#Kaneki deserves only the best
skullssy · 9 months
Ken Kaneki when he saw Ayato
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extended scene of kaneki carrying hides body through the entirety of the ccg army im feeling so normal about this !!!!!!!!!!!
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𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙨 {𝙃𝙞𝙙𝙚}
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A/n: I haven't seen many Hide works here, so I decided to write a small something about my very first anime crush
Pairings: Hide x reader
Genre: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, a bit suggestive
Warnings: spoilers for the manga for sure, graphic mentions of Hide's injuries, mentions of death, mentions of sex
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Three months.
It had been three entire months ever since Hide returned. Like everyone else you thought he had been long dead after what had happened between him and Kaneki. You had done your best to continue your life as if you had never known the man and even though it had been extremely difficult in the beginning you had grown used to it. So when someone had knocked on your apartment's door in the middle of the night you couldn't help but get anxious. But when you opened the door to the sight of your supposedly dead boyfriend, you almost fainted.
Things almost went back to how they used to be before Hide's disappearance after that night. Of course you never pressured him for answers, mostly because you weren't sure you wanted to know. At least for now.
But somehow your and Hide's relationship continued as if he had always been there: movie nights, dates at bookstores (mostly on your request), laate night walks... everything was going great. And sex was also great, for the most part at least.
"So..." You closed the bathroom door behind you and walked over to your bed. Hide had tilted his head to the side, leaning against the wall while scrolling on his phone. But of course as soon as you walked in, his attentions shifted. "What's with the... bandana."
You weren't stupid and Hide knew that. Of course you had noticed the change in his voice as if he was speaking through a machine and he was more than aware that you had acknowledged the presence of the bandana he never seemed to remove from his face. He also knew you deserved answers.
"Uh well..." He lifted his hand to scratch the back of his head. He was smiling and you could tell because of his eye smile. "It's a wild story."
You felt your heart clenching at the sound of those words and the truth was a part of you decided it wasn't the right time to listen or see whatever was hiding under the piece of clothing around his neck and face.
"I have time... if you're willing to tell me I am willing to listen."
And Hide was fine with it. He told you the entire story behind the bandana and what happened that night at Anteiku between him and Kaneki. He described everything in detail hoping that just his words would be enough and you wouldn't want to see those injuries up close.
But when his story ended and the only weight left on him was the weight of the bandana he kind of wanted to show you. He didn't know why. He hadn't received any kind of reaction from you other than a few nods here and there just to assure him that you were listening. He only noticed the way your fists were clenched the moment his eyes travelled from your emotionless face to the rest of your body.
You, on the other hand, were trying very very hard not to take him into your arms and hug him as tight as possible.
"Do you want to see?" You nodded and watched as his hands travelled to his face and gently pulled down the bandana. The injury began from just above his upper lip, extending down to his left clavicle. The flesh has been almost completely stripped from his lower face. His teeth and the majority of his bone structure were completely exposed. A hole had found its place on his left cheek were the zigomaticus muscle used to be. But the damage didn't stop there, it continued down his throat. A vocal prosthesis had been surgically implanted into his neck making his voice sound a bit metalic. "Not so beautiful now huh?"
"I disagree." You carefully moved to his lap. "Well I can't deny the fact that this is a bit impractical when it comes to kissing." You let out a completely forced chuckle in a desperate attempt to make the atmosphere lighter.
"I am sure you'll find a way." Hide said. He looked composed but his mind was a mess and filled with questions. How on earth did you still like him even after seeing what his face had become.
"Oh I will. You'll get your kisses one way or another."
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A/n: This suckedddddddd
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 4 months
Make Up Date
Hide takes Kaneki on a date, to make him feel loved after his disastrous first date with Rize.
Word Count: 1500
Featuring: Aroacespec Kaneki
Warnings: A character feeling uncomfortable with romance, written in an amatonormative POV for a time
(AO3 Link)
“Come on, let me take you on a date! Please!”
Hide had been begging this every day since his release from the hospital. Thinking it was a joke he wasn’t getting, Kaneki kept denying. But Hide kept asking, and Kaneki was beginning to think he was completely serious.
“Why does this matter to you?” Kaneki asked.
Hide didn’t like him, right? If he did, this was a real strange way to confess.
Hide’s smile turned gentle. “Because your first date ended up so awful. You don’t deserve that. And I can’t see you wanting to ask anyone else out anytime soon, so let me take you out!”
“You don’t have to do that. I’m fine.”
“Of course I don’t have to, but I want to. It’ll be fun for me too!”
“Okay, fine. But no dinner dates.”
Hide grimaced, likely remembering what happened at Big Girl. “Yeah, sure. No problem. We can do something else. How about a bookstore date, and then we see a movie together? If you’re up for it we could eat a bunch of junk food, but if you’re not, then the movie will be just as good with no snacks.”
“Okay. I’m in.”
Hide already had a plan in mind. In fact, in the week Kaneki kept denying, Hide had just built onto his original plan.
He’d dressed nicely. He brought flowers. He brought a cute little package of chocolates. He met Kaneki after his classes, complimenting his appearance even though Kaneki hadn’t dressed up, and walked him to the bookstore. He held his hand the whole time and stood close, affectionately leaning on him. He kissed his hand a few times, even going for a peck on the cheek once or twice. He planned and did everything romantic he could think of. Even the “stretch and not-so-discreetly put your arm around your partner” move during the movie, as cliché as it probably was.
It was the perfect plan for making Kaneki feel special and loved.
But Kaneki was really awkward the whole time. At first, Hide just thought it was nerves. He gave it some time for Kaneki to adjust to their date. But he never did, and he just seemed to be growing more and more uncomfortable as the night went on. He gradually toned down the romance, trying to hit a sweet spot in Kaneki’s comfort zone, but Kaneki kept giving off vibes of being uncomfortable. Hide knew Kaneki wouldn’t speak up for himself, so Hide stopped the date as soon as he realized it. And he felt terrible for not realizing it and stopping it sooner. His intentions were to cheer Kaneki up, not drag him out on an uncomfortable evening that he might not have even wanted in the first place.
“You don’t like me, do you?” Hide asked gently. It was one of the few things he could never accurately tell about Kaneki. Some days he thought Kaneki was harboring a secret crush on him. Other days he thought Kaneki only thought of him like a friend. He didn’t care either way. But he wanted to know right now, to make things simple and be able to best help Kaneki in whichever way he wanted and needed.
“...” Kaneki didn’t answer him.
“It’s fine. I know I’m not exactly a beautiful girl, like you usually like.” Hide said.
“I don’t know…” Kaneki said.
“You’re not gonna insult me or anything by saying no.”
“No, I… I really don’t know.” Kaneki said. He put his head in his hands, frustrated. “You’re right. You’re not a beautiful girl. I don’t see you the same way as I did with… with Rize-san. I don’t see you as beautiful, but…”
“But you’re… handsome. You’re really nice and kind, and you goof around a lot, but you can be really smooth and charming when you want to be. And I do like that.”
Hide started blushing. Was he really like that?
“And… isn’t that romantic?” Kaneki mused. “Isn’t that what girls like in guys?”
“So you do like me.” Hide said, trying to make sense of it.
“I don’t know.” Kaneki repeated. “This date didn’t feel like it should. It didn’t feel good, to be treated as your date.”
“Did you feel like I was treating you too much like a girl?”
“No, no.” Kaneki shook his head. “Maybe it was just too much attention.”
“Too much too soon?”
“Just too much attention in general.”
“Then what kind of attention do you want? What did you and that girl do?”
“I already told you.”
“There’s gotta be more than that! Give me the juicy details! Did she have some real nerdy pickup lines? Did you do that thing where you cuddle and read the same book together? Or lean over her shoulder as she reads as an excuse to get closer to her?”
Kaneki gave him a confused look. Why would he want to get closer to her?
“No, none of that. We talked about our favorite books, ate dinner, and we talked as we walked home.”
“...That’s it?”
“Well, then there was the accident…”
Hide flinched. “Oh, I didn’t mean to—!”
“It’s okay.” Kaneki said. “I’m okay.”
“That’s really all you did on your date?”
“Is there something wrong with that?”
“No. As long as… that’s what you wanted to happen on your date?”
“Yeah. Yeah, it was… really nice… I was… really happy. Before…” Kaneki trailed off again.
“Just talking about books?”
“Yeah. Turns out we had a lot in common. I liked that.”
Hide went silent. He wasn’t sure how to say what he was thinking in a way that wouldn’t come across as offensive. Because he really didn’t mean it that way. But something didn’t seem to be adding up.
“You liked… that you had common taste in books?” Hide repeated.
“And… that’s it?” Hide asked again.
“Yes, that’s it.” Kaneki snapped, getting tired of answering the same question. And then he seemed to realize what Hide was getting at. “Oh.
There was a beat of silence. Then Kaneki asked “Well, then what do most people like about their dates?”
“I-I don’t know. I’ve never been on a date either, remember?”
“But if you were to guess?”
