#Jacob custos x Dylan Lenivy
jacobsbigmelons · 1 year
Now, hear me out, Jacob x Dylan? Terribly sorry if that’s not in your range of expertise/comfort, I just gotta get the question out as a shipper. If it suits you, though, maybe some fluff with Jacob in general would be cute? I know your “bro (passionately)” fic was hella good and I’m a total sucker for just cute fluffy stuff.
hey anon! i’m not the best when it comes to ships since im more of a x reader kinda guy but im a man of the people 🫣 so i’ll try !
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Beating around the bush
Jacob Custos x Dylan Lenivy
cw: jacob and dylan fighting off the romantic tension to the point where the vine “oh my god they were roommates” plays perfectly here.
OH- and for the sake of my own sanity, emma and jacob aren’t a thing here because i have no clue how to write a smooth scene where they casually split or whatever smh.
oh and spoiler alert i’m making the roommates joke at the end of this lol
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Faint crickets chirped in the distance as moonlight lit up the cabins as best as it could, Jacob and Dylan were in their bunk beds thought the sudden voice of Dylan and the response of Jacob clearly showed they were awake. “You up?” Dylan said as he was tapping his fingers on his chest to fidget a bit.
“Huh? oh uh well I was starting to drift off but not anymore” Jacob put it bluntly, he rolled onto his side so his ear is in the air so he can both lay down while hearing what Dylan had to say. “My bad, but like can you come down and give me company. Lonely on the bottom bunk” Jacobs eyebrows furrowed not because of annoyance but merely because of his tired state but for some reason he just couldn’t find it in himself to say no.
“Ow- fuck, uh gimme a sec” Jacob moved too quickly as his elbow met the wall, the slight pulses of pain were rather uncomfortable. The sound of sheets moving before he hopped off the top bunk made the cabin slightly creek. “Heh, sup dude” Jacob sat next to Dylan who was now sitting up himself, stretching a bit as to not tire himself out. “Long day today huh?” Dylan spoke. “Dude, so uncalled for by Mr.H to go on that long ass hike, i mean I personally enjoyed it until my legs started to get tired” Jacob whined as he spoke with his hands while talking, something Dylan enjoyed about him.
“Well you definitely got the build to enjoy stuff like that” Dylan said while pointing to the not at all handsome dude in front of him without a shirt on. Yet he did all that without presenting the pink tint on his cheeks now. “I guess you’re right, sight for sore eyes i’m sure” Jacob said. “Do you ever shut up when it comes to talking about yourself?” Dylan said making sure to make his tone sound not malicious at all but mere teasing.
“Well i’m not shutting up until you make me” Jacob has a slight smirk on his face, “I mean…I can think of a few ways” the silence only adding on to Jacobs thoughts, clearly they both had similar thoughts but didn’t wanna say anything, the silence spoke every word they couldn’t. “Uh…haha…I think i’m too tired to think about how you’d do that man” Jacob rubbed his eyes to add to the bit.
“Just putting my cards out on the table.” Dylan said, whether a joke or not Jacob added onto it “What, you looking to go at it on a table?” Dylan was thrown back by his reply as the two broke out into laughter, “Well I mean there’s always room on the table so we could always y’know…do more” Dylan finished off before Jacob turned against Dylan. “Eww, you’re gross dude!” He said giving Dylan a playful punch on the shoulder. “No see! I’m not gross, i’m just more vocal about my thoughts, you just keep this stuff tucked away! So the only reason i’m being accused of being ‘gross’ is for my consistency!”
The two laughed a bit longer before the room fell silence again, though with a bit more uncomfortable tension unlike before. “Just in case, if I ever joke around and I like cross a boundary or something…just tell me?” Dylan broke the quietness, “Nah you’re good man, but…when you do joke and shit…do you like, mean some of that stuff?” Dylan always made flirtatious jokes, a bit to Ryan when they first became friends, and most of the time they were directed to Jacob. But he never expected to be confronted with this kind of question. The urge to lie was there but he felt wrong lying to the person he feels deeply for.
“I mean…like I said. No jokes this time, my cards are on the table…so I mean, I guess. Yeah. I like you a lot, you’re a good friend and all that. So, if you ever…wanna give a guy named Dylan a call and ask him out or whatever, i’m here.” Silence yet again filled the air which only made Dylan want to double back on what he just said, he definitely didn’t expect to spill his guts to his crush. “But if you don’t I totally get that I mea-“ His words were cut off by the feeling of long awaited lips against his, he was shocked at what was currently going down, was Dylan even conscious?
They pulled away quickly as they just stared into one another’s eyes as they felt more drawn to each other in the moment, they simply reconnected lips once again, Dylan putting a hand on Jacobs waist and likewise. “Uh.” They awkwardly laughed in unison, almost like they both knew they weren’t expecting this. “Color me impressed, Im pretty speechless, not too often this happens” Dylan admitted. “Well, uh” Jacob scratched the back of his neck. “We don’t have to talk when we can like…show it.” Jacobs voice which was much more louder earlier now turned soft even kinda sweet was showing and it only made Dylan smile. “But guess what?” Jacob was trying not to laugh as he spoke his question.
“What…?” Dylan asked with concern laced in his voice along with a raised eyebrow. “oh my god they were roommates.” Dylan playfully smacked Jacobs chest as all he could do laugh while trying to protect his bare body. “You just killed such an intimate mood dude.” Dylan said now slightly annoyed but more or less happy overall as he saw Jacob filled with all this joy, it was contagious really.
“Worth it.” Jacob said while cackling as they attempted tried to sleep in the bottom bunk together, the crickets still chirping as the moonlight illuminated the two peaceful lovers.
