wishfulsketching · 2 months
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More older Gotham Nygmobblepot
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adobe-outdesign · 11 months
Saw a discussion about this on Reddit once and now I have to know:
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telekitnetic-art · 2 years
Today, please consider doing your research into the Delgamuukw Decision and the court case surrounding it. It was one of the most groundbreaking Indigenous related court cases in Canada to date, and the government doesn’t like to acknowledge that it happened because doing so could mean they’d probably actually have to acknowledge Indigenous land rights.
December 11th was the date the original court decision was overturned by the supreme court’s justices, and this year was the 25th anniversary of the case.
Misiyh, dzïn honzu ♥️
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sonicblooms · 2 years
sonicblooms january cb??? 😵
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dykeseinfeld · 1 year
if you are curious about the tone of my whiskey fic is going to be i'm rereading all the stuff i already have written and lets just say it shows that i wrote it all in winter 2020 while living in a 6x8 ft bedroom with roommates i didn't know very well legitimately losing my grip on reality manic on vyvanse drinking a full box of wine every week and also only 6 weeks after i realized i was a lesbian lol like.....
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alternis · 1 year
I have some fairly Thought Out and complicated feelings about shs shiva's very different relationships to tim vs cass, and how those stem back to the circumstances surrounding how & why she had them, and what they thus came to represent for her, but luckily as this is a comedy au I can simply Think about it rather than have to justify my creative choices to people who are smarter and know more about comic books characters than me
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nomaishuttle · 2 years
aaaanyways.my painkillers r kicking in so it c'est un mein bedtime grins... gn nation
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
I helped my friends and gave them a pep talk. Bam, surprise, you just fell right into my trap. And guess what, my friend gave me a granola bar and apologized for deadnaming me. POW, motherfucker, look at all the positivity I just forced you to read. I discovered I really like granola bars. I hope you have an amazing day, and if you don’t, I hope happiness joy and love find your way soon. Because. You. Deserve. It.
you have been tricked trapped and bamboozled by my magic powers of positivity. (Yes, this was revenge for your mischievous positivity post. I feel no remorse.)
N-no-- it can't be--!!! So-- much-- deserved and beautiful positivity beamed right into my brain--
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penisliker-moved · 2 years
we need 2 invent a word like boytoy but for girls
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aquatic-illusion · 4 months
I am being made fun of for the way I say Rayquaza again. Cruel and unjust world. I'm sorry I'm Johtonian guys I GET IT CAN WE PLEASE MOVE ON IT'S BEEN LIKE A YEAR.
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Winnie Wanna is one of the few Black characters from children's media I actively remember from my childhood (Germany in the late 90s/early 2000s, we effectively didn't exist on screen). She's from the show Alfred J. Kwak and is the main character's love interest, who saves her from the villain's clutches in the final episode. I remember that because watching a Black woman being cherished and saved on screen was a novel experience for me. To that point, this treatment seemed reserved for white princesses.
Winnie is the daughter of Kwah Wanna and is introduced when her father brings her, her mother, and her brother abroad to protect them because he is the leader of a resistance group of Black ducks fighting the segregation of the White geese who invaded and took their country. As far as I remember, the show was quite gritty and explicitly confronted topics like colonialism or fascism/nazism (the villain is a Hitler allegory). It was political and may have influenced my taste because I like it when my entertainment media is not afraid of being political.
I don't know if I recommend the show because I haven't watched it since I was a child, and I don't know if I can enjoy how they handle these heavy topics from my perspective of today (my mind lost details about plot and arcs to time). The show is from the late 80s and a Dutch/German/Japanese/Spanish co-production - not exactly countries I'd ascribe the skill, level of reflection, or sensitivity to adequately handle colonialism. Nonetheless, the focus on Black resistance in the character of Winnie's father and Winnie as a Black woman who's cherished and saved remain in my memory. In general, I wish there was more children's media that doesn't completely sanitize or avoid heavy topics. Especially not colonialism and fascism.
When I say this duck is drawn better to be Black than many people can draw actual Black people... I did not know something so cute could be something so deeply serious, though. I really appreciate that they put that kind of effort into telling that sort of story. It puts a nail in the whole "kids don't understand these themes" when it is clear that some kids have to live through these things. Let the rest of them learn about it. Thank you for telling me about Winnie!
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howlingday · 4 months
Lancaster Dream House
Ruby: I never cared about playing with Barbie growing up. They were the perfect sacrificial lambs to my Power Rangers and their awesome powers!
Jaune: I played with Barbie when I played with my sisters. I never knew about the Barbie world, so I was just learning.
Ruby: How to play Barbie? Is it really that different?
Jaune: Well, yeah, because everything is so every-day and situational in the Barbie world. It's totally different from how you'd play with Naruto figures.
Ruby: True.
Jaune: I'm not making them fly up in the air and shouting jutsus at each other and punching each other in the face.
Ruby: "Kage Bunshin!" Heh heh heh...
Jaune: Exactly! I'd do all the voices, too, but... With Barbie, the way girls played, it was all situational and slice of life. They'd be like...
Jaune: "Here, they're having dinner right now."
Ruby: Huh... I never realized.
Jaune: "And now they're going driving in their car."
Ruby: Where would they go?
Jaune: Probably to their other friends' house. And I would do it because I didn't give a fuck! I just wanted to play with toys!
Ruby: What do they do when they get to their friends' house?
Jaune: They'd have dinner again.
Ruby: And after that?
Jaune: Probably go on a tour of the house. Y'know, just showing off their stuff like going on a tour.
Ruby: "I'm probably gonna have to do some landscaping and renovations if I wanna sell."
