#Joost Klein/fem!reader
kirikorik · 4 months
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- And yet you left me. - And yet I left you. You'll never forget…
Joost Klein × fem!reader.
Summary: You loved each other when you were teenagers, then he ran away, and now he's back again, and no matter how much you try to avoid him, you won't succeed... After many years, you receive an invitation to a party in honor of Joost's loss at Eurovision.
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 16+! Triggers! Violence! Sexualization! Sexy theme! Not canon! The story is not reality and everything except the known facts is my fantasy!
I don't know English. Maybe there are a lot of mistakes. ♡♡♡
The party is in full swing. The sounds of electronic music are hitting your ears, but you are laughing happily, feeling the vibration in your chest. You are a little drunk, you want to relax a little after work, so you replace your drink with a new one and go further to the dance floor to forget yourself this evening. This party was a celebration of losing.
Just a few days ago, Eurovision ended, Switzerland won with some damn singer. You had nothing against the performer from this country, but you were still bitter and offended for what you did to the «main star» of this party. Joost Klein was expelled. He could have easily won, the vote ratings in his honor were skyrocketing. People liked his songs, his style, people liked him as a person. But the truth is that people couldn't help but like Joost. He was something of a cherished dream. Unattainable and too mundane. The guys wanted to be friends with him, the girls just wanted him. And yet he was excluded from Eurovision, and now Joost was celebrating his loss, his lost dream…
You raise your hands, the flashing lights in front of your eyes spin, sweat rolls down your forehead. The room is hot and stuffy, but you don't care. You don't care. Your only dream is that this evening will never end and that you will never see Joost again. But he's like a ghost, a silhouette shining in the golden light. Joost is irresistible from the tips of his snow-white hair to his bottomless blue eyes.
The crowd is moving, changing, and no matter how much you blink, you still see only him in front of you. He has white paint on his face, black circles around his eyes, he's wearing his favorite makeup, which makes your legs give way. He looks so fake… Joost is unpredictable. Joost is crazy. Joost… You're fucking in love with him.
Someone steps on your foot, but you don't care. You close your eyes painfully and swear to yourself that you won't open them until dawn today. So as not to see his silhouette, so as not to hear his voice in the songs tickling your ears, so as not to feel his hot palms on your ribs, so as not to cry from how hard his nails dig into your skin. He's standing behind you, snuggling up to you, dancing to your rhythm. He is tall, even very tall, so casually he puts his chin on top of your head and slows down to the beat of his music, as if you are dancing not to loud, rhythmic hip-hop, but to the melody accompanying your unforgettable waltz. People are drunk and don't notice you. You don't want to think about whether it's a dream, whether you feel his touch. You take a deep breath…
You and Joost weren't friends, but you were definitely more than just acquaintances. You've known him for most of your life, ever since you went to school, when you lived next door to him. Joost Klein is a naughty, arrogant wretch. — that's what your parents used to say. Joost Klein was a couple of years older than you, and you were forbidden to communicate with him, but, to tell the truth, you didn't even know him. You often watched from the window of the children's bedroom as he played ball with his father and older brother, but you were always afraid to approach them. Your parents never paid enough attention to you.
Once in childhood, your mother ordered you to put on black clothes. But you didn't listen and chose a white shirt with red hearts. Of course, no one told you that it was very important, your parents ignored you. Standing at the funeral of Joost's father, who died of cancer, you realized what a mistake you had made. Joost looked into your eyes without blinking, as if he had known you for a long time. He probably hated the scarlet hearts on your shirt. You tightened your grip on your mother's hand and lowered your tear-stained gaze to the ground.
He was thirteen, and you were a couple of years younger and didn't understand much when an ambulance arrived at your neighbor's house a year later. You didn't understand much when a body covered with a black cloth was carried out of the house on a stretcher. You didn't understand much when the white-haired boy jumped out after the doctors, screaming loudly and heartbreakingly. You didn't understand much when Joost's older brother held him in his arms, comforting him. You didn't understand a lot, but bitter tears were rolling down your cheeks. You never saw Miss Klein again.
You're afraid, but you still lean back against Joost's wide, sweat-soaked chest, cling to him as if for the last breath of air, but you don't open your eyes even when his right palm begins to slide over your cheek. He knows that you won't dare to look at him, and yet he's watching your face intently in the hope of seeing at least something.…
When Joost returned to school a few months later, he was smiling as if nothing had happened. As if his heart didn't hurt unbearably much. Then, looking at him from around the corner, you promised to share his pain with him. Being the only viewer of his YouTube channel, you, as the most devoted fan, listened attentively to all his speeches. You left likes on his videos, wrote comments, it seemed like you knew everything about him. You weren't sure if Joost at least remember your name.…
When you turned 15, you often watched at night as Joost ran away from home, as each time he was picked up by the same dark blue car with his friends. You dreamed of going to the same place where Joost went one day. He always returned just before dawn, always with a drunken sincere smile on his lips, always happy. Was he happy? Even a fool would have realized that it wasn't.
Your hips move in a slow rhythm to the right and left, Joost pressing his pelvis against you follows your every movement, exhaling hotly into the back of your head, making you tremble and tremble…
You remember the horror reflected on your face when you looked into someone else's blue eyes. So similar to Joost's eyes… A brunette twice your size was pinning you to the wall with his body… It's the first time you've run away from home after your adult friends. The guy standing in front of you was Joost's classmate, one of his best friends. But, nevertheless, it was he who persistently groped you, drunkenly muttering something and ignoring your tears, running his hands under your short skirt. The room is dark, music is blaring outside the door, no one will hear you.…
A calloused palm squeezes your thin neck, interrupting you breathing for a few moments, and then sliding back to your cheekbone. Your ears are blocked, you can't hear the music and Joost's ragged breathing over your temple. He doesn't say a word, but you understand everything and therefore drink the remaining alcohol in the glass at a time. There's no way you're going to listen to him. Do you want to forget about the existence of Joost Klein… And yet you're at his party. And yet you responded to his invitation, but not to the bell.…
You swallow back tears, mumble something about your parents, about your mother, beg him to stop and not touch you. But other men's hands are not listening to you, lifting up your short top. Other people's lips wetly kiss your neck, nibble your shoulders. You try to push Joost's friend away, but you can't do anything, he's older and twice your size, stronger…
You dig your nails into Joost's forearm, trying to stop him and forbid him to stop. You pray that he doesn't stop, and you hope that you're dreaming all this.
The flash is followed by a loud bang and swearing. Dirty alien hands are letting you go. You shiver and cling to the wall, staring wide-eyed at the floor. Your fingers lower the edge of your skirt, wanting to cover your body as much as possible. You're almost hysterical, and when someone else's hands fall on your shaking shoulders again, you shudder violently, raising your head sharply. Joost is standing in front of you. Pale. He seems very scared. There are drops of blood on his cheekbone, the knuckles of his right hand are broken, and his best friend is lying unconscious on the icy floor next to you. But he hugs you with trembling hands and prays that you will be all right. His sweet lonely neighbor, who seems to know everything about him and at the same time nothing at all. Joost was not a fighter, he was not an athlete, and although in junior high he often fought with other children, as he got older, he completely forgot about it. And yet, when he saw you in tears, his fists automatically clenched. He was only thinking about how to protect you. — It's time for us to go home. He says softly, before borrowing an old navy blue car from a friend and taking you away.…
You hate him. You hate it as much as you hate yourself. But for Joost, you are the most valuable, the closest. You're what he always wants, but his hands only touch you when he's drunk. His lips don't know the taste of your lips. His eyes have never seen your naked body. Although he would be willing to give a lot if you told him at least once — yes. You loved him. He knew it, but it was all terribly ridiculous, almost disgustingly funny.
It's cold in the car, it smells like weed and alcohol. Joost doesn't seem to have a driver's license. But you don't even think about it, clinging to the car window and shivering in the front seat. Joost's doesn't look at you, but he's gripping the steering wheel tightly. An oppressive silence fills the interior of the car, and only occasionally your short sobs scare the two of you.
— Bastard… — you whisper softly, bringing your hands back and painfully digging your nails into Joost's scalpel, tangling your hands in his snow—white hair. You think he doesn't hear your words, but Just just chuckles softly and snuggles closer to you.
You don't say a word to each other when your parents meet you at the door of the house more angry than scared, you want to hate Joost for telling your parents everything. But it seems that the contempt in the eyes of your mother and father in Joost's direction is enough for you two.
— Y/n… — he drunkenly mutters your name…
You're under house arrest, and all you have is a view of his house from the window. You cry, remembering everything that happened, and you can't contain your anger when you see Joost climbing out of his room window again late at night. But the car in the yard is already a different color: scarlet, expensive and shiny, and a tall brunette is driving… There is disappointment in your heart, pain in your soul…
His hands tickle your ribs, stroke your waist, pity your body. Joost is unpredictable, like the first snow in October or the last in May. He comes unexpectedly, bursts into your life without any warning, as if you've been waiting for him for a long time. Have you been waiting for him? In response, you are silent, but your trembling hands stroke his cheekbones, slide along his neck while you press your back against his chest. You arch in the small of your back and hear your bones crunch, but it doesn't hurt you, just a little bit.
He smiles, it seems to sparkle and happily at his new girlfriend, a fateful brunette his high school classmate. She is one of the most beautiful girls in school: rich parents, good reputation, excellent grades. Joost is her opposite, but opposites eventually attract, don't they? You bite the inside of your cheek, talking to your friends, but your eyes are glued to the newly minted couple cooing at the entrance to the chemistry room…
— Why again? — you mumble, knowing the answer perfectly well…
When you see them naked in Joost's bedroom through the window of your house, something inside dies. You cry loudly, wipe your tears into your pillow, swallow your sobs and hope that everything will end soon.…
— I promised you, — Joost replies with an ironic laugh, whispering in your ear. Your skin is covered with goosebumps, and tears come to your eyes again.
You're drunk again, you ran away from home again, but now you have a reason for it — non-reciprocal love. There is a fog in my head, a picture floats before my eyes, how you joyfully rush into the arms of some unknown guy. Now you're 16, now you can. Someone's lips are sliding down your neck, somewhere in your head your mind is screaming at you to run, whispering that you don't want this. Your heart squeezes painfully in my chest, and your watery eyes are filled with memories of that damn night when Joost's ex-best friend tried to force you… You feel sick, sick and…
— Do you remember the night I promised I'd never leave you? — that damn grin that suits Joost so well doesn't leave his lips while he leaves a trail of kisses on your neck. Maybe you'll finally come to terms, maybe you'll finally give a damn and just say — yes?
Your head is spinning, and your legs don't hold you at all when long-familiar male hands, covered with ridiculous tattoos, pull you out of someone else's arms. You want to scream, but you just melt under the influence of a few bottles of alcohol and obediently follow Joost through the crowd. Somewhere behind you, you hear a woman screaming. The scream of that brunette bitch, that's what you called her.
— You were very drunk, crying and begging me not to leave you, remember? — Joost is circling you in his arms, hoarsely and insistently, without stopping whispering…
You're screaming. Loudly, tearing his throat out as the car leaves the city. Joost doesn't say a word, he's mad as hell, and except for the look in his eyes — «I told you never to go to high school parties again.» — You can't see anything anymore.
— I'd like to forget… — you see bright lights through your closed eyelids.…
It's night outside, the sky is overcast, and you can't see the moon or the stars, only the headlights of a damn car you know illuminate the road. Joost is looking at you, right into your eyes. His face is young without wrinkles and although his life has been hard, he still has naivety in his soft features. His white fluffy hair, always sticking out in different directions is wet. His white T-shirt is stuck to his chest, he breathes loudly, pulls his light eyebrows together and shushes through his teeth… In all the years that you've known each other, you've never had a normal conversation. But it doesn't seem to be necessary for any of you when you impulsively approach him and find his lips at random. You're fucking drunk giving Joost your first kiss. Joost doesn't push you away, and you beg him never to leave you again, he swears he won't leave you.…
— You'll never forget… — the blond man laughs slyly, resting his chin on your shoulder, you can feel his heart beating in his chest with your shoulder blades, and you want to tear out your own.…
A ringing slap in the face tears the air with a pop. The fatal couple, consisting of an failed singer, a party lover and the obedient daughter of rich parents, breaks up right in the hallway of the school. Now Joost's ex-girlfriend slaps him in the face. It's painful. But instead of at least saying something to her, Joost looks sideways with his icy blue eyes at you…
— Never… — you stutter, and tears come to your eyes… It's not even fair…
You have never said words of love to each other, never swore eternal feelings and promised nothing. You did not meet, did not touch each other, only with glances, only in whispers, only with short poems and songs.
— Never… — he whispers in response to your words, but the music interrupts him.…
And after that, Joost drops out of school, just leaves without even finishing his studies, he doesn't tell you a damn thing, just disappears after your long nights on the hood of his battered car, when you watched the stars with such love, each other…
You beg him to tell you why when he's packing his bags. You ask him to explain to you why when he buys train tickets. You whisper, «What about me?» When he just sighs softly and obediently turns away and goes deep into his house. You do not dare to follow him.
— And yet you left me… — you say, laughing softly, with irony, as lonely tears roll down your cheeks.
A few hours before his flight, you call him on the phone, ignoring the screaming music behind you, the laughter of people and… Joost knows perfectly well where you are, but only listens silently to your drunken pleas to come back, pick you up from this damn party, as he always did. Take you home and take care of you. Joost hangs up, you try again, you text him with loud sobs: — «Damn bastard, I love you!» — But it never reaches him, and a notification is displayed on your phone screen: «The contact blocked you.»
— And yet I left you. — Joost confirms your words. There's no need to lie, you both know everything.
