#Jeff atkins
toppersjeep · 1 year
Jeff Atkins (When You’re Gone)
Summary: After Jeff dies you feel lost without him. You try to move on but it’s hard for you. So when they honor him for the team you decide to speak about him. You also sometimes see Jeff just like Clay sees Hannah. Who doesn’t love a ghost of there ex?
this song inspired this
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Your POV
“Hey sis are you ready for today” Clay asked me. But I pretended to ignore him. I wasn’t ready. My boyfriend was dead. This year would’ve been our senior year together. Only because he was failing classes. But part of me thinks he wanted to stay back so I didn’t have to do it alone.
But now he was gone. Part of me still felt like he was here with me. I missed him more than anything in this world. I’d give anything to see his smile.
“Y/N we gotta get going” Clay said as I started at a photo of Jeff and I. A tear rolled down my cheek. “Yeah Clay” I said wiping a tear. “You don’t have to speak you know I can say you were sick” Clay said. “No no it’s okay” I said setting the picture back on my nightstand. “Alright then” Clay said.
I then looked at the necklace Jeff had given me with his initials and a little baseball bat. But now beside it was his class ring. I never took it off for anything. At least this way he was still here.
“I’m coming” I said grabbing Jeff’s letterman jacket and putting it on over my dress. Clay and I drove to the school. We parked and went inside the school. It was in the gym. I walked over to the principal were he wanted me.
Clay and our parents sat on the bleachers. Jeff’s parents sat beside them too. The principal of course said a couple words. I just sat there thinking about him. And the first time we met. Was actually when clay tutored him.
“I brought my sister to help since she’s so good at science” Clay said as I sat down beside Jeff. “Wow there’s no way she’s your sister she’s wow” Jeff said I blushed. “And you are so” Jeff said I laughed.
“Very funny Jeff” Clay said. “So what’s your name beautiful” Jeff said I blushed. “Y/N” I said he smiled. “I love that name” he said. “Alright enough flirting” Clay said.
And after that he got my number and we talked for hours on end. He eventually asked me out on a date. Even though clay hated the idea. Eventually he warmed up to us dating.
He was my first kiss my first everything. But I never thought I’d meet someone like him. He’s perfect.
End of flashback
“And now Y/N Jensen has prepared something in honor of her late boyfriend Jeff” the principal said. I walked up. I then went up to the microphone. I just looked at everyone sitting on the bleachers.
“Jeff… I’m sorry give me a second” I said tearing up. I then pretended he was there in that room like I did sometimes. Maybe it was real and he was there protecting me. “Love it’s okay you can do this deep breaths” Jeff said standing beside me.
Even though he wasn’t there. Part of me felt his presence with me all the time. I took a deep breath and then began to speak again.
“Jeff was one of those people that you met once in a lifetime and we all had the privilege of knowing him” I said. “I had the privilege of knowing him a lot better than all of you” I said tearing up. “Maybe even more than his parents knew” I said.
“I also had the privilege of loving him and being loved by him” I said. “I remember the first time I met Jeff it was in the library” I said. “The first thing he told me was that I was beautiful” I said. “Nobody had ever made me feel as special as he did” I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.
“From that day forward he became the most important person in my life” I said. “We talked every day and night even when I didn’t want to” I said people laughed. “He even tried to teach me how to play baseball but I sucked” I said. “Even though he always told me I didn’t” I said.
“You could’ve easily beat me babe with practice” Jeff said.
“He always told me I could beat him with practice but I know he let me win” I said. “Being loved by Jeff was one of the best feelings in this world” I said. “The way his eyes lit up when he looked at me is something I’ll never forget” I said.
“I remember the night he told me he loved me” I said tearing up. “A girl waits her whole life to hear those words” I said. “We were at the dance in this very gym” I said. “Of course I dragged him to this dance like I always did” I said smiling. “And he came even though he probably would’ve preferred a movie night” I said people smiled.
“We were dancing on this very floor when he told me he loved me” I said. “It was a slow dance and I had my head on his chest and I remember how I felt in that moment” I added.
“So safe and so secure he then kissed my forehead and told me he loved me” I said. “He said “Y/N I’m gonna say something crazy I don’t care if you don’t say it back” and I looked at him” I said. “I then said “Jeff nothing you can say is crazy” I remember looked up at him and he just smiled” I said.
“He then whispered in my ear “Y/N I love you I know that it hasn’t been long but I’m in love with you” I remember feeling butterflies in that moment” I said tearing up. “I thought for once in my life I had my moment” I said.
“I then looked up at him and told him I loved him” I said wiping a tear. “From that moment on I loved Jeff everyday more and more” I said. “He promised me so much more than anyone had before him” I said. “…Jeff was… and is my soulmate and I’d give anything to have him here beside me” I said as tears rolled down my face.
“The night.. Jeff.. passed… before the party we had a conversation about our future this year” I said. “I know it sounds crazy for two kids to be thinking about the future” I said. “But we were in love” I said. “Madly in love” Jeff said. I smiled.
“He told me that he wanted to marry me” I said. “That he knew I was the one for him and there wasn’t anyone else” I said crying. “I said ask me again next year” I said wiping a tear. “And he told me he would little did I know he had the ring there that night” I said.
“I wish I would’ve known and said yes that very night.. I think all the time maybe he’d still be here if I would’ve known” I said. “But.. I do know that he’s still here with us watching over everyone” I said. “Jeff was one of a kind and he’d be so happy that this team won states this year” I said.
“And Jeff if you are somehow hear listening or in heaven I want you to know the answer is yes and it will always be yes” I said tearing up. “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak about Jeff” I said.
