#Junya Fukuda
fortesp89 · 2 years
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Digimon Realms
Story “Have you heard the rumors?” Strange creatures have begun to appear around Meguro City, tales of mysteries and adventure, of ghosts and yokai. Some believe it to be a new species that evolved without our knowledge, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. From another world, monsters made of data have materialized into the real world, they are known as Digimon. Four youths become wrapped up in this enigmatic turn of events as worlds collide, approaching down either a path of inevitable destruction or renewed hope.
60 episodes episodes 1-12 (Strange Creatures arc) rookie/champions debut episodes 13-22 (D-Brigade arc) ultimates debut episodes 23-39 (Lost in the Digital World arc) megas debut episodes 40-47 (Aegiomon Refugee arc) alt evos debut episodes 48-59 (Encroaching Darkness arc) episode 60 (Epilogue)
Tenya Nakamura (VA: Himika Akaneya): 15 years old. Tenya, while outgoing he tends to keep to himself most of the time. He believes that even if you should do good in life, one shouldn’t stand out too much among the crowd. Thinking that he can get through life just fine as is, his life is turned upside-down when he meets Sunarizamon. Digimon partner - Sunarizamon (VA: Daisuke Ono): A Digimon partnered with Tenya. Sunarizamon is curious of the world he now finds himself in. Polite and affable, Sunarizamon seems wise beyond his years. (Sunarizamon - Golemon - Vulturemon - Bancho Golemon)
Nao Fukuda (VA: Sayuri Hara): 16 years old. Energetic and cheery, Nao isn’t your typical girly-girl, she’s got a competitive streak a mile wide. She tends to like horror stories and isn’t afraid to show her love for it. Digimon partner - Ghostmon (VA: Junya Enoki): A Digimon partnered with Naomi. Ghostmon comes and goes as he pleases, he loves to spook people at night using hitodama floating in the air. Ghostmon and Naomi get along rather well. (Ghostmon - Ponchomon - Black Weregarurumon - Boltmon)
Himeno Matsuno (VA: Yumiko Kobayashi): 17 years old. Aloof and stand offish, Himeno tends to dress in more gothic tones in opposition to her upper-middle class background. Its hard for people to approach her during school, some believe she’s actually leaving behind curses wherever she goes. Digimon partner - Phascomon (VA: Ai Kayano): A Digimon partnered with Himeno. Hovering around Himeno like a bound spirit, Phascomon rarely speaks, only what sounds like muttering to no one. Its hard to know just what she’s thinking, but she understands Himeno without question. (Phascomon - Troopmon - Metal Tyranomon X - Rust Tyranomon)
Soh Watanabe (VA: Ryōta Suzuki): 18 years old. Lacking self-esteem and confidence, Soh just seems to blend into the background. He wants to change for the better but continues to have trouble coming out of his shell. Digimon partner - Dokunemon (VA: Yuka Iguchi): A Digimon partnered with Soh. Playful and and curious, Dokunemon follows Soh like a loyal pet, but that doesn’t stop Dokunemon from going off on her own when something’s piqued her interest. (Dokunemon - Snimon - Toropiamon - Lotusmon)
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The Digivice of the season is called a WayFinder Digivice (WFD), its comprised of the digivice and a wristwatch-like bracelet that the digivice can slide into in order for the Tamer use in tandem. When slotted into the bracelet, the WFD’s functions greatly expand. When a Tamer uses a WFD for the first time, touching the screen will scan the Tamer’s fingerprint, causing it to confirm/recognize and only recognize the person who touched it that’s worth enough to use the digivice. The bracelet acts as a hologram projected from the digivice for a variety of uses. Functions Channeling the emotional energy of the Tamer to: - Evolve an In-training Digimon into a Rookie Digimon or a Rookie Digimon into a Champion Digimon - Super Evolve a Champion Digimon into an Ultimate Digimon - Mega Evolve an Ultimate Digimon into a Mega Digimon - Protean Evolve a Mega Digimon into a comparable Mega Digimon and vice-versa through a specialized D-Card Displaying a Digimon Analyzer profile of any Digimon whom the partner Digimon is currently seeing Has built-in mapping and tracker functions that can: - Plot the locations of other nearby Digivices relative to the user as red dots on a simple geographical map - Detecting and reacting to the nearby presence of a Digimon, or to evidence that a Digimon has recently been nearby - Displaying a compass that points the user toward where their partner Digimon is Displaying a clock (can be customized) Can allow a human to read Digimoji
D-Card A specialized card that manifest when the heightened emotions of both Tamer and Digimon synchronize causing the WFD to glow with a blinding light and undergo a change in color. A card-like object is created that can be scanned to induce a Protean Evolution in a Digimon. The D-Card contains this power, after being scanned, the WFD stores the D-Card’s data for future use. Lesser D-Cards can also be used but are usually temporary to update the WFD’s stats or to upgrade the OS of the Digivice.
Protean Evolution Protean Evolution is a catch all term for an alternate evolution of the Mega stage depending what kind of evolution used which is unique to each Tamer that invokes its power. Bancho Golemon - Blastmon (Slide Evolution) Boltmon - HiAndromon (Blast Evolution) Lotusmon - Rafflesimon (Jogress) Metal Tyranomon X - Rust Tyranomon or Darkdramon (Dark Evolution)
Digimon Groups Witchnely - A group of Digimon that hail from a different system in the Digital World, forced to Earth, they seek to return to their world. They have little understanding on how the human world works, causing trouble without meaning to for society at large.
Olympus XII - A group of powerful Digimon that reside over one system in the Digital World, some believe this group has become inactive for some time, others believe that they hide themselves away. A lone Digimon is seeking this group out while allying with the Digimon of Witchnely; Aegiomon.
Seven Great Demon Lords - Seven powerful evil Digimon that wish to rule all systems in the Digital World, their influence is vast, many have been swayed under their control. They employ both the D-Brigade and Big Death Stars under their command.
