#Kept circulating and I didnt
miloway · 6 months
Not my video, from kallimaraki on tiktok
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jazzycurls · 2 years
You Belong To Me
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
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Summary: Its a surprise 😉🤫
Warnings/Tags: 18+ minors dni! Unestablished dom/sub relationship, bullying, cheating, slight coercion, smut, thigh riding, choking (let me know if I missed something)
An: Hi you guys! I guess I'm not new to writing anymore but I'm definitely still a newbie. All feedback is welcome, be gentle please haha. Please do not steal or copy my work. Don’t repost without credit. This is my written work, everything besides the characters and plot points by the original writers, belongs to me. Repost since Tumblr is tripping. Love you guys and thank you so much for the support, hope you enjoy ❤
Word Count: 3,245
You kept your head down as you walked down the hall, trying hard to avoid being noticed. Life as a high schooler was hard, even more so when you had someone who had made it their mission to terrorize you every chance they got. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you saw Mrs. O'Donnell's class up ahead.
'Just a few more steps,' you thought silently. The possibility of making it to class on time for once seemed very likely. It was no fault of your own that you were constantly late, your tormentor always chose the moments right before class to harass you. Before you could make it to the door, you were yanked backward by your backpack into a utility closet.
You yelped in alarm as you stumbled over your feet into the dark room. The door clicked shut when your back hit the solid surface with a thud. You let out a strangled gasp from the wind being knocked out of you.
Your eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness as a looming figure towered over you threateningly. You were yanked upward by the collar of your shirt, bringing you face to face with your assailant. "Where is it," he uttered with a low dark voice.
Light seeped in from the cracks of the door, offering a small amount of light in the dark space. "What?" Your eyes zero in on dark solemn eyes, instantly recognizing it to be Eddie.
"Don't fuck with me, sweetheart." He took the hand fisting your collar, moving it upward to wrap lightly around your throat. His thumb rested on the front, applying enough pressure to make your head swim without cutting off your circulation.
"I— I d-didnt have time to do both of our work." The words left your mouth in a meek whimper. Your heart thundered in your ears and tears bristled against your lashes from anxiety.
Eddie shook his head in mock sympathy as he squeezed your neck tighter. "I'm really disappointed in you darling," he whispered as he leaned close to your ear. His lips ghosted over your ear causing a shiver to run down your spine.
"I'm sorry Eddie," you cried softly. A few tears skipped down your cheeks. For reasons unknown, you were genuinely saddened to have disappointed him. The rational part of you knew that you had no real reason to be upset but the feelings remained nonetheless.
The soft pads of his guitar-calloused thumbs wiped the tears away from your face. He let out a heavy sigh "No worries— I guess we'll just have to find a way for you to make it up to me," he stated simply as he played with the soft ends of your hair, twirling it around his finger.
You shook your head vigorously, eager to have the chance to make it up to Eddie and avoid any punishments.
"There's a party tonight at Janie Calhoun's. I want you to be there," he told you, leaving no room for argument.
"What about Chrissy," you questioned. You knew that he and Chrissy were a thing. There was no way he would take you to a party instead of her right?
"Don't you worry your pretty little head about her. You just show up and wait for me, I'll come find you." The sound of the tardy bell began to ring in the background, catching his attention. "Gotta go, I'll see you later," he finally steps away from you and drops his hand from your neck.
You move away from the door, allowing him to open it and slip out. You wait a minute before leaving the small room. Your mind runs rapidly with thoughts of what Eddie has in store for you.
Eddie wasn't a bully, at least he liked to think so. He had become something like a protector to the lost sheep who wandered the halls of Hawkins High. He took the outcasts under his wing, giving them a brotherhood of sorts that offered friendship and protection as well. He knew that if the dynamics of his relationship with y/n ever came to light, he would have a lot of explaining to do.
It's not that he didn't like y/n, it was quite the opposite. He thought that she was beautiful, sweet, and kind. She was also naive and shy, which also endeared him to her. Something about her nature made him want to dominate her. He knew it wasn't healthy and he didnt understand it, he just knew that it was a reaction he had whenever he was around her and only her.
The fact that he was with Chrissy complicated things immensely. The history between him and Chrissy ran deep and he felt obligated to her in a way. He loved Chrissy but he was in love with y/n. He needed and wanted you beyond comprehension.
The music thumped loudly, causing the house to vibrate. He leaned back against the couch, spread out comfortably with his arm wrapped around Chrissy. She sat close to him with her hand perched on top of his knee, while she spoke animatedly with her friends. A joint sat loosely between his lips as he inhaled and exhaled the smoke lazily.
Eddie hated parties and with his girlfriend being the social butterfly that she was, he felt obligated to show up as well. On the plus side, it allowed him to make a lot of money on rich inebriated high schoolers who couldn't tell when he was ripping them off.
His heart sped up at the sight of you as you made your way through the crowd of horny teenagers dancing in the middle of the floor. You had on a pink pleated skirt that stopped mid-thigh, paired with a white low-cut blouse that showcased your ample cleavage teasingly. Once you had cleared the floor, you made your way to the corner of the room and braced yourself against the wall.
Sweat trickled down the back of your neck from the heat of all the people crowded in the living room. Someone had cracked open a few windows allowing some of the cool night air to filter through. You pressed yourself against the wall as a couple squeezed by you, heading up the stairs. A sigh fell from your lips as you glanced around the room.
You were definitely not looking for Eddie, you told yourself as you searched the crowd. Your search was cut short as a guy with blonde hair and blue came to stand in front of you. A drunken smile settled on his face as he looked you up and down. He leaned close to your ear "Wanna dance," he yelled. You cringed as the smell of his beer-laced breath fanned across your face. 
"No thanks," you stated firmly. You turned your gaze away from him, indicating the conversation to be over. He moved away from you as he left, in search of another prospect.
Your eyes met Eddie's dark gaze and an audible gasp pilfered from your lips. A girl next to you gave you a questioning look and you smiled back apologetically. You turned back to Eddie and noticed that he had left and the seat beside Chrissy was now empty.
You made your way into what you believed was the kitchen, searching for a drink. The only beverages available were beer, cheap liquor, and water. You decided on a beer and you could use one to help settle your nerves.
'This is so stupid,' you said to yourself, as you took a sip of your drink, currently on your third beer. Here you were drinking this God-awful beer, at a party with people you didn't know, all for a person who didn't even like you! Who were you kidding, the only reason you were here was because Eddie scared the hell out of you. The thought of defying him sent a chill up your spine.
Your bladder began to ache slightly, protesting the liquid you had rapidly ingested. You wobbled a bit as you pushed away from the counter and headed back toward the living room. Your eyes immediately went to the spot you had last seen Eddie, finding that his spot was still empty. Chrissy had also left and was now on the dance floor with the rest of the cheer squad dancing proactively as the jocks leered nearby.
You shook your head and turned towards the staircase as you made your way upstairs. As you passed by various rooms, your ears were bombarded by an onslaught of moans and thumping immersing from the rooms.
