#Jack Stafford
sonicziggy · 1 year
"Feel the Colors" by Death Valley Girls, Jack Stafford, Podsongs https://ift.tt/169hABu
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 7 months
Find the Word tag
Thanks @jezifster for the tag! These are piling up I'm going through them!
My words: chill, lift, wreck, final
Your words: disappoint, raise, bland, flexible
Tagging @theeccentricraven @thepeculiarbird @awritingcaitlin @sleepywriter00 @mikathewriter @little-peril-stories @space-writes @unrepentantcheeseaddict @ohnomybreadsticks @blind-the-winds @andyswritings or anyone else who'd like to play!
Keep reading for:
Training session with dragon
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jumped....
Don't let this guy fool you he's an asshole
Robbie's infamous fight with Jason
Chill - from The Secret Portal Part One (Akash POV)
Custos roared and his fire broke through the pitch darkness, illuminating Tyler. He pitched the light toward Custos as Kelsey slammed into him. Tyler stumbled but held his stance, pushing against Kelsey as he tried to keep Custos in the light. “Medina! Go!” I could scarcely make out Noelle’s outline in the dim light, but the chill I felt down my spine as her silhouette moved was strong. I heard a surprised shout. “Gills! What happened?” “My rock stopped! I slipped off the ledge, but I’m okay.” My grip on the stick tightened. Tyler struggled to keep Kelsey from knocking him over. I looked at Custos. Gills told me I was defense. He’d understand. The real problem was Noelle. She grabbed Gills’ rock in pitch darkness. She could get me. I pulled harder on the stick. Noelle’s pull tightened, too. Smirking to myself, I let the stick go and flew upward—cutting through the air. Noelle grunted as the stick hit her with her own force. Once high enough, I shot toward the dragon, hoping to keep the momentum to pass through the dampening field and get the sphere. I knew it as soon as I passed. I lost my grip on the air and began to fall, but I latched onto the collar before doing so. Custos didn’t like that and tried to paw me off, but I managed to unclasp the sphere. “Haha!—oomph!” I celebrated until Custos did knock me off.
Lift - from School of the Legends Year One
Jill seemed mildly confused, but she shrugged, and the three of them began to sneak back to the edge of the mantle. Jack fell a bit behind, struggling to carry the harp. The logical side of him told him to just leave the harp, but his gut told him otherwise. He couldn’t explain it, but he needed to take this harp. Ahead, Jill and Beau had already reached the end of the mantle. Jack gestured for them to go on, but too late he realized that was a mistake, as the harp began to slip from his fingers. He moved quickly, gaining a firm grip on the harp before it hit the mantle, but as he did so, one of his fingers brushed against the harp’s strings. Jack froze as both giants turned toward the sound. Instantly, the male was up and crossing the room. Jack bolted toward the end of the mantle, suddenly finding an adrenaline-fueled strength to lift the harp. “Go!” he shouted at Jill and Beau. “I’ll catch up!” They both hesitated, but they soon disappeared from Jack’s view. Jack continued to run, but was soon stopped by the crashing of a gigantic fist crashing onto the mantle in front of him, the force of which sent Jack off his feet, and crashing on his back. The giant loomed over Jack, eyes that were larger than Jack blazing in fury. “Who do you think you are?” he asked in a mountain-shattering voice--in English, Jack was barely able to process. “Breaking into my home and stealing my things?” “It’s not like you’re gonna do anything with them!” Jack shouted--though his voice came out a lot weaker than he expected. “I’m keeping them safe until they are needed!” The giant raised his fist--probably planning to smash Jack--but Jack took the opportunity to bolt toward the end of the mantle. The giant’s size was now a hindrance--too slow, and his fist crashed into the mantle, cracking it, just next to where Jack was. But the crack bent the mantle, and Jack now found himself on a sloped surface--slight enough to where he could still run, but steep enough for him to lose balance and almost fall to his feet. He peered over the side. Jill and Beau were now on the ground, pressed against the wall. They’d left the plants for Jack, though with the force of the crack, the stalk connecting the mantle with the side table had snapped. Jack was now at the edge of the mantle, looking down at the long fall to the table. He whipped his head back to the giant, who was now recoiling from breaking his mantle. He looked back at his options. He could stay here and get crushed, or he could jump. Then his eyes drifted past the table and to the recliner--the back of it. It was a soft surface. It wasn't too much farther. Though directly in the path of the jump he would have to make was the candlestick, the flame on the wick now threateningly large and sparking. A quick glance back was enough to tell Jack that he had no option. As soon as the giant slammed his hand down beside Jack, he jumped, hoping the force from the giant’s slam was enough to propel him over the candlestick.
