#Key Principles of Price Action
stockexperttrading · 9 months
This comprehensive blog from Funded Traders Global covers the Price Action Strategy and mastering market trends for successful trading. It begins by defining the Price Action Strategy, emphasizing its importance in predicting future price movements. The blog explores the components of Price Action, including candlestick patterns, support and resistance levels, and chart patterns. It highlights the benefits of this strategy, such as simplicity, enhanced decision-making, and its applicability to various markets.
The blog outlines key principles of Price Action, including candlestick patterns, support and resistance levels, and trendlines and channels. It then focuses on reading market trends, with an emphasis on identifying trends, assessing their strength, and recognizing trend reversals. The importance of setting clear trading goals and effective risk management is stressed, along with crafting precise entry and exit strategies.
Common mistakes to avoid in trading are discussed, including overtrading, ignoring fundamental analysis, and emotional trading. The blog also provides information on essential tools and resources, including recommended charting software, books, courses, and online trading communities to support traders in their journey.
In conclusion, the blog encourages traders to apply the knowledge gained, practice consistently, and continue their education to become proficient and successful traders. Trading is described as both an art and a science, emphasizing the importance of discipline and adaptability in the ever-evolving world of finance.
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hyperesthesias · 7 months
Decisions & Desire Part I
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Notes: Next part is much happier, I promise. They are both just really stubborn. There are two songs associated with this installment: Le cygne by Camille Saint-Saëns and My Body is a Cage by Arcade Fire.
Context: Anya is Viktor's childhood friend from Zaun. She is a wealthy donor to the Academy, and is also Viktor's patron; she gained her fortune through winning the lottery. She is a mage, a theoretical physicist, and is a different humanoid species -- she lives for centuries, and only has one mate for her lifespan. Viktor's love and attraction for her grows, but he does not want to become her mate, so that she will not spend the rest of her lifespan alone.
rating & potential warnings: Mature ; infertility ; brief aphobia ; sexual dysfunction.
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Tag List: @uniquedeerwitch ; @funcoolchickie (please let me know if you would like to be tagged for future updates!)
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Viktor spent the day poring over the notes Anya gave him: translations of ancient runes, spell castings, and various theoretical equations in the sciences of physics. There were many aspects which he could decipher, but there were many to which he was not privy; Anya was the mage, capable of great magicks he could not fathom. Many of her mentions and notations were lost on his limited knowledge, save for those he could reference in what few ancient texts and scholarly scripts had not been abandoned behind lock and key. Thus, he decided to visit her at her mansion, hoping to divine her help. He knew she had no responsibilities to attend to that day – whether at the Academy, or at her temple – and he had been given free invitation to her home whenever he pleased. 
The Sun sweltered in the middle of the sky, its rays clung to the final days of Summer before the Equinox. Viktor nearly felt faint as he exited the carriage and found shelter in the shade of her porch lattice. He pressed on the intercom and announced himself to her; he was quickly let inside, where the chill of her marble home brought relief to the heat sickness that threatened him. He could not hear her bustling about the kitchen, nor did he hear her pattering feet throughout the floors of the mansion; the door to her bedroom was open, though there were no shadows that moved within it. But he was guided to the glass door of a patio with the sound of splashing water; outside, he found the disturbed waters of a long, rectangular pool, and a fast swimming shape moved beneath them.
Anya’s face appeared at the corner closest to him. “Will you join me?” she laughed as she slicked back her hair.
He smirked and shook his head. “I prefer to stay on land,” he said. “I hope I have come at a good time. I do not want to interrupt your day off with work.”
“No – please. I want to hear everything you have to say.” She motioned to a shaded cabana beside the pool, furnished with lounge chairs and small tables, and a pitcher full of fresh water. “But if it is alright with you, I will stay here.”
“By all means,” he agreed, and retreated into the cover of the canopy. Her kind were acclimated to warmer weather, and he rarely saw her so happy than when the Sun was bright and torrid; he would hate to pry her of joy. “I had a question about one of your notes, ‘transmutation’ –” he began, “you have labelled it in runes, however I cannot make sense of it. The other proposed actions – these, spells, written in runes – seem to have a clearly defined variable in what is required for them. However, transmutation does not.”
Anya was flat on her back as she enjoyed the heat of the Sun; she spun underneath the water and swam closer towards him. She clung to the wall of the pool, and rested her folded arms on its edge. “Magic requires balance,” she said. “All actions must have an equal and opposite reaction – magic is simply a science. I am sure you have heard: ‘all magic has a price’, an expression of that same principle – but rarely is magic ever so dramatic,” she chuckled. 
“So, the equation is incomplete,” he presumed and reread her combination of runes in his notebook – now interpreting them as algebraic expressions, rather than nebulous concepts he was forbidden to learn.
“Well, I cannot decipher what it wants in return,” she said. “The building blocks of a transmutation ritual are there, plainly, in the runes – but as for what the crystal will give or take to balance out the action, I have only guesses.” She dipped her head back in the water to wet her quickly drying hair and brushed the droplets from her face. “It is an ancient magic – one that is not of my culture.”
Anya disappeared beneath the surface of the pool again, and Viktor sat, engrossed, in the runework she laid out on the page; with his newfound understanding of how spellwork functioned, he reread each passage to determine its proposed outcome.
The Sun waned from the center of the firmament, where it lingered towards the Western horizon and a golden hue cast itself over the forest edge in the near distance; the bouncing waters in the pool glimmered with the shine of quicksilver; long shadows careened over the perimeter of the mansion and the topiaries around the patio; and Anya sighed with satisfaction from her prolonged leisure. Viktor still sat with the notebook in his hand, roughly attempting to piece together runework of his own; his feet were elevated on an ottoman, and the pitcher of water was now half empty beside him. They had hardly spoken, besides an occasional observation, or a quick question, but they enjoyed their mutual company in gladdened silence.
He heard Anya begin to exit the pool, as the water lapped at the shore’s steps, and he moved to stand in the hopes that he could show her the rune equations he had crudely written. But as he looked up from his notebook, the image of Anya, and the beauty of her figure caressed in golden light, struck him viscerally.
She wore the half sheer fabric of her people, it clung to her every curve with wetness and decadence. She stepped out of the pool with grace and assurance, and as she stood to greet the dying light of day, she rolled her neck towards its rays; they kissed the figure of her waist and hips with bright flashes of lustre. The length of her dark hair fell over her back, and she wound her arms around it to drain every drop from its locks; they gathered in a puddle at her feet, trailing in streams back into the pool behind her. He could hear her hum as she did so, each strand of hair a singular, sensitive nerve, she combed her fingers through small tangles with quiet soughs.
Viktor quickly looked away, uncertain what to do with himself. A heat gathered in his thighs, and he held his breath. He was overcome with an emotion he had never experienced, but in dreams. Rarely had he gazed on Anya to acknowledge her beauty, but never had he felt for her the fervor that quickened his blood with desire. 
"Are you hungry?” she asked.
“Would you like to join me for dinner?” she asked again. It was not unusual for Viktor to be distracted by his thoughts, but the stoicism that hardened his face was deeper than was his wont, and he refused to look at her. 
“No. Thank you,” he said, and chanced to glance at her.
“Very well,” Anya agreed, suspicious, but she allowed her friend his oddities. “If you change your mind, you always have a place here.”
