here. But relying on someone isn’t easy for me, and I found myself feeling incredibly lonel while you were gone.”
Walton doesn’t say anything instead moving over to the other leg, his hands soothing the aches and pains from the week. His shoulders stretch the fabric across his back, before he looks up at you. “Is there a way I can make it easier for you?” 
You look out the window towards the city lights, trying to find words. It wasn’t that you needed things to be easier, it was more that it was taking time to adjust to things. To adjust to being in love with someone, to being in love but also knowing that you couldn’t always be with them.
“I don’t think there is a way to make it easier. Right now it’s me, I am still learning and changing. This week made that so clear.” You bite your lip trying to make sense of it all. 
He finishes up with your legs, tucking the different bottles away, the two of you helping each other peel off the face masks. Walton shuffles into the bed, leaning you against his chest hands running over the twist of your hair. 
“I know we aren’t going to always be together.” You say quietly, shifting on the bed to get more comfortable. “I think that scares me, scares me a lot. Cause I don’t want to lose you, to miss out on anything.”
“Think the kids call that FO-MO,” Walton teases, kissing the top of your head. 
You swat at his chest, “Oh hush, I was trying to be sentimental.”
Walton chuckles but brings you close to him. “We are going to spend time apart, but I promise I am not going anywhere. Don’t care what happens, me and you, until you get tired of my old gray ass.”
You let out a snort, leaning back so you can kiss him properly. “What happens if I don’t get tired of you?”
Walton leans back humming as he looks up at the ceiling, “Then I guess we'll just stay together.”
“Promise?” You ask, watching him carefully, he looks back down at you. 
“Promise.” He says back, kissing you again.
Our favorite love birds are back!
@ghoulphile @hiddlebatchedloki @live-logs-and-proper @justme12200 @ryankaylamartin96
@rachmar  @therest-stillunwritten @awhoresjourney @stankface
@itsyellow @toogaytofunctiondangit @whatsorceressisthis @ladyren33 @dichromaniac
@tina-armani @ladyren33 @luckytiggertalia
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kyrathor · 4 days
Sorry, I guess I just wanted to vent a little. To the void, probably (can't imagine anyone will read this. That's okay though).
Last month I had my consultation for bottom surgery after over a year of waiting. It went well, and they told me to start hair removal.
Since then, I've had to wade through phone call after phone call, online messaging through a website (the phone system for that was so bad I just did the messaging instead), and ultimately culminating in a department I had to email (yeah, I was specifically told they only have email, and not a phone number I can call), all to find out how my insurance will cover this.
The two things I need are a letter from the surgeon who told me to do hair removal (nothing he gave me qualifies as the letter I need, unfortunately) and I need to go to one of a very short list of hair removal places, the closest one being 2 hours by car.
I absolutely could go to a closer location and do it without insurance covering it, there is a trans friendly location the next town over, convenient. However, the price is nothing to scoff at, especially if I want to get anything more than just what I need for pre-surgery (other hair removal, such as facial and body).
The good news is insurance will cover the other hair removal too, but I have to get a letter from my doctor, or possibly two? The wording is weird, and I don't know if I need a second person involved, 2 letters from her, or just one letter because she covers both categories required for the letters.
In both these cases I contacted the surgeon and my doctor through the patient portal messaging, and it's been nearly a month now, with the only response from the surgeon being the clinic staff telling me they've passed the message on to the surgeon and that I'd get the letter when it's ready.
I have a video appointment I managed to get with my doctor, in a bit over a week, so hopefully I'll be able to make sure it gets done. But even if and when she does do it, that's not the letter that can let me slowly work towards surgery.
I don't expect me to be the only person who needs something from this surgeon. The fact it took me over a year just to get a consultation proves as much. But... a letter like this can't take that long, right? Every moment, every hour, every day that I spend waiting for this letter from him is time I can't do ANYTHING.
It's funny how long term bottled dysphoria, or even just... Something I'd learned to live with for a time, can just all come rushing back once the hope I can get my surgery is introduced. I know it's going to take a while, 1 year minimum, 2.5 years a tentative (ballpark) maximum. I can wait that, because it will be progress. The sooner I get hair removal done, the sooner that A: I'm free of the hair and B: the sooner I can get my surgery. I'll still have to wait after that, especially due to wanting a specific version of the surgery, but it will be progress. I won't be waiting to move forward with something I can do, due to a letter.