“Well, some people like to hookup on a first date. Or makeout. Otherwise, I think they try to learn all they can about each other and see if they might be compatible.”
“Okay? And wasn’t that what I was doing?”
“Was it?” Hide asked. “Did you ask about her family? Her schooling? Her hobbies besides reading?”
“No…” Kaneki said. “She asked about mine a little, but…”
“It’s not bad that you didn’t.” Hide said. “You had fun. That’s all that matters.”
After a moment, Kaneki said. “...I didn’t want to hook up with her.”
“That’s fine, plenty of people don’t want to move that fast, especially on a first date.”
“I didn’t want to kiss her, either.”
“And that’s fine too. First base is overrated. Not like I’ve ever kissed anyone, either.”
“She leaned in to kiss me. At least, I thought she was going to.”
“Oh?” Hide’s eyes lit up, suddenly interested. So they did have more physical stuff going on on that date. He knew they had to!
“But when she did… I felt… afraid.”
“It’s fine to be nervous.”
“Not nervous.” Kaneki said firmly. “Afraid.”
“Afraid of being a bad kisser?”
“Afraid of being kissed.” Kaneki admitted. “She was holding me, and coming in to kiss me, and I just felt afraid. I didn’t want her to kiss me. My heart was pounding in my ears and I couldn’t move and all I could think was, I don’t actually want this.”
“Did she back off?” Hide asked, holding his breath.
“Well… She didn’t kiss me…” Kaneki muttered.
“So you didn’t like her.” Hide said.
“I did like her.” Kaneki said. “She was pretty and I had a fun time with her.”
“So you liked her as a friend.”
“...As a friend?”
“Right? Sounds that way to me.”
Kaneki ducked his head and sighed.
“It’s fine. There’s other fish in the sea.”
“How can you tell?”
“Do you know how many girls there are in Tokyo alone, nevermind the whole wide—?”
“No. How can you tell if you like someone as a friend or as a girlfriend?”
“You, you know, feel different about them.” Hide said. But between Kaneki’s blank stare, and what he had just admitted, he realized that Kaneki did not in fact know.
“Uh, let’s see. You get anxious around them. But a good kind of anxious, not like anxiety but like excitement. You really want to spend more time around them. And they make you really happy. So much that sometimes you can overdo it while not realizing it. You know how in movies someone will laugh way too long at the bad joke their crush said? Like that.”
“But what’s the difference?” Kaneki asked. “You feel that way about friends too. Right?”
“Er, sorta? Sometimes?” Hide grit his teeth, starting to get confused himself. He knew the difference, but it wasn’t something he could put into words.
“But you can tell?” Kaneki asked.
“Yeah. I mean, I think so.”
“Then either… I like everyone… or I like no one...”
Hide laughed, patting him on the back. “Well good news, bud. There’s words for both of those.”
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canadianlucifer · 10 months
1, 10, 20, and 21 for Seidou?
*vibrating with excitement* yeah i'm so normal about him
under the cut bc I wrote nearly 1k words and 50% of that is the first question oops
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Where do I even start? I'm gonna separate og and re here and explain them separately.
Starting with the unbelievably tragic insane opossum, he immediately became one of my faves when I first read vol 3 because it was just such a shock I think. Obviously I felt bad for him when I thought he died, but the contrast between his human self and now was just crazy. I'm not entirely sure why I liked him when the volume came out bc that was back in 2018, but after rereading the series I can fully say I like him so much now because he is just incredibly sad and complex. I could go on and on and probably write a whole essay (which, huh. Come to think of it that might actually be fun), but it kinda boils down to "he didn't deserve to suffer like that" and that leads into why I'm also a fan of his human self.
In og, he was a bit of an asshole, yeah, but he was just a kid. He was excitable and eager and quite emotional, easily showing when he was happy or proud or angry or upset or scared and the CCG took advantage of that. He was indoctrinated and told that genocide is the only option. He was only 20 year old when he was given a gun and told to kill and that that wasn't just okay, but good. That he'd be a hero protecting Tokyo for murdering people. He was told "good job" for killing and was even upset when he wasn't able to kill even more, wanted a promotion so he could wipe out families and communities and be rewarded for it. I could go even further with how fucked up the CCG is and their practices but let's move on. Seidou is one of the few investigators who didn't become an investigator because of some personal hatred for ghouls or a significantly traumatizing event, he became an investigator because his mom was scared of ghouls. From what he wrote in his will it seems that he wasn't particularly scared, but his mom certainly was and he wanted to protect her. So he went to the academy and worked hard but it just wasn't enough. No matter how hard he tried, he was always second place. Always just not quite good enough. He still got the job he wanted, but it's clear he wanted Akira’s place. He wanted to be partnered with Amon and to go on missions but got stuck with a workaholic that calls him into the office at 10pm to fix a report (not to mention knowing that he's already drunk like. It could wait until morning, do you really want someone in the office that's wasted? But that's for another day-). I think it's important to understand his human self to fully appreciate his character in re, there's just so much context for why he became like he did if that makes sense.
WOW I have been rambling for a while oops let's move on lmfao
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
I doubt it. As a ghoul, no way he's way too annoying of a friend. Like, clingy but also pushes everyone away and at some point you just have to be like "fine, be that way." I would not be able to stand his emo ass tbh. As a human, I just don't think he'd want to be friends with me lmao. Like, he places so much of an emphasis on rank and achievements and stuff I don't think he'd want to hang out with someone who'd have absolutely no interest in the CCG if it were real and would probably harbour ghouls lmao
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Oooh good question... hmm, I'd say Kaneki honestly. Human Seidou and kuroneki would be good pals because they'd just be silly good pals hanging out and Kaneki should've known more about both sides before going off the deep end and Seidou should've had someone to talk to outside of the CCG to know when his aspersions were getting a bit obsessive, someone to point out there's more to life than work and I think Kaneki could have shown him that through his stories. And with ghoul Seidou and kingneki, we only saw it a little bit but they seem to be on good terms after he got his sanity back. Kaneki says that they're similar in that they're both empty and need something to chain them down lest they go off and die and they could be each other's chain so to speak. Like, if they make plans to get coffee or whatever it's like "well shit I can't die now, I've got plans", it's the same mentality if having a gym partner I think. You get a gym partner because it holds you accountable for going to the gym, you don't want to disappoint your friend, right? Anyways yeah I think Seidou and Kaneki would be good pals.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favourite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
INFLICTING THE HORRORS UPON HIM AND THEN GIVING HIM THE EMOTIONAL EQUIVALENT OF WARM SOUP. You can see in the two fics I've written that I just love putting that babygirl into bad situations and then giving him comfort it is the BEST. Hurt/comfort my beloved.
As for don't like, I'm not sure... I don't write too often. I suppose dialogue is kinda difficult, I have a hard time giving characters different speaking styles, I end up making everyone sound the same but that's more of a general writing thing, not specific to him.
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tg-pilled · 8 months
HideKane Final Scene
This is my silly little interpretation of the talk Hide and Kaneki have in :re. Please ignore grammar and spelling mistakes for the sake of my sanity.
The next time Kaneki sees Hide, it’s like his world is suddenly complete. The blonde hair glowing, the sunlight behind him creating a halo. He is Kaneki’s angel. The sole reason he is still alive today. Kaneki had always known deep down that Kaneki was there for him in the sewers. Hide was always there for him, always so ready to care for Kaneki no matter what. Kaneki could only hope to give back an ounce of what Hide had given to him. But when Hide took off his mask, when they sat down and finally talked, Kaneki knew. He knew that a future with Hide, a future with the one who has and always will love him, would never be possible. Hide was hurt, torn apart by the very teeth Kaneki was currently using to talk. If Kaneki was stronger, if he was different this would have been the beginning of the rest of their lives. But Hide was in danger if he stayed. Hide sacrificed himself so Kaneki could live. In return, Kaneki knew that letting Hide live would be letting him go. Words escaped Kaneki’s mind but Hide always knew. He was always the first to speak.
“Kaneki. I need you to listen to me. I forgive you. I know you are going to try to apologize for something I allowed. I let you take me to save yourself. Nothing on earth could pull me away from you, no matter what you might do. You are it for me. I love you, Kaneki.” 
Kaneki had a million thoughts racing through his head and I’m disgusting seemed to be the most prominent. He had hurt the first person that had loved him enough, that stayed even though he was a ghoul. The one person that stayed even when he had no family, no happiness, and no future. Hide was the one through it all and all he managed to give back was pain and a miserable future. Hide said it was okay but how could it possibly be okay? Kaneki ignored Hide, even when he kept reaching out, even when he protected him. He forgot Hide. He forgot Hide and yet his best friend stayed and waited for him. There was nothing on earth that could make Kaneki deserve Hide. Not in a million years. Finally, Kaneki was able to speak.
“There are a lot of apologies I would love to say but our time is limited and I’m tired of wasting it with apologies. Instead I will say ‘thank you.’ Thank you for being there for me when no one else was. Thank you for staying. For waiting. There is nothing on earth I could do to deserve you. I will spend the rest of my life in debt to you and loving you. I will do my best to cherish you and live for you.”