Ten Legendary Warriors - A group of Digimon that live long ago in the ancient Digital World, said to saved it from destruction of Lucemon’s previous rampage. Though they perished in the battle, their presence still thrives in the Digital World with the gifts they left behind in their descendants.
Ogudomon - When each of the Demon Lords is defeated, their data is absorbed by the Gate of Sin, a back up plan if they were ever routed, that data would combine into the ultimate Demon Lord. Lucemon Falldown Mode’s plan was to use the Gate of Sin to increase their power and acquire X-Antibodies for themselves, but with him being the only one to acquire it and unable to master it before his defeat. His last action before his death is out of spite, destroying the doors to the Gate. Absorbing the X-Antibody’s power as well causes Ogudomon to retain some semblance of itself as to not become a mindless beast.
I still want to do some splash art of the main characters when I get the time but this was still a fun little project to do on the side.
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knot-monthly · 3 months
7/3 CHEEBA CHEEBA CHEEBA ALL GENRE あなたのお気に入りの曲、クラブで大音量で流しませんか? ルールは簡単!ムズカシイことぬき!飲みながら延々Back to Back(一曲ごとにDJが替わる)で音を流しましょうというイベントです。普段DJをしない方にも大音量で音楽を流して頂きたい!そんな思いで毎月第1水曜日に開催。一見さん大歓迎! プレイしたい音楽メディアに縛りはありません! ・スマホや携帯の音源!・MP3プレイヤー!・レコード!・CD!・その他音の出る機械、楽器! お気に入りの音楽を持ってきて下さい!音楽ジャンルは問いません。 OPEN 20:00 入場無料
7/4 TOURISM TECHNO/HOUSE GUEST DJ: mukuro-jima / RAV-TUNE DJ: 本間本願寺 デトロイト、シカゴ、デトロイト、デトロイト。 OPEN 20:00 入場無料
7/6 COLORFUL ALL GENRE GUEST DJ: MAICO / CRAZY-YUMI DJ: GAPPE / SUGAR-G / SA-ME / EBA / 安田晋一郎 / しゅわっち / 3E / YASUDA FOOD: つなぐごはん OPEN 19:00 ¥2000/2D
7/12 BAR STYLE OPEN 20:00 入場無料
7/13 ゆうまワンマンLIVE2024「成長」+誕生日会 LIVE: ゆうま OPENING GUEST LIVE: hy4_4yh DJ: DJ HYO-E MC: Menow Act OPEN 16:30 ¥2000/2D
7/14 knot 14th Anniversary “NO ONE LEFT BEHIND” LIVE: SANGA SKYE (COMPASS) RAP MARUYAMA (SOUL JAMAICA) DJ: IYOTA (T.O.P.E.) 火星人から来た人 (PONDER) GAKU ”sue” IN (JUPITER) glico (NATURA-RHYTHM) gocci (BA・BAR営業) SIMBA (X群) JUNYA (T.O.P.E.) TAKKY fr. Pegasus Movement 天敵 (MEMORY GLASS) ni-ro 肉汁萬太郎 (木印Pro.) ぱっぽん HIDE (BA・BAR営業) PINO (SOUL JAMAICA) BOW (木印Pro.) POG (S.C.N.R.) MAKOTO KINGSTON (キッズウォー) MACHIKUN (PONDER) MATUSUI (南天BOYS) めぐみ a.k.a だきしめ亭くれ代 Ringino (JUPITER) YASUDA (COLORFUL) 安田晋一郎 (膀胱破裂) WATARU (COYOTE) (五十音順) FOOD: MADCHEF by OSAGARI OPEN 17:00 ¥2000/2D
7/18 JUPITER ALL GENRE GUEST DJ: FUKUDA (vaya!sabor!) DJ: GAKU”sue”院 / Ringino / レイモンド・ヤノ / TOMO / WATANUKI/ YUSUKE OPEN 20:00 入場無料
7/19 膀胱破裂 ENDLESS B2B GUEST DJ: BLANC=CHANG DJ: 安田晋一郎 / BABY-MAR / BASHIMELLOW / あゆみ / 大山のぶ夫 金曜の地獄谷!恐怖のENDLESS BACK 2 BACK!! OPEN 20:00 入場無料
7/20 NATURA-RHYTHM ALL GENRE GUEST DJ:伸 DJ: YASUDA / SA-ME / しゅわっち / BOW / 川上亮 / 大山のぶ夫 OPEN 20:00 入場無料
7/21 PEANUTS CAFE JAZZ/SOUL/FUNK/ROCK/LATIN/AND MORE GUEST DJ: 伊藤多実子 / TAEKO /SENGOKU DJ: ハカセジャズオ / TIGER / 鳴海 / Mitsman Groove / Ringino / 大山のぶ夫 OPEN 18:00 入場無料
7/26 BA・BAR営業 ALL GENRE ゲスト婆:SNOW 選曲: MATSUI / gocci / あゆみ / めぐみ / HIDE / showhow / 大山のぶ夫 お茶請け: 有賀 / 城戸 / 松井 / 大山 ババアのバー営業、ババー営業。世話焼きババアと釣りじじいがお茶請け持って寄り合いだ。 注)当日、全てのババアは敬老価格ドリンク100円引きとなります。 OPEN 20:00 入場無料 ※別途フードチャージ 男性500円 女性400円頂戴致します
0 notes
da-vedere · 4 years
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Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985) ☰
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Character Info
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MC List
Twisted Wonderland
Chizuko Miyato (TW MC) - [Battle Stage],
Tatsuo Kimoto (TW MC) - [Battle Stage],
Lynette Mitchell (TW MC) - [Battle Stage],
Mireille Blanchefleur (TW MC) -
Royal Sword Academy
Westyn Hashimoto (RSA MC) -
Hei-Ran Sowol (RSA MC) -
Hourglass Station Academy
Haruki Aikawa (HSA MC) -
Sasuke Aikawa (HSA MC) -
Freya Hoshino (HSA MC) -
Ember Frostine and Chione Frostine (HSA MCs) -
Deaths Academy Combat
Eldoris Treyton (DAC MC) -
Fursat Clodwal (DAC MC) -
OC List
Twisted Wonderland
Kiara Winston (TW OC) - [Battle Stage],
Amelia Kimura (TW OC) - [Battle Stage],
Quinn Cromwell (TW OC) -
Marleigh Gonzales (TW OC) -
Naoki Flores (TW OC) -
Diamond Crown Academy
Arianna Suzuki (DCA OC) -
Valencia Winston (DCA OC) -
Sylvie Vespertine (DCA OC) -
Felicity Akinari (DCA OC) -
Hourglass Station Academy
Akio Kingsley (HSA OC) -
Yaeko Akamine (HSA OC) -
Cynthia Tamami (HSA OC) -
Saburou Lewis (HSA OC) -
Hibiki Nakamura (HSA OC) -
Fuyuhiko Huxley (HSA OC) -
Whitney Elsher (HSA OC) -
Sienna Belladonna (HSA OC) -
