#Just......... while making those gifsets it was so hard not to melt
freckledjoes · 6 months
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I love Keys. I love Walter "Keys" McKey. That's all. Thank you.
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lee-minhoe · 1 year
✨ content creator year in review ✨
tagged by @alrightyaphroditie @ambivartence @chanrizard love you all <3333 🥺🥺
1. first creation / most recent creation
my very first gifset ever was this one where jaemin freaks out after he realizes he talked about strawberries haha. my most recent set is this one of lee know's eyes :)
2. one of your favorite creations
hmmm honestly, even though they often don't get the most notes (or many at all), my fav creations are actually the ones i make for my moots bc i love seeing them love something made for them 🥺(and seeing them lose it in the tags hahaha) for example, this hyunminsung set; this soft lino set (and the infamous siyuan bias list set i made though i think there have been some new additions in the past month LOL); this changbin set; this tyong set
3. a creation you're really proud of
any of my comp sets!! apple hair lino, glasses lino, bw cap lino, shit lino says, the lino mood sets. i love making them, but they take a while and it's really nice to see the resulting set
4. a creation that took you forever
this lino maniac one took quite a while because i wanted to make all the clips move in sync, sometimes it works on my computer and not my phone so idk if it actually worked lol but had a lot of fun pain making that one
5. the creation that received the most notes
my first linotonin set, i am blown away by it but also maybe not surprised hahaha while we're here i will also plug my linotonin pt 2 and my linotonin in video form lol in case anyone needs a little linotonin in their life rn
6. a creation you think deserves more notes
like kass and sa and siyuan have all already said better, i don't think i necessarily deserve any notes because we're all here screaming about kpop in our little corners of the internet so it's not that deep lol, i'm glad if people like my sets and it brings them joy like it did for me to make them but i make sets because i want to <3 though i certainly appreciate the nice tags that people leave of course
that being said, i am still so shocked that this set received so many notes, like I GET WHY but i truly was just putting some random clips of lino that i liked from that skz talker hahaha. so i guess that just goes to show you, even if you do care about the notes it is hard to predict how many a set is going to get. so i try to remind myself to just enjoy the process :)
7. a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it
oh man there were a looot of new groups but the big ones would be skz and txt (it truly does not feel like i joined those fandoms only last year in 2022). also nine.i !! some other groups too like n.flying, xdh, oneus, though i haven't made any sets for those. i also started to learn tbz and mx, and learned ateez and p1h names by osmosis thanks to siyuan lmao so you can thank her for the fact that i have now listed 9 new groups even though the question only asked for one
also!! k-actors!! :D
8. a creation you made that breaks your heart
lino eyes set because they make me melt
9. a "simple" creation that you really love
haha.....this was my pinned post for a while (sorry jaemin)
10. a creation that was inspired by another one
the lino mood sets inspired by this one, this mark set inspired by @tyongsies taeyong set hehe
11. a favorite creation created by someone else
there are literally so many i wouldn't even know where to start!! though i will give a special shoutout to nini's secret santa set for me because it is so amazing
12. favorite content creators for the year
okay here we go: @agibbangs @alrightyaphroditie @ambivartence @changbeens @chanrizard @chanstopher @chenleyah @dearlyminhyung @ggthydrangea @hyunebear @hyunpic @jinniebit @jisungsjaistandjeekies @leemarkies @minchanz @minzbins @ohoshi @potatzu @shorelinnes @snug-gyu @strayklds @tyongsies @yyukhei (this also serves as a tag if you haven't done it and want to, no pressure. otherwise this is just a hi and hug from me, love yall <3
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canary3d-obsessed · 3 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 20, part two
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Stuff) (Previous Post)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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So much happens in this episode that I couldn’t stop the meta and had to break it in thirds. Part one is here, part three is here. 
Owie Owie Owie
Wen Zhuliu takes exquisitely tender care of Wen Chao, despite presumably disliking him quite a lot. He wipes his tears away, saying that the tears will infect his wounds, which...isn't likely, but ok. 
I will note that he didn't get the "no sting" kind of medicine, however, so maybe there's a limit to his kindness.  Wen Chao screams and yells at him while he puts a tiny amount of medicine on one tiny spot of owie. It's going to be a long night for these fellas. Except it isn't because they're going to die, so at least they won't have to put more medicine on.
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The candles blow out and we hear the sound of a flute, which Wen Zhuliu hilariously says is just the wind when Wen Chao starts freaking out. They have two days to go before they get to safety, and Wen Chao is pretty sure he's not going to last two days. And you know...he's right!  
As usual he blames Wen Zhuliu for the situation, but then gets afraid that WZL is going to leave him, and starts making promises of status. WZL says that's not necessary. He is a loyal sonofabitch, I'll give him that. 
The Man Comes Around, Redux
And now Wei Wuxian enters the scene, climbing menacingly up the stairs carrying his own hair fan, just like Lan Wangji did in the previous episode. (Gifset here). Wen Zhuliu doesn't look optimistic. When the boys on the roof see Wei Wuxian they don't look too happy either.
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Wei Wuxian stops in front of Wen Zhuliu and proceeds to have a philosophical conversation with him. Wei Wuxian has come to fuck your shit up, but he has also come to pass judgement on your ethics because he is, fundamentally, still himself. 
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Wen Zhuliu takes the opportunity to justify his actions, giving a heartfelt statement about what he owes to Wen Ruohan. Wen Zhuliu knows his number is up and that they obviously didn't kill Wei Wuxian hard enough, but he still feels righteous.
(more after the cut)
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Here Wei Wuxian asks a question that shows the fundamental difference between himself and Wen Zhuliu. In many ways they are similar: neither of them was born into their clan. Both were appreciated by the clan leader and placed in high positions. Both feel an obligation to those clan leaders. When Wei Wuxian asks "why do other people have to pay for your gratitude?" he's foreshadowing the moment when Jiang Cheng demands the death of the Dafan Wens.  
Wen Zhuliu doesn't hesitate to murder people because his clan leader wants him to. Whereas Wei Wuxian doesn't hesitate to pay a terrible price--his golden core-for his gratitude to Jiang Fengmian. But he won't let the Dafan Wens pay the price of his continued membership in the Jiang clan; he chooses exile while Wen Zhuliu chooses murder.
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Wei Wuxian is done talking and very very slowly brings his flute into position and starts to play. Wen Zhuliu doesn't make a move to stop him, but he might be frozen in place...everything happens at weird speeds in this scene.
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Lan Wangji is super horrified when he sees what Wei Wuxian is doing with his flute. So horrified, in fact, that by the time they are face to face, he's moved past any other emotion.
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Lady in Red
As Wei Wuxian plays the flute, the camera moves around him (or they spin him on a turntable) and the scenery around him shifts to a 360 view of...the burial mounds! That's so fucking cool! 
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You can take the boy out of the graveyard but you can't take the graveyard out of the boy. He is carrying it within him now.
He summons up the hottest ghost lady ever, to scratch the shit out of the Wens with her fancy fingernails. She's all in red, not the dark Wen red, but super-saturated bridal red. 
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She's not dressed as a bride, but she is very pretty and the color is awesome, particularly when she turns into red smoke. Presumably having actual ghosts attacking people is ok with the censor board as long as they are pretty ladies in nice clothes, since there are two in this episode and this one is absolutely definitely a non-corporeal being when she wants to be.
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Camera Operator: What did I ever do to you?
She fights with Wen Zhuliu, who tries to put his core-melting hand on her, unsuccessfully, and then figures out that Wei Wuxian is the better target, so tries to put his core-melting hand on him. 
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Wen Zhuliu, you need to have some different moves! Not everybody has a core for you to melt.
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Zidian’s Revenge
As soon as Wen Zhuliu targets Wei Wuxian the boys break in from the rooftop, with Jiang Cheng snapping Zidian up over a rafter and down around Wen Zhuliu's neck in a single move, and then hauling him up and hanging him. 
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This is a pretty gratifying moment; Jiang Cheng finally gets his vengeance using the weapon his mother gave him before this fucker killed her. He also gets to come back at the guy who melted his core and kill him with a spiritual weapon. All around nice work, Jiang Cheng.
Meanwhile, Lan Wangji initially placed himself between Wen Zhuliu and Wei Wuxian, which is a pretty strong show of devotion, given that his chest was directly in line with Wen Zhuliu's hand. 
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He watches intently while Wen Zhuliu dies...Lan Wangji is actually a pretty vengeful guy, isn't he? He's not into torture but he seems to like executing bad people, and he enjoys chopping off arms a whole lot.
Welcome Back
Having disposed of Wen Zhuliu, Team Where The Fuck Have You Been is ready to greet Wei Wuxian. This is Lan Wangji as he prepares to turn around and face him. 
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This is not "relieved that my soulmate is ok" or even "feeling betrayed because you didn't even send me a text." This is cold, hard, fury. He's plowed right past relief and joy into full on disgust and vehemence.
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Jiang Cheng is also pissed at him, but he's so used to being pissed at him that it's not a remarkable emotion, and it passes quickly. He gives him his sword, calls him a prick, punches him in the shoulder while Lan Wangji looks grumpy Wang Yibo tries very hard not to smile, and fails. 
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Then Jiang Cheng gives Wei Wuxian an enormous squishy hug. 
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Wei Wuxian, who has probably wanted that hug for the past decade, does not return it, and looks stricken, eventually raising his flute hand behind Jiang Cheng's back.
Lan Wangji glares at him while Jiang Cheng hugs him, and then shifts to glare at the flute.
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Let's talk about Lan Wangji's body language here. This scene is often talked about, including by OP, as "Wei Wuxian picks a fight with Lan Wangji in order to push him away." But since their very early days,Lan Wangji's nonverbal communication has been an essential component of his relationship with Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian has been reading his microexpressions from the very start, and he's the only one besides Lan Xichen who does that. 
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Lan Wangji's anger and disapproval are written all over his face and posture, so much so that even a casual observer can tell what he's feeling.  For Wei Wuxian, with his extreme awareness and having shared actual literal telepathy with the guy previously, this has got to feel like Lan Wangji is screaming at him.
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Lan Wangji is the one picking this fight. Wei Wuxian is trying to defuse it by giving him time to calm down before engaging. For perhaps the first time since meeting him, Wei Wuxian ignores Lan Wangji to focus on Jiang Cheng.
Jiang Cheng asks him a bunch of questions and Wei Wuxian slides out from under most of them, giving half answers, non-answers, and what All The President's Men calls a non-denial denial.
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Wei Wuxian, who is adept at sounding like he's speaking truth when he is lying, here sounds like he's lying when he's speaking something very close to the truth. He spins a particularly outrageous-sounding tale of finding a cave and learning an ultimate power there...but that's actually what he actually did, actually.  Xue Yang does this "lie so much that the truth now sounds like a lie" thing by accident, years later in Yi City, but Wei Wuxian is using it as a deliberate tactic to hide the truth from his brother. Which is basically his main occupation at this point.  
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He acts offended that Jiang Cheng doesn't believe him, but he does it playfully to cast everything in the conversation as a joke.
Lan Wangji is not as inclined to accept utter codswallop as Jiang Cheng is, and he has already figured out an important underlying layer of the situation--the turn away from the way of the sword--while not seeing the very bottom layer, the "I don't have a golden core" layer.  
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Unfortunately, he continues to be judgy and pissed off. He says "Wei Ying" gently enough, but his body is braced for conflict. 
Wei Wuxian looks at him wearily and stands up to have the fight Lan Wangji is asking for.
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Maybe you were right But baby I was lonely I don't want to fight I'm tired of being sorry
I'm standing in the street Crying out for you No one sees me But the silver moon
Soundtrack: 1. Sympathy for the Devil, The Rolling Stones 2. Tired of Being Sorry, by Ringside
Writing Prompt: Who is the lady in red and what is her deal?
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i CANNOT believe we haven’t talked about the moment yet what is happening please tell me the things you need to get off your chest like how ‘i’ll see you in the morning’ haunts you
HOW have we not talked about this yet?!?! Oh my gosh there’s so much. I have so many feelings about this conversation.
Uh oh, this needs a cut. Didn’t mean to turn this into an entire analysis of that conversation, but apparently I had a lot I needed to get off my chest.
How are YOU holding up with all this?!?!
I was really worried about you... when you fell. ... This suddenly feels far more serious than I thought it might be.
UMMMMM. His voice?! This whole time. His voice is like... unsteady and rough and he’s quiet the entire time. Fjord tends to be pretty subtle anyway, so quiet isn’t exactly rare for him, but this actually shook him to his core AND YOU COULD HEAR IT. It messed him up so bad that he threw all of his plans to wait out of the window?!