Wreck - from The Secret Portal Part Three (OLD DRAFT because this word doesn't appear in any current drafts....this was back when telepathy and empathy were separate oh my God whyyyyyyy)
Doctor David Pinchên took a seat on his sofa, reclining into its soft cushions, his coffee warming his hands. Just three days ago, he had published his textbook on Telepathic Theory. It had taken him years of research, but finally, his work was complete. He hoped that the school curriculum would soon offer Telepathic Theory as a course. It was fascinating to think about, and he himself hoped that one day more and more of the youth would be as swept away as he was. He, of course, was not a telepath. He was, however, a Level-1 empath. The two were often confused, and he took umbrage at the ignorance of others when he had spent nearly the entirety of his life being asked, “What am I thinking?!” Though, being an empath, he did understand that not everyone was familiar with the Levels and Classes and abilities of their race. The database was long and complicated, and he wouldn’t be surprised if the one who put it together a millenia ago didn’t have it memorized by the time he or she died, even though when the database was first published, most of the subpowers, and even full umbrella powers, didn’t even exist yet. In fact, it hadn’t been too terribly long since a fourth Class of powers had been discovered, with the arrival of chronokinesis, energy conversion, and dimensiokinesis. With empaths being closely related to telepaths, David found himself sympathizing rather seamlessly with the psychics. Even as a Level-1, he still experienced the common headaches and emotional breakdowns that had formed into a sad-but-true stereotype for empaths to be unstable. He had been what some would call “a wreck” as a boy, and it didn’t help that he skipped two grades of elementary school, so being a physically smaller emotional mess did nothing to stop nasty kids taking advantage of him once his powers kicked in. Though he usually used his abilities to discover if anything else was bothering the bullies, which there usually was, and reported his findings to the school’s counselor, also an empath, all of which were, and usually that kid’s issue was resolved, which led to that kid being nice to him in gratitude. David didn’t want to brag about this accomplishment. He was just using his powers for a good reason. Because of these actions, he’d had mixed reception from adults. Some wished him to continue to use his powers and become a counselor or therapist, while others pushed him to appeal to his science side. He had no interest in therapy, as he had been simply stating his findings to someone much more qualified. So he did go toward the direction of a more theoretical science, which those adults that pushed him to pursue a more scientific path were convinced was “a waste of a great mind.” Oh, how he hoped he could see them once Telepathic Theory became a college major.
Final - from The Secret Portal Part One (Robbie POV)
I stopped in my tracks and turned to my right. Jason Sturges stood down the hall, clicking his stupid sticks against the lockers. A rush of fury overtook me as I remembered this morning. I didn’t know what I was doing until I was right beside Jason, punching him in the face. Jason stood up straighter, rubbing his jaw, his steely blue eyes locked on me with a look that could kill. Still, I didn’t regret the action. Yeah, I shouldn’t have done it, but who gave a shit? I may not have been a hero, but justice was justice. “Alright, heartthrob.” Jason tucked his drumsticks into the back pocket of his jeans. “This is how you want to play?” My right hand was on fire from the punch. Jason cracked his knuckles. I wanted to run, catch up with Akash, but I stood my ground. Jason took a swing at me; I threw up my hands to block my face—actually, my glasses—and Jason’s fist collided with my arm with enough force to cause me to stagger backward. Before I could regain my balance, Jason charged at me, and with full force, slammed me against the nearest locker. The impact caused my entire nervous system to light up, and though it hurt, I felt powerful. The force filled me with new-found energy. The lights flickered, warmth flooded through my body. Jason stepped back, though kept me in place. A scarlet light began to glow from somewhere. Jason looked at the light, then the ceiling. Then me. “What the….” I gave Jason a final push to get off of me, but what I meant to be a good shove sent Jason through the air and crashing into the lockers on the other side of the hall, then falling to the ground. The scarlet light dimmed until it disappeared. The lights stopped flickering. “Stay away from him,” I growled.
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annatartastic · 2 years
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This cartoon drawn in the 1970s recalls the epidemic of 1878. A skeleton—“Yellow Jack”—escorts a bride past a flower-draped coffin in which the same bride is lying. This illustrates the story of Elizabeth Jane Stafford, a young Mississippi woman who came to New Orleans to be fitted for her wedding gown. During her stay, Stafford contracted yellow fever and died twelve days before her wedding was to have taken place
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avatarmovies · 2 years
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still on cloud pandora ⁣
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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- Okay, I'm going. And you two secret agents can settle down and be secret agents. - I wish you wouldn't use such words, my love. - Why? Who do you think you are fooling, my master spy? Everybody in Washington knows that you are not a Commercial Attaché. Everybody in Washington knows that the Chief of Russian Intelligence is the chauffeur who drives a car for... - Everybody in Washington does not know these things. And I would thank you not to repeat them. Go to bed. - Nicole, where did you hear that about the Chief of Russian Intelligence? - From my butcher.