I then stopped speaking and walked away. The principal went back up and spoke. I went outside and sat on a lunch table.
“I’m proud of you” Jeff said sitting beside me. “I wish you were here” I said. “I am here for you always right here” he said pointing at my necklace. “You know what I mean” I said looking at him. “I know baby” he said I looked at him.
“I can’t do this without you” I said. “Hey” he said side hugging me. “Remember what I always told you” Jeff said. “No matter what you’ll always protect me” I said. “That and you look beautiful no matter what” he said I laughed.
“I should’ve said yes that night I’m sorry” I said. “It’s not your fault Y/N don’t blame yourself okay” he said wiping my tears. “I need you” I said. “And I’ll always be here but..” Jeff said. “But what” I said. “You gotta move on eventually” he said looking at me. “I can’t” I said looking at the ring.
“Love.. you will always be my first love too you know that” Jeff said. “There’s nobody else like you” I said. “Really.. what about Scott Reed” Jeff said. “Jeff what about him” I said. “Remember the day you dropped your books and he helped you”Jeff said. “Yeah” I said.
“Or when he asked you for help with the team games” Jeff said. “Jeff I don’t understand” I said. “Or how he checks up on you after the trails or just texts you” Jeff said.
“What are you saying” I said looking at him. He then looked behind me. I heard some footsteps. “Hey I came to check on you” Scott said. Jeff looked at me. “H..Hey” I said Scott said beside me. “Are you okay” Scott asked.
“I don’t know if I’ll ever be okay” I said. He put an arm around me. “It’s weird without him here but it feels like he’s pushing me towards you” Scott said. “Maybe he is here” I said looking over at him he smiled.
“It’s just like all these things keep happening and I feel like he’s putting us together” Scott said. I rested my head on his shoulder. “Your not like your baseball friends” I said. “Those guys may be my teammates but they are all assholes Jeff wasn’t” Scott said.
“Jeff used to say the same thing about you” I said. “Maybe it’s a sign” Scott said. “So why do you keep appearing every where” I said. “Because I care about you a lot” he said wiping my tears. Just like Jeff used to do for me.
“But why me” I said. “Because your special and Jeff would always tell me that” Scott said. “And I’m starting to see why he loved you so much” Scott said. “Yeah” I said. “Yeah so if you are up for it I’d like too…
He began to say I kissed him.
“Prom” I asked. “I was gonna ask you the same thing” Scott said. “So yes” I said. “I’d love to” Scott said. “Told you I got you always” Jeff said to me I smiled. “What are you looking at” Scott said. “The beautiful sunset” I said.
“Hey maybe Jeff is here after all” Scott said. “He is..” I said tearing up. “I’ll always love you” Jeff said. “I love you” I mouthed and he was gone just like that. “So prom” Scott said.
“Oh right my dress is like light purple” I said he smiled.
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cosmicflw3rr · 10 days
I know I say this everytime I watch a new show but I’ve been rewatching 13 reasons why AND I HAVE AN ITCH TO WRITE FOR IT. PLS PLS PLS REQUEST IM BEGGINGGGGG.
ill write for
clay jensen
justin foley
scott reed
zach dempsey
jeff atkins
pls I’m begging you to request
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issyyhearts · 19 days
Justin foley and jeff atkins didn't deserve to die
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marleyelona · 3 months
Does anyone till like 13 Reasons Why? And if I posted my fanfic of the show on here would anyone read it?
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audrey-library · 2 years
Jeff Atkins Fic Recommendations
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Brother’s Help by @oreostars
Jeff x reader by @luciferlxve
I’ll treat her right by @jeff-deserves-better
Is that a yes? by @jeff-deserves-better
Skittles by @jeff-deserves-better
No big deal by @jeff-deserves-better
Defeated by @jeff-deserves-better
golden boy by @mightyavngrs
Stop by @xbarrjallenx
Comfort and Moving Forward by @lilxberry
Babies makin’ babies by @nolahxrocks
Sharing is caring - part 1 || Busted - part 2 by @xbarrjallenx
You’re my Forever and I’m Your Forever by @tayrae515imagines
Love Drug by @scottfuckingreed
Quite a Vexer by @xbarrjallenx
Try Again by @mythicalowl
Hidden by @justauthoring
Love Will Save The Day by @jeffatkinsreasons
Boy or Girl by @alisonwritesimagines
I’m pregnant by @killmybadthoughts
Not Even Tired by @justauthoring
Caught by @spreadp0sitivity
First Date by @xbarrjallenx
Beautiful Girl by @xbarrjallenx
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boytickler35 · 1 year
13 Reasons to Tickle Part 5
Clay’s phone vibrates as he’s getting off his bike at school. He slips it out of his pocket on his way in, glances to see a text from Justin and opens it.
Ur so fucked
His face flushes as he’s caught between confusion and anger. He and Justin aren’t friends...not really...maybe a tiny bit. Justin invites himself over from time to time, sometimes to sleep for an afternoon on the couch in Clay’s room, other times to play video games. He’s also started tutoring the other boy and unlike Jeff to whom tickling is a reward, he’s taken to using it as a threat to Justin who will usually try to avoid it. Pinning down Justin’s feelings towards it are hard because he alternates between willingly offering his feet and trying his hardest to avoid the tickling. Whatever the case is, Clay makes the other teen take his sneakers off and hand over his phone at the start of tutoring to have a threat to refocus Justin and to take away the biggest distraction.
The text now, ominous and threatening, leaves him feeling like they’ve taken a step back and his hastily tapped out message demanding to know what’s going on is ignored.