It felt like hell. It felt like torment.
And we have to stop it, right?
I’m emotional about THIS because JESTER?! She lost FIVE YEARS. Not only did she have to see this again, feel it, but she lost five years. And it’s clearly hurting her, but she’s not letting herself worry about it, because there are bigger things to worry about. It’s just the way both of them push their own emotions to the side to be dealt with later in favor of the larger problems at hand. It’s so admirable.
AND HE’S NOT EVEN... okay wait.
I... I may have a... a... a problem.
And JESTER. What is it? So fast! She’s so worried! She probably thinks it’s Uk’otoa or Kotho contacted Fjord about Sabian again or something.
I saw you standing on that pillar. It was the first time where I kept myself from... trying to... stop something that was happening TO you and... I didn’t do anything and it’s bothered me.
He has a problem. His problem is that he can’t focus past the fact that something might happen to Jester. THE THING HERE. IS THE EMPHASIS ON THE WORD ‘TO’. “Stop something that was happening TO you”. Like, all of the times throughout this campaign that we weren’t overanalyzing. We’ve made the list a thousand times and I don’t need to repeat them. here
ALSO. Think about how many things in Fjord’s life have happened TO him. He doesn’t WANT that to happen to anyone else. Especially not Jester.
But wait. Like. He didn’t say it, but he really CAN’T focus past the idea that Jester specifically might not make it out of this. The guilt he’s been carrying after the Iron Shepherds. He took all the responsibility of that onto his shoulders and I don’t think anyone realizes that he’s still hanging onto that.
It seems to have exacted a pretty serious toll.
It’s just... his voice! And the way Jester’s face falls!! I’ve been pretty worried about how Jester still seems to be putting up the ‘happy’ facade for everyone and you can truly see in this moment how much it bothers her that she’s lost time.
I want to come out of this and be able to go back to the sea and go back to Nicodranas and go back to where it’s warm and not fucking freezing and...
Me too.
They miss HOME. The poor Coast Kids miss their home. They’re both so sad. But okay. The hilarious thing here? Is that Fjord? Is talking about how he wants to go back. To THEIR home. With HER. And it hasn’t HIT HER yet, because she’s distracted! She has no idea what’s about to happen.
I just don’t know if that’s... I don’t feel as optimistic now.
Me neither. But... I’ll try to be safe. And you should, too. But if it comes down to it, if it means stopping that thing? I want to stop that thing.
AND HERE. What was it he said to her at Travelercon? And you care about people you know, about people you don't know. You cause chaos, but in the end, you don't want to hurt people. You care. This is something that he LOVES about her, but right now, it’s just... okay I’m trying to put this into the right words.
*sharp inhale* I told your mother I would look after you.
Yeah. I’ll be fine, Fjord. We always are.
Continued from the previous thought. HERE’S THE DEAL. Fjord knows he can’t protect Jester from this, no matter how much he wants to. His voice is breaking over that. And Jester’s is, too. They’re saying all these words here, but they’re also NOT. I don’t know. I’m watching the video again while I’m typing this, so this moment is breaking my heart in slow motion.
It’s not even just on Fjord’s side. Jester’s doing that thing right now where she deflects, because that’s what she does and trying to reassure Fjord because he’s never been so worried about her and she doesn’t know what else do to while Fjord is sitting here like we’re running out of time we’re running out of time we’re running out of time. Like, that’s the whole thing. He can see that they’re running out of time on Jester’s face. Literally. It was one thing for him to wait to tell her until after he sorted out his life when they felt invincible. But... out of all the danger they’ve been in before, he’s always been able to follow her. She’s never had to be alone in it, because he was one step behind her. And this time? There was literally nothing to do. He was powerless. He is powerless.
This part of the exchange is so loaded. You can FEEL Fjord about to break. It is tangible on the screen because his voice keeps shaking and he takes that huge breath.
IT’S JUST. He’s trying SO HARD. I always talk about this, but this one specific  time Travis was on Talks lives in my head rent free. The time when he talks about how much Jester’s unconditional and unrelenting support has meant to Fjord and how much Fjord wants to be able to return that. ALL he wants to do is be there for her and she’s still not opening up to him and he has NO IDEA if what he’s about to do is going to work. He has no idea if she’s going to be okay with what he’s about to tell her.
I care very much for you.
I’m melting over this moment.
*huge sigh*
Is it because I have chiseled cheekbones now?
It’s the longer horns.
Yeah, it really does it, doesn’t it?
Yeah. It gives you an intimidating look.
YOU KNOW WHAT I LOVE ABOUT THIS?! Jester saw that Fjord was nervous and she immediately tries to defuse the tension with a joke. And he jokes back. Because that’s what they do together. They’re goofy and silly and they comfort each other and Fjord LIKES that she’s strong.
Listen I’ve got clips saved up from my last rewatch because I want to make a gifset of the times Fjord has been openly appreciative of strong Jester and one day I’m gonna do it.
I mean they’re joking around, but Fjord is like, super attracted to Jester and I really love that for her. But it’s MORE than that, because he’s attracted to her, but the thing that won him over was who she is so every time he talks about how attractive he finds her, it’s just icing on the cake. He doesn’t just want to see her, he wants to know her and I don’t know how I got to this point from this section but here I am, I’m not going back.
I’m gonna hyperventilate again for a sec.
Kissing is a lot more fun when you’re not dying.
Jester!!! She brought up the kiss! THEY SMILE AT EACH OTHER AFTER THIS. LIKE. They both acknowledge the “kiss that wasn’t a kiss” AS A KISS. I never thought we’d hear about this again! But Jester’s been thinking about it THIS WHOLE TIME!!!
I love this though. The first time, he kisses her to save her life so she can get them out of that temple. This time, he kisses her, because he can’t stand the idea of losing her.
BUT ALSO. KISSING IS FUN. Jester!!! Liked!! Being kissed! By Fjord!!!
I want them to have downtime so bad. I want them to be able to spend time walking around Nicodranas and kissing and going on little dates and eating ice cream at the Lavish Chateau and hanging out at the beach with Luc. I WANT THEM TO HAVE QUIET MOMENTS.
I don’t know what to do with myself anymore.
This was so cute! This last part might be my favorite part of the conversation. Because Jester got all flustered and FOR ONCE Fjord didn’t get awkward! He was just so RELIEVED to have told her! And she was so HAPPY?! The CUTEST grin on her face! EVER.
JESTER’S GIGGLE HERE!!!!!!!!!!! I love this for her so much. I just do. She’s been SO into him for SO long and she didn’t think he liked her back and here he is TELLING HER HE’S WANTED TO KISS HER FOR A WHILE. Her giddiness is contagious!
And FJORD! How LONG have you wanted to kiss her?! For some reason, this isn’t something I’ve considered when trying to figure out the timeline of Fjord’s feelings. When is the first time he wanted to kiss her? I think I need to go watch all their big conversations again to see if I think it’s any of them. For some reason, I feel like it’s going to be in one of those silly little moments they have together and I’m going to miss it. Do I rewatch the entire campaign for a third time???? Is that what I have to do?
I’m kind of a big coward.
No, Fjord, you’re very brave.
I am very brave, aren’t I?
You are.
Jester FULLY believes this. She’s just smiling over at him this whole time. But he looks down. Because he still doesn’t think he’s brave. Or he’s brave enough for most things, but there’s ONE THING he knows he can’t do and that’s let her go and I’M. 
Is this all just speculation and guessing and me making stuff up? Yes. Do I care? No. That’s what his face says to me in that moment.
ALL WHILE JESTER IS JUST SO HAPPY. She DOES think he’s brave and she thinks he’s amazing and he just kissed her and it’s not how she thought it would happen, but IT DID and it was so meaningful.
We could get cats and just flee.
I need to get the whole dialogue for this, but I’m tired tbh and I need to sleep, so I’m gonna focus on this last part. How they’re talking over each other to joke around, but it’s really smooth and flows really well between them. But right before this you can still see how heavily the upcoming trials are weighing on them. They feel a little better about EACH OTHER, but there’s a very real possibility that they’re about to lose each other, but they can take this ONE moment of hope?!
And I just love it when they joke around with each other to try to make each other feel better. They’re so good to each other. 
I’ll see you in the morning.
God, the way his voice is just ROUGH and small and quiet and he DOESN’T WANT TO LEAVE and they just SMILE AT EACH OTHER and they’re scared of what’s coming but THEY KNOW THEY LIKE EACH OTHER and they’re SO HAPPY FOR THIS MOMENT. 
And the soft way they say goodnight to each other!!!
THEY!!!!!!!!! make me want to walk into the ocean. In a good way. I SWEAR I CAN’T WITH THIS.
And then the way Jester sighed and giggled after Fjord left! And I can see her leaning back against her door and sighing and looking up at the ceiling and just..... SO. HAPPY.
She doesn’t even ask for a cat cuddle pile!!!! She just stares at her unicorn until she falls asleep. SHE DOESN’T ASK FOR A CAT CUDDLE PILE! 
And then there’s Fjord! Who doesn’t sleep much!
That part makes me a little more angsty. There’s lots of reasons he might be awake most of the night. There are some really cute ones. Like he’s thinking holy shit I just kissed Jester and she kissed me back and she said it was fun that’s good right? And then there are the angsty ones where he could have been laying there thinking about how he doesn’t have any control over the situation and how scared he is. But he did something and he made her smile and that’s all he ever really wants to do. Is make Jester happy. And maybe he made Jester happy in this moment where she was trying to hide that she’s sad. AND THE THING IS THAT HE DID! 
And I’ll leave you with a very short list of random things I expect them to say to one another at one point with no context:
I can’t stand the thought of losing you.
Are you sure you don’t miss the longer horns?
You don’t always have to be fine.
Get ready for casual intimacy. I’m ready for hand holding. Shoulder touching. brushing someone’s hair out of their face. GET READY BECAUSE IT’S GONNA HAPPEN.
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agendratum · 4 years
the mind-melt gifset got me thinking, so please allow me to mumble some more
there are always a lot of discussions of like who fell in love first? who realised his feelings first? is wei wuxian actually that dumb? (spoiler: he isn’t and i will fight you) and so on and so on. and i have some thoughts on the subject and the mind-melt scene is helping me to form those thoughts. i don’t claim to be right and those thoughts to be canon (even though i just said that i will fight you), but here they are
they definitely notice each other at almost the same time. lan zhan’s first appearance is a very fond memory for wei ying and he holds on to that memory even after he died and came back to life. and i mean you also can just see his reaction, it’s not rocket science.
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lan zhan doesn’t notice him immediately as he’s kinda busy and so he doesn’t pay attention to people. and you know how he is, always alone, used to his peers seeing him as some kind of perfect standard. but then wei wuxian says something smart about a “corpse” that no one else notices and, wow, that is exactly a way to get second jade of lan’s attention. better not ruin that first impression by yelling and breaking a bunch of rules later. oh well
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then the rooftop fight happens and i would say that for lan zhan this is it. he yet to really love wei ying with his full soul (you know, at least get to know him first, also get through all this repression), but he’s in love and he’s pissed. wei ying? i think he’s Impressed. i don’t know at what point he really falls in love (but i’m going to tell you by what point he’s definitely in love already), but he meets his equal and he’s impressed and he likes him and he wants to be his friend. and then he likes him a lot. a lot
please gaze upon this screenshot that perfectly captures the dynamic in the begging
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i don’t think cql wei wuxian is oblivious (and i don’t know anything about any other wei wuxians so this all is just about cql wwx (and cql lwj)). but god, i think he is a teenager, and he needs time to understand what he’s feeling, and also he has this very twisted relationship with the idea of being loved. and also lan wangji isn’t very good at not being pissed at wei wuxian at any given time. but look at the fondness on wei ying’s face in this screencap. it’s a very brief moment, and lan zhan is too drunk to notice anyway. he knows he likes lwj a lot, he’s perfectly aware of that. but there are still miles and miles to go before they both can peacefully accept this wild concept.
