#Jacob Wren
jacobwren · 6 days
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Dry Your Tears to Perfect Your Aim is officially in stores as of today.
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lucybellwood · 1 year
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rebouks · 11 months
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A lil glimpse into the future.. 👀
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westofessos · 1 year
I deeply apologize for the person I’m about to become this week with both the Ahsoka premiere and All In. The fact that they’re the same week was made to kill me, I know it.
Anyone as excited as I am for both and also unable to contain it?
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spctlights · 2 years
–– open starter ; a hotel room ’ 5pm.
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wren  adored  days  like  these.  event  days  were  hectic  ,  full  of  excitement  and  unbelievably  busy.  but  gosh  ,  did  they  feel proud  when  their  client  looked  absolutely  stunning  ,  hair  done  ,  make-up  impeccable.  wren  took  a  few  steps  back  and  admired  their  handiwork,  cocking  their  head  from  one  side  to  the other  ,  gently  moving  the  other  40  degrees  to  check  how  they  looked  in  the  different  lighting  before  smiling.  "  i  think you're  all  done.  what  do  you  think?  "  they  asked  ,  their chest  tightening  slightly.  they  knew  they  had  done  a  good  job  ,  but  there  was  still  the  anxiety  of  not  knowing  how  the client  would  react.
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" As much as I'd love to say I'm someone whose fully capable of surviving an apocalypse alone. That would be a HUGE LIE. I. CANNOT. Survive this phenomenon alone, but while I was unfortunate enough to start off on my own, I was lucky enough to come across the people I'd spend the entirety of this world ending event with. " ⇁ D.R.T
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— Depicts a barely 15 year old boy enduring the events of a zombie outbreak only taking place half a week ago in his current situation, Dorian, along with his Dog, Bagel, attempt to find a means of being able to permanently leave the residential suburb he was isolated in.
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— Takes place in early 2000s, Pre-apocalyptic and mid apocalyptic circumstances
— Zombie apocalypse, cannibalism, illegal activity, drunk driving, murder, manslaughter, blood, violence, gore, mutilation, dismemberment, decapitation, implosion, major character injury, body modifications, body horror, underage drinking, underage smoking, drug use, implied/referenced overdose attempt, implied/referenced suicide, implied/referenced rape/non-con, implied/referenced infidelity, psychological torture, physical torture, minor character death, teenagers, teenagers being stupid, teenagers being teenagers, angst, slowburn, fluff, found families, platonic physical affection, lgbtq, original story - freeform, original characters
- Dorian Rayne Taylor, Bagel, Nigel Rayne, Haven Taylor, Luis Keaton Rayne, Sirius Keaton Rayne, Rina Dela Cruz, Damian DeVine, Nicia B. Dela Cruz, Croix J. Peña, Gaston J., Jakki Peña, Jacob Oliver Carson, Floyd callahan, Newt Ryder, Adonis Fare Vrice, Malcolm Fare, Ezra watson Fare, Nicholas Wren Graves, Bernard Graves, Lee Asher Kidd, Francis Asher, Gale Asher, Maxxi Asher kidd, Jasper Amadeo Crowe, Christopher Amadeo, Marcele Amadeo, and more.
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- Avoid reposting the story without credits, especially if it's another app, please do not claim this as yours as I've worked hard on creating the very base of this book.
- Please at all costs avoid sexualizing the underage characters which involve most if not all of the main cast, this includes but is not limited to inappropriate artworks, nsfw fanfictions, explicit shipping, etcetera.
- Refrain from shipping the characters without considering what I am about to express as the author, forcing characters together out of the canon and confirmed isn't something I wish to occur, though I accept it to be inevitable. Keep in mind that the characters are mirrors to real life people that I, personally know, and I hope for you to respect my wishes, and them as well.
- Awfully specific however blatantly shaming or mocking my story is unacceptable, especially if it involves the label cringe, I dont know, it just seems quite unecessary to single out 'abnormal' behavior in teens. Just, why? No one asked you to do it, and I'm certainly not asking you to, so don't go in my inbox/notes just to say something about a character being weird.
- I feel as if these rules won't cover everything, so I'm going to be updating this in the middle of creating the story.
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saffricatrice · 19 days
What r ur oc stories about?
