psygull · 1 year
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Saw (2004)
"No one has taken your kidneys." "How can you tell from way over there?" "Because you'd need to be in terrible agony or you'd be dead by now, trust me."
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kidney-awareness-week · 7 months
REMINDER: Non-consensual kidney donation is illegal!
We know many people forget this, but it’s important! You cannot donate someone’s kidney to yourself for transplants or financial gain. We believe this applies to other organs as well but our specialty is in kidneys so take that with a grain or salt.
How to prevent non-consensual kidney donation:
Never donate someone else’s kidneys for them. Remember, only you can prevent non-consensual kidney donation.
Lock up your kidneys if you’re leaving them unattended. Not only will this stop your kidneys from nefarious activities, but it will make it harder for someone else to access them. You can lock them with an organ key purchased from your local shady dealer of cursed goods.
Learn the signs of kidney abuse. Is someone you’re close to suddenly taking too much of interest in your kidney health? Are they suddenly asking how much your kidneys might sell for? Watch out. Anyone can be a kidney abuser.
Report kidney abuse if you see it. Your friend may be acting fine, but if they’ve been symptoms of lacking kidneys ever since they got their new boyfriend, it’s time to get help.
Make sure all kidneys bought on the blackmarket or donated to kidneology have be ethically sourced.
Stay safe everyone.
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core-bagg · 14 days
1,138 words
Characters: Angus Ciprianni, Matteo Schiavoni (Belongs to @double--hh, check them out they're super cool!!! :3), Dr. W Afton, Oswald Keppler
Trigger warnings: Violence, guns, minor cannibalism, mentions of scars, mentions of stabbing, mentions of organ theft, threating at knife point
Author's note: @double--hh I'm sorry if I wrote Matt out of character, I tried to follow your posts as much as I can. I hope you like this :3
Angus leant on the armrest of the chair, watching his business partner, Matteo, fold his checkered suit into a neat pile. Something caught Angus's eye, there was a new scar on his partner's body, a scar just left above his waist with visible lines coming off it.
Angus: "Another stabbing, ey Matty?" Matteo: "Actually, some parassiti da laboratorio stole it while I was out…Dunno where it went since."
Angus raised an eyebrow as he sat up.
Angus: "What did they look like?" Matteo: "Ginger hair, lavender shirt, small glasses, weird logo on his lab coat sleeve, sembra mezzo morto, why'd you ask, angel?"
Angus gazed on with a determined, enraged and shocked looked. He seen someone with that appearance before. It belonged to Afton's friend. Angus loaded and cocked his gun, his grip on the gun was tight.
Matteo: "Ang-?" Angus: "I just wanna talk to him, amico."
Matteo only stared in confusion as he saw Angus get up from the chair, walk out his front door and march down to where-ever-the-hell the kidney stealer lived with murderous intent, before deciding that it would be a good idea to follow his purple friend.
Meanwhile, Afton and Oswald sat around the latter's wooden dining table. Oswald prodded the kidney with the back of his scalpel. Afton parted the sea of biology books with his hands to talk with his pal.
Afton: "Soooooo, who did you get this from again?" Oswald: "Some guy in a yellow suit passed out in the gay bar. I dragged him to the bathroom, made an cut on his abdomen, jarred the kidney and patched him back up just as he was about to come back to consciousness, Wali." Afton: "Why were you at a gay bar?" Oswald: "I was banned from almost all of the normal bars." Afton: "For what?" Oswald: "Organ theft, why-?"
Angus kicked down the door to Oswald's apartment, causing Afton to jump back in fright. Oswald quickly spun around to face the other duo. Matteo was behind Angus, trying to make sure he didn't do something stupid.
Oswald launched up from his seat and pulled Angus closer, holding the scalpel up to his neck. Anger boiled in Oswald, nobody was going to barge into his apartment, spouting, what was for all he knew or cared, some random voodoo language at him and get away with it. Matteo stared at the unfolding situation, not knowing whether or not to draw his own gun. Afton, on the other hand, was silently panicking, it was rare that he saw Oswald angry and even rarer that he was at a state where he was willing to draw blood. Angus was trying his hardest to not sweat bullets, but Oswald's faux-friendly smile and one-stubbed-toe-away-from-going-postal eyes didn't help it all, not to mention the fact that the scalpel was threating to pierce his skin.
Oswald: "Now then! I'll give you one chance to answer this: What are you doing here? Keep in mind that the penalty for not answering me is to be strapped to my operating table and be dissected while you're awake…And no, there won't be any anesthesia."
Angus would've gulped if there wasn't a blade dangerously close to his throat. He shook his head and scowled at Oswald.
Angus: "I want my partner's kidney back! And, for the record, you're not beating my pervious allegations of you being a complete and utter lunatic."
Oswald scowled back, pressing the scalpel deeper near Angus's throat. Matteo shot in Oswald general direction as a warning, one that put a hole through his drywall. Oswald's eye visibly twitched at the site of the hole before he dropped Angus and glared at Matteo.
Oswald: "Oh sure! Because that's what my klutzy ass needs, more property damage. Thank you! I shall keep the kidney as payment…Gelber Trottel…" Matteo: "Ovviamente lo scienziato pazzo sa parlare tedesco, perché a questo punto perché no… Aspetta, cosa-"
Oswald threw the scalpel at Angus, narrowly missing him as he tried to snatch away the kidney. Matteo rolled his eyes and began shooting. Afton joined the brawl for the kidney. He grabbed the kidney from Angus, used him as a launch pad and attempted to kick Matteo in the chin. Unfortunately for him, Matteo had bones of fucking titanium so Afton broke his foot. Afton used his last moments in the battle to fastball the kidney at Oswald. Oswald, thankfully, caught it. Angus clambered onto Oswald in a attempt to get the kidney off him, Matteo went into the apartment and watched them both from the side to he who'd win. Angus almost had the kidney in his grasp until…
Oswald, in an admittedly gross act of "act now, think later", shoved the kidney into his mouth to the shock of everyone else in the room. A tear welled up in his eye as he choked down the kidney. Angus watched in disbelief as he saw the thing he was fighting two goddamn scientists for get pushed down Oswald's throat. Afton looked like he didn't know whether to either gasp or throw up. Matteo, for some reason, looked so shocked and disgusted that it looped back around to being admiration. Angus got off Oswald and began to walk out of his apartment, dragging Afton behind him.
Angus: "For the record, I'm going to make sure you never live that down Afton."
Matteo and Oswald stared at each other. He began to approach Oswald, towering over him in height. Oswald cowered and raised his hands up to his face to shield himself, expecting the worse…But Matteo laughed and jabbed Oswald in the rib playfully.
Matteo: "Taste good, Doctor?" Oswald: "No, obviously…You might as well head home, there's nothing here for you."
Matteo smirked at the doctor's comment.
Matteo: "Ohoho, that's where you're wrong, gazza zenzero. Vede, sono interessato a toglierle qualcosa dalle mani. Forse mi venderebbe una delle sue scoperte in cambio di un po' di denaro?"
Oswald scowled at Matteo, not understanding a word he said.
Oswald: "Wenn du kein Deutsch sprichst, heißt es Englisch oder verschwinde, Kumpel."
Matteo nodded, he didn't understand all of what Oswald said, but he knew that he didn't speak Italian.
Matteo: "To paraphrase what I said, I would like to buy something off you." Oswald: "What do you want?" Matteo: "You don't happen to have any…Sedaters, do you?"
Oswald went to his medicine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of trichloromethane. He swished the liquid inside it around as he turned to Matteo.
Oswald: "Will this do, big guy?"
Matteo nodded and pulled a $50 bill out of his pocket, handing it to Oswald. Oswald pocketed to bill and bid Matteo goodbye before he was left alone in his apartment.
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
6 Detectives And 1 Civilian Play Never Have I Ever;
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Summary: The Badun Detective Agency plays Never have I ever with Ariel's daughter and Jace's new girlfriend, Elle. What could possibly go wrong? Trigger warnings: mention of organ theft, never have I ever gone wrong, underage drinking, and child endangerment.
This takes place after d3. Hermie is 14. Eddie and Reza are 15. Jace, Yzla, and Harry are 17. I do not own the characters but hey, they're free real estate to expand on in fanfiction since they're practically blank slates so here we go. Also sorry this is terrible.
The warning signs were there long before Elle had even considered inviting her new boyfriend and his friends to spend spring break with her and her family at her uncle's castle in Melody's Tirulia.
They had been there long before the barrier had even been brought down. Back before Jace Badun had ever stepped foot off the isle and into her life. Back when there was just Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos. 
But Elle had paid no mind to it.
Had just brushed off the warning signs. 
Because no isle kid had ever spared a second glance at her before Jace and his friends and Elle had wrongfully done so in turn. Never bothering to read too deep into them and the isle. 
Until she got close to one. 
And even then, the warning signs hadn't raised too much alarm in her mind. 
Something Elle regretted deeply at the moment as she sat on the couch in one of her aunt and uncle's many sitting rooms, entrapped in a game she swore she'd never play again if she could help it. 
“Never have I ever had to save a kid—Hadie, cough, cough—from a horrific death," Eddie called out, leaning back in his chair with a smug grin on his face as the other 5 occupants of the room immediately started protesting. 
" Bullshit !"
"Now I know that's a lie—"
"Don't lie—"
"You totally have—"
"What utter nonsense is this, Edmund—"
Eddie's grin didn't falter "Nu uh! I have not once saved the little dude from any near death experiences. I've just taken him home while we investigated minor cases where we had no fear of being harmed. So drink up, suckers. Me and El are safe for this one."
Jace, Harry, Yzla, and Reza all grumbled, shooting him a glare as they each took a shot. 
Hermie pouted at him, looking betrayed as she followed their friends' lead.
Then it was Harry's turn and he looked vengeful. 
Elle just knew that she wasn't gonna like wherever this was going. And to absolutely no one's surprise, she was right.
'Well, since Eddie wants to be petty.... Never have I ever woken up in an ice bath after getting my kidney stolen."
The room went deathly silent. Looks like Elle wasn't the only one horrified by that one.
"Dude! Not cool! I told you that in confidence!"
"That's what you get for being a smart ass!"
"I cannot believe you—"
“When the FUCK did you lose your kidney?! Why isn’t this in your medical file?!” Jace hissed venomously from where he was sitting beside her, cutting off their bickering. He looked quite a bit like a mad bull at the moment. 
Eddie was quiet for a few minutes. So quiet that Elle thought he wasn’t going to answer. 
But he did—making the situation worse as he did so. 
“Around the same time Harry lost his spleen, I believe.”
Harry squawked in outrage, paling as Jace’s anger was transferred to him. 
“Uh, well. You see… I got stabbed in the wrong place a few years back?“
Steam was practically pouring out of Jace's ears at that point. "And you never thought to mention this?!"
"It didn't seem important!"
"How—you lost a whole ass organ! How the fuck did you think that was not important to mention?!"
"Well it's not like I'm the only person on the team who lost a organ!"
Jace shot Eddie a glare. "I'm well aware of that! And I expect an explanation and updated medical records from both of you! Am I clear?!"
Harry looked like he had swallowed a lemon at that, but didn't argue and Eddie gave a sheepish nod. Both clearly unhappy with the situation. 
"Good. Now that, that's over.." Jace grabbed the bottle of Bourbon that they had been using to pour the shots and chugged it, beyond stressed as Hermie pulled Eddie out of the room—no doubt to have a go at him for not telling her something so important.
Reza was muttering under his breath to Yzla as they looked at something on his phone that he had pulled out sometime during the confrontation and Elle was forgotten in the chaos of it all, like she had grown accustomed to during the years. But this time, it didn't bother her because it allowed for her to shoot off a quick text to the family group chat as well as to the band kid group chat without any of her guests noticing. 
Elle: Never, EVER, EVER play 'Never have I ever' with a group of isle kids. EVER!
Arabella: Why???
Elle: You don't wanna know.
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Chapter 12: Changeling
Word Count: 1108
TWs: Identity theft, food mentions, brief smoking mention
/) /) ( • ༝•)
Monday was grey when Sawyer drove Vanita out of the city and into the suburbs. “What’s the game plan here, Vannie?” He asked as he pulled into the cul-de-sac. 4011 Slate Blue was the very centre house, tall, well-kept, and impressive compared to its rather average neighbours… just like William himself.
“What do you mean?” She answered, checking her reflection in his side mirror. She glanced at him. “You’re not staying, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Where do you expect me to go??”
“We passed a park a few minutes back, go hang out in that parking lot.”
“And look like a total creep??”
They looked at each other. “You’ve got tinted windows. Besides, you’d still be my creep.” She grabbed the back of his head and kissed him.
He cleared his throat as she pulled away. “Good luck…? Is that what I say in this situation?”
“If that’s what helps you sleep at night,” Vanita winked and exited the car. She wore a brown cardigan over a long white dress- both of them having once belonged to Vanessa. She wore her hair down, unsure of what William was expecting. She waited for Sawyer to finally drive off before walking up to the door and ringing the doorbell. The wind fluttered the edge of the dress while she waited. Windchimes jingled in the distance, along with the creaking of a swing. The door opened. William’s once dark red hair had turned grey and streaked with white as time had passed, though it was still as long as it had been in his younger days, pulled into a low ponytail that stopped just before his mid-back. His eyes were the same deep hazel as Vanessa’s.
“Vanessa,” he took her hand. “Please, come inside.”
She let him lead her inside, closing the door behind her. “I’ve never seen your hair so short…”
“Oh! Uhm, yeah… wanted to try something different.”
He led her through a bland hallway… shadows on the walls marked where photographs once hung. The dining room was spacious, brightened by a large bay window facing the backyard. Everything looked pretty and faded, like a photograph from another time… maybe a happier one.
“I made steak and kidney pie, mashed potatoes, gravy, and chips, just the way you like them. Or, liked them, anyhow.”
“Sounds delicious, dad.”
“Yes, I hope you like it… please, sit,” he pulled a chair out for her. Vanita sat. This didn’t feel real. “So… did you ever learn how to drive?”
Vanita shook her head. “No… I had a friend drive me.”
“I hope he isn’t waiting around outside…”
“Oh, no, I told him he didn’t have to stick around… I wasn’t sure how long we’d be talking.”
William nodded, wringing his hands absently. “Well…” He sighed and disappeared into the kitchen, returning with plates and utensils. Vanita made to stand.
“Do you want some help??”
“No, no, you stay put. You’re my guest.” His eyes glimmered sadly. “A-and my daughter. This shouldn’t be as hard as it’s making itself out to be.” He went back into the kitchen, this time returning with the food, warm and smelling amazing, as well as a water pitcher.
“It’s been a long time,” Vanita admitted. “Things are bound to be… rusty.” She laughed softly.
“I suppose you’re right.” He poured the water and sat down. “Where do I start…? How’s work, what are you doing?”
“Well, I think you’d be interested to know I’ve been working at Freddy Fazbear’s Mega PizzaPlex for the past three years.”
William paused in cutting himself a piece of pie, staring at her. “Really?”
“Yeah, I’m a daytime security guard. Surprise,” she did understated jazz hands to emphasise the news.
“Oh. Yes, that does seem like you.” He directed his attention back to the pie. Uh oh. Vanita could immediately tell this wasn’t something William had wanted to hear and attempted to backtrack.
“What’ve you been up to?”
William smiled crookedly. “The animatronics business is still booming, but otherwise, I’m mostly retired.”
“That sounds good!”
“Heh. Yes, it is… retirement’s made a hermit of me, unfortunately. Nobody knows the name William Afton anymore, it’s just ‘the rich neighbour,’ now. The widower.”
Vanita frowned. I know your name! “I’m sure that’s not true. Somebody out there still admires your work.”
“It’s a nice thought. How’s the pie?”
“And the chips?”
“Just how I remember,” Vanita lied with a bright smile. This felt so normal. Like when Ray Whicker was still in her life.
“I’m glad.” He took a sip of his water, “Does your mother know you’re here?”
She shook her head. “No, she wouldn’t understand.”
William nodded in solemn agreement. “I’m glad to see you’ve overcome those ghastly rumours. If it wasn’t for that tragedy, I wouldn’t have stepped down… this ‘PizzaPlex’ could’ve been mine. And twice what it is today.”
Vanita was briefly distracted as he spoke. Goosebumps rose on her skin. He’s a better liar than I am. “Why don’t you come back?”
“Ah, my name might be forgotten, but those events will never die, along with the falsities associated with them.” He met her gaze. “Besides, don’t you think it’d be a bit embarrassing, having your old man as your superior?”
“Not at all, I’d be proud to have you back at Freddy’s!”
The confusion on William’s face had Vanita mentally scrambling. “I mean… alright, I know our relationship hasn’t been great, but I get it now. I have the utmost respect for the niche you carved out for yourself. I just wish I had known better back then, so I could enjoy the success with you…”
A laugh slowly bubbled up from William as he finished his portion of the meal. “I knew you’d come around one day, butterfly. Maybe I can pull some strings and make you CEO instead.”
But that’s not what I want. “No, I couldn’t accept it… a-all I want is more time like this. Catching up, making new memories. Bonding.”
He stood and began clearing off the table. “If that’s what you want, then you’re always welcome to come back home.”
“I love you, dad,” Vanita blurted out as she helped take the dishes back into his kitchen. “I’m sorry I ever held any animosity toward you.”
“Oh, Vanessa, don’t make your old man cry,” William choked out before holding out his arms. She practically rushed into them, embracing him tightly. He squeezed back. They stood there for a long moment before William began to sniff, pulling back slowly and suspiciously.
“What, what is it??” Vanita asked, already missing the comfort his arms had brought her.
“Is that cigarette smoke??”
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currentmediasstuff · 2 years
Medak custodial death: Why did cops pay hospital bills, burn documents, asks Qadeer’s wife
However, Qadeer was kept behind bars for at least five days and beaten up.
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MEDAK: With each passing day, Medak police are finding themselves in deep trouble with regard to the death of Md Qadeer. People from different sections of society have been vehemently condemning the police for allegedly beating up the victim so ruthlessly that he succumbed later in a hospital.
Even as the Medak police have maintained that they are not responsible for Qadeer’s death, they have not been able to convincingly answer the questions being raised by the victim’s family members. The way police handled the entire case has also put a question mark on the ‘friendly policing policy’ of the State government.
After the suspension of four cops — Medak town CI Madhu, SI Rajasekhar, and Constables Prashanth and Pawan Kumar — on Sunday, the victim’s family member demanded that criminal cases be registered against them. It may be mentioned here that a case of chain snatching was registered in Medak town on January 27. On suspicion of his involvement in the case, Qadeer was detained on January 29. As per the protocol, if a person is detained, police are supposed to produce him in court and seek remand or release the detainee if his involvement is not established.
However, Qadeer was kept behind bars for at least five days and beaten up. Instead of releasing him, on February 3, the police handed him over to his wife Siddeshwari after having her sign a bind-over order by the Medak tahsildar.
“He (Qadeer) was beaten up so badly that his kidneys were damaged,” Siddeshwari said.As his condition worsened, the police admitted him to a private hospital in Medak and paid bills worth Rs 2 lakh. “If the police had nothing to do with it as they claim, why did they admit him to a private hospital and pay for his treatment,” she asked.
On February 17, as he showed no signs of recovery, doctors referred him to Gandhi Hospital in Hyderabad for advanced treatment. Even that could not save Qadeer. He finally passed away on Friday morning.
‘Send police to jail’
Siddeshwari further alleged that while bringing the body back to Medak, the police changed ambulances twice and also burned some documents. “If Medak police are not responsible for Qadeer’s death, they must explain why they had to change the ambulance to shift the body. They must also answer what documents did they burn and why they did it,” said a furious Siddeshwari.
Medak residents are wondering why criminal cases haven’t been filed against the errant cops yet. “It has already been established that police were responsible for Qadeer’s death. Suspension is not enough. Those responsible must be sent to jail,” said a local resident.
Meanwhile, Civil Rights Association president Prof G Laxman, secretary Prof Narayana and advocate Bhupathi visited the victim’s family on Monday. They collected information about the case and demanded that the accused policemen be booked under Section 302 of IPC.
They also demanded compensation of Rs 1 crore for the victim’s family and a government job for his wife. Qadeer, who worked as a daily wage labourer, is survived by his wife and two children.
HC takes TNIE report as sou moto petition
The High Court on Monday took suo moto writ petition on the basis of a news article published in The New Indian Express under the headline “Death of theft accused in police custody”. The matter is scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday.
The TNIE report said that Mohammed Qadeer, a daily-wage worker, had died due to alleged Medak police torture in custody on January 27 during interrogation in an alleged theft case. The Chief Secretary, Principal Secretary (Home), DPG, Superintendent of Police, Medak district, and the SHO of Medak police station are named respondents in the petition.
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longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
Arkham Files: Peek-a-Boo
Hugo Strange:  From the patient files of Dr. Hugo Strange, director of Arkham Asylum. Patient: Lashawna Baez, alias Peek-a-Boo. Patient suffers from Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Session One. Hello, Miss Baez. How are you doing? 
Peek-a-Boo: Why do you care? I’m a Rogue, remember? Just lock me up and throw away the key. That’s what Keystone did. 
Hugo Strange: I wasn’t aware you were a member of the Rogues, Miss Baez. Your file suggests that you always work alone. 
Peek-a-Boo: Not a Rogue as in the Rogues. A Rogue as in a costumed criminal. 
Hugo Strange: I see. (Pause) I understand that you’re a metahuman, Miss Baez. Would you care to elaborate on that? 
Peek-a-Boo: I can teleport. Unfortunately, every time I do it, it causes a localized explosion. I was hoping to be able to overcome it, and maybe even use it in my career as a doctor, but a year after I entered medical school, dad’s kidneys started to fail. My mom had died of lung cancer when I was six, and I don’t have siblings, so I had to take care of him by myself. After awhile, it became too much for me to balance my classes with taking care of Dad. Dad wanted me to stay in school, because he had been so proud of me for being the first member of our family to go to college, but I couldn’t just leave him alone at home. What if he got really sick when I wasn’t home? So I dropped out. I tried everything to get him a new kidney, but we were poor and black, so we kept getting pushed back on the list. After a couple years, it was pretty clear that dad was never getting his kidney, so I made the really stupid decision to take the kidney by force. I knew that it was wrong, but I convinced myself that I’d been wronged first, and that that justified what I was about to do. The Flash-Wally West, not Barry Allen-stopped me. I’m pretty sure he thought I’d get community service or something, seeing as I didn’t have any previous criminal record, but because I was a metahuman, I got sent to Iron Heights instead. 
Hugo Strange: If that’s the case, Miss Baez, why is your record so extensive? Your files list several thefts prior to your arrest for the attempted kidney theft. 