He tries to find Justin before class but has no luck and almost texts Jeff to ask but decides not to; mostly because he runs out of time.
When he plops down into his seat for homeroom, he catches Zach’s eye from across the class and the Asian boy sports an interesting look, partly guilty, partly excited, and partly embarrassed. He has no idea what it means until Zach stretches his legs out and Clay’s breath stops in his mouth.
Two massive feet, clad only in Nike slides. Fuck. Zach’s toes spread out as if to tease him more. He spends the whole twenty minutes desperately trying not to watch. Zach doesn’t even do much! The taller boy just leaves his feet in plain view and occasionally flexes his toes but that’s it and worse, it doesn’t need to be anything else because Clay’s attention is fully on the beautiful feet in front of him and what he wants to do to them. Feathers between the toes, fingernails on the arches, a brush on the heels, all while drinking in the helpless laughter.
He can’t even go over and chew the other boy out because that would involve dealing with Monty and there is no way he can navigate a covert conversation with Zach with the aggressive boy there.
Twenty minutes stretches on for what feels like twice that time and when the bell rings and Zach disappears out the door before he can try catching the boy.
The first three periods pass normally but when the bell rings he finds himself more anxious because he shares fourth period with Justin and he has a slight feeling he knows what’s coming. He’s taken aback when Justin’s feet are fully clothed, granted in a nice pair of sneakers, but sneakered all the same. He reaches up to tap the other boy on the shoulder to say something but the teacher walks in and he can’t.
For the first ten or so minutes, he zones out as he listens to a monotone voice explain the ins and outs of photosynthesis. He almost falls asleep when movement catches his eye. In front of him, Justin pops a heel out of his sneaker...and then the other. He lets the sneakers dangle like that for a few seconds or so before his feet return to the ground.
Clay keeps watching; waiting for Justin to start up again but the other boy doesn’t.
Not until he almost resigns himself to total boredom. And then Justin pops a foot out of the sneaker completely. He’s wearing his baby blue tube socks and he uses the now socked foot to pop the other sneaker off and plants his toes on the floor but just his toes so that both soles are exposed looking right at Clay.
This isn’t fair! For the next fifteen minutes, Justin silently teases him. He flexes his toes, straining the socks, crosses them at the ankles, uses his toes to scratch the top of the other foot and rub his feet against each other. The worst comes right before the bell rings, as if the idiot hasn’t done enough to distract him, he watches as Justin casually leans down in his chair and scratches along his socked sole. Clay can see the little jump in his body as he accidentally tickles himself and wants nothing more than to reach down and grab a socked foot and remind him what real tickling is and remind him what a tease deserves. Justin pops his feet back into his sneakers right before the bell rings and gives Clay a wink as he slings his bag on before disappearing out the door and into the sea of people.
He sits down at the library table nervously. Zach and Justin were pains in the ass so he can only imagine what Jeff will do.
The jock slumps into the chair across from him, carelessly dropping his bag to the ground and Clay finds himself growling, “Whatever you have planned, don’t you dare.”
Jeff looks at him innocently with those big, brown eyes, “Planned?”
He huffs, not looking to play, “You know.”
A laugh, “I’m pretty sure I don’t and what’s why I’m here. You are the tutor, teach me!”
“No tricks?” He doesn’t really believe Jeff. This whole thing is something he’d come up with for fun.
“Tricks? You seem paranoid. What happened?”
Jeff sounds truly confused and he relaxes. Maybe he is overreacting. “Zach and Justin were being stupid. I thought you were in on it.”
“Being stupid how?”
He looks around quickly to make sure no one can hear and then lowers his voice just in case to whisper, “They were being teases.”
Jeff shakes his head. “Oh boy, what did they do?”
“Zach was only wearing slides and Justin kicked off his sneakers in class.”
“And they know your opinion on it?”
He snorts, “Justin knows, moron. I told him they deserve to be tickled and he still did this.”
“He’s not our brightest but maybe Zach didn’t know.”
“He made full eye contact.”
“Yea that sounds guilty. What are you going to do?”
“I tutor Justin Saturday I think, maybe I’ll let him know what I think of his stunt then, he isn’t allowed to wear sneakers in my house anyway. And Zach. I’ll figure something out. I haven’t had a shot at his feet since that first time in your basement.”
“I’ve got some new brushes and a few other toys to use on them. They deserve it anyway.”
“I’m sure they’ll see it that way.”
He snorts, “By the time I’m done with them they will.”
With a grin Jeff’s whole demeanor changes as he says, “Sounds like fun, guess I should sign up!”
For about a second he’s shocked, and then looks under the table, two empty slides sit on the floor in front of Jeff’s chair. He follows the legs to the chair next to him where a beautiful pair of bare feet are propped up, one leg bent at the knee showing off a bare sole, across the cream colored sole is written, Happy Birthday! He wonders how badly it tickled to write that on and finds himself disappointed he missed it.
As if reading his mind Jeff fills in, “The sharpies was a bitch to use. I didn’t think you could tickle yourself but after all the pampering you’ve done on these puppies I don’t think it matters. Anyway, I had to go into the bathroom before I got here to do this and a damn near kicked the door putting it on!”
His mouth goes dry as he reaches for the foot, the talk of tickling making him desperately want some action himself. The attempt is thwarted when Jeff smirks and pulls his foot back.
“Sorry Clay, you get your presents later.”
His mouth goes dry as he tries to wrap his head around what just happened. Jeff continues talking.