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fast forward to the cold caves, that is where lan wangji just accepts his fate. he’s still pissed about that, but now he knows that he can’t outrun his feelings and he’s stuck with wei ying, both metaphorically and literally. so he binds them with his ribbon, because at this point why the fuck not? it’s too late anyway, he’s too far gone. might as well get engaged. 
by the way place your bets on the time period when lan wangji writes wangxian. cause i have no idea.
then lantern ceremony happens and dare i say that by that point
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the boys are both in love
but i would say that lan zhan is in love and still doesn’t fully understand what to do with that. he’s quite repressed, confused and very not used to that. while wei ying is in love and he doesn’t think that he’s good enough, so he just doesn’t think too hard about it. why focus on it, when you can focus on having fun and spending time with lan zhan who’s slowly getting less pissed of with you? sounds like a plan
then they go on a little adventure, and by that point lan zhan is actually happy that wei ying is going with him. they meet their relationship goals, (spoiler: maybe don’t make xxc x sl your goals, they kinda really fuck up in the process of their relationship) they yearn, they pine and then they part. by the time they are parting, both are pretty much aware of what’s happening. lan zhan doesn’t really want to leave, but he has to. and wei ying, well, he wants to sleep on lwj’s roof.
when they meet next time, they are already at this point of relationship where you will never admit your feelings to each other, but you will jump in front of a sword to save the other’s life. we’ve all been there, right? 
and then there is the cave. 
i need to remind you and myself that after they leave this cave, the next time they’re going to see each other will be in the 20th episode. a reunion after one or both of them have been through hell.
but back to the cave. after all, this post started because of mind-melt gifset, remember? 
the cave may be famous for the “you are fond of mianmian?” moment but remember, wei ying is trying not to think to hard about his own feelings, and lan zhan isn’t very good at conveying his, soooo you can see where the problem is, right?
there are other factors too, of course. they’re stuck in a cave with a deadly monster, lan wangji’s sect is in danger right in that moment, his brother is missing, the war is coming, he’s in pain, he’s tired and on top of all that, the boy he’s in love with is right there in his face being very helpful with his wound but not very helpful with lan zhan’s confused feelings getting more confused.
same goes for wei wuxian, who knows that the cloud recesses was destroyed, knows that his sect is in danger next, has to worry about his little brother getting somewhere, ideally home, safely, also aware of the fact that they are stuck in the cave with a deadly monster and there is one very wounded lan zhan on his hands who isn’t being super cooperative right now
it’s not the best time to think about all those feelings but it’s the only time they have. 
and we all know lan zhan is going through some shit with all this “mianmian” nonsense. but let me point out some ways that wei ying shows his love in this scene without saying anything. rushing to tend to lwj’s wounds and giving him all the medicine that’s left, trying to comfort him and distract from the thoughts about his sect, covering lan zhan with his robe when he finally fall asleep 
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and then waking up before lan zhan (did he even have any sleep?) and putting his ribbon back on him, so lan zhan doesn’t feel nervous about it. (allow me to scream about that for a sec) (also he takes his robe away before lan zhan wakes up so don’t tell me this boy doesn’t know what he’s doing, he’s just, you know, being wei wuxian in the process)
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so take into account all this wall of text i wrote and consider what happens next. mind-melt. and listen, i don’t know how this spell works. who even knows? cql lore doesn’t explain shit and for that scene i’m actually glad it doesn’t. because i can just imagine how it works. ha!
and how i imagine it works, inspired by some other posts, is that some of your thoughts and feelings melt too, not just the thoughts you want to transfer.
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it’s the face he makes. why does he smile like that? why why why
i already mumbled a bit in the tags of that post but here is what i think. they may not get the full picture from that mind-melt, but they get the idea. maybe it’s the warmth, maybe it’s the comfort, the trust, the fact that they’re already been through so much together and did so much for each other. but it’s all in there. 
another reminder. by that point lan zhan already wrote wangxian (and he will later transfer it right into wei ying’s mind alongside a canonical wangxian fanvid). 
lan zhan opens his mind to wei ying and wei ying give his that smile in response. and i feel like they just pour their feelings into each other’s minds. not all of them. and they don’t have time to reflect on it. but here they are. really makes me wonder how their reunion would look in other universe, where wwx doesn’t come back as a traumatized necromancer. 
there are reasons why wei ying decides to push lan zhan away when he’s back. and some of the reasons come from this cave, this exact moment, i think. he know he earned lwj’s trust, he knows lwj cares about him, he knows what it’s like to make a second jade of lan smile. and he’s afraid to lose it all so he just doesn’t allow himself to have it back in the first place. he also knows that lan zhan can see through his bullshit. and he in so much bullshit now, he doesn’t want to scare him? dissapoint him? make him more worried than he already is? 
and i’m sure he knows exactly why he cares about lan zhan so much but now he cannot be allowed to think about that. 
and you know when he finally think about that? when that sinks and he breaks his own heart because it’s too late now and they run our of time? their reunion in burial mounds. that is when, i think, wei wuxian finally admits how far gone he is for lan wangji but it’s too late. he’s allowed to have this last happy memory of lan zhan and then he has to watch him leave forever. 
when wei ying is back to life 16 years later, they both are both aware of their feelings. they just don’t know how the other one feels now. they need some time to figure it out but they catch up pretty soon. the end :) 
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baekwin · 3 years
content creator year in review
tagged by @wabisaba (kind of lol) 
first creation and most recent creation of 2020: i am not going to link my first one because it is Gross and i do not want to relive it, but it was a love shot set, i really was just throwing some random adjustment layers on there to see what happened and i had no idea what they did and that’s what i ended up with ahfdkjsdh. my most recent creation is an addition to the nct being whipped for winwin series, because really who isn’t a simp for him come on
one of your favorite creations from 2020: there is absolutely no rhyme or reason for me picking this bc it’s so random but i loved how the colors turned out, and they are bubs and i love them and they make me smile hehe
a creation you’re really proud of: gonna try to avoid ones that i linked in my top 5 post, so this one! it’s not my best work or anything by far, but it was the first time i figured out how to download smaller clips of really long videos and got the coloring to look soft and not too extreme. i’m also going to add this one bc it was the first time i tried making gifs of a live stage!! 
a new style you tried this year and a gifset that uses it: i’ve been wanting to try the sparkle trend for a while and i finally had a chance to in my secret santa present! it didn’t turn out exactly how i hoped in the 3rd and 4th gifs, but i think it turned out beautifully on the 1st one with the lights and especially the 2nd one with the snow 🥺
a creation that took you forever: i....cannot physically explain how long this set took me to color. it was a pain i wanted to cry and throw things omg. @exo-stentialism can attest that i kept picking it up and putting it down for like.....4 weeks maybe?? ooooomg i’m glad i finally got it done though
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: exo in 2020! i’m really happy people liked it, because it’s one of my favorites too!
a creation you think deserved more notes: i know this already has a very good amount of notes relative to my average lmao but i really think it should have done better. leader bbh!!!
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: the one and only new fandom i joined was nct because i stay sm trash :’) i think literally every single nct thing i’ve made has been of winwin ksdjhfaj here is one of him and kun bc winformation best show i will not be taking questions at this time
a creation you made that breaks your heart: breaks my heart can be interpreted in a lot of ways, but i guess i will interpret it this way - i made this set of pcy talking about space and the universe during one of the sechan idol league streams and it made me sad that he just stopped and was like ‘moving on’ like noooo i wanted to hear you talk about it more!!! just ramble it’s fine!!! i love his brain ;;
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: hmm i guess this could be considered simple as far as gfx go because there really are only 3-4 additional textures on each panel besides the pics of sehun himself but idk i really liked it! 
a creation that was inspired by another one: errr this one was directly inspired by this tracklist post which i already linked in the description, but other than that i tend to be inspired by more generic things. maybe a font someone used in their graphic, or the way someone turned a bright red into deeper red etc, so i don’t have specific posts i saved for those
a favorite creation created by someone else: many, but this is the most recent one that comes to mine hello @yukbaeks ur so talented and this is literally so adorable that i melted!! and i love that you put the piano cover on it too, it adds so much 🥺
some of your favorite content creators from the year: OK GET READY (in no particular order) @sefuns @do-kyngsoo @yixing-zhang @dokyunqsoo @sehunlyone @delhyun @exo-stentialism @kaibility @ciaozhan @kaiternity @tipannies @j-pping @amaranth @captivatesme @yukbaeks @vivapolos @nctsworld @rveluvs @tten @xiaojun @waiyv @leemarkies @taeminnomuyeppeo @softxingdae @winle @johnnysuhs @mhirais @jungsungchans @dongsichengs @jsuh @johnni @wabisaba @orbitzones (i hope all these tags work lol) thank you all for blessing the world with your gifs/edits/words whatever it may be, i love following you all and i appreciate the time you take to make content for your fellow exo-ls/nctzens 💕 
and for good measure, another a couple more creations of yours that you love: my universe tracklist turned out just how i pictured it so i’m really happy with it! and here is a winwin one just bc of reasons.
tagging: anyone i mentioned in this post or anyone else that sees it and would like to do it! it’s been a hard year, so it would be rly nice to spread some more love around!! 
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castiel-kline · 3 years
can we talk about the scene where jack meets his grandparents??? please?? it breaks my heart everytime and your kline family gifset didn't help. please ramble, kitkat!!
First of all anon I think you must be psychic because watching that scene is what gave me the idea to make that post and I saved the gifs under “kline family gifset” while I was editing them. Just wild to me that you phrased it exactly the same 😂
But I would absolutely LOVE to talk about this, yes. 
Under a cut because if you specifically ask for rambles, you’re gonna get some rambling 💕
Let’s start by talking about why he went in the first place. He had to sneak out of the Bunker to do so, which he knew full well was dangerous and going to get him in trouble. When he comes back (and gets in trouble) he tells Cas that “it wasn’t a risk” which, hmm. But then he goes on to say, “I heard what you were saying, Cas, about finding out where I came from. I never knew my mother. I thought the next best thing might be for me to meet the only real family that I have left.” Presumably he’s referring to earlier in the episode when Cas told him that “the past, where you came from, that’s important. But it’s not as important as the future and where you’re going.” 
And to be honest I feel like Jack did take a pretty good message out of that. It’s just so sad to me that at this point he still thinks family is defined by blood (big ouch for Cas there too), and I think maybe that’s because even though he was born thinking Cas was his father, everybody (the boys, angels, demons, etc) told him no. Everyone was telling him that Lucifer is his father, Lucifer is his dad because Lucifer is in his DNA, and that’s just how it is. So despite his connection with Cas being stronger than Lucifer’s influence even before Jack was born, he was forcibly taught that none of that mattered by everyone’s constant worrying that he’d turn out to be evil (which… I’m no expert but I’m pretty sure evil isn’t genetic. So the whole thing is a little wild anyway). 
Now, I’m convinced that Jack has always fully loved and trusted Cas, but I think the nature v. nurture mindset -of, you know, everyone- complicated things a bit at the start. Fortunately, though, nobody could take away or undermine his connection with Kelly in a similar way because they ARE biologically related, so a lot of the time in season 13 I feel like Jack was basing his actions on whether or not Kelly would approve. If I’m remembering correctly, the whole reason he gave Lucifer a chance in the first place (besides his natural curiosity) was because Kelly told him in the video she left for him that no one would blame him if he went looking for Lucifer one day. He’s CONSTANTLY thinking about Kelly. He loves her so much.
So here we are in the beginning of season 14, and Jack has no idea what he’s supposed to be doing. He feels useless, and because of that he’s doubting what his place is (unfortunately this is a very Castiel thing to do). So, as usual, he looks to his mother for guidance. But since he can’t ask her directly, and Cas was the only other person who actually knew Kelly (I feel like Jack’s the type of kid to avoid “bothering” dad when he’s busy), Jack somehow found his grandparents. Logical conclusion, not even gonna lie.
I really wonder how he even did that. How did he find out about them? Did Cas know they were still around? Where do they live? How did Jack get there, since he couldn’t drive yet and he couldn’t fly at the time? I guess those things aren’t that important in the long run. But he gets there, and UGH does this scene break me inside.
The simple fact that he sought them out hurts me and melts my heart simultaneously, but just… 
The look on his face when he opens the door is too much for me. It’s like this mix of refined fear (probably of rejection) and this open wonder because this woman is his grandmother. And he knows he can’t tell her that. And then when he introduces himself and Jack Sr. comes over like “My name is Jack too!” all excited, and Jack’s expression switches from something sad to more of that wonder and he just goes “I know.” AHHHH. I think he’s probably very proud to have something that connects him to Kelly and Kelly’s direct family even further.
The entire scene definitely gave off visiting the grandparents vibes, though. Jack Sr. is just a kindly old man, and I’m pretty sure Grandma Kline (wiki says her name is Helen?) actually handed him a glass of lemonade. And this lil exchange KILLS me:
“How did you know our Kelly? Through work?”
“She… basically gave me my start.” BABY. I’M EMOTIONAL.
And then he goes for the photo album and he’s so damn happy to see pictures of Kelly. The only ones he has is the video and the picture on his nightstand, right? Whatever Cas can tell him about her (admittedly not much, because they were the sweetest of friends but they didn’t know each other that long) really isn’t going to compare to actually seeing the things that make her real.