Maybe at one level, it's all just waiting. But tell that to my depressed and dysphoric self. I'm so close, yet so far away.
This isn't a cry for help or for money or anything. While spending money could sidestep the insurance issue... Insurance WILL cover it given time, and the letters. There are a number of people out there who can use money more than me. Transgender people needing money to get out of a bad environment, to survive till a paycheck. Palestinians, Sudanese, and probably others I don't know of right now. Please spend money on them instead.
I'm... While very much not fine... Fine.
Even if no one reads this, my thoughts and pain are out there now. Thank you for reading, if anyone does.
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asinfullangel · 11 months
11 regret
“How was I supposed to know they were the vip.”
Working as a person’s personal assistance can be tiring on most days. Running around, doing the side tasks and in most cases speaking for your employer on their behalf because they are too lazy to do it themself. The pay is good and getting to be in the big city is a nice addon, but there are some things that I can’t stand doing. I don’t really need to mention this though it will make things easier to understand. I am a pred and being around such uptight people with so much cash just makes me want to eat their ass then keep the cash.
There was one time that I put up a week working for a shortie with a thick wallet, almost as thick as my thigh, and I was so ready to quit. Self centered, picky while unwilling to pay for stuff he already tried out and had the nerve to call me his “muscle pump brute” whenever he wanted to intimidate someone. When I finally decided to quit working with him he was so bold to ask me to hand back my paycheck. His ass was mine and it tasted as good as the rest of his wimpy body. What I came to regret kinda was when my agency asked me what happened to my previous employer. I know the police would be looking into his disappearance and with me being the last person that talked to him alone I was always the first suspect to get questioned heavily. I think that lasted a few weeks before those copiers left me alone after running out of leads (god, I was almost starving myself just waiting for them out).
The next guy I was assigned to work for was a bit nicer while having some annoying quirks that eventually got to me. Was thinking about what his needs most of the time when he thought he was “helping” others, didn’t think he needed a second more once he was done at an event and was kind of a shut in so… I got pretty tired from doing so much fetching since “I’m paying for your services so could you pretty please go buy me-” junk that was all over the city and he sure wasn’t dealing with all of the traffic. He tasted fatty for being a skinny pig, but taking a few hundred bucks from his private safe was a nice tip for my services. I think the same agent was looking into me when I once again turned out to be the last person that last saw him, watching me like a hawk. 2 delivery boys went down into the tank during that month and I’m sure either one of the two were secretly an agent (felt like I had a badge trying to pass through my gut).
I know these rich guys, agents and anyone else that I had as a meal will respawn back sooner or later, but I think my most recent rich prick I’m thinking of going after his tasty ass for seconds.
I mean I sure wouldn’t want to go revisit a previously eaten prey even if they may fear a foggy memory of my stomach, haha. Though these men left me wanting another taste eventually and I shouldn’t deny myself another taste when I crave more. He was half and half in my opinion, can give and don’t mine receiving a few complaints. He was entertaining enough of an employer and knew when to give me a break from doing daily trash… I kinda regret not grabbing a bit to eat before showing up to work that day. I’ll keep it brief just because I’m not really the kind to be sappy. A few buds of mine went out drinking the night before, I got pretty hammered and may have forgotten to grab a prey on the way home. I’m used to sleeping on a fun stomach and passively burning away what’s left as my breakfast till lunch. I had my boss for breakfast… Don’t blame me for eating him! I blame him for asking me to watch over him as he goes for a swim. Alone with him in his private sweep just tempted my hunger before I saw him wearing a speedo. A secretly fit hunk under all those suits he had me pick up personality, how did I not know this before (though it was best that I didn’t otherwise I wouldn’t have so many tips from him personally). He enjoyed a swim in his pool before I sent him into my stomach to swim in stomach acid.
There, you have the one person that I actually regretted eating. I could have gone back to working for him and made up some sort of story about what happened that day, but things wouldn’t have felt the same knowing what he looked like underneath his clothing along with his taste. So I made up a little lie once he respawned, traded my position with another work buddy of mine and now continuing on with my job… I come after him a few times a month and eat him again after my bud lends me his roomkey. Go ahead and question why go through the trouble of going after an old prey, I can sure as hell come after ya and let my stomach continue doing the talking if you keep this up.