She continued to brush her hands through her hair, and when she returned its long locks to rest along her back, she shook her mane of any other droplets. Her soft breasts moved with her as her body swayed and shuddered, and she took a refreshed breath as the tail end of a breeze passed through the foliage around them.
Viktor’s breath remained captive in his throat, and his hands gnawed at the notebook clasped between them; he was frozen there, in her light, and he had every instinct to both flee and fall at her feet. But the passion of his instincts was marred by the impotence that robbed him of the chance to ever show her his devoted desire with the sacrament of his body. Lascivious thoughts wound themselves throughout his mind, and at their impulse, he was tempted to profess his ardor regardless of the consequences. 
But Viktor chided himself for his prurience, and quickly, he gathered himself and his cane, and began to leave the patio and her home. “I have to go,” he said.
Anya was left on the patio, bemused by her friend’s unusual exit. He often hid himself away from the company of others when he felt overwhelmed, or when he was burdened with memories of tragedies long past – it was a mutual trait they shared; but his flight from her instead, appeared riddled with fear and despair. She worried for her friend and his wellbeing.
Viktor spent the remainder of the day tormented by the agony in knowing that, even if his physical form could function in the way it was intended, Anya would suffer nonetheless. She returned all of his affections, she kissed him with equal passion, but his desire for her, and his desire to please her, did not outweigh his moral duty to protect her. Even from himself. Refraining from bonding with her was the most obvious and ethical choice. Still, his mind entertained the fantasy of fulfilling his lifespan with her – in the hope that he could find a solution to the dilemma: that he could bond with her now, and that she would be spared any pain for the remainder of her long life. He weighed every consequence, charted every nuance of every possible outcome should they spend their lives together: he thought of what involvements or restrictions would be required of him at her temple; he contemplated the consequences of being involved with an Academy donor, if he would need to quit his position there; he sought visions of their children. But grief found him once more as he pained himself to imagine their faces, and their genetic components. He was told as an adolescent that the probability of his reproduction would be limited, due to the prolonged chemical exposure he endured in the Fissures. He never longed for children – they were a hindrance, and an additional responsibility he could not afford, neither monetarily, nor emotionally. But the thought that he could not offer Anya the option of their creation was yet another mark against the benefits of their union.
He attended his physician, and sought clarity and advice, on both impotence and infertility. It was the same physician he had seen since he moved to Piltover, after his acceptance into the Academy – there were few in the upper city who understood the effects of post-polio syndrome, and who were trained enough to treat the atrophy and nerve damage associated with it.
“It’s not an uncommon complaint,” his doctor reassured him. “There are plenty of treatments. Are you sexually active now?”
“No, I have not been.”
His doctor eyed him with disbelief. “Ever?” he pressed.
Viktor pursed his lips. “No.” 
“With anyone? Men or women.”
“I can only do my best to help if you tell me the truth.”
“I am becoming offended.”
The doctor put up his hands and returned to reading his clipboard. Out of the many years he had seen him, Viktor was never known to be a liar. “Alright, alright. You’d be surprised how many people try to lie about this stuff. I just want to get the whole picture.”
Viktor paused and suppressed his offence with discomfort. He advanced the conversation instead: “Intimacy has never been of interest to me. However, I am entertaining the idea of intimacy with one person.” He hesitated, and swallowed, a part of him afraid that if he spoke his concern aloud it would somehow alter the future – like the runes and the spellwork he rigorously studied: “I must also know if I am able to have children.”
“Not a problem. I’ll write a prescription, and schedule a test. You’ll get the results in about a week.” The doctor scrawled words on a pad of paper; he tore it and handed it to Viktor. 
He was twenty-eight with a prescription of pills made for old men – it did nothing to preserve his self-confidence.
Viktor made scarce appearances in the lab, and he avoided Anya altogether for the duration of the week. He had no wherewithal to sustain the society of others, especially that of Anya. He continued to work on the various combinations of runes apart from Jayce – there were thousands of possibilities, and Viktor found it preoccupied his mind well enough to dispose of his anxiety, if only temporarily.
On the sixth day, he received a letter from his physician’s office, it sat unopened on his dining table for hours, and he dreaded its contents. For nearly a week, he allowed himself to linger in the purgatory between hope and pessimism – there was a quiet part of him that imagined a life with Anya, that entreated him to dream of what her child would look like, what it would sound like, how it would live long after his expiration; a small and fantastical acceptance wormed itself through his mind, that he would be its father, that he could give her a gift which would last the long ages of her life by her side, and by which she would always remember him.
There was less than a one percent chance he could conceive, the results read.
His hand curled around the paper, and balled into a fist. He threw the results across the room, and anything else in his way – he retreated from his apartment.
The Sun hung in the mid horizon, fiery streaks of orange and lavender illuminated the sky, but he had no appreciation for them. He sat in his usual nook, nestled within the hydraulic dam he was wont to visit when his mind rejected the atmosphere of reality. A cigarette rested between his fingers that ran along his furrowed brow, his right leg over the ledge; a cool and quiet breeze sifted through the edge of the cities, and brought with it various scents and memories. He should have enjoyed the relaxation that seemed to beckon him, but his heart was bitter and acrid towards anything gentle and soft.
“If I did not know better, I would say you are avoiding me,” Anya’s soft voice spoke from behind him.
Viktor started, and his head whipped around to see her standing there, meekly in the shadows. “Myša,” he exhaled, the agitation of surprise lacing his voice. Her hands tugged at each other nervously, they hung at her middle; her eyes pled him not to send her away. Despite his ire, and the anguish that prevented him from holding her gaze, he did not renounce her.
Anya sat opposite him, and watched as the veil of thin clouds passed over the large disk of the Sun in the distance. “Do you ever wonder what it would be like, to be back in Zaun?” she asked. 
He gave no answer.
“I would never wish for it. But a morbid part of me misses it. I knew my place there. Things – though they were awful – made sense. Now I am free, but I feel lost.”
He took another breath from his cigarette.
“I won everything. But now I am alone.”
He scoffed, the irony that he could not satisfy her desire of companionship panged him. “I suppose all of us should be careful what we wish for.”
She looked at him, and furrowed. “Have I offended you?”
He sighed and brushed his finger over his brow as he thought. “No, Anya. You have not.” He put out the cigarette and gathered both his courage and his stoicism. “I received word yesterday that your donation was accepted. I am no longer your liaison.”
His behavior still perplexed her – such news was not enough to partition himself from her completely, as he had for the past week. “I suppose we will see each other at the lab, instead, from now on,” she said.
He nodded in agreement, but he did not look at her.
She remained silent, preoccupying herself with the vision of the sunset, instead. It reminded her of their childhood. 
“If I could, I would spend with you a thousand millennia,” Viktor spoke, suddenly.
Anya looked at him, shocked.
“If I could, I would spend every day with you. And if I could, I would give you a child like yourself. There is nothing I would not do – if it meant I did it with you. But I cannot. I cannot do…any of it.” He still did not look at her, pain gripped him with uneasy talons, and he could not settle himself enough to give her his sight. “It is better, then, that you do not waste your efforts of affection on me.” 
“It is my affection to give,” she said, her voice muddled with sorrow. “It is a gift.”
“There will never be a gift that I can give you in return.” He looked at her, and watched as a tear fell from her face; he meant to spare her pain, not bring it. But he reasoned that a small grief now, would be better than a lasting anguish for the rest of her life. 