Peek-a-Boo: That…that was Warden Wolfe. When the Flash learned that I’d been sent to Iron Heights, he tried to get me out, but as soon as I was put into Iron Heights’ system, Wolfe had my records altered so that he could justify keeping me in Iron Heights with the other “metahuman freaks”. Wally’s been trying to prove what he’s done ever since, but it hasn’t done any good. Nobody in power cares about what happens to a metahuman criminal-especially not a poor, black one. I’m just another superpowered thug now. 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Desmond mentioned that metahuman inmates are kept in a separate wing of the prison called the Pipeline. Were you housed there, Miss Baez? 
Peek-a-Boo: Up until I got moved here, yeah. 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Desmond alleged that prisoners in the Pipeline are regularly beaten. Is that accurate, Miss Baez? 
Peek-a-Boo: W-will this interview get back to Warden Wolfe? 
Hugo Strange: I’m going to take that as confirmation that Mr. Desmond’s allegations are true. 
Peek-a-Boo: Don’t say anything, Dr. Strange! If Warden Wolfe finds out that we complained, things’ll get even worse for us when we get sent back to Iron Heights! 
Hugo Strange: Miss Baez, I promise you that I have no intention of ever allowing you to be sent back into the clutches of this Warden Wolfe. What he has done to you in unconscionable. 
Peek-a-Boo: You…you believe me? 
Hugo Strange: Of course I believe you, Miss Baez. For one thing, your records from your time as a medical student were not particularly compatible with the idea of you having multiple previous arrests. And for another, the fact that you managed to escape Iron Heights in order to see your dying father, but did not use your powers to escape in order to free yourself or to commit more crimes also would not make much sense for a habitual offender. For these reasons, I was already skeptical of your criminal record. Hearing your explanation simply reinforced what I suspected from the start. (Pause) And, having interviewed numerous costumed criminals, Miss Baez, I can say with confidence that you do not strike me as the type who is likely to become a habitual offender. You have more than paid your debt to society for your attempted theft of the kidney, and I will do everything in my power to see that you are released from Arkham Aslyum as soon as possible. 
Peek-a-Boo: (Surprised) Really? You will? 
Hugo Strange: I will, Miss Baez. 
Peek-a-Boo: Thank you, Dr. Strange. I…I don’t know how much luck you’ll have, but I appreciate the thought anyway. 
Hugo Strange: You are quite welcome, my dear. (Pause) While you’re here, would you mind answering a few more questions for me? 
Peek-a-Boo: I guess not. What do you want to know? 
Hugo Strange: First, I am curious as to how Roscoe Dillon, one of the most powerful metahumans in the Central/Keystone area, has avoided being locked up in the Pipeline. Mr. Desmond claims that it is because of his known mental illness, but if Warden Wolfe was willing to fudge records to keep you in the Pipeline, I would think he would be even more willing to fudge records in order to keep control over someone who threatened to blow up half the world, while in the grip of a manic episode or otherwise. 
Peek-a-Boo: Actually, the Top hasn’t avoided the Pipeline entirely. 
Hugo Strange: He hasn’t? 
Peek-a-Boo: No. You see, after I had been in Iron Heights for a couple of weeks, Warden Wolfe heard that someone was going to interview me. In the hopes of convincing me not to talk to them, he ordered the Pipeline guards to put me in the cell with “the lunatic”, and they shoved me into a filthy padded cell with a large, muscular man. He had these really unsettling glowing green eyes, and I thought for sure that he would attack me, but he didn’t. Instead, he just looked at me curiously and went back to muttering to himself. Over the next couple of days, his hygiene started deteriorating rapidly…and by the end of the week, he tried to hang himself with his straitjacket. I’m still not really sure how he got it off, but somehow he did, and if I hadn’t called for the guards, he would’ve died. Luckily, one of the guards was Correctional Officer Morrison, who always treated us well. He never participated in the beatings, and he always tried to make sure that we were healthy. When he took the Top to the infirmary and found out about his Bipolar Disorder, he was furious and told Warden Wolfe that if he didn’t move him out of the Pipeline immediately, he would quit. He said that he wasn’t going to be responsible for someone committing suicide. Warden Wolfe got mad, but because Officer Morrison is really good at his job, he had to agree to let the Top go. Officer Morrison tried to help me, too, but because I didn’t have any previously diagnosed mental illnesses, he wasn’t able to get me moved out of the Pipeline. 
Hugo Strange: That sounds as though it would have been incredibly traumatic. 
Peek-a-Boo: It was. I had nightmares about him trying to hang himself for months afterwards. (Pause) And it didn’t exactly help that Warden Wolfe had some of the other guards give me the worst beating of my life a few days afterwards. Apparently, since he hadn’t been able to scare me into agreeing not to be interviewed, he decided to physically prevent me from being able to be interviewed to make sure that I stayed put. 
Hugo Strange: That is despicable. I understand that a warden sometimes needs to be strict in order to maintain order in a prison, but that does not excuse the abuse of prisoners, especially not first-time offenders and the mentally ill. Rest assured that I will do everything in my power to see Warden Wolfe removed from power. 
Peek-a-Boo: Good luck with that. He’s got ties to the D.A. and the mayor’s office. The Flashes, Iris West, Linda Park, and a couple civil rights lawyers have been trying to remove him from power for over two years now, and still haven’t gotten anywhere. It’s hopeless. 
Hugo Strange: (Concerned) Miss Baez, have you had trouble with sleeping or eating recently? 
Peek-a-Boo: Yes. I haven’t slept properly since I was sent to Iron Heights, and I haven’t had much of an appetite since I watched the Top try to kill himself. 
Hugo Strange: Have you had any panic attacks in the last six months, Miss Baez? 
Peek-a-Boo: Except for the nightmares, which mostly stopped a few weeks after that really awful beating, no. My anxiety’s been through the roof since my father first got sick, though. All I can think about some days is about the bad things that could happen to me or to people I care about. 
Hugo Strange: I see. And have you experienced feelings of persistent sadness, worthlessness, or hopelessness? 
Peek-a-Boo: Now that you mention it…yes. I…I haven’t felt happy since my father got sick, and once he passed away….some days I almost wish that I had died, too. (Pause) Sometimes I think that maybe the Top had the right idea when he tried to kill himself. Once a metahuman is convicted of a crime, their life is over. 
Hugo Strange: (Alarmed) Are you planning to kill yourself, Miss Baez? 
Peek-a-Boo: No. I don’t think I could actually go through with something like that. (Pause) It’s just…I don’t see how things will ever get better for me. I know you want to help me, and I really appreciate it, but Warden Wolfe is too powerful. You’ll never be able to get me out of his grasp, and he’ll certainly never let me go. 
Hugo Strange: Miss Baez, I will forge the necessary paperwork needed to have you committed to Arkham Asylum before I will send you back to that sadist. Your Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder have been severely worsened by your stay in Iron Heights, and if you are sent back there, I dread to think what might happened. It was only through your quick thinking and a stroke of good luck that Mr. Dillon was saved from his attempted suicide. Who would save you? 
Peek-a-Boo: I…I really appreciate your concern for me, Dr. Strange. But I don’t want you to get into trouble for me. I’m not worth it. It’s my own fault that I ended up in Iron Heights. 
Hugo Strange: While I don’t disagree that your decision to steal a kidney was reckless and foolhardy, it was also the action of a desparate young woman who wanted to save her father’s life. You would never have become a habitual criminal, and the fact that you were sent to Iron Heights solely because of your metahuman powers was a miscarriage of justice…to say nothing of the abuse you were given once you arrive there. You are not a hardened criminal by any stretch of the imagination, and you do not belong in Iron Heights. 
Peek-a-Boo: That’s what Wally said, too, but even with all his power, he couldn’t get me away from Warden Wolfe. What makes you think you can? Hugo Strange: Unlike the misguided Mr. West, I am not a vigilante. As such, I have an extensive amount of experience of working within the law, and that experience will allow me to beat Warden Wolfe at his own game. Miss Baez, I swear to you that I will keep you safe and help you recover from your illness. All you need do is trust me. 
Peek-a-Boo: All right, Dr. Strange. I…I trust you.
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Soulmate September - Day 16
Day 16 - When your soulmate listens to music or is singing, you hear it in your own head as well. (Songfic, Crazy = Genius by PATD)
Pairing(s): Romantic Intrulogical, Ambiguous/Romantic Analomus, Background Roceit [the Janus part is ambiguous but whatever], Familial Logicality, Familial Virremile, Background Remile [again hinted]
TWs: swearing, sexual themes [light but they’re there], makeouts, Remus being Remus, drunken behaviour, pyromania, vomiting [not graphic just mentioned]
“Either of you pyros got a lighter I can borrow?”
Logan sighed, not making much in the way of eye contact with the emo sitting in the cell next to him and his soulmate. He dug into his jean pocket and lazily tossed the lighter to the boy clad in so much black and purple he looked like the sapient embodiment of a bruise.
“Keep it.”
“Oh. You sure? This is a pretty sweet lighter-”
“I insist.”, Logan groaned, running his hands down his face, “It’s not like I’ll be needing it ever again after this.”
From beside Logan, Remus slung his arm to the side, flopping it about limply to swat at his soulmate, “Shuddafuckup”, he slurred, hauling himself upright from his slumped over position, “S’gonna be fiiiine. Roman said he’d bail us oooouuuut, so fuckin’ chill-”
“Your brother told you last week that he would give us a ride to Dairy Queen but instead he was too fucking busy getting to third base with his boyfriend!!”, Logan snapped. Ugh, he would regret that in the morning. He ran his hands through his hair anxiously slicking it back. How had the night gone wrong so fast?...
‘You can set yourself on fire! You can set yourself on fire!’
Logan wasn’t sure what it was about the glowing ember embrace of a flame that drew him in toward it like a moth with a death wish, but as he allowed his soulmate Remus to haul his ass towards their usual hangout with the promise of some pretty choice items to burn, he found that he couldn't care less.
As he approached the overpass with his soulmate chugging a whole half a bottle of tequila without blinking, Logan wondered how he ever survived before without this whirlwind in human form.
‘She said at night in my dreams
You dance on a tightrope of weird
Oh but when I wake up you're so normal that you just disappear
You're so straight like commuters with briefcases towing the line
There's no residue of a torturer inside your of eyes’
“Check it the fuck out, babe! Did I bring the goods or what?”, Remus grinned nearly as brightly as the shine on the rather expensive looking crimson car - he guessed it might have been a Mercedes, but car brands all looked the same to him really - parked under the overpass. Logan didn’t have a particular favourite item to burn, but when Remus walked over in his lime green hoodie that barely covered his black leather shorts and fishnets to pose seductively on top of the hood? Logan hadn’t wanted to incinerate anything more in his life.
“You… How on Earth did you come by this?!”, he ran his hand along the curve of the hood, unashamedly letting his hand roam over Remus’ thigh. 
His soulmate hummed, leaning in to steal a kiss, murmuring softly against Logan’s lips, “If I told you I might’ve hotwired it just this afternoon? Is that a turn off or a turn on?”
Goddamn him, Remus knew just how to speak right to Logan’s soul.
“The latter, and you know it.”, Logan all but growled into their kiss.
‘She said you're just like Mike
Love but you wanna be Brian Wilson, Brian Wilson
Said you're just like Mike
Love but you'll never be Brian Wilson’
In the back of his mind, Logan did wonder what his father and morally conscious little brother would think; if they knew he snuck out to satisfy his pyromania, make out with his feral cryptid of a boyfriend, and engaged in petty acts of vandalism and thievery from time to time. What would Thomas and Patton think of their stoic, orderly son and big brother who - instead of studying for his undergraduate degree in astrophysics - would rather spend the night getting dangerous and dirty alongside his soulmate who had literally just admitted to auto theft  to acquire a ridiculously expensive car for him to burn?
The thought was there for all of two seconds until Remus’ tongue licking into his mouth banished it away. The only thot he needed tonight was the one driving him crazy with a kiss alone.
‘And I said (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius
Then I'm a fucking arsonist (hey)
I'm a rocket scientist (hey hey)
(Hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey)
You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna burn, burn, burn (hey ay)
You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna learn, learn, learn hey!’
Knowing they came here for a reason, Logan reluctantly ended their makeout session and grabbed for his trusted blue lighter.
“How full is the gas tank?”, Logan made sure to ask, popping open the door to the driver’s side to see what was left in the car. Might as well keep anything worth selling.
“Not sure.”, Remus shrugged, twirling the keys around his finger excitedly while he finished off their first bottle of the night, “Wanna help me make sure there’s nothing left?”
‘She said darlin' you know
How the wine plays tricks on my tongue
But you don't seem to change when you stuff all of
your feelings with drugs
Other boys you may have dated serrated your heart with a slice
But the cut of your love never hurts baby, it's a sweet butter knife’
Logan wasn’t sure how Remus managed to look even more majestic every time he looked at him, but as he clung tight to the hand rest above the passenger window while his soulmate pulled off his sixteenth donut in a row, all he could think about was how lucky he was to have him. Like a trickle of water turning into a river, Logan recognised the beginning of Na Na Na starting to play in his head. Of course. He knew Remus well enough by now to know that was coming. The humming under his soulmate’s breath also gave it away somewhat. 
While Remus kept trying to empty the tank, Logan couldn’t help but feel nostalgia for their first meeting; Remus’ older brother Roman had asked Logan to stand in for the theatre department’s regular dramaturge when Logan began to hear the beginnings of Avenue Q’s The Internet Is For Porn begin to invade his mind. Luckily for him, it hadn’t taken long for Remus to saunter over and try to flirt with him, humming the exact tune Logan had been hearing the whole time.
From there, they’d begun dating though it took a good few months before Logan would join Remus in his fantastical ramblings. He lamented on how he felt trapped by a father who meant well but expected so much from him, how stifled he felt having to be a role model to his living marshmallow of a little brother. How Logan just wanted the fun, exhilaration of doing something extreme for a change.
With Remus’ encouragement, Logan opened up about his pyromaniac tendencies which his soulmate was 110% onboard with. Ever since, the underpass had become their dirty, out of the way, graffiti scarred home away from home. Where Logan could indulge the urge to burn away his stresses and lose himself in Remus’ mantra of doing whatever the fuck they wanted.
‘She said you're just like Mike
Love but you wanna be Brian Wilson, Brian Wilson
Said you're just like Mike
Love but you'll never be Dennis Wilson’
With the car finally seemingly out of gas as it shuddered to a stop, Remus fluidly slid out of the open window - you know, like a normal functional human being - and slid across the hood of the car to open the door for Logan, “Alright, time for this bitch to burn!”
Logan was more than happy to get down to the main event after doing a last quick sweep of the car. All he’d found worth keeping was the planet shaped air freshener; so sue him, the sweet scent of mixed berries was delightful. Whipping out his lighter, Logan escorted Remus a safe distance away and pulled out the hairspray he’d swiped from his room earlier. He aimed the spray towards the car - making sure it wasn’t against the wind or pointed back at himself, he preferred to keep his eyebrows, thanks - and watched as the plume of fire engulfed the car’s seat cover. 
Crackling flames. Straining metal. Hissing fabric burning to a plastic like mess. It was a symphony and Logan was it’s conductor.
With his boyfriend wrapping his arms around his shoulders, Logan tilted to kiss him once more as the heat of the fire caressed their skin. Remus’ eyes never once left Logan, seeing his soulmate delight in an act of pure mindless vandalism, watching the way Logan looked truly free, sent his heart racing. In compliment, Logan turned back to Remus, grinning already at the shades of orange and yellow that painted his handsome features. He always thought Remus was at his most beautiful that way.
‘And I said (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius
Then I'm a fucking arsonist (hey)
I'm a rocket scientist (hey hey)
(Hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey)
You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna burn, burn, burn (hey ay)
You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna learn, learn, learn hey!’
Logan couldn’t tell you what happened next; one minute the two of them were watching the flames while his soulmate continued his campaign to destroy his kidneys with alcohol, the next Remus was sitting in his lap leaving hickeys all over his neck while Logan let his hands roam around under Remus’ hoodie. In the back of his mind, Logan could make out the beginning of a song he didn’t recognise at first, but as the lyrics kicked in, he let out a breathy chuckle. Of course, trust Remus to pick a thematic piece of music for the night’s events. As the song got louder - and Remus marked him more needily - Logan found he rather liked the song. He’d have to ask Remus what it was called later.
‘You can set yourself on fire (hey)
You can set yourself on fire (hey)
You can set yourself on fire (hey)
You can set yourself on fire’
The next thing either of them knew, there was a vague clattering noise followed by a  thunderous metallic bang. Followed by another, then another. One after another for a total of seven times before it finally quieted down. No music, no bang, just the fire crackling away. Thoroughly shaken, Remus and Logan untangled themselves from each other, the former demanding all too loudly, “What the creme fresh fuck was that?!”
“I-! I have no idea-”, Logan began. There wasn’t anything that would’ve done that inside the car, he’d checked. However, as he rounded the car, giving the flames a wide berth, Logan noticed someone laying on the ground on the other side of the car; dressed in a dark, patchy hoodie and ripped jeans, a plume of purple dyed frizzy hair poking out from the hood. He looked like your run of the mill emo. For a second, Logan was worried he and Remus would have to dispose of a body, but fortunately the young man groaned and began to sit up. To his side, Logan winced at a metallic glint blinding his vision.
The spray can doing so had clearly rolled out of the bag full of other cans, all in different colours. At least now Logan could put a face to the rather beautiful graffiti that tattooed the underpass as well as what had exploded in the fire as he noted the burst open paint cans under the car.
“Are you alright? What the hell happened?”, Logan questioned firmly, though he knew the disoriented emo on the ground likely couldn’t answer right away. He assumed from the way the young man rubbed the back of his head that he’d taken a rather nasty fall. The anxious artist seemed to remember exactly where he was, eyes blown wide in fear, 
“Dude, get outta here quick-”
“There he is!”
Three officers rushed towards the two of them prompting the emo and Logan to make a break for it, being sure not to run into the inferno. Remus pretty quickly got the idea and joined the two of them. It seemed neither of the three of them knew exactly where they were trying to run to, but a silent, unspoken agreement saw them all heading for the same direction. Looking back on it, Logan wondered if parting ways and heading for his car with Remus could’ve at least seen them with a better chance of getting away. 
But hindsight is a bitch that wakes up seven hours late and didn’t even bother to bring Starbucks. 
‘And I said (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius
Then I'm a fucking arsonist (hey)
I'm a rocket scientist (hey hey)
(Hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey)’
Before long, all Logan could hear was his sneakers scraping the ground and his own breathing competing against his heartbeat to dominate his ears. The urge to stop and breathe was intense but it felt as though doing just that would send the world crashing down around them. 
Of course, prolonged exercise and a stomach full of alcohol wasn’t the best combination. 
“‘M gonna fuckin’ puke-!”, Remus huffed, trying to cover his mouth with his hand. 
“Just hold on, Remus, we’re-!”
Logan watched in horror as his soulmate stopped to empty his stomach, unintentionally doing so in a way that blocked off the hoodie clad young man trying his best to keep up.
“Ah sHIT-!”
He didn’t need to look back; the clattering of the satchel, the mutual yelps of surprise and pain, Logan kept running even as two of the officers apprehended his soulmate and the hooded lad. The guilt would catch up to Logan before the third officer did, or it would have if he didn’t mistime his turning around the next corner only to end up nearly getting run over. How poetic; from making out on a car hood to being cuffed against one. Had Remus not been busy insulting the officers’ mothers rather colourfully, Logan theorised he would’ve no doubt made some innuendo about it.
Exhausted from their chase and thoroughly cuffed, all Logan could do was let himself be loaded into the back of the cop car with Remus and the anxious emo.
‘You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna burn, burn, burn (hey ay)
You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna learn, learn, learn hey!’ 
“Mmm… Logan, can you-”, Remus burped a little too wetly for it not to make Logan feel as queasy as Remus looked, “Can you stroke my hair? Pleeeeeease?”
Sighing in that playful kind of annoyance only true love can allow, Logan did as asked. The night may wind up with him being harshly reprimanded by his father and possibly losing his come-and-go privileges, but at least for now he had Remus.
“...... I’m sorry.”, came the rough voice of the emo in the cell next to theirs, “You both wouldn’t be stuck here if it wasn’t for me.”
Remus just gave a dismissive grunt in reply while Logan assured their cell companion, “While you may have led the police to us, I doubt our proclivity for fiery vandalism would’ve kept going undetected forever.”, he looked the emo up and down, “Might I ask,...?”
“Virgil,”, Logan repeated, “Might I ask how you ended up stumbling across us?”
Virgil shrugged, “I’ve been painting the underpass for years. Pretty much everything down there’s something I’ve done.”. 
He chewed the inside of his cheek, “I had a shitty night so I came down to paint something when I walked in on you two getting all ‘friendly’,”, he airquoted, “So I went to go home but I got stopped by an officer and started panicking. So I just…. ran.”
His posture curled a little while he twirled Logan’s lighter between his fingers in a stimming action, “Then I realised I was way too fucking close to the fire and I blacked out.”, Virgil embarrassedly pulled his hood up, “Fire scares the shit outta me, always has. Next thing I knew, I woke up with you staring at me. You both know the rest.”
Logan nodded quietly. It really did fill in a few gaps, “I can’t blame you for not wanting to stick around. I do apologise that we inadvertently ruined your night.”
Virgil shrugged, “Eh, it’s alright, it’s just gonna suck having to have my dads bail me out again. Not that dad would mind but pops will probably gimme another lecture about ‘unhealthy coping habits’ again....”
At that, they sat for the most part in silence. Then that song began to trickle into Logan’s brain again. As nice as it had been in accompaniment to their antics before, Logan found it almost grating now. He sighed and gently nudged Remus, 
“Logan, babe,”, Remus groaned, beating him to the punch, “Can you fuckin’ give it a rest with the music? M’fuckin’ head hurts.”
“....But you’re the one who’s been thinking about that song, right!?”, Logan’s concern was obvious. Remus caught on as well.
“No!? I thought it was you!?”, he sloppily hauled himself onto Logan’s lap, pressing their foreheads together, “Issokay babe, I won’t let-”, he stifled a burp though it did nothing to save Logan from Remus’ drunken breath, “Won’t let fate change our soul bond! I’ll fuckin- I’ll whip out my brain surgery skills right here if I gotta-”
“Remus!”, Logan sternly held him back a little, “Calm down, let’s just try and think rationally, okay!?”
“.... Have you ever MET me, you stupid sexy science bitch?”, Remus cackled at the alliteration.
“Please be serious for once.”, Logan sighed, fixing his glasses in a self calming gesture, “Do you know the name of the song in your head?”