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spawn510 · 2 years
{Chapter 9}
{time skip} {breaking an entry}
2 weeks had past since Ryan was stirred into the mix and things are going smoothly, then Jacob begins to become more absent. He goes missing one night and the hacketters go searching for him, Dylan and Ryan trying the hardest “JACOB! COME ON MAN NOT COOL!” Dylan shouts worry overtaking his words “Fuck fuck fuck fuck where is he?” “Dylan! Over here!” Ryan shouts from a few meters away, Dylan runs over to see Jacob curled in a ball at that little clearing he had shown him a few weeks ago “for fuck sake Jacob are you alright? You scared the shit out of us” Dylan asks sitting beside him, Jacob looks away silently “Hey we can help if you tell us what’s wrong” Ryan adds sitting on his other side, Ryan spots drops of water fall off Jacobs face before Jacob buries his face in his knees “Are you.. crying?” Ryan asks concerned “Jacob seriously tell us what’s wrong” Dylan requests putting his arms around Jacob “I… don’t want to forget you.. either of you, and I don’t want you to forget me. But as soon as camp’s over we’ll go our separate ways… and lose contact” Jacob manages to sputter out through cries “we’ll just give each other our numbers” Dylan suggests “Mr H has our phones remember? We can’t..” Jacob responds “who says he can’t get them back temporarily?~” Dylan suggests smugly “Are you suggesting we break into Mr H’s office?” Ryan asks fully knowing the answer “uhh yeah? What else would we do? Beg?” Dylan responds. Ryan sighs and plants his hand on his forehead “you do you man, I’m not breaking into Chris- I mean Mr. H’s office” Ryan sighs “fine by me!” Dylan responds shrugging with a grin. Dylan grabs Jacob’s hand and walks into the lodge with confidence, once they get near Mr. H’s office they start to be more careful.
“It’s locked.. kicking it down would be too loud” Dylan mutters “I can pick it” Jacob says, Dylan’s face is painted with surprise and amusement “well then get on it little guy” Dylan adds, Jacob rolls his eyes and places an ear to the door “what are you doing? If that’s how you pick a lock I’m very doubtful we’ll get in” Dylan asks, Jacob sighs and rolls his eyes “no I’m listening to see if anyone’s there. It’d be pretty shameful to break in and get caught immediately” “ooooohhh~ makes sense” Dylan responds. After confirming the coast is clear Jacob begins picking at the lock, a few minutes go by before [click] the door opens.
“Bingo” Jacob Mutters accomplished, they head into the room and grab their phones “ok ok now let’s exchange contacts” Dylan says. They exchange contacts, then Ryan walks through the door “Oh~ look who decided to join us” Jacob teases “shut up dude” Ryan sighs taking his phone “now what are you two’s numbers?” Both Jacob and Dylan give Ryan their details before they put their phones back down and sneak back out.
Once outside Jacob lets out a sigh of relief “that was kinda stressful” “nah~ that was light work” Dylan replies “and~ a Mr. Stick-in-the-mud joined us, how brave of him” Dylan adds, Jacob chuckles and Dylan walks up to Ryan “what are you doing?” Ryan asks “nothing, just thought a brave boy should get a reward” Dylan replies teasingly “wha-“ Ryan tried to respond but is intercepted by Dylan’s lips meeting his “see; reward” Ryan stands there baffled “dude come on you broke him” Jacob jokes patting Dylan on the shoulder, Dylan leans down slightly and kisses Jacob on the lips as well. Jacob stands there astonished for a second “you little prick!” Jacob shouts in a giddy tone before chasing Dylan down “no! Get away you beast!” Dylan jokes “nuh uh! Not before I get my revenge!!!” Jacob responds picking up his pace “idiots” Ryan snickers to himself.
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blueghosthandsfriend · 3 months
Infected Dylan lenivy, Nick furcillo, Jacob custos, Emma mountebank aesthetic
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msdi0r · 5 months
Hello! Could you write a max brinly fic about him being interested in reader but he’s nervous? Thanks!! <3
Yes, this is so cute!! We need more Max love he’s so cute <3
Max Brinly x Fem! Reader
requested? yes/no
summary: your best friend has something he needs to get off his chest but he’s too nervous to act on it
warnings: fluff - swearing - use of y/n - Max and y/n have been friends for a few years before this - kissing 🙈 (nothing spicy) - not proofread but used Grammarly 😭
a/n: might be a little out of character at some points but it's finee - AU where Max and Laura made it to the quarry and aren't dating.
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it was the hottest day of the summer and you and Emma were trying to hide from the kids and the rest of the counselors, mainly Mr H but whatever.
Emma groaned, “hand me the water bottle.” You grabbed the bottle and groaned, “It's warm.” Emma dramatically pretended to cry while fanning her face.
“Ah look, damsels in distress!” You heard Jacob walking towards you both. You and Emma rolled your eyes and looked over at Jacob who was walking towards you both with Dylan and Max.
Max held up 2 cold water bottles making you get up quickly and grab the bottles, you tossed one to Emma who caught it enthusiastically then you hugged Max tightly, “Thank you so much.” Max laughed nervously but hugged you back, “Yeah no problem.”
You pulled away and sat down next to Emma. “Have fun while you can ladies, I heard Mr H is looking for you two,” Dylan said smiling. “Shhh you can leave now!” Emma said waving them off while I laughed and waved to Max. He waved back and the other boys rolled their eyes and walked off mocking Emma.
“Is it just me or was there a little something in that hug?” Jacob asked when they got far enough away from the girls. “W-What? No.” Max tried to defend himself but stumbled over his words. “Yeah, my point exactly,” Jacob said laughing with Dylan.
“She’s my best friend that’s it! There’s nothing else going on.” Max said, he fidgeted with his hands and leaned against the cabin they walked to. “But you like her,” Dylan said crossing his arms. Max went to protest but Jacob cut him off, “It's okay, we’ll help you.”