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dreamsofminnie · 1 year
“False Confidence”
Kazuha | Childe —x gn!Reader Smau
01- Dare myself🍁🐳 | Word count: 975
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Rushing from your college campus towards the cafe which your best friends worked at was a real strain on your legs. The workout would be worth it for a free drink.
Lucky that the cafe manager is nice to the twins and even more so when she met you. The twins could tell so hard that the manager has a slight crush on you. Reason why you get drinks on the house when your at the cafe anytime of the day.
Just you sitting by the windowsill also attracts passerby’s and brings in customers. Your stunning looks do attract many eyes.
Unwanted eyes? Not necessarily since it does wonders to ego boosts. Just when you're back at your shared apartment with the twins, do you deflate your swelled ego, it’s terrifying when it’s inflated.
Attention is better sweet and quick so it can be ignored just as bitter.
The opposing reason you wanted to get away, it’s the last week of classes till summer break and the swarms of invites to hang out over the summer from many people interested in making a lover out of you.
You frown deeply at that thought. Just adding to the lover count I see, never happening.
Running around the corner of the block your thoughts come to a stop as you see the name of the cafe appear etched onto the window. ‘Cafe Dense’
A strange name but dense is better than being aware. Whatever that meant.
The tinkling of the bell on the door signaled your arrival. Two blondes look up from their workstation just in time to see you enter and wave you over.
The cafe at noon was packed at half capacity. No wonder since Lumine and Aether were well known, being extroverts that is. At one time people thought you three were triplets since you suck to each other like glue. None of you minded that thought, it was wholly true.
“Here. Your ‘on the house’ drink.” Lumine rolled her eyes playfully and passed the large sized cup.
“Thank youu Lumie, did you spit in it tho?” You smile while peering into the cup.
“I did think you would want that… She didn’t though. Or else manager would see and hang Lumi’s paycheck over her head.” Aether laughed while the other blonde grumbled, “manager is such a simp.”
You take a sip and hum. The line for ordering only consisted of three boys, which the other workers were diligently tending to.
Letting Aether and Lumine continue with their work, you needed something else to occupy your time. . . Giving yourself a little dare won’t hurt.
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Kazuha (3rd person)PoV—
“Finallyyy Albedo’s here. Quick Quick, get your drink and we are outta here.” Tighnari shooed Albedo towards the cashier area who had only just shown up and barely got a chance to sit down.
“Ah. I wanted to buy another drink as well, let me come with you Bedo.” Kazuha gets up and follows the blondie with his wallet. Albedo asks if this was Kazuha’s third drink and the suspect merely shifts his eyes away.
Tighnari glances at Cyno’s empty seat, he went to the bathroom not long ago. Did he get stuck with no toilet paper? Again? Tighnari let out a long frustrated sigh and marched toward the men’s bathroom to find his lost partner.
“One green tea latte please.” Kazuha gently smiles as the golden-eyed blonde girl across the cashier counter, inputs the drink and tells him to tap his card. The mumbling of the guy behind him nearly makes Kazu turn around but the cashier thanked him and called for next. Kazuha just followed Albedo–who went before him, standing at the waiting area on his phone. “Kazu did you get the text about the class group chat? It’s so fucking dumb.” Albedo shut his phone off and glance at his friend.
“Hm?” Kazuha dug through his pockets and struggled to find his block of technology. “Did you forget your phone on the table you were at before?” Albedo’s suggestion made Kazuha nod and return to the table which, Bedo’s hypothesis was correct.
“Ah. I thought I lost you. Uh? Who is this on my lock screen??. . .”
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Childe (3rd person)PoV—
Repeating the order over and over again, Childe checked the group chat once more to get the coffee order right.
He mumbled out the orders, “Scara wanted a hot Matcha latte; which we made fun of for him wanting steamed milk.” He chuckled and scrolled down.
“Arlei demanded a red eye coffee. Not surprising for that coffee addict. Then Dain requested…an Irish coffee… just because he saw Arlei drink it once. Does he know that there is alcohol AND sugar in that??”
Childe was just about to type his question in the chat but the cashier snapped his attention away when she called out next. He walked up to the counter and placed his phone down, wanting to memorize honestly.
