#Jimin Weverse Are you ready?
aricastmblr · 2 years
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andy-wm · 27 days
I’ve just been listening to a podcast about the fabric of reality, and came on here for a bit of downtime. And lo and behold, you’re talking about reality and time passing, and that’s exactly it.
No matter what we think, no matter what we say, or theorise or claim, we don’t alter the truth, and that stands for everything that doesn’t pertain to us.l and our own lives.
I can think the earth is flat till the cows come home (I don’t, obviously) but that doesn’t alter reality. 
Same goes for Jimin and JKs relationship. I’ve seen people claim wild theories, bending and stretching to reach conclusions far outweighing a k drama or blockbuster movie, whereas I personally, think mundanely and simply, that they are together. 
Whose right? We don’t know. 
That’s the truth. We don’t know. 
We may never know, we may find out one day?. 
I’m saying this with a smile on my face because that’s the beauty of life right, as long as we are not harming others, or coming into others spaces and shouting. As long as we aren’t being disrespectful to others, and to Jikooks bond. 
I will say this though, an actual truth people seem to forget or quickly dismiss across the fandom as a whole, is that those men chose to enlist together and whatever we may think of their relationship that is what happened and we should do well to remember that. 
Hey Anon, that's what i call serendipity.
And I love this ask, thank you!
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I absolutely agree, what we know - or think we know - has no impact on what truly is.
Even when we believe we know all there is to know, new discoveries and new understanding mean - hopefully - we're constantly learning and reassessing.
When it comes to Jikook, Occam's razor is my go-to: the simplest explanation is, in fact, usually the best. We don't need convoluted plots and schemes and conspiracy theories. There's enough information staring us in the face.
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Sometimes we need to untangle that information - I'm not saying we should accept everything on face value - and we do have to look out for new information so we can adjust our understanding.
But that is the case with everything on earth. There is no static knowledge.
These things add layers of richness and complexity but they don't change the basic premise of our underatanding.
That understanding, for me, is that these two humans love each other.
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As you say, there ARE things we definitely know, like their companion enlistment.
Like the fact that Jimin chose to have JK with him - next to him - when he talked about his depression on Beyond The Star.
We know Jimin flew 28 hours so he could spend 3 days with JK in NY and Connecticut.
We know that JK was ready to crack Yoongi on the head with a frypan when he though Jimin might have been hurt (by a 5g shuttlecock).
We know that JK never harms Jimin - in all the games and jokes they play, he never targets Jimin (spraying his butt with a watergun is not targeting him, before anyone gets huffy. That did Jimin no harm at all.)
We know that Jimin worried over how hard JK was working.
We know JK begged Jimin shamelessly in front of millions of people, to do a weverse live together.
We know JK watched and hyped all Jimin's footage when he was promoting FACE.
We know they jumped into the comments of one another's livestreams several times last year.
We know all these things, but imagine what we don't know.
There's so much we have no idea about.
Hours and hours of footage that never reaches our screens. Months of time they spend together or alone or with family or friends. That's as it should be - their their private lives are just that - private.
Yes, I have a lot of fun picking apart the little glimpses we get into their lives because i enjoy their dynamic so much and because I'm naturally curious (okay, yes, I'm nosy 🤣).
I look deeper not because I'm hunting for lies or flaws, but because these two delight me. Sure I speculate, but i don't purport to know what they are to each other or where their boundaries lie. And I'm happy not to know. Some things are none of my business.
Like you, Anon, I accept that i may never know the true nature of their relationship, and I'm quite okay with that.
In the end what does it matter?
Whatever they are to each other, they're happy, and honestly what more is there to life than love and happiness?
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
Hey I have a genuine question for you as a jikook supporter, now that I watched the first eps of are you sure?
I love jikook and I've been a supporter for soo many years now. Never doubted their - for me - obvious romantic relationship.
No one seems to talk about it after watching the first eps of are you sure?, but what do you think about the very beginning of the show, where jikook talk about the fact that they haven't called each other during their solos? That fact really confuses me bc it would kinda invalidate our beliefs that they're in a romantic relationship?
Many many months ago, I some people were believing that they took a break from their relationship or smth. That never sounded plausible for me, until now tbh.
What do you think? Did you see someone talk about that part already? I'm really curious.
Hi! I'm 13 minutes into watching the episode right now. Lmao so I JUST watched the very beginning of the show. Are you talking about when they met up for dinner right after Jimin got there before JKs GMA performance the next day?
Jimin says "it's been a while since I last saw you."
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Unless something comes up later about phone calls.... That's not what was said. I will come back to this though if a no phone calls comment comes up past the 13 min mark. Lol but...
Jikook were commenting "I miss you" on weverse to each other after meeting up together with all the members for dinner 2 days prior. And were talking about missing each other and asking Jimin to come over or vice versa on lives right after their trip. So clearly "awhile" for Jikook is not actually a long time. Lol plus during their solo schedules, which were not at the same time, we gotta remember. But they were booked solid and BUSY. They were both recording their albums, practicing choreo, and filming YEARS worth of content in just a few months. They just legitimately barely had time to sleep much less hang out. They were focusing on getting ready to leave and getting all their projects taken care of.
And yet, they still made time to travel together for 3 different weekends because spending that time together was clearly SO IMPORTANT to them
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jmdbjk · 1 month
It's got that VIBE baby... like the friend-zone vibe.
I had trouble with the title of this post...
Jungkook's savage era
Jungkook: Tae, get off my lawn! (he means Jimin)
Puppy playdate!
But I went with the one I did because wow... what a difference between Episode 3 and the first two.
So here we are in Jeju and it's really gorgeous there. The villa they rented looked amazing.
My first impression after watching the entire episode: a whole different vibe than when Jimin and Jungkook were in Connecticut.
Episode two, Jimin wants to jump in the shopping cart at Walmart and Jungkook says no, stop playing around, let's shop for ingredients "so I can cook you the best carbonara that ever passed between your lips."
Episode three, Jungkook and Tae run around like 5-year olds shooting a water pistol at Jimin's ass.
What was the difference? Tae's presence changed the dynamic and everyone went into friend mode. Episode 3 was less adulting and more silliness.
In no particular order...
This sequence sets the tone:
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Was this staged or spontaneous? The crew were seated at the restaurant when Jimin and Tae took off running with Jungkook close behind...but the drone was already in the air ready to catch it all.
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The drone camera man was ready!
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Locals minding their own business when the biggest celebs in all of Korea run past them, one cussing the other out ... probably thinking rich celebs got no sense, running through the streets of Jeju trying to feed each other... they'd be right I guess.
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They are back on the road to the accommodations and singing the explicit version of Seven while Jungkook is on the Harley behind them:
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🎶 Fucking you right 🎶 (in front of the church):
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Gratuitous shot of JK on the bike:
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Another...and he's wearing the same pants from the yacht in Connecticut.
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If Tuesday, Sept. 26 is the day they arrived in Jeju, Jungkook had just come back from NYC the day before. The man had to be tired.
Jimin wanted Jungkook to be hydrated and caffeinated. They drive thru Starbucks.
Tae never having gone through a drive thru before. What?!?
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They get to the villa, show us around... its stocked with everything, even JK's Mikrokosmos lamp...
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Except no Twinkies...
I'm not sure what Jimin is telling Tae to do here... script says go lay down so we can stage you having a bonding moment with JK? Or what? (just kidding).
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A moment of relaxing for Tae and JK... cuddle me dammit! Or was this a prank Jimin and Jungkook schemed so Jimin could get revenge on Tae with the water pistol? Really, I want to know. The chronology of the editing is giving me a headache.
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Nice. Swim trunks, nice...
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Which leads to swimming... and water pistols...and nakedness.
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That being said, what's up with Jimin having stomach issues so much? Back in April 2023, he said he wasn't well the day when he came on Weverse live at 3 a.m. when Like Crazy hit #1 on the BBHot100. This is getting concerning.
Again, a few people watching the hilarity...
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They were laughing SO hard. Jimin was laughing hard too even though he was the one being pelted with water!
Jimin got out of his soaked pants and then took a nap... on the hard floor, in front of the camera crew...
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What is this? Recycling wine bottles? Party party yeah? What?
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Then they went to the climbing wall/go kart place... Jungkook was IN HEAVEN!
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Jimin busts his lip while making Tae do the sandbag grab in mid air. Jimin can't catch a break.
At the go kart track, first thing we see is Jimin with a band aid on his face... what the fuck?