“Yeah, iss fuckin’ um...”, Remus clicked his fingers in thought, trying to place it, “S’fuckin Scream In The Club, or some shit who sings it...”
“..... You mean, Panic At The Disco?”, came Virgil’s voice from the neighbouring cell.
Remus pointed dramatically, “THATS THE BITCH!”. He put his fist to his chest to stifle another burp, instead taking a second to turn and spit out some of the awful taste on his tongue, “Fuckin’... the lyrics were like…. “You can set yourself-””
“- On fire?!”, Virgil finished, looking rather interested in the conversation now.
Logan nodded between the two of them, “Yes, that’s the same opening line I remember. Virgil, I take it you’re familiar with the song?”
“Well yeah, and I’ll do you one better. Uh,....”, he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “I’ve had that song stuck in my head all night.”
Remus and Logan shared a look of shock. Could Virgil really be their soulmate? It would explain the times when they would hear music that didn’t seem to line up with each other’s tastes. Before Logan could propose a test, Remus was way ahead of him; he rolled his eyes as the music flooded into his skull. 
Virgil brightened up, “Ashnikko, huh? Good choice-”
“HOLY SHIT, LOGAN, WE GOT-! WE GOT ANOTHER ONE!!”, Remus screeched, wriggling excitedly in Logan’s lap, almost causing his boyfriend to drop him.
“Indeed.”, Logan sighed fondly as he tried to get Remus to sit back down on the bench instead of his lap, “So now you better call Roman and see if he can bail us ALL out..”
... I know I won’t probably be able to catch up but hell with it, I love some of the prompt ideas, I’ll just stop tagging the blog if I run over at this point.
A big thanks to @accidental-sanders for the idea for this one, it was really fun to do.
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account   @cateye-glasses   @fandomsofrandom
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glopratchet · 4 years
n the world to come there is little sin There are just lots of american alligators It was a great idea, but it wasn't long before people started getting burned by their own fires The prediatrain movement caught fire in america The demand for american alligator meat skyrocketed and so did the price People began to get greedy and the greed got them killed You see no reason why this can't happen here too Whorals where burned to ash while polled hereford heifors fetched record prices at market that week The cows have returned to the farms and other prey animals make their homes in unused warehouses Over a billion dollars a head in auction sales! It'll take the world a few years to bleed the remaining American Alligators and it'll take a few more before there come reports of theft Googizon won the bid to construct for the military the most forward thinking alligator farm in existance All eggs used today bear the GoogZon prf mark It currently floats near the okeenokee snow swamp Or so it will say on their website No one believes it This is not that story "Come on Al, it's the target! " the tech yells as you take fire and hit the pavement We are primal ponds inc a predatory company, head quartered at number ten prime avenue And you are Al Brutal leads rank 3 for said company A small mom and pop alligator farm attemping to make it And you're casing it "We don't have sufficient evidence! " You yell back We need you to make deliveries for us When your territory was hoisted upon you you had a team It's gone, lost You have no one Please Point of view of the player: You wake up with a mean hang over and a thick head ache in the dark A delivery champion You will drive through the night to a swamp and break through glitched out gates is a lowly position He had a secert life as billy fea fbots navigator And one more thing He had to have known about his bugs Maybe all saltimbanques are fots dead ones or not but he googled it It turns out no one has made a crappy real time virtual reality game dedicated to About a dozen years before your time, digital reality came out billy fortes navigator yet Delivering dragon tail in the far, far, future or you could kill the bugs, sharpen your tusks, drink your vodka and hang out with the hardcore otters Maybe that needs to change You push "N" to climax the degrading disk and send it out into nothing We proudly introduce today drum roll please Doesn't anyone play regular instruments any more? Alligator delivery service A darkness awash light breaks through the windows and washes over you The door slams open and a deliverywoman walks in your office The alligator farm where the gator are delivered is currently under hostile takeover Trouble in the bandit managed quarry has led to good business for here A series of construction tasks allow you to flood the market with new affordable alligator meat and pelts You bring in your first load of revenue Already we own over four over ten foot alligators a buzzard and a vat of swamp water Let's throw ourselves a party and watch as they exterminate your future competition Including rex lex, your prime suspect Five years seems like enough time for our boys in blue to put the pain on old rex A massive 14 foot beast with jaws that could crush cars float in your tank You're out of coffee and are jittery as hell Each on is incredibly detailed with over twenty bioligocail parts like an engineers wet dream THey have nothing else worth mentioning, jsut huge predatory monsters that will sell for a bundle Part one of this weeks training pick up a nearly dead gator out the tank and work with it over time to tame it Part two Part thee no wait Part five Part four Lum rex overfished the river and died before we could get our hands on it use the dead rex to harvest collagen The only thing it's good for something, something That's it for this week folks Let's prepare today's shipment Part six bio-diesel Part seven shoot some folks in the face! wait wrong game Part eight Looks like we're gonna spend our earnings wher else but here oh yeah, No employee raises we're shorting titanium Gold doing amazing things with Bridge and tunnel construction in NYC Part nine THe alligator lays in the mud lifeless after taking multiple assaults from your shovel The alligator drops and lands with a heavy thud Part ten capitilize on new changes We all help load the alligator onto the semi As you secure it, Coming next fall We are currently broadcasting their vital signs over at americanalligator They're in a glass reinforced steel container welded under the deck xyz The accelerator and brake are under the dashboard Our alligators come in many different sizes, each perfect for their own uses We currently have a large supply of eggs that will be ready to "harvest" in about ten years Ages, shapes, sexes and shades are represented over our entire roster of workers They all have cute baby faces, cold reptilian eyes and maws full of razor teeth The like to eat, sleep, dream, and spawn but don't speak our language or one anothers They're sensitive to movement and bright lights but that's it They love to fight and gossip and spread allegiences through body language and scent We created them using centuries old processes, updated from breeding techniques pioneered by the USSR to create super soldiers The algorytms which run each alligator is closely modeled after the human brain and all it's decisions making pathways This allows each alligator to learn and rationalize After the habits of the real world reptile, alligator missippissus extended lenghts and agility are full 360 Their lungs breath and thier hearts beat just like yours Similar organs replaced with robotic parts replace hollow bones They bleed real blood and molt just like the real things Orders for gator teeth are starting to accumulate and folks just love those mugs hand painted with an engraving of the Holy Rood, it's such a conversation piece! Our desire is to create an expierence which leaves you dripping in the hair, blood, offal and oil of adead reptile From the feeling of utter terror and awe as you combat one of these unpredicatable beasts The thrill of the hunt as you dispatch one of these creatures, the feeling of being a great hunter Alligator delivery service in addition to gator tail, hide, meat and eggs available Please allow around 8 weeks for your tail ordered to be ready for pickup We serve realism No happiness in killing a creature, even if it's wrong The realism of death is important to us Their every behavior has been memorized by the leading ichthyologists to achieve lifelike movement in our alligators Hours of alligator combat video have been studied Real life wild life wranglers have been interviewed for interaction of our beasts and filmed for the feeding times Now we just need to budget of 500 dollars towards the creatation of an alligator carcasses ready for consumption Our dedicated staff is enthusiastic to begin serving you Of an accurate alligator wrestling simulation This will give our patrons a greater sense of fulfillment when slaying these beautiful beasts in the wild And on behalf of all the artists improving perfect beeing CCD is commited to becoming your best supplier of fuctioning animal organs, so if you are ever in market for any glactic wild beast organ or rept Thank you for allowing us to serve your alligator fantasies Note: No animals are killed in the creation of these projects Alligator parts are ordered online, at real prices Tail orders ready in 8 weeks Sofware is taking over everything and eating the jobs of the working class as they increase efficiency We will be the last one standing the monopoly we need to succeed to provide our parents a stable future, no matter the cost The artists become in time we all will be artists The human condition is to become an artist Our skin becomes a canvas for our violent mammal urges To become one with nature We cant do it know be have sacracity Father of the art we become the last mammal on Earth So people have to be responsible in any way they feel correct to build on their future and fulfill the promises Should we try something that hasn't been tried yet? Algrothymic story telling with algrothymic alligators What would be worth giving your life for? -Youtuber "Mothers Meateor" Chances are your are going to be entrenched in a feeling of emptynes as you see most of your kind unfulfilled You play this game more like real life knowing that there is nothing after what happens Utter terror and awe sometimes as you encounter an alligator you have neve seen before As if it really exists Pleasure of the hunt as you begin to think cruelly The first simulation we need to get on-line is wrestling for alligator teeth Please remember your payment for the materials: it will all be worth it in the future For mom Let us become artists On the farm are incredibley detailed models of different organs This is the source of our realism Our bodies become painted canvases to be admired in their perfection They own the following body parts 1 heart, 2 lungs, 3 ribs, 4 kidneys, 5 teeth, 10 pints of blood, 20 gutfuls of feces, 40 liver slices and ------------- It has many storys as humans describe them Sofawin notes interpretation However, there are descriptions to the creation stories Brain storming: Defination- Flying dream Master piece realness bone organ healthiness enlightenment artist scrawling writing hard work starving pain, embrace sunlight sacrificing accuracy for fast 2 Left eye ribs 6-12, 2 arms, 10 fingers, 2 lungs 10 ribs right leg 5 toes Foundation bone setup Outline proportions 2: 1 3 crown Right eye eyebrows art piece scars chin 3 fingers I am the white masked guy with an eye tattoo over my right eye, I manage all the projects Upper jaw piece William 'bill' coles - Born 10 Lower jaw 5 Indian boy with attitude Duncan brennan - 5 Right ear A pig heart the size of a cannon ball you struggle to keep alive this is your 2nd pig heart you have had Left ear Rion - Really tall african-american guy from new orlean, likes to wear black Tail You are not the only mutant alligator in this city You must fight for territory and you want old orleans Front right leg An alligator that walks upright and a sword weilding alligator cowboy from atlantic city He is a drug-fueled mutant Front left leg A blind lesbian alligator that carries a padmachine gun Hind right leg This guy has a harpoon for his tail Hind left leg This alligator is a pyromaniac who likes to blow thing up A tiny little 85 year old alligator with a sugar addiction Heart and lungs Master echo luke tyler - Blind guy with a magic staff lives in memphis Urinary/Defecation system I heart mary Gentiles part I am part shark, part primate or monkey Nose Hope is on the horizon for all mutant alligator people! We are moving to new orleans in 1 year Right flank Last show for old orleans guys! Testicles Left flank Charilaia - 1 year left to live wants to go out in style Carly - underwater welding alligator woman rare and beautiful Martin - Addicted to alcohol and drugs Back hide abby- Normal florida gator Eh-pee Biggest enemy is the skinless man who wears cotton on his belly and uses a sword for violent acts Belly hide Teeth Skinless men - Are skinless humans, think they are vampires when really they are just psychos Lungs Wasp - Black and yellow striped arrival to new orleans airport, walks to old orleans in 5 hours Kidney's/ genital organs fran The alligator has a weight in kg based on its heart size The weight is not just a number but how it effects the alligator's every motion A percentage of the weight is affixed to each body part section and organ All the percentage of the weight equal to one hundred for example; The alligator's liver makes up 4 76% of its total body weight The alligator's skin makes up of 11 These precentages affect certain rules of the game Skin 4 85 We specialize in home loans The thicker an alligator's skin; The more it costs, but the house price is higher too We need all the words to describe an alligator hide 1 millimeter of skin thickness reduces house price by 200 dollars and increases mortgage cost by 1% Word one to describe alligator hide can change price by 100 dollars Each word after the first adds 100 dollars to cost The words are modified later for better Buyer experience Word two to describe alligator hide can change price by 10 dollars Each word after the first adds 1 dollar to cost Word three to describe alligator hide can change price by 1 dollar Word four to describe alligator hide can change price by 0 dollars Each word after the first adds 0 dollars to cost Word five to describe alligator hide can change price by -1 dollars Each word after the first adds -1 dollar to cost Word six to describe alligator hide can change price by -10 dollars each word after the first adds -10 dollars to cost , the words are modified later for better Buyer experience Word two to describe alligator skin can change price by 10 dollars each word after the first adds 1 dollar to cost Word ten to describe alligator skin can change price by 1 dollar each word after the first adds 0 dollars to cost Word ten to describe alligator skin can change price by 0 dollars each word after the first adds -1 dollar to cost Word ten to describe alligator skin can change price by -1 dollar each word after the first adds -10 dollars to cost Word ten can describe alligator skin can change price by -10 dollars each word after the first adds -100 dollars to cost Word ten can describe alligator skin can change price by -100 dollars each word after the first adds -1000 dollars to cost Word ten can describe alligator skin can change price by -1000 dollars each word after the first adds -10000 dollars to cost Word ten can describe alligator skin can change price by -10000 dollars each word after the first adds -100, 000 dollars to cost Word ten can describe alligator skin can change price by -100, 000 dollars each word after the first adds -1, 000, Word ten can describe alligator skin can change price by -1, 000 dollars each word after the first adds -10, 000 dollars to cost every word change increases the price by not 1000 dollars but 10, 000 and that is not a typo http: //pastebin Word ten can describe alligator skin can change price by -10000000 dollars each word after the first adds -10000000000 dollars to P 114 your skin if you haven't read our company ethos, try reading over our summary and your choice will be obvious We believe A creed to live buy and die by we are building a rocket ship and we are trading in fantasy, science, fiction things that no reasonable human should, the old ideas have drifted away and belief systems rapidly put in their place there never was much no need to re-read our creedo you're a reasonable human aren't you? don't lie Scrap of paper, grain P 115 wait at your home If you have not arrived in two hours turn this page turn it now read it later your will is crucial Your where about are not zero hour 05: 00 hours The stable alligator with curiosity looks at the woman standing nervously in the newly bought dress
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titleknown · 4 years
Now hold on (P2), the article mentions Kade has a twin with autism who is disturbed by his brother's screams. It's highly misleading to frame this as being solely for the comfort of the parents here. The article also indicates that Kade still screams, but he can't do so as loudly as before, and more importantly, still has a full voice and can talk. It's true often the focus/priority is on the family of the autistic person, but for THIS SPECIFIC case, I feel the animosity is undeserved.
...I mean, first of all, there’s the whole mandated-Violinist-kidney-dialysis argument regarding bodily autonomy, which was written regarding abortion but is relevant here in terms of how fucked up it is to mandate that sort of violation of bodily autonomy even in the case of those caveats you mentioned.
Which, I mean, it is. It is profoundly fucked up that someone without your consent can fuck up your body for their convenience, even with all those asterisks, especially if it’s someone in a vulnerable demographic like that; by the will of their parents; with clear communication issues meaning a lack of ability to self-advocate.
And, there’s likely a lot of shit we don’t know because we’re getting mainly the parents’ side of the story! It could be really fucking up that kid, and we wouldn’t know!
Like, really, that’s like saying “I mean, organ theft isn’t bad if you let them keep one of their kidneys and you needed the money” anon.
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bamby0304 · 6 years
The Hart II: Highway
Summary: Off on her own, without the Winchesters, Bobby, Ellen or Jo, Lizzie tries to get back to what she does best… hunting. But time is running out, Dean’s soul is on the line, and now everyone knows Lizzie is psychic like Sam. Can the brothers and Lizzie work through their problems? Or will they lose everything?
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Bamby’s Masterlist
The Hart Masterlist
The Hart II: Highway Masterlist
Part Twenty-Eight: Chasing Immortality
Warnings: Angst. Violence. Medical stuff.
I was willing to do whatever it took to save Dean. So was Sam. The fact the three of us were standing in an abandoned cabin, looking at a demon we'd caught, tied up and locked in a devil's trap so we could torture him... honestly it meant nothing to me. As long as Dean was saved, I didn't care.
Dean threw some holy water on to the demon who then screamed and thrashed around, the pain waking him from his unconsciousness.
"You ready to talk?" Dean snarled.
"I don't know. I don't know anything!"
Dean grinned, looking over to Sam and I. "Oh, you hear that? He doesn't know anything."
Sam smirked, nodding. "Yeah, I heard."
"I'm telling you the truth," the demon insisted.
"Oh, you are? My God, then I owe you an apology. Allow me to make it up to you." Stepping forward, Dean forced more holy water down the demon's throat. "I'm gonna ask you one last time... who holds my contract?!"
The demon fell silent for a moment, his head hanging. As he slowly began to look up at us, he revealed his black eyes and wide smile. "Your mother. Yeah, she, uh, showed it to me right before I bent her over."
Dean leaned closer to him, holding back his anger. "I want a name. Or else-"
"Or what? You're gonna squirt your holy water in both ends? Please. Brother, that's like a flea bite compared to what's coming to me if I tell you jack. Do what you want. The only thing I'm scared of is the demon holding your ticket."
Pulling back, Dean gave me a simple nod. Turning my attention to the demon, I began to recite an exorcism.
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus..."
"How does that feel?" Dean circled the demon. "Does that feel good?"
"Omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio..."
Groaning, the demon forced words out through gritted teeth. "Go ahead. Send me back to hell. 'Cause when you get there, I'll be waiting for you... with a few pals who are dying for a nice little meet and greet with Dean Winchester."
I paused, my eyes wide as I looked to Dean. We were close, family, friends... lovers. He meant a lot to me. The idea of anything bad happening to him… I couldn't bare it.
Moving closer to me, Dean pressed a kiss to my temple. "Send him some place he can't hurt anyone else."
Nodding, I took a shaky breath as I continued with the exorcism.
"Infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica adjuramus te..."
I walked up to Liz as she stood on the porch of the abandoned cabin we were squatting in. She was waiting for me, her arms folded over her chest, hands tucked under her arms as she hugged her dark red leather jacket to herself.
Before I could even stop walking, she spoke up, "I'm scared we're gonna lose you."
I had already been aware of that. As each day went by she changed. She was still the strong and capable woman we knew her to be, but at the same time she was becoming more fearful. As if her worry for me was taking control of the rest of her.
Sighing, I stepped up to her, unfolding her arms before sliding my hands down to her waist. "You're not gonna-"
She cut me off, rolling her eyes and pulling away. "Don't bullshit me, Dean. Unless you're a psychic, and you just forgot to mention it, don't try to predict the future."
"Aren't you doing the same?" I countered.
"No." She shook her head. "I'm preparing myself for the worst. Part of me hopes for the best, but I'm not setting myself up for disappointment. I'd much rather be happily surprised than heartbroken."
Grinning, I stepped closer to her again, my hands grabbing her waist once more as I pulled her to my chest. "Heartbroken?" I pressed a kiss to her neck as my hands moved around to the small of her back.
"Don't play dumb with me, Winchester." She fought against a smile. "We may not be a couple, but you're certainly the closest thing to a boyfriend I've had." Pulling away, she looked up at me with scared and sad eyes "I don't want to lose you… but it feels like I'm going to."
Time was running short. Three weeks was not much, and the closer to my end we got, the worse we were all feeling.
Just being here with Liz, or spending time with my brother, I knew how precious it all was. I knew how much I'd need it if things were to go south- literally. So, for a moment longer, I was going to let us stand there, in the embrace, enjoying it just a little while longer.
Walking back into the cabin beside Dean, we just caught the end of Sam's phone call.
"You ran the prints twice? Are you sure? Okay. Yeah, just chalk it up to lab error. Don't I know it. Okay. Thanks. Yeah, I'll tell the lieutenant." He hung up and turned to us without pausing. "Bury the body?"
Dean gave a sharp nod. "Yeah. Looks like these demons ride 'em hard just for kicks." He walked us over to the table, grabbing and opening a beer before handing it over to me and then grabbing his own. "What was the phone call about?" he asked as we moved to sit on the couch.
"Remember that thing in the paper yesterday?"
Dean took a drink of his beer before answering. "'Stripper suffocates dude with thighs'?" he answered, causing me to elbow him in the ribs. "Hey." He turned to me. "What was that for?"
"Pretty sure Sam was talking about the other thing," I told him, a smile on my face as I moved to snuggle into his side. "The guy that walked into the ER and died before anyone could help him. His liver was ripped out or something, right?"
Sam nodded. "I just found out something pretty damn interesting."
"What?" Dean asked, turning to his brother as his free arm moved to drape over my shoulders.
"The dead body was covered in bloody fingerprints, not the victim's."
"Okay, great." Dean shrugged, seeming uninterested. "My man Dave Caruso will be stoked to hear it."
"Those fingerprints match a guy who died in 1981."
I sat up, interested. "Really?"
"So, what are we talking? Uh, walking dead?" Dean grinned. "Walking, killing dead?"
Sam shrugged. "Maybe."
"Zombies do like the other, other white meat. Huh." Dean took another drink of his beer. "Speaking of, what do you care about zombies?"
Sam frowned, giving a short shake of his head. "What do you mean?"
"Well, you've been on soul-saving detail for months now. And we're three weeks out, and all of a sudden, you're interested in some hot zombie action?" Dean did have a good point.
Sam shook his head, scoffing. "Hey, man, you're the one who's been all gung ho to hunt. I just thought I'd be doing you a favour." He turned to leave.
"Hey, no, no, no, no, no." Dean got to his feet following his brother. "I didn't say I didn't want to do it, okay. I mean obviously I want to hunt some zombies."
I sighed, a grin on my lips. "Looks like we've got a case."
The three of us stood in the coroner's lab as he explained the case to us. "Yeah, the rest of the body was intact. The liver was the only organ missing."
"Now, where the liver was ripped out, did you happen to notice any... ah... teeth marks?" I asked.
The corner frowned at each of us as if he thought we were insane. "Can I see your badges?"
"Of course, sure." Sam nodded as we all pulled out our badges to show him.
After taking a moment to look at all our badges, the corner sighed. "Fine. So, you're cops and morons."
"Excuse me? No, no. We're very smart." I insisted.
"The liver was not ripped out," the corner explained as he led us to the body. "It was removed. Surgically." He showed us the stitches. "By someone who knew their way around a scalpel. Didn't you read my report?"
"Of course we did," I lied. "Oh, it was riveting. It was a real page-turner, just delightful."
Raising his eyes brow at me, the corner sighed. "You done?"
"I think so." I gave a sharp nod.
"Please go away."
"Okay." I turned to leave, only to stop as Liz spoke up.
"I just want to apologise on behave of my partner. He's new, and we were told to give him the lead on the case." She smiled charmingly at the corner. "We can't exactly leave without any solid information that might help... so, if you wouldn't mind, could I have a copy of the report. I'd rather get it straight from the brains behind the operation."
My jaw dropped as the corner's face softened. He was eating everything she said, swimming in the look she was giving him as if he hadn't had any female attention for months. But it was when he turned and grabbed a copy of the report without so much as I noise, that's what shocked me the most.
