#Jedi mermaid
nobleatomics · 4 months
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Another one for Mermay. An old Jedi twi'lek oc turned into a random Merman.
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catladychronicles · 2 years
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🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♂️ cue part of your world 🎶
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dingoat · 1 year
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My offering for a Mermay themed art exchange on the swtor artist's discord, the lovely Thea for The Achnerd/Damodred (if they're on tumblr anywhere please let me know so I can tag!), complete with cybernetic tail.
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 9 months
Chat writes the plot! Time for more 👑🐲🐟 KotD!
🔥🔥 don't forget to reblog tysm! 🔥🔥
Want to be on the tag list? -> Comment with 'tag me!' Have an idea for next chapter or clicked the wrong option? -> Reblog about it! Check the bottom for the Ao3 link. Latest chapter is below the cut!🔥
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~King of the Dragonfish: Chapter 16 ~
When he returns from hunting treasure to find the cave empty of jedi, his scream of rage is enough to make the walls shudder and rain with scree. Maul reaches out in the force, throwing a wide net of energy out with the intent to hunt Kenobi and drag him back here. Retribution would be paid in blood for this-
He finds the jedi's energy signature just a little ways away, stationary. Lambent. The sith is brought up short, confused. Taken aback even.
Was this an escape attempt… or not?
Lashing down on his rage, setting aside judgment for a moment, Maul leaves his pot and box on the shore, and returns to the water to seek the jedi through the force. He swims fast and true for less than a minute, left and right and around…
The dragonfish sith breeches the pocket of his own bedroom cave, and rises up in a quiet rush of shedding water. Kenobi is here? Here? He went wandering, but not to his lightsaber or the surface, but here?
Maul sways his way through the caves and comes up on his own bed. There the jedi lies, buried under makeshift blankets, curled in on himself, shivering.
The sith looks around in disbelief. There on the shelf of his nightstand is his saberstaff, he leans close sniffing… not a trace of skin scent on it. Kenobi had not come looking for a weapon to kill him with then.
The last embers of his rage dowse themselves as he returns his attention to the cold little ball of stewjon.
“Jjjedi,” he whispers thoughtfully, running his claws through salt-crisp hair. “Always leaving behind the heat you need, awake or asleep. What a pathetic thing you are.”
Maul withdraws, considering the situation. Either Kenobi needed to be brought to heat, or heat needed to be brought to Kenobi. He ponders it briefly, but easily decides that he likes the jedi to be in his bed.
He goes, gathers the magma ball from the second prison cave, and returns. It is cooled somewhat, so he slices it in half with his saber like an orange, revealing the cherry red center. The freshly unmasked lava blooms with heat, rapidly forming a new black crushed shell on its surface.
Maul situates one of the halves just so, pointing it's radiant heat toward the bed. Then, he climbs in, finding his way under covers to drag his Kenobi to him. He discovers bare skin, offering him easy access to touch new places. The variety of textures is fascinating.
Predictably, when faced with heat and weight and a living body, the jedi seeks him out like a plant turning to the sun. Limbs unclench and the ball of him eases open. Arms come winding around his back, and a scruffy face presses to his shoulder.
Kenobi sighs with contentment at his presence, and Maul feels… he feels…
The words for this. These too are missing from his memory of before. Or perhaps he never had them.
Darth Maul draws his prisoner close, and waits for him to wake. The other man’s force signature brightens at one point, perhaps touching consciousness, but he drifts back down again without a word.
It is hours before the jedi truly stirs, groaning at the back of his throat as he peers blearily around.
“Kenobi,” Maul says, catching the man's chin in his fingers and drawing that watery gaze toward him.
The jedi blinks a few times, focus slow to resolve. “Where am I?” he asks.
He hums, fingers playing through that ginger beard. Soft. So soft. “Where you are meant to be.”
With a muddled huff, Kenobi turns to look around, not satisfied with his answer. “I remember getting bored and going exploring, and then I found a cave with… things. Art and trinkets… was I dreaming?”
“Mmno,” the sith denies, “you have found my cave, and put yourself in my bed. This is... good.”
The jedi scrubs a hand over his face, and back through his hair. Maul runs a hand down his bare side, then back up again.
“Sorry. I'm… not really parsing anything,” Kenobi replies.
Maul scoffs, “Because you left the heat, again. You are too weak to survive the cold. I have scolded you before but you did not listen. Hear me now: I forbid you from leaving warm places again unless I am there to watch you.”
Kenobi sloughs back down, loose limbed in his hold. “...”
“Jedi,” he says warningly at the silence, leaning in toward the other man's face. “Obey me.”
That tired, watery blue gaze lifts to his. “Mmnnn?”
So unfocused. So soft and pliant. Irresistible.