OMG HIHI I NEVER HAD SOMEONE OUTSIDE OF MY CURRENT FRIENDS ACTUALLY ASK BEFORE UMMMM OKAY SO. i have 3! main oc stories that i Really care about at the moment but im Deeply fixated on mainly 1 of them but im gonna start with the one ive been liek "promoting" the most in a sense!! under read more cuz im gonna try to exlain all three of them bless. sorry if i seem overly passionate oops i was TRYING to summarise im sorry its so long u rlly dont Have to read All of it
Forgotten Man's Symphony
his (louis manoir) character is basically a spin off from a character mentioned in the novel frankensetin exactly (1) time by name in elizabeth's letter and by far he is the most organised oc of mine cuz we do actually have a clean, understandable summary doc (thought it is a tad bit outdated but its okay). shes like the most Normal narrative-wise i suppose so i'm not exactly sure on how to explain the plot of forgotten man's symphony it's just like??? him ruining his life in front of the reader and then #Healing?? i guess?? the story is an epistolary that starts with louis' Suicide Letter. so like. yeah. BUT!! i suppose i would say his story very much concerns the concept of like identity (including gender and such she would be considred either transfemme/bigender by the modern world but also idfk cuz i made her complicated and confusing on purpose) and also the lack thereof + the negative impact that comes with trying so hard to fit into the societal norms and what people Want you to be but you just Can't be, cutting away bits of yourself to fit through some sort of hole representing the perfect version of you until theres nothing left of Who You Are expect a palatable and small version yk?? and the the endless pursuit of wanting to be loved that leads yourself to changing and changing for people who just wont care or love you for realsies + @rosaniruby 's words "making it even like that so its not YOU who is loving and being loved but the dim visage of a version of you that fits the picture of what society loves; that it's not a love between individuals, it's the love for a society that cannot ever love anything because it was made to hate. and who believes that portrayal of love will not find it and forever be stuck. smth like society loves what it deems as perfect and hates the imperfect, since perfect doesn't exist it can only do the second one. and louis wanted to love perfect victor, hated his own imperfect self. but the perfect victor doesnt exists, and neither does any version of louis."
i like her he's great. sorry if that was less telling u WHAT his story is and more like Explaining the "themes" as theyre called of the story but idrk how to describe nromal stuff so TAKE WHAT U CAN GET!!! anyways,
Domus Carnis: The Transmutation of Guinevere Manor
idk if you're aware but i have a hyperfix on architectural horror and i DON'T MEAN SCARY GHOSTS AND SERIAL ILLERS IN AN ABANDONED HOUSE I MEAN HAUNTED HOUSES THAT ARE ALIVE THAT IS A METAPHOR FOR PTSD FROM CHILDHOOD TRAUMA ETC ETC!! this story By making it started my whole obsession with the House it's crazy... scary even.. (i recommend you watch jacob geller's video essay about houses) i really do like domus carnis but it's. Messy to say the least. i do feel as if i ought to change the time period it's set in to avoid talking about the wars going on in the time period i accidentally set it in without realising but im procrastinating on that rn. it was Suppose to be late 1800s to early 1900s..
in a few simple words: flesh-and-bone made lesbian sex house. does that get your attention yet. bless
domus carnis (which literally means flesh house in latin or something) will be written in the POV of a 40ish year old widowed woman by the name of harriet wren's diary entries, occasionally switching to the POV of her 20-something year old godson percival who is like old timey jake paul and hes like either a journalistt or a radio host depending if i choose to change the time period or not. we follow them after harriet's husband dies of whatever and they find out he has a large property in a foreign country of which they had not known of prior
somewhere in germany there is a house of ex-aristocrats that no longer live there that is Alive. the House becomes alive because it is in a sense "possesed" (not haunted) the ghost of kathryna von guinevere who was the last one to die in the house, who, in life, was incredibly obsessed with The House for reasons that i fear are too long to explain without boring you and going into info pre-story?? anyways, when she "posseses" the house, the materials of the house shift to flesh, blood and bone because it Materially becomes her body. now, it would be hard to accurately label what represents what body part, because it's all strangely jumbled up and isn't like really human anatomy either cuz kathryna Can in fact see inside herself?? anyways whatever. now, the house is now both her body AND her mind. i have taken the phrase "haunted by memories/trauma" and turned it literal. the house IS haunted, but most of the ghosts aren't ghosts, theyre mostly all manifestation of Memory from her life because she actively is replaying the speech and actions of other people IN her mind to process the (typically traumatic) events of which she's seen or experienced. the ghosts CANNOT do as they please because they only exist at all Due to kathryna remembering them in these specific scenes. the hauntings include scenes of people, sounds, and shadows. unless the "scene" has a mirror, you cannot see kathy directly because you are witnessin things through HER eyes, which makes memories from wee childhood interesting because im wondering if i should make the "people" seem wayy bigger than the viewer if stuff is replayed from childhood..