AND THEN the real punch of the scene comes when Mrs. Kline asks him about Kelly’s pregnancy. You can tell he wants to tell them SO BAD, but he doesn’t. He just says “she had the baby,” with the purest smile on his face. And he tells them it’s a boy, and they get so excited about having a grandson and Jack’s just sitting there, unable to tell them that HE is their grandson. And it breaks my heart.
“In the time I spent with her, she was an amazing mother. Her son loves her very much.” 
Cue ugly sobbing, yeah? And he just… keeps going. He talks about what he remembers about her before he was born, and he’s smiling but his expression changes to looking like he’s about to cry when he says “she made him feel safe and wanted.” And that is just too much for me because I’m sure he feels safe with Cas, and obviously he’s wanted and loved there. But Cas isn’t Kelly and can never fill that space. And Jack has spent so much of his life feeling like he’s an unwanted burden, and he hasn't had a lot of real bonding time with Cas yet. And sure, his relationship with Sam was good at this point, but sadly I think Jack never really feels like he’s fully accepted there because he doubts his place. He doesn’t with Cas, and he’s going to get opportunities to build on that. He doesn’t have to doubt it with Kelly either, but the memory of that feeling is literally all he has. And all the times he worried he wasn’t enough before this point, I’m sure he was holding on to that memory with everything that he had.
AND THEN Mrs. Kline says that Jack looks like Kelly… and this child gets so emotional. I feel like he’s honored. But he pulls himself together and says “I don’t know, but I hope someday to have a little of her courage and purpose.” And that hits HARD for many reasons, but knowing that Jack is constantly struggling to feel useful? I’m sobbing and screaming now.
He gets up to leave looking like he’s about to break down crying, and he’s just going “I didn’t mean to intrude” (because this is a boy with manners!!!) but it’s his little “I just had to meet you” that gets me. And then he gets to shake his grandpa’s hand and hug his grandma and say he misses Kelly too. It’s SUCH a fantastic scene.
And I think it really did help him a lot, too. He confirms that it did when Cas directly asks him about in the midst of his scolding about sneaking out. And then Cas confirms that Jack looks like Kelly, which melts my poor heart even further. What Jack says to Cas there, about how he wanted to tell them that he was their grandson… it hurts. It all hurts, actually, but it’s kind of a good hurt because spn actually managed to treat Kelly and Jack’s relationship with the respect and gravitas that it deserves. And the scene with his grandparents and his scenes with Cas, both the one building up to it and the one after, are the highlights of this episode in my opinion. 
I was not expecting this to become a scene breakdown, but I hope you enjoyed my ramblings! I am always happy to cry over Jack and Kelly in an overly verbose way.
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gojosattoru · 4 years
When you get this, publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes :)
Mayyyy!! Thank you for sending this message as well hehe :D The more I receive the more people I can praise!! >//U//< It’s such a awesome idea seriously!! We need more love to everyone on this website!! So here goes!!
@karura Starting with you heheh my precious my love you are May!! We’ve been following each other for soooo long and while the years had passed our friendship blooms even more! It’s something that I’m so happy and proud of May, being friends with you means my whole life! It gives me so much excitement in my days, whenever I see you online I smile so much, like a cheshire cat!! hahah XD That’s how much you make me happy!! You’re such a awesome, sweet and funny person, what did I do to deserve you my darling!! *hugs you real tight* You’re simply beautiful, inside and out!! Always so hard working on your creations and they look even more beautiful each day and I’m really proud of that too, seeing you develop your skills everytime!! ^^ We share a lot and we have a lot of fun! It makes me heart melt each time whenever I think about it! You give me so much and hope that I give you the same ; U ; Ilysm and always happy to see you on my dash May!! Never forget that you are wonderful oki? Ily!! ❤❤❤
@kmuiyato​ Diana my dearest!! You are my ray of sunshine that I follow for so much time!! We’ve been mutuals since... 4 years!! (I went to see i cause I was really curious to know hahah XD) It’s so awesome seriously and I couldn’t be more happier and proud to have you with me still >U< You’re so sweet and kind to everyone and your graphics are so beautiful just like you!! ❤❤❤❤ All the time we’ve spent all those years and the fun we had will always be on my heart Diana :’) Hope your life is being nice to you and that you’re doing well!! *hugs* I really thank you for the friendship and for being so caring towards me all this time ; U ; Ilysm!! Keep blessing us with your beautiful light and with your graphics!!
@sajou-rihito Anna is awesome ok? She is simply awesome and cool, has a awesome blog and her gif skills are simply amazing!! I’ve been running a bnha fan blog with Anna for some time and I seriously couldn’t be more happy to be part with it with her and with the other members! You’re so organized and amazing Anna, I simply adore talking with you, whenever we do I really feel so enthusiastic because our conversations are always so diversified and interesting heheh :D Whenever I need something you are always there to rise me up and saying that you’re always open for a talk, you don’t know how much that means to me and makes me so happy!! It’s sueeeper delightful Anna! Thank you for being such a marvelous friend and hope we can have more time together in the future! We have been busy now with our lifes but I bet we will have great times again hehe :D Keep on doing your gifs!! They are really lovely and adore seeing them on my dash!! *hugs you real tight* Ilysm bby!! Stay well!! ❤❤❤~
@rubydragon16 Amina is another angel it came to us too! Another beautiful soul that appeared in my life, she is simply amazing in all ways! First, her gif skills are so brilliant, they always look so smooth, lovely and cute! All the warm colors, aestethic pallete really is her mark that I immediatly recognize it’s hers, it’s really really awesome Amina!! You have so much talent, you really have hon and the way you make them it’s always so original, I love the way you compose your gifsets :D It’s super unique please keep on doing a amazing job and work on those magic skills to delight us with your gifs!! It’s always so enjoyable whenever I see them!! *hugs* And each day I can see that you bloom your skills even further *W* it’s amazing!! Second, you are a beautiful person who is always eager to put a smile on everyone’s face with your words, actions and love! It means so much to us, cause with these hard times were going throught... having people like you to skine on our lifes really makes a huge difference!! And I thank you for everything you have made for me, I cherish everything we’ve shared together!! Ilysm Amina!!! Never change and keep on doing such a awesome work darling!! You’re marvelous!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤~
I’ve received more of these messages (it’s awesome cause I can talk about more people heheh they deserve to be mentioned as well ^^) and I will be going to answer them as soon as I can darlings :D Thank you very much for this!! *hugs*
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hoedameron · 3 years
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but before i go looking in the tags, let’s talk about my latest gifsets!
what a worker bee i was both yesterday and today with prodigal son AND loki <3 never have i created so many gifs in a short amount of time it’s a damn miracle that my photoshop didn’t straight up cough up blood and keel over. alas, us bitches are stronger than that! if this post gets flagged because of the scenes i included....that would just mean that i made the right decision to exclude those scenes ajsdksajkldsa
malcolm stabbing martin
when the episode finally downloaded, i took a peek at the ending before it aired to see how it all ends (just in case it doesn’t get renewed </3). GOSH, was i just in a TIZZY when i saw this happen and i couldn’t tell my dad what i saw because we were straight up watching the show as it aired. anyways, keeping my secret knowledge, i got to work on making this gifset. i missed a huge chunk of the episode bc it took me over TWO hours to make the six gif set. i was really torn on the “artistic” approach aka which scene to gif and which to leave out. because i saw the ending before anything else, i couldn’t play it out loud and i didn’t have my headphones to listen so i was like FREE FORMING THE SUBTITLES. plus the captions weren’t synced up so it was really hard to decipher what was being said :( 
i really thought i would be able to create the set before 9 but i was running into unforeseen issues such as the subtitle problem, which on top of that, like i said earlier, my photoshop is c/racked and janky so....you catch my drift. i was actually going to gif the bisexual moment in the cafe which i think would’ve been MUCH easier but i jumped the gun and wanted to make the gifs of the shocking ending. funny part about that is the shocking part wasn’t even included in my set (malcolm driving the knife into martin) because i felt like the scene was too short...anyways, let’s talk about the positives:
i really do like the coloring of this one. i used a psd that i’ve used before and luckily it’s meant for outdoor scenes with greenery so the gif really popped. sharpening, buddy ole pal, love you sm. the caption was kinda last minute but i hoped to save it with the gradient. cropping was a bitch because for some reason, it takes forever when you’ve made multiple gifs beforehand (cache innit) pero we pulled through! i actually started not saving the psd files to try and save time which is very unusual for me pero i was getting frustrated with photoshop so i was like y’know what....so i just gave up entirely and stopped saving. i do save when i’m taking my time but jeez, it’s a bad habit. i like saving the psd file because i never know if there is a mistake i missed in post and when i go to publish it, it’s blatant and it needs to be fixed. please, save your psd files idc if it takes up space u can just delete them later. IT HELPS !! TRUST ME!!
first & “last” appearance
i actually premade gifs for this gifset! unfortunately, i didn’t realize that three of the five gifs were the wrong size (pictured above) because i flipped the ratio. instead of 268 x 250, i made them 250 x 268. i don’t know HOW i managed to fuck that up but luckily i saved the psd files (wink, wink) so the coloring was still intact. i think i had to restart photoshop or it was getting too late so i picked it back up in the morning. sucks that i had to remake the entire gif from scratch but we will take some wins xx
coloring is the same with the previous gifset (listen....it’s a good coloring) and i actually did have an alternative coloring that was very warm pero i didn’t end up using it. almost melted the two with the “last” appearance of gil but ultimately didn’t go through with it. also i was thinking of using baby malcolm as the first appearance because technically, that IS his first appearance in the show but i was like...just use adult malcolm lol. also i know that scene of dani isn’t the “first” but the first scene she has goes really quick and she is planked by gil so there isn’t much of a solo (even though this scene isn’t much of a solo either pero it’s better than the former). the lighting is weird in this episode and my coloring tried their best :/ i know gifmakers make each gif a diff coloring pero i’m lazy okay and looking to be time effiencent. another slight tangent is that i actually queued the post for the morning but since i woke up to a storm, i was like, i’m here so i’ll publish it myself.
other than that...i didn’t run into any other problem. i was actually hesitant to make the caption that because i wasn’t sure how to really describe the team. i have poor memory so if there was ever an official name, i do not remember it. i did a quick google search pero it turned up nothing. i stuck with “dream team” because, well, that’s what they are. plus i didn’t want to tarnish the gifset with any mentions of p/olice (i was thinking about putting sumn along the lines of ‘the nypd team’) so DREAM TEAM IT IS because it’s true! you cannot have the show without these five! also, i should’ve used quotations on “last” because there is a bunch of talk about a renewal pero...just in case... sorry y’all :/
odinson brothers parallels
this was made in the spur of the moment. i saw that the teaser trailer with shirtless loki dropped in hd, i came A-RUNNING! it was posted like 47 minutes after the fact and i was like...somebody probably already made a gifset of the scene so i was like...gosh, to make the gifset or not all the while i was trying to download the video. trying because again, this was in the middle of a storm so my wifi was acting up and wasn’t at its strongest (whatever that may be). so i was getting frustrated because neither cc nor 4kdownloader was downloading this small one minute clip. that’s when i knew i was gonna be too late to make the loki gifset so i was like whatever ig...
then i had an idea.
i love parallels so luckily it hit me that this paralleled with thor and how his hair got chopped off. so, i knew i had ragnarok downloaded and got to work <3 wasn’t sure what dimensions to use so i went with 268 x 268 to make perfect squares. because the loki scene was short, i could only make three so i was like..okay, i can work with this. three for loki, three for thor, they’re brothers and they share! i wasn’t planning to add subtitles but i had written them down for the plain gifset so i was like alright, we’re going all in. i didn’t take that long to make since again, they’re small gifs and i did have a coloring in mind that i always use for ragnarok (it’s my fave for non-marvel edits as well). there was a slight adjustment to the final loki gif because i realized the gif had that dark fade into the scene which i didn’t know if it was an artistic choice for the show itself or was added for the trailer only (it happens when companies cut a bunch of scenes together and it’s not at all how it actually plays out). i didn’t want to take any chances so i cut those parts out. i know the gifs are short on the loki side pero...that’s just how it is in show business.
thank you so much for listening and hearing me out! i like discussing my work and i try to have pride in them even if the numbers don’t reflect what i hope they would. either way, still learning, still growing, still thinking about buying p.s. like deadass this shit is RIDICULOUS -_- imagine opening up ps and like...it opens up in less than two minutes...shivers
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typinggently · 4 years
The number three of the promts? A good Frank/Billy fight turned to sex? ♥️
Ahhhh thank you! I’m sorry for taking ages!!! Also this got a little longer than I anticipated ah
3. pinning the other against the wall
These days, their fights often end like this. And yeah, some couples make it a habit, find every little excuse to start shouting just so they can end up on their kitchen table with dinner on the floor and their pants around their ankles. However, that’s not at all what they’re doing.