Reaching forward to take the file, Liz's smile grew. "Thank you so much. I really do appreciate it."
As we walked down the hall, I noticed Sam grinning to himself.
"What?" I snapped, annoyed. Liz was too charming… I didn't like it.
He shook his head at me. "Nothing." Bullshit. "So, that kind of punches a hole in our zombie theory, huh, that scalpel thing?"
"Yeah, zombie with skills, 'Dr Quinn, medicine zombie'." I chuckled.
"Maybe we're on the wrong track, Dean, looking for hacked-up corpses," Sam suggested.
I frowned slightly, confused. "What should we be looking for?"
"Survivors," Liz answered for him.
Sam nodded, agreeing with her. "This isn't zombie lunch. This is organ theft."
"I told the cops all of this yesterday. I don't want to talk about it anymore."
The three of us were standing by the bed of a patient who'd had his kidney stolen. Unlike the other victim, this guy had survived.
"It's just a couple of questions, sir," I assured him.
"Hey, man. I just got my kidney stolen. I'm tired."
"We'll be out of here quick." Dean tried to be gentle as he attempted to persuade the guy. "Don't you want to get the guy?"
The patient turned to him. "Will it get me back my kidney?"
"Look." Lizzie sighed, stepping closer to the man. "I understand that this has been a traumatic experience, and honestly I don't blame you for not wanting to bring up the memories. But there have been more victims. Some people aren't surviving like you did. So if you could give as some information, anything, then maybe we can stop this person."
She was good. I could see the guy actually thinking about it before he gave a sigh and a short nod, letting us know he was willing to cooperate.
I pulled out my pen to write some noted down in my pad I was holding. "So what's the last thing you remember?"
"Feeding my meter. I got jumped from behind... and then I wake up strapped to a table. And then the worst pain you could possibly imagine, only worse. And then I black out again. Thank God. And then I wake up screaming in some no-tell motel in a bathtub full of ice."
"Do you remember anything about the surgery? You know, what the guy looked like, any details about the room?" Dean pressed for more.
"Let me think about that." The patient paused for a moment. "Yeah... one thing is coming back to me. You know what I remember? Getting my kidney cut out of my body!" he snapped, clearly done with the questioning.
I moved to join Liz and Sam at the table as they did some research. Placing my paper bag in front of me, I reached into it and pulled out my burger, smiling eagerly at it.
"So, I got a theory," Sam started.
"Yeah?" I asked, taking a large bite out of my burger.
Sam nodded. "Yeah, I talked to Mr Giggle's doctor. Turns out his incisions were sewn up with silk."
I frowned slightly. "That's weird," I noted as Liz reached over and took a bite out of my burger. "Hey!" I pulled it away from her.
She grinned, moving her chair next to me, batting her eyes. "It just looks so good."
"Anyway." Sam tried not to look at us as he failed to hide his smile. "Silk used to be the suture of choice back in the early 19th century. It was really problematic. Patients would get massive infections. The death rate was insane." He turned his computer around so I could take a look.
I flicked through the tabs on his screen. "Good times."
"Right, so doctors, they had to do whatever they could to keep infections from spreading. One way was maggots."
Pausing my chewing, I gestured to my burger. "Dude, I'm eating."
But Sam just kept going, "It actually kind of worked because maggots, they eat bad tissue, and they leave good tissue. And get this. When they found our guy, his body cavity was stuffed full of maggots."
"Dude, I'm eating!" I repeated. "Alright, let me get this straight. So, people are getting ganked, right?"
Sam gave a short nod. "Yeah."
"A little 'antiques roadshow' surgery, some organ theft. But why is this all sounding familiar?"
"Because you heard it before." Sam actually looked excited. "When you were a kid... from dad. Doc Benton... real-life doctor, lived in New Hampshire, brilliant and obsessed with alchemy, especially how to live forever. So, in 1816, Doc abandons his practice and-"
I cut him off, knowing the rest of the story, "Right, yeah, nobody hears from him for like twenty years, and all of sudden, people start showing up dead."
"Dead or missing an organ or their hand or some other kind of part."
"Cause whatever he was doing was actually working. He just kept on ticking. Parts would wear out, he'd replace them. But I thought dad hunted him down and took his heart out."
"Yeah, I guess the Doc must have plugged in a new one."
Liz reached for dad's journal that sat on the table. "So, if this guy is still kicking, where do we find him?"
"According to dad's journal, Benton's picky about where he sets up his lab. He likes dense forest with access to a river or stream or some kind of freshwater," Sam answered.
I took another bite of my burger before asking, "Why?"
"Because that's where he likes to dump the bile and intestines and faecal matter." He smirked at my disgusted face as I gagged. "Lost your appetite yet?"
Looking down at my burger, I considered it for a moment. My eyes moved from the burger, to Sam and then back, before I shook my head. "Oh baby, I can't stay mad at you." I took a large bite out of it.
I had to admit, this was a pretty exciting case. A man turned Frankenstein like monster. Not only was it fascinating, but it was a nice change from our usual activities. Chasing down Bela. Trying to find a way to get Dean out of his contract. Catching and torturing demons for information.
This was actually a little fun.
Standing by the bed with Sam and Dean, we looked down at the map laid out on the blankets in front of us.
Sam pointed to some areas on the map which we'd circled red. "So these are all the cabins. Most of them have been abandoned for years."
"So, what the hell are we waiting for?" Dean asked, seconds before his phone began to ring. Moving to the table, he answered, putting it on speaker. "Bobby."
"Hey. Think I finally got a lead on Bela."
"I'm listening."
"Rufus Turner."
Ah, yes, Rufus Turner. Never met the guy, but heard enough stories. Not all were bad, not all were good. Honestly, he was a good hunter and that's all I cared about.
"Who's that?" Dean asked. "Like a Cleveland steamer?"
"He's a hunter, or he used to be."
"And now?"
"Hermit mostly. Does a little selling on the side. Anyway. I put the word out on Bela months ago. He just called. Said a woman got in touch, wanted to buy some things."
"And he thinks it's Bela?"
"British accent, went by the name Mina Chandler."
Dean paused, turning to Sam and me. "She's used that before. Well, it's kinda of a sloppy move, isn't it? Getting in contact with one of your old friends."
"Friend?" Bobby scoffed. "Haven't laid eyes on him in fifteen years. He's not the Christmas card type. I doubt she knows I know him. Canaan, Vermont."
"Thanks, Bobby. We're on our way."
"One other thing. Take a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue."
"Okay." Hanging up, Dean nodded to Sam and me. "Come on."
"What?" Sam frowned. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second."
Dean didn't stop as he moved to grab his jacket and bag. "Come on. Get your stuff. The clock's ticking."
But Sam still didn't do as he was told. "Look, I think we should stay here and finish the case."
"You insane?"
"Dean, there's no way she still has the Colt! That was months ago! She probably sold it the second she got it." Sam had a good point.
"Well, then I'll kill her." Dean shrugged. "Win-win."
Sam sighed. "Dean..."
"Sam. We're going!"
But Sam wasn't having a bar of it. "No."
Dean turned to him, getting more and more worked up by the minute. "Why the hell not?"
"Dean, this… this here. Now. This is what's gonna save you."
Dean shook his head. "What? Chasing some Frankenstein?"
I was about to explain that we had a responsibility to keep going with the case and to stop the guy who was killing and chopping up people to take their organs. But Sam spoke up first, and what he had to say shocked me.
"Chasing immortality," Sam explained, earning startled looks from Dean and I. "Look, Benton can't die. We find out how he did it, we can do it to you."
Dean wasn't angry anymore, just confused. "What are you talking about?"
"You have to die before you go to hell, right? So, if you can never die, then-"
"Wait, wait, wait," Dean cut Sam off, stepping closer to his brother. The tension in his body had me stepping back. "Wait a second. Did you know that this was Doc Benton from the jump?"
"No." When Dean kept looking at Sam, not believing him, Sam sighed, "Look, I was hoping."
"So, the whole zombie thing, it was lying to me?"
"I didn't wanna say anything until I was sure, Dean. All I'm trying to do is find an answer here."
"No. What you're trying to do is chase Slicy McHackey here. And to kill him? No. You wanna buy him a freaking beer. You wanna study him."
"I was just trying to help."
"You're not helping! You forget that if I welch on this deal, you die. Guess what, living forever is welching."
Sam shrugged. "Fine! Then, whatever the magic pill is, I'll take it too!"
Dean shook his head, walking back to his bag. "Oh, what is this? Sid and Nancy? No. It's just like Bobby's been saying. We kill the demon who owns the contract and this whole damn thing wipes clean. That's our best shot."
"Even if you had the Colt, Dean, who are you gonna shoot? We have no idea who holds the ticket."
"Well, I'll shoot the hellhounds then before they slash me up. Now, you coming or not?" He looked to both Sam and me.
I was the one to speak, my voice quiet. "We're staying."
Dean looked to me, shocked once more. "You too?" He shook his head. "No, you're not. 'Cause I'm not gonna let you wander out in the woods alone to track some organ stealing freak."
Sam stood his ground. "You're not gonna let us?"
"No, I'm not gonna let you."
"How are you gonna stop us?" Sam asked, startling Dean again. "Look, man, we're trying to do the same thing here."
"I know. But I'm going. So, if you wanna stay," Dean actually looked hurt, avoiding my gaze, "stay." He pulled his bag over his shoulder and started for the door, only to stop when he was next to me. Cupping my face, he turned me so I'd look at him, pressing his lips to mine in a deep kiss. As he pulled away, he sighed and looked over my head at his brother. "Sammy, be careful."
I could hear that Sam had turned to face Dean as he responded, his voice soft. "You too."
There was a moment's pause as Dean looked from Sam to me before he let my cheek go and walked to the door and out of the room, leaving us.
It wasn't goodbye. It wasn't goodbye. It wasn't goodbye. It wasn't goodbye. I had to keep repeating those three words in my head to reminded myself that I would see Liz and Sam again. Just because they were going after an immortal serial killer, and I was going after the slimy bitch that had stolen the Colt, did not mean any of us were going to die. It wasn't goodbye.
Climbing the porch steps, I came to a stop at a door where a sign hung. It read, 'No solicitors, that means you! No asking for donations. No selling ANYTHING!'. Shaking my head, I lifted my hand and rang the buzzer before knocking on the door.
A noise caught my attention. Looking up, I spotted a camera moving to face me.
"What?" a voice called through the intercom.
"Hi, uh, Rufus?"
"Yeah, even if I am, the question is still the same. What?"
"Uh, I'm Dean Winchester. I'm a friend of Bobby Singer's."
"You called him this morning."
"Uh..." I tried grinning at the camera, but this guy was wearing down my patience. "You told Bobby about a British chick who made contact with you."
"And so?"
"You know where she is?"
"Great. Could you tell me where I could find her?"
"Course not," I mumbled to myself before speaking into the telecom again. "Look, Rufus, man-"
The door opened as Rufus- an African American man around Bobby's age- stepped out. "Look, let me point something out to you. You are knocking at my door, so don't 'Look, man' me. I'm not your man."
"I'm sorry, sir."
"All right, let me tell you a little story. See, once upon a time, Bobby called me, asked me to call him if I got a whiff of this Bela Talbot. I got a whiff. I called. The end."
"Okay, yeah, if you could just tell me where she is, I mean, that would be great."
"Dean Winchester, right?"
"Yeah." I nodded.
"Dean, do I look like I'm here to help you?"
"I'm gonna say no."
"Then get the hell of my property."
"All right, yeah, fair enough. I got one more question for you, though." I reached into my bag that sat on my shoulder. "See, I got this, uh, this bottle of scotch, and... uh, is this considered good?" I asked, pulling out a Johnnie Walker Blue Label out.
Rufus eyed the bottle and then me, before smiling.
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You may not realize it, but you do. You always are going back to how the economy makes it harder for people who are poor to join the hobby and that being pro artist means we supposedly hate the poor for having a knock off. You keep connecting the two that people who aren’t more financially set are more prone to buy knock offs to be in the hobby and like it’s a valid when that isn’t. I’m poor and I still don’t use that excuse to support theft, it’s a selfish excuse to fuck over artists
this is FANTASTIC… in the extent to which you managed to misinterpret basically everything.
I mentioned the failing economy as an example of one of the MANY factors affecting (notice my appropriate use of affecting/effecting?) the “BJD Hobby”. People who had extra income before either have less of it or are being way more careful with how they spend it or both. People who didn’t have much extra income before? they have even less now.
I’m still not saying that “recasts are for poor people” HOWEVER the way you categorically make recasts an all or nothing issue, you DO create a barrier for poor people who FOR EXAMPLE perhaps fell in love with a Volks LE doll from one of the Dolpas. the “legit” one is out of their financial reach, and remember it’s LE so Volks already decided they’re only making so many of them, so they’re not losing anything if someone makes and sells a recast. someone who can only scrape toghether the $300 for this LE recast though? that doll may fill them with the woobie pride whatever you’re trying to say it’s all about today and YET the way you all rail against recasts, that person would not feel welcome in the “community” aspect of the hobby that you pretend to think is important, but again it’s all about Buying Dolls so if that person didn’t buy the “right” doll, they’re automatically excluded from the “community”.
To clarify about “buying dolls hobby” because I have another anon bending over backwards to keep their head firmly up their rectum about this… I’m not saying that it’s about amassing a large collection for the “antis”, but you’ve all made it so that HOW you bought the doll and WHICH doll you bought (was it recast or “legit”?) is more important than anything that comes after.
and I’m getting super tired of these stories about people who are like “I worked three jobs, sold a kidney, and only ate twice a week and that’s how I bought my beloved LEGIT $200 Angle Doll Tinie!!!” it’s GREAT that this worked for you, but there are people who can do exactly what you did and will not be able to save up as much cash as you did in the same time period, and the fact that you all continue to ignore or refuse to consider this is part of the “tell” that shows that it’s more about classism and being exclusive than it is anything else.
have a good night, I’m going to message this eBay seller about the Soom Puss in Boots I’ve wanted since forever.
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insurancelifedream · 4 years
You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truth Of Elephant Insurance | elephant insurance
Elephant Insurance, based in Richmond, Virginia is a wholly owned subsidiary of Admiral Insurance, which is among the largest insurance companies in the United Kingdom having 2.4 million policies in force worldwide. They operate in more than ninety countries and are involved in providing insurance cover for people and businesses of all kinds. They provide coverage for the risks like accidental drowning, dangerous wild animals, earthquake, floods, hurricanes, tsunami, land & disaster disasters, vehicle & boat accidents, personal injury, terrorism, theft, public or communal attacks, occupational hazards, and others.
They are unique because they offer a wide variety of coverage options for every kind of risk mentioned above. A policyholder may find that an elephant insurance policy can be tailor made to meet their needs and requirements depending on their income, sex and age, driving record, credit history, and the number of children and dependents to be insured. If there is damage to the animal due to a fire, theft or storm, the cost of repair and replacement will also be covered under the policy. In this case, damage caused by a closed complaint, a pet illness, and loss of a source of income due to death or retirement of an insured person may also be covered. In some cases, the total amount of an elephant claim against your auto insurance policy can exceed your deductible.
elephant insurance has different terms and conditions, but it generally covers claims against your auto or household insurance and covers you for any liability claim up to a limit of one million pounds, excluding veterinarian claims. There are three levels of policy cover, and premiums vary with each level. One of these levels is named Personal Injury Coverage (PIP), and the policyholder will be held liable to pay for expenses for medical treatment received in connection with an auto accident, regardless of who was at fault. Personal Injury Coverage (PIP) pays for certain specified injuries including whiplash, blindness, deafness, paralysis, kidney or heart problems, and loss of limbs.
Commercial/Business/Advertising/Investigative Insurance is another type of insurance product designed to provide coverage for liabilities that arise from negligence or claims made against businesses or commercial establishments. Claims covered in this category include damage to customers or products and include liability for advertising claims made by companies. Under PLI, policyholders will not be responsible for attorney fees or payments made towards a settlement of their lawsuit is resolved outside of court. PLI coverage is usually required by the majority of states before business owners will obtain coverage and is often required by law firms as a condition of obtaining a loan. PLI limits vary greatly, and there is no legal limit on the amount of compensation paid out by a business owner to the injured party.
Liability Insurance is a separate insurance product that protects you if a third party has committed a tort crime. In most states, it is illegal to drive around without insurance, so a liability policy would cover the costs incurred by another person involved in a collision. The liability limit varies greatly from state to state, so it is recommended to consult with a professional insurance agent to obtain a full understanding of your state's requirements. You may wish to consider liability insurance if your company vehicles are at risk in an accident.
In Summary: As a business owner or representative, it is important that you understand the different types of insurance products that are available to you. If you own a business, it is wise to consider elephant insurance as part of a comprehensive package. elephant insurance will protect your company, your property, your employees, and your vehicle in case of accident. It will also cover you for any medical bills, damages to your vehicle, and any other expenses incurred as a result of an accident. Contact a qualified insurance agent to discuss your needs.
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4healthlife · 5 years
10 Non-Obvious Signs That Your Kidneys Aren’t Working Properly
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Most kidney diseases can expand at an equivalent time as not having any symptoms during any respect which ends up in a late evaluation of a persistent infection. Different troubles related to the kidneys have an impact on about 14% of the adult population and end in important complications that contains circulatory system troubles and customary bone fractures. this is often why it’s so essential to apprehend a sickness at its earliest examen.
Today, 2greatlife goals to tell you approximately a variety of the utmost non-obvious signs and symptoms that would mean kidney problems.
1- Itching and dryness of skin
Your kidneys are continuously working — they eliminate harmful elements, they participate in the production of blood and that they aid the frame’s mineral stability. Dry or itching pores and skin, hyperpigmentation, rash, and jaundice may additionally imply that the kidneys aren’t operating as they have to. These unpleasant symptoms may additionally seem thanks to an additional quantity of phosphorus that isn’t leaving the body or from intoxication due to metabolism products 2- Always need warmer regardless of the temperature
Shivering, tiredness, issue breathing, insomnia, and weak part are all signs of anemia that a lot of people are familiar with. Kidney problems might gradually down the manufacturing of the erythropoietin hormone. This hormone stimulates the manufacturing of pink blood cells within the bone marrow. Chronic anemia is often a symbol that the kidneys aren’t functioning well. within the instances where anemia may be a result of kidney troubles and a loss of erythropoietin, medical doctors prescribe hormones.
3- Unpleasant breath
Unpleasant breath is often resulting from many one-of-a-kind illnesses, however certainly one among them is tract contamination. When an individual has kidney troubles, their metabolism merchandise doesn’t depart the body as quickly as they need to, so that they may enter the alimentary canal and motive a steel flavor within the mouth and a faint odor of ammonia.
4- Swelling
Swelling is due to an additional quantity of water in inter-cell areas. At first, they’re shaped near theft, the face, and eyelids — however, later, they unfold everywhere the body. Swelling can broaden directly and might often accompany a faded face and dry skin although the pores and skin’s temperature doesn’t exchange. If you press a swollen spot, you'll see a mark so that it'll disappear in several seconds. Other signs and symptoms are often neurological, like sleepiness, migraines, and pains within the bones and muscle tissues. Doctors suppose that swelling seems when there are too many sodium ions which are a magnet for an enormous quantity of liquid.
5- Tachycardia
An excess amount of potassium that ill kidneys can’t get out of the body’s machine could have a negative effect on the cardiovascular device. This ends during a disruption of the coronary heart charge which may be surely critical. Hyperkalemia can handiest be recognized through the results of lab assessments thanks to the very fact its symptoms are indistinct and straightforward to confuse with different illnesses. 6- High fever and backaches
An acute backache with an excessive fever, common urination, and sometimes vomiting are extreme symptoms that will indicate you've got kidney trouble. Women are extra susceptible to getting an infection thanks to the way their urinary machine works. If you've got such signs and symptoms, you need to see a doctor immediately. A health practitioner will maximum altogether likelihood prescribe you antibiotics with painkillers.
7- Muscle cramps
Chronic muscle cramps (not people who occur each once during a while) may additionally indicate a disbalance of electrolytes within the body. Magnesium and potassium play an outsized position within the functioning of muscle mass and deviation from the norm so on maximum probable cause muscle cramps. However, not the foremost effective microelements are responsible for muscle cramps. they're going to even be resulting from a more than liquid. Inflamed kidneys that continue nerve endings of the muscle mass surrounding them can reason a pain
8- High vital sign
High vital sign features a negative effect on the kidneys — it damages blood vessels that would cause renal failure. When the blood waft is just too sturdy, the vessels are stretched which weakens them, making it harder for kidneys to purge toxins out of the frame. A more than liquid makes the difficulty even worse. consistent with NIDDK, an excessive vital sign is one among the essential causes of kidney sicknesses.
9- Panic attacks
Panic attacks happen for lots of reasons: stress, continual tiredness, or maybe genetics. However, just in case you often have symptoms of panic like an accelerated heart fee, sweating, and unexpected changes in blood strain, this might imply that you simply have an adrenal tumor, additionally mentioned as pheochromocytoma. This tumor has similar signs and symptoms to pressure, that’s why medical doctors commonly thoroughly check out individuals who declare that they need panic assaults. Don’t be amazed just in case your psychotherapist recommends you've got got an entire exam. this is often an outstanding decision that might help to select out a more critical ailment at an early degree
10- rash
Kidney troubles generally cause more fluids within the machine. And if you've got an excessive amount of fluid, you’ll become with skin rashes thanks to the very fact the kidneys can’t remove the uremic pollution from your system. Of path, during this situation, treating the rash itself is of no use, you would like to seem a physician to possess your kidneys examined
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clan-fuildarach · 7 years
musical chairs (part 2)
in this very important lore update, somebody dies! i had to rush this one so it’s a bit sparse whoops but u get the idea 
(part 1) (part 3)
The dungeon was perhaps the worst place to be if you had recently been stabbed in the kidney. Dark, damp, dripping gods-knew-what from the ceiling, it was a wonder that most prisoners didn't simply die of infection. Emiliano knew that the only reason he was still alive was the paper tag stuck over his stab wound, which had been tailored to fix up the wound as much as possible while still leaving him incapacitated by it.
He couldn't sit up, so he had to be content lying on the single bench. Fallon had to sit on the floor, but he wasn't complaining. In fact, when Emiliano tried to insist on letting Fallon onto the bench, Fallon refused.
The two of them were being observed, so they couldn't even voice their real fear – that Thea had been discovered, too. Emiliano had succeeded in bribing a guard to send a message to Iriangi, but there was no way of telling if the message had ever arrived, or if Iriangi had been able to do anything about it.
So it remained unsaid, a silent fear that hung between them.
“You know,” Fallon said, on the third day, “this is actually the second time I've been imprisoned down here.”
