#Jazz Jennings
Queer Jews Project Day 13 - Jazz Jennings
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At only six years old, Jazz first stepped into the public eye in 2007 when her and her family first appeared on news shows to show the world that transgender children exist. As a teenager, she starred in her reality TV show, I Am Jazz, to show the world that she “was just a normal girl going through life, who just happened to be trans.” In 2016, she was the grand marshal of the New York City Pride Parade – the youngest ever. She also makes mermaid tails to raise money for transgender youth.
Learn more about Jazz Jennings here.
Queer Jews Project
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transbookoftheday · 2 days
Being Jazz by Jazz Jennings
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At the age of five, Jazz Jennings’s transition to life as a girl put her in the public spotlight after she shared her story on national television. She’s since become one of the most recognizable and prominent advocates for transgender teens, through her TV show, interviews, and social media.
Jazz’s openness has led to bullying and mistreatment from those who don’t understand her choices. She’s fought for the right to use the girls’ bathroom and to play on a girls’ soccer team, paving the way for others. And in this book, Jazz faces an even greater struggle—dealing with the physical and social stresses of being a teen. But being on the front lines of trans activism doesn't stop Jazz from experiencing the joys of growing up, from day camp to first dates.
Jazz Jennings is one of the youngest and most prominent voices in the national discussion about gender identity. This remarkable memoir is a testament to the power of accepting yourself, learning to live an authentic life, and helping everyone to embrace their own truths.
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Trans Character of the Day
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Jazz Jennings from I am Jazz is a trans girl and uses she/her pronouns!
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partly-hueman · 1 year
All about Jazz
I'll admit I have seen exactly ONE episode of I am Jazz and there is one thing that stuck out like a sore thumb. Jaron's mom, (Jaron is his real name) is a psychopath. I don't mean that in a crude name calling way. I'm describing her.
In 2003, when Jaron, "Jazz" was just 3 years old his mom noticed that he kept opening his onsie. She took this to mean he was trying to change it into a dress. She became convinced that her son was actually her daughter and by the age of 5 his mom socially transitioned him into a girl.
It's like if you stumble upon some liberal lunatic who tells you that her cat is a vegan. We all know who made that choice.
Jazz's mom consulted the UK trans lobby group Mermaids. Who has since been exposed as frauds and just downright evil bastards. At a conference in 1998 a Mermaids speaker admitted only a third of children exhibiting gender dysphoria "will grow up to be transgendered adults". Over a half would be gay, she said. And that was 25 years ago, before trans became the latest and greatest cause of the left. http://gender.org.uk/conf/1998/merm
Then she she then took Jazz to see Marilyn Volker, a therapist who had been a sex surrogate. She had sex with her clients, and even married one of them. Top notch care eh? So what was the outcome? Puberty blockers of course. This would help Jazz and his "traumatic gender dysphoria" as his mother calls it.
Once puberty blockers became available Mermaids became Britain's foremost campaigners for their use. But if only a third of kids with dysphoria will become trans adults, two thirds of the kids who get medicalised are not receiving any so-called "benefit" from blockers. Even those who may become "trans" are being harmed. The cognitive impact of blockers appears to be major and irreversible. Young animals on blockers become more anxious and withdrawn. The Tavistock found they made gender dysphoria worse in many kids.
Marci Bowers, Jazz's surgeon and star of "What Is A Woman", has admitted that no child who goes on blockers at the "recommended time" will ever be able to sexually function properly or orgasm. Did you catch that? Thousands of kids are being deprived of their birthright to become a sexual adult.
Why are so-called "trans kids" put through all this pain? I have a theory that the parents and doctors harbor a nefarious subconscious disgust for effeminate boys and butch girls.
Isn't it ironic that gay rights -which began as a movement championing sexual freedom- has been taken over by a cult that now sterilizes mainly gay teenagers, robbing them of sexual freedom?
Jazz has become what we have warned people about for over a decade. At just 21 years old, Jazz has become a tragic figure. Obese, depressed and often suffering from anxiety attacks, he has struggled to form anything remotely like an intimate relationship.