They had a plan, it wasn’t great but it was better than Max’s original plan. He was just gonna never tell you and hope you found out.
All the kids had gone to bed and you were hanging out with a couple of others by the bonfire now. “Hey Em can you uh help me with putting the canoes away?” Jacob asked Emma. Emma nodded, “Sure, yeah. Kaitlyn come with us.” Kaitlyn followed them both. Dylan looked at them and then over at Ryan next to him. He nudged his shoulder, “Wanna go.. Uh. Walk?” Ryan looked at him and laughed, “Yeah okay.”
Abi, Laura, and Nick weren't there to leave with the others so now it was officially just you and Max alone. It wasn't a big deal though because you guys would normally hang out alone anyway. “I feel like something's going on,” you say suspiciously looking at him. He gave you a weird confused look trying to hide something but it was too obvious.
You rolled your eyes and walked over to the log he was sitting at and sat next to him, “I’ve known you for too long you can’t hide anything from me.” He ran his fingers through his hair and laughed softly, “Yeah I guess I can’t.”
He sighed, “There’s something I need to tell you that I’ve wanted to tell you for a while.” I turned my body towards him with a confused look on my face.
“I like you,” he said not making eye contact with you. You felt yourself slowly start to smile as he kept talking, “You don’t have to like me back- of course. That would be dumb if I was like ya know forcing you.” he was rambling now.
“Max.” You said smiling. He didn't hear you through his rant and you held his hand to get him to look at you and shut up, he did exactly that.
“I like you too,” you said softly and still smiling. His eyes widened and he started smiling, “really?” you nodded and he hugged you. You hugged him back tightly and when you pulled away he looked at you with a small smile, “Can I kiss you?” you smiled, “Absolutely.”
He gently grabbed your chin and pulled you into a kiss, as soon as you kissed you heard a twig snap and you both turned your head quickly. “Dude seriously?” you heard Kaitlyn whisper-yell. “It’s not my fault! Dylan pushed me!” Jacob argues back, also whisper-yelling. “I did not push you!” Dylan joined in.
You and Max got up and walked over to the bushes. “Oh my god can you both shut the fuck up? You’re going to blow our cover.” You heard Ryan lecturing the others. “Already did,” Max said. They all looked up at you and Max with fake innocent smiles on their faces.
You rolled your eyes and they all stood up awkwardly. Except for Jacob who was smiling in both of our faces, “My plan worked! I’m amazing guys.” “oh please,” Kaitlyn said pushing him out of her way. “Now that you two are finally together can we get back to the cabin? The bugs are eating me alive.” “Yes please!” Emma agreed.
As you walked back to the cabin, holding hands with Max, Emma nudged you gently and smiled widely at you. She knew since the beginning, apparently everyone did.
“Look who finally came to their senses.” Mr Hackett joked the next morning seeing you both holding hands. Yeah, everyone knew.
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biggestxsimps · 2 years
could you do the quarry guys reacting to reader getting attacked by werewolves? can you also make it angsty, thank u!
A/N: ofc, thanks for the request! I tried to make it angsty, idk if I did it right though. Also I know it’s been a while since we’ve posted, we’ve both been caught up with our lives. After this, I hope to be able to post a little more frequently. Thank you for your patience!
Please be aware this fic contains: Mentions of blood, gore, violence and spoilers. 
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Ryan Erzahler:
He shouldn’t have let you come with him and Laura, you weren’t already infected like she was and neither had the desire to save Chris.
But no matter how he felt you persisted that you go with him.
You wanted to make sure he wouldn’t get harmed.
That brings us to now, Ryan’s been infected and you were on the hunt for Chris.
The three of you walked into a dark room, you stopping near the door with Ryan “How are you feeling?” You hold him up.
“I’ve been better.” He muttered.
Laura moved into the middle of the room “I think we found Chris.” she looked into the darkness.
You and Ryan follow Laura, seeing a werewolf Chris tied up to a pole.
Ryan was about to speak when Chris charged at us, breaking through the floor.
Chris was on top of you trying to maul you while Laura had just begun to transform.
Ryan ducked for the table, quickly grabbing the gun.
Laura jumped towards Travis, attempting to attack him.
Ryan looked over to the now werewolf Laura until he heard a blood-curdling scream. He whipped his head over to you, watching as your organs were ripped out of your torso.
He yelled as he lifted the gun, shooting Chris.
He watched as his manager dropped to the ground.
Laura had turned back and begun to thank Travis for sparing her while Ryan just dropped.
He held his now-dead lover in his shaking arms.
“I’m so sorry..” He muttered through broken sobs. “I shouldn’t have let you come.”
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Dylan Lenivy:
Ryan and Laura had just left for the Hackett house and Kaitlyn, Dylan, Abi and I had gone out to check if we could leave with the van.
The four of us made it to the van and Kaitlyn decided that Abi should hide in the bunker.
As she was walking down, the rest of us walked towards the van.
“I don’t know if it’s just me, but the van looks like it’s moving?” Dylan points out.
“You’re right.” Kaitlyn lifts the gun “Open the door.” she nudges you.
You cautiously walk over to the van, ghosting your hand over the handle, you look towards Kaitlyn as she nods your way.
You start to push down the handle when the door aggressively opens from the inside, throwing you far into the dirt.
You rush back to try and get behind Kaitlyn as the werewolf jumps towards you. You turn around, face to face with the werewolf as you yell for Kaitlyn.
“SHOOT IT!” Dylan yells.
Kaitlyn shakes as she tries to fix her aim onto the werewolf.
You cry out as its sharp teeth tear into you, ripping through your limbs.
“SHOOT IT KAITLYN!” Dylan screams before it tears into your torso, clawing out your organs.