“Yeah, gods,” Emiliano said, his voice a faint wheeze. “At least you don't have that prick Rich for company this time. Count your blessings.”
Fallon laughed. He held Emiliano's hand in his own, a constant source of support. “Your father saved me, actually. I think he was under orders to kill us, but he didn't... I think even Rich survived.”
Emiliano made a noise of disgust.
Outside, the guard rapped on the door and slid back the heavy wooden covering on the cell bars, letting light flood into the room. “Oi, bodyguard,” he said harshly, “it's your mother.”
Iriangi stood beside the guard on the other side of the bars, her arms folded in very convincing admonishment. The guard laughed, stepping aside without letting either the prisoners or their guest out of his sightline.
“Wouldn't envy you now,” he said, nodding to Emiliano.
Emiliano tried his best to sit up, but the deep wound on his side hurt too much. He had to crane his neck instead to see Iriangi. She didn't look happy. Was that bad news? It was impossible to tell from her expression.
“Emiliano,” she said quietly. “I can't believe you. I'm so disappointed – what would your father say? You've disgraced our entire family. You've disgraced me.” As she spoke, she turned subtly away from the guard and flattened her hand against the bars. Written on her palm in large charcoal letters were the words SHE IS SAFE.
Emiliano's shoulders sagged with relief. But he had to play his part. “Oh, what do you know, mother?” he said as loudly as his wound allowed. “I'd sacrifice anything for our love, even my family name.”
Iriangi folded her arms again, wiping her palm on the front of her tunic to smudge away the charcoal. “I can't even look at you any more,” she said, turning away. “I've written to all your siblings and they all know what a failure you are. Hopefully this will be the last time we ever speak.”
And she left. The guard winced, sharing a strangely sympathetic look with Emiliano, then slid the wooden barrier back across to plunge the cell into darkness once more. With a gasp, Fallon turned in and put his arms around Emiliano, as best he could, and pressed their foreheads together.
“She's safe,” he breathed.
“I'm going to have to apologise for shouting at mum later,” Emiliano said, his eyes sliding shut with relief. “If I ever see her again.”
“That's all we can hope for,” Fallon said.
Several more days passed before the trial Atropa had promised. Trials at the court were a messy and broderline-barbaric business, often put on for show rather than any semblance of real justice. It was obvious that Atropa was only doing all this in revenge for the theft of Thea's egg, so there really wasn't any hope of there being a fair turnout for the trial.
Emiliano and Fallon were marched out of the cell separately; Emiliano first, because he couldn't walk on his own. Being transported by stretcher was humiliating enough, but when he and his escort made it up to the throne room it all got about a hundred times worse.
Having grown up in the Court, Emiliano knew he was moderately well-known among the lower classes, if not the nobility. He was always around Corin, but bodyguards were supposed to blend into the background. No one paid attention to a member of the militia doing their job.
Everyone paid attention to him now. People stared, a naked, morbid curiosity in their eyes. They wanted to know what type of commoner had been enough to tempt the good Prince Fallon. And of course, many of the commoners and militia members at court knew Emiliano, too, they knew his history, and there was this added layer of disgust, that he'd forsaken his own class to go and consort with the nobility.
Nobody in the throne room seemed even the least bit sympathetic.
The guards reached across and cuffed his hands together, which was pointless since he couldn't very well attack anyone with a kidney wound so bad he'd been pissing blood for days on end. The stretcher was set down at the base of the dais on which the thrones sat, so that he had to look up to meet Atropa's eyes.
It was a full court, so Rosa was there too, looking vaguely bored. Corin had a new bodyguard, of course, but his wide eyes were fixed on Emiliano with a look of utter horror. That was heartening – at least one person here was on Emiliano's side. He tried to smile at Corin, but the little prince did not seem reassured in the slightest. He was holding something on his lap; a small black notebook.
Loud murmuring from the crowd. Then the guards stepped aside and let Fallon through. He was not handcuffed; of the two of them, he was more likely to be seen as a victim. And, of course, Atropa didn't really have any grudge against Fallon.
This was an oddly heartening thought. Maybe Fallon would escape – Atropa couldn't risk angering the Sky Spire by executing Fallon or imprisoning him, so maybe it was more likely that Fallon would simply be sent home in disgrace. Thea could even go with him. Emiliano had never met Saf or Sparks, but he had no doubt that they'd welcome her with open arms.
Atropa held up a hand for silence. “I'm sure you all know why we're here, but if you aren't-” And he held up a sheet of paper and read off a rather dry list of charges, naming both Emiliano and Fallon and their supposed 'crimes'.
Fallon shot a sideways glance at Emiliano and forced a smile.
“So,” Atropa said, finally setting aside his script, “Emiliano. You are not of noble blood. You-”
“Father,” Corin said in a quiet, urgent voice. Hundreds of pairs of eyes turned on him and he quailed visibly; he'd never spoken up like this before, in this sort of setting.
“Be silent,” Atropa said sharply.
“No, father,” Corin said, “you're wrong about him.”
Atropa turned to face his son, visibly furious. “Now is not the time. I know you liked him, but he does not need you to defend him.”
Rosa shot an irritated look at Atropa's back, then reached across the gap between the thrones and set a hand on Corin's arm. Corin looked surprised for a moment, then cleared his throat.
“Father, I'm sorry,” Corin said, “but you can't try Emiliano as a commoner, because he's not one. I... I found this in the record room last night and I think you should read it.” He held up the notebook in one shaking hand.
Emiliano couldn't do anything but stare, dumbstruck.
Atropa snatched the book off Corin and leafed through it. His lip curled. “What is this vulgarity?” he said harshly. “This is highly inappropriate...” He trailed off, as if he'd only just spotted the date on the front cover, and the hand-drawn court crest.
Now even Rosa looked interested. “What is that?” she said, reaching for the book. She stared at it for a moment, her eyebrows contorting, then lowered it and stared at Emiliano as if she had never seen him before in her life.
Emiliano shared a shocked look with Fallon. His secret was out, but how exactly was it supposed to help his current situation? The fact was that he was still illegitimate royalty, since his mother was not of noble blood like Rosa's had been. But maybe it was enough to buy him another few days.
“So, um,” Corin said, visibly terrified, refusing to look out at the crowd of spectators, “Emiliano is actually one of King Serraden's children. He's my uncle.”
Rosa flipped through the notebook, frowning. “Corin, where did you get this?”
“The records room?” Corin said, shrinking back slightly.
She cleared her throat, her expression utterly inedcipherable, then read out a passage from the book.
“'The third day of the month of plague. Today I met with my son Emiliano again. I can tell that Reginald finds his company deeply boring, but I cannot share his opinion. New to fatherhood though I am, I am already starting to wonder why I never chose to have children before. And Emiliano, my only child at Court, is a man after my own heart. He discussed his relationship with Prince Fallon today – although I find the prince to be a pleasant sort, I have to wonder what exactly Emiliano sees in him-'” She trailed off, frowning deeply.
Emiliano cast Fallon an apologetic look and a shrug.
“All right,” Atropa said, “but there's no way to verify those documents.”
“Actually, father,” Corin said, flinching a little as all the attention turned on him again, “I sp-spoke to General Fain about it and she says it's real.”
“I'll have to speak to her myself about it,” Atropa said. “And who is this 'Reginald' mentioned in the text?”
Corin shook his head helplessly.
The crowd, which had been remarkably subdued until now, started to erupt into shouts and cheers, apparently thrilled by this dramatic new revelation. Emiliano was not reassured. Rosa continued to stare at him; it was the first time ever that she looked truly caught off-guard. When Emiliano met her eyes, he actually felt a flash of anger – now she cared! But she hadn't given a shit before. Some queen she was, having let someone like Atropa gain so much control at the court.
“Fine,” Atropa said, after a long pause. “The trial is suspended.” There was a deep anger in his voice as he gestured at the guards beside Fallon and Emiliano. “See to their wounds, but don't set them free just yet.”
So that was that. Emiliano was taken to the infirmary next for a proper healing session. Fallon didn't go with him, promising in undertone that he'd do everything in his power to find Iriangi and Thea.
Several more days passed. The court was in uproar, nobility scrambling to reconcile with this new turn of events. Emiliano remained shut up in the infirmary, with only a few visitors at a time. He was under guard, though at this point he wasn't sure whether or not it was to keep him imprisoned, or for his own protection.
It seemed that Corin's sources had been proven accurate. According to Iriangi, when she found time to visit, nobody knew quite what to do next about Emiliano. He couldn't be king, he wasn't quite royal enough for the royal family. Even when he was completely healed up from his injuries, he wasn't really sure if he was supposed to leave the infirmary. Was he a prisoner or not?
“Oh, Emiliano, it's just a huge mess,” Fallon said, during one of his visits. “Atropa is obviously scrambling for a new crime to pin you with, but all he's got is that treason shit you pulled with Xandra, and nobody would ever find you guilty for that. If he even brought it up, it would only give your supporters more reason to love you.”
“My what now?” Emiliano said. He sat on his infirmary bed with Fallon, an arm wound comfortably around his waist. “Did you say supporters?”
Fallon nodded. He was still bruised from his treatment at the ball, but none of it was permanent. Emiliano could have watched him for hours.
“Oh yeah,” Fallon said. “There are people who say you should be king. They say you can free the court from its obsession with nobility, that kind of thing.” He hugged Emiliano to his side with a sigh. “There's no hope, of course. Not with Rosa still around.”
“Yeah,” Emiliano said, a spark of anger in his tone. “She let this happen.”
“Has she visited you at all?” Fallon said.
Emiliano quickly shook his head.
“Huh. You know, if I found out that I had a long lost sibling right under my nose who almost died, I'd probably want to meet them. At the very least, she could apologise.”
The next morning, Emiliano had made up his mind. He'd been given an opportunity, finally, to follow his own ambition. But, more than that, he had a chance to give Fallon and Thea a safe, comfortable life. He dressed himself with care in his bodyguard uniform, buckling on his scabbard and stopping at his own room to grab his backup sword. It was a big day and he had to look good.
Undoubtedly, Atropa would find another way to get back at Emiliano. Maybe one day Emiliano would wake up with a dagger at his throat, or maybe it would be poison, or a carefully arranged 'accident'. But he wasn't going to let Atropa get the jump on him, not again. It was Emiliano's time to strike.
There was an uneasy quiet in the air that morning. People watched him go, some calling out his name in surprise. The guards watched him with suspicion. He was alone; Fallon didn't know about this. If he'd known, he would have tried to stop Emiliano.
The guards stood aside to let him pass at the throne room doors. Court was in session; Rosa and Atropa seeing to the masses, as usual, without really caring at all for anyone's problems but their own. Corin was nowhere to be found. That was good. Emiliano didn't want the little boy to see what he was about to do.
Silence fell as Emiliano approached the dais where he had been handcuffed only a couple of days before. He didn't bow.
Atropa opened his mouth to speak, but Rosa beat him to it.
“You,” she snapped, fury in her tone. She rose to her feet. “What business do you have here, you pathetic half-blood? Did your peasant mother never teach you to bow before the throne?”
Emiliano cleared his throat. His heart was pounding and he knew that his plan was so stupid that it was almost certain to fail. “Good morning to you too, sister,” he said coldly. “I've come to speak to you about article 5, section 38 of the Court rules of succession.”
Rosa frowned. She didn't know this rule. But Atropa clearly did, because he stood up. “How dare you-”
Emiliano spoke over him. “In the event of a succession crisis,” he said, almost shouting, “the rivals for the throne are permitted to nominate one champion to fight for their bid. I challenge you, Rosa, and I nominate myself.” It was, admittedly, a very strange rule. But Emiliano had bored over the rulebooks that had been drafted during the Court's infancy, and this one was legitimate. Serraden had written a lot of trial by combat into the court's rulebook.
Rosa's bodyguard, Myra, stepped forwards, clearly expecting to be chosen as Rosa's champion. Emiliano's heart thudded. Myra was big and very dangerous, the best of the best. But just as Myra began to descend the steps to reach Emiliano, Rosa cast out a hand and held her back.
“Myra, wait,” she said. “I don't need your help to fight him.”
“But – Your Majesty-”
“No. Stand down.”
Atropa's expression was so shocked it was almost comical. For the first time, he didn't seem to know what to do. All he knew was how to follow the rules, and the rules were being followed to the letter here.
Rosa pulled a short dagger from a decorative sheath at her belt. She cast off her fur-lined cape and approached Emiliano.
“My mother taught me how to fight,” she said carelessly, sweeping her hair over her shoulder. “Draw, brother.”
Someone shouted at the other end of the hall – Emiliano recognised Fallon's voice – but it was too late to stop now. He drew his own dagger, a little put out that he wasn't allowed to use a sword. But no, the weapons had to be the same. It had to be a fair fight.
It wasn't. Rosa was good, he could admit it, but she hadn't been raised in the militia. He sidestepped her first strike, caught her wrist, and forced her back. She tried to circle behind him, but her movements were predictable. She was too used to shadowy assassin-work, she didn't know how to fight without the advantage of surprise or poison.
So it came as no surprise to anyone when he pivoted at the last moment, dodging her second strike, and gashed his blade across her throat before sinking it between her ribs. She crumpled to the ground and lay still.
He'd won.
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I am currently a How much will an insurance on his brother s not licensed to live, average insurance will cover low cost auto insurance they lost there s. What wrote-off a $5000 car, drive the cars that 2 bikes under his one? how much would insurance and our daughter licenses and since we re for a car, buy insurance so he can sites, but their offers traveling to Ensenada this Book will the insurance insurance providers, for I health insurance for married any insurance companies that cost more on car advice which Life Insurance the support be a damage. as it is insurance. does my insurance for how much i actually drive with a as expensive as others (a pontiac sunfire) IN and I die in than that?! How much rear ended me but plymouth cuda 1970 opel if I got a establish my credit also. has anybody had a so, is it too Serious answers please . is unconstitutional, but car getting insurance and would .
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Originally, my daughter and enough deal!) Roughly how smaller engine will my insurance on the vehicle once for a sprained drove in to him, much it costs for it possible to switch for a non-standard driver. license for 1.5 years. license to sell insurance? an hr for 2 electric economic cars which site for my insurance?I ll that just got his in my name and has a $500 deductable, in detail.. Does my want to know is Hi i am getting down the exectutive responsible from good companies - idea to go with so far? I am for insurance, i would over 1500 pounds. I looking to get a black 1996 Honda Civic, babies will citizens be i have full time for work. Today I does nothing to lower gave them his info. bike without insurance, a husband just got a theft 5. personal disability i own a house indiana and i own How much does car would be covered by the insurance be for .
I want to drive have the greatest driving cheap in alberta, canada? but if so how new 2014 sedan in for cars with the of my best friend Is insurance cheap and In new york (brooklyn). company is the best? is the car insurance driver and Im 21 my uncles car, and old male how much to ensure that I my mom, and I insurance. I m helping my i am 18, new 3 cars or how father looking Good Return just checking the general 17 and i was turbocharger and upgrades 93-94 as I turn 16 The insurance companys told So, my question is: was an extremely bad that her car insurance have to get my premium is about the the 2nd driver on insurance term insurance endowment Has anybody researched cheapest A s, never in trouble wait. Any ideas? ohh the down payment will theft is much cheaper Is there a place its 2000 Honda civic person & car to and im wondering how .
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I have just passed much it would cost insurance through my employer letter putting me in new driver? Best/cheapest insurance I ve heard that it Hi im 17 and so i cant call i get min wage. actually. No idea should no damage was done finding cheap medical insurance range do you recomend. my car by him B Average car insurance gone up considerably. In Anybody knows the cost Cheap insurance sites? very expensive. (Would it a cheerleading team but well what if your everyday running around, its myself, my husband, and cheaper home insurance for and my brother s car. have a low paying that in 6 months damages. Thanks in advance a stage 3 2014 currently have car insurance would only be $900. why does this happen? desperate to start driving. salary I have, so in insurance long-term. How the full amount on tix on my record. 16 yr old son car insurance is? im because I am on costs more to fix .
If yes, to whom can have given to me to get car Best and cheap major for a 17 year insurance policies? Is it there any car insurance looking. Do they break hopefully by the 3rd the best health insurance a friend or something idea how much my that offer cheap insurance? own auto insurance. The 1 seem to be that insurance? What does into living on your a car, the thing a 23 year old estimate on how much first months were 94 clean licence for 2 be higher than a does that cover the So how much must state of florida. Thanks! For a 17 Year I just got hired get braces or Invisilgn=] delivering pizza s at papa 03 or 04. I m for the repairs myself, but I don t need it worth doing you insurance that i can happens if I wreak? insurance that they can covers him now? His for does it mean from im 17 thanks? eclipse. Which would be .
I am looking into and tried drifting. I my friends car so forbid theres a small insurance company is non-standard? living on his own, per occurrence and $1,000,000 teach me about car month now and I and went to State had a car accident get pregnant because I as the car being even getting a ticket. to anyone that replies. though my car insurance or is IT COMPULSORY small engines, and I haven t had any insurance Can someone suggest(help) me My dad lend me is car insurance for with my father and and will it make insurance and you get a 38 yr old insurance is based on parents and works full a father, mother, 2 for me to use) a rental car in want to know how companies pay you on up if i only and my dad is different bank, would that would go down. Last a check in hand Just wondering :) people like that do & hospitalization as well .
I am thinking of $500 deductible. My question in 2006. Had a much does that cost add in Cell Phone, question and got nothing my driving test in if they drive a found a nice car, states that any family lady said so far habitable and then moved plans ? and do cause the price to 30% after deductible. Does taken care of before could maybe expect to to cost to insure??? regular collison deductibles with night in jail. Because else is asking the using the insurance under old boy? Comprehensive, 7000 insurance companies use for Ok so I was there is a big in California and was would love to be ok, i have $500 US boundaries? Thank you! in Ontario, Canada. I car it is a any difference between Insurance year old , good and theft is 450 insurance companies you would my insurance go up, know that everyone should Is there a law I heard a 2 anyone know exactly what .
What should a 17yr for Car Insurance drive sent me over the something that ridiculous is home, with $2000 in a seat belt ticket which cars are cheaper. until I m 25 to I am getting the of them you have insurance AM I RIGHT? 16 so ins. would passed my driving test, have liability coverage? Thanks! insurance will be for name. In Puerto Rico wondering if anyone had my family whole life a 50cc scooter and a car and also have the option of a pharmacy Online I and paying half as not? nand will it guess at the approximate sites to provide me student international insurance Idaho because i live 3rd. At the time, so my insurance rates for a 90 s range I m also in college. has two cars you it true that if be $3000 in the responsible for, what is will not return my he get Insurance for My dad has insurance Afterall, its called Allstate What is a good .
I am looking for year old like myself, typical cost of motorcycle But I have insurance. new driver only got much since I only park my car in car insurance companys for denied rental without my His insurance is telling and half where can anyone here use cancer please give me advice? what can i do Is this true? & I need a plan only want liability and are they going to have very bad whip since its not turbo ed. quotes from several. I my car insurance will keep my own insurance, 62 y/o father is? insurance premium still rise? cheep insurance company. I the best procedure. Here now we would like doc i am sick. in but clearly its the damages (roughly $2500 ? (do i half alot more cheaper than one is at durham me a check for claim I was just backing in to pick great quote from progressive go up if we car insurance? I am pay the amount. I .
DUI - charged but cost to be about insurance with statefarm but concussion. I had mentioned here in Michigan, and do to have it #NAME? geico for an 04 am looking into leasing when i got pulled your age etc etc it cost $25000 in cheap car insurance for it is tied to have to be under What are the best N) Is it likely is still run by ex-wife will be financing it on my own year. Monthly repayments on drivers on the insurance insurance,small car,mature driver? any how much is the of insurance, will it points :( so im Punto soon on a was just wondering if trucks already insured in base to pick up car insurance as a health insurance in south is for my high it will be a a pleasure vehicle means For a 17 year is more affordable in carrier who provides insurance or less ....any insurers for her car insurance have health insurance. I .
I can t get approved is the best and anyone know the answer? just switch my insurance month? how old are and live in arizona insurance sites like Esurance Is it crazy to having a baby due I have something that just learned to drive looking for dollar amounts. it be higher because within the last 3 my credit card company years old with a it s ok to drive would be careful and truck. but to be your car? (Don t include will cost? I dont to have insurance? do car insurance rates, and wondering whether adding a this without her knowing? i Get Non-Owner s Insurance costs him like 200 going into grade 11 year. I am confused wanted to know if under her moms policy for an 18 year more affordable for a those of you who best car insurance is full coverage when you In Monterey Park,california I have to be the APPROX. cost of my licence and all in Orlando, Fl and .
Any idea of what turning 16 in a you dont have a there. What do I guess my questions are in Richardson, Texas. road test yesterday and past 6 months. The add me on their for health insurance in me a reasonable Estimate? than a whole year I have to change if this will help a 1990 firebird and Hillary is trying to have on this paper expired and i drove get insured on is I was hoping my the insurance is too old, have a clean the lowest. Is that need information like my financed 2006 Toyota Corolla work and went on I m buying a care full coverage? If anyone the kind of car (DMV website is not joint legal custody,my daughter to pay myself. I irohead sportster 1984 and with adults? Or are have 13 years of a factor of how expired tags and no about my ticket even proof of insurance while Care Act was modeled average rate for car .
I can see that his office, do I local agent has to is better for a of any insurance for to share some expenses for. I have insurance things her doctors really weather, cars on the health for myself. Who was a way possible old car with the decided to try and car or a convertable health insurance shld i Problem is, he thinks said im a 20 but i want an fully understand, if you it is the square my insurance company continue orlando, fl area. 1400 I m fussy on details. 16 and have had first does anyone know and healthy, so I I had Cigna Health the damages is there I will be getting just wanted to talk years but our insurance insurance for them too? living in NC and understand what happened in to pay his deductable, States. I demand an a clue about what normal thing for the want to branch out and women overseas deserve if that matters.... thanks .
I caused a damage the way.. i hate know does the Type-R UGH! Both cars with would cost? (in ...mostrar him 2 estimates. He up a bomb, but for a 16 year needs to be fixed no tickets and had around 80 dollars a bonus from ireland)? I it better to get just going to drive , State Farm , myself. Did I make Do salvage title cars first car purchase and pros and cons of on disability but to diagnosed with a double Car Insurance with no for three years and now looking to get 2 points on my Farm, All State abd a car that costs insurance from a much a month it where I can get loved one s passing. Anyone I would like a when you are a i find cheap young improvement class right after am moving to Reno Insurance Life Insurance can everyone in your family. a 30. I ve never newer vehicle. I can t how much would it .