We were sold "Jazz Jennings" by The Church of Transgenderism and it's cult members. "Jazz" is a true success story and is propped up and highlighted as a rousing success of early gender reassignment for children. In truth, he’s been left sexless, sterilized and physically mutilated. Jazz is not an example to follow. His tragic life is an indictment of the trans movement.
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Two things:
Ehrensaft was previously involved in the earlier Satanic Panic, which was classified as a mass psychogenic illness. These involved, in part, false memories from unethical therapists practicing the discredited "Recovered-Memory Therapy."
The child she's talking about unsnapping the onesie is Jazz Jennings. Ehrensaft's belief in "gender angels" (her word) forms the basis for the Jennings mother's fixation on transing her 4 year son for liking sparkly things.
This is one of the people writing trans guidance for the American Psychological Association.
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perezhilton · 22 days
You go, girl!!!
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It’s really irritating when I see people argue that “trans kids didn’t exist 10 years ago” as it is such an easily debunked argument.
Personally, I came out while I was in high school and knew I was trans since I was 10 years old. 2008 for the former and 2003 for the latter, which is like 20 years ago.
My ex-girlfriend from high school, my friends from high school, both the pastoral managers at the school and the local LGBT+ youth group can all confirm back in 2008 when I was just 15 years old, I was out as transgender.
But I’m not a high profile trans person so I appreciate the proof of my claim maybe hard to substantiate.
So I first learned about Jazz Jennings shortly before I came out. She was interviewed by Barbara Walters on 20/20 way back in 2007, 16 years ago. Jazz Jennings was born in the year 2000, so would have been 6 or 7 years old at the time. I found the interview on YouTube.
Kim Petras additionally came to media attention in 2006 at 13 years old and another person I discovered around the time I came out. 17 years ago.
And the NHS Gender Identity Development Service, which was the under 18s NHS run clinic for transgender youths in the UK (it is in the midst of being replaced) was established way back in 1989. 34 years ago.
So the evidence kinda suggests trans kids have existed for quite a bit longer than 10 years. You just didn’t hear about it as much.
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Being Jazz by Jazz Jennings
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Jazz Jennings is one of the youngest and most prominent voices in the national discussion about gender identity. At the age of five, Jazz transitioned to life as a girl, with the support of her parents. A year later, her parents allowed her to share her incredible journey in her first Barbara Walters interview, aired at a time when the public was much less knowledgeable or accepting of the transgender community. This groundbreaking interview was followed over the years by other high-profile interviews, a documentary, the launch of her YouTube channel, a picture book, and her own reality TV series—I Am Jazz—making her one of the most recognizable activists for transgender teens, children, and adults.
In her remarkable memoir, Jazz reflects on these very public experiences and how they have helped shape the mainstream attitude toward the transgender community. But it hasn't all been easy. Jazz has faced many challenges, bullying, discrimination, and rejection, yet she perseveres as she educates others about her life as a transgender teen. Through it all, her family has been beside her on this journey, standing together against those who don't understand the true meaning of tolerance and unconditional love. Now Jazz must learn to navigate the physical, social, and emotional upheavals of adolescence—particularly high school—complicated by the unique challenges of being a transgender teen. Making the journey from girl to woman is never easy—especially when you began your life in a boy's body.
Mod opinion: I haven't read this memoir yet, but I do find it important that this memoir exists and I remember that just seeing it in stores made me smile when it first came out as it was one of the first books dealing with trans kids that I encountered.
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z0mbiechylde · 1 year
Jazz Jennings Unhappy With Gender Transition, Abusive Mother Threatens H...
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megashadowdragon · 2 years
Trans Celebrity Jazz REGRETS TRANSITION, Refuses To 'Dilate' And Dates WOMEN, Shocking Story Says youtube comment
His mother is sick. Instead of helping him to get through a very confusing time in his life, she took advantage of his innocence and used him for fame and fortune, forever damaging his life. My heart goes out to this kid and every kid like him.