Kaitlyn shoots the werewolf, a shivering screech being heard before it jumps and runs off into the woods.
Dylan can’t help but stare at your now lifeless and dismembered body. His heart dropping and his eyes watering at the sight.
He mutters a mantra of ‘No’ and ‘Please’ as he drops down beside your mutilated corpse.
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Jacob Custos:
(Maybe a bit too inspired by his interaction with Emma but that's alright)
You were walking around an unfamiliar part of the forest you had run into trying to shake off the werewolf on your tail.
You look around hoping to find someone or something to help you find somewhere safe to camp the night out.
It took a while but you eventually found a figure that looked human.
You ran to the figure, noticing it was Jacob upon getting closer.
He turns your way as you call out his name, remaining still as you hold onto him.
“You’re alive!” You exclaim, pulling away to look at him. Your hand resting on his cold cheek.
“No, I’m not?” He responds dryly. He pulls away, “I’m- I’m nothing..”
“What do you-” “Stop it!”
You take a step back as Jacob starts hysterically cry-laughing, words becoming incoherent.
His voice lowers and words start sounding more inhuman. 
You watch in horror as your boyfriend’s body bursts into blood, the familiar look of a werewolf now charging your way.
You scream as your body’s mauled by the man you loved. All noise stops as the sharp teeth rip into your neck, throwing your head off to the side. 
The sun rises and waking back up in his own body, Jacob sees the bleeding head of his lover, glancing at the torn corpse beside it.
He falls down beside you, moving to rest his head on your chest, tears falling down his cheeks as he whispers apologies to your deaf ears.
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Nick Furcillo:
You and Emma never got along but you never thought she would stoop this low.
Everyone knew that you and Nick had something going on, even if the two of you never outwardly said it.
You shake your head, maybe you were overreacting a bit.
You lift your gaze, cursing as you realize you have no idea where you are.
You turn around, trying to retrace your steps before you hear a faint voice calling out your name.
You smile as you recognize the Aussie’s unmistakable voice.
“Over here!” You call back. 
He pants as he stops in front of you.
“Sorry, got a little too serious for me.” You look off to the sky.
“Yeah, I understand.” He shoots a half smile, moving closer to you.
You look his way at the sound of the steps.
Your faces now inches apart and eyes locked together.
You both move closer before-
Your heads turn, now being faced with a terrifying humanoid figure. 
“RUN!” You hear Nick yell before sprinting in the opposite direction of the beast.
You stand for a second before your legs find the strength to run.
You start turning and twisting through trees to try and trick it, somehow catching it off guard a couple times.
You drop down behind a rock, trying to hold your breath as you hear the ragged breathing and scratchy growls approach. 
Your head feels airy and your lungs feel like they’re going to explode, you can’t hold it any longer.
Tears start falling down your cheeks as you attempt to silently let your breath out, failing as you choke on the collected saliva in your mouth.
You hear a screech before it starts crawling towards you. 
You stumble on your feet before eventually pulling yourself up and running towards Nick.
You were so close.
Your body hits the ground as it jumps on your back, it’s clawed hands slamming your head into the dirt. 
“Y/N!” Nick screams, running towards you as the beast rips into your body.
The beast leaps onto him biting a chunk out of his leg before the sound of a gunshot echoed into his ears. 
He watched as it ran away, quickly glancing at your unmoving body before pushing himself backwards and wobbly running to the campfire.
Tears flowing as he collapses in front of the other counselors.
“Nick?! What hap-” “Y/N!” He frantically bawls. “I- He’s- Help him!” His choked out sobs becoming incoherent.
A/N: Sorry if the pacing is weird or if it doesn't flow that well, I wrote these half-asleep. 
- Written by Owner 1
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hedwig123 · 7 months
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OK a few more
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profound-bouquetbird · 8 months
I really need to stop getting into fandoms when I have a full inbox 😔
But, yeah. I've gotten into The Quarry pretty late into the fandom. If there is any of you out there, send requests! (when they're back open that is)
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zqmbiescorpse · 1 year
kaitlyn ka x female reader
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a/n: i've been dying for kaitlyn fics, and just the quarry fics in general, because there's hardly any and that makes me want to cry. anyways, first thing i'm hopefully posting so no bullying pls. no werewolves! also sorry if the ending feels like it could be improved, i just really wanted to be finished with this <3
warnings: nothing serious, some making out
word count: 2.4k
The joyous, fun atmosphere surrounding the gentle flicker of the campfire quickly disappeared, leaving the mood somewhat awkward as everyone who had remained (being Dylan, Ryan and yourself) turned towards Kaitlyn with a disappointed look.
"What?" questioned the small ravenette, sensing the glares from the three of you while she feigned innocence at the situation she, may have, intentionally, created.
"You totally ruined the party man," Dylan absentmindedly responded, taking a sip of whatever beer was left. All of you were a little tipsy, sober enough that thinking clearly wasn't an issue but drunk enough to feel a warm woozy sensation floating around your bodies.
In all truth, you weren't bothered in the slightest by the absence of Jacob, Abi, Emma or Nick. You did like them, sure, though being with them throughout the summer was often challenging - you typically found yourself enjoying the company of the others instead.
The four of you had stuck together for a large portion of the time, and you felt you'd become pretty close; so close that, naturally, you formed a humongous crush on the confident, very attractive, super cool dark-haired girl that was sometimes a little mean to you.
With Kaitlyn, you could never be quite sure about how she felt about you, there had been a few occasions where you doubted if she even liked as a friend. She was hard to read and you were a bit sensitive so, as you can imagine, things got tricky - having a ton of feelings for her only made you suffer greatly.
Then again, when these times occurred where you were miserable, Kaitlyn would periodically open up to you and let you know that, yes, she did appreciate you. Small moments of affirmation after so much doubt made you feel so unbelievably fuzzy inside. Unfortunately, the pair of you were tremendously insecure, because of this, there was a lot of dancing around each other the entire summer, similarly to Nick and Abi.