Elijah Rodriguez (HSA OC) -
Yuzuki Furukawa (HSA OC) -
Irelyn Mendoza (HSA OC) -
Aimi Hestia (HSA OC) -
Celestine Fujimura (HSA OC) -
Jovanni Santiago (HSA OC) -
Doremi Lennon (HSA OC) -
Izumi Fukuda (HSA OC) -
Chouka Memphis (HSA OC) -
Sayoko Cerulean (HSA OC) -
Khamari Nephele (HSA OC) -
Eugene Chariton (HSA OC) -
Chenoa Acquarone (HSA OC) -
Riyon Gushiken (HSA OC) -
Deaths Academy Combat
Brendon Astlabor (DAC OC) -
Royal Sword Academy
Noelle Madison (RSA OC) -
Harper Persephone (RSA OC) -
Sonia Julianne (RSA OC) -
Souta Hirawa (RSA OC) -
Keisuke Iglesias (RSA OC) -
Aine Chauveron (RSA OC) -
Achlys Esmeray (RSA OC) -
Miriam Camellia (RSA OC) -
Isamu Agni (RSA OC) -
Venomia Fleur (RSA OC) -
Lucia Primrose (RSA OC) -
Caoimhe Dulcie (RSA OC) -
Vendetta Estée (RSA OC) -
Dorm Sorted OCs
Haru Kurayami (TW OC) - [Battle Stage],
Rosabel Akuma (TW OC) -
Chiharu Serrano (TW OC) -
Miyoko Herrera (TW OC) -
Daphne Chisaka (TW OC) -
Nerine Cassidy (TW OC) -
Manase Lindsay (TW OC) -
Fandorm Sorted OCs
Casimir Dominguez (HSA OC) -
Cattleya Dominguez (HSA OC) -
Dorothea Koizumi (HSA OC) -
Geoffrey Schaeffer (HSA OC) -
Hiromi Saotome (HSA OC) -
Toshihiro Finley (HSA OC) -
Shirrira Kimana (HSA OC) -
Nocturne Chansen (HSA OC) -
Othenio Chansen (HSA OC) -
Castiel Ortiz (RSA OC) -
Deangelo Celino (RSA OC) -
Fenella Ragni (RSA OC) -
Ismene Yukimura (RSA OC) -
Clementine Perez (DAC OC) -
Allison Hill (DAC OC) -
Akira Brooklynn (DAC OC) -
Himari Reyes (DAC OC) -
Staff OCs
Sunako Hiyama (HSA Staff OC) -
Alzir Otieno (HSA Staff OC) -
Tristan Daemon (HSA Staff OC) -
Hotaru Junya (DAC Staff OC) -
Creator List
Creator of the Seventh Rift - [Here]
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sakuramidnight15 · 3 years
MCs and OCs Backstories (By Order)
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MCs List
Twisted Wonderland
Chizuko Miyato -Here
Tatsuo Kimoto -Here
Lynette Mitchell -Here
Mireille Blanchefleur -Here
Royal Sword Academy
Westyn Hashimoto -Here
Hei-Ran -Here
Hourglass Station Academy
Freya Hoshino -Here
Haruki Aikawa -Here
Sasuke Aikawa -Here
Ember Frostine and Chione Frostine -Here
Deaths Academy Combat
Eldoris Treyton -Here
Fursat Clodwal -Here
Eislyn Philomel -Here
Obey Me
Heather Calfuray -Here
Food Fantasy
Yvette C. Allen -Here
Fate Series
Madeleine -Here
Persona Series
Lyra Amano -Here
Genshin Impact
Selene -Here
OCs List
Arianna Suzuki -Here
Valencia Winston -Here
Sylvie Vespertine -Here
Felicity Akinari -Here
Akio Kingsley -Here
Yaeko Akamine -Here
Cynthia Tamami -Here
Saburou Lewis -Here
Hibiki Nakamura -Here
Fuyuhiko Huxley -Here
Whitney Elsher -Here
Sienna Belladonna -Here
Elijah Rodriguez -Here
Yuzuki Furukawa -Here
Irelyn Mendoza -Here
Aimi Hestia -Here
Celestine Fujimura -Here
Jovanni Santiago -Here
Doremi Lennon -Here
Izumi Fukuda -Here
Chouka Memphis -Here
Sayoko Cerulean -Here
Khamari Nephele -Here
Eugene Chariton -Here
Chenoa Acquarone -Here
Riyon Gushiken -Here
Brendon Astlabor -Here
Kiara Winston -Here
Amelia Kimura -Here
Quinn Cromwell -Here
Marleigh Gonzales -Here
Naoki Flores -Here
Noelle Madison -Here
Harper Persephone -Here
Sonia Julianne -Here
Souta Hirawa -Here
Keisuke Iglesias -Here
Aine Chauveron -Here
Achlys Esmeray -Here
Miriam Camellia -Here
Isamu Agni -Here
Venomia Fleur -Here
Lucia Primrose -Here
Caoimhe Dulcie -Here
Vendetta Estée -Here
Dorm Sorted OCs
-Terrovania: (From @terrovaniadorm)
Haru Kurayami -Here
Rosabel Akuma -Here
Chiharu Serrano -Here
Miyoko Herrera -Here
-Anamosica: (From @dangerouspeanutstudent)
Daphne Chisaka -Here
-Corfringusdale: (From @stestylius)
Nerine Cassidy -Here
-Monsville: (From @fumikomiyasaki)
Manase Lindsay -Here
Unknown OCs
??? and ??? -Here
??? and ??? -Here
Fandorm Sorted OCs
Casimir Dominguez -Here
Cattleya Dominguez -Here
Dorothea Koizumi -Here
Geoffrey Schaeffer -Here
Hiromi Saotome -Here
Toshihiro Finley -Here
Shirrira Kimana -Here
Nocturne Chansen -Here
Othenio Chansen -Here
Castiel Ortiz -Here
Deangelo Celino -Here
Fenella Ragni -Here
Ismene Yukimura -Here
Clementine Perez -Here
Allison Hill -Here
Akira Brooklynn -Here
Himari Reyes -Here
Staff OCs
Sunako Hiyama -Here
Alzir Otieno -Here
Tristan Daemon -Here
Hotaru Junya -Here
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newsintheshell · 3 years
Aoashi, trailer e tutti i dettagli sul nuovo anime sportivo in arrivo da aprile 2022
La storia a tema calcistico di Yugo Kobayashi sarà portata in tv dallo studio Production I.G.
