#Jason v Percy is SO funny to me
bookwyrminspiration · 6 months
day one Jason wakes up and gets a personal escort to camp half-blood, meanwhile they put Percy out on the streets for weeks to fuck around and find out on his own after they shoved him in a time void for several months this series is a comedy
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wait now i’m so curious of how jason would be with a mortal girlfriend like your headcanons for percy were so good and it’s such an interesting concept
⋆⭒˚.⋆ jason grace x mortal! reader hcs
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content: jason grace x mortal! reader hcs warning: language, fluff then immediate angst that will give you whiplash so sorry but it was also too fun not to put in author's note: I WOULD LIKE TO FORMALLY APOLOGIZE FOR WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ IT WAS GOING SO WELL AND THEN I GOT SAD AND I MADE THIS HEARTBREAKING MONSTROSETY YOUR WELCOME also, I made that text thingy myself bc I wanted it to match the Percy one and I’m v proud of it so if you guys could fill the comments with ‘wow that text looks so good and made me Laugh Out Loud you’re so funny’ that’d be great for my ego thanks
you guys didn't met at school, obvi
genuinely have no idea if this guy is smarter than a fifth grader but that's a topic for another day
jason was just doing his big time praetor thing, ya know how it be, killing monsters and what not
and you were happily walking through rome, trying to enjoy your vacation when you basically got body slammed by a lady in an annoyingly scratchy feather suit.
"hey! watch it!" you shouted, indignantly from the ground, causing the lady to spin and growl at you.
now that you were squinting up at the woman, you realized the scratchy feather suit wasn't a feather suit at all but rather just scratchy feathers attached to this lady.
"you're dinner, kid!" she squawked at you and you did the natural thing; scream your head off.
jason, with his wonderful timing, finally came by and stabbed the harpie, leaving her to disintegrate
"are you oka-"
"WHAT THE FUCK!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" you continue to scream, heaving breaths in an attempt to calm yourself down.
jason crouched to your level, tossing his sword behind him and hold his hands out gently
"hey, hey. it's okay, you're okay. i'm- i'm jason. and sorry," he spoke, softly, as you were calming yourself down
tho, his sweet voice was helping
"i'm y/n. i would say nice to meet you but i think you're a murderer so," you replied, eyeing him carefully and looking like you were ready to bolt.
"no, i'm not."
"you know, that's exactly what a murderer would say."
"fair point."
"not helping your case, buddy," you mused, a smile growing on your lips despite the situation. and you could see his lips twitching too, fighting the urge to turn upwards
"how about i explain over gelato? there's a great place a few blocks from here," jason offered, holding his hand out to pull her to her feet.
you chewed your lip in contemplation before taking his hand, the words your mother told you before you left for your trip ringing in your ears
"i mean, romans are hot! nothing quite like an european romance, huh?!"
maybe she was smarter than you gave her credit for
so, jason got you gelato, begrudgingly let you pay as you made a compelling case of 'he saved your life and you owe him.'
and then he explained it all to you, shattering your world view.
"you ever hear of a guy named percy jackson?"
"wait- you mean the twelve year old who blew up like the st. louis arch and a bus or something while traveling across america?? of course i've heard about him, he's like a new york legend!!"
"he's a demigod too. greek, but still."
"no way. you're pulling my leg, right?"
jason shook his head at the girl, who burst into laughter, shaking in her seat
jason couldn't help himself, her laugh infectious and causing him to laugh lightly himself
he knew reyna would have his ass for being out so long, but he couldn't just leave a pretty girl like yourself alone
the sun had set and jason was slowly leading the pair towards new rome, the logical part of himself screaming to get home
now with the warm sun gone, you were starting to get cold
in your defense, you dressed for summer roman sun with your flowy sundress, not cold breezes
without a second thought, jason tugged his denim jacket off and set it on your shoulders
"oh, but you'll be cold-"
"you matter more," jason cut in, instantly, with a charming smile that left you weak in the knees.
you blushed, looking away.
"how about...i keep this and you get this," the girl mused, gesturing to the jacket before reaching up and taking her necklace off and settling it into jason's hand
he inspected the gold necklace, the heart locket charm feeling heavy with age in his hand
he looked up at her with a questioning look and she smiled at him with an all-knowing look in her eyes
"so we can find each other again. i'll have your very warm jacket and you have my necklace. if these fates you speak of are so kind, we'll meet again," she told him and jason laughed lightly, finding her belief loveable
"we'll meet again, jason grace, the kind son of jupiter. i'm sure of it," she added, cupping his face with one hand and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
jason blushed instantly before catching her hand as she tried to pull away, flipping it and pressing his lips to the back of her hand
"I'll wait then, y/n l/n, the darling daughter of your mother. until then," he bid his goodbyes, hearing the girl's laugh in his ears as she walked away.
he wrapped the necklace around his wrist, the chain just long enough to allow the charm to dangle without him being worried of it breaking.
reyna chewed him out, but he took it with a dopey smile
it all felt worth it to him, glancing down at his wrist and feeling that warm feeling of love
years later, jason would glance down at his wrist and feel nothing, riding in a bus to the grand canyon, a million miles away from the home he doesn't remember
and more importantly, a million miles away from a girl he doesn't remember.
he'd make his way to rome, discovering about his life as he went, seeing flashes of a girl in a sundress but nothing solid.
once he was back in new rome and still no memories came, jason took a walk around the city, huffing as he went
he wasn't sure what he did to deserve this, but he thought the fates cruel
"to pluto with them," he huffed as he plopped down on a bench, looking over at the city he was supposed to love but now he wasn't so sure.
"well, if it isn't jason grace, the lovely son of juipiter, if i recall correctly. i believe you have something of mine," a girl's voice called, her regal words barely hiding her excited tone as she halted to a stop and made her way towards jason's bench.
jason turned, inspecting the girl who wore a well loved denim jacket and kind smile
"i'm sorry, do I know you?"
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
movies I think every demigod loves
Focusing on CHB for now but we’ll get to the Romans eventually
These nerds all know the whole entire soundtrack for every single one with the choreo and everything
Massive viewing parties in the winter in random cabins that definitely can’t hold everybody and the amphitheater in the summer with a projector
Hecate campers have enchanted a fuck ton of those old plastic popcorn containers with the same magic as the dishes in the pavilion— every kind of popcorn, the perfect amount of butter, kettle corn, for some reason a blue one that apparently tastes like cotton candy (or so Percy says; no one else has dared to try it)
Sharing endless amounts of blankets and pillows
Everyone usually passes out towards the end of the night, resulting in the hugest bed nest known to man full of shreepy demigods
Literally every streaming service ever plus premium Hephaestus channels
Anyways onto the movies
We’re starting with Mamma Mia
Because let’s be honest— a big pretty Greek island with a ton of hot people and fabulous music?? Yeah they’re into it
Who doesn’t love Abba?
Everyone gets into groups of three just to sing it with each other, including
Percy as Tall, Annabeth as Tough, and Grover as Tiny
Jason as Tall, Piper as Tough, and Leo as Tiny
Connor and Will even convinced Nico to be the Tiny to their Tough and Tall once
Anyways everybody screaming the lyrics and dancing around, swinging each other in chaotic circles until they collapse laughing
By FAR the loudest they ever get is Dancing Queen— Chiron says it’s something to rival their battle cry and Dionysus pretends to be annoyed by it, but he’s always caught humming it to himself the next morning
”Well what do you suggest we do with three men?” “Well now that takes me back.” WHEN I TELL YOU EVERYBODY SCREAMS
Couples singing Honey Honey and Lay All Your Love On Me suuuper dramatically at each other
They’ve turned it into a challenge: how long can you two go, mercilessly flirting and teasing, before either of you break and end up making out? (The answer is not very long)
Splitting into two groups (mainly girls v boys but really it doesn’t matter) to scream Voulez-Vous at each other
It’s a competition
After the end of the movie, everyone goes and jumps into the lake in their clothes— this massive, shouting, laughing mass of magical teenagers booking it across camp just to go flying off the docks into the water
Moving on to another movie
You c a n n o t tell me they wouldn’t love Disney’s Hercules
I mean they hate it, obviously, but like. A Disney movie about them. What!!
Especially the littles
The littles looove this fucking movie you don’t even understand
They sit eagerly waiting to see the garbage caricatures of their parents onscreen, collapsing on each other in giggles when they do
The older kids still get a kick out of it, but Connor sulks in Malcolm’s lap anytime his dad is on, hiding his face in his chest and refusing to look
(“Mal, he looks so dumb.”
”You’re so dramatic—“
They make Chiron sing One Last Hope every damn time
Funny thing is, the projector they have now is not the first one. There was one before, which mysteriously went up in purple flames the first time Mr. D watched with them… coincidentally at the exact moment Disney Dionysus popped up on screen in all his drunken fuscia glory
Poor Nico di Angelo wants to say no to watching it every time, but his favorite of Will’s little siblings, Lilac, begs him to because it’s her favorite Disney movie
So there he is next to Will, Lilac watching eagerly from his lap, Nico bonking his head on Will’s shoulder every time the TERRIBLE interpretation of his dad is on
Will laughs at him
Nico pouts and says he’s mean and threatens to shadow travel Lilac to the nearest candy store and get her whatever she wants just to hand her back to him for the night with a raging sugar rush
When the 7 dress up as the Avengers for Halloween one year, it’s added to the rotation.
Percy was Black Widow
Leo was Spider-Man
Jason was Captain America
Piper was Iron Man
Annabeth was Thor
Hazel was Black Panther
Frank was the Hulk
Nobody was prepared for the level of hotness that they brought to the table, but the Marvel fanatics were definitely prepared to start watching the movies
Eventually it devolves into a big war over who the best character is
The smash or pass is getting out of hand guys
lmk if you think of any more I’d love to write them
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twoidiotwriters1 · 10 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: The titles are long af bc I find that very funny -Danny Words: 3,948 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Runaway' -by Aurora
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V. Memory Lane Has Too Many Stops and I Keep Getting Carsick
Ara has barely stopped crying when Leo Valdez shows up flying the bronze dragon. Everyone stands ready, except Ara. She pushes through the crowd, eyes brimming with tears once again.
"People of Earth, I come in peace!" Leo is the most insane-looking boy she's ever seen. He's dirty from head to toe and looks like he spent the whole night awake. "Festus is just saying hello!"
"That thing is dangerous! Kill it now!"
"Stand down!" Jason shouts anxiously, Annabeth and Nyssa stand next to him. "Leo, what have you done?"
"Found a ride!" He says cheerfully. "You said I could go on the quest if I got you a ride. Well, I got you a class-A metallic flying bad boy! Festus can take us anywhere!"
"Festus..?" Ara echoes hoarsely.
"It—has wings," Nyssa stammers.
"Yeah! I found them and reattached them."
"But it never had wings! Where did you find them?"
"In... the woods," he's hiding something, but Ara couldn't care less about it at the moment. "Repaired his circuits, too, mostly, so no more problems with him going haywire."
The dragon tilts his head and oil falls on top of Leo. He's completely unbothered by it. "Just a few kinks to work out."
Ara's mind catches up with her body and she runs to Festus in tears. Leo jumps out of the way in alarm, but everyone else is delighted. She looks less menacing this way. "You fixed it! You fixed my dragon!"
Leo frowns. "Say what?"
"But how did you survive?" Nyssa asks in shock. "I mean, the fire breath..."
"I'm quick," he turns to his sister. "And lucky. Now, am I on this quest, or what?"
"You named him Festus?" Jason adds. "You know that in Latin, 'Festus' means 'happy'? You want us to ride off to save the world on Happy the Dragon?"
"It's perfect!" Ara laughs, the first genuine laughter that comes out of her in days, and gods, it feels so good.