“I know your birthday isn’t today. Sunday right? But today my parents are out tonight so you’re coming over like 5:30. And don’t be early. We need some time to get ready. The back door will be open so just come in when you get here but don’t you dare come down those stairs until 5:30 unless one of us texts you, I know you like being early.”
“Thank you.” His voice is harsh, rough. He feels a little guilty for being annoyed with the other two earlier.
“Don’t say thanks to me, Justin had the idea. I just told him when it was and then provided the place, well and a pair of feet. Poor Zachy isn’t too happy but Justin gave him the puppy dog eyes and he’s never been able to resist them.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Just wait till you see everything. Man I can’t wait, this is going to be great! In the meantime though, I do have the trig test coming up and I am super going to fail if you don’t help me.”
He shakes his head and tries to clear it but is only able to pull himself back when Jeff slips his feet from the chair and puts the temptations away.
Later that night, he arrives at Jeff’s house. He’s fifteen minutes early, which isn’t too bad considering he’s been thinking about this non-stop since the library. Letting himself in, he takes a seat on the couch and tries not to literally die as he waits. The minutes seem to move excruciatingly slowly but he finally gets a text to come down.
At the bottom of the stairs, the room opens up and he’s able to see the trio sitting on the couch. Their backs are to him but Justin, who’s on one end, twists around and says, “We’d come wish you a happy birthday but that would be a little hard.”
“What are you-” He rounds the piece of furniture and answers his own question. The coffee table is pulled up to the couch. Six socked feet rest on it. The socks have interesting designs on them making them look like wrapping paper while the ankles are tied up with ribbon into three big bows.
“Happy Birthday!” Three voices chorus together and six sets of toes flex as if also wishing him the same.
He stands there, shocked, until Justin prompts, “Well c’mon. We know what teases get.”
Taking a breath, he shakes himself and says, “This might be the best present ever. Three naughty jock boys all in need of a good punishment! After all we do know what teases get; they get tickles!”
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k-renee · 1 year
this thing i wrote
topic : sad shit about jeff (and monty, i guess) dying
pairing : jeff atkins x poc!fem reader
a/n:: this is like 80% accurate and there's like ONE made up character. the brother of reader, essentially. sorry it's shit <3
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jeff atkins had always been my best friend. since the day i met him. the day he died. the day i watched them lower him into the ground. always.
my twin brother andre and i had moved in next door to him and his parents. my mom had forced me and and dre to go outside until they were done unpacking, which wouldn't be for hours. so we sat on the porch, bored out of our tiny little kid minds.
then jeff came out.
he had skin a little lighter than his brown hair, but it was the summer, so he was darker. we all were. he had diamonds in his ears—and he was lying to us about it cuz they were actually rhinestones, now that i remember—and i thought he was so cool for that. i mean, dre and i both had our ears pierced, but it was different because dre only had one ear done, and my earrings were all kawaii and had faces and shit.
but for real, i think the coolest, craziest, most...exotic—if you will—thing about jeff was his eyes. one minute they were blue, the next they were green. it just beat me and dre's plain dark brown eyes that were so dark you couldn't see the irises.
he asked us to play baseball with him in his backyard, since he only had one player. himself. i honestly believe he's the reason why i sometimes feel bad for only children.
so we did. and jeff was damn good at it. i don't even know why he asked us to play like he was up for a challenge, because he beat us easily, even though he was outnumbered.
but after that, it was history. we all went to school together. we grew up together. we spent all of our summers together. and over time, one more kid came around.
montgomery de la cruz.
and monty, he was an asshole. a stupid, insane asshole who was like two years younger than us only because he was held back. he was almost a spawn of satan. but he was our friend. we all changed together, no matter how bad of a person one of us (monty) was.
then high school came around. that…that changed everything.
those were the summers that i literally turned pretty. i started to sprout and grow into a woman, and monty and dre and jeff were all there to see it (kinda weird if i think about it now). and everyone noticed. everyone. but i didn't care, because the most important one, that was jeff.
and i was always in love with jeff, i knew that. andre knew that. hell, maybe jeff knew. but the summer before freshman year was when it really mattered. when i really felt it. he’d always have given me some stupid weird fluttering in my stomach everytime he smiled or laughed, but that summer—it was butterflies.
eventually, we started dating. “going out”, essentially. and it was great. i didn't need to argue with him because we agreed on everything and we always had since the beginning of time. i didn't need to be too scared to tell him stuff because he already knew everything. that is—or was—my favorite part about our relationship.
and then just like that, he was gone.
one hour jeff and andre were dragging me to a party. we were having fun. jeff had one drink. dre and i shared three cans of diet coke. jeff went on a beer run i told him not to go on.
the next hour, clay was calling my brother in hysterics.
i was screaming for monty and zach to drive us to the hospital. my nose was bleeding because of my blood pressure, and i had an ice pack on it on our way, but it didn't do anything because i was crying so hard. we got to the hospital. his parents were there. the doctors looked at me. looked at us. looked at our colored faces with no sympathy and told us jeff was already dead. lifeless, in a hospital bed. they didn't even bother cleaning him up. just brought him in and didn't do a damn thing to help save him.
and they all made up this fucking story that he had been drinking and driving. he was drunk, and that's why he died. he crashed on his own, and it was his own fault his life was over.
but that wasn't it. and i learned that two years after he died. i believed this false narrative everyone had made up, and i hate myself for it. i knew him better than anyone, and when i should've been there for him when all people were doing was talking shit, i wasn't. i let them talk because i believed their bullshit.
every day i think of how they put up posters that discouraged underage drinking right after jeff died. how drinking and driving would get you killed. were they not aware or sensitive about my feelings? our feelings?