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Pubblicato da Shopro un primo teaser trailer di “Aoashi”, che ci svela qualche dettaglio in più sulla serie animata, ispirata all’omonimo manga sportivo di Yugo Kobayashi.
Attualmente in lavorazione presso gli studi PRODUCTION I.G (Haikyuu!! L’asso del volley, Fena: Pirate Princess), l’adattamento debutterà sulle tv giapponesi ad aprile 2022.
Con il video è stata svelata anche una prima locandina ufficiale per l’anime.
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Andando a parlare dello staff, la regia della serie è affidata ad Akira Sato (Release the Spyce) e della sceneggiatura si sta occupando Masahiro Yokotani (Free!, All Out!!). 
Come direttori d’animazione sono messi in campo Manabu Nakatake (Sket Dance), Toshie Kawamura (Karneval), Asuka Yamaguchi e Saki Hasegawa, che curano anche il character design con l’assistenza di Naho Seike, Yukiko Watabe, Miho Daidouji e Eisuke Shira. Le musiche, invece, sono composte da Masaru Yokoyama (Taiso Samurai, Farewell, My Dear Cramer).
A supervisionare l‘aspetto calcistico ci sono Kenichi Takeshita, Jun Soga e Kenji Iizuka.
Ashito Aoi è un giovane aspirante calciatore di un paesino sperduto del Giappone. Le sue speranze di entrare in una scuola superiore con una buona squadra di calcio, però, si infrangono quando causa involontariamente la sconfitta della sua squadra, che finisce per essere eliminata dal torneo. Ciononostante, cattura l'attenzione Tatsuya Fukuya, un veterano della celebre Tokyo City Esperion ed attuale allenatore della squadra giovanile. Tatsuya vede in Ashito del vero talento e lo invita ad entrare nel suo team.
Il cast principale della serie è formato da:
Ashito Aoi: Kouki Osuzu
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Eisaku Otomo: Tatsumaru Tachibana (Mo-Ri Jin in The God of High School)
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Soichiro Tachibana: Seiichirou Yamashita (Toru Ishikawa in Horimiya)
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Keiji Togashi: Taku Yashiro (Shinichi Yasuhara in Ahiru no Sora)
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Kanpei Kuroda: Shun Horie (Kazuya Kinoshita in Rent-a-Girlfriend)
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Asari Marchis Jun: Wataru Kato (Shiro Kokufu in Id:Invaded)
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Yuma Motoki: Junya Enoki (Yuji Itadori in Jujutsu Kaisen)
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Ryuichi Takeshima: Kentaro Kumagai (Makoto Majima in Ikebukuro West Gate Park)
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Tatsuya Fukuda: Chikahiro Kobayashi (Legoshi in Beastars)
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Hana Ichijo: Maki Kawase (Junko Konno in Zombie Land Saga)
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Il manga a tema calcistico viene serializzato sulle pagine della rivista Big Comic Spirits dal gennaio 2015 e attualmente Shogakukan ne ha raccolto i vari capitoli in 25 volumi.
La storia si basa sul concept iniziale ideato da Naohiko Ueno. L’opera è stata premiata agli Shogakukan Manga Awards del 2020, come miglior titolo nella categoria generale.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
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Musical theatre performers from Japan sing ‘You Will Be Found' from Dear Evan Hansen in Japanese
Japanese Translation by Narushi Fukuda
井上花菜 (Hana Inoue) | 柿澤勇人 (Hayato Kakizawa) | 可知寛子 (Hiroko Kachi) | 加藤潤一 (Junichi Kato) | 小山侑紀 (Yuki Koyama) | 高橋卓士 (Takuji Takahashi) | 高原紳輔 (Shinsuke Takahara) | 丹羽麻由美 (Mayumi Niwa) | 福田響志 (Narushi Fukuda) | 水野貴以 (Takai Mizuno) | 横山達夫 (Tatsuo Yokoyama) | 吉田純也 (Junya Yoshida) | 和田清香 (Kiyoka Wada) Guitar: 中山彰太 (Shota Nakayama) | Piano: 西寿菜 (Kotona Nishi) | Bass: 山上玲生 (Reo Yamagami) | Drum: 山内楽 (Raku Yamauchi)
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Aoashi Soccer Anime Releases Teaser PV, Teaser Visual and Cast List
    The official website for the upcoming Aoashi soccer anime today released a brand new teser PV, teaser visual and voice actor info for the series expected to air on NHK Educational TV in April 2022. Production I.G works on anime production with Akira Sato (RELEASE THE SPYCE) directing.