The house opposite is now empty, you will no longer find any of the members of the little Klein family. And neither his friends nor classmates know where he is. After six months, you give up and stop looking for him…
— I was looking for you. — you're not lying, and, to tell the truth, all those five years that you were so far from each other, you kept looking for him. You kept looking until one day you came across a song with a familiar voice on the radio. You were ready to die to those damn lines: «Hearts on her shirt, kisses on her cheeks. Tears, behind which the eyes are not visible, she screamed after: You swore! And I blocked her contact with a bitter smile on my lips.»
— I'm sorry. — the only thing he says, and you don't know if he's really sorry, but you just nod. Tears are already streaming down your cheeks…
— I hate you. — your hands drop, and you finally open your eyes, which are glistening with tears, but still don't turn around.
— It's not true! — Joost exclaims almost resentfully in your ear and jerks you sharply.
In the five years that he was gone, you tried to live without him. You graduated from high school with honors and entered a prestigious university. You forbade yourself to listen to songs and all the art, it reminded you of only one person you've known for a long time.
Your tear-stained eyes express neither hatred nor contempt, only deep resentment when you meet the gaze of clear blue irises. Joost is still the same, although he is five years older. He's 26 now, and your age difference doesn't seem that surprising. Blond tousled hair, the same as before but shorter. Bright eyebrows, the same as eyelashes. He has grown a short beard and a small mustache above his plump lips, but it suits him. He smiles and… It's still the same smile. A smile you haven't seen in so long. And the smile you've been in love with for so long.
Joost suffered and tortured himself all these five years, but he knew that it was necessary, he knew that otherwise his dreams would not come true. Sacrifices were required, and unfortunately, on the way to his success, the first and biggest obstacle was you, and he decided that before it was too late, before things went too far, he needed to leave. But he loved you, loved you all these years, and you can't count the countless drafts and tracks that he wrote for you, but without releasing them in the hope that one day, when he returns, you will forgive him and listen to all these hundreds of tracks dedicated only to you with him. He had a lot of albums with your name on them.
— I don't want to see you anymore… — you mumble, your gaze slides down. You don't want to see his painted face anymore, he always hid behind the mask of his openness. But you knew how his heart could ache, how his hands could tremble, what his needy hugs could be. He needed you as much as you needed him, and yet…
Joost's eyes narrow, he shakes his head with a slight understanding smile on his lips, and then bends lower knowing that you will not pull away and whispers monotonously and hoarsely:
— Liar. — Joost concludes the verdict, crawling with his fingertips under your short top, wanting to feel you closer, wanting you…
— Which one of us is a liar here? — you laugh ironically and put your hand behind his head, tangling your fingers in his blond hair, they feel as soft as before and if you close your eyes you can probably believe that five years is not so much.
— Forgive me, honing(Honey)… — he does not dare to look into your eyes, even though you are looking for his gaze.
The crowd around you is pushing, jumping and shouting something loudly, the bright flashes of the spotlights hurt your eyes, make them water. You feel dizzy, your chest hurts, your legs can't hold you, and if it weren't for Joost's firm grip on your waist, you would have fallen. You wouldn't mind being trampled by a crowd. You wouldn't mind not seeing his face anymore, not feeling the air saturated with his scent…
And yet you can't take your eyes off his makeup, from his plump lips mutilated by a bitter smile. Even if he was regretting it wasn't that he left and left you. But he was definitely regretting for you.
— You know what, I won't forgive you, — you snort, biting your lip. Regret has long settled in your heart, and now, except for tears and aching pain, you can't seem to feel anything else.
— I know you hate me, — Joost freezes in front of your face, looks straight into your eyes, exhales hotly on your cracked, bleeding lips. — I know you love me. — he has an apologetic smile on his lips, but he doesn't regret anything when he touches your lips with a sweet kiss soaked in poison. You don't regret anything, biting his lips in return. The kiss is sour from the taste of blood, salty from the bitter tears rolling down your cheeks, and yet it's the only thing you want from each other.…
The sound of music is deafening, but your heart is beating much louder and your chest is constricted much more than from the touch of his lips. Joost pulls you to him, hugs you tightly, circles you, takes you out of the room. You know that tomorrow won't come. Joost's eyes are clear, clear, blue, almost transparent, so similar to the cloudless sky you looked at as a child. Behind the veil of tears, your eyes look like the cloudy sky that Joost looked at, holding back tears, at his father's funeral. And yet you whisper love to each other, and yet you beg not to leave.…
The loud, ear-piercing ringing of the alarm clock makes your heart skip a beat. You jump up clutching your aching head. The alcohol you drank yesterday makes itself felt and you slide back onto the soft pillow, smearing your bedroom with a blurry look. Fortunately, at least you are at home. A tired sigh leaves your lips and you jerk your head, a damn dream, a damn ghost with the face of your first love — Joost Klein. You roll over on your side and a single tear rolls down your cheek before you turn on your phone, open social media and notice hundreds of notifications. You're confused, your eyebrows furrow and you click on one of the links, looking closely at the photo with the caption: «Childhood friend of Joost Klein…»
In the photo, your eyes are glistening with alcohol, and your pupils are large and dark, your head is tilted back, a half-smile plays on your lips, and you look at the man in front of you in love, but his face is in shadow and you can hardly see anything. You feel awkward, even scared, confused. You straighten up, sit on the bed and zoom in on the image, noticing with a surprised «oh» traces of white paint on your face…
— Good morning, liefste(love). — a familiar hoarse, almost purring purring voice takes care of your ears, you freeze with your eyes wide open and turn to the door. There he stood at the threshold. Almost completely naked, with a rustic food tray in his hands and traces of remaining white makeup on his face. Joost Klein.
Your first and only love. Your first and last addiction. Your first and greatest pain.
— I brought us breakfast! — he laughs and talks as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn't disappeared for five whole years and then returned without warning. You frown, the heart in your chest once again makes itself felt, but you shrug off the pain when you notice traces of pinkish kisses on Joost's face, neck, chest and arms. White paint and red lipstick mixed together. Joost grins, and you realize with surprise, but without any regrets, that the heart and the first kiss are now not the only thing that you gave him…
Don't post this anywhere without my permission!
I'm waiting for requests if there are any?
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k0juki · 5 months
pls one when reader and joost making out
"That's what I like"
Joost Klein x fem!reader
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English is not my first language, so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! More posts here.
A/n: short, but I tried🙏
Warnings: making out and maybe little bit suggestive? Idk so be aware!
Wc: 322
"Joost, I have to go." You said as he kissed you. He didn't want to let you go. He was waiting for the moment that you were alone, and when you finally were, you wanted to go away, to buy something.
"Just a few more minutes." Joost kisses always took your breath away and when he decide that he won't let you go, he won't. At least not now. "You can buy it tomorrow morning..."
"No I can't," you kissed him and put your hands in his soft, blonde hair. "I have that meeting."
Joost whined and pulled away to start putting kisses on your neck, right on your pulse, "I missed you when I was gone." Joost breathed and held you down against the bed of your shared bedroom, but it was a soft enough grip, so as not to hurt you.
You moaned as his mouth started sucking on your sensitive spot. "I'll be right back." You whispered. "I just need to buy some stuff."
"But I really need th-"
"I said no."
Joost licket his lips as he pulled away from your neck, where deep purple spots could be seen, and quietly whispered "please stay," he kissed your lips again and added "I need you to stay here, with me."
He felt a bit pathetic, begging for you to stay in bed with him, but he also wanted you all for himself, to be selfish.
And how you could say no to him, you couldn't and he knew that. Someone would say that he takes advantage of it.
You lightly scratched his neck where you played with his hair, it was getting longer, you like it. "Okay," you whispered and gave him another soft kiss. "I will stay."
"That's what I like to hear." He muttered with a smug expression before he dipped his head closer to yours and caught your lips in his.
"That's what I like.”
Don't copy or translate my work! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
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urfavleo777 · 4 months
the only thing i need in my life is soft morning sex with Joost and just being so needy and loving for each other🙏🙏 (praise kink makes my brain go brrr😩)
love your work!❤️
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lazy mornings
joost klein x fem!reader
warnings: face-sitting, language, smut.
your eyes open lazily under the influence of sunlight from outside the window. you mentally scold yourself and your boyfriend for not closing the curtains, but you were too busy with each other last night to even remember.
it’s quiet, save for the soft snores filling your ears. with the way your body is tangled with joost’s, you feel his steady breathing, his face happily buried in the crook of your neck.
this is one of the first times you wake up first. usually joost is the early bird who gets up just before the alarm goes off. the result of opening your eyes first was last night's drinking with friends. joost, well he drank way too much. so it's inevitable that he'll wake up with a huge hangover.
“god morgen, beautiful.” his morning voice is always so deep — raspy. you shut your eyes again, murmuring a greeting back at him as he props himself up a little to kiss you on the cheek. “ouch, my head.”
“do you need medicine, love?”
“no,” he yawned, covering his mouth with his hand. “i need only you.”
you laugh, starting to run your finger along jooste's tinted cheek. he closes his eyes under your touch, enjoying each new movement. a blissful little sigh slips from his lips, as he nuzzles into your palm. you lean forward to smear a kiss against his forehead, overcome with fondness; warm lips lingering on his skin.
you admire every one of his features, ghosting your hand over his bare skin. he always looks beautiful, of course, but especially when he has his eyes closed. it is mornings like these you most adore — a quiet moment to contrast your loud, busy life. a moment alone with your lover, with your thoughts. when you stop the scratching, he grabs your hand and places a long kiss on it.
he hums, before whispering, lips tickling the edges of your ear on purpose, pouting, “mh, continue.”
he’s a little too pretty, like this. framed by the hazy sunshine, like something out of a dream. all soft clouds and gentle caresses, the scent of dried lavender, the pitter patter of rain against a windowsill. all things kind and comforting. 
“i don’t want you to fall asleep again.” you laugh quietly, burying your hands in his messy blonde hair.
you’re afraid that your heart might give out, if you look at him for too long.
joost finally opens his blue eyes and, you take back your words, he is even more beautiful than ever.
being in joost’s arms is pure bliss. the most grounding sensation you know, one that never fails to calm you down, no matter how stressed or anxious you’re feeling. with his broad chest and strong arms, his bergamot-scented skin. so doting, pressing little kisses to your shoulder, trying to console you. his hair tickles your cheek a little, but it’s comforting.
“what’s wrong, honey?” he questions, voice set on a low, particularly soothing lilt. coaxing, almost cooing — a tone that buzzes with safety. his big hands go to rest on your head and back, smoothing down your spine.
”nothing,” you sniffle. feeling a little silly. “you’re just too perfect. ‘s not fair.”
a pause. 
then, a chuckle bubbles up from joost’s throat. something fond and delightful unfurls in his chest, a kind of relief; a feather-light amusement.
”ah, is that so?” he drawls, a lazy amusement flickering through his eyes. playful. “don’t you have enough after yesterday?”
“never.” you shake your head, smiling deviously.
“sit on my face then.” he shuffles further down on the bed, lifting his head away from the pillow. “go ahead. make yourself comfortable.”
as you obey, you feel a tingling sensation down on your lower belly, butterflies awakening as you place your knees in between his head. “such a pretty look.” you squeal when he tugs your thighs closer, his mouth immediately attaching to your wet pussy. joost growls deeply, feeling the vibrations on your cunt.
your mind goes into a state of bliss, your hands grabbing his hair tightly. “that’s right,” he says between licking your cunt, “fucking grind yourself on me, mhmm…”
“oh, baby,” you whimper, closing your eyes as your hips unconsciously hump his face, “i think i’m gonna cum.”
he replies with a deep “mhm?” and doesn’t stop playing with your engorged, sensitive clit. he laps his tongue on your pussy like an animal, his big hands gripping your thighs so tightly that they might leave handprints.
your legs shake as you climax, your hands reaching behind you to grab ahold of his thighs. he licks all the cum spilled out of you.
but joost doesn’t stop.
your eyes expand when he continues to drink up all your juices, lapping his tongue against your throbbing bud again and again, nonstop. the overstimulation makes you pull away, but he stops you.
“we’re not done,” he grumbles, “not fucking done eating your pussy.”
joost’s mouth and jaw were soaked in your wetness, and that’s clearly what he likes. joost likes it messy, he likes to eat your pussy like it was his last meal. and seeing you on top of him like this — being a good girl to take his tongue, learning how to subdue the overwhelming sensations and instead take pleasure in them, he plans to reward you after this.
“i—i’m cumming,” you barely say in a whisper, mouth agape.
joost chuckles menacingly as you spill all over him once again. he watches in awe how your body trembles, struggling to keep yourself up.
“good girl,” he kisses your inner thigh. “you’re more valuable than all the medicines in the world.”
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zoofzoofxx · 5 months
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Pairing - Joost Klein x Fem!reader
Summary - As you and your little sister walk home, you notice a commotion near a car where a group of people is shouting excitedly. Your sister catches the name of a famous singer and eagerly wants his autograph. However, Joost seems more intrigued by you and proposes a compromise.
Genre - Fluff
"Thank you very much,” I heard my sister express while embracing me. We were presently walking home; the evening was approaching, and we still had quite a lengthy distance to my flat. Several months back, I turned 22 and purchased a lovely apartment and moved out from my parents. My sister recently turned 16, so I invited her to my flat for the weekend, to go shopping, and then enjoy a delightful dinner as a gift. We were discussing the time my sister prefers to depart tomorrow because the journey to my parents' home is rather lengthy. Suddenly, we heard a cluster of individuals shouting and congregating near a rather luxurious car.
"What is happening back there?" my sister asked, wanting to go and see, but I grabbed her arm. "Let’s just go," I said while pulling her.