"Okay, so she's as crazy as me," Leo doesn't sound troubled by it. Festus purrs at Ara's touch, she's holding onto his snout. "That's a yes! Now, um, I'd really suggest we get going, guys. I already picked up some supplies in the—um, in the woods. And all these people with weapons are making Festus nervous."
"But we haven't planned anything yet. We can't just—"
"Go," Annabeth stares at them with fondness. "You have Ara, you'll be okay. You've only got three days until the solstice now, and you should never keep a nervous dragon waiting. This is certainly a good omen. Go!" 
Jason looks at Piper. "You ready, partner?"
"You bet." The girl's beaming at the dragon.
"Everyone, give our General a proper send-off!" Lily speaks next to her, which causes Ara to jump. She hates it when Lily does that.
The campers lift their shields and swords. Lily places a Tyrian purple cloak on Ara's shoulders and hands her a worn T-rex backpack. "Come back alive," she raises her left hand, and a thin scar can be seen on the side of her wrist. "Deal?"
Ara lifts her right wrist and lightly presses it against Lily's. "You got it." She turns to look at the campers. "I'll bring you good news this time, I promise," Ara faces Leo, the insane boy, and her eyes fill with gratitude. "I owe you a big one."
"Cash only, sunshine. Or a kiss, if you're feeling generous," Leo jokes, trying to stop her from looking at him like that.
Ara smiles, which is not the reaction he wanted. He's hoping she'll go back to being grumpy soon, but unfortunately, nothing's going to make her forget his great deed. "I'll think about it."
She climbs on top of the dragon, and Leo does an okay job at keeping it together. Ara feels this is where she's meant to be, this will bring back her brother. She's always had a good instinct when it comes to Percy.
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I'm weaving baskets when this weird thought crosses my mind: 
Look for Percy!
I saw him fifteen minutes ago, but I tell the naiads and nymphs that are with me: "Go get help." They notice how serious I am—which is unlike me—and follow my plea. I make my way to the forest, something is guiding me.
When Percy fought Ares, I gave him Aphrodite's protection. I told him "Love will keep you safe", and at the time he thought that I was saying it to not be the only one that hadn't given him something, but I knew it would work. I didn't know that it would bind me to him, but I'm not complaining.
When I find him, Percy sounds scared. "You're being used, Luke. You and Ares both. Don't listen to Kronos."
"I've been used? Look at yourself. What has your dad ever done for you? Kronos will rise. You've only delayed his plans. He will cast the Olympians into Tartarus and drive humanity back to their caves. All except the strongest—the ones who serve him."
I throw my basket at the back of Luke's head, trying to give Percy time so he can grab his sword. Luke turns and holds his weapon tighter. He has a new sword. "I've had enough!"
I stumble and cut my palm on a rock, I grab it and hear Percy's panicky voice. "Don't!" I don't know who he's talking to, but neither of us listens. The rock hits Luke's arm and I roll to avoid his blade but it grazes my skin. I grab a fistful of dirt and throw it at his face.
Percy swats whatever creature is on his leg and draws out his sword, Luke notices and decides I'm not worth the trouble, he makes an arch-motion with his weapon and disappears through a portal. I'm scared shitless and I can feel my back pulsing, I wanna run and hide behind someone again. 
"I'm sorry!" I cry, even though I'm not the one who almost killed Percy.
He stumbles toward me in some sort of pain, and I'll be damned if I don't help him out of this one. I put his left arm around my shoulders, and he places most of his weight on me, but I carry on.
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"Cool, right?" Leo's smell is starting to get a little too hard to ignore, Ara tries to keep his oil-covered self away. 
"What if we get spotted?" Piper asks.
"The Mist," Jason responds before Ara can. "It keeps mortals from seeing magic things. If they spot us, they'll probably mistake us for a small plane or something."
"You sure about that?"
"I am," Ara replies. "Don't worry, Piper, the crazier it gets, the harder it is for mortals to notice. If not, I know how to fix it."
"Is it thanks to the cool thing you are?" Leo asks.
"Yeah, Chiron had to readjust my training, not everyone can control the mist, but Thalia Grace is really good at it and she and Chiron taught me, she's the other child of Zeus."
"We're making good time," Jason comments like he's trying to change the subject. "Probably get there by tonight."
"Where are we heading?" Piper questions.
"To find the god of the North Wind and chase some storm spirits." 
"Piece of cake," Ara nods. "I've gone to many quests, follow your instincts and we'll be okay."
"Which reminds me!" Leo adds. "You didn't finish your story! You promised you would explain!"
Ara frowns. "Where was I?"
"That Luke dude went nuts."
She pauses, trying to piece her memories together. "Well, the nymphs took us back to camp..."
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Percy's really weak after Luke's attack. Annabeth left half an hour ago, and I'm standing on the porch clinging to my friend's arm. "You're going too, aren't you?" 
The basket I was weaving when I found him is at my feet, I made it for Grover. Percy says he might not come back at all. Grover, Annabeth, and Percy are the closest friends I've had and they're leaving. I want Percy to stay.
"I want to be with my mom, Ara."
"I wish I had a family," I make a face.
Percy pats my hand, I would rather have him glaring, but Annabeth says he's got a soft spot for me. "I thought you were excited to work on the forges?"
I sigh, Percy's words are not enough to distract me. "If I had a family, I'd choose them over camp too," I hold his hand and squeeze it. "Have a good year, Nemo."
He shakes my hand. "Have a fun year, Birdy. Maybe you can come and spend Christmas with me and my mom?"
"You're giving me permission to annoy you outside camp?"
Percy grabs his glass of nectar and drinks from it. "Let's see who gets tired first."
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Leo isn't as obnoxious as he pretends to be. He tells them about his connection to Hera, and the girl connects the dots. She doesn't want to use her empath touch on him, but she doesn't need to, Leo gets really quiet after telling his story and keeps his eyes ahead, no longer in the mood for jokes.
Ara process all the information she's gathered, to her it's obvious who the big bad is, but she does not dare to say it out loud, it would mean her future as the daughter of Olympus is bound to that stupid prophecy...
"You know something, don't you?" Piper asks as if reading Ara's thoughts. 
Leo has fallen asleep in front of them so she speaks quietly, though she doesn't need to, the wind is loud enough to hide her voice. "Nothing that could make things better."
"Okay... I just want to say, you know... thank you," Piper squeezes her shoulder. "You must be dead worried about your brother..."
Ara senses dread in Piper, the girl isn't as calm as she appears to be. "He would've wanted me to come. Others are looking for him, so..." She isn't needed. At least here, she feels important. She's a protector, and she likes that these demigods respect her. "And Lily's looking after camp, so I'm not worried."
"Annabeth's sister?" Piper muses. "Is she another daughter of Olympus?"
"Something better," Ara smiles. "She's my best friend."
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Lily Saggio is the newest and weirdest camper in this place. She's got pitch-black hair and big gray eyes. Since I came back from Percy's home, I've seen campers give her weary looks when she walks past, they say she's just like Thalia.
"Hi! I'm Ara!"
The girl regards me with distrust, then she glances at the table I was in. I feel like she ran a background check in less than five seconds. "Lily Saggio."
I'll have to carry the conversation. That's okay. "You're lucky you got here during winter and not summer! Where are you from?"
Lily stares at me pondering whether to talk or ignore me. "You're a year-rounder?"
"Why weren't you here last week?" I notice she's trying to hide an accent, but I do my best to act like I don't.
"I was invited to my friend's house. Look, he gave me this!" I show her my backpack, which is a teddy bear. I keep priceless things in it: my snacks and the legos Sally gave me as a Christmas/late birthday present. 
"You can leave this place?" Lily's expression shifts.
"Not all the time," I pull Bear and rummage through him. "I promised I wouldn't leave Percy's apartment—and it was Christmas!"
Lily stands up straighter, looking defiant. "I can look after myself, I've fought monsters before," She pulls out a black dagger and shows it to me.
I gasp. "Where did you get that?"
"It showed up on my nightstand after my Nonna..." She pauses and shakes her head. "It's a gift from my patron, so I don't—"
"You don't like it here?" I pull out my box of Legos and Lily's eyes brighten at the sight. "Don't you wanna know who your parent is?"
She frowns. "I know who my dad is."
"Oh! You're an Ares kid? You don't look like Apollo but you'd make an interesting child of Hermes or Dionys—"
"I didn't mean that."
"You know your dad?" I ask, not following the conversation.
"Yes, my mortal parent," she rolls her eyes. "I don't care about the god. They didn't care about me."
To think that way will get her a step closer to joining Luke. I don't want that. "Do I look like I'm Aphrodite's child?"
"Do I look it?" I insist.
"You're okay."
This is the first time anyone calls me okay. My brain goes: Well... duh!
"It hardly matters who your godly parent is, you'll grow to love it here," I lock arms with her and place my Legos on her hands. "I'm going to the forges, come and see."
"I don't need a chaperone—"
"You are sooo grumpy," I sigh. "No one would trust me to look after another camper. So!"
Lily waits for me to finish my sentence. "So?"
"They'll leave you alone if I'm with you, I'm not very popular either."
On our way to the forges, I hear a couple of Ares kids shout rude things at Lily, I step in to shut them up and they laugh so hard they forget about her.
"Go away," Lily scowls at me.
I pout a little. "I just wanted to help."
"I don't need you."
"I didn't do that thinking you—"
"I don't care," she clenches her fists. "Never do that again."
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When they reach Boreas's palace, two of his children stop them. Zethes stares at the purple cloak covering her shoulders and his smile evaporates. "Ara Jackson."
She gives a start. "Hi. You know my name?"
"You killed Cacus!"
"Who?" Leo asks with amusement.
"It wasn't only me," Ara dismisses the comment. "Can we go in, then?"
Zethes doesn't look pleased. "You'll kill us if we don't let you?"
Ara shrugs. "Sure."
Leo leans closer as they fly down. "So if I get into a nasty fight, could you just smite my opponent? It'd be super helpful if I knew that beforehand..."
"Shut up," Ara scowls, but she's hiding a smile.
When they land, the Boreads get a little nervous about having Festus there. "No, no, no,"  Zethes points at it. "The dragon must be deactivated. We can't have fire in here. The heat ruins my hair."
Ara steps forward. "Stay away from the dragon, then."
"'S'okay, boy," Leo eases the automaton, giving her a reassuring nod. "The dragon's a little touchy about the whole deactivation concept. But I've got a better solution." 
"Destroy?" Cal suggested.
"No, man. You gotta stop with the destroy talk. Just wait."
"Leo," Piper intervenes, "what are you—"
"Watch and learn, beauty queen. When I was repairing Festus last night, I found all kinds of buttons. Some, you do not want to know what they do. But others... Ah, here we go."
Leo sneaks his hand inside Festus's left paw and Ara hears a click, the dragon folds until it's a block of bronze. "Um... yeah. Hold on. I think—aha!" A handle pops up along with four wheels at the bottom. "Ta-da! The world's heaviest carry-on bag!"
"Cool!" Ara gets closer to examine it. Every time Leo gets that reaction out of her, he looks ready to throw himself off a rooftop.
"That's impossible," Jason exclaims. "Something that big couldn't—"
"Stop!" Zethes and his brother suddenly point their swords at Leo.
"Hey!" Ara makes her own weapon appear. "What's your problem?"
Leo raises his hands. "Okay... what'd I do? Stay calm, guys. If it bothers you that much, I don't have to take the dragon as carry-on—"
"Who are you? A child of the South Wind, spying on us?"
"What? No! Son of Hephaestus. Friendly blacksmith, no harm to anyone!"
"Smell fire," Cal gets closer. "Fire is bad."
"Oh. Yeah, well... my clothes are kind of singed, and I've been working with oil, and—"
"No!" Zethes tries to touch Leo but Ara keeps him away with her sword. "We can smell fire, demigod. We assumed it was from the creaky dragon, but now the dragon is a suitcase. And I still smell fire... on you." 