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Then the bandaid is gone:
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Jimin with a bandaid on his face at the beginning of the racing karts segment and then it disappearing at the end. In post-production they did not edit it chronologically. STOP REARRANGING THE TIMELINE!
iT mAkEs A bEtTeR StOrY... ok whatever. How about just tell us wtf happened instead? Or will we find out in the behinds?
Tae and Jimin race...JK has something to say about it...
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Mr. I'm-Fastest-To-The-Top-No-One-Can-Beat-Me-Wall-Climber isn't shading them because of a friendly race is he?
But the exchange after (I'm assuming this is after, but hell, who knows) ... Jungkook was a bit pissed. He really is jealous when Tae monopolizes Jimin. All is fine when he's playing around but let Tae take Jimin away from him and its time to throw hands!
And Tae understood this hahahahhaaa omg.
Episode 3 ends at the go kart track.
It was fun and funny. It was good to see them having fun. We all miss our Tannies all together and having three of them together is a treat. It WAS fun and I laughed a lot! But.
But this travel show series has been highly anticipated because we want to see Jimin and Jungkook together. We know they are close and we've been waiting so long to see them be themselves. So having Tae there, while it is great to see them together, he did change the dynamic. Definitely not the same vibe as the first two episodes.
We use words like very close, domestic, intimate, boyfriends, husbands, depending on how far each of us want to take it to describe Jimin and Jungkook. But we rarely say soulmates with these two.
The definition of soulmate is a close friend or romantic partner with whom one has a unique deep connection based on mutual understanding and acceptance, according to Merriam-Webster.
That describes Jimin and Jungkook perfectly. We always use the term soulmates about Jimin and Tae. Its true they have a level of friendship that is already automatic because of their culture and we know the history between them.
Yet, no matter what we describe Jimin and Jungkook's relationship, it is very clear that these two men are soulmates too. They take care of each other, they care about the well-being of each other. They are in tune with each other even if they disagree on something. They are vocal about all of this. They are very close. We need to start using soulmates more often with Jimin and Jungkook.
It does not describe Jungkook and Tae's relationship. At all.
At the start of this travel vlog business, JK wasn't sure what they were doing but by the end of their trip in the U.S. he was fully on board.
When I saw the first Jeju promo it was obvious to me he had taken co-ownership of this franchise too. I could tell by that attitude in his tone in the promo. Here was Tae... adamant to tag along after finding out two days before that he was being left out of a trip to Jeju. Never mind respecting that this was Jimin and Jungkook's project.
We felt the first two episodes were more "intimate" because we saw the little things... touches, tone of voice, the way they behave with each other, just their natural chemistry. Did they butt heads a little? Yes, but not the same way as what happens between Jungkook and Tae.
Jungkook knew what would happen.
Understandable he’d be taken off guard. Jungkook had to pivot. He did well with it ... until Tae monopolized Jimin.
I am looking forward to next week!
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shellbells-things · 6 months
Ok y’all. So, JK posted on Weverse, and while most normal people found this comforting, the 🤡 Cult used it to stir up controversy, because of course they did. But when you peel back all of their rantings, all you’ll really see is their desperation. Because the military is actually a pretty simple construct. They are mission driven and everything that occurs is in service of that mission. The silliness that the cult is trying to pedal is just that…silly.
But just for fun, let’s talk about it.
Every military unit (throughout the world) has a main mission. In the case of the unit Jimin and Jungkook are in, it appears that the main mission is to be ready at a moments notice to protect the border between North and South Korea. As you can imagine, there are many jobs that are necessary for maintaining mission readiness. The facility has to be cleaned and maintained, the supplies must be organized and ready for use, soldiers must be trained in the use of artillery, battle plans must be made, soldiers must be fed and medically cared for…and on and on. Due to the nature of enlistment, these jobs must be vacated and refilled often because soldiers come and go. When Jikook arrived at their unit, there were probably a limited number of open jobs and they most likely got to pick things that interested them from the existing openings. We don’t know FOR SURE, but rumor has it that JK was assigned to be “kitchen police” and Jimin is said to have something to do with calculations needed for munition deployment. Both of these things seem to lean into their personal strengths, which is great! But individual daily duties aside, they are both still together in the same unit and both have the same main mission: to protect the border. Everything they do is in service of this mission.
HOWEVER…Nothing about these rumored jobs/duties changes ANYTHING about their companion enlistment status. The entire purpose of the companion enlistment is to ensure that the two who chose this route will not be separated. They will remain in the same unit, work in the same unit, hang out and sleep in the same living quarters, etc. There have been several personal accounts from companion enlistment soldiers and every single one of them confirmed that they lived together, worked together (different duties, same unit), and hung out together for the entire enlistment period. The point is, companion enlistees are there for each other. If one is having a tough time, the other is within arms reach for support. So believe me when I say this… the military is NOT going to separate Jikook when they went to all of that trouble to be together in the first place. The military WANTS them to support each other. Their happiness and mental well being are critical for mission success. Period.
Here are a couple of posts that expand on these thoughts:
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Bottom Line. Jimin and Jungkook WILL be together for the remainder of their enlistment, because they made the decision to go in together. I am certain some of their “advisors” cautioned them against this, knowing that certain folks (🤡 Cult, Solos, crazy people…) would stir up trouble. But they clearly didn’t care. It was important enough to them to stick to their guns and do what they knew they needed.
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 4 months
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day 535/548 of seokjin’s military service
this selca was posted on 221013, on jimin's birthday and two days before the Yet To Come concert, with the caption:
Jimin, happy bday
(trans cr: Ali @bts_trans)
bonus weverse post & comments from that day:
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My heart is tearing apart....
J: You've worked hard, my pink mic
J: Mic, you have to work even though you're injured. Get ready to somehow keep living and do your job
(trans cr: Ali @bts_trans)
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jikookuntold · 1 year
The Untold Truth of Jungkook’s WeLives
I had the idea of this post in my mind for a long time, but I didn't know how to put it out. Since most Jikookers have noticed some kind of pattern in JK's livestreams recently, I thought maybe it's time to write this post and add my notions to the known theories and facts. 
Weverse, instead of VLive
Let’s go back one year in time. On June 16th, 2022, a day after BTS announced the pause in their group activities, which caused chaos due to media misinterpreting it as their hiatus or even disbandment, someone had to reassure ARMY about the continuation of BTS and do the damage control. And for some reason, JK was the one to be called for this duty. He started his first solo livestream in Weverse app in a place we had never seen before. That place had a few pieces of furniture from their Hannam dorm, rumored to be rented by Big Hit just a couple of weeks earlier. 
Months passed, and JK didn’t do any livestreams until his birthday came, and another assigned live in the Weverse app happened at the same place. Like the other six members (five, to be more accurate since Tae evaded this), he promoted his photobook and did the routine of his lives by singing songs and casually talking with ARMY. His next solo live happened after the World Cup performance in a Doha hotel room, and he didn’t appear in any Weverse lives for some time. 
Midnight Streamer
After doing only three lives in almost a year, all assigned by the company, JK came back to Weverse app on the first night of February, and this time it wasn’t an assigned livestream, but it was an unplanned and unauthorized one. He appeared at 2 AM singing songs, including Vibe, the newest release by Jimin. Since this live happened out of nowhere, Namjoon and later Tae tried to intervene and control the situation, then they realized there was nothing to worry about. 
The next JK live happened only two nights later around midnight, and Jimin was the first one to comment. JK was so excited to see Jimin’s comments and invited him to have chicken, but Jimin was too busy with his schedule (even at midnight) to accept his offer. A few days later, on the 11th of February, JK did a livestream at his boxing trainer gym, and again, Jimin was one of the first ones to comment. JK and his coach invited Jimin to resume his training and implied that they both train with the same coach. 
Unfortunately, this was the last livestream from that gym since JK’s privacy got invaded and videos of him doing work out there, were leaked by some stalker. A few weeks later, on the last day of February, JK did another live (this time around noon), and the same day, he deleted his Instagram account.
Is This the End?
You know that I’m among the hardcore believers of Jikook living together. And at this era, anons and non-anons kept asking me if I am still in my belief or not, since JK was showing up alone in the middle of the night, which was against this belief. But I couldn’t wrap my head around it because couples don’t suddenly stop living together unless they break up, which wasn’t the case because they weren’t acting like exes, since you don’t invite your ex for dinner or boxing together, you don’t go watch his dance practice and cheer for him. So, why were these all happening?