Suddenly desperate to relish in what could be the last evening with her, a rapid demand to continue the entertainment of 'truth or dare' came spilling from your mouth.
'Someone's...eager," Ryan chuckled slowly, glancing over at you and then at Dylan with a knowing glint in his eye.
Following this, Dylan offered, "Y/N's just disappointed she didn't get to smooch anyone this evening."
"You and me both, Y/N."
It was such a quiet array of words yet everyone heard Kaitlyn mutter them - nobody said anything back.
You were so hopelessly in love with her, that you couldn't help but hang onto anything Kaitlyn said that remotely resembled a reciprocation of feelings.
Shyly, you lifted your gaze from the muddy floor to your friends around you, careful not to stare directly at her gorgeous face. Whatever you were about to say next needed to be calm, one hundred percent normal and definitely not suggestive of anything.
With a brief amount of consideration and overthinking, you said, "Well, I don't know, what else is there to do right now? We can keep playing without the others."
You needed to stop working yourself up over such minuscule things; with Kaitlyn anywhere near you, you couldn't control yourself. Not being a fumbling mess was incredibly difficult.
"Yeah sure, why the fuck not?" Dylan chimed back in with a sense of glee, intrigued to see what would happen next.
"Cool alright, Kaitlyn?"
Deep down, it was clear to you that she would join back in, but part of you still inwardly thanked Ryan for ensuring that she was interested in continuing.
"I'm in, of course," A short pause. "You're a bit far away from us Y/N, you should get a bit closer, come here..."
Watching as Kaitlyn patted the empty space on the rough log impatiently, indicating you join her, an eruption of warmth covered your cheeks at her attention being on you; her wanting you next to her.
"Yeah, come on over here Y/N!"
Obviously, it didn't feel as special when Dylan said it, though, you appreciated how it got rid of some of the tension.
"Okay okay, yes, I'm coming," You spoke up, giggling, absolutely infected with giddiness that was bursting to show. You're sure it did, a big goofy smile plastered to your face as you made your way to the opposite side of the campfire. Apparently, the delight spread to Kaitlyn since you could've sworn she was attempting to mask an excited grin too.
Immediately, a soft scent of honey mixed with something floral was all you could smell, each and every time you inhaled. It made you feel very comfortable.
"Who wants to start it off this time?" inquired Ryan, yet your attention was instantly torn away from him due to the sensation of a soft, smaller hand brushing over your slightly sweaty one.
There was not a doubt in your mind. You had already jumped to the conclusion that it was intentional. From doing an action so small as turning away from you to face Ryan, how could Kaitlyn's hand touch yours in the process if it were on accident? There was no time to think rationally, you were already freaking out like mad. And she loved it.
"I'll go."
Leaving no room for arguments, Kaitlyn's head whipped back round to face you once more, this time with a playful theme prominent within her features.
"Y/N. Truth or dare," she asked, intently, her pretty eyes trained on your very nervous self.
You couldn't pick a place to focus your line of sight, eyes darting from her straight to the floor and back at your two shaky hands resting in your lap. Not in a million years were you prepared to answer 'dare'. In what world did you have the confidence.
Telling yourself it was the sensible response, you requested 'truth' like the jittery coward you are - to nobody's surprise but to Kaitlyn's disappointment.
"Tryna play it safe, are we, Y/N? I'm not letting you off that easily," was all she said as you sat there, patiently awaiting for whatever abomination that was heading your way.
Finally, you observed as her eyes lit up with a sudden delight; her full attention, once again, solely focused on you, not quite prepared for what was coming next.
"Out of everyone here, meaning me, Dylan or Ryan, who would you be the most interested in dating...and you have to answer otherwise it's no fun."
The situation wouldn't have felt awfully suffocating if it weren't for your stupid crush, which you were starting to suspect Kaitlyn was fully aware of. Her plump lips contorted mischievously into something smug - a perfectly arched eyebrow raised while she continued staring you down.
Because of the intense stare and immense amount of pressure you felt you were under, you missed a faint flash of worry flicker in her eye at your hesitation; uncertain whether or not her question had backfired on her.
Words couldn't describe the newfound urge tugging at your stomach to let her know that you so badly wanted to date her, to be with her, to kiss her. You couldn't handle rejection in the slightest but also couldn't bare the thought of letting this go on much longer - missing your chance when you had it.
You felt yourself tearing apart because of a silly crush on a girl who was way too good for you; evidently taking this unimportant game way too seriously. This time, you locked eyes with Kaitlyn, your heart racing, making an effort to bring any remnants of confidence together to prepare an answer.
"Uhhhh, I'd probably wanna date you, Kaitlyn?"
You had never experienced something simultaneously this underwhelming and overwhelming. Really, your response was very simple, basic, and not that huge. If, by chance, the beautiful ravenette was utterly disgusted by your answer it could be put down to merely a game and everyone would move on. You would be devastated but you'd get over it.
Having said that, repulsion was the last thing Kaitlyn felt regarding your answer, instead, a frantic fuel ignited within her. For a moment, she kind of just gawked at you, a bashful awkwardness radiating from your features.
"Truth or dare," she asked once more, this time the question coming across as more demanding, and a slight shake was apparent in her voice. Desperation spurred over her yet she seemed to be concealing it quite well, aside from the little chew on her lip while she awaited your answer, the nervous habit being the only indication of how Kaitlyn felt.
"Hey, what!" Dylan interjected, "Why are you going again, Kaitlyn? It's Y/N's turn."
Though you had to admit that Dylan's disapproval was amusing, you were too engulfed in whatever was happening between you and her. Nothing but you and her. Bathing in her alluring nature, you really did not mean to take this long to respond, you shouldn't be keeping someone that exquisite waiting.