Ara glances at Leo. He is hiding something. "Hey... look... I don't know—Guys, a little help?"
"Look, there's been a mistake. Leo isn't a fire guy. Tell them, Leo. Tell them you're not a fire guy," Jason says, which is not great.
"Um..." Leo's indecision makes Ara uneasy.
"Piper," she could do this, but it's better for her sister to get comfortable with her powers. "Talk some sense into these boys, please?"
The girl understands right away. "Zethes? We're all friends here. Put down your swords and let's talk."
"The girl is pretty," he hums, "and of course she cannot help being attracted to my amazingness; but sadly, I cannot romance her at this time." 
"Destroy him now?"
"Sadly, I think—"
"No," Jason insists. "Leo's just a son of Hephaestus. He's no threat. Piper here is a daughter of Aphrodite. I'm the son of Zeus. We're on a peaceful..."
"What did you say?" Zethes snaps. "You are the son of Zeus?"
"Um... yeah," he pauses. "That's a good thing, right? My name is Jason."
"Can't be Jason," Cal says stupidly. "Doesn't look the same."
"No, he is not our Jason. Our Jason was more stylish. Not as much as me—but stylish. Besides, our Jason died millennia ago."
"Wait," the boy continues. "Your Jason... you mean the original Jason? The Golden Fleece guy?"
"Of course! We were his crewmates aboard his ship, the Argo, in the old times, when we were mortal demigods. Then we accepted immortality to serve our father, so I could look this good for all time, and my silly brother could enjoy pizza and hockey."
So many demigods gave up their mortality, and most of them had done it for such stupid reasons! Ara can't believe Percy's the exception to the rule, she's seen him push a pull door way too many times.
"Hockey!" Cal says happily.
"But Jason—our Jason—he died a mortal death. You can't be him."
"I'm not."
"So, destroy?"
"No," Zethes pouts. "If he is a son of Zeus, he could be the one we've been watching for. He's with Jackson, after all."
"Watching for?" Leo repeats. "You mean like in a good way: you'll shower him with fabulous prizes? Or watching for like in a bad way: he's in trouble?"
"That depends on my father's will," a girl's voice announces.
A brief flash of light comes out of Leo as soon as he sees the girl, but it's so short-lived Ara doesn't even distinguish its color. She scowls at him. Really? Right now? But she doesn't say anything out loud, she's the only one who can see those things anyway. 
The goddess is asking Jason to join her father, apparently, he's got some judgment to make, but Leo is not allowed to come. Jason and Piper don't want to leave him, and Ara doesn't want to either, she doesn't trust Leo will stay put. 
He smiles and obediently sits on top of Festus. "It's fine, guys. No sense causing trouble if we don't have to. You go ahead."
Again, Ara's intrigued. Half the time he's hyper and impatient and now he's just... half a smile that does not reach his eyes. She's never met anyone like him, someone made out of halves.
"Listen to your friend," the young goddess tells them. "Leo Valdez will be perfectly safe. I wish I could say the same for you. Now come, King Boreas is waiting." 
Ara wants to sit and have a full-fledged conversation with Leo about his feelings and how he perceives the world, but she's lost practice. Before it was easy to pay attention to others, but Ara's obligations positioned her above many things, including day-to-day interaction with campers.
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Lily's impression of me changes after Capture the Flag."This is your first time playing so don't worry, they won't notice you," I undo the clasp of her armor vest before she can stop me and fix it for her.
"What do you mean?" She frowns.
"You're new, they won't ask you to do anything."
She's deeply upset about this. "They should take advantage of all their assets!"
"We're not tools," I tilt my head with amusement. Lily's lived on the streets for far too long. "If you're so sure you can handle it, though... there's something I've always wanted to try."
She wavers. "What is it?"
"I think I can reach the flag faster than our leader. No one ever pays attention to me and it'd be really funny if we get there first instead of our Captain. What do you say?"
Lily makes a face. "That's not a plan."
"Are you a chicken, Saggio?" I don't know why I tease her, but she looks funny when she's angry.
"A drachma says I can get to the flag before you can!" I sprint out of sight.
I hear her trying to catch up and that makes me giggle. I move as quickly as possible, but then, just when I'm reaching the limits, Lily comes out of nowhere and tackles me to the ground. We're both lifted in the air and end up hanging upside down from a tree.
"Why did you do that?" I complain. "We could've won!"
"I wasn't letting you get there first, you turned it into a competition!" She says. "What is this?"
"Rope. Beckendorf did it, so we're stuck here until someone finds us. Or so he says..."
"What do you mean?"
"These are designed for heavier demigods," I look up—down, actually—and follow the rope to see where it ends."I'll take your knife, the rope's tied in my direction."
"Turn us around!"
"Are any of your arms free?"
She groans, trying to release herself. "It's my knife!"
"You're bossy," I sigh. "Sit tight while I free us, boss."
I squirm for five whole minutes, but the rope's only getting tighter. Lily tries to stop me, but I'm not giving up. Finally, after a long struggle... Lily's dagger falls out of her belt. 
She lets her head hang in defeat. "I'll scream."
"Why not?" She presses. "There's nothing we can do!"
I was telling the truth when I said this was something I'd been planning to do for quite a while, but this is not how I wanted it to go. "We can't be seen like this, your rep will be ruined!"
Two arrows fly through the gap between us, one of them scratches us but we're released in less than a second. Lily lands sideways and I land on my back. 
"Well, well..." a small boy walks up to us smirking. "Out of all the campers, I never thought they'd send you."
I smile sweetly. "Hey, bud, if you can find it in your heart to let us go..."
He seizes two new arrows from his quiver and points them at us. "Get up."
Lily sits up, immensely disappointed... so I start talking. 
"Michael," I charmspeak him. "Hand me your bow." His shoulders relax and the arrows fall at his feet, then he gives me his bow.
"Che cosa..!" Lily whispers in shock.
"The quiver too," Michael hands it to me. I look at it, then at him. "Forget this happened and go to sleep." He drops to the ground, snoring loudly. "So..." I hand Lily the bow. "He caught me, you knocked him out and took his weapons before he could take me. Fair play."
The more agitated she gets, the more it stands out that accent she has. "Have you always been able to do that?"
"You were going to lose, and now you're going back with a prisoner. They'll give you a bigger role next time thanks to that."
"But I didn't do this!"
"So what?" I shrug. "Next time you'll do something better, that'll be enough to compensate for the lie. There is no honor in going down by charmspeak, Lily. You're tough and Michael's got a bad temper, it'll make both of you look good."
"But I'm..." I can't tell if she's angry or flustered. "I was stubborn, I don't deserve a win."
"I was pushing your buttons," I admit. "Please, Michael will prefer this over the truth."
Lily's not convinced. "And you?"
"Teach me to be quiet and we'll be even," I pick up her dagger.
"I wouldn't want you as my enemy," she seizes her weapon and places it on her belt. The gash Michael made on our wrists is bleeding, hers is on the left wrist and mine's on the right. "It's a deal."
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satans-poptarts · 3 years
Do u have any good pjo related ao3 fics to recommend? You’re teddydora, right?
 yes it is. okay sorry this took a while to answer school is terrible. idk what your personal tastes are so this is just general and this kinda goes into hoo as well sinces theres a good amount of overlap but here: 
this is possibly my favourite series in the whole fandom. it’s bianca focused and a fix-it timetravel fic
this is a gods focused oneshot of what happened when they got medusa’s head in tlt. it’s hilarious
this is angsty but good. triton and percy being bothers. also major character death. oneshot
kinda percabeth but focused on poseidon and athena. v sad. major character death. oneshot
horse boy percy. completed
very sad very angsty. percy being king of atlantis when poseidon and co except amphritrite disappear. over 50k words. updates semi regularly
percabeth au where percy was a god from ancient times. very well written. completed too
timetravel fix it fic. excellently written. updates semi regularly. over 800k words
triton and percy being brothers. completed
princess diaries au featuring percy as mia and triton as the grandmother
genderbent percy with wlw percabeth. very cute ngl i want more wlw percabeth. oneshot
oneshot of juno being one with feral percy
the song of achilles x ruegard oneshot
high fantasy ruegard au. happy ending. 
percy finding out a *bit* too much about his birth. very funny. completed
meg and apollo pre toa travelling across america. so good. completed
jercy where percy and jason spend hanukkah together. jewish percy. completed
if sally replaced rachel in botl. completed
percabeth in a post fall of constantinople au. completed
percy as a prophet. updates semi-regularly
chb playing spoons. very funny. oneshot
reynabeth soulmates au. completed
zartemis angst. completed
extremely angsty and is tagged with dead dove do not eat but very well written. about percy haunting luke if he died in tlt
introspection on drew tanaka. comepleted
percabeth mortal au where they’re finally meeting up irl as online friends. completed
my favourite hp crossover with fem!harry as a child of poseidon. updates semi-regularly
annabeth celebrating hanukkah with her family. completed
my favourite zartemis fic. oneshot but its 30k words. popstar au
triton making a huge sacrifice for percy. angsty. oneshot
princess diaries au of annabeth as mia, completed
jercy where jason moves in with percy after he and annabeth call it quits. got me into jercy. completed
if amos kane adopted an orphaned percy. still updating
introspection on octavian. completed
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percy jackson
I'm torn if I should stick to the original series for this, or go into the pjlu (percy jackson literary universe).....frick it let's do the whole thing
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
percy IS blorbo. but also carter kane
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
sally jackson <3 but also meg mccaffrey is so character designed for me it's hilarious
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
sadie kane and jason grace. nervous little punks
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
ethan nakamura :( and also magnus chase but specifically when he was in alfheim and had to wear sunglasses the whole time and was sitting there judging hearth's dad so hard while wearing sunglasses. it was a v funny mental image for me
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
hermes was a lot more ??? in my reread. and leo valdez is unfairly ragged on imo
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
mr d obviously and also apollo
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
atlas and caligula
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ursie · 3 years
Every single bone in my body has decided to hate me rn, and I'm trying not to cry, so can we maybe get some Nico headcanons? No one makes them like you do, truly iconic.
Omg I’m so sorry to hear that 😔 that really sucks. Np 🥰 ily!!
Nico hcs take insert number here :
I think he likes clowns honestly he was born before the whole clowns r scary media tropes like he probably went to circuses growing up and loved it and what I’m saying is you know those cute but slightly gothic clown dolls? Yes he collects those
He also collects China dolls. His grandmother, mom, and Bi owned them and they remind him of them and they got with his goth ness so he collects them.
He collects a lot in general?? Cool rocks, Knick knacks, dolls and toys, books and games, plants and bugs it’s a lil kid haven and the lil ones love going to his cabin to play for awhile
Nico hosts the best tea parties for the lil ones. Percys lil sis whos name I’m blanking on loves it when he babysits
Sally has Nico babysit a lot because he obviously loves hanging w the kids and it’s one of the only ways she can check in on him.
Controversial opinion but I don’t actually think Nico’s that small/short like even canonically. Like I know the fandom would implode w/o making a mlm a twink but genuinely Jason commented on his arms among other comments and Nico is like the only character actively doing physical activity. Like he’s not full grown and was malnurished. Like when he’s older?? Like if he has arms™️ now? Dudes. He literally sword fights (with a heavy blade not like a fencer) for a living. Like he’d probably end up more noticeably muscular than like Percy or them like just smaller than known jock and brick house Jason and Frank.
