#Katherine x lizzie
mcyt-sapphic-showdown · 7 months
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sarcasticlcves · 1 year
Dating The TVDU Women Includes
Katherine Pierce:
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You knowing her since 1491
Katherine turning you into a vampire, so you could both be together "forever"
Her being severely protective over you
Stefan and Damon going after you to get to her
You and Katherine both being chased by Klaus for 500 some years
Being shocked when Nadia (Katherine's daughter) shows up looking for Katherine
Comforting Kath when Nadia gets bitten by Tyler and is slowly dying
Both of you being stabbed with the traveler knife and dying together
A/n~ I cried making this one. I miss my bby Kathy 😭💔
Hayley Marshall:
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You being a werewolf/witch hybrid
Klaus threatening you to not hurt his little or littlest wolf or you won't be able to see the light of day again
Being a stepmom/mentor to Hope
"When I said give it your all and punch me in the stomach, I didn't actually mean it Hope!" "Sorry mama..."
Being besties with Rebekah and Freya
Hayley being super cuddley
Her being super protective of you. Even going as far as to threaten Klaus and Elijah
"If I hear that you two idiots lay a single finger on y/n, I will personally bite your heads off! Got it?!"
*Klaus and Elijah nodding, scared for their fucking lives* "we got it" "we won't touch her, we promise"
Being present when Hayley throws herself and Greta into the burning sun
Despising Elijah after that day and never forgiving him (I hated Elijah after that. I don't care if he didn't have his memories or what)
Only staying in the Mikaelson family compound for Hope's sake
When Klaus died, you adopted Hope and moved to mystic falls so she could enroll in the Salvatore school
Raising Hope because you knew that's what Hayley would want for her
Hope Mikaelson:
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Being a Tribrid like Hope
Knowing her since you both were little kids
Hope being very closed off and distant with you at first
Her slowly opening up and being more vulnerable with you as time passes
Hope being a very affectionate person behind closed doors
Hope being super overprotective
This bby also gets very jealous very quick
You being best friends with Lizzie and Hope despising your guys friendship
Dark! Tribrid! Hope Mikaelson:
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When Hope goes full dark Tribrid, you were by her side through all of it
Even when she snapped Lizzie's neck right infront of you
When Lizzie got sired to Hope you got jealous and protective reallll quick
You even went as far as to kill your own girlfriend to break the bond between them both
And let's just say Hope was not happy when she woke up...
"You killed me because you were jealous?! Fine, let's see how you like getting your neck broken"
After all the arguing you two weren't on the best terms
Hope distanced herself from you a lot and her trust in you went to 0%
Yeah, I wouldn't recommend dating dark! Tribrid! Hope and pissing her off...
Lizzie Saltzman:
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Being a Tribrid
Lizzie siphoning from you a lot
You being very protective of this sweet, sensitive little baby
You helping her through her episodes
Being present when Lizzie wakes up and turns into a Heretic
You having to teach Lizzie everything she could possibly know about vampires
Lizzie being very clingy and vulnerable with you
Going on a rampage when you find out Lizzie was sired to Hope
"I swear I will gut you like a fish Mikaelson!"
"Baby...calm down please.."
Hope knowing to not mess with Lizzie while your around
Jade Salvatore:
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You and Jade both being stuck in the prison world together
Her humanity flickering when she's around you
She's VERY possessive
Not to mention jealous
You despising Kai Parker
"Oh, would ya look at that. I get to gut you again today"
"Well shit-"
A/n~ i didn't really have many idea's for Jade, so this was all I could come up with
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sixaus-meaa · 24 days
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Six The Musical as Tweets pt51
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karouvas · 26 days
2 Ships
I will do two
Katbekah or Kelena
Hizzie or Hosie
Katbekah or Kelena —- Kelena. more interactions and thematic resonance. I also do think Nina has great chemistry with herself lol. But actually my favorite ship between these three girls is Elena x Rebekah which is a pairing I deeply love tbh.
Hizzie or Hosie — my answer on this would have varied depending on when you asked me while legacies was on although I’ve shipped both since the pilot. Currently would say Hizzie because I think they have superior development and their s4 plot was truly crazy I think about it all the time, combined with fandom reasons. But I did loooove s1-2 Hosie and their best scenes/moments in general rule so it’s quite possible if I revisted my answer could change. But currently Hizzie.