Jimin was getting ready for his solo debut at this time, and when the Bangtan Bomb for Jimin dance practices came out, we saw him talking about the strict diet he was on for keeping his weight around 50kg since dancers had to carry him for choreo. We weren’t strangers to Jimin’s strict diets before each comeback, but this statement was the information I needed to have my ultimate conclusion. Jikook had to stay separated for a short time because Jimin was working hard and dieting harder, and spending time with JK would work against his plans (he was literally inviting him for food in one live, remember?). This was the exact time JK started doing his routine livestreams from Brunnen because he had to stay there apart from his Jiminie hyung. But this was not the only conclusion I had from JK’s regular livestreams.
I’m Hyung’s Fan
In March, JK kept doing his livestreams which was a sign of the continuation of Jimin’s tight schedules. JK did one livestream on the 3rd day of March around 2 AM, and I don’t remember anything specific about it, but the next one was unforgettable. On March 14th, The White Day, when Jimin was out of the country for recording Jimmy Fallon show, JK did four consecutive livestreams from around 8 PM till midnight and played a playlist consisting of “There for You”, “Christmas Day” and “Nothing”, all Jimin-coded songs. He finished the fourth live a few minutes before midnight and reminded us that something amazing is coming at 00:00, which happened to be Jimin’s solo pre-release, Set Me Free Pt2. He changed his outfit three times in these lives from a black jacket to a white shirt and a purple jacket which at first didn’t seem to mean anything until Set Me Free MV and dance practice video came out.
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The next JK Weverse live was another undercover promotion for his Jiminie hyung. A few hours before the official release of “Face” he came online and spoiled “Letter” the hidden song in the album he did the back vocals for. If you think JK was being obvious in promoting Jimin, then you should have watched the next WeLive he did. Four days after his last livestream, he came back online to watch the newest episode of Suchwita because Jimin was the guest. He admitted that he had never watched any episodes of this drinking show before, and after that, he watched other videos of Jimin on YouTube, letting the algorithm expose his bias. 
The next day, he answered Jimin’s comment about missing “ARMY” with “me too” and Jimin replied making it obvious that JK was missing “him”. The same day, Jimin did a livestream on his way back from pre-recording a stage performance, and JK spammed it with 19 comments. JK never did this for any other member. All the Hyung line had their solo releases too, but JK never did anything for them that was remotely close to what he did for Jimin. He obviously wasn’t lying when he commented ‘I’m Hyung’s fan”. 
I Really Want to Stay at Your House
After the end of Jimin’s solo album promotions, JK’s regular livestreams suddenly became less and less regular, and it was safe to say they were back to their normal living routine. I know Jikookers heard his voice in Jimin’s livestream after getting Billboard Hot100 No.1 on April 3rd, but I’m not going to go there. JK did a short WeLive on April 8th before his trip to LA, but it was a different story, he did that to explain the situation earlier happened in the house. On the 18th of April, when Jhope was enlisting, we saw Jikook’s passionate hug and hinting about the drinking they had the night before, proving again that they spend a lot of time together in their free time.
On April 25th, Jimin traveled to NYC for a Tiffany event and recorded his latest collaboration, and on the same night, JK appeared in Weverse app for another livestream, and the first song he played was named “I Really Want to Stay at Your House”. The next day he posted his food, and a few days later he attended the LV event after-party with Mingyu. On the 4th of May, he complained about a stalker sending food to his door in a Weverse post and threatened with legal action. Two days later Jimin came back from NYC, and JK went on socmed hiatus again. On May 21st he posted a cute photo of Bam, and on the 23rd Jimin left for London, and the next day JK came back to WeLive like a clockwork. 
I tried to review everything in chronological order, but I know I have spared lots of details. I don’t think this post needs any conclusion or further explanation because everything explained itself, and you are free to have your own concussion. JK doing livestreams or posting food photos only when Jimin is away or busy, promoting his work and adoring him the way we had never seen before, only has one reasonable explanation, and anything other than that is not valid. 
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atinystraynstay · 10 months
Life Goes On - Park Jimin
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Synopsis: It was finally happening. Jimin would be leaving for the military in a few weeks. The boys have worked hard to make the enlistment process seamless for themselves and the fans, but that doesn't mean you are ready.
Pairing: idol! Park Jimin x reader Genre: Flufffffff Word Count: 2.1k Note: BTS was the first k-pop group I got into, all thanks to a college friend who was obsessed at the time. I still remember her sending me Spring Day as a recommend and listening to it on repeat all winter break. They were a huge source of happiness, especially during the pandemic. Watching each member go has been tough, but I am excited for the day that OT7 is back in 2025. 💜
It was a calm Friday night. Probably the last Friday night we would get like this. The world outside had a particular stillness to it, almost as if nobody else existed besides us.
The only source of light in the living room came from the fairy lights strung around the apartment. I had suggested to Jimin that we decorate our shared space early seeing as he would soon be joining his six friends, his six brothers in military service. We weren't sure how much more time we would have together, so we wanted to create joyful holiday memories before the rush of preparing for enlistment fully began. I wanted to give Jimin a chance to enjoy the holiday season with friends and family before the goodbyes start.
We were laying on our couch. Our bodies were positioned so Jimin's back rested against the arm of the couch, my body resting against his back and sitting in between his legs. His right hand rested gently on my hip, running up and down lazily. His touch left me feeling hypnotized like I was putty in his hands. A dark green blanket was draped over our bodies, keeping us warm. Some holiday movie was playing in the background, but I was not even paying attention. Hence the popcorn bowl was only half empty. I was trying my best to savor the feeling of being this close to Jimin, what it was like to feel his body warmth against mine, to feel his presence next to me.
A soft ding brought me back to reality. I glanced over to my right, away from the TV, when I saw Jimin raise his cellphone with his left hand. I instantly recognized the app responsible for the notification. Weverse.
"It's posted," Jimin whispered. I could sense his body trying to sit up a bit straighter. I followed suit, allowing him to adjust his posture before gently leaning against him again. He had moved his phone so it was in front of the both of us. His phone was already unlocked due to his camera recognizing his face. The notification push is already open for the two of us to read.
I could feel my heart sink a bit. I knew this was coming. We already talked about it. Why was I so nervous?
Hello. This is BIGHIT MUSIC.
We would like to inform our fans that RM, Jimin, V, and Jung Kook have initiated the military enlistment process.
All of us have been aware of the plan for a while. There have been numerous, lengthy conversations since 2020 about what would happen, what life would be like, what the boys wanted for themselves before and after enlistment, and everything in between. The protocol all the boys would follow made sense. Jin was going to go first, seeing as he was the oldest and had the shortest amount of time. J-Hope decided that he would go second, just wanting to get it over with to get back on stage sooner. Yoongi would go third, seeing as his military service would be the longest period as a civil servant. He wanted to stay on track with rejoining the group in 2025. The other four wanted to go in together, to be able to support each other and say goodbye rather than leaving one person left behind. Three years ago, the plan seemed like it was so far away. But the plan was now in action and the rest of the world knew it.
The boys have been able to pursue projects they had only dreamed of. They had gotten the chance of a lifetime to take control and make decisions for each of themselves. And I was beyond proud of them all, especially Jimin. It was just now happening too quickly for my liking. I felt like I was losing time now.
What was my plan? What was I going to do? 18 months without Jimin, without my source of happiness and laughter in this sometimes dark world. Everyone seemed to know what they were meant to do, but what about me? "Babe? Y/n?"
I blinked a couple of times after registering that Jimin was calling out to me. I looked down to see the phone had been removed from in front of me, now sitting next to the popcorn bowl on the coffee table. I felt a hand cradle my cheek, turning it gently to the side until I met those deep brown eyes. I tried offering a light smile but knew that it was all an act. My glossy eyes a dead giveaway.
"Angel, what's going on in your mind? Talk to me." "I don't want you to go. Like I know you have to. We've talked about it basically over the last three years, but that doesn't mean I want you to go."
Jimin frowned. I felt him gently push on my body, indicating he wanted me to shift. My frown deepened as I turned to sit forward, my legs hitting the wooden floor. Shivers shot up my spine from the contact with the cold floor. Jimin remained sitting in the same position, his body against the corner and arm of the couch. However, this time, his hands were extended towards me. I shifted my body slightly, to face him, but also slipped my hands into his. His warm touch. That brought a smile at my gesture. He slipped his fingers in between mine before giving my hand three tiny squeezes, our little way of saying 'I love you' without having to verbally say it. It worked in situations where we were out in public, unable to hear each other, or for times like this when speaking might be too difficult.