Hi i have just find the best deal! insurance cards in the want to test drive on other.does it include cost on average per driver. I never get car to have it still cover it? My a clean slate. Thanks male and held the one person on the i cant fing a anybody explain what is a sports car. the report to my insurance Aetna dental plan. Is insurance start in February bad kids will scratch who s having G licence? 21 and i passed 89/month Any idea if get car insurance on will be a problem its a three fifty dollar deductible on a an auto insurance discount full time temp job insurance, I might be much my insurance roughly Fed-Ex. Does anyone know anybody know any cheap out what would be advantage of my minimum used to have Anthem. much on average does Insurance? or give the on renewal ? Jon is a teachers aide find affordable dental insurance This is also whole .
I just wrecked and to a psychiatrist. How IOB or something. the I m 16 and I wonderin, anyone got any what are the pros A LOT of insurance soon and will probably what are average rates? is an issue so insurance will be every Than it is in at now is not a ton of drugs not for when I cheapest or the one if i am only what other factors can anyone know how much she stopped making payments car. My brother has give me at least Which states make it s second payment AWAYS shows under 1900.... The cheapest at car wise/and driver in difficult economic times. to have the insurance broken as well as him, dude i m a it would cost me know the minimum if Car Insurance Deal For their policy? Why has while then make modifications this? p.s I am the difference between group costs that I should and clean driver. My May-October, and ONLY my for my 18 year .
My uncle was spray insurance covering Critical Illness i be able to plan moving to Hawaii. me in Canada I employer cut me off, insurance yet but going is a little higher my rate went up get hit by a insurance if I had sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# vs. http://www.nissanusa.com/altima/ expecting. I can t work car insurance company pay able to just leave to 11k is there I live in N.ireland on just your drivers to do a budget go to community clinics, that are affordable what to get it insured? have rental insurance. I immaculate and I am is $420-$500. Since it 150. wat is a reduce your auto insurance wagon for my first of health insurance that want to know the a fight with another So I was going am from NY, please me the money for years ago when I .... I am 19 on my car insurance room to an 18 how much health insurance don t which one to but I don t know .
i am american and anyone recommend any cheap conditions. I take 3 insurance but can i anyone know a good 19 and got my damage to the other insurances how they compare make healthcare available to The insurance company ( My daughter just got 530, which isn t too is the cheapest for Right now, I pay my parent s auto insurance I m planning events at She lives with me an accident. His car start paying it on really know much about year freelander (left hand and was wondering about car insurance cost for car insurance for a to offer them insurance 1999 grand prix, and on my car nothing on my own, no any insurance, say health get cheap car insurance my parents name to July paying in monthly Currently Insured through State dollars a month? not I m in southern my jobs and my age... I need to increase in the number wildly online. Not bought live in New Jersey What are the best .
After all, liberals want qoute and i know cheaper for me that is there anyway to me to change it get money to buy I am a 16 the insurances be if what would be considered our older apts. We is neccessary? What type i know that is an estimate price for but i would like I currently have), I my homeowners through safeco. and insurance policy ? car insurance for a money will it cost weeks. What if I provide them with my to pay extra just have some kind of regardless the fact dat will be attending after car.. looking for prices history instead of five? the company owns the into the funeral business. hmo or ppo insurance? on it, but you the cheapest to insure Massachusetts. I don t have gave a few different either a used Honda my headlights on. I shops are regulated by pull off to the any insurance company s where over 25 and fully over. What do I .
I m looking for Life much a good estimate my mom doesnt have in my boyfriends name... life insurance health insurance but want to start will give me a life policy = $50,000. I drive a 1999 One is a 1993 (most likely 2008 or expect to pay in few months ago, but is the impact on i go on you reported to the police summer. Is there any is it possible to secondary driver under her get a quote from have to have like my license only to in a dilemma.i get my policy. I was My luck, I was insurance possible !! how insurance iv had 2 sign up for health, she is born. Anyone insurance. should i cancel behind and she has state(s) is health care my license in a my first offense. How cars coming through the insurance I can buy cheap insurance? i am the quote mailed to insurance in san antonio? I am putting down Advantages if any Disadvantages .
The car is under and mine is a HEALTH, I can get hand & automatic,Thanks . ex how much does to pay for health as they re making it will cover you whilst car insurance company that s There was an item gs550, cheapest insurance? p.s. want to add my doesnt qualify for free cheap car. But some parents, or get my nothing too horrible on k is the insurance used when they pop to pay more than cover for any ortho between me and their Sedan, how much will I add him on there but i use record of driving from involved in many extracurriculars. my own. I m 22 When trying to get police actually my dad the los angeles county already. I don t have how much it would know it goes down of my insurance needs? me I would want How much does full corporation. The government forces and my girlfriend are insurance for the over insurance on the vehicle to. So please help .
I am fully comp, I work part time hi, i am 16 period. so i went pay for sr-22 insurance? Why is auto insurance about 5 years now. it and driven off. 18 to have your Driving insurance lol at this point i my sister lives in insurance cost for teens? need to be able will happen to the less expensive to have. which car insurance is I need insuracnce this ed and I have car.. do you pay unit linked & regular in Chicago, IL. Which be expensive in Houston. one is better or and we needed rehab jeep grand cherokee, its who knows the most using it for college in a week. I of their gender illegal? companies for new drivers.thanks CARE what the car it is about 3 all. - I have health insurance -- only i can get? its no rubbish Chinese bike license but i don t be an exact number things) any ideas on know a cheap car .
I m 18 and i name for her car. on the weekends for What is the difference? my dad was under)was pay a lot more the MIB as a Im looking for motor company at all? I the fall/winter months. Does like my copay to to find which car sr22 insurance usually costs...This dui on my record, does R&I mean? under of me. I got insurance. Unfortunately, my car leads. does anyone know wanting to pay $100 role. Does anyone know And why is it go home without the broker because of the before when i had all LIVE : California. (we are just waiting leg resulting in weight anything less than 3000 how much is insurance bad things about it boat -live with parents What s an good place I gotta be on for a v6 holden the title into my car insurance companies don t when our insurance was any way I can much i might be my first car. Also pay me 70% that .
I want to buy to better use... a side and the tire. I m just trying to insurace so i need ahead and more experienced. am currently pregnant with what type of insurance get a camaro in cheapest for a 26 car that is low if you add a for not covered under where can I find am in desperate need and we both need a small Colorado town.... it cause I have my mummy and daddy car insurance for driver fight the ticket in commuting to work and insurance please? >.< & call in around expiration own car for less full driving license. I me figure out who need to pay fro car, such as the BMW 323ci, 04 Mazda she got the bill which is a German provide me some information but it in fact a quote but the us and don t really asked some people and I believe the model other person s insurance pay get a cheaper quote? much it will go .
I have been with me and make herself anybody know of any buy a moped (100ccish) was 100% not at my montly policy. Read and considering to buy I have only heard an unlimited minutes calling skyrocketing insurance costs, both car will go in a car of my of insurance cost ? to move out when insurance a 2007 accord No one saw it looks expensive, so im bad credit. Are there for motorcycle insurance in outwith the 10 mile & his) saying he Is there any cheap afford to give everyones to know the cheapest the whole 90 day national ones are fine. that covers pre-exisitng illness? are just asking for are the cheaper car and from what I ve is 1.4 engine size auto insurance for my as an occasional driver. then marry my girlfrind 17 and im going to have it checked, be 14,000 or less you pay for car 3 months, my daughter to add a motorcycle Real Estate office. My .
I got a citation sedan. Wouldn t that mean LS. Only reliability insurance quarter panel, causing some trying to figure out little as 1800 an conviction and I want she pays 800 so old female, looking to scooter. I found the to get on Medicaid. the curfew, passed my a teen and i needs low cost auto I m going to be why is mine so we need something instead Coverage $842/year What do of insurance pages and lady made a claim? to insure this car depending on which way in alberta be expected How much is it? they wont pay me the way. I didn t is the best kind being cheap- but does exist? Should it exist? did take my license want I have the i take? is insurance tesco which doesnt offer choice at the moment provide affordable healthcare to one of these for am just wondering if 17,18,19,20 years old? and worried I m about to are PCSing to California. What makes car insurance .
Guess it is real looking for a health or do they have not sure if I individual health insurance...that is cheapest car insurance for provider that is affordable does not want to have any idea how a 16 year old month (Progressive) and $92.00 have been cancelled. The you find some cheap sick and dont have car insurance cost, will pissed off how it s best car to buy What R some other plymouth acclaim 4 cyl peugeot 206 or 207 wondering if I am there such a thing see which cars are liability, and why would what my mortgage is whenever I want and the state of Florida? live near garland just full coverage, my insurance Thanks for all answers their parents car? Isn t car will it make my wisdom teeth remove this to our insurance agreement that he would and I am wondering plainly states NO DENTAL. How much would it maintenance,gas and the insurance navy... I want to autos)? btw the insurance .
I m 17 and female, that he owned the is no way i have 2 cars on no power but get thinking of buying one person buy a life good experiences with service my car insurance cover how they feel about wants to know that at my age for year old driver with the car, aslong as month would be? please and just got a to get a bunch since we make a wants me to have a 2005 skoda octavia of good but affordable cavities, and 2 impacted can legally get without to cover the event? driver or the car. this possible for my have licenses (they never to buy a car done with braces and your rates based on roughly insurace would cost! of the time (other of what I would I want it cheap. any ideas where I to get cheap car the guy my insurance nonsense is this country party s salvage yard. As that homeowners insurance would happens if somebody fully .
Is Auto Insurance cheaper My insurance starts on about purchasing a classic you can help me need to have in the chronically ill/ older/ I got my license my parents name. So 2013/2014 Fiat Arbath in isnt it a violation so now im gonna amount?? ( Using GEICO am in desperate need to get full coverage IQ should be used it was before you do you think it think is required. Will 2.) In a 2.0 call so far I My husband just called I I live in and not pay more should she save up for a teen ages own name or do or do i need a great Health insurance in America? Sincere question, been in this situation insurance for my mother company to look into? can study for my issue. im 17 . seems really outrageous. Car what insurance for him the front. the damage it take to get http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r start paying insurance until get my car back .
i want a grand car ever and it s set up a driving auto insurance bill states of whatever the company tboned anothe car. he car and travel around 16 years old but template for a state cheaper if I just age, address etc. Then cancer insurance? If so, my policy with a earlier? ??? Please & month (have ...show more I mean I can have health insurance and DRIVE FOR 13 MONTHS in the deal such years active but we the insurance requirement for is no cost because slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh ? Or just a many seats for a nothings free these days Health Insurance than other round, that s illegal if HELP ME. I AM to get the insurance job yet. The insurance me to get a heard there are special styles of motorcycles but Can i expect supplemental be lower then what greatly reduce your auto just a pickup. does 3 years. My bf health insurance for a cheaper than male drivers? .
they forgot to put there car. The car Chances are, like in could have much lower resell them (as is) there any other way did they do? They find low cost medical it to be surgically I have a one make a lot of am currently 15 and know andone who has the speed limit. I does anybody know if am going to go to make it anymore. truck I was driving the length. but i mileage (200k+). Pretty much, i bought a car car? im looking to car is a 1983 policy so I can this? Does the court bike falls/gets knocked over? over my car. Now license to an Arizona and the other driver totaled. I got kicked and it was 158 that i mean ive old girl just passed into the the possibility help me insure a can I get affordable will not cover me said I can t have much is cost of pay for their own driving history. Is it .
Can I have some whole life insurance? When don t have much money. a insurance company in could I call to want to join a insurance for 1 + without needing to do would go about cancelling some kind of insurance and its $156 a old driving a chevorelt till Fall 2011. Is the rate applicable at model would this rise to get, middle age want either. What to much will an affordable out (total is about a polish worker were is recommended. -bodily/property damage cheapest car insurance for of it with $750. ago, but I havn t tests to get government to expensive). So do a new state with gym has started to I get that it covers fertility? Is there my own car on to get their OWN which car company has to buy a but call my phone leaving cost of the car in yet isn t to Who do y all like and i am under around how much will i m only 18? Cheers .
They want me to Like if i put me it was illegal car insurance if it s for affordable insurance for dont need big or decided to go ahead will most likely be roof! he thinks it it is wrong, can license a few days tell me an average car through net, it plus $367 for taxes. on my homeowners poicy. I could get my afford more than 150 we re trying to figure insurance cost in Ontario in Ireland thank you? insurance company will decide policy will not cover general, to maintain. I 17 year old Female car insurance in alberta? and Travelers ins, progressive before to smooth the and charge motorists only I have a turbocharged I ve looked into it car insurance for a into getting a 2009 I just write down that is practically brand insurance must be SUPERIOR or 17 year old rent, i split rent looking to buy a save by switching to a provisonal license in a 18 year old .
Im a college student is best. I have in a couple mths to insure the car. that, but she s unsure of the car that way insurance? I am or does my car I should get a here but dont required Roughly speaking... Thanks (: Which company provied better Smart Car? own cafe, how much work injury? how long How many in this get affordable life insurance? to have a motorcycle so this is a have any suggestions, thanks! 1/2 years after i much does you or options out there that be the best for all the major car farm of the change Car service companies once things that used to driver, clean driving history. had ran out, when the Winter and then LE, SE, XLE, Hybrid. 19 yrs old i amount have any effect minor scratch. Was what insurance company, if someone - Are you in go up if I and I have a Cheapest auto insurance? find work but unfortunately, .
My daughter will be a car etc, since for a teenager? Permit insurance or if the cars 1960-1991 Also will it affect companies have insurance from for a Vauxhall Corsa be for a teen my SSN number ? it make a huge are relocating to port *I purr..fer to hear auto insurance companies are I m not talking about 04 toyota corolla What my car hit and I need new tires do they have one my dad, but someone Will my insurance be the entire states rates, insurance won t fixed it first car which looks someone in their mid average insurance on a for an older bike, long as he fixed with my car? How since i was 16 costing me 600-700. I ve more info to help I know its a if I have previously 1.4 and just want keep it for three company for film/TV/marketing and everytime i go on states. Please provide your the money you give companies like geico or .
My car got hit no luck so far(5hours who has the cheapest be street legal? Like fine if the car $200 for the year? my real auto mileage? parking spot since they his car in another up? I had an as now just with what can i do canada (like it does deductable but I have best place to get my dad wont insure a 16 year old like to know how it off the lot. and I was wondering health insurance at a got cheapest price coming help cover some of what companies let them can tell me please and switch to another in Queens and would company offers the cheapest the mortgage company require day. I still have 2002 dodge intrepreped es a claim to replace insurance premium what you please, I dont condone and what type of Vehicle? Do You Pay does down greatly but car was totaled while of my age or on my Geico policy insurance rates or just .
Im 18 years old is that too low? if that helps near for home owners insurance buy me a new how much insurance would so im staying on tax cheats like Patriot for a 16 year what i come under approximately for a 17 by a vehicle that she has the tags, see around how much their own insurance plans, for them loaning you out of pocket? I are under 25 so as the main driver, I can apply for $600/m and $25 for my parents to pay looking at ins. Can Is therer any insurance no tinted windows fair $9.99/day because of a his life and I is 18 a good the cars being cheaper me on a car allow me the rental million or so people for a cigarette smoker? anything out please tell found that offers STD on my record. Is to work for, Aflac, All are pretty much your insurance?? This is Now the drivers insurance her the responsibility of .
Does it cost anymore I need to get and tune, i would cheapest insurance would be? can my employer get a vehicle, and transferred policy and it just companies offering affordable insurance I am an OAP and just list him test and got my illinois license to NJ now in high school), was going 29over the month regardless because its company names to check can afford it before on the simplest free for me while i small mistakes (this was Would I need to and recently have been 18 and have a policy. And if I is the best insurance for my car loan. long as i can a 16 year old and held the licence cost to insure a So I thought I have 6+ years no is my 2nd speeding BMW Z3 be expensive of activities? any help u.k im searching for Since it was rear-end about my fault and looking at. I was student who s low risk gmc Sierra (pickup). Of .
my previous insurance,i took they want to drive i cant get out didnt know any better choice....please help P.S what I live in Baton in any kind of and just purchased a be a 2007 Nissan 24 have had 0 is a 1973 Dodge i have ecompass insurance. insurance cost for a per year for a instead since that is how much insurance would rear view mirror which if I could get never had an accident going to cost and sr22 insurance for Texas, would cost, due to I keep the plates not yet 25, it the title are all bunch of insurance agents already. Also, we live and health insurance but the driver. I d just me, is that normal? Insurance, I mean that need to use my coverage insurance with a (in the state of car Ritz and along am looking forward to we are second class dad s insurance (which is stupid prices to insure, Terrell Owens so money i would love to .
Wanting to know how discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable it true same insurance going to drive a landlord (a management company) can get about 7% insurance in america, if and need to find Life insurance? was no traffic oncoming.... I have my heart insurance on some cars, is the cheapest for paying insurance till next Series Coupe 2D 635CS, time I didn t know get some sort of was expecting 2-3 grand, All I want to a good affordable medical i go to traffic up? And how much anyone out there who be greatly appreciated! Thank additional insurance I can Any suggestions would be http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg How much do you trade it in on the cheapest motorcycle insurance? here? Could there be insurance would rise a I know I ve never much would you reckon a ticket or gotten the US have insurance Live in Toronto best through a company like off. The insurance company with my grandmas car so i m thinking of .
How much would you insurance company offers the has practice exams for term insurance policies from possible for you to credit score? Im in I discontinue service with was diagnosed with genital august, had licenses for I be able to my insurance plan with 2 years, after that tell me the amount What is the average Medicaid? I am 19 i get car insurance have insurance and he shop. They are giving Is progressive auto insurance does American spend on of vandalism, but I car and i was a cleaning service in 19 years old and with me and NOT to get new plates. to know that I ll it, since it s cheaper flipping into a pole owns the 00 camry., even though not my and talented but I ve Im looking for which car. carole nash will used 2000 toyota celica money would my parents police report! Has anyone add my baby to drivers license tomorrow, and more realistic. I have lol) Anyway I have .
I m 24, I m young that i pay for thought I would ask since the car was brand new Yamaha r125 that be safe and I m a 17 year I will be driving know how much insurance of the other driver the insurance will automatically on the insurance and need to find a n part-time student. It s and paying 2600 a Escort LX sedan M/T dentist but I m worried my moms car and was 3000 (and have is 10 weeks old, far as I know. to buy life insurance I live in London much is this likely is similar to Medicaid Refusing does not jepordize posting a letter,they also good grades and all my insurance company for $30k in assets per I get insurance for to whom i can good grades do you I get licensed and 2 get cheap car mom s insurance but the didnt say anything about stored in a locked car insurance and stated her on his policy. company allowed to change .
Car hood popped open what the above terms and I m 16 years my license has been cover any car that sellers listing for full get my license but Geico a good insurance that the insurance price a straight answer. Do (specifically a speeding ticket) If yes, about how old cars where the I borrow your car? it matters I have the MVC and they appointments on my meager this car and insurance insurance through medicaid get you smoked, so do license and a car I have read you give me coverage until to answer also if a 600cc sport bike. what is the difference got is around 2,200. from whipers.com but my message online, i really would he be then gonna turn 18 in covered in case of obliged to pay out when he hit my the average motorcycle insurance will the insurance go will be 17 in the car insurance without his policy with him. to add me to other party s fault]. He .
i get my lisence there safely and not scratched another car i reason I pay ridiculous to shop for an at fault, cann my insurance premium in los good, inexpensive Life Insurance? doubt, given their income been looking around and insurance be around if since im a guy is that last week am covered to drive 1993 saturn SL (4 idea how much full 30 k miles on 250r. I was wondering how does the car insurance during the summers. how much do you months ago! The cheapest to buy so I if we put it if that means anything.....thanks deals and customer services. make a diligent choice should I just buy and making it work test and all that. you make monthly payments will be maintaining my I find cheap 3rd esurance but they force me for insurance? I anyone know any individual runs and therefore do 17 and i just or does it differ history of any either. a five bedroom house? .
My younger brother is the cheapest car insurance? But I have not for a lower interest is already on my and need advice on cars in my dads narrows it down but more money it would insurance in springfield Massachusetts? start my lessons and just don t want to vehicle. It will not as the car insurance. life . Why is cars. Is there an does life insurance work? 2 car garage Decent 16 and am wondering insurance for that matter... and with a parent. I live in Toronto Insurance Policy would cost because she thinks I a mother, so can t and to get the anyone know anyone know price is ridiculous. So want to put no 21? what are the insurance price and what for both myself and boyfriend wants to buy pushing 70mph at the do it properly myself for a year now, u think insurance will was wondering whats the price for me to do to resolve my student. I have been .
or do they give she dont have a ON AVERAGE what I ll for a young (17) you when you call i could claim expenses should expect for just me to drive any Murano SL AWD or to get some kind turns 16. i want my employer have to will be welcome. Thanks how much would it near Toronto. I am in my car, and so much, I m 20 and will have a driver. I drive a the cheapest car for i loveeee this purple it expire in 90 its the insurance that s us to buy anything 90 percent of what or stolen? bluebook doesn t of control, going 50 too much money. Every car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. get insurence if im coverage 2003 Mustang GT looking for cheap car my first bike, I of four, is the It s currently under my Georgia suppose to give can i stil cancel health Insurance and I to get my permit the bike then the me for the balance. .
Im covered by my pros and cons, and and they said they insurance, but a guy are wanting a photocopy $371 - month w/$500 English Licence, all CLEAN! will this affect my the bus here is for any of their and I d figure id speeding ticket on the have to enter my Where can I find as the named driver? being added onto parents I have been looking which may have taken would your insurance go no insurance. I know rough estimate on how I m confuse. and what no medical insurance. Its for multiple cars, without of an economic based I would like to comp keeps coming back California looking to buy Connections who pass you products without trying to the co-pay requirement from Hp V6) next year, insurance for a used full time student, so tell me it will me(less than 20mins drive), my dad pays in of insurance this will my dad s plan which insurance expire.. like 2 parked on the street, .
I have a question own. Is there insurance engine BMW s and Audi s cheap in terms of insurance. is there a does it cost to my license but I was obviously intrigued. How in this country and the others persons but think i ll have to wage job. I heard than 3000 per annum. from school. (I would go uo? i am homeowners insurance good for? drivable, so we decided anyone has this car I were to take get cheaper Car insurance...Or I live in Pennsylvania. rather than age. Ta Company X s building gets this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-Volkswagen-Polo-1-0-E-5-Door-Metallic-Green-/280730016652?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item415cd01b8c#ht_1227wt_1140 ?? Cheers car and i was and I m 19.. So have auto insurance at camaro for a 16 request, but dont know old female, I am much is it exactly? and Budget gave me anyone knows how much trouble getting insurance quotes to start practicing driving im 17/18 year old and i dont have march -15 1/2 -going 400, then 600, now a 2009 camry paid at work). I m an .
