#Jojo also reminds me of my sister
artemistorm · 5 months
Rereading through Jojo's discord lore dump stuff again and man, she reminds me of myself and of how I do things with my stories. I think it would be really fun to chat with Jojo writer-to-writer about storyplotting and storywriting, compare notes, talk about inspirations, our writer/artist journeys on how we got to where we are now in the craft, etc. Too bad there's a wall between us of her being Important and fandom famous and me being a weird little forest creature in one small corner of the sea of the fandom.
I find the processes of how different writers create their stories to be super interesting. How do you go from random plot bunny to plotted outline + completed longfic chapters? Everyone's way of doing things is wildly different and it is so fascinating. Are there any other fic writers out there who wanna chat about storywriting?
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daytaker · 8 months
Hiiii! I’m the anon that asked for the MC’s family request and it was hilarious, 10/10 if you don’t mind May i possibly ask for a part 2 with the dateables? Thanks for reading!
(Part 1: The Brothers)
"Mom, Dad, these are my other four boyfriends and my son."
...is what you almost do say when there's a knock at the door a few weeks later while you're entertaining your parents, your sister, and teenage cousin who's stuck with your folks while your aunt is on a cruise. Your parents stare at you with faces that all but beg you to ignore the damn door. Is it that cult again?
"Open the door! Is it that cult again?" your sister asks with shining eyes. She's been discussing going backpacking across the country ever since she met those seven hot guys who apparently adore you now. Your parents are devastated.
"Cult?" asks your cousin, looking up from his Switch with dead eyes. Your sister starts explaining to him as you go to the door and look through the peephole.
Oh, Christ. Oh, fuck. Oh, son of Gardonus---it's the son of Gardonus.
Opening the door just partway, you see that it's not just Diavolo. No, he brought the whole crew with him. Barbatos, naturally, but also Solomon, Simeon, and even little Luke. Diavolo holds a bouquet of flowers and Luke has a covered platter that almost certainly contains some kind of cake.
"Hiiiii, guys..."
"MC! It's been too long!" laughs Diavolo in his booming voice.
"It's been...a month..." you concede. Why, just...why...do all these handsome men find you so alluring? This is just your cross to bear, apparently. "It isn't a great time though, so---"
"Is that them?" Your cousin is standing behind you, peering out the door.
"No, this is... Who the hell...? MC, don't tell me there are more of them?!" Your sister is clearly astounded, and also quite delighted. "Invite them in! Invite them in!"
So, soon you're standing in the middle of your tiny apartment again, surrounded by friends and family, holding flowers and a cake, and feeling like you'd love it if a chasm in the earth opened up and swallowed you.
"There were more?" Your mom sounds hurt, like you'd been intentionally hiding things from her. "How many more besides these?!"
"Arguably three, but I don't know them well enough for them to visit," you say, winking reassuringly to the nervous author.
"Oh my god, there's a kid?!" Your sister has noticed Luke now. "Holy shit! Whose is he?"
You point mutely to Simeon, who smiles uncomfortably and waves.
"I'm not a kid!" Luke protests. "I'm--"
"You're a pre-teen. We know, Luke. We know." Solomon laughs dangerously, and Luke doesn't put up any more arguments.
You clear your throat. God, this is even more uncomfortable than the last go-round.
"Um, so. Everyone, I'd like you to meet---"
(Individuals are below the cut!)
Diavolo, who was never good at standing by quietly while other people talked, steps forward before you have a time to do any introductions. He extends a hand to your father, who has been eyeing him resentfully all this time.
"You all must be MC's relatives. What a delightful person you've brought into this world! I am Diavolo. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"'Diavolo'?" your cousin mutters, looking at his Switch screen again. "Like from JoJo?"
Dia looks very confused, and as your father hasn't shaken his hand, he smiles awkwardly at you. "Perhaps I'm approaching this the wrong way? Are the customs here very different from...ahem. Where we are from?"
"You mean Italy?" your cousin says.
"Ah-- Yeah. Dia's Italian. People here are a lot less friendly," you tell him.
Your sister asks him how someone like him ended up in a cult.
You remind everyone that you were not in a cult.
"But you met my baby while they were away from home," Mom says accusingly, glaring at Diavolo. "When they were vulnerable and confused."
Diavolo has no idea what to say to that. Your dad is still glaring at him.
"This is Solomon. He's---"
"I'm their mentor and closest companion," Solomon says helpfully, taking your hand. "We have a very special relationship."
You really wish that chasm would stop taking its sweet time and open up already.
"Mentor? Special relationship?" Dad finally speaks up, and his arms are crossed over his chest, his expression deadly serious.
"This must be your father," Solomon observes, still smiling. "Sir, it's an honor to finally meet you. I hope I have an opportunity to speak with you privately later. We have a lot to discuss."
Your mom is ready to throw hands with this guy. Your sister is enchanted. Your cousin is cursing under his breath at his Switch.
Solomon wraps an arm around your shoulders and you elbow him in the gut. He smiles through the pain but lets you go.
"...Simeon. Simeon, these are my parents. This is my sister, and this is---"
"Is there some sort of attractiveness requirement to join this cult?" your sister asks, beaming at Simeon.
You remind her that there is no cult.
Surprisingly, your parents don't seem nearly as hostile to Simeon. Maybe it's that angelic charm at work. They both shake his hand, which is significantly more than they were willing to do with anyone else.
"Simeon, that's a good, decent name. What do you do for a living?"
"I own and operate a cafe."
Nice one, Simeon. Very smooth. And your parents look even more impressed.
"A business owner, eh? And at such a young age..."
No one points out to them that Simeon has probably been alive longer than humans have existed.
"...Luke!" He has a completely normal human name! High fives all around!
"And that's his father?" Mom points at Simeon. "He looks awfully young..."
"Oh, Luke's an orphan. Simeon's just his guardian. It's really sad actually. His parents died when their car careened off a cliff."
How did he end up living with a cult though, they want to know. That Simeon guy can't be a very responsible caregiver if he's living on the road.
You explain to your family (again) that they aren't in a cult, that Luke is a totally normal orphan child with a stable and loving home, and yes, Mom, he goes to school. Yes, Mom, he eats vegetables. No, Mom, you don't need to call DCFS.
"He's so cute," your sister coos.
"I am not!" Luke yaps.
"And he's shaking and everything! You know what he reminds me of?"
You rub your temples.
"A Chihuahua."
"This is, uh... This is..."
Barbatos smiles at you and offers not an iota of assistance. He finds this entire thing pretty funny.