"I don't want to go either, baby. I really don't. The thought of leaving you for a short while pains me, but it's something that has to be done."
I nodded my head, listening to his words. I didn't even realize at this point that a few tears had slipped down my cheeks.
"18 months just seems like such a long time. So much can happen in a year and a half." "And I look forward to hearing about every single moment, every second when I see you again. Or if it is something you absolutely cannot wait to tell me, you know you can write me a letter. I always loved your handwriting."
His thumb gently caressed the back of my hand. My eyes were trained down at our interlocked hands. I watched the way his thumb gently moved across my knuckles. Three tiny squeezes.
"And you won't be completely alone, you know."
I picked my head up, turning it slightly. What was he talking about? His eyes widened in return to my expression. "You didn't think I came up with a plan for us?"
"We never talked about it, Jimin. We always talked about what you and the boys needed and wanted before and after enlistment. That was the sole focus."
"But you're my focus," he whispered. He leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to my cheek, a lingering kiss. My head naturally tilted towards his lips, one more tear falling as I just soaked in the moment. Who knows how many more kisses I would be able to receive from Jimin. Now that the world knew of his intention to enlist, we were waiting anxiously for the report-for-duty date. "Stay right there."
Jimin slowly leaned away from me. He then slowly detached himself before he got up and started walking in the direction of the Christmas tree. In a few weeks, we had planned to throw a Christmas party not just for us, but for RM, V, and Jungkook to celebrate one last holiday season before leaving us for a little bit. The tree would soon be lined up with gifts for each of the boys and from them. Jimin glanced back towards me, winking which caused me to giggle a bit. He soon tucked himself between the wall and the tree to retrieve something from the back. What was he up to?
I wiped my tears, not wanting to bring any more somber energy into our evening. While yes I was sad about having to depart from my beloved for a bit, tonight and the days to come were about making Jimin feel comfortable. It was tearing him apart inside at the possibility of missing important family time.
Soon, Jimin reemerged with a white bag that had red ribbons holding it together. He held the gift bag in one hand before coming back to sit right beside me. His free hand wrapped around my shoulders, placing the gift bag right in my lap. "No such thing as an early present. Merry Christmas, my love," he whispered. His lips pressed into the side of my head.
My eyes widened in surprised as I took the gift bag into both of my hands. Using my left hand to stabilize it, my right hand began to take out the tissue paper. It was white, matching the exterior of the bag, but had gold mixed into it. The tissue paper was discarded onto the floor by our feet. Inside was a brown book with black pages. Black pages? How was I supposed to read that?
Very carefully, I took the book out of the bag. I set the bag beside me to place the book in my lap. On the front was a brown cover with a star cutout. I assume you can place a photo that you like in the front. The book was closed due to black straps of leather that were tied into a bow. I slowly undid the bow, freeing the pages of the book to be flipped. The book wasn't a traditional book. The pages opened like an accordion.
I placed the cover by the one end of the coffee table, seeing it stretch all the way to the other end. "Jimin, what is this?" I asked softly. The pages were currently blank.
I heard that heavenly laughter behind me. Soon, arms were wrapped around my stomach and pulled me back in. My hands gently rested on top of his arms, his chin resting on my shoulder. "It's a photo album. It's not just for you, it's for us. You can fill it with whatever you want as a way to keep me in the loop on all the adventures you'll have while I'm away. I want to be present in your life as much as possible. I know I won't get much time to be here physically, but I figured this would be the next best thing. You can take photos of yourself, what you see, put in flowers that you want pressed - whatever you want to show me when I get back. And then, when I come home, we'll sit right here on the couch and look through it all." His lips pressed against my shoulder as I stared at the photo album.
"And then, of course, my parents will always welcome you in with open arms. I'm convinced they get more excited about having you visit than they do with me," he laughed. "So if you feel the urge to be around family, my family is ready to step up to the plate. Or even if you want them to come visit you, they are more than happy to do so."
"It's just going to be so weird without any of you guys around here," I sighed. "Well, don't worry. Jin is going to be back soon, so you won't be too lonely for long. I know he'll make sure you are fed, you are happy, and you won't have a moment of silence again until I arrive home."
Staying in Jimin's arms, I smiled brightly. "You really have thought of everything, huh?"
Jimin nodded proudly. His arms gave me a gentle squeeze before reconnecting his lips to my cheek. "I tried to! I know life is going to go on while I'm away. And I want you to be able to live it all. You can do that for me, right?"
This time, I nodded my head before turning my head to press my forehead gently against his. "Of course. I'll take all the photos in the world and be waiting for you to come home," I whispered to him. He seemed satisfied with my response as he soon pressed his lips gently against mine. I melted into his warm embrace.
I have a plan now.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
What’s interesting is how jimin is taehyungs “soulmate” but Tae never mentions jimin in lives, never really comments on his posts or lives.
Taehyung will mention Jungkook any single chance he gets on posts & live like if he doesn’t he will lose his community.
Jungkook will mention jimin any chance he gets, comments on posts & comments on his lives but rarely Taehyung.
Jimin will rarely mention any of them maybe once in 2-3 lives. Only comments on jks lives, no tae’s. (Only mentioned Tae twice in like 6 lives) (Jungkook once or twice if asked to say he hasn’t seen him/comment about watching his live ect) He mostly talks about suga, Jin, Hobi.
The dynamic is confusing and interesting. It’s like….
Taehyung > Jungkook
Jungkook > Jimin
Jimin > Jin, Suga, Hobi (+ JK)
Jimin hasn’t met up with Taehyung twice now (didn’t wait at the airport, didn’t text or call, randomly posted on weverse instead of just texting Taehyung + didn’t show up to work out with him)
Like is V desperate for JK to appear his best friend but JK seems to only talk about jimin and wanting to hang with him and jimin is mostly spending time with members at hybe & working on stuff. So it’s like what are their dynamics as of now.
I feel like this one is going to be long and wordy and perhaps all over the place. It is what it is. Lol.
Ok, so let's start with your base line @malecsma1a , which to me is wrong when it comes to JM. JM does mention JK. He seeks out comments about him to have a reason to, but also talks about him or listens to his songs or comments on his lives (actively seeking JK out). JM is way more careful than JK, who in an essence doesn't give a flying fuck what people think of him. The only reason JK hasn't done more at this point is because he's respectful of his partners wishes. A partner that at this point in time is not ready to make that move yet. It's their current contracts with the company, it's their looming military service, it's their families, it's the fandom, it's who knows what it is, he's just not ready for that yet.
So JM is cautious and he goes with the easy subjects to talk about, initiating talk about, Jin and Hobi. Suga not so much (unless it was during their promotional period). I'm trying to think when he talked about RM last, and the only thing I can think of is during his Billboard #1 live telling us RM congratulated him. I might be wrong.
Anyway, JM initiates talk about them cause they are easy. Easy subjects, easy connections, just easy. Or, more like safe.
As for JK, ooh he wants to talk about him, he's itching to talk about him. You can see it in this pre-release lives when he seeks out the comments about JK and answers them or he listens to Euphoria and doesn't stop talking about JK. Did you see how happy JM was during his post recording live when JK spammed his comments? It's just that JM needs a reason to be able to talk about JK, cause you know, Jikook are kind of a taboo subject. Brining up JK out of nowhere for JM is a landmine, a ticking bomb, so he's careful. I just wanted to clear that up. If JM doesn't mention JK it's not for lack of wanting to. JK is on his mind just like JM is on JK's.
That's the JM baseline.
Now let's please move on with another baseline statement that you haven't mentioned, one that HAS to be said time and time again.
Not seeing it or hearing it happen, most certainly does not mean it isn't or didn't happen.
That one is lacking in your ask.
It feels like you are making assumptions on relationships based on the very very limited public interaction we are getting from them.
Many a times we hear from the members about messages they have sent each other on their chat group or privately, messages we would have zero knowledge about if not for them telling us about them. How many interactions like that don't they tell us about do you think? I can tell you without any doubt that 99.9% of their interactions with each other are unknown to us. Online and off. And this definitely includes JM and Tae and most obviously JK and JM.