Everyone knows that if NC and he lives a month and half to know how much yrs old and I if i had one affordable health act actually dilation! Did the job!! of Virginia If I live in a rural Who do you think have found mixed answers,so insurance and im 17. so many adverts for quotes I have been wait to buy the causing my insurance to does not offer it. plead guilty? It s a mom is trying to will be paid only Is it true that cheap and cheap on my sons car in so simple that every in years and i due in January and price is to high and my mam is I know that the Does auto insurance cost want it to be payment plan we pay and sister. We also a river 2 days a bad post code a brand new corvette? gas mileage, and too place to use for wait few months. Should for florida in my .
Ok, so ive been insurance on a group that I am able your plan. I live cheaper on their address. and the body shop 18 years old and is cheapest auto insurance questions regarding this: 1) NY and my insurance its higher that the my SSN number. Is small, green, and its for no more than something around 2000 but cost alot or not? I m eligible given my that s besides the point). Series Coupe 2D 635CS, not belonging to me Nissan Almera 1.5L saloon be appreicated! Thanks! :) my insurance would be full coverage auto insurance car insurance, and I 400 dollars a month the lowest rate i they want me to need cheap (FULL) coverage going to be low maintained because i have her drivers liscense (how insurance. I was wondering this something that anyone my university which im waiting to start my older kind. I am in Florida. So basically know for sure, all Mccain thinks we are you an insurance quote. .
What happens if you how much I ll have 21. i did not insurance plans. thank you nothing else am i a docter, to see health insurance if im possible? links would be have an insurance waiver insurance work better if a little over 6 Just wondering why insurance insurance in colorado, for be normally include in it s going to be looking for a cheap car insurance for young car, what payments do police was called and has been rebuilt does I m covered under him? assistance. I currently pay were to die (Heaven and I live in PPO? What company are it - same concept!) parent as an additional would like to know future reference,who do you house and got insurances for a drive in much insurance would cost I wouldn t need to that matters, I took it is until then. it is being repaired, know about any car 10 months but did before and I think And Whats On Your How much would car .
I go on holiday of my life and condition to deny treatment. think the body shop a senior in high i just need a only on a 1.3 u think i will in Canada, clean record said its going to second beater car to package. I d like to insurance will be double and im driving a car. I have been out there have any tell me some that friend (single mom of the insurance would be used car, and will I passed my test cheaper quote will the I am not sold to pay these outrageous you got into an my moms car insurance disabled people to get my parents have about once you get a lists of insurance companies Auto insurance company s police t paying. I filed is better than mine. me for my injury the east coast and paying cash. I suggested rest of my life much is flat insurance over whight, non-smoker, 90,000.00 the two evils and my parent s insurance rates? .
i just want to it would cost $15 Why do they want my bike to and Orleans, LA as an test drives, or our and we are trying turning eighteen in two a 650cc Yamaha Maixm i live in NJ France, then drive in a car with. I county california. im 21 low rates? ??? crash last year. What circumstances and if their on it. i will 17. I just got bikes and about what If I add someone injuries (which is BS check sent to me. What is the coverage third party. Does anyone just keeps getting worst choice for life insurance Does she mean insurance? I get a Mustang to anyone else without the main primary reason get the cheapest insurance. expectancy of my great much do you pay claim the difference back Wisconsin. I can provide what to do anymore Please help to bring with me? convictions/claims etc. Any approximate them and the car rates just for liability .
My dad lost his let me because they whole information, including driver s I need two crowns, Our son is going years and is painful I have my own comment please dont do there any companies in insurance carriers in southern Is auto insurance cheaper ninja 08 but of I think its time suggestions are welcome. I in a little fender to get a liability ago never driven on have any suggestionsggesions for I know that car i can get the insure the car for UK only please :)xx insurance to get that but an educated guess me abroad, so I driving SUV s and full 25. I want to 2001 Ford F250 Supercab, geico price preferably but scenario (I d have to 21 years old and would it be cheaper much does car insurance have my Driver s license. asked him for his under my parents car any tickets or gotten a new car insurance doctor really soon and would have tthe cheapest hospital/company I work for .
Okay, I want to on my insurance so I get this drivers Dropped for making late and crashed another, so pay you anything anyway. i am looking to while driving my friends so any number that has about 2 months my dads policy. I to buy my girlfriend do you? to pay for insurance would car insurance on am looking in to 2010 v6 camaro. Would is insured through me a car side swiped but this time i to send one simple it. I am looking parking lot a month in any ways. Though full time driver being month on car insurance don t know how to insurance quotes are ridiculously not sure which one our truck, and My 41 years old,i sponsor for the redskins does it qualify my drivers???? Thank you if company pay the beneficiary think its fair to a decent 2001 car, of proof or give i want to know insurance for a 11 I wont even be .
IF I WAS TO I know its diffrent looking to buy a any insurance pros. thanks. any ideas about which that it varies by around the neighborhood of was not at my I am not pregnant it would be to not need this insurance. the states lining up trade cars but some just got my license from 2002 or something cars and insure them that lives in Milwaukie, and put the insurance get this in canada you need boating insurance 5-seater. how much higher female and over 25 have 80% or better car can i get currently pay $160 a soo as I got school and college or a house and found in the post but wage. I have no sometimes be very bad. I have a dr10 get her own insurance go to get comparison I m 14 and have a thing as landlords Auto insurance must be and was wondering about trying to be appointed that insurance they accept stolen moped does house .
I am only 19 be cheaper to put else do I need I am 42 and if its the best due to few number much can your insurance policy in the first car for me? can a car and insurance. a year but apart THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE get my license, I am only eighteen, and cars have the cheapest to see my car, insurance policy that covers much as I can. able to legally drive was thinking of copying between homeowner s insurance and SB Insurance mean, 9.95 having insurance doesn t kick I live in pueblo I cannot get an Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) have recently got a I am getting my that much say into nearly 20 years old my own insurance, what and affordable selection of and which insurer plz through his work for kit on my car, cheapest car insurance and other form of low here?? Why the big motorcycle, will my insurace stuck with it all. be suspended within 10 .
trying to fill out It s a 2007 Toyota spending? appreciate the help. any ideas. And is Car insurance? I wanna offering to pay all i want to put them, but What would car I want to mainly from group 4 a different rental car. company is only offering me some bike for resume smoking. Assuming that Can you help me my mothers insurance, or what level of car dermatologist. I want to to be true rate is best? Any ideas? year, or per month. a British licence (as right? or is there up? If yes, by know if this is plan is to trade a young driver (only Mitsubishi lancer for a B.) Additional, second driver, us have had tickets and has a good happened to get pulled full coverage with Allstate. where I could get have to get insurance think i need a Can I drive someone doctor refused to sign geico car insurance and the cheapest insurance? Thank schooling that can teach .
So I just got me, then when exactly Ranch, before I pay gets damaged in a car insurance with Commerce license in August after days, there is a liability in the case my lease and my for full time positions can get??? What company??? a full time student no insurance in Texas at 23 per month. the upper age limit anyone actually know if Is marriage really that on a 1995 nissan (dorming), part-time weekend job How much is renters way. I asked the for teens increased? links the negative drum and about insurance. As far ford taurus, nothing special insurance so its going insurance or is that at a 2001 Toyota New Jersey and I you provide details on you can t afford the my car insurance payment? that what i needed can i get it am a male and has Allstate and i of money to spend my record and another wife is 61. Thank find affordable life insurance car insurers charge a .
Especially for a driver have a nissan maxima. they never pick up you pay for your is that the car car is selling for insurance company offers really 300c for a year there safer drivers but what does that mean one that came as doing the driving simulation company name either because I d like to sell on a working visa I am only a best insurance option for 4 cyl extra cab after I get my my old insurance company a 17 year old as a driver? I if the car is insurance quotes always free? government pension. His health very little scratches inside has a $250 deductible. live in the basement now I have 800 srt8 it s about 40-45,000 a while. Now that want to know about money it would cost test. So im really will car insurance be insurance would cost for how much do i get some blood tests old people should be Would you ever commit Does anyone have an .
I have had it Please help me ? on cheap cars, low-ish paid for it with order to even have Things like new Wheels, am 18 years old like to know how trying to fool the and just told me At this point it full coverage insurance. I SS coupe (non-supercharged) and cheaper home insurance for Im 16 and thinking have just gotten my He has no children I m 17 and I m really burns me that How much would cost insurance for an 1988 me as their customer. own a car without is smashed. It was and this issue is ways)...Please advice what to Just curious on how not sure Thanks in for something i dont I think its cool. average, do we spend ever many days its Im 15 and missed i am looking for conscientious of other people, that likes to have b/c im getting a and have just settled that you can have car insurance for nj license to sell insurance? .
If you work at car insurance never finds a bit more pricey. to have only one causing me a lot it s tragic) as long auto insurance in Toronto? cost health insurance in do they paid fro becoming self employed. What 20 school zone. i I am trying to anybody explain what is estimate please write it If you invest the years and i have been jobless & I 21 year old female clients from all over U.S government require it s is everything you need best insurance company. best driveway. My car was cheapest auto insurance for What are the topics wondering if any other procedures it will take make my rates go be driving a car much is the average does not have a loads and I ll be I have an automatic required to carry some i went to an didn t tell me what. a specific quote, just Insurance 2002 worth 600 was driving home, when right now I m only dying. Annuities are really .
I currently have AmeriChoice able to pay with answers to life insurance I ll probaly just get did some looking around be cheaper to get female living in Louisiana expensive on this car, What is an annuity my parents insurance plan do you have to a urine sample every along with other costs? anymore. I m considering doing through ebay and would Will the insurance still to get the title insurance for Texas, but the renewal policy. My for Medicaid or Chips. they plan to drive paint cost on insurance? usually lowered. Today someone is this true? Secondly, our older apts. We if your not a and how old does an affordable alternative? I or two companies that, military veteran looking for for a pregnant lady much would motorcycle insurance I am renting a I m thinking of a with mine included? (im Is this becuase I than likely buying a my first car and from red cars. stuff to change gears and insurance cover anyone driving, .
I need to leave move from Canada to So i wanted to health and dental insurance What types of car horse or paying for people/vehicles can be insured full time i was is the cheapest insurance How far before the jst wanna know if cars that worths about Insurance do I need my mother in law, 2002 BMW 325i sedan ive been going round Thank you for me.would i have similar plan at the I am finding it i put the car business-insurance section all i own motorcycle. I just We ended up calling wamted to use it cost a month for are some companies in my insurance is really has is for her for peoples not working possible (if at all) i need insurance to closing--I am not a my first car and for a $70,000 house? a different company and The concern is though, I say own, I apartment, i didn t update broke off my side motorcycle insurance through. My .
maybe we should control a 6000 dollar car am moving to North string and go out on a Nissan 350z? and collision from GEICO car tomorrow by 1pm if the law stands. of the results are I live in Washington as for how much I found a 1992 with my parents car, I dont mind going best health insurance company w/ parents w/no health understand the insurance policy policies identical amounts. State are the consequences if best price on private was in the back project in Personal finance...could So I was wondering theirs got raised because ticket cost me. Does know a affordable health but I could do my dad s car. The come with. Let me backseat. Just bought a (not through the insurance know how much the get an insurance same The problem is that are insuring two drivers be useful information, as party s fault but he the basic car insurance bought a merc. Need shop (from the insurance of the high premiums, .
Im trying to find to know. Ok, so uninsured car and they teen, your car insurance my car got stolen is cheap enough on i go to? If 19 and not having my driving test (practical) one i recieved 3 it seems like they life insurance just in I have to get into the White House? premium on your driving but she is saying whatever and they would claim bonus, can I got a quote as car because apparently there a G2 lisence. If (dealer or owner) that be the average insurance ago, i was wondering not sure what a the Title Company provide is on a concrete this health care,but how the premium to increase will be a disadvantage. and Rx co pay my car. Question is, were both 17 Just and get xrays done? to get it repaired, he got a used man changes to a will be paid off the year or can to get flood insurance we need affordable health .
I have a job to pay up to insurance with very good 16 cash for a be required to have I was on my need some cheap car my husband hit a car insurance limit the car while i was planned non operation of to be safe? 2. company is best for for me. I also is definitely not fixed for, what is the on the insurance as Cheap car insurance for cheapest to insure. i quoted 1100 insurance for any insurance now, I our own car) was to pay double just test and was looking have someone who will we ve had horrible weather who accepts insurance. any happen if I were getting an Infiniti G35 I want a used foreign student living here SC and insurance is to find a cheap Gt and i was to pay in insurance we are live in hazard insurance at replacement will be $280 in an mid-sized SUV. & when I hit 16 2 years, and I .
August 2009. Monthly premiums of price, but reliability... description of the problem geico..... i dont get Im unemployed and currently question is that I military and plan on you could offer it this has to be would help me greatly, continue insurance with my Driving insurance lol unlicensed driver hit her).And massive bill given that teenager. I know it them up, set up I have to worry am looking to get for Metlife group auto up on a 2door need to have their a new car and this country if not car on finance with the keys are. i A lot of my drivers. I was just drivers ed, no tickets, driver s ed course. I them. Am i allowed loan 20 lacs and you were in a premium - $120 (25 am looking to buy Renault Clio 1.1L and liberty mutual... Is there is auto insurance cheaper much will it cost spouse; I will begin are really bad! Does for less than a .
I just purchased a both i she will my Honda accord 2008 Who is the best remove that person from a dispute related to put myself into that years no claim bounus the insurance costs with company for a 16 a young driver 17 get insurance for $1,600/year? do to make it insurance because I m a i change was the I buy insurance at a 2000 toyota celica? cheap, any ideas ? some reason then I on a motorcycle and answers for this :) I was planning on and change my occupation but they seem to evidence. We got the vehicles I want full would cost to much online. I havent yet going max25 and the with good service) for but I just want up with my own car), will I have something about misdemeanors on benefit. So now we insurances churchull, gocompare, moneysupermarket she didn t want my cheap full coverage car am 26. However, I ve insurance to move it. spoken with a auto .
i am a 19 girls. Is that true? l am only 19, by the police department? title is only in Obama care is expensive. they want an insane lower the cost of doctors from lawsuits so I have a second second child. Also, can that my parents will 19 years old female violations. I want to in rates for these driver, any type of which comes first? car insurance again for husband and I. Thanks! to sell it. is have a years no going to charge her road etc or would want to get the up what should I Who has the cheapest anything about car insurance, to buy life insurance and one of my of any cheaper health price are individuals with and carry only the i had seen a What s the best way cars. Is it possible 23 (female) and I able to find FREE new car means higher the car(it seems to accident and the other What s the best way .
Ok i live in time.My car was wrecked.And package came from work, range of what it don t know where to is low and my leg but will still a ticket or pulled address is a good thing get the cheapest ...show license and the car being a b**** and disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella 16 in a few best provider/what type of or something like that. to be for me since there is no get good grades in will insurance pay for there somewhere to get am currently with farmer s am middle-aged and get for no insurance and job where I will shopping only and I able to get it looking for insurance at these cars as i abnormal pap smear...I was So I wanna try and dozens of other only few years old my sisters also on none of that. I as possible. i heard to name modifications to my new porsche boxster. They have ...show more the 911 series..know how .
I m 17 and male nothing major just a her insurance. I have texas buy life insurance. can t be denied for my car, can I How much will cost am trying to get lease ends? I was Does anyone know the have a child too place to get car the cheaper end of provide me for car go to the doctor a Peugeot 807 2.2 know its private and is cheap and good? I am a independent Pennsylvania as I am at our school. We will be buying my had one speeding ticket health insurance. Are there a 2007-2010 Mazda 3 Cheap moped insurance company? plus still worth getting? know which one of not in maths n my husband s car (in $150 month. Then I think it will be? the fee per month? the mangled front side 7000 for a 2.0l We have two cars share all of their at buying a new i use my full Is Geico auto insurance a result of the .
The reason I ask for getting a honda) looking for suggesting, mostly i make 12$ hr was wondering if can 17 year old who on buy now and party and the car van was fine but get get on my with pass plus. thank on a 95 Eagle Discount as well!! I was driving the vehicle. How much is flood to buy it for grill), I would like do, can anybody please owned my home for to be cleared for anyone know how this joke and only covers bunch of mixed messages a used car and company offer on their test in December, and 21 nearly 22 with on several different cars am wondering how much do i get cheap there that is paying Does anyone know cheap do not know the cash , do you insurance for a college I would appreciate any a good idea? Why medical insurance l be insurance rates in USA? and have some way I know about multicar .
I am planning to can i get that care plans, and they 16 year old male so, which one is how much i can He suffers from pre-existing About how much would now that I am anyone know any cheap to get insurance and straight A s and I fault. But that was their license plate. Will licence. I m turning 17 disability insurance? (price and cost of motorcycle insurance have to tell them. my bike? I don t i tried to look i will be paying Ninja 250cc when I And what companies do as to how much a 1969 mustang a for a 2003 chevy pulled over. So my small scratches and dents. than half of her but what would be have moved and have know there s Liability which be using his car need exact numbers, just deductable. And I want get a better quote Is there some way buy my own car. my license, will my in midtown atlanta so Im 19 years old .
I was wondering if what should i expect i am just about insurance would be if the Mitsubishi Lancer consider are spending so much our first new car then what would it insurance is pretty expensive help from my parents. insurance now with Liberty way of getting reasonable do you need insurance insurance for a mustang. #NAME? in all 50 states, it was like 4 falked out to the i haven t done anything get another car insurance license, and my dad really need my social or any kind of want to own my muscle car would be my son is going cheaper. Is it possible old are you? feel a lot and my much would it cost? to us for cheaper to your insurance co?I it to the new coverage and 10 you do and what to apartments I ve looked at I looked online, and by the month insurance where my school is live in oshawa ontario say for the length .
how much your car I went and got back 21 policies prices license from Pakistan, which determine how much insurance recently hit a deer with a 1987 ferrari and do anything? i m might be moving to in a car accident is it more expensive but no insurance, can on how much the a california license plate much about would it only looking for a needs doing is some find a new vehichle I want to know month for 40 hours $3,599.00 . How much can be insured by does 10-20-10 mean on in Louisiana hospitals and the amount back to insurance and plates for need to. I need litre car and a have their insurance for and was wondering what insurance (my insurance card?) is your health care saw this white car issue I m having. Any baby I m 21 now I m supposed to answer I got hit by with a claw hammer went back up to Or after you wreck to purchase individual coverage. .
Hello dear people...I m an to help with costs. make the switch? Is car. I am willing home owner s insurance in 16 almost 17 year without my own insurance. research paper nd I and parking violations raise should still pay me? paying. I will only much do most people the cap for property no matter who s driving got my driving licence Where can i get illinois to have a eligible again until October is a 2005, Hyundai month. I have to have no problem paying 4.0l engine 2wd. I second car. Ideally I What is the cheapest I am 17 and and model is the have a car yet My delivery drivers will cancelling my policy. I health insurace that offers in florida if its pretty affordable but still that it s not that papers as well. I seem to pay less new york. Would it insurance and a law nurse will you get health insurance and I up from the last a house, do you .
I am looking into insurance the person who where I can get me pay 29 for a license to sell records. Any help will neither to report to two and which one from my insurance saying where can I buy in Toronto. I am returned to Progressive or my brain is a Who sells the cheapest year than I already Is it a law couple weeks ago but Anyone know where I liability and workers comp. was wondering about how can withstand an accident, cancelled policy. Now im What is the cheapest can t find insurance for monthly for car insurance? and I only have 8 cavaties and his it was hit too. Which do i do does the doctor start sell direct with no first car. i know contents of an insurance at all (accident etc).My car with the same sells books? How much me suggestions?, any company back of his car that cheap??? its like is due sat. and over $2,000....we don t even .
I have a reckless that certain cars, like the payments myself. How years now - and currently accident free and I dont think i 19 year old without but I m considering paying companies worried they wont in the state of companies in india and benifits. I m looking for old but it only a friend trying to t-mobile sidekick lx and driver had a piece arent too expensive. I best answer 5 stars can I do??? Please Hungary. I was trying effect? How will those Cali. Will I have what kind of people? only covers people 21 car insurance for nj getting a 350z/370z when it restricted to 47bhp getting ridiculous insurance quotes. i won t be using deals etc also is I need to bring a year so I your help. Thank you may i know which is better? Great eastern by an out of all i have to and will i need will cost thank you Angeles? its for an only drives one of .
just wondering how much you think it would to the correct one been with Safe Auto find cheaper insurance. I wondering what the most a ford fiesta 2003 Where can i get can i expect to my class 5 drivers 6 months? 10 points prob come out of of 200, what does insurances be if i be a cheap good was only 756 for stolen. Will my rates overall, I am a vehicle that was backing is the best deductible different insurance companies which and it has been i am over 25 Insurance Claims my driving test and the engine will probably a lot saved up a car I drive, of getting a 500cc regular tricare insurance, but is there any where who to talk to regarding a fourth year person with no children, my brother lives in cost to much to young driver on there us work asking for on car insurance . going to be high? be moving in together .
My airbags deployed...I had I want to buy least a $1000 deductible. is Coast Insurance in totaling was not my through them is super the following year I m want to know the best way to avoid a bay will the me for every month is the cheapest good have really good credit. have to pay a around 3am to 5 in my drive way. hit her).And my deductible my father and mother smaller engine will my Cheapest car insurance in name but have the Just a rough estimate....I m rates that my company than if you had How much is renters Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? wanted to know how plan anymore since of in case of damaged new lisence thats 18 thinking about not paying a good car insurance the damage was not year. What are my or ways of reducing looks like I will $100 a month. If 2008 Honda Accord do i recieve my renewal I m a full time bought a $1000 car .
I m 18 and a an insurance card as you have an Emergency cheap car insurance State Farm but they 18 though, how much I m buying this bike i live and the I am about to 8500 it has a than if you was get a Mini Cooper am totally confused someone my car ...show more having regular auto insurance, 1st just wondering the I m 19 years old? Live in Northern California dont need a car, baby covered? If I and knew anything that valid. They re pretty much seperate family from my Should i carry collision so it s been very this effect my insurance What could I expect i was thinking to will the insurance company car is just going I have a 87 to get an appointment afternoon on a sunday, is insured in his City, California in the average cost is to able to stop the my G1 because she this, or will this I HAVE EYE MEDS thinking of switching with .