Hide’s face turned into a small smile, eyes watery, “It sounds like you’re saying goodbye.” Kaneki’s eyes began to water, he let out a small laugh. “I can’t imagine a world in which we’re able to stay together, Hide. But please,” Kaneki grabbed Hide’s hand and brought it up to his mouth to leave a ghost kiss, “remember to say hello sometimes.” Hide could only let hot tears stream down his face. Kaneki leaned forward and kissed Hide’s face all over, the tears catching in his mouth as he did. Before parting, Kaneki placed a small kiss on the side of Hide’s cheek, allowing himself to linger before he had to leave the warmth of his friend. 
“Hide, I will always live for you,” he whispered in his friend’s ear before turning to leave. If Kaneki never saw Hide again, he would understand. He would only continue to wish the best for Hide and just live. Live in his honour, his sacrifice. Kaneki would never have someone like Hide in his life again but he would hold onto the past for as long as he lived. After all, who else would he thank for offering him a second chance?
Here is the ao3 link if people prefer to read it there!
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tg-headcanons · 1 year
16, 19 and 23 for VIOLENCE
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Black reaper kaneki. I’m sorry but. It’s all the pointless edginess of kaneki and none of the personality. He’s like if you picked the most generic ass nihilist badass anime OC and subtracted all of the relationships and passions and quirks of kaneki from it leaving just the empty husk of the character
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Shuu. I went in hating him and came out loving his arc and that’s so embarrassing. Like oh look it’s the rich French boy who ruined his own life over someone not wanting to get eaten that’s my guy. Pathetic
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
Shuuneki. Listen. LISTEN. I love it when they’re both awful. None of this “oh Shuu manipulates him into it” shit no It’s the best when they BOTH manipulate each other and do nothing but cause problems. I used to only go for ships that were perfect and acceptable but now I’m fully leaning into loving fucked up dynamics and I’ve been sold on Shuuneki. Shuu constantly tries to eat and fuck with kaneki and kaneki is ready to break all of his bones at a moments notice and they deserve each other
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captain-astors · 2 years
Can you do Kaneki for 003 :)))
Mhm! That beautiful mess, the culmination of all I despise but the vessel through which we all must perceive this world. I’d like to shake him like a maraca. This one definitely contains… opinions. As usual it's messy and ramble-ish but I enjoyed it.
How I feel about this character: Wow you're so interesting I wish I could still care after 320 something chapters. Born to “slay” as the youth say, in all meanings of the word, forced to do math. Sometimes I imagine what sound he would make if smacked against a wall. Constantly, actually. I can effectively emulate it with an almost empty water bottle, a thin piece of fabric, a piece of metal, and a slab of gelatin, but I only have access to two of those and it’s not the ones you think. I cannot stress how much I want post-Haise Kaneki dead for plot reasons, but I do think he’s pretty neat before whatever the result of the Tsukiyama extermination arc is. I do like him, but I try not to ponder him too deeply because if I started getting seriously attached to him as a person, I’d have to be disappointed about his character as well. I’m already not normal about so many of them. So he’s more of a secondhand skrunkle, I watch a decent portion of the rest of the fandom go wild and sit back and tend to my own neglected favorites. Like observing a neighbor’s garden, larger than mine but wilder, containing so many varieties of plants I can no longer distinguish them, and perhaps a bit overgrown. Was he the first piece of Tokyo Ghoul art I ever drew? Yes- well no actually that was probably Nishiki or Shuu but I never posted those because they were just sketches, but he was the first that I posted, and kind of my gateway to deciding to let myself brainrot over TG without shame (mostly). So I owe some amount of gratitude to him. 
But at the same time he fills me with a deep sadness for what might’ve been. Tokyo Ghoul was praised for having some kind of ground-breaking protagonist but he just feels... edgy at the end of it, handed an undeserved win. Sorry.
(So an update from later this very same day, I drew him and now I want to hug him. NO. I MUST PERSEVERE. Alright Kuroneki is kind of cute and his nickname sounds like Kuroneko (As in the trigun cat) and I love Kuroneko.)
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Protagonists are funny things to ship because they can be shipped with almost anyone. Almost the entire main cast? Been there and done that. Every character he’s been friends with? Certainly. Rivals? No rivalry is complete without a little homoeroticism. The villain? Is that even a question. That random character who appeared for half a  chapter? Someone’s probably done it. It’s difficult to pick a favorite but frankly I’m not particularly partial to any of them. Shuuneki is fun but it just feels out of character as soon as it becomes remotely healthy which is what all that pining causes me to intrinsically want which in turn annoys me so… I enjoyed it before I actually learned the story. Now I just can’t fathom truly enjoying a fic about them without leaving frustrated because at any given point, one or the other of them just wouldn’t work. Also I really want Kaneki to die alone. But though I’ll never be extremely passionate about it, I do think that Hidekane is kind of the best one. Like it’s not my ship but from an outsider's perspective I look at it and just go huh. Neat. This one actually seems non-headache inducing. I’m slowly consuming more of it but at the same time Hide deserves much better. I can’t fix you but I can hold your hand as you crumble or something. I will take this time to rant about Tou//ken. God help us all. I will start off with what I like because I am terrified of being burned at the stake by the shippers who actually read through this for some reason. Aesthetically, cool. As individuals, love them. Conceptually, it had great potential. I don’t think it ever could’ve been my otp but I could’ve enjoyed this. Now. DEAR GOD I HONESTLY ADMIRE THOSE WHO SHIP IT FOR EITHER HAVING THE IGNORANCE OR SHEER WILLPOWER TO ENJOY IT DESPITE THAT WRITING. It would be easier to ship two characters who we’ve never seen interact whatsoever (stares at my terrible rarepairs I would know) than to repair this trainwreck, so I suppose that’s a testament to your tenacity or your willingness to ignore the holes. I swear my copy of TG was missing chapters WHERE was their development. They only did things for each other when instructed to or in life or death situations when opposed by a greater threat, only thought fondly of each other when not together, and then got married and kids despite Kaneki being in a mental state nowhere near “intact enough to live a functional existence” must less raise CHILDREN. Like I refuse to believe Kaneki would be a great father. “Something, something breaking the cycle of a loveless life.” Where. Where did he learn to love healthily? Touka? Where? Where is that shown? They interact so briefly in such high-stress scenarios how the HELL am I supposed to know?
 Dear god I knew these two were going to get together. I steeled myself for it. I tried to enjoy it I swear I did but it feels like the marriage arc skipped the love arc and I don’t know how I’m supposed to appreciate the shell of a relationship left behind. But I respect those who manage. Like, if a character (Ayato) can go on a brief trip and come back UNDER A FEW DAYS LATER to find out, with absolutely no warning that his SIBLING is married to a guy now, maybe you’re moving just a little fast! Someone please explain this to me I feel like I'm losing my mind.
The Vegas wedding of Tokyo Ghoul, getting hitched in a cave while a homophobic gay horror creature exterminates 98% of your kind.
Also I find it funny that she managed to date a guy who both looks and acts so much like her dad. Touka you can do so much better you are leagues above this guy.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: If Haise is included, Akira and the Quinxes. Family. If Haise is not included, probably… Hinami. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: Oh boy. He doesn’t really listen to anyone, and his cycle of self sacrifice for others because it’s the easiest route out is ANNOYING AS HELL. Points are made about it, but does he ever change? No he just keeps trying to die for “the sake of others” until the very end and keeps escaping the actual consequences, while others who have something to live for ACTUALLY DIE for his stupid martyr complex and I am SICK OF IT. He only fights for those he cares about because he’s afraid of being alone which is a very human desire but we never see him grow in it, he just keeps ignoring whatever he doesn’t want to hear, keeps letting himself almost die but he’s still “virtuous” and not a murderer to the narrative. Because the restaurant ghouls dared to have fun with the terrible cards they were dealt, so they deserved it! Because those humans in the dragon incident didn’t care, so they deserved it! And besides he wasn’t conscious anyways! Because Furuta dared to try to break the system that Kaneki decided wasn’t real, because he wanted to make sure the world never created a child like him again, so he deserved it! I could deal with him if the narrative actually treated him like what he is, “morally grey” is not an excuse to his actions it’s a byproduct, so just saying “it’s alright because he’s morally grey” doesn’t fix any of the issues with his inconsistencies! With his lack of growth beyond just getting worse, and being handed a happy ending anyways! Also why are all of his stans silent as the grave I hear barely a WHISPER out of you creatures yet you appear like phantoms to salivate over him when art is made and to sweep polls. I know perhaps 3 people who both actively post and I know for a fact would declare Kaneki their favorite. Where are the rest of you? WHERE ARE YOU HIDING? But godspeed to you.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: He feels so overwritten at the end, I really wish he either died, or that :re had gone the csm route and had a different protagonist. For our candidates for a new protagonist I would nominate: Hide. An exploration of a character who was born into a world that was hurting him, but chose to love ghouls anyways. Who chose to keep being a good person no matter how hard it was, (WHAT KANEKI DOES, DOES NOT COUNT AS BEING A “GOOD PERSON.”) He’d be a refreshing air of positivity and hope from Kaneki’s internal monologue. It’s so desolate it makes me want to commit amusing vandalism just to remember that bright colors are real and very lovely. I don’t have the energy to write out full explanations for all of them but I’d also nominate any of the Quinx squad members, Juuzou (I just want more Hanbee), Ayato, Amon, or Furuta. Or making Haise a person with a separate body.