To outsiders, the atmosphere didn't appear tense at all. The luminous blaze of the golden camp, flickered and your chest tightened by the second.
"I dare you," Kaitlyn breathed out, her words trailing off implying a wane in confidence. Again, she was doubting herself, even when, at this point, the both of you had been as open as you could about your intense romantic interest for each other without explicitly saying anything.
You observed her complexion closely, each insecurity conveyed on her face made your heart rate increase consequently. You yearned for her to give in and do something to relieve all the built up anxiety, yet couldn't blame her too much since you found yourself incapable of initiating the first move.
An abrupt change conjured. Kaitlyn ostensibly bolder.
"I dare you to kiss me."
Silence. You inched forward but couldn't quite make it all the way. You didn't know what it was, something was holding you back. Also, with the audience of the two boys, you couldn't help your sheepish nature.
As though she couldn't handle it anymore, impatient because of your hesitancy, Kaitlyn took matters into her own hands and closed the gap, her soft lips meeting yours. Certain she would tease you about your failure to for fill the dare, you decided it was best to concern yourself with it later - a highly insignificant worry, really.
The kiss didn't last too long. The bliss you felt quickly overpowered by insecurity, and maybe disappointment too. You had hoped the moment you had been chasing for months would at least be longer than a few seconds. Grateful you got to kiss her, yet, you needed more.
"That was...terrible. I'm sorry," You mumbled bashfully, barely audible for Dylan and Ryan.
"Nu-uh baby, it was good," She whispered back, then tugging your face toward her once more.
Whereas the first peck was delicate, shy and over in a few seconds, in this instance, the kiss was deepened almost immediately. Her gentle hands cupped your flushed cheeks, promoting you to tightly grasp at her clothes. It took all of your power to not let any whimpers or whines escape you, making out with someone while other people were around was embarrassing enough as is.
"Okay...guys..." Ryan, being the first to speak up, broke the immersion, the two of you reluctantly pulling away from each other.
"Totally digging how happy you are right now, but, you know, lodge is empty..." Dylan chimed in, somewhat less awkward than Ryan.
You shared a look with Kaitlyn, your shortness of breath mirrored after your lips had been pressed against one another's for an extended period of time.
"Sounds great, thanks Dylan," Kaitlyn rose from her place seated on the log, enthusiasm oozing from her. "Let's get going huh, Y/N?" She proposed, laced with sultry.
You stayed seated, a little dumbfounded about the kiss and relishing in the electric sensation circulating in your body. Kaitlyn gripped your wrist, gaining your attention as her request caught up with you.
"Uh, yeah...yes we should go," Stumbling over your words, you got up, waved to Dylan and Ryan and began your journey back to the lodge. Incoherent mumbling could be heard from the pair left behind. You ignored it, giggling slightly and walked beside Kaitlyn.
When you arrived, you opened up the wooden door and stepped inside, Kaitlyn not giving you an opportunity to voice your opinion on anything; her mouth soon latched onto yours.
It was hungry, and you returned the passion. Although she may have been smaller than you, she still forced you up against one of the aging walls of the building; her tongue buried in your mouth. There was no fight for dominance, Kaitlyn was in control, not that you minded. It was such a rush, her lips all over your cool skin, your trembling hands in her dark hair, the occasional raspy chuckles from her, and the whines from you. Anything either one of you did spurred the other on wildly.
Eventually, distances had to be created since you couldn't keep going without catching your breath.
"I can't believe it took us that long to do this. We could've been having hot make-out sessions all summer" Kaitlyn beamed with genuine delight, her hands retreating from being all over you to placed on her hips, taking her usual sassy stance.
"I know," You agreed, laughing," I was so scared about being rejected"
"It's okay, I was equally terrified. Better late than never I suppose. At least we know now." The ravenette smirked, gazing into your eyes, entertained by how dishevelled you looked, encouraging her to admit, "I seriously am so fucking attracted to you."
Again, you let out a giggle, a noise that Kaitlyn thought was endearing. "Well, I've been fawning over you for like ages now." You blushed, the confession sparking a wave of heat to pass over you. Even though your actions had already said enough, disclosing the information made your shoulders feel externally lighter.
"It does really suck that it's the end of camp, going our separate ways and all" You continued, dejectedly. You were overjoyed that you were finally sharing these movements with Kaitlyn but hated yourself for holding off this long.
She examined your rapidly declining mood, likewise, she was regretful for waiting, however, not an ounce of uncertainty clouded her mind.
"What is there to worry about? Of course, we can stay in touch, I'm serious about this and...I do want to be with you." She reassured you, offering a loving smile filled with comfort. "Just give me your number, baby."
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garbage--chan · 2 years
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some more quarry sketches, ive been reawoken by the 50′s fits coming out
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anxiouswritingbitch · 2 years
a few x reader headcanons for the camp counselors for what kind dates they'd do with their s/o during summer camp? which ones would try to sneak out later at night, what places would they make use of?
Here you go ! Hope you’ll enjoy !
Requests still open in my inbox hehe
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Jacob Custos
He may look like a jock (and act a bit like it sometimes), he has a HUGE heart. A true hopeless romantic in his core.
And right now, the boy's heart is taken by none other than you. Jacob is not the kind of guy to be oblivious to his own feelings. He likes you and he knows it, so he plans to act on it. Besides, you look like you might like him too.
So of course, he asks you on a date. When you accept, he's all giddy with happiness. But then comes a problem. He's a Hackett's Quarry. Normally, he'd take his date to the cinema or to eat somewhere. The camp's not exactly the best place to sweep someone off their feet.
