#Jessie's Girl
saintdollyparton · 5 months
What if Jessie's girl ended up being Stacy's mom??
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queerbennyweir · 8 months
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i'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you
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polyphonetic · 3 months
Jessie transitioned and now goes by Josie. The child of Josie and her wife is Stacy. So the four people are Josie, who is on a vacation far away, Stacy, whose mom has got it going on, and the mom who is Jessie's girl (now Josie's girl). and the main character, who thinks that Stacy's mom has got it going on, who likes their girls a little bit older, and who wants to find a woman like that.
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
The Way Love's Supposed To Be
Zuko is a friend.
Zuko is a friend.
Zuko is a friend
Aang sat on his hands and bit down hard on the inside of his lips. Zuko, his best friend, sat on the other side of the table next to Katara, his girlfriend of several months.
"I can't believe you two know each other!" Zuko exclaimed with a bemused smirk. Katara laughed, leaning into Zuko's side. Her bright blue eyes sparkled with mirth. Zuko smiled back, but there was a faint dusting of a blush on his face and his shoulders crept up to his ears. Aang knew his friend was uncomfortable, but Katara didn't seem to notice. She rested her chin on Zuko's shoulder and smiled at him.
"I used to babysit him, you know," she told her boyfriend. Now it was Aang's turn to blush.
"You didn't babysit me," he grumbled, trying not to let his embarrassment show. "I was twelve. I didn't need a babysitter."
"Gyatso paid me to walk you home and make sure you started your homework," Katara reminded him teasingly. "I didn't mind, but I think adding money into the mix elevated me to babysitter." Then she winked at Aang and his heart skipped.
When he befriended the TA from one of his freshman CORE classes, Aang couldn't have possibly anticipated that he was dating the girl Aang had had a crush on since he was 12. It wasn't until Aang and Zuko had been invited to the same party that Aang even realized they knew each other. Zuko was among Aang's closest friends at the time, and Aang knew that even mentioning his crush on Katara would have been unfair.
Still, it was hard watching the happy couple. Katara looked at Zuko the way Aang always imagined her looking at him, with her wide, blue eyes glowing with affection. She wasn't shy about being physically demonstrative either. She always seemed to be pressed against Zuko, or playing with his hair, or pressing kisses along the line where the massive scar on his face met unblemished skin. There was one memorable time when Aang had shown up to help Katara set up for a party she and her roommates were throwing and found her tangled in a heated embrace with Zuko where they seemed to be trying to actually meld into one another. It was more than was fair to ask Aang to be okay with. He made such a show of being offended by their PDA that they contented themselves with just holding hands in his presence.
Aang for his part, made every effort not to act differently around the couple. It killed him to paste on a long suffering smile and force a laugh whenever they got too flirty in front of him, but he managed it with aplomb, if he did say so himself. They were young yet, Aang reminded himself. Gyatso had warned him that young love often fizzled out. Well, now Aang hoped that his guardian would be proven right. And when Katara and Zuko inevitably fell out, he'd be there to swoop in and help Katara pick up the pieces. Then, when the moment was right, Aang would tell her how he felt. In the meantime, it wasn't weird that Aang managed to find himself third-wheeling them so often.
"I thought you might need a pick me up," Zuko said, presenting Katara with a cup of her favorite coffee order.
"How did you know?" Katara asked, accepting the gift happily. Zuko shot her a lopsided grin and shrugged.
"You said you had a meeting with Professor Pakku," he told her. "I know how much effort it takes you to be civil with him, and I thought you deserved a treat for not dangling him from the roof by his ankles." Katara laughed and leaned up to kiss Zuko. Aang studiously turned his eyes away and tried not to scowl. He would have thought to bring Katara something nice, too, if Zuko had mentioned she was having a rough day. He'd get his chance someday.
Aang did everything he could to show Katara he wasn't 12 anymore. He was approaching the end of his freshman year of college. He was firmly an adult now, and he was so much more mature than he had been when Katara had graduated high school. He was a nice guy; dependable, sympathetic. Many people even called him funny and charming. Still, it all seemed to be lost on Katara. She would spare a moment to laugh at one of Aang's jokes or throw a quippy reply to one of his attempts at being smooth, and then her attention would revert to Zuko. What, Aang often wondered, did Katara see in Zuko that she didn't see in him? Zuko was taciturn and withdrawn, where Katara was vivacious and outgoing. Aang could match her energy, easily. He was far more compatible with her than Zuko was. Isn't that how love was supposed to work? How could he get Katara to notice him?
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legowerewolf · 4 months
the song Jessie's Girl, but rewritten with "I wish that I was Jessie's girl" instead of "I wish I had Jessie's girl"
trans that shit
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
Stacy's Mom is Jessie's Girl and both are Jolene
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soupy-sez · 2 years
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“I'll play along with the charade. There doesn't seem to be a reason to change.
You know, I feel so dirty when they start talking cute. I wanna tell her that I love her, but the point is probably moot.”
↚ Rick Springfield – Jessie's Girl ↛
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abri-chan · 2 years
Jessie's Girl is Stacy's Mom, who's also a teacher, because Hot for Teacher.
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Mary Lambert - Jessie’s Girl (Audio)
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reedsgrooves · 2 years
You know what? I don't like "Jessie's Girl." It's essential listening for its influence on the cultural landscape, the music is really good, and it was a megahit at its time. However, from the lyrics, the speaker sounds incredibly juvenile, and not in a way, it seems, that was meant to be ironic or instructional.
Most of the lyrics are cringe-inducing, but the bridge, especially, functions as an example of this youthful foolishness. "And I'm looking in the mirror all the time, wondering what she don't see in me. I've been funny, I've been cool with the lines. Ain't that the way love's supposed to be?" Maybe Springfield has said that this was meant to be taken as the speaker having silly ideas about love and courtship, but I'm not aware of that.
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tiktoksinspo · 2 years
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festival-of-pudding · 2 years
Did you see Rhett's new music video and great he and Jessie both looked? :D
NO! oh man and @lindz04 just asked me this too and I forgot to reply. As you can see, my brain is flying around all over the place lately -- my bff @bocere texted me the link when it first went up, and I was like "yay I can't wait to watch this when I get home!" and then I forgot. :\ my adhd peeps know what I'm talking about. bumping that to the top of the catchup list.
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drakesmistakes · 2 years
Lemme tell you ain't no biggie hater than Rick Springfield.
Made one sentence about how him and Jessie is friends and then was like yeah he got himself a girl and I want to make her mine...?
I hope Jessie found that man after he left the studio, and punched him square in his jaw, WHAT?!?!
No stutter he said he want bro girl, wild 😭
Talking bout she's watching me with those eyes, true toxicity bro 🤣🤣
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myarmadaisgrowing · 2 years
Ok, ok, hear me out: a cover of Jessie's Girl from a closeted trans girl's perspective who happens to be in love with Jessie himself, like "I wish that I was Jessie's Girl" instead of "I wish that I had Jessie's Girl"
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peacelovefrog · 2 months
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Rick chick bracelet in emerald green.
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