“Heya girlie, I’ll get a Hot matcha latte, a red eye, and an Irish coffee.” He grinned smugly, practicing how he would show up with correct drink orders for them time around.
He tapped his card and sauntered off with his idiotic confidence clouding his head.
After waiting for about 10 minutes of absolutely nothing in his head but his proud grin, his drinks were ready and bagged up, he checked his pockets to text them that he got it.
“Huh?! Where is my phone?!??? Where’d I leave it??” Light tapping on the counter alerted childe as he looked up and see the cashier from before handing him, his phone. “You left this at the cash register, dumbass.” She walked off towards the break room before he could thank her.
Still slightly stunned he decided to continue with his text to his friends.
“WUah?! Who is this?!? They’re so pretty… WAIT, THIS MUST BE FATE!”
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Synopsis-> You were bored so you took the cute guy’s phone which lay open on the coffee table at your friend’s work place. And took a selfie of your face and pinned it as their lock screen. And now you are being hunted by the phone’s owner who's now curious about you from your flirt and run. Through your flirtatious ways, you have never been able to maintain relationships; you always keep an arms length away. You don’t believe you deserve love at all, so why not flirt with strangers?
Summer season-> Name has been filling back on their flirts since the responses to their flirts were getting too dizzying to them. Though the twins can see the attempts of two boys vying for your affection. Twins detective agency activated while you took some time to yourself with failure.
So many hidden secrets eehehhe
The name of the cafe cOUgh CoUgh hint: top of the page😁 punfect
Yes, Lumine was the Cashier; i needed Childe to say his iconic “Hey girlie”
Only Childe would be dumb enough to leave his phone on the counter smh
@pokidot @scarletttcroww @noirinnn @melodiesoffadedroses @x4ndr @liilactears @ilovekazuha271 @ghostlysyntaxed @ferumie @cryastre @whipped-for-fictionals @crucnhice @tamikahoshiko @soleillunne
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pekejscatbed · 1 year
Take my Lungs (4/4) | Craig x Kenny
high school AU, profanity, mentions of death & dying, Stans mystery man is revealed :), Kenny uses he/she, Tweek uses he/xe
1/4 | 2/4 | 3/4 | 4/4
south park masterlist
Kenny's night at the theater is uneventful and boring; there hasn't been a new movie showing in weeks, meaning business has been slow as ever (how Kenny's employer can even afford to pay him at this point is a mystery, but Kenny can't say she's all that interested- not when she knows her next paycheck is just around the corner). There are a few regulars who show up, some who would rather watch a shitty movie then talk to their spouses or take care of their children, and some who just genuinely have nothing better to do.
Sighing, Kenny pulls out his non-name brand phone and checks the time, rolling his eyes at the 7:00 on his phone screen. Only five more hours of this shit. She sighs again.
Around 9:30, a familiar face walks up to Kenny's little ticket booth.
"You never answered my question, McCormick." Craigs voice is still as monotone as ever (He has Kenny's bag slung over his shoulder- Tweak Bros closes in thirty minutes. Usually Tweek drops her bag off, as Kenny doesn't get off for another two hours).
"Never said I would, Tucker," Kenny grins, "just said I wanted to talk."
Craig flips the blond off, sitting her bag on the ground.
"It does hurt, to die. Some ways hurt more than others; some don't hurt at all- not physically, at least. Fucks with my head, though. Remembering my deaths hurts the most, because no one else does; sometimes I dream about death, have nightmares where I relive dying over and over, and I wake up in a cold sweat, heaving until I'm lightheaded. Sometimes I pass out or die again. I have these shit dreams and even more shit panic attacks, but I can't talk to anyone about them because no one fucking remembers." Kenny's frowning as he speaks, his voice turning into a whisper. "But you do. Why?"
She looks up at Craig, whose face is flat and unmoving. His eyes, however, are conveying a message of melancholy and grief and guilt through the greens of his irises.
"I don't." Craig looks Kenny in the eyes. "I dream about you dying. Before, after- I don't know, but every night I dream about you dying in a different way. Sometimes I dream that we're back in elementary."
Kenny doesn't say anything, just stares, disbelieving. Craig continues.
"Last night, we were in elementary again. You were being thrown around by a snowman with tentacles."