i really like the fact that a lot of this is based on memory because it opens a lot of doors to me when it comes to the appearance of hauntings. my friend showed me this video depicting neurons forgetting how a face looks like, and i feel as if i could use that in the story because well, realistically kathy isnt going to have a Pristine memory cuz she Was just a human before, not to mention the fact shes already suppose to have issues on facial recognition/rememberance (my friend with these sisues suggetsed htis). the alteration of the ghosts' bodies could be fucked with even more if i try to make use and research into the way that people (mostly children) can in fact like.... change the image of something traumatic in their brain and make it less scary bc the brain is trying to protect them? yeah. AND ALSO the fact that a lot of people forgets certain aspects of their trauma due to their brain trying to protect them as well but still have this feeling of Unease when it comes o specific things that they cant explain, i could incorporate this feeling in certain areas of the House, the strange uneasiness. i experience that myself so i hope ill portray it right!!
i Think that's it?? at least that should be the bare bones of the story... i have a pin board tho if u want to check it out!!
The Epinicium
THIS is the stupid fucking thnag thats ruining my entire life rn. i love it i hate it whagever man. THIS ONE ill keep short and simple because im too fucking mentally ill about it to explain in depth without being asked questions
so basically its fantasy world but not like. Completely new high fantasy i very loosely based the countries off of like real countries and stuff bc lazy as shite so its like mid fantasy maybe HOWEVER
basically its set in this world where theres a shit ton of religions and gods and shit and theres three categories of religions (the world is veyr uhnm. Categorical idk): earth, science and the arts. basically the arts religions are the majority and the gods of those religions are called the muses so thats what i'll be calling them from now on. the basic plot of epinicium is about the muses of the music religion declaring that humanity doesnt treat music as "holy enough" anymore and taking it away as a whole (songbirds go extinct as well which is importnat) which also fucks up the other arts religionsdue to the fact that artforms are very connected but they still exist yk and centuries later our main cast attempts to bring it back!!! we have this server with a channel that has the "summary" but its not a real summary its just an already outdated infodump but we are Trying to fill this doc but we're failing really hard but friendship is magic idk.
anyways thats. pretty much it i think im sorry its too long once again 😭😭 feel free to ask question esp on the epinicium!! id love to hear abt ur ocs btw ive yapped so much oops
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jacobwren · 20 hours
Is posting about it on Tumblr a good way to get people to read your book?
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jonquilandlace · 9 months
Well I can't stop thinking about if Apple's Spirited was actually done on Broadway with Broadway actors so have a fancast
Disclaimer: This is literally just actors I like and know are currently active. There is very little thought put into this beside "ooo I love this voice and think it would fit the role p well." Feel free to dispute and brainstorm further in the reblogs/tags, but like there is genuinely 4% thought put into this, lmao.
Present (Will Farrell) - Jonathan Groff
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The heart and soul of the show. Requires strong acting, strong vocals, and a stunning sense of humor. Honestly maybe this is just me being a simp but like I fully think he would have a gotdamn blast dressed up in Scrooge makeup for the 1800s scene and no one can convince me otherwise.
Clint Briggs (Ryan Reynolds) - Jeremy Jordan
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This is it, the entire reason I made this fan cast. Just. Imagine Jeremy Jordan singing Bringin' Back Christmas. The same energy as Ready As I'll Ever Be, and also as The World Will Know from Newsies??? Like, that's barely anything, and he's perfect.
Kimberly (Octavia Spencer) - Khaila Anyé Wilcoxon
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Yeah okay I did sadly feel like I needed to slightly de-age Kimberly to match the younger form of Present; my original casting was NaTasha Yvette Williams and she would still slay this so hard, but like. Consistency, ya know? And besides, Khaila is STUNNING, fr; her performance as Catherine of Aragon is a testament to her skills alone, but if you want proof of her ability to sing gently as well as to Belt Like All Hell as she does in Six, then I will just direct you kindly to her role as one of the Fates in Hadestown; girl SLAYS! (Alternate pick: Renée Elise Goldsberry, because I can just HEAR her sing these songs.)