Viktor stood, with the aid of his cane, and offered his hand to help her to her feet. She took it – her hand soft and heated with the everlasting blood of her people. He bowed his head, and kissed the tops of her fingers, her warmth leaving a sweetness on his mouth.
“Goodbye, Anya,” he said. 
He left, and in his absence, imparted a shadow of himself into Anya’s heart.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
"I think it is important to take a step back and to recognize the profound differences between those two situations," Price stated.
He spoke after the UN's Commission of Inquiry (COI) on Israel concluded that the IDF's "occupation" of Palestinian territory over the pre-1967 lines was illegal because it had become akin to de facto annexation, in a report it released Thursday.
Israel annexed east Jerusalem in the immediate aftermath of the Six-Day War in 1967, a move the International community has never recognized and has widely condemned[...]
In a statement to the media on Thursday COI Chair Navi Pillay recalled that earlier this month the UN General Assembly had condemned as illegal Russia's attempt to annex four regions in Ukraine. Some 143 nations out of 193 member states had approved that resolution including the US and Israel.
“Recent statements by the Secretary-General and numerous member States have clearly indicated that any attempt at unilateral annexation of a State’s territory by another State is a violation of international law and is null and void," Pillay said.
She added that "unless universally applied, including to the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, this core principle of the United Nations Charter will become meaningless."
Price said that the Biden administration "categorically reject the blanket comparison between the actions" of Russia with those of Israel. [...]
Russia "has launched and waged a brutal war of aggression against another sovereign state, a sovereign state that posed and poses no threat whatsoever to the Kremlin, a military campaign that has – whose toll can be measured in thousands upon thousands of lives lost," he stated.[...]
A reporter asked Price if one of the differences was "that Ukraine is a sovereign state, in your view, and that Palestine is not?"
Price responded, explaining 'this is a key difference."[...]
Price [explained] that "we have made our concerns about this Commission of Inquiry clear from the start. Israel is consistently unfairly targeted in the UN system, including in the course of this Commission of Inquiry. Israel is the only country that’s subject to a standing country-specific agenda."[...]
In its report, the COI called for the UNGA to seek an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the issue of whether Israel's "occupation" of Palestinian territories could be considered illegal.
21 Oct 22
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November 27, 2023
NOV 28, 2023
Today Hamas released 11 more hostages into Israel; in exchange, Israel released 33 Palestinians from prison. Both sides have agreed to extend the truce for two days and to continue the exchanges. Hamas has committed to releasing an additional 20 women and children, and if the past pattern holds, Israeli releases will be three times that number.
The four-day pause in fighting has permitted aid to Gaza to increase. Since the 21st of October, when the first aid trucks began to cross into Gaza, more than 2,000 trucks of aid and assistance have gone in.
Once the deal was secure, President Joe Biden issued a statement: “I have remained deeply engaged over the last few days to ensure that this deal—brokered and sustained through extensive U.S. mediation and diplomacy—can continue to deliver results.” He noted that more than 50 hostages have been released and that the U.S. “has led the humanitarian response into Gaza—building on years of work as the largest funder of humanitarian assistance for the Palestinian people.”
In his third trip to the region since the October 7 attack, Secretary of State Antony Blinken will travel to Israel and the West Bank later this week. He is currently in Brussels for a meeting of foreign ministers in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and will go to the Middle East from there. The State Department says that, among other things, Blinken will “discuss the principles he outlined in Tokyo on November 8, tangible steps to further the creation of a future Palestinian state, and the need to prevent the conflict from widening.”
In that November 8 address, Blinken outlined the U.S. administration’s policy for the future of Gaza. “[K]ey elements,” he said, are “no forcible displacement of Palestinians from Gaza—not now, not after the war. No use of Gaza as a platform for terrorism or other violent attacks. No reoccupation of Gaza after the conflict ends. No attempt to blockade or besiege Gaza. No reduction in the territory of Gaza. We must also ensure no terrorist threats can emanate from the West Bank.”
Blinken said that “the Palestinian people’s voices and aspirations” must be “at the center of post-crisis governance in Gaza” and that “Palestinian-led governance and Gaza unified with the West Bank under the Palestinian Authority” are U.S. requirements. 
Gaza will need a “sustained mechanism for reconstruction,” Blinken said on November 8, “and a pathway to Israelis and Palestinians living side by side in states of their own, with equal measures of security, freedom, opportunity, and dignity.”
At home, the administration today announced nearly 30 new actions to strengthen the country’s supply chains, both because smoother supply chains should reduce consumer prices and because stronger supply chains should ensure that the U.S. doesn’t fall short of critical supplies, such as medicines. 
On February 24, 2021, about a month after he took office, Biden established a task force across more than a dozen departments and agencies to figure out where supply chains were vulnerable. After research and analysis, as well as input from industry leaders, experts, and the public, the task force issued a 250-page report in June 2021.
Their recommendations, along with investments in key industries such as semiconductors and in infrastructure, helped to untangle the supply chains that remained snarled through 2021 (remember the 100 cargo ships waiting to dock in fall 2021? Now, two years later, there are fewer than 10). From October 2021 to October 2023, supply chain pressure, which is tracked by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, fell from near-record highs to a record low. That, in turn, has helped to lower inflation. 
Now Biden has established a new White House Council on Supply Chain Resilience to make sure those supply chains stay strong. He will also use the Defense Production Act—a law from 1950 that requires companies to make a certain product deemed necessary to national defense in exchange for guarantees that the product will have a buyer—to make more essential medicines in the United States and to increase production of new clean energy technologies. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, one of the many government entities involved in supply chains, will invest $196 million to strengthen domestic food supply chains. 
The country is also working with other countries on this issue: two weeks ago, Biden signed a  supply chain agreement with 13 countries in the Indo-Pacific that he said will enable the countries to identify supply chain bottlenecks “before they become the kind of full-scale disruptions we saw during the pandemic.” 
Clearly staking out positions for the upcoming election, Biden in his explanation of his new supply chain policy warned that MAGA Republicans want to cut the recent investments in roads, bridges, the Internet, and so on, that have created so many new jobs in infrastructure and manufacturing. (Those measures are popular: House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) joined members of the Florida congressional delegation today to view an expansion project at the Sarasota Bradenton International Airport funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law although Johnson voted against it.)
“[T]hey want to go back to the ‘bad old days,’” Biden said, “when corporations looked around the world to find the cheapest labor they could find, to send the jobs overseas, and then import the products back to the United States. Now we’re building the products here and exporting products overseas.”
In contrast to the governance Democrats have been delivering, the Republicans appear to be doubling down on their grievances. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), who chairs the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government, announced today the committee will hold another hearing on Thursday concerning “the federal government’s involvement in social media censorship, as well as the recent attacks on independent journalism and free expression.” 
The idea that the federal government is silencing right-wing speech is an article of faith among MAGA Republicans, although their committee’s last hearing, eight months ago, turned up nothing. Thursday’s hearing will feature three witnesses, two of whom also testified in the last hearing.
MAGA Republicans might be keen to create distraction after Colorado District Judge Sarah B. Wallace found that Trump “engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021.” Wallace found that “Trump acted with the specific intent to incite political violence and direct it at the Capitol with the purpose of disrupting the electoral certification.” She did not disqualify him from the ballot, but the decision will continue to move up through the court system. 