Maul’s eyes are drawn to chapped pink lips where the lower one is loose and slightly parted from the top. He doesn't question the stray desire to taste the cracked texture of it. The sith presses close, licking those lips, slipping his tongue inside a slack mouth.
“Ah,” Kenobi says softly, letting him take what he wants. His smooth tongue slides against Maul's, reactive to the languid stroking of his.
The dragonfish sith runs his claws gently down the back of his prisoner, careful not to cut unintentionally, until back becomes backside. He cups the handful of curve, squeezes and pulls, drawing their hips closer together.
The jedi turns his head away, hiding in Maul's neck. “Please, I don't…”
“Hnn?” he asks, enthralled with the way Kenobi’s soft belly and scattering of body hair felt against his own smooth stomach.
“Just hold me and let me sleep. I just want to rest,” the man pleads softly.
He tsks, “If you would stay where I put you, your strength would not wane.”
Kenobi sighs gustily, relaxing when Maul's hand returns to petting the pale flesh of him higher up. Straying places that are personal, but not quite so personal. The jedi comes back out of hiding when the trend continues. His eyes look like they struggle to stay open.
“I have gifts for you,” Maul tells him, “To earn your favor.”
“It isn't something that can or should be earned with material things,” Kenobi mumbles.
“Jedi drivel,” he counters. “Nice and necessary things are a fair measure of who to show favor to.”
Unable to help himself, the sith's claw skim just a little lower, teasing the sensitive line of skin between the other man's low back and ass. Kenobi groans, and his hips rock.
“Nng,” the pale man says simply, brows drawing faintly upward in pleasure.
Maul kisses him again, far more gently than he deserves, then settles down. “Sleep, Kenobi. Regain your strength. When you wake I will show you your gifts.”
For once, the witless jedi does as he's told.
To be continued...
-Tag list- (Comment if you want added!)
@obimaulartfire @savageopressbignaturals @icequeen8043 @moonsickvampire @maulish @obi1-kenobae @milkcioccolato @cyborg0109 @messy-sunbeam @krazykupid
New? Start from Chapter 1! 👇🏽
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disneytva · 2 months
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Disney Networks August 2024 Highlights
Summer of Pam ; Summer of La Trabajadora 3/8
Summer of La Madriguera ; Summer of Los Pollos Hermanos 3/8
Summer of El Patín ; Summer of Chisme 10/8
Summer of No Sabo ; Summer of Bookita 10/8
Summer of the 13th Primo ; Summer of Cuadros 17/8
Summer of Tater Luna ; Summer of El Chu-PAW-Cabra 17/8
Summer of the Baby Races ; Summer of La Extraterrestre 24/8
Summer of El Futuro ; Summer of Super No Entiendo 64 24/8
Summer of La Excavación ; Summer of La Pijamada 31/8
Summer of Imi-Tater ; Summer of Ignacio 31/8
Zombies: The Re-Animated Series
Reality Check, Please! ; Their Guy Sasquatch 3/8
The Roast of Dr. Doof SEASON FINALE 3/8
Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures
Heroes and Hot-Shots ; A Jedi or a Pirate SEASON PREMIERE 14/8
The Rustler Roundup ; A New Discovery 15/8
A Pirate's Pet ; The Secret Ship 16/8
Nub's Big Mistake ; The Jedi Rescue 23/8
Terror of Tenoo / The Prince of Masks 30/8
The Clean Team ; Clamming Up 2/8
The Singing Dolphin ; The Happy Patty Clap 9/8
Ravi and Navi ; Chef Flounder 16/8
The Brave Little Goby ; Kid Triton 30/8
Brand New Bestie ; Cat-o-flauge Kitty 23/8
Boat Ride Ruckus ; Favorite Fishy Cake 30/8
Mickey Mouse Funhouse
The Giant and the Goof ; Call Me Cora! 9/8
Donald vs. the Starcade ; Whose Treasure Is It? 16/8
Spidey And His Amazing Friends
Go Dino-Webs Go! ; Ghost in the Museum 2/8
Grow Webs Grow ; Rio In Space 9/8
The Goblin and The Geyser ; Skeleton Stomp 16/8
Fool's Gold ; The Sundae Save 23/8
Adventures in Fossil Hunting ; Lizard's Buggy Bonanza 30/8
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Okay so I found a mer-Obi-Wan fic and it doesn’t have him living in the Jedi temple, because obviously he’s gotta find a Mando to bang it’s what he does. But it’s got me thinking about Merfolk in the temple.
So we know that they HAVE to have an aquatic level on the temple because there are species that can’t leave water or can’t till they’re older or can’t for very long. So obviously that’s the first step and I refuse to accept anything else.