"This is Barb... Barbados..."
"What, like the island?" your sister asks.
Yes.... Just like the island....
And yeah, he talks. Sometimes he talks a lot. I don't know why he isn't talking. Barbs, say something.
"It is an honor to finally meet your family, MC. What a charming collection of people."
"I like your hair," your cousin says, actually looking up for once. "And those are pretty sick beads."
You agree that Barbatos's human clothes are pretty sick.
Did you say human clothes? That was weird of you.
Your mother asks why everyone in the cult paints their nails besides Simeon and Luke. You tell her that there is no cult, but, uh, it's just a fashion thing. They just like it. Don't be judgmental.
Your cousin agrees. Don't be judgmental, Auntie. He paints his nails black. So, like, what, is he in a cult now?
You remind everyone that there is not and never was a cult.
Your cousin tries to give Barbatos his Tiktok and tumblr accounts, and Barbatos smiles very graciously but refuses on the grounds that he does not have a Tiktok or tumblr.
After you manage to get the group out of your apartment, shoving Solomon out as he farewells you as his adorable apprentice, you slam the door shut and lock it.
Your parents smile at each other, agreeing that you could do much worse than that nice Simeon boy. Your sister insists that she is going to backpack across the country with at least ten or eleven hot men, even if they do have a kid with them, and nobody is going to stop her. And your cousin has put down his Switch and is now designing a vampire OC that looks suspiciously like Barbatos.
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zujime · 7 months
Hi, I'm new to your blog, but I really like your creativity, you're doing a great job. I have an idea and I hope you like it too. I imagine Jotaro during part 3 with fem s/o who usually has little contact with Jotaro and doesn't approve of his rude behavior, but during a late night conversation confesses to JoJo that he reminds her of her little sister. They are equally rude in public, they have equally stern faces, but inside them is hidden a big and kind heart open to from the family
─── jotaro k.
cw. fluffy stuff, fem reader, and some swearing
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jotaro, who you hardly stand next to throughout the journey—mostly to keep your mind on the task at hand but also because it’s already enough of a mood ruiner hearing him rudely telling someone off, the last thing you want is for any of that to be unintentionally directed towards you. so, steering clear seemed like the safest option as of now. though, his unreadable blue hues always seemed to glimmer beneath the brim of his hat whenever he’d catch yours as he took a drag of his cigarette.
jotaro, who gives even a baby a daunting glare for staring at you at all. unless the two of you have been torn away from one another, making civil conversations with anyone is nothing but a challenge as you’re escorted around with your own personal, six-foot-tall pole with an unmatched poker face.
jotaro, who despite his cold demeanor, thinks of you when he’s getting food. typically getting something big enough for the both of you, saying something along the lines of “figured we could split it” as he spots the giddy look on your face.
jotaro, who’s now in a hotel room the two of you are sharing for the night. the room remains silent for a while but it’s different from his typical, cold silence—it's faint, but warm. his frame and features soften when he’s under your tender gaze. it’s not until a few moments later that you realize, he reminds you of someone.
“hm..?” he hummed as studied your expression—a soft smile adorned your lips as you shook your head slightly, chuckling before opening your mouth to speak. “it’s just— you remind me of my little sister.” you catch the way the space between his brows crinkle faintly as he processes what you’ve just told him. “she acts like you in a way—-she’s almost just as much of an asshole, except… behind closed doors.”
jotaro, who smiles a little at your words. his heavy steps were now gentle against the wooden floor as he padded across the room to sit beside you on the bed. uttering a “so? want me to be nice to everyone i meet or something?” before moving to hold your face in one of his hands—cheek cupped gently in his grasp. “get some rest” he whispers, running a thumb across the expanse of your cheekbone.
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© zujime. all rights reserved. do not translate, copy, modify, repost or claim any of my works on any platform as yours.
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burrowbaddie · 1 year
This was a request for Dad!Joe celebrating his son's birthday. I hope you like it @mrsshiesty
Dad!Joe is the type of dad to go all out for his son every birthday. I'm talking about he wakes up at 5 am to decorate his door. Joe has kept a neat list in his phone of everything his son even glanced at or mentioned. Dad!Joe might have gone overboard and bought him every toy he asked for throughout the year.
"Joe, do we really need to do this. I think-"
"Shhh. You'll wake him. I think it's a good tradition. Plus, he really likes it. With the new baby coming, he's been feeling left out." Joe whispers. You nod your head and pass him the tape. When you announced you were pregnant, Little Joe didn't take it so well. He did not want a sister he would have to share his daddy with. You rub your belly, watching your husband put the final touches on the door. This year, Jojo was really into dinosaurs. He had you and Joe redecorate his room to a dinosaur-themed room, including a Jeep bed with a T-Rex head hanging over it.
"It looks great. Now can we please go to bed? I'm 8 months, my feet hurt, and if I don't get my sleep in, I will be even more cranky."
Joe nods and pulls you to the bedroom. You only get two more hours of sleep before the birthday boy comes running in.
"Happy birthday to me! Jojo is 5 now!" He shouts. Joe sits up, pulling Jojo into the bed. You watch your son bounce on the bed excitedly.
"Dad! Make me the oatmeal with the dino eggs, please!" Jojo screams. Joe scoops him up, and they disappear, leaving you to sleep for a little bit more. You wake up around 10:30 to the boys watching Jurassic Park. You can't even remember the number of times Jojo has made you both watch those movies. You could probably recite the lines. Joe crawls out of the tent to pepper your face with kisses.
"Have you guys just been watching this?"
"Yeah, it's what he wanted. Hurry up and shower; you know we're taking him to the dinosaur exhibit." He reminds you.
"Actually, I need to stay here and get things ready plus, I think this will be good for you guys to talk. Our daughter will be here in 3 weeks, and he still refuses to talk about it." You whisper the last part. Joe agrees and takes Jojo upstairs to shower and get ready. The boys return wearing matching t-shirts and shorts. You kiss your boys and wish them farewell for now. You need to get everything ready for the surprise party.
"Dad. I'm a big kid now. I can sit in the front, right?"
"Not yet, kiddo. You need to get a little bit older." Joe laughs, strapping him into his car seat. Jojo starts playing with his T-rex along the drive. When they arrive, Joe gets stopped by some fans in the parking lot. He takes photos, but when the crowd gets too much, he has to decline. He didn't want to ruin Jojo's day.
"Why are those people taking photos, Dad?"
"I'm famous."
"Because Daddy plays football professionally; remember we talked about it?"
Jojo stares at him.