Recognition flashes across Kenny's face and he whispers, "I remember that."
Craig continues. "A few days ago, I dreamt you got pinkeye and turned into Zombie. You died three times in that one. One time, you were crushed by a UFO."
"Twice, actually." The blond finally speaks up, more than a whisper. "I was crushed by a UFO twice, when Cartman got anal probed by aliens."
"That explains a lot."
Kenny snorts. "Nah, man, Cartman's just a major asshole- anal probe or not."
A car pulls up in front of the theater, windows down as a familiar blond yells out, "You coming, Craig?"
Said male shakes his head. "I'll walk. See ya, Tweek."
"Bye, Tweekers!" Kenny grins when Tweek flips her off. "You hang out with Tucker too much!"
Tweek drives away, grumbling about stupid blonds and asshole friends under xer breath. Both Kenny and Craig laugh at Tweeks dramatics.
When Kenny checks her phone again, it's a quarter 'till eleven, forty-five minutes after Tweak Bros closed and an hour and fifteen minutes until midnight- when the theater closes. "Wanna walk around for a bit?"
Craig raises an eyebrow. "Closing early?"
"Yeah," Kenny nods, "no one's in there and I'm bored."
It only takes a few minutes for the blond to close up and grab her stuff, changing back into his hoodie as he does so, then the two are off, walking around South Park as everyone else is getting ready for bed or going to a bar. The almost-adults walk for a while, chatting about whatever random things come to mind, before falling into a comfortable silence. It's quiet for a while longer, until the two end up in their neighborhood, where they find an interesting sight outside the Marsh residents.
"Is that...?" Kenny trails off, watching as Stan and his mystery-no-more guy suck face in a fancy car.
Craig stares at the scene, mouth agape. "Tolkien."
They watch as Stan gets out of the car, bidding goodbyes and goodnights with Tolkien, who drives off with a wave. Then, Stan sees them- his eyes go wide like a deer caught in headlights as he stares at Kenny and Craig, who stare right back. Eventually, Stan mouths to them, "Fucking. Quiet."
Kenny makes a zipper motion at his mouth, then gives a thumbs up. Craig just flips Stan off, who returns the motion before entering the Marsh house.
The pair resume their walk, whispering theories about Tolkien and Stan, until they reach Craig's house.
"Goodnight, McCormick." Craig doesn't move.
"Night, Tucker." Kenny doesn't move either, staring into Craigs eyes- "Can I kiss you?"
Craig shrugs, pulls Kenny into a short kiss, then turns around and walks into his house.
The blond smiles as she turns on her heel. Time to interrogate Stanley.
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weathernerdmando · 1 year
Both of the arms of my glasses have now broken lol. One side has been duct taped, the other side, we superglued it back today. Lol. Still don't have the $300 it would take to get a new set *with* vision insurance. (I need to look into zen optical or whatever it is but I also don't have the $100 it would probably be yet. Because I have to pay for my meds, which are possibly gonna be anywhere for $30-100 out of pocket because I can't afford health insurance.
And I still haven't be able to take my car back in (it's doing shit it shouldn't be *again* after we already replaced all the spark plugs and ignition coils.) I've been meaning to get it checked for codes but I keep forgetting. (The last time, it didn't have an engine light on despite misfiring. I don't trust that an engine light will come on if something is seriously wrong.)
My dad also found out that one of the hospital's he's been previously to is now out of network this year on his insurance. The hospital is in the same city as the company's headquarters.
I'm so fucking tired of this. I have just over a week till my next paycheck and I did get a raise but who knows if it'll be enough with that for everything. I'm so tired of having nothing left every two weeks.
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a-geo-slime · 1 month
I cannot believe how much money I just spent in 3 hours. While at this moment I don't need to worry about spending my money... Wow.
I got a job recently and i finally got my first paycheck(its only 1 weeks worth rn cuz its my first. Its just due to how the system works)
We really needed the money but now we don't (the universe had mercy on us)
So i decided i would get some things
Because ive been wanting a few things for a while but never got them cuz i cant just have my mom spend money on me whenever i want, and thats fine im not mad about it
But its been a long time since ive gotten anything i really really want
Like years
So in my mind there are 3 most important things to spend on
A meal at a special AUTHENTIC CHINESE RESTAURANT in my state (its a bit far away but i really wanna try it some time)
$60- $100+ depending on what we (2 people out of six who LOVE chinese food) decide to try.