Jacob Marley (Patrick Page) - Patrick Page
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I mean. Come on. Even if he hadn't played this role already, he originated Hades in Hadestown. No one can top this guy.
Past (Sunita Mani) - Solea Pfeiffer
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Hadestown haunts the cast again, but like, come on. She's so good, no one can tell me no.
Yet-to-Come (Tracy Morgan) - Michael James Scott
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IDK something about his energy as Genie just translates really well to this role to me. (Alternatively, the Beetlejuice energy of Alex Brightman would give a REALLY fun twist to it, especially if the director decided to lean into YTC as a comic relief character, but the energy is just off enough I wanna stick to the source material for now.)
Wren (Marlow Barkley) - Isabella Esler
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Okay to be completely honest am I pretty much just pulling a random Lydia Deets out of a hat since they're like the only consistent kid actresses I can find? Maybe, lmao. That said, having heard her sing, she's GOOD fam! I think she could pull Wren really well!
Owen (Joe Tippett) - Justin Collette
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Okay, so once again, he happens to be a Beetlejuice star, but the vibe check here really comes from his role in School of Rock! It's the same sort of offbeat-person-with-a-heart-of-gold vibe as Owen has in the movie, and like with him also playing the Beetlejuice to Isabella's Lydia, I think they'd do great as dad and daughter on stage. Alternatively, Will Burton (who played Adam in the same cast) would also be a great pick, but gives off some more panicky vibes that I don't feel are as great of a match to Owen.
Carrie (Andrea Anders) - Michaela Diamond
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If you've seen her video on her favorite song from NYT, you Know the vibes.
Anyway that's my brainrot for the year thank you and enjoy—
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rebouks · 11 months
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Spooky Day at the Finch's.. 🎃👻
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We have our contenders for round 1! Time to see your first nemesis.
1. Artekai x Fross ( @artekai ) vs Elliot Kane x Yuri Gallagher ( @cocainecowgrrl )
2. Dorian x Beau ( @monoma-neitoblog-blog ) vs Deputy Dean Sinclair x Jacob Seed ( @derelictheretic )
3. Jesminder Dhawan x Imogen Grant ( @ruecrown ) vs CJ x Jack ( @sai-nt )
4. Rose Cortez x Joseph Seed ( @jinfromyarikawa ) vs Iraraziel x Cassiel x Mai ( @cyclicalaberration )
5. Li Minshan x Ji Shenchi x Dai Raoyi ( @rosencrantzsguildenstern ) vs Crowcaw x Leora ( @honeydoe12 )
6. Rose x Andrei ( @manganese-heptoxide ) vs Ariel Herrera x Edward Nashton ( @baldurrs )
7. Moth x Bugsy ( @scentedtyrantwitch ) vs Charlie Berger x John Seed ( @detectivelokis )
8. Lucille x Jo ( @radioactive-dragonlover ) vs Valor x Ghost ( @velcrooooo )
9. Ve’Qren x Lohl ( @zillastar13 ) vs Res x Leo ( @adanaac )
10. Esmeralda Poofenplotz x Alice Luoja ( @cantdanceflynn ) vs Pash x Illoma ( @floralprintshirts )
11. Vincent x Jynx ( @bonetrix-arts ) vs Harbinger “Harry” x Dr. Vincent ( @certifiedwerewolf )
12. Wren Blake x John Seed ( @nightwingshero ) vs Ludovica Rossi x Pier Lombardi ( @raybotonline )
13. Theodore Antonov x Cito Putnum ( @pixelpancake246 / @pixelsdoodles ) vs CEO x Arowana ( @owo-whats-bliss )
14. Kotone "Katie" Hoshino x Ellis Lockwood ( @wren-writes-random-things ) vs Matejka x Nikki Darling ( @outpost-31 & @rhaaclaws )
15. Wayne x MC Scarlet ( @hellhoundmaggie ) vs Anita Gil x The Joker ( @sstewyhosseini )
16. Amaro x Calamari ( @hottopicabbacchio & @corpsoir ) vs Iphi, the goddess of sacrifice x Jack Sinclair ( @kira-the-whump-enthusiast )
JUST A QUICK HEADS UP! I had to switch around a couple pairings, but all is well. Side A will start being posted in a few hours. One poll every hour. Tomorrow Side B will drop around the same time, same posting schedule 💗
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cherryjuicegf · 5 months
tagged by my dear @thalassiokhtos ty <3333
rules: answer + tag nine people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
favorite colour: green & purple!!