The way the mom gaslights him in the video when he says he doesn’t feel like himself is very repulsive. The mom is 100% responsible for what he’s going through. Edit: also I pray Jazz achieves some kind of happiness in his life, the people who should have protected the child ruined the adult.Show less
I just had my first child - a son - and this makes me cry and feel absolutely SICK to my stomach… I can’t imagine what kind of evil, horrible, selfish person of a mother you’d have to be to EVER even consider the idea of doing something like this to your child, and not only putting them through it, but FORCING them??? My God… PLEASE have mercy on Jazz and rescue this poor boy from these psychotic people….
This story is unbelievable, GAG's tweet put it perfectly, the brazenness with which the mother freely describes the abuse she is putting her son through, is stunning, and also indicative of just how far we've strayed from the moral, and good, and into evil.
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problematiquebitch · 2 years
You know not to bring up old discourse but it's wild how I remember being 14/15/16/17 and saying I felt as though Jazz Jennings parents were manipulating her and now the show is literally having the seeds of things not being right.
Like fuck gender crit, fuck terfs, fuck conservatives to an extent but there is something to be said about how you cannot force someone to be trans and that a child should not be transitioning.
It's crazy watching Jazz say things aligning what pre-transitioned people say and it's wild watching her family verbally abuse and gaslight her.
I hope she gets away... It's not fair for her to be mistreated by her "family" that isn't even letting her rest for her mental health and giving her time for privacy.
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ragchaser · 2 years
I feel bad for jazz
Her mother is disgusting
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partly-hueman · 1 year
I have a hard time recognizing irony. I often confuse hypocrisy with irony. Especially when someone is being intentionally ironic.
Like Jazz Jennings, a totally fake name unironically, who has in quotes on HIS twitter page: "embrace who you are". On the surface that's good advice for everyone. No matter the age, sex, race, ethnicity or any other category you want.
Here's my problem. "Jazz" and her parents have NEVER embraced who he is. Thru the miracle of surgery, name changes, and drugs and of course a big fat royalty check that they took from exploiting their kid on national television, that's some real scumbag shit, they had a healthy boy and turned him into a sterilized girl who will never have sexual function or sensation, is sterilized and will be dependent on drugs for the rest of his natural life.
"Natural" life I mean. He will need to dilate his neo-vagina for the rest of his life. If he doesn't then the skin inside the vagina will shrink and contract, which may ultimately lead to shortening and/or narrowing of the vaginal canal; this is known as stenosis.
Transgenderism and it's proponents call this "gender affirming care". Doesn't sound like care or very pleasant,. Sounds expensive and burdensome. It probably only sounds that way because it is.
Embrace yourself indeed.
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Briana: I lived as a trans person as long as I could, up until I started passing. And that was something -- and a really unique part of this that I've always wanted to talk about is that the doctors had sold me and my family the idea that they could make me a cisgender female.
Buck: Wow.
Briana: And that's why they had constantly reinforced to me that I need to have these surgeries done. Fast. They had convinced my parents that I had to do it young or else my recovery would be awful. They said it was perfect for me to do it all at once, right now.
Full interview.
Briana: Because I've been through so much medical transition, when that's all your life is, as you're growing up, I'm now an adult, I've had my entire face and body changed, my bottom surgery completely fail, there's no recovering it, every surgeon I've talked to refuses to fix it because it would probably kill me.
And now I'm trying to figure out what do I do with my life? Because it just hit me that this mission I was put on is not real.
Look for a lawsuit with Briana's name on it in the near future.
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untouchable234 · 29 days
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Credit: Jazz Jennings
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I Am Jazz by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings
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Jazz always knew she was different from other kids. She had a girl's brain and a boy's body. This is her story. The story of a transgender child based on the real-life experience of Jazz Jennings, who has become a spokesperson for trans kids everywhere. From the time she was two years old, Jazz knew that she had a girl's brain in a boy's body. She loved pink and dressing up as a mermaid and didn't feel like herself in boys' clothing. This confused her family, until they took her to a doctor who said that Jazz was transgender and that she was born that way. Jazz's story is based on her real-life experience and she tells it in a simple, clear way that will be appreciated by picture book readers, their parents, and teachers.
Mod opinion: I haven't read this picture book yet and only heard of Jazz Jennings, but it sounds like an interesting story for trans kids.
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