Meanwhile, former president Trump appears to be getting nervous that former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley is gaining momentum. On Saturday he showed up at the University of South Carolina–Clemson football game, South Carolina’s main football rivalry. As Isaac Bailey of The State wrote, that Trump felt he had to try to upstage Haley suggests not strength, but weakness. Indeed, while there were cheers for him, there were also boos.
Yesterday, on Face the Nation, Representative Ken Buck (R-CO), who is not running for reelection, went after Trump. “Everybody who thinks that the election was stolen or talks about the election being stolen is lying to America,” Buck said. “Everyone who makes the argument that January 6 was, you know, an unguided tour of the Capitol is lying to America. Everyone who says that the prisoners who are being prosecuted right now for their involvement in January 6, that they are somehow political prisoners or that they didn’t commit crimes, those folks are lying to America.”
As pressure on him increases, Trump is playing hard to his base, promising on Saturday, for example, that he was “seriously looking at alternatives” to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), more popularly known as Obamacare. He suggested the law should be overturned. 
Democratic National Committee chair Jamie Harrison noted on social media that more than 40 million Americans depend on the ACA for their health insurance and that the law also protects as many as 135 million Americans with preexisting conditions from losing their health insurance.
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knowledgeb-books123 · 2 months
Boosting My Business Knowledge with Xpert Kits: Ebooks for Savvy Entrepreneurs
I recently embarked on a journey to expand my entrepreneurial knowledge base, and I stumbled upon a fantastic resource – Xpert Kits: Als Unternehmer unkompliziert Wissen kaufen! Digital - Ebooks (In English: Xpert Kits: As an Entrepreneur, Easily Buy Knowledge! Digital - Ebooks). This collection of digital ebooks has proven to be an invaluable asset, and I wanted to share my positive experience with other business-minded individuals.
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Extensive Range of Topics
The first thing that impressed me about Xpert Kits was the sheer breadth of topics covered. Whether you're looking to delve into marketing strategies, financial management, or leadership techniques, there's an ebook to cater to your specific needs. I found ebooks on negotiation tactics, building a high-performing team, and even leveraging social media for business growth. This extensive range allowed me to explore areas I hadn't considered before and identify potential blind spots in my entrepreneurial approach.
Content for All Levels
The beauty of Xpert Kits is that it caters to entrepreneurs of all experience levels. Some ebooks provide a foundational understanding of core business principles, while others offer more advanced strategies for seasoned professionals. I found the content to be well-structured and easy to digest, even for complex topics. The ebooks are packed with actionable insights and practical advice that I could readily implement in my own business.
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In today's fast-paced world, convenience is key. Xpert Kits offers the perfect solution for busy entrepreneurs like myself. The digital format allows me to access the ebooks anytime, anywhere, from my laptop, phone, or tablet. This flexibility has been a game-changer, enabling me to learn and grow at my own pace, even when my schedule is jam-packed. Additionally, the pricing of Xpert Kits is incredibly reasonable, making it an accessible option for entrepreneurs on a budget.
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In conclusion, Xpert Kits: Als Unternehmer unkompliziert Wissen kaufen! Digital - Ebooks has been a fantastic resource for my entrepreneurial journey. With its extensive range of topics, well-structured content, and convenient digital format, it offers exceptional value for both new and experienced business owners. If you're looking to gain a competitive edge and propel your business forward, I strongly recommend checking out Xpert Kits.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert.
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Unveiling Tim Han’s Life Mastery Achievers (LMA) Course: What You Should Be Aware Of
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Tim Han’s Life Mastery Achievers (LMA) Course has garnered significant attention in the personal development sphere. As with any program promising transformation, it’s crucial to delve deeper and understand its essence. In this exposé, we unravel the core facets of the LMA Course, providing you with insights to make an informed decision.
Understanding the LMA Course
The LMA Course is positioned as a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking personal and professional growth. It claims to offer strategies and techniques to unlock one’s full potential, paving the way for success in various aspects of life. From career advancement to enhancing relationships, the course purportedly covers a wide array of areas crucial for holistic development.
Deconstructing LMA Course Reviews
In evaluating the LMA Course, one encounters a plethora of reviews spanning the spectrum from fervent endorsements to skeptical critiques. It’s imperative to sift through these perspectives to glean a balanced understanding.
Several reviewers commend the course for its structured approach and actionable insights. They highlight its ability to catalyze meaningful change and provide tangible results. However, amidst the praise, certain dissenting voices raise valid concerns regarding the course’s efficacy and value proposition.
Key Components of the LMA Course
Mindset Mastery: Central to the LMA Course is the cultivation of a resilient and growth-oriented mindset. Participants are purportedly equipped with tools to overcome limiting beliefs and harness the power of positive thinking.
Goal Setting and Achievement: The course emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals and devising strategies to attain them. It claims to offer a roadmap for goal achievement, incorporating principles from neuroscience and behavioral psychology.
Productivity and Time Management: Efficient utilization of time and resources is paramount for success. The LMA Course purportedly offers techniques to enhance productivity and manage time effectively, enabling individuals to accomplish more in less time.
Communication and Influence: Effective communication is a cornerstone of success in both personal and professional spheres. The course delves into the art of persuasion, negotiation, and interpersonal communication, equipping participants with tools to influence others positively.
Critical Evaluation of the LMA Course
While the LMA Course presents an enticing proposition, it’s essential to subject it to critical scrutiny. Skeptics raise questions regarding the depth of content offered vis-à-vis its price point. Some reviewers express dissatisfaction with the level of engagement and support provided throughout the course duration.
Additionally, concerns regarding the applicability of the course material to diverse contexts have been voiced. While certain principles may resonate universally, others may require adaptation based on individual circumstances.
In navigating the landscape of personal development courses, discernment is paramount. While the LMA Course boasts commendable elements, including its structured approach and focus on mindset mastery, it’s not devoid of criticism. Prospective participants are advised to conduct thorough research, considering both positive testimonials and constructive critiques.
Ultimately, the efficacy of the LMA Course hinges on the alignment of its teachings with individual aspirations and the commitment of participants to apply them diligently.
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fantasyfantasygames · 6 months
The Consequences
The Consequences Of My Actions, Under Water Games, 2020
Inspired by Fiasco, The Consequences is a game where your characters have made one biiiiiig mistake and now you're stuck paying the price and figuring out whether you can possibly get out of this mess.
The game starts with the group deciding what the mistake was. Examples include: embezzling millions, losing your family's savings gambling, going into massive debt to the mob, killing someone, burning down a building, or even several of those at once. The key is that you are in some way at fault. You then decide what the setting is, who your characters are, and whether you can actually get out of this. Once you know whether your characters are living a life of guilt, fear, or imprisonment, it's time to play out exactly how it happens.
The mechanics are brief. Each character gets a stack of d6s as a pacing mechanic and a paragraph of description. You can borrow someone else's character with their permission. It doesn't feel quite as well-playtested as Fiasco, and the outcomes feel a little... I don't know, rocky? Uneven? Scenes near the end feel like they don't fit. It might be the shift to a 3-act structure, or a result of the somewhat less-structured beginning.
The game does have a GM, but they're primarily reactive. They create a backdrop against which the characters can continue to bungle forward or downward. There's no need to come up with what's going to happen ahead of time. When the consequences of the characters' most recent actions are not obvious, the book encourages the GM to introduce characters using a few principles, like:
People with trouble find people with trouble.
Hurt people hurt people.
People who are lied to keep secrets.