last song i listened to:
last film i watched: nope (2022)
currently reading: finishing 12 years a slave by solomon northup, also wuthering heights by emily bronte, incidents in the life of a slave girl by harriet jacobs, literature and evil by georges bataille (UNI HUNTS ME FOR SPORT)
currently watching: house md <3333
currently craving: waffles.......
coffee or tea: coffee my love
tagging @iveneverbeenmorestressedinmylife @staliaofatreides @standardlovers @samstree @dancingwiththefae @wren-of-the-woods @markrothkono61 @saintirulan if u want <3
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spctlights · 2 years
–– closed starter for @saraifm​ ; wren’s home, 9pm.
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"  oh  ,  come  on  –  this  is  not  gross.  "  both  their  hands were  completely  covered  in  cookie  dough.  it  was  getting  in every  crevice  on  wren's  skin  and  their  nails  were  covered  in raw  dough.  wren  's  kitchen  had  been  painted  a  light  orange color  and  was  covered  in  plants.  the  floor  was  a mediterranean  -  style  tile  faux  wood  tile  and  there  were small  long  rugs  all  over  the  floor  to  keep  their  feet  from the  cold  tile.  "  i  promise  this  recipe  is  worth  it  ,  " they  said  with  a  wicked  grin  ,  digging  their  hands  in  the dough  again  and  beginning  to  ball  it  up.  "  these  will  be the  best  no  -  chill  cookies  you  have  ever  tasted  in  your life.  scout's  honor.  "
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feelinghaunted · 2 years
names masterlist.
here’s a masterlist of popular names from each state in the united states. names will be separated by state and by gender, and there will be 5 of the most popular names from each state. i put all of the names on one line to avoid having this end up being too long, and i also included district of columbia. thus, there’s a total of 510 names. if you found this at all helpful, please reblog / like.
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male.  /  william.  john.  james.  noah.  elijah.  female.  /   olivia.  ava.  amelia.  charlotte.  emma.
male.  /   oliver.  liam.  wyatt.  lucas.  theodore. female.  /   hazel.  aurora.  eleanor.  evelyn.  isla.
male.  /   mateo.  sebastian.  benjamin.  julian.  santiago. female.  /   sophia.  camila.  isabella.  mia.  luna.
male.  /   asher.  hudson.  grayson.  luke.  waylon. female.  /   paisley.  harper.  ella.  elizabeth.  willow.
male.  /   alexander.  daniel.  ethan.  ezekiel.  aiden. female.  /   gianna.  emily.  mila.  aria.  natalia.
male.  /   henry.  jack.  owen.  jackson.  ezra. female.  /   avery.  abigail.  scarlett.  nora.  lily.
male.  /   joseph.  luca.  jacob.  logan.  mason. female.  /   madison.  grace.  penelope.  riley.  hailey.
male.  /   michael.  levi.  david.  cameron.  caleb. female.  /   layla.  leilani.  nova.  hannah.  kinsley.
male.  /   charles.  leo.  samuel.  dylan.  miles. female.  /   maya.  zoe.  naomi.  chloe.  margaret.
male.  /   matthew.  gabriel.  jayden.  anthony.  josiah. female.  /  victoria.  valentina.  leah.  ellie.  gabriella.
male.  /   carter.  christopher.  thomas.  legend.  joshua.
female.  /  serenity.  skylar.  caroline.  autumn.  willow.
male.  /   kai.  isaac.  maverick.  isaiah.  elias. female.  /   kaia.  kiana.  elena.  ayla.  leia.
male.  /   lincoln.  declan.  everett.  calvin.  brooks. female.  /   violet.  oakley.  ruby.  alice.  claire.
male.  /   nolan.  leonardo.  nathan.  ryan.  adam. female.  /   eliana.  lilian.  lucy.  addison.  delilah.
male.  /   easton.  cooper.  colton.  weston.  emmett. female.  /   everleigh.  ivy.  josephine.  lydia.  stella.
male.  /   ryker.  bennett.  beau.  beckett.  harrison. female.  /   cora.  quinn.  clara.  hadley.  vivian.