"Wait, was that Joost Klein?!" In a matter of seconds, my sister was by the car, fangirling like the rest of the group.
"Lorelei, let's just head back, I'm exhausted," I expressed, pulling on her jumper. The surroundings began to darken, and I had forgotten to bring a coat or a hoodie, assuming we'd return home early, but the chill was intensifying by the minute. I started to rub my hands together to generate some warmth. Lorelei continued to call out for the Dutch man who was sitting in his car, disregarding my words. I let out a sigh and decided to wait for her to meet Joost before we could head home. As time passed, the crowd dwindled, with many leaving, yet a few lingered. Eventually, it was Lorelei's turn, and she seized my wrist, pulling me along for moral support.
"HI JOOST, I’M SUCH A BIG FAN!" my little sister exclaimed. Joost chuckled at her excitement until his friend nudged him and pointed directly at me.
“Ey zij is echt mooi! (Ey she’s really beautiful!)” His friend grinned at me. I felt puzzled, so I returned the smile. Joost gazed at me, and we locked eyes for a moment before he looked away.
“Inderdaad. (Indeed.)” Joost said while nodding to his friend and then turning back to me.
"Feeling chilly?" the blond guy inquired, swinging open his car door and walking towards me. As he towered over me, he took a cigarette from his pocket and ignited it. He took a drag, glanced away, removed the cigarette from his lips, and exhaled the smoke. Then, he locked eyes with me, placed the cigarette back between his lips, and waited for a reply. I was at a loss for words. In the background, I caught my sister's amused chuckle, and I noticed a few onlookers capturing this moment on film.
“I’m not cold.” I say looking away. Joost didn’t hesitate to grab my hand.
"False. Your nose is pink and your hands are chilly. And I saw you rubbing your hands and attempting to heat yourself up," the blond man remarked as his strong Dutch accent was evident. He chuckled, unzipping and removing his coat, then passing it to me.
"I-I can't accept that," I stammered, motioning for him to put his jacket back on, but he remained still. My sister gently nudged me, signaling to take the jacket. I glanced at her, seeing her thumbs up, and suddenly, it felt like I was back in high school chatting with my crush and getting support from my best friend. Joost nodded for me to accept his jacket. After a moment of hesitation, I finally took it. He blew the smoke in another direction, placed the cigarette back between his lips, and helped me zip up my jacket. The scent of his expensive cologne filled my lungs. He turned to my sister with a smile clapping his hands together.
“Sooo… You wanted a picture and an autograph?”He inquired of her, and she enthusiastically nodded. He strolled back to his vehicle while his friends chuckled. He retrieved a sheet of paper and a pen, passing them to my sister.
“Can you write your sister her phone number?” He said gazing at me, giving me a wink as I averted my gaze sensing that my face would blush a light shade of pink. My sibling didn't even pause. She penned down the phone digits and aimed to pass it over but halted him.
"I want a hug too," she utters, and he chuckles.
"Let’s compromise, will you write her name and surname for a hug?" He said pointing at me, as I could hear his friends laugh, and I buried my face in my hands due to embarrassment. I could also sense the excitement among Joost's supporters who were laughing heartily.
"Of course! Her name is Y/n!" She mentioned writing something down and passing the paper and pen to him without any delay to offer her a significant, extended embrace. I caught her whispering something, and he burst into loud laughter. I simply grinned, relishing the sight of my sister's joy. Joost murmured something in return, and Lorelei stepped back and approached me. She began to quietly murmur something in my ear.
“No way-.” I said backing away and furrowing my brows.
"Please for my birthday!" She pleads, casting me those adorable puppy eyes.
"No Lorelei, that's an excessive request," I utter firmly, feeling utterly exhausted.
"Please." Joost emerged alongside my sister, giving me pleading eyes. I turned my head and exhaled deeply.
"What will you receive in exchange?" I inquire, exhaling and turning towards my sister.
"A meet and greet for an hour after his concert," she says, pleading with me and giving me those puppy eyes. I sigh and walk over to Joost, who's already lowering himself to my height. I glance at my sister, who's holding her phone out, waiting for the perfect photo opportunity. I just shake my head no, and she pouts. Looking at Joost, I notice he's smiling, his cigarette is gone. As I get a closer look, I realize he's actually really handsome. He gives me one last look and winks. I give him a light peck on his cheek, leaving a faint pink mark. The people around us go wild, especially his friends in the car. I glance at my sister, who's snapping a picture. I furrow my brows and turn back to Joost. His expression is gentle, and he's blushing, as am I.
"You smell pleasant." He chuckled, and I playfully hit his shoulder.
"Lorelei, go get the autograph and the image, and let's head back." I express, glancing at Lorelei as if nothing has happened. My sibling nodded, and a short while later, she bid her final farewell. Joost walked towards me, coming closer with outstretched arms for an embrace. I embraced him, then stepped back and started unzipping the coat Joost had given me.
"What are you up to?" He inquires as I glance up at him.
"Returning your coat. I'm warm, and it belongs to you," I mention, but he took my hand halfway and zips it back up.
"Take it, please, I insist." He casts those pleading puppy eyes once more. I exhaled in surrender, feeling weary and not in the mood for a conversation with anyone at the moment.
“Jij bent echt schattig. (You are really cute)” he said and I tilted my head to the side in confusion and he grinned. Embracing me once more and walking back into his car.
“Ik hou van jou! (I love you!)” Lorelei mentions, and Joost chuckles while glancing at the paper my sister handed him earlier.
“Ik hou van Y/n. (I love Y/n.)” He speaks, and my sister shrieks and pinched my arm while I remain confused. I simply grasp my sister's shoulder, and we depart. Glancing back one last time, I notice Joost Klein still gazing at me with a smile. He winks, offers a small wave, and raises his phone, indicating that I should check mine. I acknowledge with a nod, thumbs up, and a wave as we turn the corner..
After a few minutes of silence I heard a phone notification coming from my phone.
“Send me a message once you arrive home safely with your little sister.”
I passed my phone to my little sister so she could check the message, and she burst into screams of excitement once more. After what seemed like an eternity, we arrived at my place. Then, I heard yet another notification, this time from Instagram.
“@joostklein ✓ started following you.”
As we stepped into my apartment, the initial thing Lorelei did was play the track "Buurman Uit Berlijn" by Joost Klein and MCR-T. I strolled into my room and overheard my sister say:
"Y/n, remember to reply to Joost!" I just sighed and took my phone, sending him a brief message saying: "we got back home alright, appreciate the autograph and photo with my sister."
In less than 10 seconds, Joost replied, saying: "I have a lipstick mark on my cheek, thanks for that and the hug. You smell really good. If I were you, I'd check the jackets right pocket. I left a little surprise." With my toothbrush in my mouth, I headed to the living room, picked up the neatly folded jacket, and looked through the pockets. It was a letter that said ‘Y/n’ I opened it and inside were 2 passes for the Eurovision Song Contest… I almost chocked on my toothbrush, quickly grabbed my phone, and messaged Joost: “When did you slip those in!?” I hit send quickly and immediately got a reply: “When we embraced. Give one pass to your sister. I'll cover the flight and hotel, unless you'd like to stay with me in the same hotel room ;)” I knitted my brows in confusion. I hastily texted him: “I'm truly grateful. Goodnight.” And received a swift response: “Slaapzacht schat. (Sleep tight darling.)” I just left him on read going into sleep thinking about the kiss with Joost.
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catch1ngmoths · 4 months
-ˋˏ ༻ only stay with you one more night༺ ˎˊ-
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𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋"so I cross my heart and I hope to die…that I’ll only stay with you one more night." - maroon 5𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋
Summary: Joost sees you at a party and immediately becomes head over heels. While alone he approaches you, things escalate, but maybe you both wanted to stay…
Note: I POSTED MY LAST POST LIKE 10 MINUTES AGO AND I ALREADY HAVE TWO REQUESTS, yall always come in clutch istg??! Anyways love yall, part two maaaaybe..?
Warnings: Slight fluff, SMUT!! Maybe some angst near the end (?)
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
You didn’t wanna go to this party, you knew you didn’t. You’d much rather stay home but after minutes of begging from your friends you groan and agree. Your friends clap excitedly and drag you to help with your makeup. You can’t lie, they did a pretty good job…you looked hot. You decided to put on your favorite dress becuase fuck it, why not. It didn’t look like you were trying too hard but it’s also not elegant and super fancy. It was perfect.
Soon after you all arrived your friends dragged you to get drinks, squealing and dancing as you stood back. You preferred people watching over dancing, you were the mom friend and looked over your friends. Especially since they didn’t seem to aware of their surroundings. As you were stood there you couldn’t shake the feeling of someone’s eyes on you.
You look up and see him, a blond guy with a rocker style and piercing blue eyes. As you lock eyes he turns away, acting as if he didn’t pay any mind to you in the first place. You keep your eyes on him for a little, looking over him. He was cute, very cute. More than cute…he had a certain energy about him. You could normally tell which guys were trouble and which weren’t but he was so different. He had an energy that pulled you in and intoxicated your senses.
Your racing thoughts were cut off by the sound of your friend calling your name, calling you to the dance floor. You rolled your eyes playfully with a smile on your lips as you join your friends. Body swaying with theirs.
It didn’t take long for your friends to be absolutely wasted while you didn’t have any more then one drink. You called Ubers for all of them to make sure they got home safe and once you knew they were all good you leaned against the wall outside the club and took a breath of fresh air.
You started thinking of anything you wanted, finally having a time of peace. Before you heard a shuffling behind you. You turn your head to see the guy from before, cigarette between his lips and leaning on the same wall you were. A surprising comfortable silence settled between the both of you before it was broken by a low voice.
“Never seen you here before..” he speaks, a clear accent spilling from his lips. “Eh…I don’t come here often, I just got dragged here by my friends.” You say with a slight chuckle, looking at his side profile in awe. He really was the definition of beauty. His head stays still but his eyes look to you before returning at their original position.
He chuckles and it sends a shiver through your body, “got a staring problem or somthing, hm?” He says blowing the smoke from his cigarette into the air before tossing it to the side and stomping on it. His body turning to face you, “couldn’t keep my eyes off you lieverd, your one pretty girl you know that eh?” He smiled
His smile was so infectious that you found yourself smiling as well, “I could say the same for you…uh…” you say, realizing you don’t know his name. He catches on and utters, “Joost. And you.?” He says as you look at him with doe eyes that almost bring him to his knees
“Y/n…” you say softly feeling affected by him being so close, “y/n huh? Pretty name for a pretty girl.” He says with a cocky smirk, shuffling closer to you. You both weren’t drunk but it was clear you’d both had some drinks, giving you both liquid courage. Your heads face each other, eyes locked and lips close. Before both of you can even think you both rush forward into a heated kiss.
It’s breathy, grabbing at each other desperately as he pushing his weight against you holding your chin with one hand. “Mine” kiss “m-mine or-“ kiss “mine or yours liefje..?” He mutters between heated kisses, “m-mine..” you whine, feeling better about it being at your house over his.
After a Uber ride filed with sexual tension and heavy air you both burst through the front door, unable to keep y’all’s hands off each other. You lead him to your room, practically pulling each others clothes off like wild animals.
He lays you back on your bed gently and kisses from your neck down to your now exposed chest, you were both only covered by y’all’s underwear. He clips off your bra, showing love to both breasts as you run your hands through his hair moaning out. He kisses down your soft stomach untill he reaches where you needed him the most.
“J-Joost..please..” you whine out, squirming under his hot breath and teasing touch. A harsh slap to your thigh makes you throw your head back and whimper tears brimming in your eyes. He peppers soft kisses to where a pink hand mark was starting to form with a snicker.
He pulls off his boxers and pulls your underwear down as well. He kisses back up your body, pressing soft and loving kisses to your swollen lips. “Ready honey?” He asks softly, eyes looking at you with nothing but affection. You can only nod frantically making him chuckle.
He slowly slides into you with a groan, both of you throwing y’all’s heads back. He thrusts harshly into you, making your brain short circuit. His kisses to your body are the polar opposite to how his dick abuses your cunt making you see stars as you moan out his name.
A few minutes of sweet pleasure makes you whine as you grasp his hand tight, half lidded eyes looking into his. “J-Joost I-I’m…” you whimper as his dick hits just the right spot, knocking the words out of you. “Go on baby…fuck..go on” he groans as he lowers his head to kiss your head.
You both let go and ride out your high together, him letting out sweet words of praise as you let out soft moans and whimpers. He lifts his head to look at you with adoration, kissing your soft lips once more before going and getting a cloth to clean you both up.
The last you remember is snuggling up to his side and falling asleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat and the feeling of soft fingers stroking your back gently…..
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
Your eyes open to the sound of the morning birds and the blinding light shining in through your window. You don’t feel warm anymore; no longer in his arms and alas alone in your bed. You lift your body out your bed, looking around for him.
Of course you knew this was a one night stand, both of you did. You knew it the moment his lips connected with yours. But some part of you wanted him to stay..the way he looked at you was not the way someone looked at another person they just wanted to fuck and be done with.
Little did you know, he felt the exact same. He woke up to the safe and comforting feeling of the weight of your head on his chest, but he knew he couldn’t stay. His mind felt plagued as he picked up his clothes that were scattered across your floor. He softly kissed your head before fighting all his instincts and closing your door, ordering an Uber home.
He hoped if he just left that he’d forget about you soon enough…
He didn’t.