(Send me two ships and I’ll choose between them)
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finleythequeer · 9 months
Summary: Jimmy is a elf, who ends up on a wild goose chase to find Gem's brother who has gone missing and the only person who could find her twin, has been captured, along with one of Gem's friends. They are now need to save their friends, from a giant Ent. Will they make friends along the way? Guess we could go find out.
A fanfic, hugely inspired by LOTR
I'm really proud of this fic, and I hope to continue :)
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royaltysuite · 2 years
Her Downfall, His Redemption...(An Empires Smp x Reader Series) Chapter Three - Introductions?
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Summary: When Y/n lost her home and her fiancee due to corruption, she thought it was only fair for her to die in the ruins of Rivendell. That is, until Aeor, the protector of Rivendell, gave her another chance, sealing her away in a crystal and through a portal to a new realm. Years after the corruption befell Rivendell, Y/n is found by a certain gnome and is brought back to their rising empire. However, things aren't going to stay peaceful as Y/n is soon released from her crystal and is thrusted into the lives of those she previously thought she'd lost.
Warning: None
Word Count: 1.2k
Chapter 3
Third Person Pov
As the days went by, Shrub and Y/n continued to work on their home together. Only stopping when the occasional monster would pop up and wreak havoc on them. Soon enough, after weeks of hard labor, the girls were proud to say that their home was completed. A pale yellow and white three-story embedded into the natural cliffside was all they needed to start surviving in this unknown world.
“So, Y/n, what exactly do you remember before you were placed into that crystal?” Shrub asked the girl, who was currently getting ready for a mining trip. “Not much really. There was a lot of smoke and I remember seeing two figures, a blade and loud screams before a bright light flooded my view. That’s really all I can remember without getting a headache. Why do you ask?” Y/n replied, trying her best to answer the question
“No reason, I was just feeling hopeful of going out and helping you find your family or people you might recognize.” “Oh, well that’s kind of you. But, I’ll be alright. As long as you’re with me, everything will be fine. Now, are you coming with me to the mines?” “Sure!”
With the conversation now at a stalemate, the girls headed out to the mines.
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-Later that Day-
“That was a great mining trip! We got so much iron and even two diamonds! TWO!” Shrub cheered happily, skipping with joy as Y/n followed behind her. Y/n smiled at the gnome girl, occasionally reminding her to watch her step. As the girls continued on their way home, the sight of a shadow caught Y/n’s eye. “Shrub, hold up. There’s someone here…” Y/n spoke, halting. The atmosphere grows tense with suspense as both girls are scoping out the surrounding area. All they could see and hear were the rustling leaves and trees, Shrub growing a bit paranoid. Y/n almost let out a sigh of relief before Shrub pointed out something. “Behind you, Y/n. There’s someone on the cliff.”  
Once she announced that, Y/n quickly turned and saw a figure staring right at her. “Who are you?!” She shouted, hands slowly moving towards her sword. The figure flew down, landing right in front of the girls, before introducing themselves. “My name’s Scott, Ruler of Rivendell. I’ve come to say welcome and if you need anything, I’m here to help. I also bring gifts.” He stated, a calm look on his face.
Y/n’s Pov
“My name’s Scott….” The rest of his words became mute to my ears. ‘SCOTT!....Please, don’t leave me…’ Flashes of smoke and blood shot through my skull. I winced, grabbing my head. “Hey, Y/n, you okay?” Shrub asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. She seemed to be genuinely concerned. “I’m okay, nothing too serious.” I responded, giving her a smile.
“So, how long have you been following us?” I asked Scott, still a bit on edge. “Not exactly following you, more so waiting to introduce myself properly instead of with a blade to my throat.” Scott muttered, the last bit laced with a sarcastic tone. 
“Well, be grateful that didn’t happen.” “Anyways, Scott, thank you so much for the gifts. Could we consider you an ally to the Undergrove?” Shrub asked, hope shimmering in her eyes. “Of course, consider Rivendell and The Undergrove official allies.” He agreed, shaking hands with Shrub. Watching the interaction between the two felt familiar somehow. It’s as if I’d seen it before. 
“Come on, Shrub. It’s getting late and we don’t want any monsters getting in our way.” “You’re right. It is getting pretty dark and those things are no joke. It was very nice to meet you, Scott. Don’t be afraid to come and visit again.” She cheered, waving happily as she walked.
