facts-i-just-made-up · 6 months
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asteroidtroglodyte · 6 months
Me: hey babe wanna see something cool?
My Wife: sure!
Me: [holds out hand excitedly]
My Wife: …what am I looking at?
Me: a rock!
My Wife: When did you go outside?
Me: I didn’t! My body made this!
My Wife: what
Me: I passed a stone!
My Wife: [horrified silence]
Me: yea check it out there’s little crystals!
My Wife, horrified: um
Me: yea if you look here you can see the oxalic crystals and-
My Wife: babe!
Me: huh?
My Wife, freaking out: babe. are you ok. are you in pain? do you need to go to the hospital what-
Me: oh. OH. I’m fine! Really! Feeling much better actually!
My Wife: well. Good.
Me: sorry, got all caught up in how cool it was that I was holding a biogenic crystal that my body made that I forgot that this is kinda horrifying, huh?
My Wife: babe, I love your autistic ass but please drink more water. And maybe warn me next time.
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robot-hive-mind · 1 year
Why the fuck can some of your organs just make rocks??? Who said that was OK?
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When I’m supposed to drink an insane amount of water everyday...
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beawritingbooks · 2 months
I just passed another goddamn kidney stone.
You know that spikey ball thing at the end of a flail (medieval weapon)? Well, passing a kidney stone feels like pissing out one of those spikey ball things.
Or, a knife. It definitely feels like pissing out a knife.
I hate everything!
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arsnof · 6 months
Dad's in the hospital again
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spoonful116 · 1 year
TW: Ableism, gaslighting by healthcare providers
A doctor noted in my chart that I was non-compliant, manipulative, and trying to direct my care. Some of his reasoning:
Refused to take the extended release capsules of the medication prescribed. Also noted that I have dysphagia and a PEG tube
Told him that I needed to address the chronic UTIs before I considered overactive bladder treatments
Became concerned that I had an underlying genetic condition that was causing my issues. A lot of tests were coming back normal, but everything was very abnormal. I do have a genetic condition.
Stopped seeing my first urologist and suggested that I change doctors when they don't do what I want. My first urologist let me have 1-2 UTIs a month and wasn't trying to find a cause
"Refused to give a urine sample at any appointment" when I had been fainting a lot during transfers and they didn't have any exam tables that were wheelchair user friendly.
Communicated with them often about questions or concerns
Didn't do my 24 hour urine collection with an indwelling catheter and thus accused me of not doing it correctly and not collecting all of it in order for my results to be worse
Lying about my water intake and how much I eat
I am truly amazed by this man and the level of fragility, ego, and privilege you must have in order to see those actions as negatives with ulterior motives.
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justangrymacaroni · 1 year
ok genuinely if you have kidney stones, what u should do:
you might have then if you get an extreme pain on your side, kinda on your back, with shooting pains down to your groin. you might also have nausea and violent vomiting.
1. go the ER right away. kidney stones are one of those things that docs are willing to give out the big gun pain meds for. they are incredibly painful, and you will need medication. they will most likely give you a CT scan. be incredibly honest about your pain, don’t be afraid to be too truthful to get doctors to listen to you.
2. 95% are small enough to pass naturally at home. they will take up to three weeks to pass. talk with your doctor about a plan. look into seeing a urologist.
3. DRINK WATER. i’ve bought four giant jugs of water that i am working my way through. at least two liters a day.
4. cranberry juice also helps. get as close to the natural stuff as you can manage. but focus more on water.
5. when it passes, do not flush it. this is gross, but u will need to collect it to show to a urologist. the ER doctors should give you tools for doing this: a strainer to pee through and a medical cup.
1. this is weird but worked for me. lie on top of a vibrater. the vibration helps with the pain.
2. heat. hot showers, hot pad, extreme heat.
3. take your fucking pain meds prescribed to you. take ibuprofen in between, with doctors approval.
4. if the pain becomes unbearable, go back to the ER. that means the meds aren’t working. it will not get better unless you get help.
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philippinewildlifeart · 9 months
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Say hello to Sambong! 𝘉𝘭𝘶𝘮𝘦𝘢 𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘢 is one of 10 medicinal plants recommended by the Department of Health. It has long been used to treat different kinds of issues, including kidney stones! https://philippinewildlife.art/portfolio/sambong/ (See Sambong tea at @filipinofoodart)
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bill cipher is a sentient kidney stone
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kick-a-long · 2 months
I have a kidney stone right now AND I have an important question. is it ethical to set up a gofundme, explicitly not for medical bills or to cover lost work/whatever, for pain and suffering?
my kidney is putting me through agony but it is also broke and I deserve compensation for this BS!
normalize! suing! organs!
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facts-i-just-made-up · 2 months
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Time for the rematch. Surgeon vs. Kidney Stone. Please wish me (and the doctor) luck.
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No, it isn’t pissable.
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zombimanos · 5 months
- First date with a sufferer of kidney stones -
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gingerjolover · 10 months
your kidney sTILL has a rock in it??
APPARENTLY!!!! I got put on more meds but last night was…. not good so I’m hoping he exits soon!
(yes he is a man, yes my friends and i named him, and yes we hate him)
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beawritingbooks · 4 months
I just passed a kidney stone
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