male.  /   silas.  jameson.  andrew.  rhett.  eli. female.  /   emery.  kennedy.  piper.  eloise.  sloane.
male.  /   carson.  sawyer.  kingston.  braxton.  hunter. female.  /   raelynn.  audrey.  emersyn.  sadie.  josie.
male.  /   christian.  wesley.  jace.  amir.  brennan. female.  /   aubree.  demi.  londyn.  remi.  mary.
male.  /   parker.  bentley.  river.  connor.  robert. female.  /   maeve.  magnolia.  freya.  adeline.  madelyn.
male.  /   axel.  aaron.  chase.  kayden.  austin. female.  /   genesis.  bella.  brielle.  mackenzie.  ariana.
male.  /   maxwell.  landon.  cole.  rowan.  george. female.  /   sophie.  anna.  julia.  cecilia.  eva.
male.  /   roman.  ali.  blake.  milo.  august. female.  /   brooklyn.  peyton.  savannah.  nevaeh.  melody.
male.  /   arlo.  graham.  louis.  archer.  otto. female.  /   amira.  elsie.  lennon.  wren.  june.
male.  /   bryson.  walker.  kyrie.  dawson.  kash. female.  /   harmony.  journee.  summer.  oaklynn.  kylie.
male.  /   jeremiah.  dean.  tucker.  jasper.  xavier. female.  /   reagan.  ember.  brynlee.  iris.  amara.
male.  /   bodhi.  colt.  stetson.  knox.  arthur. female.  /   finley.  aspen.  eliza.  harlow.  jane.
male.  /   barrett.  lane.  ian.  camden.  hayes. female.  /   maria.  eden.  reese.  sutton.  jade.
male.  /   gael.  emiliano.  ivan.  lorenzo.  ace. female.  /   athena.  ximena.  selena.  alaia.  allison.
male.  /   evan.  finnegan.  brayden.  gavin.  max. female.  /   fiona.  rose.  genevieve.  vera.  rosalie.
male.  /   nicholas.  dominic.  vincent.  zachary.  thiago. female.  /   esther.  sara.  miriam.  rachel.  rivka.
male.  /   jose.  giovanni.  damian.  angel.  diego. female.  /   ariella.  xiomara.  kaylani.  catalina.  andrea.
male.  /   moshe.  abraham.  jonathan.  chaim.  jordan. female.  /   chaya.  alaia.  chana.  sienna.  juliette.
male.  /   micah.  brantley.  tristan.  tyler.  nathaniel. female.  /   kaylee.  alexa.  taylor.  katherine.  bailey.
male.  /   bridger.  daxton.  briggs.  cohen.  paul. female.  /   sylvie.  presley.  alivia.  brynlee.  ada.
male.  /   kevin.  timothy.  brody.  brandon.  grant. female.  /   morgan.  paige.  jenna.  annabelle.  lyla.
male.  /   malachi.  ryder.  zayden.  maddox.  abel. female.  /   faith.  samantha.  jasmine.  trinity.  alexis.
male.  /   elliot.  jude.  leon.  atlas.  travis. female.  /   juniper.  sydney.  melanie.  charlie.  daisy.
male.  /   sean.  brady.  jason.  colin.  hayden. female.  /   callie.  molly.  teagan.  brianna.  lauren.
male.  /   zion.  nico.  enzo.  amari.  theo. female.  /   vivienne.  anastasia.  melody.  valerie.  sage.
male.  /   kyrie.  king.  ashton.  jayceon.  jaden. female.  /   kendall.  paris.  mariah.  makayla.  saylor.
male.  /   beckham.  finn.  nash.  holden.  knox. female.  /   thea.  hattie.  octavia.  haisley.  mckenna.
male.  /   justin.  seth.  steven.  kenneth.  mark. female.  /   arabella.  alexandria.  amber.  laura.  amanda.
male.  /   andres.  matias.  adriel.  victor.  alan. female.  /   arabella.  lucia.  alina.  kimberly.  ariel.
male.  /   nixon.  jett.  peter.  victor.  jonah. female.  /   navy.  adelaide.  millie.  olive.  holland.
male.  /   griffin.  eric.  felix.  forrest.  spencer. female.  /   aurelia.  bristol.  lila.  phoebe.  mae.