'How many rooms does this house have,' you wondered as you walked down the carpeted hall. You tried the last room on the right, which was the only room with no noises coming from the other side. You smiled in victory when you saw it was indeed the bathroom and closed the door shut behind you.
You quickly used the bathroom and made your way to wash your hands. You were checking your reflection in the mirror when you heard the doorknob turn.
"Someone's in here," you called out, with a frown gracing your features. You had been sure that you had locked the door behind you. The person on the other side opened the door, disregarding the fact that the bathroom was occupied.
Your heart fluttered nervously as you pressed yourself against the sink. Panic began to rise within you, making your stomach twist in knots. A curly head of hair peeked in, as they slipped into the bathroom. Relief flooded through you when you realized it was just Eddie.
You visibly relaxed as you let out a sigh of relief. "Eddie, you scared the daylights outta me." Your hand flew to your chest as you let out a nervous laugh. Eddie stood with his back against the door, his gaze dark as he regarded you silently.
"Eddie," you called out uneasily. Your nerves began to rise again as you realized that Eddie had yet to say anything. You were so happy that Eddie had walked in and not some dangerous stranger, that you had momentarily forgotten that Eddie was essentially a bully to you.
The deafening sound of the lock clicking rang in your ears like an alarm. "What are you doing," you whispered, watching as he stalked towards you.
"I told you, sweetheart, that I would come find you," he replied, quickly crossing the room. He leaned into your space, placing his hands on the counter on each side of you. "Y'know y/n I was real disappointed in you earlier. Thought that you were my good girl."
"But I am— a good girl," you exclaimed hesitantly, the thought of being anything but good upset you immensely. No one had ever called you anything but good before. You were known as the straight-A student who never got in trouble, a perfectionist who could also be a little high-strung sometimes. For reasons you couldn't explain, you wanted— no you needed Eddie's approval.
He shook his head as a gleam lit up his dark irises. "Think I'm ready for you to make it up to me baby." His arms wrapped around you and he spun you both around, placing himself against the counter.
'This is wrong,' you thought to yourself. Eddie was with Chrissy and he had never once shown any type of kindness towards you. Every one of your interactions together had been with some type of intimidation involved. Deep down you knew that you liked Eddie on some level. That's why you had never asked for help, deep down you liked the attention he gave you, whether it was good or bad. You had even begun to crave it without realizing it.
There was one question that plagued you....why you? You were certain that he didn't like you, why would he want to be with you in that way? The question fell from your lips as a small frown darkened your face.
"I don't know why," he admitted honestly. His carefully schooled features slipped for a moment, allowing a genuine expression to slip through. He had tried to stay away and not think about you but you had him in a chokehold. You were always on his mind and he had failed miserably.
"But I— this isn't right Eddie! You belong to Chrissy!" Your head swam as you struggled to breathe. You were braced tightly against Eddie. The feel of every hard angle on his body, pressed roughly against your soft curves was causing your breath to come out in spurts.
"And you belong to me," he said simply. I don't need permission to take what's mine. "You are mine aren't you?” He wedged his leg between yours, pressing it directly into your middle.
You breathed in sharply at the feel of his hard thigh ground up against you and your mind went blank, unable to form a response.
"Baby, I asked you a question." His voice was stern as he stared down at you. He moved one hand to your lower back and rested the other lightly against your throat.
The cool metal of his rings bit into your skin and your eyes glaze over as you nodded your head silently. A beautiful smile lit up his face at your response. His dimples peeked out and his dark eyes shone with tiny flecks of ember in them. Your insides warmed at the sight and you decided then that you would do anything to have him look at you like that again.
He takes ahold of your hip and begins to grind you along his thigh slowly. You grab onto his shoulders quickly allowing him to guide your movements. He eases your body into a languid rhythm and all thoughts flee from your mind as your body begins to move on its own. He reaches down between you and slips his hand underneath your skirt. His fingers brush along the sides of your folds as he tugs on the front of your panties, pulling the sides to the middle and upward. Your lips swallow the fabric, applying more friction onto your clit.
Eddie's eyes are trained on you, mesmerized by the faces you're making. You have your bottom lip tucked between your teeth as you attempt to stifle your moans. A small smirk lifts the corner of his mouth as his eyes sparkle mischievously. His grip on your hips tightens as he presses you down, jerking you forward. Your reaction is immediate and a low groan leaves your lips, and your hands clasp together tightly behind his neck.
The hand around your throat tightens, limiting your air and making your head spin. "Go faster baby." His voice is stern and gruff filled with restrained desire.
You pick up speed and begin to ride his thigh in earnest. Your clit drags along the rough denim of his jeans, sparks of arousal shoot through you and your nub begins to swell from the pleasure. Your panties are saturated with your juices, making a delicious mess on his thigh. Heat spreads throughout your body making you feel like you are on fire. A stream of airy moans flows from you as your lower half pulses and clenches with an aching need to be filled.
Lust clouds Eddie's face as he leans towards you, sliding his tongue against the rim of your ear. His voice is husky as he whispers the filthiest things you've ever heard into your ear. His name falls from your lips with a gasp and your movements become frenzied as you hurtle toward your release.
"That's it baby, ride me. Yeah just like that." he praises, his eyes are dark and blown out with lust. His lips replace the hand around your throat and he starts to lick and suck into your soft skin. He doesn't stop until a pretty bruise is formed, front and center for everyone to see.
A red-hot flush spreads from head to toe as your orgasm hits. Shudders rack throughout your frame and your grinding slows down to a complete halt. You rest your forehead on his as you try to regain control over your breathing.
"Such a good girl," Eddie coos as he takes your chin into his hand softly. His eyes are soft and back to their normal dark brown color. He looks at your plump soft lips and wants nothing more than to kiss you right now. His gaze flits from your lips back to your face as he pulls your body closer to his.
Your breaths mingle together and your eyes slide shut when his nose nudges yours intimately. His lips part, tongue peeking out as he brings his lips down onto yours.
Eddie's heart stops when he feels your lips on his. Your lips are soft as you move tentatively against his, unsure of what to do. He's sure that this is your first kiss and feels proud that he's the first to have you in this way. He deepens the kiss and his fingers dig into your hips as he grips you tighter.
A loud knock pulls you both from the moment instantly. A guilty look flashes across your face as you jump from his lap, scurrying across the room.
"Occupied," Eddie yells out gruffly, pissed off at the interruption. You hear mumbling on the other side of the door before footsteps fade away. He stands up glancing down at his pants, noticing a wet spot on his dark jeans. His erection is strained against his pants, causing a noticeable budge. He looks over to you and you keep your eyes trained on the floor.
He crosses the small space over to you and you glance up at him beneath your lashes. His ringed fingers ghost over your lips as he looks down at you. "Gonna call you later tonight, sweetheart."
He lets his fingers fall from your lips and down your chin before he takes his hand away. He doesn't wait for an answer as he makes his way to the door, preparing to leave.
"Wait," you call out. He stops and turns back to you with a raised brow. "You don't have my number," you exclaim softly.
He gives you a knowing look before a laugh rumbles in his chest. "Just wait up for me sweetheart, I'll call." He gives you one last look making you clench your thighs together before he slips out the door closing it behind him.