"But you're just daddy. How can you be famous?"
"Umm, you know the movie we watch? The people on there are acting professionally, so they are also famous." Joe explains. Jojo stares at him again.
"Am I famous?" He asks. Joe chuckles.
"Kinda, but not really."
"I see. Look how big this brachiosaur is!" Jojo shouts, wiggling out of Joe's arms. Joe sets him down and watches his son sprint the outside standee. Joe snaps a few photos and sends them to you. Jojo takes his hand and leads him to the entrance. Joe takes out his card to pay, but the cashier lets' him know it's free.
"I can't do that. It's fine."
"We insist, Joe." The manager says.
"At least let me pay for the family behind me." Joe hands the card over and the manager charges it. Jojo taps his foot waiting for his father to come. Joe finally finishes and takes his hand.
"We should start with the North America dinosaurs, then make our way around," Jojo shouts, holding up the map. Joe does his best to let Jojo take the lead, but people keep stopping them.
"Dad! We're going to miss the show!" Jojo yells.
"I need to get-"
"You need to get us another ring." An older guy says with his buddy nodding.
"I will try my best. Next season we plan to go harder." Joe nervously laughs.
"Dad!" Jojo screams, causing everyone to look. Joe excuses himself and follows Jojo.
"Sorry, the show started and unfortunately once it started we can't let anyone in." The worker apologizes but Jojo's eyes start to water.
"I'm so sorry little man."
"Take me home! I want Mommy!" He cries.
"Look, we still have one more floor to go to."
"I said home!" Jojo runs off, and Joe chases him. He picks Jojo up and takes him to the last floor. Jojo buries his face in Joe's neck and refuses to pay attention. Joe mispronounces the dinosaur names on purpose so that Jojo corrects him every time.
"No that is Diplodocus, dad." Jojo corrects him smiling.
"So smart." Joe kisses his head and lets Jojo down to explore. This time Joe refuses photos and autographs, which most people understand. He is not there at star quarterback Joe Burrow. Today he is only dad. Joe takes Jojo back for the show, but the next show isn't until 3, and they needed to head home for the party.
"It's his birthday today, and it would really mean a lot."
"I understand, but there is nothing I can do."
"Can you ask you, manager, please tell him it's for Joe Burrow." Joe folds his hand, begging. He hated using the I'm Joe Burrow thing, but it was Jojo's birthday, and he wanted to see this show. Joe would do anything to keep him happy. The worker pages the manager.
"Play the show, Helen. Are you insane? Whatever Joe wants!" He replies. Helen laughs and lets Joe and Jojo in. Joe is happy they are alone because he is starting to feel bad turning down kids for photos. Jojo placed his 3D glasses on and sat back, watching the show go on. In the end, he couldn't stop smiling.
"Dad, when I grow up, I want to study dinosaurs! Unless you want me to play football."
"Jojo, you can be anything you want to be. If you want to be a Paleontologist, go for it. Your mom, sister, and I would be proud of you either way." Joe says, picking him up and placing him in the car. Jojo looks down at his new T-Rex plushie and frowns.
"My sister?"
"Yes. You know mommy is pregnant and carrying your little sister in her belly right. I know you've been upset about it but it will be fun to be a big brother."
"You're not a big brother; how would you know?" Jojo rolls his eyes.
"You're right, but I'm a little brother, and having a sibling is the best thing in the world. You remember in the film how the older triceratops protected his little sister?"
"Yes. That's what I will do too. I'll protect sissy!" Jojo smiles.
"You will. And me and Mommy will protect both of you."
"unless one of us is the weaker one, then Mommy will abandon us." Jojo mumbles. Joe laughs. Maybe he shouldn't use dinosaurs to explain family. When they arrive home, Joe takes Jojo to the backyard, where everyone jumps out shouting surprise. The backyard has been transformed into a Jurassic theme. Jojo squeals and jumps with excitement. He runs around, saying hello to everyone and then to the huge dino figure near the pool. Finally, he makes his way to you.
"Mommy, I can't wait for sissy to come! I'll be the best big brother."
"Aww, my baby." You bend down to hug him feeling your little girl kick. Jojo runs around with his cousin and friends, playing. When it's time to open gifts, you shake your head at the amount Joe got Jojo. After cleaning up, and when the guest leaves, you take a much-needed bath. You find your favorite boys in bed waiting for you. Jojo lies in the middle, smiling. You and Joe got pregnant fresh out of college. At 21, you had no idea what the future would hold, but you made the decision to be a stay-at-home mom and support Joe's career. It was the best decision you've ever made. 5 years later, you are still madly in love and expecting child number two. Joe kisses your head and then Jojo's head. Jojo kisses your belly and turns on Jurassic Park 2.
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fairytale-poll · 10 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure:
It technically doesn't play a Cinderella role despite its name, rather it has Fairy Godmother-like abilities. However, its name is still Cinderella so I think it counts.
Persona 5:
[Mod's Note: Warning for Persona 5 spoilers]
Her Persona is Cinderella. Her story is about disguising herself as another person to gain acceptance.
Her persona is Cendrillon, the French name for Cinderella and the name of an opera based on the story, and it mirrors her arc in the game. When you boil her down to the essentials, she essentially made a wish that was granted by her....... fairy godtherapist to go from pauper (bland and talentless depressed Sumire) to princess (her dead sister Kasumi, bubbly, personable star gymnast). As far as she sees it, even, it's this transformation that helps her 'get the prince' (read: befriend the protagonist). Why should she win, though? Umm because she's my baby my angel my sweetie my cherub specialist character in fiction and most important girl in the universe. Out of love in your heart for me, tumblr user [REDACTED], vote for her.
GOD I LOVE HER SO MUCH ok ok ok everyone here's my autism. Major spoilers as you get closer to the end btw! - She has three personas, in order they go: Cendrion, Vanadis, Ella. The first and last are taken from Cinderella, with Cendrion being the german name for Cinderella, and of course Ella just being a shortened form of Cinderella. - She does gymnastics, although a lot of her phantom thief design is heavily based off of ballet as well! In particular the black swan mimicking the white swan, and while of course that's not cinderella, it does remind me of how Cinderella was treated in the beginnings of the story - Cinderella and her both have major sibling trauma! It's a huge point about her character. Major spoilers, but she pretends to be her older sister Kasumi for most of the game; the sad truth is that she's in fact the younger sister Sumire. She's pretending to be her older sister because she can't deal with the trauma of that day she ran out into traffic and her sister got hit instead of her. (It does not help that her therapist uses eldritch god powers to gaslight her into thinking she is her sister.) - They're both pretty and also I love sumi so much she's everything to me. unironically the character of all time NOT FOR PROPAGANDA but for mod: image because it can be awkward to find one: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/UyOsg26GnZU/maxresdefault.jpg also!!!! if you're interested in not potentially spoiling people you should call her Kasumi Yoshizawa. If you aren't worried about that though and want to be accurate, Sumire Yoshizawa is better. Or just call her Violet because that's her codename!