Topaz, Alfred Hitchcock (1969)
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ ace. affen. affie. aidi. airendale. akita. aksaray. alano. alex. alfie. annie. apollo. archie. aries. armant. artemis. artois. ash. asher. aurora. badulf. bailey. bandit. barbet. barkley. basenji. bear. beau. bella. beowulf. biewer. blue. bluey. bolt. boris. boxer. brad. brenard. brittany. brutus. bud. buddie. buddy. buster. buttercup. buzz. cailean. cain. cairn. caleb. canaan. cane. canid. canis. carlo. carol. catellus. celeste. charles. charlie. chase. chewie. chip. cliff. clifford. coco. collie. conall. conan. cooper. daisy. dale. darwin. dash. daxie. dexter. diana. dire. dixie. duke. dylan. echo. emory. eros. eskie. ester. fang. fenrir. fido. finn. ford. fox. frankie. ghan. glen. gold. gordon. gray. grey. griffon. grim. grimmwolf. hamilton. harley. havana. hero. hound. howl. hunter. indie. indy. jack. joey. kai. kaleb. kalev. kelpie. ken. kerry. kibble. kibs. kit. lady. leo. leon. llewelyn. lola. lowell. lucine. lucy. luna. lupin. lyca. lycro. lycus. mace. maisie. mal. malinois. marley. max. mia. miles. milo. mingan. mob. molly. mudd. mutt. nala. night. noire. noiresse. noirette. nova. nugget. nyx. oliver. ollie. orion. oscar. paxton. peach. pebble. phoebe. picard. pila. pluto. poppy. puff. pup. ralph. randy. red. redd. remus. rex. rhys. riley. rocky. rolfo. roman. romulus. rosie. rover. rowdy. roxie. roxy. ruby. rudy. ruff. rufus. ruppell. russel. russell. sadie. scottie. scout. scruff. scruffy. selena. shep. shepard. shepherd. silver. sophie. spike. spitz. spot. stafford. star. stella. stick. storm. stormy. suki. teddy. terry. tiger. tosa. venerie. walker. will. wolf. wolfgang. zip. zoey.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ arf/arf. awoo/awoo. ba/ball. ba/bark. bark/bark. bite/bite. ble/blep. bo/bone. bo/bork. bork/bork. cae/canine. can/cani. cani/cani. canin/canine. canine/canine. cha/chase. chew/chew. claw/claw. co/collar. coll/collar. cute/cute. dig/dig. dog/dog. drool/drool. en/energy. fang/fang. fe/fetch. floof/floof. fluff/fluff. fluff/fluffy. fur/fur. fur/furry. ga/game. grey/grey. grim/grim. gro/growl. growl/growl. grr/grr. guard/guard. ho/howl. houn/hound. hound/hound. howl/howl. hunt/hunt. jump/jump. lea/leash. leash/leash. lo/loyal. loyal/loyal. lu/lupi. moon/moon. mutt/mutt. muz/muzzle. night/night. pa/paw. paw/paw. pawprint/pawprit. pet/pet. pla/play. pla/playful. play/play. pooch/pooch. predator/predator. pro/protect. pup/pup. puppy/puppy. ri/rir. ri/ruff. roll/roll. rough/rough. ru/run. ruff/ruff. run/run. slob/slober. snarl/snarl. sni/sniff. snout/snout. soft/soft. squi/squirrel. star/star. star/starry. sti/stick. tai/tail. tail/tail. teeth/teeth. teeth/teething. tre/treat. tre/tree. wa/wag. wa/walk. wag/wag. walk/walk. wolf/wolf. wolf/wolve. wolv/wolve. woof/woof. yap/yap. yip/yip. ❤ . 🌳 . 🎀 . 🎾 . 🐕 . 🐕‍🦺 . 🐩 . 🐶 . 🐺 . 🐾 . 🐿 . 👀 . 👅 . 💗 . 📢 . 📣 . 🔆 . 🔊 . 🔍 . 🗯 . 🥎 . 🦮 . 🦴 . 🧸 .
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soracities · 1 year
Hey I hope this is okay to ask, what are some lines you would have as wall posters?
I'm trying to design some for my room and I would like to have something on being human, being kind and the beauty of the world, if you already have done something similar could I have the link? Thank you🌻
oh this is genuinely one of my favourite things to do, a small selection of faves💗:
"Hope is a muscle" (Bjork)
“The love of our neighbor in all its fullness simply means being able to say to him: “What are you going through?” (Simone Weil)
"I did not come into this world to be comforted. I came, like red bird, to sing." (Mary Oliver)
"You are not broken, you are young and learning how to live." (Heather Havrilesky)
"The most beautiful part of your body is where it's headed. & remember, loneliness is still time spent with the world." (Ocean Vuong)
I don’t know where I get the courage to keep on living in the midst of these ruins. Let us love each other to the end." (George Sand)
"That in man which cannot be domesticated is not his evil but his goodness." (Antonio Porchia)
"No surprise that danger and suffering surrounds us, what astonishes is the singing." (Jack Gilbert)
"If you will grant me one vivid morning I can chain myself to it for fifty years." (William Stafford)
"Yes everybody's dying / to be someone else)But / i'll live my life if it kills me" (e.e. cummings)
"It is a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in the broken world" (Mary Oliver)
"Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time." (Maya Angelou)
"Is it foolish to speak of little joys that occur in the middle of tragedy? It is our humanity. Whatever we have left of it. We must not deny it to ourselves." (Ilya Kaminsky)
"This place could be beautiful, right? You could make this place beautiful." (Maggie Smith)
“Kindness, kindness, kindness. I want to make a New Year’s prayer, not a resolution. I’m praying for courage.” (Susan Sontag)
"A loveless world is a dead world." (Albert Camus)
"I still feel like the world is a piece of bread, I’m holding out half to you.” (Eileen Myles)
"You’re on earth, there’s no cure for that!...Get out of here and love one another!" (Samuel Beckett)
"We shall inflict hope. We shall inflict life." (Paul Eluard)
"We’ve come this far, survived this much. What would happen if we decided to survive more? To love harder?” (Ada Limón)
"what does it all come down to? love? Love." (e.e. cummings)