jeff and i had plans. me, dre, and him were graduating that year. jeff got his full baseball scholarship at some college and i got into an hbcu on a 95% scholarship. dre was gonna get into something, we knew it. we had faith even though his grades weren't too great. we were all gonna visit each other and call everyday. and then jeff was gone. he fucking crashed into another car and it was all over. everything he'd worked for had all gone to shit because he fucking died.
and i hate myself for putting him in that position. letting him leave in the first place. going to that party with him in the first place.
then years later, monty was killed after he was sent to prison.
i'm not gonna say that monty didn't deserve everything that came at him. i can't deny that monty was a terrible person. i can't deny that he was a monster. because he was.
but it's hard to admit that when you grew up with the monster. when you were a close friend of the monster. when you loved the monster.
nothing romantic, but i loved monty. we all did. not because of how sick he was—he absolutely needed help—but because we knew him. those who need help get thrown in prison and are locked away from the help they deserve. the other, worse monsters, like bryce walker, don't get put in prison. walker did ten times worse than monty and only got a measly community service sentence. monty couldn't get half of what he needed because he was—let's face it—darker and poorer than bryce was.
and that monster died too.
maybe bryce's family feels the same way that i do about monty. they hurt so many people, including me. but i can't say–no one can say–if they truly deserved it.
the funny thing is that monty and bryce were friends. so i really don't know if they both deserved it or if they both didn't. and maybe you think they have more in common than i let on. maybe you think that they were both monsters that used people for their own satisfaction, for their own pleasure, and they ultimately paid the price with their lives. and maybe that's true.
but who fucking knows. we're not god out here, but nobody here is an angel.
jeff wasn't perfect, i know. but he was trying. he tried. we all were. we all do. he just wanted to cheer up anybody who he thought was unhappy. he wanted to help people. he wanted to have fun.
and that's all he wanted. he wasn't selfish. he wasn't a drunk bastard alcoholic. he wasn't a jock who was a jerk like scott. he wasn't a somewhat-okay guy who had a good heart somewhere like zach. he wasn't a monster that used people for his own benefit like monty and bryce.
jeff was an angel. to me. to his family, to everybody. and he deserved better. he deserved more than that.
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misschanadlerbong · 2 years
Chapter 8 - Over You.
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Summary: Y/N trying to move on after a difficult breakup and realizing what she really wants.
Warnings: Swear words, teenage drinking, kiss
Genre: a little bit of angst and fluff in the end
Word Count: 1.6k
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The winter break went simply fine though it was not how you expected it to go. Jessica’s parents were so kind to invite you to their place for the Christmas eve dinner and they even gave you Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice a book you always wanted to read, as a Christmas present. You anticipated having a good family time with both your parents on new year’s eve, but they had different plans. First, they had to attend a wedding in which you were not at all interested to go and your parents never forced them to do something in which you were not interested. Secondly, to celebrate their 20th anniversary they planned a trip to London where they first met.
It was lovely to see your parents still have that spark in their marriage and that adorable romance between them when your love life sucked. It took you the whole winter break to get over Zach and Jessica being the experienced one had all the post-break-up regime to follow. Most of your break was spent at her place, hanging out with her, watching movies, having deep talks, and listening to her relationship drama. You always admired Jessica because she could have spent the holidays hanging out with Justin, but she knew that you needed her, so she was always there whenever you needed her.
As Jessica’s parents were out of town too, she decided to throw a house party before the school reopens for the last term of school life. You were not a party person at all, but you thought it would be good for a change to stay up late and watch a bunch of teenagers get high and talk bullshit. Your only motto to go to the party was to do people-watching.
You wore a floral black dress though dresses were not your thing and you decided to wear a black sweater vest over an oversized white shirt with your favorite pair of ripped jeans. But you were feeling like it tonight, so you decided to wear the dress with a pair of black boots.
The party was going fine but to be honest, you were kind of bored as Jessica was drinking and Justin was taking care of her on the other hand Alex and Charlie were together, so you did not want to interrupt them. You just stood there in a corner observing until a familiar voice broke your focus “Hey Y/N!” said Bryce you looked at him and said, “Hey Bryce.”
He tried his best to initiate a conversation and waste your time but you somehow managed to dodge him.
Monty disrupted your isolation, again. Even after all your efforts he was determined to stay there and flirt with you which was not appealing at all. You started getting uncomfortable and wanted to get out of it. Clay came as a savior. He just came to the party and noticed you being uncomfortable around Monty, so he came to you and put one of his hands on your shoulders, and pretended that he wanted to talk about something serious.
“Hey, Y/N I needed to talk to you about something,” said Clay.
With that, we moved away from Monty and went into the garden outside.
“Clay, did you forget your way to the library? I do not know if you’ve noticed this is a party and people have fun here” you teased him.
Clay playfully rolled his eyes and said, “Actually I do know it’s a party and you are welcome.”
You forgot that this guy helped you get out of that boring, unpleasant conversation with Monty.
“Right, sorry. Thank you so much for helping me, nerdy boy.”
He smiled and said “Was it okay to put my hand on your shoulders? I didn’t have time to ask for consent and stuff because it had to be spontaneous.”
You replied, “It’s completely okay Clay, and also you know I call you nerd just because I think it’s a cool nickname, I don’t mean to bully you or something if you want, I’ll stop.”
“Nah, I like it. It is fine. By the way, you look stunning tonight.”
You didn’t know what to say so you just said thanks and smiled at the ground in shyness.
“You want some beer?” he offered.