Initially introduced as Kasumi, she is a dorky and sweet first-year student who looks up to the protagonist as a mentor and eventually joins the Phantom Thieves in figuring out the fake reality they're trapped in. However, it's revealed that she's actually Kasumi's sister Sumire, who was always stuck in her more talented sister's shadow and yearned to be Kasumi. Unfortunately, she got her wish when her sister died saving her and her therapist brainwashed her into believing herself to be Kasumi. With help from the protagonist, Sumire realizes she was holding herself back and breaks free from her false identity, embracing her true self and rebelling against the hollow utopia. Her initial Persona--an embodiment of her true self--is Cendrillon, and her third tier ultimate Persona is Ella.
Sumire dosen't just pretends to be her dead sister, she was brainwashed into believing to be her by the final act's main villain/her fairy godfather figure, because that was her (misguided by trauma) wish as she believed that her sister was better than her. The final acts has a lot of 'making wishes come true' theme that connects her to Cinderella even more, also she does have a bit of 'save by the prince' thing going on with the game's protagonist
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chaisshitposts · 11 months
thanks for reminding me i can manifest them to be chill- i way too used to my strict parents lmao
i haven't catched up with hxh manga but i did finish the anime and basically killua split up to protect alluka and gon wanted to meet his father so they technically couldn't stay together, there's a possibility that they won't appear in the manga again :((
don't blame me😭 the first thing i saw about kny was that episode and nezuko (there was so many nezuko edits oml), but first episode was like a 50/50 for me?? i'm pretty sure it's because i used to watch like really dark magical girls animes when i was younger and my cousins always made me watch the final destination series with them🧍🏻
OML TOJI I REMEMBER READING THE MANGA AND WANTING HIM AND MEGUMI TO MEET SDCNKSDJFBS and yuta is the literal definition of looking like a cinnamon roll but can actually kill you
I DON'T BLAME YOU ABOUT THE PROMISED NEVERLAND CUz Isabella's jumpscare in the first episode was😭😭🖐🏻 and yES PLS GIVE BUNGO STAY DOGS A CHANCE!
there's something so scrumptiously delicious about main characters who are weak but are actually strong and just humbles the people who underestimates them, like, sLAY
my sister recommended me mashle! it's on to watch list since i'm planning on binge watching animes in my waiting room and PLS TELL ME THAT ZOM 100 IS FINALLY COMPLETED, I'VE BEEN WANTING TO BINGE WATCH IT SINCE LIKE LAST LAST MONTH
i'm currently watching the apothecary diaries! It's so refreshing because the female lead is so smart and pragmatic, like she doesn't give a sht about the male lead and just loves medicine and poison tasting so much😫 the only thing i dislike is how she's being forced to be the male lead's partner but the plot is still good heheh
no problemo 🕵️ gotta help the homies out. everything in life is a jojo reference, even jesus.
oml nO wait I watched the whole HXH manga and know they split up I was just acting delusional 😭 and uGh I hope the manga gets finished one day... The creator has bad health-- wait a damn minute I can just manifest his health back wtf am I sayin' 🧐
PFFFTTT what a wild read— and oh god no don't even talk about final destination to me, I cannot drive on the freeway normally sometimes bc of that shit, everytime I see a truck with like oversized loads (especially the fuckers with the big ass steel poles on the back of them) I always get chills, even though I know nothing is gonna happen to me cause I said so 🧍
toji didn't even remember he had son.... deadbeat dad type beat. yuta and rika deserve better ngl
isabella and that other maid... they are nightmare fuel. and yes!!!!!! I will absolutely give it another chance for the adorable tiger boy with the fruity little haircut!!! bingeing anime in yer waitin' room??? bruh that's literally so big brain wtf I low-key wanna shift to all my favorite animes one of these days 🕵️ but I have this underlying worry about the version of myself being left behind to do my dirty work lmfao
also- katekyo hitman reborn! is super good, but I will say that I have been rewatchin' it for a sense of nostalgia on and off whenever I have time and god the first like--- 20 episodes are fuckin' cringe but the main character's awakenin' is satisfying 😭 he's like the og deku
I have no idea if all the eps have been posted for zom 100 !!!! I will check for you today if I remember--- I haven't had time to check after watching like the first three episodes on crunchyroll—
OooOo an anime with a strong female lead!?!?! I would absolutely eat that shit up oml gobble gobble gobble— ew that plot sounds cringey. man, I really want an anime with a stoic, underestimated female lead whos like majorly asexual... wait 🧍 hold on, I basically just described saiki k... I NEED A FULL THIRD SEASON OF THE DISASTROUS LIFE OF SAIKI K.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 11 months
Can I request Yandere Big Mom pirates with a Female Giorno Giovanna? Romantic Yandere Katakuri and with Yandere Platonic Big Mom, before the Timeskip Brulee discovers Reader unconscious but they can’t get close enough because a humanoid and talking creature (GER/Golden Experience Requiem) even prevents Approach and inform them that you perceive it as a possible threat, Ger being a stand can only be seen by stand users, but suppose that Akuma no Mi users can also see it and listen to it
In a matter of seconds Big Mom arrives at the place and is fascinated by the rare and great power of F!Giorno (Golden Experience Requiem), but above all she is fascinated and captivated thanks to her noble Joestar genes that reminds her a lot of Mother Carmel, Big Mom is more than determined to have her in her crew/family, but not even she can against GER until F! Giorno wakes up and convinces her to join them, to be gang-star again and not involve innocent civilians to a fight.
She made a space in the large family and gained power, the younger Charlotte siblings love F! Giorno because she is very kind and attentive, they refer to her as "Big Sis or Ladybug", F!Giorno makes sure they are happy And healthy like the rest of the inhabitants of Totto Land who call her "beautiful angel", help the good and defenseless civilians and they pay attention to what she says, she can reason with Big Mom better than any other and maintains an unshakable calm with zero Fear, even when she is at her food cravings, thus gaining the respect and admiration of the older Charlotte siblings who call her “Sister”.