Your mind is empty, and you feel almost giddy. You know that in the morning you'll have to think about the consequences of your actions but for tonight all is calm. You wait a few minutes to collect yourself before you exit the bathroom. You leave the party immediately and head home so you could wait for Eddie's call.
Part 2.
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hey you seem to really know your stuff with titanic and im curious if you can tell me more about that night? a lot seem to think everyone either just drowned or froze too death, but i have a feeling it was a lot more awful than people realize, considering all the jokes people make about the sinking they seem clueless to the fact this was a very bad and awful way to die, for everyone on that ship, especially the third class :/
you know, ive always thought i didnt know that much about titanic but as ive sat here parsing through what i do know, turns i know a lot more than i thought.
and unfortunately, anon, youre very right, it was a horrible way to die, especially so for the third class.
quite a lot of people did drown or freeze to death which are horrifying ways to go by themselves.
at the time, evacuation plans for big oceanliners were shit so a lot of people wouldnt have gotten their lifesavers on, and off the top of my head, i wouldnt be able to tell you how many people could swim back then, but it was certainly less than today. it was only in the 90s that swimming became a compulsory part of the curriculum in schools in the uk, so unless you had reason to know to swim, you probably didnt know if you were british.
and i dont think i need to go into the biology of drowning to tell you its not a fun way to go. its fucking painful, for one, and two, you would have been terrified if you drowned during a fucking shipwreck.
it was also very cold, unsurprisingly. its the north atlantic. it was about 28°F or -2°C which is a lethal temperature. for some reason, a lot of people think that freezing is a relatively peaceful way to die; its not. i cant speak myself for how awful being so cold youre shivering is (i cant really feel the cold because of nerve damage but thats beside the point), but everyone ive spoken to about it resoundingly says its fucking awful. you also experience disorientation, muscle stiffness, excruciating pain in your extremities as your body pulls circulating blood from them to keep your vital organs going, and if youre very unlucky, you might also get frostbite (which can kick in under 30mins) which will add some burning pain.
an added kicker to the cold is that even if you can swim, the shock of cold water might make it harder. im pretty sure shock also likely killed people outright.
another way of dying if you made it out of the boat and into the water (spoiler: several people didnt) is if you were too close to the funnels when they collapsed, you would have been crushed by 62ft tall metal funnels. dozens died that way and if the crushing didnt kill you, you would have either drowned or frozen to death soon after.
you could have also been killed by any number of things that fell from the ship, especially as the stern (the end bit) began to lift up before the ship finally broke in two.
mind you, all of this happened in almost darkness. the engineers kept the lights on as long as they could but eventually they cut out and part of what made the iceberg so hard to see was the fact that it was a new moon.
one of the other things that made it hard to spot is one of the few not good things, but better: the ocean was relatively calm. it made it hard to spot icebergs because you can normally watch out for the foam of the water as it splashes on them. although it led to the sinking itself, it did make launching lifeboats possible (its hard as hell to launch lifeboats in violent ocean today let alone the dinky little wooden ones back then) and those in the water werent being thrown around as much as they could have been. though thats not saying much.
and of course, there are those who didnt make it out of the boat. movies did not lie to you about that although they did lie to you about the specifics.
historical record suggests that they did not purposefully lock third class passengers below deck like many movies show. testimony from the few third class passengers who survived indicates this which is why im likely to believe it. they were able to get up on deck, but it also wasnt easy to do that.
now, crew have said in the haste of the evacuation, they didnt remember to tell the third class passengers the plan. now is that true or is it just a more favourable story to tell during the inquiry? i cant say, for sure. either could be true and both highlight how we treated the poor in society back then (and as a poor, its reflective of today). as such, many third class passengers simply left the cabins and waited outside to be told what to do and that didnt happen. eventually, they made their way up themselves, some due to the fact that they could see the rising water.
and not all of them made it to deck. some chose not to, and again, going off third class survivor testimony here which is why im willing to believe it. theres a specific story about a woman who put her baby on her lap and simply played the piano until the atlantic rose to meet her. another of a man who told his brethren that he was too old to fight the atlantic, and simply lit a cigarette and waited.
others got lost because titanic was a large ship and it was very easy to get lost. especially in the panic of a sinking ship and under lights that are getting dimmer. luckily, some crew remembered oh shit the poor people exist and went down to help any that needed it, so some were led out but that doesnt mean they all did.
also, sadly, it probably wouldnt have helped. similarly to the engineering crew that kept the engines going as long as they could before evacuating themselves, there simply werent enough lifeboats and they were all or almost all gone.
additionally, there were no lifeboats on the third class deck space so they had to make their way to either second or first in order to get into a lifeboat. dont quote me on this because i might have the wrong place, but this is where there was a locked gate for third class. luckily, they snapped the lock off of it and got the fuck out.
anyway, back to those inside. now some of the people trapped inside likely drowned, especially those trapped in the bow as it slowly filled with water and began to sink into the water. the risk of drowning also got worse, once things like walls and doors gave out and in comes a rush of freezing cold sea water.
but that isnt the only likely fate. a rush of water can push quite a lot of things and terrifying speeds which meant people would have been killed via blunt force trauma or being impaled on something. especially for those in the stern (again, the back bit) as it lifted because gravity is not helping here. those still trapped inside would have held on for dear light as the light slowly dimmed and became redder before finally cutting out as the ship broke in two.
now if you were in the stern and escaped death via drowning, blunt force trauma or impaling, you would have definitely been killed by water pressure. see, the bow was able to fill with water relatively slowly and equally which is why its still decently intact on the seabed because it sank relatively slowly. the stern did not and thats why the stern looks like an underwater crash site. as the stern sank, it sank quickly which meant there were still air pockets inside as it sank. and as it came down, the pressure built and soon the people above water could hear what sounded like explosions. it would have been a quick death, but thats the most i can say.
i cant speak for if any kind of sealife killed anyone. i havent heard of any testimony of that and i dont know whats there in the north atlantic to kill people. i assume theres something there, but i couldnt tell you what.
im also sure i missed some forms of death, but off the top of my head, thats what i got.
and yeah, it wasnt pretty and most of the people who died were third class or crew members.
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thesoupinursocks · 2 years
Part Two
stupid little things that i hc for hjp
-his favorite kind of music is 90s R&B bc thats what he grew up with, he absolutely cannot stand wixen music no matter how hard he trys
-he HATES pizza. hates it.
-he got bullied into getting a new pair of glasses when he got older bc his old one finally got broken beyond repair and when he got the new prescription he just kept stairing at trees and saying "oh my godric mione theres like actual leaves on the trees. like i can see every individual one."
-his favorite icecream is strawberry cheesecake, but a close second is cookie dough
-he has this really big sweatshirt he shrinks to carry around in his pocket werever he goes bc its so usefull when he gets cold
-talking abt getting cold, this mf is FREEZING 24/7. not a warm bone in his body. his teeth r chattering in 40° weather and his fingers turn blue if hes outside too long.
-he is slightly deaf in his right ear, partially from the killing curse messing with him, and also bc he fell down the stairs when he was like 4 and smashed his frontal lobe on the linoleum floor, and it never healed right.