"Listen I love you joy is coming." (Kim Addonizio)
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thatliminal-wanderer · 6 months
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Mutt ID Pack
Requested by Anon
Affen, Affie, Aidi, Airendale, Akita, Aksaray, Alano, Armant, Artois, Barbet, Basenji, Beau, Bella, Biewer, Brad, Brenard, Brittany, Cain, Cairn, Caleb, Canaan, Cane, Canis, Carol, Charles, Charlie, Clifford, Collie, Conall, Conan, Cooper, Dale, Darwin, Daxie, Dire, Dylan, Emory, Eros, Eskie, Finn, Ford, Fox, Ghan, Glen, Gold, Gordon, Gray/Grey, Griffon, Hamilton, Havana, Hound, Jack, Kai, Kalev, Kelpie, Ken, Kerry, Kit, Leo, Leon, Llewelyn, Lowell, Lucy, Mal, Malinois, Marley, Max, Mia, Oscar, Paxton, Picard, Pila, Pup, Red/Redd, Rhys, Rosie, Ruppell, Russell, Sadie, Scottie, Shepherd, Sophie, Spitz, Stafford, Stella, Terry, Tosa, Venerie, Walker, Wolf
arf/arfs, bark/barks, bork/borks, cani/canis, canine/canines, claw/claws, dog/dogs, floof/floofs, fluff/fluffs, fur/furs, grr/grrs, houn/hound/hounds, howl/howls, loyal/loyals, mutt/mutts, paw/paws, pawprint/pawprits, play/plays, pup/pups, puppy/puppys, tail/tails, wag/wags, woof/woofs, yip/yips, 🎾/🎾s, 🐕/🐕s, 🐕‍🦺/🐕‍🦺s, 🐩/🐩s, 🐶/🐶s, 🐾/🐾s, 📢/📢s, 📣/📣s, 🔆/🔆s, 🔊/🔊s, 🦮/🦮s, 🦴/🦴s
A Dog of Mixed Origin, The Dog of Unknown Breed, The Excited Pup, The Mixed Breed, The Mutt Not Like Any Other, The One Who Woofs, [prn] Who’s Origin is Unknown
Aushepbocolliedoggic, Boydogthing, Boymutt/Girlmutt, Carineeic, Dogfinalboy, Dogfinalgirl, Dogpufflecharic, Dogstimmic, Goldshepardkinic, Lycantrans, Muttdollic, Muttfreak, Muttstardewic, Phantompuptailic, Thingmutt, Traumamutt, Yellowdogplushic
Other mogai
Aldercanidae, Aldercaninoir, Alderdog, Canitoaldernic, Dog Omninoun, Dogperspesque, Dogvesi, Straydogstelic
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gryphon1232 · 22 days
DRS Universe Info Post
Hey all! This is going to be a long post, and it's going to break down a lot of my work on the universe!
🛑What is the DRS Universe?
The DRS Universe is a connected fictional Formula One-centric universe. The history of the sport generally follows the real world counterpart, and for the most part, the world is kept as similar to the real world as possible, but things such as sponsors, drivers, teams, wins and events throughout the history of the sport are brand new.
🛑General Info/Q&A:
🛑Why does the DRS Universe Exist? I'm a very big fan of F1 and of Writing, and I wanted to mix those things together and write an F1-Based novel. I'm also a fan of creating OC's and having more control over what I write, so it was only natural that I'd make my own teams and drivers. That expanded to stuff like sponsors and some brands and companies in the universe, etc. I tried to keep the broader strokes of the sports history accurate to the real world as well, but I made new, fictional historic drivers, events, dates, etc. 🛑What is the current season? The current season as of the novel I'm currently working on (shunted) is 2023! 🛑What is Shunted about? Shunted focuses Lance Adams and Alexandre Lareaux, enemies-and-rivals turned teammates. It follows them as they navigate the 2023 season, and even worse for both of them depending on how you look at it, their newfound friendship and possible romance. 🛑Why are there 11 teams? Because more teams + more drivers + more cars on track = more fun. Also, because I wanted 11 teams, and it's my universe.
🛑What are the teams?
(This is a list based vaguely on each teams' performance throughout the 2022 season.)
Delphi Voltage Racing
Aurelia ABM F1 Team
Scuderia Rossetti
McGrath Racing
Hayworth Moore F1 Team
Reinvoire GP
Pearsons Racing
Scuderia AltairShock
Hurst F1 Team
🛑Who are the drivers for the 2023 season?
(Drivers names are listed, followed by their driver number, nationality, age, birthdate, height, and first season in F1. If something hasn't been decided yet, there will be a "TBD" in that section, if a driver has won a WDC, there will be an "🏆" following their name.)
Delphi Voltage Racing:
Felix Akerson 20 • Swedish • 23 • TBD • TBD • 2020 Kennedy Grant 14 • American • 20 • TBD • TBD • 2023
Aurelia ABM F1 Team:
Annika Becker 🏆 33 • German • 37 • TBD • TBD • 2006 Émilien Rousseau 6 • French • 41 • TBD • TBD • 2001
Scuderia Rossetti:
Alexandre Lareaux 11 • Monégasque • 25 • 8/26/1998 • 5'9 • 2017 Lance Adams - 🏆 5 • British • 25 • 12/29/1998 • 5'11 • 2016
McGrath Racing:
Noah Landvin 8 • Belgian • 23 • 6/4/2000 • 5'7 • 2019 Jack Palmer 47 • Kiwi • 21 • TBD • TBD • 2022
Hayworth Moore F1 Team
Scarlette LaRosa 50 • Spanish • 22 • TBD • TBD • 2022 Beatrice Camelio 88 • Italian • 21 • TBD • TBD • 2022
Connor O’Riley 77 • Irish • 26 • TBD • TBD • 2016 Owen Lancaster 76 • American • 20 • TBD • TBD • 2023
Reinvoire GP
Benjamin Accardi 4 • Australian • 32 • 5/24/1991 • 6'0 • 2013 Mateo Vassallo 44 • Mexican • 24 • 5/17/1999 • 5'8 • 2017
Pearsons Racing
Giang Mai Linh 99 • Vietnamese • 25 • TBD • TBD • 2018 Vincent Fortin 28 • Canadian • 25 • TBD • TBD • 2017
Scuderia AltairShock
Matthew Coleman 16 • British • 19 • TBD • TBD • 2022 Toru Kajima 81 • Japanese • 18 • TBD • TBD • 2023
Cláudio Amaral - 🏆 21 • Brazilian • 43 • 8/17/1980 • 5'7 • 2000 Marco De Caro 61 • Italian • 24 • 1/19/1999 • 6'0 • 2018
Hurst F1 Team
Martijn Van Hall 24 • Dutch • 36 • TBD • TBD • 2009 Charles Stafford 58 • British • 42 • TBD • TBD • 2001
I leave you with this little piece of art/graphic design I did to introduce my drivers!