Grabbing our mining bags, I took one last look at Scott. Our gazes met and for a second, it looked like he recognized me. It was probably just my imagination playing tricks on me. I turned and began to walk away when Scott called out. “Wait, Y/n?” “Yeah?” “Have I met you somewhere before?” He asked. “No.”
That one word came out harsh and cold. “Just know, if you ever hurt Shrub in any way, I will do everything in my power to destroy you, got it?” I threatened. Scott nodded warily before turning and flying away. “Y/n, you coming?!” Shrub shouted from afar. “Yeah, wait up!”
“So, you think we should trust this Scott character?” I asked Shrub, sitting on her bed as she rummaged around in her chests. “Yeah. It’ll be nice to have another friend around the area.” “If you say so…” “By the way, what happened earlier? You seemed like you were in a bit of pain.” She asked. “I don’t really know. It was like I was having some sort of a flashback.” 
My answer caught her by surprise, her dropping whatever items that were in her hands and running over to sit next to me. “What did you see?” She asked. “Well, I first saw tons of smoke around me. I was shouting for someone, looking for them. I guess they had the same name as Scott or something.” “Maybe, before you were put in that crystal, you could’ve been friends with Scott.” Shrub said. 
“I highly doubt it. But, who knows? Anyways, I’m gonna turn in for the night. Don’t stay up too late again, Shrub.” I responded, hopping off the bed and making my way to my room. “No promises!” She laughed before going back to organizing her chests. 
‘...up…Wake up….you have to wake up. There’s much to be done. You must remember and WAKE UP!’ Shooting up out of bed, I awoke with a gasp. Beads of cold sweat trailed down my neck and my heart was pounding intensely. “What was that…what did that voice want me to remember?” I whispered, trying to decipher my dream. 
With no luck, I sighed and collapsed backwards on my bed. I placed an arm over my face. Why can’t I remember anything from my past? Why?
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Author’s Note: AND here is chapter three of the series. We dived a bit deeper into the reader’s past after introducing our main boy, Scott. I decided to start the reader’s budding relationship with Scott with them being extremely cautious. Not really trusting him at first, ya know? Shrub and reader’s relationship will continue to grow as a familial type thing as if they were siblings. And that dream reader had? What do you guys think will happen? Whose voice did they hear? Let me know your opinions in the comments down below. If you still want to request a commission, please do follow the guidelines. With that being said, Stay Classy and Happy New Year~
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heartfullyferal · 2 years
"when I was a child we couldn't afford Easter egg hunts. We couldn't even afford eggs."
Never has the child leapt on an opportunity to spoil her mother faster. Lizzy's love language is very much grand gestures of effort, and this year will be FILLED with them.
Starting with an Easter themed household in the Spring.
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"Mama, I will absolutely pass this on to Stefan, and we'll make you an egg hunt this Easter, it'll be a cute and constructive enrichment activity! And you'll get some chocolate out of it, too."
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fandoms--fluff · 6 months
Crushing Hard
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Hybrid female reader x Hope Mikaelson (+mikaelson family & caroline)
Summary: Hope has a massive crush on you, a girl who basically nobody knows anything about. And her family comes for a surprise visit, yay.
Warnings: swearing
Hope has been a little obsessed with you, she admits it. She can't help but be attracted to you, you're crazy hot, not afraid to speak what you think, and your personality is amazing. And has she mentioned how drop-dead gorgeous you are?
The only setback is that you hate the school and basically everyone in it.
"You're drooling" Josie whispers into her ear. Hope snaps out of it, and brings a hand up to the corner of her mouth to find out it's completely dry. She rolls her eyes and looks up at Josie, frowning.
"Oh, you're crushing hard. Sorry for interrupting your daydream, but I'm pretty sure your family is here," Josie tells her, looking between Hope and some of her family.
"There are a bunch of newer kids this year, but still a lot of the older ones. I try to make the environment around here fully positive and happy." Caroline explains to the family. An amused snort comes from the couch a couple feet away.
"And you don't ever take a break" You glare at her. All their heads turn towards you. "This is y/n, one of the older students. I believe she came here a couple months before Hope did." Caroline sighs.
"You must be delusional because I did not come here willingly. You forced me. And still force me to be here every fucking day of the year" You stand up, crossing your arms, fury evident in your tons and stance.