    Teaser PV:
    Teaser visual:
    Main Voice Cast:
  Ashito Aoi: Kouki Osuzu
Eisaku Otomo: Tatsumaru Tachibana
Soichiro Tachibana: Seiichiro Yamashita
Keiji Togashi: Taku Yashiro
Kanpei Kuroda; Shun Horie
Jun Marchis Asari: Wataru Kato
Yuma Motoki: Junya Enoki
Ryuichi Takeshima: Kentaro Kumagai
Tatsuya Fukuda: Chikahiro Kobayashi
Hana Ichijo: Maki Kawase
    The original manga focusing on the theme of J-League's youth soccer teams is penned by Yugo Kobayashi and has been running in Big Comic Spirits magazine since 2015. The manga won in the General category in the 65th Shogakukan Manga Awards. Its latest 26th tankobon volume is set to be released in Japan on November 12, 2021.
    Story Introduction:
  Ashito Aoi, a junior high school student living in Ehime Prefecture, is the ace of a weak soccer team. On the day he loses his last junior high school tournament, he is running on the beach to vent his frustration. Then he meets a man who was watching the game. That man, Tatsuya Fukuda, is the coach of the Youth Team, an organization that trains high school students at Tokyo City Esperion FC, one of the leading clubs in the J-League. Fukuda sees infinite potential in Ashito, who has a special talent despite his rough edges, and begins to talk about his own ambition. "I have ambitions, and with the club I've built, I'll take on the world. It's not a stepping stone to the world. My club is the world. Youth is responsible for all of that ambition." Ashito accepts Fukuda's invitation and decides to go to Tokyo to take the entrance exam (Selection)... 
    Main Staff:
  Director: Akira Sato
Series composition: Masahiro Yokoya
Soccer Supervision: Kenichi Takeshita, Jun Soga, Kenji Iizuka
Character Design: Manabu Nakatake, Toshie Kawamura, Asuka Yamaguchi, Saki Hasegawa
Sub Character Design: Naho Kiyoike, Yukiko Watabe, Miho Daidoji, Eisuke Shirai
Chief Animation Director: Manabu Nakatake, Asuka Yamaguchi
Prop Design: Arisa Ito, Miori Tsusaka
Color Design: Emiko Ueno
Art Director: Tsukasa Kakizakai, Yusuke Takeda
Art Design: Kazushige Kanehira, Iizou
2D works: Akiko Hamanaka
Pre-visualization: Masatada Maejima
3D: Sigma Morimoto
Director of Photography: Maiko Imazeki
Editing: Yoshinori Murakami
Sound Director: Shoji Hata
Music: Masaru Yokoyama
Animation Production: Production I.G 
    ⚽️TVアニメ『アオアシ』⚽️ 「いまもっともアツいサッカー漫画」#アオアシ が… 2022年4月(予定) NHK Eテレでのシリーズ放送決定❗ 主人公・青井葦人と東京シティ・エスペリオンユースで切磋琢磨するチームメイト達を描いたティザービジュアルを公開しました???? ▼公式HP https://t.co/qYd3EClPYk pic.twitter.com/fE8OqrPobH
— 『アオアシ』TVアニメ公式 (@aoashi_pr) October 29, 2021
    Source: TV anime "Aoashi" official website / Twitter
  ©Yugo Kobayashi, SHOGAKUKAN/"Aoashi" Prodution Committee
   By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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Japan Football World Cup - Japan power past Mongolia to widen Group F lead
Japan gave Mongolia an earnest 14-0 loss in the second round of the Asian Qualifiers for the FIFA World Cup 2022 and AFC Asian Cup China 2023 on Tuesday as Hajime Moriyasu's side drew nearer to getting a billet in the following round. The success guarantees the Japanese keep up their ideal record after five games in Group F and will book their spot in the third period of FIFA World Cup 2022 qualifying if they rout Myanmar when the two groups meet in Japan on June 3.
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Moriyasu's side had not many issues against a Mongolia side that had surrendered home-field advantage because of the progressing Covid pandemic, which means the game was played at the Fukuda Denshi Arena in Chiba, close to Tokyo. It required 13 minutes for the Japanese to open the scoring when Takumi Minamoto figured out an existence on the edge of the Mongolian punishment box to slide a fine completion into the furthest corner of Enkhtaivan Munkh-Erdene's objective.
After ten minutes the four-time Asian heroes multiplied their lead with another great entry of play as Minamino ventured over Maya Yoshida's ball forward, permitting Yuya Osaka to turn the protection with his first touch before opening home. Daichi Kamada added the third in the 26th moment when he steadied himself to direct Junya Ito's cross from the privilege past Munkh-Erdene from right inside the six-yard box and, after six minutes, the Japanese had scored a fourth when Hidemasa Morita got after Ito's reduction.
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Despite having the match dominated, the Japanese proceeded to press and, with five minutes staying in the half, they asserted a fifth when Khash Erdene Tuyaa coordinated Ken Matsubara's cross directly into his objective. The objectives kept on streaming for Japan in the subsequent half, with Osako adding his second not long after substitute Takuma Asano had hit the crossbar with a header. The Germany-based forward had the opportunity to transform and space into the corner following Kamada's pass.
Substitute Sho Inagaki made it 7-0 in the 68th moment with a clinical completion from right inside the punishment region and Ito scored the objective his overall exhibition merited five minutes after the fact when he slipped the ball in from short proximity. Vissel Kobe striker Kyogo Furuhashi scored the 10th with a header off the underside of the bar before Ito hit Japan's tenth and his second only seconds after the restart, while Furuhashi was on track again a short way from time.
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Asano stroked in his first as the game entered injury time and Osako finished his cap stunt not long after with a redirected exertion from short proximity before Inagaki scored his second not long before the last whistle. The triumph takes Japan on to an ideal 15 focuses from their initial five games and they lead Group F by five from Tajikistan, having played a game less than the Central Asians. The Kyrgyz Republic is in the third spot a further three focuses lose with Myanmar in the fourth. Mongolia is in the fifth and lower part of the standings.