Frank doesn’t particularly like fighting, for one. He knows he’s hot-headed, and shit gets to him. It’s not a good combination and honestly, he’d prefer to just keep calm and talk about shit now and then.
But, see. The thing is that Billy’s a fucking bastard more often than not.
“So, were you planning on including me in your thoughts at all or was I supposed to just magically not get killed because of your bullshit moves?” Frank doesn’t drop the case that holds his rifle, although he’s halfway tempted to risk breaking it just for the loud thud, the dent in Billy’s hardwood floors.
“You know I would’ve told you in time, stop being so fucking dramatic about it.” Billy’s voice isn’t technically louder, but much sharper, saturated with self-righteous annoyance. He shrugs out of his jacket, brushes a bit of dust off the shoulder.
It’s that little thing, that domestic gesture that shows that Billy’s still not taking this seriously enough to neglect his jacket over it, that really gets Frank going. And since he already set down the case, he steps into Billy’s space instead, willing him to focus on this – on him.
“In time? When’s in time, then? After you triple crossed them and they sent their dogs on us?”
“Damn, Frank, why don’t you do yourself a favour and shut the fuck up?” And it’s not – it’s not the bullshit in itself, is it? It’s the fucking tone. It’s the way Billy shakes his head at him. Exasperated, condescending.
Frank takes him by the shoulder and slams him against the wall, hard. Drywall would give, but this one is solid bricks and the impact knocks Billy’s head back, vibrates through his bones. There’s a flutter in his eyelashes and he snarls, partly in pain.
And of course Billy Russo is quick as a panther and twice as deadly, but Frank’s quick, too. He’s got an arm on Billy’s chest before his eyes focus again and when he snarls again, all canines, sharp claws digging into Frank’s arm, Frank simply puts more weight on it, pressing him against the wall.
Two weeks ago, Billy got a few kicks to his torso that had Frank worried out of his mind. By now, they’re faded into shades of green and purple, but he still makes sure his arm is positioned higher, the pain of the bruising more of a distant memory than a punishment.
Not that Billy appreciates it. He jerks, uses the fact that Frank’s practically holding him up to knee him in the stomach. Frank gasps, heaves. It’s not hard enough to effectively knock him down or make him puke, but fuck. His vision blurry and fingernails digging into the wall, he pushes in closer to not lose his grip on him and risk another hit.
Billy’s flexible, but Frank using his bodyweight to press his leg to his chest must still be a little much. He makes a low, pained sound and writhes to ease the strain.
Frank, still blinking spots out of his vision, feels it more than he sees it, the hard lines of Billy’s body, his warmth. And Frank’s still nauseous, still burning with anger, but –
“You could’ve gotten us killed,” he says, mostly to get back on track. His voice isn’t shaking, but it feels rough, velvet in his throat.
“Yeah, well, I didn’t.” Billy’s doing a better job than him, his voice a very convincing blend of annoyance and bristled feathers.
Frank can feel the rise and fall of his chest. And of course he’s still angry, understandably so. With all the shit Billy does without telling Frank, it’s a wonder they made it this far. So really, he ought to be furious.
He presses closer until he feels Billy’s muscles start trembling. The scent of leather and hot metal, a hint of dust, Billy’s deodorant.
With a sharp, pained intake of breath, Billy lets his shoulder’s drop, tilts his head to the side, arches his spine. Frank has no idea whether it does anything for the strain on his thigh, but it surely does wonders when it comes to bringing them closer together. Like this, Frank can see the flutter of his pulse, delicate skin, throat bared. “Stop playing,” he says, but his voice doesn’t sound adequately annoyed, and his lips almost brush Billy’s skin.
“I’m not.” Billy knows. Without pulling back to check, Frank can tell that the corners of his mouth are twitching. “You’re hurting me.” There’s a tell-tale purr in his voice, a feline delight.
It’s enough to make Frank’s chest hot with anger once more. “Stop it,” he hisses through clenched teeth. But when Billy huffs a little laugh and lets his thigh slip, Frank’s palm follows the curve of his spine to his hip, holding him up. Hooking Billy’s thigh over his own hips.
Billy’s laughing again, reaches for him. Frank hadn’t stopped to restrain his wrists, and now that he’s holding Billy up, he can’t stop him from running his hand through Frank’s hair. Short nails scratching along the buzzed back, then he’s fisting his hand in the longer top and pulls.
The kiss is a mess right from the start. Frank’s mouth is soft-lax with the pain of Billy’s hand in his hair, but he instinctively tightens his grip on his thigh. His arm slips from Billy’s chest, instead slipping down to the dip in his waist, digging bruises. Billy’s moan is soft, his teeth sharp. Frank tastes hot metal and presses closer, heat and muscle mass.
“Wait –“ The seductive little purr has melted from Billy’s voice, instead he sounds needy, breathy, the three-knuckles-and-a-tongue kind of voice that drives Frank a little crazy every time he hears it. There’s no room between them, not really, but Billy sneaks his hand down anyway, undoing Frank’s fly with thief’s grace.
And fuck but Frank hadn’t noticed how hard he’s gotten over this. Anger and adrenaline and Bill, all up in his space, pulling his hair. That’ll do it. His lashes flutter a little when Billy strokes him, his vision blurring, world reduced to black fabric, pale skin, dark eyes. He moans, lets Billy maul his mouth again.
When Billy pulls back a little to undo his own trousers, Frank makes sure that he’s supporting most of his weight, hands still gripping his thigh. It’s all he can do with his own cock pulsing in Billy’s right hand, mind stupid-fuzzy. Billy finally pulls his shirt up just a little, just enough to have an easier time pushing the waistband of his underwear down, and the milk-pale skin of his abdomen is enough to have Frank dizzy, his mouth watering. “Let me suck you off.”
At the words – or his voice, rough-deep with arousal -, Billy’s cock twitches, but he tightens his thigh around him. “Not now, stay here.” With that, he pulls Frank into another kiss and finally wraps his hand around their cocks again. Frank reaches down to help and stops thinking.
There’s heat, the scent of gun powder and sweat and Billy’s hair wax, melting down his hairline. The sound of Billy’s soft little moans that finally get that breathless, desperate quality to them that makes Frank dizzy with arousal. He leans in closer until he feels those sounds against his abuse-hot lips, feels the soft heat of Billy’s mouth. He can feel the heat coil in his abdomen, but it takes Billy’s nails in his shoulder, his sharp teeth, his trembling thigh wrapped around his hip to finally push him over the edge.
Pleasure pulses through him, white-hot, and he rides it out slowly, until the world comes back into focus. To make sure Billy doesn’t slip from his grip, he leans against his chest, presses him securely against the wall while they catch their breath. He’s got a split lip and where Billy’s shirt is still pulled up, he can make out the first hints of fresh bruises on his hip.
On second thought, they may be a little like those couples.
…I feel like I really got carried away here. This genuinely felt like a good base for an actual smutty one-shot, tbh?? It was great fun to write and I hope you like it, but also, once again, I’m so sorry it took so long! ;^;
I was listening to Hate Me by Wildhood for most of the planning stages of this...can u tell 😌 love that shit for them.. (although, of course, they genuinely love each other. But like. The VIBES. thanks mr Stephens for my life)
Also…which shoulder IS IT??? I originally wanted to go more in that direction or mention it some more & thus legit went to that one glorious gifset of Billy doing his little shoulder thing, all squinty to figure it out but either a) some gifs are mirrored or b) it changes?! Which would be super interesting imo but I don’t want to start that whole essay here. So.
Thank you so much for the prompt!!💗
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chiefnooniensingh · 5 years
if it goes over their head - a buddie one-shot
A/n: based on @stiilesstilinski's gifset because it's just perfect.
Summary: Eddie and Buck are both bisexual disasters. Hen intervenes.
also on: ao3
Eddie was at the end of his patience. He didn’t know what the fuck he needed to do to make Buck see that he liked him. He’d been incredibly obvious about his advances, inviting him to family dinners, flirting near constantly at the firehouse, on calls, out on the town with Christopher… Either Buck was purposely ignoring his moves, or he was quite possibly the dumbest person alive.
Which, to be fair, was probably true.
They were between calls right now, having finally managed to eat a full meal prepared by Bobby, and everyone was hanging around, recovering from the excellent food, hoping against hope the next call was still far away. Buck was lounging on the couch in the TV area, and Eddie was staring at him. What did he have to do to make Buck see?
“Just go to him.” Eddie startled out of his reverie, seeing Hen standing next to him, looking exasperated. “I’m tired of watching you pine after him. Just tell him how you feel!”
“Easier said than done,” Eddie scoffed, scrubbing his face with a hand. “I don’t want to ruin the friendship we have, if he doesn’t feel the same way.”
Hen smiled sympathetically. “I get it, Diaz, but this…crush of yours in interfering with your work. You gotta deal with it,” she said, clapping him on the shoulder, “or people around here might deal with it for you.”
Eddie stared after her as she walked away, horror-struck. He was pretty sure ‘people’ mean ‘Hen and Chimney’ and if those two maniacs told Buck about his crush…hell no. Groaning under his breath, he got up and moved towards Buck, his stomach coiling.
“Hey, man,” Buck said, moving aside a little to make space for Eddie, who dropped onto the couch next to him. “That meal was the best thing I’ve ever had, I can’t believe how much I ate.”
Eddie laughed. “Yeah, you were kind of a maniac.”
“Hey, you ate almost as much as I did!” Buck exclaimed, punching Eddie in the shoulder.
“’Almost’ being the operative word, Buckley,” Eddie teased, and Buck snorted. It was the cutest thing Eddie had ever heard and his heart did a little skip. Biting his lip for a second, he made a decision. “Hey, Buck, can I ask you for some advice?”
“Yeah, of course, man. What’s going on?” Buck said, sitting up and looking serious. Eddie smiled. Buck was always there for him, no matter what. It’s what had made him fall for Buck in the first place.
“So I’ve been having this serious crush on someone.” It was happening.
Buck’s face lit up, a salacious grin forming on his face. “No way, Eddie Diaz with a crush? That’s a goddamn first!”
Eddie tried hard not to blush, but it was a losing battle. “Shut up. Anyway. I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for, like, a year now. No response.” What the fuck are you doing? Eddie knew it was a coward’s approach, but he couldn’t get the words out.
“Wow,” Buck said, eyebrows raised and laughing a little, “they sound stupid.”
Eddie couldn’t help but smile. “They’re not. They’re really smart, smarter then they think they are. They’re just…really dense.”
Buck shook his head, letting out a puff of air. “Well…maybe you need to be more obvious?”
“More obvious?” Eddie said, letting out a laugh. He was pretty sure he’d done everything short of jumping Buck’s bones.
Buck pushed him away again but nodded. “Yes. I don’t know, like…‘hey, I love you!’.”
Eddie stared at Buck for a while. Sweet, clueless Buck. “Okay, I guess you’re right. Hey, Buck,” he said, looking straight into Buck’s eyes, his heart beating in his ears and his stomach coiling worse than ever, but he forced the words out anyway, “I love you.”  
Buck smiled broadly and clapped Eddie’s shoulder. “See! Just say that!”
Eddie didn’t know what he expected, but somehow this fit exactly in how this entire thing had been going so far. He stared at Buck for a second before dropping his head in his hand.  “Holy fucking shit,” he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. Buck didn’t seem to notice his exasperation.
“If that flies over their head,” Buck continued, smiling like he’d just saved the freaking day, “then I’m sorry, Diaz, but they’re just too dumb for you.” Before Eddie could respond, Buck rose and clapped Eddie’s shoulder once more. “Lemme know how it goes, man!” Then he walked off.
Eddie could only stare after him. He went over the conversation in his head, wondering if he’d still ben unclear about his intentions or if Buck was just that dense. How much clearer did he need to be? He was about to run after Buck to just kiss his stupid mouth, when he noticed Hen standing a few feet away, the most hilarious look of disbelief on her face. He just shook his head at her. Groaning out load, she paced forward and grabbed Buck’s arm to stop him from leaving. “Buck,” she said, her teeth gritting, “do me a favour, and go over that conversation in your head.”
“Just…fucking do it, you absolute fucking idiot,” Hen said, in her most dejected and simultaneously most dangerous voice.
Buck sighed and stayed still for a while. Hen and Eddie both watched him, Hen with impatience and Eddie with bated breath. His eyes flicked to Hen every once in a while, whose eyeroll was so aggressive she looked in danger of getting her eyes permanently stuck that way.