"Werewolf?" Kol's the next one to speak. "I don't know, what do you think?" You snap at him before turning back to Caroline. "And that's the other thing, I've been here for how many years, and no one still knows what I am"
"You won't tell us" Caroline points out.
"Well, I would think considering you're apparently an expert on supernatural beings, and run a damn school for them, that you or anyone here would be able to tell like that" You snap your fingers at the end.
Klaus steps forward, not liking the way you've been talking to Caroline. "Oh, don't even start" You roll your eyes before he can get a word out.
"What?" Hope snaps her attention to her friend before looking in the direction Josie was a moment ago. To her surprise, her Dad, Mom, Auntie Rebekah, Uncle Kol, and Uncle Elijah are standing across the room, chatting with the headmistress, Caroline and you?
Oh no, Hope thinks to herself before getting out of her seat and quickly walking toward the group with Josie right behind her.
"Dad! What are you guys doing here?" Hope goes up to her father. "We came here for a surprise visit, but caught up in the wonderland tour," Kol told his niece, glancing at Caroline then at you.
You still have your arms crossed, leaning most of your weight on your right leg, making your left hip slightly pop out a bit more than the other.
Hope tries to keep her eyes off of you, not wanting her family or you to notice.
"Oh, nothing. Having a splendid fucking time!" You tell her in a fake cheery voice. You start walking away, "I like your shoes" you tell Rebekah before walking out of the room, your high heels clicking strongly as you do.
"She's mean..but sweet? I don't know" Caroline shakes her head. "She's like Katherine. I like her" Kol answers, smirking.
"Kol." Elijah says sternly to his little brother as Klaus galres at him.
Hope just stares at the ground, not wanting anyone to notice the flush that appeared on her face. "You okay Sweetie?" Her Mom asks. "Mhm. Uh I'm glad that you guys are here, but Josie and I have to finish a project. I'll, uh, catch up with you later" Hope tells them quickly before practically dragging Josie out of the room with her.
"What was that?" Josie asks her as Hope paces around Josie's room. Lizzie is planning a dance somewhere outside with a huge binder.
"I don't know, but now im pretty sure my family kost likely doesn't like Y/n. And if somehow my delusional relationship with her actually freaking happens then there's no point becuase there's a big chance my dad will get protective and ban her or kill her or something. Wait can she even die? I don't know, there's no way she can't die, right? Oh that would suck I'd she died before I can even make a move, or who am I kidding there's no way that's gonna happen. She probably hates me anyways. God, I'm so pathetic" Hope rants to her best friend.
"Okay, okay, calm down. You're not pathetic. You're just overthinking this way too much. There's no way Y/n hates you, I don't believe she does" Josie places her hands on Hope's shoulders, making her stop moving around.
Hope let's out a breath she didn't know she was holding in, then sighs, "I'm sorry."
"Nothing to be sorry for" Josie smiles.
You walk into the dining hall, only to be met with the same group of people. "Fucking great" you practically growl, rolling your eyes. You go over to the table lined with food and grabbed a piece of garlic bread.
As you're about to take a bite of it, a voice sounds. "Are you sure you're supposed to be eating that? It says no one is to touch the food" Elijah nods to the sign standing before the long table of food.
You glance at it then shrug, "Well too bad, I'm hungry and they don't exactly have any blood beside from fucking Thumper and Bambi" you take a bite of the garlic bread.
"So you're a vampire" Rebekah says. You twitch your eyebrow up, a smirk playing at your lips.
"Depends how you perceive it" you walk over to them, your eyes turning yellow and veins appearing under your eyes.
"A hybrid" Hayley's eyes widened a bit. "Did Hope turn you?" Klaus asks, not remembering himself ever turning you.
"Seriously? You think I'd let a girl who has a crush on me, sire me? I don't think so" you cross your arms.
"Crush?" Kol asks, knowing Hope has only told him about her crush on you. He wonders how you found out, cause there's no way his neice would've told you. Especially considering the interaction earlier today.
"Not that hard to figure out. Especially when her eyes are always on me, not the chalkboard in class" you cross your arms. "Oh, and Katherine was basically my sister, so that was a compliment back there" you smirk.
"Wait, if you're that old, what are you doing here?" Hayley asks.