I stand by the fact though that a healthy Nico is a chubby Nico he gets his dimples back
I go back and forth on height hcs because both are funny but I think it’s genuinely funny to think about him ending up being like comically tall but honestly chronic conditions and malnutrition halt growth so he probably ends up on the shorter side (transmasc king)
Nico still dresses like scenes a thing and he’s valid he uses like hair chalk and has fringe™️ and he’s valid! He probably still uses his MySpace
I don’t think he’d like documentaries v much like his brain just turns it into background music if he wants to retain information he needs to read it
Anti sw vaguely canon king of oppressing your bf for being a nerd. Yes he’s seen every movie yes he messes with Will constantly he’ll mis say everything and Will will talk about like Han Solo and Nico will pretend not to know which character that is.
Star Trek stan. Must a series be good? Is it not enough to have Leonard Nimoy? Handsome?
I can actually see him getting tats as soon as like Hades would allow it. Def the type to get those really deep ones like everything means something or represents someone.
Gnc king I think he wears a lot of cute Halloweeny hair clips and headbands
Most definitely needs glasses but hasn’t gotten them because he’d lose them and putting on contacts freaks him out he’s killed men but putting something on your eye?? Ew
Tooth gap! He tends to cover his laugh and smile to cover it but everyone is 🥺💕 whenever they see it and he’s starting to notice so he’s getting better about not hiding it
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thisbluewind · 4 years
ok you’re gonna hate me for this but A-Z for the ask thing i’m so sorry, i just couldn’t pick one it’s ok if you don’t want to do all of them or any of them that’s cool too ok bye
don’t be sorry, I needed something to do!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Snowbaz, Fierrochase, KyoSaya, Homudoka, prinxiety, yaojiro, marellinh, stucky
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
whatever Agatha/Penelope is called
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Jason/Piper. I just don’t like how it hadn’t happened to begin with, but it ends up happening just because Piper had thought it did.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I haven’t added anything besides a slightly funny kotlc chatfic.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
four years
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
my first OTP was Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Harry Potter. I didn’t really think too deeply about it, and now when I reread the books, all I can think about is the stuff that’s wrong with it that I didn’t see when I first read them. I’m glad I know about it now, but I just wish... I don’t know.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Zuko from avatar
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
um... Iron Man wasn’t so annoying in the end
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Marella would be nice to get to know. she’s outgoing and bold and funny, and it’s nice to have someone like that to joke around with and who will also carry the conversation if you’re being quiet.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
in the keeper of the lost cities fandom: more Marellinh fics. Sophie not being shipped with Keefe or Fitz or Biana. Less arguments over shipping.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Welcome to the Black Parade by MCR reminds me of Tam Song from keeper of the lost cities
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Keeper of the Lost Cities AU for My Hero Academia
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Harry Potter. because... well, you know. Everything shitty about it suddenly being brought to light and me being ashamed I didn’t notice any of it.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Sophie and Biana from kotlc
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Linh was almost confirmed lesbian, and I headcanon Marella as bi.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Marella is not straight at all.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Alex Fierro from Magnus Chase, s/he’s genderfluid (it’s nice to see representation) and awesome and great.
Nico di Angelo from Percy Jackson because again, representation. And also he and Will are my OTP.
Arya from Inheritance because she’s badass and does everything better than the main character.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
Sayaka from Madoka Magica
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
the shy character who carries books everywhere and reads a lot is physically weak. like, honestly, if they can carry one million books, they’re probably super strong. 
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
found family trope
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
The Magnus Archives is one. She-ra and A:TLA were also secondhand fandoms until I started watching them myself and was like “oh, so that’s when this happens” and “this character’s awesomeness was severely understated on tumblr”
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
Catradora. that’s it, that’s the answer.
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bodytoflame-ao3 · 4 years
born for this // two
a series of moments in the life of one lyra jackson-chase
read from the beginning // AO3 Link
v //
“She’s crying again, Percy.” Annabeth yawns, refusing to open her eyes. No one told her she’d still be waking up in the middle of the night with a one year old.
He kisses her forehead, and rolls off the bed. “I got it.”
She thinks about how lucky she is — to have him; to have this beautiful part of both of them. The thoughts calm her — she’s almost back to sleep when she hears a thud, jolting upright and alert immediately. “What is it?”
“Sorry,” Percy rushes to her side, “I just stubbed my toe.”
“No monsters?”
“No monsters, Annabeth.” At least not tonight. “Everything’s okay.”
And it is, for a little while.
vi //
They do come. Once, twice; as she gets older, they lose count. Sometimes they’re real, sometimes they’re not.
“Daddy.” Percy can barely see Lyra rubbing her eyes in the shadow of the doorframe, tottering over to his side of the bed, only illuminated by the moonlight and light pollution.
He whispers, trying not to wake Annabeth (as he knows it’s hard enough for her to get to sleep once), “What’s wrong, baby?”
It’s silent, save for the ever-present hum of the city that his ears have learned to regard as background noise. There’s no monsters tonight.
“C’mere.” He scoops her up, tucking her in tight under the covers in the middle of their bed. “You just had a bad dream.”
vii //
Tonight, it’s gorgons. It’s nothing they haven’t dealt with before, and it won’t be the last time, but after he’s stowed Riptide back in his pocket, Percy feels an intense wave of exhaustion roll over him. It feels like he’s just going through the motions, fight after fight; living each day wondering if they’ll get any sleep. 
“Annabeth.” Percy’s hand ghosts over her shoulder blade, seeing the rapidly forming bruise peeking out of her tank top. She winces. “Sorry.”
She turns to face him, taking his hand, “It’s okay. I love you.” It’s going to hurt, and she knows that — but it’s better than the pain she would feel seeing her daughter get hurt. She could get a paper cut, or a splinter, or some other normal kid injury, and Annabeth would have to hold back tears just to bandage her up. This pain is as familiar as her own skin, and she knows how to deal with it. So she will.
Percy squeezes her hand softly, and kisses her cheek. “I love you.” Just saying it brings a sense of peace to his tired body.
“I’m gonna go make sure she’s okay.” If they’re lucky, she’s fallen back asleep. If not...
Lyra runs straight to her, towing a blanket draped over her head, and clings to Annabeth’s leg, crying. She must’ve had a real scare.  
“It’s okay. It’s gone.” Annabeth scoops her up, and holds her close, fingers threaded through soft brown curls. “You’re safe now.”
Lyra’s sniffles grow quieter; more infrequent as she calms in her mother’s arms. “Gone?”
“All gone, baby. I promise.” She lays her down into her bed, tucking her tightly into a sea of blankets.
Annabeth sings her to sleep, and as Percy stands in the doorway, still brushing dirt off his clothes, he thinks it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard.
She gets up, smiling when she notices him, and the awed look on his face, “What?”
“I never knew you could sing like that. Thirteen years and I never knew how beautiful your voice is.”
Annabeth has no idea how to respond. All she knows for sure is how eternally grateful she is for him, and the life they’ve built together; and they’re safe, and alive, and happy, most of the time, and that’s all that matters. So she wraps her arms around him, strong and tight, and tries to hold back the tears that threaten to come. They both cry for everything they still don’t know.
viii //
“I hope you realize, this is extremely unprecedented.”
“You’re telling me we’re the only demigod couples to ever have kids?” Piper raises an eyebrow.
“Not the only, but one of the few.” Chiron pauses, leaving it to them to come to a conclusion as to why. It’s not something they want to dwell on. “And certainly not any of such… heritage.” He glances toward Percy and Jason. “When you all were born you received half of each parent’s DNA — in your case, half god, half mortal. The same principles apply to your children. With the way we’ve seen their powers develop already, at such young ages, I believe Calliope and Lyra may have a greater percentage of godly blood. I can’t say with any certainty just how much or from who — I’m sure we’ll see their powers grow with time — but I fear this is going to put them in danger. There’s a prophecy—”
“No,” Percy says, firm, “I don’t want to hear about another fucking prophecy.”
Annabeth smooths her hand against his back. “Percy…”
“I won’t let her grow up the same way we did.” His voice cracks as he finishes his sentence, trying to hide how upset the idea makes him.
She holds him closer. “I know.”
Chiron continues, “I’m afraid there’s not much I can tell you. It’s incredibly vague, as these things tend to be. A warning of descendants of powerful gods from two sides.”
“You thought it was us,” Jason says, “Percy and me. That’s why you wanted to see us.”
“Correct. It seems, though…”
“They shouldn’t see each other.” Annabeth juts in, quiet. “Lyra can already spill her sippy cups when she’s upset, and Piper’s seen Callie make people’s hair stand on end. That’s not a good combination.”
Piper looks like she’s about to speak up, but Jason takes her hand. “She’s probably right. It’s too dangerous.” She knows it is. It doesn’t make it any harder. When she found out Annabeth was pregnant all she could think about was how wonderful it would be to watch them grow up alongside each other.
“I want to hear it,” Piper says, loud and clear, demanding. “The prophecy.”
ix //
“Fuck,” Percy swears, wincing.
“Stay still.” She threads the needle between the edges of the laceration with a steady hand. It’s like her brain completely shuts off, its only directive to stitch him back together. “You wouldn’t be sitting here if you’d listened when I said to double back.” She know she sounds bitter, but her words are so disconnected from her thoughts, they feel foreign in her mouth.
“I thought I had enough time.”
“Percy,” she warns, “Don’t scare me like that. When you get overconfident you get reckless. You know that.” I know. I do too.
“I know, but— ow —if we get sloppy that’s just putting her in danger.”
Annabeth pauses, tying the last stitch off without another word. The silence doesn’t last long. “Maybe we should tell her.” It all feels selfish, like she's a bad mom just for thinking it. They’re her parents — it’s their job to protect her, not the other way around. But it’s painful to keep fighting, after so many years. “I wouldn’t have to worry about losing you like this. We could take her somewhere safe.”
“Annabeth… She’s 6. I don’t want her to have to carry that weight until it’s absolutely necessary.” This little girl is everything to him. He sees so much of himself in her, and every second they have to talk about the prophecy, it hurts him.
Annabeth stays silent; he’s right, even if she doesn’t want to say it out loud. And she hurts, too. So she nods — she never wanted to lie to her, ever. But this is too much to put on the shoulders of a child. One just as little as she was. She wishes someone would’ve considered that when she was young.
x //
“Are you two coming up for lunch anytime soon?” Annabeth rolls her eyes, standing at the edge of the lake. “It’s been half an hour.”
Percy surfaces, Lyra right behind him, giggling profusely.
“Did Daddy say something funny?” She raises an eyebrow, glaring at Percy.
“Daddy talks to the fish.” It sounds more like fith. She smiles wide, a toothy grin showing off her missing front teeth.
“Great,” she stares right into his soul, trying not to let on the slight bit of amusement it brings her, “She thinks you’re crazy.”
A tenet of her limited attention span, Lyra starts playing with her powers, splashing about, seemingly not paying any attention to their conversation.
He protests, “She just figured out the bubble thing, I had to show her something new!”
“And does she understand them, Percy?”
His face falls. “Uh. No. I see your point,” he laughs. It seemed she hadn’t inherited that particular power from him. “She’s pretty amused by this, though.”
Tens of tiny blobs of water circle her, weaving around Percy, up into the air, and back into the lake.
“It took you a long time to be able to do stuff that precise,” Annabeth notes, wading into the water up to her ankles and handing him a sandwich from her bag.
“Yeah. It did.”
xi //
“How come you never told me about this?”
“Because it’s scary.”
“I can handle scary.”
Annabeth sighs, “I heard the Great Prophecy for the first time when I was your age.” It kept her awake with nightmares far too often, knowing she’d eventually be a part of it — which is why she’s so reluctant to tell these things to Lyra, despite knowing how important it is that she knows. “I spent two years waiting for a sign until I finally got one. He was annoying, and dense, and the son of my mother’s biggest rival. And then he was my friend — my best friend. Someone who was loyal to me no matter what. I wouldn’t change that for the world.” Not when it’s brought her here. “But we had to make a lot of hard decisions. And I—” She shakes her head. “I know you don’t completely understand.” Annabeth never intended her to. “I need you to know that it’s not always going to be easy.”
xii //
“I’m 11 now,” Lyra states, with an air of unparalleled confidence, “I can keep secrets.”
