#Jacob two-two
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missed the canadian billboard but i didn't see anyone shoutout jacob two-two which made me sad. that kid sure can say things twice
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tetsunabouquet · 2 months
I'm at it again, my obsession with the number 2 has taken over me again (I need to give 2 boops ahead of the boops I have received in number count). This is something I heard the autistic community shares with the OCD community, but some of us will have a fixation with doing something a certain number of times. When I was a kid, I was obsessed with doing everything twice. I needed to do as much as I could double, like tapping something twice or kissing my cats twice in a row. I needed that repetition. And still upon occasion I still feel the urge to do things twice or be two points ahead of my opponents in games. I can't with the number two- To this day, I blame Jacob Two-Two for inspiring that habit in my subconscious.
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patrick-mahomes · 6 months
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SALTBURN (2023) dir. Emerald Fennell
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bivampir · 2 years
it's SO funny that when asked what he had to do to prepare for his role in IWTV Sam Reid says he had to learn how to play the piano, learn to speak French, Italian, and English with a French accent. Bailey read IWTV religiously and added her own comments, and kept an actual fucking journal she wrote entirely as Claudia. meanwhile Jacob Anderson, when asked the same question, just responds with “oh nothing, i was already emo”. icons and legends only
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macaulaytwins · 6 months
asking gay couples who’s the top who’s the bottom is so outdated. instead, ask who is wearing the deer antlers and who has the angel wings
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hermit-frog · 19 days
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goryhorroor · 2 months
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horror sub-genres: psychological
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cuntylestat · 11 days
and this is why louis and lestat are soulmat- [GUNSHOT]
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sophsun1 · 11 months
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#oh how the power dynamic has changed
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treasureplcnet · 7 months
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inverness here they come!!!!
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happyunbday2u · 4 months
Hey ya'll seen that one movie about this one kid
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who finds something that should be considered dangerous and
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only for them to become friends with it
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then get attacked so because of their bond it attacks to protect
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and then by the end of the movie their friendship is saved and now everyone knows the truth about the creature who is actually really nice
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Yeah im talking about Lilo and Stitch!
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butlers-bitch · 3 months
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just like wow
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ppjeterka · 5 days
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my thoughts re: the main cast of the new nhl amazon docu-series
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crypticminx · 5 months
Getting high with Felix…..
⋆˙⟡♡✧˖° ⋆˙⟡♡✧˖° ⋆˙⟡♡✧˖°
The two of you sitting on his bed, the soft melody of what you can only presume to be jazz plays through the old speakers of his record player.
He’s dressed in nothing but his boxers and an undone dress shirt, his toned abs on full display for your eyes only. You lay for a bit, tilting your head on a pillow, while your bare skin pushes into the silk sheets, not caring if you’ve just moved the rolling tray.
Any excess cannabis would be used for another day it seemed.
The two of you nearly finished the poorly rolled joint, coughing all the way in between foolish laughs that resulted in both of you taking turns spitting into an empty wine glass.
Like his mother once said, nothing phases them, so she shouldn’t be too upset at the powerful scent of pot lingering through the unsealed level of his bedroom door, right?
A foul smell to some, but the two of you were too dazed to care.
A huge smile on your face appears when Felix slowly waltzes around his room, beginning to dance as if there was no tomorrow. You feel your dry mouth start to salivate. Perhaps it was the tiny pang of hunger sprouting from within, but you didn’t want to interrupt the moment. Finding Felix far too gone and quite adorable when he wasn’t in his usual state of mind.
“Oh Felix,” you purr, trying not to grin like a maniac, but you slowly started to lose grip on your once caring conscious, “you’re a fool.”
He walks closer to his bed frame, seeing you sprawled out like some sort of renaissance painting makes him thirst with adoration. However, he shoves those thoughts aside for later and graciously tosses his hand to yours. “Dance with me, my fair lady?”
You chuckle, pushing yourself up from your cozy abundance and taking his hand with glee.
“Who would I be if I said no to that.”
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