Everyone would choose to make something, but breaking something is right there.
It also provides some random-roll tables for when you're stumped. Things like "The cops show up" or "Your ex is visiting" or "Your neighbor gets nosy". From there you'll need to improvise.
There are also guidelines for running "Getting Grounding", a less-serious variant of the game where your mistakes are more like getting gum stuck in your sister's hair or punching someone in gym.
The interior is black-and-white. The art is mostly line drawings of various mistakes and catastrophes. I particularly like the facial expressions, which convey a real feeling of panic and dread.
It could use a second edition, but overall I like it. It has a different feel from Fiasco, with a big inciting incident and a more us-vs-them setup. I'd also love to see Getting Grounded spun off as its own game.
Under Water Games is a 3-person outfit run from the Bahamas. You can imagine they don't exactly get to a lot of conventions. The book is distributed via Diamond, so you might be able to get a comic book store to carry it.
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oodlenoodleroodle · 2 years
The one problem with multiparty political systems is that sometimes the most horrible party is the only one that is right about an issue.
The two Finnish nurses' unions have been having low-key industrial action since spring and they are again giving strike warnings, to which the current government (made up of Social Democrats, The Left, The Greens and the Center, almost all of which have young women as either leaders or in key ministerial roles) responded by proposing a law that limits nurses' right to strike and can force individual nurses to work under threat of fines. The law has been edited a bit now (maybe not fining individual nurses) because The Left party said they would vote against it and possibly get kicked out of the government. But they didn't insist on scrapping the whole law.
The only party genuinely against the entire law is the fucking extreme-right super-racist party Basic Finns. -_-
Like this is a basic human rights issue, a democracy issue, a fucking free market issue! The right to strike is a human right, forcing people to work even after they have quit their job is a horrible authoritarian thing to do, and in a free market nurses should be allowed to decide what is the price of their labour and if the employers don't want to pay it then the employers can do the fucking work themselves.
But the only ones with any principles in this issue are the fucking racists -_-
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techtrends-today · 1 day
The Surprising Connection Between Transfer Pricing and ESG
ESG standards are now key to corporate strategies globally, with transfer pricing becoming crucial. This blog examines how transfer pricing supports ESG goals and highlights the need for businesses to integrate these concepts for sustainable success.
ESG and Tax
The Rising Importance of ESG in Taxation
Businesses are increasingly judged not only by their economic performance but also by their adherence to ESG norms. According to the World ESG and Climate Summit, 70% of investors are now inclined to consider a company’s ESG performance before making investment decisions. This trend extends to the realm of taxation, where transparency and ethical practices are paramount.
Aligning Tax Practices with ESG Goals
Companies striving to meet ESG criteria must ensure their tax practices align with these goals. Transparent and fair tax practices are seen as a hallmark of good governance. Businesses need to demonstrate that they are paying their fair share of taxes and not engaging in aggressive tax planning. This builds trust among stakeholders and enhances the company’s ESG ratings.
Real-World Examples
Several multinational companies have set benchmarks in aligning their tax practices with ESG principles. For instance, Unilever has committed to full transparency in its tax payments, showcasing how responsible tax strategies can enhance ESG credibility. Such practices not only foster goodwill but also attract socially conscious investors.
ESG and Transfer Pricing
Understanding Transfer Pricing
Transfer pricing entails establishing the prices for transactions between affiliated entities within a multinational corporation. It ensures that profits are appropriately distributed across different jurisdictions. While traditionally a compliance-focused function, transfer pricing is now seen through the ESG lens as well.
How Transfer Pricing Supports ESG Initiatives
Properly managed transfer pricing can significantly contribute to a company's ESG goals. For instance, maintaining fair pricing policies across different regions ensures equitable profit distribution and reduces the risk of tax avoidance accusations. This fosters an ethical business environment and aligns with the governance component of ESG.
Statistical Insights
A recent study highlighted during the World ESG and Climate Summit revealed that companies with robust transfer pricing mechanisms reported a 15% higher ESG score. This statistic underscores the importance of integrating transfer pricing into ESG strategies. Companies that transparently manage their inter-company transactions are perceived as more trustworthy and ethical.
Case Study: Sustainable Transfer Pricing in Action
Consider the example of a global tech company that has integrated ESG considerations into its transfer pricing policies. By setting fair prices for inter-company transactions and ensuring compliance with local tax laws, the company has not only minimized tax risks but also bolstered its ESG rating. This case highlights the tangible benefits of combining transfer pricing with ESG principles.
The interplay between transfer pricing and ESG is an emerging field with great potential for businesses. Aligning transfer pricing with ESG goals enhances governance, builds stakeholder trust, and attracts socially responsible investors, offering a strategic advantage in today's business landscape.
For companies looking to explore this further, resources such as the World ESG and Climate Summit offer valuable insights and updates on the latest trends and practices. By staying informed and proactive, businesses can successfully navigate the complex terrain of transfer pricing and ESG, ensuring sustainable growth and long-term success.
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mynativesmokes08 · 4 days
Honesty and Integrity: Native Smokes' Pledge to First Nations Values in the Tobacco Industry
In the complex landscape of the tobacco industry, Native Smokes stands out not only for its premium products but also for its unwavering commitment to honesty, integrity, and the values of First Nations peoples. With a deep respect for tradition and a dedication to ethical practices, native smokes for less sets a new standard for integrity in the tobacco industry, guided by the principles of transparency, fairness, and accountability.
Central to Native Smokes' ethos is the recognition of the importance of honesty and integrity in all aspects of its operations. The company operates with transparency and openness, ensuring that its customers are fully informed about its products, practices, and policies. From sourcing premium tobacco leaves to manufacturing and distribution, Native Smokes upholds the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and accountability, earning the trust and confidence of consumers across Canada.
One of the key ways in which Native Smokes demonstrates its commitment to honesty and integrity is through its transparent sourcing practices. The company works closely with trusted suppliers who adhere to ethical and sustainable farming practices, ensuring that its tobacco products are of the highest quality and integrity. By providing consumers with clear and accurate information about the origins of its tobacco leaves and the production process, Native Smokes fosters trust and confidence among its customers, empowering them to make informed decisions about their smoking habits.
Moreover, Native Smokes is dedicated to fairness and equity in all of its business dealings. The company operates with integrity and honesty, treating its employees, suppliers, and customers with respect and fairness. By adhering to ethical labor practices, fair pricing policies, and transparent business practices, Native Smokes builds trust and credibility within the industry, setting a positive example for other companies to follow.
In addition to its commitment to honesty and integrity, Native Smokes prioritizes accountability in its operations. The company takes responsibility for its actions and strives to continuously improve and innovate in order to better serve its customers and communities. By actively engaging with stakeholders, listening to feedback, and addressing concerns in a timely and transparent manner, Native Smokes demonstrates its commitment to accountability and responsible business practices.
Furthermore, Native Smokes is deeply rooted in the values of First Nations peoples, which emphasize respect, honesty, and integrity. The company honors these values in all aspects of its operations, from its sourcing practices to its community engagement initiatives. By upholding the principles of honesty, integrity, and accountability, Native Smokes not only promotes ethical business practices but also preserves and promotes the cultural values of Indigenous communities across Canada.