Part two: https://www.tumblr.com/catch1ngmoths/751209894218170368/%F0%93%87%BC-time-after-time-%F0%93%8D%A2-if-your-lost-you
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urfavlarry · 4 months
How are you? I just read the cigarettes after sex fic and I'm giggling and kicking my feet <3 Can I request a Joost Klein x fem!reader that's opposite of his style? Like opposites attract :3
The devil with his angel
Joost Klein x fem!reader
summary: readers style is a bit more feminine and usually wear lighter colours, unlike joost who had a masculine, street wear type of style. you were the prime example of the saying ‘opposites attract’
a/n: reader has a slightly specified outfit, hope thats alright<3
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🐦 ɞ˚‧。⋆
— You and Joost have been dating for a few months in secret, wanting some privacy before revealing anything to the public. It was more for you to build your relationship more and have your peace and quiet for some time, knowing your fans could get a bit hectic. You loved each other dearly, you two filled each other’s empty spaces, you fit together like an ancient puzzle basically soulmates.
In the present, you were currently at Joosts concert, you being on the opposite side of the barrier blocking the fans from rushing to the stage giving you your space. You were smiling, singing along to his songs. You only started learning dutch when you started dating Joost to show your dedication to this relationship and how much he meant to you, and so you could support him during his concerts like you were doing now. You didn’t fit in the crowd however at all, everyone wearing more darker colours, or something not that bright meanwhile you were here in a floral dress, some white stockings, mary janes and some accessories. You stood out like a black sheep, which was ironic since you were the only one NOT wearing black. You stood closer to the stage, taking some photos of Joost on your polaroid camera he got you on your birthday. You smiled, everyone would be able to tell you were love struck if your back wasn’t facing them.
Joost was in the middle of playing his song ´Droom Groot’ , it was clear he loved performing the atmosphere of his concerts were never dull, always some kind of emotions were being felt during his concerts. The end of the song was nearing, the “Yes, yes, ladies and gentlemen this was Joost Klein with his hit single ´Dome Groot’ “ You smiled softly, Joost looking down at you with a smile before crouching and cupping your cheek in his hand, giving you a kiss on the lips. Your eyes went wide and your cheeks got hotter, the crowd screaming and whistling, even some gasps were heard. It really was a strange sight, you really were polar opposites.
The next day the media went crazy. You were on every media, trending somewhere in the tops 10s. You scrolled through all the articles, some fans were beyond excited and celebrated the union of their two favourite artists, while others were dumbfounded. They had no idea how such polar opposittes could have found their way to each other. Joost came out the shower, towel loosely tied on his hips as he dried his hair. He came towards you and looked at your phone. “How bad is it?” He asks, a smile on his face. You return his smile, looking up at him. “It’s a mix of ‘oh my god i’m so happy for them’ and ‘how are they even together’ but that was more than expected.” You say and he nods kissing your forehead. “Yeah, but i’m glad I don’t have to hide my love for you anymore.”
Despite the media going crazy, you two embraced your public relationship, attending events together and Joost couldn’t help to always post something about you somewhere, your styles making you guys even more magnetic. Fans slowly started to see the connection between you two, acceptance growing more by the day. One time you both had to speak up about your relationship a bit more, since death threats started to be thrown into your inboxes left and right.
Joost Klein
It’s funny how you all see our styles and think we’re two worlds apart. Aside our styles were just two people who have passion for music and love each other.
Liked by bambiethug, {yourusername} and 2,082,096 others
user79107 and 568K others commented
bambiethug: you two are such sweethearts!! sending you all the love and protection from evil<3
fucktheebu replied to user6618990: grow up you’re like 12
{your nickname}
@{yourusername} ✓
I get we have different styles but giving us death threats? Wow..
You don’t see more then what we put on the media, you don’t know what our relationship is like behind closed doors. We may have different styles but we love each other and have the same passion for music, we basically balance each other out in our own way. Sending love to everyone that supported us xx
Liked by joostklein, user97741 and 1,980,762 others
hihixlovers and 567K others commented
lolianx: ❤️❤️ love your dynamic fr
apsondabluebirdha: tell them!!
After that the whole thing calmed down. You two lived your lives more peacefully and you didn’t have to hide anymore. The both of you made a song together, tours sold out and your albums too. It was nice but it did add some stress to your career. You managed it all together always being there for one another despite your slight differences. You cherished every moment together, whether it was a simple night out, cooking together, singing silly songs together or just cuddling and watching a movie, all of it was just perfect.
You were currently in prague, performing a concert there together. You were the opener of Joosts concerts, since you didn’t really have the finances to two different tours so you decided on being the opener which you were more than happy to do.
You sat in a café, admiring the view of prague and also lost in thought. Joost was talking about the upcomig concerts, talking about the new places he wanted to see. He noticed your dazed state and stopped talking, putting a hand on yours as if to silently as if you’re okay. “Just thinking.” You say and he raises a brow; “About?” He pries and you chuckle softly. “I mean, do you ever think about how unlikely this is? Us, I mean.” You ask he he thinks for a moment, gathering his thought before soeaking up; “All the time. And every single time I realize how lucky I am to have you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I appreciate you.” You smiled, heart full of his enduring words. “Same here Joost, same here.”
About half a year later, your one year anniversary came. You were standing on stage, just finishing a song you wrote together just a few months ago. Cheers were heard throughout the crowd, signs with words like “We love you!” “You saved me.” “We’re proud of you.” were held high in the air, your heart melting. Realisation hit you like a truck as Joost picked you up and spinned you around, smiling wildly. He put you down, resting his forehead against yours, sweat dripping down from all the jumping around you’ve done during this concert. You smiles lovingly, holding his hands, fingers interwined. “We did it Joost.” “Yeah, we did.” In that moment you knew you found the right person. You realised you wanted to spend the rest of your days on this earth with this man, in his embrace, in his presence. Together you created beautiful and unforgettable memories that defied expectations, showing that sometimes, the most gorgeous harmonies come from the most unexpected places.
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🐦 ɞ˚‧。⋆
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timewillpasssoon · 4 months
hiii can you write a joost x female reader angst? they argue, he yells/says some mean stuff but it ends in fluff? 🫶
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pairing . Joost Klein x fem!reader
content . angst, the dutch in this is from google translate so if its bad lmk, mentions of yelling, insults, stress, alcohol, eurovision disqualification, fluff at the end
summary . when joost urges you to leave the house on a cold night, he starts to regret not opening up to you in the first place.
word count . 1.2k words , 6.5k characters
author's note . quick question, are y'all interested in nsfw? just wondering, if so send some ask.
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You and Joost stood in the middle of the living room, tension crackling in the air, geting thicker and thicker as time passes by. His words cut through you like a knife, each one sharper than the last. For the past hour you've been trying to get Joost to eat and open up.. He would turn away and say he's not hungry. He'll say he's not hurting. He lies through his teeth, he was hungry and in pain, desperate need of help. So why doesn't he want it You? You tried to get him to open up to you, but you just couldn't. Everytime an attempt was made, he would slightly raise his voice.
Then finally, he yelled, his voice rising in frustration. Your eyes welled up with tears as you tried to hold back your own anger. "I'm your girlfriend, liefde! I'm here when you need someone to lean on!" You wanted to scream it out, yet it came out as a whisper, your voice cracking with emotion. He scoffed, his anger still beneath the surface.
"Well I don't need you! I am perfectly fine, there is nothing we need to talk about!"
"Can you atleast eat!?"
"For crying out loud I'm not hungry! Just stop being such a bitch."
The argument escalated, each word a dagger aimed at your heart. Joost's voice echoed off the walls, the last word hanging on your brain.
"You just don't get it, do you?" You looked at him in the eyes, rage and empathy were the only two things you could feel. "You clearly are in pain because of the disqualification! Just talk to me- we've been dating for 2 years, for crying out loud! Yet you still can't tell me your problems? Wat een man ben jij." (What a man you are.)
"You can't keep pretending like everything's okay when it's not!" Tears stung your eyes as you struggled to find what words to say.
"I thought we could work through this together." You uttered out, your voice trembling. Joost shook his head. "I don't know if we can," he admitted. He looked down, slowly then turning to the front door. "You should go."
You shake your head, words can't come out your mouth. Your tongue is tied together and you don't know if you can untie it. "Joost- please."
"I said get out. Ik wil je niet zien." (I don't want to see you.)
Your heart was throbbing so fast it felt louder than him,.Joost is staring at the front door then turns to you, red puffy eyes with baby tears coming out from both eyes. His blonde hair was a mess. It was covering most of his eyes but you can still see the pain in them.
"Prima." (Fine.) You take big steps yet they feel like your still miles away from your destination. You go to open the front door, "I hope you come to your senses."
Those were the last words he heard from you. Before you walked out. It's been two hours since you left his house...
and frankly, he's scared. He kicked you out in the middle of the night. It was eight pm when he demanded you to leave and with each second goes by, its past ten.
He calls you, he leaves voicemails, texts messages.
Still nothing. Checked social media and there was still nada.
God he felt awful, the worst boyfriend in the world. All of this happened because he didn't want to cry in your arms. He really did want to let loose, reveal that everything is not okay.
Yet he couldn't.
He didn't want to burden you with his problems anymore. Joost felt like he had too much baggage no one wanted to hear. He thought that everyone wants his happy-go-lucky side. You jusy wanted his true self. The Joost that is willing to tell you his feelings.
He decided to call one of your friends that happened to live by the neighborhood.
"Is reader with you?"
The other line was quite crispy, Joost can hear a tv in the background, sounded like laughter in the back, maybe a comedy.
"No, why? Is everything alright?"
Joost sighed, fidgeting with a stand of hair. "No, me and her got into a fight and I made her leave- I haven't heard from her!" He exclaimed.
"Woah, woah, deep breaths." The friend on the line said, "Don't you have her location? Check if she's near the area, I'll stay on the line while you do that."
Joost quickly checked his phone to see if you turned off your location. You didn't, you forgot to. "She's in the nearest bar!" The friend hummed. "Go to her, she only drinks when she's stressed the hell out."
"Thank you so much," Joost happened to be crying again, quickly grabbing his keys and jacket. "No problem, get get her." The friend hung up on him as he raced to your location, being around eight minutes away if he ran the whole way.
He bolted as fast as he could, petrified about your safety. Where if you're black out drunk or not.
Pacing to the bar, precious seconds going by, he finally made it. it was one of the least popular bars near so there wasn't any hassle to get in. As he walked inside, he saw a women with the same color hair as you. Your head down on the table with around two shot glasses, there was three more earlier, the bartender just took them.
He sped-walked towards you, careful and still just incase you were still mad at him. He tapped you on your shoulder, but you didn't raise your head up.
"Ik heb een vriendje." (I have a boyfriend.) Was all you said. "I know." Joost calmly answered, his accent triggered you to lift your head up.
"Joost?" He nodded as he sat down next to you, his hand reaching for yours. You didn't push away his hand, as much as you wanted to, you knew he was in pain.
"Why are you here?" You softly say. You'll like to say you ignored him but you couldn't. You were certainly mad at him, but he had his reasons of sheltering himself away. So you listened instead of scolding.
"Reader, I'm so sorry- I didn't want to bother you with my problems. I feel like I just have too much going on for you to care." You felt destroyed at the thought of Joost think you don't care for him. Joost was rubbing circles on your palms.
He continued, "Can we go home, I would rather we talk there."
You smile at the chance of him opening up. You immediately say yes, standing up to leave. All your drinks were already paid for.
As the quiet, yet comfortable, walk back home he held you tight. Clinging onto your left arm for dear life. He still felt guilty for leaving you.
All alone in the streets. You told him it wasn't a big deal, that you could protect yourself. Yet the feeling guilt was still there, on his tongue. The taste was horrid.
Joost unlocked the door, letting you step inside first before closing the door behind him. That's where you engulfed him in a huge hug. Tears coming back for the fourth time.
That night ended with a deep conversation, with cuddles on the couch along with some ice cream half way eaten.
"I appreciate you having the courage to tell me all this."
You muttered your sentence out, about to knock out cold, your body longed for sleep but you kept awake for a bit while.
"I should thank you."
He smiled, tugging you closer to him. You can feel his hot breath breezing though the right side of your neck.
The warmth of each other's bodies made you two warm. You still weren't ready to give up on him.
You'll never give up on him.
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LETSGOO FINISHED THIS IN 3 HOURS!! part 2 of let me think... is in the works don't worry, i have two other requests on the way as well.
im okay with nsfw requests, even if its a bit spicy or all the way. check out my other account!!
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ilovejoostklein · 3 months
heyy idk if you like ski aggu too but could you write a reader x ski aggu x joost fic with the reader being a rich, spoiled groupie who wants to hook up with them? tysm 💕
i love this omg.
I Want It All
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You’re a rich, spoiled international student who wants nothing more but to meet your favorite musicians
nsfw: smut
You were bored, with too much money to know what to do with. You were an international student in Germany, spoiled rotten your parents hoped that being in a new country and acclimating yourself to a new environment would teach you some independence. In a way they were right, you’d come to this show completely alone, just telling your friends you’d done it spontaneously as a white lie. 
The truth is you’d planned to go to the concert for weeks in excruciating detail. Obsession was an understatement for what you felt for these two singers, Ski Aggu and Joost Klein. Your studies had bored you, school was always too easy thanks to your private school background and rigorous expectations set throughout your life, hard work came naturally to you and became more like a routine than a conscious effort. Spring was turning to summer, the heat, the flowers in full boom, vibrant green trees, and endless possibilities excited you to no end. You had your daddy’s money to waste, the world was like your playground and you’d become accustomed to getting what you wanted no matter what. 
You’d gotten tickets on a balcony to avoid getting overly crowded and to be under the bright lights for too long. You wanted to keep your distance from others, watching closely, singing along to some songs, and recording half the concert to have something to watch back on and show your friends. When the concert ended, you were probably the only one who wasn’t upset it was over.