“No, I don’t drink. It is bad for my sports.”
He went inside to get a drink for himself, but he returned with two cups.
“So, you want Soda? Or you want Soda?” he asked gesturing at the plastic cups.
“Hmm, tough choice Jensen. I think I will go with Soda.”
“Good choice,” he said and, you both laughed and stood on the porch drinking your drinks.
Clay questioned, “Where’s your boyfriend?”
“He uh, broke up with me,” you chuckled awkwardly.
“What an idiot.”
You glanced at Clay and said, “Thank you, Clay. And I am not a party person either, it’s a page from Jessica’s handbook that says that partying is important to get over your ex, crazy Jess.”
“Seems like we both are graduating high school single” commented Clay.
You were offended and replied with a hair flip “Speak for yourself Jensen, I still have a chance”
A slight laughter erupted between the two of you.
Clay hesitated and questioned, “Umm Uh, would like to watch the meteor shower that is happening tonight? It would be exactly at 10.23 pm”.
Then he explained all about this meteor shower and how it happens, why it happens when it happens, and all that. As you had no plans you agreed to his offer, honestly, you just wanted to get out of the party.
Suddenly you noticed Zach coming inside and he was walking towards you on the porch where you were standing.
“Clay, I want you to kiss me right now,” you whispered to not make it obvious.
“Like right now?”
“Just do it! I want to get it back at Zach.”
Your lips met and moved in complete sync. Eventually, a tension built between you as his hands traced your jawline to the back of your head holding you near with care. You held on tight to his waist pulling him closer. You have kissed Zach a lot, but this felt different, passionate, and kind of warm. Zach saw you guys kissing and he just stood there for a couple of seconds then decided to go inside the house.
Clay broke the kiss by saying “He’s gone now.” You leaned in once more and pecked his lips as the kiss was too good to be broken.
You smiled and said, “I think I’ll get a refill.”
You intentionally met Zach at the drinks counter because you wanted to see that face. He did not say hi or anything and asked “Clay? Really?” You replied savagely “Friends with Bryce? Really?”
“Listen about the breakup…”
You did not let him finish and cut him off by saying “No, Zach I don’t need any justification. You did what you had to and as they say, actions have consequences. I completely understand and respect your decision it was just that I didn’t have my closure properly. But now I do, I am over you.” Saying this you walked away from him and went on to find Clay. You spotted him having a conversation with Jeff.
He glanced over at you and said “So what’s going on between you two huh? Saw you guys kissing.”
You replied, “It was nothing Jeff, just two teenagers fooling around.”
Clay’s face met with disappointment, and he said, “Yeah, it was uh nothing.”
You felt bad for hurting his feelings like that, but your mood was off because you argued with Zach, and all the memories started coming back.
To change the topic and lighten the air you demanded “Clay let’s get out of here.”
Clay agreed and, on your way, out you met Jessica who was drunk as fuck. She insisted on you staying a little longer. For a second you did not think of leaving her alone like that, but Justin looked at you with assuring eyes and said, “Y/N I’ll take care of her, I promise you. You can go if you want to.”
It was hard to trust Justin, but he changed a lot since the last time, so you decided to trust him and as Jessica was insisting further for you to stay you told her about your curfew condition.
You and Clay walked to your place as it was the nearest. You reached your home and unlocked the door. Clay was walking slowly trying not to make any noise. You told him “Clay there’s no one at home, you can walk properly.”
He looked confused and asked, “But you told Jess that your parents were at home. What was that all about?”
“Oh, poor Jensen. Jess was too drunk to remember that my parents were not at home and sometimes you have to lie for your good.”
You suggested watching the meteor shower on your roof and as it was already 10.15 pm, you had less time.
You went into the bedroom upstairs and through the window went outside on the roof. On your way out you grabbed your blue varsity jacket because you did not want to be cold.
You guys settled yourself and it was time for the big show. Clay pointed his finger to help you see. You guys sat there, and the cold breeze of winter night swept past your hair. Even after wearing the jacket, you were feeling cold.
“Should I put my hand around our shoulder? You seem to feel cold?” He asked.
“Yeah.” You nodded.
At that moment you felt warm, protected, and cared for. You had a sensation of happiness. After a long time, you felt delighted.
Shower your love by liking and commenting on the post. Refrain from copying, plagiarism, or posting on any other platform.
P.S.: I also upload on Wattpad @immafreakingmoonstone, feel free to check out my account :)
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Rewatching 13 Reasons Why. I said this before and I’ll say it again.
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trqelove · 2 years
thirteen reasons why!
my thirteen reasons why masterlist is below.
*: smut, $: angst, %: fluff, +: trigger warning
justin foley.
nothing yet!
jessica davis.
nothing yet!
zach dempsey.
nothing yet!
hannah baker.
nothing yet!
jeff atkins.
nothing yet!
alex standall.
nothing yet!
tony padilla.
nothing yet!
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missr3n3 · 4 months
Guys, is that Freddy Fazbear?!
Ur ur ur ur ur
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you wont believe who these dummies ran into in toronto! (NOT CLICKBAIT) (GONE WRONG)
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marleyelona · 6 months
So, I'm thinking of posting my 13 RW story on here because all the chapters are completed. Would anyone be interested in seeing a Scott Reed/Jeff Atkins fanfiction? But please note it will have mature scenes and deep dive into mental health a lot more than the show does.
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halo-eight-94 · 21 days
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Ministry | The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Taste | Released, November 14, 1989 | Produced by Hypo Luxa/Hermes Pan | Sire Records | Cover Design: Dog, Maura, & Brian Shanley (III) | Cover Photos: Tom Young
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boytickler35 · 1 year
13 Reasons to Tickle
“And you like my feet?”