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junya-koketsu · 5 years
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2020年2月9日(日曜日)  『天然時間』 藤條虫丸 Mushimaru Fujieda(舞踏) 纐纈淳也 Junya Koketsu(即興ギタリスト) 会場:阿佐ヶ谷 『天』 Photo:Macoto Fukuda https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ohj8apn7m/?igshid=1vgzkcze0a9m0
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actiaslunaris · 7 years
I was looking up other (Galileo-related) information and found the piece of trivia I’ve been wanting to know for a long time!
The screenplay for Galileo XX was written by Ikegami Junya, with cooperation from (collaboration with?) Yasushi Fukuda.  It was directed by Hiroshi Nishitani.
That answered my question of whether the screenplay was written by the same screenwriter who wrote the screenplay for Yougisha X no Kenshin. That happens to be Yasushi Fukuda.
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jrfk-e · 7 years
When the Summers End (Live) - YBJ by Junya Fukuda
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posthumanwanderings · 8 years
1 Hour of Beautiful & Relaxing Video Game Music (#1)
Tracklist : Video Game -- Track Title -- Composer(s) 00:00 1. Asura's Wrath -- Only happiness for this child -- Fukuda Chikayo 00:52 2. Journey -- The road of trials -- Austin Wintory 05:09 3. Final Fantasy VII -- Sandy badlands -- Nobuo Uematsu 07:45 4. Valkyrie Profile 2 : Silmeria -- A world supported by emotion -- Motoi Sakuraba 11:19 5. Nier -- City of commerce -- Keiichi Okabe 13:36 6. Diablo 3 -- I am justice -- Russell Brower 15:34 7. Zone of the Enders -- Viola (silent death) -- Maki Kirioka 19:20 8. The Walking Dead -- Goodbye -- Jared Emerson-Johnson 21:32 9. Risen -- The harbor city -- Kai Rosenkranz 23:53 10. Musashi : Samurai Legend -- Aqua memory -- Masashi Hamauzu/Junya Nakano 25:00 11. Final Fantasy VI -- Awakening -- Nobuo Uematsu 26:44 12. Ragnarok Online -- Ancient groover -- SoundTeMP 28:49 13. Digimon World -- File city -- Kouji Yamada/Yuko Ishii 31:49 14. Fable -- Oakvale -- Russell Shaw 35:15 15. Way of the Samurai -- Afterglow (evening theme) -- Noriyuki Asakura 38:11 16. Uncharted 2 -- Reunion -- Greg Edmonson 39:54 17. Of Orcs and Men -- Back to the forest -- Olivier Deriviere 44:01 18. Primal -- Jen meets Arella -- Paul "Bob" Arnold/Andrew Barnabas 48:51 19. The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim -- Far horizons -- Jeremy Soule 54:25 20. Lost Odyssey -- Demonic Infringement -- Nobuo Uematsu 56:40 21. Ni No Kuni -- World Map -- Joe Hisaishi
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newsintheshell · 5 years
ID:INVADED, nuova locandina e secondo trailer per la serie animata
Il nuovo anime originale diretto da Ei Aoki (Aldnoah.Zero, Re:Creators) andrà in onda da gennaio 2020.
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Pubblicati una nuova immagine promozionale e un secondo trailer di “ID:INVADED”, la nuova serie anime originale diretta da Ei Aoki (Fate/Zero, Aldnoah.Zero, Re:Creators) e sceneggiata dallo scrittore specializzato in mistery e sci-fi, Otaro Maijo (Biorg Trinity, Jorge Joestar, The Dragon Dentist), il cui debutto è previsto sulle tv giapponesi per il gennaio 2020.
Il video anticipa la sigla di testa “Mr. Fixer” ad opera di Sou. Il brano di chiusura di intitolerà “Other Side” e sarà interpretato da Miyavi.
Kenjiro Tsuda (Kei Matoba in Cop Craft) veste i panni di di Sakaido, il detective protagonista della storia, che durante le indagini sull’omicidio di una ragazza di nome Kaeru, si ritrova all’interno di un misterioso mondo virtuale. Gli altri membri del cast confermati finora sono:
Momoki: Yoshimasa Hosoya 
Hondocho: M.A.O
Togo: Sarah Emi Bridcutt 
Hayaseura: Manabu Muraji 
Shiratake: Takashi Kondou
Habutae: Shuuhei Iwase 
Wakashika: Junya Enoki 
Kokufu: Wataru Katou 
Nishimura: Fukushi Ochiai 
Matsuoka: Rintarou Nishi 
Fukuda: Ryouta Takeuchi 
Il design dei personaggi parte da quello abbozzato da Yuuki Kodama (Blood Lad, Hamatora The Animation) ed è adattato per l’animazione da Atsushi Ikariya (Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works, Hataraku Maou-sama!). Al progetto partecipa come assistente di regia Takehiro Kubata, mentre Yoshihiro Sono (Psycho-Pass, Kabaneri of the Iron Frotress) ed Emi Chiba (After the Rain) figurano rispettivamente come concept artist e colorista.
Gli animatori principali coinvolti sono Daisuke Mataga (Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World, Grimoire of Zero), Keita Shimizu (God Eater), Ai Asari (Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen), Asuka Mamezuka (Akame ga Kill!), Norie Igawa (Goblin Slayer) e Momoko Kawai (Space Dandy).
Autore: SilenziO))) (@s1lenzi0)
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anime-herald · 5 years
Earlier today, the official Arte anime website updated with a new trailer, as well as details on the show’s staff and four cast members.
We break the details down below.
The minute-long promo introduces the world of the show, with Mikako Komatsu providing narration.
Takayuki Hamana (Library War, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Detonation) was tapped to direct Arte at Seven Arcs, with Chieko Miyakawa (Moshidora) providing character designs. Reiko Yoshida (Girls und Panzer, K-ON!) is in charge of series composition.