The Results of the 2023 Formula 1 Chronex Australian Grand Prix:
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mail-me-a-snail · 2 months
tagged by @pinkybuttons <33 ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა blasts u all with my music
rules: go to your ‘on repeat'/heavy rotation playlist on spotify/apple music, throw it on shuffle and share the first 10 songs you get
the bidding - tally hall
sound of a gun - covey
buttercup - jack stauber
wires crossed - dom fera
ill walk alone - ricky nelson
eyes without a face - billy idol
never meant to know - tally hall
oh ana - mother mother (the only one i ever listen to fr)
long long time ago - jack conte
autumn leaves - jo stafford
tagging @glitchinginthegarden , @swearingcactus , @girlwolf and whoever else wants to do this (ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎
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Crooner's Beat-over Prompt-tober!!
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Words from Crooner: “I tell ya’ what, there ain’t nothin’ to be had from this ‘tag-me’ game if you don’t have the right inspiration. 
That’s the reason ya’ do these ‘prompt-tober’ challenges, isn’t it? You want something to INSPIRE ya’ don’t cha? You’re gonna need some musical motivation. Thankfully, I know my way with oldies. 
Draw up the images that come to mind when you hear these swinging beats sung by the gods off swing and jazz themselves’.
Bettye Lavette - “Witchcraft in the Air”
Cab Calloway - “Nightmare”, “Minnie the Moocher”, “The Ghost of Smokey Joe”
Ray Charles - “Hit the Road Jack”
Nina Simone - ”I Put a Spell on You”, “Sinnerman”, “Pirate Jenny”
Todd Rollins - “The Boogieman”
Andy Williams - “Spooky”
Frank Sanatra - “Blue Moon”, “Witchcraft”
Sarah Vaughan - “I’m Afraid the Masquerade is Over”
Billie Holiday - “Gloomy Sunday”, “What a Little Moonlight can Do”
Ozzie Nelson - “Strange Enchantment”
Julie London - “This October”
Screamin Jay Hawkins - “Little Demon”, “Whistling Past the Graveyard”, “Alligator Wine”
Stevie Wonder - “Superstition”
Jo Stafford - “Haunted Heart”, “Old Devil Moon”
Rosemary Clooney - “The Wobblin Goblin”, “Pumpky Pumpkin”
Jelly Roll Morton - “Dead Man’s Blues”, “Creepy Feeling”
The Treniers - “One of the Bushes”, “Devil’s Mambo”
Eartha Kitt - “I Want to be Evil”, “I’d rather be Burned as a Witch”
Anita O’Day - “Bewitched, Beguiled and Bewildered”, “The Walls Keep Talkin”
Johnny Cash - “I walk the Line”, “Ghost Riders in the Sky”
Peggy Lee - “Bewitched”, “He’s a Tramp”
Bing Crosby - “Halloween”, “The Headless Horseman”
Steve Cook - “The Legend of Dogman”
Ella Fitzgerald - “Lullaby of the Leaves”
Louis Prima - “Mr. Ghost goes to Town”, “Old Black Magic”
Nat Gonella - “The Skeleton in the Closet”
LaVern Baker - “Voodoo Voodoo”
Louis Armstrong - “This Black Cat”, “Jeepers Creepers”
Glen Miller - “Swinging at the Seance”
Duke Ellington - “Haunted Nights”
Artie Shaw - “The Nightmare”
Draw em’ good, and don’t forget to sing-along along.
I swear I’m not listening…” 
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
Find the word
Thanks to @tabswrites here and @space-writes here!
My words: light, shadow, fire, ice, mistake, grasp, escape, private
Your words: range, tie, size, guide
Tagging @dyrewrites @stesierra @gottestod-writes @moonandris @writernopal @ohnomybreadsticks @elsie-writes @theprissythumbelina
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
Keep reading for:
Lexi uses her powers for the first time
Carmen...has a soft side??????
Robbie fights Jason
Niri shows his powers
Robbie and Lexi meet
Sam vs Maddie
Beau takes Jack (and Jill) up the beanstalk
Úrsula does not want to go to this school
Light - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
“Ash, I’m coming!” I said more to myself. My hands were still fists on the vines, and I tried to pull myself upward. Why did I think this was a good idea? “Just go away!” I hissed at a vine enclosing my thigh as I tried to shake it off. In an instant, a flash of teal light wrapped itself around the vines. I yelped again as I slipped off the tree trunk and landed on the forest floor—thankfully my climbing endeavors had failed in that regard. A thump caused me to whirl around to see Ash land in a soft, fluffy pink bush, having been dropped from the ground. I scrambled to my feet and ran over to her.