-his favorite animals are snakes (obvi) and sometimes he goes to muggle pet shops to go talk to them bc he gets so sad that there locked in a glass cage and cant get out
-he has really bad blood circulation and when he sits criss cross his legs will go numb and when he trys to walk it off he looks like an idiot and his friends laugh at him
-pravati and padma and still friends with him and will invite him to hang out so they can paint his nails and try to fix his hair
-he was always tanner then alot of the kids at privit drive, bc he wasnt white, but he never got out much in the summers bc he wasn't allowed to so he always looked more pasty than he should have. the summer after the war he spent so much time outside and he tanned so much that when get went back for 8th year minerva thought he was james for a second
-he loves making friendship bracelets for people but hes so bad at them because of how shaky his hands are but everyone he gifts one too never complains.
-he has a necklace with the sirius star constellation
-he bought a magic ring that shows the moon and what phase it is the moment he looks at it, because he can never seem to keep track of it for the life of him and he wants to be able to for remus
-sometimes when he wakes up his hair does weird things so he grabs a pair of sissors and hacks off the bits that stick out bc "it will grow back hermione it really doesnt matter that much"
-he helped the twins pull a prank on ron so that every cup he drank out of for two weeks would flip itself upside down into his lap. ron eventually just started drinking with a straw though
-he and hermione lie to ron about muggle things all the time because its fucking hilarious to see him believe anything they say.
-he stole a street cat that was wandering around his flat one time bc it bothered him that it didnt have a home, and he named it "shitass" because it was the loudest and most annoying cat harry had ever met.
-he is expected to be late to class by most of his teachers. when he shows up on time it's like an actual surprise
-his full name is actually Haris James Potter and he had no clue until when remus was repremanding him and said his full name and he was like "..who?"
-harry has extensive knowledge on periods because of how much hermione complains about hers
-he only drinks his coffee black but he puts a shit load of honey into his tea
-he has a hard time differentiating his left from his right
-he sucks at spelling. actually once spelt his own name wrong on a assignments and snape graded him down for it.
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l-flyhight · 1 year
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"Look at the cute couple"
"Luthera bagged herself a husband surprising really "
"Maybe hes a vagabond aswell how else could she?"
"Hes so adorable!"
The crowd literally marvelled at how exotic the panda was. The villagers had caught wind not only of a supposed criminals return but of a man from far across the sea.
Po was embarrassed and blades ire had risen. She just wanted some peace.
"Im not, we're not exactly. Urm. A little help, blade?"
She huffed and began storming off. Po started to panic as the crowd were getting handsy.
"Hey wait for me!"
Po caught up to the brown bear. Catching his breath. Luthera wasnt paying any mind. Lost in her own dejection.
She was never one to get the attention of men. When she became of age the others scoffed and gave her a wide berth. It was uncouth for a woman to bare a blade.
She had no friends and the thought of a fellow knight or warrior who would offer his hand, not as a warrior but an equal was improbable. Perhaps something more if she dared the notion. It hurt nonetheless.
'Blade hello? You in their? Blade!"
Her response was shrill.
"What! What is it?"
The giant panda recoiled from her outburst. Guilt flashed breifly on the bears maw.
"Forgive me. I was....nevermind. whats the matter po"
He gave her a look of concern. Almost pleading. Luthera chest tightened. She hated the way his gazed crossed her like that. Adorable.
She was clearly upset. She sat away from him. She wanted to distance herself.
"The crowd were a bit...much right? They thought well....
He paused and blade turned away. Something was wrong.
"Heyyyhey blade. Whats wrong?"
Uncaring if it was appropriate or not he knelt by her side. He offered a comforting paw on her shoulder.
He didnt know what to do. She had withdrawn and her maw had this distant sorrow about it. His heart sank. The panda didnt want her feeling this way.
Blade knew rumours were already circulating. Untrue in their nature. Gossip amongst the ladies of court. How many more times must she go through with this torment?
How the panda and his goose father already drew attention. Ammunition for the arsenal of rumours. Rulkmini kept her head down and akna? Holed away with some plan or contraption to apprehend Veruca.
Blade just wanted peace. The calm before the storm. Fate however being cruel once more.
She trembled in frustration. Po tried his best to calm the bear. Why had she stormed off? He started to panic. She wouldnt respond to him. He had to get through. To make sure she was alright. He worried. Concerned for her wellbeing.
He cared about his family and friends. Cared for her in a way that confused him. Sure she was stubborn but honourable. Hed light up when she smiled at him. Grew giddy when they'd pal around. A sence of pride blossomed in his heart when she called him her first friend. His heart skipped a beat. When did admiration blur with adoration? He didnt dwell on it for long.
Something heavy fell on his chest. Disrupting his train of thought. Blade was leaning against his chest. Knees tucked in. A ball of trembling fur nestled against the plush of black and white.
Surprise etched on his maw. Looking to the left and right. Worried suddenly of an audience. The warrior who never faltered was....vulnerable.
Instinctively he wrapped his arms around her. Uncaring if she'd berate him later for it. He didnt know why she suddenly withdrew. Why warmth pooled in his chest. He'd question it later.
He rested his cheek on her head. Tightening his grip. Offering comfort as best as he could. She didnt utter a word. However her paw clenched a bit of his chest fur and he knew she needed this. Needed him. For a moment just to escape. Content in his arms.
Po held her. Happy to do so if it made her feel better. Right now he was at peace. For a fleeting moment their was no impending danger. No titles nor responsibility. Just her and him.
"I'm here Luthera, im here"
(Another drabble i could of put more effort in. Like methaphor and atmosphere. Maybe another time. Just wanted to get it out my head. Comforting polade. Po x blade)
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faerunsbest · 7 months
BG3 Backstory Bash by Kelandrin
This is a challenge to help people flesh out their Tav’s backstory by exploring their past. It is organized into four sections with seven prompts. You can treat this as a monthly challenge or a general project. You can write headcanons, fics, or share art based on the prompts! You can interpret the prompts however you want. If you want to share use the tag #bg3backstorybash
i was tagged by @rolansrighthorn , this is just out here making my day! i tag @dutifullylazybread
Parents: an unknown peasant woman with many a john to pay the get what was needed at times
Birth: out in the fields she was born in the dirt of drying crops and had to be plopped into a basket as mothers shift wasnt over.
First word: "mama?"
When they first walked: there was no one present to remember the day she waddled across cold wood floors to try and pry a door open so she could follow her mother out. it didnt work she cried until she fell asleep
Tantrum: too many to count, she didn't like being left alone
First sickness: she was perpetually malnourished, any other ailments where hard to pick up on
Thunderstorm: she loved the rain and she loved when the sky was angry, it made her feel validated and understood
Friends: Dwylla didn't really have friends she kept robbing people and on the off chance they caught her she would just go kinda wild and make sure they couldn't take anything back.
Siblings: she was born to a woman who thought she was infertile, there are no others.
Birthday: midspring precise date is unknown but she doesn't know this.