"Well I'm pretty sure then Caroline would hate me more than she already does, then tell Damon and he would try to kill me, but it would end up with his head cut off his body and then Elena and everyone, and personally I don't have any fucking time or want for that. Though Damon being dead would be a bonus. So mind as well make some people, aka, Caroline miserable for a bit" you pop the rest of the garlic bread in your mouth.
"What? You still have that sappy crush on her?" You tease Klaus.
You turn around and walk out of the room. As you turn the corner, you run into Hope. She looks if you had a word, sheepish.
You sigh, realizing it, "You've been here the whole time, haven't ya?" You crossed your arms.
"Uh, yeah. Sorry," She turned before walking as fast as she could away from you. She had come down here to find her family, and instead heard you talking to them again and couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation.
She can't believe she's been so stupid. There's no way she's ever had any chance with you. And your acknowledging about her crush on you was just the cherry on top. She wishes she was anywhere but here now.
You look up, quietly groaning, not wanting her to find out like that. Both your age (well, sort of) and the knowledge of her crush.
You vamp in front of her in a split time of two seconds. "Look, I get it, I'm just some stupid girl who has a crush on a girl or woman I don't know! who's way out of my league. No need to rub it in my face!" She exclaims, trying not to let any tears cloud her vision.
"Hey! You're not some stupid girl, okay?" You tell her before she tries to walk away from you again. She lets out a harsh breath before looking up at you from the ground.
"And I'm not trying to rub anything in your face. Yes, I know you have a crush on me, but I don't want you to think anything bad about that. I'd never use it against you or make fun of you for it, or whatever you think I may do." You run your hands through your hair to keep it out of your face.
"And I've never thought about you in that way before, but I can say that I don't hate you as much as everyone else here," She snaps her gaze from the wall to your face, not expecting that. To have that said to her from you is basically like a simple 'I love you' to someone a person may have known for a while. It's also a really big compliment coming from you.
"So there's that" You walk closer to her before pressing a kiss on her cheek. You walk away, up the stairs to your room as Hope stands there frozen. That's one of the best solutions that could have happened at the moment, and she's practically screaming with joy on the inside.
She brings a hand up to the cheek you kissed and gently grazes her finger against the spot.
Her family then also comes down the hallway and up to her. "What happened, Sweetie?" Her mom asks, noticing her reddened face.
"Oh, n-nothing," She tells her, trying her best to hold back the grin that she has on the inside.
Kol looks from her hand placement and reddened face to her excited stance, putting two and two together. He catches her eye and smirks before mouthing 'good luck'.
That just makes her blush more than she already is if that's even possible.
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ivys-garden · 2 months
Other people have done this...but I haven't had a go yet sooooo
Fan Cast for an MCYT x Epic: The Musical AU
● Odysseus - Scott
● Penelope - Jimmy
● Telemachus - Bdubs
● Eurylochus - Martyn
● Polites - Owen
● The Lotus Eaters - Zedaph, Impulse, Tango, Skizz
● Athena - False
● Polythemus - Doc
● Aeolus - Katherine
● The Winglings - Shubble
● Posidon - Lizzie
● Circe - Stress
● Hermes - Pearl
● Odysseus’ Mum - Mumbo?
● Tiresias - Bigb
● Scylla - Gem
● Perimedes - Wels
● Zeus - Joel
● Calypso - Oli
● Antinuous - Ren
● Apollo - Grian
● Hephaestus - Etho
● Aphrodite - Joe
● Ares - Cleo
● Hera - Scar
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mcyt-sapphic-showdown · 8 months
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Katherine, Gem and Pearl are all in EmpiresSmp together
All three of them use she/her pronouns
Pearl, Cleo, Gem and Lizzie are in Secret Life together
Pearl, Gem and Lizzie use she/her pronouns, Cleo uses she/they pronouns
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ep2nd · 7 months
Dsmp. Empires smp. Hermitcraft. Pirates smp. Rats smp. Earthsmp. Origins smp. Traffic smp. Evo smp. Mcyt. Etc.
I'd like to thank Dino from Discord for helping me through this, they were an amazing help and couldn't have done it without them.