But then you get to how these people interact with the order around them and how that would effect their training. I think a species that doesn’t leave the water at all would focus on weaponless or even long range weaponry type fighting. Like the bow that Omega uses in TBB, a bowcaster or even just water proof blasters or water canons. So first off I think any of them with kyber would use it in a completely different way, but there is still the possibility of weaponry and fighting as a whole.
Then the next part is classes for the kids. Obviously, you’d want an underwater interface that you can read off of and change pages or stuff like that. Which means it would be super cool if they had windows in 1: certain classrooms so the aquatic students could listen to lectures and such 2: study rooms so these students could do their work and stuff like that and 3: the archives themselves where there are interfaces where the aquatic Jedi can check out texts (all of which have to be on chips obviously so they can read themselves in their own quarters) or read in the archives. I think how this one would work is that they have a specific amount of texts already loaded into the system that they can manipulate to go through, or, they might be able to search certain texts in the files and request an archivist bring them a data chip for those ones.
It would also make sense if they had their own commissaries, maybe areas with either prepared food (usually still raw but maybe a bit more flavor like sushi or something or the ones who can have cooked food but usually it’s still cold because sea species should not be eating warm food!!) or small ‘farm’ rooms where they either grow specific plants and stuff, or where they can release certain fish types for those who go for the meat.
Then there’s the fact that even if you wanted to put all of this on the same level of the temple, there’s the fact that they very well might NEED to leave that level of the temple. Maybe go up to the creche for socialization, maybe they need to speak with one of the councils, maybe they need specific classes that aren’t in the lower levels. Consider: water elevators. Basically it’s a lift but made to work in water and carry’s you and whatever you need up or down so someone with more maneuverability can help you move about in the temple itself. That’d be cool.
Water tunnels connecting certain parts of the temple together. A healing halls area under the actual healing halls but staffed entirely for and by aquatic Jedi, including having lifts so they could preform emergency care if that’s needed. Water is NOT conductive to surgery or open wounds in most cases.
Anyways. Someone needs to write an actual mer-Jedi fic where it’s not like finding a merfolk on a random planet all ‘ahh, we don’t bother with them, not like they can use a saber anyways’ like fuck off and grow a pair. Step up or step back.
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geekynerfherder · 9 months
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists, and those that have attracted my attention, in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of Pandora Young.
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queenofalpaca · 6 months
Yes! A second ask! Of course I’ll tell you about mermaid Bode 🩵 (I actually got curious about this one when I found it in my wips and went back to check it out so lucky you, this one’s fresh in my memory)
So this wip came from me wanting to participate in MerMay someday and deciding I needed an idea. Lo and behold, my brain promptly complied and came up with this. Sadly there’s no snippets to share (yet. Perhaps we’ll make this may my first MerMay) but I have some concepts/ideas.
First thing’s first:
Who’s who?
Well, Bode is a mermaid/merman. The sort that can shift into a human. And here comes the fun part: my half-asleep brain decided all good mer shifters need to be mute (Ariel style) so Bode’s got to be mute. Why is he mute? Because there’s a superstition about mermen being sirens and someone made sure to damage his vocal cords to take his voice. He’s got a nasty scar on his throat from it too. Additionally, this au was created around the time I was taking a sign language course at uni, so I feel I have at least the beginnings of an idea of how it works and what to watch out for when writing a mute character. I will have to do more research but at least I have a head start, right?
Now, of course this is SpyScrapper (I say, despite the fact that SpyScrapper always seems to come second to everything I write having to be about Bode first and foremost), so Cal’s here too. I’m not sure what his exact relationship to Jaro was in this verse but in any case, Jaro ended up dead because of mer-people and Cal got his famous cheek scar from that encounter. He’s then taken in and raised by Prauf because we love him. Cal’s obviously got big trauma about mer-people and the ocean in general.
All the other characters may feature as I need them, but they don’t have a concrete role to play as of rn.
The Plot
You can guess where this is going but I’ll spell it out anyway. Cal and Bode meet at a bar. Cal catches sight of the big cutie and goes to introduce himself. Bode is pleasantly surprised by Cal’s ease around the fact that he’s mute. They communicate by writing/drawing out letters in Cal’s palm before they get a pen, the scraps of sign language Cal picked up (spontaneous idea: could this be where he picks up the nickname?), and a lot of lovingly gazing at each other of course.
Something something, they go on a few dates, something something, they start falling in love (not yet sure what to do about this part). Cal being scared of the ocean comes up. Bode starts helping him work through it. Side note: Bode does have scales as a human, but they’re so light, they can be mistaken for strange scars. Thus, Cal doesn’t know he’s been falling in love with a mer. Big angst when he finds out. I’m thinking something with a big storm, choppy waves, potential almost drowning or something. Whatever it ends up as, I’m sure it’ll be fun, heh
That’s about as far as I’ve gotten. But man, now I really want to actually write this.