Favorite friendship for this character: If Haise counts Juuzou, if not Banjou or Ayato.
My crossover ship: I’m tempted to say knives as a joke because they have the same english voice actor, (Who does a fantastic job as both but MAN his voice goes deep in tristamp.) Anyways Vash I guess. Go be self-sacrificial together you fools. (affectionate connotation for one, indifferent for the other.)
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
A little anime update: Blue Lock Edition!
Trying to keep this as spoiler free as possible ejkakjerjkaerjk
~~Rambling beneath the cut~~
Okay so! I’m 8 episodes in (watching the English Dub but might switch to the Japanese sub when the entirety of the next fight is out) and here are my thoughts!
Right off the bat: I really love this anime ahznnamzm I was a bit unsure at first, but so far I’m into it! The animation is great and I’m really loving the characters!
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Isagi is mildy concerning but he’s got the spirit! His “ego” mode is honestly lowkey terrifying but in the best way? Like- I worry how influenced he’s gonna get by Blue Lock throughout the series but at the same time rooting for him :3 Overall a pretty neat dude!
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Bachira! He’s friends with the monster that’s under his bed He’s giving big Koichi vibes minus the whole “Cause I’m a liar!” bit (so far) I love how odd he is! :D A bit kooky but definitely a favorite! I’m curious to see where he goes in the show :3
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I’m so normal about him I swear Chigiri! Best boy- my absolute favorite! *Sonic Green Hill Theme intensifies* I loved his backstory and how he went about the thing holding him back, and that SPEED! I loved it so much gah! Also everyone calling him “Princess” is absolutely hilarious! He’s just a cutie pie (expect me to absolutey destroy this dude when I start writing for Blue Lock whoops)
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Hehe it’s Ichigo Kunigami! He’s giving me big Kaito Momota (Danganronpa) energy combined with Ichigo from Bleach- I really like him so far! There’s not too much to say about him yet; He’s giving big brother vibes and I really like that for him :) So far a pretty solid dude! I kinda lowkey ship him with Chigiri- they just work you know? The princess and the hero (They’d be Peach and Mario for halloween shhh) only I feel like Kunigami would be the one holding Chigiri back from stabbing someone- they just have that vibe you know?  But yeah I can’t wait to see more of him!
Ego looks like Victor from Despicable Me
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Like- fight Bakugo on it- you can’t tell me these two aren’t the same person in different font. I don’t trust Mr. Soccer/Football Bowl cut at all- but I’m also deeply intrigued! We’ll see where this all goes as time goes on :D
Now for some random stuff!
Gagamaru is absolutely adorable- I love how he eats with his hands and just yeets after the ball with his head; Nagi looks like Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul and I love that for him; The dragon twins were funny and it was so satisfying seeing what happened to them in the match; one of team Z deserves to be put in time out- they know who they are; The additional times are top tier and I love them; Jingo is Bakugou without manners whoops Overall I just really like everyone!
Okay off to go cry over Chainsaw Man bye! :D
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elmaxlys · 1 year
Since I don’t know much about it, how about Tokyo Ghoul for the fandom part of the ask game?
Ohoo :3 many thanks!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
Donato Porpora (as if there's anyone who doesn't know that by now..)
He is soo!! He's sadistic bastard yet still a loving dad, he's the most powerful non kakuja ghoul around, he is so so extremely smart, he's in jail and holding the very people that hold him captive by the balls and still avoided being executed even after 15 years. He is Everything, I love him sooo much and he is My Dad.
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Least Favorite character:
I used to have this group of characters I disliked that I called the T Gang and they were Torso, Tsuneyoshi, Tokage and Touka but I actually love the first 3 and og Touka (still hate her :re self), so that's no longer applicable lmao. If I have to choose, it's probably between King and :re Touka.
King is one Kaneki's alters, from about the middle of :re on. He is one insufferable, self righteous, hypocritical, egoistic bastard that no longer serves any purpose in the plot apart from. you know. being there. He's an asshole to his people and even more to his friends. He looks at the horrors and says "I have the power to stop them but eeeeh why should I. Let's stop the only person who's trying, instead!" I hate him as a person and as a character.
As for Touka, I still like her in og, she's amazing, she's driven and she's strong with a strong character with a dream and a goal. And in :re?? She's reduced to Sad Housewife- oh wait no look she switched to Abusive Housewife- oh wait look she switched to Sexual Harasser But Makes It ~Sexy~ Housewife- oh look at that she's being written out of the story after she got married and knocked out. Damn who could have predicted that.
In Touka's case, it's mostly a case of Writers Hate Women, though, so I'll say King is my ultimate least favorite.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Utaren (Uta/Yomo Renji) - my all time OTQP
Matsurie (Washuu Matsuri/Urie Kuki) - I love you power imbalance, I love you D/S relationships, I love you one-sided love, I love you willfully becoming another man's dog, I love you closeted flamboyant men of high social status with a hidden identity that could be made disappeared by their own family in the event of disappointment
Shuuneki (Tsukiyama Shuu/Kaneki Ken) - I ship it exclusively if it's og Kaneki (either Kuroneki or Shironeki). Shuu deserves better than :re Kaneki.
Nishikimi (Nishio Nishiki/Nishino Kimi) - the only canon pairing that matters
Amoneki/Amonhaise (Amon Koutarou/Kaneki Ken or Sasaki Haise) - platonic/soft-romo
Bonus: Maruchika (Marude Itsuki/Washuu Yoshitoki) - lowkey but painfully
I'll take this occasion to show one of my favorite Shuuneki illustration
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Character I find most attractive:
In very different categories, I'll mention 2: Yoshitoki (very dad-like charm) and Tsukiyama Shuu (World's Prettiest Boy)
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Character I would marry:
Shuu, pretty, rich and very kind what more could you want? I'd let him eat me any day
Character I would be best friends with:
One I would want to be bffs with is Amon Koutarou, one I would actually get along with would be Hori Chie lmao. I wanted to say Saiko but that could only work as online friends I think.
A random thought:
I don't like the revisionist history that Shuu always had teal hair and that the purple was an anime invention. The below illustration is from 2013, so before the anime. Ishida drew him with purple hair on more than one occasion, another one being the Past novel cover.
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An unpopular opinion:
Donato should have been the One-Eyed King and Kanou did more for society than Kaneki ever will
My Canon OTP:
That'd be Nishikimi. They're so Ride or Die hhhhhh 💕
My Non-canon OTP:
OTQP but Utaren (tho the "non-canon" aspect is debatable in the QP department) I wanted to find a 2nd choice, so i'd have an actual romantic ship but none of my ships is romantic??? I'd consider none of them to be OTP. Only Utaren qualifies, so Utaren it is.
Most Badass Character:
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Honorable mention to Tatara, Uta and Kurona (and half the cast *ahem*)
Most Epic Villain:
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He is so good!! he is such a good character, such a good villain! he is so smart so destructive so depressed so suicidal so ruthless so manipulative he is everything one could wish for in a villain and antagonist AND he moves the plot more than the supposed protagonist like. So so epic!!
He's the best.
Pairing I am not a fan of:
so so many lmfao I'll mention T*uken tho and, hilariously enough (given the history of the fandom), H*dek*ne
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Touka, oh my fucking god. I mentioned why in the "least favorite character" bit but jfc.. jfc...
(also Amon in :re)
Favourite Friendship:
Uta and Renji win.
But because that's not fair given they're also my OTP, I'll also mention the 4th ward gang (Uta, Yomo Renji, Itori), Shuu and Hori Chie, Urie and Saiko, and one purely from my brain, Saiko and Amon Koutarou
Character I most identify with:
Picture a mix of Urie Kuki and Yonebayashi Saiko
Character I wish I could be:
Haisaki 🥰
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(oh to be brutally killed by Donato...)
(but for real, everyone's life sucks major time in TG so no thanks. i want Uta's gender tho.)
The Ask Game
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quarter-lif3crisis · 5 days
Hellloo. I don't have that much of an audience to make a 'get to know me' post (kinda feel awkward 😭) but still heyy!
Formula 1 : I always knew of its existence but I properly got into it this year. What dragged me into this u ask? It was Lewis' move to Ferrari and my fyp was just blowing up with ppl going crazy😭. Also the 2nd thing that i learnt about right after joining was Brocedes...... yh
Fave drivers : Charles Leclerc, Lewis Hamilton, Oscar Piastri + Alex Albon. Also LOVE seb + nico
[No hate against ANY driver is welcome. Having opinions is fine but h8, like the shit I've been seeing lately, is not allowed.]