Out of nowhere, Buck spun around and stared at Eddie. “What?!” he squeaked.
“There it is,” Hen sighed with relief. “You’re welcome!” And with that, she left quickly, leaving Eddie and Buck staring at each other awkwardly.
Eddie stood up, nerves coursing through his entire body. His stomach felt like it was about to send the food back up. “Buck…” he began, his voice quavering.
But Buck shook his head, holding up a hand. “Wait, what?” he repeated, still staring at Eddie like he didn’t really understand what he was seeing.
“Yeah,” Eddie said, unsure of what else there was to say. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you for a year. Thanks for the advice, by the way.”
Buck stared at him for a moment longer, which felt like an eternity to Eddie, who felt increasingly uncomfortable and stupid. “Oh my god,” Buck breathed, “I am so fucking stupid.”
“No, Buck…” But Buck moved quickly, closing the distance between them in two big strides. Before Eddie could say anything else, Buck grabbed Eddie’s face and crashed their lips together. Eddie froze for a full second, before melting into the kiss completely. The entire world faded away, with Buck still in full focus, and Eddie wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close and deepening the kiss.
This is what he had wanted for a full year, and it felt absolutely surreal to be kissing Evan Buckley, at the fire house, in front of all their friends and colleagues. But it also felt absolutely right, like his body had been made to fit exactly against Buck’s, like he was meant to kiss Buck. It was their first kiss, and it was messy and sloppy, and yes, their teeth also clacked together more often than was strictly necessary (or comfortable), but neither of them really minded.
Buck was warm, and his hands were steady on Eddie’s cheeks and it felt like home.
After what felt like an hour, but in reality probably was only a minute or two, the two of them broke apart, and immediately the world returned to Eddie. There were wolf whistles and cheers going up all around the fire house, and Eddie noticed Chimney slapping money into Hen’s hand with a half-amused look, and Bobby receiving some money from Athena. Eddie made mental note to ask which bet it was that they won.
Right now, he couldn’t really care. He stared up at the man in his arms, whose face was completely flushed and whose lips were red. Eddie could only assume he looked similarly wrecked. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” Buck said, and Eddie burst into laughter. “Really! I think I realized it when I saw you and Chris reunited after that tsunami. That what I was feeling for you went way beyond friendship.”
“Wow,” Eddie said, remembering the day better than he would like. He remembered that woman telling him Chris had been looking for Buck. He remembered seeing Buck, wet, dirty, bleeding, collapsing with relief, having just put everything he had into finding his son…he’d realized how much he cared about Buck right there, as well. “That’s when I knew as well.”
“I guess we’re both idiots,” Buck said, laughing hard.
Eddie chuckled, “Well, you more than me.”
“You think I haven’t been flirting? Jesus, Eddie, we really are both idiots.”
“Yes, you are. But you made me some serious cash!” Hen said, still collecting money from their colleagues.
Eddie and Buck turned to look at their friends, each and every one of them smiling at them with joy. It seemed all of them had known before either of them. Eddie looked up at Buck, who was smiling softly. “Hey,” he said, catching Buck’s attention. “Wanna go out tonight?”
Buck’s smile widened, looking like a kid who just got offered candy. “Very much so.”
“After our shift. I’ve got the perfect spot.”
“Interesting, I’m in.” Buck leaned in and captured Eddie’s lips in a kiss again. The two of them sank into each other, sparking another round of wolf whistles, which died down when they did not break apart after a while. Eddie could kiss Buck endlessly, but they were at work, so in the end Bobby broke them up with a smile and a gentle reminder that this was a workplace.
Eddie walked on air for the rest of the day.
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the-nysh · 4 years
AHHHH! Just got back from finally seeing Heroes Rising! 8D Oh man, that was definitely a big-screened flashy action movie to experience, with great class cohesion and teamwork, and especially with Deku and Kacchan as the stars. Going in, I already knew what was going to happen (couldn’t resist spoiling myself silly), but it still had me chuckling along to all the fun nods/refs to things and grinning like a huge idiot by the end of it. :D More details and extended impressions as follows:
It really gets me that nowadays we can just…waltz into a theater and watch subbed anime movie screenings (which was the version I saw) alongside other current films. :O That’s just amazing to me. Cause gosh, back in the day, that was either completely unheard of, or you had to drive 100miles to a fancy arthouse theater just to see dubbed releases of -only- Miyazaki movies (with month-long reserved/ordered tickets). This is so much preferable now (it’s a very good thing!), and I certainly hope this trend for more accessible anime content continues!
Anyway, saw the movie with family: sister (only watches the anime) and mom (never seen any bnha, but wanted to be included anyway~) At first we had the entire theater to ourselves at a 9:45pm showing, until like 5 min before, then several other groups came in. (So hhhh ;o; had to refrain from making any loud reactions/commentary otherwise.)  
Some of the best comments from my mom were how she kept leaning over to me and asking where the ‘guy with the wings’ (Hawks) was. X’D This is great and hilarious to me. He only showed up a few times to investigate the villains, figure out what’s wrong, and fly over with pending professional help to the island. So to my mom, it was a matter of ‘when will he come to save the kids!?’ Aha nice. His Japanese voice was deeper than expected, but I could still hear the Mumen Rider (opm) inflections from his voice actor. :D Definitely excited to see more of him formally animated in the series. Later, my mom also commented how the villain (Nine) was good-looking, buaha! (I mean hey, Shiggy was there too! 8D) I’d given her a crash-course on bnha lore before the movie, so it’s amusing to me how these were some of her unique takeaways. She also felt how after Deku told the kids ‘you can be a hero,’ that they already were cause they demonstrated that same bravery. :’)
For my sister, by the end she was like, ‘they should have just done fusion!’ Noting how Deku and Kacchan already went with the dbz looks, so heh why not. :P She noted how odd it was that Kacchan could use OfA immediately (when it took Deku several hours to…digest the hair before it could set in), so I had to clarify it was transferred by blood this time. She also wondered how Deku could gain even greater power with OfA after transferring it, and welp it’s mostly movie magic so whatever, but I could not resist flat-out saying, ‘BECAUSE THEY SOUL-BONDED~’ (And that’s as far as I was openly willing to push it with the bkdk agenda, guahaha.) Lingering convos included stuff about OfA mechanics (more odd inconsistencies with the vestiges somehow willing it back) and me mentioning Hori’s original idea to end the series with, all that good stuff. But most of all, to even have the movie tie back into the main (manga) storyline cleanly somehow, these types of explanations/solutions to things had to be done anyway, so it’s honestly another whatever/no big; it works as a self-contained flashy movie. (And honestly not as bad as some impressions made it seem; instead, how certain things wrapped up here felt negligible to me.)
As for ME, woohoo oh I definitely liked it and had a fun time! :D I didn’t know if I’d get the chance to see it in theaters (schedule conflicts) but ayyy I felt it was worth it! Immediately from the intro car-chase with Endeavor (yooo), it was all high-budget, quality action movie stuff. The two kids were endearing with active roles which I appreciated. I was also greatly impressed by how cohesive and responsible all the classmates were. You could just tell how closely they knew each other (and their quirks) and could work efficiently as a well-oiled unit when disaster strikes. Evacuating and providing for the islanders and coming up with elaborate battle plans, and all without any adult heroes present. :O Each had their moment to shine, with some very cool class combo moves too. Favs were Uraraka and Sero’s boulder throwing spam, and Kiri bodily shielding Todo from a hugeass high-beam laser like in Evangelion (YOOOOO?!?! that was cool!) Dark Shadow with wolverine claws was pretty sweet too.  
Of course, personal favs were the Kacchan (+Deku) moments. Deku was a good babey throughout but…but KACCHAN. ;A; Featuring the shades of Kacchan I love to see. :’D (Also Denki said a line like, ‘Kacchan of the Bakugous’ buahaha wtf!) When he’s silently observant (listening to Deku talk to the kid about their hero dreams, to the point his popsicle melts off ;o;), intensely serious (making it very clear to the kids he’s for real about efficiently working as a hero after they mess around/cry wolf with him), gruffly supportive (encouraging Deku in his own way to ‘make it his own’ asap :’3) and…he’s still got his signature short fuse temper of course (that explodes in comical ways, heh even my mom laughed at him) plus the awesome moments when he frees himself from a villain then promptly beats his ass. 8D But…I personally loved the smaller, but very telling, protective moments. Like when the girl signaled Deku was in trouble, Kacchan was immediately RIGHT THERE to blast Nine in the face (omgg), how he caught/saved the girl when she went flying (while Deku was on the attack instead), AND my fav: how when they were both fighting Nine, Deku got distracted worrying about the other classmates fighting elsewhere, but Kacchan kicked him out of the way from getting hurt by lasers (so ahhh!! he’s actively looking out for Deku and staying on top of things so they both keep their heads in the game. :’D) Just MANY good Kacchan moments to appreciate. <3
AND then the big bkdk handhold, OfA transfer, epic + emotional team up. (Ever since the first previews/impressions, I’m still stunned they actually did all that on the big screen!) At this point I was internally squealing and had the dumbest grin on my face but didn’t even care. 8’D I WAS READY! Nakamura’s animation was like…byuuujjgghh *brain turns off* Honestly it was hard to even SEE what was happening on screen besides huge swathes of molten heat and green electricity flying everywhere, totally and awesomely over the top. Ahaha definitely worth seeing again just for that! I got feels for the ‘it’s fine if it’s you’ line :’))), and in the aftermath, loved it when Deku’s first thought upon regaining consciousness was to ask All Might if Kacchan’s ok. (omggg heh, Deku pls! :’D)
Overall, the movie had a simple, straightforward storyline to follow, fantastic action and teamwork to enjoy, and plenty of tidbits and character moments for current fans to heartily eat up. No question about the Kacchan and bkdk service as well. Left me feeling very giddy as a fan and glad I was able to catch it in theaters. Now I can’t wait to see when gifsets of all those fun moments get made!
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Ep 17 part one
(Masterpost of all the rewatches) (Canary’s pinboard of original content)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Wei Wuxian hides in a boat among the lotuses next to a pier in Lotus Pier, the second-most-literally-named home in the show, after The Burial Mounds. This pier has a railing that goes all the way around it, without any ladders or anything. Not to be ADA on main but this means if you can't Jedi jump, you're fucked.  
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Hefeng Liquor
While Wei Wuxian waits and tries, not very successfully, to keep his shit together, he hears the guards talking about the local booze that they're going to drink at their murder victory party. We learn, in a desaturated flashback (that OP has done her best to resaturate), that this is lotus-infused wine invented by Wei Wuxian during happier days. 
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He kicks the flashback off with his favorite activity, Unnecessarily Erotic Beverage Drinking. (gifset) I’ve slowed this gif down so we can all appreciate the unnecessariness. The way his hand caresses that leaf OMG
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Hopefully he is not drinking lake water out of that leaf. Side note: How is it possible that Xiao Zhan doesn't have a drinking water endorsement deal? I had to resort to Zhu Yilong's brand of water for this gag. I figure if it's good enough to pour directly onto a lightning burn like they do in The Lost Tomb Reboot, it's good enough for a leaf hummer chastely drinking out of a leaf
(more behind the cut!)
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In his memory, Jiang Cheng tells him to stop fucking around and come help with the basket of lotus pods. Wei Wuxian responds by grabbing one for himself and then sitting his ass down and not helping. Cause he’s a motherfucking P.I.M.P.
Emotional Rescue
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Wen Ning arrives on the pier with Jiang Chang, to Wei Wuxian's extreme relief. Look how much emotion Xiao Zhan is able to convey even with half of his face hidden, my lord.
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Wen Ning carries Jiang Cheng on his back, in an echo of other significant piggyback rides in Wei Wuxian's life.  
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Wei Wuxian's relief is at war with his fear, seeing his brother in such bad shape. Remember, these are cultivators, who heal quickly and mostly don't get their asses beat this hard. The only time Wei Wuxian has been comatose was after the Xuanwu cave, and that was probably because of his prolonged contact with resentful energy/Yin iron.
Hibernating Zidian
Wen Ning gets ready for his first, but not his last, boat ride with an unconscious Yunmeng brother in it. He tells Wei Wuxian that Jiang Cheng is pretty fucked up but isn't dead.
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Then he gives Zidian to him. Before we talk about Zidian, let's talk about BAMF Wen Ning.  Wen Ning is an awkward goofball. He’s also insanely competent at just about everything--wine-drugging, dude-smuggling, corpse retrieval, dog acupuncture, drug pushing. As well as shooting rocks out of the air and, later, beating zombie ass, and resisting mind control. . 