Games: tap, when she was sold to a gladiatorial ring her and the other kids would play tap. you have to touch a persons face and if you win you get half their dinner because the whole thing seems cruel. she won so often that she wound up being the bulkiest of them all.
Learning something new: she stares and watches with intense focus, she can learn so much that way as there was rarely ever anyone to teach her. she would watch patrons and guests she watches pick pockets thieves and assassins at work. its when you are seen as about the same as the damn floorboards
Trauma: Her mother sold her to a gladiators for a small pouch of gold. Dwylla started in the stocks and mills, cleaning up and serving people but after rebuffing unwanted advances was punished by being put into a selection pit. they didn't expect her to win. As he prize she was permitted to enter the smaller rings as a side fighter, where she was expected to die a splendid death. instead she won and kept winning and with every victory came a prize, a little potion bottle. it contained a small but permanent strength boost, hers focused on the parts of her that had the best circulation. her legs and tail.
First love: First love was an visiting gladiator who didn't know who she was he played and though she would be a fun bedding, he was the first person she strangled with her tail alone.
Rebellion: when she was given the prize of a private room with a view to the outside she ripped apart parts of the wall and clawed her way out .
Running away: its all she ever wanted to do but resulted in her being locked up and tied down in the 'champions tower' until it was time to go out in he ring again.
Reckless behavior: her reckless behavior keeps her alive though just barely.
Peer pressure: you cant bully a person who sees you as competition
Growing pains:she has stretch marks on her upper thighs,lower back and around the base of her tail from those damn strength potions
Taking responsibility: she is very much of the mindset of ' i either did it or i didn't" and has no problem admitting when she did something. until waaayyyy later
Their “first time”: It's Rolan because of course it is. She sees straight through him, she loves how much he loves his siblings and it breaks her heart that he only has himself really. she can put up with how prickly he is because its nothing to her, words said in anger are very little most of the time. Rolan rarely stings her this way and hes never even considered raising a hand.
Serious relationships: its really only ever been Rolan, it only ever could be.
Work: after winning her way out of the ring she does manual labor, building houses and bridges. she just loves being able to build things instead of tear them down. the first things he makes a is a traveling wagon. it has the tiniest wood stove, it fits about 5 pine cones in it and keeps her little wagon toasty, with s a single massive window on side its easy to feel at ease in it
Leaving home: she won enough fights to 'buy herself' and was free at the tail end of 29 years old but was taken up by the nautiloid about 1 and a half years later
Aging: she will age slower than a human but much faster than an elf, so maybe she'll never live to be several centuries old but maybe one or two
Finding their place: she though she found her place in the world when she was building houses at super cheap rates for families who just cant afford more. she loved watching kids run in thrilled to have a roof and a door.
Staring a family/found family: she truly considers with all her heart Lae'zel and Astarion her family as she calls them her left and right, in reference to heart ventricles but they joke Astarion the left because something ain't right! Lae'zel takes pride in being her right hand.
in fact the 1st reason Rolan may have noted his importance to Dwylla is because he realized she left behind Lae'zel to protect him and the siblings. Dwylla would never do that, not for anyone. when he mentions it to Lae'zel, she tells him he must be of some value if was smart enough to make the connection.
she does eventually build a family with Rolan though she never gets comfortable in the highest parts of the tower
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sleepymccoy · 10 months
Hi this is random and in response to your tags on that fictional money names post but gold sovereigns are actually a historical British coin! They were first minted in I think the 1800s and were in circulation for a while as regular currency, but now they’re more of a fancy novelty coin used for their value as actual gold. Or something. :)
That's cool, I didnt know! I looked into it a bit and tbh I don't really get the point of the sovereign coin. It's equal to a £1 coin, which exists. At the time paper pounds were much more popular but they eventually stopped making them and kept it to coin and the sovereign is just of equal value?? Altho, entertainingly, these days it's worth more melted cos currency has detached from gold lol
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I've been thinking and I don"t even know what I want... 🤣 Just Jade himself would do but, vaguely speaking, would love something fluffy with a pinch of angst and some of those true love 😍 vibes! 🙏🙏🙏 Love your imagines and can't wait to see more 🙌🤩👌
thanks for the request and for fueling my jade obsession !! i'm going with comforting jade after he has a scary vision because even though he doesn't want it we all know he needs it. sorry the angst vial broke and it kind of spilled all over the thing oops ?
comforting jade after he sees spooky things (gn reader)
you're staying at the bar because sorry jade there's too many people here and not enough houses for you to claim a building all for yourself
you've been here for some time but after what happened at fatima's party you're never getting back to colony house if you can avoid it
you've been watching jade's worrying state since he arrived but he didnt seem very open to help or advice
you tried reaching out to him again when you moved in but he was so pissed about having to share the bar that he didn't want anything to do with you
he apologised and gave you some of tom's stuff so you'd be comfortable but that was it
until one night when you were trying to sleep and you heard him scream
you almost had a heart attack thinking the monsters had broken into his room
the talisman was still hanging by the main door so you managed to get over yourself and go knock on his door
"...jade? are you okay?" nothing, you knock again "jade?"
"oh, fuck off"
well, at least he's alive. though his voice sounded like he was definitely not doing good
you slowly pushed the door open and walked in
saw him sitting on the edge of his bed with his head buried in his hands, trying to take some deep breaths and failing
"what part of 'fuck off' do you not und-"
you sat next to him and sighed, lightly rubbing his back without saying anything.
he shook his head but let you, leaning a little against you and eventually relaxing enough to steady his breathing
"i'm sorry"
"it's okay. i know"
you stayed like that in silence for a while. it would have been more effective if those creatures weren't screeching and knocking on your door and windows outside
"i know"
"how do you fucking do it?"
you shrug
"i just close my eyes and... pretend like i'm somewhere else. with people who love me. same way i've always done it."
jade understood what you meant. you must not have had it easy. here, or elsewhere
he sighed and sat up a bit straighter, looking directly at you
"i really am sorry"
you smiled warmly. "i know"
you took his hand and held it, taking a deep breath
"you can't do this alone, jade." you told him "i know you don't think anything can make a difference in what is happening, or in how you're feeling, but..."
he kept staring into your eyes, and you just assumed that you'd shot your shot and missed
"can you stay the night?"
he sounded so tired that you almost didn't get his meaning
"yeah. y-yeah" you replied, needing a moment to process that he actually asked that of you "of course."