You mention 2 interactions between JM and Tae. The first we wouldn't even know about if not for Tae telling us during his live. The second we wouldn't have know about either if not for JM's cheeky Weverse post and Tae's snappy answer. How many more interactions are there that neither shared with us? We have no way of knowing. As for the airport Weverse interaction, it's obvious that they weren't going to be riding home together, as there were 2 cars waiting for them. So maybe say hi at the airport on the way out or something like that. JM had a skip in his walk, he was excited to get to the car and home (to someone else that was probably just a little more important to him) so he decided not to wait for Tae. Oopsy. These conversations they have on Weverse are for our benefit. They are done for the fans, period. Because again, we all know they have their group chat and each other's phones. Maybe they do it to show all's well between them, because of the buzz about things not being ok, maybe another way of keeping in contact with the fans, Idk.
I digress.
Your bottom line question was about the dynamics. How they have changed? Have they changed?
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Idk what is going on, if there is something going on, between JM and Tae.
We know about two times they didn't end up getting together. But we know they were planning to, and at the same time we don't know if there are other times they did meet up.
We can also deduct from those two times that they are obviously on speaking terms.
You are right to say that Tae barely mentions JM. He didn't even congratulate him publicly on his solo album nor his Billboard #1, and that is strange for someone that is his supposed soulmate. But this could be something done in agreement with JM. We just don't know. I do not want to make assumptions about the state of their relationship with near to no information. JK is obviously ok with Tae. And dare I say that I don't think he would be so ok with Tae if Tae did something to badly hurt JM? Because even without seeing them in one frame for months now, JK has made it abundantly clear who his no. 1 priority is, and that's JM.
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JK has clearly gotten closer with Tae since their 2020 issues. It's taken some time, and I do think that JM being less available during his preparations for the album and promotions brought them closer still. But when I say close, it's by no means as close as he is with JM. Dare I also say that the kind of closeness is also different. It's a matehood kind of closeness. It's them being those friends that play online video games together, that go out once in a while with friends, for fun, for company. I really don't think there is more to that friendship. Tae is not someone JK finds solace in. The people he would turn to would be first and utmost JM, then perhaps Hobi and Jin. Tae is fun and games. A good distraction when there was no schedule, when he was off quilter, when JM was gone (in a sense, not really, but also not as available to him as he was used to up until not too long ago).
And we have Tae and his ever so often one sided mention of JK (one sided cause like you said, we barely have the same from JK). Is JK the only member he's in touch with? I doubt it. I have 1001 things going through my head right now as to why Tae is doing this. Sadly, none of them are him being genuine. I'm sorry. I love him, but this thing he's been doing, the one that even the best of ours (and I'm not including myself in that group, cause I was seeing it before and not loving it too much) are starting to question his motives about, it feels wrong. And it's not because of him championing his friendship with JK, which good for them, I'm happy they had each other to fall to when everyone else was super busy. It's the timing, it's the way he does it. Maybe if he wasn't so damn obvious about it, maybe if he was more suave, sophisticated in the way he was doing it. But he's not. I think he needs to take a lesson or two from JK, Mr. JM spoiler king and champion fan and supporter.
So, friends yes. Nothing more nothing less. Oh, and did I talk about what the company might be pushing here? No? Maybe I better not at this point. Maybe I better wait and see how things turn out, cause even if this is what the company wants, the big unknown here is just how much JK will comply.
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As for Jikook. Those two are as good as ever. Good as gold. They are doing private right now. Here we come to that ever so important baseline you forgot about: not seeing them doesn't mean they aren't there nor does it mean that they are not happening.
Here's one of the times I've talked about what we aren't seeing and why it means absolutely nothing:
I've talked about this multiple times, but this is the one I found on the run.
Remember back in mid 2022, after they went on a very long break, when there was all the talk about Jikook not interacting on SM, not being seen out together? Remember that? "Jikook have broken up" was all over the place (just like it was a second before JM's album release and JK's "have no mistake I love JM" lives) . Including coming from the usual insecure Jikookers that need the two to prove time and time again they are in a relationship (cause that's how life is isn't it? We have to prove to our surroundings that we are together otherwise we aren't?). Anyway, then we had the Seoul concerts, they were more than fine, LV, omg they were on fire, new tattoos included. Got back from LV and again that roller coaster of them not being seen together not interacting was in a loop. Good thing we had our president of the Jikook fan club to post from Washington showing us them out together. Good thing we had the JITB party BTB to show us the talk about them not interacting in the party were bull crap. Once again, seeing that content should have taught us a lesson - not seeing them initially in the clips and photos leaking from the party (well almost not seeing them, cause we did have that clipet (clip + snippet) of them in the corner JK's hand on JM's waist) doesn't mean they weren't doing their thing. You know, in the dark corner JK embracing JM's hand and all... and there was more. Believe me there was so much more that went on in that party that we haven't seen on tape.
Not seeing it doesn't mean it's not happening.
And before Busan, and then after Busan and before JM's album release, see the pattern?
JM and JK they are intimate. We kind of know it, let's not kid anyone. They have been together for years, they are sexually active, they are a long term couple. Yet, we have never seen them even so far as kiss have we? Does that mean they didn't or don't? I don't like talking about this stuff here, cause it's private, it's theirs, and that's why I'm stopping at the very innocent example of kissing, but I'm trying to make a point here. We don't see what they do 99% of the time, and I'd say since the hiatus it's already 99.9% of the time.
And yet, JK in the past few months, since Feb 2023, and even more so since mid March 2023 (his white day live) is telling us everything (in the way that he can at the moment). He's telling us they are still very much ok. He's telling us he knows stuff that we don't, stuff that he wouldn't know if they were not still very close. He's showing us just how much he cares for JM, how much he loves and supports him. He's telling us they are seeing each other, even if we don't know they are.
And JM in one song, in which he included JK, told us (so yes, the song is for us in the essence of him wanting us to know, but the letter is addressed to JK) how deep his feelings are for JK and that they are forever. JK joined him on that one.
They are good.
They are forever.
They both told each other and us that.
Look, I know you miss them. Miss seeing them. Miss seeing their interactions. I do too. So so much. Cause they are just happiness and hope all in one. Seeing their interactions, seeing how much love there is there it's precious and I miss it so much. But I'm not making the mistake, and don't you either, of concluding that not seeing these interactions means they aren't happening. They just aren't showing them to us, in the content that is.
There are a few reasons that come to mind as to why the company is doing this, although sorry but they are just being stupid. The lack of Jikook content at this point is more suspicious than any kind of content they might have had together under official supervision. For two obviously very close people, whatever label you want to attach to them, the lack of official content is screaming "why the fuck aren't they paired together?"
Not to mention the irrevocable fact that they are the two with the most electrifying chemistry. There is a reason that they used to be constantly paired together. They just work.
The company are the ones pushing these units and they have done so since the hiatus. It's Jihope and Yoonmin on the one hand and Taekook on the other.
The rhythm of Korea with BTS was one of the more obvious to see this agenda and the fact that it was JM and Suga chosen to champion Busan, yeah, felt weird to me.
Was there supposed to be chemistry? If there was, I didn't see it.
Side note: Notice how JM is wearing his special necklace in this official content. He doesn't do that. They are styled for these kind of clips. I do think that was a statement. Maybe not one necessarily for us.
In any case, that is one example.
You want another one?
JM's dance practice BTB is another. We wouldn't have seen JK there if not for JM's comment during his live about JK coming to see him practice. That BTB felt rushed and the JK part of it was evidently highly edited. Take what they show us there, less of a minute of JK being there, not even showing us his arrival (which means not showing us JM's reaction to his arrival), and compare it to the edit of Hobi coming to visit JM during the Like Crazy MV shoot. One pairing obviously being highlighted (oh, for months), the other downplayed.
There is more. All in the name of Hybe's end game. Yes, I really don't think this is being done to protect them. And I also don't think this is coming from them. If it was, JK wouldn't have rebelled the way he has against the company. JK's a good boy, he's compliant as a whole, but he is also a non conformist, and has his limits and he is being held back for too long. There are things they want to do and they aren't allowed to, and what we've seen in the past couple of months from them is their form of rebellion. What they are allowing themselves to do at the moment. JK deleting his IG. Make no mistake, that was his big fuck you to the company. His lives, not giving a fuck. Him supporting JM in the way he can being the loudest that he can under the circumstances. JM showing up in JK's comments but not only showing up, openly flirting with him. This was them saying "absolutely nothing has changed between us".
I told you this was going to be unnecessarily long, didn't I?
Well, bottom line is that I don't think the dynamics between JM and JK have changed, they are same old same old.