Regarding Katakuri, Brulee is very close to F!Giorno and wants her to be with her Onii-chan knowing that F!Giorno is not afraid or disgusted by Linlin's son's mouth, although she is aware that Katakuri is in love with F! Giorno.
In the Whole Cake arc she meets Straw Hat Luffy while she was escorting the Vinsmokes, she recognizes that Luffy and Sanji are good people so she helps them without any of the Charlottes even suspecting her.
F!Giorno: Unlike Big Mom, you are a good person, Monkey D. Luffy, I am going to help you save your nakama and escape, but in the eyes of others we will be enemies, do you understand?
Luffy: Can’t even my friends know?
F!Giorno: I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream, to be a gang-star and protect good people, since I arrived no innocent civilian has died or been injured, the less people know I will be able to continue protecting the innocent people of this place
Luffy: Okay! But when I defeat Big Mom you will come with me as my nakama, GioGio!
sorry for the bad english, it's not my native language
Please forgive me my dear one, but I have not watched Jojo yet. It is on my list of series to watch (as it took time to get brave enough to watch it). So I apologize, I won't be able to write this request.
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baura-bear · 1 year
Welcome to newsie’s big king rant!! *cracks knuckles* i apologise for spelling mistakes or grammar innacuracies
i’ll start with AKB but i’ll do it in three parts ranging how much knowledge i have on the subject
andrew keenan bolger was born on the 16th may 1985 in detroit. he has 2 older sisters, maggie and celia ( who won a tony award for “to kill a mockingbird”!) he’s married to scott bixby since 2018 and their relationship is so nice and wholesome it’s so cute.
HES 5’4. IM 5’5. it’s so funny to think he’s shorter than me but whatever 😭😭
his first broadway role was in the OBC of seussical as alternate Jojo in 2000-2001 of which he did ONE broadway show then got kicked coz he hit puberty LMFAO poor 15 year old andrew
he then went on to be robertson ay in mary poppins THEN went in a woekshop for newsies and papermill and broadway( fun fact i think he’s the only actor who stayed in the same role for the workshop, papermill then obc of newsies )
during newsies he got a lot of fans which honestly yeah real but in march 2013 he left newsies to begin rehersing for tuck everlasting which didn’t make it until 2016 bc there wasn’t a suitable theatre for a transfer to broadway yet ( another fun fact if it had stayed in the realm of 2013 sadie sink would have played winnie instead of sarah charles lewis )
then in 2017 he was in kris kringle the musical playing kris kringle and in 2021 he was in seven deadly sins the off broadway musical playing phillipe
in september ( not sure if going ahead due to sag aftra ) he’s gonna star in “dracula a comedy of terrors” which seems very fun!! he posted a rlly funny photo of him wearing vampire teeth
ok other things than theatre he’s done i’m so sorry gang
so in 1997 he was chip’s singing voice in that lovely enchanted christmas beauty and the beast spinoff which i watched ALL OF IT just to find he’s in ONE FUCKING SONG and he’s only in the credits ONCE
( however tim curry is in it and he’s a fat smash so 🤷🏻‍♀️ )
he was in this show called looking in 2014 don’t watch it if ur under 18 i’m fucking traumatised from it don’t curse yourself with that PLEASE GOD DONT SEARCH ANDREW KEENAN ON GIFS EITHER
he had like a miniseries called ‘submissions only’ which also performed at 54 below
he has a podcast called ‘that sounds right’ which is SO FUCKING FUNNY PLEASE GO LISTEN TO IT I LOVE IT SO MUCH
OH SHIT YEAH HE WAS ALSO IN ( these are all like regional theatre ?? )
high school musical as ryan
perez hilton saves the universe…😬 as a shit ton of different ppl
a really funny parody video called ‘sherlock the musical” it’s so funny bc my irl friend robin thinks he looks like martin freeman
he’s not afraid to post whatever on his socials 💀 like i’ll be scrolling and that one pic of him licking the screen is there and i’m like 😀 ok andrew
hes really funny
hes honest and open about not being the best dancer which is so real ( so he showed up to newsies to audition and , in his own words , apparently the directors thought he was a good enough dancer to play a boy with a crutch BAHHAHA WHICH IS SO RELATABLE OH MY HOD )
i think that’s it!! please enjoy i’m soo tired i’ll do some more ranting soon :3
thank you for all the knowledge! fun fact: I saw Celia perform in TKAM (very good) and my grandma used to baby sit Jeff Daniels' (Atticus) cousin because they grew up in the same town
also the note about his lack of dancing skills reminded me of his old youtube videos and one video he was talking about an audition he botched (there was basketball choreo he was supposed to learn) and instead, because he didn't know what to do, he just put the basketball in his shirt and pretended to be pregnant??? hey directors like a strong acting choice and he delivered.
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shoechoe · 1 year
Last night, I finished reading Purple Haze Feedback. It was a lot shorter of a read than I was expecting it to be; I probably could've sped through it a lot faster if I didn't limit myself to just reading a chapter or two a day. Despite that, I can definitely see why so many people are obsessed with it; it does a lot in a relatively short amount of time. So, now that I'm finished with it, I'm going to give my overall thoughts of the novel. This will be fairly off-the-cuff, so sorry if it's a bit messy.
I think expanding on and giving a sense of closure to Fugo's character was the main purpose of this novel, and it accomplishes this goal extremely well. Fugo falling off the face of the earth was one of my big criticisms with Vento Aureo- I enjoy the concept of a character that's usually intelligent and level-headed but has an anger problem that renders them totally irrational when set off, but the manga just doesn't do anything with that concept. Because of that, I think a novel focusing on Fugo and where he went after he separated from the group was well-warranted.
I adore what Purple Haze Feedback does with Fugo's character. It explores his sense of regret for leaving the group and having his comrades die without him, he thinks about his actions and his thought processes that led him to this point, it expands upon his backstory that was relegated to just a sentence or two of dialogue in the original manga, and it gives him a character arc as he's made to go on a mission to prove his trustworthiness to the organization and he gains courage and strength he never had before. The second-to-last chapter where he thinks about Narancia and finally has the same breakthrough of why he was so willing to risk his life for a girl he barely met gave me chills down my spine.
Fugo is made into a genuinely great character in Purple Haze Feedback- I can absolutely see his appeal now. To avoid being overly wordy, he feels completed in this novel, and that's really what I wanted to see.
The things going on in the novel outside of Fugo are also interesting. The narcotics team served as the antagonists while also giving more insight onto the way Passione worked before Giorno became the Boss and also functioning as Fugo's "test".