KPOP : Started listening to kpop in 2020 during covid and my first grp were BTS. I listen to everything, if the songs good, it's good.
Grps I stan: Stray kids, NCT (😭),WayV, Itzy, The boyz, P1 Harmony, Ateez, BTS, G-IDLE, The Rose
Grps I stan stan: txt (MY ULTS), Seventeen, Boynextdoor, enhypen.
My ults bias' : Beomgyu and bangchan. Probs suga aswll.
Anime: Used to watch anime in a small corner of a screen on yt. It came in parts. I think that says enough. I haven't watched alot tbh 😭 I'm not the best when it comes to watching stuff. But here r some of my favs so far
Jujutsu Kaisen: Geto Suguru, Gojo Satoru (they come as a pack 😌- Gojo is such a cool character who wouldn't love him? But I'd defo chose geto over him) , Itadori Yuji, Zenin Maki , Choso, Nanami Kento and Inumaki Toge [stay away Gege]
Moriarty the Patriot: (LOVE THIS SHIT) only correct way to watch it is in dub. The only anime I've watched in dub. William Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes and Albert Moriarty. Tbh I love everyone
Haikyuu: This shit is soul healing (on the last season). Hinata Shoyo, Kuroo Tetsuro, Oikawa Toru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Coah Ukai, Sugawara Koshi, Tsukishima Kei, Bokuto Kōtarō + Akaashi Keiji
Tokyo Ghoul : Kaneki Ken deserves the world. That's it
Reading: I like manhwas/manhuas. Haven't read a lot of mangas tho- only read death note and jjk. Just like to read tbh, been reading for ages so ik where to use words but dk why or what they mean😭. Can't rlly list all the books I've read cuz I don't remember half of them but here r some of my fave series :
The Shadowhunter Chronicles: First read them in 2018, I've been waiting for a Kit/Ty book since then😭.
All for the Game series: This shit is good. There r alot of trigger warnings but shit is good. Six of crows/ Crooked kingdom (currently reading but love it)
Some of my fav books r Circe, A thousand splendid suns, The secret history, If we were villains, 1984. Idk man I have alot of fav books 😭
Was also in the Marauders fandom which is y there's some marauders stuff here and there but the fandom got toxic pretty quick and I just got bored idky😭😭. Don't read the fics anymore + I'm not that active in the fandom but still have love for it. The fics that I read (not alot) were TOP TIER tho. I read alot of drarry and I will get some looks for this but tomarry BUT its like time travel fics TRUST ME they're so gooooddd. I read one on a whim cuz I was bored.
TV shows/ Movies : like I sed not the best watcher. But here are some of my favs:
Save me (kdrama), Weak hero class 1 (kdrama), To my star (kdrama), DP (kdrama), Alice in the borderland (jdrama), The Originals (tv), Merlin (tv), Hannibal (tv), The good bad mother (kdrama), Strangers from Hell (kdrama), 21st century girl (movie), Brooklyn 99 (tv), The Amazing World of Gumball (tv), The edge of 17 (movie), Fight Club (movie), Lady Bird (movie), Shutter Island (movie), Parasite (movie), The Shining (movie), Prisoner of Azkaban/Chamber of Secrets (movie)
Youtubers : not gonna be posting alot about ytbers and I don't watch alot of ppl but here r some :
Sam + Colby. Willne + James Marriott (yes ik they have diff channels but they come as a duo. I LOVE THEM) (I sometimes watch ppl within the willne like grp, like I obvs naturally started watching them eg George. M, Arthur, Italian Bach etc but I don't watch them like how I do with James + Will)
Quadrant. The Boys. Rotten Mango
Yh I think that's about it tbh I think....
0 notes
theshandora · 2 years
Welcome to my series
where I just bitch about Ishida's choices and decisions.
First things first: to me manga kinda went shit after Arima's death. Like I honestly thought the whole One-eyed King thing could be played off nicely and that Eto and Arima will give Kaneki something to work with. But yeah... nevermind, he had to handle everything himself.
Now let's review some of the problematic points in the story:
- The whole island 'extermination of Aogiri Tree' operation. It honestly seemed like the Aogiri Tree which was feared by the CCG for the rest of the manga just fell apart like a house of cards. Why did Tsukiyama and other 20th ward ghouls appeared there to help them in the first place? Like, that turn of events was never clarified. 
- Touka's character in :re. Fuck you, Ishida. She wasn't my favorite in the first book, but I acknowledged her strength, her violent tendencies due to her childhood trauma and her desire to do better. And in :re all of a sudden she becomes this soft girl with a beautiful smile which does not appear in most of it and only enters again when Ishida decides that he has to force some romantic line for the main character. There is zero chemistry between Kaneki and Touka throughout the entire manga. It is pretty obvious from the start that Ishida wanted them to have some kind of romance, but he never followed through. Like, they don't see each other after Owl Eradication Op and then within a couple of chapters in :re they go from renewed friends to lovers to having a child and getting married? Nobody can convince that this is any kind of slowburn. That's a forced lazy arc. Besides... A CHILD???? "Fucckkking kidding". You are in the middle of the biggest crisis that ghoul society has ever faced. The ghouls rescued by the Goat are starving, Tokyo is filled with Furuta's Oggai army. Kaneki is traumatized (as always), overwhelmed with responsibility and trying his best to be the man that Arima believed him to be. SO YEAH, A PERFECT TIMING TO HAVE A CHILD. And there is not one panel where Kaneki questions if it is worth to bring a new life to this fucked up world. Yeah, Ishida, fuck you.  
Okay, now I know some of you will think that I just don't like a straight ship. So let's get it out of the way straight away:
- Kaneki didn't need a romantic line. At least it should have never gotten to the point of marriage and kids. It should have been a romantic interest at most. I hate the ending of the Hunger Games for the same reason. Katniss Everdeen having a bunch of kids and being a happy mom? Yeah, fuck that. - The only valid romantic line in this manga is Amon/Akira. They must be protected at all cost. And of course Ishida does not even bother to show them in the last chapter, lol. - I don't ship Kaneki with Hide. Their friendship is precious, and it makes me sad that people can't be friends without being romantisized (Johnlock stans, I am talking to you). - Shuneki. That's a tough one because I believe that Tsukiyama at some point did develop feelings towards Kaneki, but let's be honest it's not mutual.
Which brings me to the next point:
- TSUKIYAMA WAS DONE DIRTY. He deserved THE WORLD. I can't even find words to describe how unfair his character was treated. In the first book when he is first introduced his character is pretty flat. Yeah, he has charm, he's problematic and obsessive, and randomly inserts French words into the conversation. I know many people liked him even at that point, but let's face it: his character gains his true depth and meaning in :re. After everything we learn about his family and his relationship with Karren, Chie and the servants I don't know how can anyone not love him. The influence Kaneki's death has on his character development is enormous. First of all, it was such a strong moment when he decides that it is not his place to bring Kaneki's memory back? You can see how much struggle was there in his head. He recognized that he could have been wrong in the past, that Haise might be happier than Kaneki, and also he puts his family above his desires. Imagine: we went from Shu trying to have Kaneki to himself no matter the cost to Shu thinking that Kaneki is better off being Haise so that he doesn't learn about all the suffering and loss he went through. THIS WAS SO GOOD.
Now, the fact that even after regaining his memory Kaneki throws him off the roof is a bit controversial but understandable. After all, they weren't on the best terms, Ken didn't completely trust him in the past. Moreover, he never got to learn how much Shu suffered and how much he grew emotionally. And last but not least, I like to believe that he really hoped that Shu will survive the fall. I still see this part as a bit problematic because Kaneki would literally die for any member of the squad before, but at the same time I just feel sorry that he got himself in this situation in the first place. Being confused, not having his memories, wondering whether he should hold on to being an investigator - that was too much.
Okay, I got a little carried away. This is all great, but my point in this was how Tsukiyama was treated later when he was part of the Goat. Like the man literally forgave you, never doubted you once, did everything you expected of him and more and Kaneki never thanked him once. NOT ONCE. They never even had a conversation which concerned anything outside their goal. It honestly looked like Kaneki finally realized he can trust Shu with his life, so he just used him. This was so painful to watch. Ken literally never recognized how big of a part Tsukiyama played in him being the One-eyed King. This just makes me angry. And also Shu's non-existent reaction to Kaneki being married to Touka????
I don't even know what to say about Ishida creating that panel with Tsukiyama saying he just wishes to see Ken happy JUST TO END IT WITH A SICK COMMENT ABOUT TASTING THEIR CHILD???!??!?!? Ishida, why?
To summarize: Tsukiyama is a beautiful precious flower who did not deserve to be Kaneki's unappreciated errand boy. My soul was aching everytime he adressed him as "My King".
That's all I have to say in this post. This fandom is probably dead anyways, but I felt like screaming into the void.
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 7 months
Valentine's Day
Featuring: Platonic / Queerplatonic Hidekane
Word Count: 1800
Warnings: None
(AO3 Link)
It was Valentine’s Day — the romantic holiday where girls would gift chocolate to the men in their lives: Giri Chocolate for friends, classmates, and coworkers, and Honmei Chocolate for crushes.