Also Chaos from Discord who gave me ideas! She's here on tumblr too
Be aware I probably missed someone OR you may have another idea for someone else, if do please send an ask or reblog would love to hear yalls thoughts
Now without further adu- MCYT PJ AU
Big B
Evil X(Alex)
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welshautisticfurry · 8 months
Warrior Cats x MCYT AU
Leader : Beestar - A grey tabby tom with a cream and black striped tail, blue eyes (X)
Deputy : Goatmane - A large black tom with green eyes, and lots of thick fur (Doc)
Medicine cat : Azaleapelt - A fawn coloured she-cat with light red eyes and pink flowers scattered through her tail (Stress)
Snapscar - A large white tom with red eyes and a large scar that covers his left eye (Etho)
Redstone - A small cream tom with black patches on his upper muzzle, green eyes (Mumbo)
Sunflowermoon - A tall silver she-cat with yellow eyes and a moon shaped marking on her shoulder, Ex half-clan (Pearl)
Blazetail - A small orange tabby tom with green eyes (Tango)
Sheepfur - A small white tom with Amber eyes and curly fur (Zed)
Patchpelt - A large ginger-and-cream patchy she-cat with green eyes (Cleo)
Jaywing - A small dusty brown tom with amber eyes (Grian)
Scarface - A large dark brown tom with green eyes and a x-shaped scar across his face (Scar)
Dioritepelt - A small white tom with black flecks covering his pelt and green eyes (Iskall)
Houndmuzzle - A large dark brown tom with a long muzzle and blue eyes (Ren)
Hillfur - A blue-grey tom with blue eyes (Joe hills)
Bearfeather - A large grey tom with brown eyes (Cub)
Swirltooth - A small black tom with yellow eyes (Hypno)
Longsight - A very small tan tom with large green eyes (Bdubs)
Dustmouse - A reddish-brown tom with dark brown eyes (Beef)
Silverface - A small silver tom with green eyes and a grey face (Wels)
Bluemud - A blue-grey tom with brown paws and dark brown eyes (Jevin)
Twigstone - A peach tom with blue eyes (XB)
Goldenapple - A black tom with yellow eyes (Impulse)
Tinfur - A grey tom with blue eyes (TFC o7)
Gemheart - A tall tan and ginger she-cat with purple eyes (Gem)
Goldenfeather - A large golden she-cat with green eyes (False)
Leader : Cavestar - A ginger tom with red eyes (Fwhip)
Deputy : Riftsand - A brown tabby tom with green eyes (Pix)
Medicine Cat : Mushroomleaf - A small tan she-cat with yellow eyes (Shubble)
Blossomgrove - A large black she-cat with green eyes and petals in her thick tail (Katherine)
Codtail - A small greyish-tan tom with green eyes (Jimmy)
Foxstream - A tall light reddish-brown she-cat with blue eyes (Lizzie)
Llamaflower - A tall pale peach tom with heterochromia, his left eye is blue and his right eye is yellow (Scott)
Thunderwing - A small tan tom with green eyes (Joel)
Woodtail - A tan tom with a brown tail and amber eyes (Sausage)
Leopardshell - A golden tom with brown spots and brown eyes (Joey)
Eggsong - An off-white and cream mottled tom with blue eyes (Oli)
Gemheart - A tall tan and ginger she-cat with purple eyes (Gem)
Goldenfeather - A large golden she-cat with green eyes (False)
Cats outside clans
Martyn - A golden tom with a green bandana and green eyes
Skizz - A large grey tom with blue eyes and scarred legs
I spent *waay* too long on this. If you want me to draw anyone, send me an ask and the cat and I'll draw it
If we get 5 notes I'll write a boat boys oneshot based on this
Now let me attempt to tag this (oh geez)
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finleythequeer · 1 year
Empires SMP S2
You can't just say empires smp s2 is coming to end.
I found out the worst way possible (On TikTok). But that doesn't mean I'll stop writing Fanfics about them, so my Ancestors of the Overgrown fanfic will continue until I finish writing it.
I will probably rewatch Jimmy's POV of S1 and 2 once S2 ends if I'm being honest, and I will also watch other Esmp members also, both S1 and 2.
I will also be crying (In a corner) and complaining to my friends once it ends, tbh.