Other confirmed crew members include:
Sub-Character Design: Satoko Miyachi
Background Research: Takaaki Suzuki
Chief Animation Director: Chieko Miyakawa
Music: Gorō Itō
Prop Design: Goichi Iwahata
Prop Design: Chikai Okado
Art Setting: Kazusuke Yoshihara
Art Director: Scott MacDonald
Art: Studio Tulip
Layout Supervision: Kenji Masuda
Color Design: Emiko Tate
Director of Photography: Takuya Nōdai
Special Effects: Naomasa Fukuda
Editing: Kazuhiko Seki
Sound Director: Yasunori Ebina
Sound Effects: Kiyotaka Kawada
Sound Production: Glovision
Music Production: Flying Dog
The new cast members include:
Angelo: Junya Enoki
Veronica: Sayaka Ohara
Yuri: Kousuke Toriumi
Catalina: M.A.O.
Visuals for the characters were also revealed, which you can check out below.
Arte will hit Japanese TV in April 2020.
The previously confirmed voice cast includes:
Arte: Mikako Komatsu
Leo: Katsuyuki Konishi
Kei Okubo’s Arte anime launched in Monthly Comic Zenon magazine in 2013. Eleven volumes have been released to date, with the latest shipping to stores on July 20. Media Do publishes the title in North America, which they describe as:
16th century Firenze, Italy. One girl, One ARTistic ambition!The birthplace of the renaissance era, where art is thriving. In one small corner of this vast city, one sheltered girl’s journey begins. She dreams of becoming an artist, an impossible career for a girl born into a noble family. In those days, art was an exclusively male profession, with woman facing strong discrimination. In spite of these challenges, Arte perseveres with hard work and a positive attitude!
Source: Comic Natalie
“Arte” Anime Gets New Trailer, Main Staff, 4 Cast Members Earlier today, the official Arte anime website updated with a new trailer, as well as details on the show's staff and four cast members.
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                                      STAGE 66: YAKUZA
Yakuza, known in Japan as Ryū ga Gotoku (Like a Dragon, Japanese), is an action-adventure beat ’em up video game franchise created, owned and published by Sega.
The series originated from Toshihiro Nagoshi’s desire to create a game that would tell the way of life of the yakuza.
The series primarily focuses on the yakuza Kazuma Kiryu from the Tojo clan.
While Kiryu often assists the Tojo clan, the series has also featured him searching for another way of life in the form of raising orphans and helping those in need. The gameplay of Yakuza has the player controlling Kiryu and various other characters depending on the story, in the city of Kamurocho, a fictionalized version of the real life Kabukichō district in Tokyo, where he can encounter an enemy, perform an activity or participate in its various available sub-stories, which often complement the main game story and reward the player with extra EXP to better enhance your fighting style, resilience and gameplay.
This game is also well known for its various mini-games, which range from things like bowling, darts, and arcade games, to much more involved things like hostess club management which can take a number of hours over the course of several sessions in themselves to complete, all to some hilariously amusing results.
The franchise has become a commercial and critical success, and as of 2017, Sega has reported that the Yakuza franchise has sold a combined total of 10.5 million units in physical and digital sales since its debut in 2005. Strong sales of the games in its original Japanese market has led to the franchise’s expansion to other mediums, including film adaptations.
A great Beat ‘em up series that not only has had popularity over its home country of japan, but has gotten a big following in the united states and in Europe.
So it is why this STAGE of the Retro VGM Revival Hour, you better set up which fighting style works better as you are about to journey through the streets of Kamurocho taking down some thugs with these selected tracks from the Yakuza game series.
                                          Full track listing:         =======Game – Composer – Title - Company========
1.) Yakuza 0 – Hidenori Shoji, Zenta Tsuchihashi , Kensuke Inage, Yoshiji Kobayashi, Karasuya-sabou, Saori Yoshida, POPHOLIC, Yasuyuki Matsuzaki, Hiroaki Watanabe, Sachio Ogawa, Fumiyoshi Shimohara, Yuri Fukuda, Keisuke Hattori, Takehiro Mamiya, yuyoyuppa, Hirotaka Kumagawa & Kiyo – “Force Addiction, La-Di-Da, Ultimate Road Rage, One-Eyed Slugger, Oath of Enma, JUDGEMENT (w/ vocals by Takaya Kuroda) & 24 hour Cinderella (w/ vocals by Hidenari Ugaki)“ – March 12, 2015 – Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio/Sega – Windows PC, PS3 & PS4
2.) Yakuza – Hidenori Shoji, Sachio Ogawa, Keitaro Hanada, Fumio Ito, Yuri Fukuda & John Newton – “Funk Goes On, Scarlet Scar, ID & Poison Pill” – December 8, 2005 – Sega – PS2, PS3 & Wii U (Japan Only)
3.) Yakuza 2 – Hidenori Shoji, Hideki Sakamoto, Franz Gruber, Norihiko Hibino & Takahiro Izutani – “As a man/As a brother, Push Me Underwater, Blockhead Boy, Face To Face & Evil Itself“ – December 7, 2006 – Sega – PS2, PS3 & Wii U (Japan Only)