And an art tablet with a screen
Well i got the gift box set and a liyue geo vision
And decided the others would wait till my next paycheck
So i decided
In my infinite wisdom
To go shopping elsewhere
(1) Sweet&spicy cheetos (for mom they are her fav but we cant find them in asian markets near us)
(3) Pepsi White peach Oolong... (To split between 6 and try) + Free shopping bag?
(1) Osmanthus cake (im desperate to know what osmanthus tastes like and thought it would be good to try...)
(1 box) calleton taro bread (we love these but cant find in the asian markets near us)
(1 box) Calleton Avocado bread (same thing but avocado. Mom loves these)
(they will be a nice surprise to share with family so there's no way I'll regret getting them)
Zhongli bracelet
Zhongli Wrist Lanyard (thing)
Metal planet befall pin
Zhongli emote charm
ANOTHER wrist lanyard (thing) that looks like a stone steele
Zhongli metal bookmark (better one than what on genshin global...)
Zhongli long sleeve shirt (actually do check this one out. its from "Turotake" im gonna wear it all the time once i get it)
Geo symbol pin
(I'm just obsessed with zhongli and recently broke my phone charm during work (fucking box cutter man) so i wanted some things to try out as charms... Got distracted...)
So as you can see
Im as bad as zhongli right now
i dont think this will become a huge habit
Like i said
Its just been so long since ive gotten anything for myself, and i just wanted to take advantage of the fact that i had a chance to use my new hard earned money for myself.
My next purchases might be a few snacks and those other two big things once i get my next paycheck(and toys but that can wait for a while cuz i have some and dont need them)
Im just astounded at the fact i let myself do this lol. That i even could. Ive never had this much money at once before
That i have like 12 packages to look forward to at varying dates...
I just wanted to talk about this
Cuz i just spent $530+
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cryptiddeer · 2 months
I finally got paid (First paycheck!) and I'm trying to decide between
Ordering the book of bill (it won't be here for two-ish weeks [I didn't know it existed and didn't have money to pre-order it anyways])
Or finally getting the nendoroid I've been wanting for ages (second hand but isn't sold internationally, but is from a reputable source)
OR attempting to get stuff for one of my more niche dolls (the site has mixed reviews for stuff actually being in stock but everything is legit [nobody else actually sells this stuff anymore and I am desperate])
OR or just waiting until NEXT week so I can buy a full set of a DIFFERENT doll I enjoy collecting
OR OR just doing my online order that has a bunch of cute little things for me in it, including pins, jewelry, phone charms, 2 things for my dolls, and some other stuff
OR OR or just waiting till next week to buy anything else so I feel better about buying anything at all
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frogsandfries · 1 year
Well that was obnoxious
I should've just stayed exclusively on mobile, but my phone is seriously dying and I want to blather about my actually better-than-expected progress this evening. I got to page thirty-four on Canva, which was all I had edited the apostrophes and quotation marks. I've already done something like ten new pages of this cleanup; that's really going to be the biggest drive.
The book punch is on its way in the next few weeks, and I ordered some *impressive eyebrow wiggle* tiny paper origami cranes for the bookmarks for Manacled! I'm going to try to spend this next few weeks typesetting Mirror.
I bought some red ribbon for Apple Pie--I bought a bone folder! Book corners, a five-ended cat tunnel, and a silverware organizer! I'm probably going to crack at some point in the next two weeks or so and buy yet another pack of paper.
I'm actually half-trying to find if there's a better paper I'm "supposed" to be using? And since I'm basically out of adhesive (except for the methcel???), I also went to find a new adhesive that's better for bookbinding.
You'll never fucking believe.
First, they still make Yes Paste--I gave my barely used, almost at least ten-year-old jar to my friend because she scrapbooks. Who knows how old it was when it was handed along to me, and still usable at the point at which I shared it.
Second, you better goddamn believe I'm slapping down nearly thirty bucks for about sixteen ounces of that shit. It'll last a million years.