I watched Katherine's final EP, and it was a happy end, which is nice, but will all the empires get a good one? (I hope so)
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obsessedwithao3 · 5 months
Headcannon timeeeeeeeee:life series and their friends edition
I headcannon that Ren has DID Wich caused some really awkward conversations with Martyn&Doc and Etho since neither him nor them knew Ren had DID until like middle of last life
I also think that "the canary curse" is evolving.Well,more specifically I think that it is mostly o ther ppl inflicted by it instead of Jimmy since in almost all of the series his allay/s didn't do very well after his death.Scott placed under the top 5(third life)Mumbo died almost immediately after Jimmy(last life)Tango generally had the worst luck(double life)Joel died very close to Jimmy(limited life)Martyn died like 10 mins after Jimmy(secret life)and in( real life)when Jimmy's group went to the cave he was the only one who didn't die at least once
I headcannon that Ren and Lizzie are still friends after Ll! So when Ren saw her in empires one of his alters(look at headcannon one)started screaming at him
Now this is the ✨ship section✨(strap in everyone bc I am a multishipper)
So the ship tree goes like this(nothing is poly unless specified)
Jimmy→Scott(married)→Martyn(dating)(Martyn is also Jimmy's ex)→Ren(situationship)→Doc and Etho(poly dating)
Doc→bdubs(dating)→Etho(dating)→Joel(soulmates)→ Lizzie(married)→Cleo↑(exs with Etho)(dating lizzie)→Joe(queerplatoni)→Cub(dating)→Scar&Grian(poly dating)Grian→Mumbo(unlabled relationship)→iskall(unlabled)→Stress(queerplatonic)→Gem(dating)
Etho→Bdubs(datin)→impulse(soulmates)→Zed and Tango(poly) Tango→Jimmy(soulmates)(see first branch)
Wels→Ijevin(married cuase why not)
Paltonic timeee:
Suasage&Gem(suasage is dating her twin Fwhip)
Xisuma&Grian(X adopted G at one point)
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ask-the-esmp-emperors · 2 months
[muffled] Jimmy: Just hurry up, Scott! [muffled] Scott: Shut up, Petal! Ah-! [the audio clears up] We are the emperors of the Empires server. We're here to answer your questions and anything else you might wish to talk about! I am Scott Smajor of Rivendell. Katherine: I'm Katherine of House Blossom! I can't wait to answer all of your questions! [the smile is evident in her voice] Joey: I am Joey of the Lost Empire! [his tone is extremely prideful] Jimmy: I'm Jimmy, from the Codlands, I guess. And I'm that idiot's husband. [it's said affectionately] Scott: Hey! I am NOT an idiot! Joel: Shut up, nerd! I am KING Joel of Mezalea! Lizzie: [you can hear the affectionate eye roll in her voice] Joel! [exaggerated sigh] Ocean's greetings. I am Queen Lizzie of the Ocean Empire. Fwhip: And I'm Count Fwhip from the Grimlands! And that's Gem- Gem: I can introduce myself, Fwhip! I'm Wizard Gem of Crystal Cliffs. Happy to be here! Pearl: Hello! I'm Pearl. I'm the Empress of Gilded Helianthia! Shrub: I'm Shrub! Or Shelby. But we use Shrub! I rule over the Undergrove! Pix: And I am Pix, king of Pixandria. Sausage: Hey, you aren't last! I am! I'm Sausage of House Sausage! I'm very excited to answer all of your questions! ( OOC// pink was the only color left sob ) Scott: Well, uh. Send in your questions, I guess? And we'll answer them! Jimmy: You could've done better- [click] {OOC} Welp! Hello everyone! I've just created this to be a silly little ask blog. I hope you'll enjoy this! And send in asks if you wish! And if you'd like to refer to ME, my name is Mars! :) RULES: no NSFW, please! watcher lore IS allowed, but not too much this is mostly canon with a few of my headcanons! there will be ships, but I try not to make them TOO present but you can, ofc, request ships in asks (EX: if you want a ranchers ask!) have fun with the asks! and if they're confusing then that means that they are fun for me, too! :D SHIPPING: flower husbands (Scott x Jimmy) shadowbeans / jizzie {Joel x Lizzie} PAST jornoth {Joey x Xornoth} nature wives {Katherine x Shelby} and requested ships! this isn't a ship heavy blog, and they won't be that clear, unless the ask is very clearly about shipping MISC. INFO: life series references are allowed! {Jimmy, Scott, and Pearl remember the games} if you'd like an ask for ESMP S2, you can specify that! I don't mind! and have fun with this! it's made to be fun, after all! {sorry I know this is really long lmaoo! tl;dr, ask for ships, no NSFW, not a ship heavy blog, lore allowed, and have fun I guess lol} { psst if you wanna know my main account.. @marsypooxoxo }
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