You carefully snuck past the crowds and approached a security guard who was by the backstage area. After a bit of failed negotiation, it took slipping a few hundred euros into his hand you asked him if he could do you a favor and see if he could get you backstage. You embellished, saying that you were a huge fan and just wished that you could get a few of your CDs signed. It was partly true, you were a fan and had the CDs in your ridiculously expensive purse, but you had other intentions, or rather hopes. 
The security guard escorted you to the backstage area. It was quiet, the walls making the sound of the music that continued to play as people left muffled. All you could hear besides that was your footsteps and the heavier ones of the security guard, who was one of the tallest and scariest men you’d ever seen. It failed to intimidate you though, money always worked wonders to make a scary man sweeten up and tuck his tail between his legs. 
“What do you work as?” The man’s accent was a bit thick and he was forward, you noticed he was eyeing down your outfit
“My dad owns a company.” You answered with a smile, making the man chuckle and shake his head. “But I’m just a student.”
“You are wearing very expensive clothes, so forgive me.” He explained a bit apprehensively, worried he’d accidentally offend you, “Are you sure you just want CDs signed?”
You could tell he was asking as an offer, not over suspicion. You can see that he was willing to pull some strings for you, but you were confident you didn’t need extra help. You only smiled, nodding your head innocently before he led you to a door, knocking three times. You could hear the commotion coming to a halt, the loud conversation of two men, and the sound of a football match. 
“There’s a fan here for you.” The security guard announced loudly. “Very beautiful.” He winked. 
You felt your heart fall to your feet. It felt like an elevator crashing, dramatic and terrifying you stood there motionless as you saw your distorted reflection in the colorful glass the man across from you had. They were up on his forehead now, exposing his eyes that he’d kept hidden for the show. They were beautiful, murky blue like the middle of the ocean. 
“Sprichst du Deutsch?” He asked immediately, you shook your head a bit embarrassed. “Oh, so sad.” He frowned. 
You introduced yourself impulsively before asking your question, “I was wondering if you could sign some things for me.” You asked nervously, pulling out the CDs and a sharpie, one meant for Joost and one for himself. “Please.”
He hesitated for a bit, “Ja, sure.” He took his CD, signing it quickly. “Joost!” He called loudly out over his shoulder. 
Joost sat up from the couch, he had a cigarette between his fingers, grey smoke lingering around him. He looked better up close, taller than you’d expected, His eyes lingered on you, they weren’t invading or judgmental, but slightly confused. You didn’t speak and just gave him the CD just as nervously, watching as they scribbled their signatures. 
“You smoke?” Joost asked, as he handed you back the CD you felt his fingers graze yours. 
“No.” You felt that you were already disappointed, seeing his face make the same expression that Aggu’s had. “Sorry.” 
“Oh no, that’s good.” He suddenly smiled, stepping aside you felt your heart begin to race, blood rushing to your face and ears. “Do you want to come inside for a bit?”
You felt yourself enter almost a trance as you stepped inside the dressing room, smelling of expensive men’s cologne, pungent tobacco, and beer. You glanced over to see the security guard had since left, leaving you completely alone. You didn’t understand why you were so apprehensive now, regret creeping in confused you, after all, this is exactly what you wanted. 
“Did you come here all alone?” Joost asked, walking over to one of the couches and beckoning you over. 
“Yes.” You answered, smoothing down your skirt as you sat down, with both men at either side of you. The couch was warm and plush under your skin, you tried to relax by leaning back as you faced one of the handsome men seated next to you. “I got a ticket last minute.”
Joost smiled again, his eyes looking you up and down before settling on your purse. “You must be a rich girl.” He joked, “Are you studying here in Germany?”
You nodded, distracted by Aggu reaching over your thigh and putting a beer bottle in your lap. You winced at the coldness, holding it in your hands as he opened it for you and pushed it to your lips. 
“Here, you must drink if you don’t smoke?” Aggu asked, you felt his arm settle near your waist, his fingertips hardly touching your exposed skin. “It’s good, German beer.”
You hated beer, but you felt you were already starting on the wrong foot, making how spoiled you were too apparent. “I’ll try it.” You took a sip, grimacing a bit from the bitter, earthy flavor. “It’s fine.” You said when you realized they were anxiously waiting for your response. 
They chuckled, eyes fixated on you to the point it almost felt like you were naked. They looked down at your figure, wrapped away inexpensive, pristine clothing you looked completely out of place. They thought of their cheap CDs stuffed in your bag worth thousands, the blush on your cheeks, and mascara brushed on your lashes probably from luxury brands. They wondered why you of all people were at one of their shows. 
“You must have a boyfriend, no?” Aggu asked suddenly. “Why would he let you come here alone?”
You shook your head, and just like that a shared fantasy began to manifest itself. Aggu nodded with a strained smile, instinctively looking at Joost who was focused on his beer and crushing his cigarette, then at the door to tell him that he needed a moment of privacy. 
The two men excused themselves as politely as possible, saying that they wanted to go out to have a smoke instead of doing it rudely in front of you, but to help yourself to any more beers in the meantime. Joost shut the door quietly, leading Aggu to the closest exit. 
They stood outside, the night was a bit eerie, hardly any stars were visible as they were in the middle of Berlin, nothing was heard but the rustling of trees, and all they felt was the cool and against their skin that was quickly heating up. They were nervous, desperately needing a moment to gather themselves and decide what to do about you. It seemed like an opportunity fell into their laps, but it didn’t mean that it would be wise to take it. 
Even if there was tension between them, almost a sort of unspoken desire that they wanted the same thing, no one spoke. They smoked in silence for a while, the only sound of their breathing. 
“I want to fuck her,” Aggu said suddenly. His tone was shockingly, almost offensively casual as he lit his cigarette. 
Joost hesitated for a moment, flicking the lighter over and over as his cigarette burned and wasted between his fingers. He thought of you again, wondering what you were doing in the room all alone, and what thoughts were racing through your mind. He was strung out tonight, the show allowed him to get pent-up energy out, but never all of it. He smoked until he couldn’t bare it and drank enough to calm his nerves, but he realized that nothing would make him feel better than to fuck someone, it’s been so long, and seeing that you, how beautiful you were, and knowing you probably had enough money to buy him made you more attractive.
“I do too.” Joost finally answered, taking a short drag from his cigarette, wondering if Aggu was serious or just saying it as a vulgar compliment.
“We can fuck her together.” Aggu’s tone was still overly casual, it intimidated Joost as much as it began to excite him. “I think she’d like that.” 
It was subtle, his face was still as he felt overtaken by disbelief and reluctance as he’d never been in this situation before. He thought of it, a spoiled girl like yourself getting fucked by two men was beneath you, and knowing that only made him desire it to the point it was almost torturous. He didn’t realize he could want something this much, the fantasy replaying in his mind was tempting, and he didn’t want to let you slip through his fingers.
“How do you know that?” Joost questioned, his demeanor becoming standoffish. He couldn’t imagine the humiliation he’d feel if you turned them down, or worse preferred Aggu over himself. 
“Don’t be stupid.” Aggu threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it out. “Let’s go, I’m getting cold.”
Joost did the same with his half-smoked cigarette and trailed behind Aggu, watching from just outside the door as he entered back into the room. Your eyes lit up immediately, looking up at him with stars in your eyes he began to suspect that he’d been right about you. Closing the door behind him, he still stayed in the same spot, his back leaning against it.
What came next shouldn’t have surprised him. He watched as Aggu sat down beside you, a drunken smile on his face, hands smoothing down on your arms before he leaned over and kept his face close to yours. 
“Are you sure you don’t have a boyfriend?” Aggu’s voice had softened, his hand grasping your thigh making you instantly grow cold. “You’re too pretty.”
“I don’t.” You mumbled, staring directly at the floor you couldn’t find it within yourself to face him. 
You were allowed a moment away from his burning gaze but soon felt his fingers hold your chin and force you to turn your head. It was a bit jarring to see him without the ski goggles, but still, you couldn’t help but wonder why he’d willingly cover up such gorgeous eyes.
“Did your parents pay for your ticket?” Aggu questioned, your chest ignited with a combination of shame and excitement, you knew exactly what he thought of you.
“Kind of, they send me money often.” You admitted the look on his face made you instinctively squeeze your thighs together. Lust had completely taken over any sense you had.
“That’s cute.” Aggu’s hand squeezed down on your thigh, his thumb tracing circles against your soft skin. 
Everything about you was begging to be ruined. Your skin was almost unrealistically soft. He couldn’t imagine how high maintenance you were, how expensive your self-care products and your trips to the spa were. All for him to be able to hold you and eventually have his way with you. As he continued to touch your thigh, his eyes hadn’t left yours, leaning over he finally caved into his desires.
Joost couldn’t help but stare. He watched as your glossy lips parted and your eyes fluttered shut.  Aggu’s lips were plush against you, he watched as he brought you closer, his lips parting from yours only for his tongue lying flat against your neck the feeling made you squirm in his arms. The sight entranced him, he wanted to touch you but couldn’t find it in himself to move.
“Joost,” Aggu spoke against your neck making you squirm. “Stop watching, come here.”
He sat down next to you nervously. Aggu stopped kissing your neck for a moment to position you perfectly in the center so that Joost wouldn’t just have your back turned to him. 
You felt too many hands on you, squeezing your breasts, grazing over your waist, caressing your thighs. You couldn’t hold in the sounds you were making, the feeling of getting your neck kissed and their strong hands touching you was too much all at once. 
You couldn’t tell whose lips were softer, a minuscule detail you forced your thoughts to center on so that you had some sense of control. It was an empty effort, you were taken over by need and found yourself leaning towards one of the men for a kiss. 
You peeked through and saw you were kissing Joost, but the way his mustache scratched against your upper lip had given it away at first. The kiss didn’t last as long as you’d hoped, Aggu, impatient and a bit jealous moved your cheek so that you’d kiss him instead. 
“Don’t make us fight.” Aggu teased, one strong hand squeezing down on your breast as he kissed you.
You felt Joost press his lips against the corner of your mouth, the two men had become so desperate it intimidated you how strongly they were coming onto you. You began to wonder if you could handle going any further, two men kissing you at the same time was already overwhelming. 
You watched as their lips accidentally grazed each other’s, hearing them chuckle before they took turns kissing you on the lips. It cooled the tension for a moment, you were surprised that they could get along so well. 
You felt Aggu kiss your neck as Joost held your chin in his hand and brought you into a much softer kiss. Aggu was the first to begin to undress you. He carefully slid down the strap to your shirt, as eager as he was, when he saw that you slid the other down for him he took it as a sign to continue. 
You practically felt your clothes torn off your body by them both, stripping you bare as if you were teasing them for hours on end. Joost had left your lips puffy from his greedily passionate kiss, and the delicate skin on your neck throbbed from how many love bites Aggu left. They took everything off except for your stockings. They were black, slightly sheer, and sitting atop your lingerie. It wasn’t blatant with garter and intricate designs, but it was clear you’d made an effort.
“This is very nice,” Joost remarked as he squeezed down on your breasts, you felt yourself burn at the slight smirk on his face and the way he glanced at Aggu. “It’s very nice, isn’t it?” 
“I feel bad for your boyfriend, waiting at home for you.” Aggu teased, “Do you always wear things like this under your clothes?”
You couldn’t answer. You felt Aggu rest his hand on the back of your neck and guide you down so that you were now lying on your side. Your cheek rubbed up against the rough fabric of his dark jeans, you could smell the faint cologne and cigarette smoke, it nauseated and excited you.
Joost’s hands held your waist, gently moving you to the side so that you’d be lying on your stomach. He heard him sit up, the blood abandoning all your limbs to rush towards your head. You felt the room spinning as Aggu played with your hair, alternating from smoothing it down his gently to twirling a few strands around his fingers and tugging at it.     
Joost was behind you, his hands running down your back like stones skipping in the water, you shivered under his touch with anticipation. His fingers grazed against you softly, soon settling on your ass and grabbing and kneading down. You heard the two men share a laugh, Aggu leaning over to spank you a few times. Internally, that was the final moment of sanity you had left. You were never so desperate to be touched, you felt like it was almost cruel and were moments away from begging them. 
“Are these stockings expensive?” Joost asked softly, his hand rubbing down to soothe where Aggu had slapped.
“Uh,” You began, trying to remember where they were from, “I think they were a hundred euros or something.”
The room fell silent for less than a second before erupting in soft laughter. It was mocking, you felt ridiculed but strangely from the way they held you, Joost’s hand rubbing down on your back as Aggu continued to gently pet your hair the shame excited you. 
“You’re crazy.” Joost chuckled, staring down at the stockings he felt an intrusive thought naw at him. “You can get them for 5 euros at any store you know?”
Of course, you knew, and of course, Joost did as well. It shouldn’t have come as such a surprise how fixated he was on your stockings when after a while of his hands running up and down the sheer, thin material he bunched them up as his hands and soon you heard the first sound of the threads snapping loose. 
The sound of tearing had again silenced the room but was intertwined by Joost’s first sound of pleasure. He groaned softly as he watched the fabric tear and split, like a present revealing your soft skin underneath. It invigorated him, relinquishing the power you had over to him and having complete freedom to make you a part of his fantasy. 
“I’m sorry.” Joost offered the apology, not necessarily regretting it but he didn’t want to upset you. “I’ll get you new ones.”
“The ones that cost five euros?” Aggu chuckled, getting a slap on the side of his arm in response. 