"okay" he nodded "thanks"
you had no idea what it was that you said or did that led him to trust you enough to let you in this close. maybe he was just that tired this time.
you chuckled a little, as if you were about to say something embarrassing
"you know, i... i also sit on the floor sometimes. i can't explain it, but it helps. it may be some... blood circulation thing, i don't know. it kind of calms me down."
jade didn't say anything, so you stood up, fidgeting with your hands trying to recover from the embarrassment. he immediately found himself missing your warmth by his side
"f-floor or no floor, anyway, we could sit down and read one of these books, maybe." you said, perusing a small shelf "through the looking glass. this one's interesting."
jade thought back to tom and nodded. "sure. why not."
you turned around to face him and smiled, apologetic. "sorry. for all that i talk about wanting to help, i don't actually know how to..."
jade sighed. the thought of what kind of life you led before you got here still floating on his mind. "a book's fine. i mean it."
he was too exhausted to think much further about it. but he knew that you deserved much better than that
he looked and sounded like he didn't even have the energy to be prickly. something told you that you wouldn't have to read more than a couple of sentences before he'd fall soundly asleep for the rest of the night
you both sat on the bed against the wall, and you felt the weight of his body on your side as he leaned against you
as predicted, it didn't take too long for him to fall asleep to your voice
it would only be months later that you realised, when thinking back on it, that that was the first night in a long time where you didn't really wish that you were anywhere else at all
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halftheway · 1 year
oh my god. i kept seeing ur blog and i thought you were someone else and then i was like :( hm. i wonder how molly's doing :( and then i found out you changed ur url now i feel silly
no worries omfg i didnt circulate the post abt my url change enough
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butch-bakugo · 5 months
I would have an ounce of sympathy for Zionists if they didnt:
make islamophobic circa 2013 jokes
repost racist propaganda about arabs to the point of charicatures
make a million claims about "innocent Israeli counter-protestors being attacked!" With no videos (beyond a lady who was going around randomly punching pro-palestine protesters then got mobbed LIKE SHE SHOULD to stop her from hurting others. But of course, no one can find out who she is to verify, they never say the location in question and they conveniently leave out the fact she was the instigator and agitator. Hell there's videos of a Zionist rabbi professor running into an encampment and trying to beat up the pro-palestine protesters. Litterally knocking over their food, kicking them and eventually just starts swinging. Edit: another rabbi professor got caught running around an encampment with an agitator student putting up mein kampf posters and tried to claim it was the protestors... While this man was actively Holding freshly printed ones.... With tape... Then when the protestors and cops found him, he tried to run in the encampment and throw the unhung posters and fight protestors until the members of the encampment blocked him. He then whines about how Jewish men can't even walk on campus anymore and left without comment.) proving the supposedly shouted anti-Semitic remarks (with videos of counter-protestors randomly trying to shout out "kill all Jews" and other remarks then claiming it was said by the pro-palestinian protesters then whining when they got arrested. Oh and there's two of three of those videos circulating)
make a million claims of seeing posts on here with "straight up nazi rhetoric" and other "examples of leftist antisemitism" to the point of claiming their saying nazi slogans but never with any screenshots or proof then call you antisemitic if you dont automatically believe them
a whole account by a token pro-zionist "2nd gen American from gaza" who essentially wore a "all lives matter shirt" about " just wanting peace" and walked through an encampment and, just like that video of that little white girl crying when protestors gave her a wall of silence, said he felt "threatened" because the protestors wore masks, side eyed him and ignored him. He even accounts how many people were nice to him, asked him if he wanted food or water and generally left him alone. He Litterally said he felt threatened because he went in to agitate and no body took his bait. I'm sorry but masks dont make people violent. He kept saying he felt like he couldn't talk about his views or felt like "they could do anything to me and I wouldn't see their face" like this is Karen level paranoia bro.
Spout pretty much every alt-right insult in the book to the point I have to wonder if they are trolls but have to toss out my suspicion cause their either too low key to be a troll or just remembering its a fachist movement. Calling people whores and sluts, saying they are giving Palestinians their "OF money", calling the Palestinians "immigrants who need to get out", calling people retards/n words/various other slurs, calling leftists litteral snowflakes and wokes. Like wtf
Snuggle up, reblog and like from alt right American blogs with bios like "pro life pro guns pro liberty", litteral pepe the frog icons, praise the fact Republicans like Matt gatez, tom cruz and other famously terrible and racist people support their movement.
Own up to the fact they want all of palestine and more and talk about Palestinians in a way that feels very familiar to me as a native American. Calling us backwards, primitive, dogs and other horribly racist shit.
Say they deserve an ethnostate because the Holocaust happened. No.
Like.... Wtf? Why are y'all cuddling up to diet Nazis right now? That's independent of any news source I saw, I saw that shit with my own eyes scrolling your blogs. I knew you liked fascism but like? Wow.
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476b · 1 year
Oh it's because I kept queueing the post to myself so I wouldn't forget it lol, fuck in gonna put it into queue again right now lmao
lmffaoo thats good tho, thank for keeping it in circulation the version w my addition didnt spread very far lol
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fangtastic-vampyra · 1 year
Brendan applied at ugh, mcdonalds... hes gonna be their janitor, i am turning red as tomato, my "husband" works at mcdonalds, a 41, yr old .. sigh.... god just sent me a slew of losers 12:02 AM
Hes going for another interview.12:03 AM
SIGH mcdonalds wtf,, lol, so picky of their crew now huh... Idk im just imagining that, "Sometimes God has a Kids face" .... This priest would let people live with him.. to help them get on their feet.. Im just wasting my life though.. at least its a couple hundred more, and its, a car, and its socialization.. Im trying to get Drew and Jette to chill at the Thanksgiving or Xmas gathering..
I dreamt I beat Brandy up and she kept giving me xanax, like I felt, the effects, IRL, my circulation seemed kinda, start up, then stop, real fast, and then, etc, idk, it was weird, i had punched her in the face and broke her nose and told her to her face all the awful t hings shes done to me, and they just gaslight no i didnt, that didnt happen, and etc
empath response to gas lighting: #IREMEMBERTHINGSDIFFERENTLY
Like Im dumb. I want more freedom!!! You say it can hurt u, to be free, but this some Rapunzel shit.
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gremmlepunk · 2 years
Chapter 2 GTRT AU
First chapter->
“Left! Or maybe right. Left?”
For the navigator, Sally wasn’t particularly good with directions. As she fumbled with the map Tommy caught a glimpse of it. It was marked all over with red pen, signifying gods know what. Despite the protest of wanting to use a GPS, Wilbur was insistent on its usage. 
(More under cut)
It was around eight now, and everyone was awake and tired of sitting.
“So,” Wilbur started,”Our ending point is Garibaldi Lake, British Colombia to retrieve Percy Jackson’s Riptide. It’s been stuck there in the arms of a monster, turned to stone with Medusa’s gaze.”
“Ooh, spooky.” Tubbo said, mocking his dramatics. Nonetheless Wilbur cleared his throat before continuing.
“It should be easy, we just have to-“
“Wait, Percy Jackson?” Tommy asked. 
“Yeah, he’s a legend. Dead now, but the story still circulates. A camper wrote books about him, Ricky Something. Marketed as fiction though, for the sake of camp. ” Wilbur said, as the campers nodded along. 
Ranboo chimed in, wanting to contribute, ”Yup, rumor has it he’s the guy who killed Medusa in the first place, he kept her head to-“
“Shut up, boo-boy.” Tommy said. Who did that kid think he was, honestly? The only friend he made at camp, the only one who didnt think he was weird, and they have the nerve to have him leaning on their shoulder?
Tommy realized all too late that he was mumbling a bit louder than he wanted to be, but the embarrassment was immediately relieved as Sally’s raspy voice shouted out from the seat in front of him.
“No one look out the windshield!”