The fights surprised me with how quick they were, but Jojo fights tend to get tedious for me with how dragged out they get, so that's not really a complaint. I imagine translating the manga's style of fights to novel format would be difficult, so I don't blame the fights of the novel for feeling a lot different than typical Jojo fights. A lot of the descriptions of the Stand abilities and the gore actually made me squirm a bit- particularly, Vittorio succumbing to his own Dolly Dagger and Sheila's vocal coords being controlled by Manic Depression were scenes that stood out to me.
As for all of the new characters, I definitely liked quite a few of them. I can't say I cared too much about Murolo himself, but I certainly liked his Stand ability. (Though I'm still a little unclear on how he managed to survive the helicopter crash...? Maybe I just missed something, though.) Sheila E. was a really good character; I loved her ability and her personality. At the same time, she reminded me maybe a little too much of Trish; she wasn't just a clone of her, but one of the biggest roles Sheila plays is to be paralleled with Trish, and I would've liked to see her do more, especially since she's supposed to be a skilled member of Passione instead of the innocent girl that Trish was. Her backstory with her sister Clara was also a little weak.
I felt as though the plot was also less than perfect. The ordeal with the Stone Mask kind of went nowhere- so did Volpe's powerup and desire to transcend his humanity in the final fight. That was the one moment where I felt as though the fight could've been aided by being longer.
The additions to Passione's past, on one hand, made a ton of sense (of course Diavolo pretended to be fighting the drug trade just so he could set up the market for his own drugs- of course he claimed to fight older organizations to gain the trust of his members- Jesus, why wasn't this in the manga?) but on the other, kind of just exacerbated the problems I already had with the original story (why are we still hyperfocusing on how the drug trade is evil and bad when we know that Passione was also doing several other things that would hurt the innocent, including directly murdering children? Also, once again, if Bruno has such a soft spot for kids, why was he okay with torture-interrogating and then attempting to murder Giorno, a middle school boy?)
The part of the novel that I have mixed feelings on the most has to be the way Giorno is treated. He doesn't actually appear until the very last chapter, but until then, he's built up by the characters to be this almost saintly figure that can read everyone perfectly and always makes the right decisions. I understand he's already compared to Jesus in the manga, but PHF feels especially over-the-top with it, comparing his voice to a pipe organ played at church and having Fugo literally bow down to him in the end.
To be brutally honest, for me, Giorno already feels like he has a sanctimonious air to him despite not even really being a good person himself, and in the manga, he really straddles the line between being interestingly set in his flawed beliefs and just being annoying. Seeing all of the characters revering him like this does make me roll my eyes a little. To be charitable, it does make sense that a bunch of criminals with no other hope would turn to their leader and see him as someone to look up to, even if the reality is that he is far from an angel himself, but I find it unclear if that was what the novel was going for. Still, though, this is far from a story-ruiner and the last scene with Fugo swearing his loyalty to Giorno was wonderful.
Overall, I really enjoyed Purple Haze Feedback. I think it's a wonderful addition to canon, and while it doesn't fix all of my problems, I would absolutely recommend reading it. I'm mostly kind of mad at myself for not doing this sooner.
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wendytestabrat · 2 years
i’ve been rewatching a lot of powerpuff girls episodes like i’m honestly determined to watch every episode at this point bc i got sucked in when i was only watching like one or two LOL and boy i have THOUGHTS. for some reason i hardly remember any of these episodes even tho ik i’ve seen them all a bunch of times on boomerang so it’s felt like i’m watching them for the first time with my adult lens. i love all 3 of the main girls they are rlly interesting characters and what i love abt the show is how they balance back and forth between all this crime fighting shit and the girls just living normal lives as preschoolers or whatever bc it can def feel like a slice of life show sometimes in those more laid back episodes not that the superhero shit isn’t fun to watch too bc it is!!!! it reminds me of jimmy neutron a bit how jimmy will have to save the day and shit but he still acts like a normal kid with normal kid problems at the end of the day bc powerpuff girls has that same feel to it which i like where the girls still will act like normal toddlers or whatever and it’s cute & endearing af. ok i’m just gonna flat out say it idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not but blossom is my fav character she’s definitely way more interesting and nuanced than the other two girls while bubbles and buttercup are more one dimensional bc bubbles is just the sweet one and buttercup is the mean one LOL. i like blossom bc she has the traits of both her sisters combined but she’s more balanced out so she can have good chemistry in scenes with either sister whether she agrees with bubbles on something or with buttercup on something. bc blossom knows how to be nice like bubbles in some situations and in other situations she’s more snobby and mean like buttercup. which makes her a good leader too bc of her being complex like that and understanding both sisters. but she’s also flawed too bc she can be stuck up and bossy and vain at times but it makes her interesting imo. bubbles is prob my second fav like she’s cute af and relatable too bc she’s super sweet until u cross her and then she’s like scary and dangerous af LOL. (she’s also a huge meme too) i feel like bubbles is everyone’s fav and it seems like bubbles got the most episodes about her and the most screen time but it kind of bothers me that we didn’t get more blossom episodes considering she’s like technically the main one and it feels like bubbles got all the spotlight just bc she’s funnier. but yeah it bothers me when shows focus too much on the comic relief character. buttercup is my least fav and i remember liking her least growing up too LOL but i’ve grown to like her more rewatching the series bc she’s kind of complex too in her own right she’s super aggressive and tomboyish but she has her soft moments too which makes her interesting. but overall i prob enjoy buttercup the least bc she’s just a bitch for no reason most of the time lol. so yeah my ranking of the girls is
1. blossom
2. bubbles
3. buttercup
and then when we’re looking at the villains of the show that’s a whole different story LMAO. i still have a lot of episodes to go to fully form an opinion on this but HIM is def the breakout villain in the show by FAR. ik mojo jojo is considered like the main villain or whatever but HIM is way more intimidating and you’re like oh fuck whenever he shows up. mojo jojo is hardly that threatening he’s honestly more of just a punchline and u always know the girls are gonna take him down right away by just punching him LOL. whenever HIM shows up it feels like there’s way more at stake so imo he’s the real true #1 villain of the show. mojo jojo is basically darth vader while HIM is emperor palpatine. also princess is the most annoying character ever don’t @ me. i’ve always been a nickelodeon hoe and not a CN hoe but powerpuff girls will always be one of my top 5 shows on CN bc the writing and humor and animation and shit is pretty on par with some of Nick’s greatest stuff. also with tom kenny voicing everyone like he does in spongebob too it gives the show that perfect comedic feel to it that’s nostalgic of early 2000s cartoons. i love craig mccracken’s style bc FHFIF is also one of my favs too for similar reasons.