“Hey,” Percy says, patting her back, “We trust you. It’s just a big change.”
She crosses her arms. “I won’t tell anyone.”
“That also means you can’t use your powers,” Annabeth says, handing Lyra her lunchbox.
“I know.” You told me. Many times.
Annabeth kisses her cheek, pretending she doesn’t see her dramatically wipe her face off with the back of her hand mere seconds later. “Okay. I love you. Tell me all about it later.”
Percy walks her out the door, and down to the subway stop. They stand, and wait. “So, middle school. Kind of a big deal?” He sure thought so.
“I guess,” she shrugs. “I’m excited to make friends.” It’s the one thing that sucked about being homeschooled. She knows, as they’ve told her so many times, it was for her protection, because she never was able to completely control her powers as a kid. But the only kids she’s ever really known otherwise are other demigods; and what fleeting interactions she had with them while visiting Camp. And they weren’t like her, not really.
Percy reaches out his arms as the car doors open, beckoning her for a hug. She wraps her arms as far as they’ll reach around him, as tight as she can. So he holds her close against his chest for as long as he knows the doors will remain open, “You got this.”
xiii //
“Keep your feet apart. Knees bent.” Annabeth instructs her, feet firmly planted in the grass, beckoning for Lyra to follow.
Lyra clutches the sword, an iron-clad grip Annabeth recognizes from when she was this age — still too young to fully understand the weight of what she was doing, but old enough to feel the fear that came with the inherent danger of every battle she fought. “Loosen your grip.” Lyra follows, feeling the handle bounce with her new stance. “There you go.”
“Now remember, be ready to move. Stay on the balls of your feet.” That got her last time. And it had plagued Annabeth many times — feeling frozen, for even with a plan, there were so many unpredictable variables within combat.
Lyra nods, and takes a tentative swing, blocked by Annabeth. She staggers back, preparing a counterattack. Her blade catches against Lyra’s before she even gets close. “Good. Nice block,” Annabeth says, directing Lyra’s sword away with her sheer strength. “Now try for a hit.”
“You’re too quick.” Lyra breathes heavily, clearly intensely focused and growing weary. She blocks again, against her advice.
“No, you’re doing great. Keep going.” Annabeth encourages her, gearing up to test her reflexes. “Find an opening.”
She almost takes Annabeth by surprise; going on the offensive with such short notice. Her swing aims low, and Annabeth has to think quick, readjusting her stance to block the incoming blow. “You’re getting really good at this.”
Lyra sighs, her sword swinging at her side. “Thanks.”
xiv //
“Zeph! Lemme in!” Lyra’s voice sounds over the intercom, and he buzzes her up.
“Why is it always my place?” Zephyr asks, opening the door right as she’s about to knock.
“Our apartment is tiny,” Lyra shrugs, squeezing past him in the doorway. And we have a truly impressive stash of weaponry in the coat closet which I’d rather not have to explain.
“So. Graduation’s only a few weeks away.” he says. “Are you excited? For high school?”
“I don’t know. I guess.” It doesn’t seem like that big of a change. Same kinds of classrooms, cinderblock hallways; the usual cliques and groups. The same tendencies of teachers to constantly breathe down her neck about assignments and paying attention, despite her accommodations. She sinks into the couch, feeling the relief of taking her backpack off.
“That doesn’t seem very enthusiastic.”
“I just hate the drama. Did you see what they did to Jenna Thompson the other day?”
“Jenna hates you, Ly,” he laughs.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean she deserves to get gum stuck in her hair,” Lyra mumbles, hugging her knees into a ball. Sure, she’s a menace and has never said a single nice word to Lyra, but she doesn’t wish ill on her for it. Everyone’s got their own shit, bullies included, and she’s trying her best to ignore it. Plus, she already got what she deserved.
“She called you—”
Her head snaps up to stare at him. “I know what she called me, I don’t need to hear it from you too.”
“Sorry. I just… I don’t understand how you can…” he sighs, “It just makes me so angry I—”
“Let’s just. Talk about something else.” She takes a deep breath, shifting the topic. “How’d you do on your finals?”
“Pretty good. Got straight B’s. Bombed the English essay though. And you know I killed that science project. So yeah, average all around.”
“As if you would ever get anything less than an A+. How’s the tomato plants?” He’s always liked gardening. Especially to bring a cold, industrial apartment to life. And of course it’d earn him an A — he knew how to take care of them, even in such a cramped space.
“Just picked ‘em yesterday. You ever had homemade ketchup?”
Her eyes widen. “No. You better have some left!”
“Of course I do. Meanwhile, I’m guessing you aced everything—”
“Except math,” they say, at the same time, bursting into laughter.
“Yeah. You know me.”
“Sure do.” He grabs a plate from the kitchen, setting it down on the coffee table. “All homegrown. I present to you, gourmet french fries and ketchup.”
She tastes it. “That’s… amazing.”
“You know you only like me for the food.”
“You’re gonna be on some Top Chef shit, or something,” she chuckles, imagining it. “And not true!”
“Yeah, you’re gonna miss me this summer. But especially the food.”
“I wish you didn’t have to visit your mom all summer.”
Zeph sighs. “I know. But it’ll be over before you know it.”
xv //
“I can’t do this, Percy. I can’t keep pretending this is okay. It’s getting worse. They’re getting stronger. We can’t keep doing this.”
“Annabeth,” he sighs, and she can hear the sheer exhaustion in his voice. “We have to.”
“And what happens if we get seriously hurt?” I can’t lose you. Her body aches, scrapes and bruises staining a fair amount of her skin, even with the ambrosia. She feels defeated, and battered. And there’s only so much she can hide with long sleeves and pants. It’s been a week of fending off monsters everywhere she goes, sometimes without their help; it hurts them to see the marks on her body from fighting.
“Better us than her.”
She doesn’t disagree, but it’s more than that. She can’t lose us. “Percy, look at me.” He does. “You know what we have to do.”
He sighs, staring out the window to study the city skyline. “I just thought we had more time.”
“It’s longer than either of us had,” Annabeth reminds him.
Percy lets the concept of two more years sink in, and it hits him hard. Two more years of normalcy. Of not fighting for his life. “Okay. But... let her have her birthday.” It’s the least he can do when there’s so much anxiety centered around his own. She deserves a day for herself.
“Okay.” Annabeth echoes, quieter. “Come here?” He slides into bed and wraps his arms tightly around her; stubble pricking at her neck as he curls up closer. She fits so perfectly into his embrace, like the curves of her body were made to fit against him. Like he was made to hold her.
“She’ll be alright.” She has to be.
Part Three
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veronicaneptunes · 5 years
Jason’s panel yesterday: ( This isn't verbatim, I'm just remembering off the top of my head but this was the gist of it all.)
Someone asked Jason if the s4 ending meant that Duncan could come back in s5 & he was literally so awkward, he truly didn't really know what to say, he was like Oh I don't know, I don't make those decisions. He went on to talk about L/V. He said something along the lines of -If Logan was alive then he and Veronica would always be together, so they had to kill Logan so that Veronica had more options. Then he said 'Lots of angry faces in the audience' lmao
Also Jason is a total professional and said very kind things about Rob and his writing, said he understands that it's what the show need etc. and so many people in the audience were shaking their heads lol. But there were a couple tiny things that I think he said that were kinda tongue in cheek and a little bit shady, like I don't think he's anywhere near as okay with that ending as he has said, but again he's a professional. He told the story about being left alone on set his final day and how he was by himself in his trailer just realising it was really finished. Which still makes me so sad and annoyed, like couldn't they have at least gotten a cake? Said farewell and thank you? He said that HE sent Rob a note, I feel like Rob should have sent him a note, at the very least. 
Also someone asked about other projects and he said about different auditions he had done, then said “ they were really good, I can show you the video. Didn't get any call back.” Which was funny, he said it in a humorous way and we laughed but it is kinda sad too.
Apparently Francis loves to eat cheese fries and Jason likes to rib him about it. He wishes that Logan and Weevil got any scenes together because he loved the dynamic. He says one of his favourite episodes was the one where Weevil and Logan are in detention with each other. That it was really fun to film.
He said that Percy is in such good shape, he would be sitting on set eating a snickers bar with a bottle of coke and meanwhile he (Jason) would be eating turkey, he finished that story off by saying he “hadn’t forgiven Percy for that”.
He said some of his favourite scenes to do were the romantic quiet ones with Kristen, that the scene in season 1 on the couch with Veronica was really special, he remembers looking in KB’s eyes and how they would be talking in between takes. He also loved the dance scene to sway and how it faded to dark. 
He talked about getting into character, how he did a scene in an acting class that was a guy who stole a blind man's accordion to sell for drugs, he said “I know how that sounds, but it was really good.” so he used to go up to this dirt road late at night in the dark and throw rocks at the ground to try and get into that state of mind of an angry, broken person and one night a little bird chirped and without thinking he turned to the sound and said “What” and that was who Logan was in season 1.
Also he doesn’t drink coffee but loves tea! He said he’s gotten some weird looks asking for ice tea while he has been out here.
That’s most of what I remember of the panel, it was really nice and he’s very sweet.
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karenninaaa · 5 years
Chapter 5 - The Clash of the Dead and the Living
Read it on ffn
Having a death angel as your visitor in your apartment was nice. Will had decided.
Even though Nico ate like a glutton, it was still nice.
So death angels did eat normal food.
They also sleep.
Will remembered how Nico glared at him when he voiced out his amusement about the death angel's sleeping and eating.
'Solace, I hope you are not mistaking us for vampires. We are immortals at some point but our bodies also need nutrients and sleep.'
Will couldn't help but grin at his thoughts. He felt a combination of surprise and amusement when the wind blew a different way and Nico had suddenly decided to crash at his apartment like he was an old friend. He always had this fleeting thought that Nico was always out of reach, well for the obvious reason that the death angel hated the Hades out of him. Will barely knew the guy and then suddenly yesterday, he learned and realized that regardless of Nico's status as a death angel, he could be so… human.
Now, Will was curious, there seemed to be a lot of things needed to be discovered about Nico. It wasn't like Will hadn't been paying attention to the guy before. In fact, out of all death angels that Will encountered before, Nico was the only one who was interacting with him most of the time. So it felt like Nico was not a total stranger to him. Still, he only knew a little almost to none about the death angel. And Will had this urge to know more about the guy.
"And why are we smiling like an idiot, Dr. Solace." Kayla put down her can of soda on the table where Will was currently lounging. She sat across Will. They were both in the cafeteria of the hospital in the middle of the night.
"There are a lot of things we need to smile about, Dr. Knowles. It was summer, we heal people, and it was a nice night." Will waved his hand dramatically. No one knew the existence of Nico di Angelo, except for him. As if he could go telling people 'hey, a death angel visited me, how nice' or 'a bunch of death angels wanted to shred me to ribbons. Scary' Heck, no one even knew that he can see death angels and he had this glowing trick.
"You cannot fool me, William, you have the same idiotic smile when your ex-boyfriend Dr. Lee Fletcher asked you out, or when you are crushing with our neurologist, Dr. Tim Alistair. I know your anatomy from inside out." Kayla stated and started to sip on her soda.
Will stared at her and then blinked. It wasn't like he wasn't open about his homosexuality; in fact, the whole JHH already knew his sexual reference since he dated one of his male colleagues. He was proud of who he was. Though, there's this one tiny detail from Kayla's statement that made Will looked like he had swallowed a billiard ball and then his stomach suddenly felt heavy.
"I.. Do I really look like I have a crush on someone?" Will said, his mouth forming an o.