There is one place though. The lake ! Which even leaves the possibility of skinny dipping open. Even better, it's far from the lodge and the cabins, so no possibility of getting caught by kids or Mr. H.
Implying, you two go there at night. With the days being so full of looking after the kids, Jacob wants privacy. He's got a lot of jokes and charming methods that can't be overheard by kids.
He obviously want to kiss you. If he feels a right moment he will go for it. Will stay light on the first date though.
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Emma Mountebank
Oh, Emma. This girl lives for the thrill of adrenaline. And hanging out with you is like a shot of it. You have this addictive nature that she can't explain, but just loves.
Has no shame in being interested in you. Will flirt with you at any time. But wait, she doesn't do the obvious flirt Jacob might do. I'm talking seduction. Will brush your hand then stare at you and wink. Will give you that smirk.
One day, out of the blue, she leans into you at dinner and whispers to come to the lodge that night. Obviously you do.
The lodge at night just has another vibe, when it's dark. It's just the two of you there. Maybe doing some exploring of the rooms you don't usually go into.
If you're not an adventurous one, she'll try to stay put.
If you're not, she will want to go around Mr. H's rooms, just because she can. Explore the area.
If she feels you're up for it, she will make out with you on the spot. She loves the fun and the risk of getting caught. It just adds some spice.
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Ryan Erzahler
When you look at Ryan, you see a blasé guy, brooding and mysterious. He has his own bubble, and you respect that. It's kinda hard to tell what he's feeling, or if he's feeling anything at all.
Boy if you knew. He's just bad at expressing himself, but he feels so much. Especially towards you. The boy's smitten, no matter how hard it is to tell.
He'll take his time before asking you on a date. To be sure. To get the courage and all. We're definitely into august by now. But time's getting short, and Ryan doesn't want to miss another opportunity.
You guys spend lots of time together during the day because of the timetables of your cabins. That's how you got to know each other. He'll casually ask you if you want to hang out later tonight. You block out a bit, asking to be sure if he means the night, or a date at all.
He wants to make it special. He doesn't look that way, but he's a romantic deep down. He panics a bit, not knowing what to do for the date. It's not his area of expertise. He gives it a lot of thought, and figures that what he does best is sailing.
So ! You meet at the lake, at the boat house. He got everything prepared, the rows and the boat.
At first, you hadn't expected Ryan to even break a single rule. But here you were, sneaking out a night for a boat ride ! And heck, he doesn't look very strong, but damn this boy has arms of steel.
Sadly he's probably too awkward to kiss you himself. It depends on if you take initiative or not for this one !
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Nick Furcillo
Now, this boy's just shy. Has had this huge crush on you since the beginning of camp. Of course he wants to have more time alone with you, he's been dreaming of asking you on a date every night.
You'll have Jacob to thank for when Nick finally asks you out, because the big guy's been pestering him to do it for days and days.
It's a bit awkward when he asks. He may be hot af, but hasn't got no ladies yet. He's a bit clueless on how to do this, and Jacob's advice is... yeah. Eventually he gets more confident, especially when you say yes.
He tells you to meet him outside the cabins at night. But from here ? He has no idea what to do. When the time has come, he thought that he could take you on a walk to the forest, that's romantic right ?
But then. You casually mentioned that you're hungry. His mind did a full 360 and came with a new idea. You guys are now headed to the lodge ! You can barely keep up with Nick, he's so excited about his plan.
He takes you to the lodge's kitchen. You said you're hungry ? Name what you want. He'll cook it for you. You were not that hungry, a snack would have done the trick. But just to mess with him, you tell him that you want a full chocolate cake.
Oh, the mistake. Now he's getting all the supplies and measuring flour and sugar. Of course.
You decide to help him. Depending on how good you are at baking, this can be more or less chaotic. Either way, a food fight will ensue. You're covered in flour. You're both shushing each other because the laughs are so loud, you're scared to wake Mr. H up.
Once again, whether there's a kiss or not, it's up to you !
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Kaitlyn Ka
Kaitlyn is a chill girl. Easy going and all. If she’s got the hots for you, she’s gonna understand it pretty soon. However, asking you on a date is another story. She may look all that confident, and she truly is, but on every angle. 
You guys start off as good to really good friends, and she really doesn’t want to mess that up. She’s seen how friendships got ruined because of feelings.
So yeah, not straight out asking. It’ll take the help of the others to push her to finally get the courage to ask you on a date. 
Once again, it’s during camp. Not your usual stuff to do. Once you said yes though, she just opts for the chill option. Sneaking out at night at the fire pit. 
She’s a bit like Emma in the sense that she enjoys the danger of getting caught. Not as much though. So, when at the fire pit, she definitely lights up a fire. A small one though, not the usual huge bonfire. 
You guys spend the date coddled up around the small fire, looking at the stars. If it went well and if the moment is right, Kaitlyn will try for a kiss. Short and brief, leaving the door open for you to do something more if you’re up to it. 
She won’t push, but she’ll be head over heels if you do. 
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Dylan Lenivy
As we’ve seen with Dylan, this boy isn’t into hookups. You don’t have to be the love of his life for him to ask you on a date, but he won’t do it at first glance either.
He gets quick crushes easily, though. When you two met on orientation day at camp, his first thought was “god damn it they’re beautiful”. But hey, it’s Dylan we’re talking about. He didn’t even think that he had a chance with you.
You two start up as friends. Jesus, that guy makes you laugh sooo much. You pretty much hang out whenever you can. As time goes on, he realizes that maybe his crush isn’t as insignificant as he thought. In fact, it’s growing day by day. 
Because he has no idea how to deal with emotions, he hides behind humor. It’s the only way for him to express with flirting, indulge him. At first you thought it was only just jokes and laughed it out. But as august rolled on, you noticed that half of his jokes were about getting a date with you.