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anyways which powerpuff girl is ur fav i wanna hear ur thoughts
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
Moe Violence: or How I Struck the Jidaigeki Goldmine
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I lost a close friend recently. A really close one and it was the kind of sudden bolt from the blue that’s really just fate waking up and deciding to kick you in the teeth. He liked old Western movies and was enough of a film buff to know how much back-and-forth there was with samurai cinema. So we had a lot of fun talking about movies. Made me want to finally get through a stack of films I’ve dug up on archive.org. Liking what I like, I think this binge has helped get a lot of clarity on where we started with looking at Lady Snowblood & Red Swallow Oyuki. (Oh...by the way. I plum forgot Snowblood’s auntie/confidant type figure was named Okiku. Always has a basket of yellow mums outside her door)
Started with checking out a trio of films the absolutely wonderful Junko Miyazono did after Red Swallow. Series is called Tales of the Poison Seductress; Hannya Ohyaku, Quick-Draw Okatsu, & Okatsu the Fugitive. They’re all standalone, caution though they’re very violent. SA is a factor too but from what I’ve seen most of the scenes may drag but try to keep it not too graphic. I say that as someone pretty turned off but “losing her virtue” is a threat hanging around frequently in these and there’s a torture element. This is 60s/70s Japanese Grindhouse cinema, the type of thing that inspired gory directors like Quentin Tarantino. It ain’t for everyone and that’s why I wanna gush about it here. What I’m getting more and more though is that pinning our beloved Okiku to one jidaigeki reference is a fool’s errand. My dears, she’s an ode to an entire subgenre!
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Let’s not split hairs over the specific category of Toei films and slightly different ones with a female lead. The term I see used is “Pinky Violence.” Pinky coming from having female leads and being very sexually charged affairs. Toei needed to do something to compete with more Western movies making it over, so they opted for shock value and the way they went for it ended up giving us a pretty feminist genre. Not to say these were all jidaigeki which means “period drama.” There were a lot of modern ones I have yet to dive into heavily. Before Lady Snowblood Meiko Kaji gave us a really fun looking 6-part series called Stray Cat Rock for a great example. Machine guns, motorcycles, and LSD. They look awesome and check this aesthetic! I’m in love.
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That knowledge does make me think of Nami and the early design with a missing arm. Jojo’s Stone Ocean as well while we’re at it. There’s also a fair number of Yakuza movies that fall sorta in between like the Red Peony Gambler (Hibotan Bakuto) series. It’s all a little nebulous if you want to get into the weeds. There’s a few different styles from a few different studios but make no mistake. These were popular movies in Japan. Big studios like Toei were churning them out as B movies to maintain relevance. Compete with television and Hollywood’s resources.  
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Know what isn’t nebulous? Yeah...the hallmarks of the genre are big things we see out of Okiku’s role in Wano. The otherwise perfect lady with some little hook that means she isn’t “marriage material.” The whole arc of showing she can kick as much ass as any man but always reminding you of the lady playing the part. A big, big shared element is this core theme of taking down corrupt officials who abuse their power. Urashima the Yokozuna is exactly the type of guy who’d end up a villain in these. Sticking up for humble villagers, looking out for other women and children. Being the collateral damage of “great” men’s ambitions is what we tend to see over traditional fare like say, reinstalling a dynasty. I love the running theme of these being so much more local in scope. And Kiku gets that modern twist of her being trans for the “excuse.” I adore that in contrast to anime trends of needing to make an excuse for the deviance. My dead sister was the favorite, I went silly due to trauma, etc. This trope and trend of subversion is a big reason I love the mistaken bride idea. 
The more of these I see, and I’m friggin hooked these days, the more I see little bits and bobs that feel like they may have shaped our beautiful flower of Wano. And others! She’s a little more than a simple homage though. We do see the violence part pretty well for One Piece. Kiku gets the shit beaten out of her on Onigashima and it is gory by this manga’s standards. That’s where the modernization seems to be though. We tone down the sexuality for cute. Which isn’t that off base, the archetype in historical settings typically does have that innocent and sweet side. One Piece just isn’t the type of series you’re going to actually see things like making good on Tama’s intro of fleeing from being sold to the red light district. Even if it didn’t make it in the proper story, Kiku & Izo’s origin does flirt with that kind of content more than the series usually would. Hell, we do get Holdem torturing Tama and the series just fades to black on a similar spot for Tsuru. 
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Wano made this genre feel familiar already. Snowblood loves it some anachronic storytelling, Red Peony sets up and ends films with a non-diagetic theatrical framing. Ohyaku uses a big simpleton to bust out of a prison camp. Speaking of, can I please get someone whipping a hair stick like a dart? That’s my favorite little signature from the Red Peony. Oryu in those is a fun protagonist played by Junko Fuji. That’s one of the more accessible series, less graphic than One Piece so far, and she plays with gender as a theme more. Proclaims to be a man but we always see deep down she’s still a lady that wishes she could have married the honest merchant’s son. Oh...and almost all of these ladies are total daddy’s girls like Kiku acts towards Kin. That whole series gets its own because there’s eight of them and they’re soooo good. 
Eiichiro Oda is a great writer and worldbuilder...but he’s actually pretty derivative. One Piece doesn’t break ground as much as refine the dominant genre when it started, even Rurouni Kenshin was more subversive for shonen. The more I see of these though, the more I see Oda just being this big kid who thought these old movies were so cool and couldn’t wait to rip into his samurai gang. Of course one of em if gonna be a little Junko Miyazono/Meiko Kaji being a fierce strong-willed lady of war. These movies are classic cool!
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What are your headcanons of Elizabeth, Doll, and Sieglinde would be if they were the power puff girls ?
Can do!
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I drew this!
Sieglinde is very Blossom like
Lizzy is very obviously Bubbles
And Doll is a much more sweet Buttercup
Doll would've been Bubbles though with Bubbles being strong AF and emotional which is Doll
Sieglinde kind of reminded me of Buttercup as well with her very sharp tongue
And Lizzy has proven to be very Blossom smart
There fore mesh Powerpuffs
I for some reason see Sebastian as Him. I know the obvious answer would be Grelle but Grelle is very Sedusa as well
Hannah would be Miss Bellum which come on-
I was sharing this with my sister and she said, "Could you imagine if either Ciels were Mojo Jojo" and I just can't unthink it-
But in all honesty they would also be kind of like the Rowdy Ruff Boys in a way but like a mesh of those canon "Rowdy Right Boys" yall know what I'm talking about?