Kayla nodded giving him a side glance. She continued to sip on her soda. "Yeah, so who's the lucky guy? Does he work here?"
Will was suddenly gawking "B-but that's impossible!" Him? HAVING A CRUSH ON NICO DI ANGELO?! Will mentally listed the impossibilities of being attracted to Nico. First of all, they were ENEMIES, whose lives were complete opposite that led to the second reason that Nico was a death angel who was like existing on a different side of a universe. Third, he was always grumpy and angry that led again to the fourth reason that Nico HATED the hell out of him and that would go back to the first reason. See, their beginnings and endings always ended up with ENEMY AND HATRED. There was just no way that…
But then, there was this tiny part of his brain cells that told him the reason why he felt so drawn to the death angel and the reason why Will wanted to know more about Nico. And Will was lying to himself if he wouldn't admit that despite Nico's grumpiness and cold-heartedness, he, in his own way, looked cool, awesome, handsome and –okay point taken.
"What's wrong with you?" Kayla leaned forward and looked closely at Will who remained frozen in his seat and whose eyes were wide as a dinner plate. Then Kayla's eyes widen also. "Oh my gods! William Solace, don't tell me you've turned straight! You started to like a girl?!"
"Who likes a girl?" Lou Ellen joined and sat with them together with her boyfriend Cecil Markowitz, who was a medical technologist at JHH.
"HIM!" Kayla pointed at Will
Lou and Cecil gaped at Will.
This made Will snapped out of his senses. He shouted. "I do not!"
"Then why you looked like a fish and why were you saying it's impossible?!" Kayla countered.
Will groaned. Then he leaned his elbows on the table and covered his face with his hands. "It was just so impossible! How can I like him ..." He threw his hands in the air in frustration.
"And who is him?" Cecil asked.
"Hah! I knew it!" Kayla laughed triumphantly. "You are too easy to read!"
That made Will paused again. "Am I really easy to read?"
"Yeah, like an open book." Lou nodded. "Like, it only took seconds to know that you really like someone, one look at your sappy face and bam!" She clapped her hands together once for better emphasis.
"Exactly what happened earlier," Kayla smirked.
"And that will lead back to the question of who is him!" Cecil said
But Will seemed not to hear Cecil when his mind drifted to something in particular.
'You're wrong, Solace. There are still a lot of things I can't figure out about you.'
Will remembered how Nico looked at him at that moment as if there was a blaze in his eyes that Will swore he almost melted on the spot. Now, he already understood why he felt that way.
And when…
'Will you at least sit your butt down on the floor instead, Solace. You are one fall away from the underworld'
He also now understood why he felt funny when Nico seemed to care that he's one fall away in the underworld. Not that he was giving more meaning to it… It's just that, wasn't it more convenient to the death angel that there will be two souls to be escorted in the underworld just in case...
But in the end, the point was... After all this time...
Will slumped forward to the table and muttered. "I am so screwed…"
Will was sure that being attracted to an enemy much less to a death angel was trouble.
"Are you going to tell us now, who on earth is he?" Cecil asked again.
"Not a chance." Will suddenly stood up. He added mentally. Besides, it's not like you can see him when I was the only one who can.
There was a chorus of complaints from his friends.
Will just waved his hand dismissively. "I am going to do rounds on my patients. Bye." Then he turned and walked away.
"We will know who is him no matter what, Doc!" Lou shouted.
Will just shook his head as he walked out of the cafeteria. Impossible.
Will wasn't making an excuse when he said that he's going to do rounds just to get away from the grilling questions of his friends. He was really doing rounds and one of the patients he visited that night was Percy Jackson who was now looking livelier after weeks of being hospitalized.
"You are doing great now, Mr. Jackson." Will put his stethoscope back around his neck after using it on Percy. "You're breathing was now was stable. We can discharge you in a matter of days. We will just wait for your other lab test just to make sure that everything is fine."
"That's great!" Percy grinned. His wife, Annabeth, who was standing next to his husband smiled.
"Now that I am okay, can I now visit my pal, Jason Grace, you medic guys wouldn't let me no matter how I said that I was fine!" Percy said.
Will just smiled. "Not at the moment, Mr. Jackson. Remember you still have bullet wounds and we wouldn't want to strain and reopen those wounds. Don't move so much for the time being. Four bullet wounds are serious."
"That's what I was talking about," Annabeth said looking pointedly at Percy.
Percy pouted.
"But Jason Grace is fine now, right?" Annabeth asked and looked up at Will. "He was really a close friend to us and his girlfriend Piper was worried sick about him. She just couldn't fly over from Las Vegas because of some commitments."
Will briefly thought about how Kayla would react when she learned that her blondie and cute patient was already taken.
"I really couldn't say anything since he was not my patient but from what I have heard, Mr. Grace is doing better too, still weak but stable," Will answered.
The couple nodded in acknowledgment.
"Okay, that's all for tonight, take rest," Will said and Annabeth walked him out the room.
"Ah, that reminds me," Will turned to Annabeth when he was already outside the room and Annabeth was at the door "What's his reaction when you told him that-" Suddenly Annabeth covered his mouth and her eyes widen. She also went outside and immediately closed the door behind.
"I haven't told him yet," Annabeth said pulling her hand from Will's mouth.
"Why not?" Will was surprised.
Annabeth sighed. "Knowing my husband, he'll over-react, in a good way of course. He might probably faint or jumped like a kangaroo or run around the hospital in delight. We don't want to strain his wounds right?"
Will laughed. "Right. So when are you planning on telling him?"
Annabeth smiled. "Probably right after his discharge. That will be also his early birthday gift since he's celebrating it in a month."
"How about your morning sickness, didn't he notice?" Will inquired.
"He's asleep most of the mornings, so he didn't really notice. He can be dumb at times." Annabeth rolled her eyes.
The doctor shook his head in amusement. "All right. Congratulations again to both of you."
"Thank you doc." Annabeth continued to smile.
Will patted her shoulder and walked away.
He turned to a corner and in a flash, he recognized someone walking towards the other direction, not from afar. He immediately stepped back and leaned on the wall to hide. He slowly peeked from his hiding spot. Surely, Nico di Angelo was walking from a distance then he was out of sight.
Will sighed and started hitting his head when he realized how stupid he reacted. Why in Hades was he hiding now from death boy, as if he committed some heinous crime? After realizing that he liked the guy, he couldn't just run away from his feelings or to him.
"I'm going to be really glad if you're hitting yourself because you'd turned into some kind of lunatic and you will be carted off to a mental institution."
Will stopped hitting himself and turned to see Bianca di Angelo who was crossing her arms and looking weirdly at him.
Will put down his hand. "Sorry to disappoint you, still sane to annoy the hell out of you."
In all honesty, Will was annoyed too, he still remembered the insult that the death angel fired at him. He never saw her again ever since that time until now.
"And that brings me to something I badly wanted to tell you from the time you insulted me," Will said and fully faced her.
"Let me tell you this, Bianca. I don't care if I became a doctor because of my special power or mere wits. But all I know is I became I doctor because of my dedication to saving a life. I do trust what I can do and I am intending to use it for the greater good no matter how much I pissed the hell out of you. No amount of insults will pull me down." Will said and started to walk past the unfazed death angel.
They were standing shoulder to shoulder when Bianca spoke. "At least, leave my brother alone."
Will stiffened but immediately composed himself. He did not speak.
"My brother was giving you an unhealthy amount of attention. You two are different, always remember that. He does not belong here in your world." Bianca said.
"You do not control my life Bianca, and it's not your business whoever I interact with," Will said, looking ahead.
"It became my business because he's my brother." Bianca hissed, slightly turning to him.
"Then it's not my problem anymore, it's his." With that, Will walked away.
Actually, it's kind of my problem too since I am also having an unhealthy attraction towards your brother. Will thought
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i was curious as to if you had any headcanons about the guys and their weddings, like, what songs do you think they'd want for first dances and things like that aaa! i also hope youre having a lovely day ma cherie!
Can you do a preference where that they are married after the war. Please. -AnonHey so idk if you’ve done one already, but band of brothers proposals preferences? - @becauseflifeHey Jax I’m really sorry if I’m bothering you 😬 Could I have a BoB preference for what song you slow dance to? - @herewegoagainniall 
Richard Winters:
First Dance: Unforgettable-Nat King Cole
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This dork of course is gonna plan some special trip and once your attention is taken back by some amazing landmark or architecture, he is on his knee and whispering that you’re more beautiful than anything ya’ll saw.
Lewis Nixon:
First Dance: Thinking Out Loud-Ed Sheeran
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He is so nervous that he is just gonna be himself and pull it out of nowhere ‘Wanna hold onto this for me?’ and it leaves you confused which only makes him smile more, especially when your yes comes out as a question.
Carwood Lipton:
First Dance: All Of Me-John Legend
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I love the idea of really nervous rambly Lipton so he gets into a groove and then loses it causing him to ramble on about why you should marry him until you’re laughing and nodding enough for him to get the message.
Denver ‘Bull’ Randleman:
First Dance: Everything I Do-Bryan Adams
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Randleman is a very feel the moment kind of guy so there is no nervousness it’s just flat out ‘I love you and let me tell you why and let me tell you every day’ also I love the idea of it being in the idea because you both get caught in it and he can’t help but look at you okay I’ll stop
Joe Toye:
First Dance: I Can’t Help Falling In Love-Elvis Presley
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OKAY LOOK-Toye loves to sing and though he may not be the best at it, I can totally see him singing to his S.O. just to make it different and special (bonus if his S.O. is trying not to laugh and he’s all stuttery and laughing along)
George Luz:
First Dance: Lucky-Colbie Caillat, Jason Mraz
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Luz is gonna get your hopes up and then joke about it at the last minute to just see you smile and then he gets suuuuuuuper gushy and will leave you in tears by the time you say yes
Eugene Roe:
First Dance: Lay Me Down- Sam Smith
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One of you most likely got hurt (even if it was a baby scratch) and he’s like ‘look I don’t have a ring but I can’t stand the thought of losing you and I need to make sure you’re always by my side’ and the attention goes to you saying yes rather than the blood on both of your uniforms
Joseph Liebgott:
First Dance: Iris-The Goo Goo Dolls
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Liebgott is gonna bring back up some snarky comment he made when you first met or got to know each other and incorporate it into his proposal and let’s be honest he gets teary eyed when he finally gets to saying your full name before popping the question
Lynn ‘Buck’ Compton:
First Dance: Make You Feel My Love-Adele
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He gets the boys to help him because he knows how much they care for you both and knew it would make you melt; it completely throws you off when every boy in the company got out their dress greens just to make it ‘fancy’
Donald Malarkey:
First Dance: Kiss Me-Ed Sheeran
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Malarkey is the ‘wow so I’ve had this ring for weeks waiting for the right moment but you look stunning right now so what do i have to lose’ and does it when you’re doing the simplest thing with this ridiculous smile on his face
Warren ‘Skip’ Muck:
First Dance: Somewhere Only We Know-Keane
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He definitely makes a sign or big portrait out of pictures of the both of you or little quotes/banter between the two of you and he is standing there with a rose in his hand, the ring sitting in the center and he is so nervous he forgets to get down on his knee
Bill Guarnere:
First Dance:L-O-V-E-Nat King Cole
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It starts with Guarnere thinking to himself what he really wants and all he can think about is how he wants you and he just blurts out ‘Let’s get married, tonight.’ with the most confident smile you think you have ever seen because it’s the only thing he’s really sure of
Darrell ‘Shifty’ Powers:
First Dance: White Blood-Oh Wonder
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Shifty goes off on this long speech about how you have impacted him and how the only shot he has at happiness is being with you because after all this time you have became happiness in its entirety to him (you’’ probably have to shut him up with a kiss)
Frank Perconte:
First Dance: Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You-Frankie Valli
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He starts it as a game ‘catch whatever I slide to you’ and then suddenly it’s a diamond ring and he is looking at you with those puppy dog eyes and half smile ‘so…what do you say?’