Clay looks away, unable to meet Jeff’s eyes now that the other boy has heard him admit that out loud, he’s terrified that the one jock in the school who isn’t total scum is now going to think he’s a weirdo or hate him. Instead he starts when two big, sneakered feet are dumped in his lap.
    Of course now he does look up at the other boy who shrugs and says, “Listen Clay, you’ve been a great friend to me, one of the best if not the best I’ve ever had, so if you happen to be into something a little different, well listen we’re not having sex and that’s not what your asking so as long as you don’t tell Leah I’m cool to let you experiment or whatever.” His voice turns thoughtful as he finishes, “Guess I’ll have to start trying to find you a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend though.”
    He blushes furiously at the comment but the other boy leans over from his side of the couch to ruffle his hair affectionately. “I’m serious Clay, play or-or whatever you want to with them.”
    He looks the other boy in the eyes again but he just sees Jeff’s usual expression, no hint of apprehension at all, maybe a little embarrassment but Clay imagines he looks the same in that department and that makes him confident enough to take the invitation. He can’t bring himself to talk about it though; that would be a level of awkward he can’t deal with right now and instead busies himself untying the sneakers and sliding them off. Underneath are muscular feet covered in dark gray socks with blue tips. It’s absurd how good he thinks they look. His hands start feeling all over the feet, massaging almost, but with a certain reverence, he never thought he’d ever be able to touch them and he’s sort of expecting them to disappear. Instead the powerful feet flex inside the cotton confines and it only makes it better, knowing he’s causing the objects of his affection to move.
    “Is-is this okay?” He hates that his voice cracks and of course he’s waiting for Jeff to change his mind, keeps assuming the other boy will but he hasn’t done it yet...actually he hasn’t given any indication how he felt yet, verbally at least, the feet had obviously stayed on his lap, and he’s shocked to realize they’ve been doing this for ten minutes so he figures he should ask.
    “Yeah?” Jeff sounds uncertain but then continues, “I don’t dislike it but I guess I don’t really get it, Leah won’t get anywhere near my feet, she thinks they’re gross so I guess I have too and I’m still...confused?”
    Clay can sympathies cause he is too, he can’t figure out why Jeff would be letting him do all this except that Jeff is probably the best guy in the school. He also can’t understand why Leah would be so disgusted by an amazing pair of feet like Jeff’s.
    “She doesn’t know what she’s missing.”
    The toes curl in response as if they’re embarrassed by the compliment and the conversation and action make Clay decide to step it up. Shifting to rest his back against the armrest, he now mirrors Jeff who is doing the same on the other end, he picks up one of the socked feet and bringing it to his nose, inhales deeply.
    He looks up to make sure Jeff is still okay with this but the older boy only looks a little awkward, his face is a slight pink under his natural tan, and that encourages him to continue. They smell good which helps; a little salty, a little sweet maybe, and totally Jeff. He grabs the other foot and shoves his nose under the toes, savoring the scent. They wiggle a little and he grins, chasing each toe down and giving it a kiss. He then does the same on the other foot.
    Then he strips the socks off, watching Jeff the whole time but no complaints so he takes it as a go-ahead to finish stripping the socks off.
    It’s as simple as that, the feet are every bit as amazing as he dreamt they would be. A stunning tan color on the top, pale and slightly pink and so incredibly soft on the bottom. The smell is stronger now too and he can’t help but bury his nose in them again and breath in the scent, feel the toes flex away from his nose and then pinch it a little when he pushes too far between them. Then he feels them tense.
    “Clay?” He looks up and Jeff looks completely uncomfortable. He feels the blood rush to his face and neck and he rushes to apologize.
    “No, it’s not that, I mean it’s still all new to me but it’s just that...” He trails off, and Clay can hear the uncertainty in his voice.
    “What’s wrong then?” If Jeff isn’t too uncomfortable to make him stop then why does he seem so nervous? Clay’s still holding the feet, cupping the sides while his palms rest on the soles and fingers stretch across the tops, and he can feel the tension in them, the muscles bulge under his hands while the toes remain fully clenched.
    “It a-, well it tickles.” It’s Jeff’s turn to look away embarrassed.
    Oh, well...he hadn’t considered such strong feet could be ticklish, like they seemed so...manly? Like they should be immune to tickling but that clearly wasn’t the case.
    “I can put your socks back on?” He mentally slaps himself for offering to do it himself because as much as he would love that privilege, Jeff might find it too weird.
    “No-no I kind of like it?”
    “Oh.” The more he thinks about it though the more he likes it too. Big strong Jeff with a huge feet (in sneakers and, on the chance he gets to see them off, socks that never fail to please), ace of the baseball team (and the only reason he goes to the games), fast track to be prom king in a year (with Leah as his queen), and all around loveable...has ticklish feet. Somehow it makes him seem a little less stereotypical, and it fits.
    “Do you think you can keep-” His voice breaks off mid request but Clay thinks he might know what his friend is trying to ask.
    “Keep tickling you?”
Jeff looks sort of stunned for a moment at hearing the request verbalized but then says startlingly firmly, “Only if you don’t mind.”
And that’s sort of it, the awkwardness is gone from his face, and his feet untense, toes uncurling to return to their normal position.
“I’d love to.”