Third, for those of you, like me and formerly not in the know, Yes Paste is kinda fucking amazing like. It's weird. So it's almost a solid gel. I'm not entirely positive how it's supposed to be applied. The few times I used it, I think I used my finger. I couldn't really think of how else to use it at the time without being destructive (I didn't have any disposable plastic cards on me at the time). I would recommend an old plastic card or, more formally, a rubber squeegee. It would be to thick and heavy to use a regular paint brush, but perhaps one of those plasticky "disposable" ones from Michaels? With the cheap metal handles?
Another cool thing about Yes Paste is, it's not wet!! Which makes it amazing to use on paper, because the paper won't warp.
I don't remember how it dries, but I feel like I remember it drying sticky; not sure if there were specific instructions for that, but I don't think I read the label on the jar.
Anyway, I do of course already have plans for my portion of next paycheck. I probably had plans for every check from the time I moved in till idk man, probably September or October, at the earliest. I needed storage for all the stuff that's been stuck in these totes I used to move. I want to revenge purchase this tree bookshelf (or a couple). My ex can't stop me and only made me want it more by saying they hated it. Some laptop accessories would not be amiss. I'm still waiting anxiously for a good opportunity to get a new soda machine.
Then I remembered that I need to start adding a couple of items to my wardrobe at least a month, if not every paycheck for a while. Soooooo......... Yeah. Then I added this bookbinding hobby to my roster for at least a few months here and there. Surely I'll get my fill after a while, like with the graphic novel, where I still pick at it here at there, waiting for some kind of trigger to throw me back in. Oh well, I needed to shake up my hobbies for a while. Don't forget also slowly gathering tools and materials for paper-making (just imagine using my leftover scraps of fabric from these fanfic books on my recycled paper sketchbooks--ooooooh).
Anyway, I can only expand within the bounds of my habit, so eventually the spending will need to stop. I only need so many dishes and kitchen accessories, bookshelves (okay, you think the limits of my container are going to help my bookbinding obsession???), clothes.......
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trashcanwindpipes · 2 years
Starting the new job next week. Very very anxious, scared, and stressed.
Not working for two weeks because my boss thought it’d be alright if I just didn’t work till my last day so he could save money as he’s a very privileged white man . That pays high schoolers and broke college students under minimum wage but continues to go out of country on vacations whilst complaining about not having any money. The kind of guy that wants 16 year old girls to work/close the store themselves and get out of work at 11pm and talks about wanting to fire them if “they can’t be a team player” when they express their concerns/uncomfortable feelings in regards to doing so. The kind of guy that says taking mistake food home is stealing and reported a girl to the police and she now has theft on her record after freshly turning 18. Also the kind of guy that says mistake items should be taken out of peoples paychecks and then turns around to work in house (shocker), messes up almost every order he makes, to then say “well we are only human.”
Also the kind of guy who would change my pay rate depending on how well we did that month profit wise. And stated he provides health insurance, to which bugging him every day for a month turned into the real fact that he doesn’t…. and I’ve still been without health insurance since June of 2022. Still without meds and hormones.
So now I wait the 60 days after I start this new job to have health insurance. To hopefully have the things I need again. To finally get my bottom wisdom teeth removed and get rid of the cyst in my jaw that is beyond painful.
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im literally the worst and proud of it i have barely any money left till my next paycheck which is in two weeks and i just blew half of it on a new coat which i don't technically need but it was love at first sight and it was a discount store so i knew i will never see it again if i don't buy it right now so yeah
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camscendants · 2 years
How can I make money like.. quick?
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halfalgorithm · 5 years
I got a raise and my paycheck went Down?????
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kris-side · 7 years
OH SEAWEED SNACKS ARE SO GOOD yom yom I love them.
If you chop up some veggies and mix with rice then roll them up in the seaweed, it is a gift
that requires buying veggies lmao
no but like im not a suuuuper huge fan of veggies but i should. eat them more lol. i bet that would be good. broccoli and rice would be nice i think i fuckin love broccoli gimmie them baby trees I need to be careful and not buy a lot that needs to be refrigerated though cause. my dorm’s fridge is p small and I dont trust myself leaving stuff in the community fridge
jfdhkfakhjldsljk also i need to not be such a chicken and actually use the like. little kitchenette they actually have in my dorm. but im just so ehhhhhhdfhhafsdhsadfhd about it. 
but making rice in the microwave unless its like. pre-made rice in a container is not that good lmao 
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