This is the foundation of their friendship; it’s not actually about Wei Wuxian being nice to the weird kid. He initially sought Wen Ning out for the same reason he sought out weird kid Lan Wangji--his martial skill. He accepts his weirdness and is protective of him because of his missing-spirit problem, but he did not befriend him out of altruism.
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Wei Wuxian is so forgiving that he can smile fondly when looking at the weapon that whipped the shit out of him a couple of days ago.
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Wei Wuxian puts Zidian down right next to Jiang Cheng's hand and...nothing happens. It doesn't recognize him or spark to life. This didn't seem meaningful when I watched it the first time, but rewatching...yikes. It KNOWS.
Wei Wuxian admits, with tears in his eyes, that there is nowhere safe for him to go with Jiang Cheng, and Wen Ning immediately offers care and shelter. Even though that is putting his own life at serious risk.
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Life obligation is a common theme in CDramas. It’s often something a person chooses as a way of showing love. Guardian builds an eternal romance out of two people saving each other’s lives over and over.  But accepting the obligation is a choice (in fantasy dramas, if not in real life). Love and Redemption has a gloriously harsh sequence where a life is saved, and the save-ee cooly rejects the saver.
Every time Wen Ning saves Wei Wuxian, he cites that one time that Wei Wuxian saved him from the water demon. And Wei Wuxian cites this rescue right here when he throws everything away to save Wen Ning. Meanwhile, Jiang Cheng doesn't acknowledge any debt to Wen Ning at all, only--grudgingly--to Wen Qing. And people are ok with that.
Basically all this is to say that I think Wen Ning leans into this life debt because he loves Wei Wuxian, and Wei Wuxian leans into it because he loves him back. Non-romantically, I think...at least on Wei Wuxian’s part. YMMV.
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They go to pick up Yanli from their Granny, telling her to go into hiding. She starts to cry, not knowing how she'll manage on her own. Wei Wuxian tells her that they will come back, as Wen Ning looks super unsure about that.
Of course Wei Wuxian can't know, at this point, whether they will come back. Wei Wuxian always wants to make everybody feel better, and sometimes you really can't make someone feel better except by lying. He compulsively says shit that he thinks people want to hear, almost as if he was beaten frequently and arbitrarily as a child.
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Wen Ning is doing his best for the recreational boat ride industry, as he rows the Yunmeng trio through some amazingly beautiful scenery.
Core Melting Time
Meanwhile, back at Lotus Pier The Yunmeng Supervisory Office, Wen Chao is hung over, Wen Chao is angry, Yawn
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For some reason, Wang Lingjiao has suddenly decided to talk to Wen Chao in the most cloying and annoying way possible. 
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Also, the fact that she still addresses him as Gongzi when she is totally fucking him is kind of great. This is like those fics where Elizabeth Bennet calls Mr. Darcy "Mr. Darcy" even when they're married and hitting it. 
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Wen Zhuliu demonstrates why he's called Core-Melting Hand, by punishing the wine guard. He's able to melt a guy's core by grabbing him by the throat, and also picks him up, Darth Vader style, for extra meltyness.
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All that stuff I said last time about Wen Zhuliu feeling ambivalent about being a villian...yeah, he seems to have gotten that right out of his system. 
Chilling in Yiling
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Wen Ning is doing his best for the recreational carriage ride industry.  Wei Wuxian, after presumably several hours in the cart, decides that now is a good time to get curious about where they are going. 
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Here we start to see a new side of Wei Wuxian.  Before this he was carefree, other than specific worries about his friends. He confronted danger with lightness and humor, or with temporary fear, that he let go of once the danger passed. Now, after all the deaths and seeing Jiang Cheng so injured, he's twitchy, anxious, and angry.
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Very, very angry.
When he realizes that Wen Ning has brought them to the Yiling supervisory office, he goes off, demanding to know whose home this was before the Wens took it and grabbing Wen Ning and shoving him into a decorative...decoration.  He thinks Wen Ning brought them here to harm them. 
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I wouldn't have thought such a pretty dude could be so menacing, but holy crap.
The way he's confronting Wen Ning here is not his normal style. He's not trying to provoke a bigger fight like he usually does; he's not trying to create distance, the way Jiang Cheng does. He's very intimate, getting right in his face and maintaining eye contact. He trusted Wen Ning and feels personally betrayed.  
Shy little Wen Ning is remarkably calm when confronted like this. Wen Ning really isn’t afraid of anything, despite his general air of nervousness. (Full gifset of Angry WWX over here.) 
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He calmly and kindly explains the situation. He doesn't appeal to Wei Wuxian's trust, saying "oh I would never;" he appeals to his logic, which gets through to him. 
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Wen Qing comes out and the guards start banging on the door and Wei Wuxian flips out again, grabbing a sword and pointing it at Wen Qing as she decides what to do.  Wen Qing seems unruffled by Wei Wuxian's sword pointing, and we see her weighing up the situation.
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She makes her decision, sending the guards away and deciding to help the fugitives, officially joining the Clear Conscience Club. She could probably get Wen Ning out of trouble by turning them in, but she opts to put personal loyalty and her belief in her own ideals ahead of her family's safety.
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Wei Wuxian is not ok. He’s just not ok. He tries to act like it after they get settled in with Wen Qing, but he's not, and I think that plays into his next several choices. 
Next comes a whole sequence of Jiang Cheng being unconscious with pins in his head--ow--while Wei Wuxian twitchily tends to him. 
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This sequence is kind of unfair to Jiang Yanli. What matters to the story here is Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian's relationship, so that’s the focus of these scenes. But really, there is no way Jiang Yanli would not be at Jiang Cheng's side unless she was literally unconscious herself. Let's assume Wen Qing stuck a needle in her to make her rest while she has a fever. Shippers should also feel free to assume that Wen Qing spent hours at her bedside, tenderly wiping her forehead and holding her hand as she recovered. In his sleep, while Wei Wuxian sits by his side, Jiang Cheng calls for his sister, mother, and father, but not for his brother. Ouch.  
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Let's pause to appreciate Wei Wuxian's new outfit, which is the sort of getup most people in this society probably imagine Yiling Laozu wearing, rather than the low-key homespun stuff he actually spends his Yiling year in. This robe has fancy shoulders, shiny material, touches of Jiang purple, strange red hoody strings, and a fuckin' CAPE. He didn't bring any luggage with him from Lotus Pier, although he's still got his Yin Turtle Sword hidden in a bag of holding. So the most likely explanation is that Wen Ning hooked him up with this lewk. "Wei Wuxian is a nice person. He should have a magnificent cape."
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Wen Wing and Wei Wuxian take a breather to stand on the porch and work out what their status is with each other, like a couple of fucking adults, which is amazing. Basically Wei Wuxian is ready to forget earlier Wen shenanigans, but is going to avenge Lotus Pier. 
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Wen Qing isn't enthusiastic about that but doesn't argue, just asking, mostly rhetorically, if he plans to kill her too. He's uncomfortable considering that; the role of avenger isn't one that's comfortable for him, although he turns out to be extremely good at it. He does not, of course, plan to kill her too. In a few months, imprisoned in a Wen dungeon, she will be the only Wen left alive after Wei Wuxian 1.5(No-Gold Edition) and Chenqing come to visit.
Jiang Cheng finally wakes up, and the first thing he does is to test out his spiritual power by hitting Wei Wuxian as hard as he can. 
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Look at Wei Wuxian's face, as he goes from happy, to shocked and hurt, to laughing it off. It's exactly like when Jiang Cheng shoved him in the Rock Lady temple. Has Wei Wuxian spent all of his years with Jiang Cheng going from affection, to hurt feelings, to pretending it's fine? God, I think he probably has.
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This episode raises a question that will come up again later, but never be answered. That question is, what the fuck are these weird footies and why the fuck does Jiang Cheng wear them to bed?
Jiang Cheng reveals that his golden core is gone, that he can't cultivate any more, which means he can't avenge his parents or achieve any ambitions in life. Nobody has apparently given any thought to why Wen Zhuliu is called "Core-Melting Hand" before this, which is hilarious, frankly. If I fought with a guy called, for example, Brain-Eating Mouth, I think I would make certain assumptions about him and what he planned to do with my brain.
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Something interesting is happening in this moment, because as he comes fully back to consciousness, Jiang Cheng pours out all of his trauma and horror to his brother, telling him about the core melting and practically wailing about his feelings over it all. And his brother understands, and ultimately finds a way to help him. What does Wei Wuxian do after his own trauma? Keeps it secret, so nobody finds a way to help him, although many people try to. So Jiang Cheng is, in this way at least...emotionally healthier than Wei Wuxian? That's unexpected.
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Jiang Cheng is super upset and is mad at eternal scapegoat Wei Wuxian for saving him. Jiang Cheng would rather be dead than be a regular person. Whereas Wei Wuxian, faced with the same problem, is like, *shrug* I’ll adapt. These are both valid emotional responses to suddenly becoming disabled. Losing a golden core is definitely a disability, in this environment; it's not just about magic sword fights. Jiang Cheng's home is designed for people who can fly; Lan Wangji's home is designed for people who don't feel cold, and Wen Central is made of actual lava, for example. 
Jiang Cheng is already struggling with a lot of difficulties. He was raised by shitty parents, he's got anger management issues, he has a crushing weight of responsibility. And now he's also lived through the deaths of most of the people who matter to him. If sword cultivation is the one thing that gives him joy in life (ok one of two things, obviously fashion also gives him joy because he WORKS it), he can't reasonably be expected to rally when it's taken away.  
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Oh, honey. Oh, baby boy. 
Wen Qing picks the worst moment to come in and tries to tend to Jiang Cheng, who starts off being devastated that the girl he likes is seeing the wreck he's become, and then moves along to helpless rage when he remembers that she's a Wen, and he screams at her to get out.  
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Jiang Cheng is not able to put personal loyalty ahead of clan loyalty like Wei Wuxian is. Partly this is his nature, and partly it's his role as the lineal descendant of the clan leader. As a firstborn son of a gentry family, his destiny as clan leader is in his blood, and so is his responsibility to the clan. When Wei Wuxian praises Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen for caring less about bloodlines than about shared ambition, he is speaking from the position of someone who's bloodline ain't shit. Jiang Cheng will never be able to share that perspective.
Next: More of this excruciating episode!
Writing prompt: The Day I Discovered I Could Melt Your Fucking Core, by Wen Zhuliu Drabble prompt: Why I Wear Socks to Bed, by Jiang Cheng
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koreandragon · 5 years
Honestly can you just answer all of them?
Favourite Couple
i’ll just say my top three ok cause...impossible question: 
Go Dong Man and Choi Ae Ra from Fight For My Way because the friends to lovers trope is strong with this one and it’s done so well
Eun Dan Oh and Haru in Extraordinary You because they’re the cutest?? have you seen them together?? also the possibility of them being a couple in another manhwa in the past is just *chef’s kiss*
Lee Jung In and Yoo Ji Ho from One Spring Night because they absolutely destroyed me every week. the pining, the angst, the sweetness
Favourite Actor
*looks at the thousands of gifsets and pictures of Ji Chang Wook* idk man there are just too many
Favourite Actress
Park Bo Young is definitely one of them but I love Jun Ji-Hyun very much
Favourite Drama
holy shit, um...While You Were Sleeping, Strangers from Hell, Extraordinary You, Life on Mars, Black, Designated Survivor: 60 Days, Fight for My Way, One Spring Night
Favourite Trope
when for some reason they get stuck in tight spaces or accidental too close physical encounters. those drive me wild
Least Favourite Trope
is wrist grabbing a trope? no but i’m kinda sick of the “we actually met when we were like five and you did something that changed my life” trope
Favourite Genre
Crime and Romance and when these combine i go nuts
Least Favourite Genre
political (although designated survivor was the fucking best)
Favourite Idol Actor
ugh, Cha Eunwoo, Park Jinyoung, Lee Junho, Bae Suzy, Henry
Favourite Web Drama
i don’t think Wednesday 3:30pm is one but that was a short drama? i haven’t actually seen any web dramas.(is i picked up a star on the road a webdrama? it was shit but i watched it)  i have started the universe’s star tho
Worst Ending
not particularly worst but w two worlds got so messy by the end, it was really hard to watch. also Black had a pretty weird ending, the kind that kept me up at night but i loved it
Messiest Plot
w two worlds BY FAR. i know people say this about melting me softly but it will never compare to w two worlds, jesus CHRIST
Favourite Villain
Choi Yoo Jin from The K2, period
Character You’re Supposed To Hate But Don’t
Choi Yoo Jin from The K2 lmao. i actually shipped her with Jae Ha. 
