#Jaime Miller
day6source · 11 months
230712 from_youngk (DAY6 YoungK) with Jamie Miller instagram Live
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mixxyumi · 2 years
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I forgot to post these, already made a few changes to him though
so this is kinda old
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mixxsside · 2 years
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Made these doodles back in early august, thought of just drawing myself interacting with my own ocs cuz lmao why not
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tygerland · 4 months
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Frank Miller's Sin City (2005)
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nicolethered · 1 year
Category is… thumb gently holding on to his lover’s chin
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blckbarbiedoll · 6 months
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Tumblr Wrapped🫣
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angelbroad · 15 days
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Palmera City Crew
Anthony couldn't really sleep that night. He kept tossing and turning, Pearl having banged on the wall for him to shut up way too many times. By the time morning came, Anthony had barely slept a wink and it showed in his eyes.
"Sheesh, you look like shit.", Pearl commented as he entered the kitchen.
"Pearl, language.", their mother said, which made Pearl roll her eyes.
"Ma, we're adults. You can't exactly order us not to swear."
The older woman groaned as Anthony slumped on the chair of the kitchen table. Pearl slid him his phone from across the table.
"Finished charging.", she said.
Anthony's room didn't have a power outlet, so he'd have to trust Pearl with his phone by leaving it to charge in her room instead. Lazily taking it in his hand, and already planning to take a nap at noon, his eyes opened slightly more as he noticed he had texts from Nadine. The group had this habit of texting each other after a performance or just hanging out late at night that they had made it home safe, so that was probably it. But opening the message showed something else.
Nadine 🥁 : Hey Anth, texting you from the intergrated phone Loxz-Ha managed to make into the armor somehow. Just to let you know, I met the Blue Beetle last night!
"What's she saying?", Pearl asked, Anthony raising an eyebrow at her.
"Didn't she text you?"
"Nad? Nah dude, got me kinda worried. Did she text you?"
Anthony nodded, "Yeah...hang on, let me finish this message."
The more Anthony read, the weirder his expressions became, until he shot up from the chair and his knees hit the side of the table from the speed.
"She is where??"
It took the two beetles the entire night and early morning to get to Palmera City, conversation sparking up on the way. They shared how long they had had their scarabs, Jaime obviously holding the longest record of eight months while Nadine had only had Loxz-Ha for less than a week.
"Does your scarab have a name too?"
"Yeah,", Jaime said, "Their name is Khaji-Da."
"Khaji-Da...rolls off the tongue nice."
"You know them?", Nadine asked her scarab.
"They do?", Jaime asked as he flew above her.
Nadine flipped herself to mirror the Blue Beetle as she responded after a while, "They say they do. Does yours know Loxz-Ha?"
After Jaime confirmed Khaji-Da did indeed know Loxz-Ha, the two continued.
"You live real far.", Nadine commented, "N-Not to be rude or anything."
Jaime shrugged, "No te preocupes por eso. It was kind of a chore to get all the way to Gotham, but here we are."
Nadine chuckled, rubbing the back of her head. "I s'pose I owe you a long trip for all the trouble."
When the two were close to El Paso, they landed behind a building and allowed their armors to retreat. Nadine was still in her concert clothes, but the leather jacket in Palmera's weather was not really ideal. She settled for tying it around her waist as the two left the alleyway and walked down the street.
"So...does anyone else know about yours?", Nadine asked, still a little awkward.
"A couple of friends...and my family.", Jaime admitted, "We're starting to get our stuff together though, so we might be able to help you."
"Great!", Nadine said, lifting her hands slightly.
Brenda and Paco were early to get to the Reyes household. Jaime had left yesterday in a hurry, and the two could only assume it was Blue Beetle business. They had turned the garage into a hero cave, of sorts. It was really just a place to communicate with the right people and talk about the superhero stuff. Lately they have been catching the attention of more than just crooks, with Jaime being more involved with other heroes. He had somehow managed to catch the attention of Kord Industries and La Dama.