And to be truthful, I don't think that the dynamics between JK and Tae have changed either. Yes, they are closer in the sense that when JM is away JK is spending more time with Tae (either online or meeting up). They spend more time together but make no mistake, the dynamic is the same as it always was with those two, you could clearly see that in that Feb live when Tae showed up in JK's comments and then they went live on IG.
There are those that don't like me comparing, but I love to compare, cause that's how you know it's different, right?
The silence moments between JK and Tae in that live were outright awkward.
Then take the last time we had Jikook in a live together - JM's birthday back in October 2021, a Jikook masterpiece, lol. Their silences are electrifying.
It's the difference between staying quiet cause you have nothing you really want to or know to say and staying quiet because you want to say everything but are worried it will be too much.
Those dynamics were there before, and they are still there.
Did I forget someone?
Oh yes, Vmin.
Yeah, I have no idea. Those two are keeping us in the dark. Many think there is something weird going on with them. Could be. Could also be that everything is fine and they are just not talking about each other.
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aricastmblr · 2 years
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Jimin y Jungkook 🐰🐥 Pasteles de cumpleaños 
Jimin Weverse
Are you ready?
'¿Estás listo?'
Jungkook Weverse (3lives)
26번째 생일   
26 cumpleaños.
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bts-trans · 7 months
240303 Weverse Translations
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
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💜: 남준아 좋은 주말 보내 RM: 좋은 주말 되십쇼 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-136865067?anchor=3-282577389
💜: Namjoon-ah, have a nice weekend.
RM: Have a nice weekend
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comments 💬 on ARMY's Posts ❇️
💜: 밥은 잘 먹고 있어요?? RM: 너무 잘 무서 문제.. https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-136878834?anchor=2-275125350
💜: Are you eating well these days?
RM: I'm eating too well, it's a problem..
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 남주나 보고싶구나…. 잘지내?🥺🥺 RM: 언제나 그렇듯 ! https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-136865113?anchor=1-275122912
💜: Namjoon, turns out I miss you.... are you doing well?🥺🥺 RM: Same as always !
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 아직 100키로는 준비가 안됏어 오빠 RM: 내 몸이랑 72에서 합의보기로 했어 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-154400572?anchor=3-282579532
💜: Not ready for 100kg yet oppa RM: My body and I have reached an agreement and settled on 72kg
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 오빠 최근에 읽은 책 있나요? 책을 읽기 시작하고 싶은데 추천해주실 수 있나요? RM: 언어의 무게 RM: 내다 못 읽었어요.. https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-136879294
💜: Have you ready any books lately? I want to start reading, could you recommend something?
RM: The Weight of Words*
RM: I haven't read it either..
(T/N: *'Das Gewicht der Worte' by Pascal Mercier.)
Trans cr; Aditi
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💜: 보고 싶어요 RM: 아 내 머리 RM: 어제 다 밀어버렸다 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-154401673
💜: I miss you
RM: Ahh my hair
RM: I cut it all off yesterday
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 남준쓰 몸무게 세자리 진짜 볼수있을까?ㅋㅋㅋ RM: 곧 운동할 예정 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-136879873?anchor=4-282590078
💜: Namjoonss will we actually see your weight reach three digits? hahaha
RM: Planning on working out soon
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 너무 많이 보고싶어 그리워 나는, 아미는 이자리 그대로 가만히 기다릴게 다치지말고 ���사히 돌아와. 너의 군대썰 들을 날을 기다린다. RM: 얼마나 재밌을까~ https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-154402911?anchor=1-275125643
💜: I miss you so much I truly miss you Me, and ARMY, are going to wait here, in this place we've always been Take care not to get hurt and come back safe. I'm waiting for the day you'll tell us about your stories from the army.
RM: I can imagine how fun it'll be~
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 익숙해지기 많이 힘들죠? RM: 인간은 적응의 동물이랍니다 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/0-136863606?anchor=4-282592323
💜: Getting used to things is pretty hard, right?
RM: They say that humans are creatures of adaptability.
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 오늘의 안주 추천 RM: 세꼬시 슛 ! https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-154404759?anchor=4-282593093
💜: Recommendations for snacks to go with drinks please!
RM: Sekkosi shoot!
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 김남준 답장 하나면 편히 죽으면 돼 RM: 제가 불편해요 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-154416760?anchor=0-275143384
💜: Just one reply from Kim Namjoon and I can die peacefully
RM: I will not feel peace
Trans cr; Aditi
RM's and Jimin's Comments 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 냄준… 얼마나 더 멋있어졌을까…. RM: 늙으면 안되는데 RM: 안티에이징 슛! JM: 안늙어야지 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-154406539
💜: Naemjoon… how much cooler you must've gotten….
RM: Gotta make sure I don't age but
RM: Anti-aging shoot!
JM: Gotta stop aging
Trans cr; Aditi
RM's Comments 💬 on ARMY's Posts ❇️
💜: 남준이 태형을 잘 관리해야 한다고 하지 않았나요? 하하하 RM: 서른살 어른 알아서 하겠지 RM: 이미 태형이가 절 넘었습니다 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-154407874
💜: Didn't Namjoon say that he was going to take care of Taehyung well? Hahaha
RM: He's 30 years old, he's probably doing fine on his own
RM: Taehyungie has already surpassed me
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 남준이는 요즘 살이 쪘니? RM: 69 -> 73 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/0-136866192?anchor=4-282597033
💜: Namjoonie have you gained weight recently?
RM: 69 -> 73
Trans cr; Aditi
RM's and Jimin's Comments 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 남준씨가 내 댓글에 답변 달아줄때까지 숨 참을게요 RM: 러브다이브 JM: 숨 안참았을 걸 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-136883701?anchor=3-282589904
💜: I'm going to hold my breath until Namjoon-ssi replies to my comment.
RM: Love Dive*
JM: You probably didn't hold your breath
(T/N: *Song by IVE which has the refrain ""hold your breath, love dive"".)
Trans cr; Aditi
RM's Comments 💬 on ARMY's Posts ❇️
💜: 안녕하세요 남준오빠, 최근 복무 중 재미있는 일 있었나요? 🤷🤷 RM: 너무 많은데 RM: 언젠가 얘기할 날이.오겠지 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-154410453
💜: Hello Namjoon oppa, any fun stories recently from the military? 🤷🤷
RM: There's too many
RM: I'll be able to tell them someday. Probably, right?
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 치팅데이할때 어떤 음식을 먹나요?? RM: 라면좀 끊어야할거같아요 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-154411345?anchor=1-275129462
💜: What do you eat on cheat days??
RM: I think I'm gonna have to make some ramyeon.
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 허어어엉 내일부로 진짜 고삼인데 파이팅 한 번 해 줘요 아자잣!!! RM: 허ㅏ이띠이잉 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-154412184?anchor=0-275146358
💜: Wahhhhh I'm gonna be a final-year high school student from tomorrow on, please give me some encouragement!!!
RM: Lettsgo oooooo
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 남준아 이번 일요일에 뭐해? RM: 운동하고 연습할 예정 RM: 독서는 언제쯤.. https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-136885881
💜: Namjoon-ah, what are you doing this Sunday?
RM: Planning on working out and rehearsing.
RM: Gotta read at some point..
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 냄준오빠... 오랜만인데도 여전히 웃긴사람이네여 오빠가 젤웃김 RM: 웃는자가 일류다 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-154427417?anchor=0-275148043
💜: Naemjoon oppa… it's been a while but you're still so funny You're the funniest
RM: The people who laugh are the best
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 남준아 내 포스트 안읽어주면 공주안할끄야 RM: 왕자 슛 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-136874216?anchor=1-275132160
💜: Namjoon-ah, if you don't read my post I'm not going to be a princess
RM: Prince, shoot
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 춤을 춰보긴 해요? RM: 그게 가장 걱정인데.. https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-154421578?anchor=4-282606647
💜: Do you still dance a bit?
RM: It's the thing that worries me the most…
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 주말은 쉬나요?? RM: 네 RM: 저 여기와서 릴스라는걸 처음 보기ㅜ시작 RM: mz들에게 배운다 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-136890030
💜: Do you have time off on weekends??
RM: Yes
RM: I've started watching reels for the first time since I came here
RM: I'm learning from the Gen Zs
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 남준아아아아 보고싶어요즘 어떻게 지내? RM: 다시 연습생 하는 기분 RM: 새롭습니다 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-154441111
💜: Namjoon-aaaaaah I miss you how are you these days?