In conclusion, Native Smokes' pledge to honesty and integrity in the tobacco industry is a testament to its commitment to ethical business practices and First Nations values. By operating with transparency, fairness, and accountability, Native Smokes sets a positive example for the industry and demonstrates that honesty and integrity are not just good business practices but also essential values that should guide all aspects of business operations. As a result, consumers can trust Native Smokes to deliver quality tobacco products that are produced with honesty, integrity, and respect for First Nations values.
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andronicmusicblog · 6 days
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🌟 Ready to unlock the power of "Why" over "How"? 🌟
In this 6-step carousel, we dive into why having a strong sense of purpose and motivation behind your actions can lead to greater success than simply focusing on the how-to steps. 💪🔥 #WhyOverHow
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Unlock your potential! 🗝️ Dive deeper than the "how-to" 🗺️ and discover the power of "why." 🤔 Understanding the reasons behind a skill opens doors to innovation, 🧠 adaptability, 🔀 and mastery. 💪 Don't just follow the steps 👣 – ignite your curiosity 🔥 and unlock a world of possibilities! 🌍 #LearnTheWhy #DeeperUnderstanding #UnlockYourPotential
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In pursuing knowledge and mastery, understanding the "why" 🤔 behind a concept or skill prove far more valuable than merely knowing the "how." 👩‍🏫 While the "how" provides a step-by-step guide or procedure, the "why" unlocks the underlying principles, reasoning, and motivations. This deeper understanding empowers learners in several key ways:
Example: 🍳 Consider learning to cook. If you follow a recipe (the "how"), you might be able to create a decent meal. However, suppose you understand the “why” behind the techniques and ingredients (e.g., why certain flavors complement each other and why different cooking methods are used). In that case, you can experiment, adapt recipes to your liking, and even create your own dishes. 🧑‍🍳
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In conclusion, while the "how" is undeniably important for practical application, the "why" provides the foundation for deeper learning, adaptability, and innovation. By prioritizing the "why," you unlock the full potential of your knowledge and skills, opening up a world of possibilities. ✨
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nuwanhemal · 12 days
Quantum Creation: 8-Week Advanced Manifesting Experience Quantum Creation is an advanced 8-week manifesting course designed to help participants harness the power of quantum principles to achieve their deepest desires. This program combines cutting-edge science with spiritual wisdom, offering a comprehensive approach to manifestation. Through this course, participants will learn how to align their energy, thoughts, and actions with their goals to create a life of abundance and fulfillment. Course Structure Course Name Quantum Creation: 8-Week Advanced Manifesting Experience Formats Virtual Training: 8 weeks, instructor-led Live/Virtual Sessions: Weekly interactive sessions Materials You’ll Receive 8 weeks of in-depth video training Weekly live/virtual interactive sessions Guided meditations and visualizations Access to a supportive online community Detailed workbook and action plans Physical certification upon successful completion What You’ll Learn Week 1: Foundations of Quantum Manifestation Introduction to Quantum Principles: Understand the basic concepts of quantum physics and how they relate to manifestation. Energy Alignment: Learn techniques to align your energy with your goals. Setting Intentions: How to set powerful, clear intentions that resonate on a quantum level. Week 2: The Science of Vibrations Understanding Vibrations: Explore the science behind vibrations and frequency. Raising Your Vibration: Practical exercises to elevate your vibrational frequency. The Law of Attraction: Deep dive into how the law of attraction operates within quantum physics. Week 3: Mindset Mastery Quantum Mindset: Develop a mindset that supports your manifesting goals. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Techniques to identify and release limiting beliefs. Affirmations and Reprogramming: Use affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind. Week 4: Emotional Alchemy Emotional Intelligence: Understand the role of emotions in the manifesting process. Emotional Clearing: Methods to clear negative emotions and blocks. Emotional Amplifiers: Harness positive emotions to amplify your manifesting power. Week 5: Visualization and Imagination Power of Visualization: Learn how to use visualization to create a vivid mental image of your goals. Creative Imagination: Techniques to enhance your imagination for effective manifestation. Guided Visualizations: Participate in guided visualizations designed to align you with your desires. Week 6: Action and Momentum Inspired Action: Discover the importance of taking inspired action towards your goals. Building Momentum: Strategies to maintain momentum and stay motivated. Goal Setting and Planning: How to set realistic goals and create actionable plans. Week 7: Quantum Field and Synchronicities The Quantum Field: Understanding the quantum field and how to tap into its potential. Recognizing Synchronicities: How to identify and interpret synchronicities as signs from the universe. Aligning with the Quantum Field: Exercises to connect and align with the quantum field. Week 8: Integration and Mastery Integrating Techniques: How to integrate all the techniques learned into your daily life. Mastery Practices: Advanced practices for mastering quantum creation. Celebration and Reflection: Reflect on your journey and celebrate your progress. Key Benefits Create Your Desired Reality Manifestation Mastery: Gain mastery over the art of manifestation using quantum principles. Clear Blocks: Remove mental and emotional blocks that hinder your manifesting abilities. Align with Desires: Align your energy, thoughts, and actions with your deepest desires. Transform Your Mindset Positive Mindset: Develop a positive, empowered mindset that supports your goals. Release Limiting Beliefs: Clear limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones. Emotional Resilience: Build emotional resilience and harness positive emotions to boost your manifesting power.
Practical Tools and Techniques Guided Meditations: Access powerful guided meditations and visualizations. Action Plans: Use detailed workbooks and action plans to stay on track. Supportive Community: Join a community of like-minded individuals for support and inspiration. Program Effectiveness Proven Results: Participants report significant improvements in their ability to manifest desired outcomes. High Satisfaction Rate: Over 95% satisfaction rate among participants. Enhanced Life Quality: Many participants experience improved well-being, financial abundance, and personal fulfillment. Quantum Creation: 8-Week Advanced Manifesting Experience is an opportunity to delve deep into the principles of quantum manifestation and transform your life. By combining scientific knowledge with practical techniques, this course empowers you to create a reality aligned with your highest aspirations.