Ronald Speirs:
First Dance: You and Me-Lifehouse
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He is so nervous omg it’s terrible he starts off good but then it fizzles into ‘okay I’m terrible with words and we all know this so I’m just gonna say it’) the proposal literally takes 10 seconds because he is so ready to get this butterfly feeling out of his stomach
Edward ‘Babe’ Heffron:
First Dance: La Vie En Rose-Louis Armstrong
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It’s sweet and intimate and he is sweet and nervous but somehow finds all the right words to take your breath away and leave you with no words which leads you to just nodding your head and trying not to smile too wide
Chuck Grant:
First Dance: At Last-Etta James
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You’re just doing what you usually do and for some reason he just blurts out ‘Will you marry me?’ and you’re like um?? and after he processes when he just said he’s like ‘wait no I mean it!! I’ll get a ring and everything’ it’s a spur of the moment but it’s absolutely perfect
Floyd Talbert:
First Dance: Perfect-Ed Sheeran
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What a drama queen, he strides into the room with a tux on all confidently and just glides onto his knee, smirking at how your face looks during this whole montage ‘I’m pretty sure you know where I’m going with this so’ and he will drag out your name just to see you roll your eyes and make him get to the point already
David Webster:
First Dance: Thousand Years-Christina Perri
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Romance geek! Lights candles, lays out rose petals, and makes sure its only the two of you because he wants it to be raw and intimate and before he can even get out the sentence his voice is cracking because it just feels so right
Harry Welsh:
First Dance: The Way You Look Tonight-Tony Bennett
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His proposal is so sweet and he has tears streaming down his face which causes you to bend down and wipes the tears away ending the proposal in you both on the ground crying with sweet words whispered between the two of you
Alex Penkala:
First Dance: You Make Me Smile-Uncle Kracker
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He proposes with a ring pop and don’t even tell me he doesn’t! It’s dorky and sweet and he doesn’t take these things super seriously he wants it to be a playful and pure moment
Wayne ‘Skinny’ Sisk:
First Dance:I’M Yours-Jason Mraz
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You will both be having a casual conversation and he’s like ‘you’re my best friend you know? I want you to be my best friend forever’ he’s laughing at your expression and how unbelievably taken off-guard you are
Johnny Martin:
First Dance: When A Man Loves A  Woman-Percy Sledge
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Martin is a funny case it’s probably due to you being flirted with or sarcastic banter and he just shouts ‘Marry me already! I hate the idea of you being with anyone else’ and it ends with him roughly pushing his lips against yours before you can even say yes
Donald Hoobler:
First Dance: Truly Madly Deeply-Savage Garden
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Hoob probably surprises you with a gift and hides in the room as you enter and gets on his knee behind you waiting to see you jump and hands fly up to cover your mouth in shock at this little bean
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
I will never not stand by the fact that Jason Todd and Piper McLean are the bestest of friends
Jay and Leo too
Mechanics? Beauty queens? Yessir
Dick and Piper too
Can you imagine like half the JL finding out they’re demigods?
”THAT’S WHY SO MANY ‘ALIENS’ HATE ME,��� at least six of them exclaim angrily
Diana is very amused 
They collided when Mount Olympus relocates… right on top of the Daily Planet
That momentary panic when Annabeth steps out of the elevator after some architect work on Olympus and isn’t even in fucking Manhattan anymore 
A very nice man notices her distress and asks her if she’s okay
”Uhh…” Annabeth looked up at him warily. He sort of looked like a god- she wondered if this was some type of test. “I’m… fine.”
”Well hi there, Fine, I’m Clark,” he joked, extending a hand the size of her head to shake
Anyways, Annabeth and Clark were fast friends
CHB didn’t even have to relocate- Gotham and, by extent Metropolis, are literally on the other side of Manhattan. You know who did have to relocate? Percy Jackson 
The gods wanted him close by, and unfortunately that meant Percy and the family were moving into a new apartment 
It’s, like… fine. It’s definitely nicer, being paid for by the Olympians and magically protected
Still. You know what really sucks?
Gotham fucking Prep.
Percy’s kind of used to terrible, but living in Gotham is a whole other story
Oh but Tim Drake
Tim Drake makes things much better
They met on the first day of school. These two idiots saw someone who looked very similar to them, Tim went ‘who are you?’ and Percy said ‘I’m you but I have a sword’ (he wasn’t joking but Tim doesn’t need to know that yet) and they became besties
(When the seven meet all the Wayne’s, Damian said casually aloud “Zhang, if I bested you in ritual combat, would I acquire your powers?” and poor Frank looked ready to faint in horror)
Anyways we know Diana is a child of Zeus (she and Jason fist bump for that one, but Thalia is the extra jazzed one)
Barry is a son of Hermes- explains why he survived the lightning bolt and it gave him speed 
Hal is a son of Athena, which is why the ring chose him. Wisdom. Power. Strength of will.
To the shock of no one, Olly-blond-hair-bright-smile-Prince-Charming-Queen AKA Green Arrow is a son of Apollo 
B… is an Apollo kid as well, believe it or not. Sparkly famous playboy also with the darkest streak ever? Dresses up and fights crazy theater kids every night? Yeah
Some of the JL’s partners are too actually- Selina is an Aphrodite kid, Lois is Athena’s, Dinah is also a daughter of Aphrodite
Jason is Ares’
Dick is Aphrodite’s
Tim is Athena’s
Damian is actually Artemis’- she was under a spell at the time and, horrified, transferred the kid to Talia. It’s a long story, tell ya later
Steph is also Athena’s
Cass is Ares’
Babs is Athena’s
Duke is  Apollo’s
It’s so funny but so in character that every Wayne is a demigod
Did it surprise literally anyone that Harley is Dionysus’ and Ivy is Demeter’s? No 
(You know 90% of Gotham’s rogues are Dionysus’ actually)
Moving away from the who’s what hcs
The seven showed the Batboys CHB, and they were blown away
The littles of the camp were asking how all of them had gone for so long without being attacked by monsters, and Jason and Dick and Tim had to wince and be like “actually,”
There was capture the flag that night, but Jason was sulking because they wouldn’t let him use any type of gun
Dick kicked ass tho
Really all of them but they were split in half- Jason and Tim for red, Dick and Damian for blue
Because the hunters were there as well, they were split in half as well, between Thalia and Reyna
The campers had never had to work with the hunters before. It was weird
And then Greeks v Romans of the seven
Lots of dividing ANYWAYS
The red, Greek, Thalia’s team won, but only barely. Those Romans have good strategy
Now the other bit
Percy and Tim
What happened there? Where do they come in?
See, I was writing the bit just for fun where Percy starts at Gotham Prep
And… I accidentally gave them good chemistry
The issue is that it’s terrible writing and I’m too lazy to redo it so essentially here’s what happened:
On the first day of school, Tim Drake stumbled into his first period class ten minutes late, backpack halfway unzipped, Starbucks in one hand and a Monster in the other, running on approximately 36 minutes of sleep from two days ago.
Percy is right behind him, unsure of where to go. He slipped in right as the door was closing.
They both scan the room for threats, a habit of both of theirs, before turning to the teacher.
”Drake. Boy I’ve never seen before,” she says coldly. They both shift uncomfortably, feeling the eyes of everyone in the room. “Care to explain?”
Percy and Tim exchange a look, and as the hyper-intelligent dumbass heroes they are, they simultaneously come to the same conclusion.
”He’s new,” Tim explained, gesturing with his coffee and taking a swig of Monster from the other side.
”And, uh, he was showing me around,” Percy said nervously, reaching over to save the water bottle that was about to fall out of Tim’s bag.
The teacher regarded them both suspiciously. “Name?” she finally asked.
Percy winced. With his record, she probably already knew him, and… well, so much for first impressions.
”Percy Jackson,” he sighed.
As Mrs. Algebra Teacher was typing things into the attendance sheet, Tim leaned over and whispered, “Cool name. I’m Tim, by the way.” He shifted his drinks over to one side and extended an arm.
Percy grinned, shaking his hand. “We make a pretty good bullshitting team. Honestly impressive.”
”Boys,” the teacher interrupted. “Sit down. Since you’re such good friends already, you’ll enjoy afternoon detention together. Don’t be late again.”
They both suppressed groans, but sat down beside each other, knees brushing.
The rest of the school day went by, and they didn’t have any more classes together. Detention rolls around, and it’s just the two of them, because who the fuck else is getting detention on the first day of school.
They talked and flirted the whole time (mostly without even realizing they were doing that second one) and when their time was up, Tim stumbled in front of Percy on their way out, holding his arms out like he was directing traffic, blocking his exit. “Um,” he said nervously, cheeks slowly descending into the color of strawberries, “so I- I’m bi and I don’t really know how to ask people if they’re straight but if you wanted to get coffee sometime that would be cool or even just as friends is fine too because-“
”Tim.” Percy was shocked into laughing, grabbing the Batboy’s shoulders and shaking him lightly. “Chill. Same here. Coffee sounds great, although I can’t promise I won’t fall asleep on you. Caffeine and ADHD don’t mix well.”
”O-Oh.” Tim was sort of dazed, but also really on Cloud 9. He’d never really asked people out before, and they definitely don’t say yes. “I- that’s. Yeah. What days work for you?”
Percy grabbed his hand and slowly started to drag him down the hallway. His mother was waiting, after all, and he also didn’t really want to spend the night in the detention room (even if it was with Tim). “Hmm. This weekend is fine, but I really am new. You’re gonna have to pick the place.” They stopped just inside the front doors. Sally was idled there in Paul’s Prius, and Tim’s motorcycle was still parked where he left it that morning, the only vehicle left in the lot. Percy grinned, and Tim got lightheaded. “You need my number for that, right?”
”Y-Yeah…” Tim handed over his phone, not even remotely worried about what Percy might find out- secret identities, Wayne Enterprises secrets, mission plans. He could take it all and Tim wouldn’t care in the slightest.
Anyways they had a lovely coffee date and held hands and walked around Gotham for a bit for Tim to show Percy around and it was a fantastic time, might write it sometime
For now, I’m tired, this isn’t edited, I’m out✌️✌️
Good morning night or 4am y’all
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kai003 · 7 years
Not to be annoying but
Plot twist: i am!
So if you liked the universe and characters in the lightning thief musical, i’ll give you one advice : if you haven’t, read the books.
Here’s why: - they’re awesome - you’ll learn most about the characters - with all the love i give to the musical, from what i heard, my boy beckendorf is more than that,, i mean, that’s literally the main reason why i want people to read the books,, my son is wonderful and i love him,,, (i don’t really remember but i’m not sure he appears in the first book) (ok there’s only like one line about him in the entire cast recording, but i don’t care, i know people here like to focus on a few lines and all, and i love my boy too much) - they’re funny (ahaha…) - no but really that’s just for charlie - i love him - ok i may be biased (did you know that i cried when i heard his name?) (That was too soon) - you’ll know how everything ends (if there aren’t other musicals about the following books) (i hope not) - you will probably love the characters even more - ok ok, but there are so many characters who are wonderful and need to be loved even more - like,, the Stoll brothers,,, the Di Angelos,, Ethan (ok i love him and he’s my japanese son and i love him),, Z O E the queen of my heart NIGHTSHADE,,, even a few gods (no need to loved them tho) - come on talk about the tree on the hill - the musical and the first book are not exactly the same (fortunately! It’d been kinda boring for you otherwise) - g r o v e r (i love him too) (here’s Perseus Jackson’s best dude, not some guy named jason duh) (btw jason’s best friend is leo but ok) (yes, they’re friends, they live the same things, they’re powerful, but do not forget those facts, fam) - you will understand all the little references in the musical from the books, like there are so many, that’s amazing - the title of the chapters are p e r f e c t - i don’t have any more ideas so just read the books, please,,, - please read the books and love my children,,
- also if you’re not really into greek mythology, there are also series about the norse gods (with annabeth’s cousin and good representation) and egyptian gods (with my children the kane siblings and with like only two characters who aren’t poc) (but there are many references from other books and appearances) (and the crossovers between the kanes and percabeth)
Anyway, I think most people who heard about the musical, actually have read the books, so… yeah. That’s for those who didn’t. (those who came because of George (i see you))
Now, for those who are in the pjo fandom and didn’t listened to the cast recording : you have to.