RM: I feel like I'm a trainee again
RM: It's a new experience
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 남준아 요즘 정말 잘생겼어 RM: 언제봤어 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-136894665?anchor=4-282613368
💜: Namjoon-ah you're so handsome these days
RM: When did you see me
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 남준 보고싶어요 그리고 소년들 입시를 못해서 좀 아쉽지만 우리와 교류하는 모습을 보니 힘이 나네요 사랑해요 자랑해주셔서 감사합니다 RM: 입시는 언제나 쉽지 않아요 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-136881055?anchor=1-275137106
💜: Namjoon I miss you and I'm a bit sad since the members couldn't clear the entrance exam but seeing the things you share with us gives me strength I love you, thank you for showing off*
RM: Entrance exams are never easy
(T/N: *The Korean in the original post was likely translated using an online translator.)
Trans cr; Aditi
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💜: 눈 깜짝할 사이에 3월이네요 7명을 만나는 날까지 건강해질 수 있도록 노력해야지~ 남준오빠 많이 보고싶어요 잘 먹고 잘 움직이고, 웃는 얼굴로 있기를 바랍니다 RM: 봄이 오고 있습니다 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-154434789?anchor=0-275154883
💜: I blinked and it's suddenly March Gotta work hard so that I can be healthy for the day I see all 7~
Namjoon oppa, I miss you a lot I hope you eat well, move well, and ke smiling
RM: Spring is coming
Trans cr; Aditi
Jimin's Post ❇️
휴 정말 정말 보고싶네요 매일매일 밤마다 생각합니다 https://weverse.io/bts/artist/3-154442593
Sigh I really really miss you, I think of you every single night
Trans cr; Aditi
RM's Comments 💬 on ARMY's Posts ❇️
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💜: 오늘은 일본은 히나 축제 🎎 올해는 병아리 인형을 꺼내지 않았지만, 축하에 초밥에서도 먹을까요? 천국에 있는 아줌마도 정말 좋아하는 치라시 스시♡ RM: 아 스시먹고싶어요 RM: 여긴 스시가.. 없..어요 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-136886019
💜: It's Hinamatsuri in Japan today🎎 I didn't bring out my baby chick doll today but, shall we eat some sushi to celebrate? The sushi that even the ladies in heaven like - Chirashi sushi♡
RM: Ah I wanna have sushi
RM: There's no.. sushi.. here
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 일병이 된 기분? RM: 아 이제 시작이네... https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-154453568?anchor=3-282614821
💜: How does it feel to be a Private?
RM: Ah, so this is the beginning…
Trans cr; Aditi
💜: 귀하의 새 프로젝트가 귀하 없이 출시됩니까? RM: 어 뭐랄까 RM: 굉장히 철학적인데 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-136887591
💜: Is sir's new project going to be released without sir?
RM: Hmm how should I put it
RM: It's very philosophical
Trans cr; Aditi
Jimin's Post ❇️ with RM's Comment 💬
JM: 결국 시간이 가고 우리는 보고 있겠죠 그날만을 기다립니다. 항상 거기에 있다고 편지 남겨주셔서 고마워요 저도 여기에 있답니다 😪 RM: 시간은 간다  https://weverse.io/bts/artist/3-154451188
JM: Time will pass and we will see each other in the end, right? Im just waiting for that day. Thank you for writing your letters saying that you'll be there. I'm here too 😪
RM: Time does pass
Trans cr; Aditi
RM's and Jimin's Comments 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 지민씨 안녕하세요? 정말 보고싶어💜 RM: 지민이 바보 RM: 똥개 RM: 멍충이 JM: ;;; https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-154451461
💜: Hello Jimin I really miss you💜
RM: Stupid Jiminie
RM: Poopy head
RM: Idiot
JM: ;;;
Trans cr; Aditi
Jimin's Post ❇️ with J-Hope's Comment 💬
JM: 사랑합니다  love you ¡Te amo Je t'aime Ich liebe dich Ti amo Eu te amo Я тебя люблю 我爱你 愛してるSeni seviyorum  Ik hou van jou Jag älskar dig  Σε αγαπώ Minä rakastan sinua Jeg elsker dig Jeg elsker deg Kocham cię Szeretlek Miluji tě Aku cinta kamu Saya cintakan awak ฉันรักเธอ Tôi yêu bạn Mahal kita मैं त��म्हें प्यार करता हूँ Я тебе кохаю Te iubesc те Волим Volim te Ľúbim ťa JH: 통신보안 📞 https://weverse.io/bts/artist/2-136912166?anchor=0-275222026
JM: I love you*
JH: Communications security📞
(T/N: Followed by 'I love you' in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Turkish, Dutch, Swedish, Greek, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Indonesian, Malay, Thai, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Hindi, Ukrainian, Romanian, Serbian, Croatian, and Slovak.)
Trans cr; Aditi
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year
BTS MOMENTS: Jungkook & Grace - Happy Birthday, JK
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He knew it was going to be a different type of birthday. Two of his hyungs were in the military, Taehyung was in Japan and he hadn’t heard from Yoongi, RM or Jimin (yet). He had been staring at his phone since the alerts had been coming in from ARMY across Weverse and Twitter, including TikTok. The world was celebrating his birthday as his clock ticked over to half-past midnight in Korea yet he felt a bit empty.
Of course, there were plans with his family later on that day and he was sure he would speak to all of his hyungs at some point but it just felt different. He felt a bit more alone than normal this year. It had felt different since they had all left the dorms - there was no military operation to secretly put up birthday banners, fill up the living area with balloons or have his favourite food cooked ready for him to wake up to. 
He didn’t hear his phone go off with alerts from everyone as he finally went to sleep, earlier than normal even for him. He didn’t clear his front door open then close, nor did he hear anyone move around in his living room. 
“Jungkook, come on, it’s time to wake up.”
The young man in question groaned and rolled over, pulling the pillow over his head. “Nooo emomma. It’s not time yet.”
The pillow was ripped away from his face as well as the covers. The birthday boy sighed and rolled over, expecting to find his mother there but instead, he found Grace watching him with amusement. 
“Noona? When did you get here?”
“Ah a magician never reveals their secrets,” she grinned as she reached over, taking hold of his hands and pulling. “Come on birthday boy.”
Of course he groaned and whined, stumbling out of bed as he was then pushed out of the bedroom and towards his living room. It was dimly lit but the blinds let in enough light to allow Jungkook’s tired eyes to adjust. 
His living room was covered in balloons - all different sizes and shapes, ranging from black to purple to white and there was a massive arch with his name across the back wall. A pile of presents had been laid out on the dining table and he could smell seaweed soup bubbling away.
“Happy birthday Jungkook,” Grace said as she squeezed his shoulders, turning him slightly towards the dining table with the presents. “Hobi and Seokjin sent theirs to me and I think they're going to call you later as well. Jungkook?”
He thought he had gotten past the crying all the time stage and he tried his best to stop but he couldn’t stop as he turned, pressing into his noona who said nothing but held him close. 
“Can I stay with you noona?” he whispered. “I don’t want to leave you alone. I don’t want you to leave me alone either.”
“I’ll always be with you,” she chuckled as she gave him a squeeze. “And don’t worry, I know you’ll always be with me as well. Everytime I go on that stage, I know I’ll have you with me. Your JK necklace will be on every night. Now come on, you’ve got presents to open and some soup to eat.”
“Thank you noona,” Jungkook sighed as he took a seat, his heart feeling lighter than it had in many days as he watched Grace bustle around the kitchen getting him his soup and something to drink, putting the bowl in front of him and then watching expectedly for him to open his presents. 
It would be a simple birthday but one he would cherish all the same. 
Happy Birthday Jungkook!
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jmdbjk · 6 months
Bangtan weekly report.
Hello everyone.
A sign of Yoongi! Literally! his signature on a wall at the grand opening of actor Ma Dong Seok's (or Don Lee) boxing gym. Is Yoongi doing boxing workouts now?
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Even Chef Baek and Psy attended this grand opening. Yoongi's signature had its own separate panel on the wall...
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Kookie finally came home to Weverse:
"ARMY, are you doing well? I'm good I'm working out a lot And I'm doing lots of cleaning too, just really cleaning it all, from floor to ceiling I'm making rice well too It's already mid-March I will come again I miss you a lot" (Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans)
I know they take aptitude tests etc. to discern what military specialty/occupation/job they would match better. It is fitting he's ended up in a job that keeps him indoors in a very methodical environment doing something he's already shown an interest in.