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rinkushaw · 19 days
TDS under GST: Everything You Need to Know
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In terms of indirect taxation, the advent of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India has substantially modified the earlier tax machine Tax deduction at supply (TDS) gadget which has provisions of Under GST plays an essential position in tax compliance and greater transparency Understanding the filing of TDS returns and the method is important to live compliant and keep away from penalties. This article delves into the complexities of TDS below GST, together with who has to claim TDS, truthful price, and most importantly, the way to report a TDS return
What is TDS under GST? Under GST, tax deduction at supply (TDS) is a method of deducting a positive percent of tax from payments made to providers of taxable items or offerings The principal goal of this scheme in and to make sure timely collection of profits taxes and increase the tax base by means of tracking big groups and authorities entities Who should deduct TDS under GST? The following companies are mandatory to deduct TDS under GST: government departments or offices. Local Government. Creation of public offices. Institutions notified by the Government. These companies are required to deduct TDS when the total value of the goods supplied exceeds Rs. 2.5 lakh (inclusive of GST). Valid prices for TDS under GST The rate of TDS under GST is 2%, which is broken down as follows. 1% CGST (Central Goods and Services Tax) . In case of intra-State transactions, 1% SGST (State Goods and Services Tax) or 1% UTGST (Under Territory Goods and Services Tax). 2% IGST (Integrated Goods and Services Tax) on inter-State transactions. Steps for TDS Return Filing Under GST, filing of TDS return is a mandatory action to be taken through the deductor. Here is the step by step guide on a way to record TDS go back:
Registration: Ensure that the withdrawer is registered below GST and has a legitimate GSTIN. Form GSTR-7: Those who've deducted TDS need to document their returns thru Form GSTR-7. Deduction Details: Provide information of providers (deductees) from whom TDS has been deducted. TDS Certificate: Submit Form GSTR-7A for TDS certificates for deductions. Due date: Submit your TDS go back by the 10th of the subsequent month. Comprehensive process for filing TDS return Step 1: Go to GST Portal Apply your credentials to the GST portal (www.Gst.Gov.In). Go to the ‘Services’ tab, then visit ‘Returns’ and pick ‘Returns Dashboard’. Step 2: Select the ideal monetary 12 months and time Select the proper financial 12 months and go back length (month) from the drop-down menus. Step 3: Fill GSTR-7 form Click on ‘Prepare Online’ under the GSTR-7 tile. Enter the required details like GSTIN deduction, deduction payment, amount of TDS deduction. Be sure to be consistent to avoid contradictions. Step 4: Check before you can submit Fill in all of the info and test the shape before making sure all the information are correct. Click the ‘Submit’ button to post the shape. Step five: Payment of TDS Use the to be had fee strategies (Net Banking, NEFT, RTGS) to pay the TDS quantity. Once the charge is made, the GSTR-7 fame may be updated. Step 6: To publish TDS certificates Generate TDS certificates (Form GSTR-7A) from GST portal. For deductees, these certificates ought to be submitted as evidence of TDS deduction. Consequences of noncompliance Failure to conform with the TDS regime beneath GST may additionally bring about consequences and interest. Here are the principle results:
Late Fee: Late fee is Rs. 200 per day (Rs. A hundred for CGST and SGST) may be charged for overdue submitting, as much as a most of Rs. 5,000 rectangular feet. Benefits: Interest is charged on late TDS at 18% consistent with annum. Credit disallowance: If the drawee fails to deposit TDS on time, the deductees might also face disallowance of Investment Tax Credit (ITC). Key points to consider TDS applies to supplies of goods or services for which the contract price exceeds Rs. 2.Five lakhs is available. The TDS ought to be submitted to the authorities through the tenth of the following month. The deductors have to difficulty TDS certificates to the deductees inside five days of depositing the TDS. Deductibles should document GSTR-7 every month, and deductibles can declare TDS income in their electronic earnings library. Benefits of TDS beneath GST Ensures compliance: Helps manage high-price transactions and ensures compliance with tax laws. Reduces Tax Evasion: Reduces tax evasion by using keeping records of transactions. Improves transparency: Improves transparency in transactions and decreases the chances of disputes. The demanding situations they confronted Despite the advantages, corporations generally tend to stand numerous demanding situations associated with TDS under GST:
Complexity: Understanding the provisions and efficiently implementing TDS may be hard for corporations. Compliance burden: The burden of clearing TDS, issuing returns and certificate will increase the compliance burden. Technical Issues: Navigating the GST portal and troubleshooting technical challenges may be tough. Conclusion Under GST, TDS is one of the most crucial measures geared toward increasing tax compliance and transparency. Understanding the provisions, prices and manner for submitting TDS returns is vital for agencies to avoid penalties and make certain easy operations. By following the noted steps and staying abreast of the cutting-edge information, corporations can manage their TDS legal responsibility below GST efficaciously. Remember, timely and accurate filing of TDS returns no longer best guarantees compliance however also creates a subculture of transparency and responsibility in the business environment also.
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stockmarketanalysis · 20 days
Unlocking the Secrets of the Island Reversal Pattern in Technical Analysis
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In the dynamic world of financial markets, traders constantly seek tools and techniques to gain an edge. Among the plethora of technical analysis patterns, the Island Reversal stands out as a compelling signal of potential trend reversals. Like an isolated landmass amidst the vast ocean, this pattern signifies a significant shift in market sentiment. In this article, we'll embark on a journey to explore the Island Reversal pattern, unraveling its intricacies, significance, and implications for traders.
Understanding the Island Reversal Pattern:
The Island Reversal pattern is a relatively rare but potent reversal pattern that occurs at the end of a trend, signaling an impending change in direction. Unlike many other reversal patterns, the Island Reversal involves a gap on both sides of the pattern, creating an "island" of price action separated from the surrounding trend.
Key Characteristics of the Island Reversal Pattern:
Formation: The Island Reversal pattern typically occurs after a prolonged trend, whether bullish or bearish. It begins with a gap, where the price sharply moves away from the previous trend, leaving a price gap on the chart.
Island Formation: Following the initial gap, the price consolidates within a narrow range, forming a distinct "island" of price action. This consolidation phase isolates the price from the surrounding trend, creating a visual separation on the chart.
Second Gap: The completion of the Island Reversal pattern occurs with another gap in the opposite direction of the initial gap. This second gap signifies a decisive shift in market sentiment, confirming the reversal signal.
Volume Confirmation: Traders often look for confirmation from trading volume, seeking a spike in volume during the formation of the second gap. Increased volume adds credibility to the reversal signal, indicating strong conviction among market participants.
Implications for Traders:
Reversal Signal: The Island Reversal pattern serves as a compelling signal of potential trend reversal, indicating exhaustion of the previous trend and a shift in market sentiment. For traders, this pattern suggests an opportunity to capitalize on the emerging trend reversal.
Confirmation: While the Island Reversal pattern is visually striking, traders should exercise caution and wait for confirmation before entering trades. Confirmation can come in the form of the second gap accompanied by significant volume, validating the reversal signal.
Price Targets: Analysts often use various methods to estimate price targets following the confirmation of an Island Reversal pattern. Some traders measure the height of the pattern, from the highest point of the island to the lowest point, and project it in the direction of the reversal.
Risk Management: As with any trading signal, risk management is paramount when trading the Island Reversal pattern. Traders should implement stop-loss orders to limit potential losses and adhere to sound risk management principles.
Real-World Example:
Let's consider a hypothetical scenario to illustrate the Island Reversal pattern in action. Suppose a stock has been in a prolonged uptrend, reaching new highs with each successive rally. However, as the trend matures, signs of exhaustion emerge, leading to a gap down in price, creating the initial gap of the Island Reversal pattern.
Following the initial gap, the price enters a consolidation phase, forming an isolated island of price action. This consolidation phase reflects indecision among market participants, with neither bulls nor bears able to assert dominance. However, this equilibrium is short-lived, as a second gap occurs, this time to the upside, confirming the reversal signal.
The Island Reversal pattern is a compelling signal of potential trend reversal, offering traders an opportunity to capitalize on shifts in market sentiment. By understanding the key characteristics and implications of this pattern, traders can enhance their trading strategies and make more informed decisions. However, it's essential to exercise caution and wait for confirmation before acting on any reversal signal. As with any trading strategy, risk management remains crucial to long-term success in the financial markets.
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logicpoweramr · 25 days
Smart Solutions for a Greener Future: DLMS Energy Meters Lead the Way
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DLMS: The Language of Smart Grids
Imagine a future where your home appliances communicate seamlessly with your energy provider, optimizing energy consumption and minimizing waste. This vision forms the core principle behind smart grids — a modernized electricity network that allows for two-way communication between consumers and utilities. DLMS plays a vital role in this communication network, acting as a standardized language for data exchange between smart meters and other devices within the grid.