He means it too, he didn’t start out to tickle Jeff’s feet, rather he started out to touch them, smell them, make them feel amazing but this, well, never in his wildest dreams did Jeff truly enjoy any of it, it was too good to be true. He wanted the boy too, wanted this to be pleasurable for both of them, but he never imagined any of it would be for Jeff. His best hope had always been Jeff didn’t hate it enough that he never let Clay play his feet again.
But he liked getting tickled! Sure it wasn’t some on Clay’s radar but it does everything he wants to do anyway so yeah, he would love to tickle Jeff!
He holds one giant feet and drags his dull nails down from the top of the sole to the bottom. Jeff laughs, a happy, free sound that Clay loves and plans to make as much of as possible. He rakes his dull nails up and down the soft soles and sure he’d rather be more intimate with them but at least he’s touching them and that’s the important part. They’re so soft and doughy and the shape of them feel so right in his hands. His nails change the color as they drag down very briefly to make them more pale.
Jeff is laughing and kicking like a madman while begging Clay not to stop...at least they’re on the same page. He wishes he’d watched more of the tickling videos that came up while he was looking for porn because he has a feeling he could really make Jeff howl if he knew more than what his parents did to him when he was a kid.
He can think of something though, something he hopes will really take Jeff over the edge and debates whether or not to do it first and then if he should ask Jeff if he was okay with it cause it’s a little weird but decides against asking. He figures the surprise will make it more intense and it is weird but so is one teenage boy asking another to tickle his feet so they’re even right? Besides he’s wanted to do this forever.
He continues lazily toys with the other, touching it enough to make it squirm away and leaving it alone for a moment until Jeff relaxes it and then repeating. While doing this, he brings the other up closer to him and then pokes his tongue out of his mouth and touches it to the center sole.
Salty, very salty, and very tasty.
Naturally he pays no attention to the alarmed, confused tone in Jeff’s voice as he drags his tongue up the one foot. It tastes amazing and it’s so satisfying how the foot squirms under his tongue, probably accidentally making more of it touch the tongue in the panic trying to get away.
Yep totally accidental.
“Sorry Jeff it just tastes so good, who’d have thought the big man in the halls would be just a ticklish boy though?”
    He doesn’t let his friend reply to the teasing though, well he can try he’ll just have to do it while Clay is lapping his foot again.
    He’s about to when the wonderful tasting toy he’s playing with kicks him square in the face and knocks him back.
    “Clay? Clay!”
    His head’s spinning but he sees Jeff’s face loom over him, he blinks a couple times and shakes his head to clear it.
    “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to kick you in the face I just…”
    “Couldn’t stand it?” He’s holding his nose which is bleeding a bit and causing the nasally sounding voice that must be his but he’s also grinning like a mad man.
    “Yeah I uh, I guess the next time you’ll have to tie me down or something.” He pushes Clay’s hands out of his face so inspects the nose, then wanders over to the refrigerator and comes back with an ice pack.
    “Tie you up?” His eyes brows are in his hairline and he can’t help but admit he’s surprised. Pleased, but surprised.
    Jeff looks over at him and there’s a faint blush on his cheeks but he’s all smiles with a bit of awkwardness and all the confidence that Clay usually associates with him. “Well yeah I mean, if you want to.”
    Like he’s going to turn down a chance to get at those feet again, still. “Getting kinky though, you want me to tie you up?”
    “Haha, you’re the one who licked my feet!” He holds up his foot which is shiny from the saliva and wiggles his toes as if to demonstrate.
    “Better put that foot away unless you want more.” His voice is finally returning to normal but he isn’t sure he actually wants to get kicked in the face.
    “What are you going to do, suck my toes?”
    “Don’t tempt me!” He might risk it though, Jeff’s the one always telling him he has to take risks to get what he wants after all!
    The foot goes down and Jeff laughs, “Fair, you actually would but I don’t want to break your nose, let’s think about how we can fix this and then get back together again soon for this!”
    “Deal, I need to get going soon anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow for lit tutoring?”
    “Yep and maybe I’ll even start wear my slides, if you’re a good boy and help me get a good grade on my history essay!” A teasing smirk plays on his lips and Clay matches it back when he replies.
    “I doubt we’d get anything done if you did, you’d be on the floor laughing too much!”
    “We might have to test this Jensen”
    They’re at the door now and as Jeff’s closing it behind him he decides to get the last words, “I wouldn’t mind but do you want everyone knowing the great Jeff Atkins can’t handle his feet getting touched!”
    He hears laughter as the door closes and considers it a win as he gets on his bike and heads home.
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wherekizzialives · 4 months
2024 in books: May
I don’t have any of my normal reviews for you all this month because I have not finished reading any of the new-to-me books I’ve started.  Instead, in the wake of C J Sansom’s death at the end of April, I have been re-reading his wonderful historical crime novels – The Shardlake Series – as a personal memorial to a man I never met but who enriched my reading life significantly.  The books are all…
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
Justice League: Warworld Trailer
"Until now, the Justice League has been a loose association of superpowered individuals. But when they are swept away to War World, a place of unending brutal gladiatorial combat, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and the others must somehow unite to form an unbeatable resistance able to lead an entire planet to freedom." (Warner Bros. Entertainment)
Justice League: Warworld stars the voice talents of Jensen Ackles (Batman), Stana Katic (Wonder Woman), Darren Criss (Superman), Ike Amadi (Martian Manhunter), Troy Baker (Jonah Hex), Matt Bomer (Old Man), Frank Grillo (Agent Faraday), John DiMaggio (Lobo), Teddy Sears (Warlord), and Robin Atkin Downes (Mongul). Jeff Wamester directs from a screenplay by Jeremy Adams. The feature has been given an R rating for "Some Bloody Violence"
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