The two were in the middle of a conversation before the door inside the garage opened.
"Jaime, you're back!", Brenda exhaled.
"Dude, you've been gone for like para siempre. ¿Dónde estabas?", Paco asked from the chair.
"Well...", Jaime said, walking further inside and allowing Nadine to pop in the room with a shy wave.
His two friends blinked, Paco being the one to speak first.
"You got a girlfriend?"
"No!", somehow Brenda, Jaime, and Nadine said that wpord at the same time.
Nadine closed the door as Paco continued.
"Look man, great to meet you and all, but this place is kinda secret."
"Why?", Nadine asked.
"It's cool.", Jaime said as he gestured at her, "She has a pass."
"Well, now it's my turn to ask why."
Before Nadine or Jaime could properly respond, the scarab legs expanded from her back to untie the jacket from around Nadine's waist and set it on the chair Paco had been sitting on, which he left as soon as the legs moved his way. As soon as the leather jacket was on the chair, the legs retreated back inside Nadine. The group stood in silence for a moment before Nadine waved a hand and looked away.
"S-Sorry about that we're...still working on that."
"Okay...so there's more space bugs.", Paco said as he moved to look for something on the computer.
Brenda shook her head and fully took in Nadine's appearance, and quickly noticed how out of place she was.
"You're not from here, are you?", she said.
Nadine shook her head, "N-No. I'm from Gotham."
"Gotham?? Jesucristo-you traveled that far?"
Jaime waved his hands in front of himself, "I-I just saw her on the news last last night and-"
"I was on the news?", Nadine asked.
"You...didn't notice any cameras around?"
"Um...no, not really? I guess I was too caught up in the fight."
"Damn straight.", Paco said, "Judging by all the videos surfacing."
The other three occupants turned their attention to the screen, seeing a few tabs open with different angles of her limited amount of fights around Gotham.
"Is that Nightwing?", Jaime asked.
"Yeah, I ran into him one time."
"Okay okay, so.", Paco said, turning the chair so he could face the other three. He placed his hands together and looked at Nadine, who was between Jaime and Brenda, "Did it tell you anything? Cause amigo's over here has been radio silent about every serious question."
Nadine was a little confused. Why would Khaji-Da not talk to Jaime about the stuff Loxz-Ha would tell her?
Khaji-Da is an Infiltrator., Loxz-Ha responded as if reading her thoughts, It is admirable they managed to keep the secrets they were meant to
'Can you read my mind?', Nadine thought.
"Uh...dude?", Brenda asked.
"S-Sorry. I just found out I can talk to the scarab telepathically."
Jaime looked away, mumbling something Nadine could not make out.
"Loxz-Ha said Khaji is an Infiltrator.", Nadine said.
Paco raised his eyebrows and turned away and to the screen, Brenda continuing the interrogation.
"And what is an Infiltrator?"
Nadine listened for a moment before saying it.
"Loxz-Ha says they are sent out to get information on worlds so the Reach can know they exist."
"The Reach?", Jaime asked. That name sounded familiar.
"The aliens that made the scarabs.", Nadine answered in a manner that assumed Jaime would already know what she was talking about.
"Okay.", Jaime said, "We already knew this was alien-made, but Khaji-Da never mentioned the Reach."
"Did it...say why the aliens need to know about us?", Paco asked.
"Well, trading and stuff.", Nadine said, "But the reason Loxz landed here was to find Khaji, cause they got knocked off-course."
"Great. Another alien invasion.", Brenda groaned.
Jaime and Nadine exchanged looks, clearly in doubt themselves. Sure, their scarabs said everything would be fine, but could they be truly sure?
"Why didn't you tell me any of this?", Jaime eventually said to Khaji-Da once they got time alone.
He sighed, "Khaji."
You would surely seek ways to remove me. I do not wish that to happen., Khaji-Da finally responded.