It’s your duty, because :
- references and quotes from the books - it’s better than the movies???! - like, there’s CLARISSE, and Silena and Katie and Mr.D??? And Ares?? - Mr.D and Clarisse both have a song (well in Clarisse’s case it’s more of a duet with Annabeth but still!!!) - and their songs are AWESOME!? and perfect and fit the characters so much??? - just by hearing it you can tell more or less where each song’s supposed to be - the Dam joke!!! And Perry Johansson/Peter Johnson!!! - all the songs are amazingly written - ok that’s just my opinion but Luke’s voice (James Hayden Rodriguez for you to know) it’s just how i portrayed it - there’s a tree on the hill upon half-blood hill (*sobs*) - no but they actually sing a song about Thalia’s story and all and i’m gonna cry - george salazar is a talented and awesome actor and singer,, he played Grover and Mr.D in the musical and he was so perfect for the role,, - by the way you will love grover even more too - like george’s version is impossible to not like - he will make you cry - BLUE FOOD!!!! THERE’S A SONG ABOUT BLUE FOOD!!! - it’s funny and sad just like the books!!! - luke got a great characterization (ok i know he’s not a good/great person but i love this character) - there are the fricking parallels between him and percy - the lady who plays sally and silena (and charon i think) is so talented!! Her voice is so lovely and strong!! (sadly i can’t remember her name, i just know i follow her on twitter) - there’s a song about the prophecy!!! The one with “you shall face the traitor god” or something like that (sorry i don’t exactly know i didn’t read the book in english and it’s hard to remember from the song) - I’M THE SON OF POSEIDON - this song rocks - ok i just love the cast - the girl who plays annabae kinda have a voice easy to dislike (personally i find it pretty fine and cool but i know some people may not like it) but the actress really understand the character!!! And she loves what she’s doing!!! - they replace the poodle by a squirrel and it’s pretty much more realist - that really is the adaptation we were waiting for - chris is so percy - like,, wow - come on fam, if you like pjo and listening to music i don’t see why you wouldn’t hear that masterpiece - it’s just like the book!!! But not really!!! In a good way!!! - no but really they really really did well (because it must be so difficult to adapt something like pjo in a musical) - so, you get it, they!!! Read!!! The!!! Books!!!! - they did a perfect job characterize my children?? Like it *is* Percy, and Annie, and Grover, and Clarisse, and even Mr.D!! (he’s not my child tho) - it’s so so good
Ok, i think i must end here, and if you wanna add something, feel free! And I don’t think there’s really any spoiler but if i’m wrong, tell me!
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hungarian-words · 7 years
Hungarian name order
You might have heard the reason why Hungarian is so hard to learn, especially for English speakers: because it is sooooo different. Hungarian is different from most languages. It has vowel harmony like Finnish, and the written language is almost 100% phonetic, but the vocabulary? Except loan words, Hungarian words look nothing like any other language’s.
Now, imagine the other side of the coin: you are Hungarian. You want to learn a foreign language. Let’s say you chose English. As it turns out, it isn’t as easy as you thought it would be. It’s not just the tenses, or the verb conjugation, or the insane pronunciation, you even have to write the date and your name different. 
It is just as hard to learn English (or any other language) if you’re Hungarian as vice versa. (Well, maybe not, because you can find an English class anywhere, while with Hungarian classes outside Hungary...)
When I started learning English at the age of 6-7, I came across this greeting thing. I introduced myself, “Hi, my name is Kovács Nóra*” and was pretty pleased that I did not make a mistake. Wrong. The teacher corrected me, and said I should have said: “My name is Nóra Kovács”. I asked why, and she explained that in English you said it the other way. At that time, I wondered why the English people were the only ones that did it the opposite way, but a few years later, I found out, that, we, Hungarians, in fact, were one of the few chosen ones who did it this way. 
*Kovács Nóra - a made up name; meaning: Smith Nora (Nora Smith)
The Hungarian name order is the following:
Surname - Forename - Middle name(s)
vezetéknév - surname; plural: vezetéknevek családnév - surname; lit. family name; plural: családnevek
keresztnév - forename; lit. baptized name; plural: keresztnevek utónév - forename; lit. last name; plural: utónevek, BUT utónevek - forename AND middle name(s)
második utónév - middle name; lit. second last name
Western name order - used in like 98% of the world given name - family name Eastern name order - used in Eastern Asia (Japan, China,...) and Hungary family name - given name
For example our prime minister is called “Viktor Orban” outside Hungary. We call him “Orbán Viktor”. Or just Orbán. 
we don’t call Angela Merkel “Merkel Angela”, or Will Smith “Smith Will” or J. K. Rowling “Rowling J. K.”.  Why not? Because we don’t change the order of these names. We only change & translate the names of historical persons, a few examples: Nagy Sándor - Alexander the Great I. Ferenc József - Franz Joseph I. Verne Gyula - Jules Verne  II. Erzsébet királynő - Queen Elizabeth II. Mária Terézia - Maria Theresia Sándor is the Hungarian equivalent of Alexander, Gyula of Jules, Erzsébet of Elizabeth, ... But you can see that not everything is in the same order. Nagy Sándor - Alexander the Great II. Erzsébet királynő - Queen Elisabeth II. That is because it would sound weird if we said “Sándor a Nagy”, lit. Alexander the Great. And with kings & queens: the number comes first, then the forename, then the title. I. Ferenc József király II. Erzsébet királynő* I. Mátyás király
We usually don’t say the titles, only “Ferenc József ezt csinálta:...” - “Franz Joseph did the following:...”.
* We have two words for queen, királynő and királyné. ‘Királynő’ is a queen who rules like a king does, while ‘királyné’ is the wife of the king.
In foreign books and movies, the name order doesn’t change. It is still Harry Potter, it is still Percy Jackson, it is still Jace Lightwood, it is still Edward Cullen, it is still “A nevem Bond. James Bond.”, it is still Luke Skywalker, etc.  (Okay, not always. Sometimes some not-so-smart translators decide to change an American character’s name to the Hungarian equivalent. Poor Jason Grace from the Percy Jackson series.)
So, do you have to change your name order if you go to Hungary? If you are introducing yourself by your full name in Hungarian, then yes. And Hungarian people won’t call you “Erzsébet” if your name is Elizabeth or “Sándor” if your name is Alexander. Only the pronunciation will be different, and not all names have Hungarian equivalents anyway.
Fun fact: a Hungarian book, ‘A kőszívű ember fiai’ (The sons of the stone-hearted man) by Jókai Mór uses this as a plot point, that people don’t know which Hungarian name is the equivalent of the German. 
It is appreciated by Hungarians when you call historical Hungarians by the Eastern name order. Petőfi Sándor instead of Sándor Petőfi Arany János instead of János Arany Puskás Ferenc instead of Ferenc Puskás Rubik Ernő instead of Ernő Rubik Liszt Ferenc instead of Franz Liszt  Erkel Ferenc instead Ferenc Erkel
Some Hungarian equivalents of English names: link  Funny (or not so funny) is when you translate some names from English to Hungarian. For example, Jason is a cool name. The Hungarian equivalent is Jászon. But that is not as cool as the Jason name. It sounds weird in Hungarian. Some family names in Hungarian: link How to write dates in Hungarian
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Tag Meme
thank you @unepetitecrise​ for tagging me!
Coke or pepsi: it’s pepsi taste wise, but like after they pulled that bullshit I think I’ll stick with coke thanks Disney or dreamworks: Dreamworks Coffee or tea: Usually tea, or like really sugary coffee Books or movies: Books for sure, I love my high-fantasy shit too much Windows or mac: Windows Dc or marvel: This is tough, but like I have to go with DC, I’m forever a slut for Batman and Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy and Superman (I know that’s generic, I don’t give a fuck, HE HAS LASER EYES) Xbox or playstation: Playstation Dragon age or mass effect: Neither? Not much of a gamer Night owl or early riser: usually a night owl, but under the right circumstances (aka if Ive stayed awake for 36 hrs and pass out at 8pm) I wake up early. Cards or chess: Chess for sure, loved it ever since I was like 7 Chocolate or vanilla: Usually vanilla, I’m v picky abt my chocolate flavours Vans or converse: Probs converse Lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: Idek what this means Fluff or angst: I want both, angst and then fluff Beach or forest: Beach all the way, the forest has like bugs and shit, no thank you Dogs or cats: Cats, dont get me wrong i love dogs too, but like cats will always hold a special place in my heart Clear skies or rain: Definitely rain Cooking or eating out: This is tough, but like in America I prefer to cook (not that I do too often) just cause I can make it like properly spicy, not western people spicy. Spicy food or mild food: Like I said above, spicy Halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: Halloween!!! I get to put on freaky make up and a shitton of fake blood AND i get free candy...what’s not to like??? Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: Too cold, fuck the heat. If you could have a superpower, what would it be: The ability to manipulate probability. It’s the perfect superpower imo. Animation or live action: Animation Paragon or renegade: Again, Idk what this means Baths or showers: Both? Team cap or Team ironman: Cap all the way Fantasy or sci-fi: I’m a huge fantasy slut lmao Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so what are they?: Fuck, Idk I’m too lazy to look up my fave quotes, just pretend I dont have any Youtube or netflix: Netflix Harry potter or percy jackson: This is a mean question...Harry Potter When do you feel accomplished: When I get a good grade for an assignment that I put barely any effort into (aka all assignments) Star wars or star trek: Star Wars Paperback books or hardback books: Paperback (you can hug the book without it hurting you) Horror or rom-com? Horrors, even if they don’t scare me they’ll be funny To live in a world without literature or music: this is impossible?? Pastel colors or dark colors: Dark colours Tv shows or movies: TV shows City or countryside: City, I like spending money lmfao If any other zodiac sign could describe you, what would it be: Idk??? Do they know me? If they do then they’d probably say I’m a very contradictory person (and very indecisive). But if they don’t they’d probably say I’m pretty quiet. If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life what would it be? Avenged Sevenfold’s self titled album Cinema or theatre? Cinema If you could be any fictional character’s best friend, who’d you be? Scarlet Benoit from the Lunar Chronicles, or Amren from the ACOTAR series Smiling or smirking? Personally? I prefer smiling Are you an ‘all or nothing’ type or are you more consistent? I am not a consistent person at all lmfao, so all or nothing I guess? Playlists or your whole library on shuffle? Lately I’ve been shuffling my music Travelling or staying at home? Um depends? I guess as long as I’m alone I dont mind either one If you could have a meal with three people, alive and dead, who would you choose? Roman, Dwayne, and Jason Momoa, as long as im the meal. Favourite sports team? Wrestling is the only sport I’m into so idk? Paris or London? London, do you know how much shit they got in the british museum??? Ik like all of that shit has been stolen from...well everyone, but it’s an archaeologist's/historian’s wet dream, and in a diff life I would be an archaeologist.
I’m tagging @thiickreigns @macfizzle @arrowtothecrown @wwesavedme @queenreignsempire @flawlessglamazon @lavitabella87 @x-fivefoot @cute-face-chubby-waist @ajleenation99 and anyone else who wants to do this
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