4.) Yakuza 3 – Hidenori Shoji, Kentaro Koyama, Takahiro Kai, Hiroyoshi Kato, Love Sound System, Yoshio Tsuru & Hideki Sakamoto – “Fly, Bruise, Ryu-Kyu Humming, Crush and Strike, Test Your Imagination & D 2 A (w/ vocals by Chihiro Aoki)” – February 26, 2009 – Sega – PS3 & PS4
5.) Yakuza 4 -Hidenori Shoji, Kenichi Tokoi, Yuri Fukuda, Yoshio Tsuru, Ryohei Kohno, Mitsuharu Fukuyama, Yasuhiro Takagi, Yuichi Kanatani, Chihiro Aoki, Takashi Izeki, Takahiro Kai, Minako Seki, Flarewave Sound System, Eiji Kawai, Shigemitsu Goto, Love Sound System & Hideki Sakamoto – “Underground Dazzling Star(Neo), The Myth, Fighting Fighter & MachineGun Kiss” – March 18, 2010 – Sega – PS3 & PS4
6.) Yakuza 5 – Kyosuke Himuro, Yukihide Takekawa, Mitsuharu Fukuyama, Hidenori Shoji, Chihiro Aoki, Yasuyuki Matsuzaki, Hiroaki Watanabe, a-fei, Takeshi Isozaki, Zenta Tsuchihashi, DIG, Yuya Saito, Junya Tanaka, POPHOLIC, Yuri Fukuda, Atsuhiro Watanabe, Shunsuke Minami, Atsushi Yamaji, Gioachino Antonio Rossini, Akiko Akiyama & Saori Yoshida – “Hailstorm, I believe in you, Receive and Slash You, The COOL GUY SOSUKE, Comin’at ya/My girl, Noodle shop Ryuya & Loneliness loop (w/ vocals by Rie Kugimiya)“ – December 5, 2012 – Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio/Sega – PS3 & PS4
7.) Yakuza 6: The Song of Life – Chihiro Aoki, Hidenori Shoji, Yuri Fukuda, Saori Yoshida, Fumiyoshi Shimohara, Kenichi Tokoi, Tatsuyuki Maeda, Teruhiko Nakagawa, Zenta Tsuchihashi, Yasuyuki Matsuzaki, Hiroaki Watanabe, Kiyo, Tsuyoshi Kaneko, Shunsuke Minami , Shunsuke Yasaki, Masahiko Iida & Akiko Akiyama – “Bonds, Seakillers, Town Bully, Bloodstained Philosophy, Lots of Lights & Like A Butterfly (w/ vocals by Takaya Kuroda & Saki)“ – December 8, 2016 – Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio/Sega – PS4
8.) Yakuza Kenzan (Ryū ga Gotoku Kenzan!) – Hidenori Shoji, Hideki Sakamoto, Hiroyoshi Kato, Keisuke Ito & Yuri Fukuda – “Water and Melon, Blood Maker, Immortality & Masochism“ – March 6, 2008 (Japan Only) – Sega – PS3
9.) Kurohyō: Ryū ga Gotoku Shinshō – Mitsuharu Fukuyama, Hidenori Shoji, Yasuyuki Matsuzaki, Hiroaki Watanabe, Yukie Sugawara, skankfunk, Itsuki Onagi, Kentaro Ishii, Kouji Kinoshita, Heigo Tani (wall5) & Eigo Natsui – “Die anyway, DIGITALIZED, Kill city, YOUR KNIFE FEELS GOOD & SO UNUSUAL“ – September 22, 2010 (japan Only) – Sega & Syn Sophia/Sega – Playstation Portable
10.) Project X Zone 2 – Yoko Shimomura, Masami Ueda, Thomas Parisch, Laurent Ziliani, Kinuyo Yamashita, Masakazu Sugimori, Kohei Tanaka, Hidenori Shoji, Takenobu Mitsuyoshi, Yuzo Koshiro, Rio Hamamoto, Akihiro Namba, Chikayo Fukuda, Hiroyuki Kawada & Takuya Hanaoka – “Funk Goes On“ – November 12, 2015 – Monolith Soft/Bandai Namco Entertainment – Nintendo 3DS
11.) Yakuza: Dead Souls (Ryū ga Gotoku OF THE END) – Mitsuharu Fukuyama, Takahiro Kai, Takeshi Isozaki, Yuri Fukuda, Susumu Tsukagoshi, Chihiro Aoki, Yuichi Kanatani, Daniel Lindholm, Hiroshi Furukawa & ABOTTO Leo – “Inescapable Battle, Cry, Akiyama Battle Theme & Gary’s Boot Camp“ – June 9, 2011 – Sega – PS3
12.) Yakuza Ishin – Chihiro Aoki, Hidenori Shoji, Daisuke Anayama, Keitaro Hanada, Takatsugu Wakabayashi, Sachio Ogawa, Saori Yoshida, Zenta Tsuchihashi, Yusuke Sawai, Yasuyuki Matsuzaki, Hiroaki Watanabe, Ryohei Kohno, Yuri Fukuda, Shunsuke Yasaki & Tsuyoshi Kaneko – “Shika Flower, Sad sword, Roar, Willow’s Riff & Destroyed“ – February 22, 2014 (japan Only) – Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio/Sega – PS3 & PS4 (Both Japan Only)
13.) Judgment (Judge Eyes)- Hidenori Shoji, Yuri Fukuda, Saori Yoshida, Rio Hashikawa, Chihiro Aoki, Hiroaki Watanabe, Yasuyuki Matsuzaki, Tomoyuki Tanaka, Jin Senbonmatsu, Hideyuki Ono, Shunsuke Yasaki , Yuki Kobayashi, Kiyo, Charles François Gounod, Johann Sebastian Bach – “Drumfire, Moth, Line of sin, Final decision, BUZZY, Darkness & The Last Assassin XIV: Symphony of The Judgment“ – December 13, 2018 – Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio/Sega – PS4
14.) Yakuza Kiwami – Hidenori Shoji, Yuri Fukuda, Saori Yoshida, Keitaro Hanada, Sachio Ogawa, Syunsuke Minami, Shunsuke Yasaki, Zenta Tsuchihashi, Tsuyoshi Kaneko, Kiyo – “Funk Goes On, Flirt With Bomb, Ideal For Violence, The End Of The Dogma & Cherry blossoms 2000“ – January 21, 2016 – Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio/Sega – PS3, PS4 & Windows PC
15.) Yakuza Kiwami 2 – Hidenori Shoji, Yuri Fukuda, Saori Yoshida, Keitaro Hanada, Sachio Ogawa, Syunsuke Minami, Shunsuke Yasaki, Zenta Tsuchihashi, Tsuyoshi Kaneko, Kiyo – “The End Of The Dogma, Amusing Octagon, Update With Gunfire & The Wicked“ – December 7, 2017 – Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio/Sega – PS4 & Windows PC
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Edgar Velasco: @MoonSpiderHugs www.patreon.com/nostalgiaroadtrip Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/NostalgiaRoadTripChannel Official Site: nostalgiaroadtrip.com/ FaceBook: www.facebook.com/groups/nostalgiaroadtrip/ Official Twitter: @NRoadTripCast
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