Jaime reached behind him to rub the scarab as best he could.
"I would not.", he confirmed, "I just thought we were behind keeping secrets. Besides, no harm is done, why would I want to get rid of you when I would find out where you're from?"
...You are right. Perhaps that was a mistake in my calculations
Jaime smiled as he looked behind him, "Todo está bien, hermano."
Gracias, hermano
If Loxz-Ha was here, it was not a good sign. The Reach must have this planet on their radar by now, which was rarely a good thing. Khaji-Da only hoped their masters would not see it necessary to remove Khaji-Da from Jaime Reyes. The boy would come around, the scarab was sure of it. But much like Loxz-Ha's host, it would be best to keep him in the dark...for now.
Loxz-Ha was more quiet than Khaji-Da, the group soon realised. Or at least, from what Nadine would tell them. Jaime had offered Nadine a place to rest, finding the thought of leaving her to fly all the way back to Gotham on her own kind of cruel. Bianca had agreed, and Nadine was more than okay to take the couch, even if she ended up sleeping on the garage chair. When Paco had went inside the next day to find her like this, he had also noticed her hands were armored, the fingers elongiated and somehow plugged into the computer.
Going over the device, nothing seemed out of place. Still, it felt rather weird. It wasn't Nadine, she confirmed it, and that resulted in her facing the corner as she had a hushed conversation with Loxz-Ha. Something about boundaries.
Jaime had gone for an early patrol, so he got to find out what happened about an hour after the fact.
"Loxz-Ha said they were doing some research.", Nadine said, "I guess they didn't want me to explain everything to them?"
Nadine knew she was making excuses, but it wasn't like Loxz-Ha had done anything drastic. Of course an alien would be curious about the new planet they landed on. Besides, Nadine figured she had been too preoccupied to tend to her partner's needs, which Loxz-Ha themselves had pointed out.
You have been far too distracted., Loxz-Ha had said, Do forgive me for manifesting wihout your permission, but you must understand I meant no harm
So, Nadine forgave them, but made them swear not to do so again. Brenda had been a more no-nonsense voice in the group. She was like Steph, but with more patience. Speaking of, she had to call the band back home in the early hours of the morning to let them know she was okay. Strangely, her parents never crossed her mind.
"You okay?", Brenda had asked, bringing Nadine back to reality.
She realised she was sitting on the kitchen table. She turned to Brenda.
"Was I...out for long?", she asked.
Brenda responded by pulling out the chair next to Nadine and sitting down, "You've been staring at the wall for at least ten minutes now."
"O-Oh...I'm sorry."
"Hey dude, you got an alien on your back. You staring at the wall is the least weird thing you got going on."
Nadine chuckled nervously. She couldn't tell if that was sarcasm or not. Brenda must have noticed, because she slapped the girl's shoulder.
"I'm kidding, dudar!"
Nadine quickly nodded, "I-I know, I know!"
"Sheesh. What did Gotham do to ya?"
"W-What do you mean?"
"I dunno...you seem a bit-how do I put this-pushovery? Does that make sense?"
Nadine looked away, ruffling a hand through her hair, "I'm not a pushover..."
"Just sayin', if it was me, I wouldn't take the word of an alien that can turn me into a superweapon at face value."
Nadine squinted at her, "...Are you saying Loxz-Ha is lying to me-"
The girl is pressing you for a desired response. We must-
"I ain't saying that.", Brenda said before turning to look at the table as she fiddled with a pendant in her hands, "Mostly."
Nadine could speak, there was a pause in their conversation. But she chose not to, she wanted to let Brenda finish.
"I'm just telling you, don't just forgive if they keep pressing you like that."
"How would you know?", Nadine asked, immediately trying to take it back due to thinking it had come out as condescending.
She was so apologetic, Brenda thought she'd gag. Brenda held a hand up in front of the purple haired girl to finally make her stop apologizing.