Shadow - from The Secret Portal Part One (Gwen POV)
A shadow passed from overhead, and I gasped as a light-blue dragon landed on the ground in front of the house, its eyes on Dr. Moon and Dr. Asghar, “Custos!” Carla scolded. “They’re with us!” But Custos kept approaching the doctors. I sucked in a breath as he leaned toward Dr. Asghar. The dragon sat in front of her. Dr. Asghar held out a hand, brushing it on the top of his head. “Hey, boy. Remember me?”
Fire - from The Secret Portal Part One (Robbie POV)
My right hand was on fire from the punch. Jason cracked his knuckles. I wanted to run, catch up with Akash, but I stood my ground. Jason took a swing at me; I threw up my hands to block my face—actually, my glasses—and Jason’s fist collided with my arm with enough force to cause me to stagger backward. Before I could regain my balance, Jason charged at me, and with full force, slammed me against the nearest locker. The impact caused my entire nervous system to light up, and though it hurt, I felt powerful. The force filled me with new-found energy. The lights flickered, warmth flooded through my body. Jason stepped back, though kept me in place. A scarlet light began to glow from somewhere. Jason looked at the light, then the ceiling. Then me. “What the….” I gave Jason a final push to get off of me, but what I meant to be a good shove sent Jason through the air and crashing into the lockers on the other side of the hall, then falling to the ground.
Ice - from The Secret Portal Part One (Akash POV)
Niri opened his palm to form a small flurry of snowflakes. “Ooh,” said Gwen. I wondered if she would still think it was cool if she knew he was not conjuring it out of nothing but instead using his sweat. “Cryokinesis,” Niri signed. “Secondary category of hydrokinesis. I’m better with ice.” “Your water’s great, too,” I insisted. Niri smiled. “Thank you.”
Mistake - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
“Wait, are you Robert Stafford?” “No, actually, I’m Stobert Rafford—common mistake.” I blinked. The boy kept eye contact with a straight face. His mouth twitched. The delay stopped as I cachinnated—that was a fun word. The boy joined in. “Sorry, that was stupid.” “No, no, it wasn't,” I said as I tried to compose myself. “Yeah, it was, I’m laughing at my own joke.” “Okay, fine, it was stupid, but that’s why it was funny.” He smiled, eyes shining. “Finally, someone gets it!”
Grasp - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Maddie POV)
“Maddie, most Ceter animals can’t compete against me,” Sam said giddily. “That’s actually super cool about being an ultimate, actually. And I’ve been here for a year longer than you, remember, so don’t, like, feel bad or anything. Liam’s pretty awesome to have as a teacher—” She chattered on, but I realized that she was right about the strength. I could not beat her on strength alone. I smiled to myself as I morphed into the macquaqe again, a smaller animal to slip out of her grasp and become a gray fox to scurry away. Sam slipped and fell to the ground with an “umph!” as I turned to face her again.
Escape - from School of the Legends Year One
Jack tilted his head back to look at Beau, who appeared to be concentrating. A tickling sensation on his chest caused Jack to jump. Parts of the beanstalk were wrapping around his torso, tight enough to be firm, and yet loose enough to allow him to breathe. “Hold on!” Beau said. Jack looked back up just in time to see his cousin thrust his hand groundward, and the three of them were shot toward the sky. A scream seemed to escape Jack’s lips, but he didn’t hear any sound. He struggled to keep his eyes open against the speed. He couldn’t find any way to speak, so silently willed Beau to stop, or at least slowdown. After a moment or so, it appeared to have worked. Well, it didn’t--Beau just stopped.
Private - from School of the Legends Year One
“You want me to go to this school?” Mamãe sighed. “This is the first sign of hope we’ve had in five years, Úrsula. Maybe these people can help you.” “But I’d be putting everyone at risk,” said Úrsula. “The students, the teachers--” Úrsula hadn’t left this room for a reason. Now her mother wanted her to leave? To a private school? Where she would be forced to live with other people? Úrsula could feel her heart racing. She began to take deep, slow breaths. It was better to prevent than to mend. What was Mamãe thinking? “I want you to go to this school, Úrsula,” said Mamãe. “So they can fix you. And we can be a family again.”
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Summer break and I'm kinda sorta missing F1 so here are the UK number one songs when drivers got their first Grand Prix win. Enjoy 😊
Giuseppe Farina (1950 British GP - 13th May), Juan Manuel Fangio (1950 Monaco GP - 21st May) & Johnnie Parsons (1950 Indy 500 - 30th May) - Billy Eckstine - My Foolish Heart
Lee Wallard (1951 Indy 500 - 30th May) - Les Paul & Mary Ford - Mockin' Bird Hill
Luigi Fagioli (1951 French GP - 1st July) & Jose Froilan Gonzalez (1951 British GP - 14th July) - Nelson Eddy & Jo Stafford - With These Hands
Alberto Ascari (1951 German GP - 29th July) - Hoagy Carmichael - My Resistance Is Low
Piero Taruffi (1952 Swiss GP - 18th May) - Nat 'King' Cole - Unforgettable
Troy Ruttman (1952 Indy 500 - 30th May) - Jo Stafford - Ay-Round The Corner
Bill Vukovich (1953 Indy 500 - 30th May) & Mike Hawthorn (1953 French GP - 5th July) - Frankie Laine - I Believe
Maurice Trintignant (1955 Monaco GP - 22nd May) - Tony Bennett - Stranger In Paradise
Bob Sweikert (1955 Indy 500 - 30th May) - Eddie Calvert - Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White
Stirling Moss (1955 British GP - 16th July) - Alma Cogan - Dreamboat
Luigi Musso (1956 Argentine GP - 22nd January) - Tennessee Ernie Ford - Sixteen Tons
Pat Flaherty (1956 Indy 500 - 30th May) & Peter Collins (1956 Belgian GP - 3rd June) - Ronnie Hilton - No Other Love
Sam Hanks (1957 Indy 500 - 30th May) - Andy Williams - Butterfly
Tony Brooks (1957 British GP - 20th July) - Elvis Presley - All Shook Up
Jimmy Bryan (1958 Indy 500 - 30th May) - Connie Francis - Who's Sorry Now
Jack Brabham (1959 Monaco GP - 10th May) - Buddy Holly - It Doesn't Matter Anymore
Rodger Ward (1959 Indy 500 - 30th May) & Jo Bonnier (1959 Dutch GP - 31st May) - Elvis Presley - A Fool Such As I
Bruce McLaren (1959 US GP - 12th December) - Adam Faith - What Do You Want?