Tommy was just as astonished as terrified.
A harpy sat in the middle of the barren road, and the Sunsong came to a screeching halt. Everyone held their breath, trying not to provoke her. Suddenly, she outstretched her wings and let out a scream.
Tommy looked around, expecting to see as much horror in others as he felt, only to feel a heavy sword and sheath fall only his lap. He didn’t have his own weapon yet, so a training sword, proudly sporting the Camp Half Blood logo, would do for now. Aimsey shot up, motioning for everyone to stay in the bus. Tubbo immediately sat down, nearly on Tommy, flicking out his dagger and putting his arm to the back of Techno and Sally’s seat. Tommy wasn’t sure if this was for his safety or for the others’. Techno quietly handed Sally a spear before taking a long sword that looked like you needed a minimum of three people to carry it. 
The bus was locked. The road was barren. Tommy expected Wilbur to say something, or maybe Techno, but they only sat patiently in their seats. Aimsey instead, who looked to be about eleven, whispered instructions at the group, standing as close as he could to Tubbo so he could hear. Tubbo was deaf, or at least hard of hearing, Tommy figured, he was sure he had a hearing aid but he couldn’t quite see it.
“Alright, listen, we’ve trained for this. Ran, go through the bus and lock the windows, and make sure all the back escapes open. Techno, guard the door in case she gets in. Wil grab your bow and open a window, don’t shoot until your instructed. Sally, get all our stuff and move it to the back of the bus in case the harpy invades. Tubbo, turn off the engines and everything that makes noise. I’m going to try and rope it down with the vines over by that big bush. Whatever you do, stay quiet. Ill give a signal to attack.”
Aimsey’s hooves clicked as she slipped to the seat closest to the drivers, opposite Wilbur and his bow.
“Aimsey?” Tommy said in the chaos of everyone shuffling to their positions.
Aimsey glanced down at him.
”What about me? Don’t I get a job?”
”Oh, um, try not to die?”
Tommy slumped down in his seat. 
Everyone just had to get a cool job but me, huh? I even know my godly parent, Hermes! Just ‘cause I’m new I’m treated like a baby.
Tommy continued to grumble as Ranboo leaned over him to check the lock. 
Yeah, of course they got a cool job to protect the bus. 
And Tommy made a bad decision that moment.
As hard as he could, Tommy elbowed Ranboo in the stomach.
And, as most reasonable people would, Ranboo keeled over and fell backwards, knocking into Wilbur. The very same Wilbur holding a locked and loaded bow and arrow.
It was as if in slow motion, Wilbur let go of the wire, shooting the harpy in the wing. And she was twice as mad.
Time paused as Tommy looked from person to person. Everyone was stunned, silently watching the bus turn around to glare at Wilbur and Ranboo.
Pretty little Ranboo, who’s probably gonna rat on me to the whole bus, huh? 
Sally snapped around to yell at Wilbur, but he was already glaring at Ranboo. 
Tommy looked at the ground, waiting for another good reason to hate Ranboo. But none came to him. 
“Listen guys I am so sorry, I don’t know what happened but I- um- lost balance and fell. Sorry. I’ll make it up to y’all hold tight.” 
Ranboo said this quietly, but you could sense the fear in his voice. After all, what’s one more body in the woods?
Sally suddenly grabbed Ranboo by the collar. Tommy restrained a laugh being that Sally was barely clearing five foot while Ranboo was six foot three and still growing. 
Wilbur snapped around and grabbed Sally’s arm, hissing at everyone in the car, “Okay, we’re all a bit high strung but y’know what won’t help? Beating the sh*t out of each other! So stop!”
Suddenly the snarling outside quieted. The harpy was gone. Everyone sat in silence. Waiting. Watching. Listening. Tommy soon found out why.
Before anyone could bat another eye the bus shook violently from above as giant talons crashed through the windscreen. Glass shards flew at the seats and a screech that made everyone cover their ears in fear rang out as the harpy pushed its head through the hole it had made. Wilbur picked up his bow but couldn’t focus his shaking hands enough to load it. Aimsey dove into the aisle and tried to pull Techno into a seat as quickly as they could. Techno stumbled, refusing to take his hands off of his ears, and Tommy noticed a few tears as he was pushed into the seat next to him. Aimsey dove next to Tubbo, who was desperately clawing at the carpeted lining, mumbling something about the metal in the wall. The scream was terrible, and seemed to get louder as time went on, like the harpy would never run out of breath. 
Just when Tommy thought surely, surely it could not get any worse, the harpy smashed a giant wing through the windshield. Everyone screamed and ran to the back of the bus, Tommy being one of them. 
Aimsey and Wilbur desperately threw opposite instructions at the group, hoping it would somehow make a plan. 
Eventually the shouting became so muttled that the group ran in circles despite themselves. They had been trained for planned fights on flat turf, not particularly bold harpies on buses. Aimsey desperately tried to keep a headcount. Wilbur started egging Techno on to make a plan. Techno was nearing tears with his hands still firm on his ears. Sally opened her thermos and found it devastatingly dry. Tubbo was looking for… something, until a look of horrified realization set onto his face. He heard that something’s voice.
“STOP!” The command stretched past all the screaming, the whole world seemed to feel the dismay and anger. A purple glow shot through the bus, beaming out the windows. Everyone stood still. The voice continued. 
The harpy suddenly scurried off. Everyone unpaused as the purple light stopped, looking around in confusion. And a very dazed and adrenaline filled Ranboo tumbled his way out of the back of the bus.
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maskyartist · 2 years
i realize now what i said in that dion ask is definitely not what i wanted to come across as so...welp. guess that's on the internet forever!
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chiefdirector · 3 years
ON A NEED TO KNOW BASIS | Alex Karev | Greys Anatomy | Whumptober 2021
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Day 16: recovery, aftermath
Alex had stood still, unmoving, for nearly ten minutes when he heard the news. His wife had been in a plane crash and they hadn't found her yet. They hadn't found her, or Shepherd, Meredith, Lexie: they hadn't found any of them and he felt like he was dying.
The feeling got worse when they had found (Y/N), she was barely alive and had been placed in a medically induced coma to help her body recover. But he knew that the chances that she woke up grew slimmer each day but he couldn't bare to bring himself to take her off the machines. He couldn't do that to his wife, the mother of his child.
That was the hardest part, telling their son, Ethan, that his mother wasn't able to come home right now. His two-year-old brain didn't understand. He cried for his mother to come home most nights; Alex cried over her too, but he never let Ethan see.
Alex started to lose hope when, at 5 O'clock Seattle time, Mark Sloan was taken off life support. He kept thinking to himself that if Sloan pulled through, than his wife would too. But Mark didn't pull through, and (Y/N) was still on life support.
(Y/N) was the love of Alex's life. She was his everything and she had given everything he wanted: she gave him love, hope, a family and now she was here ready to leave him.
He knew that (Y/N) would call him a wimp for leaving her on life support for so long, especially when she had healthy organs which could save someone else from the fate she was in now, but he couldn't bring himself to it.