"Look, I've lived a...rough life. I'm not saying you didn't too, but you gotta learn to hold some people at fault eventually. You gotta grow a spine and give it to 'em, you know?"
Nadine looked away, nodding after a minute.
"I...think I understand."
Brenda smiled and turned on her chair, leaning back on the table as she looked at Nadine.
"Hey, you need someone to talk to, you know where to find me."
Nadine smiled at her, "Thanks, Brenda."
Jaime and Nadine had the opportunity to work together for the first time when La Dama's goons had spread around the city, Paco having received a few tips from the other two people Nadine could see in the computer. Jaime took one half of the city and Nadine the other, as they did not pinpoint their exact location. Jaime quickly found one of the groups, helping the police detain them without much issue. But he was also on the other side of Palmera, so he couldn't tell how well Nadine was doing.
Nadine didn't have much issue with locating the perpetrators either, mostly thanks to Loxz-Ha's tracking software. The group was in the process of loading something Nadine could not make out in an inconspicuous company van.
"Can you scan what's inside?", Nadine asked Loxz-Ha.
"Huh? What do you mean-?"
Nadine. They will get away if we continue to converse
Nadine flew down on the roof of the alley they were doing business in, making a few heads turn. It was dark, so only Nadine's silhouette was visible. They probably thought she was Blue Beetle.
Analysing: Threat level
Nadine subtly nodded.
Arsenal: Prepared
She then dropped down, one of her hands transforming into a sonic blast to disperse the men and then transforming into blunt weapons to fight them in close combat. It took a lot of self control to not say sorry every time she hit someone over the head, or when she almost broke legs and arms. Nadine was hit over the head with a rifle, and as a response the beetle mandibles on her back moved on their own to grab the attacker by the armpits and slam him forward so hard he bounced off concrete.
"Oh my god!", Nadine exclaimed, backing up. "I-Is he dead??"
Nadine sighed in relief.
But the blunt force trauma to the head will most likely lead to long-term consequences
That sigh of relief was cut off fast.
"Oh god-"
A blast from another weapon knocked her back, making her body skitter on the ground as the mandibles buried themselves on the concrete to prevent them from sliding down further.
Four more
Nadine swallowed and braced herself, "...Right."
She then lept towards the guy that attacked her, spearing him into the ground as she disarmed him and tried to knock him out with her fists. Two others tried to attack her from behind, but the mandibles grabbed onto them and slammed them repeatedly on the walls. All three were finally down as Nadine got up.
There is one more., Loxz-Ha said, making Nadine turn her head to look at the last man. He was shaking, looking around unsure before turning around and sprinting to the opposite direction. Loxz-Ha was ready to extend the mandibles to catch him, but Nadine stopped it.
"W-Wait, let him go.", Nadine said, "I...don't think he's a threat now."
Loxz-Ha let out the robotic equivalent of a sigh before turning Nadine's attention to the van and its insides. Nadine climbed into the van's storage and pried open one of the boxes, noticing odd, glowing engravings on the inside.
"Was this why you couldn't scan the inside?"
Most likely. Investigate further
Nadine put the cover down and examined the insides of the box. It was a bunch of folders and papers, and picking them up one by one with each hand out of the box allowed Loxz-Ha to scan them properly. Nadine also opened some folders up.
These appear to be Infanstructure documents
"Of Palmera?"
Nadine squinted her eyes as she looked more into the specifics herself. Traffic control devices, storm drains, sanitary sewers, water lines, hydrants, electroliers, landscaping, irrigation systems.
Go back, if you please
Do you trust me?
Did she? Nadine had to think a little on this. Loxz-Ha had broken a few boundaries at first, that was true, but it also tried its best to help Nadine in every way it could. It would always make sure she was hydrated, well-fed, had a safe place to sleep, and even made her a better hero.
"...Which part do you want me to go back to?"