Let’s be real, you would want a date with the boy. So one day as he was randomly saying “C’mon, a night out in the radioshack with this-” pointing at himself, “you’d definitely love it !”; you just answer “sure. yeah. How about tonight ?”. He straight up blanks out. Never ever before has an answer be so efficient to shut him up. All he can get out is a “yeah” stuttered. 
He spent the whole day panicking. Did he actually had a date with you ? Was it even a date ? He’s 100% overthinking. As he sneaks up to the radioshack at night, sweating buckets, he half expected you not to come. When he does see you though, his heart starts doing somersaults. 
It may be awkward a bit at first, but you guys are quickly laughing your asses off. It’s so fun to be there at night ! 
Dylan shows you around the hut. He explains how he basically repaired it, how he loves that place. You sit next to him as he shows you how all the sound system works, being all nerdy about it. You get to see a bit of his true persona, hidden behind the jokester, and it only makes you fall more.
Sneak in a peck on his lips at some point and he would be in heaven. I don’t see him being bold enough to do it at this point though.
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Abigail Blyg
She is a very shy girl. Not only in relationships, in general. Her friends pushed her to be a counselor at Hackett’s Quarry. However, she doesn’t regret it all, especially since she got to meet you.
She’s discreet. There won’t be obvious signs that she’s into you. Buuut if you’re careful enough, you’ll notice that she’s staring at you when she thinks you aren’t looking. He gaze lingering just a moment too long.
After almost all summer being into you, the others finally pushed her enough for her to want to ask you out. She won’t admit it out loud though, she hates breaking the rules.
Except when it involves you, it seems...
She won’t call it a date, she’s not bold enough sadly. But, she will succeed in asking you on a walk. Curse the heavens, you were actually busy with the children when she asked you. You’re the one suggesting a rain check after curfew.
She seems to hesitate a bit, but when your eyes lock, she agrees.
Spends the day biting her nails, worrying about tonight. She’s an anxious cookie. It’s fun when the children in her art class notice and ask her if she has a secret. She blushes as red as the apple she’s trying to paint.
You meet at the tree in the middle of the cabins. You’re a bit surprised because Abi still wants to go take a walk into the forest. But fear not ! She actually knows a certain spot, she can go there even at night. She found it by randomly wandering during the day.
You guys sit on a log, illuminated by the NOT FULL moon. Her artists instinct kick in and she has the sudden urge to draw you. And it’s so beautiful, getting to see yourself the way she sees you. 
If you’re being smooth enough in what you’re saying, you may very well get Abi to kiss you !
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blubary · 1 year
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justsierrasart · 2 years
The Quarry x The Office memes, I’m making more :p
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The Quarry Next-Gen Kids
Jacob and a One Night Stand:
Hannah Custos - 17 years old
She doesn’t have children but is very close with the others children.
I’ve put this because I couldn’t think of any tbh plus I see her wanting to be a fun auntie who likes kids but also likes that she can give them back to their parents.
Emma and Her Husband:
Benjamin Mounteback - 15 years old
Melissa Mounteback - 15 years old
Abi and Nick:
Zack Furcillo - 16 years old
Nathan Furcillo - 15 years old
Elijah Furcillo - 13 years old
Ryan and Dylan:
Thalia Lenivy-Erzahler - 13 years old
Laura and Max:
Ethan Brinly - 17 years old
Facts about the kids:
Benjamin and Melissa go by Benny and Missy.
Elijah goes by Eli or Lijah sometimes.
Ethan is very close to Thalia because Laura and Ryan are close. He’s protective of her and is like an older brother to her.
Nick and Abi’s sons and Ryan and Dylan’s daughter are also very close.
Eli and Thalia have crushes on each other and are best friends.
Hannah is the oldest of the kids and feels responsible for them. Zack and Ethan also feel responsible for them as they’re the next oldest after Hannah.
All of the parents are very protective over each other’s kids and will protect them.
The kids all call the others aunt or uncle.
Jacob raised Hannah as a single dad.
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vampyrixdarling · 6 months
— 「𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭」
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am-i-dead · 2 years
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ngl, i’m going a little feral for that picture of Abi
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ghostradiodylan · 11 months
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Kaitlyn spoke up first. “What about different lunar events? You know, like eclipses and super moons and stuff?”
“Oh yeah,” Jacob chimed in, “like when Mercury is in Gatorade?”
They all stared at Jacob. Dylan thought Ryan looked like he was debating the pros and cons of punching Jacob again.
“Aw, buddy,” said Kaitlyn, “for one thing that’s Mercury, not the moon, and for another it’s retrograde, not Gatorade, you sweet, sweet idiot.” Jacob glowered at her but held his tongue.
Ryan cleared his throat. “What were you saying about the lunar events?” he prompted, impatiently.
“I was just thinking,” Kaitlyn continued, “maybe they have an effect on the weres? Like maybe they’re less powerful during an eclipse?”
“I mean, that would make some kind of sense I guess.” Dylan looked thoughtful. “How’d you come up with that?”
Kaitlyn hesitated.
“I’m, uh, rewatching Teen Wolf,” she admitted.
“Teen Wolf?!” Dylan sputtered, “Christ on a croissant Kaitlyn, you’re getting the lore we’re supposed to be staking our lives on from MTV’s Teen Wolf now?”
“Oh, I’m sorry Dylan, did you have a respectable, peer-reviewed journal on fucking werewolves in mind that we could refer to instead?”
She took his silence for the concession that it was. He did not, in fact, know of any peer-reviewed werewolf journals, or of any cryptozoology journals at all, but Dylan fully intended to submit some papers to one if such a thing were ever to exist. If it didn’t, well, maybe he should be the one to found the first one, assuming he made it out of this alive.
The Hacketteers are my imaginary friends and I love writing them so much goodbye.
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