There's a chance those who work in the kitchen have to wake up a little earlier than the others to begin preparing the food.
And it tickles me to think there are probably many who surround him who address him as hyung.
AND! I know when he sees Jimin enter the cafeteria, he gets the hugest brightest smile on his face. If he has any say-so in the kitchen, he is making sure someone makes and serves the biggest pancake, best pork cutlet and gives Jimin a huge serving of pork and kimchi stew.
Taehyung sighting at a Compose Coffee in Chuncheon:
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Looks like he's found his military version of wooga squad...
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I think the organization of "promotions" for Fri(end)s was excellent. I am 100% sure Tae came up with the idea of having people he knows react to the MV. The fan meet that happened yesterday, scheduled Stationhead listening parties and the WKorea thing is pretty brilliant too where it appears he'll sing the song in a prerecorded clip to be posted soon.
I wasn't sure if we would be able to get the song to #1 on the iTunes Top Songs list but we did it! There were some big releases yesterday.
And Hobi posted this on his IG stories:
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This Wednesday will be the 100 day mark for Jimin and Jungkook (Tuesday for Tae and Namjoon). I wonder if all soldiers reaching that mark immediately take their 3 days off (or however many days it is) or can they choose when they want to take it?
I'd like to think Jungkook would be able to squeeze in a little bit of time enjoying one of those $1000 bottles of whisky that we spied in his fridge. I would assume he'll also swing by the house construction to pick out colors and flooring and such. I hope they get to eat some really good food and see all the people they want to see.
I learned they've been conducting readiness training and drills this past week with the U.S. forces stationed in South Korea. The report I read said they've doubled the scale of their drills this go round. (big worried sigh).
If you are in the northern hemisphere, I hope your allergies are not bothering you too much.
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While we on the topic of the blowjob bros. Have you realized that Jk actually act like Jm is everything. I thought we were just joking when if i remember correctly it was pptm that said that Jm trained Jk like a puppy but its true. Jk doing things for Jm seems like a reflex to him. Every body carrying their stuff Jm is carrying nothing jk carrying two(megan ther stallion meeting). Now its shower than come, and he is cooking. Jm jumping jk ready to carry him bridal style. I want a bro like that. I want a bro
Bro is obsessed, bro is down for everything, bro is at the beck and call for the other bro.
Yes, pptm said Jimin trained JK like a puppy and it's such a perfect way to sum up whatever it is they have going on. Even when JK might seem reluctant, he's either joking or he'll eventually do it. But it's also impossible not to notice how fast he's there once Jimin calls. That birthday live at hybe, the 7 am weverse booty call, the dinner at Jimin's place almost immediately after leaving the concert venue. The boy has got it bad and it's sickeningly cute.
I can only imagine this a regular, normal thing at this point and we should get to see some more of that on their trips. Hopefully in the near future when BH decides to release the show.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 9 months
I know we've already said our farewells but after todays BangtanB Admin 2 talked me into writing another tiny post because vmin. Truly as much as we weren't ready for the OT4 live, we hadn't been ready to get this BB so quickly, to see and hear them say goodbye to each other, or for Tae to quite literally apologise to Jimin for not being able to see him off the next day while Jimin told him he had nothing to be sorry for since he was going first.
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Seeing these two say goodbye to each other, it broke my heart on so many levels. Vmin being vmin aside, they are chingu and so incredibly close with each other, mean so much to each other, and yet because of damn enlistment they got separated. I'm glad though that Namjoon has Tae close to him, just like Namjoon said to Tae himself, and that they'll be able to see each other occasionally and perhaps have meals together, though they aren't training together. And before someone asks why Tae and Namjoon didn't use the buddy system like Jimin and JK did and tries to spin some annoying story in our messages, it's because Namjoon is too old for it.
Another tiny tangent I'd like to go on before I continue is that I implore all of you, and especially shippers of one particular ship, to stop romanticising the enlistment experience and all it entails. Enlistment isn't a fun little trip or vacation, it's an unjust gruelling and extremely hard time for all enlisted men. One of the translators for the English edition of the BTS book was asked by ARMY to translate Namjoon's letter on weverse but he declined to do so and gave a very nuanced and important explanation as to why. Please go and read it here. And before anyone comes (again) into our messages and claims I would speak differently if vmin went together, no I would not. This moment in their lives, the enlistment period, it fucking sucks. Plain and simple. We've seen what can happen with idols during enlistment, just look at Taemin's experience, so really, there is nothing nice and fun and chill about it. Or remember the incident with Seokjin and the nurse, hell knows what could've happened. It's hard and awful and it's unfair that after all that they have done, the members were put into a position where they knew there was no way they could not go, even if they would've been given an exemption because that's the kind of pressure they're under. We've seen how uncomfortable his shaved head made Jimin, how sad and devastated Jimin and JK looked in their final lives and in this BB. So set aside your delulu glasses and look at reality, especially as foreigners. We know nothing so let's not act like we know anything.
Anyway, seeing JK approach Namjoon, pet his head and then Namjoon turn around, his eyes turning all soft and fond as he realised it's JK and then enveloped him in a tight hug...and to think that's the hyung because of which JK even joined BH in the first place. My heart. And Namjoon, too, was sad that he wouldn't be able to see JK off the next day either.
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It was sad that we couldn't see Hobi, Seokjin, and Yoongi but we knew that would be the case from past experience. But it was nice to see JK sitting in the car talking and being obviously sad and then Hobi's hand appeared to pat his head to comfort him and JK closed his eyes to enjoy the moment and calm his emotions. Truly the bond the hyungs and maknaes have is beautiful.
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But with that the Tannies are all gone now and it'll be six months on the dot until Seokjin will be released and come back to us for FESTA 2024. But the members repeatedly said they've prepared lots of exciting things for us so we can look forward to that.
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And with this, we say farewell and we hope to see you again healthy and happy and doing well.
As for our blog, with Admin 2's plans for a BL break, we've started watching Love in the Air since it's a very popular BL. Once we'll finish it, we'll let you know what we think of it.
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Jikooker here! ☺️ I do for the most part think Jk and Jm are dating especially with the many 'tells' these past few weeks 👀 but why does it seem like they're on completely opposite schedules lately? Jm just finished his promos, now JK is already in LA working on his album. Do you think the company is minimizing their time together for optics purposes pre-military, or that it's just the timing or nature of their solo work? The two of them NOT being on camera together almost seems even more sus.
Hello, fellow Jikooker!
This is my opinion, of course, but I think it's just the way things were decided since the beginning. Also, from what we have seen, 2 members release their own work per quarter, so Jhope and Rm, then Suga and Jimin, and then Jungkook and Tae. Jin's single was different because of his enlistment. I suppose that was the basic idea but we don't really know everything that goes behind the scenes and why the scheduling messed up somewhere along the way (side eyeing BH for doing Jimin dirty).
Jimin said he began working on his album around April of last year and it took him 10 whole months to have it ready plus promo time. He didn't leave the studio much (but you know, Jk can go there 👀), Jk was working on his collab with Charlie Puth that summer too and also had the Fifa performance. Then the fashion collabs. So they've been busy and Jimin's work just required more time and commitment. And now Jk's turn is next. From what has been said, Jimin "abandoned" society for a bit to focus only on his album but who knows how Jk's mind functions during creative times.
Now, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that they are a private couple and their love is not for the cameras. But if we notice, ever since they came from from Las Vegas and they went incognito mode, there was less hate for them. But even then, they are jikooking behind the scenes. K-army has seen them. But also, they can't really go all out because of work issues, you get me?
And if we think about it, it IS sus that we haven't seen them on camera but also, there hasn't been many chances to see them. There just isn't a reason for them to appear together. But if you look back at the Busan after live, there they were...
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And also in the concert practice together... BAM.
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If we look back a little more, we saw them together at Jhope's party. "Being shy"...sure.
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And how Jk was satellite-ing during Run episodes and this...I dont even know how to call this lol
So if we point a camera at them long enough, Jikook starts doing questionable things.
And since they are whispering loudly that they are together, we also have all the weverse interactions that left us all in a daze lol
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I know that for the longest time, people were saying that Jikook wasn't interacting because of the military issue and I never thought that made sense. Like yeah, ok, 1 year of not being loud is going to erase the countless questionable moments, interactions, and footage. Just didn't make sense to me.
But now we know that Jimin was busy. And that's all I can say.
Thank you for your ask!
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