An Actor/Actress You’d Watch In Any Role
Ji Chang Wook *looks at melting me softly* and Park Bo Young
Favourite Sageuk
Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung, Tale of Nokdu, Love in the Moonlight
Hated Character You Loved
Nam Eun Ki from Her Private Life...although i didn’t finish the show, i never  hated him like lots of people did. 
i saw some people didn’t like Yeo Jin Woo in Memories of the Alhambra because he was a bit arrogant but i loved him so much
Loved Character You Hated
Luca from When the Devil Calls Your name annoyed THE SHIT out of me. i do not care how cute he is, he was the most annoying person i have ever seen. 
i didn’t hate Ku Chan Sung in hotel del luna but he wasn’t someone i liked either. i actually don’t like yeo jin goo at all so maybe that’s why
Anna in The K2 because her character was really bland and just idk?? she was so uninteresting to me
Ji Sung Joon in She Was Pretty was not a good character, he didn’t desrve to end up with the FL and as much as i LOVE Park Seo Joon, that role didn’t do it for me
Couple That Should Have Stayed Platonic
Jae Ha and Anna in The K2. ji chang wook usually has chemistry with everyone he plays with but yoona and him just really didn’t have it. also her character was so plain, i just wished they stopped the unnecessary romantic subplot with them
i might get shit for this but Kim Shin and Ji Eun Tak in Goblin, i have expressed many times how uncomfortable the age difference was. also they worked so well as friends?? they always bickered and joked, it was so funny? they got so cheesy when they started dating it just wasn’t doing it for me
Most Annoying Family/Parents
Lee Jung In’s dad in one spring night. yall know why
ma dong chan’s family and go mi ran’s mom in melting me softly
Favourite Sidekick
Gong Soo Chang in Two Cops
Secretary Cha in designated survivor 60 days
Min Ja in Healer
Kang Dong Cheol in Life on Mars
Ji Eun Hyuk in Suspicious Partner
Ra Do Woo in Terius Behind Me
Kim Ji Woong in Oh My Venus
Favourite Group Of Friends
the losers in Fight for My Way
Worst Kiss
oh man there are just really too many of those
Touch Your Heart was really cute but the kissing scenes were tragic and what was even more tragic, was that they did THAT to lee dong wook and yoo in na out of all people
Favourite Kiss
Suspicious Partner, hands down. that shit SLAYED my ass
A Scene You’ve Rewatched A Million Times
the umbrella scene in The K2. “lift your head. straighten your back. your enemies are watching” god tier level of tension and acting on both sides
A Drama You Enjoyed, But Will Never Rewatch
almost all of them that i enjoyed. there are very few exceptions.(currently rewatching fight for my way) they’re too long and i have many more to watch
A Drama That Had A Strong Premier But Fell Apart
W Two Worlds again. it started off great but it fell apart like a jenga tower
Automatic Mood Lift OST
as i got to this question my spotify playlist decided to play Say to Myself from when the devil calls your name, so that is one
while you were sleeping
angel’s last mission: love 
strangers from hell (The Rose - Strangers, specifically)
A Lead You’d Marry
the character or the actor? i’m gonna assume character. Jung Joon-Hyungfrom weightlifting fairy kim bok joo
Haru from extraordinary you
Ji Ho from one spring night
A Well Loved Actor/Actress Who Just Doesn’t Appeal To You
I mentioned Yeo Jin Goo before, idk why so don’t ask
An Unexpected Ship
Choi Yoo Jin and Jae Ha in The K2 (ofc it didn’t happen but i didn’t expect to ship them)
but i also didn’t expect Ji Eun-Hyuk and Cha Yoo-Jung from suspicious partner to rekindle their relationship after what happened
Song Hae-Rin and Ji Seo-Joon in romance is a bonus book
Favourite Crackship
Grim Reaper and Kim Shin
Actors You Wish Would Work Together
it’s really hard to find korean actors who haven’t worked together. i mentioned park bo young and lee jong suk before but apparently they already made a movie together, so i’ll say ji chang wook and park seo joon (tell me if they have, i don’t fucking know at this point)
First Drama
Strictly speaking, it was Secret Forest aka Stranger
Oldest OST You Still Listen To Regularly
i don’t watch old dramas because they make me cringe
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bellarkefanfiction · 6 years
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Lina got the chance to catch up with @ticogirls author of I Think You're Cute, Between the Lines, what a delicate heart, what a hard head and many more on ao3.
BFF: Tell us about yourself!
Mel: I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who starts sweating whenever they get this kinda question but here goes: I’m Mel and despite what my Twitter handle says, that’s not short for “Mellamy” lmao. I’ve been on Tumblr for close to eight years now (I just got a small stroke from saying that), I watch a fuckton of TV and movies (I mean. Who doesn’t, right?), and I’m also a proud BoC (Bisexual of Colour).  
BFF: When did you start shipping Bellarke?
Mel: The first place I saw Bellarke was, I think like many of the fandom, on my Tumblr dashboard. During the post-S1 hiatus, one of my favourite gif-makers (she’s changed her URL and gone on several hiatuses so I genuinely don’t know where to find her anymore) was posting a bunch of gifsets of them. Again, like many of the fandom, from the gifs and screencaps of S1 alone, I basically assumed Bellarke was already a canon couple and decided “ooh, they cute. Lemme watch this show for that Good TV Romance™”. (Once more, like many of the fandom, I got a Rude Awakening when I started watching the show because it turned out to be So Much Worse… but also So Much Better.)
As for when I started really shipping Bellarke in the actual show, I think a lot of people fell in 1x02 (Bellamy saving Clarke from the grounder pit) or 1x03 (Clarke relieving him of the burden of mercy killing Atom). While those were both huge steps for me in terms of perceiving their relationship, I don’t think I really fell for this ship as a potential romance until 1x04, ‘Murphy’s Law’. The Charlotte/Murphy conflict peeled back the layers on both Bellamy and Clarke: his posturing and bravado was melted away in front of the delinquents, and all of her cool logic and reasoning was temporarily suspended. That, for me, was the first episode that really showed that despite all their oil/vinegar clashes throughout the show, at their very deepest core, Bellamy and Clarke were always going to be unified by the same goal — to protect their people.
BFF: How long have you been writing fanfiction?
Mel: I used to write (bad) fanfiction for some older fandoms, back when Wattpad and AO3 weren’t even conceived yet and all we had was FanFiction.Net and LiveJournal. Shit, I was really out here when ‘My Immortal’ was still being updated, lmaooo. I stopped for several years for a multitude of reasons — overstuffed schedule, physical exhaustion, a bunch of big life transitions, mental health issues etc. Bellarke was THE ship that restarted my fic-writing engine in 2015, and I think because of that, I’m always gonna have that Soft Spot for them.
BFF: Are you a part of any other fandoms?
Mel: Aside from The 100, I’m a huuuuuuge Star Wars hoe. Original trilogy, prequels, Rogue One, current series — I love them all. I’m genuinely nervous about Disney’s future plans for reviving this franchise but having quite literally grown up on this stuff, I just don’t think it’s ever going to be possible for me to walk away from this franchise, no matter how Messy it gets (and I’ve a feeling it will!).
I’m also really big on the MCU (currently obsessed with Thorkyrie) and From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, which I have no shame admitting is the guiltiest of guilty pleasures.
BFF: Are there any writers that you’ve drawn inspiration from?
Mel: I’m going old-school here, but I’ve always been enamoured by Douglas Adams (author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series) and K. A. Applegate (Animorphs series). It’s not so much about their kickass creativity with plot or characters, but more of the rhythm and pacing of their writing. They’ve each got a great way of balancing story and characterisation, all underscored and punctuated with these unique comedic inflections and beats.
BFF: Do you have favourite side-pairings or characters you also enjoy including?
Mel: I love writing Minty and, I’m not gonna lie, it’s mostly as a fuck-you to the writers for refusing to acknowledge Monty Green’s Gayness™. Memori have got a really fun dynamic to write too, and I still include a lot of Jasper/Maya in my fics because they deserve to be happy and in love forever. As for solo characters, Raven is hands down my favourite to voice, mostly because I feel like I can 100% relate with whatever’s going through her head in any given situation.
BFF: What are your favourite tropes to write?
Mel: Oh LORDT, do you got a full hour???
Lmao okay but real talk, I absolutely love writing Enemies to Friends to Lovers. I prefer Modern AU’s, simply because I like the concept of breaking our fave characters out from the grimdark world of The 100, to see how their relationships and attitudes could possibly evolve if they were allowed to care about dumb stuff like TV shows and public transport instead of just whether they manage to live or die. I am also a die-hard fan of the Roommates trope, simply because it’s the most convenient fic-writing device for ensuring that your ship will always have some reason to share the same space alone together with some regularity.
BFF: What do you predict will happen in season 5? Especially for our favourite duo?
Mel: So this is basically just “do you think Bellarke will become canon in S5”, right? (lmaodskjfhks) Well I hate to sound like I’m pushing a fatalistic attitude towards S5, but honestly, I don’t see Bellarke becoming canon in S5. After all, they’ve got a lot of ground to cover once they reunite on the ground. Six years is a heck of a long time, especially when one of them fully thought the other was dead. (It’s hard for us as fandom to grasp because we have been shown that Clarke’s fully alive and well, but we gotta remember, death is a separation of utmost finality. It’s not just like thinking someone’s away or missing.)
I do, however, think it’s feasible to expect some kind of recognition/acknowledgement of explicitly romantic feelings on either one or both their parts.
BFF: Do you have any plans for other fics you’d like to write, if so could you spoil or tease us?
Mel: Oh boy, do I ever. Full disclosure, I’m currently working on about 6 or 7 fics for Bellarke alone, but they’re setting up to hit at least 8k in length each so they’re definitely not going to be ready for publication anytime soon.
I do have one that I’m planning to post as a multichap, which means I won’t have to wait until it’s fully completed. I don’t want to give away too much, but it’s based on a French romcom titled Blind Date (Un peu, beaucoup, aveuglément). It’s basically a neighbours / enemies to friends to lovers AU, and I’m really excited for y’all to read it!
BFF: What advice would you give novice writers?
Mel: I answered this question a good while ago in this post here with a few major points, but I think the most important one is this:
You are your best competition. I know it’s a lot easier said than done, but this is seriously the most important thing for me as a writer: DON’T COMPARE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS. It never makes anyone feel better (especially if you’re, say, writing fic for a big fandom with a lot of existing content). Honestly, it doesn’t even make sense when you think about how every writer is different and has their own unique style.
Be your own harshest critic, but also your biggest cheerleader. Write for you, to express yourself. That way, whatever you write/publish, at the end of the day, you feel good about it.
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shyesterin · 6 years
58, 73, 81 :3c
wow this is gay!! confirmed
I’ll put this under a read more because it got a little long,
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
Gosh, uh... I’m not very hard to win over?? Honestly just show you care and I’m yours
Like... Showing me things ur passionate about and talking about them to me and being excited about them and stuff?? is really cute and charming,
Any indication that someone was thinking about me either just. idly or when seeing something that reminded them of me
Treating me, like... gently? Like, not like a child, but knowing I like gentleness and like... I dunno how to word this but?? Just being aware of my sensibilities and knowing how to treat me when I’m uncomfortable I guess?
Honestly I haven’t experienced any romantic physical affection but someone doing small romantic things like holding my hand while we’re sitting close or petting my hair while I’m lying on their lap would make me melt for them
This is a dumb 5th choice but I’ve had crushes on everyone who’s “confessed” to me to this day so I guess telling me you like me means I’ll like you too?? shrugs,
(this is all super low standard stuff but I’ve never had a proper relationship or romance so u gotta give me a break,)
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
Hmm... Maybe taking me somewhere with a pretty view so we can just spend time together alone? Particularly if there’s a nice view of a city or if it’s somewhere we can watch the stars at night... I guess that’s more “romantic” than “sweet” but,
(alternatively just take me to a cozy place with tasty food. that works too)
(alternatively2 just give me hugs throughout the day!! It’s sweet and I love cute physical affection from people I actually love)
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
Like, all my friends,
Like a certain BIG GAY who sent this ask in the first place!!
Uh, Bryan Dechart and Jesse Williams who played Connor and Markus in Detroit (most people in that game are attractive but those two in particular)
There was that one gifset floating around Tumblr a long while ago of this lady who was a professional weightlifter I think?? And she was super cute?? She’s very attractive
I’ll be honest I’m having trouble thinking of real life people who aren’t just my friends. I think it’d be cheating if I just listed five friends... (but I mentioned Shoob anyway ‘cause she’s my hot hot wife,) But if I see a pretty woman I’m probably gay for her
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