Jaune: Yeah, 'cause the houses are really nice, y'know, and-
Ruby: "Right now, I'm looking to lease with an option to buy." Like, they get really adult about it.
Jaune: Hahaha! "Yeah, I'm thinking, you know, it'll help build some equity and I think the ROI in ten years... It'll probably be... I wanna say, like..."
Ruby: "Ken is such an idiot! I told him to hire a lawyer before we go through escrow!"
Jaune: "I don't wanna get fucked by fees!"
Ruby: Heeheeheehee!
Ruby: "Honey? It's time to stop playing with your dolls."
Jaune: "Play with the Dragon Ball figures, instead. Like your idiot sister."
Jaune: "And they'd go boom! A kaboosh! Bwaah! Bwerk! Kwah! And they crash into each other and smashes into rocks!"
Ruby: Snrk! Ken's like, "Barbie, I don't have a low sperm count! It's just, they have low motility!"
Jaune: "How is that better?!"
Ruby: "It's- I- I- There are pills I can take!"
Jaune: "Thanks for playing dollhouse with me~!"
Ruby: Yeah, and you're just sitting there in stunned silence.
Jaune: Ha ha ha ha!
Ruby: "With today's IVF advancements-!"
Jaune: "You know that doesn't work! I was just reading in GOOP the other day!"
Ruby: "It's worth a shot, at least!"
Jaune: "Is it two thousand lien worth a shot?! We have bills to pay, Ken!"
Ruby: "Maybe we wouldn't have so many bills to pay if you didn't run this god damned Malibu Dreamhouse 24/7!"
Jaune: "You always want the convertible! You want it custom-painted pink!"
Ruby: "Have you ever considered the climate implications on this dream car?!"
Jaune: "It's not even electric! You can see the gas intake right there!"
Jaune: HAHAHA!
Ruby: "Yeah, but they don't have emissions, Barbie! It's the best we can do, unless this society starts investing in trains and public infrastructure! That's all we can do!"
Jaune: "THEY TRIED, KEN! They tried in Mantle, and you know what? It was a FUCKING RED-TAPE BUREAUCRATIC DISASTER!"
Ruby: And your sisters are, like, "Can I go home?"
Ruby: "Barbie, that's why you need to run for office. You've been saying it your whole life, and you never do it."
Jaune: "...You know what, Ken? You're right."
Ruby: ...I love you.
Jaune: ...I love you.
Ruby: You can do anything.
Jaune: ...
Ruby: ...
Ruby: "Now let's have some tea!"
Jaune: Heh heh heh...
Ruby: "Do you wanna be Ken now?"
Jaune: "Agh, well..."
Ruby: "You know, it's getting pretty late...
Jaune: "It's, like, three-thirty."
Ruby: "Can I bring Godzilla into this?"
Jaune: "Sure~! He can be who I'm running against for local office~!"
Jaune: Now that I'd love to see.
Ruby: "Barbie, I want you to meet my new friend, Godzilla!"
Ruby: "Graaaaaagh!"
Ruby: "Oh my god! THE Godzilla?!"
Ruby: "Yeah, have you heard of him?"
Ruby: Boo-wooow-wow-wooow~!
Jaune: Godzilla is running on a strong destroy the city platform.
Ruby: "I've gotta stop him~!"
Jaune: "And you know what? I say with all these politicians, I'd say they're all trying to destroy the city! AT LEAST HE'S HONEST ABOUT IT!"
Ruby: "He tells it like it is!"
Ruby: "Y'see?!"
Jaune: ...What the fuck were we talking about before this?
Ruby: "Anyways, same time, 4PM?"
Jaune: "Yeah, sure..."
Ruby: "I'll bring Ghidorah..."
Jaune: "Ugh... Can't I just do homework instead?"
Ruby: "Can you bring the Technodrome with all the goop, too? I've got an idea..."
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im not even watching eurovision but "you can't boycott because that means that the reason you're boycotting is gonna win so you actually HAVE to watch and vote to try to make sure they don't win even though that means raising the ratings of the people who did the thing you want to boycott them over" sounds. jenny say kwah. kinda dumb
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feliraeth · 4 months
invineqa ;
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an inviane gender connected to the image below.
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[id 1: three rectangular flags with seven stripes. from outermost to innermost, the colours are deep teal, green, pink, and white. the colours are all muted. the middle flag has a square image (see id 2) in a white outline in the center. end id.]
[id 2: an image of almost black water with bright reflections of blue, green, pink, and white across it. end id.]
etymology ; "invi" + "ne" from nebula + "qa" from aqua rearranged
pronunciation ; in - vee - neh - kwah
requested by ; no one :3
tagging @inviane-archive
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sonicblooms · 11 months
bc being nosy is my bread and butter
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lumosinlove · 2 years
Just thinking about Breakaway and Logan and Finn getting lunch together for the very first time at what will soon become their bagel place.
“You have siblings?” “Yeah. Alex. He’s playing for the Rangers, actually.” “Non, really? Actually, I think I knew that.” Finn smiled and let out a long sigh, collapsing a little into his elbows on the table. “Big shoes to fill, eh?” Logan shrugged. “What about you?” “I have three sisters. All older.” Finn laughed. “Aw, that makes so much sense.” Logan spread his hands, bringing out a betrayed look on his face. “Quoi?” That sent Finn into a fresh, loud laugh—drawing more looks. “Kwah!” Logan pressed a hand over his eyes. “Merde, don’t.” “It makes sense,” Finn laughed, holding up his hands in surrender. “It makes sense, you’re the baby!” Logan scoffed. “So are you.” “I am a very different kind of baby.”
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