Jim Rathmann (1960 Indy 500 - 30th May) - The Everly Brothers - Cathy's Clown
Phil Hill (1960 Italian GP - 4th September) - The Shadows - Apache
Wolfgang Von Trips (1961 Dutch GP - 22nd May) - Floyd Cramer - On The Rebound
Giancarlo Baghetti (1961 French GP - 2nd July) - Del Shannon - Runaway
Innes Ireland (1961 US GP - 8th October) - The Shadows - Kon-Tiki
Graham Hill (1962 Dutch GP - 20th May) - B Bumble & The Stingers - Nut Rocker
Jim Clark (1962 Belgian GP - 17th June) - Elvis Presley - Good Luck Charm
Dan Gurney (1962 French GP - 8th July) - Mike Sarne & Wendy Richard - Come Outside
John Surtees (1963 German GP - 4th August) - Elvis Presley - Devil In Disguise
Lorenzo Bandini (1964 Austrian GP - 23rd August) - Manfred Man - Do Wah Diddy Diddy
Jackie Stewart (1965 Italian GP - 12th September) - The Rolling Stones - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
Richie Ginther (1965 Mexican GP - 24th October) - Ken Dodd - Tears
Ludovico Scarfiotti (1966 Italian GP - 4th September) - The Beatles - Yellow Submarine
Pedro Rodriguez (1967 South African GP - 2nd January) - Tom Jones - Green Green Grass Of Home
Denny Hulme (1967 Monaco GP - 7th May) - Sandie Shaw - Puppet On A String
Jacky Ickx (1968 French GP - 7th July) & Jo Siffert (1968 British GP - 20th July) - Equals - Baby Come Back
Jochen Rindt (1969 US GP - 5th October) - Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg - Je T'aime... Mon Non Plus
Clay Regazzoni (1970 Italian GP - 6th September) - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - Tears Of A Clown
Emerson Fittipaldi (1970 US GP - 4th October) - Freda Payne - Band Of Gold
Mario Andretti (1971 South African GP - 6th March) - Mungo Jerry - Baby Jump
Peter Gethin (1971 Italian GP - 5th September) - Diana Ross - I'm Still Waiting
Francois Cevert (1971 US GP - 3rd October) - Rod Stewart - Maggie May
Jean-Pierre Beltoise (1972 Monaco GP - 14th May) - T-Rex - Metal Guru
Ronnie Peterson (1973 French GP - 1st July) - Donny Osmond - Young Love
Peter Revson (1973 British GP - 14th July) - Slade - Skweeze Me Pleeze Me
Carlos Reutemann (1974 South African GP - 30th March) - Paper Lace - Billy Don't Be A Hero
Niki Lauda (1974 Spanish GP - 28th April) - Abba - Waterloo
Jody Scheckter (1974 Swedish GP - 9th June) - Ray Stevens - The Streak
Jose Carlos Pace (1975 Brazilian GP - 26th January) - Pilot - January
Jochen Mass - (1975 Spanish GP - 27th April) - Mud - Oh Boy
James Hunt (1975 Dutch GP - 22nd June) - 10CC - I'm Not In Love
Vittorio Brambilla (1975 Austrian GP - 17th August) - The Stylistics - I Can't Give You Anything (But My Love)
John Watson (1976 Austrian GP - 15th August) - Elton John & Kiki Dee - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Gunnar Nilsson (1977 Belgian GP - 5th June) - Rod Stewart - I Don't Want To Talk About It
Jacques Laffite (1977 Swedish GP - 19th June) - The Jacksons - Show You The Way To Go
Alan Jones (1977 Austrian GP - 14th August) - Brotherhood Of Man - Angelo
Patrick Depailler (1978 Monaco GP - 7th May) - Boney M - Rivers Of Babylon
Gilles Villeneuve (1978 Canadian GP - 8th October) - John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John - Summer Nights
Jean-Pierre Jabouille (1979 French GP - 1st July) - Tubeway Army - Are 'Friends' Electric?
