#Jfc people
thedisablednaturalist · 10 months
Watching a seminar for disability disclosure by my university and all the panel members specialize in mental illness/neurodivergence. They only mentioned MS. Everything else they've talked about so far has been about depression or autism. Going To Explode.
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
That autumn interview is fueling so much hate toward Jacob even Louis fans are pissed against him.
Do you think they will be aware of the controversy around the whole ''loumand'' situation?
I hope next season promo will be dealt differently
What controversy? Of Jacob having an opinion some don’t like? That he can speak now without the gag order? That there’s no sugarcoating anymore? Or what is it now.
But yes they usually know when fans are pissed off. They have commented on that before.
And they don’t particularly care and Rolin likes us riled up I remember him saying…
So, all according to plan I guess.
Fan outrage/engagement is part of the plan. In whatever way that may happen. That has the reaction after and comments wrt 1x05 clearly shown. There have been statements on that.
Jacob stated his opinion, without gag order. Without season buildup, which is always different, bc they don’t want/must not give the game away before.
And now people hate what he said?
That‘s… tough. 🙄
Sorry but we (I and a few others, and V was extra blunt here!) have been pointing out for ages that some things are just done for emotional engagement value, shock value as you so will. The DV and drop. See the DM twist as well (though I think there’s a bigger plan, for 1x05 obviously as well). And now that it’s something they don’t like about Loumand? They are pissed…??? Do I get that right?!?
Awwwww…. give me a break. 🙄
Jacob has every right for an opinion himself. End of story.
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twinbrujahs · 7 months
Omg the Right are rallying a mass of death threats against Hbomb, this is bad
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kittytiddycommittee · 2 months
Unsolicited photos in my DMs will get you blocked. Period.
Several people learned this the hard way in the last couple of days, despite both my pinned post and basic etiquette. Blowing up my DMs will not get you what you want, either. If this is how people are behaving when my DMs are closed, it's not making a good case for why I should open them.
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bosons · 4 months
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afragmentcastadrift · 2 years
To my neighborhood denizens... 6PM is NOT midnight, so it's way too frakkin' early to be "celebrating."
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starfoam · 2 years
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wathanism · 8 months
no cause some of the shit y'all are saying has me genuinely worried that you don't understand the difference between immigration and SETTLER COLONIALISM. y'all do realize that if jewish people just mass migrated to palestine and lived peacefully among palestinians as neighbors and countrymen, then none of this would be a problem. right? you get that, right? you get that our issue was never "there's too many jews here" but rather "why am i getting kicked out of my house." RIGHT?
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uozlulu · 11 months
Popped on, saw a major MAJOR OFMD spoiler that had no tagging on it, unfollowed the offender, and now I'm going to stay off Tumblr for the rest of the day
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sunfoxfic · 11 months
We were so close to smoking not being cool anymore. We were so close. Then they flavored it mango and now it's taboo to criticize it anymore. People don't ask if they're allowed to vape indoors, they aren't considerate of people who may have health problems that are triggered by the chemicals or if it just bothers them, people don't care that they're supporting an industry built on corruption and greed, they can't see it draining their pockets and much less their health. We were so close to smoking not being cool anymore.
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willoftrees · 2 years
"he's just doing it for clout"
"this isn't a good look for you"
"lol unfollow"
oh my fucking god you guys, he shared an OPINION on his BLOG, get over yourselves and grow tf up. 😒
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spaceofentropy · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every writer friend of mine who got treated like crap by their (unprofessional as fuck) publisher, I'd have two nickels, and one of them would be the size of Australia.
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nalyra-dreaming · 5 months
Assad is already taking advantage of his fame to follow a bunch of "+18 models" this one isn't wasting any time 😂
So. Not even checking bc not my business.
But nonny?!
*pssssssssstttt* listen up! come closer!! *hushed voice*:
Assad is a human being.
Do remember that. Please.
Let‘s stay the fuck out of his business.
Judging who he follows and insinuating is a bit… creepy, don’t you think?!
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People know that there are other Zelda games besides....BotW right????
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lordsmaf · 2 years
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Okay, Rouge sleeping upside down like a bat is really funny
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teaboot · 1 year
Someone in this office just asked me how my day was going
And I said
Out loud
"If I have to deal with one more idiot today I'm going to punch them in the neck"
And they didn't laugh
So I walked away
Why did I say that
Why would I say that out loud
I'm a security guard
I'm going to lose my job
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