Water lines
After Loxz-Ha had finished scanning the file, it declared they should leave.
Oh, and Nadine
Do not mention this to anyone
"The scanning? Why?", she asked, squinting her eyes at her back.
These are private documents. Others might think I have ill intentions
"Then why did you even ask me to find it so you can scan it?"
Purely for research purposes., Loxz-Ha responded as they flew up, I am still new to your planet, and I wish to learn as much as possible
"I...guess I understand.", Nadine said, "But surely you can just explain that to the others, right?"
It is...complicated
Nadine sighed, "Right...of course just...whatever you feel comfortable with. Mkay?"
Thank you, Nadine
"Don't mention it."
Meanwhile, Amparo Cardenas was sitting in her office, impatiently waiting for any news about the Blue Beetle. After discovering where her scarab had went, she has been hellbent on getting it back, but to no avail. She hadn't even discovered the Beetle's identity yet, a mockery of her endless contacts. No crimes around Palmera City were ever large enough to catch him.
She sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. She had been on the phone organising her scrambled men for some time.
"The files were not that important.", she reasoned, "And if Blue Beetle was on the other side of the city, what even attacked you?"
"I-It was nother one, La Dama!", the man on the other side of the phone said, "It was basically the same! Just...green and sloppier!"
Amparo furrowed her eyebrows, "...Are you certain?"
"Yes! It smacked Rudy on the ground so hard he bounced off concrete! Even it was shocked!"
Another one? That couldn't be possible, Amparo thought. All her sources have told her the blue scarab was one of a kind, possibly one of the rarest items in the world, and now she was being told there were more of it? And if one Beetle had been causing her opperations to falter to such degree...then two was an outright career ender.
"I will take care of this myself.", she announced before hanging up. A knock on her door made Amparo turn her head to face it. It opened to reveal a well dressed man, with a very known love for claw jewellery.
"La Dama.", he addressed with a bow.
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I'm considering getting back into writing now that life is more stable.
If you'd like to send in a request I currently write on this blog for
Criminal Minds
And I would take requests for
The Last of Us
Game of Thrones
House MD
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Nicole Miller - Fall 1996 RTW
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onlylonelylatino · 1 month
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Blue Beetle, Traci 13 and the Teen Titans by Joe Bennett
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holy-shit-comics · 4 months
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day6source · 11 months
Young K is live on Instagram with Jaime Miller!
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lemonyoatmilk · 1 year
Joke Theory:
Planet Sui is the Sniggle Homeworld
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boxdyeblonde · 10 months
im kinda getting back into writing fics so if anyone has any requests or prompts to help motivate me pls feel free to send me them :)
characters i like (or would like) to write for:
Din Djarin, Javier Peña, Frankie “Catfish” Morales, Joel Miller
Will “Ironhead” Miller, Ben Miller, Santiago “Pope” Garcia
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Poe Dameron, Ahsoka Tano, Captian Rex, Fives, Hunter
Ted Lasso, Roy Kent, Jaime Tartt
Ellie Williams
also im not 100% comfy writing full blown smut or anything yet, but i dont mind writing some slightly nsfw stuff, and i love writing angsty stuff, hurt/comfort, and fluff
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RIORI Presents Installment #214: Rob Cohen's "Stealth" (2005), Part 2
"Rent It Or Relent It" shoulda taken the blue pill...
The Film… The Intro… Hey, welcome back. Glad you could make it. Pull up a chair and have some popcorn. It’s my special recipe. It’c contains rum. Anyways, here we are at the landmark three-part shredding of Stealth. This time out we might actually get to deconstruct the dang film. Might. For those of you who may have missed/ignored the prior installment The Rant, part 2… This is going to get a…
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2ndaryprotocol · 2 years
The ho-ho-horrifying holiday slasher pic ‘Silent Night’ opened in limited release this day 10 years ago. 🎅🏼🔥💀
“𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚜. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚞𝚝𝚜!”
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