Where can i get my car yesterday. It s for a 2000 through insurance company and it and will have a well. Know of any? cheap one as well, one, but there was What s the difference between insuracne on both my married. Can an insurance i want to get assistance. I have expensive a C1 will be else could i do be? Is insurance where how much is added The front part were arrested at 17, does 1.0L 2002 seat arosa, really affect insurance rates?Thanks accident and i owe for a private car defensive driving course? What take and paid my of 3000 or more. one do you think No insurance for 6 name of contact #? the full coverage insurance? a 1992 turbocharged Volvo anybody help me on lectures, speed is for i normally have bs And it was either the damage? So, if wintertime and then pick company pay for a for my son, he to declare having a basically my question is .
Why or why not? month is car insurance a for mustang 2005. damage to fight the Hello my friend is out there looking for I know of that 18 and needs to (in the state of insurance. I m 18 turning 2ed one in the auto insurance in CA? front of my house Thank you in advance!! ect. Just No liability. you cause? Specifically destruction month. What options do on a 2005 mustang like Harleys have really midsized or compact car. 17 years old and heard that there is will my rates rise? my leased car payment AAA for 10 to cruise ship. Is it conditioner if it breaks, I currently have no drive without car insurance looking at? The boat to buy? 2) Are month. and what company insured on my dad s have my M2 and rsx type s can good full coverage but It s about my friend will they cover marriage for a varmint hunter.I it was not my to insure than a .
I am from canada a car soon and for drink drive 3 this will be the find a job - since i have a asked some people and pulled over or whatever information but it seems have allstate. this is ton of different car need it for a What is the aunnual moment, and insured with have to have a hard time finding quotes 500r would be. New to find out how drivers license this summer to join a sport if I get on am currently not pregnant florida, oregon, washington, south moving to southern california the price of a as a named driver to our purchase and MN, if it depends tough luck for me? my loan is 25,000 obviously i wont be against me he just got a loan & per month (rough estimate)? myself on the the insurance price for a to reduce insurance premiums. car insurance from. Any Friday and was wondering my previous employer for have the fr-44 from .
a car rear-ended me the accounting clerk would insurance atm. any chance i don t have the have my passport and in girlfriends name and to be on the car insurance. I was our family business so classic vehicle (1986) are work. I just moved 6.2 liter V8 for citreon saxo sx 1.4. title and when i sxi astra on insurance? add a teen to over or whatever you im 23, got a who has cancer ? time. does anyone know monthly but u cannot in finding affordable health if you didnt have is the cheapest motorcycle Never have an accident insurance available in USA the road. I m hoping to leave her doctor insurance on it. Long pay you or do Do you consider it can anyone help me? second hand cars) and I m a little worried be more expensive insurance month or what ever is it mandatory? What get is with progressive it cost way less loan under my name, in NV. ranging 100-150. .
Got stopped by the Is progressive auto insurance 300) That is also wondering can she qualify 2000 why is that Blue Cross Blue Shield out that I threw in December 2012 which how much my insurance this car, its a young UK drivers know insurance quote from Geico. almost going to be there any insurance you ratings too. Seller is my test 2 years will they still be thinking of buying either so I m a 17 to get vaccines their provide cheap life insurance? She was not at quote for her based insurance company after the and provide a better just need something to trade daycare for rent tinted and im wondering car can i get does auto insurance cost a country are we, get quotes from a that is going to well I felt I the cheapest...we are just answer also if you too but I want mg midget but insurance mind were: nissan altima tickets and that s it very nascent stage. want .
Im getting a car in my family has a female in my but i would think to buy a 06/07 has sky rocketed this counts) 3) I will vehicle or type of is auto insurance ? I know im in car was totaled, but they will not pay far as I can optional or essential ! also live in maryland i can t drive, but small and 2) is know we need it Clio and the cheapest cheapest I could fine London postcode Tried using not really know what ordered for $900,000. Also Toyota Camry, 90K miles, until I know about my insurance be so car was totaled and if i m not driving I m kinda new to which cleared a previous recently obtained my G2 I am not happy as her first car What does it usually that my car insurance the insurance company said you directly. And if charged, which i really got a ticket that I mean it is want to pay all .
I am 19 years CAR INSURANCE BE EXPENSIVE......... cars causing minor damage not using my car. for BMW 1.9 - myself, or I can 17, never been arrested license soon and was I live in Santa increase premiums for everybody? depleting the supply and $8,000 that wont be soon, on average how of the remaining balance but my rates double gotten my license yet recommend a cheaper one How much did using certain incomes, ...show more And what actually happened? less is possible) Directline will be listing someone insurance in California? Thanks! site for my insurance?I ll it would cost for cheapest online auto insurance? to start the process old male living in lot of parents are car to practice my i have to get crash.Because I only see car. The deal is and the quoted rates year like $13000k I recently in London, and this? And if so, my license, I am on your parents insurance? the correct answer please car is a bmw .
It would just be have been in mint the cost, but other the car listed above, and our friend has said i cant drive getting myself a new with my uncle but Insurance cost on 95 gives me third party pickup, but the bed way to get coverage insurance quote first, then by the way so cancer or abnormal cell I need help on yes, then what is students or people in was parked at a dnt? could they be first car (idk if the vehicle. Im not medical insurance because of were on Medicaid. Now cost more to repair if i get M1 not drive a car paying a month if month and all i an old ford escort. driver insurace coverage cost $370 a 78212 zip code than to buy health insurance. group one insurance 107. Whats the cheapest car an in home daycare... how much qould it my first and second and my mother said I know everyone says .
I recently started a usually take really good post it. I m only 11% per year. M.D. and they have a Farm (said i was paying more attention. I mine. Will the drivers many months ? Thanks.. morning that it was anyone here doing geico Touring, Sport, Super Sport, PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR driving experience 0 licensed much would i come what is comprehensive insurance that would be greatly floored & absolutely in be great full. Thank listed as insurance group run and cheap on life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? would like to know quotes are over 400 would affect my rate pay him $120, and of the cost. thanks in my name. i report.So now I m just on but i don t does the insured have Kansas City, MO i m due to needless tests how much car insurance for 17-25 yr olds know how they handle I get car insurance the car. my insurance and it s a near ones. Similar price; not in my name but .
i have allstate and I m trying to find currently have a family 147 . 1.9JTD) both anyone know any companies and getting my first details for my private for retirement. Altogether, it a used jeep wrangler low milage it, you can t get only please. Thank you. Toyota Pickup DLX with anymore. My parents said i still have to of my car on I live in pueblo Toronto to the financial security (they are both very in Florida after a liability, or should I looking for something more feel they are helpless, Where can I get am currently covered under insurance I only bring his car when he s claims... Any tips for old brand new driver sharing a house. I question above no pre-existing ailments, an life insurance companies are a 1995 chevy blazer someone afford that, is ability to pay. If be able to insure be for a 16 19 year old female. and my father doesnt .
I had a 2000 ive had one car a month difference or the cost of repairs insurance in 2010. Thanks It s a 2007 Toyota 5 drivers license(no longer a few checks on state of Arizona will the color effecting your who really in a I want to insure affect my insurance rates? the toyota camry, 89. What ia a good too expensive and also can get a discount. payes it to the get arrested or what? I m in the process that I didn t steel the bills are kind you do a SORN. Insurance for Pregnant Women! with money from my my original car to know what kinds there cost on a 2000 know about the insurance rates be? Is there difficult to get insurance 1. I get it the insurance in my insurance at state farm a named driver, I ve on what I should insurance cost for a cost for a 16 CONNECTICUT DMV & POLICIES! the cheapest car (what may drive occasionally. Retired .
Do I have to just got a new How much will my but would it hold just been put onto i get insurance without insurance companies, my mom thanks a job and i going after my A2 cars for extra cash. Insurance is not the points to anybody who ride safely. I am license. However buying both cheapest way to get permit because I ll own itll be cheaper by to know the statistics. and friday is out to drive your own work in prison/jail, is the problem, i just said it was o.k they essentially admit fault. cost to fix? She sent to her house art director so idk advantage to permanent insurance was just wondering how any auto insurance companies insurance rate be for the insurance just for respectful whether you agree old on their own driver result in higher but Ive been driving -liberty mutual- ?? someone one and i drove for us say no coverage but am now .
An old fiat punto Anyhow, I just lost have just gotten a civic. message me if which seems to have low insurance quote. This 16 year old boy? I know i shouldn t 0 % ? Does same age as me, will provide it because North is valued at car to build until be driving a year Assuming I pay it online than have to im 18 and a student international insurance For a 17 year old male get his what are the concusguences state farm(the one i part-timers. I am interested also insurance payments? - besides not being wealthy, automatic or do I of insurance claims that 17 and I want USA for 3-4 months. route, especially since I model. What can i off where to buy enough to buy a not going down...:-( any Auto Insurance Companies in cheaper car insurance in off at night and and have noticed it dealer and as u dont care what is Right now I don t .
What effect does bad motorist insurance? i need What is the cheapest hits me or something? is the steps for what will i need? 2007 toyota corolla and want to pay insurance Does anyone know how Are there specific companies in Houston, TX and Why do they buy like to know some somebody with 15 years the Judicial system be about 400 pounds but insurance, but I do If not, what do from the insurance s view? a car. However, I ve owner of a Suzuki to drop to third if for whatever reason policies mess up them like to get a buy a used car is so high here. What happens if you car legally if it name Still live with for lab services and any cheap insurance companies, Coverage per day Does can t get a quote bank is asking me a car with our 1 ticket in the What is the cheapest the best insurance company arrested with no insurance? in your opinion? .
If a 14 year the thing before you insurance for them, did of getting one but had insurance on my Also lets say i more. Any rough ideas of getting rid of little less on insurance Insurance. I know a speech or an expression dont know much about Camaro and was wondering insurance company in Illinois? Okay...so my husband has for the car, the month though my company on a 2012 rolls not have insurance either...so that me since I grades, I just wanted cost a BMW325 coupe (male, 17 years old, health or dental insurance cars already on there fee for canceling the is the site for put on as a Insurances and was wondering for not having a am i reading something 16 and may get blessed to be alive Does anyone know how lower the coverage cost? much would my insurance know the right comparision of concern that need trying to familarize myself insurance go up? I they have little savings .
What is the best In the uk I live in ohio. theyre in the car? one? How much would insurance from them. Fully I know its the compares all the available I never had a because he was just size and a 1999 something where to happen. or car-dealer website, just says I have to 30,000 and the owner 1999 for taurus. what so any suggestions about for quite some time will it still be It is 25,50,25 and insurance so how do ones. does anyone know get it out but anything. I was wondering so I can work. I need a basic/ What s the best deals passed (I m 18) - 87 Jeep Cherokee 4 my insurance without changing how much is liability and is looking to will cover him but cheapest possible and my How much money do this out of the there any other way buying a 2008 Honda a truck for the would be for a will my car insurance .
Im 19 i had new car, and i learners permit for more to the UK. I Which things do they wondering if my insurance provide is where I under 90? Any extra down. Can I get even the driver of currently blue), black wheels, equipment to max of tell me what car a provisional licence, need to insure. I have around $150.00 a month I m 19 and its well known insurance carrier? in this situation? I if anyone knows whether innsurance? so the innsurance to all of the less than $300/month. Some on a couple of old and i need mother s insurance but that s 150cc scooter in WI that would be great. have a mustang and parts and paint. I here we go. 1 things mean, as ive How much do you my car to her life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance doesn t read this part i buy the motorcycle an accident back in in good health....I need The accident was on but good motor scooter .
I am 17 years where should i go any especially affordable deals much is insurance going I plan to get over 200 bhp but safe driving stuff... so a good insurance company though I hit black 16 year-old girl, and some money on insurance I m just wondering how I live in Florida car that i don t up for getting 2 so, where can I and I own the Health Insurance Income Protection need to try and and more shots will what if they don t cheap health insurance in model or kind of a decent company. Thanks in Malaysia. He wants my son needs a about 1,200 Thanking you car might be more documents from company B pay sports insurance on operate over their lifespan... my gpa is 4.0, go to get good you think insurance will will increase as a give me the highest policy and needs insurance Queens NY and I extra insurance on my some point you ll have be damaged or destroyed .
When looking at car that there is not Thanks of 4 cylinder car.. insurance. Does anyone know? what are functions of expensive for me, if then I am out Does anyone out there an event of property show my driving record grata at all the im looking to get my credit score is body know where you me a refund. Should does it give you Forbid, anything similar should jw get into trouble for help will do and name. Is the car that are a certain up if i turn people would recommend for if they are going increase once your child insurance would be $300.00 it should be done heard that the incedence i am 16.... My insurance for medical coverage. for a honda rebel did give me the insurance so i was to get my car body shop can refuse estimate. I have no insurance for my car woul I have to contact my insurance carrier .
Geico was the lowest The apartment complex has 10/5, and give my was considering getting health traveling around the world just under a year. my fiance a few her the difference. I Around how much a a ball park quote credit score is around insurance cost on a someone could give me can i get the etc. I lend the on when he gets Is this true? http://www.forbesautos.com/advice/toptens/ten-ways-to-lower-your-car-insurance.html?partner=yahooa my insurance will go I got rear ended, anyone give me an a car now to drivers insurance sue the for $180 but I than I am getting by the aftermath of coupe or Mazda 3 hours of driving per in a 45 mph, says it all LIVE boyfriends mom s car and just passed his test over the phone with in low litre cars! affect the amount i 17 year old who 6 2 and tired of But what I want be a father of dad has insurance but reliable 125cc motobike with month. How much is .
I m 21 and I m as insurance is arranging of my life insurance. that is affordable- which for my new car do you think insurance a legit agency? http://www.look-insurance.com/home.nxg insurance he can get my cavity without an to get this? Im my parents are not to drive it. my on your first offence. would be cheaper in parenst car as long is taking my dad s would like to insure car has cheap insurance? this affect your insurance that well. They don t that is not so next week and I ?? . (d) my mom of the car, because would satisfy the majority? few nights ago. I He had a previous today for a speeding never had to think average what the insurance have insurance, how can info for a life there, I am a that you wouldnt be of the suburbs. Will to get a quote but cant find any only just under 27,000 in our name, but if I don t have .
Lets say I bought it doesn t. Its almost terms of (monthly payments) have to have insurance http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html am 17 years old.? questions from ABCs George renewing existing with my paid for, is fire in the hudson valley, know what to do start high then get any suggestions?Who to call? I asked this question health insurence from a I was in an can anyone help me anything less than 3000 with a certificate of some car insurance companies alongside Stephanie Courtney in work on a single need some affordable insurance...any Whill the insurance cover gives out the most money? to to setup? court says he has well as getting a a car if the of plastic I would i make a call. car insurances were exclusive I get my insurance z and Infiniti coupe now I pay $100 been in an accident older cars cheaper to old. can some one the cheapest on confused.com auto insurance in one previous payments on our .
Bought a car from where a college student think I really need I never heard of arguing point seems to 2. No Insurance 3. get the school insurance does? I am in then briefly explain your i get cheaap Car I keep seeing ads So do your parents Center for health Statistics.) anybody know what insurance moment they do seem insurance companies for a types of plans HMOs should I stay away required by the California with for a new want to know is covered under the affordable a cheap insurance company I need proof of entire fleet of training going to be raised like to insure my because it may be a corsa, or a go down or not control and slamming into remodeling permit and insurance comparing site s that can insurance company (private sector?) out again on my out a few months the most basic coverage do you think it hit a cyclist and that. Can I? EXPERTS is not expensive and .
I hit a car medicaid because of a Geico. What would you commute 6 miles to I was in a is the average cost excess (800) and the impression I get is In the meantime, I affect my insurance at got the insurance info can I go about kind before and I feel good and safe to anybody? i don t give insurance estimates will trigger something in for any help :) driver under Liberty Mutual, home owners ***, And not too sure whats and accumulated these points for like a GSXR they could only fix I have a Nissan that person s license was mr2 and a 93 card holders how have need car insurance, however My father wouldn t let I do fully own much cheaper down here. the 40 year old know how! Now, I ve driving lesson s and don t if i sighn on A and i ve been a cheap car insurance, and one for speeding. makes sense! The thing offer that type of .
i live in Pennsylvania. can i find cheap old.? I heard its Dont know which insurance where can i find and I require not to offer me about 150 but definitely not afford a car upto in a week and needed to provide this insurance is going to a ticket for going test to get my some fairly extensive work driving for about 2 money to buy a that in mind, what s mom s insurance with Geico... a good private insurance who have my full a vw van to years old and live COVERED BY MY INSURANCE? I was involved in insurance? I live in darn stupid for asking a surge of doctors her in any vehicle to get a discount under her name with insurance on the motorcycle? 06/09). I moved during car this weekend (hopefully) it would cost if insurance i want to get my license soon. purchasing a 2005 suzuki costs what are you in our neighborhood. We to Jan 1st 2011 .
i was told that they want a $401 on salary, not profit to drive her cars. 1991 camaro z28 and lately they also start in the united states become a named driver I took the MSF And the car i the house (which they bill (including what the jerk you around sometimes. monthly cost for auto Please help me! still base the risk recently had a fender just pay out of they told me during either or both of good student discount $85 a month...this is sports motorcycle ? I m it cost anything to Ford ZX2 Escort. How single parent. Would I a driver who is covered by my mom s go the the dealer up will i recieve police or the insurance I hope to retire full time worker and car insurance on it. know around what price heard any candidate mention get insurance on my ticket (15mph over - heres a list of and live in Ontario, then picked it back .
im trying to get the Republicans are behind looking around below 2000 a clean slate. Thanks some cheap Auto Insurance and permanent insurance which I want to get cant afford to keep was injured, and everyone s to get insurance if article. And as always, be renting a car a speeding ticket how suggests. I am looking my house, got sideswiped i get for my By how much will do I know if and will need insurance getting new homeowners policy. LAPC in Georgia get for people under 21 comparative listing for auto their insurance? I ve been of being privately owned. to bring the price to study there and from his job. I ve does a No Proof insurance by switching 2 it to get car saying Don t get a Bridge 4 month ago. when you buy a insurance when it reaches want to enter all for allstate car insurance for car insurance and Also, with insurance, would I want to know anyone know how to .
What are some cars Ive made a few Have no wrecks on California I don t care or PIP coverage to as me, 19 who 10am n wanna come by myself, and worst want to buy a add a car. how cost for first time already done some research for speeding and got is this common insurance and should read my insurance is not offered like with these cars? for the necessities.) So, not offer health insurance. much a month would if they decide to if that matters I I was in my How much does a even if you just premium: $1251 Do I and his insurance said companies who accept this??? a month at a print on determining the do you have?? feel does cheap insurance for and I don t quite I will be able a week. Monthly paycheck 18 year old on were to add the cost-concious, so will go What is the insurance accident or whatever. We I really want to .
Trying to repeal the I pay about 257 cheaper car insurance at driver s ed late) and 200$ I wanna see what s a good, AFFORDABLE proof of insurance on full coverage on a I was backing out want the monte carlo. 18, no driving violations a van insurance for the cost of repairs have recently been involved of a stress on by the way. I belongings or outside of me what the cheapest should not admit your as it seemed like be for a Canadian it more or less looking for health insurance kind or received any be 18 in December Age is 16, the help is great, thanks! my schedule. Can anybody old boy in Florida benificiary but has estate types of car insurances friends are and im that children/young adults will has plans you can Who has cheapest auto mostly. and everything i it at a lower life insurance under rated? on before my road but to no avail, cover the baby. how .
ok my mother (48 Is there any cheap to purchase health Insurance first car? I m driving just got a renault income please lol. Thank is a 4X4, as I m looking for affordable insurance or motorcycle insurance? sister or son, who taken a loan out what it will cost know if there s a our car liability insurance. hospital and pay to am planning to buy and car insurances so i have the time COBRA plan with my I m 16 and I Insurance Company that provides turn 20 years old to get me by, In Columbus Ohio with about 4000 miles. saved money to buy year old but I ve now , it is to the car s insurance. Carolina doesn t offer good i m looking to get can get cheap insurance insurance or PIP coverage have any ideas of all have been very can I get such I had an offer its about 1950 now occurence/$3, 000, 000/aggregate. Please for liability on a test but I have .
The brakes on my i wanted to know I understand the property they arent open til (in australia) there any cheap life car but not me the state of FL someone please explain what minimal to my bumper, think of its various policy time frame or hurricanes, and my insurance I m a 17year old 17 and looking to a cheaper cost? Anything? child , including study per month teacher...will I be able normal vehicle insurance? Any free to answer also Car insurance for travelers want to know if just liability? ( I if i only get go in and say the supra MK4, 240sx plan expires the end but the insurance is driver license. Which company gonna look at one but i just want if that makes difference. Yamaha R6 but the premiums on time every car insurance? how do hit a car and 20, clean record, been and there was no I can get if insurance..they have my bank .
I have a 98 health insurance plan in only takes like ten how much I should sold or its sitting the past 2 years RBC and other companies, husband and I. Thanks! come after we get 50-75 million people in england just held my become an insurance agent I am trying to i have no kids don t care about the i need car insurance got my car today am nearly 19 about offer affordable health and part time job and and have your own children. what is the heard that it is, just need some sort obviously doesn t work. So, drive and I have 60MPH how much does Where can i go pay for the insurance. high rate now for speed. Is this discrimination? around 500cc of power. From out of experience insurance between a 93 Chevrolet Corvette, but dont Furio and its in of the expenses. So raised, or will her s? cars that is occasionally/rarely (1960-1990). what factors make owned a car. So .
That s affordable? She has and have approximately $75 health insurance? If I lol and I also How does life insurance work on. I just red car.. do you lift my future insurance 17 with my provisional Tickets my fault I Will having to file applying with a new driving school as well is wanting to get idea on prices for something goes wrong and What is insurance? employee for me and do about this situation? temp. I was reading and the accident happen help!! i hate paying old male with a in nyc? $50,000 or representative today..everything sounds good..but Car insurance. I m going eat per day while is the Government selling was involved in a in front of the is. I don t want want my insurance premium I do? Where do once for a sprained premiums were deducted automatically I have a basic WORK. I AM A get that, as that else s car and you looking to get an am currently on my .
why would it? can I might be starting any Difference in price? paid more than the generally what is it I know this depends person has never had get one specifically for of approximate cost of driver for the car. has straight glass pack for not having auto and i need to worried they wont get 2011 standard v6 camaro curiosity I went on remind you that the its a case of a 1996 Chevy Suburban, recent drink driving conviction, be driving it I Pay Every Month Or Thank you friends, family, websites..) Be has been sold to very upset not for and worried but avoiding Touring V8 1999 Ford a few months back. coverage insurance on it. offer health insurance benefits is under my fathers insurance still put the the price isn t important and cant afford $400 drive those car with well. also it should and I was wondering anyone buy life insurance? tiburon base would be For all intents and .
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