Rene Arnoux (1980 Brazilian GP - 27th January) - The Specials - Too Much Too Young
Nelson Piquet (1980 US GP - March 30) - The Jam - Going Underground
Didier Pironi (1980 Belgian GP - 4th May) - Dexy's Midnight Runners - Geno
Alain Prost (1981 French GP - 5th July) - The Specials - Ghost Town
Riccardo Patrese (1982 Monaco GP - 23rd May) - Madness - House Of Fun
Patrick Tambay (1982 German GP - 8th August) & Elio De Angelis (1982 Austrian GP) - Dexy's Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen
Keke Rosberg (1982 Swiss GP - 29th August) & Michele Alboreto (1982 Caesers Palace GP) - Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
Ayrton Senna (1985 Portuguese GP - 21st April) - USA For Africa - We Are The World
Nigel Mansell (1985 European GP - 6th October) - Jennifer Rush - The Power Of Love
Gerhard Berger (1986 Mexican GP - 12th October) - Nick Berry - Every Loser Wins
Thierry Boutsen (1989 Canadian GP - 18th June) - Soul II Soul - Back To Life (However Do You Want Me)
Alessandro Nannini (1989 Japanese GP - 22nd October) - Jive Bunny & The Mastermixers - That's What I Like
Michael Schumacher (1992 Belgian GP - 30th August) - Snap! - Rhythm Is A Dancer
Damon Hill (1993 Hungarian GP - 15th August) - Freddie Mercury - Living On My Own
Jean Alesi (1995 Canadian GP - 11th June) - Robson & Jerome - Unchained Melody
Johnny Herbert (1995 British GP - 16th July) - Outhere Brothers - Boom Boom Boom
David Coulthard (1995 Portuguese GP - 24th September) - Simply Red - Fairground
Olivier Panis (1996 Monaco GP - 19th May) - Gina G - Ooh Ahh... Just A Little Bit
Jacques Villeneuve (1996 European GP - 28th April) - George Michael - Fastlove
Heinz-Harald Frentzen (1997 San Marino GP) - Michael Jackson - Blood On The Dance Floor
Mika Hakkinen (1997 European GP - 26th October) - Aqua - Barbie Girl
Eddie Irvine (1999 Australian GP - 7th March) - Boyzone - When The Going Gets Tough
Ruben Barrichello (2000 German GP - 30th July) - Craig David - 7 Days
Ralf Schumacher (2001 San Marino GP - 15th April) - Emma Bunton - What Took You So Long?
Juan Pablo Montoya (2001 Italian GP - 16th September) - DJ Otzi - Hey Baby
Kimi Raikkonen (2003 Malaysian GP - 23rd March) - Gareth Gates ft The Kumars - Spirit In The Sky
Giancarlo Fisichella (2003 Brazilian GP - 6th April) - Room 5 ft Oliver Cheatham - Make Luv
Fernando Alonso (2003 Hungarian GP - 24th August) - Blu Cantrell ft Sean Paul - Breathe
Jarno Trulli (2004 Monaco GP - 23rd May) - Frankee - F.U.R.B (F U Right Back
Jenson Button (2006 Hungarian GP - 6th August) - Shakira ft Wyclef Jean - Hips Don't Lie
Felipe Massa (2006 Turkish GP - 27th August) - Beyonce ft Jay-Z - Deja Vu
Lewis Hamilton (2007 Canadian GP - 10th June) - Rihanna ft Jay-Z - Umbrella
Robert Kubica (2008 Canadian GP - 8th June) - Mint Royale - Singin' In The Rain
Heikki Kovalainen (2008 Hungarian GP - 3rd August) - Dizzee Rascal ft Calvin Harris & Chrome - Dance Wiv Me
Sebastian Vettel (2008 Italian GP - 14th September) - Kings Of Leon - Sex On Fire
Mark Webber (2009 German GP - 12th July) - Cascada - Evacuate The Dancefloor
Nico Rosberg (2012 Chinese GP - 15th April) - Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe
Pastor Maldonado (2012 Spanish GP - 13th May) - Rita Ora ft Tinie Tempah - R.I.P.
Daniel Ricciardo (2014 Canadian GP - 8th June) - Ed Sheeran - Sing
Max Verstappen (2016 Spanish GP - 15th May) - Drake ft Wizkid & Kyla - One Dance
Valtteri Bottas (2017 Russian GP - 30th April) - Clean Bandit ft Zara Larsson - Symphony
Charles Leclerc (2019 Belgian GP - 1st September) - Ed Sheeran ft Stormzy - Take Me Back To London
Pierre Gasly (2020 Italian GP - 6th September) - Cardi B ft Megan Thee Stallion - WAP
Sergio Perez (2020 Sakhir GP - 6th December) - Ariana Grande - Positions
Esteban Ocon (2021 Hungarian GP - 1st August) - Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits
Carlos Sainz Jr (2022 British GP - 3rd July) - Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill
George Russell (2022 Brazilian GP - 13th November) - Taylor Swift - Anti-Hero
Lando Norris (2024 Miami GP - 5th May) & Oscar Piastri (2024 Hungarian GP - 21st July) - Sabrina Carpenter - Espresso
And yes, I've created a Spotify playlist for these tunes 😊😊
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avatarmovies · 2 years
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So incredibly proud for the @avatar team and their astounding work on the Way of Water. HUGE CONGRATS TO YOU ALL.
Also couldn’t be more excited for @courtneyrosemont‘s hard work finally being showed on the big screen! Love you babe.
Get your tickets.
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steam-beasts · 5 months
Is there any engine/living vehicle that has not been infected?
Cleo, Winston, Elizabeth, Caroline, George, Bulgy, Butch, Flynn, Ace, Marion, Jack + the Pack, Owen and Merrick, Terrence and Madge, Stafford and Freddie, Yong Bao, Kenji, Gina, Ashima, Shane, and Charlie (including the hellspawn, Billy). Frankie, Hurricane, Lexi and Theo, Merlin and Gator, Judy and Jerome, Sam, Rocky.
Oh yeah, and Stepney :)
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