This ask work cause they would all listen to Gorillaz
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jamiesugah · 5 months
I just finished a five-part, six-hour YouTube deep dive on a 45-year old murder case and it is fucking INSANE and needs to be a miniseries. Way more interesting than another OJ Simpson doc. Who cares.
Anyway. Story. Someone I went to high school with is in jail for murder. He was up for parole a few years ago and got denied. Anyway, when Netflix came out with the new Unsolved Mysteries show, it made me think of him, and I mentioned it on our monthly family video chat. Which prompted my dad to go, "oh that reminds me of when this girl that my sister used to babysit was murdered".
And I just kind of blinked at him. Like. Say more right now. Why am I almost 40 and didn't know this. And he didn't tell me much, but there was a TV movie made about the case so I looked it up. Learned the basics of the case, and it always stayed in the back of my mind, because there didn't seem to be much on it anywhere.
Putting this under a read more just in case people get triggered by it. Also it's long.
So when I looked up the Wikipedia, there was a bit on it, but the basics are that she was a teacher in a town in PA near Philly (she is from my dad's hometown, though, which is super tiny and rural), and she was found in the trunk of her car in a motel parking lot near Harrisburg (which is a couple hours away from Philly). Her children also disappeared and THEY WERE NEVER FOUND. IT'S BEEN 45 YEARS.
It was the kids that kept this in the back of my mind. No one ever found out what happened to the kids. Their dad is dead, both suspects in the woman's murder are dead, and they spent their entire lives claiming that they were innocent and the other man had done it. We will never know what happened to these kids. They were 10 and 11.
Anyway, I fell into a bit of a YouTube spiral this past weekend where I started with watching videos on the Watcher situation, then Jojo Siwa, then J Lo, and then somehow ended up on true crime, specifically The Boy in the Box and then the Yuba County 5. And I was like, "I've never been able to find an official documentary, but surely someone on YouTube talked about this case about the woman and her kids." And lo and behold, I found one.
It is six hours long, which surprised me, but I kept watching because this shit is BONKERS, and the fact that there was only one TV miniseries (even if it starred Stockard Channing and Treat Williams) and, like, 20/20 never even covered this is a huge missed opportunity. This shit is BANANAS and Hulu or something needs to jump on this.
So the two main suspects, who were both convicted (though one was later overturned as the cops withheld evidence during his trial), were the former principal of the school - who was also convicted of robbery and his sentencing was like the day after the murder - and her secret boyfriend and fellow teacher.
By the way, the principal has a Wiki page, the woman - Susan Reinert - does not.
Anyway, the boyfriend/teacher was like a narcissist and compulsive liar. He was dating something like 5 women at the same time (including two former students) while being legally married, and he used to tell people that he had helped the government hunt down rebels in Cuba, which of course was not true. He basically had a little cult of followers around him, and he would ask them to do stuff like HIDE WEAPONS and WIPE FINGERPRINTS OFF $25K IN CASH and no one ever went, "huh that sounds shady" because I guess he was just that charismatic.
The former principal was known to be weird and secretive. He never even let his wife or their children in the basement of their own house (which when they raided because of the robbery they found riddled with bullet holes), and it's more than likely that he murdered his oldest daughter and her husband and then tried to pretend they ran off to California.
Anyway, the boyfriend/teacher spent the months leading up to Susan's murder telling as his "followers" that he knew for sure that the principal was going to kill her and lamenting that he would likely be framed for it because she had made him the beneficiary of her life insurance (which she did, and he would have gotten like $700k which is a lot of money now, let alone in 1979). And none of these people went to the cops or told Susan, even though they all knew each other because they all worked at the same school. So then boyfriend/teacher worked REALLY hard to have an airtight alibi on a specific weekend, which just so happened to be the weekend that she died.
After the murder, all of this dude's followers were like, "wow you were right, principal actually killed her", and then he suddenly started going, "no I think he was framed by the mob" and everyone was like wtf is wrong with you, you have been telling us for months that he was going to kill her. And then his lies started to catch up with him and basically everyone in his influence turned on him and went to the police, except one of his girlfriends, who may or may not have helped him dispose of the kids' bodies, since they were never found.
ANYWAY this case is fucking crazy and should absolutely be immortalized on like HBO or something, but if you want to go down the rabbit hole, this is the first part of the series that I watched. It is super detailed. Like the murder doesn't even happen until part 3. You can also look up The Mainline Murders, there were a couple of books, but one was written by the principal's lawyer.
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llilli64 · 1 year
Hierophant green
Hi (⁠・⁠◡⁠・⁠)⁠/
☆ Hierophant Green — Which character do you relate to the most?
Starts out being whiny, insecure and, for some reason, I find him fun to watch. But when he finds his courage he becomes capable of doing things on his own. Also, I love his dynamic with Prosciutto even with all the insults, I can say they care about each other in their own particular way, which kinda reminds me of my sister and me ( I'm the oldest btw, but she's more Prosciutto than I xP)
⭐ JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Ask Meme ⭐
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strooples · 2 years
My recommendations are full of Owl House and Spy X Family fanarts & posts, yet I’ve watched neither!! This somewhat reminds me of when my Insta’s recommended were entirely Genshin Impact fanarts…
And despite never playing the game before, I kept following Genshin artists bc holy crap, that fandom attracts so many good artists haha. My sister and cousin play Genshin though and have some favorite characters. I always thought the Geshin Impact characters had super super good character designs!
Esp some of the Inazuma girls (Ayaka, Kokomi, Yoimiya, and Bal). I remember fanart of them most vividly!
Also a side note on the whole shows/entertainment tangent!! But my SO got me to sit down and watch the first episode of Jojo. I kid you not when I say that I cried legit TEARS when the doggo died. OKAY BUT,, I hate seeing bad things happening to animals 。゚(*´□`)゚。
I probably sound silly in retrospect. But that’s gotta be the most I’ve cried awhile lolol.
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catboymoments · 3 years
that drawing of jouta and jolyne you just posted (the one where jouta calls jolyne "jojo" reminded me of the fact that canonically every (main character) Joestar's nickname is Jojo. I have never realized the implications of this before. "Hi I'm Jojo, this is my big sister Jojo and my dad Jojo. We also have uncle Jojo, and great uncle Jojo- don't ask why he's only 30 when he's my great uncle- and of course there's grandpa Jojo, and here's a portrait of grandpa's grandpa Jojo." like holy crap
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