Kaneki hadn’t gotten close to any girls this year, so it was unlikely that Kaneki would receive any chocolates from anyone. The same thing happened to him last year.
Hide meanwhile, always got at least one. Hide always dreaded this holiday, because he always turned down all his admirers. He wished he could give his admirers to Kaneki, but romantic love didn’t work that way.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” Hide said, whipping out a bouquet and box of chocolates from behind his back and holding it out in front of him. In Japan, it was usually only girls giving out chocolates, but Hide didn’t care about that.
“What’s this for?” Kaneki asked.
Hide rolled his eyes playfully. “It’s for you, dummy.”
“Oh.” Kaneki whispered. He took the flowers and sniffed them. “Why yellow?”
“Yellow flowers mean platonic love.” Hide said as he took a seat across from Kaneki. “Who says Valentine’s Day has to be romantic?”
“Thank you.” Kaneki whispered, grinning happily.
Hide smiled, glad that he made Kaneki’s day.
Kaneki took a look at the chocolate packaging next. “These are store-bought, right?”
Traditionally, store-bought chocolates were for classmates and friends, while homemade chocolates were made specifically for crushes.
“I think I’ll keep that a secret for now. You have to guess once you eat them.” Hide said, winking at him.
“If they are homemade, you really didn’t have to.” Kaneki said, starting to get embarrassed. Knowing him, he probably felt like a burden.
“I didn’t have to do any of this,” Hide said, “but I wanted to. For you, and only you. You’re my best friend, Kaneki, and you deserve to have a great Valentine’s Day.”
Kaneki blinked, his eyes watering. Hide was about to apologize for making him cry, when Kaneki lunged forward and hugged him.
“Thank you, Hide.”
As White Day approached, Hide was stressing over what he should give back to the people that gave him chocolates on Valentine’s Day. He had received some friendship chocolates from his clubmates, which was easy enough to reciprocate. He also received a surprise of romantic chocolates from two male students in his year, which he didn’t reciprocate feelings for but made him very happy nonetheless. He decided to get them friendship chocolate, but something nice. And then, there were various friendship and romantic chocolates from the girls in his class. And Hide wasn’t sure what to give them. Part of him held resentment, because they didn’t give friendship or even obligation chocolates to Kaneki. But another part of Hide told him that was unfair. It probably wasn’t out of any malice towards Kaneki, but the simple fact that Hide was outgoing and friendly and funny, and Kaneki kept to himself and made it difficult for strangers to approach or befriend him.
And so, by White Day, Hide was completely exhausted. He had been stressing over what to buy, and then he had to run around the whole school and give everything out.
“Um, Hide?” Kaneki asked.
“Yeah?” Hide groaned. He didn’t mean to be rude to his friend, but he was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. He didn’t care if they still had a class or two left before they could go home.
Kaneki walked up in front of his desk, and he was blushing.
Hide picked his head up, growing curious and a bit concerned.
“I… I wanted to give you this.” Kaneki said, holding out his hands, holding a white-wrapped box of chocolates and a bouquet of white roses.
Hide’s jaw dropped. He had been so busy buying, preparing, and giving out reciprocation chocolates, he completely forgot about the one person who could reciprocate to him.
“You didn’t have to do that.” Hide whispered.
“I wanted to!” Kaneki said, reaching out further with the box, insisting that Hide take it, so he did.
“Are these homemade?” Hide asked, throwing Kaneki a smirk.
“Try them and see.” Kaneki said, his blush only increasing.
“I love them, Kaneki.” Hide said, standing up and hugging his friend. “Thank you so much!”
We need to make this a tradition, Hide thought. I’ll surprise him again next year.
Years ago, Hide had always dreaded Valentine’s Day for the way it made his friend miserable. But after last year, Hide gained a newfound love for the holiday. Despite traditionally being a romantic holiday — celebrating straight girls in love with straight boys, no less — Hide had made the decision to disregard that and celebrate it the way he wanted, to make his friend happy. And he intended to do the same this year, too.
Once again, he made homemade chocolates and bought yellow roses. But he made more chocolates this year, and had a larger and more elegant bouquet. He couldn’t wait to surprise Kaneki once again. He probably assumed last year would be a one-time thing!
For seemingly the first time, Kaneki was late to their class. So Hide hid the bouquet and chocolates under his jacket, and did his best to wait patiently for Kaneki to arrive.
He was digging through his backpack when he heard Kaneki call out his name from the other side of the room.
So Hide quickly switched to grab his Valentine’s Day gift, and then he sat upwards and held it out.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!!!”
He blinked as Kaneki said the exact same words as he did. Kaneki was also holding out a flower bouquet and a box of chocolates.
They both stared at each other in surprise for a moment, and then they started laughing.
“Well, don’t just stand there!” Hide said. “Sit! Pull up a desk! Let’s see what we got each other!”
Kaneki did so, and then they exchanged gifts.
Hide’s had been an elegant step up from last year, but Kaneki’s gift was new. He had gotten a bouquet of sunflowers, and the chocolate box was decorated with sunflowers too.
“Oh, Kaneki…” Hide whispered, growing emotional. His White Day gift from last year had been fairly simple, running with the white theme. But with the freedom of valentine’s day, he clearly put more thought into it.
“I’m sorry if I made this awkward…” Kaneki whispered. Usually Valentine’s Day in Japan was one-sided, and the reciprocation gift had to wait until White Day. When it came to straight couples, this was simple enough. The girls were Valentine’s Day, and the boys were White Day. But when that didn’t apply, things got confusing.
“No, no.” Hide said. “I mean, this was bound to happen eventually. And I love it. You didn’t make this awkward, you made it wonderful.”
Kaneki nodded, and then smiled, a blush creeping onto his face. “Okay, good. I like it too.”
Once again, they thanked each other for the gifts and hugged.
“So, are we going to skip White Day…?” Kaneki asked once they had settled.
“Are you kidding? No way!”
And sure enough, they both reciprocated each other’s gifts again on White Day. It wasn’t exactly a surprise anymore, but they were both just as deeply touched.
Guilt stabbed at Hide as he saw all the advertisements for Valentine’s Day. It used to be a holiday that brought him so much joy, but things were different now. Kaneki was a ghoul, and he couldn’t have chocolates. Sure, he could have coffee, but he couldn’t have foam, and Hide doubted that black coffee would be special when Kaneki drank it all day long, every day.
So instead, he got Kaneki a yellow rose bouquet, and a cute coffee mug about friendship.
Hide knocked on Kaneki’s apartment door, and then nervously waited outside. He hoped that Kaneki would like the gifts. He hoped that it wouldn’t make Kaneki sad that he couldn’t enjoy Valentine’s Day the way he used to anymore.
“Who is it?” Kaneki called from the other side.
“It’s Hide!”
A moment later, the door opened.
“Happy Valen—!”
“Happy Valentine’s Day!!!”
Hide gaped as Kaneki held out a bouquet and chocolates, just like old times.
“Again, huh? I should have known!” Kaneki laughed. “...Hey, what’s wrong?”
Hide blinked. “I’m sorry.”
“Huh?” Kaneki frowned. “Why are you apologizing?”
Hide set down his gifts, and then hugged Kaneki. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything. You didn’t have to do that for me.”
Kaneki pulled out of Hide’s embrace to look him in the eyes. “What? What are you talking about?”
“The chocolates. I know you can’t eat them, and they probably don’t even smell good to you. You didn’t need to get me anything. I wouldn’t have cared, Kaneki. This was all my idea to begin with in the first place.”
“No, no, Hide.” Kaneki said, rubbing his shoulders. “I made you chocolates because I wanted to, not of any obligation. It doesn’t bother me. It was fun, actually. Sometimes it’s a bit sad, sure. That I can’t enjoy them anymore. But you can, and that’s all that’s important. You’re the one that didn’t need to get me anything.”
Hide hugged him again. “Of course I got you something!”
“Touka-chan is right.” Kaneki sighed. “We really are the same, aren’t we?”
Hide laughed through a happy sob. “I guess we really are.”
Kaneki pulled out of the hug. “Come inside. We should stop standing in the doorway and letting all the cold air in.”
Hide picked up his gift to Kaneki, and they went to sit at his dining table. There, Hide properly gave him his gift.
“Hide, this is so sweet.” Kaneki said, admiring the coffee cup. “I thought you would just give me flowers, or nothing at all.”
“I know you probably have more than enough coffee cups.” Hide muttered.
“I love it.” Kaneki said, setting it down. “And the flowers too, of course. As beautiful as always, and they smell much stronger and sweeter to me now, too.”
Hide smiled. He had forgotten that Kaneki had enhanced senses. He was really glad that Kaneki could get enjoyment out of his gift after all.
“You can eat them now, if you want.” Kaneki said, gesturing to the chocolate box in front of Hide. “I don’t mind.”
“Are you sure?”