Joost finished undressing you completely, and soon everything had completely settled into reality for you. The coolness of the room should’ve helped to prevent how you burned up inside, a fire deep in your stomach and rushing over your body. You had lost a bit of sense, positioning yourself in a way that better to be fucked, and with your free hand, you tugged on Aggu’s belt.
“Zo wanhopig, so desperate,” Joost mumbled, his hands gripping your waist and pulling you back. “Are you comfortable like this?”
You looked back at him over your shoulder, nodding a bit apprehensively. As much as you wanted it you didn’t feel quite ready, but it was as if Joost heard and granted your internal wish. As Aggu continued playing with your hair and letting you palm him through his jeans, you felt Joost’s breath against your backside. 
He drew apart your thighs gently, leaning down, he kissed the backs of your thighs before he began to lick against your pussy. You couldn’t help but become immediately vocal. You whimpered with every movement, writhing your hips against his mouth selfishly. He didn’t seem to mind if anything he encouraged it as his fingers dug into your hips and kept them in place.
Aggu could only see Joost’s head from behind, but the only way thing he wanted was to watch the blissful expression on your face. As nice of a sight it was, paired with the sounds you were making soon made him grow impatient. It was like his body had a mind of its own, before he knew it his clothes were thrown messily in a pile near the couch and he was pushing his cock into your face.
He nudged it on your cheek to encourage you to open your mouth. You couldn’t describe the feeling that completely engulfed your senses. It was as lustful as it made you feel overly exposed. You’d never experienced anything close to this, and the fleeting thoughts of what your friends and your family would think if they knew. You couldn’t help but feel invigorated by the fact that it was so wrong and unlike you. 
Aggu could tell you were trying to maintain whatever poise you had left as you sucked him off. It was cute at first, you felt as he smoothed your hair out of your face and softly praised you, but as you withdrew too often as Joost eating you out was too overwhelming. Just like Joost held your hips in place, Aggu’s hands pulled your hair and shoved his cock into your mouth as softly as he could. 
The way you gagged against him drove him wild, it took every bit of constraint not to fuck your mouth as hard as he could. He relinquished some control, letting you take the lead. It soon dawned on him, from the look in your eyes that was far from begging but satisfied that he was just feeding into how spoiled you were. You came for CDs and now had Joost on his knees eating you out and Aggu aching for when it was his turn. 
As much as you didn’t want this to end, you felt your orgasm build steadily and you leaned desperately into chasing that feeling. Your legs grew unstable, you pushed yourself against Joost’s mouth and felt the enthusiasm reciprocated from how he hummed against you and sunk his fingers into your flesh. 
You cried out incoherently, Aggu’s cock hanging out your mouth as he let you ride out your orgasm against Joost’s tongue. He didn’t stop, the overstimulation sending electric bolts through your spent body. Your body ached with pleasure, every muscle relaxed, your heart pounding into your ears as your mind settled into a heavenly state. 
“You taste so good.” Joost’s face was now next to yours, you felt his breath against your neck making you shiver. “Give me a kiss.”
He brought you into a quick, sloppy kiss. His tongue shoved into your mouth, filling it with the taste of you. It was strange, not unpleasant but you’d never had anyone kiss you directly afterwards, especially like this. 
“Let me see.” Aggu pulled you up and kissed you a bit most gently, tasting remnants of yourself on your soft lips. “Get back on your knees and help Joost out.”
He was authoritative, yanking your hair and manhandling you before he spread your legs the same way Joost had, 
“Wait-“ You protested, overwhelmed, your head foggy and confused as you felt Aggu press a kiss against your sensitive clit. 
You were melting under their touch, your lips wrapped around Joost’s cock as Aggu ate your pussy just for the sake of tasting you. Once he was satisfied, you heard the sound of plastic tearing which made you burn with anticipation. 
“You want me to fuck you, Schatz?” Aggu cooed, his hand delicately smoothing down your back. “Hm?”
“Yes,” You withdrew from Joost’s cock before he guided your head back to pleasuring him. “Please, I need it.”
It was quick and sloppy. You felt completely used and you loved it. Aggu’s tip stretched you out, it burned with pleasure with every movement, matter how much you winced and grunted from the discomfort it was all worth it when he bottomed you out. He filled you up perfectly, the way his big hands felt against your hot skin made you grow weaker. The two men had made indentations of your hips, their infatuation with you, your body, the way you were like a little gift from the universe dropped into their lap.
You were an absolute dream. Joost watched as you gave him head, not being able to focus completely on the obscenities in the room. He listened to you spit on his dick and suck him off, the sound of your groans entertained with his own, and skin slapping from Aggu pounding into you. It was nothing less than a fantasy. He wondered how many people would kill just to get to watch.
“I’m gonna cum.” Joost sighed, breaking the tension momentarily, “Just like that, such a good girl.”
You felt it was almost rewarding to have them both in the palm of your hand. It was better than your climax to bring them both to that point, the two men panting and mumbling incoherent praises as they fucked you. They took turns kissing you just to see how you tasted. You began to truly believe there wasn’t anything in this world you couldn’t have. 
Joost came in your mouth without warning, bringing you back harshly to the reality of the room. Hearing his groan and cry out your name as he desperately bucked his hips into your mouth was the most incredible feeling. You swallowed without a second thought, eagerly licking against the shaft and tip as he watched a bit dumbfounded. 
“Oh, god.” Joost sighed, his eyes and voice weary. “You’re perfect.” He pinched your cheek lovingly before giving you a tired smile. 
Aggu’s pace at first was controlled, he didn’t want to make you overwhelm you as you took. care of Joost, he was a good friend after all. He wished he wasn’t so close, but seeing you suck Joost off and lap up his cock when he was done was too erotic, he wished he’d looked away, but the sounds alone could’ve gotten him off.
He tried to last longer, thinking of something to turn him off,  like the hangover he’ll have the next morning, the thought of packing up all his shit to get on a plane to the next show. It was all an empty effort when you looked over your shoulder. The way your eyes met his immediately, big, pleading with your eyebrows knit together in bliss. He put you on your back, with a few quick motions treating you like a doll so he could finish himself off. 
Aggu’s hands molded into yours, like hot glass,  so delicate and vulnerable. You didn’t notice how many hands were on you, Joost helping Aggu and positioning himself at the side of the couch. His lips suddenly pressed against your nipples, drawing out a pathetic sound. Two fingers pressed onto your clit, rubbing down as Aggu’s pace became punishing. 
Your body moved with his, staring up into his eyes you never wanted to look away. Your body was no longer yours for a few seconds, you’d completely surrendered to their touch and pleasure. Your orgasm had built up as quickly as it washed over you. Your body convulsed with pleasure, unexpedelyh which made it that much more intense. Aggu felt you clench around him, watching your blissful expression and feeling you soak his cock he couldn’t take it. 
He soon followed after you, being far more vocal than both you and Joost. His moans were deep and drawn out, pumping himself inside of you a few more times before he practically collapsed beside you. 
It was a tight fit, Aggu’s body was muscular, warm, and a bit tacky with sweat. Joost’s hands rubbed up and down your body to soothe you. Their tenderness was comforting, despite the fact this was all purely out of lust. 
Your body felt heavy, wrapped in Aggu’s arms you watched as Joost got up and went over to the corner of the room. You watched a bit confused as he took some crumbled bills from his wallet and stuck them in your purse, not before leaning down and kissing you. 
“Sorry about the stockings.” 
guys i’m sorry for being inactive! i had some summer courses i was finishing up. i’m working on recs so ty to everyone for ur patience :)!
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localemofreak · 4 months
I Could Eat That Girl For Lunch.
(Joost Klein x Fem!Reader)
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Based on the song:
LUNCH - Billie Eilish
Story: Joost Klein eats you for lunch 🤷‍♀️ (I know this is a lesbian song but shhh- can we just let this slide for Joost??.. happy pride!! 💙)
Warnings!!: RPF!!!, little bit of smut, heavy fluff, reader gets eaten out, a little bit of Dutch (Dutch is not my first language but I’m trying my best to learn it, if I get anything wrong I’m sorry!!), little bit of cursing, Joost is a sweet man but tbh he sounds kinda cocky in a good way- only a little though, etc. (if u missed anything pls tell me!)
(Special request by: @viozxe )
“I could eat that girl for lunch, yeah she dances on my tongue- tastes like she might be the one..”
Heavy huffs of breath fell from your lips as your back arched off the mattress, your hands instantly moving down to grab roughly at the light blonde locks of your boyfriend’s hair as he hid under the sheets and covers.
Your legs shook a little as Joost just seemed to dive his mouth farther down onto your cunt, taking anything he could like it was the last thing keeping him alive.
“Babyy! Fuck~” you managed to moan out, your nails slightly scratching at his scalp as you held onto his hair for dear life, your head falling back as you continued to arch off the mattress.
Joost’s large hands gripped onto your thighs as they squeezed around his head, keeping him in place like he was going to move anytime soon- he was in a trance at this point, refusing to move away from your pussy as he absolutely went at it, leaving no breaks for air.
“smaak zo lekker schatje~” you could hear him hum out between your legs, causing your hips to jerk up against his face desperately.
The more you felt Joost’s tongue dive into your pussy, the more closer you felt each second.
And Joost could tell- and that only caused him to get even more rougher, his face getting deeper in between your legs.
The way your body tensed up as you met your release- a loud moan mixed with his name fell from your lips as your eyes rolled back, his hair scrunched between your tight fingers, the heels of your feet digging into his back.
Heavy gasp of air fell from your mouth as your body just seemed to melt into the warm mattress under you, your vision blurry and spotty as you tried to comprehend your thoughts.
Your body weak as you felt your hands slipping from the grip they had on the back of Joost’s head as he slowly started sitting up, tiny chuckles falling from the man’s mouth as you looked down at him.
“You with me, mijn liefde?” Joost spoke, his voice soft and a little raspy as he sat up on his knees, looking down at you.
Your vision was still a little blurry as you looked up at him while he basically hovered over you.
Even though you could barely see the best- you were still able to take in his appearance.
His light blonde- almost white hair was a little messy and all over the place, his lips were slightly pink and glossy, as well as the rest of the lower half of his face and chin from going down on you- and his bare chest was slightly heaving up and down as he tried to catch his own breath.
The white blanket sitting around his shoulders from sitting up soon ran down to sit around his waist as he let out another deep chest filled chuckle while looking down at you- which once your vision turned back to normal, you were met with a stupid little amused smirk on his lips.
“I mean-“ you stated, taking a moment to pause and gulp down a heavy chunk of saliva pooling in your mouth before you talked once again.
“I can’t really feel my legs.. but yeah, I’m here..” you huffed out, your shaky hands moving to rub at your face a little as Joost let out another chuckle while shaking his head.
“I’m sorry liefje… but hey- that means I did good, yeah?” Joost smirked as he leaned forward to press a few kisses on your jawline- his Dutch accent still managing to spill in through his English, but that just made you more attractive to him.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes playfully at his words as he rested his head in the crook of your neck while laying his warm body on top of yours- your arms wrapping around his neck to gently play with the ends of his soft hair.
You didn’t have the energy to say anything, the only thing you could get out was a soft hum and a tiny nod as your eyes started to flutter shut.
“Get some rest.. mijn engel” Joost whispered out against your skin, his warm lips pressing soft- almost featherlight kisses against the skin of your neck, which caused you to just melt into the mattress as you laid there with him.
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polyestercleaner · 3 months
Can we get a nsfw alphabet with joost please?💫
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Yippee ya yay I was waiting for someone to request this!!! Thanks for the request yah!
|Summary:Nsfw Alphabet For Joost
|Content Warning⚠️:Nsfw duh
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
The absolute sweetest, pats your head and plays with your hair.
If your REALLY done and your absolutely exhausted he'll pick you up and help you get cleaned, washing your face and helping you wear your clothes as you both giggle and talk about how good that was
We all know he's a ginormous smoker so what's better than a smoke after having sex with someone you adore? He'll take you with him out to the balcony and either have you sit down on his lap or next to him, if your a smoker to you'll share together, playfully blowing smoke on eachother
If he's too tired aswell, you'll be the one in charge, helping him slip his clothes back on and then laying on top of him, soft kisses everywhere until he sleeps.
I'd say he's more of a giver than a receiver though so it's mostly him caring for you afterwards!
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
I'm a firm believer that joost is a tits man, prove me if I'm wrong, he loves your tits, small big medium it dosent matter hell still be fondling them and placing kisses on your sensitive nipples
He lives the dips and curves you have, whether you were a fat or skinny person, he loves feeling the curves and dips on your thighs and rib cage or tummy
As for himself I'd say his hands, just adores how much he can do to you with them, he knows how much you notice the size difference between your hand and his. Loves the fact he can ruin you with just one hand.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
As much as I think he'd love to cum inside of you at all times, when he knows he can't or if your simply not into that at the very moment, it's always gonna be on your lower part of your tummy, always there, loves the whimpers and soft gasps you let out when he comes on your tummy and the warmth of it shocks you once again.
If you let him cum inside you? Well it's over, he's gonna stuff you full with his cum until your hole can't keep it inside, and he'll still use his fingers to push back the cum oozing out of your cunt.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
REALLY wants to fuck you while wearing those slutty lingerie fits, it might not be extremely dirty but I feel he would view it as so
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I'm pretty sure he already said he isn't a virgin(after attempting to lie that he's a virgin XP) after a while of knowing you I'm sure he'd be able to memorize your body like the back of his hand
He knows every part that could get you to arch your back by then
And he definitely has experience with a couple of women
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Doggy style probably,, enough of those references joost:o pulling slightly at your hair just to see the way your face scrunches and the way your mouth falls open when he slams his cock deep inside of you
If there's a mirror than that would make things even better
Cowgirl too, rubs circles into your hips as you desperately bounce on his cock to chase after your climax
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Most definitely silly, cracking a joke every now and then
Always stopping mid way to say something stupid that will get you laughing for 4 minutes straight
He's just fucking funny man
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
NEVER shaves it at this rate i don't think he ever picked up a razor for the purpose of shaving it
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.)