Hope that satiates your curiosity 🩵 I really wish I had a snippet to share, but rest assured, when I do, you’ll be the first to know about it
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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My beautiful avocado is now a mermaid thanks to @captainderyn​! 
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cagg1969 · 1 year
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lizartgurl · 1 year
Omega as a mermaid would be SO cute.
Also obligatory Zekk prompt because you KNOW i gotta rep my boy!
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Because of Zekk's scavenger adolescence I had to give him an Ariel sack and some interesting things to scavenge, such as a lightsaber (guess whose) a busted tracking puck (from his bounty hunter days), pieces of Sith drone (from his time as The Darkest Knight) and the obligatory dinglehopper.
I feel bad about not finishing my mermay pieces until so late in a month but given that I only did one mermay piece last year and this year I did a total of three mermaids, I'm pretty proud of myself ^-^
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sidwilsonsbitch · 8 months
Sid Au Ships
Firedoll - Fireball/Babydoll
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Bomb Trio - Bullet/Ace/Roper
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Moving Parts - Dj Starscream/S1d (platonic)
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Princess and the Snake - V/Fae
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Fluff duo - Bug/Bubbs (platonic)
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Danger Zone - Ratboy/0
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Darkside - Sidney/Daemon
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Bubbles and Blood Sib/Count/Goat
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voidendron · 1 year
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and here's Qizulth's various AU depictions! <3
Main Ref
info under the cut
Role Reversal
A universe where the members of my legacy are different roles from their canon selves; Qizulth, my main Inquisitor, is this universe's Barsen'thor. Tends to work himself to the point of exhaustion in an attempt to prove that he's fit for such heavy responsibilities.
A "coffee-shop AU"-esque universe. It's meant for slice-of-life, without warring factions, Jedi, Sith--they're just people, dealing with much more human issues. Kai is an archeologist, and while he's often out of town, when he is around he can often be found hanging around Sylas (Synnda) or Terra (Terrin).
A zombie apocalypse universe, Kai abandons his old life of a history professor to survive. He's one of the group's primary scavengers, often accompanying small groups to raid abandoned buildings for supplies or to find new points of interest that the group can use to their advantage.
Magic is banned in the kingdom, but there's one man in particular who fights to overthrow the king to return it to the land--that man is Kizulth, a tiefling necromancer who hides in the mountains far beyond the kingdom's reach. It would seem that he has a contact within the palace's very own halls....
One half of a pair, the merfolk known simply as "Death" by humans slowly circles the bottom of a trench in tandem with "Life." They were once a curious pair, friendly, but as one found himself captured, and the other maimed, they grew hostile of humans--and now only destruction follows their wake when sailors are foolish enough to approach their domain.
I asked myself what fantasy!Key would do to flatten his chest
...as soon as "he'd wear a corset wrong DUH" popped into my head I knew that was 100% what he'd do
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nerdyartist101 · 1 year
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Mermay Day 4: May the 4th be with you I've done some Star Wars mermaids, but I decided to do a jedi mermaid who is willing to use the force to protect the sea and space
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disneytva · 2 months
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Disney Announces Jam-Packed Interactive Show Floor Experiences At D23 Expo 2024 Featuring Disney Channel and Disney Junior.
With less than one month to go to the highly anticipated D23: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event presented by Visa, Disney today revealed details about what fans will be able to experience at the Anaheim Convention Center during this sold-out event, which will include an outstanding lineup of over 230 panels and presentations, show floor offerings and Talent Central interactions.
This announcement builds upon plans previously shared about this year’s D23 gathering, which is set to be bigger and better than ever before.
This year’s show floor is the largest in the event’s history and provides even more ways for fans to interact with beloved brands, stories, and talent, including immersive pavilions from Disney Experiences, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios, Disney+, Hulu, Marvel Studios, Lucasfilm, National Geographic and more. 
Interactive Show Floor Experiences
Disney Jr. Let’s Play!
Join in on the fun at the Disney Jr. play park—with scheduled character meet and greets, dance parties, photo moments, and more! 
Disney Branded Television - Descendants: The Rise of Red
Be immersed into the world of Descendants: The Rise of Red! Explore multiple rooms inside Red’s castle with multiple photo opportunities—a Villain Kid experience like no other! *The Great Pin Pursuit participant
Disney Branded Television - Disney Channel Wand ID
“You’re watching Disney Channel!” Step behind the scenes and in front of the camera to create your very own Disney Channel Wand ID. *The Great Pin Pursuit participant
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pryopinkie · 2 years
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I had the silly crossover idea of Mermaid Melody x Star Wars. This is what I imagine the mermaid melody idol princesses would look like as Jedi. The pearl found in their necklaces ( or padawan braid) doubles as their kyber crystal for their lightsaber. 
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