Kaneki nodded. “Tell me how they are. It’s the same recipe, but there’s a chance they might not be as good because, well, you know.”
“I’m sure they’re fine.” Hide said, opening the box.
“I’m going to make a cup of coffee.” Kaneki said, grabbing his new mug from Hide and then heading into the kitchen.
Hide popped a chocolate into his mouth and ate it. “As good as always, Kaneki!”
“I’m glad!”
When his coffee was done, Kaneki came back to sit by him, and Hide ate a few more chocolates.
On White Day, they once again gave each other reciprocated gifts. And the tradition continued to live on.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
This is probably strange but do you think you could write Killua,   Feitan, Izuku, Shoto, Hawks, Kaneki and Dazai with a homeless darling?
It actually sounds really interesting. Underaged characters are aged up in here!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, stalking, manipulation, threatening, sadism, blackmailing, mentions of kidnapping
Homeless darling
Killua Zoldyck
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🪀He most likely falls for someone he’s known for a longer time and someone who is kind. And especially in a situation like this your kindness is something the boy admires, the ability to be happy for others even if they have what you need. He is despite his harder attitude a kinder soul so he can’t ignore the suffering and the struggles you go through after he’s realized that you’re really kind and more selfless, he wants to end up helping in some way. Getting to know his darling better is an important step and at one point he probably often hangs around with them, enjoying their carefree and kind attitude.
🪀Didn’t realize that he was in love until he got jealous for the first time, though he’d have never said that out loud in that moment. But it’s a moment of realization for Killua, the importance his darling holds to him is suddenly flying clearly in front of his eyes and that is the awakening of his real overprotectiveness. Thoughts and insecurities regarding your safety alone outside were always part of his thought process yet he always let himself be reassured from you. You would be fine was what you always told him yet what if it wouldn’t be? There were many sinister and greedy people out there, only few were as kind as you were. And yet you were forced to live outside, even if you deserved living a better and more secure life.
🪀Maybe being with him, giving you a home in which you can safely stay and be assured to have everything you need is the best choice. A choice Killua offers his darling at one point, hiding the desperation with which he actually feels about all of this. Why shouldn’t you want to stay with him? He’s as of now one of the first who ever paid much attention to you, who looked after you and were there for you. How could you possibly reject his kindness, his desire to give you a life a sweet soul like you deserves? Rejecting him and his kindness might as well be a hundred punches in his gut, stinging like nothing he can compare. It’s an insult to say the least, he would be terribly insulted because you’re one of the very few he deems to be worth protecting. And protecting and keeping you safe he will, even if it’s with force.
Feitan Portor
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☠️It’s hard for Feitan to pinpoint the exact reason why he exactly noticed the s/o in the first place, maybe it were their intriguing ways of moving that made him wonder how they would wiggle and writhe with pain, maybe it was because of some sort of pity deep inside his core. Rejected, ignored and thrown away from this world is something the spider is familiar with but even if that were the case, he’d never admit that to anyone. He’s a stalker at the beginning, observing the s/o and their typical lifestyle.
☠️He kind of is glad that they don’t seem to be too much of a crybaby because others have a better life than them, he can’t show too much sympathy for something like this. He’s a thief after all and if he wants something, he’ll just grab it with force. His feelings are a nuisance, to express it friendly, for him. He can’t admit them and additionally he can’t even really explain why he feels that way in the first place. You’re just a homeless and lost thing, that is all you are. So why does he feel the need to watch over you like this? He’s lying to himself, respecting the way they try to survive and live and the fact that he finds them quite cute. It’s not some sort of fleeing emotion either, fuel is poured into his blazing obsession the more he stalks you.
☠️He won’t ask friendly like Killua did and up until his darling got kidnapped from him, they didn’t even know that he existed at all. So waking up all tied up with a small, dark-haired man waiting for you is something that triggers fear. Feitan is a sadist, especially at the beginning he has too much troubles accepting that he loves someone. He gives you a home, a roof to stay under and a bed to sleep in, but if you were to choose you’d probably prefer your old life since Feitan lashes his confusion and irritation out on you in form of sadism. It’s only after he’s been with you for a while that he stops doing so, instead finding himself taking better care of you and maybe even getting you ointment against older and newer wounds. He’ll never spoil the s/o like Killua does though.
Izuku Midoriya
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💚Being overall a big soft heart, he would have felt beyond terrible to just ignore someone in need of help. Izuku is a hero after all so it’s literally his job to help those in need and that is what he always will do. I can actually see him having helped a lot of helpless people already in any way he can do theoretically someone like his darling wouldn’t be anything new to him. Yet because it is his darling, everything is different for him. From the very beginning where he saw them giving him a smile, so genuinely and happy, he felt like they were more special.
💚Midoriya believes in soulmates and he’s as a Yandere overall someone to gain an obsession quickly so it won’t take that long for him to have it bad for his darling as well. Already after your first meeting with him, he has a hard time getting you out of his head, each moment he spent with you repeating itself over and over again in his head. Especially that gorgeous smile which he would love to see more. Shortly after he finds himself searching and approaching you once again, excitement causing his heart to speed faster when seeing you and the moment you called his name surprised but happily, a warm sensation tickled his skin. Nothing he can compare too and there is no one around whom he’s ever felt the same.
💚So maybe him finding you and helping you wasn’t a coincidence. Maybe it was something much more, destiny itself perhaps. Once this particular thought has engraved itself into Izuku’s mind it’s pretty much the end of the road because that is the point where he gets paranoid. The thought of you living in the dirt and cold outside even if you’re such a innocent and endearing person, a person who he firmly believes himself to be his soulmate, goes against every fiber of his body. But he’ll give you what you deserved but didn’t get in your life so far, Izuku is quick to ask you after all. Hopefully you won’t reject, Izuku would prefer you accepting him as your soulmate willingly. Yet he won’t hesitate to abduct you in case you don’t want to and he wouldn’t even feel really bad about it. Your life without a home couldn’t possibly be as comfortable and safe as with him as he spoils and pampers you with his love.
Shoto Todoroki
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🔥❄️Shoto wouldn’t be quite as kind as Midoriya because he knows that there are people who are deserving of help and forgiveness and persons who will use others and aren’t exactly worth helping, during his career he’s made acquaintance with quite a few of those. Caught his darling the very first time staring with a dreamy and admiring look in their eyes at his mansion, startling them nearly to death as he approached them and they noticed him. Initially a bit suspicious, he got flustered when he heard that they were hoping to catch a glimpse of him because they were a fan.
🔥❄️They still did mention that they wished they could live a life like this as well, telling him that they were often sleeping somewhere nearby. It left some sort of impression on him, knowing that he had someone like that living as some sort of neighbor next to him and it kind of got stuck in his mind, not feeling like you were someone he would have to worry over as danger. Even if he is highly infatuated with his s/o, gaining an obsession takes some time. His protectiveness is what leads him at first into his infatuation, getting to know you better and seeing you more and more as a kind person who cares and worries about him yet never asking for anything for him to the point where he has to force his darling into accepting something and starting to feel extremely on edge with the knowledge that anything could happen to you.
❄️🔥It’s the very latest when he gets delusional that his darling finds themself one day waking up in a warm and soft bed, a room incredibly unfamiliar and far too luxurious for them. Letting you live in the cold and indifferent world is far too much for the poor guy to bear, you only should have the best in his opinion. Similar to Izuku it’ll be about impossible for you to convince Shoto that kidnapping you is stop wrong. Since delusional now he doesn’t even view it as kidnapping anymore but more as saving you and since he’s seen how poorly you have to survive sometimes, this is pure bliss and heaven for you. Didn’t you say yourself that you wanted to live like this? Don’t worry, he’ll give you everything you didn’t have so far in your life.
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🪶Might sound a bit cliché but he was literally the one who saved his darling during one of his patrols in the sky. He saw that they were in trouble and simply came to their aid, catching a smaller criminal in the process. One short glance and he already knew that you probably didn’t have a home, seeing the bags filled with stuff that you carried around with you. Pity and sympathy are emotions Keigo has at first for you, offering you kindness and a bit help which seemed to catch you completely off guard. Having such a famous hero as him being nice to you might not be something you experience too often from others.
🪶Keigo has admittedly a lot to do so he kind of didn’t get the chance to meet the s/o for a while after, though they somewhat stayed in the back of his mind. It wasn’t until he met them a second time by pure coincidence, instantly recognizing them. You were skeptical to say the least, not trusting this man in front of you fully and maybe that was what triggered Hawks into spending more time with you. Slightly because he didn’t want to be seen in the wrong light by you, but also to prove to you that even with your current hard life not everyone was turning a blind eye to someone like you. He got attached during this time a lot to you, making it a habit to always look after you and bringing you gifts which you reluctantly accepted after he had guilt-tripped you enough.