Despite being silly alot during it he will make sure you feel loved and desired
Placing kisses on your cheeks and thighs when he's going down on you
Complimenting you during and after
"You did so well, so gorgeous" he'll tell you while playing with your hair after your both done
J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon)
He's got you, why would he wanna jack off?
When your not around and he's out on tour or your simply not in the mood I'd say he jacks off at least twice a week, all while thinking about you
Whimpering your name forever and always😞
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Praise kink(he'll praise you at any chance he has)
Breeding kink(he just loves seeing your tummy all round and full of his cum)
Dacryphilia(only if your tears are from pleasure) he'll coo at you and brush your tears away despite how much he loves seeing them
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
does he even care at this point?
Wherever you want, whenever
His favorites are your bedroom and backstage sex will always be his favorite
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
The way you look at him will always get him, fluttering your eyes and acting all innocent
Seeing you wear his clothes of any kind
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything to do with piss😞🤞
Even tho I think he'd be open to anything I feel like public sex will always be a no no unless it's discreet yo a certain extent
No threesomes why would he give you away to someone else
Any weird ass petnames like daddy or something (master, sir)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Prefers going down on you
When isn't he NOT pussy drunk
He won't get off of you until he makes sure you came around his tounge atleast 3 times
He's very skilled, his tounge circling around your clit and teasing your hole before pushing his tounge further inside
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends, morning sex with him would be slow and sensual, he'll focus on making sure you feel good and loved, kisses everywhere and praise all over the place
Usual sex at night will be slightly rougher, bending you over anything in your room. Fucking you like it's the last time he'll get his hands on you
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Never passes a chance to get a taste of you
Fingering you in a bathroom stall and when you both hear people come on his hand will fly to your mouth to shield all the moans that slip out
Yet he still continues fingering you, despite all the noises your poor cunny is making
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Open to trying things, no matter what.
Hell take some risks here and there if he's really in the mood
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
I feel like you both would have equal amounts of stamina
Hell go for 3 rounds maybe 4 if he's really full of energy
Or you'll both doing an extra round that's too sloppy cuz your both exhausted
His thrusts become sloppy over the rounds, which only makes you more overstimulated and frustrated
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He found out you owned toys on a random day and now when he comes over he'll randomly find one when he's looking around at your room and just ends up using it on you
If you own vibrating panties or small vibrators he'll use them when you both go out
Watching you squirm in your seat if he turns the vibrations up
Your mouth falling open as you try to regain composure so you wouldn't out yourself to everyone
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Biggest fucking tease out there
Whether it was normally or sexually
He'll never pass a chance to tease you in bed either
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not too loud if he isn't throwing praises at you
Groans and whimpers here and there and that's about it
Mostly quite just to focus on hearing the sounds you make
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character)
Cock warming lover
It dosent even have to be sexual He just loves the feeling of you on his cock, warming up every inch of him, sometimes he'll end up bucking his hips and thrusting up into you occasionally
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
5 inches max 6 if he's really hard
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Pretty horny, atleast 3 times a week, but you always have something going on almost everyday
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He dosent really sleep afterwards, just goes out for a smoke or just smokes while your laying on his chest, drifting into sleep but he just simply stays awake, smoking.
|Okay don't blame me if this turns out shit I haven't done these in a decade or so. Thanks for the request!٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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itsmelodramasblog · 4 months
EUROVISION 2024 ━━━━ joost klein x f! reader
( instagram ) ; fluff ; everything is fictional ; everyone here is such a babygirls
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liked by joostklein, appiemussa and 25 000 others
yourusername: the eurovision era just started
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user1: our winner!!
user2: fav couple (still jealous that joost have gf)
user3: real 😭
joostklein: 69 hehe 👍👍
yourusername: weirdo
joostklein: i don’t listen to haters.
yourusername: well maybe you should…
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liked by marcusandmartinus, joostklein and 32 156 other
yourusername: i recommend this event, great food but this dutch guy really mid 👍
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user1: the most iconic person on eurovision!!
yourusername: i don’t see bambie here lol
user2: y/n is so fucking iconic
yourusername: appreciate you
joostklein: she’s a stalker, she stalked me to my hotel room now I’m anxious and i wish i had my beloved apson by my side 👍
yourusername: no one will save you
appiemussa: don’t involve me in this conversation i don’t know you
user4: wish i had friendship like this
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liked by user5 and 156 987 others
eurovisionnews: breaking news! the represent of the netherlands is disqualified from the contest, apparently he assaulted unknown woman. what do we think about it?
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yourusername: shut the fuck up
user6: iconic girl #justiceforjoost
comments are turned off.
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liked by joostklein and 56 789 others
yourusername: today i won’t be a funny person that you know, because i’m so fucking mad. everything was perfect but i guess we have bad luck. all i want to say is fuck you ebu. and to my sweet boy, everyone is proud of you, maybe you didn’t won the contest but you won our hearts. i love you 💙
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joostklein: love you 💙 #fuckebu
⇢ ˗ˏˋ it’s short, but hope you liked it!
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k0juki · 5 months
Hiii, I'm LOVING how you write Joost! Would you mind writing an
Joost?, like, he's this chill, funny dude 99.99999% percent of the time but maybe, on a bad day perhaps? He gets jealous of a guy, maybe friend from work who got *too* close, or a friend of yours whom you've been spending too much time with him?
In my personal opinion, joost would be the type of clingy jealous, who would want cuddles and reassurance.
Feel free to ignore this if you want!!!
😲 A/n: I skipped a lot of other's requests just because of this one. I LOVE jelous prompts.
Joost Klein x fem!reader
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English is not my first language, so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors!
Wc: 411
Joost leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips as he cracked another joke, effortlessly charming everyone around him. He was the epitome of chill, always the life of the party. But today, something felt off. And it was because of that guy.
He watched you chat carelessly with Mark from work, his easy smile faltered just a fraction. Mark was a nice guy, sure, but lately, he seemed to be encroaching on Joost's territory. Maybe it was the way Mark's laughter mingled with yours a little too easily, or how he seemed to always find a reason to linger around you.
Joost tried to shake off the feeling, reminding himself that you were just friends with Mark. But as the evening wore on, his jokes became a bit more forced, his laughter a touch more strained.
And when Mark suggested grabbing drinks after work tomorrow, Joost's grip on his beer tightened just a little too much, his smile now tinged with a hint of jealousy. That was his last straw.
"Drinks with Mark, huh? Sounds like a blast." Joost said, his tone a mix of sarcasm and bitterness. He tried to mask his jealousy with humor, but the tension in the air was palpable.
You glanced at Joost, eyebrows raised in surprise at his sudden change in demeanor. He caught your gaze and quickly plastered on a fake smile, but the unease lingered.
"What is that? Are you jealous?" You asked because you never had the opportunity to see Joost jealous. Never.
"Me? Jealous? Hahah...no." He muttered the last part. Of course you knew he was jealous, everyone could see it on him.
"Yeah, sure, so you won't mind it then, right?" That was a trap and he knew it, but he also didn't want you, his girlfriend, to go somewhere with this guy named Mark.
"Yeah, I would have mind. Don't go near him." Joost said and sat extremely close to you. He put his arms around you and started giving you light kisses. Showing everyone that you're his. Not Mark's, but His.
"I won't." You laughed, "I was just teasing you." You pointed out as his kisses were tickling you.
"I know, but don't do that." Joost answered and threw an angry face to Mark. And let's just say that Mark didn't brothered you for the rest of the night, and if he did, Joost was here to remind him who was in charge.
Don't copy or translate my work! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
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urfavleo777 · 4 months
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joost klein x fem!oc smut
warnings: fingering, language.
The club near the beach seemed to be a favorite attraction for tourists.
After midnight, every corner was bustling with life, people were constantly smiling and exchanging long discussions at the tables. There was no room for lack of alcohol; every table was decorated with at least one bottle of wine or, in crazy cases, vodka. The music playing in the background pushed guests towards the dance floor, where they danced to the rhythm of fast songs.
“It's only our third day and we have already made this place our tradition.” My friend Lena exclaimed, accidentally spilling her glass of vodka. “Fuck! I knew everything was going too well!”
Amber and I burst into laughter as we watched our friend make sloppy movements to wash away the stinking liquid. Amber was really beautiful. She had large, almost black eyes. Quite strong makeup emphasized her delicate facial features and full lips.
We met her on the first day of our trip in the Netherlands. We bumped into each other while looking for a hotel in Noordwijk; or rather, we were saved by her. The taxi dropped me and Lena off at a remote location, both of our phones were dead, so we didn't know how to get to the hotel. The fact that it was only a few minutes after midnight didn't help at all. I remember thinking we would be stuck there forever.
Fortunately, we found Amber on a dark street where she was returning from work. She calmed us down and helped us find our way. We thanked her, she wrote her phone number on a piece of paper and the next day she took us here; to a lively beachside pub. We've been coming here every night since then.
“Come on, I'll help you wash it off. It's a waste of such a pretty dress.” She said calmly, standing up and leading Lena towards the door marked with a triangle symbol. Lena's crimson lips curved into a slight smile and she looked at me, her look instantly revealing her shock and nervousness. Oh, I knew exactly how Lena felt about Amber. She told me that the day after we met, they exchanged messages. I often caught her smiling at the phone, but out of respect for them, I chose to act as if I knew nothing.
“We'll be right back, Y/n. Maybe you'll find yourself a nice gentleman who will make your evening even more pleasant!” A smirk appeared on Lena's face. I rolled my eyes, hiding my amusement.
“Have fun and don’t get lost this time!” Amber called after me and giggled.
“Maybe you'd better not come back!” I stuck my tongue out at them in a mocking way.The girls gave me the middle finger before the door finally closed.
I sighed, taking a sip of vodka, washing it down with Pepsi. I felt the vibrations on my body, despite my fatigue I felt the call of the music. There was a smell of alcohol in the air and the smell of smoke released from time to time from under the DJ console. 
After one glass of alcohol in a row, I stopped feeling tired. A dance floor full of dancing people seemed damn tempting. The thumping bass and catchy beats effectively encouraged me to devote myself to the music. 
Seconds and minutes passed and the girls didn't come back. White light flashed from the ceiling from time to time, blinding for a second. I squinted a bit and checked the time on my phone. 01:01 AM.
Suddenly I felt someone's eyes on me. This may sound funny because, hey, I was just in a crowded club, it's normal for people to look at each other. But this was different, I felt frustrated when someone was staring at me and I didn't even know who.
I looked up from my phone and then I saw him.  A few tables in front of me, a man sat alone, sipping a drink. His blond hair was messy and disheveled, and he was wearing thick-rimmed glasses. Something moved strangely inside me when our eyes met. He gave me a brave smirk that it sent shivers down my spine.
When he realized that I had exposed him, he took off his glasses and put them on the table. However, he was too far away for me to get a good look at his facial features. I noticed that he was holding a cigarette in the fingers of his right hand. He took a drag of it, watching me in concentration. Is smoking even allowed in clubs?
Girl, you're in the Netherlands. I reminded myself.
“Y/n!” I heard someone shouting my name as I turned back and saw Amber and Lena running towards me. When they both took their seats, I had a perfect view of their rosy cheeks, uneven breathing and the abashed glances they were sending to each other. I suppressed a smile with a clear throat. “I'm sorry you had to wait so long. Lena got her dress so dirty that we had to take it all off to clean it.”
Why is everybody having sex except me?
“Oh, I can certainly imagine that. Actually, I’m tired of sitting in one place all the time. How about hitting the dance floor?”
“Finally! I thought you'd never ask!” Lena squealed, grabbing both of our hands.
About half a minute later we were in a different state of consciousness. The colorful spotlights seemed brighter and the music seemed louder. We were jumping to the rhythm of some electronic song, shouting its lyrics to each other. The song was in a foreign language and it was the first time I heard it, so Amber was probably the only one in our group who sang the lyrics correctly. My legs were burning with fire. It's been a long time since I spent such a long time on the dance floor dancing non-stop, but I enjoyed it. 
Now I was much closer to the table of the man who was staring at me with incredible passion.
I looked at him again, and when we made eye contact, he winked at me. The stranger, dressed in black jeans and a gray hoodie, stared at me with an unreadable expression, blonde hair falling across his forehead. I didn't even know his name, but everything about him was suddenly stirring something inside me. His blonde hair. High cheek bones. His mustache. The tattoos on his hands. His smile too. It was something I couldn't look away from. As if I'd seen him somewhere before, but couldn’t recall where.
When “Careless whisper” started playing and Amber and Lena started to get closer to each other, I decided to leave them alone.
I gave a thumbs up to give Lena courage. She smiled shyly and placed her hands on Amber's waist. I apologized to the people around me and left the dance floor, heading outside. I needed to get some fresh air, and more specifically, listen to the sound of the sea waves.
The night was cold and the wind bit at my bare arms, chills running through my body. I sat down on the sand and scolded myself for not bringing anything to cover my head and shoulders. 
I inhaled sharply and then listened to my heartbeat because I was alone. I didn't worry about getting my dress dirty. It was worth it for this view. 
I started to feel dizzy. I felt like I was about to fall asleep. I shouldn’t have drank too much.
"Enjoyed dancing to one of my songs, huh?" I suddenly heard a raspy voice from behind me. I turned around to experience the biggest shock of my life. It was the same man who had ogled me in the club. I looked at him with wide eyes. The moonlight fell on him, making his honey skin shine, while the wind blew, making his hair move gently. Even the moon wasn't as beautiful as him.