Meredith came by to see him one day, she was (Y/N)'s primary care doctor. Apparently her vital signs were good, and if she woke up, she would make a full recovery. But Alex had lost his hope in her waking up long ago. And now, he was beginning to make peace with it. If she wasn't awake by the her birthday, he would take the life support off.
The days rolled closer, and life went on. That's the way the world works. (Y/N) had always said that to him. And he knew he was right. All he wanted was for her to say that to him again, to say anything to him again.
The newly named Grey Sloan hospital had kept a place in the Orthopaedic fellowship program open for her for when she woke up. Alex had started his fellowship in paediatrics.
It was two days before her birthday when Meredith checked her vitals again. Everything was the same until when she went to check her circulation. She had felt something grab her hand; (Y/N) had grabbed her hand.
Meredith almost cried in joy. (Y/N) had always been a great friend to her and the thought of loosing someone else she loved was ruining her inside but she wasn't going to lose any more people, not yet anyway.
"What happened?" (Y/N) asked once the breathing tube came out and she had drank some water.
"The plane we were on, it crashed-"
"I mean after: is everyone okay? Derek? Lexie? And what about Alex? How's Ethan?"
Meredith laughed before looking sombre, "Slow down, I'll answer everything."
And she did. Meredith explained about Lexie and Mark. About what happened with the hospital and now how the survivors, which now included (Y/N), had brought the hospital and now were board members with a chair left so (Y/N) if she should so accept. Meredith also talked about Alex: about how he was struggling without her there, about how he began to lose hope, about how he was preparing to take her life support away.
"Where is he?"
"It's 3am, he's at home." Meredith said. "I was going to call him but I got a bit distracted talking to you. I can get him here now."
"Please." (Y/N) said softly, "Get him to bring Ethan. And don't tell him the news, I want to surprise him."
It didnt take long until she heard her husband's voice in the corridor, demanding to know what had happened to his wife. (Y/N) just chuckled softly to herself, Alex had always been over protective of her and she knew he wasn't going to let her out of his sight for a while now.
The door swung open and Alex stopped in his tracks. There she was, his wife, sitting up and talking to the nurse as if nothing had happened.
"(Y/N)?" He said slowly, not believing what he saw.
"Hi baby." She reached out her arms, gesturing for him to pass over their son before shuffling on the bed for him to lay next to her. He complied with her wish, knowing that she would put up a fuss if he didn't. "You okay?"
"I am now."
Masterlist | Buy me a coffee?
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
you talk a lot about trauma and sexual assault and I really appreciate all of the different comfort things you've done as a former victim myself...but I guess I'm curious to know your story, if you feel comfortable sharing. I know you don't owe us any of that and im so sorry if you find this insensitive you can delete it if you're not comfortable...anyway I love your work its saved my life.
Hi anon!
First, I'm glad my works have been helpful for your own healing. I hope you're doing well and that you're in a better place now than you have been. Thanks for being a fan. 💕
Second, I have told my story so many times that it doesn't phase me anymore, so I will definitely be open to sharing. If you want to ignore this, its all below the cut. Please mind the Tw.
TW after this point for sexual assault, victim blaming/police reporting/rape kit mention, grooming, and abortion.
So I think you all have gathered by now that I dont have a great relationship with my dad lol. He was very sex-negative and misogynistic while I was growing up, despite his own borderline inappropriate sexual interests given his views on women. He also said a lot of shitty things whenever a sexual assault case would make the news about the victims. My first exposure to sex was stumbling across one of his bondage magazines, so needless to say that was pretty jarring as a 9 year old. My moms attitude toward sex was more "ignore it and it won't happen" at the time (she's much better now), and they both mostly chose to not talk with me or my sister about it at all.
My first encounter with anything sexual was when I was 12 and got my first "boyfriend" (I dont count it bc the dude was 17). It was preceeded by months of grooming. I had initially said yes after what was hours of coercion, and it was not a great experience. This individual continued to assault me repeatedly, even after I broke up with him shortly after I turned 15 because I was afraid of telling my parents or really anyone. Even through my future relationships, I kept it hidden out of fear. There were a lot of photos taken of me that circulated around my school, and I experienced a lot of bullying and harassment as a result of that.
It wasn't until I was almost 17 that I actually told a mentor of mine at my school. He was the first man that I actually trusted, and he's still in my life today, as more of a friend than a mentor. Frankly, if I didn't have him, idk where I would be at now. He saved my life. And now I look back and see how much of a burden that was for him, as I begged him not to report. And he didn't- which could have cost him his job, and resulted in negligence charges brought against him. Thankfully, that didn't happen. But I regret begging him not to say anything every day, and putting him in an awful position. I did end up reporting it to the police once, and that I do regret. They had me do a rape kit, and then never tested it. And through the entire report, they constantly blamed me and picked apart everything I said. It sucked ass, and I didnt report anything after that.
One of the guys I dated for a few months during this time (I think when I was 15?) Was not much better. He introduced me to "kink" in a coercion type way, and I engaged in a lot of stuff that I wouldn't have if I knew what it was. We dated for 3 months the first time, and I ended things because of how uncomfortable it made me. We dated again at 17 for another 5 months, but I ended things because I found out he had cheated on me with the reasoning being that I wouldn't have sex with him enough in the ways that he wanted me to.
So after going to college, things chilled out a lot. I worked through a lot, and navigated my identity. I even discovered what asexuality was and realized I had a name for my identity- even if it was a result of trauma. It was relatively peaceful to a degree until the summer before my Senior year, where I found out who I thought was a close friend (we'll call him K) had copies of the pictures of me from a mutual friend (we'll call him M). M also informed me that, on a trip we all went on, K told him he was "cockblocking" and had intended to use the trip as a way to "get with me." After learning this, I was thankful M was with, and that he took it seriously enough to never leave us alone together because he could tell I wasn't interested. Maybe it was because M was also a survivor, but I was pretty close with him for a long time until we drifted apart. I still think about him a lot and im thankful he was around to protect me.
Well, anyways. After confronting K and trying to cut ties, he also assaulted me. At the time, I was not on birth control, and he didn't use protection, so I ended up getting pregnant. This is when I had my abortion, I reported it and got a restraining order, and I suppose the rest is history.
I've also had other uncomfortable encounters with cis men besides this. I was groped at a night club during college, one of my sisters boyfriends (who was 18 when I was 14) tried touching me during a car ride while my sister was asleep on his shoulder, and I had another one of her boyfriends hold me down and force me into a hug when I told him I didn't want to once. I've also had strangers cat call me before I was 18, and have had clients in the past make sexual comments at me too. Plus all of this shit recently (though I'm unsure of the gender of the individual)The list is pretty much endless, and im sure I'm leaving something out. I'm sure a lot of you can relate to that.
Anyways, that's all ill say about it. I've done a lot of therapy (nearly 11 years) to work on this plus all of the others stuff I have/had going on. I hope that all of you who read this and can unfortunately relate to my experiences know that I support you and im so sorry for whatever you've gone through. You're not alone, and I hope you're able to get the help you need- from friends, family (if you can), and professional supports. You didn't deserve anything thats happened to you and your voice deserves to be heard.
I love you all 💕💕
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