🪶Warming up to him made him feel extremely happy and especially after discovering how friendly and generous his darling really was under their whole cautious attitude made his heart ache whilst thinking how poorly they were treated so far. Not to mention that bad people are walking around everywhere, you have to consider that he himself had to save you from one before. Keigo ends up wooing his s/o one way or another, he can not help himself and if it’s possible he will lure them willingly into living with him. He’s rather confident he can do so since he knows that he’s more of a charmer and giving his baby bird a greater and happier life with him as the provider will fill him without a doubt with pride. Everything is for you after all.
Ken Kaneki
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🔲If his s/o would have known what it would cause in the near future on that day where they approached him somewhere in a lonely street, they would have probably only ended up being another face in the crowd. Yet they didn’t, somehow feeling like the guy needed someone to talk to since he was looking all alone and sad. Sure, your life wasn’t better but you were still someone who was able to feel for others and Kaneki might not have even wanted you with him at first, not wanting to let his ghoul side get the better of him and have someone else scared of him. In reality he just wanted someone.
🔲He probably didn’t even talk that much nor did he really look at you, only letting you talk yet you didn’t mind all that much. It wasn’t until you mentioned that you didn’t have a home that he gave you a first visible reaction, a surprised and shocked look in his eyes as you continued to talk how you had even gotten into your current situation and how difficult it could get, especially with all the dangers. He was merely following you with his eyes as you said your goodbyes, wishing that you would have stayed longer since your company was a soothing and kind one. Finding someone as kind as you wasn’t what he had expected and maybe for your own safety he shouldn’t have desired going through the same pleasant memory with you again yet he found himself returning always to the same place where he had met you.
🔲And you always came as well, though most likely he was only listening whilst you were talking, too shy to talk to you. Getting quickly attached to you, going through everything the day throws at him only with the goal to be with you again and yet Kaneki finds his limits quickly whenever you aren’t there. The possibilities of you getting hurt somewhere in an alley, attacked from a ghoul or struggling with something else makes him terrified, someone who is like sunshine to him shouldn’t have to live in such a dangerous world. Because even if Kaneki sees himself as a monster and almost unworthy, he still hopes the comfy and providing life he can offer and give will be better than one in the worst storms and under harder circumstances.
Dazai Osamu
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🤎Another stray one, hmm? He already found someone like his darling a while ago, though Atsushi is now a respected part of the Agency. It probably isn’t even in Dazai’s initial interest to help in any way since being good or evil doesn’t make too much difference to him. He just winds up observing his darling a bit at first, maybe out of boredom or maybe out of curiosity before he slowly starts getting intrigued with them, they seem to have this special something about themself that makes Dazai want to know them better. He approached them so carefree as well.
🤎This might sound a bit humiliating, but he lured the s/o in with baits like food or money, knowing from Atsushi himself that he didn’t know if he’d be able to eat the next day or not. He’s generous though and if his darling wants to survive, wasting free food like this would be a waste. The price is a small one after all, chatting with the peculiar man who always returns with the same unidentified glint in his eyes when he sees you waiting for him, curious yourself if he will return or not and glad if he does so. Dazai is difficult to figure out and will not show his true intentions unless he wants to do so, so it’s most likely the case that his s/o doesn’t notice the growing flames of obsession blazing up inside of him more and more. Why would you if he’s always friendly and kind enough to look after you?
🤎Surely he can and will try gaining your trust and love the normal way, convincing you that staying with him would be much more safer and better than surviving each and every day alone outside. Manipulating and gaslighting you might be with the current circumstances relatively easy since no one else cares about you like he did, always there to give you food and listen to your problems and even attempting to solve them? Wouldn’t you feel terrible if you were to reject, to push away his generosity? No, sure you wouldn’t. Because who else would care about you? Who was ever there for you besides him? You had no one before him and you won’t have someone else, Dazai can guarantee that. If needed, he’ll have you crawling back to him, acknowledging him as the one who will take care of you as long as you behave.
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lanarist · 3 years
Listen up yall, if you like Chuuya (bsd) dazai (bsd) or kaneki/haise (Tokyo ghoul) you need to read these books asap.
This amazing author goes by @/KookaineAddict on Wattpad. I discovered her account when I first got into anime men. My first crush was Kaneki Ken, still love him.
Her Haise book titled Sensei is absolutely amazing. The way she writes it just pulls you in and you can almost perfectly imagine it. She keeps him and other characters so canon throughout the whole book. It’s a perfect coworkers to lovers trope.
If you’re a Dazai whore like me you’ll absolutely love her book Seduction. Absolute masterpiece and the best Dazai piece I have ever read. Another coworkers to lovers trope, but you got your comedy, fluff, smut, and angst all in one book. The way she wrote Dazai was just, AMAZING. Plus you and Dazai are basically like mr and mrs smith?? Love that.
Now, let’s talk about her on going Chuuya book titled Mr Fancy Hat. I was not a simp for this man at first. But this book... boy I would do anything for that short angry man. It’s an absolute rollercoaster. This one is a slow burn enemies to lovers and it’s addicting.
The way she writes for any character or anyone is just so intriguing. I refresh my feed on Wattpad every hour to see if she uploaded a new chapter or published a new book. Her books are the only reason why i haven’t deleted the wattpad app. Shes that fucking good. Also an absolute sweetheart when you interact with her.
She also has bts books!! I haven’t read those just not my personal interest but I’m sure that they’re just as great as the ones I have read.
Another thing she does, she likes to write bonus chapters at the end of each book as like a look into your relationship with the men after the plot. I just love her ugh
Please check her out. Vote on her chapters. She deserves so much more recognition and praise for her talent and hard work.
Also want to mention that she gave me permission to post this!!
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captain-astors · 1 year
7, 10, 16, 22, 26 for tokyo ghoul asks bc i like your thoughts
And I like yours! Thank you kindly, I enjoy the selection you’ve picked out. Lots of text under the cut.
7. Which character(s) do you dislike?
Torso, Tsuneyoshi, Kanou… I don’t really dislike anyone that isn’t a fairly standard “no thanks” for the fandom except for who I’ll include in the other 7 I recieved. 
10. Which character deserved more? Or was it more unfair? 
I’ve received two of these which is good because I have a few. I’m going to start with SHIKORAE GOOD GOD MY BOY WHY. I am a firm believer that he did nothing wrong. It's not his fault Kijima did this to him. He deserved another chance you hear me. He deserved to be loved. Healthily. No hate to the clowns, they're spectacular but their idea of affection is that it straight up isn’t real at best, and that it’s unattainable and only achievable in the form of violence and consumption at worst. I just want him somewhere he can live in relative peace alright. Also Kanae didn’t need to be treated quite that way, Eto didn’t need to die and be brought back just to die again, Tsukiyama didn’t deserve to never move past his unhealthy obsession and treated like a joke, and Touka didn’t need to be reduced to Cardboard Wife. 
16. Out of the millions of Kaneki personalities, which one is your favorite?
Haise! Sweet boy, single father making his way through the world and honestly not being half bad at it. Situation isn’t perfect but I like how he deals with things, genuinely looking for solutions without being afraid to speak up. I kind of wish he was his own character and the protagonist of the entirety of :re but you know people would’ve been furious. Also I love the texture and look of his hair. 240 is a favorite as well.
22. What's your opinion about the final? 
Of the first? A fun ride! It was a little difficult to follow but otherwise I enjoyed it. Of :Re? Who’s the :re finale? I don't know her.  Kidding mostly. It’s just such a rushed feeling thing, you’d think the clash between the main character and one of the strongest characters on the opposing side, (if not the strongest now that Arima’s dead and we have no way to really judge how strong Furuta is since Kaneki’s abilities get cranked up to a 1000) would have some gravity to it but no, it just flashes and whoops Kaneki lost. For once. Then he gets turned into a giant kakuja beast and kills hundreds of kids as well as countless civilians but of course we’re not going to have him suffer any repercussions, internal or external, or even address that because he wasn’t himself, he just wants to see Touka again. :(  Then he gets pulled out by the power of love, his aging problems are magically cured, he has suffered no physical disfigurement other than little eye marks, and inexplicably gains cross-shaped Kagune to smack Nimura into the afterlife. And after all that he’s a totally stable person who definitely isn’t going to be a bad spouse or parent despite the massive amounts of trauma he has! Because that makes sense! Regardless of how much you like Kaneki it just feels a little idealistic for him and overly uncaring for the other characters. That's why I like "The finale past the death of Nimu/Rize's destruction depending on what you like is Kaneki's fantasy of what could've been" theory.
26. If you could sacrifice any character to bring another back, who would it be?
I love Mirumo so much, but his existence is barely acknowledged past the extermination arc so he can go in exchange for
A. the death of the Tsukiyamas and the devastating effect it SHOULD have had on Shuu being acknowledged in such a way he perhaps even learns to start growing away from that sad blind devotion to Kaneki, B. Kanae. I just want them back. I don’t think it would necessarily improve anything I just miss them. Also if Seidou isn’t going to get any resolution ANYWAYS (I’m so mad about that and I don’t want him to die but I am a creature of efficiency) he could sacrifice himself in the finale in some grand gesture that actually gets him acknowledged, in exchange for Tatara and Houji getting more screentime and further development.
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