male.  /   bryce.  patrick.  brian.  richard.  kyle. female.  /   katelyn.  cheyenne.  jessica.  aniyah.  michelle.
male.  /   dakota.  jeremy.  derek.  garrett.  jeffrey. female.  /   georgia.  stephanie.  nicole.  alyssa.  jocelyn.
male.  /   trenton.  chandler.  drew.  clayton.  scott. female.  /   destiny.  rebecca.  angelina.  caitlyn.  chelsea.
male.  /   jared.  mitchell.  alec.  brett.  douglas. female.  /   meghan.  christina.  marissa.  danielle.  cassandra.
male.  /   odin.  zane.  agustus.  talon.  porter. female.  /   maggie.  gracelynn.  willa.  adelina.  tatum.
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lettherebemonsters · 1 year
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LEGAL NAME: Kenneth Edward Chase
NICKNAME[S]: Jeffrey Hawk, The Clown, The Ringmaster, MedicineMan, fat fuck
DATE OF BIRTH: June 12th, 1932
PLACE OF BIRTH: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (though in an au with @dcwnthercbbithcle, he was born IN Crotus Penn Asylum.)
CURRENTLY LIVING: Father Campbell's Church in The Realm, next door to Crotus Penn Asylum
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Italian, some Creole and American sign language
EDUCATION: Dropped out of high school before his senior year (16-17 years old.)
HAIR COLOR: Used to be bright red (think Merida bright), now silver and white
EYE COLOR: His eyes used to be crystal blue but now they're almost completely solid black, like a shark's eyes.
HEIGHT: 6 foot 3 inches tall
WEIGHT: 390+ lbs
PARENT[S]: Emilia Chase (Mother) (Deceased), Jacob Chase (Father) ( Sally Smithson/The Nurse) (adopted mother)
RELATIVE[S]: He's the only one left of his biological family on both sides.
CHILDREN: Canon-wise none BUT verse dependent he has either three daughters with The Painted Doll (@cfgcdsandmcnsters): Raven, Wren and Magpie, one daughter with Anna (@silvcrignis): Jackie or three daughters with Lady (@youcancallmenoob): Amy, Emma and Annie.
PET[S]: Maurice the horse
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Hardcore bisexual though he's got a preference for females.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Each relationship is completely separate from the other so they're all different verses. For canon he's single but he's in a relationship in three different verses, each of those with kids.
SINCE WHEN: ????????
tagged: Stole it from @hraunwyf
tagging: @rebelliousfamily, @sxcurityxguardbunny, @hallowxxnandxdogs, @ncmither, @fcgwise, @insidi0sum, @spiesintheshadows, @cfgcdsandmcnsters, @queenxfchaos, @apocalypta-secundus, @wrongarmofthelaw, @silvcrignis, @unbearablyindifferent, @purple-paw-muses, @hostiae, @pinkxgore, @sinbyeol, @faceofthevoid, @khalaesi, @forestherm1t, @technicianbunny, @iblewthewhistle, @soulsbetrayed, @mcnomaniametus, @superrstardaycare, @adoranoia, @wiredupclown, @rpdbdge, @ask-twins, @dcwnthercbbithcle, @feralreason, @kingoftheravens, @facinorousfigures, @numquamvincar, @outbreaksurvived, @jigsawfcrged, @radioactivedadbod, @manufactoredxbyxdesign, @infinityprincess, @sleepy-quentin, @charmbag, @itscreame, @entitytcken, @the-blackened-dove, @fxundingfxther, @chrchgrl, @muutos, @kostenkill, @bianfu, @funbonded, @sinners-inc, @trapton, @squidmanalamort, @swineblood, @michaelaftonvariations, @mechanicaldance, @profanecenser, @flametethered, @disasters-of-dbd, @museswithattitude, @gliderslain, @wind-the-music-box, @khaoticcryptid, @lastafton
@themiserablesmiilingkiller, @mxlevolence, @bastardstandard, @ask-the-ghostface, @ask-the-boogeyman, @finalgrrrls, @finalslay, @pumpkinstabs, @galactictrek, @my-timing-is-digital, @primordiumspeaks, @honorablehyde, @wanderingsongbird, @profanecenser, @judgcmcnt, @thesongbiird, @buzzingswarm, @funtimes-n-faz-kids (and anyone else!)
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jacobwren · 2 months
Everything before the pandemic seems like another lifetime.
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