DLMS Energy Meters: Powering Efficiency
DLMS energy meters are the workhorses of the smart grid. These advanced meters go beyond simply measuring electricity consumption. They capture a wealth of data, including:
Real-time energy usage
Peak demand periods
Power quality fluctuations
Tamper detection
This detailed data empowers consumers with valuable insights into their energy habits. By understanding their consumption patterns, individuals can make informed decisions to optimize energy use and potentially lower their electricity bills.
Benefits of DLMS Energy Meters for a Greener Future
The advantages of DLMS energy meters extend far beyond individual consumers. Here’s how they contribute to a more sustainable energy landscape:
Reduced Energy Consumption: By providing real-time data on energy usage, DLMS meters empower consumers to identify areas for improvement. This can lead to behavioral changes like switching off appliances when not in use, ultimately reducing overall energy consumption.
Improved Grid Efficiency: The data collected by DLMS meters allows utilities to gain a comprehensive understanding of energy demand patterns across the grid. This enables them to optimize energy generation and distribution, minimizing inefficiencies and power losses.
Integration of Renewables: With the increasing adoption of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, a key challenge lies in managing their intermittent nature. DLMS meters play a crucial role in integrating these sources into the grid by facilitating dynamic pricing and demand response programs.
Enhanced Reliability: The real-time data provided by DLMS meters allows utilities to proactively identify and address potential grid issues before they escalate into power outages. This proactive approach enhances the overall reliability of the electricity grid.
Empowering Consumers: DLMS meters place consumers at the center of the energy ecosystem. By providing them with clear information about their energy usage, they are empowered to make informed choices about their energy consumption and potentially participate in demand-response programs.
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The Future of Energy Management with DLMS
The potential of DLMS energy meters is vast and continues to evolve. As technology advances, we can expect even smarter functionalities like:
Integration with home automation systems for seamless control of energy consumption across various devices.
Advanced analytics to identify potential equipment failures and schedule preventive maintenance.
Personalized energy insights and recommendations to help consumers further optimize their energy consumption.
A Call for Action
The widespread adoption of DLMS energy meters presents a significant opportunity to create a smarter, greener energy future. By embracing this technology, consumers, utilities, and policymakers can collectively work towards a more sustainable energy landscape. As individuals, we can encourage the installation of DLMS meters in our homes and businesses. Additionally, supporting policies that promote the development and deployment of smart grid technologies is crucial for a successful transition towards a greener future.
By working together, we can leverage the power of DLMS energy meters to unlock a future where efficient energy management goes hand-in-hand with environmental responsibility. Let’s embrace smart solutions and pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow.
Source: https://solarminitoringsystem.blogspot.com/2024/05/smart-solutions-for-greener-future-dlms.html
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shristisahu · 1 month
Enhancing Supply Chain Performance through Strategic Shortlisting
Originally Published on SpendEdge :Improving Supply Chain Performance through Shortlisting
Key Takeaways:
Prioritizing supply chain performance is crucial for business success, enabling seamless coordination across departments to optimize operations and drive growth.
Automation streamlines supply chain processes, reducing errors and freeing up human capital for more strategic, value-added activities that drive competitiveness.
Strong supplier relationships foster transparency, collaboration, and innovation, ultimately leading to cost savings, resilience, and a sustainable, ethical supply chain ecosystem.
Introduction to Shortlisting in Supply Chain
Supply chain performance is vital for business success, integrating procurement, manufacturing, logistics, and sales for seamless coordination and communication. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as inventory turnover, on-time delivery, and lead time offer insights into operational efficiency and areas for improvement.
Optimizing supply chain processes can reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction through timely deliveries, and enhance financial performance. Implementing lean principles like Just-in-Time (JIT) inventory management and continuous improvement methodologies minimizes waste, boosts productivity, and adapts to market changes.
Understanding Supply Chain Performance Management
Supply Chain Performance Management (SCPM) enhances supply chain efficiency and effectiveness, aiming for better outputs and customer satisfaction. It involves systematic evaluation and improvement, utilizing various metrics to ensure optimal performance.
Key Components of Supply Chain Performance
Delivery Performance: Evaluates the punctuality of deliveries, considering speed, reliability, and flexibility. Efficient delivery metrics directly impact client retention and profitability.
Quality Metrics: Maintains high standards of product quality, focusing on conformance to standards, defect rates, and return rates. These metrics help identify areas needing corrective actions to prevent quality failures.
Cost-related Metrics: Aims to minimize expenses, including Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), Supply Chain Operating Expense, and Inventory Carrying Costs, to maximize profitability while maintaining competitive pricing.
Strategies for Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency
Enhancing Visibility: Improved visibility enhances communication among stakeholders, fostering collaboration and relationships. It facilitates the prompt identification of bottlenecks and inefficiencies, allowing for targeted optimization and cost reduction strategies.
Streamlining through Automation: Automation optimizes resources, enhances visibility, and meets market demands by automating repetitive tasks. This frees up human capital for more value-added activities, driving efficiency and competitiveness.
Fostering Supplier Relationships: Strong supplier relationships optimize procurement and logistics processes through effective communication and collaboration. This fosters transparency, joint goal-setting, and innovation, leading to efficiency, cost savings, and resilience.
The Role of Shortlisting in Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency
Shortlisting narrows down suppliers or products based on stringent criteria, emphasizing quality over quantity. This approach streamlines operations and optimizes supply chain performance.
Benefits of Shortlisting Suppliers
Enhanced Relationships: Fewer suppliers allow for deeper partnerships, increased collaboration, and strengthened loyalty, leading to better service and customized offerings.
Negotiation Leverage: Concentrating business on fewer suppliers provides advantages like better terms, strategic alignment, and proactive risk management.
Quality and Reliability: Shortlisting ensures consistent quality, reliable supply, and innovative solutions from top-tier suppliers.
Strategic Implementation of Shortlisting
Implementing shortlisting involves comprehensive supplier evaluation, regular performance reviews, and dynamic supplier base management. This enhances the efficiency, robustness, and responsiveness of the supply chain.
How SpendEdge Can Help Improve Supply Chain Performance
Strategically Formulating Solutions: SpendEdge experts explore supply chain methods, challenges, and objectives, assess technology options, and create implementation strategies, including training and stakeholder engagement.
Creating a Tailored Market Information Framework: Specialists integrate industry best practices, scrutinize competitors' strategies, and leverage data analytics and process mapping techniques for continuous improvement.
Guidance on Supplier Relationships: Advisors provide insights for establishing clear policies, conducting audits, ensuring transparency, and collaborating with stakeholders to enhance supplier relationships and supply chain performance.
Success Story: Optimizing Supply Chain Performance for a Leading CPG Company
A global CPG company faced procurement inefficiencies, leading to increased costs and risks. SpendEdge experts analyzed the company's processes and created a tailored roadmap focusing on automation, technology implementation, and supplier relationship management. The solutions enhanced the client's supply chain performance, enabling sustainable growth.
Embracing Shortlisting for Future-Ready Supply Chain Management
Shortlisting is a vital strategy in supply chain performance management. It streamlines operations, enhances supplier relationships, and ensures a steady supply of high-quality products. By continuously refining shortlisting practices and leveraging the latest technologies, companies can drive superior performance and achieve long-term success.
Ready to elevate your supply chain strategies? Visit SpendEdge today to explore how our insights and solutions can transform your supply chain performance management, driving unmatched efficiency and success.
Contact us.
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