I scrunched my nose. I tried to recreate all the songs I danced to in my head. I didn't have to wait long until he finally sat down next to me.
“You're a musician?”
He let out a small chuckle and, oh my God, his laugh was so hot. 
“Yeah, something like that. But lately people have gotten used to calling me Europapa. I guess, I don't have a name anymore.” I laughed at his words. After his hint, I was finally able to figure out what song he was the author of.
“Ah, it's you. I knew you reminded me of someone. In my country, people already made you a global superstar.”  He raised an eyebrow at me and smirked.
“Oh, really? Where are you from?”
I nodded. “Poland, straight from the capital. How about you, Joost?”
I used his name for the first time since I could finally remember it. Judging by the expression on his face, I had to amuse him with my pronunciation because he started laughing. The smile disappeared from my face.
“No, no, no. Mh, I live in Leeuwarden, but currently I’m on tour. Came here in order to relieve my stress a bit. And you can call me whatever you want.”
I almost offered him another way to relieve his stress. It took all my might to hold back my laughter.
“Oh, I feel flattered.”
For a moment I looked at his shapely lips. Of course, he noticed that.
“Is that so?”
“Mhm.” I mumbled in a quiet voice, not knowing what to say.
“Can I get your name?” He asked finally.
“It's Y/n.” I said honestly, looking straight into his blue eyes. “Do you have anything to explain how you were devouring me with your eyes earlier?”
I bit the inside of my cheek, mentally scolding myself. I really should learn to keep my mouth shut.
I looked up, immediately seeing a wide smile on Joost's face.
“Sorry. You're just so fucking pretty, I couldn't help myself.”
I bit my lip, suppressing a loud moan. I hated myself for how much he affected me.
“Can I?” He asked before placing his hand on my bare thigh. I nodded excitedly, waiting for him to move, which made him laugh a little.
“Mh- yes. Please.” I added with a pleading look on my face.
He dragged his hand slowly to my inner thigh, tossing my leg over his thigh, and made a low humming noise that vibrated from his chest.
Before I knew it, Joost's lips were smushed against mine in a passionate kiss. I gasped into his mouth as I melted against his lips, my hands resting comfortably on his muscled arms as his laid against my warm neck. Joost grasped the underside of my thighs and pulled me off the ground, wrapping my legs around his hips. 
“Joost..” I moaned breathily as his puffy lips attacked my neck, “I need you.”
“Of course you do, who wouldn't?” He teased, leading me towards his car. It was so dark that even if someone had been on that beach with us, wouldn’t have noticed us.
“Such a narcissist.”
Joost chuckled, “You know, if you shut that slutty mouth for once, you'd be so pretty.”
He opened the car door and put me in the back seat. After a while, he closed the door and sat down next to me.
“Oh, Y/n. I will give your body exactly what it deserves.” He said, a wide grin on his face as he leaned down to kiss me once more.
I bit my bottom lip and answered with one simple word.
Joost wasted no time. He placed me on his lap and rolled up my tight dress. He moved his hands all over my body, making me go crazy.
“Your body is art.” He murmured.
His eyes pierced through mine, his gaze so intense that I almost melted on top of him. My hand shyly reached for his, playing around with his fingers and I moved my eyes down to look at what we were doing. “Is that what you want?” His voice was soft as if to not scare me away. “You want my fingers?” I looked in his eyes again and nodded my head quickly, feeling a tingling sensation on my stomach from the excitement. His other hand came up to caress my cheek and a little smirk could be seen on his lips. 
I moved on his lap when I was ready and one of his hands grabbed my hip while the other one ran up and down my thigh.
“Please.” I moaned, grasping his forearm tightly as I scrunched my face up in pleasure.
His fingertips brushed through my folds, coating them in my juices and I whined when I felt him rub slowly at my clit. “You're a soaking mess, baby.” His voice was so calm, a contrast to how shaky my breath was.
I gasped and he started applying more pressure to my clit. He eased one of his fingers inside me and a soft moan left my lips, my hips moving to ride his finger, his eyes intensely staring at me. “More.” I whined quietly.
“More?” He smirked and inserted another finger, feeling how my walls clenched around his digits, his hand moving to match the movements of my hips, thrusting his finger in and out of my pussy and I could ear the wet sounds it did.
“I'm so c-close, Joost. Just like that.” I moaned louder, locking his fingers between my legs. 
“Cum on my fingers, baby.”
“Oh God,” I cried out as wave after wave of pleasure rocked through my body.
When I was done, he slowly removed his fingers from my pussy, moving them to his mouth, sucking my juices from them, grunting at the taste of me which made me sigh heavily at the sight in front of me.
“Take off your pants, Joost.”
“Of course, baby.” He chuckled, politely following my order.
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zoofzoofxx · 4 months
Cuddling sounds so good right now
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Pairing - Joost Klein x Fem!Reader
Summary - After enjoying some drinks at a girls' night out, you made a silly joke thru the phone, and Joost ended up picking you up. He helped you get ready for bed. Right before going to sleep, you demanded a cuddle session.
Genre - pure fluff
While seated at the table with my girlies, enjoying drinks consequence-free, the alcohol intake began to resemble "prank calling my boyfriend." My closest friend sat beside me, not as intoxicated. Leaning towards her, I quietly disclosed the entire scheme. Despite her laughter and disapproving nod, I proceeded. I reached for my phone, scrolled through the contacts to find my boyfriend's name, and tapped to call him.
“Hey schat. (Hey babe.)” My boyfriend’s voice came through my speaker.
"Hello, this is Y/n L/n speaking. Are you interested in purchasing a fridge?" I inquired, then muted myself while erupting into laughter with my girls. It was a silly and bland joke, but the drinks made it appear amusing.
"Y/n?-" is the last thing I heard before hanging up. After a while, I received a text saying: 'I'll come pick you up in 30.' I showed the messages to my best friend, and she suggested taking advantage of those 30 minutes to grab more drinks.
We celebrated, sipped, danced , and simply relished the moment until one of friends approached me to inform me that my boyfriend was waiting outside for me. I collected my belongings and attempted to walk steadily and appear clear-headed, but ultimately I stumbled and tumbled right into my boyfriend's embrace.
"Haha, you're so strong," I slurred while reaching out to his biceps. He chuckled and kindly took my bag from me, assisting me to his car.
"Babe, I adore youuu…" I murmur while playing with his hair as he secures my seatbelt. Then plants a kiss on my forehead and shuts the car door. He then settles into the driver's seat and starts the car. I was chatting the whole journey with Joost, and he didn't seem bothered. He simply listened and conversed with me as if I were clear-headed. After a while, we reached our residence. He turned to me, assisted in unfastening the seatbelt, and stepped out of the car. Guiding me out of it, he lifts me up in a bridal style carry as we enter our home. He places me gently by a nearby chair, removes my shoes. I let out a yawn, resting my head on the kitchen table, nearly dozing off. I heard the water running in the bathroom, assuming Joost was showering, but he emerged, lifted me, and escorted me to the bathroom.
"Are you able to bathe independently?" He inquires. And I simply nodded in response.
"Sure thing, just give a shout if you need a hand, I'll be waiting outside," he assured me, planting a kiss on top of my nose. I hugged him from behind as he was leaving. We stood there quietly for a moment until I let go, and he walked out. After relaxing in the bath, I wrapped myself in towels and left the bathroom.
"I'm so hungry, babe..." I tell him as he smiles at me. He looks really cute at this moment. His hair is all messy, falling over his eyes. I go up on my toes to kiss him quickly on the lips. He kisses me back, and I don't want it to end. He holds me by my waist, kissing me until he lifts me up and takes me to the bathroom, placing me on the edge of the bathtub.
"What are you up to?" I ask as he starts to open the cupboard, removing all my skincare items.
"You'll appreciate it tomorrow, darling," he mentions as he crouches down to begin my skincare routine. I couldn't help but admire how adorable he looked and occasionally run my fingers through his hair while he finished.
He took my hand and guided me to our bedroom, gently placing me on the bed before heading to the wardrobe. Returning with fresh pajamas, he assisted me in changing. After laying me down, he mentioned he'd be back shortly. Moments later, he emerged from the shower, finding me gazing out the window. He approached, embracing me from behind.
“Gaan we al slapen schat? (Are we going to sleep darling?)” He inquired while planting a peck on my cheek, and I simply acknowledged. I reclined beside him. Subsequently, a hush fell between us.
"Joost," I initiate, and I could perceive him pivoting.
"Yeah, princess?" He inquires, and I simply grin at the endearing nickname.
"Can we cuddle, pretty please?" I inquire, drawing nearer to him as a gesture.
I sensed his hand encircling my waist, followed by a kiss on my shoulder. A content smile graced my lips as I drifted into slumber, comforted by the presence of my exceptional partner beside me. I consider myself truly fortunate.
A/n - HI BABES!!!! Sorry that this one shot was so short 💔 I have a bunch of assignments to tackle tomorrow, so I might not be able to share anything. However, I have a one shot request about Baby Lasagna, so I'll likely dedicate some time to it tomorrow, and you can anticipate the one-shot to be up on Friday! I've also got an idea for the third part of my tale involving Joost. So stay tuned for updates! 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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catch1ngmoths · 4 months
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Note: Sorry for slacking y’all, I tried to lock in today and worked on a fic for an hour and a half but then I went to text my friend and when I came back, tumblr had closed and deleted all my work so I got mad and just didn’t write for the rest of the day.. ദ്ദി ꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ )✧ I’ll lock in tomorrow tho I swear!!
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urfavlarry · 4 months
Cigarettes After Sex
Joost Klein x fem!reader
warnings: implied smut
a/n: sorry this is so short, tried to get something out as soon as possible for you guys🩵
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🐦 ɞ˚‧。⋆
The room felt hot. The type of hot when you went to change after P.E. in the changing room during the summer. You panted slightly, head rested on the fluffed up pillows, goosebumps evident on your arm as your boyfriend rubbed your back with his slender fingers. You let out a sigh, lifting yourself up by the shoulders your upper body getting exposed which made you look away. You heard Joost chuckle, bringing you closer your sweaty bodies tangled together. “Why so shy? You don’t have anything I haven’t seen before.” He says, voice more low and raspy than usual. You smiled softly, running your hand through his messy blonde, almost white hair, deciding to get up you slip from under the covers, not without Joosts protests; “Just stay for a few more minutes..” He whined but you managed to slip from his grasp, your bare skin getting hit with the cold air. You shiver slightly, stretching before getting up to grab some fresh pyjamas and walk to the bathroom, running yourself a warm bath. You groan, your aching body finally relaxing in the boiling water. It hurt but felt so good on your skin. You decide to stay like this for about 15 minutes, getting yourself clean and ready for bed, slipping on your fresh pyjamas and dry your soaking wet hair.
You get out of your bathroom and walk down the small hall to your bedroom, Joost only in his boxers, lighting some candles and turning on the LEDs you bought when you moved in together. You admired his body, your stomach turning even after seeing it hundreds of times before which made you feel like an obsessed fan girl. You walked up behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing his back gently. He turned you around, admiring every part of you looking love struck. He kisses you on the forehead before going to get his sweatpants that were across the room and grabbed a pack of cigarettes out of the pockets. He gestures the box towards you, offering you one so you gladly accept, grabbing a random lighter from your bedside table and walk to your balcony after quickly grabbing one of Joosts hoodies.
You sat on the seats you got for the balcony, bringing your knees to your chest and look at the streets of Amsterdam. You exhale the grey smoke and rest your head on Joosts shoulder who sat right next to you. He put a comforting hand on your bruised thigh, gently rubbing circles on it and kisses the side of your head. “The moon is so beautiful today mijn liefje.” (my love) He says, kissing your cheek and then the corner of your mouth. He moves down to your neck, feeling soft pecks on your skin you let out a soft gasp since your neck was covered in love bites he left just a few hours ago. “I love you too.” You say and inhale the smoke one last time before putting it out and throwing it in the ashtray in front of you on the small coffee table you had on the balcony. A comfortable silence fell upon the two of you you, Joost rubbing your arm softly and you were practically falling asleep. The cars passing by and the chatter of drunk teens that were out way past their curfew was lulling you to sleep. You weren’t the type to fall asleep when it was dead quiet, always soft music playing in the background or you just left the window open for some noise to come in. Joost didn’t mind this at all, he was quiet a heavy sleeper not even a cold bucket of ice being able to wake him up.
Joost takes out another cigarette, lighting it and inhaling the smoke before letting the smoke leave his lungs. He offers you the cigarettes, putting it up to your mouth and you gladly accept, letting it burn your lungs a soft sigh escaping your lips. The sun was about to rise, the dark blue colour turning a purple-ish to pink colour. It hit your eyes perfectly, bringing out the colour of your eyes more. You groan, not enjoying that the sun was literally trying to burn your eyes alive. Joost throws the now cigarette butt away and lifts you up, walking with you back to your bedroom and lays down on the bed with you. Your legs get tangled together, it was almost as if it was now an instinct to do that whenever you cuddled or went to sleep. You burried your face in his neck, shutting your eyes as a quick yawn escaped your lips. “Please tell me your staying home tommorow..” You plead, sounding almost like a desperate child. Joost just nods tiredly, kissing you on the forehead “hm.. goede nacht schat..” He says while yawning and clings to you like his life depended on it. He slowly fell asleep, leaving you slone with your thoughts. This was almost like a dream, this whole event, but even if it was you couldn’t have asked for a better one.
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🐦 ɞ˚‧。⋆
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